Oh Canada! great Canada! Land of all lands to be; Farewell to lays of olden clime! We touch the lyre for thee. For thee, Oh gracious, morning land! Through cycles of renown Thy leal of heart, and firm of hand Shall guard thy spotless crown. Exhaustless, boundless Canada! Thy myriad forests wave; Thy snow-capped mountains cleave the skies; Thy shores, two oceans lave. Thy sea-wide lakes, thy rivers bold Are worlds of crystal sheen; And vast as empires famed of old Thy prairies, rolling green. Oh fair and beauteous Canada! Aneath thy sapphire sky, Gay-plumaged warblers wing their flight O'er flowers of gorgeous dye, Which own no faint, exotic blush Of Care's trim, training hand; Rich dowered of health, with nature's flush, They brighten all the land. Could hold thy people's love; Yet not thy vastness, nor thy might Could soul of nations move. But this, that o'er thy gleaming lakes, And through thy waving pines, The glory of a future breaks; The sun of freedom shines. Thou may'st not boast, fair Canada! The soft, spice-laden breeze; Or palm of Ethiopian land, Or pearl of Ceylon seas. Yet thine no dread, samiel curse, To blight thy emerald plains; Thine only wholesome air, to nurse Pure blood in patriot veins. Thou may'st not point, young Canada! To sumptuous mosques of pride; Or watery highways, where with song, The gay gondolas glide. But thine, beneath wide starry dome, Along ten thousand streams, O'er many a league of richest loam, To animate life dreams. Thou opest, regal Canada! Floodgates off either sea; And tyrant-crushed, and crushed of fate, Find peaceful rest in thee. Upon thy generous-yielding sward, And round thy teeming coast, Nor heart of hope is lost. Oh high-souled! hopeful Canada! Long may thy banner wave O'er soil where will to work is gold, Nor man nor mind is slave. God's grace thee further, lovÈd land! Live thou thy high behest! So shalt thou 'mid the nations stand Erect; through blessing blest. |