
List of MSS. formerly in the possession of Cathedrals, Monasteries, Colleges, and Churches in England, Scotland, and Ireland[367].

  • Aberdeen Cathedral. Ashmole, 1474.
  • Abingdon. Digby, 39, 146, 227 (fine Missal, with Calendar).
  • —— John Crystall, Monk of. Rawlinson, C. 940.
  • Alban's, St. Auct. F. II. 13;
  • Bodl. 569;
  • Laud Lat. 67;
  • Laud Misc. 279, 358, 363, 370, 409;
  • Rawlinson, C. 31;
  • Rawlinson, Auct. 99 (obtained through Brother Hugh Legat, and given by Abbot John Stoke).
  • —— Sub-prior. Bodl. 467.
  • —— Sub-sacrist. Ashmole, 1796.
  • Alvingham, Linc. Laud Misc. 642.
  • Athdare, Kildare. Rawlinson, C. 320.
  • Barking. Laud Lat. 19.
  • Beauvale, or Bellavalle, Notts. Douce, 114.
  • Bedford. The Minorites. Laud, 176 (given by John Grene, D.D. in 1471).
  • Belvoir, Linc. E Mus. 249.
  • Bilsington, Kent. Bodl. 127 (given by John, Vicar of Newchurch).
  • Bordesley, Warwickshire. Bodl. 168.
  • Boxgrave, Sussex. Rawlinson, A. 411.
  • Bradsole, near Dover, Priory of St. Radegund. Rawlinson, B. 336.
  • Bridlington. Auct. D. infra, II. 7;
  • Bodl. 357.
  • Byland, or Bellaland, Yorkshire. Bodl. 842 (bought from a carpenter);
  • Laud Misc. 149.
  • Canterbury, Ch. Ch. Bodl. 214, 379;
  • Laud Misc. 165;
  • Tanner, 18, 223;
  • Rawlinson, C. 168 (Missal, given by Archbp. Warham).
  • —— W. Bonyngton, a monk, 1483. Rawlinson, B. 188.
  • —— Another monk. Bodl. 648.
  • —— St. Augustine's. Bodl. 299, 381, 391, 464, 600;
  • E Mus. 223;
  • Laud Lat. 65;
  • Laud Misc. 225, 296;
  • Wood Donat. 13;
  • Ashmole, 1431;
  • Barlow, 32;
  • Hatton, 94;
  • Maresch. 33;
  • Rawlinson, C. 7, 117, 159.
  • Carlisle Cathedral. Bodl. 728.
  • —— (a House at). Laud Misc. 582.
  • Chichester Cathedral(?). Bodl. 142. ('de dono Seffri. Episc.')
  • Cirencester, St. Mary's Abbey. Barlow, 48.
  • Cokersand, Lanc. Rawlinson, C. 317.
  • Coventry Cathedral. Digby, 33 (given by Rich. Luff, monk).
  • —— St. Mary's Priory. Auct. F. III. 9.
  • Cropthorn, Worc. Rector in 1279. Rawlinson, B. N. Auct. 169.
  • Croyland. Rawlinson, C. 531.
  • Dore, Hereford. Laud, 138;
  • E Mus. 82.
  • Dover Priory. Bodl. 920 (Catalogue of the Library).
  • —— Hosp. of St. Bartholomew. Rawlinson, B. 335.
  • Dublin, Cathedral of Ch. Ch. or Holy Trinity. Rawlinson, B. N. Auct. 185 (a magnificent Psalter, written by direction of Prior Stephen de Derby; see p. 179).
  • —— Abbey of St. Thomas. Rawlinson, B. 500.
  • —— Hosp. of St. John Bapt. Rawlinson, B. 498.
  • —— St. Mary's Abbey, near Dublin. Rawlinson, B. 495, C. 60;
  • Rawlinson, Misc. 1137.
  • —— Church of St. John Evang. Misc. Liturg. 337.
  • Dulci Corde, or Sweet-Heart, Galloway. Fairfax, 5, (belonged to 'Dervorgoyl de Bayll'[iol], the foundress of this house, and of Balliol College. Bought by Fairfax at Edinburgh in 1652).
  • Dumfermline (?). Fairfax, 8.
  • Dunbrothy, Wexford. Rawlinson, B. 494.
  • Durham Cathedral (St. Cuthbert). Laud Lat. 12;
  • Laud Misc. 368, 489;
  • Rawlinson, C. 4.
  • —— Thomas Dune, a monk. Douce, 129.
  • Edmund's, Bury St. Bodl. 216, 240, 297, 715, 737, 860;
  • E Mus. 6, 7, 8, 9, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 36, 112;
  • Laud Misc. 742;
  • Rawlinson, C. 697 (all between the 11th and 13th century);
  • Misc. Liturg. 310 (Martyrologium; given by Rich. Fuller, Chaplain, and Rich. Aleyne, Kerver, in 1472. Bequeathed by Rawlinson).
  • Ely. Laud, 112.
  • Evesham. Auct. D. I. 15;
  • Laud Lat. 31;
  • Barlow 7 (Officia Eccles.);
  • Rawlinson, B. N. Auct. 16.
  • Exeter Cathedral. Auct. D. II. 16, F. III. 6;
  • Bodl. 579, 708 (these given by Leofric);
  • Auct. D. I. 7 and 12 (given by Hugh, Archd. of Taunton), 9 (given by Adam de St. Bridget, Chanter), 13, 18;
  • D. II. 8;
  • D. infra, II. 9(?);
  • D. III. 10, 11 (?);
  • Auct. F. I. 15;
  • Bodl. 92, 137, 147, 148, 149, 150, 162 (given by Richard Brounst, Vicar Choral), 206, 272, 273, 279, 286, 287, 289, 311, 314, 315, 333, 335, 377, 380, 393,
  • 463 (given by the Executors of Bp. Lacy), 482, 691, 707, 708, 717, 718, 720, 725, 732, 738, 744 (given by the Executors of Dr. John Snetesham), 748, 749, 786, 810, 829 (given by the Executors of Bp. Lacy), 830, 865.
  • Wood Donat. 15 (given by Executors of John Snetesham, D.D., Canon and Chancellor, 1448).
  • Exeter. Hosp. of St. John Bapt. Laud, 156.
  • Finchale, Durham. Laud Misc. 546.
  • Ford, Devon. Laud Misc. 606.
  • Fountains' Abbey. Ashmole, 1398, 1437;
  • Laud Misc. 310, 619.
  • Gainford, Durham. Thomas Heddon, Vicar. Rawlinson, A. 363.
  • Garendon, Leic. Ashmole, 1516.
  • Gisburne, Yorkshire. Laud Lat. 5.
  • Glastonbury. Laud Lat. 4;
  • Laud Misc. 128 (belonged to Thomas Wason, Abbot).
  • Hanworth (Middlesex?); Richard, Rector. Rawlinson, B. N. Auct. 165.
  • Hatfield Peverel, Essex. Rawlinson, B. 189 (given by John Bebseth), Prior.
  • Hereford Cathedral. Rawlinson, C. 67.
  • —— Vicars Choral. Rawlinson, C. 427.
  • —— The Minorites. Hatton, 102.
  • Hexham ('Hextildesham'). Bodl. 236.
  • Hickling, Norfolk. Tanner, 194, 425.
  • Holme Cultram, Cumb. (S. Mar. de Holmo);
  • Hatton, 101.
  • Jorevall, Yorkshire. Bodl. 514.
  • Kenilworth, or Kelyngworth, Warw. Auct. F. III. 13 (bequeathed by John Alward, Rector of Stoke Bruerne).
  • Kilmainham, Dublin. Hosp. of St. John Bapt. Rawlinson, B. 501.
  • Kingswood, Wilts. E Mus. 62.
  • Kirkstall. Laud Lat. 69;
  • Laud Misc. 216;
  • E Mus. 195.
  • Langley, Norfolk. Bodl. 242 (Registrum).
  • Leedes, Kent. Bodl. 406.
  • Leicester, St. Mary of the Meadows. Laud Misc. 623, 625.
  • Lesnes, or Lyesnes, or Westwood, Kent. Bodl. 656;
  • Douce, 287.
  • Lichfield Cathedral. Ashmole, 1518.
  • London, St. Paul's Cathedral. Digby 89 ('Liber Magistri ThomÆ Lysiaux, decani Sancti Pauli').
  • —— The Carmelites. Laud Lat. 87.
  • —— 'Domus Salutationis Matris Dei, ord. Carthus.;' i.e. The Charter-House. Douce, 262.
  • —— Hosp. of St. Mary of Elsyng, now Sion College. E Mus. 113.
  • Louth Park, Linc. Fairfax, 17.
  • (Ludlow Parish Church. Printed Book, D. 2. 13. Art. Seld.[368])
  • Maxstoke, Warwickshire. Bodl. 182.
  • Merton, Surrey. Digby, 147;
  • Ashmole, 1522.
  • —— John Ramsey, Canon of. Seld. supra, 39.
  • Missenden, Bucks. Auct. D. I. 10;
  • Bodl. 729.
  • Mottenden, or Motynden, Kent. Bodl. 643 (bought by Brother Richard de Lansyng in 1467 for 26s. 8d.)
  • Muchelney, Somerset. Rich. Coscumbe, Prior. Ashmole, 189. ii.
  • New Place, Sherwood. Laud Lat. 34;
  • Laud Misc. 428.
  • Norwich Cathedral (Holy Trinity). Bodl. 151, 787;
  • Fairfax, 20;
  • Douce, 366, (see infra, p. 329.)
  • Nutley, or Notley Abbey, Bucks. Douce, 383, iii.
  • Oseney, Oxford. Bodl. 655;
  • Digby, 23 (bequeathed by Henry de Langley);
  • Rawlinson, C. 939 (Officia Eccles.).
  • Osyth, St., Essex. Laud Misc. 329.
  • Oxford, Balliol College. Bodl. 252.
  • —— Exeter College. Bodl. 42;
  • Digby, 57[369].
  • —— (Hertford College. Printed Tracts on the Bangorian Controversies, 8vo. I. 237, BS.)
  • —— Lincoln College. Bodl. 198 ('ex dono doctoris Thome Gascoigne').
  • —— Merton College. E Mus. 19 (given by William, Bishop of Chichester);
  • Bodl. 50 (bequeathed by Thomas English), 689 and 757 (given by Henry Sever, Warden, in 1468), 700 and 751 (given by Richard Fitz-James, Bishop of Chichester);
  • Digby, 155 (given by John Burbache), 216;
  • Ashm. 835. (Printed Book S. 9. 14. Th[370].).
  • —— St. Edmund Hall. Rawlinson, C. 900 (given by Hen. VIII).
  • —— St. Mary's College. Bodl. 637.
  • —— Staple Hall. Ashmole, 748.
  • —— The Minorites. Digby, 90 (given in 1388, by John de Teukesbury, with the assent of Thos. de Kyngusbury, 'Minister AngliÆ').
  • —— (name cut off), Bodl. 215.
  • Paignton Parish, Devon. Rawlinson, C. 314 (Canons of Bishop Quivil).
  • Pershore. Bodl. 209;
  • Barlow, 3;
  • Rawlinson, C. 81.
  • Pesholme (? Will. Marschalle, Chaplain of). Bodl. 857.
  • Peterborough Cathedral. Barlow, 22; (see infra, p. 328.)
  • Pipewell, Northampt. Rawlinson, A. 388.
  • Pleshey, Essex, Trinity College. Bodl. 316.
  • Pontefract, Holy Trinity Hospital. Barlow, 49.
  • Ramsey. Bodl. 883.
  • —— Welles, a monk of. Bodl. 857.
  • Reading, St. Mary's Abbey. Auct. Digby, B. N. 11;
  • Digby, 148, 200;
  • Bodl. 125[371], 197, 200 (given by W. de Box), 241, 257, 550, 570, 713, 730 (?) 772, 781, 848;
  • Laud Misc. 79, 91, 725;
  • Auct. D. I. 19;
  • D. II. 12;
  • D. III. 12, 15;
  • Auct. F. III. 8;
  • infra, I. 2;
  • Rawlinson, A. 375.
  • Robertsbridge, Yorkshire. Bodl. MS. 132 (written by Will. de Wodecherche, 'laicus quondam conversus Pontis Roberti[372]').
  • Roche, or de Rupe, Yorkshire. Rawlinson, C. 329.
  • Rochester Cathedral. Laud Misc. 40.
  • Rossevalle, Kildare. Rawlinson, C. 32 (Ordo servitii).
  • Salisbury Cathedral. Digby, 173 (given by Peter Fadir, Vicar Choral[373]);
  • Bodl. 407, 516, 756, 765, 768, 835;
  • Rawlinson, C. 400 (Pontificale, given by Bishop Martivall).
  • Selby. Fairfax, 12.
  • Sempringham. Douce, 136(?)
  • Shene, Surrey, Carthusian Priory. Bodl. 797;
  • Rawlinson, C. 57 (8vo. H. 36 Th. BS., a book printed in 1608, belonged apparently to some foreign branch of this house: 'Domus Shene Anglorum').
  • Sherston, Wilts, The Church (in 1577). Bodl. 733.
  • Shrewsbury, St. Chad. Rawlinson Misc. 1131. (Martyrol. and Obit.)
  • Sion, or Syon, Middlesex. Bodl. 630.
  • Southwark, St. Mary Overy. Ashmole, 1285.
  • —— John de Lecchelade, a Canon. Rawlinson, B. 177.
  • Stafford, St. Mary. Auct. F. V. 17;
  • Hatton, 74.
  • —— The Minorites. Auct. F. V. 18.
  • Stafford, St. Thomas, near. Auct. F. III. 10.
  • Staindrop, Durham, The College. Rawlinson, A. 363 (given by Thos. Heddon, Vicar of Gainford, in 1515).
  • Tattershall, Linc. Bodl. 419.
  • Thorney, Cambr. Bodl. 680;
  • Laud Misc. 364;
  • Tanner, 10.
  • Titchfield, Hants. Digby, 154.
  • Towcester, Northampt., H. Malyng, Provost. Bodl. 731.
  • Trentham, Staff. Laud Misc. 453.
  • Tynemouth. Laud Misc. 657.
  • Valle Crucis, De, Denbigh. E Mus. 3.
  • Waltham. Laud Lat. 109;
  • Laud Misc. 515;
  • Rawlinson, B. N. Auct. 62 (given by Peter, Archdeacon of London);
  • Rawlinson, C. 330.
  • Wardon, Bedfordshire. Laud Misc. 447.
  • Warter, Yorkshire. Fairfax, 9.
  • Waverley, Surrey. Bodl. 527.
  • Westminster Abbey. Rawlinson, C. 425 (Pontificale).
  • Winchcombe, or Winchelcumbe, Glouc. Douce, 368.
  • Winchester Cathedral ('Domus S. Swythini'). Bodl. 767.
  • Windsor. Bodl. 208, 822.
  • Witham, or Wytham, Somerset. Bodl. 801 ('Ex dono Joh. Blacman').
  • Worcester Cathedral. Auct. F. infra, I. 3;
  • Digby, 150(?);
  • Bodl. 861 (removed in 1590), 868;
  • Junius, 121.
  • —— 'Fratres PrÆdicatores.' Rawlinson, C. 780.
  • York Minster(?) Rawlinson, C. 775.
  • —— Succentor(?) Douce, 225.
  • —— St. Mary's Abbey. Rawlinson, B. N. Auct. 11;
  • Arch. A. Rot. 21; (see p. 329.)
  • —— Hosp. of St. Leonard. Rawlinson, B. 455.

[Many of Laud's MSS. came from a Carthusian Monastery near Mentz, and from the Monastery of Eberbach, in the Duchy of Baden. It is worth mentioning that No. 233 amongst his Miscellaneous MSS. belonged to John Lydgate, and No. 576 to John Foxe. Several others had been previously in the possession of Archbp. Usher, and of Lindsell, Bishop of Peterborough.

No. 76 of Digby's MSS. was bought by Dr. John Dee, at London, May 18, 1556, 'ex bibliotheca Joh. Lelandi.']

[367] This list does not profess to be complete. But it is believed to comprehend most of the MSS. which afford distinct evidence of former ownership of this kind.

[368] Picus Mirandula de Providentia Dei, 1508. Given to the library of the Church by Rich. Sparchiford, Archdeacon of Salop, Oct. 19, 1557. It had previously belonged to Linacer.

[369] 'Hunc librum emit ... a magistro Philips, rectore collegii Exon, ao. Xi. 1468, una cum volvella solis et lunÆ.'

[370] Galani Conciliatio Eccl. ArmenÆ cum Romana, 1650. It is satisfactory to be able to add, that the Bodleian obtained this book, as Bishop Booth obtained the Robertsbridge MS. (infra) 'modo legitimo;' a memorandum records that it was 'bought of Fletcher the bookseller.'

[371] On the last leaf of this MS. there is a list, faintly written with a style, of some twenty MSS. (including 'triplices cantus' for the organ), written by one monk, to which the memorandum is added: 'Hec sunt opera fratris W. de Wicb. per quadriennium apud Leom. (i.e. Leominster, a cell to Reading) commorantis.' The list commences, 'Nota quod frater W. de Wicb. (probably Wicumbe), precibus domini J. de Abbend. tunc precentoris, hortatu vero et precepto domino R. de Wygorn. tunc supprioris, collectarium cotidianum secundum usum Rading correxit et de duobus unum fecit.' The book may have belonged to either Reading or Leominster.

[372] The usual anathema is subjoined on any one stealing the book from the house of St. Mary 'de Ponte Roberti,' or in any part mutilating it; which is followed by this self-exculpatory note on the part of a subsequent possessor: 'Ego Johannes, Exon. episcopus, nescio ubi est domus prÆdicta, nec hunc librum abstuli, sed modo legittimo adquisivi.' This John would seem to be John Booth, who was Bishop of Exeter from 1466 to 1479.

[373] The name of Peter Fader is found also in MS. Arch. Seld. B 26.


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