Rev. John Watson. BESIDE THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH 12mo, cloth, $1.25 The same, with about 75 illustrations from photographs taken in Drumtochty by Clifton Johnson. 12mo., cloth, gilt top $2.00 THE DAYS OF AULD LANG SYNE 12mo, cloth, $1.25 The same, with about 75 illustrations from photographs taken in Drumtochty by Clifton Johnson. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, $2.00 A DOCTOR OF THE OLD SCHOOL From “Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush.” Illustrated from drawings made by Frederic C. Gordon. With a new portrait, and an introduction by the author. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges, $2.00 KATE CARNEGIE With 50 illustrations by F. C. Gordon. 12mo, cloth, $1.50 THE UPPER ROOM 16mo, cloth, special net, $.50 Holiday edition in white and gold, 16mo, boxed, special net, $.75 THE MIND OF THE MASTER A discussion of Topics of Practical Religion. 12mo, cloth, $1.50 THE CURE OF SOULS Being the Yale Lectures on Theology, 12mo, cloth, $1.50 Transcriber’s Note: Illustrations have been moved closer to their relevant paragraphs. Author’s archaic and variable spelling and hyphenation is preserved. Author’s punctuation style is preserved. Any missing page numbers in this HTML version refer to blank or un-numbered pages in the original. Typographical problems have been changed and these are Transcriber’s Changes: Frontispiece caption: Was ‘Page 265’ (Lady Dundee lifted up the child for him to kiss. Pages 261-2.) Page 143, illustration caption: Was ‘145’ (“Ye will have to answer to man and God for this.” Page 143.) Page 158: Was ‘hundrel’ (belly, and taken him to Edinburgh with a hundred of his Majesty’s Horse before him and a hundred behind to keep him safe; ye) Page 166, illustration caption: Was ‘168’ (She could not speak nor move, but only looked at him. Page 166.) Page 226: Was ‘Mackay’ (more than when hounds run a fox to his lair. MacKay would be arranging how to trap him, anticipating his ways of escape, and stopping) Page 299: Was ‘brown’ (joy. “For this vision at least I bless thee, spirit, whoever thou mayest be, Brown or any other. That was the day of all my life,) Page 318: Was ‘perpare’ (enough to do with his own work, he went to prepare his clan for the hour that was near at hand.) |