Chapter | | Page | Part First continued.—GENERAL HISTORY OF THE HIGHLANDS | 1 | | XLII. | Social Condition of the Highlands—Chiefs—Land Distribution—Agriculture—Agricultural Implements—Live Stock—Pasturage—Farm Servants—Harvest Work—Fuel—Food—Social Life in Former Days—Education—Dwellings—Habits—Wages—Roads—Present State of Highlands, | 1 | XLIII. | State of Highlands subsequent to 1745—Progress of Innovation—Emigration—Pennant’s account of the country—Dr Johnson—Wretched condition of the Western Islands—Introduction of Large Sheep Farms—Ejection of Small Tenants—The Two Sides of the Highland Question—Large and Small Farms—Depopulation—Kelp—Introduction of Potatoes into the Highlands—Amount of Progress made during latter part of 18th century, | 31 | XLIV. | Progress of Highlands during the present century—Depopulation and Emigration—Sutherland clearings—Recent State of Highlands—Means of Improvement—Population of chief Highland Counties—Highland Colonies—Attachment of Highlanders to their Old Home—Conclusion, | 54 | XLV. | Gaelic Literature, Language, and Music. By the Rev. Thomas Maclauchlan, LL.D., F.S.A.S., | 66 | | Part Second.—HISTORY OF THE HIGHLAND CLANS. | | I. | Clanship—Principle of Kin—Mormaordoms—Traditions as to Origin of Clans—Peculiarities and Consequences of Clanship—Customs of Succession—Highland Marriage Customs—Position and Power of Chief—Influence of Clanship on the People—Number and Distribution of Clans, &c., | 116 | II. | The Gallgael or Western Clans—Lords of the Isles—The various Island Clans—The Macdonalds or Clan Donald—The Clanranald Macdonalds—The Macdonnells of Glengarry, | 131 | III. | The Macdougalls—Macalisters—Siol Gillevray—Macneills—Maclachlans—MacEwens—Siol Eachern—Macdougall Campbells of Craignish—Lamonds, | 139 | IV. | Robertsons or Clan Donnachie—Macfarlanes—Argyll Campbells and offshoots—Breadalbane Campbells and offshoots—Macleods, | 169 | V. | Clan Chattan—Mackintoshes—Macphersons—Macgillivrays—Shaws— Farquharsons—Macbeans—Macphails—Gows—Macqueens—Cattanachs, | 197 | VI. | Camerons—Macleans—Macnaughtons—Mackenricks—Macknights—Macnayers— Macbraynes—Munroes—Macmillans, | 217 | VII. | Clan Anrias or Ross—Mackenzies—Mathiesons—Siol Alpine—Macgregors—Grants—Macnabs—Clan Duffie or Macfie—Macquarries—Macaulays, | 235 | VIII. | Mackays—Macnicols—Sutherlands—Gunns—Maclaurin or Maclaren—Macraes—Buchanans— Colquhouns—Forbeses—Urquharts, | 265 | IX. | Stewarts—Frasers—Menzies—Chisholms—Stewart Murray (Athole)—Drummonds—Grahams— Gordons—Cummings—Ogilvies—Fergusons or Fergussons, | 297 |
Part Third.—HISTORY OF THE HIGHLAND REGIMENTS. | | INTRODUCTION.—Military Character of the Highlands, | 321 | 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (Am Freiceadan Dubh, “The Black Watch”), | 324 | Appendix.—Ashantee Campaign, | 803 | Loudon’s Highlanders, 1745–1748, | 451 | Montgomery’s Highlanders, or 77th Regiment, 1757–1763, | 453 | Fraser’s Highlanders, or Old 78th and 71st Regiments— | Old 78th, 1757–1763, | 457 | Old 71st, 1775–1783, | 465 | Keith’s and Campbell’s Highlanders, or Old 87th and 88th Regiments, | 475 | 89th Highland Regiment, 1759–1765, | 478 | Johnstone’s Highlanders, or 101st Regiment, 1760–1763, | 479 | 71st Highland Light Infantry, formerly the 73rd or Lord Macleod’s Highlanders, | 479 | Argyle Highlanders, or Old 74th Regiment, 1778–1783, | 519 | Macdonald’s Highlanders, or Old 76th Highland Regiment, | 520 | Athole Highlanders, or Old 77th Regiment, 1778–1783, | 522 | 72nd Regiment, or Duke of Albany’s Own Highlanders, formerly the 78th or Seaforth’s Highlanders, | 524 | Aberdeenshire Highland Regiment, or Old 81st, 1777–1783, | 565 | Royal Highland Emigrant Regiment, or Old 84th, 1775–1783, | 565 | Forty Second Royal Highland Regiment, Second Battalion, now the 73rd Regiment, | 566 | 74th Highlanders, | 571 | 75th Regiment, | 616 | 78th Highlanders or Ross-shire Buffs, | 617 | 79th Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, | 697 | 91st Princess Louise Argyllshire Highlanders, | 726 | 92nd Gordon Highlanders, | 756 | 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, | 777 | Appendix to the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (Black Watch), 1873–1875 (Ashantee Campaign), | 803 | Fencible Corps, | 807 | Index, | 808 |