The Quaestiones in Vesperiis and Quaestiones in Comitiis (see Andrew Clark’s Register of the University of Oxford, vol. ii. pt. i. [1887], p. 169) were often printed. 1602. The earliest I have seen are the theological “QuÆstiones (Christo propitio) in Vesperijs discutiendÆ, Iul. 10. 1602,” followed by some belonging to the Comitia, and some Law quaestiones belonging to both, and by a specimen of dr. John King’s treatment of his three quaestiones, in Latin verse: the whole forming a small sheet of 16 pages, with the last five blank. 1605. The Quaestiones ... in Comitiis ... coram ... Rege ... Aug.... 1605 were printed in folio sheet form, as was invariably the case in later years, occupying in this year four pages. Whether this issue was exceptional or not, is not clear. 1608. In this year at latest begins the series of ordinary folio sheets of quaestiones: of which examples have been seen for the years 1608, 1614, 1618, 1619, 1622, 1627, 1628, 1629, 1632, 1634, 1635, 1639, 1640, and intermittently until at least 1693. |