“1468.”[Rufinus, of Aquileia]. [Sign. a 1r:—] Incipit exposicio sancti Ieronimi in " simbolum apostolorum ad papam laurentium. [Sign. e 9v:—] Explicit exposicio sancti Ieronimi in " simbolo apostolorum ad papam lauren"cium Impressa Oxonie Et finita An"no domini . M . cccc . lxviij . xvij . die " decembris. Impr. as above, Oxford, “1468”: 8o: pp. [84], signn. a-d8 e10: sign. b 1r beg. tali generacione. Contents:—pp. (1–82) the treatise. The work here ascribed to St. Jerome is in reality by Tyrannius Rufinus of Aquileia, d. 610. 1479.1. Aegidius de Columna, of Rome. [Sign. a 2r:—] Incipit tractatus solennis fratris Egi"dij de ordine fratrum Augustinensium de " peccato originali [Sign. c 7v:—] Explicit tractatus breue [altered by hand to breuis] et vtilis de " originali peccato Editus a fratre Egidio " Romano ordinis fratrum heremitarum san"cti augustini. Impresso [altered by hand to impressus] et finito [finitus, as before] Oxonie. " A natiuitate domini . M . cccc . lxxix . xiiij . die " mensis marcij Impr. as above, Oxford, probably 1479 The editio princeps of this work by bp. Aegidius de Columna, of Rome. 2. Aristotle. [Sign. y 6r:—] Explicit textus ethicorum Aristotelis " per leonardum arretinum lucidissime transla"tus correctissimeque. Imp ressus Oxoniis " Anno domini . M . cccc. lxxix. Impr. as above, Oxford, 1479: 8o: pp. [348], signn. a-x8 y6: sign. b 1r beg. Mnis ars. Contents:—pp. (3–4) “prefacio leonardi arretini in libros ethicorum”: (5–15) “prologus” by the same: (17–347) the treatise. A Latin translation of the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle by Leonardus Brunus of Arezzo (Arretium). 1480.*†Cicero, Marcus Tullius. [M. Tulli Ciceronis Oratio pro T. Annio Milone.] [Oxford, about 1480]: 6o: probably 60 pages, signn. a-e6. Contents:—pp. (probably 3–60) the oration. Only known from fragments containing signn. b 3, b 4, e 3, e 4, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. It is still not absolutely certain that this book was printed at Oxford. If it was, this, and not the Andria of Terence printed by Pynson in 1497, was the first English edition of any part of a classic author in the original language. 1481.1. Alexander de Hales, the doctor irrefragabilis. [Sign. g 5v:—] Explicit expositio venerabilis " Alexandri super primum librum de anima. [Sign. y 7v:—] Explicit elucidantissima exposi?"tio egregij Alexandri super secundum " librum de anima. [Sign. H 8r:—] Explicit sentenciosa atque studio " digna expositio venerabilis Alexan"dri super tercium librum de anima. Imp?"pressum per me Theodericum rood de " Colonia in alma vniuersitate Oxon. " Anno incarnacionis dominice. M . cccc . " lxxxi . xi . die mensis Octobris. Impr. as above, Oxford, 1481: la. 8o, perhaps (eights) fol.: pp. [480], signn. a-f8, g6, h-s8, t-x6, y-z and A-H8: sign. b 1r beg. vel non sit, B 1r beg. vna natura. Contents:—signn. a 2r-g 5v, bk. 1, with short preface: h 1r-y 7v, bk. 2: z 1r-H 8r, bk 3. The editio princeps et unica of the Latin Commentary on the De Anima (pe?? ?????) of Aristotle, made by Alexander de Hales (i.e. probably Hailes near Winchcombe) the doctor irrefragabilis (d. 1245), to be distinguished from Alexander de Ales or Alesius. Of this book there are two issues, the earlier with no border, the later with an elaborate woodcut border, the first ever found in an English printed book, surrounding the entire printed text of sign. a 2r. There are two similar issues of the Lathbury, 1482. 2. *†Latin Grammar. [A Latin Grammar in English with examples, only known from two leaves in the British Museum, signn. b 2 and (presumably) b 5: b 2 beg. “case As I muste”, ends “adyectyuys and voy”: b 5 beg. “Also when y haue”, ends “quem queris”. Date probably 1481: probably sm. 4o (but in eights), the chain lines being across the page.] 1482.†Lathbury, John. [Sign. b 8v:—] Explicit prologus Sequitur li?"ber moralium super trenis Iheremie pro?"phete &c. [Sign. z 8v:—] Et sic est fmis huius operis mo?"ralium super ca . I . trenorum ihere. prophete In " cipit trenorum Capitulum secundum. [A similar colophon follows chapter 2 on sign. K (“k k”) 7v.] [Sign. L 7v:—] Explicit exposicio ac moralisacio " tercij capituli trenorum Iheremie pro"phete . Anno domini M . cccc . lxxxij vlti?"ma die mensis Iulij " [Sign. O 5v:—] Explicit tabula Impr. as above, [Oxford] 1482: la. 8o, perhaps (eights) fol.: pp. [584], signn. a-z, A-I, kk, L-M8, N-O6: sign. b 1r beg. strennuitatem, B 1r beg. didit &c. Contents:—signn. a 2r-b 8v, prologue: c 1r-L 7v, the work in 3 chapters: M 1r-O 5v, alphabetical index. The editio princeps et unica of the Latin Commentary on the Lamentations of Jeremiah, made by John Lathbury. Of this book there are two issues, with and without the woodcut border mentioned under the Alexander de Hales, 1481. 1483.1. [*†Anwykyll, John]. [Compendium totius grammaticae]. [Sign. n 1r:—] Uulgaria quedam abs Terentio in Anglicam ling"uam traducta. No doubt printed at Oxford, probably in 1483: sm. 4o: pp. [256?], signn. a-q8(?). Contents:—signn. a-m, the work(?), n 1r-q 8v, Vulgaria Terentii. A Latin Grammar in Latin believed to be by John Anwykyll, of which this edition is only known from fragments, but which was reprinted at Deventer in 1489. The Vulgaria Terentii (sentences from Terence with English translation) was sold as a separate part, and still exists complete in itself. There are two issues of the Grammar, not at present clearly distinguished. 2. *†Hampole, Richard Rolle of. [Sign. a 2r:—] Explanationes notabiles deuotissimi viri Ricardi " Hampole heremite super lectiones illas beati Iob que solent " in exequijs defunctorum legi que non minus historiam quam tropo"logiam & anagogiam ad studentium vtilitatem exactissi?"me annotauit. [Sign. k 6v:—] Sermo beati Augustiui de misericordia " et pia oracione pro defunctis. " [Oxford, probably 1483]: (sixes) 12o: pp. [128], signn. a-k [“lr”]6 l4: sign. b 1r beg. visitat ad. Contents:—sign. a 2r-k 6r, Hampole on Job: k 6v-l 3v, Augustine. 3. *Logic. [Sign. A 2r:—] Uoniam ex terminis fiunt proposiciones ... [19 Latin treatises on logical subjects]. No place or date [Oxf., about 1483]: (sixes) 8o: pp. [328], signn. A-Z, Aa-Cc6: Dd8: sign. B 1r beg. nulla proposicio, Bb 1r illis superfluum. Contents:—signn. A 2r-Dd 5v nineteen logical treatises, the last ending “Explicit tractatus de motu velocitatis. Sequitur tabula”: Dd 6r-8r, a table in Latin giving the heads of the parts of each treatise, each group preceded by “Tractatus”: Dd 8r “Ad lectores carmen” and “Registrum cartarum”. These nineteen logical treatises are strung together to form a systematic work on Logic: at the end of the 17th, on sign. Bb 3v, is “Et sic finiuntur insolubilia swynishede.”, i. e. Roger Swineshede (Suinesheved, Swincet &c.), but he was probably only the author of that part. The last treatise is physical rather than logical. 4. *Lyndewoode, William. [Sign. S 9v:—] Explicit opus magistri wil"helmi lyndewoode Super con?"stituciones prouinciales laus deo. [Sign. dd 7v:—] Explicit tabula compendiosa super librum " qui intitulatur prouincialis compilata per wil?"helmum de Tylia nemore completa In festo " conuersacionis Sancti Pauli . Anno domini " Millesimo . CCCC . xxxiij. The editio princeps of the Provincial Constitutions of England, in Latin, with a Latin Commentary on them by William Lyndewoode (d. 1446). See 1664 L, 1679 L. 1485.1. *†Alexander de Villa Dei. [Textus Alexandri cum sententiis]. [Oxford, about 1485]: sm. 4o. Only known from two leaves (signn. c2-c3) in the Library of St. John’s College, Cambridge. A grammatical work, of which other editions were printed in London by Wynkin de Worde (sine anno) and Pynson (1516), and elsewhere. 2. Phalaris. [Sign. a 2r:—] Francisci Aretini Oratoris pre?"clarissimi in eloquentissimas Phala"ridis tyranni epistolas per ipsum " e greco in latinum versas. Prohe?"mium foeliciter incipit [Sign. m 6r:—] Hoc oposculum in alma vniuersi?"tate Oxonie. A Natali christiano " Ducentesima & nonagesima septima. " Olimpiade foeliciter impressum est. Oxford, 1485, printed by Theodoric Rood and Thomas Hunte: (eights) squ. 12o: pp. [176], signn. a-d8, e6, f8, g6, h8, i6, k-l8, m6: sign. b 1r beg. Udio vos. Contents:—sign. a 1v “Carmeliani Brixiensis Poete ad lectorem Carmen,” 12 elegiac lines: a 2r-m 6r, the work: on m 6v after the colophon “Hoc Teodericus rood quem collonia misit " Sanguine germanus nobile pressit opus " Atque sibi socius thomas fuit anglicus hunte. " Dij dent vt venetos exuperare queant " Quam ienson venetos decuit vir gallicus artem " Ingenio didicit terra britanna suo. " Celatos veneti nobis transmittere libros " Cedite nos alijs vendimus o veneti " Que fuerat vobis ars primum no ta latini " Est eadem nobis ipsa reperta patres. " Quamuis semotos toto canit orbe britannos " Uirgilius. placet his lingua latina tamen. A Latin translation of the spurious Letters of Phalaris. 1486.[†Mirk, John]. [Sign. () 2r:—] Incipit liber qui " vocatur festialis [Sign. z 3r:—] Here endith the boke " that is callid festiuall. " the yere of oure lord M " cccc . lxxxvi . the day aftir " seint Edward the kyng. Imprint as above, n. pl., but Oxford 1486 (probably 19 Mar. 1486 English sermons on the holy days and a few of the Sundays of the year: written or collected by John Mirk, canon of Lilleshall. Other early English printed editions exist, beginning with one by Caxton in about 1483. Variations are found in the setting up of signn. h and i. The first two leaves are not at present known to exist. |