Stories by E. Everett-Green.


IN QUEST OF A WIFE. Cr. 8vo, 6/-, cloth, extra gilt.

"Well written, and very readable."—Oxford Times.

ODEYNE'S MARRIAGE. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, half-bound leather, cloth sides, 5/-; cloth, extra gilt, 2/6.

"A very well-written tale."—Methodist Times.

"The motif of the story is excellent."—Record.

"A very pretty love story."—Lady's Pictorial.

"The tone of the book is entirely healthy, and the character of the young wife Odeyne is a sweet one."—Church Times.

HER HUSBAND'S HOME. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, cloth, extra gilt, 5/-; extra cloth, gilt, 2/6.

"The story is well and naturally written."—Standard.

"Thoroughly wholesome reading."—Daily News.

"A bright and beautiful tale."—Lady's Pictorial.

UNDER TWO QUEENS. Illustrated. Large Cr. 8vo., half-bound leather, cloth sides, leather corners, 5/-; cloth extra, gilt edges, 5/-; extra cloth, gilt, 2/6.

"The story is attractively told."—English Churchman.

IN THE DAYS OF QUEEN BESS. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, half-bound leather, cloth sides, 5/-; cloth extra, gilt, 2/6.

"A story with a great deal of interest, graphically written."—British Weekly.

MASTER OF FENHURST. Illustrated. Large Cr. 8vo, half-bound leather, cloth sides, leather corners, 3/6; cloth, extra gilt, 2/-.

"One of the author's prettiest stories."—Lady's Pictorial.

IN CLOISTER AND COURT. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, 2/6.

"Of Miss Green's numerous popular works this will rank ... as the best."—School Guardian.

OUR WINNIE; or, When the Swallows Go. With coloured illustrations. Cr. 8vo, cloth, gold back, 1/-.

"The beautiful life of little Winnie is one which all children will do well to take as an example."—Banner.


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