Books by Madison
A Daughter of the Union — Lucy Foster Madison
A Maid at King Alfred's Court: A Story for Girls — Lucy Foster Madison
Bee and Butterfly: A Tale of Two Cousins — Lucy Foster Madison
Friendship Club Cook Book — Wisconsin Friendship Club (Madison
In Doublet and Hose: A Story for Girls — Lucy Foster Madison
Peggy Owen and Liberty — Lucy Foster Madison
Peggy Owen at Yorktown — Lucy Foster Madison
Peggy Owen, Patriot: A Story for Girls — Lucy Foster Madison
State of the Union Addresses — James Madison
The Collector's Guide, No. 17, January 1940 / A monthly periodical devoted to first editions, Americana, autographs, old newspapers and magazines, sheet music, playbills, dime novels, current auction prices, etc. — Various
The Journal of the Debates in the Convention which Framed the Constitution of the United States, May-September 1787. Volume 1 — James Madison
The Journal of the Debates in the Convention which Framed the Constitution of the United States, May-September 1787. Volume 2 — James Madison