
Chapter Page
I. A Meeting in the Forest 1
II. Sir Jonathan’s Warning 18
III. The Yellow Bird 38
IV. In which Demons assault the Meeting-house 55
V. The Coming of the Town Beadle 70
VI. The Woman of Ipswich 80
VII. The Trial of Deliverance 92
VIII. The Last Witness 113
IX. In which Abigail sees Deliverance 128
X. A Little Life sweetly Lived 141
XI. Abigail goes to Boston Town 158
XII. Mr. Cotton Mather visits Deliverance 169
XIII. In the Green Forest 188
XIV. A Fellow of Harvard 206
XV. Lord Christopher Mallett 226
XVI. At the Governor’s House 244
XVII. In a Sedan-chair 256
XVIII. The Coming of Thomas 273
XIX. On Gallows’ Hill 290
XX. The Great Physician 309


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