
[1] Captain and chief purser respectively of the Aquitania.

[2] The papers at the time made much of this gale. It was, however, little more than a strong blow and a zephyr compared with what we were to experience before our return to these same latitudes on our homeward run.

[3] On our return to England we learned that this beautiful ship had become a total wreck on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.

[4] An expression of Jeffrey’s.

[5] Referring to a conspicuously placed cross set up by the crew of the Deutschland to one of their members who had died there.

[6] Adaptation from Tennyson’s lines on Franklin.

[7] Clothing stores.

[8] On leaving South Georgia, I had moved into Sir Ernest’s cabin, and McIlroy took my old one. Both cabins opened on to the waist of the ship, and were consequently frequently flooded with the heavy seas which rushed to and fro there.

[9] First officer of the Endurance.

[10] Referring to a telegram sent by Sir Robert Baden-Powell to Sir Ernest Shackleton just as we were leaving England to the effect that if the Scouts did not serve him well he would “skin them alive” on their return.

[11] For the substitution of the adjective I apologize to the entrant.

[12] A sea term, meaning that we filled the tanks full to the top.

[13] Dr. Macklin’s account.

[14] Dr. Macklin’s account.

[15] I learn on going to press that H.M.S. Dublin is to visit the island in the near future.

[16] W. T. Gordon, D.Sc., King’s College, London.

[17] Renard (A). Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Phys. and Chem., Vol. ii, 1889, p. 120.

[18] Berwerth (F). Mikroskopische Structurbilder der Massengesteine, Lief II, No 16 (1897).

[19] Mr. Clark, the biologist of the Endurance, found them nesting in burrows in the middle of Moraine Plain, Cumberland Bay.

[20] Mr. Clark found them in numbers at Larsen Harbour in November, 1914.

[21] Mr. Clark, of the Endurance, saw a few in West Bay, Cumberland Bay, in November, 1914.

[22] “Three Years on Tristan da Cunha,” by K. M. Barrow.

[23] A complete and interesting report has been received at the last moment from Capt. Wilkins, too late to go to press. It is hoped that this will be published separately at an early date.—Author.

[24] Anti-beri-beri.

[25] As events turned out, dogs were not used in the Quest expedition, but the writer has decided to include this point in his observations.


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