
We come now to the practical side of our subject. Surely the unprejudiced reader, if he has not already "received the Holy Ghost," has at least come to the conclusion that there is such a blessing mentioned in the New Testament, and lying in God's Treasury, Jesus Christ, for all New Testament believers, and therefore for him—for me. Until it dawns on one's consciousness that there is such a blessing as "being filled with the Spirit," it is not likely that he will trouble about seeking it, and therefore will never obtain it. In all fairness these terms which we have just been considering—"Filled," "Baptized," "Rivers," etc.—mean something. There is some blessing represented by the terms, some substance at the back of the shadows. God the Holy Ghost knows what that blessing is. "Have I got that?" Is there anything in my life and experience to correspond with that? Now comes the question, "How am I to get it?" The Bible answer may be summarily comprehended in three words—CLEANSE, CONSECRATE, CLAIM.


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