The Friendship Club is an inter-racial women's social club. It was founded two years ago in Madison by a group of Negro and white women, who felt that in developing mutual understanding among themselves, they were thus answering a most grave result of segregation—ignorance. In the course of its short history, the club has brought together white, Negro, Chinese, Jewish, Catholic and Protestant women; working and professional women, students and teachers, mothers and housewives. In informal gatherings, at our pot-luck suppers, sewing bees, teas and coffee hours, the women of the Friendship Club have gained insight into each others problems and re-affirmed their confidence that if people of different races, creeds and national origins would but have the opportunity to know and appreciate each other, it would be a long step forward towards solving some of the trying problems which face us all. This little book is a token of our friendship and faith in each other and in all people. 1951 Madison, Wisconsin |