
I have written only for the "babes." The "full-grown," the "perfect," who may read will kindly bear this in mind. A wide and more or less intimate acquaintance with the Churches of Australasia has shown me the need for a simple, homely talk, such as this little book professes to be. Many, oh! so many of God's dear children are living on the wrong side of Pentecost, living on the same plane as that on which the disciples were living before they "were filled with the Holy Ghost;" and thus by their lives practically making the sad confession, "We did not so much as hear whether the Holy Ghost was given," or "whether there be any Holy Ghost." The object of this little work is to call their attention to their Birthright, to the fact that the Fullness of the Spirit is the Birthright of every believer. God wants us to be living this side Pentecost, not the other side.

The substance of the following pages has been occasionally delivered as a series of afternoon Bible Readings in connection with my Mission Services. The frequent request that those who heard them might have them in a more permanent form, coupled with the hope that the great blessing that has most graciously been vouchsafed to them when spoken, might not be withheld from them when being read, has induced me to commit them to writing.

I gratefully acknowledge help received from many sources, both in preparing the Bible Readings, and in preparing them for publication; especially do I owe a debt of gratitude to my beloved "fellow-worker in Christ Jesus," who has now for many years been "a succorer of many, and of myself also," the Rev. H. B. Macartney, M. A., Incumbent of St. Mary's, Caulfield. He has most kindly revised my MS., penned an introduction, and encouraged me to publish.

In "much fear and trembling," because of its inadequateness, but with earnest and unceasing prayer to Him who has been pleased before to-day to "choose the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"—with the prayer that He would graciously do so again, I send this little messenger forth on its mission, trusting that the reading of it may be as great a blessing to every reader as the writing of it has been to the writer.




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