By JOHN BUNYAN. Many Editions of this wonderful Book have been attempted, and we now introduce to your notice another, which for artistic merit and general excellence, we believe to be the best yet presented to the public at popular prices. The Illustrations, both coloured and in black and white, are numerous, have been prepared with the greatest care by Mr. Ambrose Dudley, and have been greatly admired, so that we have every confidence that this Edition will be universally popular. Great attention has been given to the type of each Edition, to ensure the most readable print possible. Editions at all prices from ONE SHILLING upwards have been prepared. "A splendid volume, with most artistic illustrations."—British Weekly. "A handsome volume, in good type, with high-class illustrations."—Christian. "A highly meritorious reproduction of the noble allegory."—Spectator. "We have seen nothing better than Ambrose Dudley's coloured illustrations in this particular line."—English Churchman. The 5/- Crown Quarto Edition has been specially prepared with Thirty-two full-page Illustrations. Of these, Sixteen are in colour and Sixteen in black and white on art paper.
SPECIAL SHILLING EDITION. Cloth, Gold Lettered, with Sixteen Illustrations, in Colour and Black and White.