Agassiz, 136.
Agriculture, 106, 110.
Amalgamation, 140.
Amiel, Dr., 20.
Archiac, Vic. d', 13.
Arts, 77, 91, 104, 109.
Aymard, Dr., 19.
Baldwin, A. W., 115.
Bara, 144.
Belgian Caverns, 44, 86.
Berosus, 128.
Blackmore, Dr., 23.
Bligh, Lieut., 138, 140.
Bonnemaison, 20.
Boucher de Perthes, 12, 18, 19, 38.
BouÉ, AimÉ, 11, 16, 41.
Bourgeois, AbbÉ, 22, 61, 62.
Brown, James, 22.
Buchner, Dr., 50, 52, 55, 56, 60, 75, 121, 124.
Buckland. Dr., 16.
Burdett-Coutts, Miss, 22.
Burial, 91, 106, 110.
Busk, 19, 50, 55.
Cain, Case of, 146.
Cannibalism, 90.
Carpenter, 19.
Cartailhac, 74.
Casiano de Prado, 20, 38.
Cave of Aurignac, 20, 72-74.
Cave of Brixham, 39.
Cave of Chokier, 17, 45.
Cave of Feldhofner, 53.
Cave of Furfooz, 88.
Cave of Gourdan, 82.
Cave of Kirkdale, 16.
Cave of La Madeleine, 80.
Cave of La Naulette, 42.
Cave of Les Eyzies, 80.
Cave of Massat, 22.
Cave of Mentone, 23, 24.
Cave of Saint Jean d'Alcas, 94.
Cave of Thayngen, 88.
Cave of Tron de Chaleux, 86, 87.
Cave of Trou des Nutons, 86.
Cave of Trou Rosette, 86.
Cave of Trou du Frontal, 86.
Cavern of AriÉge, 22.
Cavern of Bize, 16.
Cavern of Cracow, 88.
Cavern of Enghihoul, 16, 17.
Cavern of Engis, 16, 17.
Cavern of Gailenruth, 15.
Cavern of Maccagnone, 71.
Cavern of Pondres, 16.
Cavern of Torquay, 22.
Caverns of Brazil, 116.
Caverns of LiÉge, 44.
Cazalis de Fondace, 95.
Chaldea, 128-130.
China, 130.
Christian, Fletcher, 140.
Christol, 16.
Christy, 19, 80.
Chronology, 101, 148.
Chronology, Usher's, 11.
Clothing, 77, 90, 103, 109.
Codrington, Thos., 23.
Creation, 144.
Croll, 31.
Cromlech, 106.
Cushing, F. H. 121.
Dana, J. D., 28.
Danish Shell-Mounds, 95.
Danish Peat Bogs, 96.
Darwin, Charles, 137.
Dawkins, 68.
Delaunay, AbbÉ, 62.
Deluge, 148.
Denton, W., 61, 77.
Desnoyers, 22, 60, 61.
Desor, 28, 75.
Dickeson, Dr. 115.
Dolmen, 106.
Dowler, Dr. Bennet, 116.
Dupont, Edward, 23, 86, 87, 92.
Dwellings, 89, 103, 108.
Edwards, M. A. Milne, 22.
Egypt, 124-126.
Epoch, Eocene, 62.
Epoch, Eocene, Fauna of, 58.
Epoch, Eocene, Glaciers in, 62.
Epoch, Miocene, Fauna of, 59.
Epoch, Miocene, Flint flake from Aurillac, 62.
Epoch, Miocene, Flints from Pontlevoy, 62.
Epoch, Miocene, Glaciers in, 62.
Epoch, Miocene, Man in, 62.
Epoch, Pliocene, 58.
Epoch, Pliocene, Man in, 60, 61.
Epochs, not sharply defined, 14.
Eschricht, Prof., 56.
Esper, J. F. 15.
Falconer, Dr., 18, 19.
Fauna of Reindeer Epoch, 79.
Figuier, 13, 102.
Filhol, 22, 94.
Fishing and Navigation, 110.
Fontan, M. A., 22.
Food, 90, 103, 108.
Forchammer, 95.
Ft. Shelby, 121.
Fossil Man of Denise, 19, 74.
Fossil Man of Mentone, 23, 85.
Fossil Remains from Florida, 116.
Fraas, Oscar, 75.
Frere, John, 15.
Fuhlrott, Dr., 22, 52.
Garrigou, Dr., 22, 85, 94.
Geikie, 28.
Gillieron, 102.
Glacial Epoch, 52.
Glacial Epoch, Date of, 27.
Glacial Epoch, Duration of, 28.
Glacial Epoch, Fauna of, 26.
Glacial Epoch, Geological Period of, 27.
Godwin-Austen, 19, 39.
Gosse, 38.
Gunning, W. D., 117.
Half-castes, 147.
Hall, Dr., 28.
Hauzeur, 88.
Herodotus, 101, 124.
History, Outline of, 14.
Horner, 126.
Human bones from Colmar, 23, 42.
Human bones from Savonia, 23, 60.
Huxley, Prof., 46, 50, 52, 54-57.
Hybridity, law of, 141.
Implements, 104, 109.
Implements, from Toronto, 115.
Implements, superstitious regard for, 15.
India, Fauna of, in Miocene, 63.
Issel, M. A., 60, 90.
Jaw from Maestricht, 16, 40.
Jaw from Moulin-Quignon, 19, 38, 67.
Jaw from La Naulette, 23, 42, 67.
Joly, 18.
Keller, Dr., 21, 96, 100, 112.
Kemp, 15.
Kent's Hole, 19, 39.
Kutorga, Dr., 56.
Land of Nod, 146.
Language, 78.
Language, Change of, 134.
Language, Divisions of, 132.
Language, Number of, 135.
Language, Origin of, 134.
Language, Written, 135.
Lake-Dwellings of Switzerland, 21, 96-101.
Lartet, Edward, 12, 21, 72, 73, 80.
Las Casas, 131.
Lastic, M. de, 81.
Lee, J. E. 21.
Lepsius, 126.
Litse, 130.
Lubbock, Sir John, 12, 14, 28, 30, 50, 59, 86,
92, 106.
Lund, Dr., 116.
Lyell, Sir Charles, 11, 12, 17, 21, 27, 29, 50, 59.
MacEnery, Rev. J., 19.
Mahndel before the Academy of Paris, 15.
Man, Contentions, 64.
Man, Description of, 77, 92.
Man, Development of, 63, 76, 89.
Man, Dispersion of, 149.
Man, During Glaciers, 65.
Man, Inventive, 65, 76.
Man, Mode of living, 65, 66.
Man, Origin of, 63, 145.
Man, Type, 64, 66, 89, 103, 108.
Manetho, 124.
Marks on fossil bones, 18, 62.
Mariette, 125.
Matson, James, 61.
Max MÜller, Prof., 133, 138.
Menhirs, 106.
Mexico, 130.
Miller, Hugh, 145.
Morlot, 101.
Mound Builders, 117-122.
Mounds, Antiquity of, 120.
Mounds, Extent of, 117.
Mounds, Sacrificial, 118.
Mounds, Sepulchral, 119.
Mounds, Symbolical, 119.
Mounds, Temple, 119.
Murchison, Sir Roderick I., 18, 136.
Neolithic, 14.
Osars, hearth and wood coal beneath, 60.
Owen, Prof., 91.
Pelvic bone from Natchez, 115.
Piers Ploughman's Creed, 135.
Piette, 82.
Pliocene beds at St. Prest, 23, 60, 61.
Pouchet, Georges, 136.
Pourtalis, Count, 116.
Pre-historic ArchÆology, Divisions of, 12, 13.
Prichard, Dr., 140.
Quatrefages, 61.
Rames, 22.
Rawlinson, 129.
Reindeer Station on the Schusse, [1] "Pre-Historic Times," p. 2.