- ABBOT, Archbp., 36.
- Abbott, Robert, 36.
- Abel-Remusat, J. P., sale, 332.
- Abingdon, Earls of, 180, 281.
- Abulpharage, Gregory, 114.
- Acland (H. W.), M.D., 293, 294 n.
- Acton, Oliver, 184.
- Actor, Petrus, 113.
- Adams, Thomas, 36.
- Addison, Joseph, 223, 322.
- Adelaide, Q. Consort of Will. IV, 319.
- Ægidius Romanus, 111.
- Ælfgiva, Abbess of Barking, 327.
- Æsop, 27 n.
- Æthiopic MSS., 63, 113, 215, 267.
- Aggas, Ralph, 335.
- Airy, G. B., 195.
- Albert, Prince, 252, 319.
- Albert of Aix, 296.
- Albertini, Albert, 202.
- Alcock, Thomas, 336.
- Aldines purchased, 117, 204, 229, 232 n., 242, 262, 300;
- catalogued, 203.
- Aldred, —, M.A., 107.
- Aldrich, Henry, D.D., Dean of Ch. Ch., 119, 125, 336.
- Aldworth, Rev. John, 39.
- Ales, Alexander de, 111.
- Alexander, Romance of, 17.
- Aleyne, Richard, 314.
- Alfred the Great, transl. of Gregory's Pastoral Care, 100;
- Preface to Gregory's Dialogues, ib.;
- coins, 264.
- Allen, —, 158.
- Allen, Fifield, M.A., 107.
- Allen, Thomas, M.A., donor, 19;
- mentioned, 58.
- Allen, Thomas, Finchley, 57.
- Allibond, Dr. John, Rustica Acad. Oxon. Desc., 75.
- Al-malek, Alashraf Shalian, Sultan, 114.
- Almanacks, deemed unworthy of admission by Bodley, 66;
- Clog almanacks, 105, 161, 325;
- various almanacks, 183;
- MS. astrological calendar, 329;
- brass calendar, 333.
- Alstedius, J. H., Systema Mnemon., 43.
- Altham, Roger, D.D., 39.
- Altham, Roger, jun., M.A., 151, 152;
- deprivation and death, 192.
- Bindings, 27 n., 49, 51-3, 57, 89, 230, 332. 333.
- Birch, Thomas, D.D., 172.
- Bishop, —, 205.
- Bishop, Sir Henry, 278.
- Black, W. H., 287, 289.
- Blackbourne, Bp. John, 169.
- Blacman, John, 318.
- Blackstone, Sir W., 320 n.
- Blackwood, Adam, 266 n.
- Blades, William, 155, 250, 262.
- Blakeway, Edward, M.A., 107.
- Blakeway, Rev. J. B., Shropshire MSS., 263.
- Blakeway, Richard, M.A., 106.
- Blayney, Benjamin, D.D., 198.
- Bliss, Rev. Nathaniel, 194.
- Bliss, Philip, D.C.L., his sale, 97, 289;
- cited, 117, 152, 171 n.;
- mentioned, 178, 180, 192 n., 196, 215, 216, 219 n., 220, 235, 236, 242, 245, 257 n., 320 n.
- Bliss, W. H., M.A., 117.
- Block-books, 321.
- Blow, Dr. John, 205.
- Bloxam, J. R., D.D., Regist. of Magd. Coll., cited, 188, 210.
- Blunt, J. H., M.A., 132 n.
- Bobart, J., 115.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni, 8, 296, 330.
- Bodleian Library, see 'Stationers' Company;'
- central room built to receive Duke Humphrey's books, 7;
- destruction of his library, 11-12;
- re-foundation by Bodley, 14;
- roof, 14-15;
- register of benefactors, 16;
- opened, 24;
- styled the Bodleian by letters patent, 25;
- eastern wing built, 29;
- great window, ib.;
lass="pginternal">289. - Boswell, James, Life of Johnson, 188 n.
- Boswell, James, 231.
- Boswell, Sir W., 322.
- Botel, Henry, 303.
- Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, 254.
- Bourgchier, Sir H., 54.
- Bowcher, G., donor, 149.
- Bowen, James, donor, 163, 321.
- Bowles, Joseph, M.A.;
- Dr. Hudson's servitor, 139, 140;
- elected Librarian, 144;
- Hearne's character of him, 145, 146;
- began to print a new Catalogue, 158;
- demanded payment for making lists, 171 n.;
- death, 151.
- Bown, John, M.A., 342.
- Bowyer, Sir George, donor, 260.
- Bowyer, Rob.; his illustrated Bible, 244.
- Boyce, William, Mus. D., 205.
- Boydell, J., 258.
- Boyle, Robert; History of the Air, 124.
- Boys, John, D.D., 36.
- Bradley, Dr. James; MSS. of his Astron. Observations, 193, 195.
- Bradshaw, Henry, M.A., Cambr., 112 n., 155.
- Brahe, Tycho; Astron. Mechan., with original MSS. additions, 58.
- Braidwood, —, 234, 284.
- Breamore, Hants, 131.
- Bredon, Simon, 58.
- Brent, Charles, M.A., 107.
- Bresslau, M. H., 114.
- Brett, Lieut., 289.
- Breviaries, 213, 280, 303, 310, 311.
- Brewer, J. S., M.A., 166.
- Brewster, William, M.D., 142.
- Bridgeman, William; his sale, 173, 184.
- Bridges, John; Northamptonshire collections, 204.
- Bridges, Nath., D.D., 204.
- Brie, Joh. de, 312.
- Bright, B. H., donor, 232 n.;
- sale, 270.
- Brightwell, Rich., i.e. J. Frith, q.v.
- Bristol, Charter, 180.
- Bristol, George Digby, Earl of, 240.
- British Museum; various MSS., 10, 19 n., 101, 102, 153, 180;
- printed books, 246 n., 272.
- Britton, John,
, 42.
- Constance, Council of, Acta, 9, 58.
- Cook, Captain, Voyages, 198.
- Cooper, or Cowper, George, M.A., 121.
- Cooper, Samuel, 336.
- Cope, Sir Walter, donor, 22.
- Coptic, MSS. 107, 149, 150, 267.
- Corbinelli, J., 296.
- Cornbury, Henry Hyde, Lord, donor of the Clarendon MSS., 163.
- Cornhill Magazine, 280, 302 n.
- Cornish MSS., 44.
- Cosin, Richard, LL.D., 170 n.
- Cotton, Archd. Henry, Sub-librarian, 220;
- mentioned, 223, 235;
- List of Bibles cited, 97;
- Typogr. Gaz. cited, 112 n., 162 n., 244, 303, 310 n.;
- donor, 311.
- Cotton, Sir R., donor, 24;
- MS. from his library, 96 n.;
- mentioned 9, 86.
- Courayer, F. le, papers and portrait, 205.
- Coventrey, Thomas, 37.
- Coventry, placards, &c., 298.
- Coverdale, Miles, Bp. of Exeter, 239, 277, 302.
- Coward, William, M.D., donor, 119.
- Cowderoy, W., Janitor, 189.
- Cowley, Abraham, his Poems, given by him, 45 n.;
- verses on Drake's chair, 95.
- Cowper, William, 45.
- Cox, C. H., M.A., Sub-librarian, 240, 242.
- Coxe, H. O., M.A., Sub-librarian, 261;
- Librarian, 293;
- mentioned, 19 n., 29, 43, 64, 112, 169 n., 172, 182, 194, 196 n., 279, 280, 289 n., 291, 298, 328;
- Catalogues, 55, 65, 87, 177.
- Durandus, Gul., 229.
- Durham, Register of Bp. Kellow,
files@38317@38317-h@38317-h-8.htm.html#Page_160" class="pginternal">160.
- Hastings, Warren, 208.
- Hatton, Capt. Charles, donor, 99.
- Hatton, Christopher, first Lord, 99.
- Hatton, Christopher, second Lord, his MSS., 20 n., 99-100.
- Hatton, Jane, grand-niece to Bodley, petition to the University, 39.
- Havergal, H. E., M.A., 189, 206.
- Hawkins, Ernest, B.D., Sub-librarian, 246, 252.
- Hawkins, John, 147.
- Hayes, Drs. Phil. and Will., 205, 206.
- Head, Sir Edmund, Few Words on Bodl. Libr., 247, 277.
- Heath, James, 258.
- Hearne, Thomas, M.A., appointed Janitor, 123;
- makes an appendix to the Cat., ib.;
- catalogues Ray's coins, 125;
- appointed Sub-librarian, 132;
- his respect for Duke Humphrey, 6;
- paper against borrowing books, 80 n.;
- complaints against him, 132, 136, 139;
- account of his exhibiting a portrait of the Chevalier, 134-6;
- quits the Library upon refusing the oaths, 140;
- commended by Uffenbach, 145;
- his death, 152;
- diary, 180;
- cited, 4 n., 14 n., 15 n., 22, 28, 33, 43, 45 n., 48 n., 52 n., 55 n., 70, 91 n., 98, 99, 106, 109, 116, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 132, 137, 138 bis, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 151, 324 n.
- Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, gifts to the Library, 6-10;
- motto, 6 n.;
- aided in building the Divinity School, 6;
- destruction of his library, 11, 12.
- Hungarian books, 275.
- Hunsdon, Henry, first lord, donor, 17.
- Hunt, Leigh, 227.
- Hunt, Thomas, printer and bookseller in Oxford in 1483, 112.
- Hunt, Thomas, D.D., mentioned, 109, 294 n.;
- MSS., 193.
- Hunter, Joseph, Cat. of Dodsworth MSS., 96.
- Huntingdon, Earl of, 166.
- Huntington, Robert, Bp. of Raphoe, mentioned, 108, 133;
- his MSS., 113, 115.
- Hussey, Edw. L., 255 n.;
- 257 n.
- Hussey, Robert, B.D., 257 n.
- Hutton, —, 143.
- Hyatt, J. C, B.A., 273.
- Hyde, Thomas, D.D., Sub-librarian, 90;
- elected Head-librarian, 93;
- dedication of catalogue, 97;
- note on the agreement with the Stationers' Co., 31;
- goes to London to claim books from the Co., 110;
- letters cited, 69, 120;
- MSS. bought from him, 113;
- mentioned, 100 n., 109, 130 n., 294 n.;
- charged with ignorance by Wanley, 118;
- wishes to have Wanley for his successor, ib.;
- resigns the Librarianship, 121;
- his death, 123.
- IBOTT, Benj., 232.
- Icelandic MSS., 242.
- Ince, Peter, donor, 50.
- Index Libb. Prohib., Madr. 1612-14, 90.
- Inglis, Esther, MSS. by her, 48, 49.
- Inglis, —, sale, 321.
- Inglis, Sir R. H., donor, 183;
- portrait, 337.
- Ingram, James, D.D., bequest of coins, 340.
- Innocent VIII., Pope, 148.
- Irish MSS., 63, 64, 175;
- pamphlets, 232, 247.
- Isaiah, 82 n., 113.
- Isham, Zach., M.A., 106.
- Italian printed books and MSS., 63, 177, 225, 176, 317.
- Marvell, Andrew, 320 n.
- Mary I, her MS. HorÆ and inscription, 42;
- another inscription, 43.
- Mary II, 175 n., 255.
- Mary, Queen of Scotland, 171 n., 266 n.
- Maskelyne, N. S., M.A., 278.
- Mason, Robert, D.D., bequest, 264.
- Massa, Michael de, 329.
- Massey, Dr. Richard M., donor, 129.
- Massinger, Philip, 231.
- Master, Dr. Robert, donor, 9.
- Mather, Cotton, 304.
- Matthew of Westminster, 289.
- Matthews, Rev. A. H., donor, 210;
- Sub-librarian (?), 342.
- Maunder, —, D.D., 157.
- Maximilian, Emp. of Germany, 331.
- Maximus, Valerius, 8.
- Maynard, Joseph, B.D., donor, 90.
- Mead, Dr. Richard, 142, 184, 340.
- Medici, House of, 182.
- Medici, Mary de, 249, 351.
- Medyltone, Ralph de, 329.
- Meerman, Ger. and John, 238.
- Meetkirk, Prof. Edward, 81.
- Melanchthon, Philip, 245, 246, 253.
- Mendean MSS., 114, 300.
- Mendham, Rev. Joseph, his bequest, 286;
- Lit. Policy, cited, 91 n.
- Mentelin, —, 210.
- Mentz, 318.
- Mericke, John, donor, 25.
- Mexican Antiquities, 246, 325.
- Michael, J., Hebrew books, 272.
- Michaelis, J. D., 320 n.
- Middlesex MSS., 175.
- Middleton, Viscountess, 164.
- Milan, Ambrosian Library, 47 n.
- Mill, John, D.D., donor, 125;
- mentioned, 99.
- Mill, W. H., D.D., his MSS., 272.
- Milles, Jeremiah, D.D., his MSS., 268.
- Milton, John, books given by him, 45;
- these, at one time, said to have been thrown out, 46, 160.
- Missals, 23, 65, 179, 213, 225, 283.
- Mocket, or Moket, Richard, 269.
- Ouseley, Sir William, his MSS., 269;
- Orient. Collect. cited, 206.
- Ousley, Rev. John, 174.
- Ovid, 20, 179, 252, 300.
- Owen, Humphrey, B.D., elected Librarian, 160;
- death, 192;
- mentioned, 170 n., 185, 192.
- Owen, John, D.D., 89.
- Owen, John, 227.
- Owun, 104.
- Oxford, statutes of various colleges, 179;
- the librarians of Cobham's and Duke Humphrey's libraries were Chaplains to the Univ., 5;
- almanacks, 211;
- books in the Library printed at Oxford before 1500, 111-2;
- map, 335;
- siege, 240;
- All Souls' Coll. MS. there, 19 n.;
- Anatomy School, 132, 134, 136, 140;
- Ashmolean Museum, 105, 122, 163, 169 n., 189, 203 n.;
- the Library transferred to the Bodleian, 286-9;
- Balliol Coll. MSS. there, 5;
- proposed catalogue of rare books, 201;
- list of books not in the Bodleian, 203;
- Ch. Ch. MSS. there, 49, 121;
- Corp. Chr. Coll. MS. there, 10;
- the old Univ. money chest there, 4 n.;
- Divinity School, 5;
- Durham Coll., 4, 20 n.;
- Exeter Coll., list of books not in Bodleian, 203;
- Hart Hall, 99;
- Jesus Coll., list of books not in Bodleian, 203;
- Magd. Coll. (see J. R. Bloxam), spur-royals, 84;
- muniments, 85 n.;
- first Grammar-master, 112 n.;
- list of books not in Bodleian, 203;
- catalogue of the library, 203;
- account-books returned to the College, 215;
- statutes refused to be returned, 261;
- Merton Coll., proposed catalogue of rare books, 201;
- Music School, 170 n.;
- Oriel Coll. MS. there, 10;
- portrait of Bodley, on glass, 45 n.;
- proposed catalogue of rare
52, 261, 271, 322, 323, 325, 328, 335;
- book-plate, 3;
- Continuation of Wood's AthenÆ, cited, 130;
- History of Hereford, 120;
- endeavoured to compile a list of the annual Bodley Orators, 106.
- Rawlinson, Sir Thomas, 168.
- Rawlinson, Thomas, his son, 169, 170 n., 178, 184.
- Ray, William, donor, 24.
- Reade, William, 58.
- Reader, W., 298.
- Reay, Stephen, B.D., Sub-librarian, 242;
- resignation and death, 293;
- mentioned, 163, 286.
- Rebenstein, A., 275 n.
- Record Commission, Report for 1800 cited, 151, 167, 177, 185, 205;
- for 1837, 96;
- Eighth Report of Dep.-Keeper of Records, 170 n.
- Red-letter books, 171 n.
- Reggio, J. S., 280.
- Renouard, —, 242.
- Reynolds, Edward, D.D., 45 n.
- Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 248.
- Richards, —, 164.
- Richmond, Margaret, Countess of, 105.
- Richmond, George, 337.
- Ridley, Thomas, 36.
- Rigaud, Lt.-col. Gibbes, donor, 33, 319, 338.
- Rigaud, John, B.D., donor, 303.
- Rigaud, Prof. S. P., M.A., 195.
- Rivers, Richard, Lord, 19.
- Rives, George, Warden of New College, donor, 22.
- Roberts, —, 340.
- Roberts, B. and E., 271.
- Roberts, J. P., M.A., 235, 239.
- Roberts, Lewis, donor, 51.
- Robertson, Prof. A., 194.
- Robertson, Rev. F. W., 297.
- Robins, George, 267.
- Robinson, —, clock-maker, Gracechurch-street, 182 n.
- Robinson, John, Bp. of London, MS. papers, 175.
- Robson, Charles, B.D., donor, 56, 92.
- Roch, Thomas, Janitor, 88.
- Rochester, Henry Hyde, Earl of, 163, 249.
- Shakespeare, W., the first Folio, 41;
- Venus and Adonis, and other poems, 67, 247;
- editions of single plays, &c., 231, 248, 258;
- his autograph, 300-302.
- Sharp, John, Archbp. of York, 127.
- Sharpe, Dr. Gregory, 294 n.
- Shaw, Henry, Illuminated Ornaments, cited, 250, 330 bis.
- Shaw, Thomas, D.D., donor, 163.
- Sheldon, Archbp. Gilbert, mentioned, 97;
- Papers, 155 n., 237;
- his family Bible, 237.
- Sheldon, William, 212 n.
- Sherfiddin Iahia ben Almocar, 114.
- Shirley, W. W., D.D., 90.
- Shirman, Henry, M.A., 107.
- Shotover, near Oxford, 29 n.
- Shropshire MSS., &c., 163, 263-4.
- Shuckbridge, Grace, 131.
- Siamese Prince, 319.
- Sichardus, Joh., 17 n.
- Siddons, Mrs. 232.
- Sigismund I of Poland, 249.
- Silk, books printed on, 170 n.
- Simeon, Sir John, 101.
- Simon, Thomas, 340 n.
- Skeat, W. W., M.A., 101 n.
- Simonides, Dr. Const., 199 n., 280-1.
- Skillerne, Richard S., M.A., 202.
- Slack, Samuel, M.A., 219.
- Sloane, Sir Hans, donor, 120.
- Slythers, —, 11 n.
- Smalridge, George, Bp. of Bristol, 149.
- Smith, —, 42 n.
- Smith, Edmund, M.A., MS. of his Bodley Speech, 106.
- Smith, Miles, Bp. of Gloucester, 82 n.
- Smith, Richard, 141.
- Smith, R. Payne, D.D., mentioned, 65, 189, 296, 300;
- Sub-librarian, 286, 293;
- Regius Professor of Divinity, 303.
- Smith, Thomas, D.D., his MSS., 55, 152-3, 178, 180;
- Vita Bernardi, cited, 94, 114, 116.
- Smith, Thomas, 67.
- Smith, William, M.A., donor, 150.
- Smyth, Edward, account of a Russian cloak, 307.
- Smyth, Miles,
- Warton, Thomas, B.D., Hist. of Eng. Poet., cited, 18, 20, 46, 81, 156 n., 188 n.;
- Life of Sir T. Pope, cited, 331 n.
- Wason, Abbot Thomas, 315.
- Waterson, Simon, 36.
- Watson, —, 11 n.
- Watson, James, 248.
- Watson, Thomas, 206.
- Waynflete, Bp. William, 112 n.
- Weelkes, Thomas, 206.
- Weever, John, 250 n.
- Welles, —, 317.
- Wellesley, Henry, D.D., 225, 279, 285, 296, 333.
- Wellington, Duke of, 319.
- Welwood, J., M.D., Memoirs cited, 70.
- Wentworth, St. Ex., M.A., 251.
- Werden, Major-General, 185 n.
- Werfrith, Bp. of Worcester, 100.
- Wesley, Charles, admitted as a reader, 152, 320 n.
- Wesley, Samuel, Mus. Doc., 206.
- West, James, 212 n.
- West, Rev. W., 179.
- Westminster Abbey, 179.
- Westmoreland, Earl of, 336.
- Westphalia, J. de, 303.
- Westphaling, Herbert, Bp. of Hereford, donor, 19.
- Westwood, Professor J., 105, 327.
- Wettersten, P., 241 n.
- Wey, William, 329.
- Whale caught in the Severn, 104.
- Whalley, Peter, donor, 88.
- Whalley, Peter, B.A., 204.
- Wharton, Henry, M.A., 153 n., 240, 322 n.
- Wharton, Philip, Lord, 166, 178.
- Wheatly, Charles, M.A., 144.
- Whethamstede, John de, 8.
- Whetstone, George, 231.
- Whiston, William, M.A., donor, 141;
- mentioned, 149, 184, 320 n.
- Whitchurch, E., 282.
- White, —, 341.
- White, Messrs., Appleton, 33.
- White, Edward, 36.
- White, John, M.A., 107.
- White, Joseph, D.D., 206, 208;
- portrait, 209.
- White, Peter, 9.
- White,