Saints and Faithful (Eph i. 1) | 1 |
'All Spiritual Blessings' (Eph. i. 3) | 8 |
'According To'—I. (Eph. i. 5, 7) | 18 |
'According To'—II. (Eph. i. 7) | 26 |
God's Inheritance and Ours (Eph. i. 11, 14) | 35 |
The Earnest and the Inheritance (Eph. i. 14) | 43 |
The Hope of the Calling (Eph. i. 18) | 52 |
God's Inheritance in the Saints (Eph. i. 18) | 62 |
The Measure of Immeasurable Power (Eph. i. 19, 20) | 72 |
The Resurrection of Dead Souls (Eph. ii. 4, 5) | 81 |
'The Riches of Grace' (Eph. ii. 7) | 91 |
Salvation: Grace: Faith (Eph. ii. 8, R.V.) | 98 |
God's Workmanship and our Works (Eph. ii. 10) | 108 |
The Chief Corner-Stone (Eph. ii. 20, R.V.) | 118 |
'The Whole Family' (Eph. iii. 15) | 128 |
Strengthened with Might (Eph. iii. 10) | 132 |
The Indwelling Christ (Eph. iii. 17) | 142 |
Love Unknowable and Known (Eph. iii. 18, 19) | 151 |
The Paradox of Love's Measure (Eph. iii. 18) | 162 |
The Climax of all Prayer (Eph. iii. 19) | 171 |
Measureless Power and Endless Glory (Eph. iii. 20, 21) | 180 |
The Calling and the Kingdom (Eph. iv. 1; Rev. iii. 4) | 194 |
'The Threefold Unity' (Eph. iv. 5) | 203 |
'The Measure of Grace' (Eph. iv. 7, R.V.) | 207 |
The Goal of Progress (Eph. iv. 13, R.V.) | 216 |
Christ our Lesson and our Teacher (Eph. iv. 20, 21) | 224 |
A Dark Picture and a Bright Hope (Eph. iv. 22) | 233 |
The New Man (Eph. iv. 24) | 247 |
Grieving the Spirit (Eph. iv. 30) | 262 |
God's Imitators (Eph. v. 1) | 270 |
What Children of Light should be (Eph. v. 8) | 277 |
The Fruit of the Light (Eph. v. 9, R.V.) | 286 |
Pleasing Christ (Eph. v. 10) | 295 |
Unfruitful Works of Darkness (Eph. v. 11) | 303 |
Paul's Reasons for Temperance (Eph. v. 11-21) | 313 |
Sleepers at Noonday (Eph. v. 14) | 318 |
Redeeming the Time (Eph. v. 15, 16) | 327 |
'The Panoply of God' (Eph. vi. 13) | 337 |
'The Girdle of Truth' (Eph. vi. 14, R.V.) | 343 |
'The Breastplate of Righteousness' (Eph. vi. 14) | 350 |
A Soldier's Shoes (Eph. vi. 15) | 353 |
The Shield of Faith (Eph. vi. 16) | 361 |
'The Helmet of Salvation' (Eph. vi. 17) | 367 |
'The Sword of the Spirit' (Eph. vi. 17) | 373 |
Peace, Love, and Faith (Eph. vi. 23) | 381 |
The Wide Range of God's Grace (Eph. vi. 24) | 391 |