
Abb, St., or Æbba, 60;
her monastery on St. Abb’s Head, 61;
her priory at Coldingham, 61;
her well at Ayton, 60.

Abbey St. Bathans, 62.

Abbey Well at Urquhart, Elginshire, 17.

Abbotsbury, 316.

Abbotsford, Amulet at, 245.

Abbots’ Wells, 32.

Aberchirder, Church of, 75.

Abercorn, 281.

Aberdeen, 271;
Breviary of, 94, 120;
fairs at, 281;
origin of See of, 53;
Presbyterie Buik of, 304.

—— Old. St. Machar’s Cathedral and Well at, 53, 54, 106.

Aberdour, Church of, 265;
Pilgrims’ Well at, 265.

Aberfeldy, Curing-stone near, 246.

Aberlady, 78.

Abernethy, St. Bridget’s Monastery at, 46.

Aboyne, 43, 75, 281.

Aboyne Lady, 266.

Adamnan, St., 24, 42, 247, 248;
his churches, 43;
his influence on Scottish topography, 43;
his wells, 42.

Adams, Mr. W. H. Davenport, 148, 149.

Adder-beads, 256, 257.

Adrian’s, St., Chapel in the Isle of May, 267.

Aghaboe, 235, 329.

Aghada, 191.

Agnes’, St., Eve, Fasting on, 315.

Agricultural improvements, Influence of, on well-worship, 17.

Ague, 111, 200, 203.

Aidan, St., 61;
his connection with Northumbria, 61;
his wells, 61.

Airth, Chapel of, 106;
well at, 272.

Alban, St., Spring to quench the thirst of, 129.

Aldcamus, St. Helen’s Kirk at, 59.

Aldham, Bay of, 74; church of, 74.

Alexander I., 151.

Alexandria, 62.

Alkmund’s, St., Well at Derby, 207.

Altars, 189, 222, 227, 233, 244, 247, 253.

Alt-nam-Manach near Saddell Abbey, 320, 321.

Alum-wells, 89.

Alva, 55.

Alvah, 63, 198.

Amethyst, 242.

Amie, otherwise Annie, wife of John of Isla, 71.

Amulets, 256, 260, 262.

Ancient Monuments Protection Act, 202.

Anderson, Dr. Joseph, 26, 125.

Anderson, Dr. Patrick, 200.

Andrew, St., Wells dedicated to, 67;
his well in Lewis, 141, 311.

Andrews, Mr. Wm., 277.

Angus, St., his connection with Balquhidder, 30.

Animals, lower, Power of wells over, 136.

Annals, national, Connection of springs with, 146, 147, 148, 330, 334.

Annan, 281.

Anne, St., Wells dedicated to, 68.

Anselm, St., 269.

Ansols, 312.

Anthony’s, St., Chapel near Edinburgh, 321, 322, 323;
his spring near Edinburgh, 16, 297;
his well at Maybole, 302.

Antiquary, English, 124, 125.

Antiquary, The, 76, 99, 200.

Antiquities, National Museum of, at Edinburgh, 123, 126.

Apennines, 76.

Appetite, good, Procuring a, 134.

Appin, 142.

Applecross, St. Maelrubha’s monastery at, 28, 29;
sanctuary at, 86.

Applegarth, 69.

Apples, Roasting of, 308;
eating of, before mirror, 315.

Arbroath, 198.

Arbuthnot, St. Ternan’s Church at, 52.

Arbuthnot, Viscount, Service books belonging to, 52.

Ardachad in Gigha, 105.

Ardmore, 320.

Ardnacloich, 142.

Ardnamurchan, St. Columba’s cave at, 204;
St. Columba’s well at, 40.

Ardvoirlich, Stone of, 258;
family of, 258.

Arimathea, 235.

Arns Well at Glasgow, 199.

Arran, Baul Muluy in, 243, 247;
sanctuary in, 36.

Arrowheads, Flint, as amulets, 257.

Art, Christian, Bird type of soul in, 9;
pagan symbolism in, 239.

Arthur’s Seat, 301.

Ascalon, 183.

Ascension Day, 208, 210, 281, 296.

Ashig’s, St., Well in Skye, 33.

Astrology, Masters of, 214.

Athole, 103, 302.

Atwick, 163.

Aubrey, 207, 237, 299.

Auchinblae, 282.

Auchindoir, 69.

Auchtertyre, 122.

August, 250;
gule of, 305.

Augustine of Canterbury, 65.

Auldearn, 215.

Avoch, 273.

Avoch Castle, 198.

Avon, 58.

Ayr, 59, 88, 281.

Ayton, 60.

Baird, Lady, of Saughton Hall, 260.

Balandonich. See Pitaltdonich.

Baldred, St., otherwise Balthere or Baudron, 74;
his “boat,” 74;
his bed or cradle, 74;
his cell on the Bass, 74;
legend about his corpse, 74;
his well near Tantallon, 74.

Ballater, 90.

Balls, Crystal, 257.

Balmaghie, 112.

Balmanno, 110.

Balmerino, 61, 68.

Balm Well, St. Catherine’s, at Liberton, 62, 95, 96.

Balquhidder, Spots associated with St. Angus at, 30, 31, 110, 206.

Bamborough, 130.

Banchory-Devenick, 52.

Banchory-Ternan, 52.

Bandusian Spring, 189.

Banff, 63.

Bannocks for divination, 298.

Bannockburn, Battle of, 122, 258.

Banshee, 166.

Baptism, Water for, 39, 52, 53, 98, 100, 101, 106, 129, 139, 151, 204.

Barbeck’s Bone, 255. Bard of Dimbovitza, 319.

Barenton, Fountain of, in Brittany, 144, 227.

Barham, Rev. C. N., 200.

Barker, Mr. E. H., 107, 324.

Barnabas’, St., Day, 282.

Barra, 53, 147.

Barrasyett Well at Glasgow, 199.

Barray, 135.

Barrenness, Female, 112.

Barrie, Mr. J. M., 324.

Barrows at St. Winifred’s Well, 200.

Bartholomew’s, St., Day, 281.

Basilides, Sect founded by, 242.

Bass, The, 74.

Bathan, St., his connection with Shetland and Berwickshire, 61;
his well at Abbey St. Bathans, 62.

Baths, 51, 90, 192.

Baul Muluy in Arran, 243, 244, 247.

Bavaria, 284.

Beads, Adder-, 256;
druidical, 276;
glass, 256.

Beannachd-na-Cuairte, 291.

Beaton, Archbishop, 266.

Beauly, 71.

Beaulieu, Priory of. See Beauly.

Becket, Thomas À, 146.

Bed, Stone-. See Stone-Bed.

Bede, St., 131.

Bede’s, St., Well at Jarrow, 310.

Beheading of saints, Springs connected with the, 128, 129.

Bein-mhannach, 122.

Beith, 78.

Belgium, 127.

Bell, at “Tom Eunan,” 42;
St. Catherine’s at St. Andrews, 63;
St. Fillan’s in Strathfillan, 125;
in Burgh Arms of Glasgow, 239, 240.

Bells, Ringing of, to allay storm, 218, 296;
under water, 133;
use of, at Fountain of Barenton, 227.

Belper, 207.

Beltane, 27, 284, 298–305.

Ben Lawers, 194.

Ben Loy, 194.

Ben More, 194.

Bennett’s, St., Spring and Chapel near Cromarty, 84, 193.

Beodhare, 103.

Bergen, 264.

Bernard’s, St., Well at Edinburgh, 97.

Bernera, 246.

Bernicia, 61.

Bethshemish, 310.

Beverley, Sanctuary at, 35;
Well in Minster, 50.

Bewholme, 163.

Beyno, St., 233.

Biggar, 85;
water, 85.

Biggar-Moss, Battle of, 85.

Birsay, 74, 168.

Bishops’ Wells, 32.

Blackadder’s Aisle in Glasgow Cathedral, 49.

Black Isle of Cromarty, 62, 111, 198, 273.

Black Mere, 136.

Black Mere Lake, 145.

Black Penny, 262.

Blane, St., 78;
his chapel in Bute, 78;
his connection with St. Munna, 78.

Blind Harry, 85.

Blindness, 110, 204.

Blocksberg, 299.

Blood, Water resembling, 145, 146, 147, 148, 157, 330.

Blossoms and boughs as offerings, 206.

Blutalge, 330.

Boat, rowing of, sunways, 293, 294.

Boat, St. Baudron’s, 74;
Conval’s, 74;
St. Magnus’s, 73.

Bobbio, Monastery of, 76.

Boece, 95.

“Bogle’s Well” at Glasgow, 199.

Boisil, St., gave name to St. Boswell’s, 61;
his spring there styled Harewell, 61.

Bolliter. See Ballater.

Bonchurch, 207.

Bonfires, Kindling of, 286, 288, 290, 298.

Boniface, St., his well and fair at Rosemarkie, 62;
his well at Bonchurch, 207;
his work at Gowrie and Rosemarkie, 62.

Booths at fairs, 61, 275, 276, 277, 278;
beside a Lincolnshire gibbet, 277.

Bootle, 190.

Border, The, 132, 159, 161.

Borera, 233.

Boroughbridge, 51.

Borthwick, 139.

Boswell’s, St., Fair, 61.

Bothel, 146.

Botriphnie, 228.

Bourne, 303.

Bowerhope, 180.

Boyndie, 53.

Braemar-kelpy, Story of, 165.

Bramptonbridge, 148.

Brand, 80, 274, 317.

Brandanes, 74.

Brandane’s, St., Day, 282.

Brass Well at Trelevean, 198.

Bread, Loaf of, for finding drowned body, 159;
pieces of, and cheese as offerings, 201.

Bredgled, 192.

Brendan, St., 53;
his connection with the Hebrides and Bute, 53;
his well in Barra, 53;
gave name to Kilbrandon Sound, 53;
tutelar saint of Boyndie and Cullen, 53.

Brereton family, 145.

Bride’s Well, The, at Corgarff, 319.

Bride’s Well in London, 45.

Bridewell, 45.

Bridge-of-Allan, 87.

Bridget, St., or Bride, 44, 101, 112;
her churches, 45;
her connection with an Hebridean incantation, 45;
her miracles, 45;
her monastery at Abernethy, 46;
her monastery at Kildare, 45;
her wells, 46, 296.

Bridle, Water-horse, 174, 175, 176.

Brittany, 284.

Brochan, 247, 248.

Brome, 95.

Bromfield, 80.

Brooches, 257.

Brown, Bishop, 321.

Brown, Mr. James, 296.

Brown of Colston, 238.

Brownie, 163.

Brownie’s Stane, 304.

Bruce, King Robert, 87, 88, 122, 259;
his flight at Dalrigh, 122;
his free pass to Muswell, 88;
his leprosy, 87;
his reverence for St. Fillan, 122.

Brude, King, 247, 248, 249.

Bruges, 47.

Buchan, 58, 90.

Buckie, Healing well near, 20.

Bull, Mad, in Holy Pool, 106;
raging, at St. John’s Well, Harpham, 136;
sacred to Neptune, 6;
sacrificed to St. Mourie, 30.

Bullion Field, 49.

Bullion Well, 49.

Burghead, 98;
burning the clavie at, 289;
rock-cut basin at, 99.

Burgundy, 239.

Burial-mounds near Macduff’s Cross, Superstition about, 38.

Burn of Oxhill, 111.

“Burn o’ the Riggins,” 84.

Burns, 162.

Burntisland, 216.

Burton, Dr. J. Hill, 32.

Bute, 53, 57, 74, 78.

Butler, 272.

Butterby, 131.

Buttons as offerings, 16.

Buxton, 209.

Bygas, 336.

Cabbal-yn-Oural-Losht, 115.

Cadger’s Bridge near Biggar, 85.

Caibeal Cairine, 63.

Cainnech Abbot, 329.

Caipal-na-Faraichd, 123.

Cairine, North, 63.

Cairine, South, 63.

Cairnie, 48.

Cairns, 14, 82, 124, 165, 223;
burial, 26.

Cake, Oatmeal, used at Beltane, 286.

Cakes, Wheaten, in Juno’s Pool, 140.

Callow Pit, 186.

Cambusnethan, 61.

Camden, 145, 239.

Camelon, 60.

Campbell, Mr. Hugh F., 217.

Campbell, Mr. J. F., of Islay, 15, 16, 166, 167, 172, 181.

Campbeltown, 44, 54.

Canada, 123.

Candida Casa at Whithorn, 47.

Candlemas, 215, 281, 282, 284.

Canice, 236.

Canisbay, 41.

Canmore, 61, 65.

Canterbury, 241;
cathedral of, 146;
well in, 50, 146.

Caps, Copper, as offerings, 16.

Carew, 116.

Carlisle Cathedral, Well in, 50.

Carman, now Wexford, 306.

Carmyle, 234.

Carnock, 69.

Carnwath, 89.

Carrying fire round houses, corn, &c., 288, 290, 291.

Carrington, 139.

Carron, 150.

Cart, 74.

Cashla Bay, 276.

Cathair Donan, 75.

Catherine, St., of Alexandria, 62;
her chapels, fair, and wells, 63, 64, 316;
her learning, 62;
her martyrdom, 62;
St. Catherine’s Aisle in Linlithgow Church, 64;
St. Catherine’s Well at Port Erin, 64.

Catherine, St., of Sienna, 96.

Catholicon, 108.

Cathures, now Glasgow, 49.

Cat in Sorcery, 203, 216.

Cat’s or Kate’s Well at Shotts, 63.

Cattle, 136, 172, 190, 203, 245, 246, 255, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262.

Cave, at Hunterston in Ayrshire, 320;
at Wemyss, 310;
in Harris, 134;
Craig-a-chow, in Black Isle, 111;
Lady’s Bed in Isle of May, 77;
Peter’s Paps in Kirkmaiden parish, 89;
St. Columba’s in Ardnamurchan, 204;
St. Columban’s at La Spanna, 76;
St. Fergus’s at Glamis, 59;
St. Fillan’s at Pittenweem, 83;
St. Kieran’s near Campbeltown, 43;
St. Margaret’s at Dunfermline, 66;
St. Medan’s in Kirkmaiden parish, 92;
St. Molio’s in Holy Island, 78;
St. Ninian’s near Whithorn, 47;
St. Serf’s at Dysart, 55;
Uah Vearnag in Islay, 21.

Cave-life of early saints, 72.

Celtic influence on well-worship, 23.

Celts, Water-divinities among the, 181.

Chad’s, St., Well at Lichfield, 25;
at Logierait, 19, 20.

Chair, St. Fillan’s, 81;
St. Inan’s, 79;
St. Marnan’s, 75.

Chalmers, George, 47, 59, 88.

Chalmers, Rev. Peter, 66.

Chalybeate springs, 90, 131.

Chambers, Robert, 45, 129, 138, 271, 273.

Chanonry Kirk of Elgin, 151.

Chapel-en-le-Frith, 296.

Chapel of Grace in Dundurcus parish, 266.

Chapelton of Kilmaichlie, 268.

Chapel Uny, 311.

Chapel-wells, 32.

Charles I., 88, 146, 197, 260.

Charles II., 147, 197, 322.

Charmaig’s, St., Island, Church on, 36;
stone coffin in, 201.

Charm-stones, 241–262;
associated with crosses, 253;
connected with wells, 336;
kept on altars, 253.
See Curing-stones.

Chaucer, 209.

Cheese as offerings, 190, 307, 319.

Chibber-Lansh in Isle of Man, 302.

Chibber-Undin in Isle of Man, 191.

Chibber-Unjin in Isle of Man, 236.

Childermas, 201.

“Chip of the old block,” 231.

Cholera, 218.

Christianity borrowing from paganism, 28, 95.

Christmas, 201, 235, 284;
tree, 232;
weather of, 214.

Christ’s Well in Menteith, 270.

Churches and wells, connection between, 33.

Churches, Wells in, 50, 106.

Churchyards as places of refuge, 34.

Clach-a-brath, 254.

Clachan, Going to the, 34.

Clach-Dearg, 258.

Clach-na-Bratach, 258.

Clach-nan-Sul, 110, 206.

Clackmannan, 281.

Cladh Davi, 252.

Cladh Ronan in Iona, 57.

Clare, The Lady, 268.

Clark’s Tree, Catherine, 234, 235.

Clark’s Well near London, 275. Clavie, Burning of the, 289, 290.

Clay image in sorcery, 9, 10, 153.

Clerkenwell, 88.

Clermiston, 307.

Clonfert, 53.

Clothes as offerings, 12, 124, 190, 196, 336.

Clyde, Firth of, 78, 108, 168, 219;
river, 198, 234.

Clynnog, 233.

Cnoc-a-bheannachd, 121.

Cnut, 242.

Cockburnspath parish, 59.

Cock, Burying a live, 114;
or hen at Llandegla, 114.

Cockle-shells used as boats by water-spirits, 165.

Cockpen, 139.

Coffin stone on Eilean MÒr, 201.

Coig-gerach, St. Fillan’s, 122.

Coincidences, 333, 334, 335.

Colchester, 60.

Coldingham, 61.

Colonsay, 294.

Columban or Columbanus, St., 76;
impress of his hand on rock, 76, 77.

Columba, St., 40, 53, 54, 78, 204, 247, 329;
blesses fountain, 25;
brings water from rock for baptism, 39;
his chapel on Fladda, 222;
his chapel at Keil, 80;
his stone-bed and pillow, 78;
his wells, 40, 80;
marks of his feet, 80;
white stone of, 247.

Columbia, British, 225.

Company, British Fisheries’, 69.

Comrie, 81, 82, 112.

Conan, Water-wraith of the, 160.

Congan’s, St. Church at Lochalsh, 120.

Connla’s Well in Ireland, 232.

Connoch, 190.

Constantine, Emperor, 59, 60.

Constantine, St., also called Cowstan, Chouslan, and Cutchou, Prince of Cornwall, 54;
his connection with Ireland and the west of Scotland, 54;
his monastery at Govan, 54;
his well and chapel at Garrabost, 54;
site of his chapel, 55.

Constantius Chlorus, 60.

Consumption, 246.

Conveth, 65.

Conway, Rev. Daniel, 265.

Coppice at Loch Siant Well not cut, 233.

Corbet’s, St., Spring on Touch Hills, 105, 106.

Cordiner, 90.

Corgarff, 156, 163, 185, 194, 204, 319.

Cork, 110.

Corstorphine, 307.

Corsewall, 40.

Corswell or Crosswell, 40.

Corve, 329.

Co’ Sunday, 92, 302.

Cottingham, 137.

Couch, Kentigern’s, 77.

Cowie Meggie, 216.

Coychurch, 192.

Cradocus, Prince, 129.

Craigie, 87.

Craigie, Katherine, 250.

Craigie Well, 273.

Craignish, 255.

Crail, 265, 305.

Cramond, 307.

Cramp-stones, 246.

Crawford, Mr., 137.

Creeping Stane in Cornwall, 80.

Crianlarich, 83.

Crieff, 67.

Croft-an-taggart, 277.

Cromarty, 84, 104, 192.

Cromdale, 281.

Crooked things as offerings, 320;
lucky, 194.

Cross, for keeping curing-stone at Killaghtee, 253;
Latin, 245;
of Crail, 265;
of Macduff near Newburgh, 38;
part of a, beside St. David’s Well at Weem, 318;
runic, on Maughold Head, 27;
St. Vildrin’s, 17;
sculptured, of Kilberry, 320.

Crosses, Hollows in pedestals of, associated with penance, 254.

Crosskirk and Loch of Wasbister, Walking round, 34.

Crossthwaite, 51.

Crowland, 130.

Croxdale, 131.

Croziers, 122, 123.

Cruachan, near Wexford, 306.

Cruden, 105.

Crueshill, 277.

Crutches, 200.

Cuby’s, St., Well in Cornwall, 52.

Cuff Hills, 79.

Cullen, 53.

Culross, 55, 78, 282.

Culsalmond, 69, 195.

Cumbrae, Larger, 108.

Curing-stones, 245–254, 255, 257, 258, 259;
mysterious disappearance of, 247.
See Charm-stones. Currus Sancti Convalli, 74.

Cushendall, 302.

Cuthbert, St., 51, 52, 75, 130, 131;
Cubert’s Well in Cornwall, 52, 297;
his birthplace, 51;
his chapel at Tillmouth, 132;
his church-dedications, 51, 297;
his church in Edinburgh, 52;
his connection with Old Melrose, Lindisfarne, and Kirkcudbright, 51, 52;
his parish in Edinburgh, 52;
his spring in Bromfield parish, Cumberland, 80;
his spring on Farne island, 130;
shrine at Durham, 264;
his stane in Bromfield parish, 80;
his well in Cornwall, 52;
his well at St. Boswell’s and Bath at Strath Tay, 51.

Daemonologie, 150.

Dale Abbey, 319.

Dalhousie, Castle of, 238;
Earl of, 238.

Dalkeith, 138, 238.

Dallas, 69.

Dalmellington, 282.

Dalmeny, 282.

Dalrigh, Bruce’s fight with the Macdougalls at, 122.

Dalyell, 119, 147, 184, 203, 295, 304, 309.

Dalziel, 76.

Darnick, 59.

Dartmoor, 134.

David’s, St., Spring at Weem, 318;
in Queen’s Park, 19.

Deafness, 111, 204.

Dean Combe, 182.

Deanside Well at Glasgow, 199.

Death, Portents of, 145.

Debtors (Scotland) Act, 37.

Debtors in Sanctuary of Holyrood Abbey, 37.

Dechmont, 285.

Declan’s, St., Stone, 244.

Dedication, Feast of, 304.

Dee, River, 159, 271;
linn of, 160. Deer in Buchan, Etymology of, 41.

Deerness, 168.

Demons in fountains, 25, 186, 283;
of storms, 218.

Dempster, Miss, 166.

Denburn, 91.

Denis, St., parish, Red spots on stones in churchyard of, 330.

Denmark, 216.

De Quincey, 37.

Derby, 207.

Derketo, Fish sacred to, 183.

Derwent, 137, 160.

Derwentwater, Earl of, 146.

Deskford, Kirkton of, 68. Dessil, 4, 63, 293, 311.

Deveron, 68, 193.

Devil, 115, 133, 152, 162, 186, 200, 217, 242;
his attempt to destroy Invergowrie church, 85;
his connection with tempests, 217;
his mark, 85, 149;
his seat at the Pot o’ Pittenyoul, 84;
St. Serf’s discussion with the, 55.

Dewar, 123.

Diamond, 242.

Diamond ring in St. Molio’s Well, 198. Dictionary, Scottish, Jamieson’s, 27.

Dilston Hall, 146.

Dingwall, Presbytery of, 242.

Discipline, Water for, 51, 77, 98.

Disease, Transference of, 203.

Divination by water, 3.

Dixon, Mr. J. H., 169, 180, 316.

Dochart river, 83;
bridge of, 121.

Dog, black, Legend of the, in Sutherland, 182;
in Peel Castle, 182.

Dogs’ well in Harris, 135.

Doire. See Dewar.

Don, 53, 159, 164, 178.

Donald, otherwise Donewalde, 181.

Donan, St., 75;
his chair, 75;
his well in Eigg, 75.

Donnachie Clan, 258.

Dore, Fish with golden chain in the, 185.

Dornoch, Cathedral of, 217;
firth of, 165;
parish of, 166.

Douglas, Sir James, 259.

Doune, 270, 282.

Dowally, 68, 277.

Dow Loch in Penpont parish, 12, 142.

Downy Well, 274.

Dow Well at Innerleithen, 57, 110.

Dozmare Lake, 138.

Dragon, 181.

Dragonhole in Kinnoul Hill, 301.

Drainie, 148.

Drake, Sir Francis, 134.

Dramas, Sacred, beside springs, 275.

Drayton, Michael, 137.

Droitwich, 207.

Dronner’s or Drainer’s dyke, 215.

Drostan, St., 41;
his fairs at Old Deer and Insch, 41;
his springs, 41.

Droustie’s Well near Invermark Castle, 41.

Drowned bodies, Folk-practices for finding, 159, 160.

Drowning, Rescuing from, unlucky, 7.

Druidical beads, 256;
dyke on Innis Maree, 29;
temples, 26.

Drum, Use of, for finding drowned body, 159.

Drumlithie, 44.

Drumming well at Harpham, 145;
at Oundle, 147.

Drunkenness, Protection against, 242.

Dublin, 50.

Dudgeon, Mr. Patrick, 196.

Dull, 42.

Dulse, 109.

Dulyn Lake in North Wales, 226.

Dumbarton, 55, 282.

Dumb-cake, 315.

Dumfries, 70.

Dun, Estate of, 215.

Dunbar, 267.

Dundonald, 87.

Dundurcus, 266.

Dunfermline, 66, 83, 266.

Dunfillan, 81.

Dunnet, 206.

Dunning, 55.

Dunnottar Castle, Covenanters’ spring in, 129;
St. Ninian’s spring near, 48.

Dunnottar church, Witches’ pool near, 150.

Dunribin, 121.

Dunrobin, 68.

Dunskey in Wigtownshire, Stream near, 10.

Durham, Sanctuary at, 35;
Cuthbert’s shrine at, 264.

Duthac, St., 201.

Dwarfie Stone in Hoy, 73.

Dyer, Rev. T. F. Thiselton, 50, 216.

Each Uisge, 172.

Earn, 58;
Fort of, 82.

Easg Seant, 184.

East Barnes, 115,

East Dereham, 130.

Easter, 58, 282, 284, 296, 299.

Eastwell, 237.

Eckford, Holywell or Priest’s well at, 112.

Ecclesiastical records, 271.

Ecclesmachan, 49.

Edana, St. See Medan, St.

Eddertoun, 256.

Eddlestone, 138.

Edenhall, Luck of, 239;
Giant’s Cave at, 275.

Edgar, King, 61, 269.

Edgewell, 238.

Edinburgh, 66, 69, 95, 96, 123, 126, 260, 301;
Castle of, 66;
St. Michael’s Chapel on Castle rock of, 71.

Edinchip, Healing well in the grounds of, 31.

Edmund, St., 264.

Edward II. of England, 54.

Edward IV., 259.

Edzell, 41.

Egfrid, king of Northumberland, 42.

Eggs, Use of, on May Day, 298.

Egypt, 243.

Eigg, 62, 75, 108.

Eilean MÒr. See Charmaig’s, St., Island.

Eistan, 131.

Elbe, 146.

Elder-tree, 232.

Elf-bolts, 257.

Elgin, 151;
Cathedral of, 151.

Elizabeth, 196.

Encoenia, 304.

Endon, 210–212.

England, 60, 91, 129, 143, 206, 237, 264, 269, 331;
Rose of, 91.

Enhallow, Isle of, Mysterious loosening of cow on, 119.

Enoch’s, St., Well in Glasgow, 51.

Epilepsy, Burying a live cock as cure for, 113.

Epiphany, 231.

Eric, King, 129, 218.

Errigall-keroge, 44.

Errol’s Oak, 237.

Erskine, Lady Barbara, 322.

Escurial, The, 64.

Esk, North, 176.

Ethelbert, 130.

Etheldreth, St., 264.

Ettrick Shepherd, The, 180.

Evil-eye, 257, 333.

Eyes, Sore, 82, 110, 206, 245, 302.

Eyre, Archbishop, 131, 264.

Fairgirth, 64.

Fairies as guardians of wells, 190, 193, 239;
diseases caused by, 255, 257.

Fairies’ Cradle near St. Bennet’s Spring, 84.

Fairs and Markets, 121, 130.

Falkirk, Kirk-session of, 270.

Falkland, 68.

Family, Branches of a, 231.

Farne Island, 130, 131.

Farnes, 94;
Kirkmaiden in, 94.

Farquharson-na-Cat, Tradition about, 160.

Fascination, Curing and Preventing, 27.

Fastern’s E’en, 282.

Fearn, 61, 178.

Feil Columcille at Inch, 42.

Feill-Aonghais at Balquhidder, 31.

Feill-Ronan in Strowan, 58.

Fergan Well, 21, 58, 277.

Fergus, St., 49;
his relics, 59;
his wanderings, 58;
his well in Banffshire, 58;
his wells, 59.
See also Fergan Well.

Fergus’, St., Aisle in Glasgow Cathedral, 49.

Fergusson, Dr. J., 327, 328, 332.

Fergusson, Mr. R. M., 14, 118, 220.

Fern Islands, 130.

Ferodach, 120.

Festivals, Church, 214.

Fettercairn, 64.

Fiacre’s, St., Well. See Fittack’s, St., Well.

Fiddler’s Well near Cromarty, 104.

Fiery circle, Healing power of a, 290.

Fillan, St., of Rath Erenn, 82;
his church at Aberdour, 82;
his connection with St. Fillan, 82;
his spring at Comrie, 21, 81, 112, 295;
his stone chair on Dunfillan, 81;
his well at Aberdour, 265.
See also Pilgrim’s Well at Aberdour.

Fillan, St., of Strathfillan, 81, 82, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126;
his bell, 125;
his cave and well at Pittenweem, 83;
his chapel, 82;
his coig-gerach, 122;
his holy pool, 82, 119, 126, 190, 295;
miracle of his coffin, 122;
miracle of his shining hand, 120;
his priory, 122;
his stone chair at Killin, 83;
stones dedicated to, 251.

Finan. See Inan, St.

Finchra in Rum, 239.

Findmaige, Fountain of, called Slan, 25.

Finlarig Castle, Trees at, 237.

Fintry, Castle of, 47.

Finyan’s, St., Spring at Rearymore, 306.

Fish, Sacred, 183.

Fittack’s, St., Well in Nigg parish, 271, 274.

Fitz’s Well in Dartmoor, 134.

Fivepennies Well in Eigg, 108.

Fladda, Blue stone of, 222, 247.

Flamborough, Round hole near, 164.

Flint arrowheads, as amulets, 257;
as brooches, 257.

Flodden, 64.

Floral devices, 209.

Flowers as offerings, 207, 336.

Fly at St. Michael’s Well, 144, 182.

Fochabers, 68.

Fodderty, 141.

Folk-customs, Traces of sun-worship in, 284, 291.

Fontinalia, Roman and English, Parallelism between, 210.

Fonts of the Cross, 310.

Food, Offerings of, 336.

Forbes, Bishop A. P., 77.

Ford, Dead and living, 9.

Fordoun, 52.

Fordun, 54.

Forfar, 66;
Loch, Inch of, 66.

Forglen, 42.

Forres, 152.

Forth, Firth of, 55, 66, 77, 82, 168, 216, 235, 267, 321.

Fortingall, 102.

Forvie, 43.

Fosses Moor, 143.

Fountain blessed by St. Columba, 25.

Fountains, Anthropomorphism of, 20;
reverence for, in Eastern lands, 22.
See also Springs and Wells.

France, 76, 189, 200, 266, 272;
Fleur-de-lis of, 92;
Henry Third of, 245.

Fraserburgh, 198, 282.

Frazer, Mr. J. G., 225, 236, 287, 288. Freedstoll at Hexham and Beverley, 35.

Friars’ wells, 32.

Frideswide’s, St., fair and spring at Oxford, 130.

Fuaran Chad at Logierait, 20.

Fuaran Fiountag in Strathspey, 109.

Fuaran n’ druibh chasad at Balquhidder, 31.

Fuaran n’ druibh chasad in Fortingall parish, 102.

Fuaran n’ Gruarach in Fortingall parish, 102.

Fumac, St., Image of, 228.

Fyvie, 63, 81, 282.

Gairloch parish, 180.

Galath, 77.

Galloway, Churches in, 93;
Rhinna of, 94;
Picts of, evangelised by St. Ninian, 46, 203, 315;
visited by St. Cuthbert, 51.

Gallstack Well at Drumlanrig, Standing stones near, 28.

Gamrie, 68.

Garrabost, 54.

Garry, R., 228.

Garth, 102.

Garveloch Isles, 254.

Garvock, 67.

Geikie, Professor Sir A., 156.

Geikie, Rev. J. Cunningham, 309.

Gems, Abraxas, 243.

George’s, St., Day, 282.

George III., 196.

Germany, 134, 146.

Gervasius, 225.

Gheel, St. Dympna’s Well at, 127.

Giants, 73, 111, 138.

Gifford, Hugh, Lord of Yester, 238.

Giggleswick Scar, 137.

Gigha, 105, 223, 333.

Gilbert, Miss Bessie, 110.

Gilsland, 137.

Gipsies at St. Boswell’s Fair, 61.

Glamis, 59.

Glasgow, 305;
arms of the city of, 239;
Botanic Gardens of, 234;
Cathedral of, 68;
Green of, 199;
meeting of Assembly at, 261;
Pear-Tree Well, near Botanic Gardens of, 234;
St. Kentigern’s Well at, 50;
St. Thenew’s Well at, 51, 199;
Saltmarket of, 199;
water supply of, 198.

Glass, 68, 110.

Glasserton, 47, 94.

Glastonbury, Spring at, 297;
thorn at, 235.

Glencoe, 173.

Glencairns, formerly Kirkcairns, 69.

Glendalough, Seven churches of, 79.

Glendochart, 120, 121, 122, 123.

Glenelg, Kirkton of, 176.

Glengairn, 77, 194.

Glengariff, 110.

Glen Lochay, 253.

Glen Lyon, 122.

Glen Muick, 77.

Glen Ogle, 122, 194.

Glenorchy and Inishail, St. Conan’s Well in parish of, 32.

Glentham, Church of, 228.

Glentruim, 109.

Gnostics, 242, 243.

Goat, sick, Cure of, 250.

“Going a-Maying,” 300.

Golspie, 203.

Golvedir, Monastery at, 54.

Gomme, Mr. G. L., 141, 218, 224.

Good Friday, 228, 319.

Gordon, Sir Robert, 148, 217.

Gordons of Strathnaver, 249.

Gordonstone, 148.

Gougou Barra, 110.

Goudie, Mr. Gilbert, 217.

Gout, 111.

Govan. See Golvedir.

Govan’s, St., Chapel and Well in Pembrokeshire, 316.

Gow, Mr. J. Mackintosh, 30, 102, 206, 228, 302.

Gowrie, 62.

Greeks, Divination among, 140.

Greenock, 219.

Greenstone Point, 180.

Gregor, Rev. Dr. Walter, 58, 84, 105, 156, 164, 202, 205, 249, 319.

Greinan, 154.

Greystane, 85.

Grey, Sybil, 268.

Gridiron, St. Lawrence’s, 65.

Grimisay, 71.

Guiyidn, Dulse of, 109. Gule of August, 305, 306.

Gulval Well, 143.

Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes’, 217.

Guthlac, St., 130.

Gwyl, 305.

Gwyl-Awst, 308.

Haco, 78.

Hagiology, Connection of, with springs, 39, 130.

Halkirk, 41;
well at, 89.

Halliwell Boggle, 163.

Hallow E’en, 282, 284, 315.

Hallowmas, 281, 282, 284.

Hamilton, 282.

Hardwick, Mr. Charles, 158. Hare-well at St. Boswell’s, 61.

Harness as offerings, 90, 124, 190.

Harpham, 136, 145.

Harris, Lunar stone in, 255;
wells in, 134, 135.

Harvest-home in England, 226.

Hawthorn, 192;
branch of, as charm, 299;
dew on, 300.

Hay, Family of, 237.

Hazel trees, Mystical, 232.

Hazel-twig, Use of, to find water, 133.

Headache, 111, 233, 245.

Healing and Holy, Etymological kinship of, 86.

Health, Recovery of, indicated by springs, 140.

Heath, Bunches of, as offerings, 190.

Heaven-Aqua Well near West Linton, 32.

Hebrides, 147, 239, 246, 267, 288.

Helen, St., 59;
mother of Constantine, 59;
her kirk at Aldcamus and its burying-ground, 59;
her place in Welsh legends, 60;
her springs and churches in England, 60;
her springs in Scotland, 59.

HeljabrÜn, 101, 102.

Hell-hole, 133.

Hellywell, 80.

Hemorrhage, 260.

Hemp-seed, Sowing of, as a charm, 315.

Henderson, Dr., 67, 83.

Henderson, Mr. William, 262.

Henry IV., 275.

Henry VI. at Bolton Hall, 133.

Heritable jurisdictions, 148.

Hessey, Dr. J. A., 304.

Highlands, 161, 171, 203, 222, 246, 255, 257.

Hilda’s, St., arrival at Lindisfarne, 268.

HlÂf-mÆsse, 307.

Hock-cart, 226.

Holy Days, 281, 282, 283, 305.

Holy, How water became, 24–38.

Holy Island, otherwise Lindisfarne, 61, 130;
off Arran, 78, 198.

Holy Land, 259.

Holy Loch, 78, 206.

Holy Pool in Strathfillan. See Fillan, St.

Holyrood Abbey, Sanctuary of, 37.

Holy Rood Well at Stenton, 33, 267.

Holy Rood Wells, 32.

Holy Thursday, 207.
See Ascension Day.

Holy Trinity, 281.

Holy Trinity Wells, 32.

Holy Wakes, 304.

Holy Wells, 32, 86–107, 89;
continued reverence for, 337;
salt water in, 92.

Holywood parish, St. Vynning’s Spring in, 129.

Holywood Wells, 32. Hone, 272, 301.

Hooping-Cough. See Whooping Cough. Hope, Mr. R. C., 80, 88.

Horace, 92, 189, 199.

Horns, Blowing of, 301, 307.

Hospitallers, The. See John, St., of Jerusalem, Knights of.

Hound’s Pool, 182.

Houston, 83, 192.

Hoy, Old Man of, 72;
Sound, 221.

Hume-buyers Penny, 262.

Hungary, 218.

Hunt, Mr. Robert, 22, 101, 143, 297, 311, 331.

Hunterston, Wishing well at, 320.

Huntingtower, 271,

Huntly, 102.

Huntlycote, 138, 139.

Hurtful, Some springs regarded as, 24, 25. Husbandman’s Practice, The, 214.

Hydromancy, 140.

Hydrophobia, 260.

Image of St. Fillan as a rain-charm, 227;
of St. Fumac, 228;
of Molly Grime, 228.

Inan, St., his connection with Inchinnan, Lamington, and Beith, 78;
his Fair at Beith, 79;
his springs, 79;
his stone chair, 79.

Incantation, 223.

Inch, 42.

Inch-Cailleach, 120.

Inchinnan, 78, 255.

Inchmarnoch, 74.

India, 332, 336.

Infection in folklore, 202.

Inflammation, Cure of, 253.

Innerkip, Witches of, 219.

Innerleithen, Sanctuary at, 36;
well at, 56.

Innes, Professor Cosmo, 35, 36, 316.

Innis Maree in Ross-shire, Pennant’s description of, 29;
well of, 28, 117, 144, 316.

Innismurray, off Sligo, 224.

Insane, The binding of, 119, 123;
healing of, 242;
loosening of bonds sign of recovery of, 119, 124;
not sinking in water, 153, 154.

Insanity, Cure of, at St. Dympna’s Well at Gheel, 127;
at St. Maelrubha’s Well, 28, 29, 117;
at St. Nun’s Well in Cornwall, 116, 117;
at Struthill, 118;
at Teampull-mÒr and St. Bonan’s Well in Lewis, 30, 118, 119;
at the Holy Pool of St. Fillan in Strathfillan, 119–126;
old and new methods of treatment for, 116;
towing behind boat as cure for, 117, 118.

Insch, 41.

Inscriptions on wells, 64, 69, 92, 186.

Inwards, Mr. R., 213.

Inveraray, 64, 282.

Inveraven, 268.

Invergowrie, Church of, 85.

Inverkeithing, 68.

Inverlussa, 70.

Inverness, 174, 247, 250.

Iona, 41, 57, 61, 78, 244, 253, 329.

Ireland, 53, 74, 75, 76, 78, 94, 110, 112, 116, 120, 146, 184, 191, 235, 276, 306;
statistical account of, 275.

Irongray, 312.

Iron raising storm, 6.

Isla, John of, 71.

Isla River, 228.

Islay, Rhinns of, 167.

Isles, Macdonald, Lord of the, 244.

Italy, 21, 58, 76, 244.

Iten’s, St., Well at Cambusnethan, 61.

Ivory, Magical properties of, 255.

James I. of Scotland, 265, 285.

James IV., 59, 64, 125, 265, 266.

James VI., 150, 197, 216, 305.

James, Marquis of Douglas, 322.

James’s, St., Well at Garvock, 67.

Jamieson, George, 91.

Jarrow, 310.

Jenny Greenteeth, 158.

Jergon’s, St., Well, at Troqueer, 44, 196.

Jervise, Mr. Alexander, 69, 91, 92.

Jews, 242.

Joass, Rev. Dr. J. M., 256.

John’s, St., Chapel in Glasgow Cathedral, 67, 68.

John’s, St., Day, 284, 286.

John’s, St., Eve, 315.

John’s, St., Fires, 284.

John, St., of Beverley, 136.

John, St., of Jerusalem, Knights of, 36;
Hospital Order of, at Clerken-well, 88;
their preceptory and well at Torphichen, 37.

John’s, St., Well at Aghada, 191;
near Mexley, 318.

John’s, St., Wells, 67, 68, 110, 267.

Joseph of Arimathea, Staff of, 235.

Juno’s Pool, 140, 141.

Jura, 136.

Kate Kennedy’s celebration at St. Andrews, 63.

Kate’s Well at Shotts. See “Cat’s” Well.

Keats, 3.

Keary, Mr., 231.

Keil, 80.

Keith, 228.

Kells, 184.

Kelvin, 234.

Kelpy, Water, at building of St. Vigean’s Church, 13;
in Highlands and Lowlands, 161–165. Kempoch Stane on Kempoch Point, 219.

Kenmore, 109.

Kenmuir, 234.

Kennedy, Bishop, 63.

Kentigern, St., otherwise Mungo, 49, 240;
Arbores Sancti Kentigerni, 50;
his chair and bed, 77;
his connection with Aberdeenshire, 77;
his connection with Crosswaite, 51;
his connection with Fergus the Anchorite, 49;
his monastic settlement beside the Molendinar at Cathures now Glasgow, 49;
his other wells, 50, 51, 102;
his relics, 266;
his well in Lower Church of Cathedral, 50, 266;
Kenty’s Well at Kineff, 50;
proverb about his work, 77.

Kentigerna, St.—her life on Inch Cailleach, 120.

Keyne’s, St., Well in Cornwall, 139.

Kidzaes, 218.

Kieran, St., 43;
building of his church at Errigall-keroge, 44;
gave name to Kinloch-Kilkerran, 44;
his Book of the Gospels, 44;
his cave near Campbeltown, 43;
his font, 43, 44;
his wells, 44.

Kilanaish, Wishing well at, 320.

Kilbar, 135.

Kilbarray, 147.

Kilberry, 254 (and Kilcalmonell), 320.

Kilbrandon Sound, 53.

Kilbride in south of Skye, 184.

Kilbride near Oban, Burying-ground of, 100.

Kilbride, West, parish, 320.

Kilby’s, St., Well. See Cuby’s, St.

Kilcalmonell. See Kilberry.

Kilchouslan Church, near Campbeltown, 54;
perforated stone and discovery of coins in graveyard of, 54.

Kildgate, 137.

Kildinguie, Well of, in Stronsay, 109.

Kildonan in Sutherland, 75, 181.

Kilearnan, 153.

Kilkenny, 235.

Killaghtee, 253.

Killallan, St. Fillan’s seat and well at, 83.

Killin, 82, 83, 120, 121, 122, 123, 237, 251, 252.

Kilmarnock, 74.

Kilmaronock, Church of, 57;
well near, 57.

Kilmaronog near Loch Etive, 57.

Kilmichael at Inverlussa, 70.

Kilmore in Lorne, 184.

Kilmorie, 143.

Kilmun, 78.

Kilwinning, 130, 147.

Kinahan, Mr. G. H., 276.

Kingarth, 57.

Kinghorn Craig, Spring at, 200.

King’s ease or King’s case, formerly Kilcaiss, 87.

King’s Muir, Forfar, 66.

Kingussie, 298.

Kinloch-Kilkerran, 44.

Kinnethmont, 68, 90.

Kinnord, 64.

Kinnoul Hill, 301.

Kirkcairns, now Glencairns, 69.

Kirkcolm, 40.

Kirdcudbright, 52.

Kirkden parish, spring for curing swellings in, 112.

Kirkhampton, 310.

Kirkmaiden, 79;
chapel wells in, 92, 302;
Peter’s paps in, 89.

Kirkmichael, 58, 69, 70, 182, 183.

Kirkpatrick-Fleming, 59. Kirk-session Records, 49.

Kirkton in Dumfriesshire, 67.

Kitty-frist well in Kilsyth parish, 26.

Knee, Virgin’s, Print of, at Kirkmaiden, 79.

Knock-Fergan, 21, 58. Knowledge of Things Unknown, The, 214.

Kyle-Stewart, 87.

Lachlin family, 239.

Laconia, 140.

Ladykirk in Berwickshire, 68;
chapel of, in South Ronaldshay, 73.

Lady’s Bed, The, in the Isle of May, 77, 78.

Ladywell at Glasgow, 199.

Laird of Lee, 261.

Lake, Lady of the, 100.

Lakes in legendary lore, 10, 133.

Lamb, Sacrifice of a, 157.

Lameness, 204.

Lamington, 78.

Lamlash Bay, 78.

Lammas, 282, 283, 296, 305;
leading horses into the sea at, 7, 82, 309.

Lammas-towers, 307.

Lammermoors, 51, 102.

Lanark, 85.

Landscape, Highland, Charms of, 155.

Langley, 58.

Langley Park, 147. Lapis ceranius, 246. Lapis hecticus, 246.

Larg, Gout well at, 204.

Largs, Battle of, 78.

La Spanna, 76.

Laurencekirk, 65.

Lawrence, Archbishop of Canterbury, 65.

Lawrence, St., martyr, 64;
his fair at Rayne, 64;
his springs, 64;
story of his death, 64.

Lawrence’s, St., Day, 282.

Lazarus’, St., Well at Muswell, 88.

Leek, 136.

Lee Pen, 56.

Lee Penny, 259, 260, 261.

Legends, English, Origin of springs in, 130.

Leith, 216, 321.

Lenie Hill, 307.

Leprosy, 87, 88.

Lerwick, 222.

Lea Saintes Maries, 106.

Lewis, 4, 135, 141, 153, 288, 327;
Butt of, 57.

Leven, R., 55.

Liberton, 62, 95.

Lido, Pilgrimage to the, 291.

Life-stones, 243.

Lindisfarne, 61, 130, 268.

Lingay, 233.

Linlithgow, 64, 67, 69;
church of and burgh of, 70.

Linton in Craven, 327.

Listerling, 235.

Little Conan, Spring to “Our Lady of Nants” at, 145.

Little Van Lake, 308.

Lix Well in Glen Ogle, 194, 195.

Llandegla, 114.

Lloyd, Mr. L., 310, 312.

Llwyd, Edward, 257.

Loch Achtriachtan, 173.

Loch Alsh, 120.

Loch Awe, 178.

Loch Carloway, 135.

Loch Coruisk, 178, 179.

Loch Earn, 122.

Loch Etive, 57.

Loch Fyne, 64.

Loch, “John Macinnes’,” 176, 177.

Loch Katrine, 198.

Loch Leven, 55.

Loch Lomond, 120.

Loch, LlundavrÀ, 173.

Loch Manaar, 249, 250, 295.

Loch Maree, 28.

Loch Ness, 173, 174.

Loch on Mealfourvounie, 12.

Loch Rannoch, 178.

Loch Ryan, 143.

Loch Siant, 184;
well in Skye, 184, 233, 311.

Loch Tay, 109, 252, 284.

Loch Torridon, 250, 336.

Loch Treig, 173.

Lochaber, 173.

Lochalsh, 120.

Lochanna Cuile, 175.

Lochan-nan-Deaan, 157.

Lochan-Wan, 157.

Lochinbreck, 112.

Lochmaben, 67.

Loch-na-Beiste, 180.

Loch-nan-Spoiradan, 156.

Lochs and Scottish scenery, 11.

Lockerbie Penny, 262.

Lockerbie Water, 262.

Lockhart, Sir Simon, 259.

Logan, 143.

Logie Coldstone, 68.

Logie Pert, Spring for curing sores at, 112.

Longforgan, 94.

Lorne, 71, 101, 184.

Lorne, Macdougall of, 122.

Lossie, 151.

Lough-Shanan, 100.

Lourdes, 87.

Lovat, Demesne of, 71.

Love-charms, 298, 314, 315.

Love, Mr. Robert, 79.

Low Dromore, 63.

Lowlands, Kelpies in the, 161.

Lubbock, Sir John, 205, 241.

Luck of Edenhall, 239.

Ludvan’s, St., Well in Cornwall, 139.

Lugnasadh, 306.

Luib, Bridge of, 164.

Luke’s, St., Day, 282.

Lumsden, 69.

Lunar-stone in Harris, 255.

Macaulay, 40, 189.

MacCulloch, 178, 179, 184, 254, 327.

MacCharmaig, 294.

Macdonald, Dr. James, 99, 100.

Macdonald, Lord of the Isles, 244

Macduff, Earl of Fife, Kinship to, 38.

MacGeorge, Dr. Andrew, 49, 199.

Machar, St., or Macarius, his cathedral and well at Aberdeen, 53, 106;
his connection with the See of Aberdeen, 53;
his well at Corgarff, 185.

MacMillan, Rev. Dr. Hugh, 11, 253.

Madness in lower animals, 106, 136.

Madron’s, St., Well, 80, 145.

Maelrubha, St., Account of, 40;
his well on Innis Maree, 28, 106, 117, 144, 195.

Magdalene’s, St., Day, 282.

Magic, Sympathetic, 226, 287, 288.

Magic and Marvel, 325.

Magnus’s, St., Well at Birsay, 74.

Malcolm IV., 102.

Malew, 191. Mammie Scott, 220.

Mandeville, Sir John, 242.

Man, Isle of, 64, 115, 182, 191, 236, 296, 299, 302, 309.

Marden, 130.

Margaret, St., wife of Malcolm Canmore, 65, 66, 67;
her connection with Queensferry and Forfar, 66;
her limitations, 65;
her seat near Dunfermline, 83;
secret of her power, 65;
her springs, 18, 33, 66, 67.

Margaret’s, St., Well, formerly at Restalrig, 18, 33, 66.

Maria Theresa, Empress, 261.

Maria Wells, 68.

Markets. See Fairs.

Mark’s, St., Eve, 315. Marmion, 132, 268.

Marnoch or Marnan, St., 68, 74;
his head as a relic, 75;
his influence on topography, 74, 75;
his missionary work, 74;
his well at Aberchider, 75.

Marriage Well near Carmyle, 234.

Martha’s, St., Hospital at Aberdour, 265.

Martin, 3, 31, 26, 36, 54, 62, 73, 134, 135, 184, 222, 225, 233, 243, 246, 247, 255, 288, 293, 294, 311. Martin Dessil, 293.

Martin, St., of Tours—Candida Casa dedicated to, 47;
his chapel at Stony Middleton, 88;
his dedications, 47;
his connection with St. Ninian, 47;
his cross in Iona, 244;
his two festivals, 48;
his well at Cairnie, 48.

Martinmas, 48, 282.

Martin of Bullion’s Day, 48.

Martin’s Den, Anti-scorbutic spring in, 112.

Marvel-sike Spring near Brompton Bridge, 147.

Marvels, Meaning of, 324–338.

Marwick, Sir James David, 280, 281, 282.

Maryhill, 235.

Marykirk, 68, 110.

Mary’s, St., Wells, 68, 69;
her chapel in Valay, 304;
her chapel at Walsingham, 317;
her well and church at Auchindoir, 69;
her well at Tain, 41;
her well at Whitekirk, 17, 112;
her well in the Isle of May, 112.

Mason, 275.

Matthew’s, St., Day, 282.

Matthew’s, St., Wells, 67.

Mauldslie, 138, 139.

Maurice, St., Abbey in Burgundy, 239.

Maxentius, Emperor, 62.

Maybole, 59, 302.

May Day, 59, 82, 209, 210, 226, 257, 270, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 319.

May Dew, 300.

May Eve, 299.

May Fair at Auchinblae, 282.

May, Isle of, 77, 78, 112, 267.

May, Month of, 90, 145, 195, 226, 228, 250, 271, 275, 282, 284, 285, 296, 297, 298, 299, 301, 311.

May Pole, 210, 212, 232.

May Queen, Crowning of, 210, 212.

May Sun, Curative power of, 300.

May, Sundays in, 58, 62, 106, 190, 271, 273, 275, 305.

M’Lachlan, Rev. Thomas, 41, 65.

M’Ure, 199.

Meadow Well. See Deanside Well.

Mean-an-Tol, 80.

Mearns, The, 64, 65.

Medan, St., or Medana, 93, 94, 95;
her chapel and cave, 94, 95;
her churches, 94.

Melansay, 78.

Melista, 153, 154.

Men changed into standing stones by magic, 26.

Menmuir, 61.

Menteith, 270.

Mermaid at Black Mere, 136;
at Cromarty, 5;
at Rostherne, 296;
in pool at Chapel-en-le-Frith, 296.

Mermen and Mermaidens, 4, 168, 169.

Merton, 302.

Metaphors, Use of, in connection with natural phenomena, 3.

Meteorology and Folklore, 214–216.

Mexico, North, 205.

Michaelmas, 281, 282, 284.

Michael, St., patron of Linlithgow and Dumfries, 69, 70, 71, 182, 183, 186;
his church-dedications, 69, 70, 71;
his influence on Scottish topography, 70;
his springs, 69, 70, 71;
his well at Linlithgow, 33, 69;
his well in Kirkmichael parish, 144.

Midsummer. See John’s, St., Day.

Midsummer Eve, 310.

Milburga, St., Legend about, 132, 329.

Mill, Rev. John, Diary of, 217.

Miller, Bessie, 219.

Miller, Hugh, 5, 84, 104, 160, 192.

Minch, The, 71.

Mineral springs, 49.

Ministers’ Well at Glasgow. See Priests’ Wells.

Minnigaff parish, 204. Miracle Play, 275.

Mirelandorn, 201.

Mirror, Use of, for divination, 140.

Mitchell, Sir Arthur, 15, 29, 113, 153, 195, 244, 253.

Mochrum, Loch, 295.

Mocumma or Mochonna. See Machar, St. Moddey-Dhoo, 182.

Moffat, 68, 87.

Molendinar, 49, 77, 199.

Molio, St., his cave, 78;
his connection with Holy Island, 78;
his holy well, 78, 198;
his stone chair and table, 78.

Molly Grime,” 228.

Moncrieff Hill, 329.

Monenna, St. See Medan, St.

Money as offerings, 189, 190, 221.

Mongah’s, St., Well and Bath at Copgrove Park, 50.

Monktown, 224.

Monks’ Wells, 32.

Montblairie, 192.

Montezuma, 205.

Montluck Well, 143.

Montrose, 59, 215.

Monzie, Tree and well at, 234.

Monzievaird, Parish of, 55, 57.

Moon, Changes of the, indicated by stone in Harris, 255.

Moore, Mr. A. W., 115, 191, 296.

Moorfoot, 138, 139.

Moors, 259.

Moray, 267.

Mornish, 252.

Morpeth, 133, 134, 262.

Morphie, Castle of, 176.

Morridge, 136.

Morris-dancing, 210.

Morwenna, St., Legend of, 81.

Morwenstowe, 81.

Moss, Kirk of, 201.

Moss of Melshach, Spring in, 90.

Motherwell, 68.

Moxley Nunnery, 267, 318.

Muchricha’s, St., Well and Stone at Aboyne, 75.

Muir, Mr. T. S., 59, 78, 80, 189.

Mull, 68, 243.

Mullen, St., his well at Listerling, 235;
legend of his staff, 235.

Mulvay, St., Chapel of, called Teampull-mÒr, 34;
church of, 4.

Mungo, St. See Kentigern.

Munlochy Bay, 111, 273.

Munna, St., 78, 120.

Munster, Flooding of, 225.

Museum, 123, 255, 256.

Musgrave, Family of, 239.

Muswell near London, 88.

Muthill, 76, 111.

Nails as offerings, 16, 189.

Napier, Mr. James, 234, 242.

Natural and Supernatural, Archaic notions about the, 1, 2.

Nature-festivals, 281–310. Neck, 163.

Needles as offerings, 189.

Neot’s, St., fish, 183, 184.

Nervous disorders, 111.

Nesa, 248.

Ness, 247. Nether Lochaber, 175, 291.

Nether Lochaber, 300.

New Aberdour, 41, 68.

Newbottle, 139.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, Pestilence at, 190, 260.

New Duffus, 64.

Newell Well at Glentham, 228, 229.

Newmills of Keith, 84.

New-Year’s morning, Flower of the well on, 23.

Nicholas, St., 329.

Nicholas’, St., Day, 281.

Nicholson, Mr. J. B., 163.

Nickar the Soulless,” 162. Nick, Old, 162.

Niduarian Picts, 51.

Nigg, 271, 274. Nikr, 162.

Ninian, St., or Ringan, 46, 93;
built Candida Casa at Whithorn, 47;
extent of his influence, 47;
his cave in Glasserton parish, 47;
his connection with St. Martin in topography and church-dedications, 47;
his consecration of grave-yard at Cathures, 49;
his hospital at Ayr, 87, 88;
his shrine at Whithorn, 265;
his springs, 33, 47, 48, 87;
his relics at Whithorn, 266.

Nine maidens well, 181.

Nine wells near Macduff’s Cross, 38.

Nissa, 136. Nix, 163. Nixie, 163.

Non-mineral springs, 98–105.

Noran Water, 178.

Norna of the Fitful Head, 220.

North Berwick, 67;
kirk of, 216.

North Tawton parish, 147.

Norway, 130, 131, 252, 264. Notes and Queries, 191, 330.

Noup Head at Westray, superstition about rock at, 6.

Nuggles in Shetland, 178.

Numa, 189.

Nun’s, St., Well in Cornwall, 116, 117.

Nuts, Magical, 232.

Nuttall, Dr. G. H. F., 330.

Oak, Edgewell, at Dalhousie Castle, 238;
Errol’s, 237;
grove, at Eastwell, 237;
with mistletoe, 237.

Oath stones, 243, 244, 247.

O’Curry, Professor, 232.

Offerings, Votive, at chapel wells in Kirkmaiden, 92;
at Chibber-Unjin in Isle of Man, 236;
at fountain of Findmaige, 25;
at Holy Pool in Strathfillan, 124;
at St. Maelrubha’s Well in Innis Maree, 118;
at spring in Moss of Melshach, 90;
at spring in parish of Keith, 27;
in well at Islay, 16;
on ‘wishing-tree’ in Innis Maree, 196;
philosophy of, 202;
results of theft of, 204, 205;
reverence for, 204, 205;
to propitiate storm-spirit, 221.

Oikel, 166.

Olaf’s, King, spring at Trondhjem, 130.

Olaus’, St., Well in Cruden parish, 105.

Old Deer, 41.

Old Luce, 63.

Old Melrose, Monastery of, 51, 61.

Omens, 140–148, 214.

Ophthalmia, 200.

Oran’s, St., Chapel in Iona, Stones near, 253. Order Pot at Elgin, 151.

Ordiquhill, 68.

Orientation of Christian churches, 292.

Orkney, 74, 109, 118, 146, 168, 219, 250, 330.

Oswald, King, 61;
his well in Lancashire, 129;
his well in Yorkshire, 142, 190.

Osyth’s, St., Well, 129.

Our Lady’s Well at Threshfield, 327.

Ouse, The, 319.

O waly, waly up yon bank,” 321, 322, 323.

Ox, Burying a live, as a charm, 115.

Oxford, 130.

Oyne’s, St., Well and Mound in Rathen parish, 42.

Padstow, May-Day custom at, 226.

Pagan beliefs and customs, Persistence of, 3, 28, 187, 226, 283, 303, 305, 338.

Paganism and rain-charms, 226.

Paisley, 137.

Palace, Alexandra, in London, 88.

Paldy or Paddy’s Fair in Fordoun parish, 52.

Paldy’s Well in Fordoun parish, 52.

Palladius, St., his connection with Fordoun, 52;
his history uncertain, 52;
his miracle to procure water for baptism, 52;
his spring and fair there, 52.

Palm-Sunday, 145.

Pannanich near Ballater, 90.

Papa-Westray, 146.

Paris, 272.

Pasch Market, 282;
Sunday, 296.

Paton, Sir Noel, 162.

Patrickmas, 282.

Patrick, St., his marks in quarry at Portpatrick, 76;
his vat in Tyree, 76;
his visit to Findmaige, 25;
his well and chapel in Muthill parish, 76;
his well in Dalziel parish, 76.

Patrick’s, St., Cathedral, Well in, 50. Patrons in Ireland, 276.

Paul, St., Wells dedicated to, 67, 80;
beheading of, at Tre Fontane, 128.

Peacock, Mr. Edward, 60.

Pear, Gifford, 238.

Pear-Tree, Pea-Tree, or Three-Tree Well at Glasgow, 234, 235.

Pebbles as charms, 243, 246, 249, 250;
as offerings, 82, 102, 123, 124, 195.

Pectoral inflammation, Cure of, 253.

Peebles, 285.

Peel castle, 182.

Peg Powler, 161.

Penda, King of Mercia, 129.

Pennant, 29, 43, 114, 117, 152, 200, 223, 285, 288, 299, 318.

Pentland Firth, 73.

Perth, 151, 329;
kirk-session of, 271, 301.

Peruvians, Festival of the summer solstice among the, 292.

Peter, St., his church at Rosemarkie, 62;
his well at Houston, 33;
his wishing-well at Rait, 320;
wells dedicated to, 68.

Peter ad Vincula, St., 305.

Peterchurch, 185.

Peterhead, Mineral waters of, 90, 325, 326;
wine well at, 90.

Peter’s, St., Day, 282, 284, 286.

Petrie’s well in Marnoch parish, 68.

Petrifying springs, 89.

Phenomena Natural, Misinterpretation of, 324–331.

Philip’s, St., Well in Yarrow parish, 67.

Phitallis’ St., Well, 304.

Pictavia, 62.

Picts, King of the, 247.

Pierse-bridge, 161.

Pilgrimages, 263–279.

Pilgrims’ Well at Aberdour, 265;
well and haven in Isle of May, 267.

Pins as offerings, 16, 144, 189, 193, 296, 320.

Pit-alt-donich or Balandonich, 302.

Pit and Gallows, Right of, 148.

Pitlochry, 175.

Pittenweem, 83.

Pittenyoul, Pot o’, in the “Burn o’ the Riggins,” 84.

Plants, Personality of, 230.

Plymouth, Bringing water to, 134.

Pococke, Bishop, 244.

Poetry and Superstition, 101, 158, 326, 327.

Poison, Protection against, 242.

Poison-wells in West Highland Folk-tales, 26.

Pol-Ronan, 58.

Ponage or Pontage Pool, 176.

Pont, Timothy, 59.

Pope Pius the Second, 267.

Portankill, 92.

Port Erin, 64.

Port Henderson, 169.

Portpatrick, 76.

Port Ronan in Iona, 57.

Powbate Well, 138.

Preservation of holy wells, Plea for the, 22.

Prestonkirk, Church of, 74. Pricking, 149.

Priests’ wells, 32, 199.

Priors’ wells, 32.

Prophetic power of wells, 140–148, 333.

Prophylactic springs, 105, 106, 107.

Queensferry, 66, 83.

Queen’s Well, Forfar, 66.

Querdon’s, St., Well at Troqueer. See Jergon’s, St., Well.

Quigrich. See Coig-gerach.

Quirinus, 305.

Rags as offerings, 82, 189–193, 197, 200, 233.

Rag Well at Newcastle, 190.

Rainmaking, 224–229.

Ramsay, Allan, 238.

Rannoch, 173, 175.

Rath Croghan, 306.

Rath Erenn, 82.

Rathven, 111.

Ravenna, Mosaic representing baptism of Christ at, 9.

Rayne, 64.

Rearymore, 236. Red Altar at Dulyn, 227.

Relics of saints, 36, 41, 59, 75, 122, 123, 132, 255, 256.

Renfrew, 74.

Restalrig, 66.

Rhodes, Knights of. See John, St., of Jerusalem, Knights of.

Rhys, Professor John, 192, 226, 227, 308, 309.

Richard’s, St., Well at Droitwich, 207.

Ring, gold, Use of, for divination, 298.

Rivers, archaic, Notions about, 8;
guardian spirits of, 8, 9;
mystery of a, 8, 159–162.

Robertlone in Dundonald, Lands of, 87.

Robin Round-Cap Well, 163.

Rogers, Dr. Charles, 221, 222, 238, 251.

Rome, 52, 54, 58, 64, 65.

Rona in Sound of Skye, 57, 247;
off Lewis, 57.

Ronald, St., Chapel to, 221.

Ronaldshay, South, 73.

Ronan, St., 57, 58;
his chapel in Rona, 247;
his influence on Scottish topography, 57;
his springs, 57, 58.

Roseberry Topping, 191.

Rosemarkie, 62.

Roslin, 67.

Ross, Mr. J. Calder, 177.

Ross, Rev. William, 265.

Rostherne, 296.

Rowan, 176, 232;
cross, 299.

Royal Oak Day, 210.

Rum, 239.

Rumbling Well at Bootle, 190.

Rurach in Kintail, Spring at, 328.

Ryndis, Kirkmaiden in, 94.

Sabrina, 10.

Sacheverel, 254.

Saddell Abbey, Well near, 320, 321.

Sage, Rev. Donald, 153, 182.

Sailors and Fishermen, Superstitions of, 4, 221, 222.

Saints allaying storms, 329.

St. Agnes, Island of, 320.

St. Andrews, 63, 67, 150, 266.

St. Boswell’s, 51, 61;
Burn, 61.

St. Catherine’s on Loch Fyne, 64.

St. Fergus, Parish of, 58.

St. Fillan’s, 82.

St. George, 181.

St. Kilda, 40, 111, 189.

St. Lawrence, Parish of. See Slamannan.

St. Margaret’s Stone Farm, 83.

St. Martin’s Abbey, 49.

St. Mary’s Loch, 180.

St. Ninian’s, 48.

St. Quintin, 145.

St. Ronan’s Well,” 56.

St. Serf’s Water, 55.

Saints and Springs, 39–55, 186, 187.

Saints’ Wells, 32.

Salmon, 232.

Salt as a charm, 160.

Sampson, Agnes, 216.

Sancta Crux Well in Crueshill, 277.

Sanctuary, Right of, 34;
abolished in England by James I., 35;
laws regarding, 35.

Sanda, 48.

Sandal, 67.

Sandplace, 52.

Sanquhar, 296.

Saracen Prince, 259.

Sarcophagi, Gems with mystic mottoes in, 243.

Satan and Satanic. See Devil.

Saturnalia, Roman, 283.

Saughton Hall, 260.

Saxby, Mrs. Jessie M. E., 101, 102.

Scandinavia, 243, 252, 264, 284, 309.

Scilly Isles, 320.

Scone, Monastery of, 59, 151.

Scotland, 62, 63, 70, 74, 75, 95, 106, 113, 114, 117, 120, 139, 143, 150, 163, 192, 206, 212, 217, 257, 259, 265, 267, 269, 271, 282, 284, 298, 307, 309.

—— New Statistical Account of, 27, 37, 57, 76, 124.

—— Old Statistical Account of, 21, 26, 27, 82, 89, 183, 201.

—— Society of Antiquaries of, 243, 255;
Proceedings of the, 29, 30, 69, 79, 91, 92, 100, 102, 112, 113, 122, 153, 244, 253, 265.

Scott, Sir John, vicar of Aberdour, 265.

Scots, Mary Queen of, 245.

Scott, Michael, 133.

Scott, Sir Walter, 56, 119, 132, 179, 182, 219, 238, 259, 268, 320;
his mother’s amulet, 245.

Scripture characters, Wells dedicated to, 67–71.

Scrofula, 90.

Sea, leading horses into the, 7;
magical power ascribed to the, 6;
water from the, for curative purposes, 6.

Seal-ancestry in Shetland, 5.

Seals, superstitions about, 4, 5.

Sea-serpents, 4. Sea-trows in Shetland, 4.

Seat, St., Kevin’s, 79.

Secrecy of visits to wells, 278, 279.

Selkirk, 67.

Senanus, St., 100.

Serf, St., otherwise Servanus, 55;
his cave at Dysart, 55;
his cell at Dunning, 55;
his connection with district north of the Firth of Forth, 55;
his link with the Monzievaird parish, 55;
his staff, 235;
his wells, 55.

Serf’s, St., Day, 282.

Seton, 53, 305.

Shadar, 67, 141, 288, 311.

Shakespeare, 216, 263.

Shargar stone at Fyvie, 81.

Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, 149.

Shaw, 267.

Shear’s, St., Well at Dumbarton, 55. Sheles and Spital Sheles in Kyle Stewart, 87.

Shells as offerings, 189.

Sheriffmuir, 258.

Shetland Islands, 47, 101, 178, 221.

Shin, 166.

Shirt, use of, in magic, 9. Shony, sea-god, Sacrifice to, in Lewis, 4.

Shotts, 63.

Sigget, 296.

Sight, Weakness of, 110.

Sikes, Mr. Wirt, 222.

Silence, Necessity of, 12, 34, 316, 317, 318, 323, 337. Siller or Silver wells, 198.

Silver coins as offerings, 196, 198.

Silvius, Æneas, 267.

Simpson, Sir J. Y., 257.

Sinai, Mount, 62, 95.

Sinavey spring in Mains parish, 47.

Sinking or floating, Auguries by, 141, 142, 150, 151.

Siracht, 120.

Skene, Dr. W., 57, 82, 93.

Skeulan well at Aboyne, 43.

Skibo Castle, 166.

Skinner’s well, 275.

Skulls, human, Folklore of, 222.

Skye, 184, 246.

Slamannan, 64.

Sligo, 225.

Slochd-Muichd, 174.

Snail in folk-medicine, 203.

Snowdon, 226. Sonnenwendfeuer, 284.

Sorcery, 149, 215, 295.

Soul, External, in a bird, 240;
in deer, 239;
in a fish, 239;
in Luck of Edenhall, 239;
in a pear, 238;
in a swan, 239;
in a tree, 237;
in various animals, 236.

Sound of Skye, 57.

Southend, 63, 80.

South-running stream, Efficacy of, 9, 262.

Southwood church, 186.

Soutra hill, 102.

Spa, Well of, at Aberdeen, 33, 91.

Spain, 64, 259.

Special diseases, Cure of, 109–127.

Spey and Drachaldy, Wells of, 14.

Spey river, 266.

Spider in folk-medicine, 203.

Spirits, guardians of wells and lochs, 155–170, 189, 204, 205;
origin of belief in, 283, 331.

Spirits, Nature-, inhabiting springs, called demons by Adamnan, 25, 283.

Spoon from horn of living cow, 32, 103, 111.

Spring, Mystery of a, 324.

Springs associated with early saints, 30;
double charm of, 337;
healing power of, 325;
intermittent, 137;
issuing from graves, 130;
mysterious connection of springs with trees, 336;
mysterious disappearance of, 19, 20;
mysterious origin of, 328;
passing from paganism to Christianity, 24.
See also Fountains and Wells.

Spynie Loch, 148.

Stable door, Perforated stones hung at, 255.

Stackpole Head, St. Govan’s Chapel and Well near, 316.

Stane, Kelpy’s, at Corgarff, 165;
St. Cuthbert’s, 80;
St. Fillan’s, 83;
The Creeping, 80.

Stenton, 267.

Stewart, Rev. Dr. Alexander, 46, 172, 175, 290, 300.

Stewart, Mr. Charles, 121.

Stewart, Mr. W. G., 174.

Stirling, 94;
near, 67.

Stitches, 247.

Stoke St. Milborough, 132.

Stone, Blue, of Fladda, as a curing-stone, 247;
as an oath-stone, 247;
brownie’s, in Valay, 304;
dwarfie, in Hoy, 73;
in churchyard of St. Denis, 330;
kettle, in Corgarff, 204;
lunar, of Harris, 255;
St. Declan’s, 244;
serpent, 256;
white, of Loch Manaar, 247, 249;
wishing, in St. John’s Well, 318;
yellow, in Mull, 243.

Stone-bed, St. Baldred’s (or Cradle), at Whitberry, 74;
St. Columba’s, in Iona, 78;
St. Kentigern’s Couch at Glasgow, 77;
St. Madron’s, in Cornwall, 80.

Stone-blocks, 72–85.

Stone-boat, St. Baudron’s, 74;
St. Magnus’s, 73;
St. Conval’s, 74.

Stone-chair, St. Donan’s, at Kildonan, 75;
St. Fillan’s Seat at Killallan, 83;
St. Fillan’s, at Comrie, 81;
St. Fillan’s, at Killin, 83;
St. Inan’s, in Beith, 79;
St. Kentigern’s, at Glasgow, 77;
St. Kevin’s Seat at Glendalough, 78;
St. Margaret’s Seat near Dunfermline, 83;
St. Marnan’s, at Aberchirder, 75;
St Molio’s, and Table in Holy Island, 78;
Wallace’s Seat near Vizziberry, 85.

Stone, Mrs., 86.

Stonehaven, 44, 221.

Stones as amulets, 243, 257;
as medicine, 244;
as ornaments, 256;
as talismans, 242, 336;
beside wells, 251;
black, of Iona, 244;
cramp, 246;
in Juno’s pool, 140;
in mill at Killin, 328;
mysterious properties of, 242;
on altars, 253;
perforated, 255;
precious, 242;
symbolism of, 242.

Stones, Standing, associated with springs, 27, 28, 29;
called in Lewis Fir chreig, 26;
Christian churches associated with, 34, 83;
purpose of, 26;
superstitions about, 25, 26.

Stone-worship, Survivals of, 241.

Stoneykirk, 63.

Stony Middleton, St. Martin’s Chapel at, 88, 89.

Storms, Allaying of, 224;
causation of, 218, 225, 294;
great storm of July, 1881, 222.

Stornoway, 220.

Stow, 275.

Stow, Sanctuary at, 36.

Straid, Whooping-cough Well at, 111.

Stranraer, 68, 282.

Strathbogie, 69.

Strathclyde, 77.

Strathdeveron, 193.

Strathdon, 54, 57, 142, 156, 185.

Strathearn, 55, 58.

Strathfillan, 82, 106, 120, 121, 122, 126, 295;
Priory in, 122.

Strathmartin, 47, 49, 181.

Strathnaver, 249.

Strathpeffer, 87.

Strathspey, 156, 174.

Strathtay, 51.

Straw, 291;
use of, in connection with stones, 252. Stromkarl, 163.

Stromness, 118, 219.

Stronsay, 109.

Strowan, 57, 58.

Struthill, 118, 124.

Stuart, Dr. John, 122.

Sun-charms, 287, 288.

Sulphur well at Edinburgh. See Bernard’s, St., Well.

Sunday, 210, 286, 296, 297, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 309;
choice of, for visits to wells, 302;
markets on, 305;
Sugar and Water, in Cumberland, 275.

Sun-god, 306.

Sunrise, 58, 93, 105, 111, 142, 201, 215, 300, 301, 310, 328.

Sunset, 111, 114, 123, 214, 215, 250, 310.

Sunways, Turning, 12, 63, 82, 141, 293, 294, 295, 311, 312.

Sun-worship and well-worship, Connection of, 295;
survival of, 290.

Superstition, 101, 113, 133, 138, 149, 153, 156, 159, 172, 206, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 237, 240, 243, 254, 260, 267, 269, 270, 272, 273, 287, 291, 294, 310, 312, 315, 326, 329, 330, 333, 336, 338.

Sutherland, Water-spirits in, 165–172.

Swave, Peter, 95.

Sweden, 129, 162, 288.

Swithin’s, St., Day, 215. Symson, 143, 190, 204, 295.

Syria, 183.

Tailtin, now Teltown, 306.

Tain, 41, 201, 266.

Tanew, St., or Thenew, 51;
her cave in the Isle of May, 77;
her chapel at Glasgow, 199;
her springs, 51, 199.
See Enoch’s, St., Well.

Tangstill, 135.

Tantallon castle, 74.

Tarbet, East, 92.

Tarras water in Canonbie parish, 89.

Tarroo-Ushtey, 181.

Tay, 47, 151.

Teampull-Mhichael in Grimisay, 71.

Teampull-mÒr in Lewis, 57.

Teampull Ronaig in Iona, 57.

Tear’s, St., chapel, 201.

Tees, 161.

Tegla’s, St., Well at Llandegla, 114, 116;
ritual for curing epilepsy at, 114.

Temple, St. Patrick’s, in Tyree, stone with hollow near, 76.

Temples, Druidical, 26.

Tenant’s day at Beith, 79.

Tennyson, Lord, 10.

Ternan, St., or Terrananus, 52;
his well at Banchory-Devenick, 52.

Tessore, 327.

Thanet well, 51.

Theodoric, Archbishop of Canterbury, 241.

Thistle, Scottish, 91.

Three-Tree Well at Glasgow. See Pear-Tree Well.

Thor, 252.

Thomas, St., 264;
his wells, 67.

Thomas the Rhymer, 138, 151.

Thorn. See Hawthorn.

Thunder counted ominous, 214, 218.

Tiber, Deification of, 8.

Till, 159.

Tillmouth, 132.

Tin-iron, Offerings of, 199.

Tinto, 284.

Tissington, 207, 208.

Tobar-an-easbuig at Kilbride, 101.

Tobar-ant-sagairt at Inverlussa, 70.

Tobar-Faolan at Struan in Athole, 227.

Tobar-fuar-mÒrie, 204.

Tobar-Mhachar in Strathdon, 54, 185.

Tobar-na-domhnuich in Fodderty parish, 141.

Tobar-na-Glas-a-Coile near Corgarff, 194.

Tobar Tellibreck in Skye, 109.

Tobar Vachar at Corgarff, 54, 185.

Tobbar-nam-buadh at Castle Bay in Barray, 27.

Tober-Kieran in Meath, 184.

Tobermory, 68.

Tober-na-Coragh in Innismurray, 224.

Toberi-Clerich in St. Kilda, 40.

Tobir-Chalaich in Keith parish, 27.

Tobordmony in Antrim, 302.

Toddell Well in Cumberland, 310.

Toubir-in-Knahar in Islay, 21.

Toubir-ni-Lechkin in Jura, 136.

Toubir-nim-buadh in St. Kilda, 111, 189.

Tom Eunan, 42.

Tomintoul, Well-market at, 22, 156, 277.

Toothache, 109.

Topaz, 242.

Topenhow parish, 146.

Torches, Use of, 288.

Tor Hill, 49.

Torphichen, Preceptory and St. John’s Well at, 37;
sanctuary at, 37.

Torranain, Incantation connected with, 46.

Touch Hills, 105.

Toulouse, 189.

Traitor’s Pool at Padstow, 226.

Tredwell’s, St., Loch turning red, 13, 146, 330.

Tree-ancestry, 230, 231.

Tree (Village) of German races, 231.

Trees beside wells, 195, 199, 232–238;
cutting down, unlucky, 233;
planting and naming of, 237;
trunks of, on Black-Mere Lake, 145;
worship of, 230, 232, 300, 327, 336.

Tre Fontane, 128.

Trelevean, 198.

Trinity Gask Well, 106.

Trinity Hospital and Well on Soutra hill, 102.

Trondhjem, 130.

Troqueer, 44, 196.

Trotter, Dr. Robert, 92, 93, 94.

Trout, live, Transference of disease to a, 203.

Tullich, 77.

Tullie-Beltane, Spring and stone-circles at, 27, 28, 297.

Tunstall, 133.

Turriff, Church of, 47;
fresco of St. Ninian in, 47;
monastery of, 120.

Tweed, 60, 61, 159, 160.

Tylor, Dr. E. B., 2, 7, 158, 172, 252.

Tyndrum, 82, 126.

Tyne, 74.

Tyningham, Church of, 74;
monastery of, 74;
sanctuary at, 36.

Tyree, 76.

Uah Vearnag, Cave of, in Islay, Well near, 21.

Uist (North, 71, 304), 233.

Ulbster, 47.

Ulton’s, St., Chapel, 304.

Unburied bones, Superstition about, 222.

Upsala, 129.

Ure, 255.

Urquhart in Elginshire, 17;
in Inverness-shire, 41.

Valay, 304.

Vases, Ancient, used at spring in North Mexico, 205.

Vaugh, 166.

Vayne Castle, 178.

Ve Skerries in Shetland, 5.

Victoria, Queen, 91, 316.

Vigean’s, St., Church of, Superstition about, 13.

Vildrin’s, St., Spring near Drumakill, 17.

Virgin, The, her chapel and well at Kilmorie, 143;
her chapel at Kirkmaiden, 79;
her chapel and well at Whitekirk, 267;
print of her knee at Kirkmaiden, 79;
wells dedicated to, 68, 106.

Virtue Wells, 32.

Vitus’s, St., Day, 286.

Vizziberry, 85.

Vynning’s, St., Spring in Holywood parish, 129.

Walcott, 147.

Wales, 60, 114, 129, 191, 200, 257, 308.

Walker, Mr. J. R., 16, 18, 69, 112.

Walking round wells and other sacred sites, 114, 123, 191, 206, 219, 284, 289, 293, 311.

Wallace of Craigie, Family of, 87

Wallace, Sir William, 85;
his seat and well at Vizziberry, 85.

Wallach’s, St., bath, 193;
church and well in Glass parish, 110, 193.

Walsingham, 318.

Wansbeck, 133.

War, Portents of, 147.

Warlingham, 147.

Warna, St., 320.

“Wassailing” of Apple-trees, The, 231.

Water, Certain characteristics of, 20;
curing by, 87, 103, 108–127, 250, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 271;
deification of, 241;
by Greeks and Romans, 2;
by savages, 2;
selling of, in Ireland, 276.
See also Healing and Holy Wells.

Water-bull, 171–181;
-cow, 179, 180;
-cross in North Uist, 225;
-horse, 172;
-kelpy (see Kelpy, Water);
-ordeal, 150, 151, 152, 153.

Watlie, 101.

Wavertree, Monastery and well at, 186.

Weather, its bearing on daily life, 213;
its connection with ecclesiastical festivals, 214;
its connection with wells, 223–229, 234;
its place in folklore, 214.

Weem, 318.

Well, Ream or cream or flower of the, 23. Well-brae wall at St. Boswell’s, 61.

“Well-dressing” or “well-flowering,” 206.

Well in the wall in Checkly parish, 136.

Wells as places of safety, Pilgrimages to, 135, 327;
removal of, 21;
stone coverings of, 33, 70, 191;
wonderful, 128–139.

Welltrees meadow, 296.

Well-worship, Connection of, with worship of a rain-god, 224;
continuance of, 337;
in Celtic areas, 23;
in rural districts, 15;
origin of, 187.
See also Fountains and springs.

Wemyss, Cave at, 310, 312.

Wereham, St. Margaret’s Well at, 275.

Western Isles. See Hebrides.

West Kilbride parish, 320.

West Skeld in Shetland, Standing stones at, 27.

Wexford, 306.

Wheel, St. Catherine’s, in art, 62.

Whitadder, 62.

Whitberry, 74

Whitby, 268.

White, Captain T. P., 43, 63, 70, 223, 254, 320.

White dresses worn at Feil Columcille in Inch parish, 42.

Whitekirk, 112.

White Loch of Merton, 302.

Whithorn, 47, 265, 266.

Whitsunday, 282.

Whooping-cough, 89, 102, 106, 111, 191, 203.

Wick, 59, 201. Widdershins or Withershins, 294, 295, 311, 312.

Wierre Effroy, 200.

Wight, Isle of, 207.

Wilde, Lady, 22, 116, 146.

Wild Murdoch, Story of, 153.

Wilson, Sir Daniel, 18, 123, 256, 292, 321.

Winchelsea, Earl of, Family of the, 237.

Wind, Allaying the, 215, 218;
controlling the, 218;
-charms, 222;
favourable and unfavourable, 219, 223;
prophetic character of, 221;
raising the, 215;
relation of, to wells, 223;
selling the, 219. Wine Well at Peterhead, 90.

Winifred’s, St., Well, 200.

Winwick, 129.

Wishes by divination, Fulfilment of, 314.

Wishing-holes at Abbotsbury, 316;
-stone in St. John’s Well, 318;
-tree on Innis Maree, 316.

Wishing Wells, 314–323;
belief in, accounted for, 334, 335, 336.

Witchcraft. See Witches.

Witchdoctor in Ireland, 116.

Witches, 148, 149, 215, 219, 222, 234, 250, 255;
Lake at St. Andrews, 150;
Pool near Dunnottar church, 150;
stone at Forres, 152;
well in Irongray parish, 312.

Withburga, 130.

Wooler, 193.

Wrath, Cape, 220.

Yarrow, 67, 180.

Ybarus, Bishop, 120.

Year, The Christian, 283.

Ygdrasil, 230.

York, 60.

York Minster, Well in, 50.

Yule, 215, 282, 283.



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