res., of Harvard, 292, 299 Endowment Fund, 44 Eozoon, 240 Essay on Projects, 248 Esson, Rev. H., 76 Evangelical Alliance, 240 Executive Council of Lower Canada, 23 Faculty of Applied Science, 186, 236, 238 Faculty of Agriculture, 259 Fallon, Rev. Doctor, 157 Fargues, Dr., 88, 89 Ferrier, Jas., 207 Finlay, James, 30 Fleming, Mr., 135 Forsyth, Richardson and Co., 38 Foucault, Claire Genevieve, 31 Fraser, Rev. D. J., 294 Frothingham property, 260 Geddes, Sir Auckland, 265 Geological Society, 240 Geological Survey of Canada, 226 Gerrard, Samuel, 106 Gilman, Pres., of Johns Hopkins, 292 Gladstone, Right Hon. W. E., 175, 177, 181 Glasgow University, 29, 261 Gosford, Lord, 100 Government House, 184 Governors, Principal and Fellows of McGill, 288 Graduates' Society, 233 Graves, Very Rev. Richard, 185 Gray, Edward, 30 Greenock, 222 Grey, Lord, 196, 198 Griffin, Mr., 66 Guerin, T., 195 Guillemin, Mrs. Marie Charlotte, 30, 31 Guillemin, William, 31 Halifax, 42 Harkness, Rev. Doctor, 80 Harrington, Dr., 233, 257 Harvard University, 296, 297 Head, Sir Edmund, 226, 227, 230 Hewitt, F., 195 “His Majesty's Justices of the Peace,” 41 Holmes, Benjamin, 207 Holmes, Dr. Andrew F., 86, 88, 92, 120, 184 Howe, Joseph, 226 Hudson Bay Co., 40 Mountain, Rev. Dr. Jacob, Lord Bishop of Quebec, 19, 55, 56, 73 Mountain, Rev. Geo. Jehosophat, 71, 73, 76, 79, 93, 97, 99, 106, 127, 128, 161, 169, 178 Moyse, Chas. E., 259, 266 Murray, Prof. Clark, 252 Nelson's Market, 195 Norman, Rev. A., 76 North-West Co., 30 O'Connor, 70 Ogden, Mr., 67 Osler, Wm., 235 Oxford, 47 Parliament of Lower Canada, 39 Pelton, Mr., 136, 137, 138 Peter Redpath Library, 233 Peter Redpath Museum, 233, 237 Peterson, Dr. Wm., 240, 258, 260, 263, 264, 265, 291, 294, 295, 296, 297 Phi Beta Kappa Alumni of New York, 296 Phillips Square, 109 Philosophical Apparatus, 136 Physics Building, 40 Pictou, Nova Scotia, 210, 222, 223, 225, 226 Pointe aux Trembles, 34 Porteous, John, 30 Presbyt. College, 234 Prince Edward Island, 238 Princess Pat. Canadian Light Infantry, 262 Princeton University, 296 Protestant Congregation of Montreal, 33 Protestant Episcopal Congregation of Montreal, 34 Protestant Episcopal Parish Church of Montreal, 142 Provincial Legislature, 45, 196 Provincial Parliament, 46 Quebec, 41<
al">238 Yale University, 296 |