
List of Books printed on Vellum, which have been added to the Library since the year 1830[366].

1460. Clementis VIII Constitutiones, cum glossa Jo. AndreÆ. Ed. Pr. fol. Mogunt., Petr. Schoiffer de gernssheim. Bought in 1838 for 45l.

1468. Justiniani Institutiones. Ed. Pr. fol. Mogunt. per Petr. Schoyffer de Gernssheym. Bought in 1834 for 52l. 10s.

1476. Historia Naturale da Plinio, trad, per Chr. Landino. fol. Ven. Nic. Janson. The borders at the commencement of each book, with the principal initial letters, are exquisitely painted and illustrated with the portrait and arms of Ferdinand II of Sicily, to whom the work was dedicated, as well as those of — Strozzi, for whom this copy was probably executed. Bequeathed by Mr. Douce. Exhibited in the glass case at the end of the Library.

1480. Breviarium Eduense, 4to. by order of Card. John Rolin, Bishop of Autun, 'Symon de Vetericastro eius Secretarius, parisius hoc breviarium cum pluribus similibus imprimi fecit.' Bought in 1838 for 2l. 4s.

1481. Missale Parisiense. Ed. Pr. fol. Par., Jo. de Prato et Desid. huym. Bought in 1842 for 10l. 10s.

1482. Ordo Psalterii cum hymnis et canticis suis. Small 4to. Ven. per Nicolaum Girardenguz. From the Canonici collection.

1484. Officium diurnum secundum morem monachorum congregationis Sancte Justine, ord. S. Benedicti. 8vo. Ven. per Bern. de Benaliis (&c.). Bought in 1843 for 1l. 14s.

1493. Pars hyemalis breviarii fratrum Observantialium, ord. S. Benedicti, per Germaniam. 8vo. impensis Georii Stochs ex Sulczbach, civis Nurembergensis. Bought in 1841 for 14s.

S. A. A small duodecimo book of prayers, in German, without any title; with woodcuts. Printed with the types of Hans SchÖnsperger, of Augsburg. Bequeathed by Mr. Douce.

1500, Aug. 14. Heures a lusage de [Tours; the name left blank]. 8vo. Paris, pour Anthoine Verard. With illuminations. Bought in 1844 for 6l.

1502. Breviarium secundum regulam beati Hysidori. Fol. Toleti, jussu Card. Fr. Ximenes, per Petr. Hagembach. Bought in 1853 for 200l. See p. 280.

1505. Breviarium secundum usum Herford. 8vo. Rothom., per Inghilbertum Haghe. Bequeathed by Gough.

1514. Le Chevalier de la tour et le guidon des guerres; par Geoffroy de la Tour-Landry. Fol. Par., pour Guill. Eustace. Bequeathed by Mr. Douce.

1522. Libri quattuor magnorum Prophetarum; his adduntur Threni, &c. 12mo. Par., Petrus Vidoveus. Given by Rawlinson.

1529. S. Joannes Chrysostomus in omnes Epistolas S. Pauli; Gr. 3 vols. fol. Ven. Bought in 1843 for 45l.

1629. Rituale monasticum secundum consuetudinem congregationis VallisumbrosÆ. Fol. Florent. Bought in 1843 for 7l. 17s. 6d.

1642. Bibliotheca EliotÆ. Eliotis Librarie. Londini, anno Verbi incarnati M.D.XLII. A fragment, consisting of title, Proheme to Henry VIII in English, address to the reader in Latin, and table of errata; in all, five leaves.

1859. Rotulus Clonensis, ex orig. in Registro Eccl. Cath. Clonensis, editus cura Ric. Caulfield. The first book printed at Cork on vellum, and the only one so printed. Given by Dr. Caulfield in 1865.

1861. The Souldier's Pocket Bible; an exact reprint of the original edition of 1643, with a prefatory note by George Livermore. 12mo. Cambridge [U.S.], printed for private distribution. This copy was given by Mr. Livermore to Archd. Cotton, and by him to the Library. It was reprinted from a copy in the possession of the editor; only one other is known to exist.

1866. ??? ??? Sepher Taghin: Liber Coronularum, ex unico bibl. Paris. cod. MS. a B. Goldberg descriptum, nunc primum edidit, adjectis ad calcem libri aliquot exceptis ex alio codice ejusdem bibl. inedito, J. J. L. Barges, S. Theol. facult. Paris. doctor. 8vo. Lut. Par.

1867. ???? ???? Edited by Dr. B. Goldberg, from Pococke MS. 238. 8vo. Paris. The only vellum copy printed. Bought for 3l.

N. D. Geological Map of the Environs of Oxford; by C. P. Stacpoole. Bought in 1850 for 1l. 3s.

The following vellum-printed HorÆ were all bequeathed by Mr. Douce:—

1498. Les heures a lusaige de Rome. 4to. Par., pour Simon Vostre.

—— —— 4to. Par., per Gillet Hardouyn.

1498. Hore secundum usum Sarum. 8vo. Par., per Phil. Pigouchet.

1499. Officium B. M. V. in usum Romane ecclesie. 8vo. Lugd. Bon. de boninis.

1501. Hore Virg. Mar. secundum usum Romanum. 8vo. Par., Thielman Kerver.

[1501.] Les heures a lusaige de Rome. 8vo. Par., Simon Vostre.

1502. —— By the same printer.

1504. —— 8vo. Par., Anth. Chappiel.

1505. Officium B. M. V. in usum Rom. eccl. 8vo. Ven., Lucantonius de Giunta.

1508. Hore secundum usum Romanum. 8vo. Par., Thielman Kerver.

—— —— 8vo. Par., Guill. Anabat.

1511. —— 8vo. Par., Theilman Kerver.

[1512.] Les heures a lusaige de Rome. 8vo. Par., per Joh. de Brie.

[1512.] Heures a lusaige de Sens. 4to. Par., Jehan de brye.

1514. Orationes et hore in usum Romanum. 4to. (Aug. Vind.) per Jo. SchÖnsperger.

—— Another edition by the same printer in the same year, but without name or date.

1517. HorÆ ad usum Romanum. 8vo. Par., Thielman Kerver.

1522. HorÆ secundum usum Romanum. 4to. Par., Thielman Kerver.

[1522.] Les heures a lusaige de Rome. 8vo. Par., par Germ. Hardouyn.

1526. HorÆ secundum usum Romanum. 8vo. Par., Thielman Kerver.

1527. Hore in laudem B. V. Marie, secundum consuetudinem ecclesie Parisiensis. 8vo. Par., per Sim. du bois.

[1528.] HorÆ, secundum usum Romanum, cum multis suffragiis et orationibus de novo additis. 8vo. Par., Germ. Hardouyn.

1529. HorÆ in laudem, B. Mar., secundum usum Romanum. 8vo. Par., apud Gotofr. Torinum.

S. A. Hore B. Marie. 8vo. M. E. Jehannot.

S. A. Hore secundum usum Romanum. 8vo. Par., G. Hardouyn.

—— Another edition by the same printer.

S. A. Les heures a lusaige de Rome. 4to. Par., per Guill. Godar.

S. A. Hore secundum usum Sarum. 4to. Rich. Pynson.

S. A. Les heures a lusaige Dangiers. 8vo. [Par.] Simon Vostre.

S. A. Heures a l'usaige de Soissons. 8vo. [Par.] Simon Vostre.

S. A. Heures de nostre dame en Francoys et en Latin. 4to. Par., Anth. Verard.

S. A. Heures. 8vo. Par., Anth. Verard.

[366] Supplemental to the list appended to Archdeacon Cotton's Typographical Gazetteer in 1831. That numbered 180 separate books; the present additions amount to fifty-four, of which all but nineteen are in the Douce collection.


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