


Frontispiece—“Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace!”
Heading to Introduction vii
“Some have greatness thrust upon them” xiv
Heading to Contents xv
??”?? Illustrations xix
Ariel and Caliban 1
“What?... Put thy sword up, traitor!” 7
“I love and honour you beyond all limit” 12
“Now let us take our leave” 27
“Go, get you gone, and let the papers lie” 32
“Go, base intruder! Overweening slave!” 38
“Treacherous man! Thou hast beguiled my hopes!” 49
Cupid’s trap 54
“Yet tell her of it; hear what she will say” 66
“A thousand times good-night” 71
“There, Leonato, take her back again” 73
Puck in mischief 82
“What thou seest when thou dost wake” 93
“Lysander!... Alack, where are you?” 94
“O, how I love thee! How I doat on thee!” 97
“Methought I was—no man could tell what I was” 103
On the Rialto 104
“For these courtesies I’ll lend you thus much money” 108
“Tarry a little: there is something else” 125
“And for your love I’ll take this ring from you” 129
In the Forest of Arden 133
“We’ll have a martial outside” 141
“It is ten o’clock” 145
“Hang there, my verse” 149
Audrey, the goatherd 150
“And your experience makes you sad?” 153
Katharine and Petruchio 158
“Fear not, they shall not touch thee, Kate” 165
“What’s this? A sleeve?” 169
“Come, Kate!... Good-night!” 175
The Duel 176
“Look you, sir. Is it not well done?” 181
“Farewell, dear heart, since I must needs be gone” 187
“I have no exquisite reason” 188
“I am no fighter” 199

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