By the Rev. Alexander Maclaren, D.D., Litt.D., Manchester. Complete in about 30 volumes. Handsomely bound in cloth, 8vo, 7s. 6d. each volume. To be published also by subscription, six volumes in a series, price 24s. net per series. First Series, Six volumes, comprising:— The Book of Genesis.The Prophecies of Isaiah.The Books of Isaiah (Chapters xlix-lxvi) and Jeremiah.The Gospel of St. Matthew (Three Volumes).The British Weekly says: "It is a matter of deep satisfaction that Dr. Maclaren's expositions are to be collected and arranged in permanent form. Unless we are very much mistaken, they will have a permanent place in the library alike of thoughtful laymen and of preachers generally." The Expository Times says: "The Publishers have never done a greater service to Christian teaching than they have done now in determining to republish these expository papers." The Church Family Newspaper says: "It is a gigantic task for one man to carry through, covering, as apparently is intended, the whole Bible. But if the subsequent volumes are up to the standard of the first, it will indeed be a 'great work,' not only in bulk but in usefulness." The Baptist Times says: "To have the expository utterances of so great a teacher before us in a systematic and connected form is a priceless boon to the Churches." The Bishop of Manchester, Dr. Moorhouse, at Dr. Maclaren's Jubilee said: "Thirty years ago I was studying with great profit the published sermons of the man whom we are honouring to-day. In an age which has been charmed and inspired by the sermons of Newman and Robertson of Brighton, there were no published discourses which for profundity of thought, logical arrangement, eloquence of appeal, and power of the human heart, exceeded in merit those of Dr. Maclaren." Second Series, comprising:— The Gospel of St. Mark (Two Volumes).The Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (One Volume).The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, and Kings (Two Volumes).The Acts of the Apostles, Vol. I.LONDON: HODDER & STOUGHTON.WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR.Crown 8vo, cloth, price 5s. each. |