Our book treats of a few of the Hill-cities of Umbria, but it does not attempt exhaustive detail in regard to Perugia, Assisi, or any other. Several old contemporary writers have greatly helped the book, notably the delightful chronicler Matarazzo, and some of his fellows; besides the "Legend of the Three Companions," and the very quaint "Fioretti di San Francesco." "The Life of San Bernardino of Siena," by Pierre ClÉment, was also very useful. In the book itself I speak of the great enjoyment I found in Monsieur Paul Sabatier's thoughtful "Vie de Saint FranÇois d'Assisi," and in Miss Lina Duff Gordon's charming "Story of Assisi." KATHARINE S. MACQUOID. The Edge, Tooting Common PICTURES IN UMBRIA |