BOOK I. | CHAPTER | | PAGE | I.–– | By the Camp Fire | 11 | II.–– | The Battle of Sineffe | 31 | III.–– | A Decisive Blow | 53 | IV.–– | A Change of Masters | 72 | BOOK II. | I.–– | A Covenanting House | 93 | II.–– | The Coming of the Amalekite | 114 | III.–– | Between Mother and Lover | 133 | IV.–– | Thy People Shall Be My People, Thy God My God | 155 | BOOK III. | I.–– | One Fearless Man | 175 | II.–– | The Crisis | 194 | III.–– | The Last Blow | 216 | IV.–– | Thou Also False | 237 | BOOK IV. | I.–– | Treason in the Camp | 263 | II.–– | Visions of the Night | 284 | III.–– | Faithful Unto Death | 303 | (Facsimile Page of Manuscript from BESIDE THE BONNIE BRIAR BUSH) 11 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE |