I. A collotype (as are also plates II-VII) of the titlepage of Wats’s translation of Bacon’s Advancement of Learning (Oxford, 1640), see p. 217: here reduced one-third in length and breadth Frontispiece
Oxford type, “1468”-86.
II. Type 1 (see p. 241). The last page of the first Oxford book, bearing the famous colophon with date MCCCCLXVIII, discussed on pp. 245–52 At end.
III. Types 2 and 3 (see pp. 242–3). The upper part of the first page of the Latteburius, printed in 1482. Parts of the curious woodcut border are also shown, which is the first used in English printing At end.
IV. Types 3, 4, 5, 6 (see pp. 243–4). The upper part of K7v of the Lyndewoode, printed in 1483 (?). The coloured initials are of course inserted by hand in the original At end.
V. Types 5, 7 (see pp. 243–4). The text of f2v of the Festial, printed in 1486
(?), showing one of the smaller woodcuts and the woodcut capital G
At end.
Oxford type, 1517–19.
VI. (a) The titlepage of Burley on the Posterior Analytics of Aristotle, printed in 1517 (see pp. 5, 263), showing the large wood-engraving of the University Arms and the ordinary large type.
(b) The four last lines of the back of the titlepage reproduced above, showing the ordinary large and small type At end.
VII. The titlepage of Burley de Materia et Forma, printed in 1518 by John Scolar. The woodcut represents a master and scholar. The type is the largest, used in titles only At end.
Oxford printing, 1585–1640.
Each of the first seven hundred copies of this work contains three specimens of actual pages from old Oxford books, copies of which are both common and cheap. Thus nos. 1–200 contain pages from (1) Ursinus’s Summe of Christian Religion, 1587, (2), N. Fuller’s Miscellanea Sacra, 1616, (3) Carpenter’s Philosophia Libera, 1636: nos. 201–322 (1) Ursinus, (2) Fuller, (3) Reusner’s Symbola, 1638: nos. 323–500 (1) Ursinus, (2) Sanderson’s Logica, 1618, (3) Reusner: nos. 501–700 (1) Ursinus’s Summe of Christian Religion, 1589, (2) Du Moulin’s Accomplishment of the prophecies, 1613, (3) Grotius’s Defensio fidei catholicÆ, 1636.
After no. 700, at least one actual page will be given, and its provenance will be indicated by a note of the form “38.20,” implying a page from the 20th book of 1638 (Reusner).
List of Tables.
Details of the 15th century books 238–9
Owners of copies of ditto 240
Details of the early 16th century books 265
Type used in Oxford books, 1585–1640 291
The relations of Oxford printers and publishers, 1585–1640 311–3

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