BOOK I. FROM THE CREATION TO THE DISPERSION OF MANKIND. BOOK III. FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF THE ISRAELITES IN EGYPT TO THE GIVING OF THE LAW. BOOK IV. THE MOSAIC WORSHIP AND POLITY. BOOK V. FROM THE DEPARTURE FROM SINAI TO THE DEATH OF MOSES. BOOK VI. JOSHUA AND THE CONQUEST OF WESTERN PALESTINE. BOOK VII. PERIOD OF THE JUDGES. BOOK VIII. FROM THE TIME OF SAMUEL TO THE ACCESSION OF DAVID. BOOK IX. THE REIGNS OF DAVID AND SOLOMON. BOOK X. KINGDOMS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL. PART I. Period of mutual hostility. KINGDOMS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL. PART II. Period of mutual alliance, and hostility to Syria. KINGDOMS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL. PART III. Renewal of mutual BOOK XI. FROM THE CAPTIVITY TO THE CLOSE OF THE CANON. Transcriber’s Notes The cover image was provided by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. Punctuation has been standardized. Most abbreviations have been expanded in tool-tips for screen-readers and may be seen by hovering the mouse over the abbreviation. This book has illustrated drop-caps at the start of each chapter. These illustrations may adversely affect the pronunciation of the word with screen-readers or not display properly in some handheld devices. This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations or inconsistent hyphenation in the text. These have been left unchanged unless indicated with a Transcriber’s Note. Index references have not been checked for accuracy. Footnotes are identified in the text with a superscript number and have been accumulated in a table at the end of the text. Transcriber’s Notes are used when making corrections to the text or to provide additional information for the modern reader. These notes have been accumulated in a table at the end of the book and are identified in the text by a dotted underline and may be seen in a tool-tip by hovering the mouse over the underline. Elementary Theological Class-Books. A CLASS-BOOK OF OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY BY THE REV. G. F. MACLEAR, D.D. WARDEN OF ST AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE, AND WITH MAPS. London: MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK. 1894 [The Right of Translation is reserved.] First Edition printed January 1865. Second Edition printed November 1865. Reprinted with slight alterations 1866, with slight alterations 1868, with slight alterations 1869, 1871, 1872, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1894. |