Raise high the royal standard! Shame not thy royal birth; The prestige of thy might sustain, Thou noblest of the earth! Great Canada! thou fair, free land! A world looks forth to thee; No alien hand thy hand shall lead; Thou'lt bow no servile knee. Then rally round the olden flag! The loved red, white and blue; Let traitors scheme, or boasters brag, To Canada prove true. Float on, Oh flag of Empire vast! Long may thy colors wave O'er many a blood-bought heritage; O'er many a hero's grave. The grandeur of thy fame doth light The fields our fathers won; The noblest gift which valiant sire Could e'er bequeath his son. Droop not, Oh peerless standard! Oh loyal hearts and true! Forget not ye the olden land Though cherishing the new. Forget not hearts and hopes are one, From Britain's sea-girt Isles To where, beyond the Rocky steep, The broad Pacific smiles. O'er mountain, rock and stream; Where wholesome fealty rests secure, Beneath thy fervent gleam. For, should the tramp of hostile feet Arouse our peaceful shore, Britannia's conquering sword would flash Through Canada once more. Then rally round the olden flag! The loved red, white and blue; Let traitors scheme, or boasters brag, To Canada prove true. [Decoration] IDYLLS OF THE YEAR. [Decoration]