[Note.—Marginal dates distinguished by an asterisk are dates of publication, not of occurrence.] 1851.JANUARY.2.—Died at Shipdham, Mary, widow of Mr. Henry Tash, farmer, in the hundredth year of her age. 3.—At the Norfolk Court of Quarter Sessions a report was presented upon the expenditure of the county, into which a committee had inquired in consequence of representations made at public meetings in various districts, to the effect that the ratepayers were unable to control the finances. The Court passed a resolution affirming that the evidence given before the committee had tended to prove that the financial affairs of the county had been conducted by the Court of Quarter Sessions with proper attention to economy, with just regard to the public interests, and with the publicity required by law. 18.*—“A few days since the steeple of Drayton church fell to the ground with a tremendous crash, the lead which covered the falling mass being completely buried in the dÉbris.” 20.—A prolonged magisterial inquiry took place at Reepham, into disturbances at Lenwade arising out of the Wesleyan schism. Two parish constables, Samuel Fairman and John Elliott, were fined for refusing to perform their duty when requested by the Rev. C. Povah. At Aylsham Petty Sessions, on February 4th, four persons were charged with disturbing the Wesleyan congregation at Cawston on January 19th, and three were committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions. One of the defendants, Elizabeth Southgate, was ordered by the Court, on March 13th, to pay a penalty of £40; the other two were discharged on their own recognisances to appear at the next Quarter Sessions. A singular case arising from the same disruption came 20.—A great Protestant meeting was held at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of Mr. Samuel Bignold, at which were adopted addresses to the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury, protesting against the aggression of the Pope, and condemning the Tractarian movement in the Church of England. FEBRUARY.1.—Douglas’s Theatrical Company, which performed in several of the towns previously visited by the Norfolk and Suffolk Company of Comedians for so many years under the management of the Fishers, concluded a successful season at East Dereham. “Those who have witnessed the performances have been agreeably surprised at finding so great an amount of talent in an itinerant company.” 11.—A performance of “Speed the Plough” was given at the Theatre Royal, Norwich, for the benefit of Mr. George Bennett, the “Father of the Norwich Stage,” and “a member of the company in the palmy days of the drama in the city.” Mr. Bennett appeared in the character of Farmer Ashfield. “The Mayor gave his patronage, and in every part of the dress circle were to be recognised parties of high respectability, including the old familiar faces of those who, thirty or forty years ago, were wont to uphold and maintain the then palmy but now very depressed cause of legitimate drama.” The night’s receipts amounted to upwards of £90. —The Norwich Town Council resolved to petition the House of Commons for the total repeal of the Window-tax. 18.—Mr. Peter Master Yarington was presented with a silver salver and a purse of 283 sovs., in recognition of his efficient discharge of duty as Superintendent of the Norwich Police. He was appointed Governor of the City Gaol on July 31st, and was succeeded as head of the police force by Mr. Dunne, formerly of the Kent constabulary. Mr. Yarington died, in his 41st year, on July 21st, 1852, and on October 19th of that year Mr. Robert Campling was appointed Governor of the gaol. 19.—Mr. Albert Smith gave his “new literary, pictorial, and musical entertainment,” entitled, “The Overland Mail,” at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich. 22.—A serious riot occurred at Yarmouth. Samuel Graystone, mate of the Ant, from Yarmouth to Plymouth, had signed articles to go the voyage, but was forcibly prevented by seamen from boarding his ship. Masters of other vessels complained to the magistrates that they had been subjected to similar treatment. The staff of the East Norfolk Militia and the Coastguard were called out to keep the riotous seamen in check, and two troops of the 11th Hussars were conveyed by special trains from Norwich to assist in quelling the disturbance. The cavalry rode through the town, and quickly cleared the streets. “The rioters, frightened by the mere appearance of the troops, flew in every direction up the narrow rows of the town, and in a few hours tranquillity was restored.” It was stated that, but for the timely arrival of the troops, a body of Gorleston seamen would have made an attack upon the town. Several of the rioters were tried at the Quarter Sessions on March 6th, when, to the surprise of the Court, a verdict of not guilty was returned. 26.—Died at his family seat, Kirby Hall, the Hon. and Rev. Lord Berners. “He succeeded to the title and estates on the death of his brother Robert, Lord Berners, better known in the sporting world as Col. Wilson. He only attended at the House of Lords on a few occasions, one of which was to vote for the Reform Bill; but though absent in person, his proxy was always given to the support of the Whigs, of which, through life, he was a firm and constant supporter.” —An exhibition of hawking was given on Hellesdon Brakes, near Norwich, by Mr. Barr, the celebrated Scottish falconer. Many hundreds of persons were present. Mr. Barr used four young hawks of the peregrine species. They were flown at pigeons which were let loose, and in two hours two dozen were brought to the ground. “The MARCH.9.—A fire occurred at the office of the “Norwich Mercury,” Castle Street, Norwich. The roof of the building fell in, and the compositors’ room, with most of the cases of type, was destroyed. 13.—Dr. White, the eminent translator of “D’AubignÉ’s History,” delivered, in the old Council Chamber at the Guildhall, Norwich, a lecture on “The Causes and Consequences of the Reformation.” 27.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Jervis, the libel action, Abbott v. Bacon and Another, was tried. The defendants published a statement in the “Norwich Mercury,” to the effect that the plaintiff, a superintendent of the County Constabulary at East Dereham, had stolen certain articles from the shop of Mr. Abram, a chemist and druggist in that town. The jury assessed the damages at one farthing. On April 16th a motion was made in the Court of Exchequer for a new trial, on the ground of misdirection of the jury, and a rule nisi was granted. At a meeting held at the Norfolk Hotel, on April 5th, it was resolved, “That the recent trial offered a most painful illustration of the gross injustice which may be inflicted upon the editor of a newspaper who honestly and fearlessly comments on matters of general interest,” and a public subscription was opened to recoup the proprietors of the “Mercury” the loss they had sustained by their successful vindication of the liberty of the Press. In the Court of Exchequer, on June 27th, both sides agreed to a verdict being entered for one farthing damages. 28.—George Baldry (33) was found guilty, at the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Erle, of murdering Caroline Warnes, at Thurlton, by striking her on the head with a hammer. The sentence of death was commuted to transportation for life. 29.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Erle, John Whitley Cooper and Edmund Slingsby Drury Long, solicitors, and Frederick Goose, dealer, were indicted for unlawfully conspiring to obtain, by false pretences, from Sarah Roberts Tooke, widow, divers goods, furniture, and effects, with intent to defraud. Cooper was at the time undergoing sentence of twelve months’ imprisonment, passed upon him at Norwich Quarter Sessions on December 31st, 1850, for fraud. He was now sentenced to two years’ imprisonment in the Common Gaol; Long was acquitted, and Goose, who had absconded, forfeited his recognisances. The victim of this conspiracy, said the Judge, had been reduced from a position of respectability to one of absolute ruin. APRIL.12.—Mr. Fred Phillips, while performing the part of Rob Roy at Norwich Theatre, fell from a “fictitious precipice” and sustained a compound fracture of the bones of the leg “implicating the ankle 23.—The headquarters of the 11th Hussars, commanded by the Earl of Cardigan, marched from Norwich Barracks for Nottingham, and were succeeded on the 25th by the 2nd Dragoon Guard’s (Queen’s Bays). —Samuel Woodhouse, of Plumstead, and William Pyle, of Holt, were buried alive in a well 115 feet deep, at Docking, by the falling in of 36 feet of soil. “Some of the inhabitants proposed to fill up the well and let them remain in it, stating that the same thing had been done at Tittleshall, where an inquest was held at the mouth of the well and the body or bodies remain there to this day.” Efforts were made, however, to recover the bodies. That of Pyle was found on May 14th, and of Woodhouse on the 15th. “Though the bodies had been buried exactly three weeks, on their being brought to the surface and moved about blood flowed freely from both of them.” 30.—Died, aged 78, Mr. Richard Slann, of Southtown, Great Yarmouth, historical engraver to her Majesty the Queen. MAY.3.—The Census returns for the city of Norwich were published. The number of inhabited houses was 14,990, of uninhabited 339, and in course of building 101. The population was 68,706, of whom 31,213 were males, and 37,493 females. 4.—A pauper named John Rowland, who had had a remarkable career, died at Lynn Workhouse. He was educated at Eton, and was afterwards a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. Ordained deacon and priest by Bishop Horsley, he officiated at St. James’s, Westminster, and went out to St. Petersburg as chaplain to the Embassy. Subsequently he either threw off his gown or had it taken from him, and became a blacksmith and coach-spring maker in Norfolk Street, Lynn. He was apprehended, tried, and transported for stealing iron, the property of Mr. Bottomley, of South Gates, in that town. At the expiration of his term of transportation he returned to Lynn, made a settlement in the town, and was for several years an inmate of the Workhouse. He died at the advanced age of 78 years. 12.—Died, at the age of 63, at his residence, the Close, Norwich, Mr. William Ollett, “who obtained justly-deserved eminence as a carver of wood for ecclesiastical purposes, and whose skill was called into requisition in most of the cathedrals of this kingdom.” JUNE.5.—The “members of Reffley” celebrated the 62nd anniversary of 21.—The hand of a female was found in Miss Martineau’s plantation, Martineau’s Lane, Norwich, by a lad named Charles Johnson. Other portions of human remains were discovered between this date and the end of the month, in various suburbs of the city, namely, at Lakenham, Hellesdon, Mile Cross, &c. The remains were deposited at the Guildhall, where they were examined by Mr. Nichols, Mr. D. Dalrymple, and Mr. Norgate, surgeons, who pronounced them to be those of an adult female. (See January, 1869.) JULY.12.—The Yarmouth magistrates issued a warrant “to apprehend the bodies of George Danby Palmer and James Cherry, charged on the oath of William Norton Burroughes with being about to commit a breach of the peace by fighting a duel.” The incident arose out of an extraordinary scene at a public meeting, where “Mr. Palmer gave the lie to Mr. Cherry.” 14.—Died at Rackheath Hall, in his 83rd year, Sir Edward Hardinge John Stracey, second baronet. He was born in India, came to this country as a boy, and was educated at Norwich Grammar School and Christ Church, Oxford. He was subsequently called to the Bar, was for a time Clerk of the House of Commons, and succeeded his uncle, Mr. Hardinge Stracey, as counsel to the Chairmen of Committees of the House of Lords on Mr. Pitt’s appointment to office. For several years he was Chairman of Quarter Sessions for Cheshire, and a magistrate for that county as well as for Norfolk and Suffolk. 26.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Chief Baron Pollock and a special jury, was tried the action, Baldry v. Ellis. This was an issue directed to be tried by the late Master of the Rolls, and involved the disposal of a sum of about £25,000. The jury had to decide whether one Bailey Bird, deceased, who contracted marriage in the year 1818, was competent to make that contract. A large number of witnesses deposed that Bird was of perfectly sound mind at the time of his marriage; an equally large number, including several medical men, asserted that he was an idiot. The jury were of opinion that Bird was not of sound mind at the time of the celebration of his marriage, and returned a verdict for the defendant. 28.—Henry Groom (42) was indicted at the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Cresswell, for the murder of John Ayton, by shooting him with a pistol, at Burnham Thorpe, on July 4th. He was executed on the Castle Hill, Norwich, on August 16th. AUGUST.8.—The steeple of St. Cuthbert’s, Thetford, fell upon the roof of the church, carrying away one of the arches and destroying the organ. 9.*—“A letter from Philadelphia, of the 16th ult., announces the death of Mr. Davenport, formerly lessee of the theatres on the Norwich circuit. He had been making a successful tour in the United States with his talented daughter. He died a few days before, at Cincinnati.” 28.—The Norwich Corporation adopted the Public Health Act of 1848, and appointed twenty members as a Local Board of Health. 29.—The church of St. Matthew, Thorpe Hamlet, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. SEPTEMBER.10.—Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, then on a visit to England, attended a dinner given at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, by members of the Valpeian Club, established in 1847. 25.—A severe gale occurred off the Norfolk coast, and did much damage to shipping at Yarmouth. 30.—The opening of the Norwich Waterworks was publicly celebrated. The band of the Coldstream Guards played selections in the Market Place, 220 guests dined at the Assembly Rooms, under the presidency of Mr. Samuel Bignold, chairman of the Waterworks Company, and twenty thousand persons witnessed a display of fireworks in the Market Place. The works were commenced by Messrs. Lucas Bros., the contractors, in February. There were 20,000 yards of excavations, and 2,500,000 bricks, 15,000 yards of clay, 5,000 yards of filtering sand, 7,000 yards of filtering stone, 3,000 yards of concrete, and 40 tons of lead were used. The rising main was 4,000 yards in length, and 15 inches in diameter. OCTOBER.4.—Died at Hampton Court, in his 80th year, George William Stafford Jerningham, Baron Stafford. He inherited a baronetcy as 7.—Mr. George Cruikshank presided at the annual temperance festival held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, and delivered an address. 16.—Bexfield’s oratorio, “Israel Restored,” was “brought out” at the Choral Concert, held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The principal vocalists were Miss Birch, Miss Williams, Mr. Benson, and Mr. H. Phillips. Dr. Bexfield conducted his work, which “created the greatest interest throughout the musical world, and hundreds of applications for reserved places were received from all parts of the kingdom.” 26.—Died at Philadelphia, the United States of America, aged 62, Mr. Richard Cowling Taylor, F.G.S. He was the author of many valuable works during his residence in Norwich The most important was his “Index Monasticus,” published in 1821. Mr. Taylor was a member of several scientific societies in America. 30.—Mrs. Fanny Kemble gave a reading of “King John,” at the Assembly Room, Norwich, and on the 31st read “Much Ado about Nothing.” NOVEMBER.4.—A lecture on the “Bloomer costume” was delivered at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by a Mrs. Knights. “The large audience was composed for the most part of the male sex, shop assistants, and milliners’ apprentices. The amount of money taken must have been considerable, and we regret that there should have been so many persons found in this city ready to be taken in with such nonsense. Mrs. Knights was attired in Bloomer costume, an essentially ugly and unfeminine dress. She was greeted with derisive laughter, applause, and hisses, and she left the orchestra amid a storm of groans and disapprobation.” 5.—A sculling match from Surlingham to the New Cut at Thorpe took place between Lett, of London, and R. Buttle, of Norwich, for £25 a side. Lett’s boat was overturned soon after the start, and Buttle rowed over the course. A second match, for £10 a side, was rowed on the 10th, between Bramerton Wood’s End and the New Cut, and was won easily by the Norwich man. 8.*—“Before the Lords Justices of Appeal was heard the case of the Attorney-General v. the Corporation of Norwich. It arose on the question whether the Corporation have authority to apply the borough fund in soliciting a Bill in Parliament to enable them to improve the navigation of the River Wensum. The information was filed at the relation of two of the ratepayers, and it prayed that the Corporation might be restrained from promoting and prosecuting a Bill in Parliament for this purpose and at their expense. The appeal was dismissed, with costs.” 10.—Mr. Charles Winter was elected Mayor, and Mr. Robert Wiffin Blake appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 18.—Winter set in with great severity; snow fell to the depth of two or three feet, and a severe frost commenced. DECEMBER.6.—The Eastern Counties Association for obtaining Agricultural Relief held its first public meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. Its principal objects were to obtain the repeal of the Malt-tax, a re-adjustment of the tithe system, security for tenants in making improvements, a reform in the management of county expenditure, and the abolition of the Game Laws. 11.—A coarse urn was turned up by a plough at Easton. The vessel contained about 4,000 small brass coins of the Lower Empire. The earliest amongst them were of the period of Gallienus, and there were about 2,500 of the Constantines; nearly 600 had the wolf and twins, and about 800 bore the victory with spear and shield. Mr. Goddard Johnson made a descriptive list of the coins. 26.—Died, in his 38th year, at Malvern, Worcestershire, Mr. J. B. Wigham, son of Mr. Robert Wigham, of Norwich. “He was a Fellow of the Royal Geological Society, and was well known as having personally collected one of the best cabinets of tertiary fossils in the kingdom.” —Macarte’s Circus Company performed in a temporary building erected on the Castle Meadow, Norwich. 1852.JANUARY.5.—Died at Letheringsett, Johnson Jex, originally a blacksmith and afterwards a manufacturer of watches. He was born at Billingford in or about the year 1778. After the death of his mother, in about 1830, he led a life of complete solitude, and became a scientific anchorite. “The first watch ever constructed by Jex was made after he had settled at Letheringsett, for his friend the Rev. T. Munnings, of Gorgate Hall, near East Dereham. Every part of this watch, including the silver face, and every tool employed in its construction, was of Jex’s own making.” 10.*—“Dr. Woolley is resigning the head mastership of King Edward VI. Grammar School (Norwich), on his appointment as principal of the University College and professor of classical literature in the University of Sydney.” He was succeeded by Dr. Vincent. 19.—After many delays, the statue of Lord Nelson, executed by Mr. Milnes, of London, arrived in Norwich, and was placed in St. Andrew’s Hall for public inspection. The estimated cost of the statue was £700. A public subscription was opened in Norwich in 1847; by 1848 £175 had been contributed; in October, 1849, the fund reached £268, and in October, 1851, £300. “At present (1852) the whole amount subscribed, which is scarcely £400, will not repay the sculptor for the purchase of the block and his out-of-pocket expenses.” (See March 24th, 1856.) 21.—Died in London, Lieut.-Col. John Smith, of Ellingham Hall, “a generous supporter of the trade and interests of the district.” He served several years in India, in the 2nd Madras Light Cavalry, and resigned his commission shortly after succeeding to the Ellingham estate. The funeral took place at Ellingham, on February 27th. MARCH.2.—A requisition, signed by one thousand persons, was presented to Mr. T. O. Springfield, soliciting him to offer himself as a candidate for the representation of Norwich. Mr. Springfield declined the request, on the ground that Parliamentary duties would tend to the shortening of his life. 6.*—“Died, lately, on the West Coast of Africa, in the 19th year of his age, Charles, youngest son of Mr. Wood, of Morston. He was a midshipman on board H.M.S. Sampson, and was put in charge, under Lieut. Gilbert Elliott, with twelve of the best seamen and one carpenter, in October last, of a slave felucca captured by the Sampson, and was last seen off the island of St. Thomas on the 31st, and departed on that day for Badajoz, a distance of five or six days’ sail; but although anxiously expected, and notwithstanding several ships of war having since passed over her track, she has never been heard of since. Some heavy tornados are said to have occurred about the time she was missed.” 12.—A special meeting of the Norwich Town Council was held, “to take into consideration the recent gross insult to the citizens of Norwich in the person of their Chief Magistrate.” The Conservative members, with one or two exceptions, abstained from attending. It was resolved, “That the Mayor of Norwich for the time being is, by prescription and charter, the first citizen of Norwich, and by custom and courtesy has been always so esteemed in public and private; that the Council learn with regret that a gross insult has been offered to the Mayor in a place of public amusement, and it is the opinion of the Council that the conduct of the individual who offered the insult is derogatory to him as a magistrate and a citizen.” The resolution was adopted, and it was further agreed “That a copy of the resolution with respect to the insult offered to the Mayor by Capt. Ives, with the seal of the Council affixed, be transmitted to the Secretary of State, to the Lord Lieutenant of the county, and to the Mayor.” (No details were published.) 24.—Died at Woolwich, Col. Courtenay Cruttenden, R.A. He served in the Army 48 years, and was present at the capture of Guadeloupe, in 1815. For several years he was inspector of drills in the garrison at Woolwich. 27.*—“The late Edward Lombe, Esq., of Melton Hall, Wymondham, recently deceased at Florence, has left his personal property, subject to a life interest to his wife, to University College Hospital. The property is estimated at more than £25,000.” APRIL.10.—A statement was published as to the proposed disposal of the sum of £1,263 4s. 5d. realised by the two concerts given by Jenny Lind in 1849. It was her wish “that the money should be employed in founding and supporting some new charity, and, if possible, a lasting one, for the poor of Norwich.” The committee, “feeling that no charity could be permanent which was not in a great measure self-supporting,” resolved to devote the money to establishing public baths and wash-houses. A large malthouse in St. Stephen’s, formerly the property of Mr. Crawshay, was to be purchased for £700, and plans and specifications for converting the building into baths had been prepared by a London architect, “but unfortunately the lowest tenders exceed by a very large amount the sum at the disposal of the committee. They find that unless they can raise £1,000 in addition to their present fund, they must entirely give up the undertaking.” The Mayor was requested to convene a public meeting, which was held at the Guildhall on April 21st, when Mr. Samuel Bignold moved a resolution in favour of the adoption of the baths scheme. Mr. Henry Browne strongly protested against the proposed misappropriation of the money, and the question was adjourned for a month. Meanwhile several local charities made claims for assistance, and on May 27th a further adjournment was decided upon. The matter was in abeyance until February 7th, 1853, when Dr. W. H. Ranking, in a letter to the Norfolk Chronicle, advocated “the endowment of an additional ward or wards in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, to be appropriated to the treatment of diseases of children.” On May 30th, 1853, a public meeting was held at the Guildhall, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop, “for the purpose of promoting the establishment of an institution for sick children.” It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. J. G. Johnson, seconded by the Mayor (Mr. Coaks), “That an infirmary for the treatment of the diseases of sick children be established in Norwich, to be called the Jenny Lind Infirmary for Sick Children.” The first meeting of the supporters of the new institution was held under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. Samuel Bignold), “in the house in Pottergate Street taken for the Charity,” on December 16th, 1853. 17.*—“The premises of the old Waterworks Company have been purchased of the Corporation by the new company, who have liberally offered to give up their interest in Chapel Field to the Corporation on 18.—Died, Mr. George Bennett, comedian, aged 76. MAY.1.—A detachment of the 4th (Queen’s Own) Light Dragoons arrived at Norwich Cavalry Barracks, to relieve the Queen’s Bays, who had marched for Manchester. —*“We have now had ten weeks’ drought, the last wet day being the 18th of February.” 2.—Died, in his 49th year, at his residence, Grosvenor Street, London, Mr. John Dalrymple, F.R.S. He was the eldest son of Mr. William Dalrymple, the distinguished Norwich surgeon. After studying under his father and at Edinburgh University, Mr. Dalrymple passed his examination before the College of Surgeons in 1827, and commenced practice in Norwich. In 1832 he was elected an assistant surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, of which institution he became, in 1843, full surgeon. In 1847 he was appointed consulting surgeon to the North London Infirmary, and in 1851 became a member of the Council of the College of Surgeons. Mr. Dalrymple was one of the founders of the Royal College of Chemistry. 7.—In the Court of Queen’s Bench an important decision was given in the case of the Queen v. Robert Wiffin Blake, who had been required to show by what authority he had exercised the office of town councillor at Norwich. At the previous municipal election Mr. Blake, who was then one of the six aldermen of the city, became a candidate for the office of councillor of the Fourth Ward. Mr. Cundall, a Conservative, was his opponent. Mr. Blake having a majority of five votes, the presiding alderman and assessor returned him as duly elected, notwithstanding that notice had been given of his ineligibility. The Court decided that Mr. Blake could not be elected a councillor while holding the office of alderman. The defendant filed a disclaimer of the office of town councillor, and therefore allowed judgment of ouster to pass against him, with costs. (See November 23rd.) 8.—Died at Nice, in his 85th year, General Auguste De Bardelin. For many years the deceased was a highly respected resident in Norwich. A native of Aix, in Provence, and born of a noble family, he was appointed one of the garde du corps of Louis XVI., and was on duty at Versailles on October 6th, 1789, when the Royal palace was assailed by the insurrectionary mob of Paris, and the King and Queen were defended from assassination through the heroic sacrifice of life by 14.—St. Martin-at-Palace church, Norwich, was re-opened, after being restored and in great part rebuilt. In August, 1851, while the church was undergoing repair, a portion of the roof fell in and brought down with it the eastern end of the north aisle. 23.—A serious fire took place at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich. The roof was entirely consumed, and a number of rooms destroyed. The Watch Committee, on May 21st, held an inquiry into certain allegations regarding a deficiency in the water supply, and the inefficiency of the fire-engines. 31.—Kensington Gardens, Lakenham, were opened to the public, who “found amusement in the collections of animals and birds.” During the Assize week “there was a pyrotechnic and scenic exhibition on the meadow side of the river, called, ‘The Storming of San Sebastian,’ being an imitation of the pyrotechnic display at Cremorne.” JUNE.5.—Election proceedings commenced in Norwich with the arrival of the Marquis of Douro and Lieut.-Col. Dickson, who had been adopted Conservative candidates. The Whig-Radical candidates, Messrs. Peto and Warner, arrived at Wymondham on the 9th, and proceeded thence by road to Norwich. At Mile End a procession was formed, headed by men carrying large and small loaves, labelled respectively “Free Trade” and “Protection.” In the evening the candidates addressed a great meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall. (See July 7th.) —*“Through the exertions of several persons interested, the city and county magistrates have taken steps to put a stop to spring 15.—A cricket match, between 22 of Lynn and 11 of All England, commenced at Lynn, and concluded on the 16th. Lynn, 63—58; All England, 41—66. 19.—The Witton estate was purchased by Mr. John Penrice for £18,900. “The Cromer Hall estate, the property of the Countess of Listowel, including the Gothic mansion, several farm-houses, and upwards of 1,200 acres of land, with several manors, has been purchased by private contract for £60,000, by Mr. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, M.P. for Boston.” JULY.2.—At the Norfolk Sessions the county justices received the resignation of Col. Richard Montague Oakes, Chief Constable. Capt. Black was elected in his place on October 22nd. Col. Oakes was presented, on October 23rd, with a silver vase, subscribed for by the superintendents and constables of the Norfolk constabulary. 7.—The nomination of candidates for the representation of Norwich took place at the Guildhall. The show of hands was in favour of Messrs. Peto and Warner, and a poll was demanded on behalf of the Marquis of Douro and Col. Dickson. The polling-booths were opened at eight o’clock on the morning of the 8th, and closed at four o’clock in the afternoon, and the result was officially declared at one o’clock on the 9th: Peto, 2,190; Warner, 2,145; Douro, 1,592; Dickson, 1,465. The issues on which the election was fought were Free Trade and Protection. —Mr. C. E. Rumbold and Sir E. Lacon, “Moderate Conservatives,” and Mr. W. T. M’Cullagh and Sir C. Napier, Whig-Radicals, were nominated Parliamentary candidates for Yarmouth. The polling took place on the 8th: Lacon, 611; Rumbold; 547; M’Cullagh, 521; Napier, 486. 8.—Lynn election: Lord Jocelyn, 627; Lord Stanley, 551; Mr. Robert Pashley, Q.C., 383. The two first-named were returned. 9.—The Hon. Francis Baring and the Earl of Euston were returned unopposed for the borough of Thetford. 12.—Mr. Edmond Wodehouse and Mr. Henry Negus Burroughes were returned unopposed as members for East Norfolk. 17.—The nomination of candidates for West Norfolk took place at Swaffham. Mr. William Bagge and Mr. George Pierrepont Bentinck were the Conservative nominees, and Mr. Anthony Hamond the Liberal candidate. “Mr. Hamond was formerly a Protectionist, and opposed Mr. Cobden at the Free Trade meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, only a week before Sir Robert Peel proposed to repeal the Corn Laws. Mr. Hamond now avows himself a Free Trader.” He was nominated at the last moment to fill the vacancy occasioned by the retirement of the Hon. E. K. Coke. The poll was opened on the 20th and 21st, and on the 23rd the result was declared as follows: Bagge, 3,421; Bentinck, 3,143; Hamond, 1,973. 14.—A general meeting of the Deputy Lieutenants of the County was held at the Shirehall, Norwich, for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the Act 15 and 16 Vic., for raising a force not exceeding 80,000 men, of which number 50,000 were to be raised in 1852, and 30,000 in 1855. The Earl of Orford moved, and it was resolved, that the Lord Lieutenant be requested to apply to the Secretary of State to obtain her Majesty’s Order in Council for the subdivision districts to be made coterminous with the Superintendent Registrar’s districts; and to be furnished with a list of the number of men liable to serve in each subdivision and parish. On September 18th measures were adopted for the enlistment of two regiments of Militia—612 men to serve in the Western Regiment, and a like number in the Eastern Regiment. Sufficient numbers of men were forthcoming without having recourse to the Ballot Act. (See April 19th, 1853.) 21.—Bylaugh Hall, the stately home of the Lombe family, was completed at about this date. The mansion was erected under the provisions of the will of Sir John Lombe, Bart., who died in 1817. The will directed “that so long as the house remained uncommenced the money should be invested and allowed to accumulate at compound interest.” The new mansion was begun in 1849, under the supervision and control of the trustees in whom the building fund was vested. It was erected from the designs of Messrs. Banks and Barry, of London, by Messrs. Piper, of Bishopsgate Street, whose contract amounted to £29,389. The interior was decorated by Mr. Sang “and his German artists.” (See July 4th, 1857.) SEPTEMBER.14.—Intelligence was received at Norwich of the death of the Duke of Wellington. The muffled bells of the city churches were tolled for several hours. On November 18th, the day of the funeral, the principal shops were closed, and the Mayor and Corporation and the military forces stationed in the city attended a special service at the Cathedral. 17.—Mr. S. Chambers, R.N., made a balloon ascent from the Vauxhall Gardens, Yarmouth, and descended on Mautby marshes. 18.—Died at Saham Toney, John Thurston, labourer, in the 105th year of his age. 21.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The opening concert included selections from the works of classical composers, and a reading by Mrs. Fanny Kemble from the “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” with incidental music. “Israel Restored” was performed at the morning concert on the 22nd, and selections by popular composers were given in the evening. On the morning of the 23rd, “Jerusalem” (H. H. Pierson) was performed for the first time, and a miscellaneous concert took place in the evening. “The Messiah” was rendered on the morning of the 24th, and a dress ball was held in the evening. The principal vocalists were Madame Viardot Garcia, Madame Fiorentini, Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss Dolby, Miss Alleyne, Signor Gardoni, Mr. Sims Reeves, Mr. Lockey, Signor Belletti, Mr. Weiss, and Herr Formes. Mr. 30.—Died, Rear-Admiral William Fisher, captain superintendent of Sheerness dockyard, and author of two naval novels, “The Petrel” and “The Albatross.” He was the second son of Mr. John Fisher, of Yarmouth, and was born November 18th, 1780. Admiral Fisher entered the Navy in 1795, and was engaged in many important services. He married, in 1810, Elizabeth, sister of Sir James Rivett Carnac, Bart., Governor of Bombay. OCTOBER.5.—A prize-fight took place on St. Andrew’s Green, near Bungay, between James Perowne, of Norwich, and James High, of Ellingham. “The former was seconded by a man named Mace,” and the other by Smith, of Ditchingham. The police endeavoured to take possession of the ring, but were put to flight by the mob; and the men fighting to a finish, High was declared the victor. Principals and seconds, with the exception of Mace, were subsequently committed for trial, and at Beccles Quarter Sessions, on October 18th, were bound over to keep the peace. Jim Mace was apprehended at Litcham, on November 2nd, and at Beccles Quarter Sessions on January 3rd, 1853, was ordered to enter into his own recognisances to be of good behaviour. 6.—Died at Quebec, Stephen Codman, for thirty-six years organist of the cathedral church in that city. He was a native of Norwich, where he received his musical education under Dr. Beckwith. 7.—The Priory Schools, Yarmouth, were opened by the Bishop of Norwich. “The site of the schools originally formed the refectory of the Benedictine friars. Many of the walls of the priory still remain, and the hall has been for many years used for the ignoble purposes of a stable.” 27.—A meeting was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, at which a public subscription was opened for the erection of a statue to the memory of the Duke of Wellington. On October 4th, 1853, it was decided that the statue should be of bronze, and Mr. G. Adams was commissioned to prepare the model. (See November 2nd, 1854.) NOVEMBER.6.—Died at Ormesby, near Yarmouth, in his 82nd year, Rear-Admiral Black, one of the oldest officers in the Navy. He had seen much active service, and had been employed on the North-West coast of America. 9.—For the office of Mayor of Norwich two candidates were nominated—Mr. Samuel Bignold and Mr. Richard Coaks. The voting was equal, and the Mayor giving his casting-vote in favour of the latter, Mr. Coaks was declared duly elected. Mr. George Womack was appointed Sheriff. (See November 23rd.) 22.—Election petitions were laid upon the table of the House of Commons, against the return of Messrs. Peto and Warner, as members for Norwich. (See February 24th, 1853.) DECEMBER.11.*—“The long-continued rains have increased the floods in the valleys of the Eastern division of the county. Throughout the valley of the Yare, a large extent of land has been for some time under water, on either side of the river, for a distance of thirty miles.” At Southery and Feltwell about 8,000 acres were flooded, and upwards of one hundred poor families were compelled to leave their habitations. The estimated loss to the district was between £25,000 and £30,000, and a public subscription was opened for the relief of the sufferers. 21.—The Public Library and Museums Act Committee reported to the Norwich Town Council that it was desirable to hire the Museum for the use of the public for two days in the week, and to erect a building for the purposes of a free library, and that, in compliance with the Act, a rate of one halfpenny in the pound be levied, one-third to be devoted to the former object, and two-thirds to the latter. The principle of the rate was affirmed, and its application postponed for further consideration. (See September 13th, 1854.) 24.*—“Died at Reedham, a few days since, at the advanced age of 103, Mr. John Softly. He retained his faculties and was an active man up to the time of his death.” 1853.JANUARY.8.—M. Gompertz’s panorama of the invasion of British India by the Sikh Army of the Punjaub was exhibited at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich. One of the scenic attractions was a representation of “the crypt of the Holy Sepulchre, under three distinct aspects,” a dioramic illusion which forms a popular feature in similar entertainments at the present day. 13.—A miraculous escape was recorded at Swaffham. A drunken man named Edward Horsepool went into the yard of the Angel public-house, at three o’clock in the morning, with the intention of lying down in a shed. By mistake he opened the door of the covering of a disused well, and stepping in, fell to the bottom, a depth of 117 feet. A tramp sleeping in the shed was awakened by the man’s cries, and gave an alarm. Mr. William Laxon, collar maker, procured ropes, and Horsepool was rescued uninjured, after having been half an hour in 20 feet of water. He had kept his head above the surface by clinging to the broken sides of the well. 22.—In the Prerogative Court, before Sir J. Dodson, was tried the action Gilbert (administratrix of Woolner) v. Hammond. It had reference to granting administration, with will annexed, to the goods of Miss Margaret Creak, of Norwich, who died on June 5th, 1850, possessed of personal property of about £30,000 and realty of the estimated value of £500 per annum. The will bore date January 13th, 1844, and its effect was to leave, with some trifling exceptions, the personal property to Mr. Woolner, a chemist and druggist, who was also appointed executor. The will was originally propounded by Woolner, who afterwards committed suicide, and his sister, Mrs. Gilbert, now applied for probate, as his administratrix, which was, in the first instance, opposed by Mrs. Hammond, a cousin-german and one of the next-of-kin of the deceased, but she died during the pendency of the suit, and her husband subsequently took up the case. When the disposition of the property became known, a great many rumours were put in circulation, imputing foul play to Mr. Woolner, which was the cause of his committing suicide. Judgment was pronounced, on Feb. 4th, in favour of the will. The Judge said the relatives had a right to inquire into the transaction, and had they confined themselves within due limits would have been entitled to costs out of the estate; but they had persisted down to the close of the argument in charges which they had failed to prove, and, therefore, in decreeing probate of the will to Mrs. Gilbert, he must accompany it with the condemnation of Mr. Hammond in £100 costs, nomine expensarum. 17.—Mr. C. J. Palmer, at a meeting of the Yarmouth Town Council, called attention to the unsatisfactory condition of the Corporation records, and stated that many of the documents in existence in Manship’s time no longer existed, whilst several others belonging to the town were in the hands of private individuals in Norwich. A committee was appointed to examine and schedule the charters and rolls, and to avail themselves of the services of Mr. Henry Harrod, of Norwich, “for their better elucidation and classification,” at an expense not exceeding £20. 18.—The first snowfall of the season occurred on this date, and was heavier than had been known for several years. The mails were delayed, and great inconvenience occasioned. The morning train from London was detained for fourteen hours at Lakenheath. At Lynn, on the 23rd, the tide rose to a great height, and the low-lying parts of the town were under water. A breach occurred in the river bank near Magdalene, and occasioned the loss of much live stock and farm property. 21.—Died at Leeds, aged 69, the Rev. Robert Fountaine Elwin, rector of Wilby-with-Hargham. He was well known in Norwich for the active part he had taken in the Musical Festivals from their commencement. A few years before his death he retired to Leeds, where he resided with his only daughter, Mrs. Hyde. Mr. Elwin not only possessed fine musical taste, but was skilled in mechanics, and an excellent connoisseur of the fine arts. “Whether in the company of the great, presiding at the Choral Society’s meetings, or lecturing to mechanics, it was always delightful and instructive to listen to him.” Mr. Elwin’s paternal grandfather married a granddaughter of Oliver Cromwell. 24.—In the House of Commons, Capt. Baldero presented a petition from certain electors at Norwich, who had petitioned the House against the return of the sitting members, complaining that their petition had been withdrawn without their consent, and praying that the order discharging the petition might again be put on the orders of the House. Mr. T. Duncombe presented a protest from Col. Dickson, complaining of the withdrawal of the petition. It was alleged that Mr. Brown, the Parliamentary agent, had been guilty of a breach of privilege by withdrawing the petition. A motion for printing the petition was agreed to. On March 2nd a Select Committee was appointed to inquire into the matter. The investigation commenced on March 10th, and concluded on March 17th, on which day Mr. Duncombe brought up the report of the Committee. They were of opinion that Mr. Brown had received no instructions to withdraw the petition, but as they could find no precedent as to the proper mode of proceeding under the circumstances, they left it to the House to determine whether it could comply with the prayer of the petitioner. On March 12th a great Liberal meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. Coaks), at which resolutions were adopted expressing indignation at the allegations made before the Select Committee with regard to Messrs. Peto and Warner. A duel was to have been fought between Col. Dickson and Col. Forester (a witness before the Committee) on March 19th, but “at the eleventh hour the matter 24.—At Norwich Quarter Sessions, before the Recorder, Mr. Prendergast, the appeal case, Colman v. Clarke, was heard. Mr. Evans and Mr. Palmer were for the appellants, and Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Bulwer for the respondent. It was proved that in the early part of May, 1852, Messrs. Colman established at Carrow a business for the manufacture of cake from refuse rice, and it was alleged that after the process had been carried on for a short time offensive smells were observed in the neighbourhood. The firm were summoned before the magistrates for permitting a nuisance, and were fined. They now appealed against the conviction, on the ground of informalities in the original proceedings, and of want of jurisdiction on the part of the magistrates. The conviction was quashed. 28.—Hengler’s Circus and Roman Amphitheatre, Castle Meadow, Norwich, was opened with the production of a grand equestrian spectacle, entitled, “Kenilworth Castle.” MARCH.9.—Died at his residence, Great Stanhope Street, London, in his 78th year, General Sir Edward Kerrison, Bart., K.C.B., G.C.H. He entered the Army in 1796, as Cornet in the 6th Dragoons, and received the rank of General in 1851. He served at the Helder in 1799, and in 1808 took part in the campaign of Sir John Moore, and was present at the battle of Corunna. As Colonel Kerrison, he commanded the 7th Hussars from 1813 to 1815, through various campaigns. At the battle of Orthes he received a severe wound, and he was again wounded in the battle of Waterloo, where his horse was shot under him. Sir Edward Kerrison received his baronetcy in 1821, when he was nominated a G.C.H., and in 1840 a K.C.B. In 1830 he was appointed to the colonelcy of the 14th Light Dragoons. For forty years he was member of Parliament for Eye. He married a daughter of Mr. Alexander Ellice, and left a son and three daughters. 12.—Died at Pulham, Mr. Cornelius Whur, the author of several volumes of poems. He was known as “the Suffolk Poet.” 19.—The Rev. William Beauchamp was driving down the hill into Trowse when his horse ran away and upset the gig. In his fall he sustained a severe fracture of the skull and died instantly. Mr. Beauchamp, who was the second son of Sir William Beauchamp Proctor, Bart., of Langley-park, was 35 years of age, and had been rector of Chedgrave about ten years. He left a widow and five young children. 29.—A vessel named the Reindeer, belonging to the port of Yarmouth, owned by Mrs. King, of Gorleston, and commanded by Captain Wilson, was on her voyage from Valparaiso to Monte Video when the crew mutinied, and murdered the captain, steward, and two Roman Catholic priests (passengers). The mutineers then launched a boat, filled it with the most valuable portion of the cargo, and scuttled the ship. APRIL.4.—A fire occurred at Hunstanton Hall. The rooms were quickly cleared of the paintings and furniture, which were safely deposited in the school house. There being no possibility of saving the south and west sides, great efforts were made to preserve the north and east sides, with which object the communicating portions of the building were broken down, and the flames thus prevented from extending. In a few hours the roof of the west side fell in. “The bed in which it is generally believed Queen Elizabeth slept was not injured in the slightest degree.” The damage to the hall was estimated at £10,000. 7.—Intelligence was received at Norwich of the birth of a Prince (Prince Leopold), at Buckingham Palace. Flags were hoisted on the public buildings, and peals rung upon the bells of St. Peter Mancroft. 19.—The men enrolled to serve in the First or West Norfolk Regiment of Militia assembled at Norwich for twenty-eight days’ training. The officers were: Col. the Earl of Orford, Lieut.-Col. Nelthorpe, Major William E. Lytton Bulwer, Captains Hamilton F. Custance, Charles Bedingfeld, the Hon. Fred. Walpole, George A. Marsham, Mordaunt Glasse, H. L. Styleman le Strange; Lieutenants M. Gooda, Gordon Calthrop, Thomas S. Clarke, H. D. Walff, C. Girling, Chas. E. Bignold, John Edwin Day, A. W. Smith, Robert G. Hawtayne; Ensign Thomas Edward Baker; Adjutant and Acting Paymaster and Acting Quartermaster A. W. Smith; Surgeon Thomas W. Crosse; Assistant Surgeon T. E. Baker. The mess was at the Swan Hotel. “The corps consists of 612 men, and notwithstanding the vulgar sneers, reproaches, ridicule, and even hooting which they experienced from the rabble on their first appearance in the streets, in no instance was this conduct resented. We are glad that the conduct of our Liberals, by publicly parading disgusting flags, and the Peace Society in circulating exciting and seditious handbills, with the view to holding up this force to contempt and ridicule, has signally failed.” The East Norfolk Militia assembled at Yarmouth on the same date. “Their appearance was much more respectable than might have been expected, and many of those who were prepared to ridicule them acknowledged that they were a much better class than they expected.” The officers were: Col. the Hon. Berkeley Wodehouse; Lieut.-Col. William Mason; Major Sir E. K. Lacon; Captains John Longe, the Hon. Bertram Wodehouse, John Marcon, Henry Cormick, George Grenville Glover, John Gay; Lieutenants William Robert Freeman, Richard Hall, Henry Thomas 26.—The foundation-stone of the Wayland Hall, Watton, was laid by Lady Walsingham. The hall was opened on November 3rd, on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Wayland Society, at which Lord Walsingham presided. 27.—A fine schooner, named the Ocean Child, was launched from the ship-yard of Mr. Southgate, at Wells-next-the-Sea. 30.*—“Died lately at Bergh Apton, at an advanced age, Mr. John Dawson, deputy registrar for the Loddon Union. He was likewise known as an active peace officer. Previous to the establishment of the police force, the whole business of thief-taking devolved upon petty constables, but as the requisite tact and intelligence was not found in every parish, what was called a running constable was usually appointed in each petty sessional division, who was considered the detective-officer of the district. Mr. Dawson was justly considered one of the first of his profession. Upon the formation of the new force these hitherto indispensable functionaries were entirely superseded, and Dawson, among others, found his occupation gone.” MAY.20.—There were no prisoners in Lynn gaol. To celebrate the unique circumstance the prison doors were thrown open, and the Mayor entertained the whole of the police force and borough officials to a dinner, served within the building. JUNE.7.—The Norwich Diocesan Training Institution for school-mistresses was removed to spacious premises in St. George’s Colegate. The Institution was founded in 1840. 9.—A cricket match between eighteen of Norwich and eleven of All England, commenced on the new Cricket Ground, Newmarket Road, Norwich, and concluded on the 11th. Norwich, 110—46; All England, 58—70. 14.—The City of Norwich Waterworks New Bill received the Royal assent. “By this Bill power is given to the Corporation of Norwich to convert Chapel Field into a public pleasure garden.” 18.—Announcement was made of the resignation of Superintendent Dunne, of the Norwich police “on the ground that he had been so much obstructed by those who ought to have assisted him in the 25.—Died, at Doughty’s Hospital, Norwich, in her 81st year, Miss Tubby, “well-known as box-keeper at our Theatre for many years, and highly respected.” She possessed a remarkable fund of information upon local theatrical matters, and for nearly half a century “Miss Tubby’s night” was one of the principal events in the Norwich season. 28.—The new cult of “table-turning” or spiritualism was introduced in Norwich for the first time at a sÉance given at St. Andrew’s Hall by a Mr. King. —The first piles of the Wellington Pier at Yarmouth were driven by the Mayor (Mr. S. C. Marsh), Mr. D. Waddington, chairman of the United Norfolk and Eastern Counties’ Railway Companies and of the Pier directors, and by the Mayoress. A dinner was held at the Victoria Hotel in celebration of the event. The Pier was opened by the Mayor on October 31st. JULY.1.—At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions it was reported that the Secretary of State for the Home Department had ordered the formation of a corps of Artillery Militia for the county. 9.—A thunderstorm of great severity occurred at Norwich. The main sewer in London Street burst from the enormous pressure upon it, and its contents inundated the adjacent business premises. Every house at the bottom of Exchange Street was flooded, and fire-engines were afterwards employed to pump the water from the cellars. The weather continued to be very stormy during the succeeding week. The newly-completed tower and spire of Mundham church were wrecked and became a heap of ruins. 23.—Three troops of the 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabineers), under the command of Capt. Sawyer, marched into Norwich from Chobham Camp. The headquarters were stationed at Ipswich. 25.—Miss Fanny Vining appeared at Norwich Theatre as Margaret Elmore in “Love’s Sacrifice.” 30.—The Norfolk Chronicle announced the repeal of the advertisement duty and of the duty upon newspaper supplements. 31.*—Died at Shoreditch Workhouse, London, Benjamin Reeder, of Helhoughton, who was in many respects a very remarkable character. He had served sixteen years as a private in the 2nd Dragoon Guards. “Altho’ of an obtuse and somewhat forbidding appearance, he possessed an uncommon faculty for mathematical attainments. He had Euclid at his finger ends, while his knowledge of algebra and logarithms enabled him to solve in a few minutes the most difficult questions. He once had the management of a school, but his irregularities reduced him to the level of a common labourer, and eventually he ended his days in the union house.” 3.*—“The degree of Doctor of Music has been recently conferred on Mr. Buck, organist of Norwich Cathedral, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the exercise of the privilege possessed by his Grace as Primate of bestowing that and other degrees in divinity and arts upon persons of merit in any of those faculties.” 4.—An interesting ceremony took place in the tower of the dilapidated church of Eccles-next-the-Sea. The Rev. Edward Evans, of St. Stephen’s, Norwich, who had recently been presented to the vicarage, read himself in, and preached to a congregation of about 200 persons. “Owing to the want of the church, which has been destroyed upwards of 200 years by the encroachments of the ocean, this is a sinecure benefice, and the inhabitants use the neighbouring church of Hempstead. The tower of the church in which the ceremony took place is embedded in sand to the height of the former walls of the church.” 8.—George Borrow performed an intrepid act on Yarmouth beach. “The sea raged frantically, and a ship’s boat, endeavouring to land for water, was upset, and the men were engulfed in a wave some 30 feet high, and struggling with it in vain. The moment was an awful one, when George Borrow, the well-known author of ‘Lavengro’ and ‘The Bible in Spain,’ dashed into the surf and saved one life, and through his instrumentality the others were saved. We ourselves have known this brave and gifted man for years, and daring as was his deed, we have known him more than once risk his life for others.” 17*.—“If the rivalry of the different railway companies in this district has been agreeable to the public it has been attended with fearful loss to the shareholders. Excursionists are not expected to object to being carried from Norwich to London for half a crown, but we should suppose that the proprietors in the Eastern Union will have a decided objection to the great increase of their working expenses to 60 per cent. by the process. The ruinous competition now going on can only be terminated by a union of interests, and it appears, from the reports of the Eastern Counties’ and Eastern Union Companies, that an amalgamation is proposed.” —The kitchen floor of a house, occupied by Mr. Bunting, on St. Giles’ Hill (near St. Giles’ Gates?), Norwich, suddenly gave way, and Mrs. and Miss Bunting, who were in the apartment, were precipitated with the chairs, table, and other furniture, into a funnel-shaped hole 27 feet in depth. When rescued they were insensible but uninjured. “Caves were some time since cut through the hill in different directions and of considerable length, and the whole of the hill has been at various periods excavated for chalk. Some of the caves were used for wine vaults, and it appears that one of these caves passed under the back of Mr. Bunting’s house. A water-pipe had been leaking for a long time, and it is supposed that the water descending through the soil caused the roof of the cave to give way, and the whole of the earth above to fall with it.” 24.—A young man named E. Elson completed the task of walking from Lynn to Dereham and back, a distance of 60 miles, for six successive days. 26.—A violent hurricane of wind and rain did great damage in the county. “The injury to orchards and gardens has been immense, OCTOBER.10.—The hand-loom weavers in Norwich struck for a rise of wages. A memorial was presented to the manufacturers, asking for an advance of twopence per dozen on all finished fabrics. 16.—Died at Liverpool, aged 70, Admiral Bell, C.B., son of Mr. J. Barker Bell, of Gorleston, Yarmouth. He entered the Navy in 1796, and distinguished himself in many actions against the enemy. He attained to flag rank in October, 1846. 26.—A public demonstration took place at Lynn in honour of Lieut. S. Gurney Cresswell, the bearer of the despatches from Commander M’Clure, relating to the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. Lieut. Cresswell was presented with a congratulatory address at a meeting held at the Guildhall, and afterwards entertained at dinner at the Assembly Rooms. He was third son of Mr. Francis Cresswell, a partner in the banking firm of Gurney, Cresswell, and Co., King’s Lynn, and a native of the borough, where he was born in 1827. Not only was he the bearer of the despatches announcing the discovery of the North-West passage, but he had taken an active and important part in the expedition. 29.—Died at his residence, Monmouth Road, Bayswater, Dr. Bexfield. He was born in Norwich on April 27th, 1824, and at seven years of age became a chorister at the Cathedral. At the age of eleven he composed an anthem in eight parts, which fully satisfied Mr. Buck that he possessed extraordinary talent. On the expiration of his articles in his 21st year, he was elected organist of Boston parish church, and in the same year graduated Mus. Bac. at Cambridge. He afterwards published his Concert Fugues for the organ, which were played during the Great Exhibition. In 1847 he composed his “Six Songs,” and earned for himself the popular distinction of “the Poet-Musician.” He was appointed, out of thirty-five candidates, organist at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate, London. At about this time he published a collection of pieces under the title of “Musica di Camera,” and at the age of twenty-four took the degree of Mus. Doc. Dr. Bexfield was the author of a volume of “Church Anthems,” which formed part of the repertoire of most English cathedrals. In 1850 he married a daughter of Mr. J. B. Millington, solicitor of Boston. The work on which his reputation mainly depended was his oratorio “Israel Restored,” which on two occasions he conducted at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, viz., at its first production at the Choral Society’s concert in October, 1851, and at the Musical Festival in 1852. A benefit concert was given at St. Andrew’s Hall on December 16th for his widow and family. The sum of £500, including a donation of 20 guineas from the Queen, was realised. NOVEMBER.6.—Died at St. Leonard’s-on-Sea, the Right Hon. Lord Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend, of Rainham Hall and Tamworth Castle. 9.—Mr. J. R. Gough, of America, delivered a temperance oration at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. He also addressed meetings on the 10th and 11th. —Mr. Samuel Bignold was elected Mayor, and Mr. Henry Birkbeck appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 11.—A new church was opened at Wootton. It was built on the site of the old church at the sole expense of the Hon. Mrs. Howard. It cost nearly £6000. 13.—The announcement was published that Mr. David Fisher, the actor, who was so well known and highly respected in Norwich and Norfolk, had made a successful dÉbut at the Princess’s Theatre, London. DECEMBER.1.—In the Vice-Chancellor’s Court application was made in the suit Jermy v. Jermy for the administration of the estate of the late Mr. Jermy, of Stanfield Hall. The only question that arose was about certain timber growing on the estate and fines of copyholds. But a difficulty of a novel character had occurred. Since the murder the mansion had been untenanted. Although many persons were willing to take it they could not procure servants who would live in the house, so great was the superstitious feeling which existed. It was stated that the parties were willing to allow the house to be occupied for two years for nothing, in order to overcome the prejudice. The Vice-Chancellor said that Mrs. Jermy Jermy was entitled to a third of the timber and fines, and he expressed surprise that such prejudices existed against the house. 3.—Died, at her residence on the Castle Meadow, Norwich, in her 85th year, Amelia Opie, widow of John Opie, R.A., and only daughter of Dr. James Alderson. After her marriage with Opie in 1798 her numerous literary productions gained her considerable reputation, and as a novelist she moved in the highest literary circles. Her works included “Father and Daughter,” “Simple Tales,” 4 vols. (1806); “New Tales,” 4 vols. (1818); “Temper, or Domestic Scenes,” 3 vols.; “Tales of the Heart,” 4 vols.; “Detraction Displayed” (moral treatise); “Illustrations of Lying,” “Lays of the Dead,” and other poems. Mrs. Opie was a member of the Society of Friends, and her remains were interred in the Quakers’ Burial Ground, Gildencroft, on December 9th. 17.—The provision of a time-ball connected by electric telegraph with Greenwich Observatory, and exhibited in a prominent position in Norwich Market Place, was, in consequence of the irregularities of the public clocks, advocated in the Norfolk Chronicle on this date. 20.—A meeting of the landowners, farmers, and tradesmen of Harleston and the district was held at the Corn Hall in that town, to consider the desirability of promoting the construction of a railway 22.—Died, at the house of his son-in-law at Cambridge, aged 69, Mr. Seth William Stevenson, F.S.A., one of the proprietors of the Norfolk Chronicle. He was elected Sheriff of Norwich in 1828, he became alderman in the same year, and in 1832 served the office of Mayor. Literary pursuits, especially of an antiquarian character, engrossed his leisure. In early life Mr. Stevenson made several Continental tours. The year after the battle of Waterloo, he, in company with Capt. Money, visited the scene of the struggle, and afterwards published “A Journal of a Tour through part of France, Flanders and Holland, including a Visit to Paris and a Walk over the Field of Waterloo in the Summer of 1816.” The work was dedicated to the Norwich United Friars Society, of which literary body he was almost the last surviving member. In 1828 appeared the account of a second tour in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands. The book to which he devoted no inconsiderable portion of the last ten years of his life was the complete “Dictionary of Roman Coins.” 24*.—“We have received from Mr. Garthon, one of the district surgeons of Norwich, a return in a tabular form showing the extraordinary number of 96 cases of small-pox in Heigham and St. Benedict’s, during the last three months. These arose from the strong prejudice still existing amongst ignorant and poor people against the only preventive—vaccination.” —The funeral of the Marchioness of Wellesley took place at Costessey Hall, whither the remains had been removed from Hampton Court. “In accordance with the good old charitable practice a dole of bread was given to the poor of Costessey on the occasion of the funeral.” 26.—Mr. Joseph Clarence produced at Norwich Theatre his grand Christmas pantomime, entitled, “Harlequin Prince Bluecap and the King of the Silver Waters, or the Three Kingdoms, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral.” 1854.JANUARY.1.—Died at his residence, Thickthorn, near Norwich, in his 71st year, Mr. Richard Hanbury Gurney. He was the son of Mr. Richard Gurney, of Keswick, and in early life was a member of the Society of Friends. In 1818 Mr. Gurney was elected member for Norwich in conjunction with Mr. W. Smith; he was re-elected in 1820, in 1830, and in 1831. At the General Election in 1832 he and the other Liberal candidate, Mr. Ker, were, after a very severe contest, defeated 3.—A heavy snowstorm, accompanied by a severe gale from the north, passed over the Eastern district. The snow was deeper than had been known for many years previously; all the roads were blocked, and railway communication between Yarmouth and London was stopped. The telegraph poles were blown down, and the wires broken. A train which left Fakenham at 6 a.m. did not reach Norwich till 5.15 p.m. At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, at Norwich, on the 4th, it was found impossible to form a grand jury, in consequence of the non-attendance of those who had been summoned. All travelling by road was suspended for some days; the port of Lynn was frozen up, and several ships were driven ashore at Yarmouth. 5.—A serious collision occurred on the line near Thetford. A train conveying sixty navvies, who were employed to clear away the snowdrifts, ran into the down train from London. “The engines rose up into the air, and two men on them were instantly killed; two others in the train from Norwich were also killed by the tender being driven through the carriage in which they were seated.” The Rev. Joseph Bell, of Barningham, a passenger in the London train, died on the 8th from the injuries he received, and Mr. Thomas Ellison, of Dove Street, Norwich, another passenger, succumbed on the 14th. The Coroner’s jury, after repeated adjournments, returned, on February 6th, a verdict of manslaughter against Mr. Peter Ashcroft, superintendent of the permanent way, and Mr. John Latham, locomotive superintendent, who, it was alleged, had acted contrary to the orders of Mr. King, station-master at Harling Road. At the Norfolk Assizes, on March 24th, before Lord Chief Baron Pollock, the jury, without hearing the defence, acquitted the defendants. 15.—Died at Heigham Hall (private lunatic asylum), Norwich, aged 84, Mr. Cockle, “the original proprietor of the antibilious pill which goes by his name, and who some years ago sold the recipe for several thousand pounds.” 21.*—“An invention calculated to prove of great national benefit has been recently patented by Mr. Samuel Rainbird, carpenter, of Norwich. It is described in the specifications as an apparatus for grappling and raising sunken vessels and other submerged bodies.” —A meeting of the Deputy Lieutenants of the county decided, by 25 votes to three, that Yarmouth was the most suitable place in the district at which to centre the three regiments of Norfolk Militia. At another meeting, held on February 25th, the former resolution was rescinded, and it was agreed “that the present Committee be empowered to receive estimates and tenders for building barracks for one regiment of Militia at Norwich, and for one regiment of Militia and one regiment of artillery at Yarmouth, on such plans as they may think best suited for the purpose.” 27.—Died near Holston River, in Knox County, East Tennessee, North America, Mr. William Forster, of Earlham Road, Norwich, in his 70th year. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and a brother-in-law of Mr. Fowell Buxton. He went out in the autumn of 1853 to MARCH.8.—At a meeting convened by the Mayor (Mr. Bignold), and held at the Guildhall, Norwich, petitions to both Houses of Parliament were adopted in favour of an Act “for the legal prohibition of the sale of intoxicating drink during the whole of Sunday (except to bona fide travellers).” A committee was appointed to make arrangements for forming a Sunday Closing Association. 10.—A troop of the Carabineers marched from Norwich Barracks, to join the headquarters at Ipswich. The remaining troop left on May 1st. —In the Rolls Court, before the Master of the Rolls, was heard the case, the Attorney-General v. Hudson, in re the Grammar School and Hospital at Norwich. This was an information filed by the Attorney-General, at the relation of certain inhabitants of the city, against the trustees appointed under the Corporation Act, of two charities called the Free Grammar School and the Great Hospital. The object of the information was to show that the Grammar School had not received a fair amount of the funds of the charity, and that undue preference had been given to the Hospital in their distribution. A decree was made, directing a scheme to be settled in Chambers. On December 18th it was stated in the Rolls Court that when the case was in Chambers a deed of covenant, contemporaneous with the letters patent of King Edward VI., and to which the Corporation were parties, had been found, by which the whole surplus, after the stipulated payments, was to be applied to the sustentation of the poor. The question then before the Court was how far this varied the case. It was contended that the Hospital and the poor were entitled to the entire surplus. The Master of the Rolls was of opinion that the deed did not control the letters patent, that no predominance or priority was given to one part of the charity over the other, and that the surplus rents should be equally divided, and in such a way as would be most consistent with the intentions of the founder. The case was taken before the Chief Clerk to the Master of the Rolls on February 6th, 1855. “The result is that upwards of £1,000 per annum in addition to the property comprised in the charter will be secured for the general benefit of the charity, including, of course, the School. The matter now stands over, in order that a scheme may be prepared for the general administration of the charity under the sanction of the Attorney-General.” On April 7th, 1855, it was announced that the following proposal had been made on the part of the “promoters of the new Grammar School” as to the future division of the funds “hitherto belonging to the Great Hospital”: “That the present salary of the chaplain of the said Hospital be increased £100 per annum, he having at present £200 per annum besides his residence; that one moiety of the net income of the charity be annually applied for the benefit of the School and the objects thereof, and that the other moiety be applied for the benefit of the poor in the Hospital; and that no further election of inmates shall be allowed to take place until the number shall by death or other causes be reduced to 100, 13.—Henry Russell gave his entertainments, “The Far West,” and “Negro Life,” in the presence of between 2,000 and 3,000 persons, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 16.—A meeting of the citizens was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, presided over by the Mayor (Mr. S. Bignold), at which it was agreed “that the wives and children of the Army of England called at this time on the service of their country to the seat of war, claim the sympathy of the British public, and that a subscription be forthwith commenced to relieve all such women and children as may be left in destitution and want.” Similar funds were raised in other parts of the county. 23.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Chief Baron Parke, William Thompson, aged 21, was charged with the murder of Lorenzi Beha, at Tittleshall, on November 18th, 1853. Mr. Evans prosecuted, and Mr. Carlos Cooper defended. The prisoner was found guilty, and sentenced to death. The execution took place on the Castle Hill, Norwich, on April 8th. “The criminal’s struggles continued five minutes.” The lowest and most degraded classes in the city and county assembled on the Hill, “and more scenes of drunkenness and immorality were exhibited than had been seen for a long time previously in Norwich.” 25.*—“At the Walsingham Quarter Sessions, the Grand Jury, in making their presentment, called the attention of the Court to the prevailing nuisance occasioned by carts drawn by dogs, and to the facilities thus afforded for the commission of felonies. They recommended that some decisive steps be taken to procure an extension of the Act providing against this evil in and around London.” The provisions of the Act in force in the Metropolitan district were extended to the United Kingdom, and came into force on January 1st, 1855. 31.—Died at Haddiscoe, Edward Constance, aged 68, “well known for his sporting tastes, and for a considerable period a pedestrian follower of the hounds of the late Lord Berners, distinguished for his industrious habits and his ardent love of the chase.” APRIL.1.*—“An order has been received from the Home Secretary, calling upon the churchwardens of every parish in Norwich to discontinue forthwith the burials in the inside of their respective churches, and to discontinue those in the churchyards from and after February 1st, 1855. Burial Boards are about to be formed for the purpose of providing a suitable ground for interment in the vicinity.” 11.—A public meeting, held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with the view of promoting the abolition of capital punishment, resolved to petition the House of Commons in favour of such abolition. 19.—An address to the Queen was adopted at a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, assuring her Majesty “that she had their unqualified support in the prosecution of the war.” 22.—That remarkable character, Philip Coots, better known as “Philip the Pieman,” and the “Drum-boy,” died at Norwich, aged 49. —Died at Yarmouth, Eleanor Warrant, aged 102. 25.—The West Norfolk Militia, 1,000 strong, assembled at Norwich for a month’s training. The East Norfolk Militia and the Norfolk Artillery Militia commenced their training at Yarmouth on the same date. The East Norfolk Regiment was, on May 16th, presented with colours by the Lord Lieutenant. 26.—This date was observed as a day of humiliation. In Norwich shops were closed, all business suspended, and the Mayor and Corporation attended service at the Cathedral, where “the Almighty’s blessing was implored upon the war.” The day was similarly observed at Lynn and Yarmouth. 27.—Died at Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London, Lieut.-Col. Nelthorpe, of the West Norfolk Militia, in his 83rd year. He was succeeded in the lieutenant-colonelcy by Major Custance. MAY.3.—At her Majesty’s LevÉe, Mr. Samuel Bignold, Mayor of Norwich, was presented and received the honour of knighthood. On the 17th the portrait of Sir Samuel was placed in St. Andrew’s Hall. It was painted by J. P. Knight, R.A., in 1850, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1851, and afterwards engraved by Jackson. 21.—Died at Bethel Street, Norwich, aged 70, Robert Forster, formerly bandmaster of the 33rd (Duke of Wellington’s Own) Regiment. “At Waterloo he received a ball in his knee, which had never been extracted. He was a native of Norwich, and the only survivor of the band of the regiment, the whole having fallen by his side at Waterloo.” JUNE.30.—The Eastern Counties (Amalgamation of Railways) Bill was read a third time in the House of Commons and passed. One of the clauses was to the following effect: “That it shall not be lawful for the company to close or discontinue the Victoria Station at Norwich, now belonging to the Eastern Union Railway Company.” JULY.3.—Foot-racing was revived on the Old Cricket Ground at Norwich, 7.—The first meeting of the Norwich Photographic Society (established on June 23rd) was held at Mr. W. Freeman’s, London Street. The objects of the society were the reading of original papers, the discussion of different photographic processes, the collection of pictures, and the formation of a photographic library. 20.—A dinner was held at the Town Hall, Yarmouth, to celebrate the inauguration of Lord Sondes as High Steward of that borough. 22.—Norwich Theatre was opened for the Assize week, under the management of Messrs. C. Gill and William Sidney, lessees of the Theatres Royal, Leicester, Portsmouth, Leamington, and Jersey. They also had the management of Yarmouth Theatre. The winter season commenced on November 11th. The new managers endeavoured to restore at Norwich the old style and prices of the entertainments. “On each Friday night the prices will be as they were a few years since, and on these occasions the pieces selected will consist of standard plays and comedies, concluding with a really funny farce.” The company was a good one, and “the starring system, which sacrifices every supposed subordinate character to two or three leading ones,” was “studiously ignored.” Mr. Gill (who was afterwards for several years manager of Lynn Theatre) withdrew from the partnership in 1855, and on December 10th in that year the winter season commenced under the sole management of Mr. Sidney. AUGUST.12.—Died at the residence of Lord Palmerston, in Carlton Gardens, London, Viscount Jocelyn, M.P. His lordship contracted Asiatic cholera while performing military duty at the Tower of London as Colonel of the Essex Rifles. The eldest son of the Earl of Roden, he was born on February 20th, 1816, and served on the staff of Lord Saltoun in the China Expedition in 1842. He was the author of a work entitled, “Six Months in China.” In February, 1842, on the appointment of Sir Stratford Canning as Ambassador at Constantinople, a new writ was issued for King’s Lynn, when Lord Jocelyn was returned for that borough as a Liberal-Conservative, and continued to represent it until his death. During the last two years of Sir Robert Peel’s Administration he held office as Secretary to the India Board. 15.—A whale of the “beak” species, measuring 29 feet in length and 21 feet in girth, and weighing nearly nine tons, was captured on Snetttisham beach. “When boiled, although the operation was unskilful, it produced 120 gallons of oil.” 16.—Lynn AthenÆum, erected at the cost of £4,150, was inaugurated by addresses delivered by the President (Mr. H. Edwards) and Lord Stanley. The architects were Messrs. Cruso and Maberly and the contractors Messrs. J. and W. Purdy. 24.—A shocking accident occurred on the River Yare, near the Alder Car at Trowse Hythe, Thorpe. Mrs. Palmer (wife of Mr. T. H. Palmer, chief clerk at the Norwich County Court), her son, about six years old; Matilda Hubbard, a nursemaid; and William Plow, a lad, were drowned by the overturning of a pleasure-boat which had gone foul of a wherry. SEPTEMBER.8.—The first harvest thanksgiving festival held in the county took place at Brooke. It was the result of an attempt made by the vicar, the Rev. Dr. Beal, “to put a stop to the disgraceful scenes which too often characterise the close of harvest, and to the system of largess, which gives rise to cases of the grossest description.” After service at the church, men, women, and children had dinner on the vicarage lawn. “The Times” observed: “The attempt to put an end to the system of public-house harvest feasts, in which neither wives nor children can join, appears in this instance to have been eminently successful.” Many other villages in Norfolk, after the harvest of 1855, followed the example set by Brooke. 10.—The great west window at Norwich Cathedral, designed as a memorial to Bishop Stanley, was submitted to public inspection. It cost £1,500, and was designed and executed by Mr. George Hedgeland, of London. 11.—At the Norwich Police Court, the Rev. Henry Herring, formerly curate of North Pickenham, was charged with begging, under peculiar circumstances, on the previous day (Sunday), in the Cathedral Close. The prisoner, “with his gown on his back,” stationed himself in front of the great west door and exhibited a placard bearing the following inscription: “The law ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live by the Gospel. The Church of England withholds from me the justice of that tribunal which the civil law grants to the common murderer. Such is the spirit of that Church which professedly invites even a prodigal to repentance; I have spent £1,800 in her service, and have been driven to pass three nights in the streets of Norwich, and six nights in a lock-up (a hole where there is only straw to lie upon on a stone floor), solely for the want of better and proper accommodation. The Mayor and magistrates have encouraged me to apply to everyone that has a heart to feel for the miseries of a fellow-creature. I earnestly solicit the sympathy and charity of an enlightened public to enable me to live day by day and to defend myself by law from the tyranny and persecution of the Bishop of Norwich.—Henry Herring, late curate of North Pickenham, Norfolk. Norwich Streets, September 9th.” Superintendent English stated that he had 12.—The opening concert of the Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival took place at St. Andrew’s Hall. The programme included Rossini’s “Stabat Mater,” a selection of sacred music, and (for the first time) “The Ninety-First Psalm.” In the evening there was a miscellaneous concert, including parts 1 and 2 of “Acis and Galatea.” On Wednesday morning (13th) Beethoven’s “Service in C” and “The Creation” were performed; at the miscellaneous concert in the evening selections from the works of Weber and Spohr were rendered. At Thursday morning’s concert (14th) “Elijah” was given, and at the evening concert miscellaneous items and selections from the works of Mozart. “The Messiah” was performed on Friday morning (15th), and in the evening a grand dress ball was given at the Assembly Rooms, with music by Weippert’s Royal Quadrille Band. The Festival artistes were Madame Angiolina Bosio, Madame Clara Novello, Madame Anaido Castellan, Madame Weiss, Miss Dolby, Signor Gardoni, Herr Reichardt, Mr. Sims Reeves, Signor Bolletti, Mr. Weiss, and Signor Lablache. The instrumental solo performers were Mons. Sainton, violinist to her Majesty, and Mr. H. Blagrove, violins; Herr Hausmann, violoncello. Mr. Benedict was conductor. The gross receipts amounted to £4,244 5s. 2d., and the gross expenses and liabilities to £4,347 14s. 7d.; deficit, £103 9s. 5d. 13.—The foundation-stone of the Norwich Free Library was laid by the Mayor (Sir Samuel Bignold). Addresses were delivered by the Duke of Wellington, the Rev. Edward Sidney, Sir Morton Peto, M.P., Sir John Boileau, Sir Fitzroy Kelly, Mr. W. J. Utten Browne, and Mr. J. H. Tillett. (See March 16th, 1857.) 16.—Mr. J. H. Gurney was elected unopposed to fill the vacancy in the representation of King’s Lynn, created by the death of Lord Jocelyn. 23.*—“An attempt has been made at the Boar’s Head Inn, Surrey Street, Norwich, to originate a place of entertainment of a similar kind to Evans’ or Johnson’s, in the Metropolis. A room capable of seating upwards of 200 visitors has been very tastefully fitted up by the proprietor, the walls being adorned by a series of Norwich views exceedingly well painted by our scenic artist for many years, Mr. Thorne, and every evening there is a vocal and instrumental concert by parties of London professionals, who are almost weekly changed, so as to secure as large an amount of novelty as possible. Another new feature in this city is the introduction of the imperial measure for wine at the old rate of 2s. 6d. per pint.” This place, known as “The Shades,” was managed by Mr. Fred Phillips, and was the first music hall or variety entertainment in the city. The venture was not of a successful character. 25.—A meeting of the Norwich licensed victuallers was held at the Boar’s Head Inn, to protest against the Bill for “Regulating the Sale of Beer and other Liquors on the Lord’s Day,” which sought to prohibit the opening of public-houses between the hours of 2. 30 and six o’clock, and after ten o’clock on Sunday. The meeting decided to petition Parliament in opposition to the measure. At this meeting OCTOBER.1.—Intelligence was received at Norwich of the victory of the allied armies at the Alma on September 20th. The bells of St. Peter Mancroft were rung after service in the afternoon. A fictitious message reached Norwich on the same day (Sunday), announcing the fall of Sebastopol, and the tricolour was hoisted on St. Peter’s steeple. Regret was afterwards expressed that facilities existed “for circulating such hasty and erroneous despatches.” 7.—Died, at Brandon Parva, aged 100, Mary Goward, widow. 17.—A remarkable discussion arose at Norwich Quarter Sessions as to certain irregularities which were said to have occurred at Heigham Hall private lunatic asylum. The minutes of the proceedings of the visiting justices at an inquiry held by them on June 22nd were read. Dr. Hull alleged that the Rev. ---, then acting as chaplain at the Asylum, had been wrongly admitted as a patient. In his evidence he stated that in June, 1852, Mr. Nichols informed him that a country clergyman, a member of a high county family, had committed a rape, that his family wished to make him out to be mad, and that, in order to save him from a criminal prosecution, they desired to get him into a mad-house. Mr. Nichols requested Dr. Hull to grant a second medical certificate. Dr. Hull refused to comply. Mr. Nichols emphatically denied that he had used the expressions attributed to him by Dr. Hull. The justices came to the conclusion: “(1) That the Rev. Mr. ---, by being placed in the asylum under the circumstances disclosed in the inquiry, was rescued from the grip of the law on a criminal charge; (2) that the order and medical certificates upon which he was admitted into the asylum were regular and in the form prescribed by the Act of Parliament; (3) that in the opinion of the visitors the Rev. Mr. --- is not a proper person to have been appointed or to continue to officiate as chaplain to the asylum.” A letter from the office of the Commissioners in Lunacy was read, in which they stated they were satisfied that when the Rev. Mr. --- was admitted he was a proper person to be placed under medical care in the asylum. It was also asserted that the Commissioners had recognised him as the chaplain of the asylum. Mr. Palmer, who had moved that the licence to Heigham Hall be refused, ultimately withdrew his motion, and the incident terminated. At a meeting of the city magistrates in December, a memorial was addressed to the Secretary of State, asking that a “searching investigation be made, with power to call before the Commissioners all parties who may be able to give evidence upon the various points embraced in the case.” (No further action was taken.) 18.—The new bridge at Yarmouth was opened by the chairman and members of the Haven and Pier Commission. The contract price for the work of construction was £24,500, but the total cost, including the sums paid for property in the vicinity of the bridge, was estimated at £60,000. 25.—The first detachment of the V Battery Royal Artillery arrived at Norwich; and the second detachment marched in on the 26th. “The last time artillery were stationed in this city was in 1813, and they were then commanded by General Cockburn, father of Major Cockburn, of Bracondale.” —At a public meeting held at the Guildhall, Norwich, a committee was appointed to carry out the objects of the Patriotic Fund, in accordance with the terms of the Royal Commission. —Killed at Balaclava, Lieut. Henry Astley Sparke, 4th Light Dragoons, eldest son of the Rev. J. H. Sparke, of Gunthorpe Hall, and nephew of Lord Hastings. NOVEMBER.2.—The Wellington statue, erected in Norwich Market Place, was unveiled by the Mayor (Sir Samuel Bignold) in the presence of 20,000 spectators. The band of the West Norfolk Militia played the National Anthem, and the Royal Artillery fired a salute on the Castle Hill. At the luncheon given at the Guildhall, speeches were delivered by the Earl of Orford, Lord Ranelagh, Sir John Boileau, Lord Royston, and Mr. H. J. S. Stracey. The statue cost about £1,000. “The hero is represented in the identical boots, cloak, and some other portions of dress actually worn by him at Waterloo, which were placed at the service of Mr. Adams, the sculptor, when he was modelling the figure. Mr. Adams has placed a copy of last Saturday’s Norfolk Chronicle in a small space chiselled for the purpose under the foot of the statue.” 8.—Swaffham Coursing Meeting, which had greatly degenerated, was held, but owing to the small number of entries, the sport concluded early in the afternoon. “Although it does not appear that in other places coursing meetings have declined, it is clear that the glories of the Swaffham one have departed. The loss of Mr. Richard Gurney struck a blow at it almost fatal. This was followed by the withdrawal of Mr. Hamond and others, leaving the club originally consisting of all the letters of the alphabet reduced to two members. Although disappointed by the curtailment of the sports of the field, it was determined that the ladies should have the assembly as usual. It was held on Tuesday (the 7th), but it was known that none of the Club would be there to meet them as heretofore.” The fortunes of the Club could only be restored, it was said, by throwing the meeting open to all England. 9.—Mr. Robert Chamberlin was elected Mayor, and Mr. R. J. H. Harvey appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 11.—Mr. J. H. Tillett, it was announced on this date, had resigned his seat in the Norwich Town Council, in consequence of the Liberal candidate for the Seventh Ward “being forced upon the reluctant electors by bribery.” Mr. Tillett wrote: “A due regard to that peace of mind which is essential to a man’s happiness compels me to separate myself at once and for ever in the most decided and unequivocal 18.—Died at his residence, Pedestal House, Southtown, Yarmouth in his 89th year, Captain Manby, F.R.S., the inventor of the apparatus for saving the lives of shipwrecked mariners. “His life for the last fifty years had been spent in serving his country, and his name will be revered by thousands who would have been widows and orphans but for the successful application of science which was perfected by his untiring industry and perseverance.” His remains were buried at Hilgay on November 24th. 20.—Mrs. Fanny Kemble commenced a series of Shakesperian readings at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich. DECEMBER.8.—A writ was received at Norwich for the election of a member to supply the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Peto, M.P., “in consequence of the opinion of the law officers of the Crown that though he had consented to construct a railway in the Crimea without profit to himself, he would be liable to heavy penalties if he continued to sit in the House of Commons.” (See December 27th.) 9.—A description was published of the new Corn Hall at Diss, erected by a public-spirited resident, Mr. T. L. Taylor. The building was designed by Mr. George Atkins, jun. “Mr. Taylor intends vesting it in trustees for the purposes of a corn market at a nominal rental, and he further intends appropriating a spacious apartment for a reading-room and library.” 16.—Wombwell’s Menagerie arrived at Norwich, and was advertised under its new title, “Edmonds’, late Wombwell’s.” The exhibition was removed from its usual quarters on Castle Meadow to the Market Place. 22.—Died at his residence in Berkeley Square, Mr. William Howe Windham, of Felbrigg Hall. He was one of the representatives of the Eastern Division of Norfolk in 1832, when he was returned with the Hon. George Keppel, their opponents being Lord Henry Cholmondeley and Mr. Nathaniel Peach. In 1835 he came forward with Mr. R. H. Gurney, in opposition to Mr. Edmond Wodehouse and Lord Walpole, when the two last named were returned. In 1837 another election occurred, when Lord Walpole having retired, Mr. H. N. Burroughes was brought forward in conjunction with Mr. Wodehouse. Mr. Windham and Mr. Gurney, who opposed them, were again unsuccessful. Mr. Windham, who was a staunch Whig, was the oldest son of Vice-Admiral Windham (formerly Lukin), who took the name and arms in pursuance of the will of his uncle, the Right Hon. William Windham, in 1824, on succeeding to the estate on the death of Mrs. Windham. On the decease of his father, the Admiral, Mr. Windham succeeded to the Felbrigg property. He married, in 1835, Lady Sophia Hervey, daughter of the Marquis of Bristol, by whom he had one son, then in his fourteenth year. Mr. Windham died at the age of 53. 26.—Mr. J. F. Young, who for many years afterwards was a favourite actor in Norwich, made his first appearance at the Theatre Royal, in 27.—The West Norfolk Militia assembled at Norwich for the annual training. The East Norfolk Militia were embodied on the same day, at Yarmouth. —Sir Samuel Bignold and Mr. Anthony Hamond, of Westacre, were nominated candidates at the election at Norwich rendered necessary by the retirement of Mr. Peto. A poll, demanded on behalf of Mr. Hamond, took place on the 28th, and the result was officially declared on the 29th, as follows: Bignold, 1,901; Hamond, 1,635. After this election were published, for the first time, the expenses of the respective candidates. In Mr. Hamond’s accounts, under the heading, “hire of horses and carriages,” was the item, “W. Slaughter, Sedan chair, 15s.” —Died, the Rev. Sir George Stracey, Bart., rector of Rackheath. “It is rather a singular circumstance that there has been but one presentation to the living of Rackheath during a period of 115 years. The late rector held the living from 1796, and his predecessor was presented to it in 1739.” 30.—A serious railway accident occurred between Thetford and Brandon. The up mail from Norwich, which left Thetford soon after 11 p.m., was detained two and a half miles beyond the station by a breakdown of the engine. Twenty-three minutes later a cattle train, travelling at full speed, dashed into the rear of the mail train. The engine-driver of the mail, John Burton, who was at work beneath his engine, was killed instantly, and three passengers in the rear carriage seriously injured. One, Mr. Meagher, a London undertaker, who had been attending the funeral of Mr. Windham, afterwards died. At the inquest, on January 15th, 1855, the jury found that the accident resulted from the inefficiency of the railway company’s rules in allowing a heavily-laden cattle train to follow a mail train at unlimited speed without telegraphic communication from the preceding station. 1855.JANUARY.1.—The railways from Reedham to Yarmouth and Lowestoft were flooded, owing to the high tides in the rivers. The metals were displaced, and on the 2nd traffic was stopped. At Yarmouth the water rose above the quayhead. 9.—Lynn Corn Exchange was opened for business. It was built from designs by Mr. Maberley, at the cost of £2,450. —A “farewell festival” was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, “as a mark of respect and sympathy” to the Right Rev. Dr. Colenso, prior to his return to the diocese of Natal. Dr. Colenso, who was 20.—Died in Victoria Street, Norwich, aged 67, William Laws, one of the proprietors of the Norwich Telegraph coach, which he had driven for upwards of twenty years. 23.—The Norfolk Artillery Militia were embodied at Yarmouth. The corps, on March 7th, proceeded to Eastbourne, for garrison duty, and returned to Yarmouth on April 25th. In the following month it was determined to increase the strength from 200 to 400 men and to appoint a lieutenant-colonel. 29.—Father Gavazzi, the popular Italian preacher and reformer, gave the first of a series of “Protestant orations” at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. FEBRUARY.10.*—“Died last week, at Lincoln, Mr. Benjamin Whall, Cathedral organist of that city, in his 75th year. He was a native of Norwich, and at an early age was distinguished for his splendid voice. At 19 he was appointed master of the choristers of Lincoln Cathedral, and subsequently organist, and held this situation for 56 years. He was distinguished as an organist, and was celebrated for his pure style of playing the old ecclesiastical compositions.” 20.—In consequence of the high price of provisions, the inclemency of the weather, and the want of employment, it was decided, at a meeting held at the Guildhall, Norwich, to start a public subscription to aid the District Visiting Society in the relief of the poor. 24.—The dignity of a baronetcy was conferred on Mr. Peto, in appreciation of his services, “and more especially of his disinterested and patriotic conduct in retiring from the representation of Norwich to carry out the construction of the railway from Balaclava, originated by the Duke of Newcastle.” 26.—Died at Downham Green, Wymondham, Mr. James Neave, aged 68, “chairman of the market table at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich.” When hundreds of small farmers in the county were threatened with ruin after the great hailstorm, in August, 1842, Mr. Neave suggested to his brother agriculturists the introduction of a voluntary rate, by which about £10,000 was raised for the relief of the sufferers. Subsequently was established the Norwich Hailstorm Society, of which Mr. Neave was an active promoter. MARCH.9.—The Norwich police appeared in a new uniform. “The principal alteration in the clothing consists in the substitution of a frock-coat for the unsightly long-tailed coat, which is certainly a most becoming uniform for a civil force.” 21.—This day was observed as one of solemn fasting and humiliation, in accordance with Royal Proclamation. The Mayor and Corporation of Norwich attended service at the Cathedral, and there were numerous congregations at other places of worship. 26.—The battery of Royal Artillery marched from Norwich Barracks for Woolwich, whence they proceeded to the Crimea for active service. They were replaced, on April 4th, by the D battery, from Chatham, commanded by Capt. Mountain. 29.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Wightman, Mary Ann Fisher, aged 28, was indicted for the wilful murder of her husband, George Wright, at Norwich, on November 28th, by poisoning him. The jury acquitted the prisoner. —Died at Cambridge, James Rattee, who was born at Fundenhall in 1820. After serving his apprenticeship with Mr. Ollett, carver, of Norwich, he commenced business for himself at Cambridge, at the age of 22. He was associated with Mr. Pugin in restoring the choir of Jesus College Chapel. Most of the designs were made by Rattee himself, and submitted to Pugin before execution. He carried out Mr. G. G. Scott’s designs for the carvings in Ely Cathedral, and by the advice of that gentleman spent part of the year 1852 on the Continent, where he studied the carved woodwork and artistic wrought ironwork and sculptured stone of Quintin Matsy and the other master spirits of Louvain and neighbouring cities. Returning to England, he constructed at Ely the reredos composed of choice stone and alabaster, highly enriched with delicate carving and inlaid with gold and gems, forming the most glorious piece of art workmanship executed since the Reformation. His work is to be found in churches in every county in England. 31.—Capt. Wodehouse was backed to run one mile in six minutes, on the Earlham Road, Norwich. In the presence of a large number of spectators, he ran the first half mile in less than three minutes, and accomplished the second half in 2 minutes 56 seconds. He was attended by Jim Mace. On the 31st Capt. Wodehouse performed the feat of walking one mile in 8 mins. 16 sees. APRIL.1.—The remains of Richard Peck, an agricultural labourer, aged 69, were buried in Docking churchyard. “The deceased had worked for forty-two years on the Choseley Farm, an extra-parochial place, and 6.—Died at her residence, St. Martin-at-Palace, Norwich, aged 38, Harriet Gurney Gordon, many years a favourite actress at Norwich and at different metropolitan and provincial theatres. 16.—Mrs. Fanny Kemble commenced a course of Shakesperian readings at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich. 28.*—“Mr. Clare Sewell Read, son of Mr. George Read, of Plumstead, near Norwich, has been awarded by the Royal Agricultural Society the prize for the best essay on the farming of Buckinghamshire. Mr. Read obtained last year the society’s prize for his essay on Oxfordshire, and had also been a successful competitor in a former year for his essay on farming in South Wales.” 29.—Died, aged 86, Mr. J. Watts, of Yarmouth, for many years coachman of the Telegraph coach running between Norwich and Yarmouth. MAY.3.—A dinner to celebrate the freeing of Duke’s Palace Bridge, Norwich, was held at the Duke’s Palace Inn, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. Robert Chamberlin). “Upwards of twelve years have elapsed since the abolition of the above toll-bridge was first mooted, and the citizens are to be congratulated on the removal of the toll.” 15.—A public meeting was held in the hall of the Bazaar (Victoria Hall), Norwich, presided over by the Mayor, in furtherance of the movement in favour of administrative reform. An address was delivered by Mr. W. S. Lindsay, M.P., and a resolution was adopted affirming “that, without wishing to exclude the aristocratic class from the position in the public service to which their talents and patriotism may entitle them to assert, merit is the only principle by which appointments to public offices should be attained.” 18.—Among the officers who received the Crimean medal on this date at the hands of her Majesty were Capt. Bulwer, Capt. Bathurst, Capt. Micklethwaite, Lieut. Cator, and Lieut. Cresswell. 24.—Yarmouth Waterworks were opened, with great public festivity. 29.—The Norfolk coast was visited by a violent gale, which caused considerable destruction to life and property. Off Yarmouth the smack Ruby was lost, with her crew of nine men and a boy. JUNE.6.—An exhibition of the Norfolk and Norwich Fine Arts Association was opened at Norwich. The collection included works by O. Short, 13.—Colours were presented to the West Norfolk Militia, on the Cricket Ground, Norwich, by the Countess of Albemarle. Lord Orford, as colonel of the regiment, received the colours, and the consecration prayers were read by the Rev. C. W. Madden, “who wore the Waterloo medal on his breast.” The non-commissioned officers and men were entertained at dinner, provided by public subscription, at St. Andrew’s Hall. The Mayor (Mr. Chamberlin) presided, and Lord and Lady Albemarle, Lady Augusta Keppel, and other distinguished visitors were present. 23.—Notice was given that on and after June 30th the new Newspaper Act would be in operation, and stamped and unstamped editions of the Norfolk Chronicle would be published. “In compliance with the request of the Postmaster-General, we would remind such of our subscribers as may desire to send the stamped edition through the post that the paper must be folded so that the whole stamp denoting the duty shall be distinctly visible on the outside. Such papers must be posted within 15 days of publication.” —The Norton Subcourse and Raveningham estate was sold by Mr. George W. Salter, at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, for £16,632. JULY.2.—A ten mile match, for £20 a side, was run at the Green Hill Gardens, between Robert Bunn, of Norwich, and John Lovett, of London. The first-named won; time, 58 minutes. 3.—The West Norfolk Militia, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Custance, left Norwich for Aldershot. In December the regiment was transferred to Dublin. —Great festivities took place at Ellingham Hall, in celebration of the coming of age of Mr. Henry Smith, son and heir of Lieut.-Col. Smith. A dinner, at which 160 guests were present, was followed by sports, and in the evening dancing was opened upon the lawn by Mr. Smith and Miss Foster in a “Sir Roger de Coverley.” 5.—The marriage took place at East Dereham, of Captain William Earle Gascoyne Bulwer, late Scots Fusilier Guards, eldest son of Mr. William E. Lytton Bulwer, of Heydon Hall, and Mary Anne Dering, only daughter of Mr. William Wilson Lee Warner, of Quebec House. The officiating clergy were the Rev. G. Dashwood, rector of Stow Bardolph, and the Rev. B. J. Armstrong, vicar of East Dereham. 7.—Mr. Edmond Wodehouse, M.P., announced that it was his intention to retire from the representation of East Norfolk, in consequence of his continued ill-health. Mr. Henry Josiah Stracey was adopted as the Conservative candidate, and was returned unopposed on the 17th. 8.—Died at Ems, Sir William Edward Parry, R.N., Lieut.-Governor of Greenwich Hospital. He was an LL.D. of Oxford, a F.R.S. of London and Edinburgh, a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, and author of a work entitled, “Thoughts on the 18.—Died, at an advanced age, at Norwich, John Osborne. “He was a well-known character, and for many years drove the Yarmouth coach, and for some time the mail coach between Norwich and Ipswich. The railway, however, put an end to his vocation. Every morning he attended service at the Cathedral. Even when he was the driver of the coach to Yarmouth he stipulated he should have his Sunday, in order that he might be in his accustomed place at the Cathedral.” 26.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Baron Parke and a special jury, was tried the action, Fisher v. Nisbett. This was a will case, which excited considerable interest on account of the large amount of property in dispute and the number of persons concerned. The plaintiff was Miss Mary Ann Fisher, and the nominal defendant Mr. Philip Blundell Nisbett. The actual defendant was Mr. Richard Blundell Nisbett. The question at issue was the validity of the will of a lady named Nisbett. The amount in dispute was between £20,000 and £30,000 in real property, and a larger amount in personal property. The father of Mrs. Nisbett was a Mr. Fisher, a banker, of Yarmouth. Mary Ann Fisher, the plaintiff, was one of his daughters. All the children were dead in 1854 with the exception of Mary Ann Fisher. In the year 1811, when the deceased Mrs. Nisbett married, her father settled on her the sum of £10,000, and gave her during life an annuity of £500, while all that Mr. Nisbett brought was the sum of £7,000. In 1824 Mr. Nisbett died. Of the marriage there were three sons; two had died, and at the time of the trial the only one living was the eldest, Philip Blundell Nisbett, a confirmed lunatic. In the year 1835 Mr. Fisher died, leaving property to the amount of about £100,000. Mrs. Nisbett, after her father’s death, left the bulk of the property to Philip Blundell Nisbett. There now appeared on the scene Mr. Richard Blundell Nisbett, a son of Mr. Nisbett’s brother, and nephew by marriage to Mrs. Nesbitt. He took out a commission of lunacy against Philip, who was found to be a lunatic and incapable of managing his own affairs. Then he endeavoured to get a commission of lunacy against Mrs. Nisbett, but the Lord Chancellor, on receiving the report of the medical men who examined her, dismissed the petition, with costs. As soon as Mrs. Nisbett discovered the course that Richard was pursuing, she made a new will, the effect of which was that the property went to Miss Fisher, the plaintiff, for life, and after her death to blood relations. On November 10th, 1854, Mrs. Nisbett died suddenly, and these legal proceedings commenced. After evidence had been given by medical men and others, the Attorney-General (Sir Alexander Cockburn) who AUGUST.1.—Died at Malta, of wounds received before Sebastopol, on June 18th, in the attack upon the Redan, Lieut. Charles A. P. Boileau, of the Rifle Brigade, aged 19, fourth son of Sir John P. Boileau, Bart., and Lady Catherine Boileau, of Ketteringham Park. 15.—Stalham Corn Hall, erected at the cost of £300, raised by 82 shares of £5 each, was opened. 16.—A public dinner was held at Fakenham, under the presidency of Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart., to celebrate the opening of the Corn Hall. A capital of £4,000 was raised in 160 shares of £25 each. The building was designed by Mr. Brown, architect, of Norwich, and built by Mr. Pettitt, of Ipswich, for £3,000. 20.—Mr. Charles Mathews commenced a two nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre. His characters were Sir Charles Coldstream (“Used Up”), Mr. Affable Hawk (“The Game of Speculation”), and Captain Patter (“Patter versus Clatter”). For these two nights the Theatre was under the management of Mr. John Coleman, formerly of the Norwich Company. 21.—Died at Thorpe, in his 72nd year, Mr. Edmond Wodehouse. He was a son of Mr. Thomas Wodehouse, by a daughter of Mr. Pryce Campbell, of Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire. In 1809 he married his cousin, Lucy, daughter of the Rev. Philip Wodehouse, by whom he had four children, two sons and two daughters. In 1817 he offered himself as candidate for Norfolk, in opposition to Mr. Pratt; he was returned, and retained his seat until the General Election in 1830. At that time the excitement of the Reform agitation was at its height, which, with other circumstances, induced him to decline a contest. In that year Mr. T. W. Coke (afterwards Earl of Leicester) was returned with Sir W. J. H. B. ffolkes. In 1832 Mr. Keppel and Mr. Windham were returned. When the political excitement of the former period had subsided, Mr. Wodehouse again appeared before the constituency, and at the General Election in 1835 he and Lord Walpole were returned, in opposition to Mr. Windham and Mr. Richard Hanbury Gurney. Another General Election took place in 1837, and Mr. Wodehouse was returned with Mr. Henry Negus Burroughes, in opposition to the same Liberal candidates. In 1842 Mr. Wodehouse and Mr. Burroughes were again elected; Sir W. J. H. B. ffolkes, who was abroad at the time, was nominated without his consent as the Liberal candidate. Both Conservative candidates were re-elected without opposition in 1847. Mr. Wodehouse sat in Parliament about forty years. He was a Conservative of the old school, a Protectionist, and a zealous supporter of Sir Robert Peel until he introduced his Free Trade measures. His remains were interred at Norwich Cathedral on August 28th. —At the Norwich Police Court, Mr. John Coleman, tragedian, and temporary manager of the Theatre, preferred a complaint against Inspector Amis, of the city police. On the previous evening, he stated, a number of persons presented themselves at the dress-box entrance 23.—Died at Norwich, in his 87th year, Mr. John Francis, manufacturer, who served the office of Sheriff in 1837. 24.—The foundation-stone of a new chapel on Hempton Green, Fakenham, was laid. The building was designed by Mr. J. H. Hakewell, architect to the Church Building Society. “Hempton has been without a church or clergyman since the Reformation, when the ancient priory church was demolished.” (See October 6th, 1856.) SEPTEMBER.4.—Died at Brighton, Mr. Henry Dover, of Caston, who, in the previous July, resigned the office he had long held as a chairman of the Court of Norfolk Quarter Sessions. 10.—A telegraphic message announcing the fall of Sebastopol was exhibited at the window of the Norfolk Chronicle Office, at six p.m. Thousands of citizens crowded into the Market Place, and the office was besieged by persons anxious to obtain copies of the dispatch. Peals were rung upon the bells of St. Peter Mancroft, bands paraded the streets, and the citizens sang in chorus the National Anthem and “Rule, Britannia.” A bonfire was lighted in the Market Place, followed by a display of fireworks. There were great rejoicings in every town and village in the county. Sunday, the 29th, was observed as a day of special thanksgiving. 18.—Mr. Walter Montgomery, at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich, “repeated from memory his recital of ‘Othello.’” “Mr. Montgomery is the son of a respectable Norwich citizen, and has gained much provincial celebrity for his impersonation of Shakesperian characters.” OCTOBER.19.—At a meeting of the county magistrates, the following resolution was adopted, on the motion of Mr. T. J. Birch: “That the magistrates of the county of Norfolk, in Quarter Sessions assembled, take this, the earliest opportunity, of conveying to Major-General Charles Ash Windham, their sincere congratulations on his providential escape from the perils attendant on the assault of the great Redan of Sebastopol on the 8th of September, 1855, of expressing to him their sense of admiration of his long-enduring gallantry, of his courage, constancy, self-devotion, and self-possession, which may be equalled, but cannot be surpassed, and of tendering to him their warmest and most cordial thanks for the example he has thus held out to the British soldier.” A “Windham Testimonial Fund” was afterwards opened. (See August 1st, 1856.) NOVEMBER.3.—The Norfolk coast was visited by a severe gale, which did enormous damage to the shipping. 9.—Mr. J. Godwin Johnson was elected Mayor, and Mr. Timothy Steward appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 28.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the unsatisfactory state of the railway communication between Norwich and London was considered. It was stated that an apprehension existed on the part of the public, on account of delays and obstructions, that the Eastern Counties Railway was insecure. A committee was appointed to inquire into and define the grievances of the citizens. On December 7th the Committee reported upon the alleged insecurity of the permanent way; the irregularity and inconvenience in the working of the line; and the arrangements for the conveyance of the mails. The Board of Trade made an inspection of the line, and in January, 1856, reported upon its insecure and dangerous state between Norwich and Cambridge. DECEMBER.8.*—“The Queen has been pleased to grant unto Joseph Stonehewer Scott, of Thursford and Pinckney, in the county of Norfolk, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Scott, of Colney Hall, license and authority that he and his issue may use the surname of Chad in addition to and after the surname of Scott, and bear the arms of Chad quarterly with the family arms of Scott.” —*“Of late years some improvements have been made in various parts of Norwich by widening the streets, but by far the most important and expensive has been that in London Street. The improvement was badly designed, and has cost almost as much already as the cost would have been of pulling down one side of the street entirely. 19.—Mr. W. L. Mendham was elected Town Clerk of Norwich, in succession to Mr. J. R. Staff, who, since 1836, had held that office with the appointment of Clerk of the Peace. Mr. A. Dalrymple was elected to the latter office. 20.—Died at Dorking, Mr. T. Cubitt, who was well known by reason of the many important building contracts he had undertaken in London. He was born at Buxton, near Norwich, on February 25th, 1788. When working as a journeyman carpenter, he, in his nineteenth year, made a voyage to India, as a ship’s joiner. On his return to London two years afterwards, he commenced as a builder in a small way of business. Later he erected the London Institution, Moorfields, and about the year 1824 entered into an engagement with the Duke of Bedford and Lord Southampton for contracts on the ground on which Tavistock Square, Gordon Square, Woburn Place, and the neighbouring streets now stand. Towards the close of the same year and the beginning of 1825 he engaged with the Marquis of Westminster and Mr. Lowndes to cover portions of the Five Fields and grounds adjacent, and of this engagement Belgrave Square, Lowndes Square, Chatham Place, and other ranges of houses resulted. He built upon the vast open district lying between Eton Square and the Thames, now known as South Belgravia, and carried out similar extensive operations in Clapham, Kemp-town, Brighton, and other places. Mr. Cubitt had two brothers, Mr. Alderman Cubitt, M.P. for Andover, and Mr. Lewis Cubitt, the architect of the Great Northern Railway terminus. 26.—The title of the Christmas pantomime produced at Norwich Theatre was “King Goggle-eyed Greedy Gobble and the Fairy of the Enchanted Lake.” Mr. Sidney was complimented upon the excellence of the production. 27.—Died, in his 80th year, Mr. W. Shalders, who was for many years a leather merchant in Norwich. He was the originator and patentee of the far-famed Norwich invention known as the “fountain pump.” 1856.JANUARY.21.—Mr. John Coleman, lessee of the Worcester circuit, appeared at Norwich Theatre, in the character of Claude Melnotte. His other impersonations included Evelyn (“Money”), Hamlet, Richelieu, and Ingomar. FEBRUARY.5.—Madame Jenny Goldschmidt-Lind sang at a performance of “The Messiah,” at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich and on the 7th took 11.—The first performance of modern burlesque, “The Yellow Gnome,” by J. R. PlanchÉ, was given at Norwich Theatre on this date. 19.—Mr. Henry Russell appeared at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in his entertainment, entitled, “The Far West, or life in America,” illustrated by a series of views “showing the different scenes of a transit from Liverpool to the American Continent.” 23.*—“At the present time there are about forty manufacturers in Norwich, ten of them being producers of textile fabrics of various kinds. Altogether they now employ several thousand operatives in spinning yarns or in the production of immense quantities of goods composed of materials of that description.” 27.—The Lord Bishop of the Diocese consecrated the new Cemetery at Norwich. Thirty-five acres of land were purchased by the Board of Health of Mr. John Cater, but only twenty-three acres were at first utilised. The buildings were erected by Messrs. Ling and Balls, from designs by Mr. Benest, city surveyor, for £1,990. MARCH.12.—Mr. George Dawson, of Birmingham, delivered an address at the Lecture Hall, St. Andrew’s, Norwich, on “Martin Luther: his private life and character.” On the 17th he lectured on “Old Books: their uses, beauties, and peculiarities.” 13.—Mrs. Fred Philips, for several years a favourite actress on the Norwich circuit, took her final leave of the stage at Norwich Theatre. The house was crowded, and between 300 and 400 persons were refused admission. 22.—Hoffman’s “Organophonic Band, or Human Voice Orchestra,” with Mr. Thurton, “the living Valentine Vox,” gave an entertainment at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The performance was repeated on the 24th and 25th, and the company made a return visit in April. 24.—Mr. Walter Montgomery, a native of the city, commenced a six nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre, during which he appeared as Virginius, Macbeth, Richard the Third, &c. —At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a letter was received from Mr. J. B. Morgan, hon. secretary to the Nelson Statue Committee, stating that it was proposed, on the suggestion of Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A., Professor of Sculpture, to remove the statue from the site it had occupied during the preceding eighteen months, in the Market Place, opposite the entrance to Dove Street, to a new site in the Upper Close, immediately facing the Grammar School. The statue was removed, on April 16th, to the site it now occupies. 30.—Intelligence was received in Norwich of the signing of the Treaty of Peace. On the 31st (Monday) the bells of St. Peter Mancroft were rung, and flags hoisted upon the tower. In the evening fireworks APRIL.13.—A serious gas explosion took place at Gurney’s Bank, Norwich. A clerk, named Utting, who detected an escape of gas, entered with a lighted candle the office of Mr. Mottram. A tremendous explosion followed. The walls were rent, the windows blown out, and the ceiling raised so that the gas escaped to the rooms above. —Died at his residence, Redwell Street, Norwich, Dr. Robert Hull, in his 62nd year. He was for many years upon the Commission of the Peace for the city, and was one of the physicians of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, a post which he resigned a short time before his death. 23.—Miss Cushman, the celebrated actress, appeared at Norwich Theatre as Meg Merrilies. On the 25th she performed the part of Romeo, to the Juliet of Mrs. Sidney. 25.—The coming of age of Mr. William Amherst Tyssen Amhurst was celebrated at Didlington Park. Lord Berners formerly owned the estate, and in 1849 sold it to Lord William Powlett, from whom it passed by purchase to Mr. George Tyssen Amhurst, who effected many improvements upon the property. The celebration was carried out upon a scale of great liberality. A fine bullock, weighing 80 stones, was killed on the 21st, steamed on the 23rd, and roasted whole on the 25th in a temporary kitchen specially erected by Mr. Plowright, of MAY.5.—The close of the season at Norwich Theatre was marked by the public presentation to Mr. William Sidney of a handsome silver salver and vase, “in recognition of his judicious management as lessee.” It was one of the most successful seasons that had been recorded for many years. 7.—Died at her house in Green Park Buildings, Bath, aged 76, Lady Betty, widow of Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Berry, Bart., K.C.B., and eldest daughter of Dr. Forster, formerly headmaster of the Norwich Free Grammar School. 11.—The centenary of the opening of the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, was celebrated. A dinner was held at the Royal Hotel on the 13th, under the presidency of Mr. John Taylor, F.R.S. 31.—A fire took place on the premises of Mr. Ineson, rag and bone merchant, St. Andrew’s, Norwich. In addition to the total destruction of Mr. Ineson’s property, the workshops of Mr. Fisher, builder, and the paint shop of Mr. Turner were burnt down. —In the Rolls Courts Sir John Romilly gave judgment in the case of the Norwich Yarn Company, which came before the Court upon appeal from the Master’s certificate. The question was whether the directors of the company were entitled to levy contributions upon shareholders, in order to pay certain sums advanced or borrowed by them for carrying on the business of the company, which had become insolvent. Originally projected in 1833, with the view of relieving the distress which at that time affected the poor of Norwich, the company struggled on with increasing difficulties for sixteen years, until in 1850 it was wound up by order of the Court. His lordship now discharged altogether a question of fraud on the part of the directors. He was of opinion that the directors were entitled to be allowed all sums advanced by them, with simple interest at five per cent., and to be repaid that amount as far as the sum in Court would extend, with payment of the costs, and afterwards by a surplus raised by a call from the contributors in proportion to the number of shares held by them respectively, and that the cost of the proceedings must be borne by the estate of the company. JUNE.3.—The Rev. J. Alexander was presented with a purse containing £500, and a clock, on the occasion of his entering the fortieth year of 7.—A male specimen of Savi’s warbler, the rarest of British marsh warblers, was shot near Brundall. “This is the only bird of the species obtained in the county since 1842, when a pair were killed at South Walsham, which, with one in the Norwich Museum, are all that are known to have occurred in Norfolk. The one in the Museum was obtained by the Rev. James Brown, at Limpenhoe, in the early part of the century.” 21.—At a meeting held at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, it was decided to establish a pack of foxhounds in Norfolk, and to invite Lord Suffield to become master. The first meet of the pack took place at Melton Constable Park, on November 25th. 23.—A panorama, with the present form of variety entertainment, was exhibited for the first time at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich, by Mr. J. Batchelder. The views were illustrative of a tour in Southern Africa. 25.—The left wing of the West Norfolk Militia arrived at Norwich from Fermoy, co. Cork; the right wing reached the city on the 26th. An influential deputation of the inhabitants of Fermoy, prior to the departure of the regiment, presented to the colonel a farewell address, in which they congratulated him upon having the command of “so highly respectable and well disciplined a corps.” JULY.5.—A fine brig of 200 tons was launched from Mr. J. S. Southgate’s shipyard at Wells-next-the-Sea. She was christened the Rambler, by Miss Ellen Rump. From Mr. Henry Tyrrell’s yard at Wells, on September 3rd, was launched a new schooner, called the Gem. 11.—The Testerton estate, near Fakenham, comprising a residence and 676a. 3r. 6p. of arable and pasture land, let on lease to Mr. Thomas Henry Case, at a rental of £1,105 per annum, was sold at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, by Mr. Butcher, for £34,500, exclusive of timber. The purchasers were the trustees of Mr. John Morse, deceased. 16.—Building sites in London Street, Norwich, were offered for sale by Mr. F. Clowes. “The highest price made was at the rate of 9s. 0½d. per square foot, or £20,000 per acre.” —The new cemetery at Yarmouth was consecrated by the Right Rev. Bishop Spencer, acting for the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. 21.—An inquiry was opened at Yarmouth by Mr. W. D. Boase, one of her Majesty’s Charity Commissioners, “into the present circumstances and administration of the various endowed charities existing in the borough, with the view of hearing any complaints that might be made, and to suggest improvements in the disposition of the funds.” The inquiry concluded on the 24th. 23.—A performance of Costa’s “Eli” was given by the Norwich Choral Society, at St. Andrew’s Hall. The principal vocalists were Madame Rudersdorff, Miss Dolby, Mr. George Perren, Mr. A. Mann, Mr. Weiss, and Mr. Thomas. A performance of the same oratorio, 26.—On this date was published a report of the action, Beaven v. Lord Hastings, heard before the Vice-Chancellor, Sir W. P. Wood. This was a bill by a bond creditor of Edward Astley, deceased, praying an account of the sum due for principal and interest upon his bond, and a decree for payment against the defendant, Lord Hastings, on the ground that he had made himself personally liable to pay the debt without regard to a sufficiency of the assets of the late Edward Astley. The bill also brought the declaration that the defendant had constituted himself executor de son tort of the intestate Edward Astley, and was accountable on that footing to the plaintiff as the rightful administrator of the intestate. Mr. Astley, who resided at Eneilles, in Belgium, having borrowed £1040 from the plaintiff, gave his bond, dated July 3rd, 1845, by which he became bound to the plaintiff in the penal sum of £2,080, with the condition for defeasance upon payment on July 3rd, 1847, of £1,040 with interest at 5 per cent. A warrant of attorney at even date was executed by Edward Astley, but no judgment was ever actually entered up under the warrant. In April, 1846, the dead body of Edward Astley was found, with marks of violence upon it, in the River Ourthe in Belgium. Lord Hastings and his mother, Dame Hester Astley, his sole next-of-kin, proceeded to Eneilles with his solicitor, and applied to the Juges de Paix to remove the seals and give him possession of his brother’s property. A procÈs verbal having been signed, possession of the property, “without description or inventory,” was delivered to Lord Hastings, who, by thus taking possession pur et simple became personally liable, according to the Belgian law, to pay the debts of the intestate, without reference to the value of assets. The Vice-Chancellor dismissed the bill, on the ground that the defendant, who had legally received the property in Belgium, could not be sued in England as executor de son tort. AUGUST.1.—General Windham was received in Norwich with a great demonstration of welcome, on his return to his native county. The hero of the Redan travelled from London by the Eastern Union line, and was presented with congratulatory addresses at various stations along the 2.—Several deaths were reported to have occurred from small-pox at Lynn. “In no instance has death ensued here after vaccination.” 9.—It was reported that at the Suffolk Assizes, at Ipswich, an action was brought by the Commissioners of Yarmouth Harbour, in the name of their clerk (Mr. Preston), pursuant to the direction of the Master of the Rolls, against the Norfolk and Eastern Counties Railway Company. The plaintiff complained that the defendants had wrongfully diverted and obstructed the waters of the Yare, the Wensum, and the Waveney, which of right ought to flow into and through Yarmouth Harbour, and had turned them into Lake Lothing, and thence into the sea through Lowestoft Harbour. The Eastern Union, the Norfolk, and the Eastern Counties Railways, had entered into an agreement for amalgamation, by virtue of which the latter company assumed the entire control over the network of railways constructed by those companies and the East Anglian Company, and, among other matters, they undertook the duties created by the Norwich and Lowestoft Navigation Act, one of which was the maintenance of Mutford Bridge where Lake Lothing joined Oulton Broad, for the double purpose of keeping in the fresh waters of the Yare and Waveney and preserving them for the use of Yarmouth Harbour, and of keeping out the waters of the sea, which would otherwise flood all the low lands at high water. These duties had not been discharged to the satisfaction of the plaintiffs. After discussion, terms of reference to Mr. B. Andrew, Q.C., were arranged, the defendants undertaking to repair the locks at once, the plaintiffs being let in to complain of acts of omission as well as of commission on the part of the defendants. A verdict was then taken for the plaintiffs, subject to a special case. (See January 26th, 1858.) 15.—Lieut.-Col. Edwin Wodehouse, C.B., Royal Artillery, on revisiting his former home at Hingham, after his return from the Crimea, was presented with an address by the inhabitants of the town. He was the eldest son of Admiral Wodehouse. At Inkerman a battery called “Wodehouse’s Battery” was furiously attacked and nearly all the men cut down by overpowering numbers of the enemy. By heroic courage and determination he rescued from the enemy the three guns lost early in the action. Two slugs passed through his cloak, and one, if not two, horses were killed under him. 18.—The London Grand Opera Company commenced a season at the Theatre Royal, Norwich. The artistes included Miss Rebecca Isaacs, Miss Fanny Reeves, Mr. Borrani, Mr. Oliver Summers, Mr. J. B. Bowler, and Mr. Elliott Galer. Among the operas produced were “La Somnambula,” “The Bohemian Girl,” “Maritana,” “Lucia Di Lammermoor,’” “Fra Diavolo,” “Norma,” and “Daughter of the Regiment.” The company came direct from Drury Lane Theatre, on the termination of the season there. 26.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the Paving Committee reported in favour of a scheme for draining the northern part of the city, at the total cost of £7,893, according to plans prepared by Mr. E. E. Benest, city surveyor. The Council declined to adopt the scheme, on the ground that the city could not afford to undertake it. SEPTEMBER.1.—A storm of great severity occurred. The district in which it was most felt was across the track of marsh land lying between Bungay and Ormesby. At Yarmouth the outbreak began at six p.m., and lasted till midnight. Several cottages were flooded, and one fell, in consequence of its being undermined by the water. —The first meeting of the provisional committee for erecting the Britannia Pier, Yarmouth, was held at the Angel Hotel, under the presidency of Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P. The estimated cost was £3,900. The pier was opened on July 13th, 1858. 14.—A white stork was shot in the plantation of Mr. R. H. Saye, at North Pickenham. Its wings measured 6 ft. 3 in. from tip to tip, it was 4 ft. in length, and weighed 8 lbs. The bird was preserved by Mr. T. Ellis, of Swaffham. 23.—Mdlle. Piccolomini gave a concert at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. Among the artistes from Her Majesty’s Theatre who accompanied her were Mdlle. Firioli, Signor Belletti, Mr. Charles Braham, Signor Beneventano, and Signor Pilotti. 27.*—“During the past fortnight the catch of herrings at Yarmouth has been almost unprecedented in the annals of the fisheries. In many instances the boats have entered the harbour so heavily laden that their gunwales were almost level with the water. In the last ten days it is computed that the quantity of herrings brought in and landed here from the various boats has reached the enormous daily average of 100 lasts, or 1,320,000 fish. From £12 10s. to £14 per last has been realised; but in some cases this abundance of fish has proved most disastrous to the owners, entailing the loss of the boats’ nets, stores, &c. Mr. J. T. Frosdick has sustained in this way the entire loss of the nets of two boats, to the serious extent of £450, for, owing to the enormous catch of fish, the men were quite unable to draw the nets on board, and ultimately the weight proved so great that they sunk the nets and all to the bottom of the sea.” 30.—The festival of the Choir Benevolent Fund was held at Norwich Cathedral. In addition to those of Norwich, choirs from London, Ely, Cambridge, Rochester, Peterborough, and Canterbury took part. The total sum accruing from the festival amounted to £273 0s. 9d. 1.—Died, in his 83rd year, the Rev. James Brown, B.D., Hon. Canon of Norwich, and for fifty years vicar of St. Andrew’s, Norwich. “For more than twenty years chaplain of the county prison, he was one of the earliest advocates of educational efforts being directed towards prisoners, and in his practical suggestions may be traced the germ of much that is valuable in our reformatory institutions. He lived long enough to see similar views generally adopted and made compulsory by the State. His duties as chaplain were performed during a period when capital punishments were much more frequent than now, and this gave him the opportunity of seeing vice in its most degrading forms, and to hear from the lips of its victims the repentance which the certain approach of death and judgment generally extracted from them.” 6.—The church of the Holy Trinity, Hempton Green, was opened by the Bishop of Norwich. —The corner-stone of the new Corn Hall at Aylsham was laid by the Marquis of Lothian. 7.—Died at Calais, aged 60, Capt. Charles Thurtell, R.N., son of Mr. Thomas Thurtell, of Lakenham. 16.—The Earl of Albemarle addressed a large meeting of the industrial class at the Corn Hall, Diss, upon the subject of “Benefit Clubs.” In the course of his remarks, he asserted “the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows is humbug from beginning to end.” The action of his lordship evoked a large amount of newspaper correspondence, and on November 6th Mr. Samuel Daynes, a former “Grand Master” of the Unity, introduced at Diss a Mr. Reeve, who delivered an address to rebut the assertions of Lord Albemarle. 20.—Mr. Fred Phillips’ dramatised version of Mrs. Beecher Stowe’s romance of “Dred” was produced at the Surrey Theatre, and was favourably noticed by the critics. At the same theatre, on January 19th, 1857, was produced the comedy, “A Bird in the Hand is worth Two in the Bush,” by the same author. 29.—At a meeting held at Yarmouth, it was resolved to take the necessary steps towards placing the Nelson column in a proper state of repair. NOVEMBER.1.—Mr. T. D. Eaton, president of the Choral Society, was presented by the members, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with a silver snuff-box and silver inkstand. “Mr. H. Pierson, the author of the oratorio ‘Jerusalem,’ and of the opera ‘Faust,’ was present, and wrote a drinking song for the occasion, dedicating it to the president.” 5.—Died at Liverpool, Mr. Charles Hodgson, formerly of Norwich. He was one of the mathematical tutors at Norwich Free Grammar School during the headmastership of the Rev. Edward Valpy, and nearly the last surviving member of the Norwich Society of Artists, established in 1803. 10.—Mr. Robert Chamberlin was elected Mayor, and Mr. Robert Seaman appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 13.—A sculling match, for £100, between Henry Kelly, of Fulham, and Richard Buttle, of Norwich, was rowed on the Thames, from Putney to Mortlake. Kelly won, by little more than half a boat’s length. Time, 25 minutes. The return match was fixed to take place on the Yare, from Surlingham to Thorpe, on November 25th, but owing to a dispute as to the appointment of referee, the race was postponed until the 26th, when Kelly, who rowed the distance, about 4½ miles, in 37½ minutes, won easily. 19.—Died, the Right Hon. Julia Barbara, Lady Stafford, wife of Henry Valentine, 9th Baron Stafford, daughter of Edward Howard, of Glossop. Her ladyship was born in 1807. The interment took place at the private chapel at Costessey, on November 27th. 29.—Snow began to fall, and soon reached a greater depth than had been recorded in Norfolk for many years previously. At nine o’clock on the morning of December 4th the thermometer stood at 16 deg.; the reading of the same instrument, in the same place, at eleven a.m. on December 6th was 60 deg. In thirty-six hours from ten to twelve inches of snow had disappeared, and the weather thenceforth was very mild. DECEMBER.2.—At the Norwich Police Court, George Holl and Stephen Gilbert, of Magdalen Road, were charged by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue with having an illicit still. Holl was fined £50, and Gilbert £200. 3.—The “exercise” written by Mr. Edward Bunnett, of Norwich, “to qualify himself for taking the degree of Bachelor of Music, was performed with great success in the chapel of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.” 25.—Died, in St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, Mrs. Ann Jean, widow of Mr. Roger Jean, artist, in her 74th year. 26.—Boxing Day was, for the first time, observed in Norwich as a general holiday, “none of the shops being opened in the Market Place or principal streets.” The pantomime of “Bluebeard, or the Demon Curiosity,” was produced at the Theatre, and the other amusements included Brown’s Circus, with the spectacles, “St. George and the Dragon,” and “Mazeppa”; and Wombwell’s Menagerie on Castle Meadow. JANUARY.4.—During a violent gale from the north, several ships went ashore at Yarmouth. “The beach presented a melancholy appearance, from the number of vessels upon it.” 8.—The Rev. A. C. Copeman was elected minister of the parish of St. Andrew, Norwich. The Revs. T. Rust, J. W. Cobb, and R. Wade withdrew from the contest, and Mr. Copeman defeated the remaining candidate, the Rev. J. W. Evans, by 96 votes to 33. 19.—The D Battery, Field Artillery, commanded by Major Strange, marched from the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich, en route for Aldershot. P Field Battery arrived from Woolwich on the 21st, under the command of Major Hoste. 23.—A sea eagle was shot at Winterton. It measured from its beak to its tail 3 feet, and from tip to tip of its wings 8 feet. 27.—A dinner was held at the Angel Inn, North Walsham, to celebrate the restoration of the Market Cross. —Died at his residence, Park Crescent, London, in his 70th year, the Hon. Sir Edward Hall Alderson, Baron of her Majesty’s Court of Exchequer. He was the eldest son of Mr. Robert Alderson, barrister-at-law, and Recorder of Norwich, by the daughter of Mr. Samuel Hurry, of Great Yarmouth, where he was born in 1787. He received his early education at the Charter House and at Caius College, Cambridge. Elected a Fellow of his college, he, in 1812, proceeded M.A. On being called to the Bar, he went the Northern Circuit. In conjunction with Mr. Barnewell, he edited five volumes of reports of cases heard in the Court of King’s Bench between 1815 and 1820. In 1830, though still wearing the stuff gown, he was promoted an additional puisne judge in the Court of Common Pleas, and received the honour of knighthood. In 1834 he was transferred from that Court to a puisne judgeship in the Court of Exchequer, where for many years he was second to Baron Parke. Baron Alderson was a careful, learned, and conscientious judge, though his mind was naturally inclined to take a rather hard and dry view of the question at issue, and to strip it, almost to a fault, of extraneous matter. 28.—A singular action for defamation of character was tried before Mr. Justice Williams and a special jury in the Court of Common Pleas. Mr. Stephen English, Chief Constable of Norwich, was the plaintiff, and Capt. Black, Chief Constable of Norfolk, the defendant. The damages were laid at £3,000. According to the opening statement of Mr. Serjeant Byles, Capt. Black felt himself aggrieved that Mr. English should be styled Chief Constable of Norwich, and wrote to the Watch Committee several letters upon the subject, stating that Mr. English’s assumed title, instead of his proper title, “superintendent of police,” had caused him (Capt. Black) obstruction and official inconvenience in the discharge of his duties. These letters had no effect, and Capt. Black then published handbills reflecting upon the FEBRUARY.4.—A servant girl, named Belinda Wilson, aged 18, was charged at the County Police Station, Norwich, with stealing, on January 3rd the sum of £90, in bank notes, the property of her master, Mr. William Claxton, farmer, of Stoke Holy Cross. After taking the money, Wilson attired herself in the clothes of a manservant, and starting from Flordon railway station, proceeded to Edinburgh, where she had some difficulty in obtaining change, as English notes were not in general circulation there. She obtained a new suit of clothes of sporting cut, and travelled from place to place “like a fast young man.” At the end of January she was again in the Eastern Counties, and took up her abode at Yarmouth. During a visit to Wombwell’s Menagerie, she was recognised by an old schoolfellow, through whom information was given to the police, who apprehended her at the Waterloo Tavern, St. Peter’s Road, where she was posing as “a lively-looking youth, and smoking a cigar.” She gave the name of James Smith. The prisoner was committed for trial, and at the Norfolk Quarter Sessions in March pleaded guilty, and was sentenced by Sir Willoughby Jones to two years’ imprisonment, with hard labour. 11.—The new Corn Hall at East Dereham, erected on the sites of old shambles and slaughter-houses, was opened. A company of 250 guests assembled at dinner in the hall, under the presidency of Lord Sondes, who was supported by the Earl of Leicester, Lord Walsingham, Lord Hastings, Lord Suffield, the Hon. and Rev. E. S. Keppel, Mr. W. Bagge, M.P., Mr. G. P. Bentinck, M.P., Mr. E. Fellowes, M.P., the Mayor and Sheriff of Norwich, &c. The hall was built by a company, with a capital of £3,000. Its cost was about £1,800; Mr. J. B. Goggs, of Swaffham, was the architect, and Mr. Hubbard, of Dereham, the builder. (See July 29th, 1857.) 14.*—“A few days since Mr. Wolton, grocer, of Norwich, received by the London post a letter enclosing the halves of notes to the amount of £140, with the intimation, written in a disguised hand, that about 14 years ago the writer, being in a place of trust in his establishment, had appropriated to himself this amount in a dishonest manner, and taken the present opportunity of returning it. On Friday morning came the other halves of the notes, with the request that the rest of the money might be acknowledged in the ‘Daily News.’” —A singular action was tried at the Yarmouth County Court, before Mr. T. J. Birch. Mr. John Cobb sued Mr. G. D. Palmer and Mr. W. N. Burroughes for the recovery of certain money paid by the plaintiff at the request of the defendants for expenses incurred in contesting an election of councillors for the Market Ward in that borough on November 1st, 1851. Mr. Cobb was induced, on the solicitation of the defendants, who were leaders of the Liberal party, to offer himself as a candidate for the Market Ward. He was not anxious to become a councillor, but the defendants promised to “see him through,” and on the night before the election distinctly guaranteed him that he should be reimbursed any outlay incurred beyond the sum of £10. Mr. Cobb was defeated at the poll. It was not denied that the guarantee was given, but it was contended that, in order to render it valid to support the action, it should have been in writing, which it was not. The Judge concurred, and nonsuited the plaintiff. It was admitted, in the course of the hearing, that the money was applied “to bribery, vulgarly so-called.” MARCH.11.—A conference was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, as to certain complaints respecting the management of the Eastern Counties lines of railway. The Mayor presided, and deputations were present representing the Eastern Counties Railway Company, the Norwich Corporation, and the town of East Dereham. The principal complaints, as stated by Mr. Tillett, had reference to unequal charges for the transit of goods, and the alteration in the price of market tickets. Mr. Love, the chairman of the company, assured the meeting that any communication made to the company would receive consideration. 16.—The Norwich Free Library was thrown open for the use of the citizens. There was no formal ceremony, but in the evening the Rev. A. Bath Power delivered an inaugural address on the advantages of the study of literature and science. The building was erected at the total cost of £5,958, and the internal fittings increased the amount to £6,500. 19.—At a meeting of the Conservative party in the Eastern Division of Norfolk, held at Norwich, it was decided that Mr. H. N. Burroughes and Sir Henry Stracey, Bart., should withdraw from contesting the return of General Windham and Sir E. N. Buxton. In West Norfolk, Mr. Bagge, “from private reasons, and from a desire not to disturb the peace of the county,” retired from the representation, and a compromise was effected whereby both parties concurred to support Mr. Brampton Gurdon, of Letton, and Mr. G. Bentinck, the sitting member. 21.—The Bishop of Norwich issued an address to the clergy of the diocese, announcing that it was his intention to resign the duties of the episcopate. On April 21st the Corporation of Norwich voted an address to Dr. Samuel Hinds, “late Bishop of the Diocese.” —The Hon. F. Baring and the Earl of Euston were returned unopposed for the borough of Thetford. —The nomination of candidates for the representation of Great Yarmouth took place. Sir Edmund Lacon. Mr. McCullagh, Mr. Watkin, and Col. Vereker were proposed. The poll was opened on the 28th, and resulted in the return of the Liberal candidates: McCullagh, 609; Watkin, 590; Lacon, 521; Vereker, 451. (See July 24th, 1857.) —Lord Stanley and Mr. J. H. Gurney were re-elected, unopposed, members for King’s Lynn. 29.—Died at Hackford Hall, aged 80, the Ven. John Bedingfeld Collyer, archdeacon of Norwich, and vicar of Wroxham with Salhouse. He was the second son of the Rev. Daniel Collyer, of Wroxham Hall and of Necton, by Catherine, one of the daughters and co-heiress of John Bedingfeld, of Caston Castle and of Beeston. Educated at the Charter House, under Dr. Matthew Raines, he proceeded to Clare Hall, Cambridge, and after taking holy orders he married, in 1800, Catherine, daughter of William Alexander, eldest brother of the first Earl of Caledon, and granddaughter of Dr. Messenger Monsey, of Chelsea Hospital. In 1806–7, upon the threatened invasion of this country by Bonaparte, Mr. Collyer received a commission as a major of Volunteers, and acted with great energy and decision. In recognition of his services in his military capacity, he was made a deputy-lieutenant of the county and placed upon the commission of the peace. Throughout his life he was uniformly attached to Whig principles. He was succeeded in the archdeaconry by the Rev. R. E. Hankinson. 30.—Mr. G. P. Bentinck and Mr. Brampton Gurdon were, at the Shirehall, Swaffham, nominated and returned unopposed as members for West Norfolk. 31.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Erle, the Grand Jury returned a bill of indictment against Jacob, Baron Hastings, for a misdemeanour “in endeavouring to incite Jacob Henry Tillett to fight a duel.” On the application of Mr. Power, a bench warrant for his lordship’s apprehension was issued. On April 1st Mr. Kent, solicitor, appeared on behalf of Lord Hastings, and applied for bail. His lordship was admitted to bail, himself in £200 and two sureties of £100 each. The Earl of Leicester and Lord Suffield were his sureties. The case was traversed to the next Assizes. Further proceedings were, however, withdrawn, after an interview between Lieut.-Col. Astley and Mr. Tillett. “His lordship,” it was stated “had no intention of sending a threatening or offensive message to Mr. Tillett, and he felt that an article published by Mr. Tillett on November 29th, 1856, was an unjustifiable attack upon him, which led to the warmth exhibited by his lordship in his interview with Mr. Tillett, for which his lordship expresses regret and withdraws his offensive epithets. Mr. Tillett, upon his lordship’s disavowal, withdraws any remarks offensive to his lordship is the article above alluded to, and expresses his regret that APRIL.6.—General Charles Ash Windham and Sir Edmund North Buxton were, at the Shirehall, Norwich, nominated and returned unopposed members for East Norfolk. 9.—At a vestry meeting held at East Dereham, it was resolved that the Bath House, an unsightly building in the churchyard, be removed. “By the removal of this building, the burial-place of St. Withburga, an object of great local interest, will no longer be hidden to view.” 14.—Intelligence was received in Norwich of the birth of a Princess (Princess Beatrice). 17.—Mr. David Fisher, of the Princess’s Theatre, London, appeared at Norwich Theatre as John Mildmay (“Still Waters Run Deep”). 18.—It was announced that the Hon. and Rev. John Thomas Pelham was to succeed Dr. Samuel Hinds as Bishop of Norwich. Mr. Pelham, who was the second son of the second Earl of Chichester, was born in 1811, and graduated at Oxford. In 1845 he married a daughter of Mr. Thomas William Tatten, and was appointed chaplain to the Queen in 1847. Shortly afterwards he was presented to the rectory of Berghapton, by the Earl of Abergavenny. In 1852 he removed to Christ Church, Hampstead, and in 1854 was nominated by the Crown to the rectory of St. Marylebone, on the death of Dr. Spry. On May 9th a special meeting of the Dean and Chapter was held at the Deanery, Norwich, when the congÉ d’Élire, declaring the vacancy of the bishopric “and recommending to the Dean and Chapter the Hon. and Rev. John Thomas Pelham, M.A., to be by them elected Bishop of the See of Norwich,” was read, and Mr. Pelham was elected accordingly. The ceremony of confirming the election took place in the College of Advocates in Doctors’ Commons, on June 6th, and his lordship was consecrated at the parish church of St. Marylebone on June 11th, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The installation took place at Norwich Cathedral on June 26th, and addresses were afterwards presented to his lordship by the Corporations of Norwich and Yarmouth. 25.*—“Lord Hastings has had an interesting addition to his collection of foreign animals in two wapiti deer, which are among the largest known of their species in North America. He has also an increase in a young kangaroo and three young nylgaus having been born the week before last at Melton Constable.” —The chancel of East Dereham church was re-opened, after “additional embellishment, through the liberality of the sinecure rector, the Rev. W. C. Wollaston.” The open roof was displayed by the removal of an unsightly ceiling, early English windows were substituted for those of more debased style, and a window by Wailes, as a memorial to Mrs. Wollaston, completed the series of stained glass windows. The reredos was illuminated by Messrs. King, of Norwich. 27.—At Docking Petty Sessions it was stated, during the hearing of a case of assault, that the quarrel had its origin in a belief in witchcraft, “unfortunately too prevalent in most of the country villages.” The witnesses “displayed a great amount of ignorance and superstition, 27.—The Yarmouth School of Navigation and Art was established at a house on the South Quay, formerly occupied by Mr. Paget. MAY.7.—The adaptation of steam power to ploughing was exhibited in a field belonging to Mr. Craske Roper, of Croxton Park, near Thetford. Two engines, fitted with an “endless railway,” were built by Mr. Burrell, of Thetford, and both were shown at work. “The new engine is like a railway locomotive, but with the addition of an apparatus, which answers the purpose of a railway, attached to the wheels. The endless railway consists of a series of flat boards, six in number, plated with iron on both sides of each wheel, equal in length to the radius of the wheel, and from 10 to 16 inches in width, loosely attached to the felloe of the wheel in such a manner that they are carried round with it as it revolves. Each in succession is laid flat on the ground in front of the wheel, and lifted up in its rear as soon as passed over. On the surface of the boards next the periphery of the wheel an iron rail is fixed, on which the wheel runs, the boards thus corresponding to the sleepers of an ordinary railway, so that the wheels carry their own rails and sleepers with them, laying down a literally endless railway whenever they are set in motion.” 11.—A meeting was held in the old Library Room, St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, “to take into consideration the expediency of forming a society to prevent persons from taking and destroying fish by illegal practices.” It was resolved, “That an anglers’ society be established in Norwich, with the view of aiding the authorities in preventing illegal fishing, and also for promoting the rational recreation of the members.” The society was called “The Norwich and Norfolk Anglers’ Society,” and Mr. Skippon was appointed honorary secretary. 13.—Mr. Thackeray gave the first of two lectures at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The subject was, “George the Third.” The second lecture was delivered on the 15th, and was entitled, “George the Fourth.” “A very general feeling of disappointment is expressed at the style and manner of the lecturer, and at the very high prices charged (4s. and 2s. 6d.). We have reason to believe that in some instances those who paid for tickets for the second evening intentionally absented themselves.” Letters were published in the Norfolk Chronicle expressing strong disapproval of Thackeray’s strictures upon the personal characters of the Georges. 18.—The polling for the election of a Coroner for the Lynn district, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. George Sayle, commenced at Lynn. The candidates were Mr. Jeffery and Mr. Wilkin. “An extraordinary degree of energy was displayed in bringing up the voters in all parts of the district, and the expenses incurred in paying railway and coach fares, breakfasts, and dinners for the voters and hangers on (to say nothing of the sum of money lavished in other ways to obtain their suffrages, added to the usual outlay upon a contested election), must have amounted to something enormous, 18.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dillon commenced a three nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre in “Othello,” “Belphegor,” and “Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady.” —A meeting was held at the Lecture Hall, Norwich, at which resolutions were passed condemning the Law of Settlement, and advocating the introduction of a national rate. Another meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall on the 20th, at which similar resolutions were agreed to. 19.—A sculling match, for £40, was rowed on the Yare, from Surlingham to Whitlingham (3½ miles), between Stephen Wright, of Norwich, aged 22, and J. H. Clasper, of Newcastle, aged 18. The former was trained by John Britcher, and the latter by his father. Clasper’s boat was the lighter by several pounds, and in length exceeded the Norwich man’s craft by about four feet. Wright had the better of the start, but in ten strokes Clasper led by a quarter of a length. At Bramerton, however, Wright obtained a clear lead, and at Wood’s End led by four lengths. Clasper made a desperate spurt, and got nearly abreast of his antagonist, who won by a length, in 23½ minutes. The Newcastle man suffered severely from exhaustion, and was lifted from his boat in a helpless condition. The return match was rowed on the Tyne, on July 24th, when Wright again won. 24.—The yacht Zoe, 170 tons, belonging to the Earl of Yarborough, struck at midnight on the Lemon Sand, off Happisburgh, while on a voyage from the Isle of Wight to Grimsby. Lord Yarborough, with the captain and crew, took to the boats, and landed at Happisburgh Hill House. 26.—Mr. George Dawson lectured at the Assembly Room, Norwich, on “Daniel Defoe.” 30.*—“Lord Orford has addressed the following letter to the editor of the ‘Morning Post’:—‘Sir, I enclose you a paragraph which appeared in your paper of the 21st inst., to the truth of which I desire you to give the most emphatic denial. It is a rechauffÉ of the lie circulated some thirty years since in a London journal as a hoax, I presume, on the editor. At the time I did not think it worthy of contradiction, nor at my age should I deem it worthy of any such contradiction now, but am solely induced to do so for the satisfaction of those most justly dear to me.—Yours, &c., Orford. May 26th, 1857.’” (The paragraph here alluded to is the much-quoted reply purported to have been sent by the noble lord to the secretary of the Norwich Bible Society. It originally appeared in the “Freemen’s Journal,” Dublin.) 31.—Died at his residence, Brighton, Mr. Charles Edmund Rumbold, of Preston Candover, Hants., aged 69. He represented for more than 37 years the borough of Great Yarmouth, for which he was first returned in 1818. JUNE.1.—The Annual Moveable Committee of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows commenced its sittings at Norwich. There were 110 1.—Died at Costessey, aged 88, Mr. John Culley, one of the leading agriculturists of the county. “It was to him and a few others that the farmers in this locality are indebted for the establishment of the Hail Storm Society, and the subscriptions which followed the memorable hailstorm in this county a few years since.” Mr. Culley took a prominent part in the movement for the erection of the Norwich Corn Exchange. 11.—A familiar object, known as the “Bassingham Gateway,” in London Street, Norwich, was sold by auction. The purchaser was Mr. William Wilde, and the price £12. The hope was expressed that this relic of antiquity would not be removed from the city. On September 5th it was announced: “The Bassingham Gateway has been erected at the magistrates’ entrance at the Guildhall, where it is quite out of character with the building, or, at any rate, that part of it. Above the gate are the arms of Henry VII., the arms of the Goldsmiths’ Company, to which its builder, Mr. John Bassingham, belonged, and of the city of Norwich. Having been cleaned, the carved work is brought out in bold relief.” —An amateur sculling match took place for £10, from Bramerton to Whitlingham (about three miles), between Mr. Henry Watling and Mr. Henry Balls. A foul resulted, Mr. Watling claimed stakes, and the referee, Mr. Vyall, decided in his favour. 13.*—“The Marine Parade (Yarmouth) may now be looked upon as completed, and certainly in almost every particular it has exceeded the expectations formed of it. It was planned and carried out under the immediate superintendence of the Town Surveyor, Mr. A. W. Morant, and the cost will not exceed the sum estimated, £1,700.” 16.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the Grammar School Committee reported that the hearing took place, before the Master of the Rolls, on June 10th, of the suit, the Attorney-General v. Hudson, when the principal differences which had existed in reference to the new scheme for the administration of the School and Hospital had been amicably adjusted. The sum of £1,000 per annum, exclusive of the cost of buildings, was to be taken from the Great Hospital funds and appropriated, under the management of separate trustees, to the purposes of education. Two schools were to be established—a Grammar School and a Commercial School. The course of instruction in the Grammar School would embrace English, Latin, French, and German, &c., and in the Commercial School, English, French, and the rudiments of Latin, &c. Prizes and scholarships were to be given to both schools, and the boy who obtained an upper class scholarship in the Commercial School would be entitled to education in the Grammar School without cost. The payments for boys educated in the Grammar School were to range from 6 gs. to 8 gs. per year, and in the Commercial School 30s. per year. The masters were to be paid a fixed salary, besides which their 17.—A revival of the Dereham Race Meeting attracted thousands of spectators to the Common. The subscriptions amounted to £150, and horses were run by Lord Suffield and other sportsmen of the county. 18.—Workmen engaged in deepening a dry dock belonging to Mr. Ambrose Palmer, at Yarmouth, turned up in one spadeful from 700 to 1,000 silver pennies of Edward I. and of Alexander III., the contemporary King of Scotland. The coins were discovered 17 feet beneath the level of the quay. 23.—Mr. A. A. H. Beckwith, Governor of the Norwich Court of Guardians, performed the ceremony of turning the first sod upon the line marked out for the main front of the new Norwich Workhouse. 24.—Mr. Spurgeon, “the celebrated revivalist,” preached two sermons at the Corn Exchange, Lynn, in aid of a fund for repairing the local Baptist chapel. Two thousand six hundred tickets were issued, and the collections amounted to £110 15s. 27.—Died of cholera, at Kurnaul, aged 59, Major-General the Hon. George Anson, Commander-in-Chief of the troops in India. He was the second son of Thomas, first Viscount Anson, and brother of the first Earl of Lichfield, served in the Scots Fusilier Guards, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. In 1818 he was returned for Yarmouth, and represented the borough in several Parliaments before and after the passing of the Reform Bill. By hereditary descent and by personal conviction he was a Liberal in politics, and invariably sided with the leaders of the Whig party. He became Major-General on November 11th, 1851. He was a zealous patron of the Turf, on which he was better known as Colonel Anson. JULY.1.—A reformatory was established at Catton, by Mr. Wright, as an offshoot of a similar institution at Buxton. 4.—Application was made in the Court of Chancery, before the Lord Chancellor, for a re-hearing of the case, Lombe v. Stoughton, which was decided in the year 1841, by the then Vice-Chancellor. The testator, Sir John Lombe, had left a large fund, to be applied to the purpose of building a mansion on his estate in Norfolk, with a direction that the fund should accumulate until the house was finished. Considerable delay took place in completing the house, and the fund increased to a very large amount, leaving a surplus of about £20,000. The Vice-Chancellor directed the fund to be applied to building purposes at a time when it was not known that the surplus would be so large, but the order was made without prejudice to any question as to the surplus. This surplus was now claimed by the representatives of the successive tenants for life, on the ground that they (the tenants for life) had been deprived of the enjoyment of the house, and were, therefore, entitled to the fund by way of compensation. The Lord Chancellor gave leave for the Vice-Chancellor to re-hear the case, if he found himself fettered by the wording of 7.—The Bishop of Norwich laid the first stone of the new church of St. John the Evangelist, erected at Yarmouth for the use of beachmen and sailors. (See April 22nd, 1858.) 8.—Mr. Arthur Preston, hon. secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society, was, at a dinner held at the Bell Hotel, under the presidency of the Mayor of Norwich, presented with a piece of plate, in recognition of his valuable services to the society. 17.—The Mayor of Norwich (Mr. R. Chamberlin) was presented with a silver epergne, valued at 200 gs., “in recognition of the strict impartiality, sound judgment, and munificent hospitality which distinguished his official career as Mayor in 1854–5.” 24.—A Committee of the House of Commons commenced the hearing of a petition lodged by Mr. Richard Ferrier, the elder, and Mr. E. H. L. Preston, against the return for Yarmouth of the sitting members, Messrs. M’Cullagh and Watkin. Bribery, treating, and undue influence were alleged. The inquiry lasted five days. On July 29th the Committee found that Messrs. M’Cullagh and Watkin were, by their agents, guilty of bribery, that they were not duly elected burgesses to serve in Parliament, that the election was a void election, and bribes had been paid. On August 10th, Mr. Adolphus William Young and Mr. John Mellor, Q.C., Liberals, were returned without opposition. 29.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Campbell, an indictment was preferred against the East Dereham Corn Exchange Company, for obstructing a certain highway over Lion Hill in that town by the erection of the hall, and further for obstructing Quebec Street and certain fairs and markets. The jury, after a long hearing, returned a verdict for the Crown, with the rider: “We find that there was a public highway over Lion Hill, and we find that there is an obstruction of that part occupied by the Corn Exchange Company, but we find that the public are materially benefited by the alteration, and on the second count we find for the defendants.” (See May 5th, 1858.) AUGUST.6.—Robert Bunn, “the celebrated pedestrian,” on the Ipswich Road, Norwich, ran a mile against time for a wager of £25. “The wager was that he would not cover the distance in 4 minutes 45 secs. He accomplished the feat in 4 minutes 30 secs.” 13.—A dinner was given in honour of General Windham, at the Corn Hall, North Walsham, on the eve of his departure for India, on the outbreak of the Mutiny. 15.*—“A report is going the round of the papers, copied from the Australian journals, regarding the death of the person known to our readers as Emily Sandford. We are assured by a gentleman who interested himself in her behalf in 1849 that Miss Sandford is not in Australia. She married a highly respectable merchant in 1850, with whom and their children she returned to Europe in 1855.” 24.—The annual congress of the British ArchÆological Association was opened at Norwich, under the presidency of the Earl of Albemarle. The proceedings ended on the 28th. Caistor Camp, Lynn, Yarmouth, and Burgh Castle were among the places visited. 25.—An extraordinary leap was made by a horse ridden by Mr. William Feek, horse trainer, of Norwich. “Mr. Feek, in the presence of a number of gentlemen, to show the power of the animal, jumped it over a high fence on Newmarket Road, without touching it, making a spring from point to point of 34 feet.” SEPTEMBER.1.—Died at his residence in King Street, Norwich, Mr. Anthony Hudson, banker, aged 75. In early life he enjoyed the friendship of the Right Hon. William Windham, and had since been on intimate terms with the Windham family. For many years he took an active part in the management of the bank of Messrs. Harveys and Hudsons. After the passing of the Municipal Reform Bill, he was appointed a magistrate of the city, and for more than twenty years was a constant attendant on the Bench. He was chairman both of the “Church” and “General” list of Charity Trustees, a governor of the Bethel Hospital, and President of the Board of Directors of the Norwich Union Fire Office. 4.—A troop of the 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars), under the command of Major Knox, arrived at the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich. The headquarters followed, under the command of Colonel Key. 10.—A public meeting of the citizens, convened by the Mayor and Sheriff, was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, “to take into consideration the best means of affording relief to the suffering Europeans in India whose lives have not been taken by the mutineers, but by whose conduct they are rendered entirely destitute.” It was decided to open a public subscription. 15.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced with a miscellaneous concert at St. Andrew’s Hall. Spohr’s sacred cantata, “God, Thou art Great,” Mendelssohn’s “Hymn of Praise,” and Mozart’s “Requiem” were performed on the morning of the 16th, and in the evening a miscellaneous concert was given. Beethoven’s “Mount of Olives” and Haydn’s “Seasons” were rendered on the morning of the 17th, and a miscellaneous programme was submitted at the evening concert. “The Messiah” was the attraction on the morning of the 18th, and the Festival concluded with a fancy dress ball at St. Andrew’s Hall in the evening. The vocalists engaged for the Festival were Madame Clara Novello, Mdlle. Leonhardi (her first appearance in England), Madame Weiss, Mrs. Lockey, Mdlle. Piccolomini, Signor Gardoni, Signor Guiglini, Mr. Lockey, Mr. Miranda, Mr. Weiss, and Signor Belletti. The receipts amounted to £4,348, and the expenses to £3,997. 23.—The first exhibition of the Wayland Agricultural Society was held at Watton under the presidency of Lord Walsingham. 7.—By Royal Proclamation this day was observed as one of humiliation and prayer. At Norwich all the principal shops were closed, and services were held morning and evening at the parish churches. Collections were made on behalf of the sufferers by the Indian Mutiny. 22.—Mr. W. H. Russell, LL.D., the special correspondent of “The Times” during the Crimean War, delivered, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, a lecture on the principal events of the campaign. He gave a second lecture on the 23rd. —A terrible storm raged on the Norfolk coast. The brig Ontario, of South Shield’s, from Newcastle to Suez with coals (Capt., Balfour), foundered on the Barber Sand off Yarmouth, and drifting to the Cockle Gatway, was lost. The captain, his wife and son, and the crew of 24 hands perished. The chief mate, William Coates Robinson, alone escaped. The Zillah, of Whitby, from Hartlepool to London, commanded by Capt. Watson, was lost off Winterton, and five men, including the master, were drowned, out of the crew of eight hands. Upon the Norfolk coast between forty and fifty lives were lost. It was asserted that many lives would have been saved had the lifeboats and apparatus been in an ordinarily effective condition. The strictures made upon the life-saving service led to negotiations for the amalgamation with the National Society of the Norfolk Association for Saving the Lives of Shipwrecked Mariners. NOVEMBER.2.—A troop of the 15th Hussars left Norwich for Coventry. 7.—Mr. Cadge was elected surgeon of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, in succession to Mr. B. H. Norgate, resigned. Mr. T. W. Crosse succeeded Mr. Cadge as assistant-surgeon. 9.—Mr. Edward Field was elected Mayor, and Mr. Charles Crawshay appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 11.—Intelligence was received in Norwich of the relief of Lucknow and the capture of Delhi. 20.—Miss P. Horton (Mrs. German Reed) and Mr. T. German Reed gave their entertainment at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich. 28.—Norwich Theatre was opened for the winter season. Mr. Sidney doubled the prices of admission to pit and gallery, and increased the prices of the dress and upper boxes. Tuesdays and Fridays were set apart as “subscription nights,” for the production of high-class plays and dramas. The manager intimated that the hire of silver tickets was illegal, “the Theatre deed requiring legal transfer and register with the proprietors’ solicitor to be available for admission.” A printed circular had been issued by a speculator, offering silver tickets for hire for the night, week, or the whole season, “on the usual terms.” 30.—An alarming accident occurred in a building erected for equestrian performances at the Orchard Gardens, Norwich. Soon after the commencement of the entertainment, the supports of the gallery gave way, and the structure fell, with between 300 and 400 DECEMBER.1.—The Wells and Fakenham Railway was opened. In 1853 the company was formed, with a capital of £70,000, £14,000 of which was contributed by the inhabitants of Wells, £10,000 by the Earl of Leicester, and £30,000 by the Norfolk Railway Company. Mr. G. Berkeley, of Great George Street, Westminster, was the engineer, and Mr. Solomon Treadwell the contractor. The opening-day was observed in the district as a general holiday. A special train was run over the nine and a half miles of line, the Earl of Leicester entertained a large party at Holkham, and in the evening his lordship presided over a public dinner, held at the Crown Inn, Wells. 5.*—“Norwich manufactures at present may be said to be almost at a standstill. There has not been so complete a state of stagnation for some years past. Hundreds of operatives who are usually employed at this season in the production of spring goods are now out of work.” 9.—Mr. Alexander Hugh Baring was returned without opposition member of Parliament for the borough of Thetford, on the retirement of his father from the representation of the constituency. 14.—A sculling match, for £10 a side, was rowed from Postwick Hall to Whitlingham Point, between John Wright and Lancaster. The former won easily. 22.—The Norwich Town Council adopted a motion in favour of the erection of a new Fishmarket. 23.—The West Norfolk Militia, which assembled on November 10th, 600 strong, left Norwich by rail for garrison duty. The headquarters and three companies, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Custance, proceeded to Chester; three companies, commanded by Major Bedingfeld, to Liverpool; and two companies, commanded by Capt. Marsham, to Stockport. The regiment returned to Norwich on April 23rd, 1858. 26.—The pantomime at Norwich Theatre was entitled, “Harlequin Sinbad the Sailor, or the Princess with the Diamond Eyes and the Fairy of the Island of Jewels.” 1858.JANUARY.1.—A fire, involving the destruction of several dwelling-houses and a large amount of other property, originated on the premises of Mr. W. Colby, fish merchant, St. James’s Place, South End, Yarmouth. 7.—Intelligence was received at Norwich of the defeat of General Windham and his division by the Gwalier mutineers, near Cawnpore, on November 27th. 8.—Miss P. Horton and Mr. T. German Reed appeared at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich. These favourite performers made a return visit on October 27th, with their entertainments, “After the Ball” and “The Unfinished Opera.” 19.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. J. H. Tillett moved, “That an inquiry be held respecting the manner in which appointments to the city magistracy are made, and also the manner in which the magisterial business of this city is conducted, with the view to the adoption of any measures which may appear likely to promote the better administration of justice.” The motion was adopted. The committee of inquiry reported in February that they considered “the mode in which the magistracy is appointed in cities and boroughs is highly objectionable, the appointments being the result of party influence,” and recommended for the magistracy “those gentlemen who have served the office of Mayor to the satisfaction of the Council.” Complaints were made that from excitement or infirmity of temper certain gentlemen made use of language derogatory to their position, and tending to lower the respect of the Bench, and these complaints the Committee found were not groundless. On March 16th the Town Council adopted a series of resolutions, requesting the Mayor to address a letter to those gentlemen whose names appeared in the report as having never attended petty sessions, or as having rarely or sometimes attended, requiring them to take upon themselves to discharge the duties of their office; that a rota of attendance be established; and that, “in relation to the unseemly proceedings which have taken place in the Sword Room, the Council forbear to memorialise the Lord Chancellor on the subject, in the hope that similar proceedings will not occur again.” 25.—The marriage of the Princess Royal was celebrated in Norwich by the ringing of the bells of St. Peter Mancroft, and by public dinners at the Royal Hotel. A ball took place in the evening, at St. Andrew’s Hall. The day was similarly observed at Yarmouth, Lynn, and other towns in the county, and addresses of congratulation were afterwards sent to the Queen by the respective Corporations. 26.—The long-pending case, Preston v. the Eastern Counties and Norfolk Railway Companies, was before the Court of Exchequer, and Mr. Baron Watson delivered judgment. The first count of the declaration charged the defendants with diverting and obstructing the waters of the rivers, and the second with omitting to repair certain locks, whereby the water escaped. Judgment was given against the Eastern Counties Railway Company for 40s. on all issues, and for the Norfolk Railway Company on their plea of not guilty, but against them on all other issues. Finally the case was before the Rolls Court on June 8th, and was entered as the Attorney-General v. the Norfolk 29.—The Norwich Town Council accepted contracts amounting to over £9,000 for draining the northern portion of the city. FEBRUARY.5.—A special meeting of the Norwich Court of Guardians, attended by Lord Bury, M.P., and Mr. Schneider, M.P., was held to consider the subject of a national poor-rate. It was stated that Norwich paid £20,000 a year more in poor relief than it would if the principle of a national rate were adapted as the law of the land. Both members of Parliament expressed themselves in favour of national rating. 8.—Mr. Thomas Barnes, R.G.S., was presented by the Corporation of King’s Lynn with an “honorary address,” in lieu of the freedom of the borough, “disallowed by the Municipal Reform Act.” Mr. Baines, the son of a ship captain of the town, was a self-taught artist, who achieved for himself a very honourable position by his own enterprise and industry. He was serving as a volunteer at the Cape when he was selected as artist to accompany the North Australian Exploring Expedition, under Mr. Gregory. At the time of the presentation he was about to join Livingstone, on his expedition into the heart of Africa. Mr. Baines had already received considerable honours from the Royal Geographical Society, of which he was a member, and from other learned bodies. 12.—A public meeting was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, to consider a Bill then before Parliament introduced for the purpose of amalgamating the Norwich Gas Company with the British Gas Company. A resolution was adopted affirming that the operation of the proposed Bill would be very prejudicial to the interests of the ratepayers and inhabitants, by placing the future management of the gas supply in the hands of a company which had no local connection or sympathy with the interests of Norwich, and over whom the rate-payers and inhabitants would have no control. The meeting having heard the report of the Special Committee appointed by the Corporation, cordially approved the course adopted by the Committee, and pledged itself to use every effort to oppose the passing of the Bill. A petition was addressed to the House of Commons against the Bill, and on the 16th the Town Council adopted the same petition. The House of Commons Committee on Private Bills sat on April 20th, for the purpose of hearing objections to the measure. The proceedings closed on the 23rd, when the Bill was ordered to be reported to the House. 27.*—“Sir Henry Stracey, of Rackheath Hall, has obtained provisional protection for a cartridge which, by a very simple contrivance, MARCH.4.—Lord Stanley was re-elected member of Parliament for the borough of King’s Lynn, on his appointment as Secretary to the Colonial Department. On June 5th his lordship was again re-elected, on accepting the presidency of the Board of Control, vacated by Lord Ellenborough. —Died at his residence, South Quay, Yarmouth, Sir Eaton Stanley Travers. A son of Mr. John Travers, of Hethyfield Grange, co. Cork, he was born in 1782, and entered the Navy September 15th, 1798, as midshipman, on board the Juno. He saw much active service, and was nine times mentioned in despatches. He was nominated K.H. on February 4th, 1834, and on March 5th in the same year had conferred upon him the honour of knighthood. Sir Eaton Travers was a Deputy Lieutenant of Norfolk. He married in April, 1815, Anne, eldest daughter of William Steward, of Yarmouth, by whom he had issue five sons and two daughters. 6.*—“Within the last few days a stone has been placed in the churchyard at East Dereham, in memory of Jean de Narde, a French prisoner of war, who, in the year 1796 while en route from Yarmouth to Norman Cross prison, was lodged in the lower chamber of the bell tower of the church, and escaped therefrom. He was pursued by the guard, and, after some search, was espied in a tree on the Scarning Road, and when summoned by a soldier to descend and surrender he did not comply. His non-compliance forfeited his life, for he was shot off it like a crow. The stone was erected by the vicar and two other gentlemen.” 8.—Miss Vandenhoff, tragic actress, from Drury Lane and Haymarket Theatres, commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, in her play, “Woman’s Heart.” She also appeared in “Love’s Sacrifice,” “Ingomar,” “Macbeth,” and “The Stranger.” 22.—In the House of Lords, Lord Sondes presented a petition from the Town Council and certain magistrates of Yarmouth, praying for an inquiry into a recent appointment of justices for that borough. It was stated that the magistrates were constant in their attendance upon the Bench, and were sufficiently numerous. The borough contained 31,000 inhabitants, there were 31 magistrates, and 31 policemen. Upon the Bench every shade of political feeling was represented, but all the newly-appointed magistrates were of one political party. The Mayor of Yarmouth had interviewed the Lord Chancellor, and his lordship had intimated that it was his intention to persist in the appointment, and, moreover, he felt it his duty to appoint new magistrates of one particular party. The action of the Lord Chancellor had excited much feeling in the borough. Lord Cranworth now informed the House that he felt bound to put the magistracy in a position in which justice should not be partially administered, and if an inquiry were instituted it should have his entire concurrence. No further action resulted. 25.—Died at Hempnall, John Holmes, aged 104. “The deceased leaves behind him a son, Thomas, aged 87 years, and a grandson, aged 60 years, the latter himself being a great-grandfather, thus presenting the remarkable fact of a man living to witness the sixth generation, and to see his great-grandson become a grandfather.” 30.—The first annual dinner of the Norfolk and Norwich Anglers’ Society was held at the Bell Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of Mr. R. N. Bacon. APRIL.3.—Mr. R. Rising, of Costessey, rode his horse for a wager over nine consecutive single hurdles set up in the centre of a field. “This was 11.—Died, in his 82nd year, Mr. John Venning, of Surrey House, Norwich. A native of Totnos, Devonshire, he spent several years in Russia, as the representative of a firm of merchants. He became a member of the church at which the Rev. R. Knill officiated in St. Petersburg, and devoted his time and means to improving the wretched condition of the neglected and depraved populace of the Russian metropolis. He founded a school on the Lancasterian system for poor Russian children, a free school for the children of foreigners, a refuge for the reception and care of the helpless and destitute, a lunatic asylum in which the best modes of treatment were introduced, the Litofsky prison, constructed to admit of the classification and separation of prisoners; and he remodelled the great hospital for the reception of invalids. Mr. Venning gained the esteem of the Emperors Alexander and Nicholas, and the hearty co-operation of the Empress Dowager, as well as of other members of the Imperial family. Through his instrumentality all exiles starting for Siberia were furnished with copies of the Scriptures. When the destructive inundation of November, 1824, overwhelmed the city with the waters of the Neva, the Grand Duke Michael sent General Politica with 20,000 roubles to Mr. Venning to distribute among the suffering populace. “Throughout his long life Mr. Venning was a conscientious Dissenter—an Independent—but he saw without regret his nearest and dearest relations staunch members of the Church of England.” He married a daughter of Mr. Meybohm, of St. Petersburg, by whom he was survived. 22.—St. John’s church, Yarmouth, erected at the estimated cost of £1,700, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. 24.—Died, in his 77th year, Mr. Thomas Osborn Springfield, one of the magistrates of Norwich, and head of the firm of Springfield, Son, and Nephew, of St. Mary’s, Norwich, and Coleman Street, London. Born in a comparatively humble sphere, he rose from the position of a small tradesman to a large silk merchant, “and during his career won and lost several fortunes, in consequence of the fluctuations of the silk markets.” His business career ended prosperously. He took an active part in all local matters, from the election of a parish beadle to that of a member of Parliament, ranging himself on the side called Radical. As he himself avowed, whenever he engaged in a contest he went in to win, and many of his victories were, doubtless, most costly. In 1827 he was elected one of the Sheriffs, and in 1829 Mayor of the city. After the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, he was, in 1836, selected to be the first Chief Magistrate under the new order of things. With a majority of one only of elected councillors, the Liberals were able to add sixteen aldermen to their number. This power they then exercised to the fullest extent, selecting men of their own party only, a one-sided system which was pursued without a break to the day of Mr. Springfield’s death. In 1852 MAY.5.—The action in relation to the East Dereham Corn Exchange came before the Vice-Chancellor’s Court. An order was made upon the Corn Exchange Company to pay the costs of the suit, except so far as they were incurred by the inquiries raised as to the user of the site occupied by the Corn Exchange, for the purpose of fairs and markets, and that they also pay the costs of the proceedings by way of indictment on the several counts upon which a verdict had been found for the Crown. The case was then ordered to stand over until after the Trinity term, for the consideration of the Attorney-General as to what further decree or order, if any, he might think right to apply for. The Vice-Chancellor declined to order the building to be pulled down as asked for by the relators, because it was a great public improvement. On June 26th the final decision was announced, namely, that upon payment by the proprietors of the new Corn Exchange of the costs awarded by the Court of Chancery and of £100 to the East Dereham Corn Market Company, the suit would be withdrawn, and in case of any indictment laid a nolle prosequi be entered. “These proceedings are, therefore, terminated. The hall is to remain, and the payment for admission will continue as heretofore.” (See February 16th, 1866.) JUNE.2.—Mountjoy the pedestrian, then in his 58th year, started from Lynn to Wisbech for his task of walking sixty-seven miles a day for four successive days. On August 16th he began a walk from Norwich to Dereham and back twice every day, but on the 17th was stopped on his way to Norwich, by order of the magistrates, because of the obstruction caused by the number of persons who assembled on the roads in the vicinity of the city. Mountjoy was apprehended in Norwich on September 11th, for leaving his wife and family chargeable to the funds of the St. Pancras Union; and on the same night attempted to commit suicide in his cell at the Guildhall by strangling himself with a pockethandkerchief. 11.—Died at Colne House, Cromer, aged 46, Sir Edward North Buxton, Bart., M.P. He was son of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, first baronet, by the fifth daughter of Mr. John Gurney, of Earlham Hall, where he was born in 1812, and married in 1836 the second daughter of Mr. Samuel Gurney, of Ham House, Essex. He succeeded to the title on the death of his father, in 1845. From 1847 to 1852 he represented South Essex in Parliament, and in 1857 was returned unopposed with General Windham as member for East Norfolk. He was succeeded in the title by his son, Thomas Fowell, born in 1837. 15.—A dinner of the Valpeian Club was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak. The guest of the evening was Major-General Sir Archdale Wilson, Bart., K.C.B., the conqueror of Delhi. General Wilson, who was an old boy of Norwich Grammar School, was presented with a dress sword, “in commemoration of his distinguished services in India, 1857–8, and as a memento of old friendships.” 20.—Died at Lee Cottage, Old Brompton, Mr. Dawson Turner, F.R.S., F.S.A., formerly of Great Yarmouth. He was in his 83rd year. 21.—The London Grand Opera Company appeared at Norwich Theatre. It included Miss Fanny Reeves, Miss Ethel Thirlwall, Miss Raymond, Mr. Henry Corri, Mr. J. B. Bowler, Mr. O. Summers, and Mr. Elliot Galer. Among the productions were “La Somnambula,” “Maritana,” “The Bohemian Girl,” and “Il Trovatore.” 26.—The nomination of candidates to fill the vacancy in the representation of East Norfolk caused by the death of Sir E. N. Buxton took place at the Shirehall, Norwich. Sir Henry Josias Stracey was nominated by the Conservatives, and Major Coke by the Liberals. The polling took place on the 29th,—the first time in twenty years,—and on July 1st the result was officially declared as follows: Coke, 2,933; Stracey, 2,720. JULY.5.—A largely advertised “monstre fÊte and fancy fair,” under the management of Mr. J. W. Hoffman, was held on the old Cricket Ground, Norwich, under the patronage of the Mayor and Sheriff, the officers of the 15th Hussars, &c. Hoffman, who had already visited Norwich as the manager of an “organophonic” band, announced himself as the representative of “the Society for the Promotion of Public Amusements”—an entirely fictitious organization. Business was suspended in Norwich, the railway companies ran excursion trains, and the streets were thronged by many thousands of persons anxious to witness the “grand Middle-age pageant.” This consisted of a procession of between thirty and forty persons on foot and one horseman. It was everywhere received with groans and hisses. Ten thousand persons were present on the Cricket Ground to witness the “Old English Sports”; every item in the programme resulted in failure, and a bal champÊtre was described as “a disgraceful affair, which ended in indiscriminate fighting among the blackguards on the ground.” For many years afterwards this “fÊte” was popularly known in Norwich as “Hoffman’s Humbug.” 7.—The headquarters of the 15th Hussars marched from Norwich, and were replaced, on Sept. 11th, by a detachment of Royal Horse Artillery, under the command of Major Brandling, C.B. 30.—A cricket match, Norfolk and Norwich v. Oxford and Cambridge Universities, was played on the Norwich ground. Norfolk and AUGUST.3.—The Mayor and Corporation of Lynn claimed, under the privileges extended by ancient charter, their right to a sturgeon weighing twelve stones, captured on the previous day by a fisherman named Norris. The man compounded with the Mayor by payment of the nominal sum of one penny. 5.—The residence of the Rev. Sir George Stracey, Bart., deceased, with eleven acres of land, at Thorpe, was sold by Messrs. Spelman, at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, for £6,035. 7.*—“The date of the present harvest will be remembered as the year in which reaping machines were fully established in Norfolk. It was only last year that they were introduced, for although there had been one or two in the county previously, they were not of the right sort, and it was not until M’Cormick’s reaper, as now made by Burgess and Key, that their number increased or their merits were appreciated by Norfolk farmers. The fact that the chief part of the Hussey machines, with their back delivery, have been returned or laid aside, and that on most large farms there was one of Burgess and Key’s last year there are two this harvest, will at once point out which machine is best adapted to Norfolk agriculture.” 16.—Died at Oulton Hall, Suffolk, Ann Borrow, widow of Captain Thomas Borrow, aged 87. 18.—Violent thunderstorms occurred in various parts of the county. The barn and other buildings at Newfoundland Farm, Cringleford, occupied by Mr. Drane, were destroyed by fire, with the loss of 340 coombs of barley, &c. A house was burnt down at Kenninghall, and horses were killed by lightning at Holt. 20.—Died at Woodbridge, Mr. David Fisher, aged 70. “He was a highly talented and respectable public character, and had resided at Woodbridge since his retirement from the stage twenty years previously. He belonged to a class much more numerous half a century since than at the present day. He was not only an actor, as nine-tenths of those who now strut their hour upon the stage are, by profession, but by intuition. Mr. Fisher was blessed with very rare histrionic and musical attainments. When he appeared at Drury Lane, as the contemporary and rival of Edmund Kean, it was felt to be the nearest approximation then or since seen to the overtowering abilities of that great dramatic luminary. Mr. Fisher, his father and family, made greater efforts than any other family ever did to establish and cultivate in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk a taste for the drama, at a time when this amusement was more calculated to serve the highest office of the stage than in the present degenerate days. Mr. Fisher built himself theatres at Bungay, Beccles, Halesworth, Wells, North Walsham, Dereham, Lowestoft, Eye, and other towns, entirely at his own cost. He generally used to feel his way by sending a company in advance for a few seasons, who located themselves in such buildings as were available for their temporary 24.—The Thorpe Grove estate, formerly the property of Mr. George Harvey, deceased, was sold for £11,390, about £2,000 in excess of the valuation sent in previous to the auction. 25.—Died at his residence, Crown Point, Norwich, Lieut.-General Money, C.B., K.C., Colonel of the 2nd Regiment of Dragoons. He entered the Army in 1794, was promoted Lieutenant the same year, and Captain in May, 1800; Major, December, 1809; Lieut.-Colonel, June 4th, 1814; Colonel, January 10th, 1837; Major-General, Nov. 9th, 1846; and Lieut.-General, June 20th, 1854. He served twenty-five years in the 11th Dragoons, and was in Flanders and Holland in 1794–95, and in the latter year saw service in Germany. He took part in the attack on the French lines, was present at their defeats on the heights of Cateau and near Tournay, and was at the battles of Roubaix, Launey, and other engagements. Under Sir Ralph Abercromby, he commanded a detachment of his regiment at Leghorn, Minorca, at the expedition to Cadiz in 1800, in Egypt in 1801, and was at the capture of Grand Cairo and Alexandria. In the Peninsula campaigns of 1811 and 1812 he was present at the siege of Badajoz, the battle of Salamanca, and the affair of cavalry near the Tormes on the following day, when three French battalions were taken. He was at the cavalry affairs of Callada Camino and Fenta de Poso. He served also in the campaign of 1815, and was at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo; towards the close of the latter the command of the 11th Dragoons devolved upon him. General Money married, in 1841, Lady Annetta Laura Maria Waldegrave, daughter of the sixth Earl of Waldegrave. She died in 1856, leaving two daughters. SEPTEMBER.6.—The stone statue above the entrance to the Corn Exchange at East Dereham was inaugurated on this date. Mr. W. Freeman, of 11.—Donati’s Comet was viewed with interest by thousands of the citizens of Norwich. “The extreme heat of the present month has impressed many that the comet has something to do with it.” 28.—A public testimonial, consisting of a piece of plate and a portrait of himself, painted by Mr. Boxall, of London, was presented by the inhabitants of Diss to Mr. Thomas Lombe Taylor, in recognition of his munificence in building, at his own expense, a Corn Hall for the use of the town, at the cost of £7,000. The presentation took place at the Corn Hall, where dinner was served, under the presidency of the Earl of Albemarle. 30.—The Congregational chapel, Chapel Field, Norwich, was opened for public worship. The special preacher was the Rev. Newman Hall, LL.B. The chapel was erected at the cost of £3,000, by Mr. Horace Sexton, from the plans of Mr. Joseph James, architect, Furnival’s Inn. It was intended to accommodate one thousand persons. OCTOBER.2.—The theft was reported, from the nave of St. Michael-at-Coslany, Norwich, of a brass which measured 14 in. by 5½ in., and had engraved upon it five lines of Latin verse, commemorating Richard Wallour, and bearing date 1505. 5.—A meeting was held at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich, to initiate measures for insuring to schools in Norfolk the advantages afforded by the Cambridge Middle Class examinations. Sir J. P. Boileau presided. The first examination was held at the Free Library, on December 14th, by Mr. H. M. Butler, when 31 boys were presented. 15.—Died at Sprowston, Mr. John Stracey, in his 86th year. He was born at Fort William, on November 26th, 1772, and was fifth son of the first baronet. In 1790 he went to India as a cadet in the Civil Service, and rose afterwards to be a judge, an appointment which he held for several years. On his return to England he took an active part in the business of the county, and was instrumental in obtaining the Act of Parliament for the removal of the Lent Assizes from Thetford to Norwich. He was twice married, and left three children—Col. Edward Stracey, of the Scots Fusilier Guards; the Rev. William Stracey, rector of Buxton and Oxnead; and Emma, widow of Mr. Arckwright. 23.—Died at his residence, Heigham Lodge, Norwich, Mr. Timothy Steward, aged 64. Early in life he came from Yarmouth, where he was born, to take a leading part in one of the largest commercial establishments of the city—the Pockthorpe Brewery. A member of the old Whig party, he was elected, after the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, to the Town Council, but after three years had expired be declined to offer himself for re-election, and retired from municipal 31.—The William Corry and Reliance steam vessels, with the North of Europe submarine cable on board, arrived off Weybourne and commenced laying the cable to the island of Borkum, at the mouth of the Ems, whence it was continued to Emden, in Hanover. The work was completed on November 4th. A line of telegraph was erected between Weybourne and Norwich, and continued along the old coach road, vi Newmarket to London. NOVEMBER.3.—The Gresham Grammar School, at Holt, founded in 1554 by Sir John Gresham, was re-opened by the Fishmongers’ Company, of London, the trustees of the foundation. The new building was erected from designs by Mr. Suter, the architect to the Company, by Mr. Orman, of Ipswich. A commemoration service was held at the parish church, and luncheon was served in the school-house, under the presidency of the Prime Warden, Mr. Thomas Boddington. 9.—Mr. George Middleton was elected Mayor, and Mr. H. S. Patteson appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 20.—A meeting of agriculturists and merchants was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, presided over by the Mayor, with the object of raising a fund for the erection of a new Corn Exchange, “upon a site next London Street and Exchange Street,” at the cost of £20,000. (See February 3rd, 1859.) DECEMBER.2.—Died at Bedford Place, Camden Hill, Kensington, aged 27, Robert Howlett, “well known by his successful applications of photography.” He was a son of the Rev. Robert Howlett, of Longham, where he spent his early days. He determined to devote himself to the scientific application of photography to the illustration and advancement of the fine arts. He had just perfected a method of transferring microscopic views of minute dissections to photographic agency without the necessity of intermediate drawings. The Queen and the Prince Consort were among his distinguished patrons. 21.—Mr. T. Townsend, M.P. for Greenwich, appeared at Norwich Theatre, in the character of Shylock. He also performed the parts of Hamlet and Richard the Third. He was announced “to address the public, giving he reasons for a Parliamentary orator adopting the stage as a profession.” 27.—The Christmas pantomime at Norwich Theatre was written by Mr. J. B. Buckstone, and entitled, “The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, or Harlequin and the Spiteful Ogress and the Seven Fairy Godmothers from the Realm of Golden Flowers.” The other Christmas amusements 27.—Mr. Fiddaman’s ch. g. Tinker, under 14 hands high, “very cleverly performed, with some time to spare,” twenty miles in an hour on the turnpike road between Lynn and Narborough. 29.—Died at Wolterton Park, Horatio, Earl of Orford, in his 76th year. He was son of the second earl by his first wife, daughter of Mr. Charles Churchill, and granddaughter maternally of Sir Robert Walpole, first Earl of Orford. Born in Whitehall, in 1783, he married the eldest daughter of Mr. William Augustus Fawkner, one of the clerks of the Privy Council, and succeeded his father in 1822. From July, 1812, to April, 1825, he was attached to the Embassy at St. Petersburg, and was subsequently a Lord of the Admiralty and a Commissioner for the affairs of India. He was elected member of Parliament for King’s Lynn in March, 1809, represented the constituency till June, 1822, and was in 1852 appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Norfolk. For many years he held a distinguished position in the county as an influential leader on the Conservative side, and was a warm patron of the Turf. He was Colonel of the West Norfolk Militia, and Lord High Steward of the borough of King’s Lynn. The deceased earl was succeeded by his son, Horatio William, Lord Walpole, born in Belton Row in 1813, who married, in 1841, the only daughter of the Hon. Sir Fleetwood Pellew. 1859.JANUARY.6.—At the Norwich Police Court, Mr. H. Brown, proprietor of the “Cirque Unique,” Castle Meadow, appeared to answer an information preferred by Mr. William Sidney, manager of Norwich Theatre, charging him with performing a stage play without licence from the Lord Chamberlain. It was contended by the prosecution that the equestrian spectacle of “Mazeppa,” as presented at the Circus, was a stage play within the meaning of the Act to Regulate Theatres. The magistrates held that there was no contravention of the Act, and dismissed the case. 12.—A public meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Sheriff, to promote the objects of “The Metropolitan and County Association for the Equalization of the Poor Rates.” A resolution was adopted, affirming that as the poor rates generally of the County of Norfolk were unequally levied, some parishes paying less than one penny and others more than four shillings in the pound, and as the city suffered from this inequality and great discontent was caused among the ratepayers, it was the opinion of the meeting that the rates should be equalised by establishing a county rate. FEBRUARY.3.—The Norwich Corn Exchange Bill was before the examiner of private Bills in the House of Commons. The Standing Orders of the House were declared to have been complied with. The Bill passed through its remaining stages, and on August 1st received the Royal assent. (See November 9th, 1861.) 5.*—“Several primroses were gathered in the hedges near Ormesby a few days ago. The weather is exceedingly mild in this locality, which is not a little remarkable for this, almost the easternmost, part of England.” 10.—Mr. Gough, the celebrated temperance advocate, made his second appearance at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 12.—Died at Buxton Vicarage, in his 79th year, Lieut.-General James Claud Bourchier, Colonel of the 3rd Dragoon Guards. He served under Sir Ralph Abercrombie in the expedition against Cadiz, in 1800, in the campaign in Egypt in 1801, and in the campaigns of 1811–12–15. He was present at the siege of Badajoz, the battle of Salamanca, the cavalry affairs at Callada de Carino and Venta de Toso, the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, and the capture of Paris. 14.—Mr. Barnum, the celebrated showman, lectured at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, on “Money-making and the Art of Humbug.” The lecture was described as “a strange medley—a most anomalous production.” MARCH.6.—East Dereham church was, for the first time, lighted with gas, through the munificence of an anonymous parishioner. Evening services were held from this date. 8.—The Norwich New Street Bill, the object of which was to acquire powers for constructing what is now known as the Prince of Wales Road, was before a Select Committee of the House of Lords. It was stated that a number of Norwich gentlemen had formed themselves into a company to construct a new roadway and street, and to buy the land fronting the said street to the depth of about 108 feet, leading from a point near the Eastern Counties Railway Station to King street, near Harveys and Hudsons’ Bank, a distance of something less than 500 yards. Rose Lane at that time formed the only approach from the station to the city. The Committee decided in favour of the Bill, leaving the question of compensation to be determined by a jury. The Bill was considered by a Select Committee of the House of Commons on June 28th, when the whole of the clauses were passed. (See June 19th, 1860.) 20.—Died at his residence, Highgate Rise, London, Mr. M. Prendergast, Q.C., Recorder of Norwich, and Judge of the City of London 24.—Supt. Robert Hitchman, of Devonport, was appointed Chief Constable of Norwich, in place of Mr. English. 31.—The first fall of snow during the winter, which had been very mild, occurred on this date. On April 6th and 7th the thermometer recorded 90 deg. in the sun. APRIL.6.—The celebrated dwarf, “General Tom Thumb,” held a series of “levÉes” at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, commencing on this date. “The General left the Hall daily in his miniature carriage, drawn by the smallest ponies in the world, and attended by an African coachman and footman in livery.” 19.—A clipper barque named the Athelstan, of 500 tons burthen, was launched from the yard of Messrs. H. Fellows and Son, Yarmouth. 29.—The General Election, consequent upon the defeat of the Derby Ministry on the Reform Bill and the Dissolution of Parliament on April 23rd, commenced in Norfolk on this date. At Yarmouth Sir Edmund Lacon (C) and Sir H. Stracey (C) were returned, with 699 and 659 votes respectively. The Liberal candidates were Mr. A. W. Young, 536, and Mr. E. W. Watkin, 568. —The nomination of candidates for the representation of Norwich took place at the Guildhall. The Conservative candidates were Sir Samuel Bignold and Mr. Charles Manners Lushington; and the Liberal candidates Mr. W. H. Schneider and Lord Bury. The Mayor announced at the Police-Court that, having received information that probable attempts would be made to prevent voters from exercising their rights, he had obtained the assistance of a large body of county police, and had telegraphed to Sir Richard Mayne to supply a strong party of Metropolitan constables. The poll was opened on the 30th, and the election resulted as follows: Bury, 2,154; Schneider, 2,138; Bignold, 1,966; Lushington, 1,900. (See June 17th.) —The Earl of Euston and Mr. Baring were returned without opposition as members of Parliament for Thetford. Mr. J. J. Colman, of Norwich, had been invited to become a candidate in the Liberal interest, but declined. The register contained the names of 220 electors. —Lord Stanley (C) and Mr. J. H. Gurney (L) were returned unopposed for King’s Lynn. MAY.2.—Mr. Edward Howes (C) and Col. Wenman C. W. Coke (L) were returned unopposed for the division of East Norfolk. 4.—The Governors elected the Rev. Augustus Jessopp, of St. John’s College, Cambridge, head master of Helston Grammar School, to be head master of Norwich Grammar School. 16.—The Mayor of Norwich, in compliance with a requisition, convened a Common Hall, at which a loyal address to the Queen was adopted, praying that there should be no interference in the war which had arisen on the Continent, but at the same time assuring her Majesty of the readiness of the citizens of Norwich to uphold the honour and dignity of her Crown under any circumstances that might arise. 17.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. J. H. Tillett moved that a petition be presented to Parliament praying for a full, searching, and impartial inquiry into corrupt and illegal practices at elections for members of Parliament for Norwich. The motion was adopted, and a committee appointed to draft the petition, which was presented for the approval of the Council on June 21st. It asserted that extensive and systematic bribery was practised; that it was rumoured a fund was raised in London prior to the last General Election for election purposes, and a considerable contribution from that fund was sent down to Norwich for the purpose of being used at the late election; and that a large sum of money had been subscribed in Norwich for the same purpose. The Council adopted the petition, and requested Mr. J. Bright, M.P., to present it to the House of Commons. The petition was presented on July 11th, and was ordered to lie upon the table. At a meeting of the Town Council on July 19th, it was agreed “That it be referred to a special committee to consider the propriety and expediency of applying in the next Session of Parliament for an Act for better regulating the election of members to serve in Parliament.” The Special Committee reported on August 8th, and recommended the Council to resolve that as soon as it should be known that an election for a member or members was to take place, the candidates with their influential and active supporters, to the number of not less than twenty on each side, be called upon to sign a declaration pledging themselves to abstain, both directly and indirectly, from and to discountenance treating and every form of corrupt or illegal practice or expenditure, and also engaging not to practice canvassing; that in case of infraction of the above-named, it be referred to the Right Hon. William E. Gladstone, M.P., and the Right Hon. Spencer Horatio Walpole, M.P., as referees, or to such third person as they might name, to determine whether the understanding had been honourably carried out or not, and the member or members returned should be bound to abide by such decision and to resign his or their seats if it were adjudged that his or their election was secured or promoted by the violation of such understanding, and that the other candidates and parties subscribing such declaration should also abide by the decision of such referees or umpire. The report was adopted, and a committee appointed to give effect to it. On October 29th a meeting was held at the Guildhall, convened by the following circular, issued by the Mayor (Mr. Middleton) and the Deputy-Mayor (Mr. Field): “Having heard from various quarters that an unusual effort will be made by each political party to secure the majority at the approaching municipal elections, we take upon ourselves the responsibility of asking our fellow-citizens to meet . . . with the view of saving the city, if possible, from a repetition of 23.—Miss Goddard, a tragic actress of some repute, appeared at Norwich Theatre, in the character of Hamlet. “Hamlet is now played by a woman,” wrote the critic, “infinitely better than it has been played by almost any of the opposite sex who have ever attempted it.” 24.—The Queen’s birthday was celebrated in Norwich by the entertainment at dinner at St. Andrew’s Hall, of nearly 700 of the poor of the city, at the joint expense of the Mayor and Sheriff. 26.—A dÉjeuner was given at the Town Hall, Yarmouth, in honour of the Bight Rev. Dr. Hills, Bishop of Columbia, and formerly incumbent of the parish, who was presented with an address and several gifts by the townspeople. —The Volunteer movement commenced in Norfolk on this date. A public meeting, convened by the Mayor of Norwich, by request of the Lord Lieutenant of the county, was held at the Shirehall. It was decided that the inhabitants of the city and neighbourhood be invited to enrol themselves as active and honorary members of the Norwich Rifle Corps Club. All members were to provide their own uniform, the expense of which was not to exceed £3 or £4, and if the Government did not provide arms, the Committee would assist in individual cases to such an extent as the funds would permit. Honorary members were to pay an annual subscription of one guinea. The drill required from active members was not to exceed two hours a day on three days a week, and they were assured that “on no occasion could they be called from Norwich except in case of actual invasion or rebellion.” Many Volunteers were enrolled at the conclusion of the meeting. Similar meetings were held in all the towns of the county, and the movement soon became general. At an adjourned meeting, held at the Shirehall, Norwich, on July 2nd, and presided over by Lieut.-Col. FitzRoy, “to consider the best patterns for the clothing and accoutrements of the Rifle Corps in the towns throughout the county,” it was resolved, “That the uniform for the city of Norwich and the boroughs in the county be a gray cloth tunic coat with black mohair braid and buttons down the centre, with a low, upright collar, and trousers of the same colour and material, and with a shako of hair cloth of the same colour as the uniform, that a plume be worn, and that the appointments be a patent leather black waistbelt, with pouch bags; the officers’ dress to be distinguished by some embroidery above the cuff of the coat and by a pouch-belt, with bronzed whistle and chain, and a slung waistbelt, with sword and steel scabbard.” A general meeting of the members of the three companies formed in Norwich—the Mayor’s Company, the Sheriff’s Company, and Mr. Hay Gurney’s Company—was held at the Guildhall, on July 5th, when the officers were elected as follows: For the Mayor’s Company, Mr. R. Seaman JUNE.17.—A petition against the return of Lord Bury and Mr. Schneider as members of Parliament for Norwich, was presented in the House of Commons. Bribery and other corrupt and illegal practices were alleged. The Special Committee appointed to inquire into the petition sat on July 29th, and on July 30th decided “That the election of Lord Bury and Mr. Schneider was a void election, and that both, by their agents, were guilty of bribery.” Sir Samuel Bignold, on his return from London, on the 30th, was welcomed by an immense crowd at Thorpe Station, and, escorted by a torch-light procession headed by a band of music, his carriage was dragged in triumph to his residence in Surrey Street. 23.—A writ was issued for the election of a member of Parliament for Norwich, in consequence of a vacancy caused in the representation of the city by the acceptance of the appointment of Comptroller of Her Majesty’s Household by Viscount Bury. The nomination took place at the Guildhall, on the 28th, when the candidates were Viscount Bury, Sir Samuel Bignold, and Col. Henry George Baldero. The show of hands was in favour of Lord Bury, and a poll was demanded on behalf of Sir Samuel Bignold and Col. Baldero. The poll was opened on the 29th, and declared on the 30th, as follows: Bury, 1,922; Bignold, 1,561; Baldero, 39. Lord Bury was declared elected. (See March 9th, 1860.) JULY.3.—Died in London, in his 90th year, the Right Rev. Dr. Maltby, formerly Bishop of Durham. He was born in the parish of St. George Tombland, Norwich, on April 9th, 1770, and at the age of nine years was sent to the Free Grammar School, then under the mastership of Dr. Parr. On the resignation of Dr. Parr, Maltby, who was then head boy, proceeded to Winchester, and entering Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, he there gained a University scholarship. He was seventh 7.—Died at Roydon Rectory, the Rev. Temple Frere, canon of Westminster and rector of Roydon, aged 78. He was son of Mr. John Frere, for some years member of Parliament for Norwich, and took his B.A. degree at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1802, as eighth junior optime, migrating afterwards to Downing College. Ordained deacon in 1804 and priest in 1805, he was presented, in 1820, to the family living of Roydon (valued at £400), which he held until his death. He owned the greater part of Diss, and was an active magistrate in that division of the county. Having served some time as chaplain of the House of Commons, he was gazetted to a canonry in Westminster Abbey in 1838. Canon Frere was remarkable for his businesslike habits, and is said to have considerably improved in value the Abbey estates. 12.—The new “marine promenade” at Wells-next-the-Sea, for which the town was indebted to the Earl of Leicester, was opened on this date. The work of construction was commenced in March, 1857. The length of the embankment is 1 mile 132 yards, and its height at the highest part 22 ft. 6 in. 14.—A fire occurred on the premises of Mr. Noble, organ builder, Pottergate Street, Norwich. The entire stock was destroyed. The building adjoined the hospital for invalids of the West Norfolk Militia. “Ten sick Militiamen escaped from the house in great alarm, and only partially dressed.” 18.—Messrs. Butcher, of Norwich, commenced the sale of the Earl of Orford’s estates; the proceedings concluded on the 21st. The Tivetshall estate realised £73,775; the Saxthorpe estate, £99,740; the Briston and Corpusty estate, £8,427; and the Burnham and Weybourne estate, £6,182. AUGUST.3.—Mr. Spurgeon made his first appearance in Norwich, on his mission for procuring funds to erect a “monstre tabernacle in London to accommodate the immense congregations drawn together by his peculiar pulpit oratory.” About 2,500 persons assembled at St. Andrew’s Hall to hear his sermon. In the evening Mr. Spurgeon preached in the open air, in Chapel Field, to a congregation of more than 10,000. “The collection at the afternoon service amounted to £28, which Mr. Spurgeon took occasion to say, in introducing another collection in the evening, was the shabbiest collection he had ever had.” In the evening £23 was contributed. 12.—The Donegal Militia, 300 strong, arrived at Yarmouth, in the ss. Himalaya. Lieut.-Col. Lord Claud Hamilton was in command of the regiment, which relieved the Louth Rifles (Militia). 18.—The first recorded angling match took place on this date, at Limpenhoe Reach, on the Yare, for prizes given by Mr. C. J. Greene, of Rose Lane, Norwich. The total weight of fish taken by the 28 competitors in the course of eight hours was 16 st. 7 lbs. 1 oz. Mr. G. Harman secured first prize, with a catch of 33 lbs. 3 ozs. 28.—A remarkable case of protracted abstinence from food was discovered at St. Faith’s. A man, who gave the name of William Watling, of Felmingham, aged 60, was found in a prostrate and apparently dying condition in a plantation. His statement was to the effect that five weeks previously, when tramping the country, he was overcome with heat and crawled into the plantation. From that spot, he declared, he had not moved for five weeks, and although persons passed very near the wood, he failed, in consequence of physical exhaustion, to attract their attention. He had neither food nor drink during the whole time, and ate nothing but the grass and leaves around him, and a few blackberries. “His bones almost protruded through his skin, and his flesh was nearly all dried up.” The medical opinion was that he would not recover, but there is no further record of the case. 31.—The ceremony of laying the first stone of the new church of Holy Trinity, Norwich, was performed by the Mayor (Mr. Middleton). A special service was held at St. Peter Mancroft, when the sermon was preached by the Ven. Archdeacon Bouverie, and, after the laying of the stone, a large gathering was held in a temporary building adjoining the site. (See August 8th, 1861.) SEPTEMBER.2.—Died Mrs. Sarah Bickersteth, widow of the Rev. Edward Bickersteth, rector of Watton, Herts. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Bignold, of Norwich, and sister of Sir Samuel Bignold. Born on October 3rd, 1788, she married, on May 5th, 1812, Mr. Edward Bickersteth, who was then a solicitor practising in Norwich. Two years afterwards, at the call of the Rev. Josiah Pratt, he gave up a lucrative business for the laborious post of co-secretary in the Church Missionary House, and visited the missions on the West Coast of Africa. Four fourteen years Mrs. Bickersteth shared all his toils, until 1830, when he was presented to the living of Watton, by Mr. Abel Smith, M.P. He died in February, 1850, and Mrs. Bickersteth, for the last nine years of her life, divided her time among her children. She spent the last month with her son, the incumbent of Christ church, Hampstead. 15.—The church of Framingham Pigot, built through the munificence of Mr. G. H. Christie, at a cost exceeding £5,000, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. OCTOBER.8.—Died, in the 100th year of her age, Mary Tallowin, of Bowthorpe. 17.—The town of Attleborough was, for the first time, lighted with gas, an event which was celebrated by a public dinner at the New Inn. 20.—At the Norwich Quarter Sessions, John Plummer (25), shoemaker, was indicted for stealing a model of a gold nugget, the property of the trustees of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. Mr. Reeve, the curator of the Museum, stated that the model was worth only a few shillings, but it was an attractive object, and generally supposed by visitors, and no doubt by the prisoner, to be a piece of genuine gold. The prisoner was sentenced to seven years’ penal servitude. 21.—At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, the Police Committee called attention to an Act of Parliament passed in the previous month of August, empowering the substitution of policemen for javelin men at the Assizes, and recommending that the Chief Constable be authorised, on the application of the High Sheriff, to employ a sufficient number of constables for that purpose, the High Sheriff engaging to pay such sum as would, in the estimation of the Chief Constable, be sufficient to meet the additional expense of such employment. The matter was adjourned for further consideration. (See January 5th, 1860.) —Mr. R. M. Phipson was elected County Surveyor. 24.—A singular question came before the Norwich Town Council, in relation to the right of the Corporation to the property of convicts. The Police Committee reported they had been informed by the Chief Constable that on the apprehension of one George Valentine, on a charge of felony, a large sum of money was found in his possession. Valentine having been tried and convicted at the Quarter Sessions, the Town Clerk had stated that the city was entitled to the convict’s money. The Chief Constable wished to know how he should dispose of the money. The Committee were advised that, after the conviction, the city had become entitled to the money under a Royal charter granted during the reign of Henry IV. The Council ordered that the money remain in the hands of the City Treasurer, pending further inquiry. The question was again considered by the Council on May 12th, 1863, when the Town Clerk reported that after Valentine’s conviction it was found that, in addition to the sum in question (£90), he had £60 deposited in a savings bank in London. The Town Clerk had given notice to the bank directors that the Corporation claimed the money, but since the liberation of the prisoner he had been pressed to withdraw the notices, and had refused to do so without the sanction of the Corporation. The difficulty under which the Corporation laboured was that the money was out of their jurisdiction, and they had no control over it beyond the notice that had been given. If further steps were taken the question would arise whether it was a forfeiture to the Corporation or to the Crown, but as this would involve an inquisition, the cost of which would probably exhaust the 25.—A severe storm occurred off the Norfolk coast. At Winterton two vessels were wrecked and thirteen lives lost. At Yarmouth there were several wrecks, and for miles the shore was strewn with remains of cargoes and portions of vessels. The sloop James and Jessie drifted on to the Britannia Pier, and severed the structure into two parts. 26.—Mr. and Mrs. German Reed gave, at the Assembly Rooms, Norwich, their entertainment entitled, “Seaside Studies.” NOVEMBER.9.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. J. H. Tillett was elected Mayor, and Mr. Joseph Underwood appointed Sheriff. —Mr. Tillett, on taking his seat as Mayor of Norwich, informed the Town Council that an attempt had been made to bribe one of the Councillors. Mr. Joel Fox, the member in question, produced the halves of three £100 bank notes, which, he alleged, the Conservatives had handed to him to induce him to vote for eight Conservative Aldermen. After the vote had been recorded the payment was to be completed. Amid much excitement, a Special Committee was appointed to investigate the case. On November 12th, before the Committee had presented their report, criminal proceedings were instituted against Mr. Albert John Collins, solicitor, a member of the firm of Beckwith and Collins, who was charged at the Police Court with conspiring with Henry Croxford, stationer and others, to bribe Joel Fox, Town Councillor, by promising and offering him a sum of money to vote for certain Aldermen. Croxford, the other defendant, had absconded. Fox alleged that he went to Croxford’s house, where he was shown the halves of three £100 notes and four £50 notes, which were offered to him by Croxford, on behalf of Collins, on condition that he voted for the Conservative Aldermen. After formal evidence, the case was adjourned. On the 16th the Committee of the Council asked for full power and authority to proceed with the investigation, and to take such steps as might be necessary for the prosecution of the offenders. The Council granted the application. The magisterial proceedings were resumed on the 17th, when Mr. Power, Q.C. (instructed by the Town Clerk, Mr. Mendham), appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Serjeant Ballantine for the defendant Collins. After further evidence had been taken, the case was again adjourned. Meanwhile informations had been laid against William Wilde, William Wilde, the younger, William George Wilde, James Stowers, and Sir William Foster, members of the Liberal party, for conspiring to bribe at the last General Election for the city. By way of reprisal, the Liberals obtained summonses, through William Randell Lacey, against Sir Samuel Bignold, the Rev. F. S. Bignold, J. H. Bignold, James Hardy, Capt. Ives, and G. Priest, for unlawfully conspiring by bribery and other illegal means to return Sir Samuel Bignold and Mr. Charles Lushington at the last election of members of Parliament. On Nov. 12.—Mr. Louth, landlord of the Rampant Horse Hotel, Norwich, received fatal injuries by the overturning of his vehicle in London Street. His father, by whom he was accompanied, also sustained severe wounds, from which he died on the 18th. 30.—The foundation-stone of the St. Andrew’s Wherrymen’s chapel, at Yarmouth, was laid by the Mayor (Mr. W. Worship). The building, which was erected at the cost of £1,050, by Mr. Stanley, of Yarmouth, from plans by Mr. C. E. Giles, of London, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich on October 9th, 1860. DECEMBER.1.—The Norwich Operatic Union gave its first concert, from Verdi’s “Il Trovatore,” at St. Andrew’s Hall. The principal vocalists were Miss Theresa Jefferys, Mr. Angus Braham, Miss Laura Baxter, and Mr. Durand. The band and chorus of 80 performers were conducted by Mr. Bunnett, B.M., Mr. Alfred Bowles was instrumental leader, and Mr. Henry Rudd choral director. —A fatal accident occurred on the works in progress at the new Fishmarket, Norwich, by the falling in of three of the arches beneath the “promenade.” A workman, named William Powley, of Necton, was killed, and another workman sustained a broken leg. At the adjourned inquest, on December 15th, the jury returned a verdict of accidental death, with the rider: “They consider, from the evidence 10.—Died at Sydenham, Col. the Hon. John Walpole, of 18, Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, aged 73. He was son of the second Earl of Orford, served with the Guards in the Peninsula War, and was severely wounded at the siege of Burgos. From 1827 to 1831 he was member of Parliament for King’s Lynn; from 1830 to 1833 private secretary to Lord Palmerston; from 1833 to 1841 Consul-General in Chili; and from 1841 to 1849 chargÉ d’affaires there. 17.—A heavy fall of snow and a frost of great severity were recorded. “In the course of the 17th, the thermometer fell to 14 degrees, and on the 18th to 9 degrees, or 27 degrees below freezing-point.” 26.—The pantomime at Norwich Theatre was “founded on the celebrated and world-known Norfolk ballad,” and entitled, “The Babes in the Wood, and Harlequin and the Cruel Uncle, or the Forest Queen of the Fairy Dell.” The other Christmas attraction was Mander’s Menagerie. 27.—Died, Jacob Astley, Lord Hastings, of Melton Constable and of Seaton Delaval, Northumberland. He was son of Sir Jacob Henry Astley, fifth baronet, by the youngest daughter and co-heiress of Samuel Browne, of King’s Lynn. His lordship was born in 1797, married in March, 1819, the youngest daughter of Sir Henry Watkin Dashwood, Bart., and succeeded his father in the baronetcy in 1817. As one of the heirs of Sir John de Hastings, who sat in the Parliament of 18th Edward I., he was summoned to the House of Peers in 1841. He was appointed first Captain and Commandant of the Norfolk Militia Artillery in 1853, and Hon. Colonel in 1856. From 1832 to 1837 he represented West Norfolk in Parliament. His lordship was succeeded by his son, the Hon. Jacob Henry Delaval Astley, born in 1822. 5.—At the County Sessions, at Norwich, the Committee appointed at the previous Sessions recommended that the Chief Constable, on the application of the High Sheriff, be allowed to supply police-constables for keeping order in the Assize Courts, in place of the javelin men previously employed, the High Sheriff engaging to pay the additional expense. The Chairman (Sir Willoughby Jones) remarked that theoretically the javelin men kept the Courts, but practically they kept the neighbouring public-houses. The recommendation was agreed to. On March 27th, Mr. Justice Williams was received at Victoria Station by the High Sheriff (Mr. Henry Birkbeck) and a posse of policemen, “in the place of the time-honoured body which had long 15.—St. Giles’ church, Norwich, was for the first time lighted with gas, and evening services were held there from this date. 17.—Mr. E. E. Benest, City Surveyor, tendered his resignation to the Norwich Town Council, after eight years’ service. He was succeeded, on March 14th, by Mr. Thomas D. Barry. 20.—Lord Sondes was presented by his Norfolk tenantry with a piece of plate, of the value of 140 gs., as a birthday gift and as a testimony of the esteem in which he was held by them as a landlord and nobleman. FEBRUARY.7.—A fire occurred on the premises of Mr. W. C. Aberdein, pastry cook, Dove Street, Norwich. The outbreak itself was not of a serious character, but in a room upon the adjoining premises of Mr. Cubitt, ironmonger, was stored upwards of 400 lbs. of gunpowder, which was safely removed in wet blankets. The circumstance caused much sensation, and the practicability of establishing a public powder magazine was discussed by the magistrates. 20.—Died at King’s Lynn, Mr. J. F. Reddie, many years organist at St. Margaret’s church, in that town. 24.—A petition against the return of Sir Edmund Lacon and Sir H. Stracey, as members of Parliament for Great Yarmouth, in April, 1859, commenced before a Special Committee of the House of Commons. The petitioners, Mr. Joseph Bayly, surgeon, and Mr. Robert Pilgrim, linen draper, alleged bribery, undue influence, treating, and intimidation. On March 1st the Committee declared the members to have been duly elected, and were of opinion that one of the witnesses, Henry Fayerman, had been guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury. The members were received with great enthusiasm on their return to Yarmouth, and were entertained at a public dinner, given at the Theatre, on April 12th. At the Westminster Police Court, on June 11th, Fayerman was committed for trial on the charge of perjury, but at the Old Bailey, on July 12th, the jury gave a verdict of acquittal. 28.—A terrible gale raged throughout the country. At Norwich, between ten o’clock and noon, the thermometer rose from 36 degrees to 47 degrees; at two o’clock it registered 45 degrees. The wind blew from the west, veering occasionally to the north and to w.n.w., but during the height of the gale it blew west by north. Great damage was done to buildings, trees were uprooted, and “locomotion was extremely difficult and laborious, and, indeed, quite out of the question to those of the fair sex whose fashionable expanded dresses, assuming the properties of parachutes, compelled them to undertake a species of aerial voyage for a distance of a few yards, or exposed them to the still more unpleasant predicament of having their parachute MARCH.9.—A Special Committee of the House of Commons sat to decide various questions arising out of the elections at Norwich in 1859. The first point to be decided was whether Lord Bury’s claim, by virtue of the election in July, was not nullified by the bribery which was proved to have been made by his agents when he was returned with Mr. Schneider in April; and secondly, whether, in the event of such disqualification, Sir Samuel Bignold or Colonel Boldero had a valid claim. There were three petitions: (1) against the return of Lord Bury and the qualification of Sir Samuel Bignold, on the ground that both had been guilty of bribery at the April election, and the seat was, therefore, claimed for Colonel Boldero (signed by Josiah Fletcher, S. Jarrold, and J. J. Kempster); (2) alleging the disqualification of Lord Bury, and claiming the seat for Sir Samuel Bignold (signed by J. G. Johnson and R. Kerrison); and (3) alleging the disqualification of both Lord Bury and Sir Samuel Bignold, and claiming the seat for Colonel Boldero (signed by P. Back and G. C. Stevens). No appearance was put in in support of the first petition. The Committee declared that Lord Bury was not merely disqualified from sitting in the House of Commons during the then Parliament, but the last election was void, in consequence of his lordship having been found, since that return, guilty of bribery by his agents. A writ was then issued for another election, and on March 28th the following candidates were nominated: Mr. W. Forlonge (C), Aynhoe Park, Northamptonshire; Mr. W. D. Lewis, Q.C. (C); Sir William Russell (L), and Mr. Edward Warner (L). The polling took place on the 29th, and the result was officially declared on the 30th, as follows: Warner, 2,083; Russell, 2,045; Forlonge, 1,636; Lewis, 1,631. 24.—Died at his residence, Hillington Hall, aged 73, Sir William John Henry Browne ffolkes, Bart. He represented the county, and afterwards the Western Division, as a supporter of Liberal principles from 1830 through the Reform era, but lost the seat on the redaction of the Conservative party in 1837, when Mr. Bagge and Mr. Chute were returned. As a magistrate, country gentleman, and landlord, Sir William was highly esteemed. He was Chairman of Quarter Sessions at Swaffham, and chairman of the Norfolk Estuary Company. He was succeeded by his grandson, William Howell, then in his twelfth year, and eldest son of Martin Brown ffolkes, who was killed by lightning in July, 1849. 24.—The Rev. J. W. L. Heaviside was installed Canon of Norwich Cathedral, in succession to Canon Wodehouse, resigned. Mr. Heaviside was a professor at Haileybury College, an examiner in mathematics for the University of London and for the Council of Military Education, and a brother of Mr. Heaviside, formerly master of the Norwich School of Art. 29.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Cockburn and a special jury, was tried a libel action, in which Mr. Samuel B. Cory, solicitor, Yarmouth, was the plaintiff, and Mr. T. W. Bond, 30.—Died, in her 63rd year, at Cheltenham, while on a visit to her son-in-law, the Rev. J. F. Fenn, Lady Bignold, wife of Sir Samuel Bignold. APRIL.2.—An important will case, Wright v. Wilkin, commenced at the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Cockburn and a special jury. It was brought in the form of an action for ejectment to recover possession of certain tenements and lands held by the defendant, Thomas Martin Wilkin, solicitor, of Lynn, under the will of an old lady named Mary Mann. The plaintiff, who was heir-at-law, alleged that the will was obtained from an infirm and weak-minded person by fraudulent practices and contrivances. The will had already been disputed, and in that trial a verdict was given in favour of Mr. Wilkin; this action was brought because there had come to the knowledge of the plaintiff facts and circumstances which had been entirely withheld from the former jury. The trial lasted until the afternoon of the 3rd, when the jury found for the defendant, subject to argument upon certain points reserved. These were stated in the Court of Queen’s Bench on April 9th, and were to the effect that the devise to the defendant was defeated by his neglect to comply with a condition of the will, namely, that the devise was conditional on the devisee paying off certain legacies within twelvemonths in case the personal estate should be insufficient for that purpose. It transpired that the personal estate was insufficient, but the defendant did not pay one of the legacies within the time stipulated. It was also contended for the plaintiff that the devise to the defendant was void, inasmuch as it was a contrivance to defeat the Statute of Mortmain, several of the legacies being for charitable purposes, and that the defendant had misled the testatrix by not telling her that, under 43rd George III., she could leave as much as five acres of land for the repair of the church. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn granted a rule nisi. In the Court of Queen’s Bench, on November 27th, the Lord Chief Justice said the rule must be discharged, as the words in the will were not intended to impose a condition, the non-observance of which would involve forfeiture. Mr. Justice Crompton and Mr. Justice Blackburn concurred. The rule was discharged. MAY.24.—The Queen’s birthday was celebrated at Norwich by a parade 28.—A violent gale from the north-west did extensive damage in Norwich and throughout the county. Terrible disasters were reported on the coast. Twenty vessels belonging to Yarmouth and Lowestoft were lost, 200 men and boys perished, and 240 women and children were left in a state of destitution. On the 29th an inquiry was held at Yarmouth into certain allegations as to the conduct of the beachmen and crew of the lifeboat. It was stated that, in consequence of differences which had arisen, much valuable time was lost in launching the lifeboat, and a resolution expressing regret at the delay was adopted. A public fund was raised for the destitute families of the local fishermen. During the gale, the north-east pinnacle of St. Peter’s church, Yarmouth, was dislodged, the windows of Cromer church were blown in, and at Blickling 247 oaks were uprooted in the Great Wood, 216 in Hercules Wood, and 190 in other portions of the park. It was estimated that 1,500 trees were levelled on the estate. —The American horse tamer, Rarey, gave an exhibition of his system of training, in the riding school at the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich. JUNE.4.—The Royal Horse Artillery marched from the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich, en route to Woolwich, and were escorted to the city boundary by the Rifle Volunteers. 9.—An extraordinary case, arising out of the sudden disappearance of a lad named Vansittart, came before the Norwich magistrates. The lad was a son of Mr. Vansittart, member of Parliament for Windsor, and had been placed at school under the care of the Rev. F. H. S. Hodgson, rector of Rackheath. At Brighton, some time previously, he had developed Roman Catholic tendencies, and his friends were anxious to remove him from the sphere of such influences. Mr. Hodgson, while engaged in parochial duties, missed the youth, and gave information to the police at Norwich, who found him at the house of a Roman Catholic jeweller, named Beha. The lad made a very singular statement, to the effect that an Italian priest, attired in a long blue cloak, had persuaded him to leave school and join the Roman Catholics in London; that he had gone to Norwich and met Canon Dalton, the priest at St. John Maddermarket Roman Catholic chapel, to whom he had shown a watch belonging to a school-fellow; that Canon Dalton had advanced him six shillings, and recommended him to take the watch to Beha, for the purpose of raising sufficient money to pay the balance of his railway fare to London; and that he was preparing to start for town when he was detained by the police. Canon Dalton declared that he had not seen the lad prior to his coming to St. John Maddermarket. The matter was adjourned for further inquiry, and on the 11th Canon Dalton, Jacob Beha, Matthew Beha, and Thomas Foulsham were required to attend before the magistrates, when the proceedings were deferred until the 18th, the persons 18.—Died at his residence, at Thorpe, General Sir Robert J. Harvey, C.B., K.T.S., Knight Commander of the Order of St. Bento d’Avis, F.R.S., F.A.S. Sir Robert, who was in his 75th year, saw much active service during his military career. He was present at the battles of the Douro and Busaco, the battle of Salamanca, the siege of Burgos, and at Vittoria, the Pyrenees (where he was wounded in the thigh by a musket shot), Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. The long-protracted war having been brought to a close in 1815 by the crowning victory at Waterloo, on the anniversary of which he died, he returned to Norwich and became an acting partner in the bank of Harveys and Hudson, and was head of the firm at the time of his death. He was a magistrate and a Deputy Lieutenant of Norfolk, president of the Norwich Union Life Office and the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, chairman of the General Reversionary Interest Society in London, and founder of several other important institutions of a kindred character. In politics he was a Conservative, but took no prominent part in local affairs. Sir Robert married a daughter of Mr. Robert Harvey, of Walton, Suffolk, a distant relative, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Mr. R. J. H. Harvey. The will of the deceased was proved on February 21st, 1861, when the personalty was sworn under £350,000. “Mr. R. J. H. Harvey has purchased all his brother’s (Mr. E. K. Harvey’s) interest under the will, so that he is now in possession of the whole of the real and personal property of his late father, subject to Lady Harvey’s life interest in the Mousehold estates and to the annuities named in the will.” 19.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, it was agreed, “That the Lords of the Treasury having sanctioned the sale to the New Street Company of the property required by them belonging to the Corporation for the sum of £3,260, and having required to be informed of the purpose to which the Corporation propose to apply such purchase-money, this Council agrees, with the sanction of the Lords of the Treasury, to apply £2,000 towards the making of the new street, which, on its completion, will be vested in the Corporation, and, the remaining £1,260 towards the widening of the present approach to the Cattle Market by Rose Lane.” 30.—The Channel Fleet, under the command of Admiral Sir C. Fremantle, K.C.B., arrived in Yarmouth Roads. Since the year 1814 no two ships of the line had been moored at the same time off Yarmouth. The fleet consisted of nine ships of the line, two frigates, a corvette, and a tender. The Mayor and Corporation of the borough waited upon the Admiral and invited the officers to a ball, but orders came for the fleet to sail early on the morning of July 2nd. 9.—Mousehold Rifle Range was used for the first time by the Norwich Volunteers. The first prize-meeting took place on September 17th, when there were twelve competitors from the city and twenty-four from the county. 23.—The Donegal Militia left Yarmouth. 27.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Chief Baron Pollock and a special jury, an action, Gillings v. Manders, was tried. The plaintiff was a carpenter at Yarmouth, and the defendant the proprietor of a travelling menagerie. One of the attractions of the show was the performance of a Zulu named Maccomo, who was styled a “Lion King,” and fired off pistols and carbines in a cage containing half a dozen lions and lionesses. In a performance given at Yarmouth, Maccomo, instead of firing his pistol to the top of the cage, discharged it among the spectators, and the wad entering the plaintiff’s eyes destroyed it. Muccomo said it was the result of an accident. One of his lions attacked him in a fit of temper, and the trigger, catching in the beast’s mane, was prematurely discharged. The jury found for the plaintiff, damages £150. 31.—In the Norwich Episcopal Consistory Court, Mr. Chancellor Evans gave judgment in a protracted case, Archdeacon Bouverie v. the Rev. W. L. Barnes. The suit was instituted by the Archdeacon of Norfolk, against the rector of Knapton, for procurations for the years 1856–57–58–59. The plaintiff alleged, in his libels, that he was entitled to receive from the rector the sum of 7s. 7½d., due at Michaelmas every year, by reason of his visiting, of his archidiaconal dignity, or by custom. Mr. Barnes required the Archdeacon to prove such parts of his case as were not admitted, and, further, he said that, supposing the case as stated in the libels were proved, the Archdeacon was not entitled to be paid his procurations for the years 1857–58–59, because he did not in those years hold a parochial visitation at Knapton. The Court decreed in favour of the Archdeacon, with costs, and Mr. Barnes gave notice that he should appeal against the judgment. No further proceedings, however, were taken. AUGUST.27.—Died at Hampstead Marshall, Newbury, Berks., the Right Hon. Louisa, Dowager Countess of Craven, aged 78. She was a daughter of Mr. John Brunton, manager of Norwich Theatre, and half a century before her death was a favourite actress upon the Norwich and the London stage. She married the Earl of Craven in 1807, and of the marriage there were three sons and a daughter. 28.—The first festival of the associated choirs belonging to the Norfolk and Suffolk Church Choral Association, established in October, 1859, was hold at Norwich Cathedral. 30.—Died at her residence in Kentish Town, aged 61, Elizabeth, widow of Frederick Yates, formerly of the Adelphi Theatre. She was a daughter of John Brunton, the younger, of Norwich and a niece of the Dowager Countess of Craven. She made her dÉbut at King’s Lynn, SEPTEMBER.17.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with an evening performance of “The Creation.” The morning performances were as follow: On the 19th, the “Dettingen Te Deum” and “The Last Judgment”; on the 20th, “Abraham” and “As the hart pants”; and on the 21st “The Messiah.” Miscellaneous programmes were performed on the evenings of the 19th and 20th. The principal vocalists were Madame Clara Novello (her farewell appearance), Mdlle. Titiens (her first appearance), Madame Weiss, Miss Palmer, Madame Borghi Mamo (her first appearance), Mr. Sims Reeves, Signor Giulini, Mr. Willye Cooper, Mr. Santley, Mr. Weiss, Signor Belletti; solo pianoforte, Miss Arabella Goddard; leaders of the band, Mr. Sainton and Mr. H. Blagrove; solo violon-cello, Signor Piatti; organist, Mr. Harcourt; chorus master, Mr. J. F. Hill; conductor, Mr. Benedict. A “fancy dress ball” was announced for the evening of the 21st. “Only three individuals appeared in fancy dress—costumes which, from their quality, would have far more fitted a masquerade at the Baronial Hall than an elegant assembly like that of Friday evening. The wearers of them evidently felt ill at ease, and, after enduring the rather marked observation that they attracted for some time, were glad to call a fly and take their departure.” The total receipts of the Festival amounted to £5,095 16s., and the disbursements to £4,179 12s. 1d. 18.—The Earl of Leicester, as Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, and Major-General Wood, C.B., reviewed 1,200 Volunteers of the city and county on Mousehold Heath, Norwich. 20.—Prince Jerome Bonaparte, with his suite, consisting of an aide-de-camp and six members of the French Ministry, visited Gressenhall Workhouse and made particular enquiries into the management of the institution. 28.—Died at Upper Harley Street, London, in his 85th year, Mr. Charles Lombe, of Great Melton. He was a son of Dr. Beevor, of Norwich, and succeeded to the entailed estate on the death of his nephew, Mr. Edward Lombe, son of the first Mr. Lombe. Mr. Charles Lombe was succeeded by Mr. Edward Evans, eldest son of Mr. T. B. Evans, formerly of Norwich. (See November 10th.) 30.—The headquarters of the 10th Hussars, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Baker, arrived at the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich. OCTOBER.10.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean gave a farewell performance at 10.—An inquest was held at the Bethlehem Hospital, London, on the body of Anthony Abel, a criminal lunatic, who had been removed from Norwich after being acquitted of a charge of murder on the ground of insanity. He had been an inmate of the establishment since June 18th, 1817. When 25 years of age he was indicted for the murder of his uncle near Thetford. “For many years he was considered so violent and dangerous that he was confined in a strong room, and under the old rÉgime then in use in the establishment, he had a strong belt and gloves, and was put into irons.” 22.—Mr. George Dawson lectured at the Free Library, Norwich, on “Pepys’ Diary.” —Norwich Theatre was opened for a brief season by Mr. Charles Dillon and Miss Gomersal. 24.—Mr. Henry Villebois, master of the Norfolk Fox Hounds, was presented with his portrait, subscribed for by 400 gentlemen, “in appreciation of his untiring and successful efforts to promote field sports in the county of Norfolk.” Lord Sondes presided at the dinner held at the Town Hall, Lynn, and presented the portrait, which was painted by F. Grant, R.A. 29.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the resignations of Aldermen Sir W. Foster and Gibson were accepted, and Mr. R. J. H. Harvey and Mr. Fred Brown were elected to fill the vacancies. “The abolition of political ascendancy in the Town Council has been accomplished by the general consent of the influential men of each party, and duplicate agreements have been signed by at least three-fourths of the Corporation. To the Mayor (Mr. J. H. Tillett) belongs the honour of having taken the initiative in this laudable effort.” NOVEMBER.3.—A description was published of an iron lighthouse, completed by Messrs. Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards, of the Norfolk Iron Works, Norwich, for the Brazilian Government. It was designed by Messrs. Bramwell and Reynolds, of Westminster, for erection on the island of Abrolhos, on the coast of Brazil. Made in sections, it was temporarily erected by the riverside near St. George’s Bridge. The tower was circular in form, and constructed of 144 iron plates. Its base was 17 ft. in diameter, it was 46 ft. in height, and the lantern at the summit was 16 ft. high. —A fearful boiler explosion occurred on the steamship Tonning, off Yarmouth, by which eight persons were blown out of the vessel and never again seen, three subsequently died, and several were seriously injured. The Tonning was an iron vessel of 734 tons register, belonging originally to the North of Europe Steam Navigation Company, 9.—Mr. W. J. Utten Browne was elected Mayor, and Dr. Dalrymple appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 10.*—“The Queen has been pleased to grant unto Edward Evans, of Great Melton and of Bylaugh, clerk, her Royal licence and authority that he may, in compliance with a proviso contained in the will of his great uncle, Sir John Lombe, henceforth take and use the surname of Lombe only, and use and bear the arms of Lombe in lieu of his present surname and arms of Evans.” —*“Mr. George Allen, of St. Stephen’s, has introduced to Norwich the manufacture of elastic cloth, a fine material which has hitherto only been made in the West of England.” 17.—During a strong gale from the n.n.w., several vessels lying off Yarmouth parted from their anchors and were driven ashore and wrecked. Several lives were lost. DECEMBER.1.—A gunpowder explosion occurred at the shop of Mr. Marrison, gun maker, Little Orford Street, Norwich. The entire shop front was wrecked, as also was that of the adjoining shop, occupied by Mr. Frankland, photographer and dealer in art materials. Two lives were lost. Mrs. Dady, sister of Mr. Frankland, was sitting in a room over Mr. Marrison’s shop, and was dashed by the force of the explosion to the ceiling. She fell through the chasm in the floor to the burning ruins beneath, where she was fearfully injured. Charles Hill, a shop boy in the employment of Mr. Marrison, was killed outright, and terribly mangled. The force of the explosion shattered the windows of the Bell Hotel and of other houses in the vicinity. At the Norwich Assizes on March 26th, 1861, before Chief Baron Pollock, Mr. Marrison brought an action against the London Union Fire Office, for the recovery of £300 under a policy of insurance on his stock and furniture. The plaintiff had been offered and had refused £100 in settlement of the claim. The company then proved that the plaintiff had kept more gunpowder on his premises than was allowed by the terms of his contract, whereupon the judge ordered a non-suit. 3.—Died at Brighton, in his 61st year, Capt. Frederick Loftus, formerly of the 17th Lancers, youngest son of General and Lady Elizabeth Loftus, and grandson of George, first Marquis Townshend and Charlotte, Baroness De Ferrars and Compton. His remains were interred at Rainham, on December 11th. 5.—The suit, Gurney v. Gurney and Taylor, came before the Divorce Court, Westminster. The husband sought dissolution of marriage, on the ground of misconduct by the wife. A petition had been presented for the settlement of property then vested in the wife in favour of the children, the issue of the marriage, and the Solicitor-General applied for a rule nisi calling on the respondent, Mrs. Gurney, to show cause why a plea or a pleading in the nature of or intended to be a plea should not be taken off the file, and why the petition for settlement should not be treated as unanswered or unopposed. Sir 11.—In the Vice-Chancellor’s Court was heard the action, Berney v. the Norfolk and Eastern Counties Railway Company. By an agreement dated June 6th, 1843, the plaintiff sold certain land to the Norwich and Yarmouth Railway Company, and it was provided that such company should establish and for ever maintain a station in connection with their railway at Reedham, on part of the land sold to them by plaintiff. Nothing was said in the agreement in reference to stopping trains at the station. In 1844 the Norwich and Yarmouth railway was completed, and a station was constructed in accordance with the agreement, and called the Barney Arms Station, at which certain trains stopped. In 1845 the Norwich and Yarmouth Company was incorporated with the Norfolk Railway Company, and trains continued to stop at the station until 1850, when the Norfolk Company discontinued the practice. The plaintiff thereupon instituted this suit, praying for a specific performance of the agreement of June, 1843, and an injunction to restrain the Norfolk Company from permitting the trains on their railway to pass the Berney Arms Station without stopping thereat, which was, in effect, to compel the company to stop the trains at that station. The motion for the injunction did not come on, in consequence of an arrangement whereby the Norfolk Company agreed to stop at Berney Arms Station one train from Norwich and one from Yarmouth on every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. The Norfolk Railway was now worked by the Eastern Counties Railway on an agreement dated in 1854, which had received the sanction of the Legislature. The Eastern Counties Company were then made parties to the suit. Although the trains then stopped in a manner satisfactory to the plaintiff, there was no security that they would continue to do so. The Vice-Chancellor said there must be a specific performance of the agreement of June, 1843, and an order that one train from Norwich and one from Yarmouth should stop at Berney Arms Station on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday in every week; but he should also order that each of the companies should pay £100 to the plaintiff by way of costs. But for the plaintiff’s forbearance in this respect, it would be difficult to say whether the Eastern Counties Company would have escaped from the litigation with having nothing else to pay than the plaintiff’s ordinary costs. 14.—The Norwich Operatic Union gave its second concert, at St. Andrew’s Hall. The programme included “Norma” and selections from “Il Trovatore.” The principal vocalists were Mdlle. Paripa, Mdlle. Vaneri, Mr. Santley, and Mr. Swift. Mr. Bunnett, B.M., conducted. 16.—The first of a series of special services was conducted at Norwich Theatre, by the Rev. T. B. Stephenson, Wesleyan minister. “The boxes were reserved for the most respectable-looking, and the unmitigated plebs. were relegated to the pit and gallery. The occupants of the gallery conducted themselves as the gods usually do, and were rebuked by the preacher, who took up his position on the stage in front of the drop scene, surrounded by a number of persons of both sexes.” 25.—This was the coldest Christmas that had been experienced for at least a century. “At the Literary Institute at Norwich the minimum 26.—The pantomime at Norwich Theatre was entitled, “Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper and the Fairy Godmother from the Realms of Golden Palms.” Wombwell’s Menagerie was stationed on the Castle Meadow, and performances were given at the Royal Crystal Palace Amphitheatre, Golden Ball Street, under the management of Messrs. Emidy and Moffatt. The lessee was Mr. C. Testar. 27.—Died at 36, Berkeley Square, London, in his 57th year, Dr. Edward Rigby. He was the eldest son of the celebrated Dr. Rigby, of Norwich, and was educated at the Grammar School, under Dr. Valpy. He graduated at Edinburgh, and subsequently commenced practice in London, where he gradually raised himself to the very highest branches of his profession. 1861.JANUARY.5.—At the annual meeting of the Norfolk Agricultural Association, held at the Swan Hotel, Norwich, Mr. Clare Sewell Read moved that the annual show for 1861 be held at East Dereham, instead of at Swaffham. This effort to abolish the system of holding the exhibitions alternately at Norwich and Swaffham was defeated by 19 votes to 15. 6.—The frost continued with unusual intensity, and on this day snowstorms, which covered the ground to the depth of twelve inches, occurred. On the 10th a public meeting was held at Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. W. J. Utten Browne), at which a fund was inaugurated to relieve the distresses of the poor. In a few days the sum of £4,139 12s. 11d. was subscribed. The river was frozen from Norwich to Yarmouth, and on the 16th a large party of ladies and gentlemen assembled on the ice on Breydon and “skated” quadrilles. The frost continued for more than five weeks, during the whole of which period the ground was covered with snow. 11.—Walsingham Quarter Sessions were held for the last time. Sir Willoughby Jones, who presided, informed the Grand Jury that the Sessions would be removed part to Swaffham and part to Norwich, “on account of the expenses being so great in proportion to the number of prisoners for trial.” On March lst the Bridewell ceased to be used as a house of correction, and the prisoners were removed to Norwich Castle. 18.—Died, in his 60th year, Mr. Thomas Lound, for 35 years confidential clerk at King Street Old Brewery, Norwich. “As an artist, but principally as a painter in water-colours, he had maintained a high reputation for many years. The local river and rural scenery afforded materials for a large proportion of his works. He occasionally painted street scenes and monastic ruins, and of late years he made excursions into Wales and Yorkshire, bringing home with him a vast variety of subjects.” In addition to his own collection, he left many water-colour drawings by Bright, Thirtle, Cox, and others, some of them of considerable value. 26.—At Norwich Castle, James Blomfield Rush, aged 30, “eldest son of the Rush,” was committed for trial on the charge of breaking into the dwelling-house of Mr. Abraham Cannell, farmer, Cringleford, on the night of January 12th. At the Norfolk Assizes, on March 27th, before Chief Baron Pollock, the prisoner was acquitted. At subsequent dates he was twice acquitted for housebreaking, but at the Norfolk Quarter Sessions on March 11th, 1862, was sentenced to four years’ penal servitude for breaking into a house at North Tuddenham. FEBRUARY.13.—In the Court of Queen’s Bench, before the Lord Chief Justice and a special jury, an action was brought by Mr. Costerton, solicitor, of Yarmouth, against Sir Edmund Lacon, M.P., for a scandalous attack made upon the plaintiff by the defendant in the course of an election speech. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages 40s. 25.—Judgment was given by the Barons of the Exchequer in the cause Morant v. Chamberlin. It was an action between the Corporation of Yarmouth and Mr. G. D. Palmer, who claimed a right to a portion of the south end of the public quays. Judgment was for the plaintiff, damages £5 5s. “This decision thus settles this long-pending dispute, now nearly three years from its commencement, and decides the right of the Corporation to the soil of the quays and the right of the public to the free use of the same without any of the inconveniences which for so long a time prevented the proper enjoyment of the part in dispute. The verdict gives the plaintiffs the costs of this heavy litigation, except on two unimportant issues. The defendant will have to pay somewhere about £2,800.” MARCH.16.—On this date was published the announcement that the First Norfolk Mounted Rifle Volunteer Corps had been attached to the City of Norwich Rifle Volunteer Corps for administrative purposes. The mounted corps, which numbered 50, was commanded by Capt. F. Hay Gurney. The uniform consisted of scarlet tunic with blue facings, white cross belt, white breeches, and Napoleon boots. The head-dress was a busby with blue bag; the forage-cap was blue trimmed with white. —The Surlingham estate was sold by Messrs. Butcher, at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, for £16,895. 26.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Chief Baron Pollock and a special jury, was tried the libel action, Cufaude v. Cory. The plaintiff and defendant had taken different sides at the election of a vestry clerk at Yarmouth, and the libel was contained in a handbill issued during the contest by the defendant, who referred to the printed statement of the income and expenditure of the Guardians, to which body the plaintiff was clerk, as “cooked,” and left the sum of £779 unaccounted for. The special jury returned a verdict for plaintiff, damages £500. In the Court of Queen’s Bench, on April 17th, Mr. Lush moved for a rule to set aside the verdict, on the ground of excessive damages. A rule was granted. Mr. Cufaude subsequently consented to a reduction of damages from £500 to £300, “much against the advice of his counsel.” APRIL.2.—The High Sheriff of Norfolk (Mr. J. T. Mott) delivered a lecture at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, on “The Paston Letters.” 10.—The 10th Hussars Steeplechases took place at Crostwick. 23.—A vessel, named the Harmony, built by Messrs. Fellows and Son, of Yarmouth, for the Moravian mission in Labrador, was launched. MAY.18.—The census returns were published on this date. In Norwich the number of inhabited houses was 17,012; uninhabited, 786; building, 97. The population consisted of 33,717 males, and 40,697 females; total, 74,414. 20.—A serious military riot took place at Yarmouth, between men of the Royal Artillery and of the East Norfolk Militia. Belts and stones were freely used. A party of 200 Artillerymen, armed with swords and knives, issued from the arsenal, and were going to the assistance of their comrades, when Mr. R. Steward, by persuasion and threats, kept the greater portion from proceeding further. Officers of both corps exerted themselves to quell the disturbance, and strong pickets were stationed at the bridge, to prevent the Artillery from entering Yarmouth and the Militia from crossing to Southtown. JUNE.13.—The Norwich Grammar School athletic sports were held for the first time. 20.—Mr. and Mrs. Ringer, of Walcot Green, near Diss, left their house in charge of a servant, named Susan Garrod, and on their return in the evening found her suffering from several gunshot wounds in the head and face, inflicted by a man named Charles Sheldrake, a returned convict, employed as a groom and gardener by Mr. Ringer. Sheldrake, after committing the deed, secreted himself in a wood. On being called on by the police to surrender, he placed the muzzle of a double-barrelled gun to his mouth and blew out his brains. At the inquest the jury returned a verdict of felo de se, and the Coroner gave a warrant for the interment of the body between the hours of nine and twelve o’clock. “The body was accordingly buried at ten o’clock at night, under one of the paths in the churchyard.” 24.—The London Royal English Opera Company commenced a week’s engagement at Norwich Theatre. The repertory included “four new successful operas never before performed in Norwich,” namely, Balfe’s “The Rose of Castille,” Loder’s “The Night Dancers,” Macfarren’s “Robin Hood,” and Balfe’s “Satanella, or the Power of Love.” In addition to the above-named works, “Il Trovatore,” “Martha,” and “Maritana” were produced. The artistes included Miss Fanny Ternan, Miss Bronte, Miss Angel, Miss Fanny Reeves, Mr. Edmund Rosenthal, Mr. J. Manley, Mr. E. D. Corri, Mr. Oliver Summers, and Mr. Elliott Galer. Mr. W. Meyer Lutz was the conductor. The performances received very inadequate public support. The company revisited Norwich for six nights, commencing on September 9th. —Herr Kolisch, the celebrated chess-player, contested, at the Rampant Horse Hotel, Norwich, 13 games simultaneously against some of the best players in the neighbourhood. He won eight games, lost three, and two were drawn. 28.—Died, at Feniton Court, Devonshire, the Right Hon. Sir John Patteson. The second son of the Rev. Henry Patteson, and nephew of Mr. John Patteson, who for some time represented Norwich in Parliament, he was born in that city on February 11th, 1790. He was educated at Eton and King’s College, Cambridge, and, after talking his degree, removed to London and entered at the Middle Temple. On being called to the Bar, he went the Northern Circuit. “He had been only nine years a barrister, he had not a silk gown, he had never led a cause or once addressed a jury,” when he was appointed to the Queen’s Bench, and from that time to February 11th, 1852, continued to discharge the duties of his high office with a reputation for industry, learning, and integrity. JULY.20.*—“The first number of the Norfolk Chronicle was published on the 18th of July, 1761. We are, therefore, as journalists, exactly 100 years old. . . . The difference between the newspapers of 27.*—“The repairs at St. Gregory’s church, Norwich, the interior of which has been undergoing general restoration, have brought to light an interesting fresco, representing the renowned fight between St. George and the Dragon, a subject which has a local association, St. George being the titular saint of the city and patron of a once flourishing civic company. The painting, which, in all probability, is of a date of the middle of the fifteenth century, was discovered on the removal of the organ at the west end of the north aisle, for the purpose of cleaning the wall. The figures are life-size, and the colours and drawing exceedingly good.” —At the Norfolk Assizes, before Chief Justice Erle and a special jury, a libel action, Lane v. the Yarmouth Free Press and Printing Company, Limited, was tried. Damages were laid at £300. The declaration alleged that the defendants published in a paper called the “Yarmouth Independent,” certain reflections upon the plaintiff in his capacity as collector of market tolls. The defendants contended that, at the request of and by agreement with the plaintiff, they had inserted in the newspaper a paragraph explaining the alleged libel, and had exonerated him from the imputations made against his character, and plaintiff had accepted it as satisfaction. The case ended with the withdrawal of a juror. AUGUST.1.—Died at the residence of his son-in-law, 48, Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill, in his 84th year, Philip John Money, formerly captain of the 17th Regiment. He was a magistrate of Norwich, and served the office of Mayor in 1839. 2.—The celebrated tight-rope walker, Blondin, made his first appearance at Norwich. The rope was fixed at an altitude of about 60 feet, in a field on Newmarket Road. “It is a very fortunate circumstance for M. Blondin that he crossed Niagara and had the Prince of Wales for a spectator, for it has added a much greater interest to has performances than they would otherwise have acquired, and even, if we may judge from what we saw here, they deserved.” 4.—Mr. Edward Casson, aged 33, medical superintendent of the County Lunatic Asylum at Thorpe St. Andrew, committed suicide by poisoning himself. 8.—Holy Trinity church, Norwich, was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. “The ceremony should have taken place three weeks previously, but at the eleventh hour the Bishop requested that a capital fund of about £300 should be provided prior to the consecration. As the committee were then about £1,000 in debt, it was felt to be indiscreet to increase their risk, and consequently it was determined to delay the opening of the church until they had received nearly all that they required. In less than three weeks more than £1,200 had been subscribed out of the £1,300 then supposed to be needed.” The consecration was attended by the Mayor (Mr. W. J. Utten Browne) and several members of the Corporation. SEPTEMBER.12.—A great review of the whole of the Volunteer Companies in the county and city, with the Norwich Mounted Volunteers and the Yarmouth Artillery, was held at Holkham Park, by Major-General Sir Archdale Wilson, Bart., K.C.B. This was the first occasion on which the corps had been brigaded since their formation. The review was fixed for eleven o’clock, but in consequence of a breakdown in the railway arrangements, and the consequent detention of companies on their way to the rendezvous, the parade was not formed until 2.15 p.m. The troops numbered upwards of 1,700, and were divided into two brigades, commanded respectively by Lieut.-Col. Custance and Major the Hon. F. Walpole, West Norfolk Militia. The railway company displayed the same incompetency in conveying the corps from Holkham as in taking them there, and the Norwich men did not reach the city until six o’clock on the morning of the 13th. 28.—The headquarters of the 5th Dragoon Guards arrived at Norwich Cavalry Barracks, from Aldershot. “It is known in the service as the ‘Green Horse,’ being the only cavalry regiment which wears green facings.” OCTOBER.13.—Died, Sir William Cubitt, the eminent engineer. Born in Norfolk, in 1785, he was apprenticed to a joiner, and, becoming a very superior handicraftsman, he rapidly took a prominent position as a maker of agricultural implements. Within a short time he became a millwright, and about 1807 invented self-regulating windmill sails, and ultimately became connected with Messrs. Ransome and Son, of Ipswich. He was the inventor also of the treadmill for gaols and houses of correction. His reputation increasing his engagements, it became necessary for him to remove to the Metropolis in 1826, and after that period there was scarcely a port, harbour, dock, navigable river, or canal in the United Kingdom with which he was not in some way engaged. The South-Eastern Railway from London to Dover was designed and executed by him. He undertook the bold project of blowing away the face of the Round Down cliff, which he successfully executed by exploding 18,000 lbs. of gunpowder in one blast, and precipitated one million tons of chalk cliff into the sea. The great landing-stage at Liverpool, the deck of which was nearly one acre in extent, was a unique example of his work. As consulting engineer of the Great Northern Railway, he materially contributed to the production of one of the best lines in England. One of his last public works was the superintendence of the construction of the palace for the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park in 1851, which he undertook at the pressing instance of his coadjutors on the Royal Commission, and his services were recognised in a marked manner by the Queen and the Prince Consort. 24.—Died, suddenly, of apoplexy, at his residence, West Parade, Earlham Road, Norwich, in his 46th year, Mr. Edward Garrod, editor of the Norfolk Chronicle. 28.—Charles Dickens gave the former of two readings at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The work selected was “David Copperfield.” On the 29th he read “Nicholas Nickleby at Mr. Squeer’s School,” and the Trial scene from the “Pickwick Papers.” “Our opinion is,” the Norfolk Chronicle remarked, “that Mr. Dickens as a reader fails to do justice to himself as an author.” NOVEMBER.6.—Norwich Theatre was opened, under the management of Mr. George Owen. Mr. Sidney, however, retained the lesseeship. 8.—Died at Hingham, in her 100th year, Mrs. Rebecca Houchen. 9.—The new Corn Hall at Norwich was opened for business. The contractors for the building were Messrs. Ling and Balls, of Norwich, and for the roof Messrs. Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards. The total cost was about £8,000. The work was executed from the designs of Mr. Barry, of Norwich, and Mr. H. Butcher, of 37, Bedford Row, London; and the roofs were adapted and carried into detail from the design of the architects by Mr. E. A. Cowper, C.E., of Westminster. The first brick of the new building was laid on May 1st, 1861. —Mr. John Oddin Taylor was elected Mayor, and Mr. Addison John Cresswell appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 10.—Died at North Runcton Rectory, in his 85th year, the Rev. James Cumming, M.A., professor of chemistry in the University of Cambridge, to which office he was elected in 1815. He was a Fellow of Trinity College, and had held the living of North Runcton for more than forty years. 22.—In the Court of the Lords Justices in Lincoln’s Inn, a petition was presented by Major-General Charles Ash Windham, Capt. Windham, the Marquis of Bristol, Lord Alfred Hervey, M.P., Lord Listowel, and others, praying that a writ de lunatico inquirendo might issue against William Frederick Windham. In support of the petition, affidavits were read which alleged a variety of eccentricities and extravagances on the part of William Frederick Windham, and laid great stress upon a marriage he had contracted with one Agnes Ann Rogers, better known by the name of Agnes Willoughby. The judges, after hearing the affidavits on the other side, considered that a prima facie case had been made out, and allowed the prayer of the petition. On December 4th, in the Vice-Chancellor’s Court, a motion was heard for the committal of Mr. James Bowen May for contempt of court, in having, during the infancy of William Frederick Windham, and without the knowledge of his guardian or the sanction of the Court, drawn or sided and abetted in drawing the said William Frederick Windham into a promise of marriage with Agues Rogers or Willoughby, in which promises had been made of settlements or dispositions of his property 30.*—“The portrait of Mr. J. H. Gurney, M.P., President of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum, has this week been placed on the walls of that institution. It was painted by F. Grant, R.A., at the cost of 200 guineas.” DECEMBER.7.—Died, in his 73rd year, Mr. Charles Turner, who was Sheriff of Norwich in 1824, elected Alderman in 1832, and was Mayor in 1834. He was the last Mayor who served the full term of office under the old Corporation. 9.—A six miles race for £50 was run at the Green Hill Gardens, Norwich, between Deerfoot, the celebrated Seneca Indian, Brighten, the “Norwich Milk Boy,” and Long, of Middlesbrough. This was one of the so-called matches run during a provincial tour by these pedestrians. Deerfoot wore his Indian costume, decorated with shells 15.—Intelligence was received in Norwich of the death of the Prince Consort. Early on the following morning (Monday) the Mayor requested the citizens to partially close their business establishments until after the funeral. On the day of the funeral (December 23rd), business was entirely suspended, and the Mayor and Corporation, accompanied by the Rifle Volunteers, attended service at the Cathedral. The Nonconformist bodies held a united service at St. Andrew’s Hall, at which the Rev. John Alexander delivered an address. Addresses of condolence with the Queen were voted by the Norwich Town Council, on December 30th, and by a county meeting, held at the Shirehall, under the presidency of the High Sheriff (Mr. J. T. Mott), on January 18th, 1862. 26.—Mr. George Owen produced the Christmas pantomime, “Puss in Boots,” at the Theatre Royal, Norwich; and Mander’s Royal Menagerie was exhibited on the Castle Meadow. The African “lion tamer,” Maccomo, whilst performing at the latter show, on the 28th, was severely attacked by a young lion, and narrowly escaped with his life. 1862.JANUARY.2.—Mr. Thomas Richmond Pinder, head master of Hingham Endowed School, was elected head master of the new Commercial School, built on the site of the old Workhouse, adjoining St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, at the cost of about £1,500. The school was designed by Mr. James S. Benest, architect to the trustees, and built by Messrs. Ling and Balls. It was opened as King Edward the Sixth’s Commercial School, on July 28th. 19.—An alarming fire occurred in the centre wing of Swaffham prison. The inmates of the cells, who were greatly terrified, were safely removed, and afterwards conveyed to Norwich Castle. The roof of the new portion of the prison was completely destroyed, with three looms and a considerable quantity of stock in raw materials and manufactured articles. 28.—Died at Swainsthorpe, Eleanor Harrison, widow, aged 101. 30.—A rifle match, between eleven Norfolk and a like number of Northamptonshire Volunteers, took place at the seat of Earl Spencer, Althorp Park. The teams were under the respective commands of Lord Bury and Earl Spencer. Northamptonshire won by 170 points against 164 made by their opponents. The return match, which took place on the Mousehold Range, Norwich, on September 27th, was also won by Northamptonshire, by 17 points. 1.*—“A private named Thomas Nelson, attached to one of the troops of the 5th Dragoon Guards, now stationed in Norwich, is said to have become the possessor of a fortune of £70,000, besides a fine estate near Liverpool, of the value of £9,000 per annum.” 3.—H.R.H. the Prince of Wales visited Norfolk, “for the purpose of inspecting the Sandringham Hall estate, with the view of purchasing it for shooting purposes, for which it is well adapted.” On the 22nd it was announced that his Royal Highness had concluded the purchase for £220,000, and, it was added, “Norfolk people entertain strong hopes that they shall see a good deal of their future Sovereign.” 15.—The subject of the proposed amalgamation of the Eastern Counties, the Norfolk, the Eastern Union, the East Anglian, and other railways’ communicating with Norwich obtained publicity on this date. The Norwich Town Council, on the 21st, decided to petition Parliament against the Railway Amalgamation Bill, on the ground that the amalgamation was calculated to injuriously affect the citizens by depriving them of the advantages of competition in railway transit. MARCH.1.—Died at his house at Charlton, Kent, aged 86, Professor Peter Barlow, F.R.S. He was born in the parish of St. Simon, Norwich, in October, 1776. Related to one of the leading manufacturing families in the city, the Columbines, his early life was passed in their warehouse. He continued there about three years, and during that period acquired, by his own industry, a considerable knowledge of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, and French. Subsequently he obtained a situation in a school in Essex, and afterwards proceeded to Shipdham, when, the master dying, he succeeded to the school, and married a Shipdham lady. He commenced a regular correspondence with the “Ladies’ Diary,” then under the management of Dr. Hutton, professor of mathematics at Woolwich, whose attention was favourably attracted by the contributions furnished by Mr. Barlow. Dr. Hutton recommended him as candidate, in 1801, for the post of additional master at the Royal Military Academy, and he was successful. In 1811 he published his first work, “The Theory of Numbers,” in 1813, “The Mathematical Dictionary,” and in the same year his “Mathematical Tables.” In 1817 his work, “The Strength of Materials,” was published. In 1819 he turned his attention to magnetic experiments, in which he was very successful in developing the laws of action and in the application of those laws to the correction of a long-standing error in navigation. For this discovery he received several honorary and pecuniary rewards. His “Essay on Magnetic Attraction” was published in 1819. 25.—The new Poor Removal Act came into force. It materially altered the law of settlement, and made new regulations as to the manner in which parishes contributed their share to the common fund charges of the unions. 31.—An accident occurred at a circus building at St. Stephen’s Gates, Norwich, hired by Mace and King, the pugilists, for the purposes APRIL.10.—Madame Jenny Lind Goldschmidt appeared at a miscellaneous concert, given at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, and on the 11th sang in Haydn’s oratorio, “The Creation.” The other artistes included Mr. Sims Reeves, Signor Belletti, Mr. H. Blagrove (solo violin), Signor Patti (solo violoncello), and Mr. Otto Goldschmidt (pianoforte). The chorus for the oratorio was composed of members of the Cathedral choir and of the Norwich Choral Society. 21.—Tom Sayers, “the pugilistic ex-champion,” visited Norwich with his circus, “exhibited his belts, medals, and the diamond ring presented to him by the students of Oxford, and set-to with young Hicks, of Birmingham.” Heenan, the American pugilist, brought a circus to Norwich on September 11th, and “apologised to the spectators for not sparring, as the authorities had forbidden him, and it was only on giving this promise that he was allowed to erect his tent on the Castle Hill.” Mace’s circus visited the city on October 6th. “The spectators were disappointed at the non-appearance of Mace, the magistrates having forbidden him to give an illustration of his noble art.” MAY.3.*—“Died last week, at Rackheath, Phoebe Clayburn, at the advanced age of 103 years. She had 22 children, and her eldest son is now living at Bramerton, aged 80 years; her grandchild is 50; her great-grandchild is 20, and her great-great-grandchild is now two years of age.” 4.—The large tract of land known as the Middle Level of the Fens, which had been greatly improved by the construction of the Middle Level Drain, a small river which collected the waters of the district and discharged them into the Ouse near Wiggenhall St. German’s, was inundated, in consequence of a breach in the sluice erected at the point where the two streams joined. The tide, no longer confined to the channel of the Ouse, rushed up the drain, broke through the bank on the west side at two places, and, in a wild torrent, overspread the adjacent lands. Efforts were at once made to strengthen the dams, by placing vast quantities of clinch and gravel at the foot of the piles. On June 20th, a meeting of the owners and occupiers of land was held at the Globe Hotel, Lynn, under the presidency of the Rev. Henry ffolkes, at which resolutions were passed requiring the Middle Level Commissioners to take prompt and efficient measures to prevent the recurrence of such a disaster. It was also agreed that more satisfactory means for redress for damage should be given than were afforded by the Middle Level Act, and that application be made to 5.—The Braham Grand English Opera Company commenced a six nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre, with the performance of “Il Trovatore.” The other operas produced during the engagement included “The Bohemian Girl,” “Robin Hood,” “The Daughter of the Regiment,” “Der Freischutz,” “Cinderella,” and “Lucia Di Lammermoor.” Among the principals were Miss Fanny Ternan, Miss Maria Ternan, Mdlle. A. Kemp, Mr. Brookhouse Bowler, and Mr. Hamilton Braham. 24.—The Norfolk Volunteer Service Association was formed at a meeting held at the Shirehall, Norwich, under the chairmanship of the Lord Lieutenant, who was elected president. Its objects were, “the promotion of rifle shooting and giving permanence to the Volunteer corps throughout the county.” The first prize-meeting was held on the Mousehold Range, Norwich, from September 8th to 11th. 27.—The Channel Squadron, under the command of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, arrived in Yarmouth Roads, and on June 1st was joined by the St. George, with H.R.H. Prince Alfred on board. The Squadron sailed for the Downs on the 4th. JUNE.11.—In the Divorce Court, before Sir C. Cresswell, judgement was 16.—At Swaffham County Court, a jury was engaged in the trial of an action, Green v. Sayers. The plaintiff, a shoemaker, sought to recover £25 damages for an assault by the defendant, described as “a circus proprietor, but better known as the ex-champion of England.” The case excited great local interest. “The defendant,” it was said, “conducted himself with a degree of modesty, propriety, and decorum that caused no little feeling in his favour.” The assault arose out of a dispute as to the withholding of change alleged to be due to the plaintiff on money tendered for admission to the defendant’s show, and the jury gave a verdict for Green, damages £5. 19.—A great Volunteer review took place at Yarmouth. The first brigade of 910 men was commanded by Lieut.-Col. Astley, Norfolk Artillery; the second (1,230 men) by Lieut.-Col. Sir E. Lacon, Bart., M.P., and the third (350 men) by Lieut.-Col. Custance. The reviewing officer was Col. Guy, C.B., and the proceedings were witnessed by many thousands of spectators. 24.—Died, in the Workhouse of the Loddon and Clavering Union, in her 105th year, Mary, widow of Samuel Lock, of Loddon. —An extraordinary fight took place between a bull and a stallion, both the property of Mr. James Coker. The animals were grazing in a field near the Chase at King’s Lynn, and became engaged in a deadly combat, which ended in the bull disembowelling the horse with its horns. The stallion was valued at £60. JULY.1.—The marriage of H.R.H. Princess Alice and the Grand Duke of Hesse was celebrated throughout the county with great rejoicing. The day was observed at Norwich as a public holiday; at a special meeting of the Town Council a congratulatory address to the Queen was adopted; the Mayor gave a luncheon at St. Andrew’s Hall, and in the evening a firework display was given in the Market Place. —At the Norwich Quarter Sessions, before the Recorder (Mr. O’Malley, Q.C.), Edward Durrant (27), grocer, surrendered to his 9.—The first of the peripatetic shows of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held at East Dereham. “The cautious and timid members of the Norfolk Association who prophesied that so many dark and dreadful events would happen to the society if absolved from her marriage vow which wedded her entirely to Norwich, and Swaffham, must have been pleasantly surprised by the entire success of the Dereham meeting.” So great was the rush to the show-ground that more than once the barrier was broken down. The sum of £230 was taken in admission money, whereas it had never before amounted to £150, and rarely exceeded £80. 17.—Mr. Henry Stevenson, one of the proprietors of the Norfolk Chronicle, was driving through Upper Surrey Street, Norwich, with his wife, when the horse started off at full speed in the direction of All Saints’ church, where the phaeton was upset, and Mrs. Stevenson sustained injuries from which she died an hour afterwards. 27.—Died, in St. John de Sepulchre, Norwich, the Widow Rumsby, aged 100 years. —Died, in London, Mr. H. L. Styleman le Strange. He was the only son of Mr. Henry Styleman, of Snettisham Hall, where he was born in 1815. Educated at Eton and at Christchurch, Oxford, he travelled, on the completion of his University career, in Egypt, and, returning home in 1836, his majority was celebrated at Hunstanton Hall, the ancient residence of the le Stranges. In 1839 he procured the Royal licence to assume the patronymic surname of le Strange, in addition to that of Styleman, and in the same year married Jamesina Joice Ellen, daughter of Mr. John Stewart, of Balladrum, Inverness, by whom he left issue two sons and three daughters. Mr. le Strange, acceding to the request of the Conservative party, stood for the Western division of the county, and was defeated by a small majority. He left the hustings with the promise that at the next election he would again offer himself; he kept his promise, but eventually withdrew, and retired from politics. He then commenced his great work of painting the roof of Ely Cathedral, on the design and execution of which he bestowed many years of hard toil. At his death the work was about half completed, and he had only recently received recognition of his artistic talents by being appointed a member of a commission for investigating the state of the frescoes in the new Houses of Parliament. Hunstanton church is a monument to his taste and skill. Mr. le Strange was senior co-heir to the baronies of Hastings and Foliot, and co-heir to those of Camoys and Strathbolgie. He had served the office of High Sheriff of Norfolk, was a magistrate and deputy lieutenant, and a director of the Lynn and Hunstanton Railway Company. 30.—Mr. Simmons, of Lydney, Gloucestershire, made a balloon ascent from the Orchard Gardens, Norwich, and, after attaining an altitude AUGUST.28.—A cricket match, between twenty-two of Norfolk and Norwich and eleven of United All England commenced on the Cricket Ground, Norwich, and concluded on the 29th. Norfolk and Norwich, 73—75; United All England, 119—31. SEPTEMBER.8.—A trial of McCormick’s new reaper took place on Mr. Clare Sewell Read’s farm at Little Plumstead. The experiments were conducted by Mr. McCormick, the inventor, and Mr. Burgess, the manufacturer of the machine, in the presence of Baron Ricasoli, ex-Prime Minister of Italy, and of several other foreigners of distinction. 11.—Three troops of the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, with headquarters and band, arrived at Norwich. “Although the regiment has been formed only five years, the principal portion of the non-commissioned officers and many of the privates were engaged at Balaclava, being Volunteers from other regiments to assist in training the present regiment.” 12.—A great Volunteer fÊte, given at Crown Point, by the High Sheriff of Norfolk (Mr. Harvey), was attended by many thousands of spectators from all parts of the county. The city and county corps, in two brigades, commanded respectively by Lieut.-Col. Custance and Lieut.-Col. Astley, with the Norwich Light Horse, under Lieut. Hay Gurney, were reviewed by Major-General Sir Archdale Wilson, K.C.B. The Norwich Cadet Corps, recently organized by Mr. Noverre, and the Grammar School Cadet Corps, were also in attendance. After the review the troops were entertained at dinner, a balloon ascent was made by Mr. Simmons, and military and other sports followed. 17.—The foundation-stone of a new church at Hautbois Magna was laid by Lord Suffield. The new building, which was designed to supplement the old parish church, was erected mainly by the exertions of the rector (the Rev. J. C. Girling), who gave the site. The cost was estimated at from £800 to £900. The church was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich on May 26th, 1864. OCTOBER.6.—Died at his house, Belitha Villas, Barnsbury Park, London, Mr. John Curtis, F.L.S., aged 72. Mr. Curtis was a native of Norwich, where he resided many years. He was author of the celebrated work, “British Entomology,” on the completion of which Sir Robert Peel awarded him a pension for life. 17.—A severe storm occurred at Yarmouth, and numerous shipping casualties were reported. 19.—A fire took place on the premises of Messrs. Tillyard and Howlett, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturers, Water Lane, St. George’s Colegate, Norwich, and damage was done to the amount of £2000. 29.—Died at St. Leonard’s-on-Sea, the Dowager Lady Stafford. Her ladyship was an American by birth, one of four daughters of Mr. C. Caton, of Baltimore. So remarkable were the sisters for their personal charms, that they were known as “the beauties of Baltimore,” a reputation which had the effect of securing for three of them British coronets, one as the Duchess of Leeds, another as the Marchioness Wellesley, and the third as the Baroness Stafford. She became the second wife of the 8th Lord Stafford in 1837. NOVEMBER.10.—Mr. Henry Staniforth Patteson was elected Mayor, and Mr. J. J. Colman appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 18.—The Norwich Town Council adopted an address to the Queen, congratulating her Majesty upon the attainment of his majority by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The county magistrates adopted a similar address on January 8th, 1863. 19.—Died, suddenly, aged 50, Mr. John Wodderspoon, sub-editor of the “Norwich Mercury.” He had resided in Norwich about fourteen years, and had previously been connected with the “Suffolk Chronicle,” at Ipswich. Mr. Wodderspoon devoted his leisure time to the pursuit of the fine arts, and had achieved considerable proficiency as an amateur artist, a talent which assisted him materially in his other favourite study, archÆology. He was an active member of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society, and whilst resident at Ipswich, wrote, “Memorials of Ipswich” and “Historic Sites of Suffolk.” His death occurred under painful circumstances. On the previous day a summons had been served upon him for threatening, it was alleged, a reporter on the “Mercury” staff. When giving instructions to Mr. Bugg, his solicitor in the case, Mr. Wodderspoon fell down and instantly expired. 22.*—“The Queen has been pleased to grant unto Henry Evans, the elder, of Lyng and of Bylaugh, clerk, and to his eldest son, Henry Evans, the younger, of Elmswell, in Suffolk, clerk, her Royal licence and authority that they and their respective heirs may, in compliance with a proviso contained in the last will and testament of Sir John Lombe, late of Great Melton, baronet, deceased, respectively take and henceforth use the surname of Lombe only, and use and bear the arms of Lombe in lieu of their present surname and arms of Evans.” 1.—Father Gavazzi lectured at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, on “Italy, Victor Emanuel, Garibaldi, and the Pope,” and on the 2nd on “The Progress of the Gospel in Italy.” 10.—Mr. Charles Mathews appeared at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in his entertainment, “Personal Reminiscences, in Eight Chapters.” The entertainment was repeated on December 13th. 13.—Died at his residence, Elmsfield, Harrow, Lieut.-Col. Richard Montague Oakes, formerly of the 1st Life Guards, and Chief Constable of Norfolk, aged 71. 18.—A gale of great severity commenced at Yarmouth, and continued until the 22nd. “The lifeboats were suffered to lie quiescent on the beach, their crews (of the Young and Diamond Company) standing stolidly by, indifferent even to the signals of distress which from time to time came over the raging waters from vessels in great danger.” There was no loss of life. An inquiry was opened on January 6th, 1863, as to the conduct of the lifeboat crew, and adjourned to the 12th, when a resolution was adopted exonerating them from blame. 20.—Died at his residence, Norton Lodge, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Graham E. Hamond, Bart., G.C.B. He was the only son of Captain Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, R.N., created baronet in 1783, and was born December 30th, 1779. On the death of his father, at the advanced age of 90, in September, 1828, he succeeded to the baronetcy. He commenced his naval career in 1793, as midshipman in the Phaeton 38, under the command of his cousin, Sir A. S. Douglas; he then removed to the Queen Charlotte, 100, the flagship of Admiral Lord Howe, under whom he shared the honour and took part in the victory of “the glorious first of June.” Joining the Britannia, 100, the flagship of Admiral Hotham, he served in the Mediterranean, and witnessed the destruction of L’Alcide 74, taken in the action of July 13th. After constant active service on the Lisbon and home stations, during which he assisted at the capture of several French privateers and at the blockade of Malta and the siege of La Valette, he was appointed to the command of the Blanche, 36, in which ship he participated in the battle of Copenhagen. In 1804 he was appointed to the Lively, 38, in which frigate he captured, off Cape St. Mary, three Spanish frigates laden with treasure, and destroyed a fourth; during a subsequent cruise off Cape St. Vincent he captured the San Miguel, and the same day, in company with the Polyphemus, 64, took the Santa Gertruyda, 36, laden with a valuable cargo of 11,215,000 dollars in specie. In December, 1808, he was appointed to the command of the Victorious, 74, in which he assisted at the reduction of Flushing in 1809. He was appointed commander-in-chief of the South African station in September, 1834. Sir Graham was a magistrate and deputy lieutenant for the county of Norfolk. 21.—The sea broke over the sandhills at Wells and flooded about 700 acres of the west marshes, which had been reclaimed from the ocean by the Earl of Leicester. The damage was estimated at £10,000. 1863.JANUARY.21.—Died at his residence, Thorpe Hamlet, aged 82, Mr. John Skipper, who had filled several offices under the old Corporation of Norwich, including those of Speaker and Chamberlain. 24.—Died at Trumpington Street, Cambridge, Mr. S. D. Colkett, artist, formerly of Norwich. 31.—The litigation arising from the inundation in Marshland commenced on this date with the hearing, in the Vice-Chancellor’s Court, of an application for a mandamus to compel the Middle Level Commissioners to restore the paling path over the breach made by the inundations. At the suggestion of the Court, it was agreed that the only question in dispute, that of legal liability, should be raised as a special case. At the Norfolk Assizes, on April 1st, before Lord Chief Justice Erle, two actions, Mason v. Wise and Coe v. Wise (clerk to the Middle Level Commissioners), were down for trial by special jury. It was understood that these cases, which were brought for the recovery of damages consequent upon the inundation, were selected out of a total of 107 causes in which writs had been issued. In the action Coe v. Wise, the declaration alleged that by a certain Act of Parliament the Middle Level Commissioners were bound to make and maintain a certain cut, bank, and sluices; it was complained that, in consequence of their negligence, the tidal waters burst through them and flooded the lands of the plaintiff. The defendant entered a plea of not guilty, and alleged that the plaintiff was not possessed of the lands. The hearing of the case occupied four days. The Judge, in summing up, directed the jury to decide whether the damage was caused to the plaintiff by the absence of due care and skill on the part of the defendants, (1) in respect of the making of the sluice; (2) in respect of maintaining the sluice; (3) in respect of providing remedies against mishap after the sluice was destroyed; and (4) was damage caused to the plaintiff by reason that no puddled wall was made along both banks of the cut? The jury found for the defendant on the first point, and for the plaintiff on the other three points. In the Court of Queen’s Bench, on April 18th, Mr. Fitzroy Kelly moved for a rule calling upon plaintiff to show cause why the verdict should not be set aside and entered for the defendant, on the ground of misdirection, and that the verdict was against the evidence. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn said the Court would grant a rule upon the question of law involved, but not as regarded the evidence, because their lordships found that Lord Chief Justice Erle was satisfied with the verdict. The case was again before the Court of Queen’s Bench on November 19th, and, alter two days’ argument, was ordered to stand over until the next term. (See January 21st, 1864.) 16.—Charles Mower, the Dereham pedestrian, ran a one-mile match for £50 a side, with Edward Mills, of London, the six miles champion, on the Brampton Pedestrian Ground. Mower was a runner of considerable repute. His best performance was at Salford, in December, 1860, when he defeated Allison for the champion cup, running the mile in 4 minutes 24 seconds, the ground at the time being covered with snow. In his match with Mills he was beaten by 20 yards, in 4 minutes 34 seconds. MARCH.3.—The Norwich Poor-law Amendment Bill was considered by a Committee of the House of Commons. Its object was to repeal the Act passed in 1831, “for the better management of the several parishes and hamlets of the city and county of the city of Norwich”; to substitute another body for the Incorporation of Guardians; and to introduce certain clauses for the equalisation of the rates between the city and hamlets; and for the inclusion of the Cathedral Close, which was not then within the jurisdiction of the Guardians. The Bill passed through Committee on March 12th, and was directed to be reported to the House. The last meeting of the old Court of Guardians was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, on October 6th, and its existence as a corporate body expired on the 22nd, when the new Board was elected. Prior to the election, a meeting, presided over by the Mayor (Mr. Patteson), was held, at which was passed a resolution to the effect that, “considering the excessive poor-rates which have pressed upon this city for so many years, and the abuses which have sprung up in the administration of the Poor-law, it is incumbent upon the ratepayers to sink party and other differences and co-operate for carrying out the new Act with integrity and impartiality.” 10.—Great rejoicings took place in city and county, in celebration of the marriage of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The streets of Norwich were gaily decorated, and the day was observed as a general holiday. A parade of the troops, namely, the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, the 1st Norfolk Light Horse, the enrolled pensioners, the staff of the West Norfolk Militia, and the Norwich Battalion of Rifle Volunteers, took place on Major Middleton’s field on Ipswich Road. “All the troops wore wedding favours of uniform pattern.” After the review a feu de joie was fired in the Market Place, where the members of the Choral Society sang, “God Bless the Prince of Wales.” The military were entertained at luncheon in a marquee erected on the parade-ground at the Militia Barracks; the Sheriff (Mr. Colman) gave a dinner to the aged poor, at St. Andrew’s Hall, and 14,403 Sunday school children were entertained. At night the city was illuminated, a firework display took place on the Castle Meadow, and the proceedings concluded with the lighting of a huge bonfire opposite the Shirehall. Similar celebrations took place at Yarmouth and Lynn, and festivities were held in all the smaller towns and villages in the county. At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council on the 12th, congratulatory addresses were voted to the Queen and to the Prince and 12.—Died at Brentwood, Mr. Edward Taylor, professor of music at Gresham College, London, aged 79. He was a native of Norwich, and a son of Mr. John Taylor, who occupied a prominent position in the city as a wool and yarn factor, and displayed considerable literary and musical abilities. Mr. Edward Taylor had been many years resident in London, but he constantly attended the Norwich Musical Festivals, in the establishment of which he took a leading part, and was a frequent vocal performer. He was a pleasing composer, and some of his songs met with deserved appreciation. 16.—Professor J. H. Pepper lectured at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, on “Optical Illusions,” and for the first time exhibited in the city the now well-known illusion, “Pepper’s Ghost.” 19.—The Yarmouth Gas Bill, the object of which was to incorporate the Great Yarmouth Gas Company and to make further provision for lighting the town and certain neighbouring places with gas, was considered by a Committee of the House of Lords. The Bill was read a third time in that House on the 24th, and passed. 29.—Died at Wakefield Lodge, Northamptonshire, his Grace the Duke of Grafton. He was the eldest son of George Henry, fourth Duke, by Charlotte Maria Waldegrave, second daughter of James, second Earl Waldegrave and Maria, who afterwards became Duchess of Gloucester. Born on February 10th, 1790, he married, on June 20th, 1812, Mary Caroline, third daughter of Admiral the Hon. Sir George Cranfield Berkeley. He represented Bury St. Edmund’s from 1826 to 1830, and had a seat in the Lower House for Thetford from 1834 to September, 1844. By his death, his eldest son, the Earl of Euston, M.P. for Thetford since 1847, inherited the family honours. 31.—A remarkable charge of abduction was tried at the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Williams. Frederick Burrell (21), a clerk employed at the Royal Arsenal, was indicted “for having, from motives of lucre, fraudulently allured, taken away, and detained Jane Burrell, a person under 21 years of age, she having a present legal interest in certain real estates in Norfolk, out of the possession and against the will of her mother, Mary Ann Hyder, and her guardian, William Silver Hyder, with intent to marry her, on January 20th, 1863.” Henry Richard Burrell, his brother, was indicted for aiding and abetting. The defendants were uncles of the girl, who was the daughter of the eldest son of one Daniel Burrell, who died without a will. As the eldest son died during Daniel Burrell’s lifetime, the daughter became possessed of all his freehold property. The girl left school at Norwich at Christmas, and went to Fakenham, but instead APRIL.5.—Died at Chester Terrace, Regent’s Park, London, Mr. John Taylor, F.R.S. Born at Norwich on August 22nd, 1779, he was trained as a land surveyor and engineer, and in 1798 was invited to take the management of a mine near Tavistock. It proved very profitable. In 1803 he projected and commenced the Tavistock Canal, of which about three miles were tunnelled through a granite hill. The execution of this work led to the discovery of two other mines, which produced large quantities of copper, and yielded considerable profits. The success of these and other mines in the neighbourhood of Tavistock, in Cornwall, and in the North of England, brought Mr. Taylor into great repute as a mining engineer. He was the author of several useful papers on mining, and one of the first to propose the formation of a Mining School; he was, too, one of the earliest Fellows of the Geological Society, and for many years acted as treasurer and vice-president. In 1825 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and was one of the founders of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, of which organization he was treasurer until 1862. An excellent portrait of Mr. Taylor was painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence in 1825, and afterwards engraved by Charles Turner. Another portrait was painted in 1861, by Mr. Sydney Hodges. 6.—Madame Celeste commenced, at Norwich Theatre, a short season, during which she appeared in a round of her favourite characters. 20.—The nomination of candidates to contest the seat rendered vacant by the elevation of the Earl of Euston to the House of Lords took place at Thetford. Lord Frederick John FitzRoy and Mr. Robert John Harvey Harvey were proposed. The poll was opened on the 21st, and resulted as follows: FitzRoy, 93; Harvey, 81. There had been no contest at Thetford for twenty-two years previously. MAY.1.—Died at his residence, Newmarket Road, Norwich, aged 63, Mr. Isaac Wiseman, who served the office of Sheriff in 1830. 9.*—“Challenge: Thomas Jessup, of East Harling, now in his 102nd year, is willing to walk against ‘Father Time’ or any other man of the same age as himself now living in England or elsewhere, a fair toe and heel match, without the aid of stick, crutch, or other auxiliary. The one doing the greatest distance in one day (or in a month, if preferred) to be entitled to the stakes, which can be made for any sum not exceeding £50 a side.” 11.—At Norwich Police Court, Mr. Edward Manning, of London Street, and Mr. William Edwards, of Sprowston, were summoned for assaulting Jonas Dye, of Pockthorpe, in contesting the question of common rights on Mousehold Heath. According to Mr. Simms Reeve, who appeared for the prosecution, the Dean and Chapter of Norwich owned the Heath, and the people of Pockthorpe, whether they had the right or not, claimed common rights. The Dean and Chapter did not dispute those rights, and the people not only used the Heath themselves, but let it to others to graze their cattle, to take turf at so much per hundred, and gravel at so much per load. The revenue formed a common fund, managed by a committee elected each year at a public meeting, at which the clergyman of the parish presided. The defendants contested these rights, and liberated stock which had been impounded. The Town Clerk (Mr. Mendham) objected to the magistrates’ jurisdiction, under 6th and 7th Vic., cap. 30, which provided that no justice of the peace “should hear and determine any case of assault or battery in which any question should arise as to the title of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or the interest accruing therefrom.” The magistrates dismissed the case. 26.—A dreadful accident occurred at Yarmouth. Two negro vocalists, named Charles Marsh and Henry Wharton, attended the Whit-Tuesday sports on the South Denes, when the former proposed that they should ascend the Nelson Monument. The other agreed, and the ascent commenced, Marsh performing “God Save the Queen” upon his violin, and Wharton playing a banjo accompaniment. Arrived at the summit, Marsh, who added to his other accomplishments that of a posturer, scaled the stone fence on the platform, and, seizing the lightning conductor, climbed upon the emblematic figure of Britannia and there remained for ten minutes, singing and waving his hands to the crowd beneath. In descending, he was compelled to stoop head foremost to grasp the handle of Britannia’s trident. From some cause he slipped, fell upon the plinth, and thence rebounded into space, falling with arms outstretched to the base of the column, a depth of 144 feet. His death was instantaneous. 27.—The official celebration of the Queen’s birthday at Norwich was observed as a half-holiday. A review of the military took place on Mousehold Heath, when colours, given by Mr. R. N. Bacon, were presented to the Norwich Battalion of Rifle Volunteers by the Hon. Mrs. F. Walpole. The regimental colour was received by Ensign Steward, and the Union Jack by Ensign Hansell, after which there 28.—Died at Edinburgh, aged 52, Mr. Archibald Dalrymple, F.R.C.S., formerly surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. JUNE.4.—Four specimens of Pallas’s sand grouse—one male and three females—were shot at Waxham, by the Rev. Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Gibbs. On the 8th a fine male specimen was shot on Yarmouth Denes, near the old battery; and on the 9th and 10th a flock of about forty of the birds appeared upon Horsey beach. A pair was killed on Titchwell beach on the 10th, and another pair at about the same date in the adjoining parish of Brancaster. Altogether twenty-six specimens of these rare visitants from the Kirghis steppes of Tartary were procured in the county, and all were found either basking in the sands or feeding in grass fields close to the sea shore. 13.—At the sale of the Rev. John Gilbert’s property, by Messrs. Spelman, at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, a farm of forty acres realised £2,600, and the Church Farm, of forty-nine acres, at Heckingham, was sold for £2,000. 17.—The show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association took place at Yarmouth, and was the most successful of the exhibitions yet held. 22.—The 5th Royal Irish Lancers marched from the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich, for Aldershot, and a few weeks later sailed for India. JULY.1.—A fine barque of 410 tons, named the Egbert, was launched from the shipyard of Messrs. Fellows and Son, Southtown, Great Yarmouth. 2.—The Second Administrative Battalion of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, numbering 22 officers, 30 non-commissioned officers, and 260 rank and file, encamped at Langley Park, the seat of the Colonel-Commandant, Sir Thomas Proctor Beauchamp, Bart. This was the first Volunteer camp formed in the county. “Fifty camp tents, borrowed from the War Office for the occasion, were pitched in rows beyond the parade-ground, and in these the Volunteers encamped for the night, a plentiful supply of straw being provided for them.” The First Administrative Battalion encamped at Gunton Park, from July 22nd to 25th, and the Dereham and Wymondham Companies formed a camp at Letton Park, on September 22nd. 6.—A shocking accident occurred at Burgh Water Frolic. A large wherry, named the Ruby, belonging to Mr. England, of Limpenhoe, had been chartered for the day by a Yarmouth publican, and was crowded with passengers both above and below the hatches. The craft was sailing to the rendezvous, and when between the Dickey-walk and the Cross-stakes, the Red Rover, a famous yacht, was sighted 14.—The Channel Fleet of eight ships of war, under the command of Rear-Admiral Dacres, arrived in Yarmouth Roads. The total number of men on board was 4,800. The Fleet weighed anchor on the 18th, and sailed for the Downs. 15.—The Maharajah Duleep Singh, the new owner of the Elveden estate, arrived at Thetford for the purpose of inspecting the property. The church bells were rung in honour of the illustrious visitor. On November 21st it was announced that the Maharajah made almost daily excursions in pursuit of his favourite sport of hawking, and that a pack of hounds had also arrived at Elveden. 16.—A serious fire occurred at East Dereham, on the premises of Mr. William Hubbard, builder. It resulted in the total destruction of the large workshops, and entailed a loss of about £2,000. An adjacent warehouse was stored with £400 worth of goods belonging to Mr. E. Smith was also destroyed. Furniture and goods were hastily removed from adjoining houses and placed in the Corn Hall; the tenants of Mrs. Dingle’s cottages suffered great loss from their articles being broken or stolen. A public subscription was made to recoup Mr. Hubbard’s workmen the loss of their trade tools, valued at about £130; and on August 10th, at a meeting of the townspeople, a fire brigade was organized. The origin of the fire was never discovered. A groom in the employment of Mr. Hubbard was apprehended upon suspicion, but was discharged for want of evidence. 30.—Died at his residence, Town Close, Norwich, Mr. Samuel Shalders Bears, aged 76. He was for many years prominently connected with Norwich, both as a man of business and as a member of most of the leading institutions, charitable, literary, and political. In 1829, under the old Corporation, he was elected Sheriff, and in 1837, under the new rÉgime, he served the office of Mayor. Mr. Beare was senior magistrate on the Norwich Bench, and was upon the commission of the peace for the county of Suffolk. AUGUST.3.—A dreadful railway accident took place upon the newly-opened line between Lynn and Hunstanton, by which five persons were killed and between twenty and thirty seriously injured. The accident was caused by the over-running of a bullock which had strayed upon the line. At the inquest, on August 13th, the jury returned a verdict of accidental death, and called attention to the insufficiency of the fences provided by the Great Eastern Railway Company. The amount paid by the company in claims and compensation exceeded, it was stated, the sum of £10,000. 19.—Three troops of the 18th Hussars, with headquarters, marched into Norwich, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Knox, formerly Major in the 15th Hussars. —A great archery fÊte was held at Crown Point, Norwich. The societies represented were the Norfolk and Norwich Archery Club, the East Norfolk, West Norfolk, East Suffolk, West Suffolk, Westwick, Long Melford, Waveney Borderers, Waveney Valley, Yarmouth, and Copdock Archers. 31.—Died at his residence, the South Quay, Great Yarmouth, Mr. Samuel Charles Marsh, aged 53. He occupied for many years a conspicuous public position in the borough, and twice served the office of Mayor—in 1844 and 1852. SEPTEMBER.10.—Died at Raynham Hall, his Norfolk seat, Rear-Admiral the Marquis Townshend. His lordship was riding in the park on the 9th, when he was seized with a paralytic stroke. John Townshend was son of Lord John Townshend, second son of George, first Marquis Townshend. He was born March 28th, 1798, and succeeded to the family honours on the death of his cousin, George Ferrars, third Marquis, in December, 1855. He married, August 18th, 1825, Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Rear-Admiral Lord George Stuart, who survived him, and left issue an only son, John Villiers Stuart, Viscount Rainham, M.P., and three daughters. He entered the Navy as midshipman in 1814, but his services, owing to the peace of 1815, were not distinguished. Before his accession to the House of Lords he was elected member for Tamworth. In politics he was a pronounced Liberal, “being in advance of the political party to which he professed to belong, for he had voted in favour of the ballot, and was also for the admission of Jews into Parliament and the removal of all religious disabilities.” 14.—The Earl of Leicester, as Lord Lieutenant of the county, reviewed the Volunteers of Norfolk and Norwich, on Mousehold Heath. Upwards of 2,000 were on parade, and were inspected by Col. McMurdo, Inspector-General of the Volunteer Forces. The troops were afterwards entertained at dinner at the Corn Hall. The Mayor (Mr. Patteson) presided, supported by the Lord Lieutenant and many distinguished guests. —The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced with an evening performance of “Judas MaccabÆus.” On the evenings of the 15th, 16th, and 17th, miscellaneous concerts were given. “Joash” (E. Silas), conducted by the composer, was produced on the morning of the 16th, followed by “Scene at the Gates of Nain,” from “Emmanuel,” and a portion of the “Stabat Mater”; “Elijah” on the morning of the 17th, and “The Messiah” on the morning of the 18th. The principal performers were Mdlle. 21.—James Naylor, of Elsing, aged 51, murdered his wife, Charlotte Naylor, aged 81. “From the time he was committed to Norwich Castle to take his trial at the Assizes, he endeavoured to lead people to imagine that he was not of sound mind.” He died in prison on November 23rd, from cancer in the stomach. 30.—At a dinner held at St. Nicholas’ Hall, East Dereham, Capt. Bulwer, the commanding-officer of the 15th Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, was presented with an album containing photographs of every member of the company, “in recognition of his valuable services in promoting the success and efficiency of the corps.” A presentation was also made to Mrs. Bulwer. OCTOBER.2.—Died in London, Sir William Bellairs, of Mulbarton Lodge, in his 70th year. From 1811 to 1819 he served in the 15th Hussars, and went through the campaigns of 1813 and 1814. He was present at Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Orthes, Tarbes, Toulouse, and other engagements, and also served in the campaign of 1815, had a horse killed under him in the retreat from Quatre Bras, and received two wounds at the battle of Waterloo. In 1837 he was appointed exon of the Yeomen of the Guard, which he held up to 1849. He married, in 1822, Miss Hooke, daughter and heiress of Mr. Edmund Hooke, of Mulbarton Lodge. 10.—Died at his residence, St. Catherine’s Cottage, Norwich, in his 62nd year, Mr. William Matchett, senior proprietor of the Norfolk Chronicle. He was the second son of Mr. Jonathan Matchett, a former proprietor of the journal. Educated at Norwich Grammar School, under the Rev. Dr. Valpy, he became a partner in the establishment in 1827, from which time until his death he took an active share in its management. “In former days, before the science of shorthand writing had become a business in itself, Mr. Matchett, like his school-fellow and contemporary, Mr. R. N. Bacon, performed for this newspaper all those duties which the exigencies of the present age require should be distributed amongst a ‘staff of reporters,’ and as the representative of the Chronicle attended most of the principal meetings in the city and county, the proceedings at which were ably condensed for the public eye by the aid of his brief notes and singularly retentive memory. Under the old Corporation, and for a short period under the new rÉgime, Mr. Matchett was connected with the Norwich Town Council for upwards of eight years, and at all times took a warm interest in the welfare and improvement of his native city. 27.—Elihu Burritt, “the Learned Blacksmith,” delivered a lecture to the Norwich Young Men’s Christian Association, on “The Higher Law and Mission of Commerce.” NOVEMBER.7.*—“The gales that have visited the coast during the last week have been terrific. For days there has been an enormous fleet of southward bound colliers in Yarmouth Roads. With other vessels, the coast, extending from Caister to Corton, a distance of several miles, has been crowded with shipping, and several shipwrecked crews have been landed at the Sailors’ Home.” 9.—Died at Norwich, in his 76th year, Mr. William Stark, F.G.S. He was well-known in his day as an able chemist, and was one of the first dyers of fabrics of Norwich manufacture, “particularly of the colour called Turkey red, the manufacturers in the North sending large quantities of goods for dyeing.” He devoted much of his time to the prosecution of scientific studies, and was a Fellow of the Geological Society. In the days when Dr. Rigby, William Taylor, Dalrymple, Crosse, C. Austrin, Dr. Evans, &c., belonged to the Norwich Philosophical Society, Mr. Stark contributed many papers at its meetings, in which he bore a distinguished part. For many years he had been afflicted by partial loss of sight, and a few months before his death became totally blind. 9.—Mr. Osborn Springfield was elected Mayor, and Mr. Frederick Brown appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 14.—A meeting for the promotion of the East Norfolk Railway was held at the Swan Hotel, St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, under the presidency of Lord Suffield. A resolution emphasising the importance of the scheme was adopted, and the following motion was also unanimously passed: “That the offer of the Great Eastern Railway Company to render substantial help in the formation of lines of railway to North Walsham, Aylsham, and Cromer, and to work the same when made at 50 per cent. upon the gross receipts, should be cordially accepted by the district, as conferring the means of accomplishing public works of the greatest benefit, and which otherwise must have been indefinitely postponed.” (See May 5th, 1864.) 16.—Mr. James Caird, M.P., Mr. G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P., and Professor T. H. Huxley, the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the condition of the sea fisheries of the United Kingdom, attended at the Sailors’ Home, Yarmouth, for the purpose of hearing evidence. The objects of the inquiry were to ascertain (1) whether the supply of fish from the fisheries of the United Kingdom had increased of late years, remained stationary, or diminished; (2) whether any of the methods of catching fish involved the wasteful diminution of fish spawn, and whether legislative interference was required to increase the supply; and (3) whether any existing legislative enactments 22.—The death occurred at Yarmouth, in his 43rd year, of Hales, the Norfolk Giant. He was born at West Somerton, and for some years was engaged in seafaring pursuits, until his enormous height, 7 ft. 6 inches, gained for him such notoriety that he was induced to abandon the sea and exhibit himself. During his nomadic career he visited almost every town in the kingdom, and scarcely a fair was considered complete without the huge yellow caravan which formed his temporary abode. Becoming tired of his wandering life. Hales took up his abode in London, and whilst there had the honour of appearing before the Court and of receiving from the Queen a handsome gold watch and chain. Shortly after his appearance at Court, the fame of the Norfolk Giant reached Barnum, who lost no time in engaging his services. Hales remained with Barnum for some years, in the course of which he visited most of the cities and towns in America. On his return to England he resumed his wanderings, and, in the course of the summer of 1862 came to Yarmouth, where his presence on the Britannia Pier attracted large numbers of visitors. Hales’s parents were conspicuous for their great height, his father being 6 ft 6 ins., and his mother 6 ft. He had five sisters, who averaged 6 ft 6 ins. One of them, Mary, was 7 ft. 2 ins. in height, and for some years travelled with her brother. She died in Guernsey. His four brothers averaged 6 ft 5 inches. A few days before his death, Hales was walking about Norwich, where he attracted great crowds by his immense size. 23.—Died at the Rectory, Long Stratton, Mr. George Birch Jerrard, son of Major-General Jerrard. Born at Bodmin, on November 24th, 1804, he acquired considerable fame as a mathematician, and was the author of “Mathematical Researches” and of “An Essay on the Resolution of Equations.” In his first-named work, “he made a great step in Algebra, and one acknowledged by all mathematicians, namely, the taking away of three terms from equations of any degree. In his latter work he maintains he has solved the great problem of Algebra, namely, the resolution of all equations.” At the time of his death he was engaged in writing a work on “Prophecy,” a subject in which he was greatly interested. 26.—Brother Ignatius, “a clergyman of the English Church, who has the temerity to come before a public audience attired as a Benedictine monk, with bare head and bare feet, carrying a rosary and crucifix, which in this country are regarded as symbolic only of the Romish Church, and calling himself by a name not accorded to him by his godfathers and godmother,” lectured at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, on “Monks and Monasteries for the English Church.” (See February 13th, 1864.) DECEMBER.2.—A gale of unusual violence began in the night, and prevailed during the whole of the 3rd. There was hardly a street in Norwich in which the roofs of houses escaped damage. Many vessels were lost off the Norfolk coast. One hundred and forty-four men and boys were drowned, and 68 widows and 105 children were left destitute. A 9.—A meeting of weavers was held at Norwich, to consider the rates of payment for work. It was stated that in 1846 a list of prices was agreed to by the manufacturers and operatives for all fabrics then made. These prices had, with few exceptions, been maintained in Norwich, but a great deal of work was sent into the country, where it was done at the reduced rate of 5½d. per dozen skeins, or considerably more than 50 per cent. difference. The weavers resolved that any departure from the list of prices would be alike injurious to employers and employed, and a deputation was appointed to wait upon the manufacturers to enforce this view. —Mr. David Fisher gave, at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, his entertainment, entitled, “Facts and Fancies,” with which he had achieved great success during the London season. Mr. Fisher was known in Norwich not only as an excellent actor and accomplished musician, but as a vocalist of much taste. 21.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Baron Martin, James Margatroyed Hubbard (24), described as a general dealer, and son of a Norwich brewer, was indicted for forging a bill of exchange for £45, and sentenced to 20 years’ penal servitude. 25.—The weather was very mild. A picotee bloom and rose were gathered in a garden at Norwich. 26.—Mr. H. J. Byron was the author of the pantomime produced at Norwich Theatre. It was entitled, “Ali Baba, or the Thirty-nine Thieves.” —A revolting performance was given at one of the shows at the Norwich Christmas Fair. “A man and woman, said to be Kaffirs, actually fed upon live rats, in the presence of continually succeeding audiences.” The details, as published in the newspaper, are too horrible to be quoted. The Mayor, on being informed of the proceedings, prohibited the exhibition, after which raw flesh was substituted for live rats. At Walsingham, a few days afterwards, the show was visited by many hundreds of country folk; at Wells the police expelled the performers from the town. 1864.JANUARY.6.—The mild weather of Christmas week was succeeded by frost of great intensity. On this day the thermometer stood at 14 degrees, and the river above the New Mills at Norwich was frozen. Large numbers of golden plover made their appearance in the neighbourhood of Thetford, and an extraordinary quantity of wild fowl came within the bounds of Shadwell, where Sir Robert Buxton prohibited their being shot or molested. 19.—Died at Norwich, Mr. George Fisher, a member of the talented and well-known local family of that name, and of the Norfolk and Suffolk Company of Comedians. On retiring from the stage, he conducted a school at Swaffham, and subsequently resided at Lynn, where he was for many years known as an enthusiastic votary of the violin, and a useful member of the band of the Musical Union. He was author of a curious and voluminous work, entitled, “A Companion and Key to the History of England,” printed by Skill, of Swaffham, and published in 1832. 20.—Died at Hove, Brighton, Captain J. J. B. E. Frere, R.N. He entered the Navy in 1826, and had been for nearly twenty-five years engaged on active service—against the pirates in the Mediterranean, in the operations on the coast of Syria, in the Pacific with Lord George Paulet, and as commissioner for the Government of the Sandwich Islands, while held temporarily under the British flag. 21.—The hearing of the action, Cox v. Wise, arising out of the inundation in Marshland, was resumed in the Court of Queen’s Bench, and, after three days’ argument for the rule in support of the verdict, and against the rule to set it aside, the case was closed. Their lordships reserved judgment until May 24th, when Mr. Justice Mellor held that the Middle Level Commissioners were trustees for public purposes, acting without reward and deriving no tolls from the works; they had not the means of raising funds except for the specific performance of the objects of their private Act. He was of opinion that they were not liable for damages, and that the rule must be made absolute. Mr. Justice Blackburn was of the contrary opinion; he thought the plaintiff had a right to his verdict, and that the rule should be discharged. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn thought the defendants were not liable, and said that the rule must be made absolute. Rule absolute accordingly. (See June 9th, 1865.) FEBRUARY.8.—Died, aged 91, Mr. John Bennett, for many years resident in Norwich. “The deceased wore a pigtail to the day of his death and was the last of the old school in the city.” 13.—It was announced that an attempt was being made to form a religious order or brotherhood in Norwich, and that a house on Elm Hill, formerly occupied by Mr. Elisha De Hague, had been purchased for conversion into a monastery. Shortly afterwards a party of five brethren, headed by “the notorious Brother Ignatius,” took up their quarters in the newly-acquired premises, and, it was asserted, had the countenance, if not the active support, of advanced High Churchmen in the city, under whose auspices at this date lectures were delivered “in defence of Church principles,” one of the lecturers being the Rev. 22.—Died at Sidcup, Kent, in his 96th year, Mr. Edward Smyth, formerly agent in Norwich of the Bank of England. His early career was spent in the Army. He served at the fall of Seringapatam, in 1799, with the 25th Light Dragoons, who, at Mullavelly, routed the cavalry of Tippoo Sahib, thereby enabling Lord Harris to bring to a successful termination his siege operations against that important fortress. Mr. Smith afterwards served with the Duke of Wellington in that Indian campaign which ended with the famous battles of Assaye and Urgam. MARCH.8.—The agitation for the repeal of the Malt Tax was re-opened with increased vigour at a large meeting of West Norfolk farmers, held at the Town Hall, Lynn, under the presidency of the High Sheriff (Mr. H. Lee Warner). A resolution was passed affirming that the tax was unjust in principle, utterly opposed to the Free Trade policy adopted on the repeal of the Corn Laws, and most injurious to British farmers as producers of barley. Members of Parliament were urged to support its repeal. 9.—Sir Henry Stracey announced to the electors of Yarmouth his intention of retiring from the representation of the borough. 10.—The Mayor of Yarmouth (Mr. R. Steward), who, for the fourth time, had held that office, was presented with a piece of plate, valued at 200 gs., in appreciation of his public services and his private worth. APRIL.5.—The church of St. John Maddermarket, Norwich, was re-opened 9.*—“Col. Black, Chief Constable of the county, has accepted the command of the Norwich Battalion of Volunteers, as offered him by the Lord Lieutenant, on the retirement of Lieut.-Col. Brett.” 22.—Died at his residence, Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, Mr. David Hodgson, artist. He was the son of Mr. Charles Hodgson. “The names of both father and son are connected with the list of local celebrities in Art, in which may be included the names of Crome, Vincent, Stark, and Joseph Stannard.” David Hodgson excelled in architectural subjects, which he painted with great care and truthfulness of detail. 26.—The marriage of Viscount Powerscourt and Lady Julia Coke, eldest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Leicester, was solemnised at St. George’s church, Hanover Square. 27.—The first meeting of the Norwich Geological Society was held under the presidency of the Rev. J. Gunn, F.G.S. MAY.5.—The Bill for the projected East Norfolk Railway was considered before a Committee of the House of Commons. It was strongly opposed by the Yarmouth Haven and Pier Commissioners, and by the North Walsham and Dilham Canal Commissioners, as offering unfair competition with water communication in that part of the county. (See October 18th, 1865.) 16.—Mr. Edmund Rosenthal’s grand English opera and burlesque company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The artistes included Madame Haigh-Dyer, Miss Ada Taylor, Miss Hodgson, Miss Brooke, Miss Alessandri, Miss Bronti, Miss Mills, Miss Shepherd, Miss Tempest, and Miss Marian Taylor; Mr. W. Parkinson, Mr. J. Manley, Mr. Tempest, Mr. Warden, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Melville, Mr. R. Arthur, Mr. Smith, Mr. Arnott, Mr. Morgan, and Mr. Edmund Rosenthal. The operas produced were “Maritana,” “Lucia di Lammermoor,” &c., and the burlesque “Prince Amabel.” 19.—The Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, was sold by Messrs. Spelman, at the Auction Mart, London, for the sum of £4,000. 24.—The Queen’s birthday was observed at Norwich as a general holiday. The 18th Hussars, the Norfolk Light Horse, the Artillery and Rifle Volunteers, and the Cadet Corps were reviewed in Chapel Field; the officers were entertained at luncheon at the Guildhall, and the Volunteers at the Corn Hall; and at night the Mayor and Miss Springfield gave a ball at St. Andrew’s Hall. 30.—Died at his seat, Raveningham Hall, Sir Edmund Bacon, premier baronet of England. Born in 1779, he was the eldest son of the eighth baronet, by Anne, eldest daughter of Sir William Beauchamp Proctor, Bart., of Langley Park. He was educated at Rugby, and succeeded to the baronetcy in 1820. In 1801 he married his cousin, Mary Anne Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Dashwood Bacon, of Ottery St. JUNE.2.—Died at his residence, Tombland, Norwich, Mr. Roger Kerrison, aged 61. He had for some time been in ill-health, and five weeks before his death, while superintending the cutting down of some timber, sustained a fall and received a severe shock. Mr. Kerrison was, in many respects, a remarkable personage. He was the son of Mr. Allday Kerrison, and was educated for the law, a profession he continued to practise until his decease, although a large accession of fortune on the death of his uncle, Mr. Matthew Kerrison, of Ranworth, twenty years previously, had placed him in independent circumstances. Mr. Kerrison held several important public appointments, but he was more widely known by reason of his connection with the Norwich Triennial Musical Festival, of which he was for some years the active honorary secretary. In politics he was Conservative, but by no means a prejudiced partisan, and he never scrupled to act independently when he deemed it right to do so. He was a bachelor, and the bulk of his fortune went to his brother, Mr. Allday Kerrison, a partner in the Crown Bank, Norwich. 3.—Died, in his 78th year, Mr. William Johnson Fox, for many years member of Parliament for Oldham, and popularly known as “the Norwich Weaver Boy.” 7.—The 18th Hussars left Norwich for Shorncliffe, prior to their embarkation for India. This was the first regiment which departed from the city by train. 8.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held at Lynn, and was visited by upwards of 14,000 persons. Mr. R. J. H. Harvey was president for the year. 18.—Died, near Christchurch, New Zealand, aged 59, the Ven. Octavius Mathias, Archdeacon of Akaron and formerly vicar of Horsford. He was one of the first to take an interest in the foundation of Canterbury Cathedral, New Zealand, and was elected one of the capitular clergy. JULY.5.—A barque, named the Oriental, was launched from Mr. J. W. Rust’s shipyard at Yarmouth. The vessel, which was intended for the China trade, was 115 feet long, 24 feet beam, 15 ft. 8 inches in depth, and 320 tons burthen. 9.*—“An agreement has been entered into for the purchase, by the Provincial Banking Corporation, of the business of the East of England Bank, an unlimited joint stock bank established in 1836, with head office at Norwich and branches at Yarmouth, Lynn, North Walsham, Fakenham, East Dereham, Swaffham, Bungay, Halesworth, and Harleston, and agencies at Wymondham, Wells, and Hingham.” The city 23.—Died at the Palace Hotel, Buckingham Gate, London, Admiral Bertie Cornelius Cator, younger brother of Mr. John Cator, of Beckenham, Kent, and of Woodbastwick. He entered the Navy in 1800, under his uncle, Captain Albemarle Bertie, and was actively employed early in his professional career in the capture of privateers in the Mediterranean. In 1810 he assisted at the taking of the Isle of France; commanded the ActÆon on the coast of America in the attack on the enemy’s barracks in Lynn Haven Bay in 1813, and participated in various other services. After gaining post rank, he was not employed afloat. He accepted retirement in 1846. 29.—Merton Park was the scene of great rejoicing, on the coming of age of the Hon. Thomas de Grey. Seven hundred cottagers and labourers were entertained at dinner, and Lord and Lady Walsingham received a large number of personal friends in a pavilion erected near the famous Merton oak. At luncheon Lord Ashburton proposed the health of Mr. de Grey, which was drunk with great enthusiasm. The day’s festivities concluded with a display of fireworks. On the 30th Lord and Lady Walsingham gave a ball to 150 tenants on the Merton estate, and on the 31st the celebration ended with a servants’ ball. AUGUST.26.—Two troops of the 16th Lancers arrived at Norwich Barracks. 28.—St. George’s Brewery, Norwich, and 40 public-houses were offered for sale by Messrs. Spelman. Messrs. Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs were the purchasers, at the sum of £15,300. 11.—Died at Norwich, aged 81, Henry Drane, for thirty-six years proprietor of the Telegraph coach. 19.—A prize-fight for £5 took place near Lynn, between Pooley Mace and Grey. Mace was declared the victor, after a contest which lasted 35 minutes. OCTOBER.4.—The Yarmouth Town Council, by a majority of 25 to 11, adopted the Public House Closing Act, 1864. 8.—The first sod of the West Norfolk Junction Railway was turned by Miss Ellen Simpson, daughter of Mr. Lightly Simpson, the chairman of the company. Many persons travelled to Heacham to take part in the proceedings. (See January 8th, 1866.) 11.—Died, Captain Becher, “the well-known sportsman and father of steeplechase riders, whose deeds in the pigskin some 30 years back have immortalised him in the annals of that sport.” Captain Becher was born in Norfolk, and was the son of a farmer, “who was very conspicuous as a horseman and the last of the leather breeches school.” 16.—A new screw steamer, the Ontario, 3,200 tons, Captain Brooklin, upon her first voyage, from Shields to Alexandria, laden with coals and iron, struck upon Happisburgh Sand. Three steam tugs and the Caister lifeboat proceeded to her assistance, and her cargo was thrown overboard, but every effort made to get her off proved unavailing. On the 17th the weather became very threatening, and the lifeboat took off 56 coal heavers, but the captain and officers and 86 of the crew determined to remain with the vessel. During the night the storm increased, and the crew, apparently in great distress, sent up rockets and burned blue lights. The Yarmouth lifeboatmen were implored by the ship’s agent, Mr. Butler, to go to the ship, but in vain. They refused to launch the lifeboat unless they were paid from £400 to £500, saying that the steam tugs had begun the work and had better finish it. The Caister lifeboat stood by the vessel, which, by the 20th, had so settled down that it was hopeless to attempt to get her off. On this day 68 of the crew left in a lifeboat belonging to the steamer, but the captain and officers declined to desert her. They were, however, compelled to leave on the 22nd, when she became a total wreck, and was offered for sale. The original value of the Ontario was £120,000. 21.—The church of St. Nicholas, Yarmouth, was opened after restoration, at the cost of about £6,000. The sermon was preached by the Bishop of Oxford, and at the luncheon held subsequently, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. R. Steward), the company included the Bishops of Norwich and Oxford, the Bishop of British Columbia, Lord Sondes (High Steward of the borough), and many other distinguished guests. NOVEMBER.9.—Mr. Charles Edward Tuck was elected Mayor, and Mr. Charles Jecks appointed Sheriff of Norwich. —The Lynn Town Council resolved to put an end to the absurd and obnoxious impost known as “the Lady Mayoresses’ Pin Money.” “For many years the custom has prevailed in the town of the constables (who perform no other duties) going round to all the inhabitants in October and November and collecting from all who were foolish enough to pay it a kind of blackmail, under the ridiculous title of the Lady Mayoresses’ Pin Money, pretending that it was legally payable under the charters, and that those who did not pay would be summoned before the magistrates or the County Court. It appears that the custom has grown out of the collection of fines for non-attendance at the Court Leet held annually by the Mayor as Lord of the Manor; but for many generations past no such attendance has been either any use or capable of enforcement. The fines have also completely lapsed, and those who collect the ‘pin money’ are completely ignorant of its origin. The pretence has been that the money was to buy a piece of plate for the Mayoress, but in reality the greater part of it has been appropriated by the collectors themselves, and of the many pounds obtained not more than some fifty shillings annually found its way into the borough fund.” 12.*—“There appears to be some probability that the absurd 14.—The newly-erected chancel of St. Mark’s church, Lakenham, Norwich, built at the cost of about £1,000, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. 24.—A severe gale occurred off the Norfolk coast. Many shipping casualties were reported. The screw steamer William Hutt, 530 tons, employed as a transport during the Crimean War, was lost off Yarmouth with her crew of sixteen hands, whilst on a voyage from Sunderland to London, with coals. DECEMBER.17.*—“Mr. Thomas W. Rutland, carpenter, West Wymer Street, Norwich, has invented a very ingenious means of communication between the passengers and guard in a railway train. It has the additional advantage of acting also as an extra break when required. By its use a passenger can at once communicate with both guard and driver, and at the same time a signal is exhibited which shows from what carriage the alarm is given.” 20.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a communication was received from the Dean and Chapter as to the giving up of their interest in Mousehold Heath, with the view of enabling the Council to convert the Heath into a people’s park. 26.—The Christmas “burlesque and comic pantomime” produced at Norwich Theatre was written by F. C. Burnand, and entitled, “Snowdrop, King Bonbon, and the Seven Elves, or the Magic Mirror and the Fatal Sewing Machine.” At Sanger’s Circus, on the Castle Meadow, was produced “the equestrian pantomime,” entitled, “Jack the Giant Killer, or Harlequin and the Fairies of the Crystal Fountain.” A great novelty at the Christmas Fair was “the striking feature of a roundabout worked by a steam engine, which at the same time turns a barrel organ.” 30.—Died at Dunston, John Fish, aged 100 years and 10 months. JANUARY.2.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Holkham Park, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Leicester. On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th his Royal Highness shot over the estate, and on the latter date 2,000 head of game was killed. On the night of the 5th a distinguished company were invited to a ball, given by the Earl and Countess; and on the morning of the 6th the Prince and his noble host engaged in wildfowl shooting. Their Royal Highnesses returned to Sandringham the same afternoon. 7.*—“Amongst the recent improvements in Norwich there are none to bear comparison with the magnificent bank of Messrs. Harveys and Hudson, which is now approaching completion by Messrs. Lucas, nor will there be one which has been erected at so small a comparative cost. The contract for the new bank, of which Mr. P. Hardwicke is the architect, does not exceed £13,000.” The bank was opened for business on January 1st, 1866. 13.—The Prince of Wales visited Lord Walsingham, at Merton Hall, and attended a meet of the West Norfolk Hunt. On the 14th, after a day’s cover shooting, has Royal Highness returned to Sandringham, accompanied by the Hon. T. de Grey. 31.—The agitation against the Malt Tax was re-opened this year at Lynn, when a great meeting, convened by the West Norfolk Anti-Malt Tax Association, was held at the Town Hall, under the presidency of the High Sheriff (Mr. H. Lee Warner). On February 4th, at a preliminary meeting held at the Swan Hotel, Norwich, presided over by Mr. Clare Sewell Read, the farmers of East Norfolk formed a similar association, and at a public meeting which took place on February 18th, Sir Henry Stracey was elected president, Mr. Robert Gillett treasurer, and Mr. G. H. Murrell secretary. Many petitions were signed in the district in favour of the repeal of the tax. FEBRUARY.3.—A meeting of the inhabitants was held at the Corn Hall, Yarmouth, “to take into consideration the provisions of the Haven and Port Bill, and to determine whether the scheme should be supported or opposed in Parliament.” This Bill was intended to supersede the functions of the Haven Commissioners and to protect the shipowners and fishermen, but great opposition was raised against it by the class in whose interests it was avowedly framed. The Norwich Town Council, at a meeting on March 21st, decided to oppose the measure. A Committee of the House of Commons, by whom the Bill was considered, on March 30th unanimously resolved that, “in the absence of unanimity of feeling among the parties affected, including the town of Yarmouth itself, it is not expedient to pass the preamble of the Bill.” It was, therefore, thrown out. (See April 30th, 1866.) 6.—The respective merits of the new iron ploughs introduced by Messrs. Ransomes and Sims, of Ipswich, and of the common Norfolk plough, were tested on Messrs. Salter’s farm at Attleborough. “In their lightness and symmetry the former presented a strong contrast. The Norfolk plough drew nearly half as heavy again as the iron ploughs, or in the proportion of 3 to 2 in the shallow work, and in the deep work one quarter heavier, or in the proportion of 4 to 5.” 10.—A remarkable incident occurred at Lakenham church. A wedding had been arranged, and the Rev. C. Baldwin, of St. Stephen’s, Norwich, had promised, with the approbation of the vicar, the Rev. A. Pownall, to officiate. When the wedding party arrived at Lakenham, they found the church closed. An entrance was effected, but the vestry was locked, and neither surplice nor books were provided for the clergyman. “It was suggested that a sheet should be borrowed, and the Rev. Mr. Baldwin, habited in this novel vestment, proceeded to unite the parties in the bonds of matrimony, and after having sent to the clergyman’s house for the parish registers, the happy couple were at length enabled to proceed on their wedding trip. Mr. Pownall, who was himself the cause of the whole difficulty, having forgotten to inform the clerk of the forthcoming ceremony, issued the following extraordinary handbill:—‘Lakenham church. A solemn service will be held on Friday, the 24th inst., to avert the wrath of Almighty God and to deprecate His righteous judgments in consequence of the profanation of His sanctuary on Monday last . . . Ezekiel v., 11.’” The incident gave rise to much comment. 15.—A great fire occurred at Frazer’s sawmills, near St. Martin-at-Palace church, Norwich, and resulted in the loss of about £4,000 worth of property. 18.—Died at North Walsham, Mary Doughty, aged 101 years. 28.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, was tried a remarkable action for assault, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution. The plaintiff, Mr. Albert Pell (son of Sir Albert Pell, of Northamptonshire), with his brother, while on a visit to Yarmouth, crossed the fields of the defendant, Mr. Mayes Wigg, at Caister. They had with them a Skye terrier, and defendant, alleging that they were poaching, gave them into the custody of a policeman, who, after detaining them at his cottage, took them before a magistrate at Thrigby. The charge was dismissed, whereupon the present action was commenced. The jury found for the plaintiff on the first count, charging assault and false imprisonment, and awarded damages £5; and for defendant on the second count, charging malicious prosecution. APRIL.4.—Died at Yarmouth, Mr. George Danby Palmer, aged 77. In early life Mr. Palmer was an active supporter of the Tory party, but previous to the passing of the Reform Bill he adopted Liberal principles, and after the introduction of the Municipal Reform Act became decidedly Radical. He was the oldest member of the borough Bench, 17.—The English Grand Opera Company, under the management of Mr. G. B. Loveday, commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. Madame Haigh-Dyer, Miss Annie Kemp, Miss Ada Taylor, Mr. Brookhouse Bowler, Mr. Grantham, Mr. E. Connell, Mr. Oliver Summers, and Mr. Henry Rowland were the principal artistes, and the works produced included “Faust,” “Dinorah,” “The Crown Diamonds,” “Lucrezia Borgia,” “The Lady of Lyons” (burlesque), “Satanella,” and “Norma.” MAY.17.—The Snettisham Hall estate of 2,600 acres and a rental of £3,600 was offered for sale at Garraway’s. The highest bid was £99,000, and the reserve was declared at £130,000. 20.—In the Court of Queen’s Bench, the action, le Strange v. Rowe, which raised an important question as to sea-shore rights, came on for hearing. The defendant was proceeded against for taking shingle, sand, and shell-fish from the sea shore in the manor of Snettisham, belonging to the plaintiff. About twenty special pleas were set up by the defendant and demurred to in point of law, on the broad ground that there could not be in law any such rights as alleged, “either in all the subjects of the realm or by Royal grant or by custom or by prescription in inhabitants or occupiers.” The Court deferred judgment, and ultimately referred the case to the Norfolk Assizes for decision as to questions of fact. At Norwich, on August 4th, the case was adjourned to enable the plaintiff to amend the declarations. The case came before Lord Chief Justice Erle at the Norfolk Assizes on August 13th, 1866, when the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages one shilling. In the Court of Queen’s Bench, on May 28th, 1867, application was made for a new trial, on the ground of misdirection and that the verdict was given for the plaintiff against the weight of evidence. The application was refused. 23.—An earthquake shock was distinctly felt along the coast from Scratby, on the north of Yarmouth, to Lowestoft, on the south. 24.—The Queen’s birthday was observed as a general holiday at Norwich. A detachment of the 16th Lancers and the Volunteers were reviewed in Chapel Field, and fired a feu de joie in the Market Place; the Mayor gave a luncheon at the Guildhall, and the Volunteers were entertained at the Corn Hall. The Mayor’s ball took place in the evening, at St. Andrew’s Hall. 27.—Considerable opposition was manifested, not only by the villagers, but by the citizens of Norwich, to an attempt made by Capt. Bellairs to enclose Mulbarton Common. A meeting was held in the village, at which a strong protest was made against the proposal, and it was asserted that if ever the ancestors of Capt. Bellairs had possessed the power to effect the enclosure, they had allowed their rights to lapse. 2.—The detachment of the 16th Lancers, en route to India, marched from the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich, accompanied to the city boundary by the officers and band of the Norfolk Light Horse Volunteers. 7.—Mr. A. Dennison, brother of the Speaker of the House of Commons, visited Norwich, for the purpose of hearing the bells of St. Peter Mancroft. “He rang the tenor in good style, and was highly delighted with the quality of tone of this far-famed peal of twelve.” 9.—In the Court of the Queen’s Bench, application was made in the action, the Queen v. the Middle Level Commissioners, for a rule calling upon them to show cause why a mandamus should not issue commanding them to make and maintain a bridge with a commodious road or hailing path in the place formerly occupied by their sluice which was destroyed in the great inundation in 1862. A rule was granted. (See January 7th, 1867.) 13.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a report was received from Mr. Bazalgette, C.E., who had visited Norwich with the view of determining what steps could be taken for the immediate purification of the river Wensum in the vicinity of the city. He stated that it would be impossible to render the river pure so long as it continued to be a receptacle for the town refuse; and he had examined the city and suburbs to ascertain how to improve the drainage and to dispose of the sewage. The time would come, he added, when a drainage scheme would be urgently necessary, and very costly. The Council authorised the Sanitary and River Committees to expend a sum not exceeding £50 in obtaining levels and plans and other information required by Mr. Bazalgette, “to assist him in the preparation of his scheme for diverting the drainage from the river.” On October 17th Mr. Bazalgette’s scheme was laid before the Council. It provided for two intercepting sewers, one for the higher and the other for the lower parts of the city, both forming a junction on the opposite side of the river near Trowse Station, whence the sewage would be conveyed to a point on Mr. Harvey’s estate at Crown Point, to the east of the old Whitlingham Road. The plan also comprised the completion of the drainage of the western part of the city, then unconnected with the main sewers. For the first part of the scheme £50,000 was required, and for the latter £30,000. On October 31st the Council adopted a recommendation of the Sanitary and River Committees, that it was desirable to try more fully the possibility of cleansing the river by flushing and sluicing or otherwise before proceeding to carry out Mr. Bazalgette’s report; that the City Engineer be instructed accordingly; and that immediate steps be taken to improve the drainage on the south side of the city, at a cost not exceeding £10,000. (See April 21st, 1866.) 15.—The first two-days’ show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced in Chapel Field, Norwich. The society’s dinner was held at the Royal Hotel, and was presided over by the Marquis Townshend. 17.—Died at Elm Lodge, near Hampton, Lord Charles FitzRoy, second son of the fourth Duke of Grafton. His lordship was born on February 28th, 1791, and married, in 1825, Anne, eldest daughter of JULY.1.—The 5.30 p.m. express from London to Norwich had a narrow escape. On reaching a portion of the line near Harford Bridges, the engine, on running down the incline, left the metals, and, tearing up the permanent way for some distance, stopped on the wooden bridge which crosses the Yare a little below Old Lakenham. “One of the carriages was overturned, and the occupants, among whom was Lord Stafford, had to make their escape by climbing through the windows which were then uppermost.” None of the passengers were seriously hurt. 7.—At a Liberal meeting held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, certain accusations founded upon letters received from Mr. John Bright, M.P., were made against Mr. Robert Edmond Chester Waters, one of the Conservative candidates for the representation of the city. The principal charges were that Mr. Waters (previously a Liberal) had been compelled to resign his membership of the Reform Club for cheating at cards, and that while he came before the Norwich electors as a Protestant Churchman, in Rome he professed to be a Roman Catholic. Mr. Waters declared these statements to be scandalous and false; and on the 8th announced that he had authorised legal proceedings to be taken against Sir William Foster and the Rev. George Gould for making imputations on his personal character. On the 10th a deputation, consisting of Messrs. H. S. Patteson, Edward Field, D. Dalrymple, and J. H. Tillett, proceeded to London to investigate at the Reform Club the truth of the allegations, and in the course of the day the following telegram was received simultaneously by Sir Samuel Bignold and Sir William Foster: “We have the minutes. They have been produced before us, and we find that it is true that Mr. Waters was accused of cheating at cards at the Reform Club, and unanimously called upon by the committee to resign to prevent expulsion, and further that he did, on receiving that communication, resign on the 23rd November, 1860.” The telegram was dated from the Reform Club, and signed by the deputation. In consequence of the telegram, Messrs. Fred Brown, J. B. Morgan, F. E. Watson, and Henry Ling issued a notice stating that they felt it their duty to withdraw their support from Mr. Waters as one of the candidates for the city. Mr. Waters thereupon stated that he would stand independently. The nomination took place at the Guildhall on the 11th. The other candidates were Sir William 8.—A meeting of the independent electors of East Norfolk was held at the Swan Hotel, Norwich, for the purpose of selecting a candidate to contest the constituency in the interests of the supporters of the movement for the repeal of the Malt Tax. Mr. Clare Sewell Read, who had been for some time prominently identified with the party in favour of the repeal, was unanimously chosen. Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett attended the meeting and made a remarkable speech. If Mr. Read were nominated, he said, he would help him to the utmost of his power; and he added, “If you want money, if you want help, if you want what enthusiasm I can put into the cause, let your chairman write to me and I will respond with all my heart.” The nomination took place at the Shirehall on the 15th. Several times the proceedings were stayed and consultations held by the leaders of the respective parties, with the view of effecting a compromise. The candidates nominated were Mr. Edward Howes, Sir Thomas Beauchamp, and Col. Coke. Mr. Robert Leamon offered not to proceed with the nomination of Mr. Read if the Liberal party would pledge themselves to return to Parliament a Malt Tax repealer; in the absence of that assurance he nominated Mr. Read, whose candidature was seconded by Mr. H. S. Grimmer. It was subsequently agreed by the friends of Mr. Howes to permit the name of Mr. Read to appear upon the election cards and posters issued by the former. The poll was opened on the 18th, and was officially declared on the 20th, as follows:—Howes, 3,100; Read, 2,985; Beauchamp, 2,150; Coke, 1,994 11.—The nomination of candidates for the representation of Yarmouth was held at the Town Hall. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and Mr. J. Goodson, Conservatives, and Mr. Philip Vanderbyl and Mr. Brogden, liberals, were nominated. The polling took place on the 11.—At Thetford, the Hon. Alexander Hugh Baring and Mr. Robert John Harvey Harvey, Conservatives, and Mr. Thomas Dakin (Alderman of London and Sheriff of Middlesex), Liberal, were nominated to represent the borough. The poll, on the 12th, resulted as follows:—Harvey, 193; Baring, 137; Dakin, 69. 12.—Lord Stanley and the Hon. Frederick Walpole, Conservatives, and Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Liberal, were nominated for the representation of King’s Lynn. The polling, on the 13th, resulted in the return of Lord Stanley, 445 votes, and Sir T. Fowell Buxton, 401 votes. Mr. Walpole polled 339 votes. —Died at Herne Bay, aged 43 years, Mr. Samuel Peckworth Woodward, Ph.D., F.G.S., assistant in the Geological Department of the British Museum, and second son of Mr. Samuel Woodward, of Norwich. He was a member of several learned societies, and in 1845 was appointed professor of botany and geology at the Royal Agricultural College. 19.—The nomination of candidates for West Norfolk took place at Swaffham. The Conservatives were Mr. William Bagge and the Hon. T. de Grey (the latter strongly opposed as “an excessive game preserver”); and the Liberals, Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart. (Conservative member for Cheltenham in 1847), and Mr. Brampton Gurdon. The poll was opened on the 22nd, and the following was the result: Bagge, 2,710; de Grey, 2,611; Jones, 2,133; Gurdon, 2,088. A petition against the return of the successful candidates was dismissed, owing to informality in the recognisances. Great disturbances took place at Swaffham, for which several persons were punished at the ensuing Quarter Sessions. Mr. de Grey, on his return to Merton, on the 24th, was most enthusiastically received at Watton and other places on the route. 26.—The comic singer Vance—“the Great Vance”—made his first appearance in Norwich at St. Andrew’s Hall. “He is the original singer of the absurd ‘Slap Bang,’ and has better recommendations, but the judicious portion of the audience could not see enough in him to explain the great success he has achieved in the Metropolis.” AUGUST.5.—A reminiscence of the old convict days was forthcoming in a case tried before Lord Chief Baron Pollock at the Norfolk Assizes. Cornelius Bradnum, a fruit dealer, was indicted for being feloniously and unlawfully at large at Heckingham on February 6th, 1865, “he having been transported for the term of his natural life, in pursuance of a certain judgment against him at the Norfolk Assizes on July 21st, 1847, on an indictment for burglary.” The prisoner, in his defence, made a remarkable statement, to the effect that in consequence of his having given information of an intended mutiny of the convicts at Gibraltar, his sentence was mitigated to fifteen years. From Gibraltar he was sent to Swan River, Western Australia, where the Governor gave him his ticket of leave, and after “serving his ticket” he received a free pardon. He then went to Callao, in Peru. One evening, when 5.—A large meeting of agriculturists was held at the Swan Hotel, Norwich, for the purpose of considering what steps should be taken to combat “a disease known as the Russian murrain, which had broken out among the cattle of Norfolk.” Mr. Clare Sewell Read, M.P., presided, and, in the course of the proceedings, alarming reports were given of the spread of the contagion and of the immediate steps that were necessary to arrest its progress. A deputation, consisting of Mr. Read, Mr. Steeds, Mr. W. Smith, and Mr. R. Leamon, was appointed to wait upon the Home Office, and at a committee meeting on the 9th Mr. Read reported what had taken place. It was resolved, on the motion of Sir Thomas Beauchamp, who headed the list with a donation of £100, that a public subscription be opened at once, and Professor Simonds, in a long address, showed that the disease was of foreign importation, and was known in Russia, whence it came, as rinderpest. At this meeting it was reported that in the neighbourhood of North Walsham alone losses to the extent of £1,000 and upwards had been sustained. Isolation of the herds and the slaughter of diseased animals were the means advocated for stamping out the murrain. A Norfolk Cattle Plague Association was at once formed, and at a large and influential meeting, held at St. Andrew’s Hall on the 12th, under the presidency of Mr. Read, whose great services at this crisis were acknowledged by the Earl of Leicester, resolutions were adopted (1) recommending to the consideration of the public the means suggested by Professor Simonds for dealing with the disease, and urging that no farmer should purchase any store stock in any market for the period of six weeks; (2) that a subscription be entered into for the purpose of meeting the losses sustained by those who should conform to the resolutions drawn up by the committee, and for defraying the expenses incurred in carrying out the objects of the meeting; and (3) that no person who did not subscribe to the amount of twopence in the pound on his assessment should participate in the relief. At this meeting the Earl of Leicester contributed a donation of £500. Meetings of the Cattle Plague Association were then held weekly, reports were presented upon the state of the disease in various parts of the county, and matters of detail received attention. On October 21st a public meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, under the presidency of the Earl of Leicester, “to consider the desirability of closing all markets in the county of Norfolk.” Sir Thomas Beauchamp moved, and the Earl of Albemarle seconded, a resolution in favour of the adoption of this course, which was agreed to. During this month Mr. Read was appointed a member of the Royal Commission to inquire into the 8.—A barque named the Edgar, of 600 tons burthen, built by Messrs. Fellows and Son, for the South American trade, was launched from their shipyard at Southtown, Great Yarmouth. 11.—The Earl of Leicester issued to the tenants on his estate an address, in which he referred to an election circular sent out to them during his absence in Norway, the spirit of which he described as “a flagrant contradiction of the principles and practices that have been professed and followed on the Holkham estate for nearly a century.” His lordship had counselled not coercion in any form, but the adoption of every legitimate measure to achieve the return of Mr. Gurdon and Sir Willoughby Jones at the West Norfolk election; but the zeal of his agent (Mr. Shellabear) in carrying out instructions which were only indicated and not given in detail led him to issue a circular which had caused much scandal, the impolicy and unfittingness of which no one now saw more clearly than his lordship himself. 12.—Died at Kew, Sir William Jackson Hooker, K.H., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow. Sir William was a native of Norwich, where his father, Mr. Joseph Hooker, a manufacturer, took much interest in horticulture, and possessed a rich collection of succulent and other exotics. Hooker spent some of his earlier years in the study of agriculture with Mr. Robert Paul, of Starston Hall, but the death of a relative enabled him to devote himself to his favourite pursuit, natural history. With his brother, Mr. Joseph Hooker, the Rev. James Brown, and other naturalists, he thoroughly explored the rich district of the Norfolk Broads in the study of ornithology. He was the author of several works, and editor of the “Botanical Magazine.” Resigning the appointment of Regius Professor for the curatorship of the Royal Gardens at Kew, he received the honour of knighthood in 1835, and in 1845 had conferred upon him the degree of D.C.L. by the University of Oxford. He married a daughter of Mr. Dawson Turner, of Yarmouth. His eldest son, Dr. Hooker, F.L.S., was no less distinguished than his father for his valuable works in natural history and for the scientific explorations with which his name was associated. 13.—Died at Southwell, the Ven. Archdeacon Wilkins, D.D. He was born at Norwich in 1785, and was the youngest son of Mr. William Wilkins, F.S.A., and brother of the Professor of Architecture in the Royal Academy. Educated at the Grammar School, Bury St. Edmund’s, under the headmastership of Becher, he entered Caius College, Cambridge, in 1803, and having received his degree, removed to Oxford 18.—A sculling match, known as the “Great Lynn Sweepstakes,” was contested over the Ouse championship course in the Eau Brink Cut, a distance of 3,300 yards. The competitors were Robert Chambers, champion of the Tyne and ex-champion of the Thames; Harry Kelley, who just previously had wrested the championship of the Thames from his formidable North country rival; and Robert Cooper, of Newcastle. The sweepstakes amounted to £50, with £100 added by the Lynn Regatta Committee. The conditions provided that if three competed the winner should receive £200 and the second man £50, and if only two came to the post a first prize of £200 only would be given. The race lay between Cooper and Kelley alone. The former kept a slight lead, and as Kelley’s efforts to pass him were unavailing, he rowed past the winning-post a quarter of a length ahead. The referee decided that Kelley had won, disqualified Cooper on the ground that he had taken the other man’s water, and awarded second prize to Chambers. At a meeting presided over by the Mayor of Lynn (Mr. W. Monement), a protest was lodged by Cooper’s backers against the second prize being awarded to Chambers. The Mayor decided to withhold the second prize until the referee had been communicated with, and handed to Kelley a cheque for £200. Cooper’s protest was ultimately disallowed. 26.—The 13th Hussars, with headquarters, arrived at Norwich Cavalry Barracks. SEPTEMBER.8.—A prize-fight took place on Grimstone Common, between Pooley Mace and a man named Rackaby. After five rounds had been contested, the police stopped hostilities, and Rackaby’s party declining to resume the fight, the stakes were awarded to Mace. 30.—Died at Clive House, Beckenham, Kent, in his 71st year, Lieut.-Col. Henry Alexander, 96th Foot. He was born at Caister, and entered the Army as ensign in the 28th Foot in June, 1811. He received the war medal with six clasps for Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. OCTOBER.3.—The first Church Congress commenced at Norwich. The Congress sermon was preached at the Cathedral by the Archbishop of York, and the first general meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, presided over by the Bishop of Norwich. The final meeting took place on the afternoon of the 5th, after which the members of Congress attended luncheon, given at the new bank by Mr. R. J. H. Harvey, M.P. Two thousand guests were present. On the morning of the 6th, the Bishop of Oxford preached the annual sermon at the Cathedral on behalf of the Five Religious Societies. 14.*—“Died at his residence, Bury St. Edmund’s, Mr. Frederick Ladbrooke, portrait painter. The deceased was the youngest son of the late Mr. Robert Ladbrooke, one of the founders of the celebrated Society of Norfolk and Norwich Artists. He was a painter of considerable power.” 18.—The ceremony of cutting the first sod of the East Norfolk Railway was performed on the estate of Mr. C. Jecks, Sheriff of Norwich, by Lady Suffield, in the presence of a large number of spectators. In the evening a dinner, attended by representatives of most of the principal families in the county, was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in celebration of the event. Lord Suffield presided. (See August 13th, 1870.) 21.*—“The Queen has been pleased to grant to Edward John Stracey, of Sprowston, Lieut.-Colonel of the Scots Fusilier Guards, her Royal licence and authority that he and his issue may, in compliance with a clause contained in the last will and testament of James Clitherow, take and use the name of Clitherow in addition to that of Stracey.” 25.—A new lifeboat, named the James Pearce, was launched at Yarmouth. It was built at the cost of £350, subscribed by the artisans of Birmingham, and presented through the Royal National Lifeboat Institution to the Caister station. 30.—Died at Hilgay, aged 110 years (as was originally stated), Mr. John Naylor, formerly landlord of the Crown Hotel, Downham Market. An amended notice, published on November 18th, says: “The late Mr. John Naylor, who died on the 30th ult., and was supposed by his eldest son to be only 110 years of age, appears from the parish register of Welney to be 117, he having been born on the 29th of May, 1748. In 1825 the deceased retired from his business as a publican, he having kept the Crown at Downham and the George and Dragon at Hilgay in succession, and had since lived on a small property of his own in the latter village. He was always a smart, active man, and constant in taking his walk up to October, 1860. Since that time he had been confined to his house, but used to sit up in his chair for some portion of the day until June, 1864, when he did so for the last time. His sight had failed him, but his hearing was so good that he could distinguish the voices of his friends, and he was rational until within six weeks of his death.” 1.—Died of apoplexy, at his residence, Acton Green, Middlesex, John Lindley, F.R.S., Ph.D., and formerly Professor of Botany at University College. He was born at Catton, near Norwich, in 1799, and was the son of a nurseryman. His first literary effort, after devoting much of his early youth to the practical details of botany, was the translation of Richard’s “Analyse de Fruit” from the French, and the contribution of some papers to the Transactions of the LinnÆan Society. Afterwards he proceeded to London, where he was engaged by Mr. Loudon to assist in the production of the “EncyclopÆdia of Plants.” In 1832 he published his “Introduction to Systematic and Physiological Botany,” but his chef d’oeuvre was the “Vegetable Kingdom.” For more than a quarter of a century Dr. Lindley filled the chair of Botany at University College, London, and in 1860 was appointed examiner in the University of London. He was a member of several learned bodies, and edited the horticultural department of the “Gardeners’ Chronicle” from its commencement in January, 1841, to the time of his death. 7.—Lord Hastings, master of the East Norfolk Foxhounds, was presented with his portrait in oil, subscribed for by 400 gentlemen of the Hunt. The portrait was painted by Mr. Eddis, and his lordship was depicted in hunting dress, mounted on Archer, his favourite hunter. Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart., made the presentation, on behalf of the subscribers. 8.—The Marquis and Marchioness Townshend, whose marriage had taken place a few weeks previously, were welcomed with great enthusiasm on their return to Rainham, and were presented by the tenantry with a handsome silver epergne. 9.—Mr. William Peter Nichols was elected Mayor, and Mr. William Jary Cubitt appointed Sheriff of Norwich. DECEMBER.2.—Died at Necton Hall, Colonel William Mason. He was the head of an old county family, whose head, Paul Miller Mason, a citizen of London, built Necton Hall in the time of Henry VII. Col. Mason served the office of High Sheriff in 1849, was for many years a chairman of Quarter Sessions at Swaffham, and was Lieut.-Colonel of the East Norfolk Militia. 4.—The Prince and Princess of Wales left Sandringham, on a visit to Lord and Lady Suffield, at Gunton Park. Their Royal Highnesses travelled by special train from Wolferton to Lynn and thence to East Dereham, where they were received by Lord Suffield, Viscount Hamilton, and the Hon. Harbord Harbord. A guard of honour was formed by the 15th Norfolk Volunteer Company, under the command of Capt. Bulwer, and their Royal Highnesses, entering a carriage drawn by four greys, proceeded along Norwich Road and the Market Place. Three triumphal arches were erected in the town, which was handsomely decorated, guns were fired, and the church bells rung, and in the evening there was a display of fireworks. After leaving Dereham, the Royal visitors proceeded by way of Swanton, Bylaugh, and Bawdeswell 7.—The Rev. J. M. Bellew gave public readings from the great poets and other authors, with organ accompaniments, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. He was described as “a perfect master of the elocutionary art.” 20.—Died at Yarmouth, in his 71st year, Mr. Edward Cubitt, of Honing Hall. He served in the Peninsular War with the 4th Dragoons, was at the retreat from Burgos, and received the medal with clasps for Vittoria, Pampeluna, and Toulouse. 26.—The Christmas pantomime at Norwich Theatre was entitled, “Camaralzaman and Badoura, or the Little God of Love and the Good Fairy of Lake Lovely.” 1866.JANUARY.6.—At a meeting of the Norfolk Agricultural Association, held at the Swan Hotel, Norwich, it was decided to abandon the annual show for that year, “because the bringing of cattle from all parts of the country would be inconsistent with what is being done to prevent the transit of cattle during the prevalence of the cattle plague.” 8.—The Prince and Princess of Wales, accompanied by the Hon. T. de Grey, arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Leicester. “Their Royal Highnesses de facto opened the new line of the West Norfolk Junction Railway, which had been pushed forward by the contractor so as to be ready for the purpose.” It was by this line that the Prince and Princess travelled to Holkham. Their Royal Highnesses returned to Sandringham on the 13th. 11.—The first wintry weather of the season was experienced on this date, when there was a considerable fall of snow, accompanied by showers of rain and sleet, followed by a sharp wind frost. Telegraphic communication with London was suspended, in consequence of the blowing down of several miles of the telegraph line. —Lost in the Bay of Biscay, by the wreck of the steamship London, on her voyage to Australia, the Rev. John Woolley, D.C.L., 13.—The new building, then known as the Consolidated Bank, London Street, Norwich, was opened for the transaction of business. It was designed by Mr. R. M. Phipson, of Norwich and Ipswich, and built by Mr. Hall, of Pottergate Street, at the cost of £4,000. It is now known as the National Provincial Bank. —A vessel running through Yarmouth Roads was observed to be flying a “waif.” Two lifeboats, the Rescuer, belonging to the Ranger Company, and the Friend of All Nations, the property of the Young Company of Beachmen, put off to her assistance. The Rescuer, in attempting to pass through the rough water at the bar, unshipped her rudder, was capsized, and twelve of her crew of sixteen were drowned. 15.—Judgment was given in the Arches Court by Dr. Lushington, in the action, Edwards and Mann v. Hatton, otherwise known as the “Mattishall Church Rate case.” The plaintiffs were the churchwardens, and the defendant a parishioner of Mattishall. Hatton having refused to pay the Church Rate, proceedings were taken in the Arches Court to enforce it. The whole sum in dispute was 6s. 8d., but it had given rise to many months of litigation, to much unpleasantness and ill-feeling in the parish, and to rioting and disturbance. Two objections were urged against the rate: (1) That proper notice had not been given on the church doors, as provided by the Act of Parliament; and (2) that the rate was unequal and unjust. The Court entered judgment for the churchwardens, and condemned the defendant in the costs of the protracted proceedings. FEBRUARY.1.—Under the Prisons Act, 1865, the old borough jail at Lynn ceased to be used as a prison. 2.—Mr. F. W. Windham, who for five or six years had enjoyed unenviable notoriety, died suddenly at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich. He had been unwell for several days, and was seen by his medical attendant, Mr. F. C. Bailey, on January 31st. Mr. Windham became better on February 1st, and still further improvement was manifested on the 2nd; but later in the day his symptoms were completely altered, and became so alarming that Mr. Bailey called in Dr. Bateman and Dr. Eade. Every effort was made to restore animation, but without avail; this victim of an ill-spent life gradually sank, and in a few hours expired, in the presence of the medical men and of some of the servants of the hotel. Death was due to the obstruction of the circulation by a clot of blood in the pulmonary artery. On the 7th the body was removed to Tucker’s Hotel, Cromer, and the interment took place on the 8th, in the family vault at Felbrigg. Mr. Windham had completely dissipated the residue of the extensive property which he inherited, after payment of the law expenses contingent on the great suit, Windham v. Windham (q.v. November 22nd, 1861), and became 16.—A case was heard at East Dereham Petty Sessions, in which the points urged in the Corn Hall litigation in 1857–58 were again brought prominently before the public. George Squire, a Lincolnshire merchant, was charged with assaulting Charles Howard, the keeper of the Corn Hall. He had paid twopence for admission, and Howard informed him that he ought to take a merchant’s ticket and hire a stand. In the course of the altercation, defendant took plaintiff by the collar and pinched his neck. Mr. J. C. Chittock, solicitor, on behalf of the defendant, contended that any person had a right to go into the hall, whether he paid for doing so or not, because at the Summer Assizes in 1857 the proprietors were indicted for obstructing a highway and a verdict was given for the Crown. The hall was built upon a highway known as Lion Hill, and Lion Hill had never ceased to be a highway. The Bench determined that they had no jurisdiction, and dismissed the case. 18.—Died at Great Yarmouth, Mr. Isaac Preston, aged 92 years. One of the oldest inhabitants of the borough, he had, previous to the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, held several important offices in connection with the Corporation, and was twice Mayor. He was a justice of the peace and a deputy-lieutenant for the county, and was one of the promoters of the movement for the erection of the Nelson Column on the South Denes. 23.—A serious difficulty arose at Norwich, owing to the operation of the Cattle Diseases Prevention Act. A large number of dealers, apprehending that the provisions of the Act would not be enforced until the following week, sent stock to Norwich for the market on the 24th, or for transmission by rail to London. Two hundred fat beasts arrived at Trowse for conveyance, but the railway authorities refused to receive them. Salesmen on the Hill experienced the same difficulty, and dealers had to dispose of their cattle as best they could. Many beasts were sent to butchers for immediate slaughter; others were removed to Trowse. The Mayor (Mr. Nichols) went down on the 25th to see what help he could render, but the only way out of the difficulty was to send the animals to the Norwich slaughter-houses, whence the principal portion of the meat was forwarded to London. In order to obviate any further difficulty of the kind, the Norwich Town Council, on the 27th, resolved to erect slaughter-houses and to provide a dead meat market. The cattle plague continued with unabated virulence. Thursday, March 8th, was observed as a day of humiliation, business was suspended, and special services were held at the Cathedral and the parish churches. Similar services took place throughout the county. On June 30th it was announced, “Rinderpest is now nearly extinct in Norfolk and Suffolk”; and on October 13th it was stated: “The non-existence of the cattle plague in the county has rendered the work of the Central Committee and the Cattle Plague Association very light.” Norwich Cattle Market was re-opened on November 17th. 6.—A dastardly attempt was made to destroy the church of St. Lawrence, Norwich. Mr. David Penrice, the churchwarden, accompanied by a lad, went to prepare the church for evening service, and found it to be full of gas. The lad, on endeavouring to open the windows, was overcome by the fumes. Assistance was obtained, and it was discovered that every burner in the church had been fully turned on. At the Police Court, on the 21st, a lad named George Nobbs, described as a shoemaker, of St. Martin-at-Oak, was charged with “wilfully and maliciously turning on the gas at St. Lawrence’ church, thereby endangering the lives of her Majesty’s subjects.” The offence was fully proved, but the magistrates dismissed the case, on the ground that “the lad did not show he had any knowledge of the consequences of the act.” 13.—A boiler explosion occurred at the brewery of Messrs. Arnold and Wyatt, St. Margaret’s Plain, Norwich. William Whitworth, an engine driver, was killed, “his body being hurled into the beck containing six quarters of boiling wort.” 20.—The hearing of the petition against the return of Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Mr. J. Goodson commenced, before a Committee of the House of Commons. Bribery, undue influence, and treating were alleged. The inquiry concluded on the 22nd, when the chairman (the Right Hon. J. R. Mowbray) announced that the Committee had arrived at the unanimous conclusion that the members had been duly elected. On April 12th Mr. Mowbray gave notice of his intention to move the appointment of a Royal Commission “to inquire into the corrupt practices which prevailed at the last election for Great Yarmouth.” The Commissioners, Mr. Wyndham Slade, Mr. Lucius Henry Fitzgerald, and Mr. George Russell, began their sittings at the Town Hall on August 16th, and on September 11th adjourned until October 3rd, on which day the proceedings recommenced. The final adjournment took place on October 15th, the thirty-fourth day of the inquiry. Six hundred and fifty-six witnesses were examined, and full investigations made as to the elections of 1865, 1859, and 1857. The Commissioners reported that corrupt and illegal practices extensively prevailed, and in consequence the borough was disfranchised. 27.—The 13th Hussars marched from Norwich, en route to Newcastle. 28.—In the course of a civil action, Creake v. Smith, at the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Baron Martin, reference was made to “the science of Bibliomancy,” as practised by a “cunning woman” in the neighbourhood of Wells-next-the-Sea. The defendant, who was landlord of the Railway Hotel at Wells, had lost articles from his house, and had consulted the woman with the view of discovering the thief. A Bible was suspended by a string and made to revolve; during its revolutions the names of several suspected persons were called out, and it was alleged that it stopped on the name of the plaintiff being mentioned—a clear proof that he was the guilty person. The defendant returned to the hotel, alleged that Creake was a thief, “for he knew it by the turn of the Bible,” and dismissed him from his service. Hence these legal proceedings for slander and wrongful dismissal, which resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff on the first count, and for the defendant on the second count. 2.—Loveday’s English Grand Opera Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The principals included Madame Florence Lancia, Mdlle. Ella Miraldi, Miss Annie Leng, Miss Fanny Leng, Mr. Brookhouse Bowler, Mr. Grantham, Mr. Oliver Summers, and Mr. Henry Rowland. The repertory included “La Somnambula,” “Il Trovatore,” “Don Giovanni,” “Faust,” “Dinorah,” “Der Frieschutz,” “Lucrezia Borgia,” “Norma,” and “Satanella.” 3.—Died at Hethel Hall, John Davy Brett, formerly major in the 17th Lancers, and lieut.-colonel of the 1st Norfolk Battalion of Volunteers, aged 51. 5.—The marriage of the Right Hon. Charles Adolphus Murray, seventh Earl of Dunmore, and Lady Gertrude Coke, third daughter of the Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, took place at Holkham. The ceremony was honoured by the presence of the Prince and Princess of Wales, who arrived at the Hall on the 4th, as the private guests of the Earl and Countess of Leicester. 9.—Died at Chequers Court, Herts., aged 56, Lieut.-Col. Francis L’Estrange Astley, commandant of the Norfolk Militia Artillery. He was born in 1810, and married first in 1835, Charlotte, second daughter of Mr. N. Micklethwait, of Taverham; and secondly, in 1854, Rosalind Alicia, fifth daughter of Sir Robert Frankland Russell, Bart. 21.—The Norwich sewerage scheme was further considered by the Town Council. A scheme known as the Hope scheme, introduced at a previous meeting, was abandoned, and the future management of the matter referred to a committee selected from members opposed to the scheme. On May 12th appeared the announcement that preliminary steps had been taken in Chancery by the inhabitants of Thorpe and a bill filed against the Mayor and Corporation for an injunction to compel them to desist from emptying sewage into the river. On May 15th a special committee reported that certain attempts made to cleanse the river had been attended with considerable success, and at the same meeting a memorial was presented by the inhabitants of the city, expressing regret and disappointment at the abandonment of the proposed plan for diverting the sewage from the river, and stating that under no circumstances whatever should the stream be made use of as a sewer. Acting upon counsel’s opinion, the Corporation, on May 31st, determined that it was needful at once to take measures for the diversion of the sewage from the river. The Sewerage Committee resigned, and a new committee was appointed. This committee, on July 10th, recommended the hiring “of 1,300 acres of land on the Crown Point estate, for the purpose of irrigating the same with the Norwich sewage.” The recommendation was agreed to. On October 9th the Town Clerk was authorised, under the direction of the Special Sewerage Committee, to give the necessary notices to enable application to be made in the next Session of Parliament for an Act of Parliament for carrying out sewerage works, and for the preparation of the necessary plans to be deposited in conformity with the Standing Orders of the House. (See January 15th, 1867.) 22.—The Rev. John Alexander, minister of the Independent congregation meeting at Prince’s Street, Norwich, resigned the pastorate of the chapel, after a service of nearly half a century. Mr. Alexander 24.—Died at Coltishall Hall, Mr. William Burroughes. The younger son of a family seated in Norfolk for considerably more than one hundred years, he was educated at Norwich Grammar School “in the palmy Valpeian days,” and at St. John’s College, Cambridge. He was upon the commission of the peace for the county, chairman of the visiting justices, and joint secretary of the Norfolk Agricultural Association. 30.—The Great Yarmouth Fish Wharves and Tramways Bill and the Great Yarmouth Haven, Port, and Rivers Bill, were before a Committee of the House of Commons. The first-named Bill went through Committee without opposition on May 7th, and the latter was ordered to be reported on May 28th. The Port and Haven Bill, among other matters, provided that the Commission should consist of thirteen members, namely, four for Yarmouth (two to be elected by the Corporation, one by the registered shipowners and payers of dues, and one by the owners of fishing vessels and payers of dues on fish); three elected by the justices of Norfolk; three by the justices of Suffolk; and three by the Corporation of Norwich, one of each set of Commissioners for Norfolk, Suffolk, and Norwich being a merchant residing and carrying on business within the district for which he was elected. (See October 28th, 1867.) MAY.2.—The organ at St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, restored by Mr. Hedgeland, at the cost of £430, was used for the first time at commemorative services held at the church. The instrument was built by Renatus Harris, in 1707. 5.*—“Lord Suffield has been appointed Lieut.-Col. Commandant of the Norfolk Militia Artillery, in place of the late Col. Astley.” 11.—Intelligence was received from London that the banking firm of Overend, Gurney, and Co. had been compelled, owing to the panic in the money market, to suspend payment. The announcement created great anxiety in Norwich, lest the firm of Messrs. Gurney and Co. were involved. Public confidence was restored by a notice issued by the firm, who stated that they were in no way liable, and were not affected by the affairs of Messrs. Overend, Gurney, and Co. A meeting of the citizens was at once convened at the Guildhall, under the presidency of the Mayor, and a resolution passed “declaring publicly and unhesitatingly its unbounded confidence in the house of Messrs. Gurneys and Birkbecks, and its unabated reliance on its perfect financial security.” (See January 1st, 1869.) 23.—Mrs. Bulwer, wife of Capt. Bulwer, commanding the 15th (Dereham) Company of Rifle Volunteers, opened a new rifle range at Billingford by firing the first shot, in the presence of a large gathering of Volunteers and civilians. —The Norfolk and Norwich Gymnastic Society held their first annual sports on the Newmarket Road Cricket Ground. The programme included gymnastic exercises, boxing, high jumping, flat and hurdle racing, &c. 31.—The new church at Thorpe St. Andrew was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. The site on the north side of the old church was given by Mr. William Birkbeck; the building was designed by Mr. Thomas Jeckyll, of Norwich and London, and the contractor and subcontractors were Mr. Cornish, of North Walsham; Mr. J. W. Lacey and Mr. Rust, of Norwich. The estimated cost of the work was £4,000. JUNE.1.—The Marquis of Hartington having stated in the House of Commons that as the troops would be accommodated in the new barracks at Colchester, the Government intended to give up the Cavalry Barracks at Norwich, and the lease having expired, the buildings would be handed over to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, to whom they belonged, a meeting of citizens was held at the Guildhall, at which a resolution was passed asking the authorities to reconsider their determination. A deputation consisting of the Earl of Leicester, the Earl of Albemarle, Lord Suffield, the members of Parliament for the city, and other gentlemen, waited upon Lord Hartington at the War Office on June 14th, and on July 7th it was announced that, after due consideration, the authorities had decided to continue the barracks at Norwich. 6.—Earl Fortesque attended at the Free Library, Norwich, and presented the prizes awarded under the Cambridge Prize Scheme. JULY.11.—Lord Stanley, on his appointment as Foreign Secretary in the new Conservative Administration, was re-elected without opposition member of Parliament for the borough of King’s Lynn. 16.—A meeting was held at the Rampant Horse Hotel, Norwich, to consider what steps should be taken to prevent the intended closing of Victoria Station, under the Great Eastern Railway (Additional Powers) Bill. A memorial was addressed to the Town Council, calling attention to the fact that this was the fourth attempt made by the company to close the terminus, and that by the Act of Parliament which sanctioned the amalgamation of the Eastern Union with the Eastern Counties Railway a special clause was inserted for the sufficient maintenance of the station. On these grounds the Corporation were asked to oppose the Bill. At a meeting of the Town Council on the 17th, a letter was read from the company, in which they offered, in consideration of being permitted to close the station, to contribute £1,000 19.—St. Giles’ church, Norwich, was re-opened, after extensive restoration. A new chancel had also been built, and a new organ, costing £350, erected. The scheme included the widening of the street by the giving up of a portion of the churchyard. The restoration was carried out, under the direction of Mr. R. M. Phipson, by Mr. J. W. Lacey, conjointly with Messrs. Atkins and Hawes. The total cost of the work was about £4,000, of which £1,000 was given by the rector (the Rev. W. N. Ripley). 25.—The National Archery meeting commenced at Crown Point, Norwich, and was continued on the 26th and 27th. The show of the Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society was held in the grounds on the 26th (when the band of the 1st Life Guards was present), and a ball was given at St. Andrew’s Hall in the evening. 28.—Died at Bramerton, in his 76th year, Mr. William Wilde, Coroner for Norwich. “In Mr. Wilde the city has lost an active and intelligent public officer and a useful citizen, and the Liberal party a most efficient agent. To his shrewdness, accurate judgment, and devotion to their interests, the Liberals of Norwich and elsewhere have been indebted for many a triumph.” Mr. Wilde was a member of the Court of Guardians, and for some time its chairman, and a member of the Festival Committee. He had been Coroner for thirty years. 31.—A new lifeboat, named the Leicester, was launched at Gorleston. It was purchased by a fund amounting to £900 inaugurated by the Mayoress of Leicester (Mrs. Hodges), and was lodged in a new lifeboat house built at the cost of £250. AUGUST.5.—Died at his seat at Honingham, the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Bayning. His lordship was the second son of Mr. Charles Townshend, who was created Baron Bayning in 1797, and succeeded his brother, Charles Frederick, as third Baron on August 2nd, 1823, when he assumed, by sign manual (in lieu of his patronymic, Townshend), the name of his maternal grandfather, William Powlett. Born on June 8th, 1797, he married, on August 9th, 1842, Emma, only daughter of Mr. W. H. Fellowes, of Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdon, by whom he had one son, who died twelve months previously to his lordship’s death, and the barony thus became extinct. Lord Bayning was educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.A. in 1818, and was appointed rector of Brome, Suffolk, in 1821, and rural dean in the diocese of Norwich in 1844. He resigned the rectory of Brome in 1847, and was appointed to the rectory of Honingham with the vicarage of East Tuddenham in 1851. His lordship was High Steward of Norwich Cathedral, Vice-President of the Norwich Diocesan Association for the Propagation of the Gospel, of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum, of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society, and of the Institution for the Indigent Blind, and he was a trustee of the 6.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. Edward S. Bignold was elected Coroner, in place of Mr. Wilde. In order to take the office, he resigned his seat in the Town Council, and was permitted to retire without paying the customary fine. 10.—A new self-righting lifeboat was launched at Happisburgh. The vessel was presented to the National Lifeboat Institution by the people of Huddersfield, who contributed upwards of £1,000 for its purchase. 14.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Erle and a special jury, was tried the libel action, Athill v. Soman. The declaration stated that the libel was published in a newspaper called the “Norwich Argus,” of which the defendant was the printer, and was contained in a letter signed “Honour Lingley,” dated November 25th, 1865. The writer accused Athill, a superintendent of police, of wrongfully ransacking her chests of linen at a house at Sprowston called the “Haunted Cottage,” at which disturbances had taken place, and where Athill had been present in the discharge of his official duties. The damages were laid at £500; the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages one farthing. Application was made on behalf of the plaintiff for costs, but his lordship held that “there was not a solitary instance of any personal malice or ill-will on the part of the defendant,” and refused it. The county magistrates subsequently contributed to a fund to defray the expenses of the plaintiff. 25.—At the sale of the Lessingham House estate, by Messrs. Hewitt and Capon, at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, a portion of Surlingham Broad was purchased by Mr. R. Pratt, for £1,300. “The last time this lot was sold by public auction it fetched about £900.” 27.—The Hon. Thomas de Grey, M.P., shooting on Blubberhouse Moor, made a bag of 215 brace of grouse, “a feat which has not met with its equal on any of the Yorkshire moors, nor on any other in England or Scotland.” SEPTEMBER.4.—Died at the King and Miller Inn, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, of “mortification of the big toe,” William Pilch, the cricketer, formerly of Norwich, in his 69th year. 19.—Died at Southsea, aged 80, General Sir William Robert Clayton, Bart., son of Sir William. Clayton, fourth baronet. He saw much service in the Peninsular campaign. On the death of his father, in 1834, he succeeded to the extensive patrimonial estates in Norfolk, Bucks., Surrey, and South Wales. Sir William’s Norfolk seat was White Hall, Saham Toney. 22.*—“The Dean and Chapter of Norwich have offered to confer the office of Lord High Steward of the Cathedral Church, vacant by the death of Lord Bayning, on the Earl of Kimberley, and his lordship has signified to the Dean and Chapter his intention to accept the office. The grandfather and the great-grandfather of the present Earl have been Lord High Stewards of the Cathedral.” —A boiler explosion took place at the dye and chemical works of Messrs. Stark and Co., Duke’s Palace Street, Norwich. Three men (Taylor, Breeze, and Clarke) were killed on the spot, and three others died of their injuries. The Coroner’s jury found that the explosion was due to the defective construction of the boiler. At the Norwich Assizes, on March 27th, 1867, an action was brought by Mr. Stark against Messrs. Riches and Watts, for the recovery of damages. A verdict was given for plaintiff, the amount to be assessed by arbitration. (See February 19th, 1868.) OCTOBER.6.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, “to co-operate with the Central Chamber of Agriculture in watching over the measures affecting the agricultural interest,” was established at a meeting held at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of Mr. C. S. Read, M.P. On October 20th Mr. Read was elected chairman, and Mr. Richard England vice-chairman. 13.—Norwich Theatre was opened for the winter season, under the management of Mr. J. F. Young, who had previously managed, with success, the Yarmouth and Lynn Theatres. —Died at Great Chart Rectory, Kent, the Hon. and Very Rev. George Pellew, D.D., Dean of Norwich. He was third son of Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, afterwards Viscount Exmouth, and was born in Tregeny, Cornwall, in 1793. Educated at Eton and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, where he took his B.A. degree in 1815 and his M.A. in 1818, he received holy orders in 1817, and in 1820 married the Hon. Frances Addington, second daughter of the first Viscount Sidmouth. In 1823 he was appointed to a canonry in Canterbury Cathedral, where he resided until his preferment to the Deanery of Norwich in 1828, on the death of Dean Turner. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him in the same year, and in 1852 he was presented by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the living of Great Chart, which he held at the time of his death. Besides publishing “Sermons preached in Cathedral Churches on the Leading Doctrines of the Church of England” (1848), he wrote “The Seven Ages of a Christian’s Life” (1866) and a “Memoir of Lord Sidmouth” (1847). Dr. Pellew left three daughters and a son. 29.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced with an evening performance of “Israel in Egypt.” Miscellaneous concerts were given on the evenings of October 30th and 31st and November 1st. On the morning of October 31st were given an anthem by Spohr (the first time of performance) and “Naaman” (the first time of performance in Norwich), conducted by the composer, M. Costa; on the morning of November 1st, “Saint Cecilia” (composed expressly for the Festival), a selection from the Passion Music (the first time of performance “in any country”), and the first and second parts of “The Creation”; and on the morning of November 30.—The Prince and Princess of Wales, with her Majesty the Queen of Denmark and suite, left Sandringham, on a visit to Lord and Lady Stafford, at Costessey Park. They were accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, who had accepted the invitation of the High Sheriff (Mr. W. A. Tyssen Amhurst) to spend the Festival week in Norwich. The Royal party, who travelled by special train to East Dereham, where the Volunteers formed a guard of honour, were received by Lord Stafford and the Earl of Leicester at the station, whence they travelled by road to Costessey, and were enthusiastically greeted by a large gathering in the park. On the morning of the 31st the illustrious visitors, escorted by the 1st Norfolk Light Horse Volunteers, under Capt. Hay Gurney, proceeded to Norwich, and were received by the Mayor (Mr. W. P. Nichols), the Sheriff (Mr. W. J. Cubitt), and other civic dignitaries at the city boundary, and by members of the Corporation and Guardians and representatives of friendly societies, &c., at St. Giles’ Gates. At the Guildhall addresses were presented to the Prince and Princess and the Queen by the Corporation and by the Bishop and clergy of the diocese. The party then proceeded to St. Andrew’s Hall, to attend the Musical Festival. During the interval at the performance, the Mayor gave a luncheon in one of the rooms to the Prince and Princess, the Queen of Denmark, and their suite; and the Princess was presented by Miss C. M. Nichols, on behalf of the ladies of Norwich, with an album containing photographic views of the city, &c. Their Royal Highnesses then drove to Chapel Field and planted two trees, in commemoration of their visit, and the day’s proceedings ended with the opening, by the Prince of Wales, of the new Volunteer Drill Hall, the first stone of which was laid a few months previously by Mrs. Nichols, who was presented with a silver trowel designed for the occasion. A ball, preceded by a dinner, was given at Costessey in the evening. At the dinner the party comprised only the Prince and Princess, the Queen of Denmark, Lord and Lady Stafford, and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. On November 1st the Royal party passed through Norwich, escorted by a squadron of the 1st King’s Dragoon Guards (from Colchester), on their way to Thorpe Station, whence they departed for Sandringham. The city was lavishly decorated in honour of the Royal visit, and on the night of the 30th there were illuminations and fireworks. The Duke of Edinburgh stayed with the High Sheriff at Mr. Firth’s house in St. Giles’ Street, where a distinguished company was invited to meet his Royal Highness. NOVEMBER.5.—A remarkable outrage was perpetrated at Little Walsingham church. A few minutes after the clerk had tolled the “curfew” bell, a violent explosion took place in the south transept. It was found 9.—Mr. Frederick Elwin Watson was elected Mayor, and Mr. William Copeman Clabburn appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 16.—Eight vessels were wrecked and five lives lost, on the Norfolk coast, between Mundesley and Palling. 17.—A Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) was observed at Old Buckenham, and another was shot the same day near Thetford. By the first week of December the birdstuffers received at least 22 specimens, from Mutford, Worstead, Northrepps, St. Faith’s, Rollesby, Cawston Woodrow, Wroxham, and other districts. In the last week of December it was stated that more than one hundred specimens had been procured. “With the exception of one or two stragglers, this species has not been noticed here since 1863, when some sixteen specimens were killed in Norfolk.” DECEMBER.3.—A storm of terrific violence occurred off Yarmouth, and several ships were lost and men drowned. A new gas-holder of 100,000 cubic feet capacity, surrounded by massive iron columns, was blown over at Yarmouth Gas Works, and considerably damaged. 4.—The Rev. Edward Meyrick Goulburn, D.D., incumbent of St. John’s, Paddington, was installed Dean of Norwich by the Rev. Canon Heaviside, in the absence of the Bishop of Norwich. 10.—The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived, by rail, at Diss, whence the Prince and Princess proceeded to Oakley Park, on a visit to Sir E. C. Kerrison, Bart., M.P., and Lady Caroline Kerrison; and the Duke to Thornham Hall, on a visit to Baron and Lady Hartismere. Their Royal Highnesses returned to Sandringham on the 13th. —An extraordinary charge was preferred before the Walsingham magistrates, against Mr. Miles Brown, a large farmer, of Houghton St. Giles, and his brother, Mr. William Brown. It was alleged that they had exhibited in the window of a cottage in High Street, Walsingham, “an apparatus revolving before a light, and exhibiting in a glass behind an upright coffin, on the lid of which was a photograph of the Rev. Septimus Henry Lee Warner, such public exhibition being a threat on the part of the defendants to take away the life of the said complainant.” The defendants were bound over in the sum of £1,600 to keep the peace. 15.*—“The old lighthouse at Cromer, which had for so many years been a conspicuous object on the edge of the lofty hill, toppled over the other day, and was immediately buried by a great fall from the cliff, which followed it. It was first erected in the year 1719, and was 17.—The Duke of Edinburgh arrived at Norwich, en route to Gunton Park. Before proceeding on his journey, his Royal Highness visited the Cathedral. 25.—Died at East Dereham, aged 65, Mr. William Drake, many years Conservative registration agent for West Norfolk. 26.—The pantomime at Norwich Theatre, written by Mr. R. Soutar, was founded upon the story of the intrigue of Henry II. and Fair Rosamond. 31.—A heavy fall of snow occurred, and the roads in many parts of the county were rendered impassable. —The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Leicester. “So considerable was the destruction of hares, rabbits, pheasants, &c., during the Royal visit that on one day 2 tons 19 cwt. of game were forwarded from Wells Station to Leadenhall Market.” The Prince, with the Duke of Edinburgh, who was also a guest of the Earl and Countess, left on January 10th, 1867, for Marham House, on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Villebois. 1867.JANUARY.6.—During a severe storm off Yarmouth, the brigs Ark, of Sunderland, and Sarah, of the same port, had a collision in the Roads, and were lost, with their crews of sixteen hands. 7.—The actions arising out of the Middle Level inundations now took the form of an arbitration. The arbitrators were laymen, appointed by both parties, with a legal umpire, and their investigation of the merits of the case or cases commenced on this date, at the Incorporated Law Society’s house, Chancery Lane, London. The proceedings were protracted. In the first week of March several of the claimants, among them Mr. Mason, in whose name the first action was brought, accepted offers made by the Commissioners. The offers were in excess of the following items: (1) a year’s rent, tithes, taxes, and outgoings; (2) all expenses on the crops destroyed (tillage, seed sowing, &c.) up to the day of the inundation; (3) damage to fences, buildings, &c., and (4) the amount of a full year’s rent, tithes, and drainage taxes as profits to the tenants. In May the cases Coe v. Wise and Sharpe v. the Commissioners were argued in the Rolls Court, before Mr. Serjeant Hayes and Mr. Durrant and Mr. Bailey Denton, the arbitrators; and on June 22nd it was announced that Mr. Coe had been awarded £2,575, and Mr. Sharpe £405, the former getting £500 and the latter £100 more than the defendants offered. The defendants, therefore, were ordered to pay costs, and the litigation ended. 12.—Died at Bedford, Colonel Vincent Matthias, Madras Army, aged 73. Born at Norwich, he was of a family of fifteen, and nine of his 15.—The proceedings of the Town Council relative to the Norwich sewerage scheme commenced this year with the payment to Mr. P. E. Hansell, solicitor, of £205, the amount of taxed costs allowed to the informants in obtaining the injunction restraining the Corporation from putting sewage into the river Wensum. On the 22nd the Council, after considerable debate, decided that the dry earth system advocated by Mr. Edward Boardman was not applicable to the district. The Court of Reference appointed by the House of Commons to try the merits of the Norwich Local Board of Health Bill with reference to its engineering details and the estimated cost of the proposed works, commenced its investigations on March 11th. The object of the Bill was “to provide for the better sewering of the city and the applying of the sewage to the irrigation of land.” The referees reported to the House on the 14th that the works and estimates were sufficient for the objects proposed. The Bill was before a Select Committee of the House of Commons on March 13th, and on March 26th it was, with certain amendments, reported to the House. (See January 28th, 1868.) 16.—A deep snow caused considerable inconvenience to railway traffic. A train from Norwich to Lowestoft came to a standstill in the Mutford cutting, and was not got out until the afternoon of the 17th. The snow drifted to the depth of seven feet upon most of the lines, some of which remained closed for three days. Many of the roads were impassable for vehicular traffic, and in some instances the mail bags were carried across country on foot. Great distress prevailed amongst the poor, and special funds were raised in several towns for their relief. At Norwich the amount contributed was £2,227. On the 22nd a rapid thaw commenced. FEBRUARY.14.—Sir S. W. Baker, the discoverer of the sources of the Nile, delivered a lecture at St. Peter’s Hall, Norwich, upon the political condition of Egypt. The Mayor presided over the large audience, who accorded a warm reception to Sir Samuel, who, at that time, was a resident in the county. MARCH.19.—The boiler of an engine at work in a field near Watlington Station exploded, killing five persons outright, and injuring seven others, two of whom died on the following day. Such was the force of the explosion that the boiler was blown a distance of forty yards. It was proved at the inquest that the accident resulted from the tying down the safety-valve. APRIL.5.—Mr. Sothern appeared at Norwich Theatre, in the character of Lord Dundreary. On the 6th he performed the part of David Garrick. The house was crowded to excess on both occasions. 22.—Mr. Loveday’s English Grand Opera Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. Madame Haigh-Dyer was the prima donna, and Mr. and Mrs. Aynsley Cooke were of the company. The works produced included “Robert le Diable,” “The Fairy and the Cobbler,” “The Puritan’s Daughter,” “The Barber of Seville,” “Faust,” “Don Giovanni,” “Satanella,” “The Quaker,” &c. 24.—Lord Hastings and Mr. Anthony Hamond, masters of Norfolk foxhounds, were entertained at dinner at the Corn Hall, Fakenham, “in appreciation of their efforts to provide sport during the season.” The Earl of Leicester presided. MAY.8.—Died at Yarmouth, aged 76, Lieut. William Simpson, R.M., of North Walsham. He was one of the officers who received the Emperor Napoleon on board the Bellerophon, on July 15th, 1815. 14.—A great public meeting, in support of the United Kingdom Alliance, was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, and was addressed by General Neal Dow, who had taken a prominent part in the passing of the Maine Liquor Law. 18.—A meeting of the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, presided over by Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., was held “to discuss the future aggregate representation of the county in Parliament, in the event of the loss of three of its borough members,” namely, of two on the disenfranchisement of Yarmouth, and of one on Thetford being constituted a “single membered” borough. The following motion was adopted: “That the attention of the Chamber having been directed to the clauses in the Bill before Parliament for the redistribution of seats, it is resolved that the proposal to take away three members from the county is unjust, and that the most strenuous efforts be made to retain twelve members, to which it is justly entitled, by reason of its population, wealth, and importance.” It was announced on June 15th that, under the redistribution scheme, Norfolk would in future have three divisions, namely, West, North-East, and South-East. The Boundary Commissioners appointed under the provisions of the Representation of the People Act held inquiries at Thetford on September 24th, at Norwich on September 27th and October 9th, at Lynn on October 2nd, and at the Shirehall, Norwich, on October 7th. (See June 18th, 1868.) 21.—Died at West Bilney Hall, Mr. Thomas William Coke. He was born in January, 1793, and was the eldest son of Edward Coke, of Longford, Derbyshire. In his youth he was frequently at Holkham, 24.—The Queen’s birthday was observed at Norwich by a parade of the Volunteers and the firing of a feu de joie in the Market Place. The Volunteers were entertained at dinner at the Drill Hall, 700 old people were invited by the Mayor and Sheriff to a feast at the Corn Hall, and luncheon was served at St. Andrew’s Hall for many of the leading residents in city and county. 28.—A modified observance of the old custom of “beating the bounds” took place in the parish of Colkirk. “The existence of tithe maps and other circumstances halving rendered actual perambulation comparatively unnecessary, the circuit of the parish was omitted; but two brief services were held in the pretty green lanes at the opposite extremities of the parish, and were attended by 60 or 70 persons, including the little children of the village school, who marched through the village singing hymns, preceded by a modest banner.” An address was given at both services by the Rev. W. A. Chapman. JUNE.4.—Died, at the age of 53, Dr. W. H. Ranking, formerly of Norwich. He was descended from a family living on the borders of Norfolk and Suffolk, who had for three generations been engaged in the practice of medicine. Dr. Ranking received his early education at Hastings, and subsequently entered the University of Cambridge. After spending some time in the hospitals of Paris, he settled at Bury St. Edmund’s, and became physician to the Suffolk General Hospital, a post which he filled for seven years. After the death of Dr. Lubbock, Dr. Ranking removed to Norwich, and became physician to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, and editor of the Journal of the Council of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. “He was a most uncompromising enemy to quackery in all its forms, and he always testified to the absurdity of what he considered the fashionable humbug of the age—homoeopathy.” 19.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at Fakenham, and was continued on the 20th. By special permission granted by the Privy Council, at the request of a deputation introduced on May 9th by Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., cattle were exhibited under certain restrictions. At the dinner, presided over by the Earl of Kimberley, Mr. E. C. Bailey was presented with a handsome testimonial, on his resignation of the office of secretary, after twenty-five years’ service. 24.—The First Administrative Battalion of Norfolk Volunteers, commanded by Col. James Duff, encamped in Hunstanton Park. JULY.5.—Mr. J. L. Toole commenced a two nights’ engagement at Norwich 6.—Died, in his 70th year, at his residence, Surrey Road, Norwich, Mr. William Day, who for upwards of forty years had held the office of magistrates’ clerk. 9.—Died, Sir George James Turner, the senior Lord Justice of Appeal. He was born at Great Yarmouth in 1798, where his father, the Rev. Richard Turner, was for thirty years vicar. His education commenced at the Charterhouse (of which he was afterwards a governor), and finished at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where his uncle, Dr. Joseph Turner, Dean of Norwich, was then master. In 1819 he took his degree as wrangler, and was soon afterwards elected a Fellow of Pembroke. Having entered at Lincoln’s Inn, he was called to the Bar in 1821, and became Queen’s Counsel in 1840, and from 1847 to 1851 sat in the House of Commons as member for Coventry. In 1851 he was selected as a Vice-Chancellor, and in 1853, when Lord Cottenham was appointed Lord Chancellor, he was promoted Lord Justice of the Court of Appeal. Sir George married in 1823, Louisa, youngest daughter of Mr. Edward Jones, of Brackley, Northamptonshire. AUGUST.1.—A new lifeboat, the cost of which had been generously defrayed by a lady residing at Bath, was launched at Sheringham. It was named the Duncan, and was housed in a commodious building, with reading-room attached for the use of the fishermen. 8.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Byles, Hubbard Lingley, aged 22, was indicted for the murder of Benjamin Black, his uncle, by shooting him at Barton Bendish, on May 17th. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to death. The execution was carried out by Calcraft, on the Castle Hill, Norwich, at eight a.m. on August 26. “The holding of an execution upon Monday instead of on the market-day (Saturday) is a vast improvement, but it is to be hoped the time is not far distant when executions will take place within instead of outside the prison walls.” (This was the last public execution in Norwich.) —Died at her residence, at Weybridge, Mrs. Austin (Sarah Taylor, of Norwich). She was born in 1793, and married, in 1820, Mr. John Austin, a barrister on the Norfolk Circuit. A miscellaneous writer of some repute, she never aspired to original literary compositions, but devoted the singular power of her pen to the reproduction in English of many of the best contemporary works of German and French literature. Her translations, from the German especially, were of the highest excellence. 12.—Chapel Field, Norwich, which had for some months been closed to the public, was re-opened. Several portions of the old city wall had been removed, and railings erected, and efforts were also made to level the area. 14.—The Norfolk and Eastern Counties Working Classes Exhibition and Industrial Festival was opened at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by 30.—Mr. George Buttler Kennett, formerly of Great Yarmouth, was appointed clerk to the justices of Norwich, in place of Mr. William Day, deceased. SEPTEMBER.4.—A new lifeboat, named the “Licensed Victualler,” was launched at Hunstanton. Its cost was defrayed by a fund inaugurated by Mr. James Wyld, editor of the “Licensed Victuallers’ Guardian.” 10.—A surf lifeboat was launched at Caister-next-the-Sea. It was provided, at the cost of £300, by means of a fund raised by the editor of “Routledge’s Magazine for Boys,” and was christened by Mrs. Routledge, “The Boys’ Lifeboat.” 11.—The Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report on the employment of children, young persons, and women in agriculture, for the purpose of ascertaining to what extent and with what modifications the principles of the Factory Acts could be adapted for the regulation of such employment, and especially with the view of the better education of such children, commenced its investigations in Norfolk in the Docking Union. The Assistant-Commissioner (the Rev. James Frazer) held similar inquiries in other parts of the county, and, in an address to the members of the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, on September 28th, said he had met at forty-eight meetings 500 Norfolk farmers, “and not on one occasion had he heard a single painful or discourteous word drop from anybody’s lips.” 16.—The first annual regatta of the Norfolk and Norwich Rowing Club was held at Whitlingham. 17.—The Norfolk and Norwich Licensed Victuallers’ Association was formed at a meeting held at the Three Pigeons, Charing Cross, Norwich. 19.—A new church erected at Overstrand, in place of the old church, which had fallen into decay, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. The architect was Mr. A. Salvin, of London, and the builder Mr. R. Cornish, of North Walsham. The necessary funds were provided principally by the Dowager Lady Buxton and the descendants of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, deceased, by Mr. Gurney Hoare, Mr. Joseph Hoare, and others. 21.*—“A destructive parasitical weed has made its appearance on some of the small farms at Navarina, an open district forming a part of the very extensive manor of Lord Ashburton, at Thetford. It is known as ‘the dodder.’ It completely absorbs or destroys the crop wherever it appears, and leaves the land barren of all but its own hair-like fibres. So powerful and fatal is the grasp of this singular plant, that even the hardy and prickly gorse succumbs to the pressure of its delicate fibres.” OCTOBER.1.—The 15th Hussars, from Aldershot, marched into Norwich, under the command of Col. F. W. J. Fitzwygram. 14.—A huge female elephant, weighing five tons, and belonging to Edmonds’ (late Wombwell’s) Menagerie, started from Diss with the show, but had not gone far when she fell in Denmark Street. Poles and tackle had to be procured, and after four hours’ labour the ponderous animal was raised, put in the caravan, and taken back to the fair green, where she was placed in slings. Cordials and other restoratives were administered, but the animal died on the following day. She was valued at between £800 and £900, and had been fifteen years in the collection. 22.—An immense eel was taken from the river Ouse, near Denver Sluice. It measured 5 ft. 8 in. in length, 17¼ in. in girth, and weighed 36 lbs. before and 28 lbs. after being skinned. “Yarrel, in his ‘British Fishes,’ mentions having seen the skins of two at Cambridge which together weighed 50 lbs.—one 27 lbs. and the other 23 lbs., which were taken within a few miles of this spot.” 28.—The new fishmarket, wharves, and tramways constructed at Great Yarmouth, at the total cost of £15,799, were opened. NOVEMBER.5.—The new Drill Hall at Great Yarmouth, erected at the cost of £1,300, by Mr. Leggett, from designs by Mr. J. T. Bottle, was opened. 6.—St. Andrew’s church, Norwich, was re-opened after restoration. The architect who superintended the work was Mr. William Smith, the Adelphi, London, and the contractor, Mr. Burrell, of Norwich. The Bishop of Norwich preached the sermon. —Died at Yarmouth, aged 82, James Sharman, the keeper of the Nelson monument on the South Denes. He was a native of Yarmouth, and entered the Navy in 1799, having been “pressed” when a waiting lad at the Wrestlers Inn, and taken on board H.M.S. Weazel, Captain Durben. After four years’ service he was wrecked off Cabaratta Point, near Gibraltar. He then joined the Victory, under Captain Thomas Hardy, and at Trafalgar “assisted in carrying the dying Nelson from the lower deck to the cockpit.” 9.—Mr. Jeremiah James Colman was elected Mayor, and Mr. Robert Fitch appointed Sheriff of Norwich. —At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a memorial was received from the parents of boys educated at the Commercial School, praying that the efficiency of that school should not be impaired in consequence of the large outlay required for making alterations in and additions to the Grammar School premises. The Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee, to whom the memorial was referred, reported to the Town Council on November 26th that they strongly deprecated 10.—Died in Paris, aged 63, Mr. W. Wilshere, of Welwyn, Herts., and formerly member of Parliament for Yarmouth. He became a candidate for that borough with Mr. Rumbold, in the Liberal interest, in 1837, when the Conservative candidates were Messrs. Baring and Gambier. On the dissolution of Parliament in 1847, he retired from the representation of the borough. “It is said that his various contests cost him a very large sum of money, and that in other respects the expenses incident to the representation of a borough on Liberal principles were too much for endurance.” 16.—Reference was made to the disbandment of the 1st Norfolk Light Horse, which had been under the command of Capt. Hay Gurney since its institution by him in 1861. The members presented to their commanding-officer a testimonial “representing in frosted silver, on an ebony stand, a mounted officer and trumpeter in full dress.” 20.—The Scratby Hall estate, comprising 280 acres, was sold by auction by Messrs. Butcher, at the Star Hotel, Yarmouth, for £16,760. 26.—The Rev. Edward Marjoribanks Nisbet, M.A., was installed a residentiary canon at Norwich Cathedral. 30.—The Right Hon. Edward Stratham Gordon, Lord Advocate of Scotland, was elected to represent the borough of Thetford in Parliament, upon the resignation of the Hon. A. H. Baring. Lord Frederick FitzRoy, who had come forward as a candidate, withdrew from the contest on the day appointed for the nomination. “He departed for London, leaving behind him an address telling the electors that, by means of treachery, opposition had been brought against him.” DECEMBER.1.—The Norfolk coast, in common with the whole of England, was visited by a gale of unusual violence. It resulted not only in great destruction of property, but in the loss of many lives. At Yarmouth the waters overflowed the banks of the river, inundated all the low-lying lands from the harbour’s mouth to Reedham, and, flooding the neighbouring railways, stopped the traffic. Several vessels were driven ashore and their crews lost. On December 2nd the lifeboat Rescuer was entering the harbour with the shipwrecked crew of the ship George Kendall, from Liverpool to Hull, on board, when she fouled with a fishing-boat and was capsized. Of the shipwrecked crew of twenty-three only four were saved, and of the lifeboat crew six were drowned. Many widows and children were left destitute, owing to the large number of lives lost during the gale. —The parish church of Little Ellingham was destroyed by fire. The building had recently undergone extensive restoration, and the damage, due to the overheating of a new warming apparatus, amounted to upwards of £1,000. Efforts were made by the Hingham fire brigade to preserve the chancel, and were in part successful, but the nave was wholly demolished. Under the supervision of Messrs. T. H. and F. Healey, architects, of Bradford, the nave was rebuilt and the chancel 24.—A common hall was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. J. J. Colman), at which the citizens expressed their “detestation of the late Fenian outrage at Clerkenwell, their sympathy with the sufferers, and their loyal attachment to the Queen and the Constitution.” 26.—The Christmas pantomime produced by Mr. Sidney at Norwich Theatre was entitled, “Hush-a-Bye Baby on the Tree Top, or Harlequin Fortunio, Clown King Frog of Frog Island, and the Fairy Queen of the Golden Flowers.” At Mander’s Menagerie, stationed on the Castle Meadow, “the electric light was exhibited in the interior during Maccomo’s performance with the lions, tigers, and elephants.” On the 30th was produced at Henry and Adams’ Circus an “equestrian pantomime,” entitled, “O’Donaghue of the Lakes, or Harlequin Dermot Astore and the White Horse of Killarney.” 30.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Leicester, and returned to Sandringham on January 4th, 1868. Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar was of the party. 1868.JANUARY.2.—At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, held at Norwich, Mr. Day, the County Treasurer, gave notice of his intention at the Easter Sessions, to resign that office, which he had held for thirty-three years. Mr. Day took leave of the Court on April 2nd, and Mr. Herbert William Day was elected in his place. —Lord Suffield, at the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, moved the adoption of an address to her Majesty, expressing indignation at the Fenian outrages committed throughout the kingdom, and promising the hearty and vigorous co-operation of her Majesty’s loyal subjects in the county in supporting the Government in any efforts that might be made “to repress this odious conspiracy.” It was stated on January 11th that at Yarmouth precautions had been taken to prevent an outbreak in the borough. Each ward was under the special supervision of two magistrates; the store of gunpowder was removed from the outlying magazine at the North Battery to the South Battery, where a strong guard was stationed; and directions were given to the Artillery and Rifle Volunteers as to the course to be pursued in the event of their services being required. 14.—The Norwich Churchmen’s Club was established at a meeting held at the Clerical Rooms. It was intended for “the self-culture and rational recreation of young men.” For some years afterwards the society continued to flourish, and was instrumental during the early period of its existence in introducing to the city several eminent lecturers on scientific and other subjects. 18.—The colours of the 54th (West Norfolk) Regiment, bearing the marks of the severe conflicts through which they had passed, were “laid up” at Norwich Cathedral. They were brought from Aldershot on the 17th, in charge of Capt. Shirecliff Parker, Lieut. Smart, Ensign Ibbetson, and two colour-sergeants, and were deposited for the night at the Guildhall. On the morning of the 18th the colours, escorted by the 15th Hussars, and preceded by the band of that regiment, were borne to the Cathedral. After Morning Prayer had been said, Lieut. Smart carried the Queen’s and Ensign Ibbetson the Regimental colour to the altar rails, and, kneeling, handed them to Canon Nisbet and Canon Heaviside, “who placed them leaning across the altar, one on the north and the other on the south side”; the National Anthem was played upon the organ, and the officers and escort, who wore their busbies, saluted. Canon Nisbet preached from Psalm xx., part of the 5th verse. The colours were subsequently placed in the positions they now occupy in the choir. 23.—A fire, involving the loss of three lives and the destruction of much valuable property, occurred at the house of Mr. Frederick Pigg, hosier and boot and shoe manufacturer, Market Row, Yarmouth. Mrs. Pigg, in heroically attempting to save her two children, was buried beneath the falling roof of the building, and the charred remains of the mother and infants were found the following day. The value of the property destroyed was about £3,500. 28.—The first of the many long discussions upon the sewerage question during this year took place at a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, on a recommendation of the Sewerage Committee that a memorial from the citizens, praying for the introduction of the dry earth system, instead of an expensive scheme of drainage, be not adopted. It was decided that the works had progressed too far to admit of any reconsideration of the plans. On February 28th a large 31.—Died at Welborne, aged 100 years, Benjamin Tooley, “leaving a widow at the advanced age of 99.” FEBRUARY.1.—During the prevalence of a severe gale from W. and S.W., shipping casualties of a very serious character occurred off the coast of Norfolk, and inland considerable damage was done to property. Trees were uprooted, stacks overturned, and many houses partially unroofed. 6.—A collision occurred off Happisburgh, between the screw steamer Swan, of and for Newcastle, and the paddle steamer Seagull, of Hull. The Seagull, which foundered, with the loss of a passenger, was valued at £15,000, and her cargo at £10,000. 13.—During a run of the Norfolk and Suffolk Harriers over land at West Tofts, in the occupation of Mr. Colman, the hare was shot by a gamekeeper in the service of that gentleman. During the altercation which ensued Mr. Colman appeared, and blows were exchanged between the members of the Hunt and himself. Reinforcements came to Mr. Column’s assistance, and the engagement became general, the conflict ending in favour of the Hunt. At the Norfolk Assizes, on March 31st. before Mr. Baron Martin, was tried the action, Colman v. Larkman, in 15.—Died at his residence, St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, Mr. Arthur Dalrymple, who had held the office of Clerk of the Peace since 1856. He was a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, a lover of science and art, and possessed a unique and valuable collection of Norfolk portraits. 19.—In the Court of Exchequer, before the Lord Chief Baron, Messrs. Henry Morgan and others, as assignees of the estate and effects of Messrs. Riches and Watts, engineers, of Norwich, brought a claim against William Cafferata, engineer, of Newark, for the recovery of £5,000 damages which had been sustained by the estate of the bankrupts by reason of the explosion of a steam boiler which they purchased of the defendant and had supplied to Mr. Richard John Stark. It was warranted to be of the very best metal, but was really of inferior quality, and burst with disastrous consequences. The defendant accepted a verdict against himself of £2,000 damages. 20.—Died at Portsmouth, Rear-Admiral Robert Sharpe, K.T.S., aged 76 years. A native of Tunstead, he entered the Navy in 1807, on board the Mars (Captain Lukin), and retired with the rank of Rear-Admiral in 1865. “Whilst in command of the Siska, he conducted the King of Musquito from Blasford to Belize to be crowned.” MARCH.8.—Died at Thetford, in his 73rd year, Mr. Isaac Carr. He was described as “a veteran politician of the old school, who was deputed some two years since by Mr. Harvey, M.P., to compile a history of Thetford, which he had not completed at the time of his death.” 9.—The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new dock at Lynn was performed by Mrs. Jarvis, wife of Mr. L. W. Jarvis, chairman of the Dock Company. (See July 7th, 1869.) 10.—The first screw steamboat built in Norwich was launched from Field’s boatbuilding yard, Carrow Abbey. She was named the Alexandra, and was intended for passenger traffic on the local rivers. Mr. John Hart Boughen was the owner of the vessel. —Mr. Elijah Crosier Bailey was appointed Clerk of the Peace for the city and county of the city of Norwich. —The Norwich Town Council, on the motion of Mr. Field, adopted a resolution affirming the desirability of arranging with the Board of Guardians for the collection by one set of paid collectors of all the public rates within the corporate district of Norwich. On April 21st the Town Council adopted the report of a joint committee of the Corporation and the Guardians, who recommended that the corporate district be divided into eight districts; that the then four collectors be retained at the salary of £140 per year each; that four new collectors be appointed, at the salary of £100 a year each; that in future two poor rates be made yearly, namely, one in January and one in July, both of such rates to be collected in two instalments, the first in January and July, and the second in April and October; and that a like arrangement be made as to the making and collection of the rates of the Board 27.—Died at North Creake, in his 71st year, the Ven. R. E. Hankinson, M.A., Archdeacon of Norwich. He was educated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. degree in 1821, and was ordained in the same year by Bishop Bathurst, of Norwich. For some years he was minister of Well Walk Chapel, Hampstead; in 1847 was presented by the Dean and Chapter of Norwich to the incumbency of St. Margaret and St. Nicholas, King’s Lynn, which he held until 1863, when he was presented to the rectory of North Creake; and was appointed to the Archdeaconry of Norwich in 1857. He was succeeded by the Rev. Augustus Macdonald Hopper, honorary canon and rural dean, and proctor for the Archdeaconries of Norfolk and Norwich, who was collated on April 26th. 31.—At the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, a meeting of the Conservative and Constitutional Association passed a resolution condemnatory of Mr. Gladstone’s resolutions on the Irish Church. Many meetings were held for the same purpose in different parts of the county, and on April 23rd the Norwich Diocesan Church Association recorded its protest against the measure. APRIL.8.—A complimentary dinner, attended by about 150 gentlemen, was given to Lord Hastings at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, in recognition of the successful manner in which he had hunted the East Norfolk Foxhounds. 13.—The English Grand Opera Company, managed by Mr. G. B. Loveday and Mr. Oliver Summers, commenced a season’s engagement at Norwich Theatre. Madame Haigh-Dyer was the prima donna, and Mr. Henry Haigh and Mr. Henry Rowland were members of the company. The works produced included “Un Ballo in Maschira,” “Fidelio,” “Masaniello,” “Faust,” “Lurline,” “Il Trovatore,” “Satanella,” “Rose of Castile,” and “Crown Diamonds.” 14.—The headquarters of the 15th Hussars marched from Norwich Cavalry Barracks, en route to York. 17.—East Raynham church was re-opened, after restoration. The Marquis Townshend had entirely rebuilt the nave, at the cost of upwards of £4,000, and the rector, the Rev. R. Phayre, the chancel, at the cost of £1,000. The work was commenced in May, 1866, by the contractor, Mr. William Hubbard, of East Dereham. 25.—Died at Ballycroy, Ballina, co. Mayo, where he had occupied an extensive farm, Mr. T. J. Birch, Judge of the Norfolk County Court circuit. The second son of Mr. Wyrley Birch, of Wretham Hall, he was born prior to the settlement of the family in the county. He was educated at Eton, and having graduated at Oxford, entered the Inner Temple, and was called to the Bar on November 18th, 1831. His first official connection with the county was as a magistrate and joint chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions. After the passing of the first County Courts Act, the Liberal Government of the day appointed him, in March, 1847, to the judgeship of the Norfolk district. He was succeeded MAY.1.—Died at the South Kensington Hotel, London, Mr. Albemarle Cator, of Woodbastwick Hall, aged 55. He was one of the most prominent sportsmen in the county, was a Conservative in politics, and was upon the Commission of the Peace. In the year preceding his death he served the office of High Sheriff of Norfolk. 4.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, an address was adopted congratulating the Queen upon the failure of the attempted assassination of the Duke of Edinburgh. 25.—The Queen’s birthday was observed at Norwich as a public holiday. The Rifle Volunteers fired a feu de joie in the Market Place, and the Artillery Volunteers a salute on the Castle Hill. The Mayor’s dÉjeuner at the Drill Hall was attended by 1,000 guests, and his entertainment at the Corn Hall by over 1,000 of the aged poor, among whom were an old lady aged 98 and her daughter aged 80. 30.—Died at Thetford, Mr. Leonard Shelford Bidwell, aged 86. Mr. Bidwell had several times served the office of Mayor, was upon the Commission of the Peace for the county and for the borough, and was senior Alderman of the Corporation. In politics he was a Conservative, and had always given his support and influence to the house of Baring in the representation of the borough. JUNE.11.—Died at his residence, Burrator, Devon, Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak. 13.—The name of Lord Ranelagh, High Sheriff of the county, was brought into unpleasant prominence at Bow Street Police Court, during the hearing of a charge against Madame Rachel for fraudulently obtaining from a Mrs. Borradaile the sum of £1,000, upon pretence of making her “beautiful for ever.” Madame Rachel had informed her dupe that Lord Ranelagh had fallen desperately in love with her, and was ready to marry her “providing he had £1,400 for Volunteering purposes.” Lord Ranelagh emphatically denied having had anything to do in the matter further than that he had received letters from Mrs. Borradaile, and had suggested to her family that she should be taken care of, believing that she was under delusions. —Died at his residence, the Crescent, Norwich, in his 83rd year, Mr. J. N. V. Cooper, who was for more than 56 years clerk to the Governors of the Bethel Hospital. 18.—In the House of Commons it was agreed, on the motion of Mr. Howes, that the three divisions of the county be thenceforth known as North, South, and West Norfolk, instead of “North Eastern, South Eastern, and West.” —The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at Downham Market, and was continued on the 19th. Mr. W. Amhurst Tyssen Amherst was President. 27.—The 1st Administrative Battalion Norfolk Volunteers went into camp at Hunstanton Park, 500 strong, and remained under canvas until July 2nd. The battalion was inspected by Col. Boileau. 30.—The Norwich Electoral Union selected Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett as Liberal candidate for the city, in view of the pending General Election. JULY.23.—A two days’ cricket match commenced on the Lakenham Ground, Norwich, between a team of “Aboriginal Australians” and the Carrow Club. The Australians showed surprising skill with the bat, and in the first day’s play made 177, against the Carrow score of 82. 26.—Died, Robert Monsey Rolfe, Baron Cranworth of Cranworth. His lordship was the eldest and only surviving son of the Rev. Edward Rolfe, and was born December 18th, 1790. His father, like his uncle, grandfather, and great grandfather, was a plain country clergyman, holding the livings of Cockley Cley and of Cranworth, and it was at the rectory house of the latter parish that he was born, and from which he selected his title just 60 years afterwards. His mother was a Miss Alexander, a granddaughter of Dr. Monsey, the physician of Chelsea Hospital. Having received his early education at Bury St. Edmund’s, he was transferred to Winchester College, and in due course proceeded to Cambridge, took his B.A. degree as 17th wrangler in 1812, and was elected to the Fellowship of Downing College. He entered Lincoln’s Inn, and was called to the Bar in 1816. One of his first public appointments was that of Recorder of Bury St. Edmund’s, and he more than once, as a Liberal, contested the representation of the borough against the powerful interest of the Marquis of Bristol. In 1832 he obtained a silk gown, and in the same year was returned to Parliament. On becoming Solicitor-General, in 1834, he received the honour of knighthood, and at the close of 1839 accepted a puisne judgeship as one of the Barons of Exchequer. In 1850 he was nominated a Vice-Chancellor, a post which, in the following year, he exchanged for that of a Justice of Appeal in Chancery, which he continued to hold until the Great Seal of the kingdom was entrusted to his hands by Lord Aberdeen, on the formation of the Coalition Cabinet in December, 1852. In the same year he was raised to the Peerage, and as Lord Cranworth again held the Great Seal in 1865–66. His lordship married Miss Carr, of Froghall Park, Hampstead. 27.—Mr. Simmons ascended in his large balloon from the Victoria Gardens, Yarmouth, and descended at Caister. On August 6th he made an ascent from the Greenhill Gardens, Norwich, and descended in Horstead Park. Mr. Simmons, on August 13th, exhibited the balloon in Norwich Market Place, where, in a captive state, it made several ascents. The aeronaut, accompanied by Mr. William Maris, then ascended to the height of 10,000 feet in the space 29.—A great Volunteer fÊte and al fresco entertainment took place in the grounds of Quebec House, East Dereham, the residence of Capt. Bulwer. The fÊte, which was attended by many hundreds of persons, was in aid of the funds of the corps. 31.—Died at his residence, St. George’s Middle Street, Norwich, aged 75, the Rev. John Alexander, for nearly 50 years pastor of Prince’s Street chapel. “He was honoured and loved by his congregation as a kind-hearted, liberal-minded, and truly Christian gentleman.” AUGUST.7.—The dismounted party of the B and C Batteries, Royal Horse Artillery, arrived by rail at Norwich. The mounted portion marched in on the 13th, under the command of Major H. P. Bishop. 8.*—“The death, of Mr. George Cattermole, the well-known artist, is announced. He was born at Dickleburgh, near Diss, in 1800. At an early age he acquired proficiency as a draughtsman, and some of the most elaborate drawings in Britton’s ‘Cathedrals’ emanate from him.” —Chang, the Chinese giant, was exhibited at the Lecture Hall, St. Andrew’s, Norwich. “He is between 8½ ft and 9 ft. high, and his natural suavity of manner is very agreeable to those he meets.” 10.—The Grand English Opera and Ballet Company appeared at Norwich Theatre. The artistes, included Miss Annie Thirlwall, Miss Blanch Cole, Miss Fanny Rowland, Mr. William Parkinson, Mr. Aynsley Cook, Mr. Eugene Corri, Mr. Charles Durand, &c. In the company’s repertory were “Un Ballo in Maschira,” “Faust,” and a ballet divertissement, in which the sisters Louie and Marie Smithers appeared. 19.—The British Association for the Advancement of Science commenced its thirty-eighth congress at Norwich. The General Committee met at St. Pater’s Hall in the morning, and in the evening the President, Mr. J. D. Hooker, F.R.S., D.C.L., delivered his inaugural address, at the Drill Hall. The various sections were presided over by the following gentlemen:—Mathematical and Physical Science, Professor Tyndall, LL.D., F.R.S.; Chemical Science, Professor Frankland, F.R.S.; Geology, Mr. R. A. C. Godwin Austen, F.R.S., F.G.S.; Biology, the Rev. J. M. Berkeley, M.A., F.R.S.; Geography and Ethnology, Capt. Richards, F.R.S., Hydrographer to the Royal Navy; Economic Science and Statistics, Mr. Samuel Brown, President of the Society of Actuaries; Mechanical Science, Mr. G. Bidder, C.E. On the 22nd the members were invited to Crown Point by Mr. R. J. H. Harvey and Lady Henrietta Harvey. The concluding meeting was held at St. Peter’s Hall on the 26th, after which excursions were made to Lynn, Hunstanton, Wolterton, Walsingham, Burgh Castle, and Holkham Hall, where the members were entertained by the Earl of Leicester. The International Congress of Prehistoric ArchÆology, presided over by Sir 19.—Died at his residence, Craven Hill Gardens, Bayswater, General Sir George Petre Wymer, K.C.B., Colonel of the 107th Regiment. He was a son of Mr. George Wymer, of Reepham, where he was born on August 19th, 1788. Educated at North Walsham, he entered the military service of the East India Company in August, 1804, served in Lord Lake’s campaign of 1805, and throughout the Nepaul War in 1814–15. In 1840 he joined the army under Sir William Nott at Candahar, and was present during the investment of that city. He was appointed brigadier, and in command of the First Brigade of the Candahar Force saw much active service. In 1842 he was appointed aide-de-camp to the Queen, in recognition of his services in Afghanistan, and in 1857 he was made a K.C.B. for his military services in India. His military career extended over 64 years. General Wymer married, in 1833, a daughter of Sir C. F. Crespigny. SEPTEMBER.4.—A new lifeboat, built at the cost of £1,000 subscribed to the National Lifeboat Institution by Mr. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, of Cromer Hall, was launched at Cromer. Mr. Bond Cabbell also provided all the necessary appliances, the transport carriage, and the boat-house. The Bishop of the diocese delivered an address at the launch, and the ceremony of christening the boat by the name of Benjamin Bond Cabbell was performed by Miss Buxton. 7.—Died, Francis Baring, third Baron Ashburton. His lordship was second son of Alexander, first Baron, by his wife Anne Louisa, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Bingham, of Philadelphia. He was born on May 20th, 1800, and married in January, 1831, Mdlle. Claire Hortense, daughter of the Duke de Bassano, by whom he left issue Alexander, his successor in the title, and formerly Member of Parliament for Thetford, the Hon. Denzil Hugh Baring, and an only daughter, Mary Louisa Anne, married to the Duke of Grafton. Previously to his accession to the family honours, the deceased nobleman represented Thetford in Parliament, namely, from 1832 to 1841, and from July, 1848, to December, 1857. He was a Conservative in politics, but, like his father and brother, was moderate in his views, and generally voted with the class of politicians formerly known as “Peelites.” 10.—Died at Westgate House, near Bury St. Edmund’s, Rear-Admiral Sir William Legge George Hoste. He was the eldest son of Sir William Hoste (who was created baronet in 1814 for his naval services, but particularly for the victory he gained over the combined French and Italian squadrons off the island of Lessa in 1811), and Lady Harriett, third daughter of Horatio, second Earl of Orford. Born on March 19th, 1818, he succeeded to the baronetcy on the death of his father, in December, 1828. He was Gentleman Usher to Queen Adelaide from 1845 to 1849, and was appointed Groom-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria in 1860. OCTOBER.21.—Died, from the effects of an accident, caused by a fall from his 31.—The Earl of Leicester presided at a meeting of the inhabitants of the county and city, held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, “for the purpose of bringing the affairs of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital before the public.” Resolutions were adopted affirming that the resources of the institution were inadequate to meet the annual expenditure, and as a means of increasing the revenue it was desirable “that on one Sunday at least in every year, as far as possible on the same Sunday, collections be made for the benefit of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital in places of worship throughout the diocese, where such collections shall not interfere with the claims of other hospitals.” As the resources of the Hospital were heavily drawn upon by casualty cases, a separate fund called the Accident Fund was established. NOVEMBER.9.—Mr. Edward Kerrison Harvey was elected Mayor and Mr. John Robison appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 15.—For the second time since its erection in 1857–8, the Britannia pier at Yarmouth was partially destroyed. Built at the cost of £6,000, it was originally 750 feet in length. On October 25th, 1859, during a tremendous gale, a sloop, driven from her anchors, was dashed upon the pier and divided it into two portions. It was deemed advisable not to rebuild the severed portion, 80 feet in length, and the terminal portion was subsequently removed. During a heavy north-east gale on this date the schooner Seagull, of Lynn, parted from her anchors, and, drifting towards land, struck against the north side of the pier. The crew of six hands speedily scrambled upon the structure and escaped, but about 105 feet of the centre portion of the pier was completely torn away and damage done to the amount of nearly £1,000. 16.—The nomination of candidates for Norwich, to be elected under the new Reform Act, took place at the Guildhall. The Liberal candidates were Col. Sir William Russell, Bart., C.B., Charlton Park, Charlton Kings, Gloucester, and Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett; and the Conservative candidates Sir Henry Josias Stracey, Bart., of Rackheath, who had been selected about a fortnight previously. The show of 16.—The nomination of representatives to serve in Parliament for the Western Division of the county took place at Swaffham, when Sir William Bagge, Bart., and the Hon. Thomas de Grey were re-elected without opposition. 17.—The nomination of candidates for the borough took place at King’s Lynn. Lord Stanley and the Hon. Robert Bourke were nominated by the Conservatives, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart., by the Liberals. The poll was opened on the 18th, and resulted as follows:—Stanley, 1,265; Bourke, 1,125; Buxton, 1,012. (See March 16th, 1869.) —Died at his residence, Surrey Street, Norwich, in his 82nd year, Mr. Thomas Brightwell. A native of Ipswich, he married the only daughter of Mr. W. M. Wilkin, of Costessey, and settled in Norwich, where he resided for 60 years, and practised as a solicitor. An earnest Nonconformist, he joined the congregation which assembled at the Old Meeting in St. Clement’s, where to the close of his life he officiated as one of the deacons. He was the author of a work on the Pentateuch, and his intellectual attainments and scientific pursuits gained him admission into the circle which included William Taylor, Doctors Sayers, Martineau, Rigby, and Barrow, Sir James Smith, and other Norwich celebrities. Men bearing historic names, and of widely different sentiments, had from time to time been entertained beneath his roof—Williams, Dr. Gary, Moffat, Doctors Philip and Wolff, of missionary fame; Joseph Kinghorn, the eloquent Irving, Belzoni, the Egyptian explorer; Professor Sedgwick, George Borrow, and many others who had done good service in the cause of religion, literature, and science. A close observer of nature, Mr. Brightwell gave much of his time to entomology, and a fine collection of insects in the Norfolk and Norwich Museum was formed by him. But the study to which, in his later years, he devoted especial attention was that of Infusoria. A treatise upon Infusoria, illustrated from drawings by his daughter, was written by Mr. Brightwell and printed for private circulation. At the Norwich Congress of the British Association, of which he was a vice-president, he was greatly amused by the anxious and ineffectual endeavours made by several of the scientific men present to procure 21.—The nomination of candidates for South Norfolk took place at the Shirehall, Norwich. The Conservative candidates were Mr. Edward Howes, of Morningthorpe, and Mr. Clare Sewell Read, of Honingham Thorpe. Mr. Henry Lombard Hudson, of Harleston, was nominated by the Liberals. The polling, on the 24th, resulted as follows: Read, 3,097; Howes, 3,055; Hudson, 1,679. 23.—The following gentlemen were nominated at Aylsham to contest the new constituency of North Norfolk:—Sir Edmund Knowles Lacon, Bart., and the Hon. Frederick Walpole, Conservatives; Mr. Edward Robert Wodehouse and Mr. Robert T. Gurdon, Liberals. The polling took place on the 26th, at nine polling-places—Aylsham, Cromer, Holt, North Walsham, Ormesby, Reepham, Stalham, Wells, and Yarmouth. The official declaration was made at Aylsham on the 28th, as follows:—Walpole, 2,630; Lacon, 2,563; Wodehouse, 2,235; Gurdon, 2,078. (See May 17th, 1869.) DECEMBER.19.*—“A club bearing the name of the Norwich Football Club has been started, and has already begun to play upon the Norfolk and Norwich Cricket Ground. Mr. Croker has been elected president, and Mr. Edward A. Field treasurer and secretary.” The members made their public dÉbut on February 5th, 1869, in a match against King Edward VI. School. (This is the first reference to football, as distinct from the old game of camp ball, made in the columns of the Norfolk Chronicle.) 26.—The pantomime produced at Norwich Theatre was entitled “The White Fawn, or the Loves of Buttercup and Daisy and the Fairies of the Coral Lake.” At Wombwell’s Menagerie (then owned by Mr. Fairgrieve, of Edinburgh) was exhibited, “Prince Bonta Workey, son of the late King Theodore, who held levÉes in his grand state saloon at stated intervals during the day.” —Died at his residence, Chapel Field Road, Norwich, Mr. Trivet Allcock, in his 80th year. “He was an active politician and staunch Liberal, and had associated in his earlier life with men like William Taylor and others, whose superior learning formerly made Norwich celebrated.” 1.—At the justices’ room of the Mansion House, London, John Henry Gurney, Henry Edmund Gurney, Robert Birkbeck, Henry Ford Barclay, Henry George Gordon, and William Rennie, directors of Overend, 2.—At the Lambeth Police Court, William Sheward, aged 57, was charged upon his own confession with the wilful murder of his wife, Martha Sheward, at Norwich, on June 15th, 1851. On the night of January 1st the prisoner went to the Carter Street Police Station and said to the officer in charge, “I have killed my wife. I have kept the secret for years, but I can keep it no longer.” In a further statement he said he had intended to destroy himself, “but the Almighty would not let him do it.” He added that he had cut up his wife’s body, and that a portion was kept in spirits of wine at the Guildhall at Norwich, by order of the magistrates. At the Norwich Police Court, on January 4th, the Chief Constable (Mr. Hitchman) detailed to the magistrates the particulars reported to him by the London police, and stated that on June 21st, 1851, portions of a human body were found in different parts of the city and deposited at the Guildhall. The magistrates issued a warrant for the apprehension of Sheward, who, on January 7th, was brought to Norwich, and appeared before the Bench on January 8th. He was described as a licensed victualler, of the Key and Castle public-house, St. Martin-at-Oak, and it was proved that he married his first wife, a Norfolk woman, who formerly lived at Wymondham, at Greenwich, on October 28th, 1836. In 1838 he came to Norwich, opened a pawnbroker’s shop in St. Giles’, and became bankrupt. When living in Tabernacle Street, in 1851, his wife suddenly disappeared, about the 9th or 10th of June. Upon this evidence the prisoner was remanded, and at subsequent hearings witnesses were called who deposed to finding various portions of human remains in different parts of the city and suburbs in the summer of 1851. Relatives of the deceased woman stated that the prisoner accounted for her disappearance by saying that she had left Norwich for a time. On February 1st the prisoner was fully committed for trial. At the Norwich Assizes, on March 29th, before Mr. Baron Pigott, Sheward was placed upon his trial, and on the second day of the hearing Mr. Metcalfe, Q.C., for the defence, contended that the accused was labouring under delusions when he made the confession. The jury, after three-quarters of an hour private deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner, who had nothing to say, was sentenced to death. Immediately after 14.—The trial of the election petition presented by Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett against the return of Sir Henry Josias Stracey, Bart., as member of Parliament for Norwich, commenced at the Shirehall, before Mr. Baron Martin. Counsel for the petitioner were Mr. Serjeant Ballantyne, Mr. Keane, Q.C., and Mr. Simms Reeve; and for the respondent, Mr. Rodwell, Q.C., Mr. Serjeant Sleigh, Mr. E. L. O’Malley, and Mr. J. C. C. Wyld. Bribery, treating, personation, and other matters were alleged. In his opening address, Mr. Ballantyne asserted “that the bribery was most profligate and most wholesale, and that houses were opened by persons of apparent respectability for the mere purpose of carrying out this bribery, and men of position who ought to have known a great deal better were concerned in it.” After three days’ hearing, the trial resulted in the unseating of Sir Henry Stracey. The learned judge, in his report to the Speaker of the House of Commons, stated that although no corrupt practice was proved to have been made with the knowledge or consent of any of the candidates, and, further, it was proved to his entire satisfaction that neither Sir Henry Stracey nor the other candidates at the said election had any personal knowledge of or connection whatever with bribery or any other illegal or corrupt practice, he had determined that Sir Henry Stracey was not duly elected, and that his election was rendered void by the acts of his agents. The persons reported for being guilty of corrupt practices were Robert Hardiment, Arthur Hunt, Robert Callow, and Thomas Hutchings. The first-named absconded after the petition was presented. It was also stated in the report that a number of persons went to the poll in a gross state of drunkenness. (See April 1st.) 15.—A trout weighing 15 lbs. was captured in a drop net near the New Mills, Norwich. 16.—Messrs. Jolly and Son, coachbuilders, Norwich, advertised that they had “arranged to supply from a noted French maker the celebrated bicycle velocipede, so much in vogue in Paris.” The price of the machine was from 8 gs. upwards. On the 30th there was an editorial announcement to the effect that “an attempt is being made to introduce this latest novelty in locomotive machinery, now so fashionable in Paris, to the Norwich public, by Mr. C. Thorn, who has two at his establishment, for the inspection of the curious.” The “first velocipede journey of any considerable distance from Norwich” was performed on March 30th by Mr. B. W. Jolly, who travelled from Norwich to Yarmouth, including a stoppage of fifteen minutes at Acle, in 2 hours 30 minutes. “The progress of the traveller was considerably retarded by 16.—The so-called monastic chapel erected at Elm Hill, Norwich, by Father Ignatius, was the subject of further discussion. Miss Robinson, a “lady preacher,” had hired the “monastery,” and named it the “Jehovah Jireh chapel,” whereupon Ignatius issued a notice warning her and others concerned that he was the owner of the building. On this date “Brother Philip” and one or two other members of the confraternity came to Norwich, under instructions from Ignatius, and demanded the keys of the building from Mr. Liddlelow, who refused to give them up unless authorised by his principal, Mr. Backhouse, surveyor, of Ipswich. At midnight on the 18th Ignatius, who had arrived in Norwich a few hours previously, with other brethren, gained access to the old sanctuary by, they asserted, miraculous intervention, and thence made their way to the new chapel. The police were sent for, and Ignatius was informed that he had no right there; as he declined to leave the building, the police refused to interfere. Mr. Liddlelow, on the 19th, applied to the magistrates for an order of ejectment, but as a question of right was involved, they would have nothing to do with the matter. On the same evening Ignatius performed service in the chapel, and stated, in the course of his address, that Miss Robinson had acted in the most honourable manner, but had been misled by others. He alluded to her as his “sister in Christ,” and Miss Robinson, who preached in the chapel on the evening of the 20th, spoke of Ignatius as her “brother in Christ.” Ignatius addressed the congregation at the close of the proceedings, and informed them that he should never allow the chapel to be used for any other purpose than that of monastic worship. “Although the members of Father Ignatius’ congregation and the members of Miss Robinson’s flock could not be more opposed in their mode of thought, yet the greatest harmony prevailed, and at the close they offered up the Lord’s Prayer in perfect unison.” FEBRUARY.5.—Died, in his 87th year, at Norwich, Thomas Hurry, church bell-hanger, and for more than 50 years a member of the St. Peter Mancroft company of ringers. 12.—A severe gale occurred on the Norfolk coast. The barque Try Again was lost off Yarmouth, and the crew saved by means of the rocket apparatus. Other vessels were wrecked, and several lives lost. 13.*—“We are sorry to learn that the Norfolk County Cricket Club has been brought to an untimely end. The officers of the club hold out no hope that it can be carried on, as the persistent apathy of those who call themselves members, many of whom have failed to pay their subscriptions, has left the treasurer with a large amount of debts and no hope of being able to meet them.” At a meeting held on the 17th, it was agreed by the Dereham Cricket Club to hire the ground hitherto let to the County Cricket Club. MARCH.5.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a report was received from the Sewerage and Irrigation Committee, stating that an intimation had been made by the contractor for the construction of the intercepting sewers that he would be unable to proceed with his contract unless the Committee advanced him a sum of money. As neither the Committee nor the Board of Health had power to do so under the contract, proposals were made to the contractor (Mr. Wainwright), which resulted in the Committee taking possession of the works, materials, &c. The opinion was expressed that the Committee had acted with due consideration of the interests and safety of the public, and at the same time with consideration for the contractor, who appeared to have met with unforeseen difficulties in the prosecution of that part of the works in course of construction at Trowse, the soil there consisting of sand instead, as was supposed, of chalk. The Town Council, on March 16th, agreed that the contract with Mr. Wainwright be cancelled, upon payment to the parties entitled thereto of £2,800, in full satisfaction of all claims and for the purchase of plant and materials. On July 20th the Sewerage and Irrigation Committee reported that, in consequence of the nature of the soil through which so large a portion of the tunnelling had to be carried, and other unforeseen circumstances, the original estimate would be exceeded, but the ultimate cost of the works would not be more than £81,500, to be reduced to £78,500 by the sale of plant, &c. A description of the sewerage works was published on December 24th, from which it appeared that all the money authorised to be raised by Act of Parliament, £75,000, had been borrowed, and the greater part of it already expended. The whole of the high level sewer was completed on this date. It extended from the Ipswich Road, along Town Close Road, through Mount Pleasant Lane, across the fields and under Mill Hill 9.—Died at Torquay, Sir John P. Boileau, Bart., of Ketteringham Park. The eldest son of Mr. John Peter Boileau, he was born in 1794, educated at Eton and Merton College, Oxford, and in 1813 entered the Rifle Brigade, from which he retired in 1818. He married, in 1824, Lady Catherine Sarah Elliot, daughter of the first Earl of Minto, by whom he had two sons, Francis George Manningham, born in 1830, who succeeded to the baronetcy, and Edward William Pollin, born in 1831, and five daughters. Sir John was a magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Norfolk, and served the office of High Sheriff in 1844. As a memorial to his wife, who died in 1862, he founded the Catherine ward in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. He was devoted to the pursuit of science and the arts, was a vice-president of the Society of Antiquaries, a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Society of Artists, president of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society, vice-president of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum, and a member of the committee of the Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival. 11.—Prince’s Street chapel, Norwich, was re-opened, after having been re-arranged and improved, under the direction of Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, at the cost of £2,600. As originally planned, in 1819, it was a building of heavy and uninteresting appearance; the new designs by Mr. Boardman gave to it an imposing faÇade. The Rev. Newman Hall preached at the opening services. 12.—A race took place between Joseph Tuck, a pedestrian, of Little Snoring, and a trotting pony belonging to Mr. Gutteridge. The match was for £40, the distance 500 yards, and the start was from scratch. Tuck had the race in hand the whole way, and passed the winning-post thirty yards ahead of the pony. 13.*—“Mr. Bunnett, of Norwich, has successfully undergone the necessary preliminary of the searching examination in music by Professor Sterndale Bennett. As a corollary of the examination, the exercise of Mr. Bunnett for the degree of Doctor in Music was performed in the chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, on the 8th instant, in the presence of Professor Bennett, and produced a very good impression.” 16.—The trial of the election petition against the return of the Hon. R. Bourke, one of the Conservative members for the borough, commenced at King’s Lynn, before Mr. Baron Martin. The petitioners alleged corrupt practices, treating, and intimidation. The hearing concluded on the 17th, when the Judge stated that he was clearly of opinion that the object of the petition had failed, and it would be his duty to report to the Speaker of the House of Commons that Mr. Bourke had been duly elected. APRIL.1.—In the House of Commons a motion was agreed to for the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into alleged corrupt practices at Norwich at the last election of members to serve in Parliament. (See August 21st.) 14.—The Watton and Swaffham Railway Bill was considered by a Select Committee of the House of Commons. The company asked for powers to extend from Watton in the direction of Thetford the line of railway constructed between Swaffham and Watton. The Committee decided that the preamble had been proved. On June 25th a Select Committee of the House of Lords ordered the Bill to be reported to that House. The estimated cost of the construction of the line was £72,500; the capital proposed to be raised under the Bill was £80,000—£62,000 by shares, and the remaining £20,000 by borrowing powers. The line to Roudham was opened for passenger traffic on October 18th. 15.—The Committee appointed by the House of Commons to investigate the condition of turnpike trusts considered the affairs of the Norfolk group. The Committee decided that the New Buckenham, the Norwich, Swaffham, and Mattishall, the Norwich and Watton, and the Thetford trusts be not continued, and that the Aylsham and Cromer trusts be continued. MAY.12.—Died at King’s Lynn, Mr. Charles Gill, “the well-known and highly respected lessee and manager of theatres in the East Anglian district, and talented comedian.” Mr. Gill had attained the age of 74 years, and left a daughter with whom he was about to proceed to Australia. In his earlier days Mr. Gill performed with the great Kean and many other eminent actors. 17.—Loveday’s English Opera Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. Mdlle. Mariana and Miss Ella Collins made their first appearance in Norwich. —The hearing of the election petition against the return of the Hon. Frederick Walpole and Sir E. H. K. Lacon, as members for North Norfolk, commenced at the Shirehall, Norwich, before Mr. Justice Blackburn. The nominal petitioner was Mr. Edward Colman, merchant, of London, who alleged bribery, treating, undue influence, employment of roughs, illegal payment of travelling expenses, and, what was a novel feature in election inquiries, the employment of canvassers. Counsel for the petitioner were Mr. Serjeant Ballantyne and Mr. 24.—The Queen’s birthday was observed in the usual manner at Norwich. A parade of the Royal Horse Artillery and the Volunteers took place. The event was officially observed on June 2nd, when the troops were reviewed on Mousehold; the Mayor and Mayoress entertained the aged poor at the Corn Hall, and gave a feast to the inmates of the Workhouse. 26.—The foundation-stone of the new church of St. James’, Yarmouth, was laid by the Dean of Norwich. The church was partially opened on April 27th, 1870. JUNE.4.—A crane was shot at South Pickenham. It was a young male, in good condition, measured 64 inches in length, and weighed 10½ lbs.; the expanse of its wings was 93 inches. On the 12th two were killed out of four seen at Burnham, and about the same time another was shot on the Thornham salt marshes. The occurrence of so many cranes in one year was remarkable, as not more than three or four specimens were known to have been procured in Norfolk during the preceding half century. 8.—A great demonstration was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in opposition to the Irish Church Bill. The meeting was convened by the Norwich Conservative and Constitutional Association, and was presided over by Sir Samuel Bignold. 9.—Died at Lugano, Switzerland, where he had gone for the benefit of his health, Mr. Charles Cory, Town Clerk of Great Yarmouth, aged 57. He was a son of Mr. Robert Cory, solicitor, a former Mayor of the borough, and was elected Town Clerk in 1851, in succession to Mr. J. Clowes. Mr. Charles Diver was elected to the vacant office on June 21st. 15.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, it was reported that new governors had been appointed under the amended Grammar School and Commercial School scheme. The Town Clerk, it was stated, had obtained for the Corporation the right of interfering in the trust, and had procured the adoption of the lists furnished by the Council. The principle obtained was an important one—that no body of trustees exercising a trust for the benefit of the city and neighbourhood should be allowed to make enormous and various changes in their government and management of the school, which was the property of the Council as much as theirs, without the sanction of the representative body. 24.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at Attleborough, and was continued on the 25th. The members’ dinner took place at the Corn Hall, and was presided over by the Hon. Thomas de Grey, M.P. JULY.7.—The new dock at Lynn, completed at the cost of upwards of £80,000, was opened by the Prince of Wales, who was accompanied by the Princess of Wales. Their Royal Highnesses arrived by special train from London, and were received at the railway station by the Chairman of the Dock Company (Mr. L. W. Jarvis), the Mayor (Mr. J. Thorley), the members of Parliament for the borough, and others. Escorted by a troop of the 3rd (Prince of Wales’) Dragoons, from Colchester, the Prince and Princess proceeded to the Town Hall, where an address was read by the Recorder. After a visit to the Grammar School, where his Royal Highness presented the medal annually given by him to the head boy, the procession went to the Common Staithe Quay, where the twin screw steamer Mary, of London, was lying ready to receive the party on board. The band of the Grenadier Guards, under Mr. Dan Godfrey, played a selection of music as the vessel steamed down the Estuary Channel. Returning to the harbour, the Mary passed through the lock gate into the Dock basin, amid the loud cheers of the spectators, the playing of the National Anthem, and the ringing of the church bells. His Royal Highness having declared the Dock duly opened, said that it would thenceforth be called the Alexandra Dock. The Royal visitors and a distinguished company next proceeded to the Town Hall for luncheon. The Prince and Princess afterwards left for Sandringham. In the evening the town was illuminated, and a display of fireworks was given in the Tuesday Market Place. 8.—After lying high and dry for upwards of nine weeks, the large screw steamer, Lady Flora, was launched from Caister beach. She was a first-class vessel, of 750 tons register, and 1,000 tons gross, 205 feet in length, 29 feet beam, and was valued at £16,000. On May 1st she ran hard and fast on the beach, in close contiguity to the dangerous shoal known as the Patch. Early in June the services of Mr. T. B. Carr, engineer, of Hull, were engaged by the underwriters, and efforts were made to get her off. The steamer had become embedded in the sand to the depth of eight feet, but by the aid of very powerful hydraulic cranes and other appliances, and assisted by 120 men, Mr. Carr succeeded in lifting the vessel four feet above the beach. In these operations upwards of £2,000 was expended. Three thousand persons assembled to witness the launch. When the blocks were knocked away the vessel, by her own weight, glided broadside off, and rolled in magnificent style into 4½ feet of water. Her draught (empty) was eight feet; as the tide rose she floated with it, and was towed to Hull for repair. On November 20th it was announced that the Lady Flora, which was then engaged in the Baltic trade, had been lost at sea. 16.—In recognition of the great services he had rendered to the Norwich Battalion of Rifle Volunteers during the five years it was under his command, Col. Black was presented with a service of plate by the officers, non-commissioned officers, and members of the corps. 19.—Robertson’s comedy, “Caste,” which marked a new era in the character of theatrical representation, was produced for the first time in Norwich, by a company which appeared at the Theatre Royal, under the management of Mr. Frederick Younge. The transition from sensational drama and broad farce to refined comedy was by no means appreciated by local playgoers, and the attendance during the week was unusually small even for Norwich. “School” was the other piece performed by the company, which comprised Mr. Frederick Younge, Mr. Craven, Mr. J. W. Ray, Mr. G. Canninge, Mr. Fortune, Mrs. E. Dyas, Miss Ada Dyas, and Miss Brunton. 21.—Died at Saham, Mr. Jonas Silvanus Wright, aged 71. He was the author of “The Prodigal Son,” “Rambles in Wales,” and other poems. AUGUST.12.—A two days’ cricket match, between eleven of the South of England and twenty-two of Norfolk and Norwich, commenced on the Newmarket Road ground, Norwich. Scores: South of England, 33—161; Norfolk and Norwich, 172—124. 13.—The advance party of the D Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, arrived at Norwich, and on the 16th the B Battery marched en route to Ireland. 19.—The Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the existence of corrupt practices at the last election of members to serve in Parliament for the city of Norwich commenced its sittings at the Shirehall, Norwich. The Commissioners were Mr. George Morley Dowdeswell, Q.C., Mr. Horatio Mansfield, and Mr. John Biron. On September 4th (the fifteenth day) the Court adjourned until the 27th, when the inquiry was resumed. Sir Henry Stracey was examined on October 9th (the 27th day), and Mr. J. H. Tillett on October 11th (the 29th day). The inquiry terminated on October 15th (the 32nd day). The Chief Commissioner acknowledged the assistance given by the police and the Guardians. “We feel,” he said, “that these bodies have rendered us most efficient and signal assistance, and we only wish that other officials in this city had also offered us that assistance, and that we had not experienced obstacles on their part. We fear that the encouragement which has been given by them to persons to withhold information has led to many of those spectacles which have been to us a source of signal pain in the course of our inquiry.” The Commissioners, in their report, dated February 15th, 1870, stated that corrupt practices did not extensively prevail in Norwich at the election in November, 1868; that Sir Henry Stracey was returned through such practices; and that corrupt practices did not extensively prevail at the election of 1865 or that of 1860. Several persons were scheduled for bribery and for corruptly influencing voters by treating. The Norwich Voters Disfranchisement Bill, by which it was proposed to disfranchise 119 electors, passed its second reading in the House of Commons on May 2nd, 1870, and received the Royal assent on July 4th in the same year. (See January 31st, 1870.) SEPTEMBER.15.—A Conservative banquet was held at the Town Hall, Great Yarmouth, to celebrate the return of the Hon. Frederick Walpole and Sir E. Lacon, Bart., as members for North Norfolk. Upwards of 1,000 electors of the Flegg Hundreds were present, and presented to Sir Edmund Lacon a piece of plate weighing nearly 900 ozs., in recognition of the services he had rendered during the period he represented Yarmouth in Parliament. 20.—Blondin gave tight-rope performances at Norwich Theatre during the week commencing on this date. 30.—An ascent was made from Norwich Market Place in a “fish balloon,” by Mr. Orton, accompanied by Mr. William Maris. The descent took place at Tuddenham, near East Dereham, a distance of fourteen miles from Norwich. OCTOBER.12.—Died at his residence, the Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace, Mr. Bernard Bolingbroke Woodward, B.A. (Lond.), F.S.A., aged 53 years. He had for some years held the post of librarian to the Queen at Windsor Castle, and was the eldest son of Mr. Samuel Woodward, of Norwich. 16.*—“The mansion that Sir Robert Harvey, Bart., is erecting on his estate at Crown Point is approaching completion. It has been built from the designs of Messrs. Coe and Peake, architects, of London.” 18.—The Prince of Wales, with his suite, passed through Norwich, on his way to Gunton Hall, on a visit to Lord Suffield. 19.—A heavy gale took place at Yarmouth, where shipping casualties occurred and several lives were lost. The sea rose to within a few feet of the houses on the Marine Parade. —A week’s festivities commenced at Holkham Hall, in celebration of the majority of Viscount Coke, which his lordship attained in the 20.—Died at Thorpe Hamlet, in his 81st year, Mr. John Kitson, Registrar of the Diocese of Norwich. He had for 58 years held the office of secretary to the Bishop, having been appointed in 1811 by Bishop Bathurst, and continued in the office by his successors, Bishop Stanley, Bishop Hinds, and Bishop Pelham. Mr. Kitson was appointed Registrar in 1825, and was Chapter Clerk and Registrar to the Dean and Chapter, and district registrar in her Majesty’s Court of Probate. NOVEMBER.1.—That portion of Dereham Cemetery appropriated to the Church of England was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. The chapels were designed by Mr. Brown, architect, of Norwich, and built by Mr. Hubbard, of East Dereham. “The old churchyard is said to have been used as a burial-ground for 600 years.” 9.—Mr. Augustus Frederick Coke Bolingbroke was elected Mayor, and Mr. Henry Morgan appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 12.—A new self-righting lifeboat, 33 feet in length, was launched at Wells-next-the-Sea. It was purchased with the proceeds of “penny readings” given in various parts of the kingdom. The fund, which was inaugurated by Mr. E. B. Adams, surgeon, of Bungay, amounted to the sum of £500, and represented the contributions of eighteen different counties. Of this amount Norfolk raised £161. In the presence of several thousands of spectators, the Countess of Leicester christened the boat the Eliza Adams. Luncheon was served at the Crown Hotel, under the presidency of the Earl of Leicester, and in the evening a ball was held. 18.—Died at his residence, St. Clement’s, Norwich, Mr. Henry Ladbrooke, landscape painter. He was a member of the accomplished family of Norfolk artists and a pupil of the celebrated Crome, the influence of whose style was apparent in his works. After residing many years in Lynn, he removed to Norwich. 20.*—“Mr. W. T. Bensly, LL.D., has been appointed by the Dean and Chapter of Norwich to be Chapter Clerk, in the place of the late Mr. Kitson.” 25.—Mdlle. Christine Nilsson, Mdlle. Anna Drasdil, Madame Gilardoni, Signor Foli, and Mr. J. M. Wheli, with Mr. Benedict as conductor, appeared at a concert at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, on this and the following evening, in aid of the local charities, which had suffered from the non-success of the late Festival. The concerts were arranged by Mr. Howlett and Mr. C. S. Gilman, who handed to the charities a sum of nearly £200. 27.*—“The catch of herring last week was a most extraordinary and exceptional one, not only as regards the present season, but also as compared with those of the wonderful voyage of 1868. The quantities of herring delivered on Yarmouth fishwharf exceeded 2,400 lasts (13,200 fish per last), a catch probably unprecedented. Several of the smacks had ‘made up’ before the recent successes, being compelled to do so in consequence of the terrible disasters that had befallen them.” 7.—Lord Claud Hamilton and Mr. Richard Young were nominated candidates for the representation of King’s Lynn, rendered vacant by Lord Stanley’s succession to the Earldom of Derby. The proceedings were of a most tumultuous character, and the show of hands being in favour of the Liberal candidate, the supporters of Lord Claud Hamilton demanded a poll. In apprehension of a disturbance, detachments of the 4th and 8th Foot were drafted into the town, and were stationed in the National Schoolroom, St. Margaret’s. The polling took place on the 8th, and resulted as follows:—Hamilton, 1,051; Young, 1,032. 13.—Died at Westacre, aged 64, Mr. Anthony Hamond. He was the representative of a Norfolk family of considerable antiquity, and succeeded to the Westacre estate on the death of his father, Mr. Philip Hamond, in 1824. In 1828 he married Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. John Chaworth Musters, of Colwick, Notts. He was succeeded in his estate by his son Anthony, born in 1834, Mr. Hamond served the office of High Sheriff in 1836, and twice unsuccessfully contested the representation of the Western Division of the county—in 1847 and 1852; and in 1854 accepted an invitation to become a candidate for Norwich, in opposition to Sir Samuel Bignold, by whom he was defeated. Mr. Hamond took a great interest in country pursuits, and was ever foremost in promoting experiments for the advancement of agricultural science. 14.—Holkham church was re-opened after restoration by the Earl and Countess of Leicester, at the estimated cost of £10,000, of which £7,000 was expended for wood carving alone. 27.—The Prince and Princess of Wales, with Prince Albert Victor and Prince George, arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Leicester. Their Royal Highnesses left on January 1st, 1870, for Gunton Park. —The pantomime at Norwich Theatre was produced by Mr. J. F. Young. It was entitled, “The King of the Peacocks.” Circus entertainments were provided at Messrs. Henry and Adams’ establishment on the Castle Meadow. 1870.JANUARY.31.—In the Court of Common Pleas, before Lord Chief Justice Bovill and Justices Smith and Brett, Mr. Mellish, Q.C., showed cause against the rule calling upon the Master to review his taxation of the costs in the Norwich election petition. The bill of costs of the petitioner (Mr. J. H. Tillett) had been reduced from £3,015 7s. to £703 3s., and of the respondent (Sir H. J. Stracey) from £793 14s. 2d. to £168 6s. Four hundred witnesses had been subpoenaed. The Lord FEBRUARY.1.—Died in Florida, while on leave of absence from Montreal, Lieut.-General Sir Charles Ashe Windham, K.C.B., commanding the forces in Canada. He was the fourth son of Vice-Admiral Windham, of Felbrigg Hall, who was the son of the Rev. George William Lukin, Dean of Wells, and who assumed the name of Windham on succeeding to the estates of his distinguished relative, the Right Hon. William Windham. His mother was Anne, daughter of Mr. Peter Thellusson, of Broadsmouth, Yorkshire, and sister of the first Baron Rendlesham. He was born at Felbrigg in 1810, and married first, in 1849, Marianne Catherine Emily, daughter of Admiral Sir John P. Beresford, Bart., K.C.B., who died in 1865; and secondly, in 1866, Charlotte Jane, eldest daughter of the Rev. Henry Des Voeux. Educated at Sandhurst, he entered the Army in 1826, as ensign and lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards, and served in Canada during the time of the rebellion, from 1838 to 1842. He continued with the regiment until the outbreak of the war with Russia, when he accompanied the Eastern Army as Assistant Quarter-master General of the 4th Division, and served from September, 1854, to July, 1856, without a day’s absence. He was present at the battle of the Alma, at Balaclava, and at the repulse of the powerful sortie on October 26th, 1854, and was with Sir George Cathcart when the latter was killed at the battle of Inkerman. At the second assault on the Redan, on September 8th, 1855, Windham (then Colonel) greatly distinguished himself by his personal daring and gallantry in command of the storming party of the second division, and for his intrepid conduct was promoted Major-General. In September, 1855, he was appointed Governor of the British portion of Sebastopol, and in the following month was entrusted with the command of the 4th Division. For his services in the Crimea he received numerous clasps, medals, and orders. In 1857 General Windham proceeded to India and commanded a division in the field, under Lord Clyde, during the advance to Kallee Nuddee. On June 17th, 1861, he was appointed to the command of the 46th Regiment of Foot, and in October, 1867, became Commander of the Forces in Canada. On the return of General Windham from the Crimea, in July, 1856, he was enthusiastically received at Norwich and presented with two handsome swords, purchased by public subscription. In April, 1857, he was returned to Parliament for East Norfolk, and remained its member for two years. 5.—A meeting of the Norwich Diocesan Church Association was held at the Church Societies’ Rooms, Norwich, for the purpose of discussing the question of national education, a subject which was brought prominently before the country during this year. The Bishop of Norwich presided, and the Dean moved, “That in any legislative enactments for promoting the education of the children of the working 6.—Died at Bethel Street, Norwich, in his 78th year, Mr. Henry Browne. He was the youngest son of Mr. Alderman John Browne, and a liberal supporter of the charitable institutions of Norwich. In his early days of business life Mr. Browne was led to join in those well-intentioned but unfortunately not permanently successful enterprises, the Yarn Company and the movement for making Norwich a port by communication with the sea at Lowestoft. 9.—Strong gales from the E. and E.N.E., accompanied by snow squalls, prevailed off the Norfolk coast, and increased in severity until the 14th. Several shipping disasters occurred. On the 13th the screw steamer Sea Queen, with her crew, was lost on the Scroby Sands, and the American-built barque Victoria, 700 tons, bound from North Shields to Barcelona, with a cargo of coals, went down. Of her crew, several hands were lost. 12.—The Assembly Rooms, erected in 1862, on the Victoria Esplanade, Yarmouth, at the cost of £6,000, were destroyed by fire. 24.—Sir R. J. H. Harvey declined to accede to a memorial signed by 3,000 electors of Norwich, requesting him to allow himself to be adopted as Conservative candidate for the city. 26.*—“Since January 1st several rare birds have been met with in the neighbourhood of Swaffham, namely, a fork-tailed petrel, picked up at Gooderstone; little gull (Larus minutus), in good condition, and weighing only 3 ozs., shot at Beechamwell; stormy petrel, picked up at Narborough; bittern, shot at Weeting; pied thrush, shot at Cockley Cley; pied common partridge, shot at Didlington; dusky grebe, shot at Castleacre; and a peregrine falcon, a fine old female bird weighing 43 ozs. and measuring 47 inches from tip to tip of its wings, shot at Beechamwell.” 28.—The organ at Yarmouth parish church was opened after restoration. The instrument was built by Jordan, Bridge, and Byfield, in 1733, repaired by England (Jordan’s grandson) in 1812, and again MARCH.20.—A movement known as “The Church’s Call” commenced in Norwich. A simultaneous and united effort was made at all the churches in the city; “all seemed resolved to cast aside minor differences, and High Churchmen, Low Churchmen, and Broad Churchmen apparently vied with each other in doing the work set before them.” 23.—Died at Warham All Saints, Margaret Green, aged 100 years. “The Thursford register testifies to her baptism in that parish on March 27th, 1769.” 31.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Byles, Robert Hardiment, tanner and fellmonger, was charged on five counts with bribing voters at the last General Election to vote for Sir H. J. Stracey. The Attorney-General appeared for the prosecution, and the defendant was found guilty. His lordship remarked that this was a very serious crime, and, as he was desirous that sentence should be pronounced by the highest judicature of the country, judgment was reserved. Another person, named Banfather, charged with bribery at the same election, was acquitted. On April 1st, at the same Court, John Hughes Hulme was found guilty of bribery, and sentence was reserved. Edward Stracey, son of Sir Henry J. Stracey, was next charged. The Attorney-General conducted the case for the prosecution, and Mr. A. Staveley Hill, Q.C., was specially retained for the defence. On April 2nd the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. “No sooner was the announcement made than deafening cheers were raised in the Court, and it was in vain that the officers tried to suppress them.” The defendant Hardiment was indicted, before Mr. Justice Blackburn, on various counts, for committing acts of bribery at the Eighth Ward Municipal Election, on November 1st, 1869. On being found guilty, he was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. Joseph Stanley, solicitor, was charged with unlawfully conspiring with Robert Hardiment and others to induce, by means of bribes, certain persons to vote for Edward Bennett and George Gedge, candidates at the municipal election in question. The jury acquitted the defendant. Anthony Freestone, baker, and Henry Ellis, shoe manufacturer, were also indicted for conspiring to bribe at the municipal election, and were acquitted. On April 8th Messrs. W. H. Tillett and Co., solicitors, addressed a letter to the newspapers, asserting that “the jury drew lots to decide what their verdict should be in the cases of Freestone and Ellis.” They added, “The verdict is, of course, bad, and we shall feel it our duty to lay the facts before the committee of gentlemen who instructed us in the prosecutions.” No further action was taken, however. In the Court of Queen’s Bench, on May 10th, before the Lord Chief Justice and Justices Blackburn, Mellor, and Hannen, Hardiment and Hulme were brought up for sentence. Mr. Bulwer, Q.C., applied for mitigation of sentence in the case of Hardiment, on the ground that he was then undergoing imprisonment for municipal bribery; in the case of Hulme it was urged that imprisonment would be injurious to his health. The Court passed sentence of ten months’ APRIL.4.—The Rev. Canon Greenwell, of Durham, “the well-known opener of the Yorkshire wold tumuli,” who had been making scientific investigations at Weeting, opened one of the peculiar mounds known as “Grimes’ Graves,” and discovered therein “two primitive picks in situ, with a splendid ground axe, the skeleton of a bird, a chalk bowl or lamp, and other curious relics.” 18.—The Loveday Opera Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The celebrated pantomimists and dancers, the Paynes, and Mdlle. Esta, appeared with the company. 20.—Died at Aigle, Switzerland, the Rev. W. Beal, LL.D., vicar of Brooke, aged 54. Dr. Beal was the well-known originator of harvest festivals. 21.—Died at Holkham, the Countess of Leicester. Her ladyship was the eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel Charles Whitbread, of Cardington, Bedfordshire, and was married to the Earl of Leicester in 1843. 26.—The portrait of the Rev. John Gunn, F.G.S., painted by Capt. H. H. Roberts, of Thorpe, was hung at the Norfolk and Norwich Museum, “in acknowledgment of his munificent gift to the geological department of his unrivalled collection of local mammalian remains.” 28.—The south aisle of Yarmouth parish church was opened. The Bishop of Rochester and the Bishop of the Diocese were the preachers. —Died, aged 84, William Gurney, compositor, of Norwich. He had been for seventy years in continuous employment at the Norfolk Chronicle Office. 30.—Died at his residence, Horsforth Hall, near Leeds, in his 74th year, Mr. John Marshall, who was Sheriff of Norwich in 1834 and Mayor in 1838 and 1841. Mr. Marshall, who was an advanced Liberal, went to Leeds in 1843, and there took an active part in the affairs of that town. His remains were interred at the Rosary burial-ground, Norwich. MAY.8.—Died at Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire, George Horatio Cholmondeley, second Marquis and Earl of Cholmondeley. He was the eldest son of George James, the first Marquis, by his wife, Lady Georgina Charlotte Bertie, second daughter of Peregrine, third Duke of Ancaster. Born January 16th, 1792, he married, first, on October 20th, 1812, Caroline, second daughter of Lieut.-General Colin Campbell, who died in October, 1815; and secondly, on May 11th, 1830, Lady 16.—Miss Heath, principal tragedienne of the Drury Lane, Haymarket, and Princess’ Theatres, London, supported by Mr. Wilson Barrett, commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, in “East Lynne,” “The Jealous Wife,” “The Bond of Life,” and “Masks and Faces.” Mr. Wilson Barrett was described as “a painstaking and conscientious actor.” 24.—The Queen’s birthday was celebrated at Norwich by a review of the Royal Horse Artillery and the Volunteers on Mousehold Heath. The Mayor entertained a large party at the Drill Hall, and gave a dinner at the Corn Hall to the indigent blind and to poor children; and the Norwich Athletic Club held sports on the Newmarket Road Ground. JUNE.13.—At a meeting of 2,000 Liberal electors, held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett was adopted a candidate for Norwich. A meeting of the Whig party, convened by Sir William Foster, was held at the Royal Hotel on the 14th, under the presidency of Mr. I. O. Taylor, at which it was decided to adopt the candidature of Mr. Edward Warner. 17.—Died at Edgbaston, Birmingham, in his 72nd year, Mr. Robert Martineau, brother of the Rev. James Martineau and Miss Harriet Martineau. He was a native of Norwich, but settled in Birmingham as a manufacturer at an early period of his life, and took an active part in the Reform agitation preceding the Bill of 1832. For the last fourteen years of his life he lived in retirement, owing to almost total blindness. 23.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at Harleston, and was continued on the 24th. Mr. Edward Howes, M.P., presided at the dinner. —The Earl of Rosebery visited his Norfolk estate for the first time. His lordship was met at the entrance to the village of Postwick by a brass band, which preceded the carriage to the rectory, where he was received by the Rev. W. and Lady Margaret Vincent, the Countess of Buchan, Lord Cardross, and other guests. The cottage tenants were entertained at dinner, and “the orator of the village” proposed his lordship’s health, to which the Earl replied. A dinner to the tenantry was given in the school-room, at which his lordship presided, and the festivities ended with a display of fireworks. JULY.1.—The first annual meeting of the Norwich Meteorological Society was held at the Literary Institution. After the visit of the British Association to Norwich in 1868, the local committee, having defrayed all the expenses, had a balance in hand of upwards of £300. At a meeting of subscribers, £100 of this balance was devoted to the purchase 4.—Died at his London residence, Clapham, the Right Hon. William Schomberg Robert Kerr, Marquis of Lothian. He was the eldest of the four surviving sons of John William Robert, seventh Marquis, by Lady Cecil Chetwynd Talbot, daughter of Charles, second Earl Talbot. Born on August 12th, 1832, he married, on August 12th, 1857, Lady Constance Harriet Mahonesa Talbot, eldest surviving daughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot. He succeeded to the marquisate on the death of his father, in November, 1844. Educated at Christchurch, Oxford, he took high honours, having been first class in classics in 1853, and first class in jurisprudence and modern history in 1854. After he had finished his University career, he went to India for a year, but the climate had an injurious effect upon his naturally feeble constitution. His lordship died without issue, and the family estates in Scotland and Norfolk were inherited by his brother, Lord Schomberg Kerr. 6.—The foundation-stone of St. Philip’s church, Norwich, was laid by the Mayor (Mr. A. F. C. Bolingbroke), who was accompanied by members of the Corporation. The church was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich on August 3rd, 1871. The architect was Mr. Edward Power, of London, and the builder Mr. J. Nelson, of Necton. It was designed to seat 775 persons, and the cost was estimated at about £3,575. 9.—The 1st Administrative Battalion Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp at Hunstanton Park. The battalion was inspected by Col. Freer, 27th Regiment. 11.—The nomination of candidates to fill the vacancy in the representation of Norwich caused by the unseating on petition of Sir Henry Josias Stracey, took place at the Guildhall. Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett was nominated by Mr. J. J. Colman, and seconded by Mr. Henry Birkbeck; and Mr. John Walter Huddleston, Q.C., by Sir Samuel Bignold, seconded by Mr. H. S. Patteson. The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Huddlestone, and a poll was demanded by the Liberals. The polling took place on the 12th, and resulted as follows: Tillett, 4,236; Huddlestone, 3,874. Mr. Tillett, on the 14th, took the oath and his seat in the House of Commons. (See August 3rd.) 15.—Great consternation was caused in Norwich by a report that Sir Robert Harvey had committed suicide in his grounds at Crown Point. As it subsequently proved, the rumour was well founded. Sir Robert was in his shrubbery when two pistol shots were heard. Two workmen employed upon the premises, on proceeding to the spot, found Sir Robert in a sitting posture, bleeding from a severe wound in the chest. He was at once removed into the house and placed in the library. Mr. Nichols, the family surgeon, and Mr. Cadge were summoned, and on arriving found Sir Robert in a critical condition. Dr. Copeman was subsequently called in, and every effort was made to preserve life. On the 16th the patient rallied slightly, and on the 17th he was pronounced to be better, but on the 18th he became worse, and was visited by the Dean of Norwich, who prayed with him and afforded him spiritual consolation. Later his prostration increased, and he passed away in an unconscious state on the 19th. With the report of the suicide was circulated the rumour that Sir AUGUST.1.—The Grand English Opera Company, under the management of Mr. Henry Corri, appeared at Norwich Theatre. The principal artistes 3.—In the Court of Common Pleas a petition was filed by Mr. Gardiner C. Stevens against the return of Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett, as member for Norwich. In addition to the usual allegations of bribery and undue influence at the last election, there was a special one of disqualification on account of corrupt practices at the election in 1868. On November 3rd Mr. Tillett obtained an order in the Court of Common Pleas for the striking out of this clause, but leave was given to the petitioner to move the full Court for a rule to show cause why the order should not be rescinded. On November 23rd motion was made accordingly, and the Court unanimously ordered the clause which had been struck out to be restored. (See January 5th, 1871.) 8.—Died at Great Yarmouth, in his 90th year, Mr. Edward Youell, a partner in the banking-house of Lacons, Youell, and Co. He retired from the firm in 1863, after having been in the house nearly 70 years, for 42 of which he was a partner. For several years he had been afflicted with total blindness. 13.—A half-yearly meeting of the East Norfolk Railway Company was held at Norwich. This company was formed for the purpose of constructing a railway from Norwich to North Walsham, and thence to Cromer. After commencing operations, it was unable to proceed from want of capital and other circumstances. It was reported that the estate of the contractor was in the Court of Chancery, a further survey of the proposed line was ordered, and steps were taken to ensure the resumption of the works. (See October 20th, 1874.) 30.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a proposed tramway scheme was discussed. The Wensum Valley railway scheme, for which an Act of Parliament was obtained in 1864, having been abandoned, it was considered that a tramway taking its place would prove useful for conveying produce from the several mills in the district to Norwich. The estimated cost of construction was £2,000 per mile, and the total estimated cost £14,000. The matter was referred to the Paving Committee, and no further steps were taken. SEPTEMBER.2.—Mr. Sothern appeared at Norwich Theatre as Lord Dundreary (“Our American Cousin”) and Hugh de Brass (“A Regular Fix”). On the 3rd he played the part of Colonel John White (“Home”), and appeared in “Dundreary Married and Settled,” and “Whitebait at Greenwich.” 3.—Mr. B. V. Winch was appointed Postmaster at Norwich, in place of Mr. S. Base, retired. 15.—A three days’ bazaar was opened at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, in aid of a fund for converting the Hospital field into an ornamental garden. The sum of £462 was realised. 27.—An explosion took place on the premises of Mr. George Coe, firework manufacturer, New Catton. Two persons were severely injured, and removed to the Hospital. 6.—Died at Landfort House, Portsmouth, Col. Edwin Wodehouse, C.B., commanding Royal Artillery in the Southern District. He was the eldest son of Vice-Admiral the Hon. Philip Wodehouse, and was born at Halifax, Nova Scotia, on April 17th, 1817. Entering the Army as lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, on December 19th, 1834, he served in the campaign of 1854–55, was present at the battles of the Alma, Balaclava, and Inkerman (where his horse was killed beneath him), at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and at the repulse and sortie of October 26th, 1854. Col. Wodehouse was three times mentioned in dispatches, and received the medal with four clasps. 10.—The first number of the “Eastern Daily Press” was published. A rival newspaper, called the “Eastern Daily Journal,” published at the price of one halfpenny, was issued this month, and had but a very brief existence. 31.—The first Diocesan Conference was held at Norwich. At the ruri-decanal meetings held in the spring of the year, the question propounded by the Bishop for consideration was, “Is it desirable that there should be held in this diocese a Diocesan Conference, in which both the clergy and laity should be fully represented, for the purpose of considering and eliciting the opinions of Churchmen upon matters affecting the Church in general, or our own diocese in particular?” A large majority of the clergy and laity were in favour of the Conference, and the Bishop, considering the large area of the diocese, decided that the meetings should take place in five different centres. The first Conference was held at St. Andrew’s Hall on this date; the second at Fakenham Corn Hall, on November 1st; the third at Ipswich Public Hall, on November 2nd; the fourth at Halesworth, on November 3rd; and the fifth at Lynn AthenÆum, on November 4th. At each Conference papers were read, followed by the moving of resolutions and by discussions. NOVEMBER.9.—Mr. Frederick Elwin Watson was elected Mayor (for the second time), and Mr. William Butcher appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 21.—The Prince of Wales arrived at Merton Hall, on a visit to Lord and Lady Walsingham. 29.—The building known as the temporary church in the parish of St. Bartholomew, Norwich, was opened by the Bishop of the Diocese. It was intended for the accommodation of 500 persons, and was erected at the cost of £600. DECEMBER.14.—The Widow Steavenson, residing in St. Gregory’s parish, Norwich, completed her 101st year. “Several of the parishioners called upon her, congratulated her on the event, and supplied her with all the needful viands and wine to enable her to entertain several old friends. Her daughter, now 77 years old, is a widow, having had to 24.—Mr. Sidney produced his “farewell pantomime” at Norwich Theatre. It was entitled, “St. George, the Dragon, and the Seven Champions of Christendom.” 31.—The Prince of Wales, on his journey from Gunton to Sandringham, lunched at the County Club, Norwich. The party travelled from Gunton to Norwich in sleighs and closed carriages, and his Royal Highness afterwards proceeded by rail from Thorpe station to Wolferton. —Died at Merton Hall, the Right Hon. Thomas, Lord Walsingham. He was the eldest son of Thomas, fourth Lord Walsingham, by his wife Lady Elizabeth, fourth daughter of the Hon. and Right Rev. Brownlow North, Bishop of Winchester, and was born July 5th, 1804. On the death of his father, on September 8th, 1839, he succeeded to the barony, and married, on August 6th, 1842, Augusta Louisa, eldest daughter of Sir Robert Frankland Russell, Bart. Of this marriage he had issue a son, the Hon. Thomas de Grey. Lady Walsingham died in 1844, and his lordship married, secondly, on October 25th, 1847, the Horn Emily Elizabeth Julia Thellusson, eldest daughter of John, second Lord Rendlesham, by whom he left issue three sons and three daughters. His lordship was educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.A. in 1824, was called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn in 1827, and in 1842 was made LL.D. of his University. Although educated for the law, he devoted himself to agriculture, the improvement of his estate, and of his cattle and sheep. He was a member of the leading agricultural societies and of the Smithfield Club, an excellent landlord, and one who carried out to the fullest extent the motto of his house, “Excitari non hebescere.” His lordship was succeeded in his title and estates by his son, the Hon. Thomas de Grey, M.P. for West Norfolk, who was born in 1843. —*“The December of 1870 has been no less remarkable for its cold than its heat. In the opening days of the month the temperature was unusually high, and only a fortnight before winter made its appearance in stern reality the thermometer registered in Norwich 55. On the 21st there were four degrees of frost, and on the 23rd the thermometer fell as low as 8.5. On Christmas Eve the cold was so intense that the register on the following morning was as low as 5.5. Christmas Day was the coldest experienced since Christmas Day, 1860, when the cold was more intense by some two or three degrees.” There was a deep fall of snow throughout the county. 5.—At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, a memorial was received from the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, affirming the necessity of the 5.—The trial of the election petition presented by Mr. Gardiner C. Stevens against the return of Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett, as one of the members of Parliament for Norwich, commenced at the Shirehall, Norwich, before Mr. Justice Keating. Mr. O’Malley, Q.C., and Mr. Griffits were counsel for the petitioner, and Mr. Rodwell, Q.C., Mr. Serjeant Ballantine, and Mr. Simms Reeve for the respondent. The case for the petitioner closed on the 6th, and on the 7th Mr. Rodwell commenced his address on behalf of the respondent. On the 10th Mr. Serjeant Ballantine summed up the respondent’s case, and on the same day Mr. O’Malley replied. His lordship gave judgment on the 11th, declaring the election void, and stated that he should report to the House of Commons “the names of everyone engaged with this shameful and disgraceful bribery.” (See February 20th.) 18.—Died, in his 93rd year, at Alexandra Road, Norwich, Christopher Bunting. “He was present at the capture of the French ship GÉnÉreux, whose ensign now hangs in St. Andrew’s Hall. In his early days he was a steward in the Royal Navy, and not only saw the ensign strike to the Foudroyant, but on the quarterdeck of that vessel saw it packed and addressed to Robert Harvey, Esq., then (1800) Mayor of Norwich, little imagining that he would subsequently reside in Norwich, and for more than half a century have the opportunity of seeing the flag decorating the walls of its principal building.” 24.—Died, suddenly, at 2, Rectory Grove, Clapham, Mr. Henry Harrod, F.S.A., aged 53. Mr. Harrod was a native of Aylsham, and commenced practice as a solicitor, at Norwich, where he resided some years. He was best known for his devotion to antiquarian pursuits and by his contributions to the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society, of which he was an honorary secretary, in conjunction with Mr. R. G. P. Minty. His principal work was “Gleanings from the Castles and Convents of Norfolk.” Possessed of remarkable skill in deciphering old documents, his services in this respect were taken advantage of by the Corporations of Norwich, Lynn, and other boroughs, whose ancient records he undertook to arrange. Mr. Harrod was local secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, of which he was a Fellow, and of the ArchÆological Institute, and a corresponding member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. 27.—A new reservoir constructed by the Norwich Waterworks Company at Lakenham, from designs by Mr. Thomas Hawkesley, C.E., of London, engineer in chief to the company, was opened. It cost between £6,000 and £7,000, and was of 1,400,000 gallons capacity. 4.—Died at Cambridge, Mr. Robert Steward, of Yarmouth. He served the office of Mayor of Yarmouth for four consecutive years, namely, from 1858 to 1861. In addition to being a borough magistrate, he was upon the Commission of the Peace for the county of Norfolk. 6.—A new type of traction engine (Thompson’s patent) was tested in the streets of Thetford by Messrs. Burrell, of the St. Nicholas Ironworks. “The peculiarities of the engine consist of its wheels, three in number, being fitted with a length of indiarubber, six inches thick and twelve inches wide, covered with steel and kept on the wheels by endless chains. The great use of these indiarubber tyres is to give elasticity.” 8.—Mr. George William Perrepoint Bentinck, of Davies Street, Berkeley Square, London, was, at Swaffham, returned unopposed to fill the vacancy caused in the representation of West Norfolk by the elevation to the Peerage of the Hon. Thomas de Grey. 10.—A storm of great violence swept over the Eastern coast, and strewed the shores from Yarmouth to the Humber with wrecks and drifting spars. “Off Yarmouth vessel after vessel went down bodily with all hands, and left no clue as to their names or of the ports to which they belonged.” Six Lynn vessels were lost in the Deeps. On this day large flocks of wild geese and swans, with mallards and widgeon, were seen in the neighbourhood of Yarmouth, and the stormy petrel was observed. 20.—The nomination of candidates to fill the vacancy caused in the representation of Norwich by the unseating of Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett for bribery took place at the Guildhall. Sir Charles Legard, of Ganton, Yorkshire, was the Conservative, and Mr. J. J. Colman, of Carrow House, Norwich, the Liberal candidate. The show of hands was in favour of the latter, and a poll was demanded by Sir Samuel Bignold, on behalf of the Conservative nominee. The election took place on the 21st, with the following result: Colman, 4,637; Legard, 3,389. 28.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a report was received from a special committee appointed on January 17th to consider the question of the necessity of a School Board for the city. The committee stated that after communication with the Education Department of the Privy Council, they considered the appointment of a School Board for the corporate district to be inevitable. Mr. Tillett moved the adoption of the report, which was seconded by Mr. Youngs. Mr. Priest moved, and Dr. Copeman seconded, a resolution—“That, in the opinion of the Council, a School Board is not at present desirable, and that they see no sufficient reason why it should be inevitable.” Mr. Tillett’s motion was carried, by 29 votes to 5. (See April 12th.) —The Norwich Town Council authorised the Sewerage and Irrigation Committee to borrow a further sum of £10,000 for the completion of the drainage works. On April 17th the works were used for the first time for delivering sewage upon the land at Kirby Bedon. 3.—The foundation-stone of the new passenger station for the Great Eastern, the Midland, and the Great Northern Railways, at King’s Lynn, was laid by the Mayor (Mr. E. E. Durrant). 8.—Died at his Norfolk seat, Melton Constable, Jacob Henry Delaval Astley, twenty-third Baron Hastings. His lordship, who was in his 49th year, succeeded his father in 1859. He married, in 1848, the Hon. Frances Diana Manners Sutton, daughter of Viscount Canterbury. He took no part in public affairs, but he was much esteemed for his amiable disposition, and deservedly popular in the county for the spirited manner in which he promoted field sports, and for his courteous bearing as a Master of Foxhounds. Having no issue, his lordship was succeeded by his brother, the Hon. and Rev. Delaval Loftus Astley, of East Barsham. 9.—At Norwich Police Court, Richard Hoskins, a clerk in the employment of the National Provincial Bank of England, was charged with feloniously stealing divers sums, amounting altogether to £1,835, the moneys of his employers. The magistrates consented to deal with the case summarily, and, on the prisoner pleading guilty, he was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, with hard labour. 10.—Mr. Henry Haigh’s Opera Company, with Madame Haigh-Dyer as prima donna, opened the Easter season at Norwich Theatre with a performance of “The Grand Duchess.” 15.—Died at his residence, St. Andrew’s, Norwich, Mr. James Newbegin, aged 51. He was Chairman of the Norwich Board of Guardians, and was possessed of considerable scientific attainments. Mr. Edward Field was elected to the chairmanship of the Board on April 17th. 21.—The marriage of Princess Louise was celebrated at Norwich by the ringing of bells and by the partial decoration of the city. The Town Council, at a special meeting, adopted a congratulatory address for presentation to the Queen, and in the evening the Scottish residents in the city held a banquet at the Norfolk Hotel. “Although a number of their English friends were invited to join it, the gentlemen from North of the Tweed assembled in sufficiently preponderating numbers to give a distinctive character to the gathering, and the whole of the arrangements were carried out by a committee of Scotchmen.” The “Number Twenty-Four” Club also dined at the same hotel, and the event was similarly celebrated at Yarmouth, Lynn, and Thetford. 26.—Died at Morningthorpe, Mr. Edward Howes, member of Parliament for South Norfolk. Born July 7th, 1813, he was the eldest surviving son of the Rev. George Howes, rector of Spixworth, his mother being a daughter of Mr. Robert Fellowes, of Shotesham Park. From St. Paul’s School he proceeded to Cambridge, and came out high in the list of Wranglers of his year (1835); in 1836 he was elected a Fellow of his College (Trinity), and three years after was called to the Bar. In 1859 Mr. Howes was returned without opposition for the Eastern Division of the county, in conjunction with Colonel Coke, and in 1865 he was again elected, with Mr. Clare Sewell Read as his colleague. In 1868, when the county was subdivided, Mr. Howes and Mr. Read selected the Southern Division, and were again returned. Mr. Howes was appointed Chancellor of the Diocese on the death of APRIL.1.—Died, in his 88th year, Mr. George Samuel Kett, of Brooke House. He served the office of High Sheriff in 1820, and was a magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant of the county. 4.—Died, suddenly, while on a visit to Norwich, Mr. G. Middleton, of Wimbledon. Mr. Middleton, who was a magistrate of the city, served the office of Mayor in 1859. 11.—The dedication-stone of a new church at Harleston was laid by Mr. Sancroft Holmes. The building was designed to accommodate 400 persons, and the contract amounted to £3,150, exclusive of fittings. Mr. Phipson was the architect, and Mr. Grimwood, of Weybread, the contractor. —The nomination of candidates to fill the vacancy in the Southern Division of the county, occasioned by the death of Mr. Howes, took place at the Shirehall, Norwich. Sir Robert Jacob Buxton, Conservative, and Mr. Robert Thornhagh Gurdon, Liberal, were nominated. The polling took place on the 14th, and resulted in the return of the Conservative candidate. The official declaration was made at the Shirehall on the 17th, as follows: Buxton, 2,868; Gurdon, 2,547. 12.—The first School Board election took place at Norwich. “There was a total absence of excitement, and not much interest was shown.” The following candidates were elected:—Mr. J. H. Tillett, Mr. H. Morgan, Mr. H. Birkbeck, Mr. J. W. Dowson. Mr. T. R. Pinder, Mr. R. A. Cooper, the Rev. Hinds Howell, Mr. A. J. N. Chamberlin, Mr. C. J. Bunting, the Rev. E. P. Costello (Roman Catholic), the Rev. A. C. Copeman, the Rev. J. W. L. Heaviside, and Mr. J. C. Barnham. The unsuccessful candidates were Mr. John Youngs, Mr. F. Paul, the Rev. G. S. Barrett, and the Rev. A. Jessopp. On April 27th Canon Heaviside was elected Chairman, and Mr. Barnham Vice-Chairman; and on May 22nd Mr. E. P. Simpson was appointed Clerk. 15.*—“In consequence of the Purchas judgment, the clergy of Yarmouth intend to wear the surplice in future instead of the black gown when preaching. This resolution was carried into effect during Passion week, and on Easter Sunday at the various churches. At St. John’s, St. James’, and St. Andrew’s churches the black gown has long been discarded.” 18.—The sale of the stud and foxhounds of the late Lord Hastings, at Melton Constable, attracted an enormous number of persons from all parts of England. About £4,000 was realised. On the 19th the daily cows and red and fallow deer were sold for £1,600. 21.—Died at his residence, the Crescent, Norwich, the Rev. Samuel Titlow, vicar of St. John Timberhill and rector of St. Peter Hungate, aged 78. Mr. Titlow was a native of Harleston, and was seventh Wrangler in the mathematical tripos of 1817. Ordained deacon in the 22.—Died at his residence, Hellesdon House, Norwich, Mr. John Norgate, a warm supporter of the benevolent and educational institutions of the city, and a good judge of the fine arts. 27.—A great meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. F. E. Watson), “for the purpose of protesting against the Intoxicating Liquors (Licensing) Bill introduced into the House of Commons by the Home Secretary, Mr. Bruce.” The principal speakers were Sir Samuel Bignold, Mr. W. P. Nichols, Mr. S. Gurney Buxton, and Mr. H. Patteson. Resolutions were adopted affirming that the Bill was unjust in its character and indefensible in its confiscating the rights of property, and ought to be opposed by every constitutional means, and that it was an undue interference with the rights, liberties, and necessities of the working man, and inconsistent with the true spirit of freedom. MAY.7.—Died, at Great Plumstead, Robert Maidstone, in his one hundredth year. For the last twenty years of his life he was postmaster of the village, and had served for more than half a century the office of parish clerk. 13.—The census returns for Norwich were published on this date. The number of houses inhabited was 18,328; uninhabited, 1,117; building, 181; the total population was 80,382—males, 36,583; females, 43,799. 17.—Snow fell at Norwich, “and the weather was more like that of midwinter than of the merrie month of May.” 18.—The sale of the late Lord Walsingham’s Merton herd was conducted by Mr. John Thornton. Forty-six cows realised £1,906 16s., and eleven bulls, £402 3s., a respective average of £41 9s. and £36 11s. 2d. The total amount was £2,308 19s. The Southdown flock was sold by Mr. Thornton on June 29th. The highest price paid for a yearling ram was 180 guineas, and the total amount realised £5,489 15s. 21.—Died, at St. Augustine’s, Norwich, Mr. John Sultzer, in his 69th year. Since the year 1839 he had carried on an extensive manufacturing business; he was a magistrate of the city, a member of the Town Council, and chairman of the Norwich Waterworks Company, and of the Board of Management of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Mr. Sultzer was a native of Leicester, and at the age of 25 settled in Lichfield, of which city he was Mayor at the time of the Coronation of Queen Victoria. In politics he was a Liberal. 24.—The Queen’s birthday was celebrated in the customary manner at Norwich. The Royal Horse Artillery and Volunteers were reviewed JUNE.7.—A rifle match between two teams of 22 men each, representing the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, took place on the Billingford range, East Dereham, and was won by Norfolk by 589 points against 562. 20.—A fine barque, classed A 1 at Lloyd’s for fourteen years, named the Oleander, was launched from the shipyard of Mr. J. H. Fellows, at Southtown, Yarmouth. The vessel was 440 tons builder’s measurement, and 386 tons register, 133 feet in length, and 27 feet beam, and was intended for the South African trade. 21.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at East Dereham, and was continued on the 22nd. It was the most successful that the society had held. Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., presided at the public dinner, which took place at the Corn Hall. JULY.14.—Mrs. Elizabeth Watts, of Badding’s Lane, St. Martin-at-Palace, Norwich, attained her one hundredth year. 15.—The 2nd Administrative Battalion of Norfolk Volunteers and the 1st Administrative Battalion of Suffolk Volunteers were encamped on the North Denes, Yarmouth. Major-General F. Murray inspected the battalions on the 20th. 18.—The projected establishment of a Norfolk County School for the education of the middle classes “on similar principles to those which have been successfully carried out in other counties,” was discussed at a meeting of the West Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture held at King’s Lynn. The movement, which was initiated by the Rev. J. L. Brereton, was deemed worthy of support not only by the chamber, but by the county generally. On September 30th the announcement was made that the school was being experimentally conducted at Great Massingham. (See January 22nd, 1872.) 22.—The 1st Administrative Battalion of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp at Holkham Park. The North Walsham corps marched the whole distance of thirty miles; they started the day before, and were billeted for the night at Holt. Lieut.-Col. Wilkinson inspected the battalion on the 26th, and the camp was struck on the 29th. AUGUST.2.—The Eastern Counties Industrial and Fine Arts Exhibition commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. It remained open for two months. 7.—The first Monday in August falling upon this date, “the banks at Norwich were closed, under the Bank Holiday Act.” At East Dereham “the first of the holidays mentioned in the new statute was officially observed by the various bank officials, for whose convenience the measure was passed into law.” A meeting of the merchants, manufacturers, traders, and others was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, on December 14th, “to determine whether the holidays mentioned in the Bank Holiday Act should be permanently adopted in this city.” Those present pledged themselves to adopt the holidays. 15.—The Yarmouth Town Council voted an address to Sir James Paget, a native of the borough, congratulating him upon the honour of a baronetcy conferred upon him by the Queen. 22.—The D Battery, B Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, marched from Norwich for Aldershot, and were accompanied to the city boundary by the bands of the Artillery and Rifle Volunteers. 26.—Died, Mr. James De Carle Sowerby, aged 84. He belonged to a Norwich family of naturalists, and was chiefly employed in drawing, engraving, and colouring. “There were few departments of natural history in which his attainments were not considerable, and he published many papers on shells and other subjects in the Transactions of the Geological and other societies.” SEPTEMBER.2.—Mr. Walter Montgomery, the well-known actor, committed suicide by shooting himself at Shelly’s Hotel, Stafford Street, London. Only on the 30th of the previous month he married, at St. George’s, Hanover Square, Miss Laleah B. Bigelow, an American lady. Mr. Montgomery, whose real name was Richard Tomlinson, was a native of Norwich, and for some years resided at Walsingham, where he was apprenticed to Mr. William Coker, a grocer and draper. At an early age he showed a predilection for the stage, and after a series of recitals in private, made his first appearance at Norwich Theatre, and subsequently played at Yarmouth, Bath, Bristol, and other provincial towns. He went to Birmingham in 1854, and thence to the Theatre Royal, Manchester, where he became a great favourite. He performed also at Drury Lane and the Haymarket, and made a tour in Australia, where he established for himself a high reputation. Returning to England, he sustained heavy pecuniary losses by his connexion with the Gaiety Theatre, and had resolved to emigrate to America. Mr. Montgomery was 44 years of age. 27.—The All England and Norfolk Ploughing Matches commenced at Booton, near Reepham, and were continued on the 28th. There were seven contests—three for implement manufacturers and four for Norfolk ploughmen. A public dinner was held at Hackford schoolroom on the evening of the first day, when Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., presided, and several local members of Parliament were present. OCTOBER.4.—The headquarters of the 7th Dragoon Guards arrived at Norwich, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Peyton. The Cavalry Barracks being under repair, the officers took up their quarters at the Royal Hotel. 6.—Great excitement was caused at Diss by the closing of the doors of Messrs. Fincham and Co.’s Bank. In a circular issued shortly afterwards, Mr. Simpson stated that he was compelled to adopt this course owing to the continued strain upon his resources. On the 7th it was announced that arrangements were being made by which it was hoped the business of the Bank would be carried on; and on the same day Messrs. Gurneys intimated that they would afford banking facilities to the customers of Messrs. Fincham and Simpson during the temporary suspension of business. A meeting of the creditors was held on the 10th, and a committee appointed; and representatives of the London and Provincial Bank carried out negotiations which resulted in the Bank being re-opened on the 11th. Another meeting was held on November 2nd, for the purpose of proving debts and of realising the estate. Payment to the creditors of 10s. in the pound was arranged, it being understood that further dividends would be paid as the estate was realised. The liabilities were reported to be £87,305 5s. 6d., and the assets £54,491 18s. 2d. 13.—Sir Samuel Bignold, on the completion of his 80th year, was presented by the clerks at the Union Offices with a silver inkstand and an illuminated address. Several of the Conservative Ward Associations adopted congratulatory addresses, and, on the 17th, a resolution was passed by the Town Council expressive of the congratulations of that body. On January 9th, 1872, the proprietors of the Norwich Union Fire Office presented Sir Samuel with a service of plate and his portrait, painted by Ventnor. 15.—Died at his residence, Buckingham Palace Road, London, Mr. Richard Young, who, on the 13th inst., had been re-elected by the Livery of the Corporation Sheriff of London and Middlesex. Mr. Young, who was a merchant and shipowner, and a director of the Great Eastern Railway and other companies, was born at Scarning, in 1809, and was a self-made man. 16.—Died at the house of her nephew, Mr. H. Wilkin, West Pottergate Street, Norwich, Sarah Nolbrow, aged 100 years. —The Sanitary Committee reported to the Norwich Town Council that the number of outbreaks of small-pox in the city was such as to occasion considerable alarm. It was stated that the necessary precautions had been taken, and, in case of death, burial within forty-eight hours had, as far as possible, been enforced, and arrangements made to prevent the bodies of children being carried to the Cemetery in cabs. Dr. Eade, at a meeting of the Town Council on November 28th, referred to the alarming spread of the disease, and urged the necessity of enforcing vaccination. During this and the succeeding month several persons were prosecuted for neglect of precautionary measures. On December 19th it was reported to the Town Council that the Marchioness of Lothian had munificently given to the city a small-pox hospital. (See March 23rd, 1872.) 18.—A new Corn Hall, erected through the enterprise of Mr. J. W. Davey, was opened at Yarmouth. It was designed by Mr. J. B. Pearce, and built by Mr. J. W. Lacey, at the cost of £3,800. “For many years past the corn merchants had met in all weathers in front of the Duke’s Head Hotel, without the slightest shelter, and transacted their affairs at great inconvenience to themselves and to the annoyance of the general public.” 26.—At Norwich Quarter Sessions, before the Recorder, Mr. O’Malley, Q.C., Henry Brown Woolsey (36), formerly a clerk at Carrow Works, pleaded guilty to feloniously embezzling £558, the monies of his employers, Mr. J. J. Colman and others, and was sentenced to five years’ penal servitude, although recommended to mercy by the prosecutors. Considerable comment was made upon the disparity of the sentences in this and in the Hoskins case (q.v. page 210). NOVEMBER.9.—Mr. Robert Chamberlin was elected Mayor, and Mr. Frederick Grimmer appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 23.—A telegram was received at Norwich announcing that the Prince of Wales was suffering from an attack of typhoid fever at Sandringham. “There are,” it was added, “no unfavourable symptoms.” Later bulletins were of a most alarming character, and the inhabitants of county and city soon realised that his Royal Highness was in a critical condition. The Queen arrived from Windsor on the 29th, and was met at Wolferton station by the Duke of Edinburgh, who escorted her to Sandringham. This was her Majesty’s first visit to Sandringham, and her second to Norfolk. [As Princess Victoria, she, with her mother, the Duchess of Kent, visited Mr. Coke at Holkham, in 1835.] Her Majesty returned to Windsor on December 1st. On the 8th his Royal Highness had a very serious relapse, and his Royal mother, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Louise, hurried back to Sandringham. On December 10th a special form of prayer was used in all churches, and supplications were made at Nonconformist places of worship. Public suspense continued until the 14th, when a turn for the better took place, and on the 19th her Majesty returned to Windsor. On the same day a special meeting of 30.—A severe gale burst over the East coast, and was productive of the most terrible disasters to shipping and the fishing fleet. DECEMBER.26.—The pantomime produced at Norwich Theatre, by Miss May Holt, was entitled, “The Fair One with the Golden Locks, or Harlequin Zephyr and the Peris’ Paradise on the Jewelled Island.” At Charles Adams’ Circus was produced the equestrian pantomime, “Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross, or Harlequin Mother Goose.” 1872.JANUARY.4.—At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, held at the Shirehall, Norwich, the Earl of Kimberley moved an address to the Queen, conveying to her Majesty the assurance that the magistracy and all her loyal subjects in the county had felt the sincerest sympathy with her during the alarming illness of the Prince of Wales; and Lord Sondes moved a congratulatory address to his Royal Highness and the Princess of Wales. The clergy of the diocese, at a meeting held at the Palace on the 27th, adopted similar addresses. “Thanksgiving Day” was observed throughout the county on February 27th. At Norwich the principal business establishments were closed, and services held at the Cathedral, the parish churches, and other places of worship. 11.—The centenary of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital was celebrated by an entertainment given at the institution. 22.—The Norwich, Costessey, and Taverham Tramway Scheme was considered by the Board of Trade, to whose satisfaction the promoters proved that the preliminary steps required under the Tramways Act, 1870, had been complied with. —The Norfolk County School Association held its first meeting at the temporary school at Great Massingham, under the presidency of Sir Willoughby Jones. The Rev. J. L. Brereton reported that the Prince of Wales had become a patron of the school, and the sum of £5,920 had been subscribed by about seventy shareholders. At a meeting held at the Earl of Leicester’s, house in Grosvenor Square, London, on April 24th, it was decided to erect the school on Bintry Hill, near North Elmham. (See April 14th, 1873.) FEBRUARY.7.—Died at his residence, Notting Hill, London, the Right Rev. Samuel Hinds, D.D., formerly Bishop of Norwich. Born at Barbadoes in 1793, he came at an early age to England, and was educated at a private school at Ridland, near Bristol. He entered Balliol College, Oxford, but migrated to Queen’s, where he took Second Class Honours in Classics and the University Latin Essay. After ordination by the Bishop of London, he returned to Barbadoes as the first missionary to the negro population. Soon afterwards the headmastership of Codrington College fell vacant, and Dr. Hinds was appointed thereto by Bishop’ Howley. On returning to England, he held a small living in Hertfordshire, and the rectory of Castle Knock, near Dublin; in 1848 was appointed Dean of Carlisle, and in 1849, on the death of Bishop Stanley, he became Bishop of Norwich. On account of ill-health he resigned the See in 1857. Bishop Hinds was the author of “A Treatise on Logic,” “A History of the Rise and Early Progress of Christianity,” “An Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of Inspiration,” and “Sonnets and Sacred Poems.” “His beautiful hymn, to which Dr. Buck set such appropriate music, is familiar to every attendant at our Cathedral services.” MARCH.1.—Died at Gateley, Mr. Money Griggs, in his one hundredth year. 9.*—“Under the provisions of Mr. Cardwell’s Army Organization Bill, Yarmouth has been selected as the headquarters of the depÔt of the 9th East Norfolk Regiment of Foot.” 11.—Died, at 21, Taviton Street, Gordon Square, London, Emily Taylor, daughter of Mr. Samuel Taylor, of New Buckenham. She was born April 8th, 1795, and for nearly fifty years resided in Norfolk. At the age of five her singing was said to be wonderful; before seven years of age she had read the Iliad of Homer and made herself acquainted with many books of history. Among her writings were “Tales of the Saxons,” “Tales of the English,” “The Ball I live on,” “Poetical Illustrations,” &c. Her last work was “Contemporary Poets,” issued in 1868. Miss Taylor, who was a native of Banham, removed to London in 1858, and established the West Central Collegiate School, Southampton Road, Russell Square. Her remains were interred in Highgate Cemetery, on March 14th, near the resting-place of Miss Martineau. 14.—Died at his residence in Duke Street, Norwich, very suddenly, aged 51, Mr. Henry Rudd, chorus master of the Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival. Mr. Rudd was originally a sawyer, but his taste for music was observed by Mr. Taylor, organist of St. John’s Roman Catholic chapel, from whom he received his musical education. For many years he was a member of the Choral Society and of other 20.—Died at Northrepps Hall, aged 88, Hannah, widow of the first Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, whom she survived twenty-seven years. Lady Buxton was sister of the well-known philanthropist, Elizabeth Fry, and of Mr. John Joseph Gurney. 22.—Died at Burlingham Hall, Mr. Henry Negus Burroughes, aged 81. He succeeded to the family estates at an early age, and in 1815 served the office of High Sheriff. In 1837, in conjunction with Mr. Edmond Wodehouse, he successfully contested the representation of East Norfolk against Mr. W. H. Windham and Mr. R. H. Gurney, and he continued to represent the division until 1857, having meanwhile stood a second contest, in 1841, with Sir William ffolkes, and been twice re-elected, in 1847 and 1852, without opposition. In 1857, however, he and his colleague, Sir Henry Stracey, who had been elected in 1855, in the room of Mr. Wodehouse, declined to come forward again, the then popularity of their chief opponent, Major-General Windham, who had just returned triumphant from the Crimea, rendering success doubtful. Mr. Burroughes had taken an active part in the public business of the county. 23.—In the week ending this date there was a marked decline in the mortality from small-pox in Norwich. The largest number of deaths in any week was 37, and for several weeks the number was reported as 30. 30.—Died at Coltishall, in his 80th year, Mr. Nathaniel Palmer, of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law. By his death the Recordership of Yarmouth and the Judgeship of the Norwich Court of Record became vacant. The first-named office was filled by the appointment of Mr. Simms Reeve, and the latter by the election of Mr. Carlos Cooper. Mr. Palmer was one of the oldest of the Norwich magistrates, and for many years occupied a leading position in the Liberal party. Born in 1792, he was the son of Mr. Nathaniel Palmer, Government contractor for the Navy and distributor of stamps, and was articled to Mr. Worship, solicitor, of Yarmouth, in which borough he practised as an attorney, with considerable success. In 1827 he was called to the Bar by the Inner Temple. He married Rachael, only daughter of Mr. Thomas Hitchin, of Norwich, by whom he had five children. One of his sons was Mr. T. H. Palmer, registrar of the Norwich County Court. APRIL.1.—Mr. Henry Leslie’s Opera Bouffe Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, in “Princess of Trebizonde.” 13.—The agricultural labourers’ agitation began in Norfolk with a meeting held at Old Buckenham. The movement was shortly afterwards taken up in earnest in many parts of the county. The principal object of its supporters was to obtain an increase in the rate of wages. (See February 20th, 1873.) MAY.1.—The arbitration case, Coaks v. Tillett, was opened at the Shirehall, Norwich, before Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart. The inquiry had reference to a claim made by Mr. I. B. Coaks against Mr. J. H. Tillett, arising out of the winding-up of the affairs of the East of England Bank. An action was originally brought in the Court of Queen’s Bench, and was intended to have been heard at the previous Norwich Assizes, but by consent of both parties the matter in dispute was referred to the arbitration of Sir Willoughby Jones. Mr. Merewether appeared for Mr. Coaks, and Mr. Tillett conducted his own case. The amount claimed was £2,160, and the arbitrator, after an exhaustive inquiry was due consideration, awarded £1,881 4s. 5d. 8.—In the Court of Queen’s Bench, the Attorney-General moved for a rule nisi calling upon the Town Council of Norwich to show cause why a mandamus should not issue directing them to build a new asylum for pauper lunatics. The question had been in abeyance since 1863, and various reasons were urged why the asylum should not be erected. The Court granted the rule nisi. On the 17th it was resolved, at a meeting of the Town Council, to write to the Secretary of State, pointing out that on April 17th a resolution was passed in the House of Commons affirming that occupiers in counties and boroughs should be relieved either in whole or in part of charges imposed for lunatics, the expenditure for such purpose being almost entirely independent of local control. The Home Secretary was asked whether he felt it imcumbent by compulsory measures to force upon the local rates of Norwich an expenditure estimated at between £40,000 and £50,000. On the 21st the Town Council sent a memorial to the House of Commons, asking them “to intervene for the protection of this municipality, or at least obtain a postponement of the threatened proceedings until Parliament shall have definitely settled by whom the cost of maintaining lunatics shall be permanently borne.” The Court of Queen’s Bench, on June 10th, made the rule absolute against the Corporation, and on June 18th the Corporation decided, by 33 votes to 7, to offer continued resistance to the mandamus. (See January 15th, 1873.) 14.—A meeting, presided over by Colonel Hugh FitzRoy, was held at the Town Hall, Aylsham, to discuss the feasibility of constructing a narrow gauge railway between Norwich and Aylsham, and thence to Aldborough and Beeston. Mr. Minshull, engineer, estimated the cost of construction at £5,000 per mile. The meeting was in favour of the scheme, and appointed a committee to consider details. 16.—The first stone of Christ church, Eaton, was laid by the Mayor of Norwich (Mr. R. Chamberlin). The church was opened on November 4th, 1873, by the Bishop of Norwich. Mr. H. Bolingbroke gave the site; the architects were Mr. J. H. Brown and Mr. J. B. Pearce, and the contractors Mr. W. Wright and Mr. J. W. Lacey. “It is said that the bell fixed in the turret was formerly the sanctus bell at the Cathedral.” 21.—Captain Bates, the Kentucky Giant, and Chrissie-Millie, better known as the “Two-headed Nightingale,” appeared at the Lecture Hall, St. Andrew’s, Norwich. Of this mulatto girl it was said, “Chrissie and Millie are fairly educated, and sing either solos or duets with ease and effect.” 23.—Died at Naples, the Right Hon. Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer, Baron Dalling and Bulwer. Born in 1804, his lordship was the second son of General William Bulwer, of Heydon Hall and Wood Dalling, by Elizabeth Barbara Lytton, sole heiress and last descendant of the Lyttons of Knebworth in Hertfordshire. His career as a diplomatist is familiar to every student of history. His lordship was the author of “Historical Characters,” which appeared in two volumes in the winter of 1867, and rapidly ran into a sixth edition; and of a “Life of Lord Palmerston,” published in 1871. The remains of the deceased nobleman were interred at Heydon on June 25th. 27.—A one hundred yards’ race took place on the West Winch Road, Lynn, between Thomas Akers and a horse belonging to Mr. W. L. Proctor. “Akers led off, the horse not starting directly the signal was given, but he had not proceeded far when he was overtaken by the animal and beaten by about ten yards.” 29.—The tower of the church of Beeston-next-Mileham was struck by lightning. “The Litcham fire-engine was taken into the church, but the molten lead and burning timber fell so rapidly that nothing could be done, and the tower was entirely destroyed.” —A remarkable mirage was witnessed at Yarmouth. “The weather was exceedingly sultry, with heavy banks of clouds towards the east and south-east, just opposite Yarmouth, and extending from the Scroby to the Corton Sands there appeared a sharply-defined and magnificent outline of Gorleston and Corton cliff, with the entrance to the harbour and even the white sands. A stranger visiting the locality for the first time would have supposed that Yarmouth was embayed by a narrow peninsula.” JUNE.3.—Mr. G. B. Loveday’s Gaiety Operetta Company, under the direction of Mr. John Hollingshead, appeared at Norwich Theatre. 6.—The Prince of Wales visited Yarmouth for the first time. His Royal Highness, accompanied by the Earl of Leicester, arrived at Southtown station, and was received by the Mayor (Mr. E. H. L. Preston), the members of the Corporation, and the Recorder (Mr. Simms Reeve), who read an address of welcome. The Militia Artillery and the Rifle Volunteers formed guards of honour, and the Royal carriage was escorted from the station to the Town Hall, by the 7th Dragoon Guards from Norwich, under the command of Colonel Peyton. 10.—Mr. J. L. Toole and Miss E. Farren appeared at Norwich Theatre on this and the succeeding evening in “Dearer than Life,” “The Steeplechase,” “The Weavers,” scenes from “Paul Pry,” and “Ici on parle FranÇais.” 19.—The show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association, of which the Prince of Wales was this year President, commenced at King’s Lynn, and was attended by his Royal Highness, who was accompanied by the Princess of Wales. The Prince presided at the luncheon, which, for the first time, took place in a marquee erected in the showground, and was attended by upwards of 900 guests. In addition to the Prince of Wales, the speakers at the gathering included the Earl of Leicester, the Bishop of Norwich, Lord Sondes, Lord Suffield, Admiral Sir Henry Keppel, the Hon. R. Bourke, M.P., Sir W. Bagge, M.P., Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., Mr. G. W. P. Bentinck, M.P., &c. JULY.2.—Died at the Roman Catholic Presbytery, Willow Lane, Norwich, the Rev. Edmund Costello, S.J., aged 44. Father Costello had been in ill-health, and his death was accelerated by his devoted ministrations among the poor when the small-pox epidemic was at its height. He was a son of Mr. James Costello, of Eyre Square, Galway, was educated at the Irish College, Paris, at Maynooth, and at Stonyhurst, and entered upon the Norwich Roman Catholic Mission in 1868. 27.—The 3rd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers (formerly the 1st Administrative Battalion), commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Duff, went into camp at Ketteringham Park. The North Walsham corps marched from that town to the camp, a distance of twenty-two miles. The 2nd Battalion, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel R. T. Gurdon, was brigaded with the 3rd Battalion. The camp was struck on August 2nd. 29.—The sale of Crown Point and Whitlingham estate took place at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, by order of the Court of Chancery. Messrs. J. and J. Colman were the purchasers, at £55,700. 30.—Sir Henry Stracey was presented, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by the Conservatives of the city, with a valuable piece of plate, as “a mark of their appreciation of his political conduct during the recent contests, and their admiration of his example as a straightforward English gentleman.” Lady Stracey received from the ladies of Norwich a diamond bracelet, and silver bouquet-holders were presented by working-men to the Misses Stracey. AUGUST.5.—The High Sheriff (Mr. Angerstein) was fined £50 by the Judge 5.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Byles, James Johnson, of North Walsham, sought to recover from Mr. W. H. Cooke, Q.C., Judge of the Norfolk County Court, damages for false imprisonment and assault. It was alleged that the defendant wrongfully imprisoned the plaintiff for thirty days; when the plaintiff left Norwich Castle he personally served the Judge, as he was leaving the court, with a notice of action for false imprisonment, and his Honour, mistaking the man’s intention, seized him by the collar, and a second time ordered his arrest. For the defendant it was alleged that he had acted within his jurisdiction. After two days’ trial the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages one farthing. 8.—An alarming flood occurred at Walsingham. Owing to heavy rains, the stream in the vicinity overflowed its banks, and the low-lying part of the town was submerged. Forty women and children were rescued from the upper rooms of the cottages by means of ladders, and conveyed in boats to a place of safety. On the 9th a temporary dam was erected, which had the effect of diverting the flow of water. The village of East Barsham was also flooded, and the high road at West Barsham was under water. 10.—At a meeting of the Norfolk Central Committee, held at the Shirehall, Norwich, it was reported that foot-and-mouth disease had spread to an alarming extent among cattle and sheep. On the motion of Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., it was ordered that markets for fat stock be held under the same restrictions that were in force during the time of the cattle plague, and that similar regulations should govern the movements of store stock as were then in force. In Norfolk alone during the previous five weeks the loss to stockowners from foot-and-mouth disease was estimated at £22,500, in respect of 10,000 cattle and 5,000 sheep. The committee sent a memorial to the Privy Council to prohibit the opening of all fairs and markets for the period of six weeks. 12.—Died suddenly, at Hills Road, Cambridge, Mr. George Kett. He was born at Suton, near Wymondham, on June 26th, 1809, and commenced life in a small way of business as a wood carver at Wymondham. After copying poppyheads at Wymondham church, he undertook the carving of the seats for Ketteringham and Mulbarton churches. He then removed to Norwich, where he was engaged upon the restoration of the Cathedral stalls and canopies. Whilst he was working there Mr. James Rattee was placed under him as an apprentice, and the two afterwards became partners. Mr. Kett was next offered employment upon the works for the new Houses of Parliament. In 1845 he removed to London, where he was principally employed under the immediate direction of Sir Charles Barry, in supplying designs for the wood carving. Among other portions of the work on which he was specially engaged were the Royal Arms at the back of the Throne in the House of Lords. Mr. Rattee, in 1848, consulted him 15.—Died at Felbrigg Park, Mr. John Ketton, in his 61st year. Mr. Ketton was a native of Norwich, where for many years he was engaged in commercial pursuits. His success enabled him, when Mr. Windham’s affairs became embarrassed, to purchase the Felbrigg estate, where he resided until the period of his death. —Died at Reigate, Surrey, from the effects of injuries inflicted upon himself, Mr. Benjamin Land, better known as “Ben Land,” a sporting character of great celebrity in his day. Mr. Land began life as a Norfolk farmer, and gave great encouragement to steeple-chasing in the county, upon the introduction of that sport in the first half of the century. One of his earliest winning mounts was in 1836, a horse named Predictor. Then he owned a very useful nag called Neewood, and another, Lottery, an exceedingly clever animal over a country. Land made himself further known by his doings on Jim Crow, Faith, the Novice, Yellow Dwarf, Little Nell, Victoria, and Wonder, who could all run and jump a bit, and sad teasers they were to other Norfolk sportsmen. While still holding on his farm, Land hunted a pack of staghounds, but he gradually got out of business as an agriculturist, and took to riding and training as a profession. 17.—The provisions of the new Licensing Act came into operation in Norwich. A notice had been issued by the Chief Constable that on Sunday, Christmas-day, and Good Friday, licensed houses were not to open before 12.30 at noon and to close at 2.30 in the afternoon; not to open again before six in the evening, and to close at ten o’clock. On week-days they were not to open until six in the morning, and to close at eleven o’clock at night. “This application of the Act came on the city suddenly and unexpectedly, the general opinion having prevailed that everything would go on as usual until the next annual licensing-day. In Union Place and King Street many people determined to have their own way as far as they could, and accordingly just before closing time they made a great demand upon the can accommodation of the houses. Large cans and small cans, when filled with beer, were borne off in triumphant defiance to the pavement outside, or to the men’s private gardens or houses, where friend and neighbour remained drinking, and, in some cases, singing, together long after the lights of the various public-houses had been extinguished. In two or three instances some ill-advised publicans persisted in keeping their houses open.” Several licensed victuallers were fined for infringing the regulations of the new Act, and in the early days of its operation the Norwich magistrates were very liberal in granting extensions of time on the occasion of the Christmas, Easter, and Whitsun holidays. At East Dereham the justices permitted the public-houses to remain open until twelve o’clock during four months of the year. 19.—The first really notable journey upon a bicycle was performed 20.—Died, Mr. Edmund Harbord Lushington Preston, Mayor of Great Yarmouth. Mr. Preston was born in 1806, at the period when the Hon. E. Harbord (second son of the then Lord Suffield) and Mr. Stephen Lushington were returned to Parliament as members for Yarmouth—hence two of his Christian names. After the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, he was one of the first burgesses returned to the Town Council on Conservative principles, and, with the exception of a short period, from November, 1868, to November, 1869, he continued to be a member of the Corporation. Mr. Preston was for twenty years one of the magistrates of the borough, and a member of the Port and Haven Commission. 27.—The Blake-Bignold incident occurred at the Norwich Police-court. Mr. Blake, on September 2nd, was charged with assaulting a publican, and fined, and, on his leaving the court, was followed by a mob, who endeavoured to overturn the cab in which he had taken refuge. 28.—Lord Walsingham, while shooting on Blubberhouse Moor, Yorkshire, killed with his own gun 842 head of grouse, between the hours of 5.30 a.m. and 3 p.m. The birds were driven, and before one o’clock 550 had been bagged. 29.—A portion of the Reserve Squadron, consisting of nine ironclad war vessels, under the command of Admiral Randolph, entered Yarmouth Roads, and sailed on the 30th for the Nore. The officers and men numbered 4,500. —A 300 yards swimming match took place at Thorpe, between John Morris, ex-champion of England, and “Victor Natator, the champion under-water performer,” for £10 a side. “Natator” received ten yards’ start, and, after an exciting race, was beaten by three yards. SEPTEMBER.2.—Died at Slough, Buckinghamshire, aged 95 years, Mrs. Anne Rigby, widow of Dr. Rigby, of Norwich, whom she survived 51 years. 5.—The Norwich Board of Guardians, after a long and acrimonious discussion, agreed, on the motion of the Rev. A. C. Copeman, seconded by Dr. Bateman, to accede to the request of Professor Humphrey, of Cambridge, that he be supplied, for the purposes of dissection, with the unclaimed bodies of persons who died in the Workhouse. At a meeting on October 3rd an attempt was made to rescind the resolution, which, however, was confirmed by 16 votes against 12. On December 12th a third debate resulted in the rescission of the original motion by one vote. 9.—The first election in the Eastern Counties under the new Ballot Act took place at Great Yarmouth, when a councillor was returned 10.—Lord Walsingham was presented by his Merton tenantry with an address of welcome upon his return after a prolonged visit to America. 16.—Norwich Theatre was opened for the winter season, under the management of Mr. G. H. Chaplin. “It has been our lot to witness some very indifferent acting upon the Norwich boards, but we never remember having seen a whole company (with the exception of Mr. Chaplin) so thoroughly destitute of histrionic talent, or so wretchedly poor in the dresses whereby to represent the characters.” —The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced with an evening performance of the “Festival Te Deum” (composed in celebration of the recovery of the Prince of Wales) and of “The Creation.” The morning performance on the 18th was “Elijah,” on the 19th “St. Peter” (first time of performance in Norwich); and on the 20th “The Messiah.” On the evening of the 17th a grand ballad concert took place, and on the 18th and 19th miscellaneous concerts. The principal vocalists were Mdlle. Tietjens, Mdlle. Florence Lancia, Mdlle. Albani, Madame Patey, Madame Trebelli-Bettini, Mr. W. H. Cummings, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Kerr Gedge, Mr. J. G. Patey, and Mr. Santley. Sir Julius Benedict conducted. The Festival ball was held on the night of the 20th. 25.—Great rejoicings took place at Gunthorpe, in celebration of the return of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowyer Sparke, from their wedding tour. The squire was presented by the tenantry with an illuminated address. 27.—Died, Mr. John Longe, of Spixworth Park. He was the second son of the Rev. John Longe, vicar of Coddenham, Suffolk. Educated at Norwich Grammar School, under Valpy, and subsequently at Cambridge, he succeeded to the estate in 1828, on the death of the widow of his cousin, Mr. Francis Longe, who was High Sheriff in 1786. He married, in 1829, Caroline Elizabeth, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Lieut.-Colonel Warnford, of Warnford Place, Wilts., and niece of Henry, fourth Viscount Ashbrook. As a Valpeian, Mr. Longe always took the greatest interest in the success of the Norwich Grammar School, of which he was a governor. He was a Deputy-Lieutenant of the county, and for some years captain in the East Norfolk Militia, and was succeeded in his estates by his brother, the Rev. Robert Longe, vicar of Coddenham, who was born in 1800. —A heavy gale prevailed off the East coast, and many shipping casualties were reported. 28.—Died at his seat, Melton Constable, the Right Hon. and Rev. Delaval Loftus, ninth Baron Hastings, in his 48th year. His lordship had been summoned from Wiesbaden, in consequence of the alarming illness of Lady Hastings. He was at the time recovering from a severe attack of gout, and little fitted to undertake a long journey. On reaching Melton Constable he was seized with an illness which proved fatal. Lord Hastings was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and, on taking holy orders, was appointed to the family living of Foulsham, and subsequently to that of East Barsham and Little Snoring. He married, in 1848, the Hon. Frances Diana Manners Sutton, daughter of the first Viscount Canterbury, by whom he left OCTOBER.1.—The Norwich Town Council decided to purchase, for sewerage and irrigation purposes, a portion of the Crown Point estate, for £27,000. (See February 11th, 1873.) —Died at his residence, Cambridge House, Westling-on-Trym, Bristol, in his 77th year, the Rev. William Charles Wollaston, for upwards of thirty years rector of East Dereham. “Mr. Wollaston was the thirty-seventh and last of the sinecure rectors of Dereham, and the exceptional custom of tolling the muffled bell, which had long been held in this parish when any of its rectors or vicars died, was observed.” 14.—The ceremony of laying the first rail of the East Suffolk Tramway was performed at Yarmouth by Sir E. H. K. Lacon, M.P. for North Norfolk. As originally planned, the tramway was to extend from Southtown Railway station to Gorleston, and thence to Lowestoft and Southwold, and eventually to form a junction with Halesworth. On March 22nd, 1873, it was announced: “From present appearances, it would seem that the East Suffolk Tramway scheme has been abandoned. The works have been wholly stopped for months past, and the Southtown Road has been restored to its former state.” (See April 1st, 1875.) 19.—At a meeting of the Governors of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, the thanks of the Board were accorded to Mr. William Peter Nichols “for his able, humane, and successful services as surgeon to the charity during the last 21 years, and for the active and zealous part he has taken during the same period in promoting the general interests of the Hospital.” Mr. Nichols afterwards became honorary consulting surgeon to the institution, and on March 22nd, 1873, was presented by public subscription with a valuable, silver centrepiece, in recognition of his eminent services. Mr. T. W. Crosse was elected to the office rendered vacant by the resignation of Mr. Nichols. 23.—The second Diocesan Conference was held at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, and was continued on the 24th, whereby the meeting in the Fakenham district was dispensed with. The remaining meetings were held at Lynn on the 25th, Ipswich on the 30th, and Halesworth on the 31st. 28.—The ceremony of opening the first school built by the Norwich School Board—the Mariners’ Lane School—was performed by the Rev. Canon Heaviside, chairman of the Board. It was intended for the accommodation of 125 boys. 31.—Died at Costessey, where he laboured as a Roman Catholic priest for more than fifty years, the Very Rev. Frederick Charles Husenbeth, D.D., President of the Brotherhood, Provost of the Chapter of Northampton, and Vicar-General of the Roman Catholic Diocese. Dr. Husenbeth, who was in his 77th year, was a frequent NOVEMBER.1.—The municipal elections were, for the first time, conducted under the provisions of the Ballot Act. At Norwich, where fourteen out of a possible sixteen Conservative candidates were returned, the elections were rendered noteworthy by all the members of the firm of Messrs. Bullard and Sons intimating that in future it was their intention to adopt Conservative principles. 4.—The Prince and Princess of Wales passed through Thetford, on their way to Elveden, on a visit to the Maharajah Duleep Singh, and were received with great enthusiasm by the inhabitants of the borough. —Mr. George Grossmith, “of the Temple, London,” made the first of his visits to Norwich, and appeared at Noverre’s Rooms in an entertainment entitled, “The Comic Side of Life.” 9.—Sir Samuel Bignold was, for the fourth time, elected Mayor of Norwich; Dr. Frederic Bateman was appointed Sheriff. 10.—Hospital Sunday was, for the first time, observed in Norwich. The amount collected was £454 6s., 3d. 14.—The new schools of St. Philip, Heigham, Norwich, completed through the munificent donation of Mr. James Harford and his late sister, and the voluntary efforts of the friends of Church of England education, at the cost of £2,000, were opened by the Bishop of Norwich. The architect was Mr. Edward Power, of London, and the builder Mr. James Youngs. 18.—Died, in his 60th year, Mr. Henry Kett Kett-Tompson, of Brooke House and Witchingham Hall. He was the last representative of an old Norwich family, whose connection with the city dated back more than three centuries, and who during nearly two centuries were extensive brewers in King Street. Messrs. Morgan, in 1846, purchased the business of Mr. Kett-Tompson and his brother, their landed property in the county rendering it unnecessary for them to continue the brewery. Mr. Kett-Tompson was one of two sons of Mr. Charles Tompson (High Sheriff in 1827), by Juliana, second daughter of Thomas Kett, of Seething Hall, and sister and co-heiress of George Samuel Kett, of Brooke House. His grandfather was Timothy Tompson, formerly of Denton, and afterwards of Witchingham Hall. He was born in 1813, and married, in February, 1843, Margaret Amelia, second daughter of Rear-Admiral the Hon. Frederick Paul Irby, C.B., of Boyland Hall, and second son of the second Lord Boston. The name of Mr. Kett-Tompson stood first upon the list of gentlemen to fill the office of High Sheriff of Norfolk in 1873. 19.—Died, Elizabeth Harvey, widow of James Harvey, of Rollesby, in her 102nd year. 20.—A heavy gale occurred. Several vessels were lost off Yarmouth, and a ship wrecked at Wells. 21.—A grand fancy dress ball, attended by representatives of the principal families in Norfolk, was held at Hillington Hall, in celebration of the twenty-fifth birthday of Sir William ffolkes, Bart. DECEMBER.8.—A fearful storm swept over East Anglia. At Norwich and other towns in the county great damage was done to buildings; in the country trees were uprooted and stacks overturned; and on the coast there were many shipping casualties. 21.—Mr. James Bacon was elected secretary of the Norfolk Agricultural Association, in place of Mr. Cross, resigned. Mr. E. C. Bailey resigned the office of honorary director. —A conference was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, at which representatives of the sanitary authorities in city and county discussed the best method of carrying out the provisions of the new Public Health Act, more particularly as to the appointment of medical-officers of health and inspectors of nuisances. It was suggested that the county be divided into seven districts, exclusive of the city of Norwich; that a medical-officer of health be appointed to each district, the election to be made by representatives of the sanitary authorities; and that a similar course be adopted in regard to inspectors of nuisances. Mr. T. W. Crosse, on January 23rd, 1873, resigned his seat in the Norwich Town Council as a representative of the First Ward, and was appointed Medical-Officer of Health for the city, at the salary of £200 per annum. 26.—A pantomime (titled not stated) was produced at Norwich Theatre by Mr. G. H. Chaplin. “The transformation scene,” it was stated, “has not been surpassed for gorgeous beauty on our stage.” 30.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl of Leicester. 31.—Colonel Peyton and officers of the 7th Dragoon Guards gave a grand invitation ball at the Crown Bank building, Norwich. It was attended by many of the leading families of the county. 2.—Died at his residence, Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich, Mr. Claude L. Nursey, artist, the painter of the well-known pictures illustrating scenes in the early days of the local Volunteer movement. He was a son of Mr. Perry Nursey, of Little Bealings, Suffolk, and was in his 54th year. 15.—The Norwich Town Council received a letter from Whitehall, intimating that as Mr. Secretary Bruce had received no information that any steps had been taken by the Corporation for erecting a pauper lunatic asylum, he had instructed the Solicitor to the Treasury to proceed in the matter of the mandamus. (See July 21st, 1874.) 21.—The resignation of Mr. A. W. Morant, City Engineer, and the author of the first sewerage scheme, was received by the Norwich Town Council, on his appointment as engineer to the borough of Leeds. On March 25th Mr. Christopher Thwaites, C.E., of London, was appointed to the vacant post. 27.—Died at Trinity College, Cambridge, the Rev. Adam Sedgwick, LL.D., aged 87, Woodwardian Professor of Geology. He came of a North country family, and was born at Dent, in Yorkshire. In due course he entered at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took his Bachelor’s degree in 1808, as fifth wrangler. In 1810 he was elected to a Fellowship in his College, of which at his death he was the senior member. He succeeded, in 1818, Professor Hailstone in the chair of Geology, founded at Cambridge by the celebrated Dr. John Woodward. Professor Sedgwick had been a Canon of Norwich Cathedral since 1834. FEBRUARY.11.—A Local Government Board inquiry was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, by Mr. R. Morgan, C.E., as to an application made by the Town Council to borrow the sum of £32,500, for the purchase of a portion of the Crown Point estate, for sewerage and irrigation purposes. The amount required for the purchase of the land was £27,500, for legal and other charges, £500, and the remainder was 20.—In consequence of the demand by agricultural labourers for increased wages, an important meeting of employers resident in the district of the Wayland Agricultural Association was held at Watton, under the presidency of Lord Walsingham, when resolutions were adopted whereby the meeting pledged itself to decline to recognise the system of compulsion exercised by the Labourers’ Union, and to refuse any demand for higher wages made by those who were members of the Union, “although willing to give favourable consideration to any request made in a proper manner whenever circumstances might be found to justify it.” It was further decided to invite co-operation from a larger area, and to form a society to be called the Wayland Farmers’ Defensive Association. Similar action was taken by employers in the North Walsham district, at Swaffham, and in the Blofield and Taverham Hundreds. (See March 14th, 1874.) MARCH.25.—The Sheriff of Norwich (Dr. Bateman) and the Mayor (Sir Samuel Bignold) attended at the Shirehall, on the conclusion of the Norfolk Assizes, when the former, addressing Mr. Baron Martin, presented his lordship with a pair of white kid gloves, in commemoration of the fact that for the first time in forty-three years the city of Norwich had had a maiden Assize. The Mayor corroborated the statement, and said that in that year, 1830, he happened to be Sheriff of the city. His lordship remarked it was extremely creditable that a city of 80,000 inhabitants should have no cases for trial at the Assizes. 29.—Two meetings were held at Norwich, in furtherance of an effort to secure a visit of the Royal Agricultural Society to the city in 1874. The Norfolk Agricultural Association agreed to suspend its own show, and to vote £500 to the funds of the Royal; and a gathering of county and city gentlemen promised subscriptions to the amount of £1,100. The Mayor authorised the secretaries to guarantee the full amount required—£2,000. APRIL.2.—The Docking Union Association, founded in 1839 for the purpose of promoting habits of industry and frugality and of rewarding good conduct amongst labourers, was dissolved, and the balance of £87 paid to the funds of hospitals in the county. 4.—Died at Southtown, Great Yarmouth, aged 82, Commander George Jenner, R.N. He entered the Navy in 1806, and served on board the Milan; in 1810 he joined the DesirÉ, was at the taking of San Sebastian, and was awarded the medal for gallant service. 12.—At the All England Champion Athletic meeting, held at Lillie Bridge Grounds, London, A. R. Upcher won the quarter-mile and H. K. Upcher the 120 yards hurdle race. “This makes seven championships won by Norfolk men, namely, the walking, in 1868, by W. Rye; the four miles, in 1870, by H. C. Riches; the quarter-mile, in 1870–71–73, by A. R. Upcher; the pole jump, in 1872, by H. C. Fellowes; and the hurdle-race, in 1873, by H. K. Upcher.” 14.—The foundation-stone of the Norfolk County School was laid by the Prince of Wales. His Royal Highness, with whom was the Princess of Wales, left Wolferton station by special train, and was accompanied by the Bishop of Norwich, Lord and Lady Suffield, and Viscount Newry. At Holkham the Royal party was joined by the Earl of Leicester and Lady Anne Coke, and other members of the family. At Elmham station the Prince and Princess were received by Lord and Lady Sondes. A detachment of picked men of the 3rd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, under the command of Captain Bulwer, formed a guard of honour at the entrance to the enclosure on the school site. After an address had been read to their Royal Highnesses by Prebendary Brereton, chairman of the Board of Directors, the Prince laid the stone, inscribed, “Albert. Edward, Prince of Wales, April 14, 1873.” The Lord Bishop offered prayer, and a hymn was sung, after which a large and distinguished company, presided over by the Earl of Leicester, partook of luncheon in a marquee. Their Royal Highnesses, after taking tea with Lord and Lady Sondes, at Elmham Hall, returned to Wolferton by special train. The school was opened on September 16th, 1874, when an inaugural luncheon was held, and an address delivered by the Right Hon. Earl Fortesque. —Mr. Henry Leslie’s Opera Bouffe Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The pieces produced included “Lischen and Fritzchen,” “Genevieve de Brabant,” “The Princess of Trebizonde,” and “The Brigands.” 28.—The headquarters of the 7th Dragoon Guards marched from Norwich for Manchester. On the regiment reaching the Market Place, the officers adjourned to the Royal Hotel, where the Mayor, on behalf of the traders of the city, presented to Colonel Peyton and the officers a massive silver cup and an illuminated address. The cup was filled with champagne, and the officers drank “Health end Prosperity to the City of Norwich.” At Costessey Park the regiment was entertained by Lord Stafford. 6.—The depÔt of the 51st Regiment, from Yarmouth, arrived at Norwich and took over the Cavalry Barracks. 24.—The Queen’s birthday was observed at Norwich with the customary festivities. The event was further marked by the presentation to the Mayor and Sheriff of a set of official robes, purchased by public subscription. 26.—A specially-organized company, under the management of Mr. Craven Robertson, performed the comedy of “Caste” at Norwich Theatre. “School” was also produced during the six nights’ engagement. On this occasion the favourite actress, Miss Fanny Addison, made her first appearance in Norwich, and Mr. J. F. Young was a member of the company. 30.—A detachment of the Honourable Artillery Company, numbering 64 officers and men, arrived at Yarmouth by train, and on the 31st marched for Norwich. At Blofield the detachment was met by the band of the Norwich Artillery Volunteers, and at Brundall the men boarded the Alexandra steamer, by which they performed the remainder of the journey to Norwich. Headquarters were established at the Royal Hotel. On Sunday, June 1st, the Honourable Artillery Company and the Norwich Artillery Volunteers attended service at the Cathedral, and on June 2nd the Norwich corps accompanied the London men on their march to Wymondham. The London corps proceeded to Attleborough, where they took train for London. JUNE.9.—Mr. and Mrs. Rousby commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, in “Twixt Axe and Crown.” On subsequent evenings, “The School for Scandal,” “Romeo and Juliet,” and “Joan of Arc,” were produced. 19.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at Thetford. Mr. Angerstein presided at the members’ luncheon. 30.—The Earl of Leicester was invested by the Queen with the Riband and Badge of the Garter. His lordship previously received the honour of knighthood. JULY.10.—Mr. J. L. Toole commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, during which he appeared in a round of his favourite characters. 19.—The 3rd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp at Heacham Park, and on the 23rd were inspected by Colonel Knox, C.B., commanding the 31st DepÔt. 21.—A company, under the management of Captain Disney Roebuck (late Royal Welsh Fusiliers), commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The repertory included “David Garrick,” “Society,” “The School for Scandal,” “East Lynne,” and the bouffe burlesque, “The Rows of Castille.” 30.—The valuable collection presented to the Norfolk and Norwich Museum by Mrs. E. P. Clarke, of Wymondham, was opened to the public. This collection was formed by Mr. Edward Lombe, of Great Melton, and set up by the first taxidermist of his day, the elder Leadbeater, of London. Regret was expressed at the absence of any memoranda of dates and localities. The British birds alone numbered 551 specimens, representing 280 distinct species. —The headquarters and six troops of the 3rd Dragoon Guards marched into Norwich, under the command of Colonel Conyers Tower, C.B. —A new iron bridge over the River Ouze, constructed in place of the wooden structure known as the Free Bridge, near Lynn, was formally opened by Mr. E. Fellowes, M.P., chairman of the Ouze Outfall Commissioners. It was designed by Messrs. Brunlees and McKerrow. AUGUST.14.—An extensive fire occurred at the engineering works of Messrs. Holmes and Sons, Cattle Market, Norwich. The damage was estimated at £10,000. Effective assistance was rendered to the fire brigade by three troops of the 3rd Dragoon Guards, and by members of the Norwich Rifle Volunteers. 18.—Mr. Charles Wyndham’s company appeared at Norwich Theatre in the political and satirical burlesque, “The Happy Land.” The piece was interdicted by the Lord Chamberlain on its production at the Court Theatre, London, on account of its caricature of three Liberal Ministers—Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Lowe, and Mr. Ayrton. It was played at Norwich, it was announced, with the excised portions restored. 26.—At Norwich Brewster Sessions, the licensed victuallers of the city applied for an alteration of the hours of closing, namely, an extension of the time from 11 to 12 on week-days, and from 10 to 11 o’clock on Sunday. A memorial in favour of the alteration, signed by 7,000 persons, was presented. The Dean of Norwich handed in a memorial containing 7,925 signatures against the alteration. The magistrates declined to alter the hours of closing. 11.—The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new Congregational chapel, built on the site of Cowper’s house, at East Dereham, was performed by Mr. Henry Wright, of Kensington. The building, which was erected by Mr. Hubbard, of Dereham, from designs by Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, Norwich, at the cost of £3,500, was intended for the accommodation of 500 worshippers. It was opened for public worship on September 24th, 1874. 12.—Mr. Charles Durand’s English Opera Company appeared at Norwich Theatre, and on the 19th produced, for the first time in the city, Meyerbeer’s opera, “L’Africaine.” 19.—Died at Caldecot, near Botley, Hampshire, Dr. Dalrymple, M.P. He was born in 1814, and was the fourth son of Mr. William Dalrymple, an eminent surgeon, of Norwich. He married a daughter of Mr. T. O. Springfield, on whose death he was placed in possession of an ample fortune. Dr. Dalrymple then relinquished his practice in favour of his partner, Mr. Cadge. In 1862 he made a tour through Egypt and Palestine, and on his return published a work on “The Climate of Egypt.” On the invitation of the Liberal electors of Bath, he, in 1868, contested the representation of that city, and was returned. His chief Parliamentary labours were most conspicuous in connection with his well-known Habitual Drunkards Bill, a measure which, while not in accordance with the spirit of English legislation, evinced that devotion to philanthropic objects which was the characteristic of Dr. Dalrymple’s life. He served the office of Sheriff of Norwich in 1860–61, was a director of the Norwich Union Fire Office, chairman of the Governors of King Edward VI. School, and at various times had taken part in the management of the local charitable and scientific institutions. Dr. Dalrymple was a magistrate and Deputy-lieutenant of the county. 21.—Died at Ipswich, Mr. Henry Bright, the well-known artist. He was born at Saxmundham, in June, 1814, and, after serving his apprenticeship to a chemist and druggist at Woodbridge, removed to Norwich, where he acted as dispenser to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. An acquaintance with Crome, Cotman, the elder Ladbrooke, Stark, Vincent, and others of the Norwich School of Artists, stimulated him to work with his pencil. Proceeding to London, he devoted himself entirely to art, and, by teaching drawing and painting, realised nearly £2,000 a year from that branch of his profession. For splendid sky effects Bright is second only to Turner, and his crayon drawings are almost unequalled. OCTOBER.1.—Miss E. Farren and Mr. Lionel Brough, supported by the London Gaiety Company, commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The productions included, “A Nice Girl,” “The Rough 1.—The Social Science Congress commenced its proceedings at Norwich, under the presidency of the Right Hon. Lord Houghton, D.C.L., F.R.S. The meetings terminated on the 8th. 13.—The eighty-second birthday of Sir Samuel Bignold, Mayor of Norwich, was celebrated. The Cathedral choristers, under Dr. Buck, assembled in the garden of Sir Samuel’s residence in Surrey Street, at eight a.m., and sang “Lift up thine eyes” (Handel), “The Old English Gentleman,” and the Nunc Dimittis. The bells of St. Peter Mancroft were rung, the boys of the Grammar and Commercial Schools were granted a holiday, the inmates of the Boys’ Home and the Girls’ Home were entertained at St. Andrew’s Hall, and a feast was given to the paupers in the Workhouse. 20.—Died at the Charterhouse, London, Mr. James S. Garthon, aged 74, formerly a surgeon in Norwich. He was the son of a farmer at Costessey, and was himself originally in business as a corn dealer. It was not until he was well advanced in life that he entered the medical profession. In addition to his private practice, he undertook the duties of surgeon to the Norwich police force. Mr. Garthon was a Liberal in politics. 23.—The Sheriff of Norwich (Dr. Bateman) delivered a lecture to the members of the Churchman’s Club, on “Darwinism tested by Scientific Researches in Language.” The Dean presided. NOVEMBER.3.—The Prince of Wales passed through Thetford, on his way to Elveden Hall, to visit the Maharajah Duleep Singh. 10.—Mr. Samuel Gurney Buxton was elected Mayor, and Mr. Alexander Robert Chamberlin appointed Sheriff of Norwich. —The Prince of Wales arrived at Merton Hall, on a visit to Lord Walsingham, and left on the 15th. 18.—Died at Bournemouth, Mr. Thomas Baring, member of Parliament for Huntingdon. Mr. Baring, who was 73 years of age, was second son of Sir Thomas Baring, second baronet, nephew of the first Lord Ashburton, and brother of the first Lord Northbrooke. At the General Election in 1835 he successfully contested Great Yarmouth in the Conservative interest, but in 1837, 1838, and 1841 he was defeated. Elected for Huntingdon in 1844, without opposition, he held undisputed possession of the seat for nearly thirty years. Mr. Baring was head of the great house of Baring Brothers and Co. He twice refused the Chancellorship of the Exchequer, and twice declined the offer of a peerage. DECEMBER.2.—A meeting of the creditors of the Crown Bank was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of Sir Samuel Bignold, 15.—The death took place, at Yarmouth, of Samuel Brock, aged 69, who, on October 6th, 1835, performed the remarkable feat of swimming fourteen miles after the wreck of the Young Company’s yawl Increase, of which he was one of the crew (q.v. Vol. I., p. 344). 23.—The first annual meeting of the Norwich Hospital Sunday Fund was held at the Guildhall, under the presidency of the Sheriff (Mr. A. R. Chamberlin). It was reported that the Sunday collection amounted to £670 8s. 11d., and the Saturday collection to £188 16s. 3d. 26.—The pantomime of “The Babes in the Wood, or Harlequin Robin Hood and the Fairies of the Forest,” written by Mr. F. Robson, was produced at Norwich Theatre by Mr. Richard Younge’s company. “Jack the Giant Killer” was the Christmas attraction at Batty’s Circus. 1874.JANUARY.2.—Died at Neal’s Square, St. Benedict’s Church Alley, Norwich, Susannah Steavenson, in her 105th year. “A few days ago she repeated no less than thirty verses which she had learnt at school 95 years ago. She attended the Mayor’s feast, given to the aged poor last Whit-Monday, and was accompanied by her daughter, aged 79. Mrs. Steavonson was born December 14th, 1769, and, according to a certificate given in 1836 by the Rev. W. F. Blakewell, the then minister at the Octagon chapel, was baptised there on December 24th, 1769. She was the daughter of Joshua Sabberton, chairmaker, in St. George’s Colegate.” 7.—Died at Saxlingham Hall, Mr. Edward Steward, aged 67. He was the last Tory Alderman elected under the old Corporation, and, owing to his youth, was known as “The Boy Alderman.” In 1832 he fought a severe contest with Mr. (afterwards Sir William) Foster, for the office of Freemen’s Sheriff, and was defeated by seven votes only. In the following year he was elected without opposition, and served in conjunction with Mr. W. J. Utten Browne. Mr. Steward was president of the Norwich Union Fire Office. 13.—Died at his residence, St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, Mr. John Godwin Johnson, in his 77th year. Born November 26th, 1797, he was the youngest son of Mr. John Johnson, for many years Governor of Norwich Castle. He became a pupil of Dr. Rigby, and afterwards joining Mr. Page Scott, commenced a long and successful career as a 13.—Died at AmÉlie les Bains, Mr. Charles Mends Gibson, F.R.C.S., aged 65. He was for many years resident medical-officer of the Norwich Bethel, devoted much of his time to scientific pursuits, was a member of the Royal Microscopical and other societies, and a warm supporter of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum and Literary Institution. —At a meeting of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Sir Samuel Bignold was presented by the proprietors with his portrait (painted by Sandys), in recognition of his long and successful services as secretary. 16.—The marriage of Lady Anne Coke, second daughter of the Earl of Leicester, with Lieut.-Colonel Edmund Manningham Buller, of the Rifle Brigade, second son of Sir Edward Manningham Buller, of Dilhorn Hall, Staffordshire, was solemnised at Holkham church. 20.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the report of Mr. J. W. Bazalgette on the condition of the low-level sewer was adopted, and it was agreed to consult Sir John Hawkshaw and Mr. J. F. Bateman. On July 21st it was decided, on their recommendation, to line the sewer with cast-iron tubing; and on November 17th the Council passed a resolution in favour of applying to the Local Government Board for powers to raise for the purpose a sum not exceeding £25,000, on mortgage of the General District Rates. 23.—The marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh was celebrated in Norwich by the partial decoration of the city. The 3rd Dragoon Guards and the Volunteers paraded in the Market Place and fired a feu de joie, and at a special meeting of the Town Council congratulatory addresses were adopted and the loving-cup passed round. At night a display of fireworks took place on the Castle Meadow, and on the 27th the Mayor gave a soirÉe at St. Andrew’s Hall. 31.—The General Election, the first contested under the Ballot Act, commenced in Norfolk, with the unopposed return for the Northern Division of the Hon. Frederick Walpole and Sir Edmund K. Lacon, Bart. —King’s Lynn election took place. The candidates were the Hon. R. Bourke, 1,163 votes; Lord Claud Hamilton, 1,093; Sir William ffolkes, Bart., 999; and Mr. E. R. Wodehouse, 895. FEBRUARY.2.—Sir William Bagge, Bart., and Mr. G. W. P. Bentinck were returned unopposed for West Norfolk. 4.—Polling took place at Norwich, “when, owing to the operation of the Ballot Act, there was less excitement than usual.” The votes were counted on the 5th, and the poll was declared at five o’clock, as follows: Mr. J. J. Colman, 6,138; Mr. J. W. Huddleston, Q.C., 5,823; Mr. J. H. Tillett, 5,776; and Sir H. J. Stracey, Bart., 5,290. 10.—The South Norfolk election took place. The votes were counted at the Shirehall, Norwich, on the 11th, and the result was declared as follows: Mr. C. S. Read, 3,146; Sir R. J. Buxton, Bart., 3,010; Mr. R. T. Gurdon, 2,699. Mr. Read, M.P., and Sir R. J. Buxton, M.P., were, on April 9th, entertained at a banquet given at Wymondham by the Conservatives of the district, when Mr. H. W. B. Edwards, chairman of the South Norfolk Conservative Registration Association, presided. 14.—Died at Snetterton, Sarah Edwards, aged 100 years. 15.—Died at St. John Maddermarket, Norwich, the Rev. John Dalton, canon of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Northampton, in his 60th year. Canon Dalton was of Irish parentage, and passed the early years of his life at Coventry. After his ordination, he was employed on missions at Northampton, Lynn, and Norwich. In 1858–59 he resided at St. Alban’s College, Valladolid, in Spain. He returned to that country in 1866, to collect subscriptions towards the erection in London of a cathedral in memory of the illustrious Cardinal Wiseman, who was himself born in Spain; his mission was, however, unsuccessful. Canon Dalton was the author of several theological works. “Amiable, genial-hearted, charitable, and good, no sectarian difference was ever suffered to affect that thorough respect and esteem which was extended to him from the representatives of all creeds.” 28.—At a meeting of the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, held at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, a resolution was adopted expressive of satisfaction on the appointment of the President, Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., as Parliamentary Secretary of the Local Government Board. MARCH.14.—A meeting of the agriculturists of the county, whose interests were affected by the action of the Labourers’ Union, was held at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, “to take action with reference to the demands now being pressed upon the occupiers of the soil.” It was decided to form a Norfolk Farmers’ Labour Defence Association. Another meeting took place on April 25th, for promoting the objects of the association. Many meetings were held throughout the county by the Labourers’ Union during this year, and much strong feeling was manifested. At the Norfolk Lent Assizes, on March 28th, before Mr. Justice Blackburn, the Rev. John Spurgin, vicar of Hockham, brought an action against Mr. John Edward Matthew Vincent, of the “Labourers’ Union Chronicle,” for publishing a false and malicious libel, “whereby he was injured in his credit and reputation as a clergyman.” The paper, which was published at Leamington, alleged that the “reverend divine” claimed tithe on charity coals supplied to the poor parishioners, and “had two tons out of the twenty carted to his divine rectory, for his own consumption.” The defendant afterwards expressed deep regret for publishing the imputation, and the jury found a verdict for the plaintiff—damages £100. 19.—Died, while on a visit to Norwich, Mr. Robert Seaman, of Tunbridge Wells, aged 63. He served the office of Sheriff in 1856–57, and was a magistrate for the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. MAY.2.—The marriage of Lady Margaret Coke, sixth daughter of the Earl of Leicester, with the Hon. H. Strutt, eldest son of Lord Belper, took place at Holkham church. 5.—Died at his residence, Newmarket Road, Norwich, Mr. John Robison. He was born in Norwich in November, 1809, was for many years a partner in the firm of Grout and Co., and in 1868 served the office of Sheriff. 9.—Died in London, Lieut.-General Sir Archdale Wilson, G.C.B., Colonel commandant Royal Artillery. Born in 1803, he was a son of the Rev. George Wilson, of Kirby Cane (uncle of Lord Berners), by a daughter of the Rev. C. Millard, Chancellor of Norwich. He entered the service of the East India Company, and went through some of the earlier campaigns in India. For his eminent services during the Indian Mutiny he received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and was nominated in succession Companion, Knight Commander, and Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. General Wilson was granted a pension of £1,000 a year by the East India Company, and created a baronet. He was a brother of Mr. Philip Wilson, a Lynn solicitor, with whom he resided for some time after his return from India, and was succeeded in the baronetcy by his nephew, Mr. Rowland Knyvett Wilson, Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. 15.—Died at his residence, Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mr. John Briggs, who for many years was connected with the firm of Messrs. Bullard and Sons. Early in life Mr. Briggs married a sister-in-law of Mr. Richard Bullard, and sailed for America, where he landed with only a few shillings in his pocket. He offered his services as an assistant in a lithographic establishment, and though practically unacquainted with the business beyond a taste for drawing, he not only secured the appointment, but in a short time acquired sufficient knowledge of the art to earn a fair competence for himself. Amongst other work which subsequently came into his hands was the drawing of plans for many of the streets and blocks of buildings in Chicago, of which the chief part were destroyed in the great fire. Mr. Briggs made several remunerative purchases of land in the United States. Ill-health compelled him to return to England, and, settling in Norwich, he joined his brother-in-law in the Anchor Brewery, the success of which was greatly promoted by his active business habits. 19.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, certain members expressed strong disapproval of the action of the City Committee “in ordering the destruction of the chapel of Thomas À Becket, one of the archÆological gems of the city.” Several members stated that they had never heard of the place, and the Town Clerk informed the 25.—The Mayor and Sheriff of Norwich entertained, at St. Andrew’s Hall, 1,600 of the aged poor of the city, in celebration of the Queen’s birthday. JUNE.3.—Died, aged 69, Mr. John Oddin Taylor, of Norwich. He was an Alderman of the city, “and the grand Cattle Market and Prince of Wales Road, for which we are mainly indebted to him, are monuments of his far-seeing judgment and untiring zeal.” Descended from a long line of Norfolk yeomen, Mr. Taylor was born at Thuxton, on April 26th, 1805, and in due course was articled to Mr. T. Bignold and Mr. T. Brightwell. In politics he was one of the old school of Whigs, and on the passing of the Municipal Reform Act in 1835 became a member of the Corporation. Mr. Taylor was one of the Liberals who protested against the displacement of the old Corporation officials. He served the office of Mayor in 1861–62; was made a Deputy-Lieutenant of the county in acknowledgment of his political services as Liberal agent, and was a trustee of the Grammar and Commercial Schools, and an active member of the Committee of the Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival. Mr. Taylor married the eldest daughter of Mr. Brewer, of Mile End House, Norwich, and of the marriage there were two sons and three daughters. 15.—A fire took place on the premises of Mr. Dixon, silversmith and jeweller, of London Street, Norwich, and did damage to the amount of £2,000. 17.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at Norwich. It was held upon the grounds of the Sheriff (Mr. A. R. Chamberlin), on Ipswich Road, and the luncheon was under the presidency of Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P. 18.—A meeting of the Norfolk and Norwich Provident Building Society was held at the Bell Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of Mr. H. S. Patteson, when it was reported that the secretary, Mr. Josiah Buttifant, had left the city on the 2nd inst., ostensibly for the purpose of taking a holiday; but it was afterwards discovered that he had committed defalcations to the amount of about £5,000. A committee was appointed to consider the best course to be adopted, and soon afterwards a petition was presented for the winding-up of the society, and a warrant issued for the apprehension of Buttifant. On July 6th William Frederick Fish, a clerk in the employment of Buttifant, was taken into custody, on the information of Samuel Beckett Hook, a shareholder in the society, on the charge of cheating and defrauding Agas Goose and others, trustees, of the sum of £10 7s., and on other days of divers other sums, amounting in the whole to £10,000. The accused was finally committed for trial on July 20th; and on July 27th Mr. Justice Blackburn granted an application JULY.6.—The first prize-day was held at the resuscitated Grammar School at North Walsham. In 1606 Sir William Paston founded a free Grammar School in the town for forty boys, sons of inhabitants of the Hundreds of Tunstead, North Erpingham, Happing, and East and West Flegg. The school gradually decayed until only the head-master remained. In 1871 Mr. Robert Wortley called attention to the fact that the endowment was lying perfectly useless; an appeal was made to the Endowed School Commission to take action, and finally the Committee of Council on Education adapted a scheme for the management of the school. New governors were appointed, with Lord Suffield as president, the school house and master’s house were restored, and the Rev. F. R. Pentreath, formerly master of Retford Grammar School, appointed head-master. The school was re-opened in February, 1874. 8.—The foundation-stone of the Baptist church in Unthank’s Road, Norwich, was laid by Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P. The building, which was designed by Mr. Edward Boardman, and was estimated to cost £5,000, was opened for public worship on July 8th, 1875. 11.—During the week ending this date the 3rd Dragoon Guards marched from the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich, en route to York. 18.—The 3rd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp at Hunstanton Park, and were inspected on the 23rd by Colonel T. E. Knox, C.B. 21.—The Norwich Town Council, at a special meeting, decided to comply with the order of the Home Secretary, directing them to build a new asylum for the reception of pauper lunatics; and a memorial was adopted praying the Public Works Loan Commissioners to grant the necessary loan at 3½ per cent., repayable in fifty years. (See February 5th, 1875.) 24.—At a meeting of the Church Missionary Society, held at Wymondham Vicarage, Mr. Edward Hutchinson, lay secretary of the society, presented to Jacob Wainwright, one of the Nassick boys in attendance upon Dr. Livingstone in his last journey, the bronze medal of the Royal Geographical Society. Wainwright, who addressed the 25.—A new lifeboat, presented to the Royal Lifeboat Institution by Mrs. Boettefure, was launched at Brancaster. It was christened by Mrs. Simms Reeve, in the name of the Joseph and Mary. 27.—At a meeting held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor, it was decided to establish a branch of the Girls’ Public Day School Company, and the Rev. W. Vincent was appointed local secretary. —A mulatto woman, known as Madame Angelo, was credited with completing the feat of walking, at the Hoppole Gardens, Norwich, one thousand miles in one thousand hours. “Although the greatest vigilance has been exercised,” says the report, “it has not yet transpired that she has ever failed to come to the scratch at the appointed times. During the last week she showed signs of flagging, her limbs swelling, and considerable difficulty was experienced in keeping her awake. It was announced that she would walk the last mile with her infant baby in her arms, but it was evident from her appearance that this would be too much for her, and her infant was handed to her when she had only four laps to walk.” AUGUST.3.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Keating, Frederick Sutton, formerly medical-officer of the Norwich Pauper Lunatic Asylum, and Emma Styggles, head female attendant, were charged with conspiring to cheat and defraud the Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the sum of £3 10s. 6½d., in the month of January. Sutton was sentenced to one calendar month, and Styggles to seven days’ imprisonment. 5.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Keating, Frederick Wales, aged 21, a labourer, was charged with the wilful murder of Thomas Pettingill, at Raveningham, on July 16th. He was found guilty of manslaughter, and ordered to be kept in penal servitude for the term of his natural life. 7.—Mr. J. R. Bulwer, Q.C., M.P., and Mr. William Graham, Crown Commissioners, opened an inquiry at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, into the circumstances of what was known as the Creak case (q.v. Vol. I., p. 485; Vol. II., p. 18). A special jury was empanelled. Miss Margaret Creak was an eccentric person, who died in 1850. It transpired at the trial of certain actions brought in 1866 by Mr. Kent, solicitor, that the deceased’s property in the parishes of St. Andrew and St. George Colegate had been purchased by Margaret Creak’s mother during her widowhood. Margaret Creak having died without leaving legal heirs, it was held that her property devolved upon the Crown, for a strange will made by her had been decided to be void and of no effect. Since her death the property had been held by different individuals, some of whom had exercised the rights and enjoyed the profits of landlord, whilst others had lived upon the property rent free. The Crown, on being informed of these facts, issued a Commission under the Great Seal to ascertain (1) what 11.—The forty-second annual meeting of the British Medical Association commenced at Norwich, under the presidency of Sir William Fergusson, Bart., Serjeant Surgeon to the Queen. The President-elect was Dr. Edward Copeman. During the proceedings, which concluded on the 14th, addresses were delivered by Sir James Paget, Dr. Eade, Mr. Cadge, &c. A prominent feature of the visit was an exhibition at St. Andrew’s Hall of the works of deceased and living Norfolk and Suffolk artists. This remarkable collection included examples by Old Crome and his sons, Stannard, Stark, the Cotmans, Thirtle, Opie, Vincent, Colkett, and others. (See December 9th.) 12.—The 7th Hussars arrived at Norwich. The Duke of Connaught was an officer of the regiment, and his Royal Highness was welcomed by the citizens with great enthusiasm. At the south entrance to the Guildhall, Lieut.-Colonel Hale and the officers were received by the Mayor (Mr. S. Gurney Buxton), the Sheriff (Mr. A. R. Chamberlin), the Deputy-Mayor (Sir Samuel Bignold), the magistrates, and members of the Town Council. An adjournment was then made to the Council Chamber, where the loving cup was passed round, and the proceedings were concluded by the Duke of Connaught proposing the health of the Mayor. 17.—A great Liberal demonstration was held at Whitlingham, at which addresses were delivered by Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., Mr. Henry Birkbeck, Mr. J. H. Tillett, and other prominent local leaders of the party. SEPTEMBER.10.—A terrible railway collision occurred at Thorpe. The mail train leaving Yarmouth at 8.46 p.m. was joined at Reedham by another train from Lowestoft. The combined train proceeded to Brundall, where, owing to the existence of only a single line, it had to wait until the arrival of the express train from Norwich to Yarmouth, or until permission should be given to the engine-driver to proceed. The accident was caused by the down express being allowed to leave Norwich while the mail train was permitted to come on from Brundall. The telegraphic message to Brundall, which had been written by Night-Inspector Alfred Cooper, but not signed, was sent through some mistake by the telegraph clerk, John Robson. A few minutes later the inspector, not knowing that the message had gone, allowed the down express to proceed. Hardly had he done so when the fatal 15.—Madame C. Nilsson, assisted by Madame Patey, Mr. E. Lloyd, Signor Foli, &c., gave a concert at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in aid of the endowment fund of the Jenny Lind Infirmary. A second concert was given on the 16th. Sir Julius Benedict conducted on both occasions. Madame Nilsson was presented with an address by the Mayor and Corporation, in acknowledgment of her valuable services to the institution. 17.—The memorial stone of the Norwich Presbyterian church was laid by Mr. C. E. Lewis, M.P., and at a public meeting subsequently held at St. Andrew’s Hall an address was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, of London. The estimated cost of the church was £3,600. It was designed by Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, of Norwich, and built by Mr. Samuel Hall. Efforts to establish a Presbyterian church in the city were made in 1866, when a “station” was opened and meetings for worship were held at the Lecture Hall in St. Andrew’s. A communion was formed, and in 1867 St. Peter’s Hall, Theatre Street, was purchased by the congregation. The church, which is built upon a site adjoining the hall, was opened for public worship on June 23rd, 1875, by the Rev. John Matheson, the Moderator, and the Rev. Dr. Fraser. 20.—Three war vessels, the Northumberland, the Sultan, and the Monarch, forming part of the Channel Fleet, entered Yarmouth Roads, 20.—Died, from injuries received in the Thorpe collision, Mr. Bransby Francis, surgeon, of Norwich, aged 59. Mr. Francis, who was a native of Bungay, was an excellent botanist and naturalist. 26.—At a general meeting of the members of the Norfolk Cattle Plague Association, held at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, it was agreed, “That this meeting recommend the presentation of a testimonial to the chairman, Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., out of the funds of the association, in acknowledgment of the great services rendered by him to the association.” It was also decided to present Mr. C. R. Gilman, secretary to the association, with a testimonial of the value of £50. OCTOBER.7.—Died at Langley Park, Sir Thomas W. H. Proctor Beauchamp, Bart., in his 60th year. Educated at Eton, he entered the Royal Horse Guards in 1836, and in 1852 married the Hon. Catherine Esther Waldegrave, daughter of Admiral Lord Radstock. On the death of his father, Admiral Sir William Beauchamp Proctor, third baronet, he succeeded to the baronetcy in 1861. A Liberal in politics, Sir Thomas consented, at the request of the party, to contest the representation of the Eastern Division of the county in 1865, in conjunction with Colonel Coke, but was unsuccessful. Upon the commencement of the Volunteer movement, he gave it his active support, and was for some years Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Administrative Battalion. He served the office of High Sheriff in 1869–70, and was a Deputy-Lieutenant and magistrate of the county. Sir Thomas was a warm supporter of local charities, and shortly before his death gave a donation of £1,000 to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Reginald William, who was born in 1853. 9.—Died at Costessey Hall, the Hon. Francis Stafford Jerningham, aged 59. He was the youngest brother of Lord Stafford, and formerly an examiner in the Audit Office. For many years he took an active part in the management of the Costessey estate. 11.—Died, Mr. Edward Freestone, solicitor, of Norwich. The youngest son of Mr. Anthony Freestone, he was born at South Elmham St. Margaret, and educated at Mr. Brewer’s school at Norwich. After serving his articles with Mr. Crabtree, at Halesworth, he was admitted an attorney and solicitor in 1825, and commenced practice in Norwich and Bungay, in partnership with Mr. J. C. Copeman. In politics Mr. Freestone was a Liberal, but systematically declined to take part in municipal affairs. He, however, held several important public appointments. The Freestone family lived and owned property at South Elmham for nearly 200 years. For three generations, ranging over the long period of 150 years, they hunted their own hounds. Mr. Freestone’s only sister married the celebrated botanist, Dr. Lindley and was mother to Mr. Lindley, Q.C., the eminent equity barrister. 20.—The East Norfolk Railway, from Norwich to North Walsham, was opened for traffic. The line was constructed by Messrs. Lucas Bros., from plans by Mr. E. Wilson, C.E. 22.—Mr. W. H. Cooke, Q.C., Judge of the Norfolk County Court, resigned his appointment. He was succeeded by Mr. Edwin Plumer Price, Q.C., Recorder of York. 23.—Died at Chapel Field Road, Norwich, Mr. Henry Ninham, aged 82. He was the son of John Ninham, who, in 1792, at the request of Mr. William Stevenson, F.S.A., drew, with the assistance of the camera obscura, the ancient gates of Norwich, then about to be demolished. He succeeded to his father’s business as an heraldic painter and copper-plate printer, and was for many years employed by the principal coachbuilders of the city to paint armorial bearings on their patrons’ carnages. A few days prior to his death, he completed, for the Very Rev. Dr. Goulburn, a large painting of the arms of the Deans of Norwich. Mr. Ninham was a frequent contributor to the Norwich exhibitions, both in oil and water-colours, and made many careful and truthful delineations of picturesque old houses and churches in the city and its neighbourhood. A good etcher, he published (without letterpress) “Eight Etchings of Antiquities of Norwich,” including the Strangers’ Hall, Sir Benjamin Wrenche’s Court, &c.; and afterwards “Views of the Gates of Norwich,” from drawings made by Kirkpatrick about the year 1720. For private circulation only, he etched a series of small but spirited plates, principally views in Norwich and Norfolk. The illustrations of Bloom’s “Castle Acre,” and Grigor’s “Eastern Arboretum,” were also etched by him. The well-known works, “Remnants of Antiquity in Norwich,” and “Norwich Corporation Pageantry,” were illustrated in lithograph by Ninham from his own drawings. He was a large contributor of illustrations to “Norfolk ArchÆology” and other local antiquarian works. 24.—Mr. Paynton Pigott, barrister-at-law, of the Oxford Circuit, and revising barrister of the Western Division of Staffordshire, a nephew of Mr. Baron Pigott, was admitted to the office of Deputy Chief Constable of Norfolk. 30.—Died at his residence, Tombland, Norwich, Mr. Thomas Hancock, City Treasurer. Mr. Hancock, who made himself prominent by his efforts to revive the ancient office of City Chamberlain, took an active part in many public movements, and is said to have fallen a victim to over-work. Mr. Edwin Syder Steward was, on November 9th, elected to the vacant office of City Treasurer. 31.—Died at Topcroft Rectory, the Rev. Edward Wilson, aged 75. Mr. Wilson, early in life, wrote “The Martyr of Carthage” in “Burns’s Englishman’s Library.” Soon afterwards, his mind, unhappily, became clouded, and his services were lost to the Church for over twenty years. When at length a surprising recovery restored him to his friends, he returned to the study of theology and the arts with a vigour and perseverance that would have been remarkable in a young man of unbroken health. In his youth Mr. Wilson was no mean poet, and his unpublished verses received the warm praise of Wordsworth. NOVEMBER.6.—Died at Lynn, Mr. F. Reynolds, formerly of Newton next Castleacre, at an advanced age, and in very reduced circumstances. “The deceased for many years was known by the sobriquet of ‘The Marquis,’ which was given him when he kept a pack of harriers at his own expense, and with which he had good sport. Once in pursuit of a stolen horse, for a neighbour, he drove one of his hunters, a bay blood horse, 100 miles in ten hours, only stopping once, namely, at Six Mile Bottom, near Newmarket, where he gave his horse some corn from his own bag, and fetched him water in his hat from a brook. One of his first, and, perhaps, best hunters, that he trained to such perfection, was a bay thoroughbred mare by Old Whisker, bred by Chifney, the celebrated jockey. She became a distinguished hunter with the Marham Staghounds. For Chip he gave but £8, and this horse was afterwards sold by Mr. Anderson for 500 guineas. Grey Tail, too, was sold by Mr. Taylor for 400 guineas, and Sweep, bought for £10, was sold by Mr. Percival for 300 guineas; whilst poor old Hawk struggled on with him in his decline, winning him a few pounds at country races by his indomitable pluck, and carrying him miles and miles when other people were at rest. Although Mr. Reynolds had his failings, no one could impeach his honour. He possessed such peculiar blandness, free from haughty and unkind feeling, that he was always regarded with something more than the common courtesy of life. He received, in his dying illness, the greatest attention from his old servant Peter, his former whip.” 7.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Sandringham, from Coventry, accompanied by Prince Albert Victor and Prince George, and by the Czarewitch of Russia, Prince Wolkonsky, Prince Bariatinsky, &c. It was on this occasion that the new railway-station erected at Wolferton was formally opened. On the 20th a grand county ball was given at Sandringham. 9.—Mr. Edward Kerrison Harvey was elected Mayor, and Mr. John Youngs appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 18.—Died in London, the Hon. George Sulyarde Stafford Jerningham, C.B., formerly Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Sweden, aged 69. He was third son of the eighth Lord Stafford, and was born February 17th, 1806. Mr. Jerningham was attached to the embassies at St. Petersburg and the Hague in 1826, was appointed an attachÉ at the Hague in 1832, and Secretary of Legation in 1833, and was chargÉ d’affaires there until 1836, when he was sent as secretary of legation to Turin, where he was chargÉ d’affaires in 1838. He subsequently filed similar offices at Madrid and Paris. 2.—Died at his residence, St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, Sir William Foster, Bart., aged 76. For half a century he had taken a prominent position in Norwich in all matters connected with its municipal and charitable institutions, and, as the head of one of the oldest legal firms in the city, was greatly esteemed in his professional career. Under the old Corporation he served the office of Sheriff in 1832, and in 1838 was created a baronet. Sir William was elected Mayor of Norwich in 1844. In politics he was a warm supporter of Liberal principles, and was for many years the recognised leader of the old Whig school in Norwich. He was succeeded by Capt. William Foster, formerly in the 11th Hussars. 6.—Died at Golding Street, Heigham, Norwich, Mrs. Winifred Johnson, aged 101 years. 9.—Died at 39, Chapel Street, Marylebone Road, London, Mr. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, F.R.S., F.S.A., of Cromer Hall, in his 94th year. Educated at Westminster and at Exeter College, Oxford, and called to the Bar in 1816, he was a Bencher of the Middle Temple, a justice of the peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for Middlesex and Norfolk, and Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons in the latter county. In 1846 he was returned to the House of Commons for St. Alban’s, and represented Boston from 1847 to 1857. On purchasing the Cromer Hall estate, Mr. Bond Cabbell became identified with Norfolk, presented to Cromer a fully-equipped lifeboat, and contributed largely to the restoration of the parish church. —A remarkable charge of cruelty to dogs was preferred at Norwich Police-court, against Dr. Eugene Magnan, of London, Mr. Haynes S. Robinson, Mr. John Ballard Pitt, Mr. Richard Wentworth White, and Mr. Horace Turner, well-known medical men residing in Norwich. It was alleged that on the occasion of the visit of the British Medical Association to Norwich, application was made by a committee of gentlemen that a certain experiment, namely, the injection of alcohol and absinthe into the veins and bloodvessels of dogs, should be made. Dr. Magnan performed the operation, and the other defendants took part. Among the witnesses called for the prosecution was Dr. Tuffnell, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, who said the experiment was cruel because unnecessary, and similar evidence was given by Sir William Fergusson, Professor William Pritchard, R.C.V.S., Professor Varnell, R.C.V.S., Mr. G. Fleming, Examining Member of the Council of Veterinary Surgeons, and one of the editors of the “Veterinarian,” and others. For the defence it was denied that Dr. Magnan performed the experiment simply for the amusement of those present, and Dr. Beverley, Dr. Bateman, Dr. Eade, Dr. Copeman, Mr. Cadge, Mr. W. P. Nichols, Mr. G. W. W. Firth, Mr. Joseph Allen, and others were called to prove that the operation was justifiable. The magistrates dismissed the charges, but expressed the opinion that the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals were justified in bringing the case. 10.—Died at 7, Lowndes Street, London, Mr. Peter Frank O’Malley, Q.C., last surviving son of Mr. Charles O’Malley, of Castlebar, co. Mayo. Born in 1804, he was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, 15.—The Duke of Connaught presented the prizes at Norwich Grammar School. —Died at Bracondale, Norwich, Mr. Samuel Jarrold, in his 69th year. Mr. Jarrold, who was head of the wall-known firm of publishers, was an ardent temperance reformer, and one of the earliest advocates of the cause in Norwich. 17.—Died at his Norfolk seat, Elmham Hall, George John Milles, fourth Baron Sondes. The deceased nobleman had almost attained his 81st year. The second son of Lewis Thomas Watson, second Lord Sondes, by Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Milles, of North Elmham, he succeeded to the title on the death of his brother, in 1836. He was educated at Eton and at Christ Church, Oxford, and entered the Royal Horse Guards, in which regiment he served in the Peninsular War, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. In 1823 he married Eleanor, fifth daughter of Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart., and in 1824, on succeeding to the Elmham estate, assumed the name of Milles in lieu of that of Watson. After his retirement from military service, he took great interest in agricultural pursuits, and was very successful in his efforts to improve the breeds of cattle and sheep. The Elmham herd of red polled cattle and flock of Southdowns attained universal reputation. His lordship was High Steward of Great Yarmouth, to which office he was elected in 1854. 26.—The pantomime at Norwich Theatre was “Dick Whittington and his Wonderful Cat.” At the Prince Arthur Royal Circus, on Castle Meadow, the pantomime, “King Bombast, or Harlequin Reckless Ralph and his Lilliputian Army,” was produced. 1875.JANUARY.2.—The frost, which, during the preceding week, had been very severe, suddenly broke up, and, under the influence of a south-west wind, a rapid thaw set in. —Died at his residence, Surrey Street, Norwich, Sir Samuel Bignold. He was the third son of Mr. Thomas Bignold, of Westerham, Kent, who came to Norwich towards the close of the eighteenth 4.—The Norwich Choral Society, founded by Professor Taylor, in 1824, for the performance of choral and orchestral music, was voluntarily dissolved by the few remaining members. —The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl of Leicester. 20.—Died at her residence, Thorpe St. Andrew, in her 69th year, Miss Mary Ann Bacon, third daughter of Mr. R. M. Bacon, of Costessey. She possessed varied accomplishments and poetical talent. Early in life she assisted her father by translating and writing several valuable articles for the “Musical Review”; and she was associated with Mr. Owen Jones in the production of some volumes of combined art and poetry which attracted much attention at the time of their appearance. Miss Bacon was particularly happy in her metrical translations of German, French, and Italian songs, and the books of the Norwich Festivals for many years attested her ready talent in FEBRUARY.3.—A special meeting of the Norwich Town Council was held for the purpose of considering and passing resolutions authorising the Council to petition Parliament against the Norwich Gas Bill, by which the British Gaslight Company sought to acquire additional lands and to raise further capital. It was decided to oppose the Bill, and the action of the Council was confirmed at a common hall held on the 4th. —Died at 26, Highbury Place, London, the Rev. Luke Hoult Wiseman, aged 53. He was a son of Mr. Samuel Wiseman of Norwich, so well known for his long and devoted services to the British and Foreign Bible Society. He became private secretary to Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, and afterwards entered as a candidate for the Wesleyan Methodist ministry. A popular and powerful preacher, he was appointed, in 1868, one of the general secretaries of the Wesleyan Missionary Society. In 1871 he was elected secretary to the Conference, and in 1872 was appointed its president. Mr. Wiseman wrote much for the Press, and all his writings bore the impress of a clear and vigorous intellect. His best known works were “Christ’s Temptation in the Wilderness” and “Men of Faith.” 4.—A fire, which resulted in the destruction of the treadmill-house and of a small storage building, occurred at the City Gaol, Norwich. An alarming rumour of an attempted escape of the prisoners was circulated, and a detachment of the 7th Hussars was summoned from the Cavalry Barracks. The prisoners, however, were safely removed from the south to the north side of the gaol, the fire was extinguished by the city police, and the cavalry were ordered back to quarters. 5.—The Norwich Town Council discussed the question of the proposed site for the new pauper lunatic asylum, and decided to erect the building at Hellesdon. 23.—The Sheriff of Norwich (Mr. J. Youngs) and the Under-Sheriff (Mr. F. Foster) opened a court at the Shirehall for the assessment of damages in the claims brought against the Great Eastern Railway Company by the relatives of certain persons who had been killed or injured in the Thorpe collision. At Norwich Assizes, on April 6th, before Mr. Justice Blackburn, Alfred Cooper, formerly night inspector, and John Robson, formerly telegraph clerk at Thorpe railway station, were indicted for feloniously killing and slaying George Robert Womack, on September 10th. Mr. Womack was one of the victims of the collision. The jury acquitted Robson, and returned a verdict of guilty against Cooper, who was sentenced to eight calendar months’ imprisonment. At the same Assizes, a special jury tried the civil action, Morse v. the Great Eastern Railway Company, in which the Rev. Charles Morse sued the company for compensation for injuries sustained in the collision. The jury awarded plaintiff £2,050 damages. On April 17th it was announced: “It is now expected that MARCH.1.—Mr. Craven Robertson’s company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. “Caste,” “School,” “Ours,” and “M.P.” were produced. 5.—An election to fill the vacancy caused in the representation of Norwich by the elevation to the judicial bench of Mr. Huddleston, Q.C., took place. The candidates were Mr. J. H. Tillett and Colonel Josiah Wilkinson, Southampton Lodge, Highgate. The result was declared as follows: Tillett, 5,877; Wilkinson, 5,079. On April 2nd a petition against the return of Mr. Tillett, M.P., was filed in the Court of Common Pleas, by Frank Ames, a workman at Messrs. Barnard and Bishop’s Ironworks. (See May 6th.) 7.—Died at Brighton, Mr. Edward Warner, of Hingham Hall, Woodford, Essex, formerly member of Parliament for Norwich. He was first returned in 1852, in conjunction with Sir Morton Peto, and in opposition to the Marquis of Douro and Lieut.-Colonel Dickson; and sat in the House of Commons until the dissolution in 1857, but did not present himself for re-election. In 1860 he again came forward, with Sir William Russell, with whom he was returned, defeating the Conservative candidates, Mr. W. Forlonge and Mr. W. D. Lewis. In 1865 he and Sir William Russell were unsuccessfully opposed by Mr. A. Goldsmid and Mr. R. E. Chester Waters. After the passing of the new Reform Act, the advanced Liberals selected Mr. J. H. Tillett as their candidate, and the Whigs adhered to Sir William Russell. In 1870 Mr. Warner took the field in opposition to Mr. Tillett, but, after consulting the electors, he decided to retire from the contest. Thereafter he lived in comparative retirement. 11.—A severe gale raged on the East Coast. The schooner Elizabeth, belonging to Messrs. Bessey and Palmer, of Yarmouth, struck on the Barber Sand, and the crew of four hands were drowned. Several other casualties occurred. 25.—Application was made in the Court of Common Pleas, on behalf of Josiah Buttifant, charged with the building society frauds at Norwich, for an order that a writ of certiorari might issue to remove the indictments into the Court of Queen’s Bench. The order was granted, and the case came for trial before Mr. Justice Archibald, on May 6th, when it was stated that the prisoner’s defalcations amounted to £20,000. Buttifant pleaded not guilty to the charge of forging certain documents, but guilty to embezzling various sums. A jury was sworn to try the charge of forgery, and returned a verdict of guilty. The prisoner was sentenced to fifteen years’ penal servitude. —A new organ, erected at North Walsham church, by Messrs. Hill and Son, of London, at the cost of £487, was opened by Mr. James Turle, organist of Westminster Abbey, at a special service, at which the sermon was preached by the Dean of Norwich. APRIL.1.—The Yarmouth and Gorleston tramway was formally opened by the Mayor of Yarmouth (Mr. R. D. Barber). 5.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Grove, William Sillis, 25, labourer, was found guilty of feloniously assaulting Miss Ann Elizabeth Blyth, at Great Massingham, on October 12th, 1874, and was sentenced to eighteen years’ penal servitude and twenty lashes of the “cat.” The whipping was inflicted at Norwich Castle on April 20th. “The prisoner’s back having been bared, he was securely fastened by the hands and feet to the whipping-post and the flagellation duly administered by Mr. Pinson, the Governor, with a ‘cat’ having nine tails of braided whipcord. When the third lash had been given the prisoner turned his head round and implored, ‘For God’s sake, don’t hit twice in the same place,’ and, howling and wincing, threatened to break down at the eighth lash; but the whipping proceeded until the punishment was completed. When released from the post he appeared faint, and required assistance to get on his shirt. ‘A poor devil had better be hanged than punished like that,’ he said.” 9.—At a military tournament given by the 7th Hussars at Norwich, the “cavalry ride,” now known as the “musical ride,” was performed for the first time. It was introduced by the bandmaster, Van Der Huevil, who was afterwards transferred to the Household Cavalry, and under his direction the display became one of the most prominent features of the Royal Military Tournament. 17.—Died at her residence, Surrey Street, Norwich, Miss Cecilia Lucy Brightwell, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Brightwell. For nearly forty years she was the devoted and inseparable companion of her father. Miss Brightwell was a voluminous writer, and more than twenty works of hers had issued from the press, the first of which was a biography, the only one extant, of her old friend, Amelia Opie, whose diary and correspondence she had access to through her father, Mrs. Opie’s executor. Amongst her other works was a “Life of LinnÆus,” “Early Lives and Doings of Great Lawyers,” “Annals of Curious and Romantic Lives,” “Palissy, the Huguenot Potter,” “Footsteps of the Reformers,” “Heroes of the Workshop,” “Men of Mark,” “Annals of Industry and Genius,” &c. Proficient in the use of the MAY.6.—The hearing of the election petition against the return of Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett as member of Parliament for the city commenced at the Shirehall, Norwich, before Mr. Justice Lush. Mr. Giffard, Q.C., was leading counsel for the petitioner, and Mr. Hawkins, Q.C., for the respondent. It was alleged on the part of the petitioner that a large number of voters had received employment of a colourable character. “Wherever possible a voter was made a messenger, clerk, or something. The majority for Mr. Huddleston at the General Election was between 40 and 50, but by this kind of device the Conservative majority was converted into a minority of one under 800.” The inquiry proceeded, and on the 15th Mr. Hawkins announced that “Mr. Tillett had come to the conclusion it had been sufficiently established that a great number of the lower class voters were employed unjustifiably in his behalf, and he felt he could not struggle further to retain the seat.” After hearing the evidence of Mr. Tillett and a few other witnesses, his lordship said: “The result is the respondent has become disqualified by reason of this corruption by his agents, and I have nothing more to do than to declare the election void and award costs to the petitioner.” (See August 16th.) 13.—The centenary of the banking house of Messrs. Gurneys and Co. was celebrated by a dinner given at Stoke Holy Cross, the seat of Mr. Henry Birkbeck. “The original founders of the Bank were John and Henry Gurney, who, in addition to their ordinary trade, that of merchants, carried on a banking business, first in Pitt Street, and afterwards in Magdalen Street. They were the sons of John Gurney, who earned the title of the ‘Weavers’ Friend,’ by reason of his advocacy of their cause. The Gurneys having, in 1779, devoted themselves exclusively to banking, the business was transferred to Bartlett Gurney (son of Henry Gurney), who removed to the present premises on Bank Plain, having as a partner his uncle, John Gurney. Bartlett Gurney died in 1803, and John Gurney was left sole proprietor, being joined shortly by his cousins, Richard and Joseph Gurney. John Gurney lived at Earlham Hall, Richard Gurney at Keswick, and Joseph Gurney at Lakenham. Changes from time to time occurred, and Hudson Gurney, Richard Hanbury Gurney, James John Gurney, Henry Birkbeck (the father of the present head of the firm), and Simon Martin became at subsequent periods partners in the great banking house. The panics of the years 1792 and 1825, which caused the failure of many banking houses, only resulted in establishing the Gurneys on a firmer and more prosperous basis, for they not only survived these financial disasters, but assisted others to tide over their difficulties. The year 1866 will be remembered as one which tested the stability of the house. The run on the Bank in that and the following year was as remarkable for its intensity as it was lasting. JUNE.5.—The Reedham Hall estate was sold by auction by Messrs. Spelman, at the Rampant Horse Hotel, Norwich, for £31,568. The purchaser was Mr. John Rose. 8.—Mr. Frank Buckland, Inspector of Salmon Fisheries, opened an inquiry at Yarmouth, at the request of the Home Secretary, into the crab, lobster, and other sea fisheries on the Norfolk coast, with the view of ascertaining the expediency of adopting regulations for the prevention of waste and the preservation of fish. Similar inquiries were held at Lynn, Wells, and Cromer. 16.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association opened at Fakenham, and was continued on the 17th. Mr. Anthony Hamond was president for the year. 19.—An important meeting was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, for the purpose of conferring with Mr. Frank Buckland as to the possibility of extending legislative protection to the fishing in the rivers and broads of Norfolk. Mr. Buckland expressed his full concurrence in the necessity of an Act of Parliament, for placing restrictions on the fishing, and resolutions to that effect were adopted. (See January 22nd, 1876.) 21.—The centenary of the opening of the bells of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, was celebrated by the ringers of that church. JULY.3.—Extracts from an article in the “Natal Mercury” of May 11th, on the life and labours of Mr. Thomas Baines, F.R.G.S., “just then deceased,” were published. Mr. Baines was a native of King’s Lynn, where he was born in 1822. At an early age he gave evidence of artistic instincts, and of his love of travel and adventure. His first experiences of the kind were in South Australia. When little more than a youth, he took part in an expedition which traversed a then unpenetrated portion of the Continent. He and his companions carried their lives in their hands, and many were the hairbreadth escapes from the perils of both sea and savages. Baines arrived in South Africa about the year 1848, and took an active part in the Kaffir wars of 1850–51–52. In 1860 he joined Dr. Livingstone’s expedition to Zanzibar, but differences arose between him and his illustrious chief. The next few years were spent in devious travel, and in 1866 he returned home and published several important works. He subsequently went to Natal as leader of a party sent out by the South African Gold Fields Exploration Company, and it was at Natal that he spent a large portion of the last few years of his life. 22.—The Norfolk polled cattle and flock of pure Southdown sheep on the North Elmham estate were sold by Messrs. Thornton and Long. The total amount realised was £4,953 5s. 23.—The last detachment of the 7th Hussars left Norwich for Manchester by special train; and on the 24th the dismounted party of the 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers), from Shorncliffe, took over the Cavalry Barracks. AUGUST.2.—A vessel named the Ponda Chief, intended for trading between this country and Port Natal, was launched from the shipyard of Messrs. J. Fellows, at Southtown, Yarmouth. She was 140 feet long, 26 feet beam, 14 ft. 6 in. deep, and 416 tons register. This was one of the largest vessels ever built at the port. 3.—H.M.S. Favourite, an armour-plated corvette of 2,094 tons and 490 horse-power, ran upon the south spit of Scroby Sand, when endeavouring to make the gatway. At the flood tide the vessel floated off and steamed out to sea. 9.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Mellor, William Harper Stewardson, printer, of Norwich, was charged with publishing in a newspaper called the “Herald and Dispatch,” a malicious and defamatory libel of and concerning Frederick Lawrence Phillips, editor of the “Norwich Argus.” The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the defendant was fined £20, and ordered to enter into his own recognisances of £100 to be of good behaviour for twelve months. 16.—A Royal Commission, issued in consequence of the report of Mr. Justice Lush, “that he had reason to believe corrupt practices extensively prevailed at the election which took place in Norwich on March 5th, on the elevation to the Bench of Mr. Baron Huddleston,” commenced its proceedings at the Shirehall, Norwich. The Commissioners were Mr. John Morgan Howard, Q.C., Mr. Patrick MacMahon, and Mr. Gabriel Prior Goldney, with Mr. Tyndal Atkinson as secretary. On the 43rd day, Wednesday, October 28th, the court terminated its sittings in Norwich, and the inquiry was resumed in the House of Lords on November 8th. The fiftieth day was reached on December 3rd, when a further adjournment took place. (See March 15th, 1876.) 26.—The marriage was solemnised, at Latimer, of the Earl of Leicester and the Hon. Georgiana Cavendish, eldest daughter of Lord and Lady Chesham. SEPTEMBER.20.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced with an evening performance of “Elijah.” The morning performances were as follow: 22nd, “Hymn of Praise” and selection, “Jerusalem”; 23rd, “Stabat Mater” and “Woman of Samaria”; 24th, “The Messiah.” Miscellaneous concerts were given on the evenings of the dates named, except on the 24th, when a dress ball 26.—Died at his residence, Bracondale, Norwich, Mr. Frederic Brown, aged 67. He served the office of Sheriff in 1863–64, was a magistrate of the city, and a director of the Norwich Waterworks and Corn Exchange Companies. OCTOBER.4.—Don Edgardo Colona, a Mexican tragedian, appeared at Norwich Theatre, and during a week’s engagement played a round of Shakesperian and classical characters. 9.—The foundation-stone of Yarmouth Aquarium was laid by Lord Suffield. The building was opened on September 5th, 1876. 16.*—“Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve the Norfolk Regiment of Artillery Militia being in future designated the Prince of Wales’ Own Norfolk Artillery Militia, and of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the regiment being permitted to wear, as a distinctive badge, on the collars of the tunics, the Prince of Wales’ plume and the motto, ‘Ich Dien.’” 20.—During a severe gale, the barque Young England, of Middlesbrough, 371 tons (Captain Brown), bound from the Baltic to London with deals, drifted on the Cockle Sand. The crew of twelve men and a boy took to the boat, which was capsized, and all, with the exception of the boy, were drowned. 26.—A public meeting was held at Yarmouth, to consider a project for constructing a railway from that town to Stalham, vi Caister, Ormesby, Martham, Potter Heigham, and Catfield. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., presided, and resolutions were adopted affirming the desirability of the undertaking, which was estimated to cost £70,000. (See August 7th, 1877.) 28.—A preliminary meeting of landowners and others interested in the construction of a new line of railway from March to Wymondham, to be known as the Central Norfolk Railway, was held at the Crown Hotel, Watton, under the presidency of Mr. W. A. Tyssen-Amherst. Mr. A. F. Jerningham, C.E., described the proposed route, and it was agreed that the railway was desirable. Its cost was estimated at £450,000, or £10,000 per mile. A Bill for the promotion of the undertaking was introduced in Parliament, but was withdrawn in January, 1876. NOVEMBER.5.—Mr. Charles Tadman, for many years manager at Norwich Gasworks, committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. 8.—Mr. Anthony Hamond, Master of the West Norfolk Hunt, was presented with his portrait, painted by Mr. Graves, R.A. Sir William ffolkes, Bart., made the presentation, on behalf of 400 subscribers. 10.—The first Poor-law Conference, attended by delegates from twenty-two Norfolk unions, was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., “to take counsel on the important point of the more uniform administration of poor relief.” 13.—Died at St. Leonard’s, the Rev. Dr. William Brock. Dr. Brock, who was upwards of 70 years of age, was formerly minister of the Baptist congregation, in Norwich, and resigned that post about twenty-five years previously, and became minister of Bloomsbury chapel, London, then recently built. There he remained until he retired from the ministry. Dr. Brock was one of the most popular ministers in the Baptist denomination, and took an active part on the Liberal side in many of the political movements of his time. —An extremely high tide occurred at Lynn, owing to heavy rains and strong gales. On the 15th Denver Sluice was in jeopardy, and large numbers of men were employed to strengthen the banks. At Hunstanton great masses of cliff were washed away; on the 19th railway traffic between Brandon and Ely was suspended, owing to the floods, and considerable damage was done to the line between Reedham and Haddiscoe by the overflow of water. 17.—Sir William Bagge, Bart., M.P., presided at a luncheon at Downham Market, held in celebration of the opening of the new Public Hall. The building was converted from the old Theatre by a company formed for the purpose of carrying out the project. 18.—At the adjourned Norfolk Quarter Sessions, held at the Shirehall, Norwich, a report was received on the advisability of amalgamating the county prisons and of transferring the Governor of Swaffham Prison to Norwich Castle, the Governor of the latter prison, Mr. Pinson, having given notice of his resignation of office. The report recommended that Swaffham Prison be discontinued from January 13th, 1876; that the prisoners at the time under detention be removed to Norwich Castle; and that Mr. Duncan Stuart, Governor of Swaffham Prison, be appointed to succeed Mr. Pinson at Norwich. The report was adopted. Mr. Stuart took over the governorship of Norwich Castle in January, 1876, but resigned office in the following month, when he was succeeded by Mr. Miles Joseph Walker. 19.—A gale, the severity of which had been unequalled for many years previously, visited the coast of Norfolk. Several wrecks occurred off Yarmouth and Caister, and many lives were lost in the Wash. The Scotch fishing fleet suffered terrible privations. Five bodies of the crew of the smack Beautiful Star, of St. Monance, Fifeshire, were picked up at the entrance to Lynn Well, and at a subsequent date the bodies of other unfortunate fishermen from the North were discovered in the same locality. 20.—The Hon. Frederick Walpole, M.P., F.R.G.S., was installed Grand Master of the Norfolk Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons, in place of Mr. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, deceased. 21.—On this day (Sunday) a mad freak was perpetrated at Yarmouth by a Scotch fisherman, named Watson. Having gained admittance to the Nelson column, he climbed the figure of Britannia and clasped his arms about its neck. He then came down to the platform, 30.—Died, in his 75th year, Mr. Francis John Blake, solicitor, for forty years treasurer of the Norfolk County Lunatic Asylum, and thirty-eight years Superintendent Registrar for the city of Norwich. Mr. Blake was for many years treasurer of the Norwich Musical Festival, and a director of several public companies. —St. Andrew’s Day was celebrated in Norwich by the members of the newly-formed St. Andrew Society dining at the Maid’s Head Hotel. Mr. T. Muir Grant, the founder and president of the society, was in the chair, and Dr. Waddell, the vice-president, officiated as croupier. —A suit, the Archdeacon of Norwich v. William Delph and William Thomas Gilbert, churchwardens of St. Augustine, which came before the Consistory Court at Norwich, excited much public comment. The case was heard originally in November, 1874, when the Chancellor decreed that the respondents, who had desecrated the churchyard by throwing a portion of it into the public road, should, by placing certain stones in the pathway and wall, mark the ancient boundary of the churchyard. The respondents not having obeyed the decree of the court, application was made on October 5th by Mr. Walter Overbury, as Proctor for the Archdeacon, that they might be pronounced contumacious. The case was adjourned until this date, and the decree not having been obeyed, the Chancellor pronounced the respondents contumacious, and issued a certificate to her Majesty in the High Court of Justice, in order that an attachment might forthwith issue against them. This action resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Gilbert. At a meeting of the Town Council, on December 21st, Mr. J. D. Smith called attention to the case, and stated that Mr. Gilbert was imprisoned for alleged contempt of court in not paying the costs of the suit. He moved a resolution expressing regret that the ecclesiastical authorities should have instituted the prosecution, and urging that the Parliamentary and Bye-Laws Committee confer immediately as to the best steps to be taken to obtain the release of the prisoner. The motion was carried by 27 votes against 1, “the Conservatives having vacated their seats, leaving only Mr. H. W. Stafford, who voted against the motion.” Mr. Gilbert was liberated on December 24th, an undertaking having been given on the part of Mr. Delph that the decree of the Consistorial Court should be carried out. DECEMBER.4.—A heavy gale prevailed on the coast of Norfolk, and continued until the 6th. There were many shipping casualties, and much loss of life. 13.—A dreadful tragedy occurred at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. A weaver, 42 years of age, named Robert Edwards, who resided at Marsham, had been admitted to the Hospital on an indoor recommendation obtained from the Rev. J. Gunton, rector of the parish. The physician who examined him prior to admission believed that he was suffering from some bodily ailment of a dyspeptic character. Ten or twelve weeks previously his case was regarded as one of insanity; he had been restless and violent at times, and his friends had placed him under surveillance. Early on the morning of this date, Edwards, in a fit of homicidal mania, escaped from the Catherine ward, and, finding his way to the children’s ward, seized a pair of tongs from the fireplace, and, before he could be secured, made a murderous assault upon some of the unfortunate young patients, which resulted in two being slain outright, a third died shortly afterwards, and grievous injuries were inflicted upon two others. Edwards was disarmed by Mr. Baumgartner, the house surgeon, taken into custody, and charged on the 14th, at Norwich Police Court, with feloniously killing William Martin, aged 14, of Ryburgh; John Lacey, 10, of Griffin Yard, Pockthorpe; and Joseph Colman, 11, of Barton Turf. A fourth lad, Alfred Clarke, aged 9, died on February 20th, 1876. On the 18th the magistrates committed him for trial at the Assizes, but meanwhile he was certified to be insane and incapable of pleading, and was sent to Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum. At the Coroner’s inquest, held on December 18th, a verdict of wilful murder was returned, and the jury expressed, in the strongest terms, their disapproval of the circumstances under which Edwards had been admitted to the institution, and their high opinion of the courageous conduct of Mr. Baumgartner. 22.—Died at Bombay, Bernard Edward Delaval Astley, tenth Baron Hastings, aged 20. His lordship left England early in October, for India, accompanied by Viscount Ebrington, and, after staying with Sir 26.—The Christmas pantomime produced by Mr. George H. Chaplin, at Norwich Theatre, was entitled, “Bluff King Hal the Bluffer and his Crippled Guy, or Harlequin Darnley, the Pet of the Court.” 1876.JANUARY.1.—At a meeting of Norfolk agriculturists, held at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, it was decided to support the national movement for presenting Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., with a testimonial in recognition of his services to agriculture. Upwards of £600 was subscribed in the room, the Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant of the county, heading the subscription-list with a handsome donation. The presentation was made at the Cannon Street Hotel, London, on May 2nd, at a banquet presided over by Mr. Charles Howard, of Bidenham, and attended by 160 of the leading agriculturists of the three kingdoms. The testimonial consisted of a massive silver salver weighing 115 ozs., and inscribed, “Presented, the 2nd May, 1876, to Clare Sewell Read, M.P. for Norfolk since 1865, with a cheque for £5,500, in testimony of his valuable services to Agriculture.” 19.—The first of the entertainments known as “Spelling Bees” was given at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich. It was claimed that they “served the twofold purpose of testing the orthographical and philological knowledge of the competitors and of providing amusement for the public.” The Mayor (Mr. J. H. Tillett) presided. The referees were Mr. Carlos Cooper, the Rev. A. C. Copeman, and Mr. A. Master, and their decisions were in accordance with the Imperial, Richardson’s, and Walker’s dictionaries. Mr. T. Richmond Pinder was interrogator. “Spelling Bees” enjoyed for some months the same popularity as their precursors, “Penny Readings,” and every town and village in the county took up the movement, which, however, was very short-lived. 22.—The members of the Yare Preservation Society and the riparian owners of the county adopted a memorial to the Home Secretary, praying for the legislative protection of local sea and inland fisheries. A deputation, which included the members of Parliament for the county and city, approached the Home Secretary upon the 29.—Died at his residence, Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mr. Abel Towler, one of the senior magistrates of the city, aged 83. He was head of the firm of Towler, Allen, and Co. In politics Mr. Towler was “a Liberal of the old school.” FEBRUARY.1.—A fire occurred at the works of Messrs. Riches and Watts, agricultural engineers, Duke’s Palace, Norwich. The damage amounted to between £3,000 and £4,000. 12.—Died at his residence, the Depperhaugh, Diss, Admiral Sir John Baldwin Wake Walker, Bart., K.C.B. Born in 1803, he entered the Navy in 1812, and saw much service. In 1847 he was appointed Surveyor to the Navy; in 1861 he assumed command of the Cape of Good Hope station, and attained the rank of Admiral in 1870. He was created a baronet in 1856. 16.—Died at his residence, Drayton Lodge, near Norwich, Mr. James Winter, aged 79. He was the last member but one of the old Corporation, in which he held the important office of Speaker. Mr. Winter remained a member of the new Corporation from its formation in 1835 until a few years before his death. 19.—An outbreak of small-pox was announced to have taken place amongst the prisoners confined in Norwich Castle. There were twelve cases, two of which were serious, but no deaths occurred. 27.—Died at his residence, Surrey Street, Norwich, Mr. John Harwell, in his 78th year. His mother was a daughter of John Samuel Sedley, of Barford and Morley, a lineal descendant of Sir Charles Sedley, the wit and poet. Mr. Barwell married, in 1824, the eldest daughter of Mr. Richard Mackenzie Bacon, proprietor and editor of the “Norwich Mercury.” He succeeded his father in his wine merchant’s business, was for many years an alderman for the Mancroft Ward, and served the office of Sheriff in 1839–40. On the occasion of the marriage of Queen Victoria, he was one of the deputation who presented, on behalf of the city, an address of congratulation to her Majesty and the Prince Consort. Mr. Barwell engaged largely in artistic pursuits, and was an accomplished musician and vocalist. A skilful amateur artist, he painted a portrait of Miss Julia Smith, daughter of Mr. William Smith, M.P., and aunt of Florence Nightingale, which was exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery, South Kensington, in 1868. He did much to promote art in Norwich, and, in conjunction with Cotman, Crome, and other Norwich artists, established a drawing academy. Many years later he had the satisfaction of seeing his views carried out by the establishment of a Science and Art Department of the Government, and by the opening of Schools of Science and Art in Norwich and most of the principal towns in the kingdom. With the assistance of Mr. Burt, he established the Norwich Cricket Club, and, in co-operation with Bentley, and afterwards with Fuller Pilch, formed the Cricket Ground at Lakenham, which MARCH.6.—Mr. Craven Robertson’s “Caste” Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, and produced, for the first time there, Mr. T. W. Robertson’s latest comedy, “Play.” 14.—In the House of Commons, Mr. C. S. Read called attention to the report of the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act Committee, 1873, and moved, “That, in the opinion of this House, the general orders and regulations for the stoppage of disease should cease to be varying or permissive, and should be uniform throughout Great Britain and Ireland.” On an assurance from Viscount Sandon that the Government accepted the principle of uniformity, Mr. Read said he would not be justified in asking the House to divide, and withdrew the motion. 15.—The Norwich Election Commissioners issued their report. They found that corrupt practices extensively prevailed in Norwich at the election in March, 1875, and in February, 1874. The number of persons scheduled was as follows: Schedule I., persons guilty of bribery at the election of 1874 or 1875, 72; Schedule II., persons bribed at the election of 1874 or 1875, 31; Schedule III., guilty of personation, 1; Schedule IV., persons guilty of procuring personation, 2. In the House of Commons, on May 29th, the Attorney-General announced that the scheduled voters were to be disfranchised, and the writ for the vacant seat suspended during the then Parliament. At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, on February 26th, 1878, the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty’s Treasury requested payment by the city of £3,943 19s. 2d., the cost of the Commission. This charge was equal to a rate of 5d. in the pound. APRIL.1.—Died at Dean Street, Park Lane, London, the Hon. Frederick Walpole, M.P. He was third son of Horatio, third Earl of Orford, by Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Fawkner, and was born September 18th, 1822. In 1837 he entered the Royal Navy, became Lieutenant in 1845, and retired from the service in 1864, as Commander. He served in the first China War, in India, and in the campaign on the Danube. Mr. Walpole unsuccessfully contested King’s Lynn at the General Election in November, 1865, when Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton and Lord Stanley (afterwards Earl of Derby) were returned. At the General Election in November, 1868, he was elected one of the members for the Northern Division of Norfolk, and at the next General Election was returned unopposed. Mr. Walpole was the author of “Five Years in the Pacific,” “The Ansayrii, or Further East,” and a novel, “May and December.” He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries and of the Geological Society. Mr. Walpole also served in the West Norfolk Militia, of which he was Major, and shortly before his death received the honorary rank of Lieut.-Colonel. He married, on February 12th, 1852, his cousin, Laura Sophia Frances, only daughter of Mr. Francis Walpole, by whom he left issue two sons and 3.—A serious disturbance took place at Hethersett, on the occasion of the Norfolk and Norwich Steeplechases. A large number of roughs from Norwich had planned the robbery of the tills of the person who had received the gate-money and had charge of the refreshment department. An effort was made to unhorse Hickman, Mr. Angerstein’s huntsman, who was engaged in keeping the course, and in the mÊlÉe which ensued an officer of the Carabiniers brought up at the trot a mounted detachment on duty at the races, and speedily quelled the disturbance. 5.—The Norwich Town Council, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, decided to proceed with the work of widening London Street, from the Market Place to Castle Street, at a cost not exceeding £22,000, and appointed a committee to negotiate with owners of property and to inquire into the best mode of carrying out the improvement. The subject was discussed in detail at various meetings during the year. (See April 7th, 1877.) 10.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Baron Cleasby, Henry Webster, aged 61, a labourer, was found guilty of the murder of his wife, Sarah Webster, aged 53, at Cranworth, on September 17th, 1875. Sentence of death was passed, and the culprit was executed at Norwich Castle on May 1st. Marwood was the executioner. 17.—Mr. Charles Durand’s Grand English Opera Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, in Rossini’s comic opera, “Cinderella, or the Fairy of the Glass Slipper.” Miss Florence St. John was a member of the company. 18.—At an early hour in the morning the emigrant ship Humboldt, of Hamburgh, 729 tons register, bound from Hamburgh to the Brazils, with 349 emigrants on board, ran ashore on Winterton beach. With the assistance of tugs the vessel was got off and taken to Yarmouth Roads for repair. The master, Henrisch Detlof Busch, had lost his bearings, and believed himself to be off the coast of France! 20.—The first Starr-Bowkett Building Society was established at Norwich, by Mr. Starr, one of the originators of the system. —The nomination of candidates for the election in the Northern Division of the county, consequent upon the death of the Hon. Frederick Walpole, M.P., took place at Aylsham. The candidates were Lieut.-Colonel James Duff, of Westwick House, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart., of Warlies, Waltham Abbey. The polling, which took place on the 21st, resulted as follows: Duff, 2,302; Buxton, 2,192. Colonel Duff, during the election campaign, was confined to his house by sickness. 29.—A meeting of gentlemen interested in the field sports of the county was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, to consider the advisability of accepting the offer made by Mr. Angerstein, namely, that he would give to the county his pack of staghounds and deer, on condition that the county subscribed a sufficient sum “to hunt them in a MAY.15.—Mdlle. Beatrice’s Comedy-Drama Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The repertory included “The School for Scandal,” “Mary Stuart,” “Frou-frou,” “Nos Intimes,” “The Ticket-of-Leave Man,” “John Jasper’s Wife,” and “East Lynne.” 18.—Died at his residence, Theatre Street, Norwich, in his 82nd year, Mr. William Butcher, a well-known land surveyor and auctioneer. He was a native of Brooke, and entered the office of Mr. Robert Corby, of Kirstead, a land surveyor, who had one of the largest practices in the district, if not in the kingdom. Mr. Butcher had unusual opportunities of acquiring a practical knowledge of the business at the time when enclosures of commons in Norfolk and Suffolk were being carried out, for Mr. Corby was the surveyor employed. For nearly sixty years he carried on a most lucrative practice, which was not confined to local limits, but extended throughout the kingdom, from the remotest parts of Scotland to the Land’s End. Mr. Butcher served one term as an alderman of the city, and was Sheriff of Norwich in 1870–71. 24.—The Queen’s birthday was celebrated in Norwich by an entertainment given to the inmates of the Workhouse by the Sheriff (Mr. Stevenson). It was stated that the Easter Monday and Whit Monday holidays provided by the Bank Holidays Act had affected the public observance of the day, and Volunteer reviews, sham fights, and civic feasts were no longer held to commemorate the occasion. 27.*—“The early closing of our shops on Thursdays in the summer months seems now to be the universal custom in Norwich, with the solitary exception of the chemists and druggists.” (See March 26th, 1879.) —*“Some days since some men at work on Feltwell Fen found a quantity of Roman silver coins, many of them distinctly bearing the names of Hadrian, Antoninus, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Divas Antoninus, Vespasian, &c. They were contained in a vessel which was broken to pieces by the plough which turned it up.” 31.—The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new building in Little Orford Street, of the Norwich Church of England Young Men’s Society, was performed by the President, Mr. F. E. Watson. The building, which was designed by Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, and erected by Mr. G. E. Hawes, was formally opened on December 6th. JUNE.14.—The annual show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association opened at Swaffham. Sir William ffolkes, High Sheriff of Norfolk, presided at the luncheon. 15.—Died at his residence, South Quay, Great Yarmouth, Vice-Admiral Thomas Lewis Gooch, aged 69, youngest son of Sir Thomas Sherlock Gooch, Bart., of Benacre Hall. Born at Bramfield, he joined 18.—Father Ignatius announced that he would commence an eight days’ mission at the Monastery, Elm Hill, Norwich. Miss Ware, a lady residing at Claydon, to whom, it was stated, the property belonged, was communicated with, and she instructed her solicitors to take the necessary steps for the ejectment of Ignatius. Mr. J. Clabburn, of Norwich, as agent to the solicitors, went to the Monastery, accompanied by three process-servers, and forcibly removed Ignatius and a brother monk as they were in the act of celebrating mass. On the 20th Ignatius summoned Mr. Clabburn and his men for assault, and, after a prolonged hearing at the Police Court, the magistrates dismissed the case. Meanwhile Ignatius held his services in the large room at the Bell Hotel, in the yard of the Rampant Horse Hotel, and at St. Andrew’s Hall. 27.—Died at Ambleside, Miss Harriet Martineau, who was born in Norwich on June 13th, 1802. “Although she was not a great she was a most industrious writer, and thoroughly in earnest in whatever she undertook.” 28.—The new organ erected at East Dereham church by Messrs. Hill and Son, of London, at a cost of between £700 and £800, was opened by Dr. E. T. Chipp, organist of Ely Cathedral. 30.—Died at Catton House, Norwich, Mr. Robert Chamberlin, aged 74. He thrice served the office of Mayor—in 1854–5, 1856–7, and 1871–2, and was Sheriff in 1848–9. Mr. Chamberlin was a magistrate for the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and for the city of Norwich, and was a Deputy-Lieutenant of the first-named county. JULY.1.—The 3rd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Duff, M.P., went into camp at Hunstanton Park, and were officially inspected on the 6th by Colonel Harenc, commanding the 31st Brigade DepÔt at Yarmouth. 2.—Two troops of the 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers) marched from Norwich, en route to York; the headquarters left on the 8th. 19.—Died, Mr. Wace Lockett Mendham, Town Clerk of Norwich. He was in his 66th year, and was appointed to the office on the death of Mr. J. R. Staff, in 1855. A Liberal in politics, “previous to his appointment he might have been a warm partisan, but in his office of Town Clerk he most carefully concealed his political feelings, and acted with strict impartiality.” Mr. Mendham married Miss Tillett, a sister of Mr. J. H. Tillett. He was succeeded as Town Clerk by Mr. Henry Blake Miller. 21.—The Norwich Central Conservative Club was formally constituted at a meeting of the party, held at the Bell Hotel. 24.—In pursuance of a writ from the Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice, the Sheriff of Norwich, by his Under-Sheriff (Mr. F. Fox), empanelled a jury at the Royal Hotel to inquire what lands and tenements, and their yearly value, were possessed by James Frederick Neale, of St. Andrew’s Hall Plain, grocer, and what goods and chattels any person had in trust for him, as he was truly indebted to the Crown in the sum of £801 10s., “which sum was in danger of being lost unless some method more speedy than the ordinary course of procedure at law be had.” These proceedings constituted another phase of the notorious Creak case. The jury found that Mr. Neale possessed property to the amount of £855, including £300 book debts, £505 stock-in-trade, and £50 paid on a life insurance policy, besides freehold property of the value of £16 a year. The jury thought they were not bound to find what was Mr. Neale’s indebtedness to the Crown, or what was the yearly value of the property he held belonging to the late Margaret Creak. 29.—The 1st Dragoons (Royal)—five troops with headquarters—arrived at Norwich, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Graham. AUGUST.11.—A fire, involving damage to the amount of about £10,000, occurred at Messrs. Boulton and Paul’s Ironworks, Rose Lane, Norwich. 12.—Died at his residence, Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mr. Josiah Fletcher, aged 70. He was born at Henley-on-Thames, and in 1822 was apprenticed to Mr. Simon Wilkin, printer, &c., of the Haymarket, Norwich, with whom, on the completion of his term, he entered into partnership. Mr. Fletcher, in 1834, succeeded to the business, which was subsequently removed to the Market Place, and was there carried on by him until 1871, when, in consequence of his failing health, he retired, and was succeeded by his only son, who erected the extensive premises at Davey Place Steps. “Mr. Fletcher may be said to have been the originator of the ‘Norfolk News,’ of which journal he was for some time the editor and chief manager.” 18.—Died at Ingoldisthorpe Hall, in his 88th year, Captain John Davy, R.N. He entered the Navy in 1803, was midshipman of the Barfleur in Sir Robert Calder’s action in 1805, saw much gunboat service in 1807 and 1808 in the Faro off Messina, and was present at the reduction of the islands of Ischia and Procida. 29.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, it was decided to purchase the Oxford Hotel for a sum not exceeding £2,000, for the purpose of converting it into municipal offices. A special meeting was held on September 19th, at which it was reported that immediately after the decision of the Council a Norwich solicitor had offered £2,250 for the building. Mr. J. D. Smith, on behalf of the Corporation, offered £2,275, at which price it became city property. Considerable indignation was expressed at the action of the solicitor in question, which, it was pointed out, involved an increase in the rates of one farthing in the pound. 1.—Mr. and Mrs. German Reed appeared at Norwich Theatre, and were assisted in their entertainment by Mr. Corney Grain, Miss Fanny Holland, and Mr. A. E. Bishop. 4.—Madame Blanche Cole’s Crystal Palace Opera Company began a six nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre. 6.—In compliance with a requisition signed by persons of both political parties, the Mayor of Norwich (Mr. J. H. Tillett) convened a Common Hall, “for the purpose of giving expression to the views entertained by the requisitionists on the atrocities committed in Bulgaria.” The Mayor presided, and the Lord Bishop and many other leading citizens were present. Resolutions were adopted expressing indignation and horror at the atrocities perpetrated by troops in the service of the Turkish Government. Meetings of a similar character were held in many of the towns and villages of the county, sermons were preached in churches and chapels, and relief funds organized. 9.—Mr. R. T. Gurdon was presented with his portrait (painted by Mr. Sidley, of London), in recognition of his political services to the county. The presentation was made by Sir Francis Boileau, Bart., at the Liberal Club, Norwich. 10.—Swaffham church was re-opened for public worship. It had undergone extensive restoration, under the superintendence of Mr. W. O. Milne, architect, of London. 11.—Mr. H. Loraine and Miss Edith Kingsley opened Norwich Theatre for a short season with a performance of “Othello.” Among the other plays produced were “The Gamester,” “Hamlet,” and “Richelieu.” 12.—An explosion occurred on board the Alexandra steamer, which had been chartered for the conveyance of the workpeople of Pockthorpe Brewery, Norwich, on a river excursion. A case of fireworks placed in the bar exploded, and filled the cabin with fumes by which many of the party were seriously affected. Four deaths resulted. At the subsequent inquest, the jury returned a verdict of accidental death, and expressed their strong opinion “that in future no fireworks or combustibles be taken on board steamers without being declared as such and placed under proper charge.” 13.—A disastrous gas explosion occurred at the church of St. John Maddermarket, Norwich. The Rev. H. L. Rumsey and several members of the choir were at practice when an escape of gas was noticed. Mr. Rumsey, with a lighted taper in his hand, was in the act of turning off the gas at one of the standards when a brilliant flame shot across the north side of the nave, followed by a terrible explosion, which completely wrecked the interior of the church. The choir escaped without injury, but Mr. Rumsey was hurled a distance of several yards, and severely shaken and bruised. The damage was estimated at £1,000. 19.—A skating rink, built at the cost of £9,000, including fittings, &c., was opened at St. Giles’ Street, Norwich. It was 103 feet in length, 55 feet in width, with promenade gallery, smoking rooms, &c. An outer rink, abutting upon Bethel Street, covered an area of 80 feet by 40 feet. For some months roller skating proved a very 24.—A brilliant meteor “fell about half-past six o’clock directly over the planet Saturn, which was then shining in a cloudless sky.” It was observed throughout the Eastern and Southern Counties, and upon the Continent. 25.—Messrs. H. M. Pitt and H. Hamilton’s Company commenced a three weeks’ dramatic season at the Theatre Royal, Norwich. The pieces produced included “False Shame,” “Partners for Life,” “Old Sailors,” “Two Roses,” “Forgiven,” “Queen Mab,” “Still Waters Run Deep,” “New Men and Old Acres,” “Money,” “London Assurance,” &c. In the company were Miss Fanny Addison, Miss Alma Murray, Miss Dora Santon, Mr. and Mrs. George Canninge, Mr. John Burton, Mr. J. Watkins, Mr. Sidney Weatherilt, Mr. Edward Fowler, Mr. E. D. Ward, Mr. A. Walters, and Mr. Barry. Mr. H. Cecil Beryl (Mr. W. H. Sparrow, of Norwich) was the acting manager. 27.—Died at Great Yarmouth, Commander Horatio Nelson Atkinson, “named after his god-father, the hero of Trafalgar.” He was the eldest son of Thomas Atkinson, master attendant on Nelson’s flagships, and entered the Navy in January, 1817. When mate of the Seringapatam, in 1825, he received three severe gunshot wounds. He attained the rank of Lieutenant on November 27th, 1827, and served from February 23rd, 1831, until July, 1834, in the Alfred on the Mediterranean station, where he witnessed the establishment of King Otho on the throne of Greece, and was presented, when off Alexandria, with a sword by Mehemet Ali. From March 31st, 1836, until his retirement he was employed in the Coastguard, owing to his inability to procure further occupation afloat. Commander Atkinson was in his 74th year. OCTOBER.14.—A new County Cricket Club was formed at a meeting held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich. Lord Suffield was elected president. 30.—The Boileau drinking-fountain, erected at the junction of the Newmarket and Ipswich Roads, Norwich, was inaugurated. Sir John Boileau, Bart., had bequeathed the sum of £1,000 to defray the cost of the work, which was designed by Mr. T. Jeckyll, St. George’s Terrace, Queen’s Gate, London. The statuary was designed and executed in bronze by Mr. J. E. Boehm, the well-known sculptor, and the structure was built by Mr. Hubbard, of East Dereham. Sir Francis Boileau, Bart., performed the ceremony of asking the city to 30.—Norwich Theatre was opened for the winter season by Mrs. W. Sidney, with an excellent production of Dion Boucicault’s Irish drama, “The Shaughraun.” NOVEMBER.9.—Mr. Richard Coller was elected Mayor, and Mr. William Cadge appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 13.—The Prince of Wales arrived at Morton Hall, on a visit to Lord Walsingham. 20.—The Prince and Princess of Wales visited Norwich, with the object of furthering an important scheme promoted by the governing body of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital for enlarging the institution. Their Royal Highnesses, who travelled by special train from Wolferton, were received at Thorpe Station by the Mayor, Sheriff, and Deputy-Mayor, and presented with an illuminated address, after which they drove to St. Andrew’s Hall, where a distinguished audience had assembled, under the presidency of the Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant of the county. The High Sheriff (Sir William ffolkes, Bart.) moved, “That the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital fully deserves the confidence and support of the county of Norfolk and city of Norwich, on account of its services, extended over a hundred years, to the sick and suffering poor.” The Lord Bishop seconded the motion, which was adopted. His Royal Highness then moved, “That it is desirable, both for the accommodation of the patients and the improvement of the sanitary condition of the Hospital, that the proposed alterations and additions be carried out, and that for this purpose an application be made to the county and city to raise the sum of £35,000 for a building and sustentation fund.” Votes of thanks were accorded to their Royal Highnesses for attending the meeting, and to Lord Leicester for presiding. Lord Leicester, who had previously offered to subscribe £5,000, on condition that the remaining £30,000 of the £35,000 required were raised within a stipulated time, now announced that he would give £13,000 to be invested for the future sustentation of the Hospital. At the conclusion of the proceedings the Prince and Princess were entertained at luncheon at the Bishop’s Palace, where a distinguished company had been invited to meet them; and in the afternoon his Royal Highness attended a Masonic gathering at the Drill Hall, and installed Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master. Later their Royal Highnesses proceeded by rail to Gunton, to spend a few days with Lord and Lady Suffield; and in the evening a concert was given at St. Andrew’s Hall, at which Madame Albani was the principal performer. (See February 3rd, 1877.) —A man named William Nelson was severely injured in St. Peter Mancroft Church Alley, by the explosion of a gaspipe charged with gunpowder. He was removed to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, where he died on the following day. At the Coroner’s inquest, on the 22nd, the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter against some person or persons unknown. A reward was offered by the Mayor for DECEMBER.18.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Leicester, who, on the 21st, gave a grand ball in honour of the event. 23.—Died at Norwich, Mr. William Cooke Stafford, aged 83. Mr. Stafford was one of the oldest journalists in the kingdom. After a visit to America, he commenced his professional career in London, in 1818, as a contributor to the “Anti-Jacobean Review,” the “White Dwarf,” &c., for which he wrote leading articles. He afterwards became editor of the “Leeds Intelligencer,” and proceeded to York to edit the “Yorkshire Gazette.” Leaving York, he established the “Doncaster Chronicle,” and had subsequent engagements on the “Hull Packet” and the Norfolk Chronicle. His later years were spent in London, where he did a considerable amount of literary work as “publisher’s editor,” by writing a history of the Crimean War, and part of “The World as It Is,” for Mr. Peter Jackson. Mr. Stafford also re-edited Hume and Smollett’s History, and did much work of a similar character. 26.—The pantomime of “Beauty and the Beast, or Harlequin Prince Azor and the Good Fairy of the Wedding Ring,” produced under the direction of Mrs. Sidney, at Norwich Theatre, was one of the best and most successful pieces of the kind in the annals of the house. Stoodley and Harmston’s Circus and Edmunds’ Menagerie were exhibited on Castle Meadow; and Madame Rose HersÉe, supported by an excellent concert party, appeared before a meagre audience at Noverre’s Rooms. 27.—Died at the Grove, Chapel Field Road, Norwich, Mr. Joshua Swann, aged 71. He was a partner in the firm of Messrs. Willett, Nephew, and Co., and an alderman of the city. Mr. Swann’s literary and scientific tastes rendered him a valued and most active member of the committees of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum and Literary Institution, and he was a warm supporter of the School of Art and the East Anglian Art Society, formed shortly before his death. He left a collection rich in portraits of local celebrities and etchings by Norwich artists. 30.—Died at Catton, Mr. George Gedge, aged 78. For many years Mr. Gedge carried on an extensive business as a dyer, by which he realised a fortune. He was a Conservative in politics, and long served the city as a member of the Town Council and of the old Court of Guardians. He directed his attention especially to the advocacy of a system of national rating, in the furtherance of which he spent both time and money. It was to Mr. Gedge’s enterprise that the city was indebted for the first visit of Jenny Lind, the precursor of so much benefit to local charitable institutions, and of the founding of the Jenny Lind Infirmary for Sick Children. JANUARY.1.—A deputation of the clergy and tenantry on the Royal estate waited upon the Prince of Wales at Sandringham, and presented him with a silver casket and an address, congratulating his Royal Highness upon his safe return from India. 4.—Castleacre church was re-opened for public worship after its restoration, at the cost of about £3,000, almost entirely subscribed by the parishioners. The chancel was renovated through the munificence of the Earl of Leicester, lord of the manor, and holder of the impropriate tithes. —Died at Ashwicken Rectory, the Rev. John Freeman, aged 61. He was the author of a life of Kirby, the entomologist, published in 1852. 5.—The trial of a petition filed by Mr. J. D. Smith against the return of Mr. Philip Back and Mr. Josiah Harrison Ladyman, as members for the Fourth Ward, at the Norwich Municipal Election, in November, 1876, commenced in the Sessions Court at the Guildhall, before Mr. Thomas William Saunders, barrister, and Recorder of Bath, the Commissioner appointed for the purpose. This was the first municipal inquiry of the kind that had been held in the city, and the greatest interest was taken in the proceedings. The petitioner, who alleged bribery, treating, and other corrupt practices, was represented by Mr. Merewether, Q.C., M.P., and Mr. Blofeld; and the respondents by Mr. Grantham, M.P., and the Hon. John de Grey. The inquiry lasted eight days, and on the 13th the Commissioner delivered judgment, declaring the respondents to be duly elected. The scene which ensued in the court was one of the wildest enthusiasm, which was increased by the announcement that costs followed the event. In the evening the bells of St. Peter Mancroft were rung, and a band paraded the streets of the city. 18.—The first annual meeting of the Norfolk and Norwich Bicycle Club was held at the Grapes Hotel, Norwich. The first road race of the club took place on April 30th. Six competitors entered for the run, which was from the Grapes Hotel by way of Unthank’s Road to Wymondham, Wicklewood, &c., and thence to Carleton Forehoe, through Colney and Earlham, to the top of Belvoir Street, Earlham Road—distance about 24 miles. The winner was J. Campling; F. D. Wheeler second. The club uniform consisted of “a cloth helmet with a metallic monogram in front, a smart dark gray tunic, and knickerbockers.” The first sports organized by the club were held, by permission of the Corporation, in Chapel Field, on October 18th. 19.—Died at Bracondale, Miss Fanny Anne Martineau, only daughter of Mr. Philip M. Martineau, aged 64. She was a cousin of Harriet Martineau, the authoress, and, like other members of the family, possessed intellectual gifts of a high order. —Died at Nice, Lord George William Loftus, third son of John, second Marquis of Ely, by Maria, daughter of Sir H. W. Dashwood, 27.—A meeting was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. R. Coller), at which it was resolved, on the motion of Mr. C. S. Read, seconded by Mr. George Forrester, “That it is desirable to hold a Christmas show for the county of Norfolk and city of Norwich, of fat stock and other produce of the farm and garden.” A second meeting was held on February 10th, when the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show Association was established, with the Prince of Wales as patron. The first show commenced on Thursday, November 22nd, and closed on Saturday, the 24th. The general exhibits were displayed in the Volunteer Drill Hall, and the live stock shown in an annexe erected in Chapel Field. 30.—A severe gale occurred at Yarmouth. The sea rose to a great height, broke over the Marine Parade, and did considerable damage, and many houses on the North Quay were flooded. Several fishing vessels were lost in the storm. The Lords of the Admiralty sent the Valorous and Seamew, Government vessels, in search of the missing boats, but they returned to the Roads on February 24th and 25th, and reported that no intelligence had been gained. Of the Yarmouth, men alone 112 perished, leaving 46 widows, 11 aged parents, and 101 children. A fund was raised for their relief, and £5,255 collected, including £2,715 from the Mansion House. FEBRUARY.2.—A meeting was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor, for the purpose of considering a Bill proposed to be introduced in Parliament for the preservation of fish in the rivers Wensum, Yare, and Waveney. Mr. Frank Buckland and Mr. Spencer Walpole, inspectors of fisheries, attended the meeting, and resolutions were adopted in favour of legislation. The Norfolk and Suffolk Fisheries Bill passed the Select Committee of the House of Commons on May 8th, and was reported to the House, and before the end of the year became law. 3.—Died at her residence, High Street, Lowestoft, Dame Pleasance Smith, widow of Sir James Edward Smith, of Norwich, formerly president of the LinnÆan Society. This venerable lady, who was 103 years of age, had received from Queen Victoria a copy of “Our Life in the Highlands,” containing the inscription, in her Majesty’s own handwriting, “To Lady Smith, on her one hundredth birthday, from her friend, Victoria R., May 11th, 1873.” —The Earl of Leicester presided at a meeting held at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, “for the purpose of turning to the best account the large sum of money offered to the Hospital by the public.” It was stated that £24,000 had been subscribed, and that £35,000 was the maximum sum required. The Sheriff (Mr. Cadge) moved, “That, in the opinion of this meeting, it is expedient that a new hospital should be erected, in lieu of any plan for improving the old building.” Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., seconded the motion, which was adopted. (See June 17th, 1879.) 5.—Mr. C. J. Palmer, author of “The Perlustration of Great Yarmouth,” 9.—Died at Norwich, aged 59, Mr. James Frederick Hill, for twenty-five years chorus master of the Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival. 15.—A resolution having been passed by the owners and ratepayers, declaring the expediency of the parish of East Dereham being constituted a local government district, Mr. Arnold Taylor, the inspector appointed for the purpose, held an inquiry at the Assembly Rooms, and received evidence on the subject. The first Local Improvement Board was elected on August 1st. 19.—At Norwich Theatre, Mr. W. H. Pennington, “the celebrated tragic actor, one of the Six Hundred, formerly of the 11th Hussars, and one of the few wounded survivors of the world-famed light cavalry charge at Balaclava, on October 25th, 1854,” made his first appearance, in the character of Hamlet, and was supported by Miss Viola Dacre as Ophelia. On subsequent evenings Mr. Pennington appeared as Macbeth, Richard the Third, &c., and on the 23rd recited, in the uniform of his old regiment, “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” MARCH.5.—Died at Great Yarmouth, Major-General Francis Montague Ommanney, R.A., aged 50 years. He was the youngest son of Mr. E. S. Ommanney, formerly of Yarmouth, by Henrietta, daughter of Sir Edmund Lacon, Bart. With the Royal Artillery he served in the West Indies, and saw much service in the Indian Mutiny, when he commanded a siege train under Sir Hugh Rose, afterwards Lord Strathnairn. He married Harriet Ellen, youngest daughter of Mr. John Mortlock Lacon. 6.—Died at Scratby, Benjamin Daniels, “the last of the giants of East Anglia.” His age was 54; height, 6 ft. 6 in.; weight, 24 stones; width, from shoulder to shoulder across the back, 24 inches. He possessed great strength, and frequently loaded has own waggon by carrying four bushels of wheat under both arms at one time. “When in great haste to have his farm work done, the horses being much engaged, he has harnessed himself to one of his harrows and cultivated the land.” Daniels was buried at Ormesby St. Margaret, on March 12th. 10.—An unprecedented incident occurred in the ring at Messrs. Stoodley and Harmston’s Circus, at Norwich, during the performance of “Dick Turpin’s Ride to York.” After the “ride,” which results in the death of Black Bess, the mare is removed from the scene on hurdles. On this occasion, when the grooms, at the conclusion of the performance, attempted to raise the animal, it was found that life was really extinct—Black Bess had sustained an internal rupture in leaping the “turnpike” gate. The animal was the property of a French-woman named Gaertner, and, as a trick horse, was valued at several hundred pounds. 15.—The Norfolk Staghounds had an extraordinary run. The meet was at Hempnall House, and fifty horsemen were present. The stag 23.—A petition having been sent to the Local Government Board by the Corporation of Norwich, asking them to issue a provisional order confirming an improvement scheme made under the Artisans’ and Labourers’ Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, with reference to an area in the parish of St. Paul which had been declared by the Medical-Officer of Health as unhealthy and unfit for habitation, Lieut.-Colonel Ponsonby Cox, R.E., one of the inspectors of the Local Government Board, held an inquiry at the Guildhall, for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of the official representation. The inspector commended the scheme, and stated that it was of a most satisfactory character. 24.—Captain Tyler, inspector of railways, made an official inspection of the newly-constructed railway between Gunton and Cromer, and consented to its being opened for traffic on the 26th. —At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Baron Bramwell, Ann Farrow, a widow living at Nordelph, brought an action against John Robert Childs, stonemason, of Norwich, to recover damages for breach of promise of marriage. After a trial which lasted two days, and in which the plaintiff made some remarkable allegations, the jury returned a verdict for the defendant. APRIL.5.—A new organ, erected at Swaffham church, by Messrs. Bishop and Son, of London, was opened. 7.—At the adjourned Norwich Quarter Sessions, before the Recorder (Mr. W. J. Metcalfe, Q.C.), a special jury was empanelled to assess the value of certain property in London Street, which the Corporation proposed to take under the compulsory provisions of their Act of Parliament for the purpose of widening the thoroughfare. At a meeting of the Town Council on May 8th, it was agreed that the owners be offered sums amounting to £9,818. 9.—Lieut.-Colonel Bignold was elected president of the Norwich Central Conservative Club, a position which conferred upon him the leadership of the Conservative party in Norwich. 12.—At a meeting held at the King’s Arms Hotel, North Walsham, nearly £300 was subscribed to start a pack of harriers in North Norfolk, and an offer by Lord Suffield to keep the pack in his kennels at Gunton was unanimously accepted. 13.—Mr. Samuel Brandram, M.A., gave a dramatic recital at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, in aid of the building fund of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. It was the first appearance in Norwich of this accomplished elocutionist, who was regarded as the legitimate successor of the great Bellew. 18.—The 5th Royal Irish Lancers, commanded by Colonel Dunham Massy, of Redan fame, marched into Norwich from Aldershot, to relieve the 1st Dragoons (Royal). 30.—At Norwich Theatre, H. J. Byron’s comedy, “Our Boys,” was presented for the first time by Mr. Duck’s company. The part of Perkyn Middlewick was played by Mr. F. Marshall. —Died at Norwich, aged 36, Mr. Robert Edward Gibson, surgeon. He was the son of a solicitor, a former Mayor of Plymouth, and a nephew of Mr. C. M. Gibson, his predecessor in the office of medical superintendent of the Norwich Bethel. For some years he was surgeon to the Jenny Lind Infirmary, and held the appointments of surgeon to the City Police, the Post Office staff, and the Workhouse. Mr. Gibson married a daughter of Mr. I. O. Taylor. MAY.19.—Died at his residence at Catton, Mr. Osborn Springfield, in his 65th year. He was a son of Mr. T. O. Springfield, and served the office of Mayor of Norwich in 1863–4. For many years he was a member of the Town Council and a magistrate for the city, and was reputed to be one of the largest owners of cottage property in Norwich. Mr. Springfield was a Liberal in politics. 26.—The Norwich Town Council accepted the resignation of Mr. C. Thwaites, City Engineer, on his appointment to a similar post in the borough of Sunderland. Mr. Peter Paul Marshall, of Stone, near Dartford, was elected to fill the vacancy. JUNE.7.—A grand military tournament, the first of its kind in Norwich, was given on the Lakenham Cricket Ground by the officers and men of the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, in aid of a fund for the widow and orphans of Mr. A. Frayling, late bandmaster of the regiment. 14.—The veteran actor, Mr. Charles Mathews, commenced a three nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre, as Adonis Evergreen, in the comedy of “My Awful Dad.” 24.—Died at 12, Queensbury Place, London, Sir John Henry Thomas Manners Sutton, third Viscount Canterbury and Baron Bottesford. His lordship was the younger and only surviving son of the first Viscount Canterbury, better known as Sir Charles Manners Sutton, for seventeen years Speaker of the House of Commons. Educated at Eton and at Trinity College, Cambridge, he sat in Parliament in 1839–40 as member for Cambridge. He was again elected in 1841, on his appointment as Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department under Sir Robert Peel’s second Administration. From 1854 to 1861 he was Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, and from 1864 to 1866 Governor of Trinidad. In the latter year he was appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Victoria. On his lordship’s return to England in 1873, he resided chiefly on his estate in Norfolk. He married, July 5th, 1838, Georgiana, youngest daughter of Mr. Charles Tompson, of Witchingham Hall, by whom he had, with other issue, the Hon. Henry Charles Manners Sutton, who married AmyÉe Rachael, only daughter of the Hon. Frederick Walpole, M.P. JULY.5.—Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., gave evidence before the Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons to consider what further legislation might be necessary for the repression of cattle disease, and for the regulation of the importation of foreign cattle. Mr. Read insisted upon the necessity of slaughtering foreign fat beasts at the port of debarkation, and of a period of quarantine for store stock, which he would only allow to be landed at certain ports. 7.—At the Norwich Police Court, John L’Estrange, of Union Place, “the well-known archÆological authority, who has published one or two highly important and valuable works on the archÆology of Norfolk,” was charged with forging the name of Francis Gostling Foster, distributor of stamps, with intent to defraud, and with stealing stamps to the amount of £1,400. The prisoner had been in the office for twenty years, and had charge of the stamp department. He was committed for trial on the 13th, and at the ensuing Assizes, on August 4th, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen to seven years’ penal servitude. L’Estrange died in Millbank Prison, from fistula, on October 15th. 14.—The Norfolk team won the China Cup at the Wimbledon meeting. Exceedingly good shooting was made by Norfolk Volunteers, and upwards of £150 was brought to the county. 21.—Died at St. Leonard’s-on-Sea, the Rev. John Nathaniel Micklethwait, of Taverham, aged 65. He was the eldest surviving son of Mr. Nathaniel Micklethwait, who was High Sheriff in 1810. In 1849 he married Emily Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles Mills, of Hillingdon Court, Middlesex, and succeeded to the family estates on the death of his brother, in July, 1856. Mr. Micklethwait had no family, and was succeeded by his next brother, Henry Nathaniel, born in 1814. He was a warm supporter of the Conservative party, took 21.—Died at Portman Square, London, Mr. William Earle Lytton Bulwer, of Heydon Hall, the chief representative of the old Norman family of Bulwer, which has held a leading position in Norfolk since the time of the Conquest. Mr. Bulwer was born April 29th, 1799, and was the eldest son of General William Earle Bulwer, who married Elizabeth, daughter and sole heiress of Mr. Richard Warburton Lytton, of Knebworth Park, Herts., and whose other sons were the celebrated novelist and statesman, Lord Lytton, and the well-known diplomatist, Baron Dalling and Bulwer. Mr. Bulwer succeeded to the estates of his father in 1807, and married, in 1827, Emily, youngest daughter of General Gascoyne, by whom he had three sons and three daughters. He married subsequently, in 1841, Elizabeth, daughter of William Green, of Forty Hill, Enfield. He was succeeded by his eldest son, William Earle Gascoyne Lytton, formerly of the Scots Fusilier Guards, who married, in 1855, Marion Dering, daughter and heiress of Mr. W. Lee Warner, of Quebec House, East Dereham. Mr. Bulwer was a Liberal in politics, and took a leading part in all political movements in North Norfolk, where he was popular as a landlord, and had considerable influence. —The 3rd and 4th Battalions of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, commanded respectively by Lieut.-Colonel Duff, M.P., and Lieut.-Colonel Gurdon, went into camp at Yarmouth, and on the 26th were inspected by Colonel Harenc. 25.—The two principal stones of the nave of St. James’ church, Yarmouth, were laid by the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Steward). The sum of £2,300 had been collected for the erection of the nave. The architect was Mr. J. P. Seddon, and the contractor Mr. W. E. Martin, of Hereford. The work was completed at the cost of about £3,250, and the new building was opened on May 1st, 1878, when the sermon was preached by Dean Goulburn. AUGUST.7.—The first section of the Yarmouth and Stalham Railway—the portion extending from the first-mentioned town to Ormesby—was inspected by Major-General Hutchinson, R.E., and the first train was run on the 8th. (See July 15th, 1878.) 20.—The Norwich Rifle Volunteers were, for the first time, officially inspected in their new scarlet uniform. The inspecting officer was Colonel Harenc. 21.—By the death, on this date, at Duntrune, Forfarshire, of Miss Clementine Stirling Grahame, in her 96th year, Mr. J. Edmund Lacon, of Yarmouth, succeeded to the estate of Duntrune, and to the relics and papers of the great Viscount Dundee. 22.—The first stone of the Hunstanton Convalescent Home was laid by the Countess of Leicester. The building was erected as a memorial of the convalescence of the Prince of Wales. 24.—Died at Denton Rectory, near Harleston, the Ven. William Arundell Bouverie, B.D., Hon. Canon of Norwich, and formerly Archdeacon SEPTEMBER.17.—Died, Mr. William Cooper, barrister, and Recorder of Ipswich. He was the eldest son of Mr. W. Cooper, barrister, of Norwich, and brother of Mr. Carlos Cooper. Called to the Bar in 1831, he practised in Norwich and on the Norfolk circuit for some years, but ultimately settled in London, and devoted his attention to the Central Criminal Court, where he enjoyed a large practice. He was the author of several dramatic pieces, the principal of which, “Mokanna, or the Veiled Prophet of Khorassan,” a play in blank verse, was produced at Norwich Theatre, with great success, on April 21st, 1843. Mr. Cooper was succeeded in the Recordership of Ipswich by Mr. Thomas Calthorpe Blofeld. 22.—Norwich Theatre was re-opened for the winter season, under the management of Mr. G. H. Chaplin. The house had undergone partial and much-needed cleansing and decoration. 24.—The newly-formed Diocesan Bell Ringers’ Association held its first annual meeting in Norwich. The society was established by the Rev. G. H. Harris, Mr. Gervas Holmes, and other gentlemen interested in bells and bell ringing. OCTOBER.16.—A remarkable case of fraud was tried at the Norwich Quarter Sessions, before the Recorder (Mr. J. W. Metcalfe, Q.C.). The prisoner, one William Dowman, was charged with defrauding accident insurance companies. He insured under various names with different companies, and by a peculiar formation of his joints was enabled to assume the appearance of having been injured. By this means he obtained medical certificates, and made successful claims upon the offices. He was sentenced to fifteen calendar months’ imprisonment. 25.—The sale of the Taverham Hall herd of pure-bred shorthorns and whole-coloured Jerseys was conducted by Mr. John Thornton. The total amount realised was £3,041 1s. 6d. NOVEMBER.1.—The restored chancel and newly-erected organ of Diss church were opened. The instrument was built by Messrs. J. Rayson and Sons, of Ipswich, at the cost of £360. —At Ipswich Assizes (where Norfolk prisoners were, on this occasion, tried), before Mr. Justice Hawkins, Henry March (59), blacksmith, was indicted for the wilful murder of Henry Bidewell, blacksmith, and Thomas Moys, shoeing-smith and farmer, at Wymondham, on October 20th. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to death. The execution took place at Norwich Castle on November 20th. Marwood was the executioner. 6.—In the House of Lords, before the Lord Chancellor, Lord Penzance, Lord Blackburn, and Lord Gordon, the action, Read v. Bailey, was heard, on an appeal from a decision by the Lords Justices. On an inspection of the books of the Bank on the failure of the firm of Harveys and Hudsons, in 1870, it was discovered that Sir Robert Harvey had abstracted large sums of money from the coffers of the Bank, and had sought to cover the deficiency by the opening of fictitious accounts, and by crediting forged bills to his private account. In consequence, the trustee under the bankruptcy of the firm preferred a claim against the separate estate of Sir Robert Harvey, amounting to the sum of £600,000, for the moneys so abstracted by Sir Robert Harvey in his lifetime. This claim was, in 1876, supported by a great mass of evidence before the Master of the Rolls, who decided in favour of the claim, and gave the trustee of Harveys and Hudsons the right to rank as a creditor against the private or separate estate of Sir Robert Harvey, in competition with the stockbrokers and other private creditors. The importance of the decision of the Master of the Rolls, as affecting the interests of the stockbrokers, was great. But for this claim of £600,000 they would have received 20s. in the pound on their debts, whereas the allowance of the claim to rank in competition with their debts prevented Sir Robert Harvey’s private estate paying more than 6s. 8d. in the pound. The stockbrokers accordingly appealed to the Lords Justices against the decision of the Master of the Rolls, and their lordships upheld the claim of £600,000, and dismissed the stockbrokers’ appeal, with costs. The stockbrokers now appealed to the House of Lords, who confirmed the judgments of the Lords Justices and the Master of the Rolls, and dismissed the appeal, with costs; in other words, admitting the trustee’s claim for £600,000. (See December 3rd, 1880.) 9.—Mr. Joseph De Carle Smith was elected Mayor, and Mr. Harry Bullard appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 10.—It was announced that Mr. Francis Edmund Gladstone, Mus. Bac., Cantab., had been appointed organist of Norwich Cathedral, in the room of Dr. Buck, who resigned the appointment in the month of June. Regret was expressed that Dr. Bunnett’s claims for the post should have been “so strangely and perversely ignored.” Much adverse feeling was manifested, and on November 28th a complimentary concert was given to Dr. Bunnett, under the patronage of the leading inhabitants of the county and city. 11.—During a heavy gale at Yarmouth, six vessels were driven ashore, and many other shipping casualties were reported. 21.—A meeting of the promoters of the Lynn and Fakenham Railway was held at Fakenham, and the necessary steps taken in furtherance of the scheme. (See May 21st, 1880.) 24.—Died, suddenly, at Norwich, in his 65th year, Mr. Thomas Jarrold, the last survivor of the three brothers who comprised the well-known firm of Jarrold and Sons. Mr. Jarrold took especial interest in the education of the poor, in acknowledgment of which his friends, shortly before his death, presented him with his portrait. DECEMBER.3.—Died at Hindringham, in his 93rd year, Mr. William Freeman, formerly resident in Norwich. He was appointed Sheriff in 1842, and elected Mayor in 1843. 7.—Mr. Harry Bullard, Sheriff of Norwich, was presented by the clerks and heads of departments at the Anchor Brewery with his portrait, painted in oil by Mr. Ventnor. 19.—Died at Birmingham, in his 79th year, Mr. George Smith, for many years manager of the Norwich Theatrical Circuit. “If unsuccessful in his managerial speculations, he was much esteemed for his kindly disposition, and had in Norwich at one time hosts of friends.” 26.—The pantomime produced at Norwich Theatre, by Mr. G. H. Chaplin, was entitled, “Sinbad the Sailor.” At the Skating Rink, then known as the Vaudeville Theatre, was performed the extravaganza, “Turko the Terrible; or Prince Amabel and the Fairy Roses.” Messrs. Stoodley and Hamilton’s Circus was opened on the Castle Meadow. 1878.JANUARY.3.—At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, the Committee of Visitors of the County Lunatic Asylum at Thorpe made certain recommendations as to the best means of raising the sum of £35,000 for the erection of new buildings and for enlarging the Asylum chapel, as decided upon at a previous sessions. Thirty-five acres of land had been purchased on which to erect the new buildings, which were intended to accommodate 250 additional patients. 7.—Died at Starston Rectory, the Ven. Augustus Macdonald Hopper, Archdeacon of Norwich, and thirty-two years rector of Starston, aged 61. He graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, as Senior Optime, and first class in the Classical Tripos in 1839. Subsequently he obtained by competition a Fellowship at St. John’s College, and in 1845 was appointed to his living. After holding the offices of Rural Dean and Proctor for the Diocese in Convocation, Mr. Hopper became Archdeacon of Norwich in 1868. He was succeeded as Archdeacon by the Rev. T. T. Perowne. 8.—Died at Cassell Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, the residence of her son, Mr. Vivian Crome, artist, grandson of Old Crome, Mary Ann Crome, widow of William Henry Crome, aged 75. “She was an amateur pupil of that worthy master, and for many years, while yet Miss Steel, was governess in several Norfolk county families.” —Died at Middle Market Road, Great Yarmouth, Mrs. Gunn, aged 74. “She was a poet of no inconsiderable merit. Many of her poems have reference to local events, but the greater number are quite imaginative. Mrs. Gunn’s writings were printed and published, and found such acceptance that a further edition was necessary.” 25.—Severe weather prevailed at Yarmouth. Great damage was done to vessels at sea, and several lives were lost. 26.—A special meeting of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of Lieut.-Colonel FitzRoy, at which it was decided to hold a spring show of cart horses. The first show took place at Norwich, on March 9th. FEBRUARY.2.—A telegram from Shanghai announced the death of Mr. Charles Wyncliffe Goodwin, assistant judge at that place. Mr. Goodwin, who was 60 years of age, was a scholar of considerable eminence, and the author of several learned works, including the article on the “Mosaic Cosmogony,” in “Essays and Reviews.” He was a son of Mr. C. Goodwin, solicitor, of King’s Lynn, and elder brother of the Bishop of Carlisle. 8.—The Lynn Town Council unanimously resolved to take steps to abolish “the annual collection of rubbish and roguery which passes under the title of the Cheese Fair.” The fair, which for many years had been held in King Street, was abolished by an order issued by the Home Secretary in the month of April. 18.—The Amateur Dramatic Club of the 5th Royal Irish Lancers commenced a series of performances at Norwich Theatre, with the production of “Ingomar.” On succeeding evenings, “The Lady of Lyons,” “Black-eyed Susan,” and other pieces were performed. The proceeds were in aid of the new uniform fund of the Norwich Rifle Volunteers, and of the Soldiers’ Monument on Norwich Cemetery. 21.—Interesting experiments were made with the telephone in the 22.—Died at Heckingham, in her 100th year, Kezia, widow of Richard Haywood. MARCH.7.—Sir Wilfrid Lawson, M.P., addressed a meeting held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in furtherance of the Permissive Bill. 9.*—“The rules approved by the Secretary of State for the regulation of prisons in England and Wales under the Act of Parliament (the Prisons Act) passed last year have been issued. From these it appears that upon an order being directed for the discontinuance of Norwich Gaol and Wymondham Bridewell, the prisoners therein will be transferred to the County Gaol, Norwich Castle.” The prisoners were transferred from the Gaol to the Castle in the early part of May. 11.—Mr. H. M. Pitt’s Comedy-Drama Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre. The company re-appeared at the Theatre on November 25th, for a season of eighteen nights—its farewell visit. 15.—Died at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, from cancer on the tongue, Mr. John Joseph Cotman, aged 63. “As an artist he would have rivalled his father, John Sell Cotman, but unhappily his unquestionably great genius was marred by an eccentricity which at times verged on insanity, and ruined a career which should have been one of honour and renown to himself and of profit to his family.” —Died at Lewes, Sussex, Mr. George P. Bacon, in his 71st year. He was the second son of Mr. Richard Mackenzie Bacon, proprietor and editor of the “Norwich Mercury.” In 1843 he became proprietor of the “Sussex Advertiser,” which he conducted in a very spirited manner. Mr. Bacon joined his brother in forming the “Norwich Mercury” Company. He was also well-known as secretary to the Association for the Repeal of the Hop Duty. 16.—A silver inkstand and a purse of 200 gs. were presented to Mr. H. J. Martin, in recognition of his services as honorary secretary of the Norwich Central Conservative Club. 17.—Died at the Cathedral Close, Norwich, Mr. Henry Hansell, proctor, solicitor and notary public, and registrar of the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, aged 71. Mr. Hansell was a warm supporter of the local charities, and was for several years honorary secretary of the Jenny Lind Infirmary. His knowledge of ecclesiastical law and of the rules and practices of the courts was most profound. He was succeeded in his registrarship and other appointments by his son, Mr. Thomas William Hansell. 28.—The 5th Royal Irish Lancers gave a mounted and dismounted assault-at-arms at the Circus building, Castle Meadow, Norwich, in aid of the local charities and other objects. The performance was repeated on the 30th. The regiment received from the Town Council the thanks of the city for its valuable services. APRIL.13.*—“The death is announced of Mr. Thomas Hoseason, of Lynn, at the age of 68. It is said that he was the last representative of one of the famous Dutch families who came over to England with William III., and took a foremost part in the settlement and cultivation of the country of Marshland, so much resembling their native land. The Hoseasons were for many years large landed proprietors, but their estates have changed hands, and the deceased had gradually fallen into a state of utter destitution, and for a long time past had been dependent upon the aid of friends, and lived in a secluded lodging in a back street in the town.” 17.—A public meeting was held at Yarmouth, in opposition to the proposal of the Corporation to erect a new town hall, with courts and public offices, at the cost of £24,000. A resolution condemning the scheme, and asserting that the outlay would be £36,000, and would involve an addition to the rates of 3d. in the pound for the next fifty years, was adopted. The Town Council, on July 15th, approved the plans of Mr. J. B. Pearce, architect, Norwich. (See May 31st, 1882.) 22.—Died at the Wilderness, Bracondale, the Rev. Joseph Crompton, rector of St. Lawrence’, Norwich, in his 65th year. Mr. Crompton began his career in Norwich as a Nonconformist minister, in about 1848. For many years he was minister at the Octagon chapel; but his views underwent such a change that he relinquished the pastorate and established what was known as the Free Christian Church, which assembled at the Dutch church, Elm Hill. After a ministry of several years, Mr. Crompton, whose views had approximated to those of the Broad Church party, began to show strong sympathy with that section of the Establishment. He avowed himself “a Dissenter against his will,” and stated that the Athanasian Creed was the last stumbling-block in his way to joining the Church of England. At his own request the Bishop shortly afterwards admitted him to Holy Orders, and he officiated as curate to the Rev. Charles Morse, both at St. Mary’s and St. Michael-at-Plea. On the Rev. E. A. Hillyard leaving St. Lawrence’, Mr. Crompton was appointed rector of the parish. He took great interest in scientific pursuits, and his name was associated with the Norfolk and Norwich Museum as a lecturer with Professors Lindley and Sedgwick, Thomas Brightwell, and the Rev. R. Lubbock. Mr. Crompton was a zealous supporter of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society, of which he was President in the first two years of its existence. In politics he was a decided Liberal. A window erected to his memory by public subscription was unveiled at St. Lawrence’ church by Mr. Harry Bullard, Mayor of Norwich, on November 6th, 1879. 26.—Mr. Frank Buckland and Mr. Spencer Walpole, fishery commissioners, held a public inquiry at Lynn into the use of trawl and seine nets, and into the alleged destruction of the fry and spawn of sea fish. A similar inquiry was held at Yarmouth. MAY.9.—At a meeting held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, a branch of the Church of England Temperance Society was established. The Lord Bishop presided, and addresses were delivered by the Rev. Canon Ellison, the Rev. Canon Wilberforce, Mr. Cadge, and Dr. Eade. 12.—A fire occurred on premises on the South Denes Road and Exmouth Road, Yarmouth, by which damage was done to the amount of £3,000. 15.—Died at Norwich, Mr. Edward Press, in his 77th year. He was a son of the Rev. Edward Press, B.A., and was born at Barnham Broom. For many years he practised as a solicitor at Hingham, and held several local appointments of a public character. He was, however, more widely known as County Coroner, the duties of which office he discharged with marked ability for fifty years. In politics Mr. Press was a Liberal. He was succeeded as County Coroner by Mr. Robert Thomas Culley, who was elected unopposed on June 6th. 23.—The 5th Royal Irish Lancers’ Christy Minstrel Troupe gave performances at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in aid of the local charities. JUNE.1.—Died at his residence, Theatre Square, Norwich, Mr. Frank Noverre, aged 71. Mr. Noverre was descended from a French family long associated with Norwich. His father was one of the original directors of the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, and he was himself for many years a director of the same institution. At one time he was honorary treasurer of the Norwich Choral Society, honorary secretary of the Norwich Philharmonic Society, and a member of the sub-committee of management of the Norfolk and Norwich Musical Festival. 10.—The celebration of the coming of age of Lord Hastings, on April 4th, commenced on this date, at Melton Constable. The festivities lasted five days. 19.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at North Walsham, and was continued on the 20th. Lord Suffield presided at the luncheon. —At a meeting of the Governors of the Norwich Dispensary, it was agreed, on the motion of Mr. John Gurney, to adopt the provident system in the working of the institution. 29.—Died at Constantinople, aged 32, Mr. Robert Pulvertoft Master, Commissioner of the Turkish Compassionate Fund. He was the second son of Mr. Alfred Master, of Norwich, and rendered great services in the cause of humanity during the Russo-Turkish War. Mr. Master was educated at Norwich Grammar School, and, after spending a year in Germany, and a like period in a commercial house in London, proceeded to Ceylon, where he became manager of a coffee estate, and married Amelia, second daughter of Sir Edward Creasy, Chief Justice of the island. JULY.4.—Died at Pottergate Street, Norwich, Mr. William Smith, veterinary surgeon, aged 61. Mr. Smith attained to considerable eminence in his profession. During the time of the Cattle Plague, he did good service to the county in his official capacity as inspector to the Central Committee, and at the meeting of the British Association at Norwich read an able paper on the disease, its origin and treatment. 9.—Winterton church was re-opened by the Bishop of Norwich. It had been restored at the cost of £3,000. 13.—The 3rd and 4th Battalions of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp at Yarmouth, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Duff, M.P., and Lieut.-Colonel Gurdon. 15.—The Hemsby to Martham extension of the Yarmouth and Stalham Railway was opened on this date. Powers having been obtained for carrying the line to North Walsham, it was thereafter known as the North Norfolk Railway. (See June 8th, 1881.) 20.—Died at Norwich, in his 93rd year, Commander Crane, R.N. He was the son of Mr. Edward Crane, Coroner of Norwich, and entered the Royal Navy as midshipman on board the Repulse, in 1798. During the summer of 1805 he accompanied Nelson in his pursuit to the West Indies of the combined French and Spanish fleets. After continuous service he joined the Reynard, 18 guns, as Acting Commander in the advance on Riga, and was the first to bring to the Admiral of the station lying off Carlscrona news of the great defeat of Napoleon at Moscow. He was in May, 1813, while in charge of a AUGUST.3.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Justice Thesiger, Mr. W. G. Loftus, of Bracon Lodge, brought an action against the Rev. T. T. Berney, rector of Braconash, for trespass. The defendant claimed the right, as lord of the manor, of shooting over thirty-four acres’ of land around Bracon Lodge. This land was principally garden ground. The plaintiff objected to defendant sporting in his kitchen garden, and wished to put an end to the nuisance. In the course of argument between Mr. Day, Q.C., for the plaintiff, and Sir Patrick Colquhoun, Q.C., for the defendant, reference was made to several “musty deeds” produced by Mr. Berney. The jury found for the plaintiff, damages 40s. 5.—A singular claim to the Stanfield Hall estate was made at the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Justice Thesiger. The action was brought by George Taylor, a railway guard, against Mr. Reginald Gwyn and the Rev. Henry H. H. Lubbock, the owners of the estate, who pleaded that they had a possessory title, and that plaintiff’s title and right of action were barred by the Statute of Limitations. The estate was originally in the possession of William Jermy, of Bayfield, who died in 1752, and plaintiff alleged that, as a lineal descendant of Robert Jermy, who died in 1758, he was heir-at-law. Mr. Bulwer, Q.C., after opening the case for the plaintiff, said he was not justified in occupying the time of the court and putting the parties to further trouble in the matter, when he knew perfectly well that he must be beaten in the end. The jury returned a verdict for the defendants, for whom his lordship gave judgment. 18.—Died at Whitwell Hall, Mr. Robert Leamon, aged 56. Mr. Leamon, who was described as “a good specimen of the old Norfolk yeoman,” broke down the Whig monopoly in East Norfolk, “and became the political godfather of Mr. C. S. Read, for whom he entertained the warmest personal regard.” Mr. Leamon was born in 1822, and inherited from his father a fine property and extensive business. He married, in 1848, a daughter of Mr. John Brooke Gill, of Wood Norton. 22.—Died at Runton, aged 76, Favell Lee, widow of the Rev. Thomas Mortimer. She was the authoress of “The Peep of Day,” and other works of a similar character. 24.—A fire took place at Messrs. Bagshaw’s paper mills, St. Miles’, Norwich, and did damage amounting to several thousands of pounds. 30.—Among the most notable of architectural improvements in Norwich was the new building known as Cooper’s Restaurant, which was opened on this date. It was designed by Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, and occupies a site on which stood the old business premises of Messrs. Butcher, cheese factors. SEPTEMBER.5.—Mr. and Mrs. German Reed, assisted by Miss Fanny Holland, 9.—Mr. Henry Walsham opened an operatic season at Norwich Theatre. The company included Madame Rose HersÉe, Miss Palmer, Madame Telma, and Mr. Ludwig. 11.—The Sheriff of Norwich (Mr. Harry Bullard) provided the first of his annual excursions for the employÉs at the Anchor Brewery. The workpeople in the service of the firm (with their wives), to the number of 600, were conveyed to the Crystal Palace and back by special train. OCTOBER.2.—A four-oared race, between a crew of the 21st Hussars (Capt. Lovewell, stroke) and of the Norwich Police, took place between Field’s boat-house, Thorpe, and Trowse railway-bridge—distance, a mile and a quarter. After a very close race, the police crew won. 10.—Died, the Rev. Henry Lombe, of Bylaugh Park, aged 86. He was fifty years a parochial clergyman, and for twenty-six years rector of Lyng. At Swanton Morley, in 1831, when the poor-rates were at an appalling figure, and poverty excessive, he set on foot and carried on for years on his own responsibility an extensive cotton weaving business, reduced a turbulent population to order, and saved the whole parish from starvation. In the days of incendiarism he was the main instrument in hunting down into their hiding-places the leaders of that infamous movement, and the means of bringing the notorious Nockolds to justice (q.v. Vol. I., p. 304). Before the days of the rural police, he organized a voluntary system of constabulary in his desperately disturbed parish of Lyng. In company with the farmers, he patrolled the parish during the whole winter, visited every farmstead, and preserved the village from utter ruin. Clubs, coal charities, and penny banks were under his personal superintendence to the last day of his active life. Mr. Lombe was succeeded in the possession of his extensive landed estates by his son, Mr. Henry Evans Lombe, of Melton Hall, a B.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and a magistrate for Norfolk and Suffolk. 14.—Died at his residence, St. Giles’, Norwich, Mr. George Warren Watts Firth, F.R.C.S., aged 64. He was senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, a magistrate of the city, and honorary consulting surgeon to the Norfolk County Lunatic Asylum, a distinction conferred upon him after his retirement from the office of surgeon to that institution. 15.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with an evening performance of “Acis and Galatea,” and of “Spring” (from “The Seasons”). The morning performances were as follow:—16th, “Joseph,” and 1st Mass in C (Mozart); 17th, “Elijah”; 18th, “The Messiah.” On the evening of the 16th a grand ballad concert was given, and on the evening of the 17th an operatic concert. The vocalists were Madame Albani, Miss Catherine Penna, Miss Anna Williams, Madame A. Sterling, Madame Trebelli, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. H. J. Minns, Mr. W. Shakespeare, Mr. R. Hilton, and Mr. Santley. Sir Julius Benedict 17.—The Rev. Sidney Pelham, curate-in-charge of Aylsham, was elected vicar of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, in place of the Rev. Charles Turner, who had accepted the living of Bixley with Framingham Earl, after 31 years’ ministry at St. Peter’s. —The monument erected at Norwich Cemetery “to the memory of deceased soldiers of regiments stationed in this city or who may die while on service here,” was unveiled by Lord Waveney. It was designed by Mr. John Bell, a Norfolk man. The figure forming the finial, called by the designer “The Spirit of the Army,” was cast in terra cotta by Messrs. Doulton, of the Lambeth Pottery. Colonel Wake, of the 21st Hussars, in the name of the British Army and on behalf of his brother officers, thanked the representatives of the county of Norfolk and city of Norwich for erecting the memorial. 20.—Died at Norwich, James Truman, aged 70, for upwards of fifty years a member of the St. Peter Mancroft Company of Ringers. In 1831 he rang with the St. Peter’s company an intricate peal of Double Norwich Court Bob Major, at St. Michael at Coslany tower, and in 1844 conducted a long peal of Stedman’s Cinques on the twelve bells of St. Peter’s. The peal consisted of 7,126 changes, and occupied 5 hours 17 minutes in ringing. At that time it was the longest peal that had been accomplished in the method. 28.—Mr. J. B. Gough, the American temperance advocate, gave an “oration” at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, at a meeting presided over by Canon Lee Warner. —Died at Norwich, aged 27, Mr. W. Wilson Turnbull, a member of the literary staff of the “Eastern Daily Press.” He was the author of Messrs. Weldon’s annual, “Benjamin D---,” illustrated by a Norwich amateur, and of several able pamphlets on the Permissive Bill. At the time of his death, Mr. Turnbull was engaged in the preparation of another annual for Messrs. Weldon. 29.—A meeting of the clergy and lay representatives of the diocese was held at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, “for the purpose of deciding upon the question of the institution of a diocesan conference or synod.” The Lord Bishop presided. The Very Rev. Dean Goulburn moved, “That this meeting do advise the Lord Bishop that, in their judgment, it is inexpedient to constitute a diocesan conference to meet periodically.” Lord Walsingham seconded the motion. Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., moved a direct negative—“That it is desirable that a conference of the clergy and laity be established in this diocese.” The Ven. Archdeacon Groome seconded. After a long discussion, Mr. Read’s proposition was adopted by the votes of 140 laity and 115 clergy, against the votes of 15 laity and 6 clergy. NOVEMBER.5.—The marriage of Viscount Anson, eldest son of the Earl of Lichfield, and Lady Mildred Coke, youngest daughter of the Earl of Leicester, was solemnised at Holkham church. 6.—The first general meeting of the shareholders of the Norwich CafÉ Company was held at the Guildhall, under the presidency of Mr. 7.—The extension of the franchise to female householders was advocated at a public meeting held at St. Giles’ Hall, Norwich, presided over by the Mayor (Mr. J. D. Smith), and addresses were delivered by Miss Helen Taylor and Miss P. H. Downing. 9.—Mr. Harry Bullard, on the expiration of his term of office as Sheriff of Norwich, was elected Mayor. For the office of Sheriff there were two nominees, Mr. William Howlett and Mr. Donald Steward. After a long and acrimonious discussion, Mr. Steward was appointed. 16.—At a meeting of the Board of Management of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Mr. Samuel Herbert Burton was elected house-surgeon, Mr. Charles Williams surgeon, and Mr. H. S. Robinson assistant surgeon. —The memorable and disastrous flood occurred at Norwich. A heavy fall of snow on the 12th, followed by a rapid thaw and continuous rain, had the effect of greatly swelling the tributaries of the Yare and Wensum. Simultaneously, a north-west wind occasioned a high tide at Yarmouth, so that the river waters were denied their natural outlet. Instead of ebbing with the tide, the Yare rose steadily on the 15th, and many thousand acres of marshes lying between Norwich and Yarmouth were inundated on the following day. The New Mills at Norwich, were, however, responsible for the greater part of the damage from which the city suffered. The obstruction caused the waters to overflow the banks of the river, and, in a short time, many of the streets in the low-lying localities were flooded, and hundreds of the inhabitants were compelled to leave their houses by means of boats. An enormous amount of distress prevailed. The Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard) convened a meeting at the Guildhall on the 17th (Sunday), at which it was decided to establish centres for the distribution of provisions; and permission was obtained from the Government authorities to make use of the governor’s house at the disused City Gaol for the accommodation of the houseless people, of whom 200 found refuge there. The Sessions Court at the Guildhall was opened during the day as a store-house, in which 2,600 loaves of bread and many hundreds of blankets, received from the County Gaol, Asylum, Workhouse, and Cavalry Barracks, were placed ready for distribution. At 6.30 on the same evening another influential meeting was held at the Guildhall, when the Mayor and the Sheriff (Mr. Donald Steward) were publicly thanked for the active part they had taken in mitigating the distress of the people. On the 18th a third meeting took place, at which a relief fund was inaugurated, when, in a few minutes, £2,271 13s. 6d. was subscribed, an amount which, by the end of the week, was increased to £4,200. Three or four persons lost their lives in the flood. In various parts of the county rivers overflowed their banks, and much damage was done to property. (See January 4th, 1879.) 18.—An art loan exhibition, largely contributed to by noblemen and others in the Eastern Counties, was opened at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by the Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard) in aid of a fund for the restoration of the church of St. Peter Mancroft. An inaugural ode, specially written by Mr. E Oxenford, and composed by Dr. Bunnett, 19.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the Provincial Tramways Company applied for permission to construct tramways in the city. The proposed route was to commence at the Cemetery and to proceed by Dereham Road, St. Giles’ Road, Chapel Field Road, Queen’s Road, Upper Surrey Street, All Saints’ Green, Golden Ball Street, Castle Meadow, Prince of Wales Road, Foundry Bridge, and Thorpe Road to Whitlingham Railway Station. An adjourned meeting was held on December 17th, at which it was agreed not to oppose the Bill, provided the Tramways Company consented to the insertion of such clauses, conditions, and restrictions as, in the opinion of the Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee might be deemed necessary. The Norwich Tramways Bill was considered by a Select Committee of the House of Commons, on May 6th, 1879. It was opposed by the Great Eastern Railway Company and Mr. Foster, a local resident, and thrown out after only the promoters’ case had been heard. (See January 16th, 1883.) 21.—The Norfolk and Norwich Fat Cattle Show was opened at Chapel Field, Norwich. DECEMBER.12.—The old parish church of St. Bartholomew, Heigham, Norwich, which had undergone complete restoration and enlargement, by the addition of a north aisle, at the cost of £2,500, was opened by the Lord Bishop of Norwich. 17.—A special meeting of the Norwich Town Council adopted a vote of sympathy with the Queen and other members of the Royal Family, on the death of the Grand Duchess of Hesse (Princess Alice of England), and a muffled peal was rung upon the bells of St. Peter Mancroft. Similar votes were adopted by the Corporations of Yarmouth and Lynn; and the county magistrates voted an address to her Majesty on January 4th, 1879. 19.—Mr. E. C. Bailey resigned the office of Clerk to the Norwich Board of Guardians, after a service of thirty-four years. He was succeeded in the appointment by Mr. John Cross. 22.—Died at his residence, Surrey Street, Norwich, Mr. William Peter Nichols, F.R.C.S., aged 77. Mr. Nichols was born at Yelverton, and was educated at King Edward VI. School, Norwich, under Valpy. He was subsequently articled to Mr. Dalrymple, and, having studied at St. Thomas’ and Guy’s Hospitals, under Sir Astley Cooper, passed his examinations, and in 1823 established himself in Norwich, where he speedily made a reputation, although it was not until late in life that he reaped the full honours he deserved. On the death of Mr. J. G. Crosse, Mr. Nichols was elected surgeon of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, a position he held for twenty-two years, and relinquished the post in 1872, when probably the highest possible testimony was paid to his skill as an operator by Dr. Copeman, who mentioned that in lithotomy his average of successful cases was higher 23.—Died at his town residence, 36, Upper Brooke Street, Lieut.-Colonel James Duff, M.P. He was born at Innis House, Elgin, on July 29th, 1831, and was the son of General Sir James Duff, who married Miss Eliza Charlotte Prescott, eldest daughter of General Sir Beeston Prescott, Bart., of Theobald’s Park, Herts. Educated at Rugby, he entered the Army in 1851, as ensign in the 23rd Fusiliers, with which regiment he afterwards went to the Crimea, and obtained his captaincy in 1854. At the battle of Inkerman he was taken prisoner, and on his release acted as aide-de-camp to General Syssons, who commanded the Second Brigade Light Division until the end of the war. Captain Duff then embarked with his regiment for China, but the Indian Mutiny breaking out meanwhile, they were ordered to Calcutta, to assist in its suppression. Captain Duff was present with Lord Clyde at the capture of Lucknow, and was specially mentioned in dispatches for his services. He received the Crimean medal with two clasps, the Turkish medal, the 5th class of the Medjidie, &c. In 1858 he left the service, and the following year married Mary, only daughter of Mr. Edward Dawkins, of Upper Brooke Street, London, and niece of Mr. John Berney Petre, of Westwick House. On taking up his residence in the county, he was appointed to the command of the 3rd Administrative Battalion of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, and, on the death of the Hon. Frederick Walpole, was returned as Conservative member for North Norfolk. In conjunction with Sir Robert Buxton, Mr. Clare Sewell Read, Mr. Colman, and Sir Edmund Lacon, he was unwearied in his exertions to secure the passing of the Norfolk and Suffolk Fisheries Preservation Act, and the modification of Mr. Mundella’s Fisheries Bill to the advantage of the district which he represented. 26.—The Christmas amusements at Norwich included Messrs. Edwards and Waldegrave’s pantomime of “The Children in the Wood, or Harlequin Good Humour, the Wicked Uncle, and the Good Fairy Birds of the Forest,” at the Theatre; and Bostock and Wombwell’s Menagerie on the Castle Meadow. 1879.JANUARY.4.—A meeting, convened by the Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard), and attended by many of the riparian owners of the county, was held at 5.—Died at St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, Mr. Horatio Bolingbroke, aged 80. He was educated at Norwich Grammar School, under Valpy, was for many years engaged in business as a manufacturer, and did much to enhance the reputation of Norwich for the production of textile fabrics. Mr. Bolingbroke was a prominent figure in the political life of the city, was the first Sheriff appointed under the Municipal Corporations Act, and was amongst the first of the Liberal members returned to the “reformed” Corporation. He was a generous supporter of local charities, chairman of the Norwich Charity Trustees (General List), and a Justice of the Peace. Labouring under the affliction of blindness, he had for some years prior to his death retired from active public life. 16.—The nomination of candidates to fill the vacancy in the representation of North Norfolk, occasioned by the death of Colonel Duff, took place at Aylsham. Mr. Edward Birkbeck, of Horstead Hall, was the Conservative, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart., the Liberal nominee. The polling took place on the 21st, and the result was declared on the 22nd, as follows:—Birkbeck, 2,742; Buxton, 2,252. FEBRUARY.8.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before the Lord Chief Baron, an action was brought by Mr. Hamon le Strange, lord of the manor of Snettisham, and his tenant, William Harding, against Richard Auker, for trespassing upon the foreshore at Snettisham and removing shingle, mussels, and cockles. Mr. le Strange in 1866 took legal proceedings to maintain his proprietary rights on the foreshore, and obtained a verdict, against which an appeal was entered; but a full bench of judges confirmed the verdict. Since then he had issued licences to persons to remove mussels from the foreshore, and had leased it to Harding, who had found the defendant carrying mussels away. The special jury returned a verdict for the plaintiffs, damages one shilling, and the learned Judge said he would make the injunction issued against the defendant perpetual. (See January 21st, 1885.) 13.—Died at Kirstead, the Rev. Jonathan Bates, rector of Kirstead with Langhale. He was the son of a Wesleyan minister, and was born at New Buckenham, on June 13th, 1829. When still a child he removed with his family to Edinburgh, where he was placed in the High School. Thence he went to Huddersfield College, and at eighteen became junior master. He had not only passed the examinations of the London University, but had saved sufficient money, with the help of the scholarships he had won, to enable him, 16.—Died at the Rectory, Toppesfield, the Rev. Professor Brewer, M.A., Preacher at the Rolls Chapel, and rector of Toppesfield. He was a son of Mr. John Sherren Brewer, of Mile End House, Norwich, and was born at Calvert Street, in March, 1809. After receiving his early education at the hands of his father, he proceeded to Queen’s College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1833, taking first class honours in Classics. In 1841 he was appointed to a Professorship, and in November, 1870, was elected an honorary Fellow of his College. Professor Brewer was editor of “Fuller’s Church History,” published by the University of Oxford, and of the Calendars of State Papers relating to the Reign of Henry VIII., published by the Master of the Rolls. He was for some time honorary librarian to the Marquis of Salisbury at Hatfield House, and, in addition to his appointment as Preacher at the Rolls Chapel, he held the Professorship of English Literature in King’s College, London. In 1876 he was presented by Lord Beaconsfield to the Crown living of Toppesfield, which had a gross income of £1,120 and a parsonage house. 21.—Edward Payson Weston, the American pedestrian, passed through Norwich, on his walk of 2,000 miles in 1,000 consecutive hours (except on Sundays). He arrived from Dereham, and at one o’clock lectured at the Victoria Hall, St. Andrew’s, where a large audience had assembled, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard). In the afternoon Weston continued his walk, and arrived at Yarmouth in the evening. —Died at Wandsworth, Mr. P. Le Neve Foster, secretary of the Society of Arts. He was born in 1809, and educated at Norwich Grammar School, prior to studying at Cambridge, where he took his degree in 1830. A few years afterwards he was called to the Bar, and, after working zealously with the Prince Consort to promote the success of the Exhibition of 1851, was appointed Secretary of the Society of Arts in 1853. 24.—Under the auspices of the Anglo-American Electric Lighting Company, Limited, a descriptive lecture was given at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, upon the possibilities of the electric light, by Mr. H. Edmunds, a representative of the company. The hall was brilliantly illuminated by a special electric installation. 27.—Died at Bournemouth, Lieut.-Colonel Hugh FitzRoy, formerly of the Grenadier Guards. He was born in 1808, and was second son of the Rev. Lord Henry FitzRoy. He married, in 1831, Lucy Sarah, second daughter of Sir Thomas Buller Lethbridge, who died in 1855. MARCH.6.—The twelve hours’ roller skating championship of the Eastern Counties was competed for at St. Giles’ Hall, Norwich. The winner was Candler, of Norwich, who, between eight a.m. and eight p.m. covered 77 miles 7 laps; second, G. Woolsey, of Yarmouth, 74 miles 20 laps. 13.—The marriage of the Duke of Connaught and Princess Louise Marguerite was celebrated in Norwich by the ringing of St. Peter Mancroft bells, and by a civic luncheon given in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, by the Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard). A congratulatory address adopted by the Corporation was presented to the Queen by the Mayor and Sheriff, at St. James’s Palace, on May 3rd. 22.—The first of the Saturday evening popular concerts, inaugurated in Prince’s Street Schoolroom, and transferred to St. Andrew’s Hall, was given, under the presidency of the Mayor of Norwich. 26.—A Common Hall was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor, “to consider the question of the continuance of the half-holiday movement on Thursdays during the approaching summer months.” A memorial was presented by the traders of the city, affirming that the two o’clock closing was not conducive to the welfare of the assistants nor to the commercial prosperity of the city. After much discussion, the meeting was adjourned sine die, and a few weeks later official notice was given that “the shops of Norwich, with few exceptions, remain open on Thursdays till five o’clock.” APRIL.6.—Died at Great Yarmouth, Sir Thomas Branthwayt Beevor, Bart., of Hargham. Born on April 7th, 1798, he was thrice married—in 1819, to Elizabeth Bridget, daughter of Dr. Richard Lubbock, of Norwich; in 1832, to Martha, daughter of Mr. Archibald Hardiment, of Old Buckenham; and in 1845, to Mary, daughter of Mr. F. Davies. Sir Thomas had for some years resided in a quiet and unostentatious manner at Yarmouth, but in his early years, as a Liberal of the advanced school, he took a leading part in the political contests of the county. 7.—Mr. T. W. Robertson, son of the author of “Caste,” and other favourite comedies, made his first appearance with the Caste Company at Norwich Theatre. The company made a return visit on November 3rd. Mr. Robertson, junior, who had been articled to a veterinary surgeon in the city, afterwards became very popular as an actor. 11.—Died at Hereford, Miss Christiana Glover, second and last surviving daughter of the Rev. Edward Glover, M.A., of Norwich, aged 91. For several years she lived with the family of Sir Thomas 15.—A new oratorio, “Nehemiah,” by Dr. Hill, of Norwich, was performed for the first time. It was produced at the Corn Hall, Diss, by the members of the Diss Choral Society. —Considerable excitement was caused at Thorpe, near Norwich, by the action of Mr. Henry Blake, who had enclosed the strip of grass land known as Thorpe Green, by the side of the river. Mr. William Birkbeck, as lord of the manor, announced that if the palings, &c., were not removed by noon on this day they would be forcibly taken down. The notice was disregarded, and Mr. P. E. Hansell, as steward of the manor, directed the removal of the obstruction. After the posts and palings had been taken down, Mr. Hansell intimated that Mr. Birkbeck was prepared to take the matter into the law courts, and to the House of Lords, if necessary. 16.—A remarkable scene was witnessed at a meeting of the Norwich School Board. A motion to increase the staff was supported by the majority and opposed by the Denominational minority, the latter of whom asserted that the proposal could be carried out only by rescinding a resolution passed almost unanimously at a previous meeting. “Finding their last effort useless to stem the current of expenditure into which the Board had plunged, and justly indignant at the treatment they received, the minority left the room, and Canon Heaviside intimated that it would be a matter for consideration whether they ever again entered it.” On May 8th a deputation went to Canon Heaviside’s residence and presented to the gentlemen constituting the minority a memorial, signed by the ratepayers, urging that by their presence at the Board they could “continue to protest against reckless extravagance, and so keep the ratepayers better informed of what is going on.” Ultimately the minority agreed to resume their duties, “at the request of their constituents, and in the hope that the public attention called to the proceedings which led to their withdrawal would have the effect of strengthening their hands in the endeavour to discharge effectively the duties that devolved upon them.” 28.—Mr. Sims Reeves sang at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. His engagement was originally announced for April 17th, but the usual postponement occurred. —Application having been made by the Norfolk Court of Quarter Sessions that nine disturnpiked roads in the county should, by a provisional order, be declared ordinary, not main, roads, Mr. Courteney Boyle, an inspector of the Local Government Board, attended at the Shirehall, to hear the grounds of the application and any objections thereto. The application had been made on the following grounds: (1) That in consequence of the increase of railways, there was comparatively but little through traffic along the disturnpiked reads; MAY.19.—A glove fight took place at the Corn Hall, Norwich, in the presence of an immense audience, between Walter Emms and Arthur Shaw. At the Police Court, on the 26th, the principals, and John Hicks, James Clarke, James Laxton, Robert Watson, sub-editor of the “Sporting Life,” London; Thomas Snelling, and Edwin Cunningham were summoned for unlawfully assembling together for the purpose of a prize-fight. Emms and Shaw were ordered to enter into their own recognisances of £100, to find two sureties of £50 each, and to keep the peace for six months. The other defendants were bound over in the sum of £20 each to keep the peace for six months. 20.—The Norwich Omnibus Company, Limited, was formed. The first omnibuses were put upon the Dereham Road route on June 23rd. —Died at the Crescent, Norwich, Mr. John M. Croker, aged 57. His ample leisure enabled him to be of great service to many of the public institutions of the city, and he was for several years honorary secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich Cricket Club. 21.—A fire occurred on Messrs. Willis and Southall’s shoe premises, the Upper Market, Norwich. The damage was estimated at £1,000. JUNE.2.—A case of considerable importance to the agricultural community, in which the Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant of the county, was defendant, was heard by the Walsingham magistrates. His lordship was alleged to have infringed the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, and the Animals Order of 1878. The informations, laid by the Veterinary Inspector of the district (Mr. Edward Case), charged his lordship (1) with unlawfully causing to be driven on March 3rd a sheep affected with sheep scab; and (2) with causing 200 suspected animals to be removed. After a hearing which lasted eight hours, the Bench dismissed the case, “because the defendant had satisfied them that there was no cause for suspecting the animals removed.” 9.—St. Giles’ Hall, Norwich, originally opened as a skating rink, and afterwards used as a variety hall and theatre, was on this date opened for the summer season as a circus by Mr. Stoodley. 11.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at East Dereham, when the entries were larger than on any previous occasion. Mr. R. T. Gurdon was president. 15.—The Norwich Artillery Volunteers paraded for the first time in their new uniform. The regulation scarlet facings and helmet of the Royal Artillery had been substituted for the white facings and busby previously worn. 17.—The Prince of Wales visited Norwich, for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of the new Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. The visit was of a semi-private character. His Royal Highness, who was received at Thorpe Station by the Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard), the Sheriff (Mr. Donald Steward), the Earl of Leicester, Lord Suffield, and Lord Carrington, proceeded to the site of the new building, and having performed the ceremony, returned to the station and travelled by special train to Yarmouth. The cost of the new Hospital was originally estimated at £35,500, but the Board of Governors subsequently decided to purchase adjoining property, at an additional outlay of £5,000. The Board afterwards adopted a building design jointly prepared by Mr. T. H. Wyatt, of London, and Mr. Edward Boardman, of Norwich, and accepted the tender of Messrs. Lacey and Co. for the completion of the work. (See June 30th, 1881.) —The Prince of Wales arrived at Yarmouth, and on the 18th inspected the Prince of Wales’ Own Norfolk Artillery. His Royal Highness left on the morning of the 19th. On both evenings of his stay in the town, the Prince attended performances given by the Gaiety Company at the Theatre Royal. 27.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. J. H. Tillett moved, “That this Council objects to the proposed schemes of the Charity Commissioners, particularly to those relating to the Boys’ Hospital and the Girls’ Hospital Schools, on the ground that educational and other funds given expressly and emphatically for the benefit of the poor are thereby diverted from their proper objects, and applied to the increase of the endowments in middle and upper schools, which schools, if in need, should be helped otherwise than at the expense of the poor.” The motion was adopted, and the Parliamentary and Bylaw Committee were requested to prepare a petition against the scheme. A Common Hall was held on July 16th, at which resolutions were adopted expressing dissatisfaction with the scheme; and at a meeting of the Town Council, on August 26th, the Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee, in a draft report upon the scheme, urged that to apply grants originally given for the maintenance, education, and JULY.3.—At the Norfolk county magistrates’ meeting, a report was received from the Committee of Visitors that several serious cases of erysipelas, sore throat, and diarrhoea had occurred at Thorpe Asylum, “and it would appear that the very offensive smell which pervades the Asylum whenever the wind blows from the Sewage Farm on the opposite side of the river is the cause of the above-named epidemics.” 4.—In the House of Commons, Mr. C. S. Read supported, in a long and able speech, Mr. Chaplin’s motion, for a Royal Commission to enquire into the depressed condition of the agricultural interest. 6.—Died at the Vyne, Basingstoke, Mr. W. L. Wiggett Chute, aged 79, formerly of Pickenham Hall, near Swaffham. He was called to the Bar by the Middle Temple in 1827, in which year he assumed, by Royal licence, the additional name and arms of Chute, on inheriting the estates of that ancient family in Hampshire and Norfolk. He was elected with Sir William Bagge in the Conservative interest at the General Election of 1837, and held the seat until 1847, when he retired. In 1837 he married Martha, second daughter of Mr. Theophilus Russell Buckworth, of Cockley Cley. 9.—A “silver cradle,” in the form of a massive epergne, was presented by the Corporation to the Mayor of Norwich (Mr. Harry Bullard), “in commemoration of the birth of his daughter, Hilda May, on May 13th, 1879.” 11.—Died at Kett’s Castle Villa, Mousehold, Norwich, Mr. John Berney Ladbrooke. Born in 1803, he was a son of Robert Ladbrooke, painter and drawing master, and nephew of Old Crome, whose pupil he became after he had received rudimentary instruction from his father. “Crome’s influence is traced in nearly all his pictures, although of late years in tone and colour they more closely resemble the best works of Henry Bright. He especially excelled in the representation of woodland scenery.” As a drawing master Ladbrooke was much valued. 12.—Died at Norwich, Mr. John Withers Dowson. A son of Mr. Benjamin Dowson, merchant, of Geldeston, he was born in 1800. Educated at Norwich Grammar School, he was articled to a London firm of solicitors, and afterwards commenced practice in Norwich. The pursuit of professional emolument was, however, less an object with him than the furtherance of the education and the improvement of those around him, especially the poor, and probably no one in the city or county had in his time done more practical work in the cause of education. 14.—An inter-county bicycle race, between Norfolk and Suffolk cyclists, was ridden from Ipswich to Norwich. The competitors started from Ipswich at 3.5 p.m., and the race was won by Popplewell, of Ipswich, who arrived at the Boileau fountain, Norwich, at 6.5 p.m. Morgan, of Yarmouth, was second. The distance ridden was forty-three miles. 19.—The 3rd and 4th Battalions of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp on Yarmouth South Denes. Colonel Bulwer, who had succeeded Colonel Duff, was in command of the 3rd Battalion, and Lieut.-Colonel Gurdon commanded the 4th Battalion. 20.—Owing to a heavy and continuous downpour of rain and a strong wind blowing from the north-west, the waters of the Yare were “backed up,” overflowed the banks of the river, and submerged many thousand acres of marshes between Norwich and Yarmouth. Most of the hay crop in Norfolk was ruined by the wet weather. 23.—A silver epergne was presented to Mr. E. H. H. Combe, Mayor of Yarmouth, as a “silver cradle,” to commemorate the birth of a daughter in his year of office. 26.—Particulars were published on this date of the establishment of the Norwich Steam Laundry and Public Baths, at North Heigham. 27.—A remarkable landslip occurred at Attleborough. As Mr. Gathergood, a farmer, whose land lay partly in Attleborough and Rockland, was crossing a turnip field, he was stunned by a loud report resembling the roar of a cannon, immediately followed by a rustling noise within a yard or two of him. On recovering his presence of mind, he discovered that a space of land twenty-four yards in circumference had sunk out of sight, and water was rising in its stead. On the 28th the water subsided, and revealed a chasm from thirty-five to forty feet deep, with perfectly perpendicular sides. This strange phenomenon was attributed to the action of the heavy rainfall. 2.—A terrible thunderstorm and hurricane commenced in the night and prevailed during the early hours of the morning of the 3rd (Sunday). It was accompanied by a deluge of rain and a heavy hailstorm. Great damage was done to property in city and county. But the greatest calamity was the destruction of Wells church, the tower of which was struck by lightning at 5.50 a.m. on the 3rd. The roof of the nave was soon in flames, and fell in with a crash, and by nine o’clock the whole church was reduced to a state of utter ruin. The fine peal of bells was totally destroyed, and the entire damage was estimated at from £10,000 to £15,000. (See April 18th, 1883.) 4.—Died at Oxford Street, Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mr. Thomas William Bond, in his 76th year. Mr. Bond was some time subeditor, and afterwards publisher, of the “Norfolk News,” and before removing to Norwich kept a school at Barton Mills, near Stoke Ferry. He was the compiler of a small book for children, known as “Bond’s Catechism,” which was published by Jarrold, and for many years extensively used in all parts of the country. 5.—Died at the residence of his son, Belmont House, Newport, Essex, Zachariah Buck, Mus. Doc. He was born at Norwich on September 19th, 1798, and at an early age attracted the attention of Dr. Beckwith, the then organist of the Cathedral, who took him into the choir. Dr. Beckwith died in 1809, and was succeeded as organist by his son, Mr. John Beckwith, with whom young Buck continued, and to whom he was articled. On the death of Beckwith, in 1819, Buck, at the early age of twenty-one, succeeded in obtaining the appointment of Cathedral organist, his chief competitor being Alfred Pettet, a fellow-pupil, who was appointed to St. Peter Mancroft. Buck soon obtained a large and lucrative practice as a teacher, and established his reputation as a trainer of boys. For nearly forty years he continued to perform the active duties of organist and choirmaster, but during the last twenty years of his life he relinquished the organ to his subsequent assistant and partner, Dr. Bunnett. Besides instructing during his long career some 7,000 amateur pupils, Dr. Buck trained a very large number of professional students, most of whom were selected from his choir. He composed no great work, but was the author of a number of pleasing anthems, and of the hymn, “Come hither, angel tongues invite,” which, it was understood, gained for him his Lambeth degree of Doctor of Music, conferred upon him by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He resigned, on June 5th, 1877, his appointment at the Cathedral, after seventy years’ connection therewith. Dr. Buck was twice married—first to Miss Hansell, and secondly to Miss Holloway, and left three sons. 11.—The British, ArchÆological Association opened its congress at Yarmouth. Lord Waveney, as president, delivered an inaugural address. The members of the Congress visited Norwich on the 18th. 26.—Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., having declined the invitation of the Government to become a member of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the depressed state of agriculture and its causes, and believing that he could serve farmers better another way, sailed on this date from Liverpool for America, in the City of Montreal liner, in company with Mr. Albert Pell, M.P. The object of the hon. gentlemen 26.—The Town Clerk reported, at a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, that the Norwich Improvement Act received the Royal assent on July 22nd. Among the works which it enabled the city to undertake was to remove Foundry Bridge and construct a new one forty-five feet wide; to build a bridge across the Wensum at St. Martin-at-Oak, and to exercise increased powers in the sanitary administration and local government of the city. 30.—The death was announced, at Brussels, of Lord Gordon of Drumearn, who, when Lord Advocate for Scotland, in 1867, was returned as member of Parliament for the borough of Thetford. SEPTEMBER.16.—The Norwich Town Council adopted a resolution authorising the paving of the Provision Market with wood, at a cost not exceeding £1,100. (See August 31st, 1880.) —The improvement of Chapel Field, Norwich, was, after many delays, ordered by the Town Council to be undertaken, at a sum not exceeding £1,000, the cost to be charged to the sanitary rate. On November 7th the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. Bullard) and Mrs. Donald Steward planted the first of the new trees. (See November 4th, 1880.) OCTOBER.6.—Died at Norwich, in his 70th year, the Rev. William Grigson, M.A., for thirty-three years rector of Whinburgh and Westfield. A son of Mr. Edward Harvey Grigson, of Saham Toney, he was educated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and married, in 1844, Margaret, third daughter of Mr. James Hales, of Norwich. The first of his ancestors to settle in the county was the Rev. William Grigson, M.A., rector of Hardingham, in 1584, and since that period they have continued to reside in Norfolk, where they once held a large extent of landed property. Mr. Grigson’s favourite studies were archÆology 15.—Died at the Chantry, Norwich, in his 77th year, Mr. G. Pinson, formerly Governor of Norwich Castle. 28.—Died at Knapton House, Sir Henry Robinson, K.B., in his 76th year. He was a son of Mr. George Robinson, and served for some years in her Majesty’s Bodyguard of Gentlemen-at-Arms, of which he was appointed Standard-Bearer in 1840, and Lieutenant-Commanding in 1845. In 1842 he married Lucy, daughter of Mr. W. D. Cooper-Cooper, of Toddington Manor, Bedford. NOVEMBER.6.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference was opened at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop. The proceedings were continued on the 7th. 10.—The Norwich Town Council, owing to political differences, were unable to elect a Mayor. Mr. Willis was nominated and declared elected, but refused to take office. Mr. Philip Back having been appointed Sheriff, the meeting was adjourned until the 22nd, when the Liberal party declining to nominate, Colonel Bignold proposed Mr. Samuel Newman, who refused to accept the position. Another adjournment was made to the 28th, when Mr. Harry Bullard declared his readiness, by accepting the office for another year, to relieve the city of the stigma cast upon it. The meeting then adjourned until December 2nd, when Mr. Bullard was re-elected. 18.—Mr. Frank Buckland and Mr. Spencer Walpole, Inspectors of Fisheries, opened an inquiry at Cromer as to an application for an Order prohibiting either entirely or subject to such exceptions and restrictions as the Board of Trade might determine, the fishing for and taking of small edible crabs and berried hen lobsters. A similar inquiry was held at Sheringham on the 19th. 20.—The Norwich Fat Cattle Show was opened at Chapel Field, and was continued on the 21st and 22nd. DECEMBER.3.—Died at Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London, Mr. John Unthank. The third son of Mr. William Unthank, of Norwich, a solicitor in considerable practice and agent to Mr. Coke, afterwards Earl of Leicester, he was born in 1798. In 1842 he was called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn, and joined the Northern Circuit, where, for several years, he practised as a special pleader. In 1859 he was appointed a Master of the Court of Queen’s Bench, and held the post until 1878, when he retired, in consequence of ill-health. 7.—Died at 18, Bethel Street, Norwich, Mr. Frederick Lawrence Phillips, journalist, for many years editor and part proprietor of the “Norwich Argus.” Mr. Phillips, who was sixty years of age, was 9.—The Rev. Osborne W. Tancock, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford, seventeen years master at Sherborne School, was appointed master of Norwich Grammar School, in place of the Rev. Dr. Jessopp, on his presentation to the rectory of Scarning. 18.—The marriage of William Heveagre Legge, Viscount Lewisham, Member of Parliament for West Kent, eldest son of the Earl of Dartmouth, with Lady Mary Coke, fourth daughter of the Earl of Leicester, took place at Holkham. 25.—Died at Threxton, aged 68, Mr. Thomas Edward Walter Barton. The Watton and Thetford Railway was originated mainly through Mr. Barton’s instrumentality. His favourite study was archÆology, and he possessed a valuable antiquarian collection and library. 26.—The Christmas pantomime produced at Norwich Theatre by Mr. R. Hall was entitled, “Aladdin the Great.” 27.—Died at his residence, Upper Surrey Street, Norwich, aged 68, Mr. Thomas Brightwell, a well-known solicitor, and clerk to the Charity Trustees, in which office he was succeeded by Mr. E. S. Bignold. 1880.JANUARY.17.—Died at St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, in his 63rd year, Mr. Arthur Morris Foster Morgan, surgeon. He was third son of Mr. Richard Morgan, actuary of the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, and after completing his professional studies was appointed medical-officer of the Norwich Dispensary, a post which he relinquished on entering into private practice. Mr. Morgan was president of the Board of Directors of the Norwich Equitable Fire Insurance Company, and held several other public appointments. For twenty years he was a member of the Corporation, and for some time was an alderman of the city. In polities he was a Liberal. FEBRUARY.12.—Died at his residence, Stradsett Hall, near Downham Market, Sir William Bagge, Bart., M.P. One of twins born on June 17th, 1810, he was a son of Mr. Thomas Philip Bagge, and priority of birth entitled him to the family estates, to which he succeeded on the death of his father, on June 30th, 1827. In 1833 he married Frances, 14.—A public meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, for the purpose of making known in the county the aims and objects of the Farmers’ Alliance. Mr. Henry Birkbeck presided, and it was asserted that the society was non-political. “Everything passed smoothly until the hon. member for South Norfolk, Mr. C. S. Read, ventured to take a different view from that of preceding speakers, and he was subjected to persistent interruption by certain well-known Liberal politicians.” Mr. J. Howard, president of the Alliance, and Mr. J. W. Barclay, M.P. for Forfarshire, were among the speakers. 17.—Two monster pike were captured in private waters in the county. One, taken by Mr. Joseph English, of Upper St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, weighed 30½ lbs., and measured from the nose to the fork of the tail nearly 46 inches; its girth was 24 inches, and the length of its head 13 inches. The other, killed by Mr. Frank Thorns, of Exchange Street, Norwich, was 47 inches in length, and 27 inches in girth; its head from the tip of the lower jaw to the edge of the gill covers was 13½ inches. 21.—Died at Yarmouth, Mr. James Henry Orde. He was born in Jersey, graduated at Oriel College, Oxford, and was appointed a clerk in the War Office through the influence of his uncle, Lord Raglan. Mr. Orde was appointed private secretary to General Peele, Secretary of State for War, and held that office until 1859, when he went to Yarmouth, and devoted himself to public affairs in that town. He married Margaret Barclay, fourth daughter of Mr. Daniel Gurney, of North Runcton. 24.—Died at Ber Street, Norwich, Mr. Samuel Richardson, aged 73. He was well-known in scientific circles as a geologist and antiquary, and as a contributor to various periodicals. 25.—Died at his residence, the Upper Close, Norwich, Dr. Edward MARCH.6.—A disastrous fire occurred at New Buckenham, in a range of shops and private houses. Damage was done to the amount of £3,000. 8.—Mr. William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst was returned unopposed as the representative of the division of West Norfolk, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir William Bagge, Bart., M.P. 16.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the Town Clerk reported the receipt of a letter from the Home Office, informing him that the old City Gaol had been sold for £7,505, and that, in accordance with the provisions of the Prisons Act, the sum of £1,984 0s. 5d. was due from that amount to the Corporation. 29.—Mr. Charles Dillon, “one of the few living actors of the old school” commenced a twelve nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre. He was supported by Miss Bella Mortimer. Among the plays produced were “Richelieu,” “Othello,” “The Merchant of Venice,” “The Gamester,” “Much Ado about Nothing,” and “Macbeth.” The last-named tragedy was performed on Saturday, April 10th, on which occasion Mr. Dillon made his final appearance on the Norwich stage. (See June 24th, 1881.) 30.—The nomination of candidates for the representation of Norwich took place. The nominees were Mr. J. J. Column and Mr. J. H. Tillett (liberals), sad Mr. Henry Harben, of Seaford Lodge, Hampstead, and the Hon. F. W. B. Massey-Mainwaring, 30, Grosvenor Place, London (Conservatives). The potting on the 31st resulted as follows: Colman, 6,549; Tillett, 6,512; Harben, 5,242; Massey-Mainwaring 5,032. APRIL.3.—Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and Mr. Edward Birkbeck were returned unopposed for the division of North Norfolk. 4.—The funeral took place at Langham of William Nelson, who died at the age of 101 years 4 months. 8.—Mr. Kay, Q.C., was appointed third Chairman of the Norfolk Court of Quarter Sessions. —King’s Lynn election took place, and resulted as follows: Sir W. ffolkes (Liberal), 1,286; the Hon. R. Bourke (Conservative), 1,257; Lord Claud J. Hamilton (Conservative), 1,192; Mr. Frank Lockwood (Liberal), 1,151. 9.—Polling took place in the Western Division of Norfolk, and resulted as follows: Mr. William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst, 2,671; Mr. G. Bentinck, 2,433; Mr. Anthony Hamond, 2,304. 10.—Mr. Thomas Johnson Seppings, of Wormegay Grange, Mayor of King’s Lynn, died suddenly when presiding at a meeting of a Committee of the Corporation, held at the Town Hall. Mr. Seppings was in his 69th year. 14.—Lord Walsingham was elected second Chairman of Swaffham Quarter Sessions, in place of Sir William Bagge, deceased. 23.—Mr. Bret Harte, the celebrated American author, delivered, at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, a lecture descriptive of early Californian life, entitled, “The Argonauts of ’49.” MAY.3.—The Norwich City Asylum, at Hellesdon, built by Messrs. Cornish and Gaymer, from plans by Mr. R. M. Phipson, was formally handed over to the Committee of Visitors by the contractors. The wards were designed for the accommodation of 311 patients, and the total cost of the Asylum, including land (£1,841), and building (£48,708) was £62,159. 17.—The Annual Moveable Committee of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows commenced its proceedings at King’s Lynn, and was attended by 400 delegates. 19.—The Duke of Edinburgh arrived at Yarmouth, in the discharge his duties as Admiral-Superintendent of Naval Reserves and Coastguards. In the evening his Royal Highness attended a ball given by the officers of the Prince of Wales’ Own Norfolk Artillery Militia, and left Yarmouth on the 21st. 21.—A meeting was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. H. Bullard), in furtherance of the proposed new line of railway between Lynn, Fakenham, and Norwich. Mr. Walrond Smith, C.E., stated the details of the scheme, and a committee was appointed to promote the progress of a Bill before Parliament. The Corporation of Norwich had previously presented a petition against the railway, but, on the promoters giving an undertaking to construct a new road from Barn Road to a point in St. Martin-at-Oak Street, to be carried over the Wensum by a bridge, the Town Council, on May 26th, consented to the withdrawal of the petition. Before the end of the year a more elaborate scheme was submitted by the promoters, who suggested an extension of the line beyond the intended terminus at North Heigham. It was to cross the Wensum and pass beneath the Fakenham and Aylsham turnpikes to the hamlet of Pockthorpe, to be again carried over the river near Bishop Bridge, and to pass through the Lower Close and St. Faith’s Lane to the Prince of Wales Road, where it was proposed to erect a central station for the accommodation of passengers, goods, and cattle. Application was made to the Corporation to contribute £50,000 towards the cost of the land required for this undertaking. The matter was considered at a meeting of the Town Council on December 21st, when the proposals generally, and the suggested contribution in particular, were ridiculed. The Dean of Norwich, on behalf of the Cathedral body and the inhabitants of the Close, wrote an indignant protest against the contemplated intrusion upon their privacy and injury to their property. The subject was referred to the Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee, who, in due course, condemned the scheme. (See March 31st, 1882.) 24.—The Sheriff of Norwich (Mr. Philip Back) revived the observance of the Queen’s birthday, a custom which had been in abeyance for some years, by giving a grand ball at St. Andrew’s Hall. 27.—The headquarters of the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons arrived at Norwich Cavalry Barracks. JUNE.3.—At a meeting of the Norwich Board of Guardians, a series of resolutions and amendments on the subject of the Boys’ Home and the education and industrial training of pauper children was considered. Mr. Daynes moved that from and after June 24th the Boys’ Home in 3.—The centenary anniversary of the Yarmouth Monthly Book Club was celebrated by a dinner held at the Crown and Anchor Hotel. “In former days the custom was for each member present at the dinner to propose the health of a lady. The society was promoted by the Rev. Richard Turner, afterwards vicar of the parish, who, at the first meeting, was elected honorary secretary, and held that office fifty years. He was succeeded by Dr. G. Penrice, who was followed by the Rev. Mark Waters, B.A., in 1841. After the decease of that gentleman, in 1864, the business was conducted by the Rev. Bowyer Vaux, who, five years ago, resigned, and was succeeded by Mr. J. F. Waters. The club is remarkable for its age, for having had during its century of existence only five secretaries, and for being still as flourishing as it was in its early years.” 12.—A special meeting of the Norwich Diocesan Conference, summoned by requisition, was held at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, to consider the Burials Bill introduced by the Government. The Conference adopted resolutions protesting against the principle of the Bill, and suggesting certain amendments thereto, the chief of which were that its provisions should not extend to the consecrated parts of cemeteries nor to churchyards to which land had been added by living donors, and that the permissive clause as to the modification of services be omitted. 14.—Died at North Runcton, Mr. Daniel Gurney, in his 90th year. He was for many years senior partner in the Lynn and district banks of Messrs. Gurney and Co. Mr. Gurney was a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and wrote some useful essays on banking and “A Record of the House of Gurney,” printed for private circulation. He was a magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant for the county, and served the office of High Sheriff in 1858. 15.—Died at St. Leonard’s Precincts, Mousehold, Norwich, Mr. John Henry Druery, of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law. He was a member of the Antiquarian Society of London, of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society, membre de la SociÉtÉ FranÇaise d’ArchÆologie, &c. —At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the corporate seal was affixed to an agreement between the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England and the Corporation, for carrying into effect the arrangement made in 1866 with the Dean and Chapter of Norwich for conveying Mousehold Heath to the Corporation for the purpose of public pleasure grounds. The proposal met with strenuous opposition from the inhabitants of Pockthorpe, who claimed the Heath as the property of themselves and their successors, and asserted that while they were entitled to the rents, rights, and profits, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners had no title whatever. (See June 21st, 1881.) 16.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held at Downham Market, and was continued on the 17th. Mr. H. Villebois was president. JULY.1.—Colonel Black, Chief Constable of Norfolk, resigned his appointment, and received from the magistrates the highest superannuation allowance permitted by law. On September 23rd Mr. Paynton Pigott, who, for six years, had been Deputy Chief Constable, was elected to the vacant post. Colonel Black, on his retirement, was presented with valuable testimonials by the magistrates and the constabulary. 10.—A fifty miles walking match, for £20 a side, took place at the Hop-pole Gardens, Norwich, between George Parry, winner of O’Leary’s champion belt of the world, at Chicago, and William Clarke, the Norfolk champion. Heavy rainstorms occurred during the day, and at times the track was flooded. Clarke left the path after completing 40 miles, and Parry, who was three miles ahead, also retired. 14.—The Duke of Norfolk visited Norwich, and presided at an influential meeting held at St. Andrew’s Hall, on behalf of the Eastern Counties’ Asylum for Idiots. The principal streets of the city were decorated in honour of the visit, peals were rung upon the bells of St. Peter Mancroft, and his Grace was received at the hall by the Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard), the Sheriff (Mr. Philip Back), the Deputy Mayor. (Mr. J. D. Smith), and other civic dignitaries. The Mayor presented to the Duke an address of welcome, adopted on the previous day by the Town Council, and afterwards entertained his Grace and 200 guests at a dÉjeuner. 17.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture adopted a resolution, moved by Mr. C. S. Read, expressing satisfaction with the steps taken by the Government for the repeal of the Malt Tax by the substitution of a beer duty, “as repeatedly recommended by the chamber.” 22.—Died at Munich, three weeks after her arrival there from London, Madame Anna Caroline de Belleville Oury, one of the most distinguished pianists of her time. 24.—The 3rd and 4th Battalions of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp at Great Yarmouth, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Bulwer and Lieut.-Colonel Gurdon, M.P. The total number of men under canvas was 1,301. 27.—The Norwich Town Council, on the motion of Mr. George White, adopted the following resolution: “Several months having elapsed since this Council requested the Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee to consider the legal position in which the Corporation stands with the British Gaslight Company, and, considering the enormous interests at stake, the Council urges upon the Committee the necessity of at once reporting as to what steps, if any, they advise to be taken, in order to relieve the citizens from the unjust and unnecessary burdens imposed upon them through the extravagant charge 27.—A grand bazaar was held in Holkham Park, in aid of the restoration fund of Wells church. The proceedings realised a profit of £845. 28.—Died at Castle Rising, the Hon. Theophilus Howard, second son of Charles John, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. Mr. Howard entered into possession of the estate of Castle Rising at the close of 1876, having received it by deed of gift from Mrs. Howard, of Ashstead. By his succession this property, which came into the possession of the Howard family in 1545, again reverted to the Suffolk and Berkshire line, from which it was separated by the death of Henry, twelfth Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, in the year 1779. Mr. Howard married Lady Audrey Townshend, youngest daughter of the Marquis Townshend, in 1873, and left two sons and two daughters. He was called to the Bar in 1863, and in 1873 was appointed a Commissioner in Lunacy, a post which he resigned in 1878. “He was the first of the great Howard family who made Castle Rising his permanent residence and home, for though the estate had been possessed by the Howards since 1545 it was always as a political occupation when Castle Rising was a Parliamentary borough, or as a temporary residence for the shooting. Consequently, through the long period of 335 years not one of the family is known to have died there, and certainly none, with the exception of Mr. Howard, have been buried in the parish church or churchyard.” AUGUST.9.—At the Norwich Police Court, William Davies, of the Army Hospital Corps, Henry Pritchard, and William Solly, privates in the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, and Staff-Sergt. Alexander W. Browne, Army Hospital Corps, were charged with attempting to kill and murder John Smith, a private of the 17th Regiment of Foot, at the Cavalry Barracks, on August 3rd. Smith had been left in the military hospital by a detachment of the 17th, who had handed the barracks over to the Inniskillings. Smith was suffering from a loathsome disease, and it was alleged that the orderlies of the dragoons and Davies, who had charge of him, with the cognisance of Browne, stuffed up the fireplace of the ward with straw, closed the windows and door, and placed plates of burning sulphur upon the floor, for the purpose of suffocating him. The man died a few days subsequently from the effects of the disease from which he was suffering. The prosecution alleged two motives against the prisoners—first, that some of them were interested in a will made by Smith in their favour, and, secondly, that they were desirous of getting rid of an unpleasant patient. After several remands, the prisoners were committed for trial at the Assizes. The case was heard before the Lord Chief Justice on November 12th, when the jury acquitted the prisoners. Sergt. Browne was shortly afterwards promoted to the post of Acting Sergt.-Major in the Army Hospital Corps at the North Camp, Aldershot, and headmaster of the 3rd District Station Hospital. —The annual meeting of the National Association of Architects commenced at Norwich. Visits were made to different parts of the county, for the inspection of the church architecture of the district. 30.—The extension of the East Norfolk Railway from Aylsham to Cawston was inspected by General Hutchinson, and was opened for public traffic on September 1st. 31.—The Norwich Town Council received a report from a special committee recommending a scheme for repairing the main streets of the city with wood, at the cost of £19,284. The scheme was adopted on September 15th. On October 13th Mr. Arnold Taylor, an Inspector of the Local Government Board, held an inquiry at the Guildhall as to an application by the Corporation for powers to borrow £30,300 for street improvements and wood paving. It was stated that of the amount named, £25,000 would be required for the latter work. The Town Clerk reported, on November 16th, that the Local Government Board had sanctioned a loan of £25,000, repayable with interest within a period not exceeding twelve years. (See January 22nd, 1883.) SEPTEMBER.3.—The Grantully Castle steamship, with Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone on board, arrived in Yarmouth Roads. Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., and several members of the local Liberal party put off in the steam-tug Meteor, and boarded the steamer. Mr. A. Peaton read to the right hon. gentleman an address, conveying to him the congratulations of the Liberal party in Yarmouth upon his recovery from his recent severe illness. Mr. Gladstone, who had most cordially received the deputation, returned thanks in a characteristic speech. —The staff of the Anchor Brewery, Norwich, to the number of 650, were conveyed by special train to the Alexandra Palace, by invitation of the head of the firm, Mr. Harry Bullard, Mayor of the city. 17.—Died at the Bedford Hotel, Brighton, aged 84, the Right Hon. Sir Fitzroy Edward Kelly, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice. He was elected High Steward of Norwich, an office which was abolished by the Municipal Reform Act. Sir Fitzroy received three years’ annuity to January 1st, 1839, and a life pension of £48 a year. 18.—The appointment was announced of Dr. Horace Hill as chorus-master of the Norwich Festivals. 21.—The Norwich Town Council appointed Dr. Bunnett City Organist, at the salary of £50 per annum. 26.—Died at Aylsham, in his 86th year, Mr. Robert William Parmeter, who held the office of Clerk of the Peace for the county of Norfolk from 1842 to 1868, when he was succeeded by Mr. Charles Foster. 27.—Died at Fawley Court, Buckinghamshire, Mr. Edward OCTOBER.5.—A meeting of the Wells and Fakenham Turnpike Trustees was held at Wells, for the purpose of letting the toll-gates for a term of eleven months expiring on November 1st, 1881. The trust would have ceased in 1876, but Mr. E. B. Loynes, clerk to the trustees, was instructed to attend a Select Committee of the House of Commons, to give information on the subject. This resulted in a further period of five years being granted, and certain restrictions and conditions were imposed to be observed by the trustees. It was only in 1824 an Act was obtained for making this road. “Under no conditions, however, can the trust be maintained beyond November 1st, 1881, and therefore after that date the Wells and Fakenham Turnpike Trust will be a thing of the past.” 11.—Died at Unthank’s Road, Norwich, the Rev. John Hallett, aged 57, for twenty-four years minister of the Old Meeting House. 18.—The “Caste” Company, under the management of Messrs. Robertson and Bruce, commenced a farewell engagement at Norwich Theatre. Miss Cora Stuart (Mrs. T. W. Robertson) made her first appearance on the Norwich stage. 22.—A new organ, erected at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by Messrs. Bryceson Bros. and Ellis, Charlton Works, Islington, was formally handed over by Mr. Hugh Barclay, on behalf of the subscribers, to the Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard). The organ and its accessories cost £1,874. The receipts amounted to £1,841, and Mr. R. A. Gorell made up the deficiency by handing in a cheque for £35. Dr. Bridge, organist of Westminster Abbey, Dr. Bennett, and Dr. Gladstone played selections upon the new instrument, and the Mayor entertained the large company present on the occasion. The public opening of the organ took place on the 23rd, when Dr. Bunnett gave the first recital of his annual series. 26.—Died at Lowestoft, Mr. John Bathurst Graver-Browne, of Morley Hall, aged 43. He was a son of Mr. John Graver-Browne, by his wife Frances Bathurst, granddaughter of the Bishop of Norwich, and married, in 1871, Frances Julia, daughter of Sir Henry Stracey, Bart. Mr. Graver-Browne was a magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant of the county, and served the office of High Sheriff in 1873. 29.—A dreadful disaster occurred at Wells-next-the-Sea. The Eliza Adams lifeboat, manned by thirteen men, capsized while going to a ship in distress, and eleven of the crew were drowned. Great public sympathy was expressed, and to the fund inaugurated for the relief of the bereaved families the Royal National Lifeboat Institution contributed £1,000. 4.—Chapel Field, Norwich, renamed Chapel Field Gardens, was re-opened for the use of the public. This hitherto neglected area had been tastefully laid out as a garden, and in the centre was erected the wrought-iron pavilion manufactured by Messrs. Barnards and Bishop, and exhibited by them four years previously at the Philadelphia Exhibition. It was designed by Mr. T. Jeckyll, and purchased for the city by public subscription. The Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard) performed the opening ceremony, and after the band of the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons had played the National Anthem, his worship entertained a large company to luncheon at the Drill Hall. —The Norwich Diocesan Conference commenced its sittings at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop. The proceedings concluded on the 5th. —Died at Tasburgh, Mr. Ernest H. Willett, only son of Mr. Henry Willett, of Norwich. He was a well-known cricketer, and although he fell away from the early promise of his Radley days, did good service as captain of the county eleven. With Mr. H. Birkbeck, jun., and the Rev. H. W. Turner, Mr. Willett resuscitated the County Club, which played its first match with Essex, at Brentwood, on July 28th and 29th, 1876. 9.—Mr. Samuel Grimmer was elected Mayor, and Dr. Eade appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 14.—Died at Stow Hall, Downham Market, Sir Thomas Leigh Hare, Bart. Born July 18th, 1807, he was formerly captain in the 2nd Life Guards, and afterwards captain in the West Norfolk Militia. A magistrate and a Deputy Lieutenant for Norfolk, he had served the office of High Sheriff. 18.—The annual exhibition of the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show Association opened at the Drill Hall and Chapel Field, Norwich, and was attended by the Patron, the Prince of Wales, who arrived from Horstead Hall, where he had been staying as the guest of Mr. Edward Birkbeck. His Royal Highness, after leaving the show, was entertained to luncheon by Mr. and Mrs. Colman, at Carrow House. The Prince, before returning to Horstead, inspected the various departments at Carrow Works. 20.*—“A final dividend of 9½d. in the pound is announced in connection with the bankruptcy of Messrs. Harvey and Hudsons, bankers, Norwich, who failed for upwards of £1,700,000, in July, 1870. The total return to the creditors has been 14s. 3½d. in the pound.” (See December 3rd.) 22.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Melton Constable, on a visit to Lord and Lady Hastings. Their Royal Highnesses left on November 26th. —The dead body of Henry Jonathan Minns, lay clerk at Norwich Cathedral, and a well-known local tenor, was discovered suspended by the neck upon a ladder in the presbytery triforium over St. Luke’s chapel at the Cathedral. At the adjourned inquest, held on the 26th, the jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased committed suicide while of unsound mind. On the same day “a special service 23.—The Duke of Edinburgh arrived at Didlington Hall, on a visit to Mr. W. A. Tyssen-Amherst, M.P., and left on the 26th. His Royal Highness was engaged in the inspection of the Coastguard and Naval Reserves on the East Coast. 24.—A special choral service, in aid of the Choir Benevolent Fund, was held at Norwich Cathedral. Members of the choirs of her Majesty’s Chapels Royal, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Ely, Norwich, and Peterborough Cathedrals, Eton College, and St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, took part, and the sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Swainson, Canon of Chichester. 29.—The bells of Blofield church were re-opened, after re-hanging by the Redenhall firm of bell-founders—Captain Moore, Mr. Gervas Holmes, M.A., of Emanuel College, Cambridge, and Mr. Mackenzie, C.E. —The Conservative party at Lynn presented to Lady Hamilton, wife of Lord Claud J. Hamilton, a valuable diamond bracelet, and congratulated his lordship, who formerly represented the borough, upon his election for Liverpool. DECEMBER.3.—Application was made in the Rolls Court for leave to bring an action in connection with the Harvey and Hudsons bankruptcy. It was alleged that a certain asset of the firm (a life interest on property which had been sold by Mr. E. K. Harvey to his brother, Sir Robert) was disposed of for a sum far below its value; Messrs. Boswell and Baxter, wine merchants, who were creditors of Messrs. Harvey and Hudsons, claimed that the matter should be re-opened and re-adjusted. Divested of technicalities, the claim of the plaintiffs, who sued for themselves and other creditors of Sir R. J. Harvey’s joint and separate estates, was to have the purchase of the life interest by the defendants set aside, and to have the benefit of the policies effected, and payment of the income arising from the life interest which had been already received by the defendants, after allowance had been made for the purchase-money and interest of the premiums paid on the policies; and also the costs of the suit. The Master of the Rolls granted the application to December 9th. (See December 7th, 1882.) 8.—Trinity Wesleyan chapel, Dereham, the foundation-stone of which was laid in the month of April, was opened for public worship. The work, executed from designs by Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, Norwich, cost, inclusive of minister’s house, &c., £3,400. 15.—A new warehouse, erected at the cost of many thousands of pounds, at Lynn docks, and stored with large quantities of cotton seed, belonging to different merchants, was destroyed by fire. The damage was estimated at £15,000. 18.—At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the county of Norfolk, held at the Shirehall, Norwich, the Chairman (Mr. C. S. Read) reported an alarming outbreak of foot-and-mouth diseases affecting 1,754 cattle, 1,640 sheep, and 66 pigs. (See February 28th, 1881.) 1881JANUARY.8.—Dr. F. E. Gladstone, it was announced, had resigned the post of organist of Norwich Cathedral, upon receiving a similar appointment at Christ church, Lancaster Gate, London. He was succeeded by Mr. Frederic C. Atkinson, organist of Manningham church, Bradford, a native of Norwich and pupil of Dr. Buck. 12.—Winter set in with great severity, and during the night upwards of six inches of snow fell. The frost was intense. On the 17th the Yare was frozen over and navigation stopped, and on the 18th an extraordinary snowstorm and gale occurred. The thermometer registered 32 degrees of frost, and the wind, which during the preceding night had veered to the east, suddenly assumed the strength of a hurricane, which raged for nearly twenty-four hours. “A velocity of 548 miles was recorded, a force very rarely experienced in this part of the country.” Little snow fell until about five o’clock in the afternoon, when the clouds discharged themselves with a virulence almost unprecedented. From six to eight inches of snow fell in a few hours, and in places there were drifts ten feet in depth. The traffic on most of the branch lines of the Great Eastern Railway was suspended nearly twenty-four hours. The mail train from Norwich to Yarmouth—four hours late—ran into a drift near Buckenham, and remained embedded six hours. The use of five engines and the efforts of sixty men proved unavailing, and there was no alternative but to take the train back to Norwich. Many of the roads being impassable, the mail-cart drivers abandoned their journeys. Terrible shipping disasters occurred off Yarmouth; thirteen vessels were wrecked, and nearly fifty lives lost. The surf lifeboat was capsized a few yards from the shore, and of the crew of ten who were entangled in the tackle beneath the craft six were drowned. From the 14th to the 21st never once did the thermometer rise above freezing-point. On the 26th the temperature rose to 38 degrees, and rain fell on the 27th. 17.—Prince’s Street Sunday schools and Lecture Hall, Norwich, were opened, as an adjunct to the Congregational church. The fine block of buildings was designed by Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, and erected by Messrs. Downing and Sons, at the cost of about £12,600. 24.—The National Skating Association held a race-meeting on Wroxham Broad. Fixed originally for the 18th, but postponed in consequence of the gale, it was attended, amongst other competitors, 28.—Killed at the battle of Lang’s Nek, South Africa, aged 21, Lieut. Robert Hamond Elwes, Grenadier Guards, aide-de-camp to Sir G. Pomeroy Colley. He was the eldest son of Mr. Robert Elwes, of Congham House, near King’s Lynn. FEBRUARY.9.—A squadron of the 3rd Hussars arrived at Norwich Cavalry Barracks, from Colchester. 14.—The comic opera, “Les Cloches de Corneville,” was performed at Norwich Theatre for the first time by a company under the management of Mr. Charles Bernard. A company of children presented the same opera at the Theatre on March 28th. 28.—In accordance with a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture on the 26th, a deputation waited upon Earl Spencer, President of the Privy Council, when Mr. C. S. Read, as president of the Chamber and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the County, expressed, on behalf of Norfolk agriculturists, the desire that, in view of the prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease, greater restrictions should be observed in regard to store cattle, and that a certain relaxation should be made in the case of fat cattle, which, it was proposed, should be sent direct from licensed sales and markets to slaughter-houses, to be killed within four days. It was also suggested that the Privy Council should prohibit the importation of live animals from countries where they knew disease existed. A further deputation, headed by the Mayor of Norwich (Mr. S. Grimmer), interviewed Earl Spencer on March 25th, with the view of obtaining such relaxation of the Orders in Council as to permit the sale of store stock at Tombland Fair. A fresh outbreak of the disease occurred in the autumn, and on October 28th the county authority passed a resolution affirming that, notwithstanding its recurrence, the time had not arrived for the closing of the markets; that should the Privy Council consider it necessary to stop the spread of the disease by closing the store stock markets, such order should not take effect before the first week in December; that the existing regulations for preventing the importation of diseased cattle from foreign countries were entirely insufficient, and that until more stringent regulations were in force the system of closing markets was vexatious. (See January 7th, 1882.) MARCH.8.—The Spring Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held at Lynn, but the change of venue resulted in a very small entry. 19.*—“Died, a few days ago, in a modest dwelling in Yarmouth, Charles Crawshay Wilkinson, the inventor of perforated sheet stamps. The Government offered a very handsome reward for a contrivance by which postage and other stamps might be most easily separated. Mr. Wilkinson, then only a working-man, in the service of a distinguished APRIL.2.*—“Mr. Edward Ebenezer Kay, Q.C., of Thorpe Abbots, near Scole, has accepted the Judgeship vacant by the retirement of Vice-Chancellor Sir Richard Malins. He does not become Vice-chancellor, but simply one of the Judges of the High Court of Justice.” 18.—The National Fisheries Exhibition was opened at the Drill Hall, Norwich, by the Prince of Wales. His Royal Highness, who was accompanied by the Princess of Wales, Prince Leopold, the Lord President of the Privy Council and the Countess Spencer, Sir W. Vernon Harcourt and Lady Harcourt, his Excellency Count Dannesekjold-SamsoË, Count Frijs-Frijsonborg, Lord and Lady Charles Beresford, Mr. Mundella, M.P., and Sir Philip Cunliffe Owen, arrived from Wolferton at Thorpe station at 12.20, and was received by the Mayor (Mr. S. Grimmer), the Sheriff (Dr. Eade), and the Deputy-Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard). The Artillery Volunteers supplied a guard of honour in the station yard, and the Royal visitors were escorted by a detachment of the 3rd Hussars. At the Drill Hall, where the Rifle Volunteers mounted a guard of honour, their Royal Highnesses were received by the President of the exhibition (Mr. Edward Birkbeck, M.P.) and other officials. The President presented an address to the Prince of Wales, who replied, and declared the exhibition open. The Mayor afterwards entertained their Royal Highnesses and a distinguished company to a dÉjeuner at St. Andrew’s Hall. At four o’clock the Royal party returned to Thorpe station, whence they proceeded to Wolferton. The exhibition, which was promoted by the Norfolk and Suffolk Fish Acclimatization Society, remained open until May 7th, was visited by 70,000 persons, exclusive of exhibitors and their assistants, and nearly £2,800 was received for admission. Several distinguished scientists delivered lectures at the Prince’s Street Lecture Hall—Professor Huxley on “The Herring,” on April 21st; Mr. Edward Jex, on “Deep Sea Fisheries,” on April 22nd; Mr. R. Bowdler Sharpe, on “Fish-eating Birds,” on April 25th; and Mr. H. N. Moseley, naturalist to the Challenger Expedition, on “Deep-sea Dredging,” on April 28th. On the last day of the exhibition, Earl Ducie distributed the prizes and diplomas to the exhibitors. 19.—A meeting of the members of the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture and of farmers and agriculturists residing in West Norfolk was held at the Town Hall, Lynn, under the presidency of Mr. C. S. Read, when a resolution affirming “that the present state of the agricultural interest demands the serious attention of the Government of the country” was unanimously adopted. In compliance with a letter addressed to the parochial clergy by the Lord Bishop, services 26.—On the occasion of the funeral of Lord Beaconsfield, flags were displayed at half-mast on the churches and public buildings of Norwich, muffled bells were tolled, and many business establishments were partially closed. A funeral sermon was preached at the Cathedral by Canon Heaviside. 28.—Died, in his 84th year, Mr. Brampton Gurdon, of Letton Hall and Grundisburgh Hall, Suffolk. He was the eldest son of Mr. Theophilus Thornhagh Gurdon, of Letton, and in 1855 served the office of High Sheriff. In 1857 Mr. Gurdon was elected unopposed one of the members for the Western division of the county, and was again returned, with Mr. Bentinck, in 1859. He retained the seat until July, 1865, when he and Sir Willoughby Jones were defeated by Mr. Bagge and the Hon. T. de Grey. Mr. Gurdon married the Hon. Henrietta Susannah, daughter and co-heiress of the first Baron Colborne, of West Harling Hall. 29.—Charles Monsey, a superannuated Excise officer, murdered his wife at Worstead, by inflicting wounds upon her head with a hatchet. At Ipswich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Hawkins, on May 9th, affidavits were produced as to the insanity of the accused, and the trial was postponed. Monsey was afterwards detained as a criminal lunatic. MAY.7.—The Census returns for Norwich were published on this date, as follow:—Houses: Inhabited, 19,777; uninhabited, 1,011; building, 246. Persons: Males, 40,281; females, 47,560; total, 87,841. 29.—Died at Hoveton House, the Rev. Thomas John Blofeld, vicar of the parish, aged 74. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1829. Ordained in 1830, he was for a short time vicar of Old Sodbury, Gloucestershire, and exchanged the living for the rectory of Drayton and Hellesdon. Mr. Blofeld was rural dean of the deanery of Taverham, which he resigned, with the rectory of Drayton, in 1851, on his appointment to the living of Hoveton. He married, in 1834, Catherine Charlotte, daughter of the Rev. Anthony Collett, of Heveningham, Suffolk, by whom he had three sons and a daughter. Mr. Blofeld was an active county magistrate, chairman of the visiting justices of the County Gaol, an auditor of the county accounts, and a Deputy Lieutenant. For many years he was one of the most able and energetic of the leaders of the Conservative party in North Norfolk. In his youth he was a great oarsman, was stroke of the Trinity boat, and one of the founders of boating on the Cam. With a taste for outdoor pursuits, he was a keen and skilled naturalist, and a sportsman of the best type. 30.—Died at Les Avants, the Rev. Herbert Pelham, aged 26, curate of St. Philip, Heigham, and youngest son of the Bishop of Norwich. “He had been staying at Gleion, in Montreaux, on the banks of Lake Geneva, with his brother, the Rev. Sidney Pelham. In the morning, at four o’clock, both brothers left their hotel for a walk amongst the mountains, aiming at a point which they reached at seven o’clock. After resting half an hour, they began to descend. Not more than 31.—Died at his residence, at Thorpe, Norwich, Mr. William Howlett, aged 78. He had been an alderman and town councillor. Identified with the musical profession, Mr. Howlett had rendered very valuable assistance to the funds of many of the Norwich charities. JUNE.8.—The new section of the Yarmouth and North Norfolk Railway, between Stalham and North Walsham, was inspected by Major-General Hutchinson, R.E., and was opened for passenger traffic on the 13th. A public dinner to commemorate the event was held, under the presidency of Mr. C. S. Read, at the King’s Arms Hotel, North Walsham, on the 15th. 9.—The Prince of Wales arrived at Yarmouth, and inspected the Norfolk Artillery Militia on the South Denes. The Duke of Cambridge, Commander-in-Chief, arrived in the evening, and on the 10th inspected the Militia, and the 2nd Norfolk Artillery Volunteers. 21.—The Norwich Town Council granted to the promoters of the proposed Agricultural Hall the lease of a piece of land 174 feet long by 103 feet wide, for a term of seventy-five years, commencing September 29th, 1881, at an annual ground rent of £100, subject to the promoters expending at least £7,000 for the erection of the building thereon. (See March 25th, 1882.) —At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, a scheme for the regulation and management of Mousehold Heath was adopted. On June 24th, at Norwich Quarter Sessions, eleven persons were indicted for committing damage to certain roadways on the Heath, the property of the Corporation. The case was adjourned to the October Sessions. In the High Court of Justice, on July 29th, before the Master of the Rolls, application was made for an injunction to restrain the “Pockthorpe Committee” and others from dealing in any way with Mousehold Heath. The injunction was granted. At the October Sessions, the prosecution was withdrawn, on the ground that the injunction had been obeyed by the defendants. (See June 5th, 1883.) 22.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Wymondham, and closed on the 23rd. The Earl of Kimberley presided at the public luncheon. 24.—Died, in his 64th year, the Rev. Thomas Lyon Fellowes, vicar of Honingham and East Tuddenham, and Hon. Canon of Norwich Cathedral. He was a son of the Rev. J. Fellowes, rector of Shotesham, took a great interest in agriculture, and was for many years chairman of the Executive Committee of the Norfolk Agricultural Association. Mr. Fellowes gave valuable assistance to the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show Association, and was a renowned breeder 24.—Died, suddenly, at Hawick, N.B., where he was fulfilling an engagement, Mr. Charles Dillon, the well-known actor. Mr. Dillon, who was in his 62nd year, was a native of Diss, and first appeared upon the provincial stage, where he acquired considerable reputation as an elocutionist and exponent of legitimate drama. He made his first appearance on the London stage at Sadler’s Wells Theatre, and subsequently became lessee and manager of the Lyceum Theatre. Mr. Dillon’s last appearance in London was in September, 1878, and in Norwich on April 10th, 1880. 29.—An extensive fire occurred at Carrow Works, and resulted in the destruction of a pile of lofty buildings. 30.—The wards of that portion of the new Norfolk and Norwich Hospital known as the pavilion and central administrative block having been completed for the reception of patients, were opened. Mr. Edward Boardman was the architect of the building. Mr. T. H. Wyatt, of London, was originally associated with him, but, by the failure of his health and subsequent death the whole of the work devolved upon Mr. Boardman. (See August 20th, 1883.) JULY.9.—The Norwich Rifle Volunteers, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Boileau, proceeded by special train to Windsor, and took part in the Volunteer review before her Majesty the Queen in the Great Park. On the return journey the train by which they travelled dashed into a train of empty carriages at Egham. The accident delayed the return of the Volunteers, who reached Norwich at four o’clock on the morning of the 10th. 19.—The Strumpshaw Hall estate was sold, at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, by Messrs. Spelman, for £33,145, exclusive of timber. —Died at Ipswich, Mr. John Worlledge, Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, and for twenty-four years Judge of the Suffolk County Court circuit. Mr. Worlledge, who was in his 72nd year, was a son of Mr. John Worlledge, of Chevington, and was educated at Felstead Grammar School and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated fourth wrangler in 1831. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple in 1838, he became well known as a pleader on the Norfolk Circuit, and was appointed Chancellor of the Diocese in April, 1871. 26.—Died at Oulton, Mr. George Thomas Borrow, author of “The Bible in Spain,” “Lavengro,” and other works. “The deceased was in his usual health up to the afternoon of the 25th, when he complained of feeling unwell, and was assisted to bed. On the following morning he was found dead in bed.” The writer of the obituary notice, after stating that Borrow was a son of Captain Borrow, Adjutant of the West Norfolk Militia, and was born at East Dereham in 1803, records several more or less familiar incidents in his career, and concludes a summary of his literary work with the remark: “His most important book was ‘Romano Lavo-Lil,’ a vocabulary of the English gipsy language, which represents the labour of many years, and was published in 1874.” AUGUST.1.—The first Norwich Cricket Week commenced on the Lakenham Ground. 3.—North Walsham pariah church was re-opened, on the completion of the new roof to the nave. The work was carried out at the cost of £2,208, by Messrs. Cornish and Gaymer, under the direction of Mr. J. B. Pearce, architect, of Norwich. 13.—Died at Bilney rectory, the Rev. Henry Collison, aged 89. Mr. Collison, who was one of the oldest clergymen of the Church of England, was the eldest surviving son of Mr. Nicholas Cobb Collison, a merchant of London, by his marriage with Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Peter Stoughton, of Wymondham. He was formerly chaplain of the King’s Bench Prison, of the old Marshalsea in the Borough, and of the Court of the Palace of Westminster. For some time he served as military chaplain at the Cape of Good Hope, and afterwards held the rectory of Bilney for nearly half a century. Mr. Collison married, in 1851, Harriett Mary, younger daughter of Mr. Thomas Abel Ward, of Watford, Herts. 30.—The Norwich Town Council, who had erected two electric lights in the Market Place, decided to extend the system experimentally to several of the principal streets, at a cost not exceeding £400, for twelve months. (See April 24th, 1883.) SEPTEMBER.5.—Mr. Thomas Calthorpe Blofeld, who had been appointed to the office of Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, rendered vacant by the death of Mr. Worlledge, presided for the first time at the Norwich Consistory Court, and received the congratulations of the officials. 8.—The Church of England portion of Wymondham Cemetery was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich, and a dedicatory service was held by the Nonconformists in that part of the burial-ground appropriated to their use. The entire cost of the Cemetery, including the chapels, designed by Mr. Edward Boardman, of Norwich, was £2,000. 20.—The Norwich Town Council adopted a resolution of condolence with the American nation on the death of President Garfield. 29.—Sidestrand church was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. “In 1846, owing to a landslip, caused by the action of the sea, considerable anxiety was felt for the safety of the old church, and a fund was started with the object of removing it to another site. About £300 was contributed, but as there seemed no immediate necessity to remove the church, the money was invested, and it was not until November, 1880, that the vestry definitely decided to build the new church. With accumulated interest, the original fund amounted to £850, and the balance of the cost of removal and restoration, which is now over £2,000, has been generously provided by the lord of the manor, Mr. Samuel Hoare, who also gave the site.” 4.—The church of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, was re-opened after restoration, at the cost of £7,500. The contractor was Mr. G. E. Hawes, and the architect Mr. G. E. Street. The Restoration Committee decided to proceed with the work upon the tower, and a special appeal was made to the citizens to assist the completion of this great undertaking. (See January 11th, 1882.) 11.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The artistes included Madame Albani, Miss Mary Davies, Mrs. Osgood, Madame Patey, Madame Mudie-Bolingbroke, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Barton McGuckin, Mr. Santley, Mr. Frederic King, and Mr. Brockbank. Mr. Alberto Randegger conducted for the first time. The following productions were included in the programme: 11th, evening, “St. Paul”; 12th, morning, “The Martyr of Antioch”; evening, “Faust”; 13th, morning, “St. Ursula” (Cowen), composed expressly for the Festival, and Racine’s “Athalie”; evening, grand operatic and ballad concert, including “The Sun Worshippers,” composed for the Festival by A. G. Thomas; 14th, morning, “The Messiah”; evening, operatic and ballad concert, including “The Harvest Home,” composed expressly for the Festival by J. F. Barnett. 14.—A hurricane, which prevailed throughout Great Britain, did great damage in the towns and villages of Norfolk. Many fine trees were uprooted, and houses unroofed; railway signal-boxes were blown down, and several shipping disasters occurred along the coast. 18.—The jubilee anniversary of the Eldon Club, formed in 1831, was celebrated at the Bell Hotel, Norwich, when the members dined under the presidency of Lieut.-Colonel Bignold. 21.—A girl, named Hannah Brett, was brutally murdered at Saham Toney, by an ex-convict, named Henry Stebbings. At the Norfolk Assizes, on February 9th, 1882, before Mr. Justice Grove, he was found guilty and sentenced to death, but was respited, on the ground of homicidal mania. 23.—Died at Woking, Sir William Henry Ernest Bagge, Bart., of Stradsett Hall, aged 41. In default of issue, he was succeeded in the baronetcy by his only brother, Commander Alfred Thomas Bagge, R.N. NOVEMBER.1.—Salhouse church was re-opened, after restoration at the cost of £2,100. 3.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference met at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, and the proceedings were continued on the 4th. A special meeting was held on December 19th, to consider proposals for the revision of the Education code. —The Ven. Archdeacon Nevill was elected vicar of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, on the resignation of the Rev. Sidney Pelham. 9.—Mr. William Hunter was elected Mayor, and Mr. J. J. Winter appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 15.—The squadron of the 3rd Hussars marched from Norwich, for Aldershot. The headquarters of the 7th Dragoon Guards, commanded by Colonel Colin Campbell, arrived on the 17th. “Since the regiment was last quartered here, Captain Mollyneaux, a former officer, obtained from the Tower of London and presented to the regiment a pair of kettledrums captured by the 7th at the battle of Dettingen, in 1743.” DECEMBER.17.*—“A line of wire has been suspended between Messrs. Morgan’s Brewery, King Street, and Mousehold House, the residence of Mr. W. H. Hackblock, who is a member of the firm.” This is the first record of a telephone wire erected in Norwich. The line was constructed by the United Telephone Company. 19.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Holkham, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Leicester. 26.—For the first time for many years there was no pantomime at Norwich Theatre. The Christmas attraction was the appearance of Mr. George Loveday’s London Folly Company, in Paul Merritt’s “Rough and Ready” and Pinero’s “Hester’s Mystery.” The company included Messrs. John Billington, E. D. Ward, E. W. Garden, Misses Ada Mellon, Emily Thorn, Eliza Johnstone, &c. At John Sanger and Son’s Circus, on Castle Meadow, was produced the equestrian spectacle, “Dick Whittington and his Wonderful Cat.” 1882.JANUARY.7.—Great discontent was caused among the agriculturists of the county by the issue of a Privy Council Order directing the closing of the markets for the sale of store stock, owing to the recurrence of foot-and-mouth disease. At a meeting of the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, a resolution was adopted and forwarded to Earl Spencer, declaring “that the severe restrictions imposed on the sale of cattle in the county were uncalled-for, and that a heavy penalty inflicted upon all persons moving diseased cattle would be a sufficient protection from disease.” On the 14th Mr. Edward Birkbeck, M.P., presided at a large meeting held at Norwich Corn Hall, at which resolutions were adopted protesting against “harassing and unnecessary restrictions, entailing serious loss upon the farming community”; and on the 18th a deputation appointed by the meeting waited upon Earl Spencer, with the object of obtaining relaxation of the restrictions. An important conference of the local authorities and Privy Council inspectors was held on the 21st, to discuss the state of the cattle lairs 10.—Mr. J. L. Toole appeared with Mr. G. Loveday’s London Folly Company at Norwich Theatre, and continued his performances on the 11th, 12th, and 13th. His characters were Barnaby Doublechick (“Upper Crust”), Spriggins (“Ici On Parle FranÇais”), Paul Pry, Tom Cranky (“Birthplace of Podgers”), Caleb Plummer (“Dot”), and Tittums (“The Steeplechase”). 11.—An “Old English Fair,” in aid of the restoration fund of the church of St. Peter Mancroft, was opened at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, and continued on the 12th and 13th. A total profit of £1,880 10s. 6d. resulted, and by the first week in March the required sum—£4,000—for the completion of the work had been raised. (See April 29th, 1883.) FEBRUARY.13.—Died at his residence, Unthank’s Road, Norwich, the Rev. George Gould, minister of St. Mary’s chapel, aged 63. Mr. Gould was a native of Bristol, and, on entering the Baptist ministry, took charge of the Abbey church, Abbey street, Dublin. Thence he removed to Exeter, and in the spring of 1849 succeeded the Rev. W. Brock in the Norwich pastorate. He was president of the Baptist Union in 1879–80, chairman of the Norwich School Board, and for several years a governor of the Grammar School and Commercial School. Mr. Gould was very decided in his religious and political opinions, and firm in upholding them; in private life he was greatly esteemed. MARCH.1.—A fine steamer, named the Levadia, of Newcastle, bound from Shields to Alexandria, with coals, was wrecked on the Middle Cross 2.—Mr. Arthur H. Mann, B.Mus., of New College, Oxford, organist at King’s College, Cambridge, whose exercise, “Ecce Homo,” had been performed on the previous day in the Sheldonian Theatre, was admitted to the degree of Doctor of Music. 7.—The first Good Friday performance of “The Messiah,” took place at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. Mr. F. W. B. Noverre was leader of the band, Dr. Bunnett organist, and Dr. Hill conductor. 21.—The Norwich Town Council adopted a memorial to the Secretary of State for War, in which the War Office was petitioned to retain Norwich as a cavalry station. The Mayor, Sheriff, and the members of Parliament for the city, on May 5th, waited upon the Secretary of State for War, and urged the retention of cavalry headquarters in the city, in addition to its being made the brigade depot of the Norfolk Regiment. (See March 24th, 1883.) 25.—The Spring Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held on the Lakenham Cricket Ground, Norwich. —The Earl of Leicester performed the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the Norfolk and Norwich Agricultural Hall, at Norwich. On April 27th, in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, before the Vice-Chancellor, Sir C. Hall, application was made on behalf of Mr. Philip Back for an injunction against the Corporation of Norwich and the Agricultural Hall Company, Limited, to restrain them from erecting the hall, on the ground that the Corporation had no power to let the land, which had been dedicated from time immemorial to fairs and markets. The hearing was adjourned until May 20th, when the Court refused the application; and on November 11th it was announced that Mr. Back had consented to abandon the action. (See November 16th.) 31.—In the House of Commons, the opposition of the Dean and Chapter and other residents in the Cathedral Close, Norwich, to the invasion of the precincts of the Cathedral by the Lynn and Fakenham Railway Company was successful, the company being compelled, by the strong feeling expressed against the proposed route, to withdraw that portion of their Bill affecting the Close. APRIL.14.—The last sections of the line of railway from Wroxham to the Wells branch of the Great Eastern Railway Company, by which the union of East and West Norfolk was effected, was inspected, on its completion, by Major-General Hutchinson. The line was opened for traffic on May 1st. 15.—A party of about twenty members of the North Walsham and Aylsham Agricultural Association started from Norwich on a trip to Holland, the expenses of which were defrayed by Mr. Samuel Hoare and Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Bart. They arrived at Rotterdam on the 18.—The portrait of Mr. Harry Bullard, to which fifteen hundred persons subscribed, in recognition of his eminent services to the city, was hung in St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. It was painted by Mr. Frank Holl, A.R.A. 22.—A county meeting, in furtherance of the movement originated by the Prince of Wales for establishing a Royal College of Music, was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Earl of Leicester. 25.—Mary Ann Plunkett, aged nineteen, was murdered at Mill Hill, Catton, by a youth of twenty-two, named William George Abigail, who shot her in the head with a revolver. He was tried at Ipswich Assizes, before Mr. Baron Pollock, and sentenced to death. The execution was carried out at Norwich Castle, by Marwood, on May 22nd. MAY.13.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture discussed the financial proposals made by Government with regard to the maintenance of highways. The following motion, by Mr. C. S. Read, was adopted: “That this Chamber approves of the principle of relieving local rates by applying some special taxes towards the repair of main roads, but considers the proposals of the Government are no sufficient remedy for the extra cost of maintenance of main roads, and expresses its disappointment that a contribution of only £250,000 from the Imperial finances can be given in aid of local rates without the imposition of additional taxation.” 17.—Cardinal Manning addressed a great meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in furtherance of the principle of Local Option. His Eminence, on August 30th, again visited Norwich, and at the Victoria Hall addressed the members of the Roman Catholic temperance society—the League of the Cross. 21.—Died at his house in Grosvenor Square, London, William Henry FitzRoy, Duke of Grafton. His Grace was the eldest son of Henry, fifth Duke, by Mary Caroline, third daughter of Admiral the Hon. George Cranefeld Berkeley. He was born on August 4th, 1819; served as an attachÉ of the British Legation at Naples in 1841, and represented Thetford in the House of Commons from 1847 to 1863. In politics his Grace was a Whig of the old school. 31.—The new Town Hall at Yarmouth was opened by the Prince of Wales. After the ceremony, at which a loyal address was read on behalf of the burgesses by the Recorder (Mr. Simms Reeve), the Mayor (Mr. C. C. Aldred) entertained his Royal Highness and a distinguished company to luncheon. On June 1st the Prince of Wales inspected the Norfolk Artillery, and left the town on June 2nd. JUNE.1.—A sacred and operatic concert was given at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, under the direction of Sir Julius Benedict, in aid of the 2.—At Norwich Theatre was produced Sir Julius Benedict’s romantic opera, “The Lily of Killarney,” under the personal direction of the composer. The performance was repeated on the 3rd. 22.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Norwich, in the grounds of Mr. A. R. Chamberlin, Ipswich Road, and was continued on the 23rd. Mr. Henry Birkbeck presided at the public luncheon. JULY.2.—The Right Rev. Samuel Crowther, D.D., Bishop of the Niger district of Africa, preached at St. Giles’ church, Norwich, and at the Cathedral. Originally an African slave-boy, he was the first Bishop of the negro race, and at the time of his visit to Norwich was 70 years of age. 8.—It was announced that Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart., had resigned the senior chairmanship of the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, to which position he was elected in October, 1856. On October 19th, Mr. J. R. Bulwer, Q.C., M.P., Recorder of Cambridge, was elected to fill the vacancy. 22.—The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battalions of Norfolk Rifle Volunteers went into camp at Yarmouth, under the respective commands of Lieut.-Colonel H. E. Buxton, Lieut.-Colonel Bulwer, and Lieut.-Colonel R. T. Gurdon, M.P. 24.—Bishop Pelham, who, on June 11th, completed the twenty-fifth year of his episcopate, received at the Palace, Norwich, a congratulatory address from the clergy of the several archdeaconries. (A portrait of his lordship, painted by Mr. W. Owles, R.A., was presented to him on October 18th, 1883.) AUGUST.3.—The officers of the 7th Dragoon Guards were entertained to luncheon at the Guildhall, Norwich, by the Mayor (Mr. W. Hunter), prior to the departure of the regiment for active service in Egypt. The right wing left Trowse station on the 4th, and sailed from the South West India Docks, in the Egyptian Monarch, on the 5th. The left wing proceeded from Trowse to Southampton on the 6th. On the departure of the cavalry, the Barracks were temporarily occupied by a detachment of the 1st Battalion Norfolk Regiment, from Colchester. In September the citizens sent a petition to the Secretary of State for War, asking that the 7th Dragoons might be permitted to return to Norwich, but the authorities were unable to accede to the request. 12.—The first reference was made to the commencement of operations in Norwich by the Salvation Army, who had “secured St. Giles’ Hall, formerly the Skating Rink, and converted it into suitable 23.—Mr. J. J. Henley and Dr. Airey, Local Government Board Inspectors, opened an inquiry at Norwich Workhouse into certain cases of alleged injury from vaccination reported to the Department by Mr. Ralph Lee Bliss. Eight definite cases were submitted, and in each the operation had been performed by the public vaccinator (Dr. Guy), at the vaccination station. Six of these cases were investigated. Subsequently five other cases were submitted, but only two were the subject of inquiry, the others being private cases, into which the Inspectors had no power to enquire. The inquiry concluded on September 4th. The Commissioners, in their report, dated October 21st, stated that no blame was to be attached to the public vaccinator as to the performance of his duties; “but we think,” they added, “he should discontinue the use again and again of the same ivory points, and we consider it was an error of judgment on his part to continue vaccination attendance while he was daily visiting cases of erysipelas, without taking more than ordinary precautions to guard against the spread of infection.” SEPTEMBER.1.—A three weeks’ mission, in furtherance of the Blue Ribbon movement, was commenced in Norwich by its founder, Mr. Francis Murphy. The new pledges taken during the mission numbered 10,000, and upwards of 15,000 blue ribbons were distributed. —The express service from the Eastern Counties to Doncaster was opened by the Great Eastern Railway Company, over their own and the Great Northern joint line. 5.—The coming of age of Mr. Russell J. Colman, eldest son of Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., was celebrated by a dinner given in the grounds of Carrow House, to between 3,000 and 4,000 of the employÉs at Carrow Works. 9.—The death was recorded of Mr. John Laffan Hanly, proprietor and editor of the “Levant Times,” at Constantinople, at the age of 48. Mr. Hanly was for some time chief reporter on the Norfolk Chronicle, and subsequently editor of the “Lincolnshire Chronicle.” 13.—The French fishing lugger, La Reine des Anges, deeply laden with herring, was wrecked on the Middle Cross Sand off Yarmouth, and of her crew of eighteen, ten were drowned. 17.—Special thanksgivings were offered in the churches in Norwich “for the glorious success achieved by our arms at Tel-el-Kebir, with the consequent collapse of the rebellion of Arabi and the prospect of the restoration of peace in Egypt.” 24.—Died at Yarmouth, Mr. Charles John Palmer, F.S.A. He was Mayor of the borough in 1835, 1854, and 1855, and was very zealous in promoting various local undertakings, among which was the restoration of the parish church. Mr. Palmer was the author of several antiquarian works, the best known of which is his “Perlustration of Great Yarmouth.” 27.—The coming of age of Mr. Edward Evans Lombe, eldest son of the Rev. Henry Evans Lombe, was celebrated at Bylaugh Park. 21.—Died at East Dereham, Mr. George Alfred Carthew, F.S.A., M.A., aged 75. Mr. Carthew, who was known throughout the kingdom as an able archÆologist, contributed many valuable papers to the journals of learned societies. He was the author of “A History of the Hundred of Launditch,” and of a similar work, passing through the press at the time of his death, on the topography, archÆology, genealogy, and biography of East and West Bradenham, Necton, and Holme Hale. He had vast stores of curious information, acquired in the course of a life-long study of matters illustrating the history of the county in ancient times. He was a descendant of the old Cornish family of Carthew, a member of which, Thomas Carthew, of Canalidgy, married, in the year 1685, Mary Colby, of Banham. Mr. Carthew helped to found the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society, and to establish its position among the learned societies of the kingdom. 24.—An inquiry, directed by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, under the Endowed Schools Act, 1869, was opened at the Guildhall, Norwich, by Mr. C. H. Stanton, into the matter of the endowments commonly known as the Grammar School of the foundation of King Edward VI., the Commercial School of the same foundation, the Boys’ Hospital, the Girls’ Hospital, and Norman’s Charity. Many prominent citizens made statements before the Commissioner, who closed his inquiry on the 25th. (See August 11th, 1883.) 26.—A remarkable case of somnambulism occurred on this date. A girl of seventeen, employed as general servant by a shopkeeper at Felthorpe, after retiring to rest at nine o’clock, got out of bed, and, having put on a dress and a pair of boots, climbed out of the bed-room window, and, without waking, reached the ground by groping along the roof of a lean-to shed. She then walked to Cawston, a distance of five miles, and was found about four o’clock in the morning sitting fast asleep on the doorstep of her father’s house. She was stiff, cold, and speechless, and on being restored to warmth and consciousness, stated that she had no recollection whatever of having left her bed. 28.—A severe gale, accompanied by wrecks and loss of life, occurred on the Norfolk coast. —At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Lindley, James Charles Edwards, 37, solicitor’s clerk, pleaded guilty to forging certain documents. The prisoner read a written statement, in which he said, “A love for pictures was my ruin, a craving desire and mania to possess myself of something better than my neighbours gradually developed, until at last it became a madness with me.” He was sentenced to ten years’ penal servitude. NOVEMBER.2.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference was opened at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich. The sittings concluded on the 3rd. 9.—Mr. Charles Rackham Gilman was elected Mayor, and Mr. Samuel Newman appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 16.—The new Agricultural Hall at Norwich was opened by the Prince of Wales, on the occasion of the first exhibition held within the building by the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show Association. 17.—The Rev. W. L. Blackley, rector of North Waltham, Hampshire, author of “Essays on the Prevention of Pauperism,” delivered an address at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, on his scheme of “national insurance or compulsory providence.” On the 18th Mr. Blackley addressed a second meeting, held at Noverre’s Rooms, under the presidency of Lord Walsingham. 21.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Merton Hall, on a visit to Lord and Lady Walsingham. DECEMBER.2.—The opening of the Norwich extension of the Lynn and Fakenham Railway, completed on November 21st, was celebrated by a dÉjeuner given at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by the contractors, Messrs. Wilkinson and Jarvis. Sir William ffolkes, Bart., presided over the large and representative gathering. 7.—The action, Boswell v. Coaks, came before Mr. Justice Pearson. His lordship stated that he was intimately acquainted with one of the defendants, and suggested that the action be taken elsewhere. All parties agreed, and the trial was consequently deferred. (See February 26th, 1883.) 18.—A large portion of Gunton Hall, the seat of Lord Suffield, was destroyed by fire. —An important public meeting, presided over by the Mayor (Mr. C. R. Gilman) was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, at which resolutions were adopted in favour of the entire prohibition of the use of drag-nets in the Yare and Wensum. 26.—Messrs. T. W. Robertson and H. Bruce’s Company appeared at Norwich Theatre, in the farcical comedy, “The Guv’nor.” 28.—A meeting of the clergy and laity of the diocese was held at the Clerical Rooms, Norwich, at which Dean Goulburn moved, “That the proposed memorial to Dr. Pusey, embodying as it does a scheme for the purchase of his library and the appointment of clergy of the Church of England as librarians, who shall devote themselves to theological research and instruction, and to the help and counsel of junior members of the University, deserves the cordial and earnest support of all Churchmen.” The motion was adopted, and a committee appointed to obtain funds towards the establishment and maintenance of the proposed memorial. 29.—Woodbastwick Hall, the seat of Mr. Albemarle Cator, was destroyed by fire, involving the loss of about £40,000. JANUARY.6.—Died at Norwich, Mr. William Henry Daly, solicitor, aged 30. Mr. Daly was nephew of Mr. Frederick Lawrence Phillips, editor of the “Norwich Argus.” Upon the death of Mr. Phillips, he assumed for a short time the editorial control of the “Argus.” Mr. Daly, who was a man of brilliant attainments, and had before him a very promising career, had been a member of the Norwich Town Council, and was solicitor to the Norfolk and Norwich Licensed Victuallers’ Association. 12.—Professor Huxley, F.R.S., Inspector of Fisheries, held a public inquiry at Cromer, as to the desirability or otherwise of granting an order under the provisions of the Fisheries (Oyster, Crab, and Lobster) Act, to continue or vary the existing Order, dated February 2nd, 1880. A similar inquiry was held at Sheringham. As the result of the evidence, the Order was renewed and made more stringent. 16.—The Norwich Tramways Bill, promoted by the Hallidie Patent Cable Tramways Corporation, Limited, was reported upon by the Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee of the Norwich Town Council, who recommended “that, in consequence of the nuisance and discomfort caused by their construction and working,” a petition be presented against the Bill in its entirety. The discussion was adjourned until the 22nd, when an amendment, “That the Bill be opposed only so far as to protect the interests of the citizens,” was negatived by 25 votes to 18. The recommendation of the Committee was thereupon adopted, and the company ultimately abandoned the scheme. (See November 16th, 1886.) 22.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, it was reported that the wood-paving scheme had been completed. An area of 75,638 yards had been laid, at the total cost of £24,036 17s. 10½d. The scheme was subsequently extended to districts in which special application was made by the ratepayers. 29.—The first of the touring pantomime companies appeared at Norwich Theatre—Messrs. Sheridan and Watkin’s Company, in “Little Red Riding Hood,” originally produced at Yarmouth Theatre. 30.—The centenary anniversary of the Norwich Public Library was celebrated by a conversazione, given by the President (Mr. C. E. Noverre), the Vice-President (Mr. T. Muir Grant), and the ex-President (Mr. Bosworth Harcourt). 31.—The Great Yarmouth Golf Club was formed, at a public meeting held in that town. The game had for some months previously been played on the Denes. FEBRUARY.6.—M. Guilmant, the celebrated French organist, gave organ recitals at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. He revisited the city on December 18th. 14.—At the Guildhall Police Court, Norwich, Mr. Joseph Stanley, solicitor, was charged, on the information of Edward Burgess, described as a printer and publisher, with assaulting him. The defendant, it was alleged, met the complainant in London Street, and, producing a riding-whip from beneath his coat, struck him several blows across the face. The assault was admitted, and defendant pleaded, in mitigation, that he horsewhipped the complainant in consequence of certain statements published by him in a paper called “Daylight.” The Bench inflicted a fine of one shilling, and declined to make an order as to costs. This was the first of a remarkable series of cases arising directly or indirectly from the publication of the print above referred to. At Norwich County Court, on February 21st, before the Judge (Mr. E. P. Price, Q.C.) and a jury, William Hammond, “otherwise E. Field and Co.,” brought an action against Edward Burgees and J. A. Burgis, the proprietors of “Daylight,” for an alleged libel. The action was originally entered for trial in the High Court of Justice, the plaintiff laying his damages at £1,000, but it was remitted to the County Court, on the application of the defendants, on the plaintiff failing to give security for costs. Mr. Horace Brown was for the plaintiff (who did not appear), and Mr. Montague Williams for the defendants. The case was partly heard when Mr. Brown said that, having regard to what had transpired, he did not think it right to ask the jury for damages. A verdict was therefore entered for the defendants. On February 24th, Arthur Ventnor, artist, of Bridewell Alley, was charged at the Police Court with wilfully breaking the plate-glass windows at the office of “Daylight,” and doing damage to the amount of £20. The defendant was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions, held on April 3rd, before the Recorder (Mr. W. J. Metcalfe, Q.C.). It was urged on behalf of the defendant that he had broken the windows owing to a caricature of himself being exhibited therein. The Grand Jury made the following presentment: “We consider that considerable provocation was given to Mr. Ventnor by the exhibition of the caricature before he broke the windows.” The Recorder, who deplored the publication of such a paper, addressing the defendant, said, “The sentence of the Court is that you be imprisoned for three hours, which means that you have been in the dock a great deal too long already, and that you now be discharged. Who is to pay the costs of this prosecution? Not the public, certainly, but the people who provoke other people to smash their windows.” The verdict was received with great applause by a crowded court. At the Police Court on April 23rd, Messrs. Burgess and Burgis appeared in answer to an information laid by Lewin Samuel, clothier, of St. Giles’ Street, for publishing in “Daylight” a defamatory libel of and concerning him. This was a criminal prosecution, on the fiat of the Public Prosecutor. The defendants alleged in their paper that the complainant and his brother were “Jew money-lenders, who sold up the homes of hard-working men and the 26.—The trial of the action. Boswell v. Coaks, commenced before Mr. Justice Fry. On the fifth day of the trial, March 12th, his lordship gave judgment. In his opinion, he said, the plaintiff’s case had failed, and he dismissed the action, with costs. Later in the day the judge remarked that there was a certain point in the case which he had not appreciated, and ordered the action to be restored to the paper as part heard. At the further hearing, on March 19th, his lordship said he adhered to the view which he previously expressed, and pronounced judgment unreservedly in favour of the defendants, who were entirely acquitted of the charge against them. On June 19th an appeal was entered against the decision of Mr. Justice Fry. (See May 19th, 1884.) 27.—Hengler’s Grand Circus, the first exhibition of the kind given in a permanent building in the city, was opened at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. —At a meeting held at the Globe Hotel, Lynn, under the presidency of Sir William ffolkes. M.P., Mr. A. C. Fountaine, of Narford Hall, was selected master of the West Norfolk Foxhounds, in place of Mr. Anthony Hamond, who had hunted the hounds for eighteen years. At the suggestion of the Prince of Wales, a fund was inaugurated for the purpose of presenting Mr. Hamond with a testimonial upon his retirement. The presentation took place at Sandringham, on December 1st, when a large number of the subscribers were entertained to breakfast by his Royal Highness, who handed to Mr. Hamond “his portrait in oil, mounted upon his favourite hunter, with the huntsman, Bob Claydon, and the whips, H. Browne and F. Clayden, in attendance.” The picture was painted by Mr. Samuel Carter, who was born upon the Westacre estate. —The new railway from Acle to Yarmouth was inspected by Major-General Hutchinson, and shortly afterwards opened for traffic. MARCH.6.—A strong gale and high tide occurred at Yarmouth. Many of the houses on the Marine Parade were in danger of being flooded. Many thousands of fish were killed in the Yare by the ingress of salt water. —The Mayor and Mayoress of Norwich (Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gilman) attended the launch, at Hull, of a new steamer, the Norwich, built by Messrs. Earle’s Shipbuilding Company, for the Great Eastern Railway Company’s service between Harwich and Antwerp. The Mayoress performed the ceremony of naming the vessel. 10.*—“Lieutenant M. W. M. Edwards, 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry, son of Mr. H. W. B. Edwards, of Hardingham, has been 11.—A remarkably high tide took place at Lynn. The waters overflowed not only the quays, but the high banks of the river, a circumstance unprecedented for at least half a century. The lands reclaimed by the Norfolk Estuary Company from the bed of the old river were flooded to the extent of 400 acres. The low-lying streets of the town were inundated by the overflow from the river and “flats,” and by sewage driven up through the gullies. At Wells the waters overflowed the quay and entered the adjacent houses. 17.—It was announced that the Privy Council had granted licences for the sale of store sheep at Tombland Fair, on March 2nd. Norwich Cattle Market was opened for the sale of fat and store stock on April 7th, under certain conditions. (See January 5th, 1884.) 22.—The Spring Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held on the Old Cricket Ground, Lakenham. 24.—A public subscription was inaugurated to enable the city of Norwich to purchase a site for the erection of brigade depÔt barracks for the Norfolk Regiment. The War Office, it was announced, had agreed to retain the Cavalry Barracks on condition that the city provided a site for the infantry depÔt. On July 24th the War Office intimated their acceptance of the site on Plumstead Road, which was purchased at the cost of £1,600. 26.—The accomplished young tragedienne, Miss Alleyn, made her first appearance at Norwich Theatre in the character of Juliet, with a company under the management of Mr. Charles Bernard. Among her other impersonations during the engagement were Marguerite Gauthier (“Woman’s Love”), Lady Teazle, Adrienne Lecouvreur, Rosalind, Pauline, Iolanthe (“King RenÉ’s Daughter”), and Portia. Miss Alleyn was described as “incomparably the best actress seen on the Norwich stage within the last thirty years.” 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone passed through Lynn railway-station, on their way to Sandringham, to visit the Prince and Princess of Wales. “Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone travelled in a first-class carriage, and on the arrival of the train they were apparently asleep. Mr. Gladstone, however, soon woke up, and immediately one of his admirers, in the form of a ‘working-man,’ proceeded to the carriage window and introduced himself as one of his supporters, and thereupon shook hands with the Premier. On Sunday morning (April 1st), some prominent members of the Liberal party in Lynn received fictitious invitations to lunch with Mr. Gladstone at Sandringham, the envelopes in which the notes were enclosed bearing the postmark of that village.” The visit terminated on April 2nd. APRIL.11.—Mr. Melton Prior, special artist of the “Illustrated London News,” delivered at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, a pictorial lecture on the Egyptian War. 13.—A specially-invited company visited Carrow Works, Norwich, to witness the lighting of the premises for the first time with the electric 18.—The parish church of Wells-next-the-Sea, rebuilt at the cost of £10,000, after the destruction of the original building by lightning, on August 3rd, 1879, was opened. Mr. Herbert Green, of Norwich, was the architect, and Mr. S. C. Parmenter, of Braintree, Essex, the contractor. 20.—Died at Bank Street, Norwich, aged 48, Mr. R. T. Culley, Coroner for the County of Norfolk, to which office he was appointed in June, 1878, after discharging for sixteen years the duties of Deputy Coroner. 21.*—“Major-General Seager died the other day, at Scarborough, aged 71. General Seager rose from the ranks. He was regimental sergeant-major of the 8th Hussars when that regiment was stationed in Norwich in 1840, and formed an attachment for a young lady residing in the Close, whose parents interfered and stopped the further progress of the engagement, which they would hardly have done could they have anticipated the career which lay before the disdained young sergeant-major. Though in the ranks, he was the son of a Liverpool merchant. He won his honours and promotion in the Crimea and in the Indian Mutiny. For the former he was ‘specially mentioned’ for his bravery in the heroic Balaclava charge, when he broke through the Russian lines, for which he was made captain.” 22.—A porpoise was killed in the Yare at Buckenham Ferry. “A capture of this kind is unparalleled on the river Yare. It is supposed the fish came up on the night of the 21st, with the strong flood tide.” 24.—The Norwich Town Council decided to discontinue the experimental lighting of the city with the electric light. In the House of Commons, on August 1st, a Bill to confirm a provisional order of the Board of Trade, in reference to electric lighting at Norwich, was considered, and reported to be read a third time. 29.—The Mayor and Corporation of Norwich attended the re-opening service at St. Peter Mancroft church, on the completion of the great work of restoration. The sermon was preached by the Bishop of Liverpool. “By means of the liberal donations of Messrs. Gurney and Co., the twelve bells have been repaired and re-hung, three houses which stood on the churchyard have been purchased and taken down, and the accumulated soil has been removed from the church walls and the churchyard levelled.” MAY.3.—Mr. Hugh Aylmer’s herd of shorthorns was sold at West Dereham, by Mr. John Thornton. The cows and heifers (55 lots) averaged £69 11s. 3d., and the bulls (18) £72 14s. 10d. The total amount realised was £5,108 5s. 3.—A meeting of the freeholders in the Norwich district was held at the Shirehall, under the presidency of the High Sheriff (Colonel W. E. G. L. Bulwer), for the nomination of candidates for the office of County Coroner. Mr. John Furness, solicitor, of Forncett, was nominated 8.—The first steam fire-engine for the use of the city was tested in Norwich Market Place. It was purchased for £600, partly contributed by the Norwich Union Fire Office, and partly subscribed by the public. 26.*—“The Queen has been pleased to approve the 1st City of Norwich and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Norfolk Rifle Volunteer Corps to be known respectively as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions of the Norfolk Regiment regular force.” 27.—Died at his residence, St. Andrew’s Broad Street, Norwich, Mr. James Harcourt, aged 64, formerly choirmaster of the Norfolk and Norwich Musical Festival. He was a pupil of Mr. Pettet, a musician of great local repute, and organist of St. Peter Mancroft and St. Stephen’s churches. Mr. Harcourt succeeded to his master’s position at St. Peter’s, on its being relinquished by Mr. Critchfield, also a pupil and the successor of Mr. Pettet. He held that post for twenty-seven years. On the death of Mr. Hill he was chosen Festival choir-master, and was also conductor of the Norwich Philharmonic Society and of the Norfolk and Suffolk Church Choral Association. JUNE.2.—Died at Broad House, Wroxham, Mr. Alfred John N. Chamberlin, in his 60th year. He was a prominent supporter of aquatic sports, and the annual regatta on Wroxham Broad was mainly kept up by his energy. Mr. Chamberlin had been a member of the Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club from its commencement, and was one of the promoters of the National Fisheries Exhibition at Norwich. 5.—In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, before Mr. Justice Chitty, was heard the action, the Mayor and Corporation of Norwich v. Browne and other inhabitants of Pockthorpe, by which the plaintiffs sought to establish the title of the citizens to Mousehold Heath. Judgment was given on the 7th, in favour of the Corporation, to whom the Ecclesiastical Commissioners had transferred their rights in the Heath. It was understood that if the defendants loyally accepted the judgment, no attempt would be made by the Corporation to enforce costs. On November 5th an official inquiry was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, by Mr. H. S. Milman, Assistant Land Commissioner, into objections or suggestions respecting a draft scheme prepared for the regulation of Mousehold Heath. (See April 28th, 1884.) 18.—Died at Bournemouth, Major Charles Loftus. A son of General William Loftus, of Kilbride, co. Wicklow, Colonel of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, and lieutenant of the Tower of London, by his second wife, Lady Elizabeth Townshend, only surviving daughter of George, first Marquis Townshend, he was born at Stiffkey, on September 21st, 1796, 20.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Fakenham. Prince Albert Victor came from Sandringham and made a tour of the showyard in company with Lord Hastings, the president for the year. The show was continued on the 21st. 30.—A disastrous thunderstorm occurred at Norwich. Many of the low-lying streets were flooded by the rain water, and in Grove Street, Unthank’s Road, a man sheltering beneath a tree was struck dead by lightning. Another man was killed by lightning on the farm of Mr. Keable, at Earlham, and some of the farm buildings were destroyed by fire. In several parts of the county stacks were fired and live stock killed. JULY.9.—Died at Southtown, Yarmouth, Commander Francis Harris, R.N. He entered the Navy on July 12th, 1805, as first-class volunteer on board the Temeraire, 98, Captain Harvey and Sir Charles Hamilton, in which ship he was present at the battle of Trafalgar. From 1826 to 1860 he was employed with the Coast Guard, and retired with the rank of commander. 13.—Died at Tunstead, the Rev. G. H. Harris, aged 57, for twenty years rector of the parish. Mr. Harris was well known for his exertions in behalf of church bell-ringing, and was the means of reviving the art not only in his own neighbourhood, but in other parts of the county. He was the originator and honorary secretary of the Norwich Diocesan Association of Ringers. 14.—In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, before Vice-Chancellor Bacon, an order was made for the compulsory winding-up of the Norwich Equitable Fire Insurance Company, which was stated to be insolvent. 25.—Died at East Dereham, where he had spent the declining years of his life, Mr. Antonio James Oury, the celebrated violinist. Mr. Oury was born in London in 1800. His father, a native of Nice and of noble descent, left home to follow the early campaigns of the then General Bounaparte, and was taken prisoner by the British and landed near Southampton, at which place he married, in 1799, the daughter of a Mr. Hughes, a musician and dancing master. Young Oury at the age of AUGUST.6.—Lady Walsingham unveiled a fountain and rest erected at Swaffham as a memorial to Sir William Bagge, Bart., for thirty-six years a representative in Parliament of the Western Division of the county. Its cost, which amounted to £800, was defrayed by public subscription. 7.—Died suddenly at a board meeting of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, of which he was a director, Mr. Elijah Crosier Bailey, Clerk of the Peace for the city, aged 65. He was head of the firm of Bailey, Cross, and Barnard, solicitors, and was appointed Clerk to the Norwich Board of Guardians in 1844, in succession to Mr. Roger Kerrison, and resigned in 1879. On the death of Mr. Arthur Dalrymple in 1868 he was elected Clerk of the Peace. Mr. Bailey was for many years secretary of the Norfolk Agricultural Association, and on his resignation of that office was appointed honorary director. A warm supporter of the party, he was for a long period Conservative agent for East Norfolk. Mr. Bailey married, first, Miss Cann, daughter of Mr. W. R. Cann, of Wymondham, by whom he left four sons; and, secondly, in January, 1879, Miss Haselwood, of Swardon, Kent, granddaughter of Sir Edward Dering, Bart., M.P. —At Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Day, Joseph Betts, described as a labourer, was charged with maliciously sending to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Norwich, on June 5th, a letter threatening to murder him. Mr. Blofeld, for the prosecution, said that the 11.—The scheme prepared by the Charity Commissioners for the future management of the endowed schools and children’s hospitals in connection with King Edward VI.’s charity and Anguish’s and Norman’s charities, was published. The scheme for the Grammar and Commercial Schools was practically the same as those promulgated in 1878. In the matter of Anguish’s charity, it was proposed to divide the endowment into two parts, one to be called Thomas Anguish’s endowment for boys, and the other Thomas Anguish’s endowment for girls. The existing boys’ school was to be given up, the master pensioned, and the income devoted, so far as £200 yearly was concerned, to providing lodging, clothing, and maintenance for boys holding exhibitions preferentially awarded under the scheme. With the rest of the income the governors were to maintain seven special exhibitions for poor boys who for not less than three years had been scholars in some public elementary school or schools, and as many general exhibitions for poor boys as the income available would allow to be tenable at either of King Edward VI. schools. As to Thomas Anguish’s endowment for girls, the girls’ hospital was to be abolished and the income applied in the same way as that for boys, except that £300 yearly was to be devoted to providing lodging, clothing, and maintenance for orphan or other necessitous girls. Norman’s charity was to cease to exist in its then form, the master pensioned, and the endowment to be appropriated to the maintenance of a girls’ middle school, the scheme for which was practically the same as that for the King Edward VI. Middle School for Boys, and to be known as Norman’s School, provision being made for the acquisition by purchase of the Girls’ Hospital School at Lakenham by the new governors of the Norman School. On August 28th the Norwich Town Council passed resolutions in opposition to the scheme, on the ground that it was contrary to the wishes of the founders and of the people of Norwich; and similar resolutions were carried at a meeting of the Norwich Charities Protection Society held at the Guildhall on September 10th, under the presidency of the Sheriff. (See February 3rd, 1888.) 20.—Miss Maude Branscombe and her London company appeared at Norwich Theatre in the comedy, “Masks and Dominoes,” and the burlesque, “Undine, or ye Nymph, ye Knight, and ye Awful Fright.” —The Norfolk acid Norwich Hospital was opened by the Duke and Duchess of Connaught upon its completion. The actual expenditure to this date had been £51,179, of which about £39,118 had been obtained by subscription, £10,192 was withdrawn from invested capital, and £2,569 was advanced to the treasurer by Messrs. Gurney and Co. To 28.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. J. Wilson Gilbert was elected Clerk of the Peace by 27 votes, against 25 recorded for Mr. George Alden Stevens. SEPTEMBER.3.—Died, at Norwich, Mr. Alfred Master, F.R.C.S., aged 67. He was a son of Colonel Harcourt Master, and was born at Catton. A pupil of Mr. P. N. Scott, and afterwards of Mr. J. Godwin Johnson, with whom he became associated in practice, Mr. Master was for many years surgeon of the County Gaol. He was a magistrate of the city and a prominent member of the committee of the Norfolk and Norwich Musical Festival. 7.—Knapton church was re-opened by the Bishop of Norwich. It had been restored at the cost of about £2,000. 10.—Mr. J. C. Buckmaster, of the Science and Art Department, South Kensington, delivered a lecture at Cromer on “Science Teaching in Agriculture.” Mr. Buckmaster also lectured at North Walsham, Coltishall, Aylsham, Wymondham, and Norwich. —Mr. Sheil Barry made his first appearance on the Norwich stage in his famous impersonation of Gaspard in “Les Cloches de Corneville.” 14.—Died, in his 83rd year, the Rev. John Methold, vicar of Wighton. He was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, and was appointed to his living in 1839. “It is a singular fact that the last three vicars of Wighton, Mr. Charles, Mr. Tickell, and Mr. Methold, held the vicarage for no less than 143 years.” Mr. Methold played for Harrow in the first cricket match which that school won against Eton. 15.—Died, at his residence, Ber Street House, Norwich, Mr. John May Robberds, of the firm of Fosters, Burroughes, and Robberds, solicitors, aged 74. A son of John Warden Robberds, who in his day was a geologist of some note, and contributed the historical and geological notes to “Stark’s River Scenery,” Mr. Robberds had lived in comparative retirement for upwards of half a century. He was unrivalled as an authority upon conveyancing law. OCTOBER.1.—At Norwich Police Court, Mr. William Sidney, proprietor of the 15.—The coming of age of Mr. John Cator, eldest son of Mr. Albemarle Cator, was celebrated at Woodbastwick by a village fÊte. 18.—The Duke of Portland laid the last stone of a new dock at Lynn. 30.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference was opened at the Victoria Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop. The proceedings concluded on the 31st. NOVEMBER.9.—Dr. Eade was elected Mayor and Mr. J. Farrar Ranson appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 12.—Col. Boileau, at the annual distribution of prizes to the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, announced his impending retirement from the command of the corps. He was succeeded by Lieut.-Colonel Mansel. 23.—The headquarters of the 4th (Queen’s Own) Hussars arrived at the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich. 24.—A fire occurred on the premises of Mr. Ilott, Bridewell Alley, Norwich, and caused damage to the amount of between £1,200 and £1,500. DECEMBER.3.—Mr. David James commenced a six nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre in the character of Perkyn Middlewick (“Our Boys”). 18.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council an important letter was read from Mr. John Gurney, of Sprowston Hall, referring to the opportunity then afforded to acquire Norwich Castle and the surrounding grounds for the use and recreation of the citizens. (See February 19th, 1884.) 28.—The Mayor and Mayoress of Norwich (Dr. and Mrs. Eade) entertained 820 aged men and women at St. Andrew’s Hall. 1884.JANUARY.5.—A great meeting of Norfolk farmers was held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, at which was passed a series of resolutions affirming that they viewed with alarm the serious loss imposed upon the nation by the importation of live stock from countries where foot and mouth disease was known to exist, and calling upon the Government to order the withdrawal of existing restrictions on the removal of stock in England. On the 29th a similar meeting, presided over by Lord Walsingham, was held at Lynn, and a third meeting took place at Fakenham on the 31st. Deputations from the Corporations of Norwich and Lynn waited upon the local authority at Norwich on February 23rd to discuss what steps should be taken to effect the re-opening of the cattle markets in the city and borough, and it was decided to send a deputation to the Privy Council. This deputation, consisting of representatives of the county authority, and of the Corporations of Norwich and Lynn, waited upon Lord Carlingford on February 28th, and asked for the immediate opening of the markets and the removal or modification of other restrictions. At the quarterly meeting of the county magistrates on April 10th, Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., reported that the sum of £2,586 had been expended during the three months for inspection and expenses in carrying out the provisions of the Act. The Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act Amendment Bill was read a second time on March 21st and a third time on May 3rd, and on May 19th it received the Royal assent and became law. 20.—Died, at King’s Lynn, Mr. James Fiddaman. He began life in very humble circumstances and without the advantages afforded by education. The son of a tailor in a small way of business, he first acted as an assistant to his uncle, who was ostler at a tavern in Lynn. He was afterwards ostler or “boots” at inns and hotels in neighbouring towns; subsequently he tramped the country for a time, visiting London, Brighton, and other places in quest of a good situation. Eventually he returned to Lynn, took a public-house known as the Wheatsheaf, in Norfolk Street, and made it the local centre of the sporting interest in West Norfolk. After a time he bought the house, converted it into an hotel and wine vaults, and rapidly made a fortune. Mr. Fiddaman was a munificent donor to many benevolent institutions, and his private acts of charity were numerous. An enormous concourse of persons attended his funeral. 30.—Died, at his residence, Thorpe St. Andrew, Mr. Richard Noverre Bacon, aged 85, probably the oldest journalist in the kingdom. At an early age he was engaged in newspaper work under his father, Richard FEBRUARY.19.—A deputation of Norfolk magistrates and members of the Norwich Town Council waited upon the Home Secretary (Sir William Harcourt) on the subject of the proposed provision of a new prison site at Norwich. Lord Walsingham explained the objects of the deputation. The county prison at Norwich, with the Castle and a portion of the ground on which it stands, having been offered under Section 34 of the Prisons Act, 1877, for re-purchase by the original prison authority, i.e., the county of Norfolk, at the statutory price fixed by the Act (amounting in this case to £10,569), a committee was appointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions for the county, and another committee by the Town Council of Norwich. The county authority would not consent to take money out of the pockets of the heavily-burdened ratepayers for the repurchase of property which they had been compelled by law to part with for nothing; but they asked that this ancient and interesting piece of county property should be restored to its original owners “that it might be by them preserved to the best advantage in all its imposing dignity and grandeur.” The Mayor of Norwich (Dr. Eade) stated that Mr. John Gurney had gone so far as to offer, free of cost, another site for a prison. The Home Secretary replied that the Prison Commissioners would not abandon the site, but would continue to occupy it, unless an offer were made which they could accept. If it was desired that they should go elsewhere, it should be made worth their while to do so. At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council on April 10th it was reported that the Home Secretary was willing to accept £5,000 for the Castle, and that a still further reduction was probable. On June 17th the Mayor announced to the Corporation that the Government had agreed to sell to the city the Castle and its environments for £4,000; and it was resolved to purchase the property for that sum. (See October 19th, 1886.) 20.—Mr. C. S. Read was returned unopposed to fill the vacancy in the representation of the Western Division of the county, caused by the resignation of Mr. Bentinck, M.P. Mr. Read took his seat in the House of Commons on the 21st, and had a very cordial reception. “The Premier shook his hand when he came to the table, and a score of members behind the chair greeted him as heartily.” 15.—On this date were published the names of Norfolk men, and of those connected with the county, who had distinguished themselves at the battle of Teb, on March 13th. The list included Colonel Sir Redvers Buller, of Castle Rising; Commander Rolfe, of Heacham; Major Haggard, son of Mr. Haggard, of East Bradenham; Lieutenant Probyn (killed), nephew of Sir Dighton Probyn; and Captain Wilson, R.N., of the Hecla, son of Mr. Knyvett Wilson, of Swaffham. Captain Wilson afterwards received the Victoria Cross. 20.—Mr. Oscar Wilde lectured before a large audience in the Assembly Room, Agricultural Hall, Norwich, on the subject of “The House Beautiful.” 22.—The Spring Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was held for the first time at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. Since this date the show has been held annually in the same building in the month of March. 26.—Mr. E. P. Weston, the celebrated pedestrian, who on the 15th completed his walk of 5,000 miles in as many consecutive hours (Sundays and Christmas Day excluded), delivered a lecture at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, on “How I Came to Walk into Walking.” The Mayor (Dr. Eade) presided. Weston, whose address was in the cause of temperance, stated that in fourteen years he had walked 56,000 miles. 28.—Intelligence was received at Norwich of the death, at Cannes, of the Duke of Albany. The great bell of St. Peter Mancroft was tolled, and flags displayed at half-mast. References were made to the sad event by preachers in various places of worship on Sunday, the 30th; on April 8th the Town Council passed a resolution of condolence with her Majesty the Queen and the Duchess of Albany; and on April 10th the county magistrates adopted a similar resolution. APRIL.12.—Died, at Rackheath Park, Lady Stracey, wife of Sir Henry J. Stracey, Bart. Her ladyship was a daughter of Mr. George Denne, of the Paddock, Canterbury, and married Sir Henry on March 5th, 1835. Of the marriage there were eight sons and six daughters. —Died, at Yarmouth, Mr. William Norton Burroughs, in his 86th year. He was Mayor of the borough in 1846. 14.—Madame Cave-Ashton’s Opera Company commenced an engagement at Norwich Theatre, in “Il Trovatore.” 25.—Died, at Morningthorpe Rectory, the Rev. Edmund Nelson Rolfe, eldest son of the Rev. Robert Rolfe, rector of Hempnall aged 73. He was first cousin to Lord Chancellor Cranworth. “Of an old Norfolk family, he bore the Christian name of Nelson to mark his relationship to the great Lord Nelson. His mother was a daughter of the Rev. Edmund Nelson, and aunt to Horatio Viscount Nelson.” 28.—The Royal assent was given to “The City of Norwich (Mousehold Heath) Scheme Confirmation.” 1.—At St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Rev. Sidney Linton, D.D., vicar of St. Philip’s, Heigham, Norwich, was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Riverina, New South Wales. A farewell meeting was held in St. Philip’s parish on May 26th, when the Bishop received parting gifts. 13.—“Cuthbert Bede” (the Rev. Edward Bradley), author of “Verdant Green,” lectured in the Assembly Room, Agricultural Hall, Norwich, on “Modern Humourists.” 19.—In the Court of Appeal, Lords Justices Baggallay, Cotton, and Lindley commenced the hearing of the appeal case, Boswell and others v. Coaks and others. This was an appeal from the judgment of Mr. Justice Fry in the action brought by Mr. J. F. Boswell and Mr. James Baxter on behalf of themselves and of other unsatisfied creditors of Sir Robert John Harvey, deceased, against Isaac Bugg Coaks and others, to have the purchase of a life interest on certain property set aside. Mr. Justice Fry had given judgment for the defendants, and from that judgment the plaintiffs now appealed. On Wednesday, 28th, the sixth day of the hearing, their lordships adjourned until after the Whitsuntide recess. The hearing was resumed on June 12th, and continued until June 16th, when Lord Baggallay said their lordships would consider their judgment. On July 31st judgment was given for the plaintiffs. “The arguments of counsel and examination of witnesses in the appeal occupied the time of the Court for nine days, and it is just over six weeks since the case closed and their lordships announced that they would consider their judgment. It amounts to a complete vindication of the action taken by the plaintiffs, for whom practically the verdict throughout was given, with costs.” (See December 9th, 1885.) 29.—Died, at Wimbledon, the Right Hon. Sir Bartle Frere, G.C.B., G.C.S.I. He belonged to an ancient family established in Norfolk and Suffolk from the time of the Conquest, and was a younger brother of Mr. George Edward Frere, of Roydon, near Diss. Born on March 29th, 1815, he was educated at Bath Grammar School, and at the age of seventeen was nominated to Haileybury; in the entrance examination he came out last but one, but once admitted he set himself to work with such energy that at the end of 1833 be passed from the college as its foremost student into the ranks of the Company’s Civil Service. His name will ever be associated with South African diplomacy. 31.—A great county and city meeting was held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Earl of Leicester, for the purpose of taking such measures as might be necessary to induce the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England to hold their annual meeting at Norwich in 1886. Resolutions were adopted in furtherance of the objects of the meeting. (See July 12th, 1886.) JUNE.10.—A fire occurred at Scole, and resulted in the destruction of the shop of Mr. A. Pettit, and of other property. Mr. Pettit’s loss amounted to upwards of £1,000. —Died, at Catton, Mrs. Mary Sewell, widow of Mr. Isaac Sewell. She was the daughter of Mr. John Wright, of Buxton, and was born in 18.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association opened at Lynn, and was continued on the 19th. Sir Lewis W. Jarvis was president. 26.—Died, at Newmarket Road, Norwich, Mr. John Pymar, aged 76. For more than fifty years he served the city in various capacities, but never aspired to the higher offices. For nearly half a century Mr. Pymar was a member of the Board of Guardians, and for more than forty years an alderman of the city. Throughout his career he was a moderate and consistent Liberal. —Died, at Prince’s Street, Norwich, Mr. John Quinton, for fifty-five years librarian at the Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, aged 72. 28.—Died, at Yarmouth, aged 73, Mr. Charles Cory Aldred, Deputy-Mayor of the borough. In early life he served as naval surgeon in H.M.S. Dreadnought, and was afterwards surgeon-major in the Norfolk Artillery Militia. 29.—The Rev. Frederick Baggallay, who had been elected vicar of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, in succession to the Ven. Archdeacon Nevill, officiated for the first time. He was the fifth son of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, Lord Justice of Appeal, and formerly curate at St. George’s, Hanover Square. JULY.1.—St. John’s church, Yarmouth, was re-opened after further enlargement, at the cost of £1,500. Within a quarter of a century the building had been five times enlarged. —Died, at Glaisdale Lodge, Hunstanton, Rhoda Bunn, formerly of Wolferton, in her 104th year. She was born at Beeston-next-Mileham, on February 23rd, 1781, “and shortly after her last birthday was presented by the Queen with her portrait upon receipt of a photograph of the old lady sent by the vicar, the Rev. A. Waller.” 7.—Colonel George Wilson Boileau was presented by the members of the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, at Norwich, with a 14.—A large meeting of the Conservative party in West Norfolk was held at Swaffham “with the object of supporting the Lords in their constitutional action with regard to the Franchise Bill.” This was the first of many meetings held throughout the county at which the principle of redistribution was strongly enforced, and Mr. Bright’s famous dictum at Bradford in 1859 quoted: “Repudiate without mercy any Bill of any Government, whatever its franchise, whatever its seeming concessions may be, if it does not redistribute the seats.” At Lynn, on July 22nd, Sir Stafford Northcote, Lord Cranborne, and Mr. Bourke addressed a largely-attended meeting in support of redistribution, and at Norwich, on the 29th, the Earl of Donoughmore, Sir Hardinge Giffard, Q.C., M.P., and Sir R. J. Buxon, M.P., spoke in favour of the action of the House of Lords. —The newly-erected parish church at Edgefield was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. The dilapidated church of SS. Peter and Paul standing upon the confines of the parish had been demolished, and the materials capable of being re-used were utilised for the erection of the new church upon a more convenient site. The demolition was commenced on November 13th, 1882, and the building of the new church was carried out from plans by Mr. J. D. Steading, of Charlotte Street, Bradford Square, W.C., by Mr. Bartram, builder, of Aylsham, at the cost of £1,900. 30.—Deopham church was re-opened, after restoration by Messrs. Cornish and Gaymer, of North Walsham. AUGUST.9.—Died, at Merton Rectory, the Rev. George Crabbe, B.A. He was a son of the eldest brother of the celebrated poet Crabbe, and was born at Pucklechurch, Somerset, in 1819. Educated at Bury St. Edmund’s School, and at Queen’s College, Cambridge, he was presented to the living of Merton by Lord Walsingham, father of the present peer. Mr. Crabbe married his cousin, the third daughter of the Rev. George Crabbe, younger son of the poet. During the last two or three years of his life he was engaged in examining and arranging the family documents at Merton Hall, and the result of his researches was published in 1883 by direction of the Committee of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society, under the title of “Robert de Grey, Recusant.” This was followed by Part I. of “A Report on the Muniments of Merton Hall, Norfolk,” published in the “Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany,” edited by Walter Rye. Part II. was nearly completed at the time of his death. 11.—Great heat was experienced on this date. “The heat registered in the shade was 90 degrees at Eaton, and 95 in Park Lane, Norwich.” A violent thunderstorm occurred on the 12th. 13.—Died suddenly, at Brighton railway station, the Duke of Wellington. Born February 3rd, 1807, he succeeded his illustrious father, the greatest of British generals, on September 14th, 1852. As Lord Douro he was elected Conservative member for Aldeburgh in 1830, and retained his seat until 1831. In 1837 he was returned for 21.—Died suddenly, at Cranmer Hall, Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart., aged 63. He was the second son of Major-General Sir John Thomas Jones, K.C.B., aide-de-camp to the Queen (who was created a baronet in 1831), by Catherine Maria, daughter of Mr. Effingham Laurence, of New York. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took a wrangler’s degree in 1843, he entered for the Bar, but his future career was decided by the death of his brother, Sir Laurence Jones, who, having held the baronetcy for only two years, was murdered by brigands whilst on a tour in Turkey, in November, 1845. Sir Willoughby, on succeeding to the baronetcy, devoted himself to the pursuits and duties of a country gentleman. He was for nearly thirty years Chairman of the Norfolk Court of Quarter Sessions, chairman of the Norwich centre of the Cambridge Local Examinations, and a member of the ArchÆological Society and of the Naturalists’ Society. He also took great interest in the Volunteer movement, and in its early days was captain of the 10th Company of Norfolk Rifles. Sir Willoughby served the office of High Sheriff in 1851, and married in 1856 his cousin, Emily, daughter of Mr. Henry Taylor Jones, of Chatham, by whom he left three sons and four daughters. In early life he was a Conservative, and as such sat for Cheltenham in 1847–48; but he afterwards changed his principles, and in 1865, as a Liberal, unsuccessfully contested West Norfolk. 25.—Mr. Edward Terry commenced a three nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre, as Captain Ginger (“Weak Woman”). His other impersonations were Chevalier Walkinshaw (“The Rocket”), Kerry (“Kerry, or Night and Morning”), and Paul Pry. 26.—A long and heated discussion took place at a meeting of the Norwich Town Council on a motion for adopting a recommendation by the Libraries Committee “that the reading room at the Free Library be opened on Sundays from 3 o’clock until 9 p.m., from Michaelmas to Christmas next, by way of experiment.” A strong protest was handed in on behalf of the clergy of the city, and the motion was defeated by 21 votes against 12. SEPTEMBER.20.—It was announced that the Mousehold site for the new brigade depot for the Norfolk Regiment had been handed over to the military authorities, and plans were in hand for the erection of the barracks. (See June 18th, 1888.) 29.—A new lifeboat was launched at Cromer, and was named by Mrs. Bond-Cabbell the “Benjamin Bond-Cabbell.” It was built by Messrs. Beeching, of Yarmouth. OCTOBER.6.—The Eastern and Midland Railway extension to Holt was inspected and approved by Major-General Hutchinson. 15.—The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at Norwich from Melton Constable, where they were on a visit to Lord and Lady Hastings, and attended the Musical Festival. Their Royal Highnesses arrived at the City Station of the Eastern and Midlands Railway at 11.40 and were received by the Mayor (Dr. Eade), the Sheriff (Mr. J. Farrar Ranson), and the Deputy-Mayor (Mr. C. R. Gilman), and were escorted to St. Andrew’s Hall by a detachment of the 4th (Queen’s Own) Hussars. During the interval in the performance of “The Redemption” their Royal Highnesses and a distinguished company were entertained to luncheon by the Mayor. On leaving the hall the Prince and Princess visited the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, and later returned to Melton Constable. Their Royal Highnesses again visited the city on the evening of the 17th, and attended the Festival concert, at the conclusion of which they proceeded to Melton Constable, and ended their visit to Lord and Lady Hastings on the 18th. NOVEMBER.6.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference commenced its sittings at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich. The proceedings ended on the 7th. 7.—The new building erected on St. James’s Road by the Corporation of Lynn, for the reception of the Stanley Library, was opened. The Bishop of Carlisle (Dr. Harvey Goodwin, son of Mr. Charles Goodwin, of Lynn) delivered an inaugural address, in the course of which he reviewed the changes and improvements in his native town since he last visited it twenty-five years previously. 10.—Mr. John Hotblack was elected Mayor and Mr. William Howard Dakin appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 18.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council the Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee reported that counsel was of opinion “that the Corporation should for the present hold its hand and not make any further distribution among the freemen of the funds arising from the Town Close Estate.” The recommendation of the Committee “that the question of payment remain in abeyance until the next meeting,” was adopted by 45 votes against 11. At an adjourned meeting held on December 16th “to consider the case submitted to the Solicitor-General and Mr. Asquith,” Mr. Hackblock moved the adoption of the recommendation of the Parliamentary and Bylaws Committee “that the City Treasurer be directed to carry the amounts of the rents of the 30.—Died, at Costessey Park, the Right Hon. Henry Valentine Baron Stafford. He was a son of George William, eighth lord (in whose favour an attainder was reversed in 1824), by his first wife, Frances Henrietta, youngest daughter and co-heiress of Mr. Edward Sulyarde, of Wetherdon, Suffolk, and was born January 2nd, 1802. His lordship was twice married, first on February 13th, 1829, to Julia, second daughter of Mr. Edward C. Howard, F.R.S., and niece of the 12th Duke of Norfolk, who died in November, 1856; and, secondly, in September, 1859, to Emma Eliza, daughter of Mr. Frederick S. Gerard, of Aspull House, Lincolnshire, and niece of Robert Lord Gerard, by whom he was survived. He was one of the first Roman Catholics who sat in the House of Commons after the passing of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill, when he was chosen member for Pontefract. On the occasion of the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Queen of Denmark, and the Duke of Edinburgh to Norwich, in 1866, Lord Stafford entertained them at Costessey Park. In recognition of his munificent liberality on that occasion a subscription was inaugurated by the Corporation of Norwich for a full-length portrait of his lordship, which was placed in St. Andrew’s Hall. Lord Stafford was the courtliest of gentlemen and the most liberal of landlords. DECEMBER.2.—Died, at Bacton Grange, North Walsham, in his 67th year, Mr. William Partridge Cubitt. He was born at Bacton, where the Cubitt family had been for many generations tenants under the Wodehouses. As a coal merchant he owned ships which traded between Bacton and the North. For many years he was captain of the Bacton lifeboat crew, and had received medals and certificates for courageously saving life on 2.—A meeting was held at King’s Lynn, at which was formed for West Norfolk a branch of the National Fair Trade League. The principles of the League were, for a time, advocated in this and other parts of Norfolk, but the movement was short-lived. 3.—Died, at the Close, Norwich, Mr. John Orfeur, in his 80th year. He was a son of Lieutenant Abdiel Orfeur, R.N., of Great Yarmouth, a descendant of the family of Orfeur in Cumberland. By business a timber merchant, he devoted his leisure time to scientific pursuits, was one of the promoters of the Norwich Geological Society, and of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society, and a warm supporter of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. 6.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture adopted a resolution affirming its belief that the long-continued depression in agriculture injuriously affected all other industries, and its desire that a Committee of the two Houses of Parliament should enquire into the causes of the distress and recommend such practical remedies as might be found advisable. Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., moved a similar resolution at a meeting of the Central Chamber of Agriculture, on December 10th. 16.—Died, at Houghton Hall, his seat in Norfolk, the Marquis of Cholmondeley. His lordship, who was born August 31st, 1800, was the younger of the two sons of George James, fourth earl and first Marquis of Cholmondeley, by his marriage with the Lady Georgina Charlotte Bertie, second daughter and co-heiress of Peregrine, third Duke of Ancaster. He was educated at Eton and Christ Church, and at the age of 22, as Lord Henry Cholmondeley, he entered the House of Commons as one of the members for the pocket borough of Castle Rising, in the place of his brother, Lord Rocksavage, who was called to the Upper House in his father’s Barony of Newburgh. In 1832 Castle Rising was disfranchised under Lord John Russell’s Reform Act, and Lord Henry remained out of Parliament until 1852, when he was returned as one of the members for South Hampshire. In May, 1870, on his elder brother’s death, he succeeded to the Marquisate and the rest of the family honours, and to the estates of Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire, and of Houghton Hall, Norfolk. He was an excellent and considerate landlord, and did his best to encourage agricultural improvements on his estates. 17.—An extensive fire occurred in the drapery establishment of Mr. Alfred Jermyn, High Street, Lynn. A range of buildings was entirely destroyed. The premises were valued at £6,500, and the stock in trade at £20,000. 26.—Messrs. T. W. Robertson and H. Brace’s Comedy Company appeared at Norwich Theatre in the farcical pieces, “Nita’s First” and “My Milliner’s Bill.” At Messrs. John Sanger and Son’s Circus, at the Agricultural Hall, was produced the Christmas spectacle, “Aladdin, or an Old Lamp with a New Face.” 29.—Died, at Bridewell Alley, Norwich, aged 53, Mr. Arthur Dale Ventnor, a well-known portrait painter. 1885.JANUARY.2.—The Hon. T. W. H. Pelham, one of the Commissioners appointed to inquire as to the boundaries to be assigned to the divisions of the several counties under the Redistribution of Seats Bill, attended at the Shirehall, Norwich, for the purpose of receiving suggestions and of hearing objections as to the constitution of the divisions of the county of Norfolk. On February 28th it was announced that the Commissioners had issued their report and had determined the areas of the six divisions into which the county would be divided, with one member to each. These were known as South, South-West, East, North, Mid, and North-West. Yarmouth and King’s Lynn were allotted one member each. 6.—Died, at Cathedral Street, Norwich, Mrs. Emily Stannard, widow of Joseph Stannard, artist, and daughter of Daniel Coppin, aged 82. Mrs. Stannard was a clever painter of fruit, flowers, and still life. In 1821 she was presented with the large gold medal of the Society of Arts for an original painting of fruit, and in 1828 received a gold medal for a painting of game. 8.—The coming of age of Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward of Wales, eldest son of the Prince and Princess of Wales, was marked by great rejoicings not only at Sandringham, but throughout the county. Addresses and gifts were presented by the tenantry, and by the Corporations of Norwich and Lynn; Sanger’s circus company from Norwich gave performances for the amusement of the villagers; and in the evening a grand ball took place at Sandringham House. The Mayor of Norwich (Mr. John Hotblack) invited 600 children to a fancy dress ball given at St. Andrew’s Hall in honour of the event. 15.—The Mayor and Corporation of Norwich attended at St. Andrew’s Hall to inaugurate an art loan exhibition in aid of St. Peter Mancroft church restoration fund, and of the churchyard improvement. The exhibition remained open for three weeks, and realised a balance of £517. 21.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before the Lord Chief Justice, Mr. Hamon le Strange brought an action against the Corporation of Lynn for the purpose of determining the boundary between his fishery and the 21.—Died, at All Saints’ Green, Norwich, Thomas Frederick Armes, bugle-major of the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment. Formerly in the 4th Light Dragoons, he took part in the famous light cavalry charge at Balaclava, in which he was wounded and left for dead on the field. 26.—The Prince of Wales attended the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk Freemasons at Lynn, and was present at the banquet presided over by Lord Suffield. 29.—A widow, named Elizabeth Everitt, 50 years of age, of Wormegay, near Downham Market, was murdered by her son, William Everitt. The murderer was certified to be insane, and was removed to the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum. —Died, at Hill House, Surlingham, Mr. Frederick Anthony Mills, in his 85th year. Born at Pulham St. Mary, where for many years his father practised as a surgeon, he received his early education under Valpy at Norwich Grammar School, and was one of the last survivors of the Valpeian Club. A taste for natural history and anatomical investigation rendered his studies when a pupil at Guy’s both congenial and promising. For some time he practised surgery in Norwich in partnership with Mr. Cadge, and after the death of his wife, settled at Surlingham with his old friend and fellow-sportsman, Mr. Robert Pratt, and indulged in his favourite pursuits of fishing and shooting. Mr. Mills was a Liberal of the old school, “but his contempt for mere party triumphs led him to speak with more pride than regret of his never having been a member of the Norwich Town Council.” FEBRUARY.2.—Died, at Surrey Street, Norwich, Mrs. Louisa Mary Barwell, widow of Mr. John Barwell. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. Richard Mackenzie Bacon, and was born March 4th, 1800. In early life she showed great taste and talent in music, became one of the finest amateur singers of her day, and assisted her father in editing the “Musical Review.” In 1824 she married Mr. John Barwell, and soon afterwards contributed articles to the “Journal of Education” and other similar periodicals. Mrs. Barwell in 1833 published her first book, “Little Lessons for Little Learners.” Her works on educational subjects numbered fourteen. 11.—The “Tichborne Claimant” (who was released from Pentonville Prison on October 20th, 1884) appeared at Sanger’s Circus, Norwich, and addressed the audience on his life and adventures. He made a second appearance on the 12th. MARCH.5.—A “service of humiliation” was held in the nave of Norwich Cathedral, “with prayers for our nation in general and specially for our soldiers and sailors in Egypt.” —A salmon trout, weighing 4¾ lbs., was captured at Pull’s Ferry, Norwich. 7.—At the Norfolk Adjourned Quarter Sessions, held at the Shirehall, Norwich, Mr. T. H. B. Heslop of Thames Ditton, Surrey, was appointed County Surveyor, in place of Mr. R. M. Phipson, deceased. APRIL.6.—An English Opera Company, including Mr. Faulkner Leigh, Madame Cave-Ashton, Madame Campobello, and Mr. William Parkinson, commenced a season at Norwich Theatre in the operas of “La Sonnambula,” “The Waterman,” “Il Trovatore,” “Pygmalion and Galatea,” “Maritana,” &c. Sir Julius Benedict was announced as conductor, but in consequence of his serious illness his name was withdrawn. —The annual conference of the National Union of Elementary Teachers opened at the Lecture Hall, Prince’s Street, Norwich, and concluded on the 9th. 19.—Died, at his residence, Heigham, Norwich, aged 84, the Rev. Frederick Field, LL.D. He graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he obtained the Tyrwhitt Hebrew Scholarship, and took his Bachelor’s degree as tenth wrangler and Chancellor’s medallist. He was afterwards elected to a Fellowship, and in 1843 was instituted to the rectory of Reepham, which he held till 1863. In 1875 he was created an honorary LL.D. of Cambridge University. Dr. Field was a member of the Old Testament Revision Committee, and the editor of “Barrow’s Treatise on the Pope’s Supremacy,” and of several learned works published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the Clarendon Press, Oxford, and the Cambridge University Press. 21.—Died, at Hill House, Dersingham, Captain William D’Urban Blyth, late 14th Hussars, aged 59. He was a member of an old Norfolk family, and joined his regiment, then the 14th Light Dragoons, in India in 1847. He served through the Punjaub Campaign of 1848 and 1849; and with the Central India Field Force, under Sir Hugh Rose, during the Mutiny. Captain Blyth for some time held the post of riding master in his regiment, and in addition superintended the training of 1,200 remounts for cavalry during the Crimean War. He took part in thirty-six separate engagements, and was never once wounded. On retiring from the Army he settled at Weasenham Hall, his birthplace, and subsequently at Dersingham, where he became a warm supporter of the West Norfolk Foxhounds, and a justice of the peace. 1.—A “habitation” of the Primrose League was inaugurated at Holt at a meeting held under the presidency of Sir Alfred Jodrell, Bart. This is the first record of the formation of a branch of the organization in Norfolk. The preliminary meeting was followed by a great gathering held in the same town on May 12th. Other “habitations” were quickly formed in various parts of the county. 9.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture discussed the question of inaugurating a series of agricultural experiments. The committee to whom the matter had been referred reported in favour of the proposal, which had the warm support of the Prince of Wales and the Earl of Leicester. The report was adopted, and it was decided to commence experiments in the autumn. An address on the subject was delivered by Sir Thomas Acland, M.P. 20.—The Prince of Wales arrived at Yarmouth, and on the 21st inspected the Norfolk Artillery, in which Prince Albert Victor was serving at the time. On the 22nd the Prince of Wales was to have visited Norwich for the purpose of inspecting the 3rd Battalion Norfolk Regiment, but the parade was abandoned in consequence of the heavy rain. A ball given at Yarmouth Town Hall in the evening by the officers of the Eastern District Brigade, was attended by their Royal Highnesses. The Prince of Wales left for Sandringham on the 23rd. 21.—Died, aged 78, Mr. Jeremiah Colman, of Carshalton Park, senior partner in the firm of Messrs. J. and J. Colman. He was one of the twelve sons of Mr. Robert Colman, and a member of the cricket team of eleven brothers. JUNE.3.—The Derby Stakes were won at Epsom by Lord Hastings’ Norfolk-bred horse, Melton, which beat Mr. Brodrick-Cloete’s Paradox and Mr. Childwick’s Royal Hampton. On September 16th Melton won the St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster by six lengths. 4.—A festival of the Choir Benevolent Fund took place at Norwich Cathedral. 13.—The Queen, it was announced, had conferred the honour of knighthood upon Dr. Eade, of Norwich. The Norwich Town Council on the 16th passed a vote of congratulation to Sir Peter Eade, who on August 1st was presented to her Majesty at Osborne. 17.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Watton, and was continued on the 18th. Lord Walsingham was president. JULY.4.—Captain Smith, East Surrey Regiment, son of Mr. Henry Smith, of Ellingham Hall, was enthusiastically welcomed on his return after active service in Afghanistan and the Soudan. Captain Smith entered the Army in 1878, and went immediately to the front. He served in the Afghan War under Sir Donald Stewart, and in the Soudan under General 9.—The Merton flock of pure-bred Southdown sheep, the property of Lord Walsingham, was sold by Mr. John Thornton. The 541 lots revised £3,254 12s. 6d. —Died, at Catton, aged 82, Mr. William Jary Cubitt, who served the office of Sheriff of Norwich in 1865–66. 10.—Died, at Thorpland Hall, Fakenham, aged 83, the Rev. Henry James Lee Warner. He was born at Stanton St. Quintin, Wiltshire, where his father was then curate. Soon afterwards his grandfather succeeded to the Walsingham Abbey estates, and in 1807 his father accepted the charge of the adjoining parishes of Walsingham and Houghton-in-the-Dale. Having attended Aylsham Grammar School he proceeded to Rugby, and thence to St. John’s College, Cambridge, where, in 1825, he took double honours in classics and mathematics, being fourth Senior Optime and in the second class of the Classical Tripos. After residing at the Temple and reading for the Bar, he travelled for some time on the Continent, and on returning to England read for Holy Orders, and was ordained at Norwich by Bishop Bathurst. Mr. Lee Warner first held a curacy at Canterbury, and in 1834 succeeded his father in the parishes of Great and Little Walsingham and Houghton-in-the-Dale. From conscientious motives he resigned his plurality of livings and thenceforth devoted himself to the more populous parish of Little Walsingham on a stipend of £100 per annum. Mr. Lee Warner largely identified himself with Church work in the diocese, and in 1863 was appointed an Honorary Canon of Norwich Cathedral. He was a well-known archÆologist. “A man of singular modesty, of simple faith and self-denying habits, he was not only a strong teetotaller by conviction, but also in many ways opposed to what he considered excessive luxury.” 10.—The North Elmham herd of red polled cattle, purchased and bred since 1875 by Mr. Thomas Fulcher, was sold by Mr. John Thornton. Forty-six cows and heifers realised a total of 1,077 guineas, and nine bulls 165 guineas. 21.—A terrible disaster occurred at Caister. At about midnight a vessel was observed in distress near the Barber Sand, and the yawl Zephyr, manned by a crew of fifteen hands, was launched. The yawl had not proceeded far when she struck a sunken wreck, and her side being ripped away, she sank rapidly, and eight of her crew were drowned. 22.—Died, at Yarmouth, Alfred George Stannard, artist, aged 57. He was the eldest son of Alfred Stannard, of Norwich, a nephew of “Joe” Stannard and brother of Miss Stannard, the painter of fruit and flowers. 25.—The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions Norfolk Regiment went into camp at Yarmouth. AUGUST.1.—The Norfolk Agricultural Association decided to merge with the Royal Agricultural Society in 1886 and to hold no county show that year. 7.—Died, at Rackheath Park, Sir Henry Josias Stracey, Bart. A prominent member of a well-known county family, Sir Henry for many years occupied a distinguished position. Born in 1802, he was educated at Eton, and afterwards served for several years in the 1st Dragoons, and on succeeding to the baronetcy, on the death of his father in 1855, he entered with considerable ardour into politics. Just previously he had been returned without opposition as one of the representatives of East Norfolk on the retirement of Mr. Edmond Wodehouse. On the dissolution of Parliament in 1857 Major-General Windham, in the flush of the fame he had gained in the Crimea, was brought forward for East Norfolk with Sir E. N. Buxton, and there being divided opinions in the Conservative camp, Mr. Burroughes and Sir Henry Stracey declined to contest the seat. On the death of Sir E. N. Buxton in June, 1858, Sir Henry was again nominated, and was defeated by the Hon. Wenman Coke. In the following year he was returned with Sir Edmund Lacon for Yarmouth, defeating Mr. (afterwards Sir E. W.) Watkin and Mr. Young, and sat for that borough until 1865. In 1868 he stood for Norwich in opposition to Sir W. Russell and Mr. Tillett, and was returned at the head of the poll, but was unseated on petition. In 1874 he again came forward, in conjunction with Mr. Huddleston, was unsuccessful, and thereafter took no share in polities. Sir Henry married, in 1835, Charlotte, only daughter and heiress of Mr. George Denne, of the Paddock, Canterbury. He served the office of High Sheriff in 1871, and was a Deputy Lieutenant and magistrate for the county of Norfolk. 18.—Died, at Hingham, Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., aged 61. He married, on December 19th, 1850, Sophia Jane, daughter of the Rev. Clement Chevallier, rector of Badington and Cransford, Suffolk, and widow of Mr. Isaac Jermy Jermy, who, with his father, Mr. Isaac Jermy, fell a victim to the murderer, James Blomfield Rush. “The Beevor family, which, with their connections, are very numerous, are descended from the Rev. William Beevor, rector of South Walsham and Rockland in 1659 (the eldest son of Abraham Beevor, of Heckmondwike, Yorkshire), whose grandson, Sir Thomas, eldest son of Thomas Beevor, of Norwich, and Hester, daughter of John Sharpe, of Norwich, was created a baronet in 1784.” The subject of this notice was educated for the Bar, but in his latter years devoted himself to the supervision of the business of the Norwich Union Life Assurance Society, of which he was chairman of the directors, and was at the same time a director of the Norwich Union Fire Office. His eldest son, Thomas Edward, died to 1879, and the second son, Hugh Reeve, succeeded to the baronetcy. 24.—Norwich Theatre was opened under the management of Mr. Fred Morgan. The inaugural performance, “In Chancery,” was given by SEPTEMBER.4.—The 4th Queen’s Own Hussars marched from Norwich Cavalry Barracks, en route to Edinburgh and Glasgow. 14.—The first exhibition by members of the Norwich Art Circle (formed in the month of February) was opened at the Old Bank of England Chambers, Queen Street. 25.—The annual congress of the homoeopathic practitioners of Great Britain was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, under the presidency of Dr. Herbert Nankivell, of Bournemouth. —Mr. Arthur Coyte, of Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich, died from gunshot wounds accidentally inflicted whilst shooting on the Stratton Strawless estate on the previous day. Mr. Coyte, who was the second son of the Rev. James Coyte, rector of Polstead, Suffolk, was 53 years of age. 30.—Died, at Norwich, aged 91 years, the Rev. Henry Banfather. He was educated at Norwich Grammar School under Forster and Valpy, by the latter of whom he was made an assistant master. On Valpy’s death he took private pupils, and was most successful in obtaining candidates for Holy Orders. He was then appointed by the Corporation headmaster of the school, a position which he held for many years before his retirement to the living of Sprowston. OCTOBER.7.—Died, at his chambers, Great Ormond Street, London, Mr. Robert Hindry Mason, aged 61 years. Mr. Mason had led a busy life as a journalist. He established, edited, and conducted, from 1852 to 1854, the “Greenwich, and West Kent Observer,” owned the “Sunderland Times” and “Sheffield Advertiser,” and subsequently became proprietor of the “London and Eton Gazette.” Some years previously, when a resident in Norwich, he published a work, entitled “Norfolk Photographically Illustrated,” and at the time of his death was engaged upon his best known work, the “History of Norfolk.” 12.—A great Conservative demonstration was held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, at which a requisition, signed by 5,000 electors, was presented to Mr. Harry Bullard, inviting him to contest the representation of the city in the Conservative interest. Lieutenant-Colonel Bignold presided, and was supported by the Earl of Dunraven, Under Secretary for the Colonies, and by many prominent leaders of the party in county and city. In reply to the requisition Mr. Bullard said, “My answer is unhesitatingly ‘Yes.’” This meeting was said to have been the largest ever held in a public building in Norwich. 19.—Lord Randolph Churchill addressed a large meeting of the Conservative party at Lynn in support of the candidature of Lord Henry 24.—The Channel Squadron, consisting of the Minotaur (flagship), Agincourt, Monarch, Sultan, Iron Duke, and Leander, arrived in Yarmouth Roads, and anchored between the Britannia and Wellington Piers. Admiral Fellowes was in command, and the officers and men numbered 3,750. The squadron sailed for Deal on November 4th. 31.—Mr. Edward Birkbeck, M.P., was presented, at the Fishmongers’ Hall, London, with a valuable service of silver plate, subscribed for by many fishermen, boatowners, and others in recognition of his successful efforts to serve the fishing industry of the United Kingdom. The presentation was made by the Prince of Wales, who was accompanied by Prince Albert Victor. NOVEMBER.4.—The 13th Hussars, who formed the principal cavalry contingent of Sir Charles Warren’s Bechuanaland expeditionary force, arrived at Norwich by two special trains. A portion of the regiment had proceeded to Colchester. Lieutenant-Colonel Miller was in command of the headquarter troops, which numbered 16 officers and 240 men. 9.—Mr. John Gurney, of Sprowston Hall, was elected Mayor, and Mr. J. J. Dawson Paul appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 12.—Madame Albani gave a concert at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in aid of the Jenny Lind Infirmary. She received the voluntary assistance of Miss Damian, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Santley, Lady Benedict (solo pianist), M. Carl Walther (solo violinist), Dr. Bunnett (organist), and the Norwich Gatehouse Choir. Signor Bisaccia conducted, and the proceeds amounted to £529 14s. 8d. 13.—Died, at Milgrove House, Fulham, Thomas Heron Jones, seventh Viscount Ranelagh. He was born at Fulham in 1812, and succeeded his father in 1820. His lordship took a prominent part in originating and forming the Volunteer force in 1859. For some time he served in the 1st Life Guards and in the 7th Fusiliers. By his death the title, which was created in 1628, became extinct. He was succeeded in his estates (principally at St. Faith’s, Norwich) by his cousin, Alexander Montgomery, son of Vice-Admiral the Hon. Alexander Montgomery Jones, son of the fourth Viscount. Lord Ranelagh served the office of High Sheriff of Norfolk in 1868. 13.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Stephen, Robert Goodale, 45, gardener, was indicted for the wilful murder of his wife, Bathsheba Goodale, at Walsoken, on September 15th. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. The execution took place at Norwich Castle on November 30th. Berry, of Bradford, was the executioner. “As the clock of an adjacent church struck the hour of eight, Berry, who was stationed behind the prisoner with the lever in his hand, asked him, ‘Do you wish to say anything else before you go?’ to which Goodale replied in the negative, and before the eighth stroke had sounded, the lever was pulled, the trap-door fell, and the prisoner, who weighed 15 stone, and was 5 ft. 11 in. in height, and was allowed a drop just short of six feet, disappeared from view. To the horror of the bystanders the rope rebounded, and it was thought that by some means it had become 19.—A desperate encounter took place between a couple of tigers at Bostock and Wombwell’s menagerie at Norwich. One animal seized the other, named Tippo, by the throat, and although every effort was made to separate them, Tippo was laid lifeless upon the floor. The victim’s windpipe was crushed, and death resulted from suffocation. The animal, a fine specimen of the Royal Bengal tiger, was valued at £400. 23.—The General Election under the extended franchise commenced on this date. The nomination of candidates for the representation of Norwich took place at the Guildhall, before the Sheriff (Mr. J. J. Dawson Paul). The following were proposed:—Mr. Harry Bullard, of Hellesdon House (C.); Mr. Jeremiah James Colman, of Carrow House (L.); and Mr. Robert Samuel Wright, of 1, Paper Buildings, Temple, London, barrister-at-law (L.). The polling took place on the 25th, between the hours of eight a.m. and eight p.m. “The Market Place was the scene of a regular carnival. The principal form of practical joking was the discharge of small bags of flour at any prominent person who chanced to run the gauntlet of the crowd. No ill-temper was displayed, and probably no election ever took place in Norwich where so little animosity was exhibited. We think the keeping of the poll open until eight o’clock was generally admitted to be a mistake, as unnecessarily prolonging the excitement incidental to an election where party feeling runs high.” At the close of the poll the ballot boxes were conveyed to the Guildhall, where the counting immediately commenced, and the result was declared at 12.45 as follows:—Bullard, 7,279; Colman, 6,666; Wright, 6,251. On December 21st a petition was lodged against the return of Mr. Bullard. (See March 17th, 1886.) —At Yarmouth, on the re-enfranchisement of the borough, Sir Henry Wheatley Tyler (C.) and Captain Cecil W. Norton (L.) were nominated. The polling, which took place on the 24th, resulted as follows:—Tyler, 2,661; Norton, 2,476. —The Right Hon. Robert Bourke (C.) and Sir W. ffolkes, Bart. (L.) were nominated for King’s Lynn. The polling on the 25th resulted—Bourke, 1,472; ffolkes, 1,302. 24.—For South Norfolk Sir Robert Jacob Buxton, Bart. (C), and Mr. Francis Taylor, of Diss (L.), were nominated. The polling took place on the 27th, and the result was declared at the Shirehall, Norwich, on the 28th as follows:—Taylor, 4,580; Buxton, 3,588. —The candidates nominated for East Norfolk were Mr. Edward Birkbeck (C.) and Mr. Philip Falk, of Kensington Palace Gardens, London (L.). The polling took place on the 30th, and the result was declared at the Shirehall, Norwich, on December 1st as follows:—Birkbeck, 4,682; Falk, 4,459. 25.—The nomination of candidates for North Norfolk took place at Aylsham. The nominees were Mr. Samuel Hoare, of Cliff House, Cromer (C), and Mr. Herbert Hardy Cozens-Hardy, Q.C., of 50, Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill, London (L.). The polling was on December 27.—The nomination of candidates for South-West Norfolk took place at Swaffham. The candidates were Mr. W. A. Tyssen Amherst (C.) and Sir W. Brampton Gurdon (L.). The polling was on December 4th, and the declaration on December 5th:—Amherst, 4,096; Gurdon, 3,776. 30.—The candidates for North-West Norfolk—Lord Henry Bentinck (C.) and Mr. Joseph Arch (L.), were nominated at Lynn. The latter, described as the president of the National Agricultural Labourers’ Union, was nominated by Sir Lawrence Jones, Bart. The polling, on December 8th, was declared on December 9th as follows:—Arch, 4,461; Bentinck, 3,821. DECEMBER.3.—Mid Norfolk election, candidates, Mr. Ailwyn E. Fellowes (C.) and Mr. R. T. Gurdon (L.), took place. The poll was declared on the 4th at East Dereham—Gurdon, 5,275; Fellowes, 2,872. 9.—The parish church of East Dereham, partially restored at the cost of £2,134, by Messrs. Cornish and Gaymer, of North Walsham, under the supervision of Mr. E. P. Willins, was re-opened. The eighteenth century plaster, which concealed the Early English roof of the nave, was removed, and the unsightly old galleries, which blocked up the north and south aisles and the west end, were demolished. The Perpendicular font was transferred from the north transept to its original position near the west door. Colonel Bulwer was chairman of the Restoration Committee. —In the House of Lords, before Lords Selborne, Blackburn, Bramwell, Watson, and Fitzgerald, was commenced the hearing of the appeal, Coaks and others v. Boswell and others. This was an appeal from the judgment of Lords Justices Baggallay, Cotton, and Lindley. On Monday, 14th, the fourth day, the case for the respondents closed, and their lordships reserved judgment. (See February 22nd, 1886.) 20.—The new reredos at the church of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, designed by Mr. Seddon, and executed by Mr. Harry Hems, of Exeter, was formally dedicated. It was described as “an adaptation of the Norfolk screen, with its carved oak and painted panel work.” 26.—Miss May Holt’s company appeared at Norwich Theatre in her “local drama,” entitled, “Every Man for Himself.” “Little Red Riding Hood” was produced at Sanger’s Circus at the Agricultural Hall. 1886.JANUARY.2.—The appointment of Dr. Bates, of Edinburgh, as organist and master of the choristers at Norwich Cathedral, was announced. 7.—The county magistrates decided to hire of Mr. James C. Snelling the mansion known as Eaton Hall as lodgings for the judges of Assize, 10.—The jubilee of the Norwich District of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows was celebrated by a special service held at the Cathedral, and attended by several hundred members, and by the Mayor and Corporation. “The Order was introduced into Norfolk in the year 1835 by five woolsorters from the North of England—John Raven, Walter Meldrum, Thomas Dack, Benjamin Fearnside, and Thomas Lambert. They were the founders of the mother lodge of the district, the Travellers’ Rest, the first place of meeting being at the New Brewery, Pockthorpe.” The Mayor (Mr. John Gurney) entertained to dinner at St. Andrew’s Hall, on May 18th, upwards of 900 members of the Order. 19.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, an application was received from the Norwich School Board for the consent of the Corporation to an assignment of the lease of the Dutch Church from the trustees to the Board, with the view of converting the building into a higher grade school. The Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society addressed to the Council a strong protest against the application, which was refused by 35 votes against 12. On April 21st a meeting was held, under the presidency of the Mayor, at the Old Bank Buildings, at which it was moved by Mr. Colman, M.P., seconded by Mr. Harry Bullard, and unanimously agreed, “That the provisional contract entered into by Mr. Frederic Oddin Taylor in February last for the purchase of the lease of the Dutch Church be adopted, and that a scheme be formulated assuring the future inalienable use of the building as an adjunct to and in connection with St. Andrew’s Hall, subject to existing rights.” It was further decided to raise by public subscription the sum required (£800) to present the building, “hereafter to be called Blackfriars’ Hall,” to the city after proper renovation. The Town Council on June 29th passed a resolution expressing warm appreciation of the efforts made by Mr. F. Oddin Taylor, and received a deputation composed of the gentlemen who had taken part in the movement, from whom they accepted Blackfriars’ Hall as a gift to the citizens. 21.—Died, at Child’s Hill House, Hampstead, Mr. Joseph Hoare, in his 72nd year. He was the fourth son of Mr. Samuel Hoare, banker, of London, by his marriage with Louisa, daughter of Mr. John Gurney of Earlham. Mr. Hoare, who was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, was a Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Middlesex, and was president of the Hampstead Conservative Association. In May, 1859, he was 22.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Hawkins, John Thurston, 30, labourer, was indicted for the wilful murder of Henry Springall, an old man, at Hingham, on December 5th, 1885. The prisoner was found guilty, and received sentence of death. The execution took place at Norwich Castle on February 10th. The culprit was a nephew of Henry Webster, who was hanged at the same prison on May 1st, 1876, for the murder of his wife at Cranworth. —St. Cuthbert’s church, Sprowston, erected at the cost of £2,000, was opened by the Bishop of Norwich. The building was designed by Mr. A. R. G. Flemming, of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, and the contractor was Mr. G. E. Hawes, of Norwich. 26.—A violent explosion, caused by an escape of gas, occurred at Victoria Station, Norwich. FEBRUARY.2.—Died, at St. Clement’s Hill, Catton, the Rev. Richard Rigg, M.A., for forty-two years rector of St. Clement’s, and some time rector of St. Michael-at-Coslany and St. Edmund the King, Norwich, in his 81st year. A clergyman of the old school, he was a warm adherent to the Evangelical party, was for forty years secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and one of the founders of the Norwich Church of England Young Men’s Society. —Mr. John Ellis, of Sprowston, received from the Treasury a grant of £150 “in consideration of his services to the nation in having been the founder of the first juvenile reformatory in England, that of Saltley, near Birmingham.” 6.—It was announced that her Majesty the Queen had conferred upon Mr. Edward Birkbeck, M.P., the honour of a baronetcy. 7.—Died, at Brockheath, Salisbury, General William Custance, C.B., colonel of the 11th Hussars, in his 75th year. The second son of Mr. Hamilton Thomas Custance, of Weston House, he entered the Army in 1831, and served with distinction in the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny. 13.—A deputation of unemployed workmen waited upon the Mayor of Norwich at the Guildhall and urged upon him the necessity of steps being taken to relieve the exceptional distress then prevailing in the city. On the 17th a public meeting was held, at which a fund was opened. Relief works were shortly afterwards started on Mousehold Heath. 14.—Died, at St. Helen’s House, Norwich, Mr. Edward Field, in his 75th year. He succeeded Mr. Thomas Bignold as solicitor to the Norwich Fire and Life Assurance Offices, and in 1857–8 served as Mayor of Norwich. On the death of Sir Samuel Bignold Mr. Field became leader of the Conservative party in the Town Council, and was for many years Chairman of the Board of Guardians. He drafted the Norfolk and Suffolk Fisheries Act, 1877, and was chiefly instrumental in getting it 20.—Died, at 49, Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London, Mr. George William Pierrepont Bentinck, aged 82. He was the eldest son of Vice-Admiral William Bentinck (a representative of the junior branch of the family of the Duke of Portland), by marriage with Lady Frances Eliza Augusta Pierrepont, only daughter of Charles, first Earl of Manvers. In 1853 he was returned as Conservative member for West Norfolk, and retained the seat until March, 1868, when he retired on account of ill-health. He was, however, re-elected by the same constituency in 1871, and sat till February, 1884, when he finally retired from Parliamentary life. Mr. Bentinck, who was a Tory of the old school, and maintained his principles to the last, was a magistrate and a Deputy Lieutenant for the county. 22.—In the House of Lords judgment was given in the case, Coaks and others, appellants, and Boswell and others, respondents. Their lordships held that there had been no fraud in the purchase of the Harvey life interest, and therefore reversed the order of the Court of Appeal and that of Mr. Justice Fry, dismissing the action with costs restored. The respondents were condemned in the whole costs of the case. On September 17th, 1887, it was announced: “The plaintiffs have discharged the taxed costs of the defendants. These amounted to £12,930 19s. 11d., of which £2,194 13s. 5d. was allowed in respect of the appeal in the House of Lords.” Mr. M. S. Emerson, solicitor to the plaintiffs, stated, in a letter published on September 24th, 1887, that they had the opportunity of compromising the case. “It is a fact,” he wrote, “that I refused £30,000 before the case came into court. . . . The six counsel engaged for the plaintiffs met, and were unanimous in their opinion that I was right in refusing the £30,000.” (See July 22nd, 1892.) MARCH.2.—At a special meeting of the shareholders of the Norwich Public Library, held for the purpose of taking into consideration the advisability of amalgamating the Library with the Literary Institution, according to a scheme prepared and approved by the committees of both institutions, it was agreed by 27 votes against 4 to adopt the proposal. 17.—The trial of the election petition presented by Mr. Henry Birkbeck and others against the return of Mr. Harry Bullard as one of the members for Norwich, commenced at the Shirehall before Mr. Justice Denman and Mr. Justice Cave. Counsel for the petitioners were Mr. Charles, Q.C., Mr. R. T. Reid, Q.C., and the Hon. Mark Napier; and for the respondent Mr. Gully, Q.C., the Hon. Mr. Denman, and Mr. Blofeld. Bribery, treating, undue influence, and personation by agents, were alleged. The only case of bribery that was proved was the gift of a two-shilling piece by an alleged agent, to a voter, but it was sufficient to render the election void, and Mr. Bullard was unseated. The judges, however, declined to give the petitioners their costs, and Mr. Bullard’s costs were defrayed by the subscriptions of men of all parties. (See May 7th.) 18.—Died, at Marham Hall, Mr. Henry Villebois, aged 79. An excellent landlord, an ardent sportsman, and for some years Master of the 29.—The funeral took place, at the Rosary burial ground, Norwich, of Thomas Harrison, who was born in the city in 1795, and had seen much active service as a soldier. He joined the 69th Regiment at the age of 17, was taken prisoner at the bombardment of Antwerp, was present at Waterloo, went out to India, where he was under arms for fourteen years, took part in the first expedition to Burmah, and on returning to England in 1832 was rewarded with a pension of fifteen pence per day. 31.—A fire occurred at Browick Hall, near Wymondham, and did damage to the amount of £2,000. APRIL.7.—At the Guildhall, Norwich, Mr. Samuel Hoare, of Cliff House, Cromer, was nominated a candidate to fill the vacancy caused in the representation of the city by the unseating on petition of Mr. Harry Bullard. The Liberal party offered no opposition, and Mr. Hoare was declared duly elected. 9.—Died, at Great Yarmouth, Mr. Oswald Diver, aged 59. When a young man he was renowned as an oarsman, won many sculling matches on the Thames, and at Norwich, Lynn, and other places, and in 1847 beat Playford, who then held the Thames Amateur Championship. 22.—The Archbishop of Canterbury administered at Sandringham church the rite of confirmation to the Princess Victoria of Wales. 24.—The Prince of Wales visited Norwich for the purpose of inspecting the show-ground of the Royal Agricultural Society, and was entertained at Carrow House by Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P. 29.—A special meeting of the Norwich Diocesan Conference, convened MAY.1.—The new station erected by the Great Eastern Railway Company at Thorpe, Norwich, was opened for inspection, and on the 3rd was used by the public for the first time. It was built by Messrs. Youngs and Son, of Norwich, from designs by Mr. J. Wilson, the company’s engineer, at the cost of £60,000, and replaced the old station, which had been in use since the opening of the line. —A great meeting of “an entirely non-party character” was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant of the county, in support of the principles of the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union. A resolution was adopted affirming that any proposals tending to invalidate the legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland would prove disastrous to the interests of both countries. On June 25th Lord Leicester wrote a letter which had an important influence upon the electorate of the county. “I have never been in the habit,” he wrote, “of taking part in political matters of a purely party description, though if ever I should have been inclined to break through the rule it would be at a time like the present, when we are passing through a great crisis in our national history, when the old party barriers have been broken down, and when Liberals, Radicals, and Conservatives meet on a common platform in a common cause. The question before the country is solely this: whether the loyalists and Protestants of Ireland should be legislated for by an independent Parliament composed of men whom Mr. Gladstone himself has termed as marching through rapine to the dismemberment of the empire, or whether the United Kingdom is to remain under one Queen and one Parliament. I cannot believe that Englishmen will ever consent to the former proposal. I trust that the electors of Norfolk, with those of the rest of England, will insist that their members shall be patriots and decline to support Mr. Gladstone’s dangerous policy.” Lord Suffield and other prominent Liberals also renounced their adhesion to Mr. Gladstone. 7.—At the combined Norfolk and Suffolk Assizes, held at Ipswich, before Mr. Baron Pollock, Charles Edward Wigger, a shoemaker, was indicted for receiving from one Walter Banham, a bribe for voting, or agreeing to vote, for Mr. Harry Bullard at the Norwich election on November 25th, 1885, and was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment with hard labour. 10.—George Edward Ray, 31, solicitor, of Norwich, was sentenced at the Norfolk and Suffolk Assizes, at Ipswich, to seven years’ penal servitude for forging the conveyance of a real estate with intent to defraud. 11.—At the same Assizes Edward Burgess, of Norwich, the printer and publisher of a newspaper called “Daylight,” was indicted for publishing on February 20th a libel upon Mr. Joseph Stanley, solicitor, and Coroner for Norfolk. The trial occupied three days, and on the jury finding the defendant guilty he was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment without hard labour, and ordered to pay the costs of the prosecution. 19.—The sale of the Westacre shorthorns and shirehorses, the property of Mr. Anthony Hamond, was conducted by Mr. John Thornton and Mr. Sexton, respectively. Forty-five cows averaged £28 ls. 5d.; seven bulls averaged £34 16s., and 16 mares and seven stallions £53 16s. 3d. The total amount realised was £2,690 13s. 6d. 25.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. E. S. Steward tendered his resignation of the office of City Treasurer. On June 8th it was decided that the resignation be not accepted, but that Mr. Steward be dismissed from office. Mr. Hugh Gurney Barclay was on June 16th appointed to fill the vacancy. At the Norwich Assizes, on November 23rd, the late City Treasurer was indicted for falsifying and making certain false entries in the bankers’ pass book belonging to the Mayor and Corporation, with intent to defraud them of £1,848 16s. 9d., and on the 24th was found guilty and sentenced by Mr. Justice Field to six months’ imprisonment, (See January 25th, 1887.) 29.—The 19th (Princess of Wales’ Own) Hussars, who had been on active service in Egypt since 1882, arrived at Norwich, and took over the Cavalry Barracks, vacated during the week by the 13th Hussars. The regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Combe, came by special train from Harwich, where they had disembarked from the transport Geelong, and at Thorpe station were received by the Deputy-Mayor (Mr. John Hotblack), the Sheriff (Mr. J. J. Dawson Paul), and other prominent citizens. The route from the station to the barracks was profusely decorated, and the regiment received an enthusiastic welcome from the citizens. JUNE.10.—Died, at Fincham Rectory, the Rev. William Blyth, rector of the parish and hon. canon of Norwich Cathedral. An ardent archÆologist, he was the author of a “History of Fincham,” published in 1863. During his tenure of office as rural dean five new churches were built, fifteen restored, and thirteen greatly improved, out of a total of twenty-fire churches in his deanery. The total outlay upon this work was £45,000. 20.—Died, Mr. Henry James Lee Warner, of Walsingham Abbey. The eldest son of the Rev. Daniel Henry Lee Warner, he was born January 12th, 1809, and succeeded to the estate in 1858. Mr. Lee Warner served as High Sheriff in 1863, and some years previously successfully contested Canterbury in the Conservative interest. JULY.2.—The General Election commenced. The contest was fought upon the issue of Home Rule, and the candidates were distinguished severally Conservatives, Liberal Unionists, and Gladstonians. Liberal Unionist candidates received the support of the Conservative party. —Lynn election: The Right Hon. Robert Bourke (C.), 1,417; Mr. J. J. Briscoe, Bourne Hall, Cambridgeshire (G.), 1,146. —Mr. W. A. Tyssen Amherst (C.) was returned unopposed for South-West Norfolk. 3.—Sir Edward Birkbeck (C.) and Mr. H. Lee Warner (G.) were nominated at the Shirehall, Norwich, candidates for East Norfolk. The polling took place on the 8th: Birkbeck, 4,578; Lee Warner, 4,000. —Mr. Francis Taylor, of Diss (L.U.), was returned unopposed member for South Norfolk. 5.—The nomination of candidates—Lord Henry Bentinck (C.) and Mr. Joseph Arch (G.)—for the representation of North-West Norfolk, took place at the Town Hall, King’s Lynn. The polling was held on the 9th: Bentinck, 4,084; Arch, 4,064. (See April 5th, 1887.) 6.—Mr. Ailwyn Edward Fellowes (C.) and Mr. Herbert Hardy Cozens-Hardy, Q.C. (G.) were nominated, at the Town Hall, Aylsham, candidates for North Norfolk. The poll was opened on July 10th: Cozens-Hardy, 4,084; Fellowes, 3,325. 7.—The nomination took place at East Dereham of Mr. R. T. Gurdon (L.U.) and Mr. James Toller, tenant-farmer, of Winfield Farm, Waterbeach (G.), as candidates for Mid Norfolk. The polling took place on the 15th: Gurdon, 3,032; Toller, 2,638. 8.—The nomination of candidates for the representation of Norwich took place at the Guildhall before the Sheriff (Mr. J. J. Dawson Paul). The candidates were Mr. J. J. Colman (L.), Mr. Samuel Hoare (C.), Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett (L.), and Mr. Clare Sewell Read (C.). The polling on the 9th resulted as follows:—Colman, 6,295; Hoare, 6,156; Tillett, 6,119; Read, 5,564. 12.—The show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England opened at Whitlingham, Norwich. There were 1,840 entries of stock and 4,656 entries of implements, as against 624 and 1,882 respectively at the former show held at Norwich in 1849. On the 13th the show was visited by the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Princesses Louise, Victoria, and Maud, who travelled from Sandringham and arrived at the temporary railway station adjoining the show-ground. Their Royal Highnesses made al tour of the show-yard, and the Prince of Wales presided at the annual meeting of the society; in the afternoon the Royal party returned to Sandringham. Their Royal Highnesses again came to the city on the 14th. They arrived at the City station of the Eastern and Midlands Railway, where they were received by the Mayor (Mr. John Gurney), the Sheriff (Mr. J. J. Dawson Paul), the Earl of Leicester, Mr. Colman, M.P., Mr. Hoare, M.P., Mr. Harry Bullard, Mr. C. R. Gilman, and other gentlemen. Escorted by the 19th (Princess of Wales’ Own) Hussars, their Royal Highnesses were driven through the gaily decorated streets of the city to St. Andrew’s Hall, where, by invitation of the Mayor, a large and distinguished company had assembled for luncheon. On the conclusion of the proceedings the Royal visitors drove to the show-ground, and after further inspecting the exhibits returned to the city and visited the Norfolk and Norwich Dog Show at the Agricultural Hall. On this day 200 of the Commissioners from the Colonial Exhibition in London were present at the Royal Show, by invitation 15.—A great sale of shorthorn cattle and Southdown sheep, the property of the Prince of Wales, was conducted at Sandringham by Mr. John Thornton. The Prince and Princess of Wales were present at the luncheon, at which there was a distinguished gathering. Fifty-two cows and heifers sold for 2,496 guineas, an average of £50 8s.; 17 bulls realised 840 gs., an average of £51 5s. 10½d. Good prices were obtained for the Southdowns. —Died, at Golding Street, Heigham, Norwich, Mr. Obadiah Short, aged 83. Born in the parish of St. Augustine, he was employed from 1816 to 1829 as a journeyman weaver. Meanwhile he practised drawing and painting in his garret in St. Edmund’s, and became acquainted with Mr. Sparshall, a wine merchant and a local patron of art, who lent him some of Stark’s works for copying purposes. Soon afterwards Short made sketches of birds for the Norfolk and Norwich Museum, and was employed by Dalrymple and Crosse to make drawings of pathological subjects; the original drawings for Crosse’s work on the “Urinary Calculus,” published in 1841, were all from his pencil. In 1834 Short accepted an engagement as designer at the manufactory of Messrs. Willett, with whom he remained for more than fifty years. During his long life he painted a large number of pictures, principally in oil. “Although he did not attain to the production of ‘high art,’ his works were faithful delineations of landscape scenery selected with a fine taste, and pleasing to a vastly larger proportion of the lovers of pictures than many of the works of ‘high art’ which few people understand.” 22.—The Houghton Hall estate, the property of the Marquis of Cholmondeley, was offered for sale at Tokenhouse Yard under an order of the Court of Chancery. For Houghton Hall (built by Sir Horace Walpole at the cost of £450,000) and 10,564 acres of land, £300,000 was offered, at which sum the property was withdrawn. 24.—The camp of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions Norfolk Regiment commenced at Yarmouth. AUGUST.5.—The first of the Norwich Cricket Week amateur theatrical performances was given at Norwich Theatre under the management of Sir Kenneth Kemp, Bart. The programme, which was repeated on the 6th, included “A Fair Encounter” and Tom Taylor’s “Plot and Passion.” 9.—Died, Dr. Robert James Mann, F.R.C.S. Born in Norwich in 1817, he was educated for the medical profession at the University College, London, obtained his M.D. degree at St. Andrew’s, and was for some years in practice in Norfolk. In 1857 he left England for Natal, where he resided nine years, and returned to England with a special appointment from the Legislative Council to promote emigration. Dr. 14.—Henry Last, a master carpenter, about 66 years of age, was murdered in his cottage in Old Post Office Yard, Norwich, by George Harmer. The murderer was apprehended in London on the 19th. He was tried at Norwich Assizes on November 22nd, before Mr. Justice Field, found guilty, and sentenced to death. The execution took place at Norwich Castle on December 13th. Harmer was the last culprit executed within the walls of the Castle. 25.—The third Parliamentary election within the period of eight months took place at King’s Lynn. A vacancy had occurred in the representation of the borough by the appointment of Mr. Bourke, M.P., to the Governorship of Madras. Two candidates were nominated—Mr. Alexander Weston Jarvis, of Middleton Towers (C.), and Mr. James Harris Sanders, of Shelly, Herts (G.). The polling resulted as follows:—Jarvis, 1,423; Sanders, 1,168. SEPTEMBER.6.—Died, at Belsize House, East Dereham, Mr. Charles Wright, solicitor, aged 74. Mr. Wright was for many years clerk to the justices, and Coroner for the Duchy of Lancaster. He was a lover of the fine arts, and a famous cricketer, and for a long period was annually invited to play at Lord’s in the match between Gentlemen and Players. 20.—Died, the Rev. John Jessopp, M.A., vicar of St. Gregory, Norwich, aged 71. Educated at Cambridge University, he was ordained in 1840, and became chaplain to the East India Company, but after serving two years in India illness necessitated his retirement from the post. On returning to Europe he was appointed chaplain to the King of the Belgians, and for some years resided at Ostend in that capacity. Mr. Jessopp, on terminating his services to King Leopold, became chaplain at the Surrey County Gaol, and on coming to Norwich, in 1877, was presented to the living of St. Gregory. He was brother to the Rev. Dr. Jessopp, rector of Scarning, and formerly head-master of Norwich Grammar School. 28.—Died, at Heigham Hall, Norwich, Mr. John Ferra Watson. The son of a Norwich manufacturer, he was born at Weybread in 1816, and was educated for the medical profession. Mr. Watson founded Heigham Hall, which he converted from a small square building into a handsome mansion, and made it one of the finest private lunatic asylums in the country. A Liberal of the old Whig type, he for many years sat in the Norwich Town Council both as an alderman and as a councillor, and was a magistrate for the city. He took great interest in parochial affairs, and as churchwarden inaugurated the restoration of the mother church of St. Bartholomew, in the hamlet of Heigham. 30.—The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher lectured at the Victoria Hall, Norwich, on “Wastes and Burdens of Society.” OCTOBER.9.—Died, at Thelveton, Mr. Thomas Mann, of Thelveton Hall, aged 65. Mr. Mann, who succumbed to injuries received through an accidental 12.—The Congress of the Congregational Union of England and Wales was opened at Norwich, under the presidency of the Rev. Edward White. 15.—Died, at his residence, Wroxham House, Mr. Robert Blake-Humfrey, second son of Mr. Thomas Blake, of Norwich and Scottow. Born November 23rd, 1795, he was educated at Norwich Grammar School under Dr. Forster, and afterwards under Valpy. At the early age of 16½ years he was gazetted to an ensigncy by purchase in the 3rd Regiment (the Buffs), and joined the 2nd Battalion at Walmer Barracks. In July, 1813, he went out with a detachment of 100 men to join the 1st Battalion in Spain, and arrived off St. Sebastian during the siege. His detachment, with some companies of the 43rd and 52nd, were immediately ordered to march up country. The force to which the Buffs were attached having taken Vieux Moguere, they were in turn driven out of it next day, and the light company in which Blake was serving covered the retreat. On the order to face about the British drove back the enemy and retook the village, and in the assault the young officer was wounded in both legs by a grape shot. Amputation of the left leg was rendered necessary, and his military career ended. With pay and pension and a very small fortune from his father, Mr. Blake retired to a quiet life in Norfolk. In 1838 he married Charlotte, youngest daughter of Colonel Harvey, of Thorpe, by whom he left three sons and four daughters. On the death of the Rev. John Humfrey, in 1847, he succeeded under his will to the Wroxham estate and other property, and assumed the surname of Humfrey after and in addition to the name of Blake. Mr. Blake-Humfrey spent much time in drawing and etching and in the study of heraldry and archÆology. He compiled a complete history in MS. of the Sheriffs of Norfolk, with their coats of arms most beautifully emblazoned. Mr. Blake-Humfrey was a magistrate for the county of Norfolk. 19.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council at letter was received from the Mayor (Mr. John Gurney), suggesting that upon the Prison Commissioners handing over the Castle to the Corporate authorities, steps be taken to convert the keep and the prison buildings into a museum. The cost of such work was estimated at £5,000, and in the event of its being carried out Mr. Gurney intimated that he would be prepared to defray the expense. (See July 16th, 1887.) 21.—The portrait of Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart., painted by H. T. Wells, R.A., was presented to the county by Sir F. G. M. Boileau, Bart., on behalf of the subscribers. 25.—The Sheriff of Norwich and Mrs. J. J. Dawson Paul were presented at the Guildhall with a valuable piece of plate and a diamond spray bracelet, in token of personal esteem, and in commemoration of 28.—The Bishop of Norwich laid the foundation-stone of the new church of St. Thomas, Heigham. (See June 28th, 1888.) NOVEMBER.3.—The south-east corner of the tower of St. Michael-at-Thorn church fell during a gale, crashed through the roof of the nave, and did considerable damage to the interior of the church. 4.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference was held at Noverre’s Rooms, under the presidency of the Bishop. The proceedings concluded on the 5th. 5.—Died, at Great Yarmouth, Mr. Thomas Proctor Burroughs, F.S.A., aged 50. By profession a solicitor, he was greatly devoted to archÆological pursuits, and took a prominent part in the preservation of the Toll House and other antiquities in Yarmouth. Mr. Burroughs was an ardent collector of pictures, books, and curiosities of local interest, a Roman Catholic, and a staunch Conservative. 8.—Arthur Riches (36), fishhawker, murdered his wife by stabbing her on the Walk, in the Haymarket, Norwich. He was tried at Norwich Assizes on November 23rd, and found guilty, but strongly recommended to mercy on account of the great provocation he had received. The prisoner was sentenced to death, but the punishment was afterwards commuted to penal servitude for life. (Riches died at Parkhurst Convict Prison, Isle of Wight, in April, 1898.) 9.—Mr. Harry Bullard was for the third time elected Mayor of Norwich. Mr. Frederick Oddin Taylor was appointed Sheriff. 10.—Died, at Scoulton Rectory, the Rev. John Munnings Johnson, in his 93rd year. A son of the Rev. Paul Johnson, of Runton, he entered the Navy as a lad, and after serving a short time in the Royal Billy, joined the Gibraltar, 80 guns, commanded by Captain Lukin, afterwards Admiral Windham. After seeing much fighting he was transferred to the Mars, 74 guns. In 1807 he was ordered out to the Baltic with the armament which attacked Copenhagen, and captured the entire Danish fleet. The years 1808 and 1809 were employed in the blockade of the French fleet in Brest. In 1810 he was called to the Tagus, and in 1811 accompanied Sir J. Moore, who went with a large armament to protect British traders from the Danes and Prussians. After passing for his lieutenancy in January, 1812, Mr. Johnson went with Sir James Lucas Yeo to the Lakes of Canada, where they contended at great disadvantage with the American squadron. In 1814, after the storming of Oswego, Mr. Johnson was made lieutenant, and at the close of the war in 1815 he returned to England with a large portion of the Duke of Wellington’s army, which, after the peace with France, had been sent to America. He then went on half-pay, and in 1824, determining to take holy orders, entered as an undergraduate at Cambridge University. In 1828 he took his degree, and the following year was ordained by Bishop Bathurst. Mr. Johnson became curate in charge of Scoulton in 1831, and was presented to the rectory in 1846. There he remained until 1878, when he went to reside at Gurney’s Manor, Hingham. He resigned the living in 1883, and was succeeded by his son, the Rev. Henry Johnson, with whom he resided until his death. Mr. Johnson married, in 1833, Miss Anne 11.—Melton, the property of Lord Hastings, won the Liverpool Cup, beating Oberon, Bird of Freedom, Sailor Prince, and fourteen others. Ridden by Watts, Melton carried 9 st. 3 lb. and started at 100 to 8 against. 15.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Field, Elizabeth Hamlinton (34), dressmaker, was found guilty of the murder of her infant daughter, at Fakenham, on October 16th. She was strongly recommended to mercy. “The prisoner almost fainted when the judge put on the black cap; her face indicated terror, and when the dread sentence was pronounced she moaned, and at its conclusion cried out despairingly.” The Mayoress of Norwich (Mrs. Bullard) interested herself on behalf of the unhappy woman, and forwarded an influentially signed memorial to the Home Secretary. In due course the prisoner was respited. 16.—The Norwich Town Council assented to an application by Mr. Joseph Kincaird, of 3, George Street, Westminster, to construct tramways in the city upon certain routes, on condition that an amount equal to the cost of removing the lines and reconstructing the streets in case the tramways were not worked for a given period, be placed on permanent deposit. Other conditions as to the control of traffic, &c., were imposed. The Norwich Tramways Company, Limited, with a capital of £30,000, was registered on December 23rd. (See December 17th, 1889.) 27.—Died, at 41, Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London, Mr. Octavius Edward Coope, M.P. He was first returned to the House of Commons in July, 1847, as Conservative member for Yarmouth. Mr. Coope was born in 1814, and was a partner in the firm of Ind, Coope, and Co. 30.—A military tournament by the 19th (Princess of Wales’ Own) Hussars commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and concluded on December 4th. The proceeds were in aid of local charities. DECEMBER.4.—A remarkable phenomenon was recorded at Yarmouth. “The tide twice flowed and ebbed within three hours. At 9.42 p.m., the calculated time for dead low water, the gauge registered only six feet above zero. Thus high and low water were practically reversed, a most uncommon phenomenon.” On the night of the 8th “the barometer fell to 28.20, the lowest local reading for the past twenty years.” 6.—A new fire escape for “populous buildings,” invented by Captain Longe, of Spixworth Park, was tested at Thorpe Asylum. It consisted of “a movable staircase mounted on a frame on four wheels, which can be readily and expeditiously moved by two men to any window of a burning building, and raised by a double crank to a window 18 ft. from the ground, at an angle of 45 degrees, by which the inmates, stepping on a small platform, can easily descend.” The Lunacy Commissioners reported favourably upon the invention. 27.—“Falka,” produced by Van Biene and Horace Lingard’s Comic Opera Company, was the Christmas attraction at Norwich Theatre. The dress circle, which had remained in its original state since the erection 28.—Considerable damage was done to the telephone wires in Norwich by a heavy fall of snow. “The whole system came to grief through the wires breaking and the derricks giving way.” —Died, at his residence, Shadingfield Lodge, Yarmouth, Mr. Samuel Nightingale, in his 84th year. He served the office of Mayor of the borough in 1868–69. 1887.JANUARY.6.—Dr. David George Thomson, senior medical officer of the Surrey Asylum, was appointed by the Norfolk county magistrates Medical Superintendent of the County Asylum at Thorpe, in place of Dr. Hills, resigned. The Court granted Dr. Hills a superannuation allowance of £600 per annum. At the Easter Sessions resolutions were presented by thirteen unions, protesting against the allowance as an excessive burden upon the county rates. 14.—A serious riot occurred in Norwich Market Place. A crowd of unemployed workmen, harangued by two Socialists, named Mowbray and Henderson, who suggested that they could not starve, and that they must procure food for themselves, became a disorderly mob, and under the leadership of the agitators, made a raid upon several shops on the Walk. The ringleaders, with two men, named Hurrell and Hall, were apprehended, and committed for trial. The case came before Mr. Justice Grantham at the Assizes on the 21st, when Mowbray was sentenced to nine months’, Henderson to four months’, Hall to one month’s, and Hurrell to one week’s imprisonment, with hard labour. A similar disturbance on a minor scale took place at Yarmouth at about the same date. Owing to inflammatory placards distributed during the month of September, the Chief Constable of Norwich, on October 1st, applied to the magistrates for power to raise a force of 200 special constables. On October 11th the required number were sworn in, and informed that their active services would not be required except on a special summons from the magistrates. 25.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Grantham, was tried the action, the Corporation of Norwich v. Coxe. In this case the Corporation sued the Rev. Dr. Coxe, one of the sureties of Mr. E. S. Steward, the late City Treasurer, to recover from him the sum of £1,000, for which amount he was bond. On behalf of the defendant it was urged that the auditors were remiss in passing accounts that were incorrect, and the judge made strong comments upon the loose manner in which they did their work. The jury gave a verdict for the defendant. FEBRUARY.8.—Mr. Archibald Forbes delivered a lecture, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, on “Ten Years of War Correspondence.” 17.—Died, at Syleham, in her 100th year, Lucy Steggall, widow of Robert Steggall. 24.—Died, at Cannes, Mr. John Gurney, of Sprowston Hall, Deputy-Mayor of Norwich. On retiring in November, 1886, from the office of Mayor of the city he sought relaxation on the shores of the Mediterranean. A severe shock of earthquake, which occurred at Cannes at the time of his visit, is supposed to have told upon his highly sensitive and nervous organization, and to have indirectly caused his death. Mr. Gurney was the eldest son of Mr. John Gurney, of Earlham Hall, and grandson of Mr. Samuel Gurney, of West Ham. He was born on December 11th, 1845, and educated at Harrow, whence he proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. degree in 1866. The following year he became a member of the firm of Gurneys, Birkbecks, Barclay, and Buxton. In 1871 he married Isabel Charlotte, daughter of Mr. R. Blake-Humfrey, of Wroxham. Mr. Gurney, who was afflicted with blindness, was one of the most liberal benefactors of Norwich, and was greatly esteemed by the citizens. MARCH.11.—Norfolk, in common with other parts of the country, was visited by a severe spell of wintry weather. 15.—A dispute between smackowners and smacksmen at Yarmouth ended on this date. Differences had arisen over the substitution by the former of the share system for the old plan of payment by wages and poundage. The strike was beginning to have a disastrous effect upon trade, and was ended by an amicable arrangement. 18.—Died, at Stirling, Mr. J. F. Young, for many years a favourite actor upon the Norwich stage. Mr. Young was widely known as a member of the original “Caste” Company. He had been lessee of both Norwich and Yarmouth Theatres, and was greatly respected in private and professional circles. 21.—The action, Stanley v. the Mayor and Corporation of Norwich and the Attorney-General, was tried in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, before Mr. Justice Kekewich. This case raised the question of the right of the freemen to receive in perpetuity the rents of the Town Close Estate, a valuable plot of land of about 100 acres in extent, which was conveyed to the city in 1524 by the Prior of Norwich. It was contended on the part of the plaintiffs that this land became vested in the Corporation for the exclusive benefit of the freemen, the terms in the original grant “citizens” and “commonalty” being synonymous with “freemen.” Mr. Justice Kekewich concurred in this contention, gave judgment for the plaintiffs, and ordered the costs of the action to be borne by the estate. (See January 23rd, 1888.) APRIL.5.—In the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, before Mr. Baron Pollock and Mr. Justice Stephen, a petition was presented by Mr. Joseph Arch against the return of Lord Henry Bentinck as member for North-West Norfolk, on July 9th, 1886. The petitioner alleged that the respondent was guilty of an illegal practice in paying the sum of £3 to Charles Wacey, of South Creake, in respect of expenses in the conduct or management of the election. The money was sent in a letter from Guist Hall, where Lord Henry Bentinck was staying, on January 20th. The letter was as follows:—“Dear Mr. Wacey—I enclose you a little present as some small compensation for the trouble and worry you have had in connection with the election and afterward. I am much obliged to you for all you have done, and I hope you will continue to help us in the future in the same able and energetic manner in which you have done in the past. Yours truly, Henry Bentinck. P.S. You had better not tell anyone that I sent you anything.” This letter miscarried, and was delivered not to Charles Wacey, but to Thomas Wacey, who belonged to the party represented by Mr. Arch. Thomas Wacey ultimately forwarded the postal orders contained in the letter to Charles Wacey, who cashed them and kept the proceeds. It was contended on the part of the respondent that the payment made in January, 1887, had no relation whatever to the conduct or management of the election in July, 1886. The money was paid on account of registration services, and the injunction of secrecy was made because to have paid all the district secretaries would have involved the respondent in an expenditure of £100. The petition was dismissed with costs. 10.—A new organ, built at the cost of £450, was opened at St. Gregory’s church, Norwich. 14.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference commenced at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop. The proceedings were concluded on the 15th. 18.—An “Old World Exhibition” was opened at Blackfriars’ Hall, Norwich, by the Mayor, in aid of a fund for rebuilding the tower of St. MAY.12. A fifty miles bicycle race from the second milestone on the Dereham Road, Norwich, to Swaffham and back, was ridden by members of the Norwich Amateur Bicycle Club. The roads were heavy, and the wind, during the greater part of the journey, unfavourable. Result: 1st, H. J. Hayes, 3h. 45m. 30s.; 2nd, Overton, 3h. 46m.; 3rd, Howes. 14.—The currency question was discussed by the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, and a resolution adopted expressing alarm at the daily increasing difficulty experienced by the agricultural classes in obtaining money with which to meet their obligations, asserting the belief that “an increase in the circulating medium would lessen that difficulty,” and urging the Government “to respond to the invitation of the great Powers who had asked this country to join with them in restoring to the peoples the free coinage and use of silver money.” The following resolution was also adopted:—“Although currency may in some way affect the prosperity of trade and agriculture in this country, it is the opinion of this Chamber that the main cause of the depression is the influx of foreign produce to the ruin of the English producer and the employment of foreign labour in the place of English labour.” 14.—Died, at Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich, Mr. George Alden Stevens, solicitor, in low 57th year. An entirely self-made man, he rose by perseverance and integrity to become a partner in the firm of Miller and Son. He was an ardent politician, and for several years argent to the Liberal party, and the constant adviser of Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett throughout his chequered experiences on the hustings and in the election courts. Mr. Stevens was a member of the Town Council, and an alderman, and it was largely due to his generosity and zeal that Chapel Field was transformed from a barren and useless waste into a beautiful garden. 18.—Died, at Gladstone Street, Norwich, George Wilde, aged 62, the last survivor in the city of the famous light cavalry charge at Balaclava. Wilde was a private in the 13th Light Dragoons, and in the charge his horse was killed and himself wounded. He was in receipt of a pension of thirteen pence per day. —The Prince of Wales visited Yarmouth and laid the foundation-stone of the new hospital. On the 19th his Royal Highness inspected the 2nd Brigade Eastern Division Royal Artillery, and in the evening attended a ball given by the officers. 24.—The Queen’s birthday was celebrated in Norwich by a review on Mousehold Heath of the 19th (Princess of Wales’ Own) Hussars, the 3rd Battalion Norfolk Regiment, and the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment. The Mayor (Mr. Harry Bullard) gave a banquet at Blackfriars’ Hall in the evening. Earlier in the day his worship and the Sheriff (Mr. F. Oddin Taylor) entertained the inmates of the Workhouse. JUNE.1.—Died, at Yarmouth, where he had resided four years, the Rev. Joseph Philip Knight, the composer of many popular songs. The youngest son of the Rev. Francis Knight, D.D., he was born at the Vicarage, Bradford-on-Avon, on July 26th, 1812. His love for music displayed itself at an early age, and at fifteen he began to devote himself to the study of harmony and composition. When about twenty Mr. Knight composed his first six songs under the name of Philip Mortimer. Among these were “Old times,” sung by Henry Philips, and “Go, forget me,” extremely popular both in this country and in Germany. After this he used his own name, and, in company with Haynes Bayly, produced a number of highly successful songs, amongst which the most famous were “Of what is the Old Man thinking?” “The Veteran,” “Days Gone By,” “The Grecian Daughter,” and “She wore a Wreath of Roses.” He subsequently composed the song and duet to the words written for him by Thomas Moore, “The Parting” and “Let’s take this World as some Wild Scene.” In 1839 Mr. Knight visited the United States, where he remained two years. To this time are due, among other popular songs, his celebrated “Rocked in the Cradle of the Deeps” sung with immense success by Braham, and “Why Chime the Bells so merrily?” On his return to England he produced “Beautiful Venice,” “Say, what shall my Song be To-night?” “The Dream” (words by the Hon. Mrs. Norton), “Amy Robsart,” and “Queen of the Silver Bow,” all more or less the rage in their day. Some years afterwards Mr. Knight married, and lived for a long time in France and Germany, doing very little in the way of composition, but on his return to England he wrote many other songs, “Peace, it is I,” “The Lost Rose,” “The Watchman,” “The Anchor,” “Where is the Place of thy Rest?” and the duet, “Where the Roses Grow,” all of which, enjoyed great popularity. His songs, duets, and trios number 225. 4.—Queen Kapiolani, and the heiress presumptive to the Hawaiian Throne, the Princess Lilivokalani, consort and sister respectively of Kalakana, King of Hawaii, on a visit to England for the purpose of attending the celebration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, arrived at Rackheath Hall, where they were entertained as the guests of Captain and Mrs. Steward. During the stoppage of the train at Trowse station, the visitors were waited upon by the Mayor and Mayoress of Norwich (Mr. and Mrs. Bullard), who were attended by the Town Clerk and other civic officials. On the 5th (Sunday) the Queen and Princess attended service at the Cathedral, at which the Mayor, Sheriff, and members of the Town Council were present; and on the 6th they visited the Cathedral, St. Andrew’s Hall, St. Peter Mancroft church, and the Castle, and were entertained to luncheon at the Guildhall by the Mayor and Mayoress. In the afternoon they proceeded to Pine Banks, Thorpe, and were entertained by Mr. I. O. Howard Taylor. On the 6th the Queen and Princess departed for London. 15.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association 19.—The celebration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria began in Norwich on this day (Sunday) with a thanksgiving service at the Cathedral, and with special services at the Roman Catholic and other Nonconformist places of worship. The Mayor and Corporation attended the Cathedral in the morning, and Prince’s Street Congregational chapel in the evening. On the 20th a special meeting of the Town Council was held on the requisition of forty-four members, at which it was unanimously resolved to confer the honorary freedom of the city upon Mr. Harry Bullard as Mayor of Norwich. The 21st was observed as Jubilee Day. Early in the morning intelligence was telegraphed to the city that the Mayor was among the eleven chief magistrates in the kingdom who had received the honour of knighthood. The day’s proceedings commenced with a special service at the Cathedral, attended by Churchmen and Nonconformists, by a detachment of the 19th Hussars, under Colonel French, and the Norwich Artillery Volunteers and Rifle Volunteers. At noon 11,000 school children assembled in the Market Place and sang the National Anthem, after which Sir Harry and Lady Bullard were “at home” at the Guildhall, and entertained a large company to luncheon. In the afternoon there was a military parade of the 19th Hussars and Volunteers on Dix’s Land, Unthank’s Road; the school children had tea at their respective schools, and in the evening the city was illuminated and a grand display of fireworks was given on the Castle Meadow. The festivities were continued on the 22nd, when the Mayor and Sheriff entertained 1,100 of the aged poor at the Agricultural Hall, and in the evening Sir Harry and Lady Bullard gave a soirÉe at St. Andrew’s Hall. On the 23rd the inmates of the Workhouse were entertained. The 21st was observed with great rejoicing in every town and village in the county, and the weather being beautifully fine, the proceedings were of a most successful character. The amount subscribed in Norfolk to the Women’s Jubilee offering to the Queen was £1,565 2s. 6d. 29.—Ringland church, restored at the cost of £2,000, was re-opened. JULY.13.—“As You Like It” was for the first time performed locally as a “pastoral play” in the grounds of Mousehold House, Thorpe Hamlet, the residence of Mr. W. H. Hackblock. The comedy was represented by amateurs on the occasion of a garden fÊte. 16.—The new prison on Plumstead Road, Norwich, designed by the surveyor to the Prison Department, and built by Messrs. W. and T. Denne, of Walmer, Kent, was completed on this date. The prisoners were transferred from the Castle to the new prison on August 2nd. On September 12th the Prison Commissioners gave formal possession of the Castle to the Mayor and Corporation. The late Governor (Mr. A. E Dent), in handing the keys to the Town Clerk (Mr. H. B. Miller), remarked that the Castle had for many generations—since 1345, when it was first used as a county prison, been in the hands of governors, and he was glad, as the last of that long line, to hand over the building to the Corporation to be employed for a different purpose in the future. (See July 27th, 1891.) 20.—Mr. Henry Chaplin, M.P., was the principal speaker at a great Primrose League fÊte given in Melton Constable Park by Lord Hastings. 27.—The Premier (Lord Salisbury) visited Norwich. His lordship was received at Thorpe station by the High Sheriff (Sir Alfred Jodrell, Bart.), the Mayor (Sir Harry Bullard), and Lieutenant-Colonel Bignold, the leader of the Conservative party in the city. Escorted by a cavalcade of fifty horsemen, among whom were several leading residents in the county and city, Lord Salisbury drove to Harford Lodge, the residence of Colonel Bignold. In the evening the Premier addressed a great meeting, held at the Agricultural Hall, under the presidency of Colonel Bignold, and at the conclusion of the proceedings travelled by special train to Coltishall, whence he drove to Horstead Hall as the guest of Sir Edward Birkbeck, M.P., and the Hon. Lady Birkbeck. Lord Salisbury returned to Norwich on the 28th, and after attending a luncheon given at the Guildhall by the Mayor, proceeded to the Agricultural Hall, where he received addresses presented by deputations from many Conservative associations in East Anglia. Having delivered a further address his lordship departed from Thorpe station by the 3.25 train for London. AUGUST.3.—The Cricket Week theatrical performances commenced at Norwich Theatre, and were continued on the 4th and 5th. The pieces produced by Sir Kenneth Kemp’s company of amateurs were “The Parvenue” and “Woodcock’s Little Game.” 9.—Died, at 3, Belgravia Square, Edward Fellowes, first Baron de Ramsey. His lordship, who was raised to the Peerage on July 5th, was the second son of Mr. William Fellowes, of Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire, by his wife, Emma, fourth daughter of Mr. Richard Benyon, of Englefield House, Berks. He was born in 1809, and entering Parliament for Huntingdonshire in 1837, sat in the House of Commons without interruption until the General Election in 1880, when his eldest son, Captain Fellowes, succeeded to the seat which had been successfully defended against Liberal assaults during forty-three years. For more than half a century Mr. Fellowes was chairman of the Commissions which had the management of the Middle Level and Ouse Outfall Works. 19.—Died, at Alfred Place, South Kensington, Mr. John Palgrave Simpson. He was the second son of Mr. William Simpson, Town Clerk of Norwich and Treasurer for the county of Norfolk, and of his wife Katherine, daughter of Mr. William Palgrave, of Coltishall. Intended for the Church, he was educated under a private tutor at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he took the degree of B.A., and proceeded M.A. in due course. Abandoning the idea of adopting the clerical profession, Mr. Simpson travelled on the Continent and in the East. He was in Paris when a sudden and severe reverse of fortune, consequent upon the failure of a bank, compelled him to seek means of repairing his losses. Literary occupation seemed the only course open to him, SEPTEMBER.2.—A gale, which prevailed throughout England, was severely felt on the Norfolk coast. A large number of vessels ran into Yarmouth Roads for shelter, among them H.M.S. Narcissus and her escorts Valorous and Echo. A fine vessel, the Falls of Bruar, 1,742 tons register, the property of the Glasgow Shipping Company, was wrecked, and only five hands out of the crew of twenty-nine were saved. 21.—The Sheriff of Norwich (Mr. F. Oddin Taylor) gave a soirÉe musicale at Blackfriars’ Hall, at which the principal performers were M. Leopold Godowsky, Miss Alexes Leighton, Senor A. Gimenez Manjon, Signor Bottesini, and Mr. Odell. 26.—The first of many protracted discussions took place at a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, upon a report furnished by the City Engineer (Mr. P. P. Marshall) upon the state of the sewerage system of the city. The old sewers were said to be in a defective state, and it was proposed to abandon the low-level system, and to adopt the separate system with a new rising main, at an estimated cost of £78,000. 29.—The church of St. Michael-at-Plea, Norwich, which for many years had been in a dilapidated state, was opened after restoration at the cost of £3,000. —At the annual dinner of the North Walsham and Aylsham Agricultural Association, held at North Walsham, cigarettes, made from tobacco grown in Norfolk by Sir Edward Birkbeck, M.P., were handed to the guests. The President (Lord Suffield) described the tobacco as “very good,” and said that Sir Edward, who had taken considerable interest in the experiment, “believed that its growth was really going to do something for the benefit of Norfolk farmers.” OCTOBER.4.—Died, at 6, St. Augustine’s Road, Camden Square, N.W., Mr. David Fisher, who for thirty years had held a prominent position upon the London stage as a leading comedian. Mr. Fisher was born at East Dereham, which was one of the towns on the circuit of the Norfolk and Suffolk Company of Comedians, under the control of the Fisher family. Like his father, uncle, and grandfather, Mr. Fisher was highly respected in 9.—Died, the Rev. Kirby Trimmer. Born in London on December 22nd, 1804, he was the son of Joshua Kirby Trimmer, of Chiswick, eldest son of Mrs. Sarah Trimmer, the authoress. After a short residence at VendÔme, he graduated at St. Alban’s Hall, Oxford, and was ordained in February, 1829. He served the curacies of Burnham Overy, Burnham Sutton, Great Bircham, and Stanhoe, and in 1840 became curate of St. George’s Tombland, Norwich, to which living he succeeded in 1842. In the pursuit of botany, Mr. Trimmer attained to great distinction, and published the well-known, standard work, the “Flora of Norfolk.” His other literary efforts embraced a series of “Conversations” on the Thirty-nine Articles, and he interested himself greatly in the “Philological Dictionary” in course of publication at the time of his death. 11.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The vocalists included Madame Albani, Miss Liza Lehmann, Miss Annie Marriott, Miss Hilda Wilson, Miss Lena Little, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Charles Wade, Mr. Barton McGucken, Mr. Santley, Mr. Alex. Marsh, Mr. Brockbank, and Mr. Barrington Foote. Mr. Alberto Randegger was conductor. The opening performance included the “Jubilee Ode,” “The Heavens Declare,” and the “Hymn of Praise.” On the morning of the 12th were produced the “Garden of Olivet” (Bottesini), a devotional oratorio composed expressly for the Festival, and conducted by the composer; and the “Stabat Mater.” On the 13th the morning performance comprised the oratorio, “Isaiah” (Mancinelli), composed expressly for the Festival, and conducted by the composer; and the “Fourth Mass” (Cherubini). The “Messiah” was given on the 14th. A miscellaneous programme was performed on the evening of the 12th; the evening performance on the 13th included “The Irish” (C. V. Stanford), conducted by the composer, and the cantata, “The Golden Legend,” composed and conducted by Sir Arthur Sullivan. The concluding performance on the evening of the 14th was the dramatic legend, “Faust.” The Festival yielded a surplus of £719 3s. 1d. 20.—The new Town Hall at Downham Market, erected at the cost of £1,230, was opened by Mr. W. A. Tyssen Amherst, M.P. 21.—An extensive range of premises in St. George’s Bridge Street, Norwich, formerly the drapery establishment of Mr. Henry Snowdon, was destroyed by fire. The damage was estimated at between £12,000 and £15,000. NOVEMBER.7.—The honorary freedom of the city of Norwich was conferred upon the Mayor (Sir Harry Bullard), and to Lady Bullard was presented a diamond crescent brooch and a hair spray of coralline pearls. In the evening a complimentary dinner was given, at the Bell Hotel, to the Mayor and to the Sheriff (Mr. F. Oddin Taylor) by the members of the Board of Guardians. 9.—Mr. Frederick William Harmer was elected Mayor and Mr. Robert George Bagshaw appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 11.—Died, at Belsfield, Windermere, Mr. Henry William Schneider, aged 70, formerly Member of Parliament for Norwich. 12.—The old colours of the 1st Battalion Norfolk Regiment, presented to the Prince of Wales by Colonel Massy and the officers, were “laid up” in Sandringham church in the presence of his Royal Highness. 14.—Wintry weather was experienced in Norfolk. “As many as 13 degrees of frost were registered in some places.” 21.—The foolhardy feat of entering a cage containing five Barbary lions and two wolves, at Wombwell’s Menagerie, was performed at Norwich by a druggist named Woodcock. He went into the van under the protection of a coloured girl, who acted as “trainer” to the establishment. 24.—The High Sheriff of Norfolk (Sir Alfred Jodrell, Bart.) gave a grand county ball at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 29.—Died, at Brighton, Mr. George Henry Christie, of Framingham, aged 76. Mr. Christie was formerly head of the eminent firm of art auctioneers established by James Christie in Old Pall Mall about the year 1762. His grandfather was the friend of Sheridan and Garrick, and Gainsborough painted a fine portrait of him. Like his father and grandfather, Mr. Christie was educated at Eton. He continued head of the firm until 1860, when he was succeeded by his son, Mr. James Henry Brooke Christie. DECEMBER.5.—At a large meeting held at Blackfriars’ Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of Lieutenant-Colonel Bignold, Mr. Edward Wild was presented by the Conservative party of the city with an illuminated address expressing to him their sympathy “in the unjustifiable attack made on him in the Town Council,” and congratulating him “on his complete and triumphant refutation of the charges.” The address further stated: “They desire also to express not only as a party but as citizens their appreciation of Alderman Wild’s honourable character, and of the debt the city owes him for his long, faithful, and able services.” —Died, at Morton Hall, Mr. George Duckett Berney, in his 75th year. He was a son of Mr. Thomas Trench Berney, by his wife, Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas Penrice, of Great Yarmouth and of Witton House, and married Catherine Mary, daughter of the Rev. Henry Lombe, of Bylaugh Hall. Mr. Berney was a justice of the peace and a Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Norfolk, and in 1881 served the office of High Sheriff. He took a practical interest in pisciculture. 1888.JANUARY.2.—Mr. Edward Compton’s company appeared at Norwich Theatre in Mr. W. G. Wills’ play, “Jane Shore,” with Miss Isabel Bateman in the title rÔle. 17.—Mr. Andrew Johnston, Assistant Commissioner under the Boundary Commission appointed to make inquiries as to the delimitation of counties and Poor Law Unions, in view of impending legislation in the form of a new Local Government Bill, attended a meeting of the County Rate Basis Committee, held at Lynn under the presidency of Mr. R. T. Gurdon, and heard various statements made by the county magistrates. A Committee appointed to confer with the Commissioners reported at the County Sessions on April 5th that they considered it undesirable to alter the boundaries of the county. On April 10th a deputation appointed by the Norwich Town Council waited upon Mr. Ritchie to ask for the inclusion of Norwich in Schedule 4 of the Local Government Bill, in order that the city might be constituted a county in itself, and not be included in the county of Norfolk as was proposed. The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, on May 5th, passed resolutions in favour “of an alteration in the proposed electoral divisions so as to give a fair representation to the agricultural interest; of an extension of the term of office of the elective councillors; of one electoral register for all purposes; and of the postponement of the question of District Councils until next year.” The Chamber further agreed to petition Parliament in favour of the wheel tax. —A report was submitted to the Norwich Town Council on the completion of the new Foundry Bridge. The original estimate for the work was £13,000; the actual cost, including all charges, was £12,032 11s. 4d. The width of the bridge is 50 feet—five feet more than was originally intended. The Great Eastern Railway Company contributed £1,200 towards the cost of the undertaking. 20.—Died, at Shadwell Court, Sir Robert Jacob Buxton, Bart. The son of Sir John Jacob Buxton, Bart., by the eldest daughter of Sir Montagu Cholmeley, he succeeded to the title in 1842 as the third, and, in default of male issue, the last baronet. Sir Robert was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and married, in 1865, Mary Augusta 21.—At the annual meeting of the Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society the Mayor of Norwich (Mr. F. W. Harmer) presented to Mr. Arthur Waters Preston a handsome black marble clock of classical design, subscribed for by members and friends of the society in recognition of his services as hon. secretary from 1881 to 1888. Accompanying the testimonial was a cheque for £50 and an illuminated address. 23.—The action, Stanley v. the Mayor and Corporation of Norwich, arising out of the claim of the freemen to the Town Close Estate, came before Mr. Justice Kekewich in the Royal Court of Judicature. Mr. Walter Rye, Mr. Stanley’s agent, asked that it might be referred to Mr. Blofeld, Recorder of Ipswich and Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, to enquire and report who were the persons entitled as freemen to participate in the rents and profits of the estate, and what persons were entitled to be admitted as freemen under the inquiry directed by the judgment given in March, 1887. His lordship made the order asked for, and directed that the inquiry be held at the Guildhall, Norwich, or at such other place as the referee might from time to time direct. Mr. Blofeld opened the inquiry on March 19th, and continued the proceedings on the 20th, when a large number of freemen attended for the purpose of proving their right to have their names placed upon the roll. On the same day (the 20th) it was reported to the Town Council that the cost of the Town Close Estate litigation amounted to £4,500, and a resolution was adopted for leave to borrow the amount on mortgage of the estate. In the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, on July 7th, a point was raised as to the jurisdiction of the court to affirm a declaration of the Attorney-General creating the Town Close Estate a charity. Mr. Justice Kekewich, on July 14th, sustained the objection taken by the respondents to the Attorney-General’s application, and held that before issuing a summons the Attorney-General must establish by independent proceedings an information that there was a charity in existence to be regulated. The summons had been so drawn as to assume the existence of a charity, and this was just what his lordship thought could not be assumed. On December 14th, in the Supreme Court, before Lords Justices Cotton, Lindley, and Bowen, the Attorney-General appealed from Mr. Justice Kekewich’s decision. Their lordships, after hearing arguments, held that Mr. Justice Kekewich had determined by his judgment that the Town Close Estate was a charitable trust. On December 20th, however, their lordships reconsidered their decision, directed the order of Mr. Justice Kekewich to be discharged, and ordered the summons to be set down for further argument, and to decide whether there was or was not a charity. (See January 21st, 1889.) 31.—Died, at Southwell Lodge, Norwich, Mr. John Willis, aged 54. Mr. Willis was a member of the firm of Willis and Southall, an alderman, and a justice of the peace for the city. A native of Gloucestershire, FEBRUARY.3.—In pursuance of requisition a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council was held for the purpose of considering a notice for rescinding a resolution passed on January 17th in relation to Anguish’s Charity, namely, “That this Council gives its cordial support to a proposal of the Charity Commissioners to utilise the funds of the Norwich Charities for the purposes of technical education.” Colonel Bignold moved, “That no application of the funds of Anguish’s and the allied charities can be satisfactory to this Council which is not strictly in accordance with the will of Thomas Anguish confirmed and settled by Royal Charter in 1629, namely, for the sustentation, relief, and maintenance, as well as the teaching, of all very poor children born and brought up in the city of Norwich.” This resolution was adopted at an adjourned meeting on the 7th, and a committee appointed “to consider the present position of the trust, and, if necessary, to confer with the Charity Trustees, and still further, if necessary, to communicate with the Commissioners.” On the 28th the Special Committee submitted the following suggestions to the Council for approval:—“(1) That in any scheme which may be submitted by the Charity Trustees to the Commissioners a sum not exceeding £200 per annum be set aside for the purposes of technical education out of the Boys’ Hospital. (2) That the residue of the fund be devoted to the sustentation, relief, maintenance, and elementary education of as many boys as the money will provide for. (3.) That if considered within the meaning of the trust this committee would be willing to accept a scheme of maintenance other than that provided for by the Home.” Meanwhile the Trustees submitted amended proposals, but on March 20th the Council adopted those drawn up by the Special Committee. (See January 21st, 1896). 7.—The members of the Norwich and Norfolk Conservative Club having vacated their former premises on the Walk for larger and more convenient quarters in St. Giles’ Street, held a meeting, at which an inaugural address was delivered by Mr. S. Hoare, M.P. The newly-acquired premises formed originally a portion of the Norfolk’ Hotel, and adjoining was a large and handsome banqueting room, which for several years afterwards was used for Conservative gatherings and other purposes. 9.—The first of a series of “Science Lectures for the People,” delivered under the auspices of the Norwich Corporation through the instrumentality of the Gilchrist Educational Trust, was given at St. Andrew’s Hall by Sir Robert Stawell Ball, Astronomer Royal of Ireland, on “The Wonders of the Midnight Sky.” The second lecture, entitled “A Bank Holiday in the Country,” was delivered on February 21st by the Rev. W. Tuckwell, M.A., rector of Stockton, and late Fellow of New College, Oxford. (See January 14th, 1889.) 24.—A heavy fall of snow occurred, and on the 25th the ground was covered to the depth of several inches. MARCH.1.—Jim Mace, “retired champion of the world,” appeared at Norwich Theatre in a series of exhibition sparring contests with Wolf Bendoff, Pooley Mace, and Mike Jennett. The entertainment was repeated on the 2nd and 3rd. 3.—Lord Harris, Under-Secretary for War and chairman of the Grand Council, addressed a Primrose League meeting held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. 6.—Hengler’s Grand Cirque opened at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. 8.—Died, at his residence, St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, Mr. Charles Suckling Gilman, in his 81st year. Mr. Gilman for many years spent an active and busy life in the city. He initiated the Norwich Law Students’ Amicable Society, founded the Norfolk and Norwich Aquatic Club, whose members at one time engaged in rowing contests with the crews of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge; and aided the inauguration of the Norwich AthenÆum. In 1834 Mr. Gilman founded the Militia Substitute Insurance Association, and after the memorable hailstorm in August, 1843, he established the General Hailstorm Insurance Society. In 1846 he became the leading promoter and secretary of the Norwich Mutual Marine Insurance Society, in 1849 he founded the Norfolk Farmers’ Cattle Insurance Society, and in 1856 assisted his son, Mr. C. R. Gilman, in the formation of the Norwich and London Accident Insurance Association. Mr. Gilman was the last surviving member of the Norwich Corporation of pre-Reform days, having been elected for the Wymer Ward in March, 1830. For some time he was a member of the new Corporation, a revising assessor and member of the old Court of Guardians, and a member of the old Paving Commission. Mr. Gilman was engaged with Mr. Joseph John Gurney and others in founding and organizing the Norwich District Visiting Society, and was one of the oldest life governors of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, and a member of the Festival Committee and of the Committees of the Blind Institution, the Norfolk and Norwich Eye Infirmary, the Norfolk and Norwich Dispensary, and the Jenny Lind Infirmary. With Mr. John Henry Gurney and Sir Samuel Bignold, he took an active part in the formation of the original Norwich Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Gilman was descended from an old Norfolk family which goes back into the sixteenth century, and one of his maternal ancestors was the great Norfolk hero, Nelson. —The first of a series of “Health Lectures for the People,” arranged by the Corporation of Norwich, was delivered at Prince’s Street Lecture Hall by Mr. S. H. Burton. The subject was “Healthy Homes and how to keep them so.” On the 15th Mr. Donald Day lectured on “Foods and Drinks,” and on the 22nd Dr. S. J. Barton on “Personal Health.” 22.—Died, at his residence, Willow Lane, Norwich, Mr. Charles Goodwin, formerly house surgeon of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Mr. Goodwin held important posts in connection with other city charities, and was on the commission of the peace for Norwich. 23.—At the Norwich Police Court, Mr. Edward Burgess, accompanied by several members of the committee of the Unemployed Relief Fund, applied for the issue of a summons for libel against the Norwich District Visiting Society and the editor of the Norfolk Chronicle. The newspaper had published an article in which the committee were referred to “as certain persons who are not entitled to constitute themselves almoners of the general public as an excuse for pursuing their favourite policy of sending round the hat and beating a drum in the manner of other mountebanks.” This article had been reprinted and circulated by the officers of the Visiting Society. The magistrates were of opinion that the article was not libellous, and dismissed the application. APRIL.1.—Died suddenly, at his residence, Bank Plain, Norwich, Mr. Arthur Preston, solicitor. He was the youngest son of Mr. John Preston, of Great Yarmouth (who was twice Mayor of that borough), and was born on July 3rd, 1819. After serving his articles with Mr. Roger Kerrison he was admitted a solicitor in 1842, and from 1844 to 1864, when Mr. Kerrison died, he was in partnership with him. Mr. Preston was appointed Clerk to the Burials Board in 1861, and held the office until his death; he had been a director of the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society since 1867, and president since 1885; and he was the Norwich solicitor to the British Gas Light Company, Limited, to which office he was appointed in 1864. Mr. Preston was twice married—in 1854 to Maria, daughter of Mr. Robert Waters, and in 1869 to Louisa Jane, daughter of the Rev. J. Culling Evans, of Stoke Pogis, Buckinghamshire. He left a family of five sons and three daughters. —An outbreak of fire at West Beckham Workhouse caused damage to the amount of £1,500. 5.—The proceedings of the Norwich Diocesan Conference commenced at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, and concluded on the 6th. 16.—The E and D Troops of the 19th (Princess of Wales’ Own) Hussars marched from Norwich Cavalry Barracks for Hampton Court and Kensington. The remaining troops left on the 26th, on which day three troops of the 20th Hussars marched in under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Blake. 28.—Died, at 19, Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square, London, Lieut.-Colonel George Black, formerly Chief Constable of Norfolk, in his 79th year. It was on October 20th, 1852, that Colonel (then Captain) Black, a half-pay officer of the Royal Staff Corps, who had seen service as adjutant in Canada, was appointed to the command of the Norfolk Constabulary, and he held the post until the autumn of 1880, when he retired on a pension. For sixteen or seventeen years Colonel Black held the command of the Norwich Rifle Battalion in succession to Colonel Brett. At the funeral, which took place at Willesden Cemetery on May 2nd, the coffin was borne to the grave by six superintendents of the Norfolk Constabulary. MAY.2.—Nine cottages were destroyed by fire at Hockering. Most of the furniture and belongings of the occupants were consumed, and a public subscription was opened for the relief of the sufferers. 19.—The Norfolk Artillery Volunteer Brigade went into camp at Yarmouth under the command of Lieut.-Colonel H. M. Leathes. 22.—Died, at Norwich, Mr. John Betts, in his 89th year. The head of a large wholesale and retail drapery establishment, he was appointed Sheriff in 1844, elected Mayor in 1845, and placed on the commission of the peace in 1848. 24.—Died, at Bracondale, Norwich, Major-General James Cockburn, formerly of the 79th Cameron Highlanders, aged 77. He was second son of Major-General James Patteson Cockburn, of the Royal Artillery, and was born in Norwich when his father was stationed there in 1810. After serving in Canada he received the appointment of staff officer of pensioners in the Norwich District, from which post he retired in 1877. General Cockburn was a justice of the peace for the city, and vice-president of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. —The members of the British Dairy Farmers’ Association arrived at Trowse railway station, and visited Carrow Abbey, where they were entertained to luncheon by Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P. After inspecting the Whitlingham herd, they proceeded to Norwich, and held a conference at the Agricultural Hall. In the evening the members dined at the Royal Hotel under the presidency of Mr. Clare Sewell Read; and on the 25th proceeded by train to King’s Lynn and Sandringham. 30.—The Earl of Leicester presided at a public meeting at Norwich, and made an eloquent appeal on behalf of a fund for the enlargement and reconstruction of the Blind Institution. The cost of the proposed work was estimated at £4,000. (See October 16th, 1891.) JUNE.12.—An inter-county match between teams of twenty men each took place on the occasion of the annual meeting at Yarmouth of the Norfolk Volunteer Service Association. Total scores: Suffolk, 1,711; Lincolnshire, 1,697; Norfolk, 1,652; Essex, 1,557. 19.—The Norwich Town Council adopted an address of condolence with the Queen and with the Empress of Germany on the death of the German Emperor. Similar addresses were passed by the Corporations of Yarmouth and Lynn. 21.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association opened at East Dereham. Mr. R. T. Gurdon, M.P., presided at the luncheon. The show was continued on the 22nd. 28.—The church of St. Thomas, Heigham, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. The building was designed by Mr. Ewan Christian, of London, and erected by Mr. G. E. Hawes, at the total cost of £6,600. 30.—Dr. S. J. Barton was elected an honorary physician of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital in place of Sir Peter Eade, who retired from the post of senior physician. Dr. Beverley was elected honorary surgeon to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. T. W. Crosse. JULY.5.—A severe thunderstorm, accompanied by heavy rain and hail, occurred in Norfolk. 7.—Died, at East Dereham, Mr. Samuel Bates, who was born in that town in 1789. He started in business in the Market Place in 1814, and was a subscriber to the dinner held in 1815 on the occasion of the celebration of peace. In 1809 he witnessed and took part in the festivities connected with the Jubilee of George III., and seventy-seven years later participated in the celebration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria. 9.—The Mayor (Mr. F. W. Harmer) opened, at the rooms of the Norwich Art Circle, Queen Street, a loan collection of works by John Sell Cotman. 14.*—“Lieut.-Colonel William Earle Gascoyne Lytton Bulwer is gazetted to the command of the Eastern Counties Volunteer Brigade.” 21.—At a meeting held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Deputy-Mayor (Sir Harry Bullard), a local branch was established of the National Association for the Employment of Reserve and Discharged Soldiers. —The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions of the Norfolk Regiment went into camp at Great Yarmouth. The marching in state was 2,000. 24.—The Fellows of the Huguenot Society of London held their summer conference at Norwich. The proceedings were continued on the 25th. AUGUST.6.—The Norwich Cricket Week commenced on this date, and concluded on the 11th. The principal match of the week was Norfolk v. Parsees. Scores: Norfolk, 138–73; Parsees, 78–129. Sir Kenneth Kemp’s amateur theatrical company appeared at the Theatre on the 8th 10.—Upwards of 10,000 people were present at a Primrose League fÊte given at Houghton Park by Mr. E. Kenyon-Stow. Addresses were delivered by Lord Henry Bentinck, M.P., Mr. Weston Jarvis, M.P., and Mr. Whitmore, M.P. 18.—Died, at Norwich, Mr. Henry Stevenson, F.L.S. He was the youngest son of Mr. Seth William Stevenson, and was born at Surrey Street, Norwich, March 30th, 1833. Educated at King’s College School, London, he became, on attaining his majority, a co-partner in the proprietorship of the Norfolk Chronicle, and at the age of 22 was elected honorary secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum, a position which he filled with marked ability to the close of his life. Volume I. of his standard work, “The Birds of Norfolk,” was published in December, 1866, and Volume II. in September, 1870; and Volume III. was in course of publication at the time of his death. His other literary work included a memoir of his friend, the Rev. Richard Lubbock, M.A., rector of Eccles, published with a revised edition of Lubbock’s “Fauna of Norfolk,” edited by Mr. T. Southwell (1879), and numerous contributions to the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society, of which he was one of the founders, and filled the office of president in 1871–72. Mr. Stevenson was appointed Sheriff of Norwich in 1875. He married, in 1856, Eliza Dangerfield, stepdaughter of Mr. Edward Slater, who died from injuries received in a carriage accident on July 17th, 1862; his second wife was Ann Emilia, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Self, surgeon, of Hackney. 30.—Lord Walsingham killed to his own gun, on his small moor at Blubberhouses, Yorkshire, 1,058 grouse. Of these, 1,036 were taken home the same night, and 22 were picked up the following day. “The record of his having killed 842 grouse to his own gun on August 28th, 1872, had been so freely disputed by many persons, who professed to regard it as a physical impossibility, that it was his lordship’s intention to prove more could be accomplished.” SEPTEMBER.6.—Died, at Ormesby Lodge, Sir Edmund Henry Knowles Lacon, Bart. He was the eldest son of Sir Edmund Knowles Lacon, and his wife, Eliza Dixon, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Mr. Thomas Beecroft, of Sculthorpe Hall. Born August 14th, 1807, he was educated at Eton and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. in 1828 and his M.A. degree in 1831. In 1839 he married Eliza Georgiana, daughter of Mr. James Esdale Hammet, of Battersea. He succeeded to the baronetcy in 1839. Sir Edmund was first returned to Parliament for the borough of Yarmouth in 1852. At the next General Election, in March, 1857, Mr. McCallagh and Mr. E. A. Watkin gained the representation of the constituency by a narrow majority over Sir Edmund and his colleague, the Hon. Charles Smyth Vereker, son of Viscount Gort. A petition was presented, and a Committee of the House of Commons declared the election void. Thereupon Sir Edmund issued an address, but subsequently followed the example of Mr. Vereker, and retired, so 9.—A serious fire occurred at the Orchard Street Saw Mills, Norwich, occupied by Messrs. Cunnington Bros, timber merchants. Considerable damage was done to the machinery and stock-in-trade, and a large building was destroyed. 11.—The detachment of Royal Engineers, who had for ten years been engaged on the Ordnance Survey, left Norwich for York. The work in Norfolk was completed in 1883, and it was found that very little alteration was needed in the map drawn thirty or forty years previously. The survey of the northern half of Cambridgeshire was then commenced and was completed in 1885; this was followed by the survey of a portion of Huntingdonshire and Northamptonshire, including the city of Peterborough; and finally the southern half of Lincolnshire, which was finished in April, 1887. The detachment, including women and children, numbered 120, and the official papers, books, &c., weighed between 30 and 40 tons. The first commanding officer was Captain Macpherson, who was succeeded by Captain Day and by Major Washington. 20.—The new Hospital, erected at Dene Side, Yarmouth, was publicly opened by Sir James Paget, the distinguished physician, a native of the town. The total cost of the institution was estimated at £10,750. 19.—A great Conservative demonstration took place at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in connection with a conference of the Eastern Division of the National Union of Conservative Associations. Lord Walsingham presided, and Sir John Gorst, Q.C., M.P., Under Secretary for India, was the principal speaker. NOVEMBER.2.—Died, Sir Lewis Whincop Jarvis, in his 72nd year. He was a son of Mr. Lewis Weston Jarvis, and a grandson of Mr. Robert T. Whincop, a former Town Clerk of Lynn. For more than fifty years he carried on business as a banker and solicitor in his native town of Lynn, and on January 15th, 1878, received the honour of knighthood in recognition of the many eminent services he had rendered to the borough. He married, in 1850, Emma, daughter of Mr. Alexander Bowker, by whom he left issue five sons and a daughter. Sir Lewis was an alderman of Lynn, and was Mayor for three successive years, 1860–63. 9.—At the meeting of the Norwich Town Council Mr. Alexander Robert Chamberlin was elected Mayor of the city, but upon his declining to qualify Mr. Joshua Farrar Ranson was chosen. Mr. George White was appointed Sheriff. —The Marquis of Salisbury was appointed High Steward of the borough of Great Yarmouth. 10.—The Gorleston lifeboat, the Refuge, was capsized whilst upon salvage service, and of her crew four were drowned. 13.—Mr. Harry Furniss delivered at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, a lecture on “Art and Artists.” 15.—Upton church, which had been restored at the cost of £1,122, was re-opened by the Bishop of Norwich. 26.—At Blofield Petty Sessions, Jeremiah Cozens Wiley, farmer, of Little Plumstead; Samuel Rose, farm steward; William Feek and Thomas Powley, labourers, of the same place, were summoned on the information of John Ford, an inspector of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for “unlawfully ill-treating and torturing 16 bullocks by dishorning them on October 8th and 15th.” Mr. Colam, barrister-at-law, prosecuted on behalf of the society, and Mr. H. J. Gidney, of Aylsham, defended. The case excited great interest, and the court was crowded by a large number of scientific witnesses and leading agriculturists. The act of dishorning the animals was admitted by the defendants, and in support of the contention of the prosecution that the operation was unnecessary and cruel were called Professor Walley, principal of the Edinburgh Veterinary College; Professor McCall, principal of the Glasgow Veterinary College; Professor F. Collins, F.R.C.V.S., Mr. G. A. Lepper, F.R.C.V.S, Professor Pritchard, President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London; Mr. Cox, F.R.C.V.S., Professor J. McQueen, and several local veterinary surgeons. It was urged in defence that the operation, although painful, was necessary and humane, because it prevented cattle injuring each other with their horns. Several prominent agriculturists and graziers, including Mr. Clare Sewell Read, Mr. B. B. Sapwell, and Mr. William Case, gave evidence 29.—Mr. J. L. Toole commenced a three nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre as Mr. Milliken, M.A., in the comedy of “The Don.” The pieces produced on the 30th and on December 1st were “The Butler,” “The Spitalfields Weaver,” “Paul Pry,” and “Ici On Parle FranÇais.” DECEMBER.1.—The weather was very mild at this date. “That 1888 will be noted as an extraordinary year in the meteorological annals of this country is a fact requiring no demonstration—snow in harvest and blossoming primroses in the open air on the eve of December, February rains throughout the summer months, and March gales in November.” A correspondent, writing to “The Times,” on December 3rd, stated: “I am still supplied with green peas grown in my garden at Brundall, the roses are all in flower; the fields abound in primroses and wild flowers.” The cuckoo was said to have been heard at North Elmham on December 6th. In Norwich primroses and other vernal flowers were in full bloom on Christmas eve, and strawberries were gathered at Swainsthorpe on Christmas morning. 5.—The Prince of Wales and Prince George of Wales arrived at Didlington Hall on a visit to Mr. W. A. Tyssen Amherst, M.P., and left on the 8th. 10.—Lieut.-Colonel Foster was presented with a gold watch, subscribed for by past and present members of the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, on his retirement from the corps, after twenty-five years’ service. 22.—A public inquiry was held at the Guildhall Norwich, by Mr. Charles Chapman, Assistant Commissioner under the Royal Commission on market rates and tolls, into the circumstances of markets and fairs in the city. Statements were made by many of the leading citizens. A similar inquiry was held at Yarmouth. 29.—The Norfolk County Club, whose quarters were originally at the Royal Hotel, and subsequently in St. Giles’ Street, having purchased the old Bank House, Upper King Street, Norwich, the reconstruction of the premises for the purposes of the club was completed on this date under the superintendence of Mr. Edward Boardman. The house was formerly the residence of Mr. Anthony Hudson, and was afterwards known as Greyfriars’ College. 31.—Mr. Henry Birkbeck, on the completion of the fiftieth year of his connection with the banking-house of Gurneys, Birkbecks, Barclay, and Buxtons, “the Norwich and Norfolk Bank,” was presented by the managers and clerks with a silver salver in commemoration of the event. JANUARY.3.—The Norfolk magistrates met at the Shirehall, Norwich, for the last time for the discharge of the general business of the county. Mr. J. R. Bulwer, Q.C., presided. On the motion of Sir Francis Boileau, Bart., seconded by Mr. C. S. Read, a vote of thanks was accorded to the senior Chairman, Mr. R. T. Gurdon, “for the impartial, courteous, and punctual manner in which he has discharged the various duties appertaining to the office of Chairman during the eighteen years in which he has with marked ability presided over this Court.” One of the last acts of the Court was to grant to the Under-Sheriff (Mr. Hales) the sum of £700 towards the expenses of the County Council elections, which took place on January 24th. The first meeting of the Norfolk Provisional County Council was held at the Shirehall, Norwich, on February 7th. Mr. Gurdon was elected provisional chairman by 37 votes against 18 recorded for Lord Kimberley. After the election of aldermen the meeting was adjourned until February 16th, when Mr. Gurdon was elected permanent Chairman by 53 votes against 20 polled by Lord Kimberley. Lord Walsingham was elected Vice-Chairman. It was reported that the cost of the elections was £3,308 4s. 6d. The first meeting of the fully-constituted Council took place at the Shirehall on April 13th; and on December 14th it adopted a comprehensive scheme for the management of the main roads of the county. —A regimental ball, given by the officers of the 20th Hussars, took place at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 9.—A meeting of the citizens was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, for the consideration of the Norwich Corporation Bill, which, during the preceding year the Town Council had decided to present to Parliament. The Mayor (Mr. J. Farrar Ranson) presided, and the proceedings were of a most disorderly character. At the adjourned meeting on the 23rd similar scenes were witnessed. The Bill, which was very comprehensive, and contained provisions relating to infectious diseases, police regulations, private street works, hackney carriages, the employment of children, consolidation of parishes, &c., passed through Select Committee of the House of Commons on June 18th. 14.—The first of another series of “Science Lectures for the People” was given, under the Gilchrist Educational Trust, at St. Andrew’s Hall by Sir Robert Stawell Ball, Astronomer Royal for Ireland, on “The Sun, the Fountain of life and Light.” Dr. Lant Carpenter, on January 28th, lectured upon “Electric Lighting”; Dr. Andrew Wilson, February 9th, on “Some Animal Architects: Chalk Builders and Coral Makers”; Professor Miall, February 25th, on “The Life-history of the Earth”; Professor Seeley, March 11th, on “Water and its Action in Land-shaping”; and the Rev. Dr. Dallinger, F.R.S., F.L.S., president of the Royal Microscopical Society, March 25th, on “Contrasts of Nature—the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Small.” The Corporation in December arranged a series of lectures independently of the Gilchrist Trust. On the 4th of that month Sir Robert Ball lectured on “Shooting Stars,” 21.—The freemen of Norwich unanimously agreed that it was undesirable to take any steps in opposition to the Attorney-General’s motion for declaring the Town Close Estate a charity. In the Court of Appeal, on June 22nd, before Lords Justices Cotton, Bowen, and Fry, Mr. Ingle Joyce informed their lordships that a scheme was to be devised for the management of the estate; the Corporation were to retain a sufficient sum to cover their costs, and the plaintiffs in the action were to have their costs as between party and party. Their lordships sanctioned the agreement. “All that now remains to be done in the original action is to settle the roll by striking off the names of freemen wrongfully admitted.” At a meeting of the Town Council on August 27th it was reported that the estimated costs in the litigation amounted to £5,000. (See February 6th, 1892.) 23.—Died, at Yarmouth, Mrs. Rose Ellen Thackeray, widow of the Rev. Joseph Thackeray, many years rector of Horstead and Coltishall. Mrs. Thackeray, who was in her 79th year, was the authoress of “Social Skeletons,” and “Pictures of the Past,” and a contributor of poetical sketches to various magazines. She was the youngest daughter of Captain John Robinson, of the Scots Guards. 24.—Mr. and Mrs. Kendall commenced a three nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre in “The Queen’s Shilling.” “A Scrap of Paper” was performed on the 25th, and “Two Friends” on the 26th. 26.—Died, at St. Andrew’s Hall Plain, Norwich, Mr. Alfred Stannard, artist, in his 83rd year. He was the last survivor of the Norwich School of Artists, which commenced with Old Crome. He was the younger brother of the famous Joseph Stannard, and father of Miss Stannard, the well-known painter of fruit and flowers. During the last few years of his life Mr. Stannard was in receipt of an annual pension of £50 from the Turner Fund of the Royal Academy. 26.—Died, at the Cathedral Close, Norwich, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, widow of Mr. John Oddin Taylor, aged 81. She was the eldest of the twelve children of Mr. John Brewer, of Mile End House, Eaton. Among her brothers were Professor Brewer, Preacher at the Rolls-Chapel, and editor of the State Papers of the time of Henry VIII.; Dr. William Brewer, Chairman of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, and sometime Member of Parliament for Colchester; and Dr. Cobham Brewer, the well-known author of the “Guide to Science” and other educational works. Born on November 9th, 1807, she was educated with her brothers at Mile End School, and there acquired that proficiency in the classics and love of literature generally which she maintained and cherished throughout her life. Among the pupils attending her father’s school was John Oddin Taylor, who was destined to become her husband. Early in life she manifested an ardent enthusiasm for music, and studied under Dr. Crotch, and for her great proficiency in the art was on two occasions awarded a medal. With her high intellectual gifts were combined broad and liberal sympathies, and she won the confidence and affection of all. 29.—Mr. T. P. O’Connor, M.P., addressed a Gladstonian Liberal meeting held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of Mr. J. J. Colman. 5.—A series of military tournaments, given by the 20th Hussars in aid of the city charities, commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and concluded on the 9th. 9.—A severe gale did great damage to the fishing fleet in the North Sea. Several Yarmouth fishermen were drowned. Heavy snowstorms occurred on the 10th. 20.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Field, George Edward Brock (46), solicitor, was sentenced to ten months’ imprisonment for obtaining money by false pretences. 21.—A murderous attack was made upon Police-constable Southgate, of the Norwich police, by a man named Joseph Betts, who in 1883 was charged with sending threatening letters to the Bishop of Norwich and Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., signed “Another Invincible.” Southgate was returning from night duty at 6.35 a.m., when he was accosted by Betts, who fired a revolver at him, the bullet passing between his left arm and the side of his body. Betts then withdrew to his house in Northumberland Street, where he barricaded himself. Several police-officers went to the house to effect his apprehension; a ladder was procured, and while Inspector Guiett was preparing to ascend to the bedroom window Betts appeared above and deliberately fired at the officer. The bullet struck the leather peak of the inspector’s cap, and, glancing off, inflicted a superficial wound upon his head. Ultimately the prisoner was captured by a ruse, and removed to the police-station. On March 1st he was committed for trial. Betts was tried at the Norwich Assizes on July 20th on the charge of firing a pistol at Police-constable Southgate with intent to murder him. He was found guilty of intent to do grievous bodily harm, and was sentenced by Lord Chief Justice Coleridge to fifteen years’ penal servitude. The prisoner was afterwards removed to Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum. —Died, at Ashill Rectory, the Rev. Bartholomew Edwards, “within ten days of his 100th year.” Born on March 2nd, 1789, he graduated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, taking his B.A. degree (7th Sen. Opt.) in 1811. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Bathurst at Norwich in 1812, and priest in 1813. In the last-named year he received his only preferment, which he held for 76 years. Mr. Edwards, who was the oldest clergyman in the Church of England, was a rural dean, a justice of the peace, and a Deputy Lieutenant for Norfolk. He recorded his vote at the County Council election on January 24th, and caught a chill; congestion of the lungs supervened, and this attack was the immediate cause of his death. 27.—The Marquis of Hartington visited Norwich and addressed a large meeting of the Unionist party held at St. Andrew’s Hall. The Earl of Leicester presided, and was supported by several representatives of the nobility and county gentry. MARCH.5.—Hengler’s Circus company commenced a season’s engagement at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. Mr. George Gilbert, a native of the 19.—The Norwich Town Council unanimously adopted a farewell address to the Very Rev. E. M. Goulburn on his resignation of the Deanery of Norwich. The address was presented to Dean Goulburn at the Deanery on April 23rd by the Mayor (Mr. J. Farrar Ranson), who was accompanied by the Sheriff (Mr. G. White) and other members of the Corporation. (See July 5th.) APRIL.2.—The new lifeboat, Mark Lane, presented to the National Lifeboat Institution by traders at Mark Lane, was launched at Yarmouth. —Captain Wiggins, F.R.G.S., lectured at Norwich, upon his experiences in the Arctic Seas and Siberia. Mr. J. H. Gurney, jun., F.Z.S., F.L.S., who presided, introduced the lecturer as a native of the city. Captain Wiggins referred to the fact that forty-three years previously he lived as a boy at Norwich, and expressed the pleasure it gave him to return to his native town to tell them of things which he never dreamed of years ago. On the previous day Captain Wiggins was received at Marlborough House by the Prince and Princess of Wales. 9.—The Sheriff of Norwich and Mrs. White gave a soirÉe at St. Andrew’s Hall, at which many residents in the city and county were present. 12.—The Earl of Rosebery addressed a great Gladstonian meeting held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Earl of Kimberley. His lordship, after making an eloquent speech in favour of Home Rule, entered Mr. J. J. Colman’s carriage, and, preceded by two brass bands, and escorted by torchbearers, was driven to Carrow House. 13.—Died, at Mill Hill Road, Norwich, aged 60, Mr. James Darkin, a well-known music seller, who had been the means of introducing to the city many talented singers and musicians. 16.—In the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, before Lord Coleridge and Mr. Justice Hawkins, was mentioned the case, Ford v. Wiley. This case arose out of the question whether the operation of dishorning cattle, i.e., sawing off their horns at the roots, was cruelty within the meaning of the Act for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The Blofield Bench of magistrates had ruled in the negative. Lord Coleridge said: “All that we have to say for the present is that we have made up our minds distinctly and clearly to give judgment reversing the decision of the magistrates, holding as we do that the practice of dishorning is unlawful. But as we differ from several judgments we think it only respectful to the learned judges who decided those cases to say that we have duly considered everything they have said on the subject, and therefore we have thought right to take time to put our judgment into writing (though we entirely agree in it), and we will deliver judgment early in the next sitting.” On May 18th the Lord Chief Justice, in delivering judgment, said the operation of dishorning was detestably brutal, and it was also unnecessary except to enable its owner to obtain a pound or two more for the animal on its sale. Mr. Justice Hawkins concurred, and the case was remitted to the magistrates for further hearing. 25.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference was opened at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of the Bishop of the Diocese, and was continued on the 26th. 26.—The phonograph, described as “Edison’s wonderful talking machine,” was exhibited for the first time in Norwich, “with a unique library of voices,” by Mr. William Lynd, M.I.C.E. MAY.7.—Died, at Norwich, aged 36, Mr. Edward Preston Willins, A.R.I.B.A. He was the youngest son of Mr. William Willins, and published a handsome volume, entitled, “Quaint Old Norwich,” a work much sought after by local collectors. 9.—Lieutenant Campbell, Quartermaster of the 20th Hussars, was accidentally drowned in the Yare by the capsizing of his sailing boat, near Buckenham Ferry. His wife, who was with him at the time of the accident, was saved by his servant, Private Moore. Mr. Campbell was 33 years of age, and had been in the regiment since 1872. He had served through the Egyptian campaigns, and had received the Egyptian and Khedive’s stars and the clasp for Suakim. His remains were interred at Norwich Cemetery with full military honours on the 13th. Private Moore on June 11th was presented at the Cavalry Barracks, on the occasion of a full-dress parade of the regiment, with the silver medal and certificate of the Royal Humane Society, handed to him by Colonel Blake, the officer commanding; and with a purse, containing £45, presented by the Mayor (Mr. J. Farrar Ranson) on behalf of the citizens. 24.—The western portion of the Castle Gardens at Norwich was thrown open to the public at noon. 27.—Lydia Baker, widow, of Alburgh, completed her 100th year, and was entertained with her nearest relatives at the rectory by the Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Lohr. Among the many presents received by the old lady was a stocking containing 100 shillings. JUNE.1.—Heavy and destructive thunderstorms occurred throughout Norfolk, and especially in the western portion of the county. Immense damage was done to the growing crops. 6.—The Church of England portion of Attleborough Cemetery was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. The ceremony had been delayed by a prolonged and unpleasant controversy. 8.—The 1st Volunteer Brigade Norfolk Artillery went into camp at Yarmouth. During the night of the 9th tents and marquees were overturned by a heavy gale from the north, accompanied by torrents of rain. The camp was struck on the 12th. 18.—The Norwich Town Council decided to purchase the Carrow Bridge undertaking, under powers conferred by the new Corporation Act, at a cost not exceeding £3,000, towards which sum Messrs. J. and J. Colman offered to contribute £1,500. 19.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association opened at Swaffham. Mr. Anthony Hamond was president. 21.—The Sheriff of Norwich and Mrs. White entertained 700 of the aged poor of the city to dinner at St. Andrew’s Hall in celebration of the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ellen Constance White. —Died, at Antingham Rectory, the Rev. John Dolphin, in his 85th year. “He was among the few survivors of the University elevens that first competed for cricketing honours in the year 1827, when he played as an old Etonian captain for Cambridge.” 22.—An aeronaut named Grais made a balloon ascent from the Newmarket Road Cricket Ground, Norwich, and upon attaining an altitude of about 3,000 feet descended by means of a parachute. Grais made a similar descent at East Dereham on August 10th. 25.—Died, at West Lodge, Easton, Mr. Edward Fountaine, aged 68. He was a son of Mr. Andrew Fountaine, of Narford Hall, and was much devoted to the pursuit of ornithology. Mr. Fountaine achieved some fame as a breeder of eagle owls and was a regular contributor to “The Ibis.” JULY.1.—The sale of Mr. T. Fulcher’s herd of red polled cattle was conducted at Elmham Park by Mr. John Thornton. Thirty-nine heifers realised £1,026 18s., an average of £26 6s. 7d.; and eight bulls £159 12s., an average of £19 19s. 2.—The first biennial sale of shorthorn cattle and Southdown sheep, the property of the Prince of Wales, took place at Wolferton. His Royal Highness, accompanied by Prince George of Wales, was present 5.—The Ven. William Lefroy, Archdeacon of Warrington, was installed Dean of Norwich in succession to the Very Rev. E. M. Goulburn, D.D., resigned. Dean Lefroy preached his first sermon at the Cathedral on October 15th, on the occasion of the festival of the Church of England Temperance Society. 10.—Died, at Walpole House, Thorpe, Mr. William Houghton Clabburn, aged 69. He was for many years a partner in the firm of Clabburn, Sons, and Crisp, shawl manufacturers, whose products achieved for Norwich a world-wide celebrity. Mr. Clabburn was chairman of the directors of the Norwich Crape Company, and served the office of Sheriff in 1866–67. 16.—The Norwich Town Council voted a loyal and dutiful address to the Prince and Princess of Wales on the approaching marriage of Princess Louise with the Earl of Fife. The wedding on the 27th was celebrated in Norwich by the ringing of St. Peter Mancroft bells, and the display of flags on public buildings. The ladies of Norfolk presented to her Royal Highness a diamond bracelet and a grand pianoforte, and the farmers on the Sandringham estate gave a handsome diamond cross. 21.—Thunderstorms were general throughout the county. At Beechamwell seventeen sheep were killed by lightning, and everywhere the ripening corn crops were greatly damaged by rain and hail. 27.—The four Volunteer Battalions of the Norfolk Regiment went into brigade camp on Rushford Heath, under the command of Brigadier-General Bulwer. The marching in state was 1,563. General Buchanan, C.B., inspected the brigade on the 30th, and the camp was struck on August 1st. AUGUST.1.—The chancel of Cromer church, which had been restored at the cost of £6,800, under the superintendence of Sir A. W. Blomfield, A.R.A., was re-opened. 6.—The Royal ArchÆological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland visited Norwich, and held its inaugural meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall. The proceedings were attended by the Mayor and Corporation and by the members of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society. The Duke of Norfolk, as president for the week, delivered an opening address; and from this day until the closing meeting on the 15th many places of interest in the city and county were visited. On the 8th the Mayor and Mrs. Hanson gave a conversazione at St. Andrew’s Hall in honour of the visit of the Institute. 7.—The Norwich Cricket Week theatrical performance, organized by Sir Kenneth Kemp, Bart., was given at the Theatre Royal. It consisted of the production of the comedy, “Upper Crust.” The piece was performed again on the 9th. 2.—A violent thunderstorm occurred, accompanied by torrents of rain, which did excessive damage to unharvested crops. 19.—An amateur performance of “Lady Deadlock’s Secret” was given at Norwich Theatre in aid of the funds of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Lady Monckton sustained the character of Lady Deadlock, and was supported by Mr. Charles Colnaghi, Mr. George Nugent, Mr. E. F. Nugent, Mr. C. H. Clark, Mr. Eustace Ponsonby, Mr. C. W. A Trollope, and other distinguished amateurs. The performance was repeated on the 20th. 27.—Lieut.-Colonel Bignold, leader of the Conservative party in Norwich, was presented with his portrait, painted by W. B. Richmond, A.R.A., and with an album containing an illuminated address and list of subscribers—members of the Conservative party in city and county. The presentation was made by Sir Harry Bullard at a garden party given by Colonel Bignold at Harford Lodge. 29.—Died, at St. Benedict’s Plain, Norwich, Mr. George Branwhite Jay, aged 43. He was a native of Great Yarmouth, where his father practised as surgeon. Mr. Jay devoted much time to the study of parish and other registers, and for some time before his death had been engaged in preparing for the press a work, entitled, “Transcript of St. George of Tombland Register.” OCTOBER.15.—A conference of members of the Church of England Temperance Society, held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, was addressed by the Bishop of London. 23.—The lifeboat Elizabeth Simpson, presented to the National Lifeboat Institution by Miss Elizabeth Simpson Stone, of Norwich, was launched at Gorleston. On the 24th the boat was towed up the river to Norwich in order that the donor, who was unable to be present at the launch, might inspect the craft. 25.—The Higher Grade School, erected in Duke Street by the Norwich School Board, was opened. Mr. A. J. Mundella, M.P., gave an address, and the Mayor, Sheriff, and members for the city also took part in the proceedings. In the evening the Sheriff (as Chairman of the School Board) and Mrs. White gave a conversazione at St. Andrew’s Hall. The school, which occupies the site of the old Duke’s Head Inn, was designed by Mr. J. H. Brown, architect to the Board, and built by Messrs. J. Youngs and Son. —Wroxham House, the residence of Mrs. Blake-Humfrey, was destroyed by fire. Soon after the fire was discovered a great quantity of wine was stolen from the cellars, and at the Petty Sessions held at the Shirehall, Norwich, on November 2nd, seven persons were convicted of the theft. It was alleged that one of the accused was taking away the wine in a bucket. NOVEMBER.2.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture passed a resolution affirming that the suppression of pleuro-pneumonia should be placed in the hands 7.—The Baroness Burdett-Coutts delivered an address at the Guildhall, Norwich, in support of the objects of the Norwich Band of Mercy. 9.—Mr. William Howard Dakin was elected Mayor and Mr. Edward Orams appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 13.—Died, at Tunbridge Wells, in his 81st year, Sir S. Morton Peto. He received his baronetcy for having contracted, in December, 1854, to construct a railway from Balaclava to Sebastopol, and other works, without profit or remuneration for superintendence. He was Liberal member for Norwich from 1847 to 1855, and successively represented Finsbury and Bristol. Sir Morton Peto was a civil engineer, and formerly a member of the firms of Grissell and Peto and of Peto and Betts. 16.—Died, Mr. Charles Edward Tuck, of St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, and the Grove, Blofield, in his 81st year. He was the fourth son of Mr. Thomas Tuck, of Strumpshaw Hall, and for many years practised as solicitor, and took an active part in public affairs. A Conservative in polities, he was elected in 1864 Mayor of Norwich. Mr. Tuck was a justice of the peace for the city, and vice-president of the Norwich Union Fire Office. DECEMBER.4.—Died, at Mount Pleasant, Norwich, Mrs. E. Ling, aged 101 years. 9.—The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh arrived at Didlington Hall on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Tyssen Amherst. 10.—Sir Harry and Lady Bullard entertained the members of the Norwich and Norfolk Conservative Club, and their friends, to a soirÉe given at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 17.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council it was reported that notice had been received from the solicitor to the Norwich Tramways Company of their intention to abandon the tramway scheme authorised by the Norwich Tramway Order, 1887. (See January 19th, 1897.) —A resolution in favour of petitioning the Queen for an Order in Council authorising the alteration in the number or boundaries of the wards of the city, was adopted by a nominal majority of the Norwich Town Council. A majority of two-thirds of the members of the Corporation was necessary in order to make the motion effective. (See July 21st, 1891.) —Died, at Taplow, aged 62, Colonel J. E. Harvey, of Thorpe, Norwich, and Springfield, Taplow. He was the eldest son of Mr. Kerrison Harvey, and entered the Army as ensign in the 36th Regiment. He took part in the suppression of the insurrection in Cephalonia, when that island was placed under martial law in 1849, and served with the 41st Regiment in the Crimean campaign. In 1869 he was appointed staff officer of pensioners, and served in that capacity in Jersey and at Great Yarmouth until 1881, when he retired into civilian life. Colonel Harvey married, in 1858, Octavia, daughter of the Rev. Richard Stevens, vicar of Belgrave, Leicestershire. 21.—Mr. George Ginnett’s Circus opened for the season at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. 1890.JANUARY.7.—Died, at St. John’s House, Norwich, Mr. Samuel Grimmer, in his 76th year. Mr. Grimmer for many years sat in the Town Council as a representative of the Second Ward, and was chairman of the Sewerage and Irrigation Committee. He was Mayor in 1880–81, and entertained the Prince and Princess of Wales and other distinguished visitors on the occasion of the opening of the Fisheries Exhibition. 8.—Maria Brown, aged 62, wife of a labourer, was murdered at Pulham St. Mary Magdalene, by Elijah Snelling, her son-in-law. Snelling was tried at the Norfolk Assizes on March 5th before Mr. Justice Denman, found guilty, and sentenced to death. The sentence was afterwards commuted to penal servitude for life. 10.—A white-tailed eagle of nine pounds weight was shot near Wretham decoy. —Died, at Brundall, Mr. George Lovick Coleman, in his 78th year. He was for more than half a century proprietor of a well-known drapery establishment in St. Giles’ Street, Norwich. In 1843 Mr. Coleman was appointed Sheriff, and four years subsequently was elected Mayor, and at the close of his term of office was presented by the citizens with a handsome epergne in recognition of his services to the city. He took great interest in the Volunteer movement, served originally in the Rifle Corps, afterwards in the Norwich Light Horse, and finally in the Artillery, of which he ultimately became captain commandant. In his early days Mr. Coleman professed Liberal principles, but became Conservative. 11.—Mr. C. S. Read gave an address at the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, in which he adversely criticised the working of the Agricultural Holdings Act, and moved and carried a resolution affirming that the failure of the Act demanded the attention of the President of the Board of Agriculture. Mr. Read addressed the Farmers’ Club, in London, on the same subject, on March 31st, when a similar resolution was adopted. 14.—Mrs. Punt, of East Wretham, the oldest pauper upon the relief books of the Thetford Union, attained her 102nd year. 18.—Many persons in Norwich were reported to be suffering from influenza. Several men at the Cavalry and the Britannia Barracks were attacked by the complaint, which, however, was not of an aggravated character. FEBRUARY.7.—The Mayor of Norwich (Mr. W. H. Dakin) presided at a common hall at which a resolution was passed calling upon the Charity Commissioners to remove from their scheme certain obnoxious clauses affecting the administration of the local charities. On March 28th the Mayor received from the Charity Commissioners a letter explaining that the restrictions in the scheme against the benefits of the charities being extended to persons who were, or who had recently been in receipt of Poor-law relief, were in the view of the Commissioners calculated to encourage habits of thrift and to give effect to the well-known law against persons in receipt of Poor-law relief participating in such charities. In the circumstances the Commissioners did not consider that they would be justified in entertaining the application to amend the scheme with the view of allowing those in receipt of Poor-law relief to benefit by the funds. 15.—The Rev. O. W. Tancock, it was announced, had resigned the headmastership of King Edward VI. School, Norwich, on accepting the living of Little Waltham, near Chelmsford. He was succeeded by the Rev. E. F. Gilbard. 18.—Mr. Melton Prior, special artist on the staff of the “Illustrated London News,” lectured at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, on “What I saw in Burmah.” 21.—Two large granaries at North Walsham, belonging to Messrs. Cubitt and Walker, were destroyed by fire. The damage amounted to £4,000. 22.—Died, at the residence of her sister, at Weybridge, Surrey, Lady Sophia Jane Beevor, in her 66th year. She was the daughter of the Rev. Clement Chevallier, of Bedingham, Suffolk, and was twice married. Her first husband was Mr. Isaac Jermy Jermy, one of the victims of the terrible murders committed by James Blomfield Rush at Stanfield Hall on November 28th, 1848. In that outrage Mrs. Jermy Jermy narrowly escaped with her life; she was hit in the arm by a bullet, and the limb was afterwards amputated. In 1850 she married Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., and became greatly esteemed at Hingham, where she resided for many years. 24.—A military tournament given by the 20th Hussars in aid of the city charities, commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and was continued until March 1st. 25.—The Norwich Town Council addressed a memorial to the Postmaster-General praying for the cessation of the Sunday delivery of letters. The Post Office authorities declined to accede to the request. —The City Committee recommended the Norwich Town Council to sanction the opening of St. Andrew’s Hall on Sunday evenings for two MARCH.1.—Severe wintry weather was experienced in Norfolk; snow fell heavily on the 2nd, accompanied by a keen north-east wind and frost of great intensity. —The Rev. Ambrose Johnson, rector of Toftrees, arrived at Norwich for the purpose of consulting a firm of solicitors about bankruptcy proceedings. After transacting his business he was seen walking in Prince of Wales Road in the direction of Thorpe railway station; then all trace was lost of him. On the 12th the unfortunate gentleman was discovered in a shrubbery at Bramerton Hall, in a weak and emaciated condition. He was at once removed to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, and upon recovering somewhat, stated that he took shelter in the shrubbery during a heavy snowstorm on the 1st or 2nd, and had remained there up to the time of his discovery. His feet were severely frostbitten and he was in a most feeble state of mind and body, the result of starvation and exposure. One foot dropped off upon his admission to the Hospital, and it was found necessary to amputate the other. Mr. Johnson lingered until May 2nd, when death put an end to his sufferings. 5.—The course of “Science Lectures for the People,” arranged by the Corporation of Norwich, was continued at St. Andrew’s Hall. The lecturer was Mr. Louis Fagan, of the Prints and Drawings Department, British Museum, and the subject, “Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian Antiquities.” The concluding lecture was given on the 26th by Mr. Henry Seebohm on “Adventures in Siberia.” It was descriptive of the lecturer’s travels with Captain Wiggins, whom he described as “a Norwich man whose father drove one of the coaches which ran between Norwich and London in those dark days before railways were introduced. Captain Wiggins as a young man did not think that driving a coach was sufficiently ambitious for him, and he therefore made up his mind to drive a ship.” Another course was commenced on November 13th, when Sir Robert Ball lectured on “An Astronomer’s Thoughts about Krakatoa.” (See January 6th, 1891.) 7.—The Norwich School Board agreed by a majority to petition Parliament to enact that public elementary schools be thrown open free of all charge, and that they be placed under “popular control.” 12.—Died, at Old Post Office Street, Norwich, Mr. John Goldsmith Atkinson. A son of Mr. Funnell Goldsmith Atkinson, he was born July 14th, 1814, and was admitted a solicitor in the Easter Term of 1836. He represented the Second Ward as a Conservative from 1872 to 1881, and had served for twenty-nine years in the Norwich Artillery Volunteers, of which he was honorary quartermaster. 23.—Father Ignatius held a mission service at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and on the 24th preached to a crowded congregation at the church of St. John de Sepulchre. 26.—Died, at Rokeles, Watton, Mr. Henry Woods, agent for the Merton estate. He was a well-known authority upon the breeding and management of sheep. APRIL.2.—A meeting was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, for the purpose of furthering the efforts made by Mr. T. W. Richardson and Mr. W. S. Warlters for the formation in the city of a bearer company of the Volunteer Medical Staff Corps. A few weeks afterwards Mr. Richardson was gazetted surgeon, Mr. Warlters acting surgeon, and Mr. Frederic Mills quartermaster. 10.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference met at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop. The session was concluded on the 11th. 20.—Died, at Northrepps Hall, Mr. John Henry Gurney, in his 71st year. The only son of Joseph John Gurney, of Earlham Hall, so prominently associated with Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton in his efforts to abolish slavery in the West Indies, Mr. Gurney married Mary Jary, daughter of Richard Hanbury Gurney, of Thickthorn. Of the marriage there were two sons, Mr. J. H. Gurney and Mr. Richard J. H. Gurney. In 1854 he entered Parliament as member for King’s Lynn, and sat for that borough until his resignation in 1865. As a naturalist Mr. Gurney was a recognised authority both in Europe and America, more especially on raptorial birds, and the magnificent collection in the Norfolk and Norwich (now the Castle) Museum owes its existence almost entirely to his energy and liberality. He was for many years a member of the East Anglian banking firm of Gurneys and Birkbecks, a justice of the peace for Norfolk, senior member of the Norwich Bench, and a magistrate for Lynn. 23.—Bellringers from all parts of the diocese assembled at Aylsham to ring opening peals on the church bells, which had been re-hung at the cost of £301. 26.—Died, at Cromer, where he was staying for the benefit of his health, Mr. Henry Blake Miller, Town Clerk of Norwich, aged 65. He was a son of Mr. Henry Miller, solicitor, of the Town Close, and had been officially connected with the Corporation since 1853. For upwards of twenty years Mr. Miller was clerk to the Board of Health, and on the death of Mr. W. L. Mendham, in July, 1876, when the two offices were 30.—The stables and coach-houses at Merton Hall, a range of buildings sixty yards in length, were destroyed by fire. The horses, including two valuable stallions and twelve carriage horses, were rescued uninjured. MAY.3.—A disorderly scene occurred at a fire at the furnishing shop of Mr. H. Cole, St. Giles’s Gates, Norwich. The Chief Constable (Mr. Hitchman) was hooted by the mob, who also impeded the work of the fire brigade. The contents of the shop were destroyed. 5.—A remarkable charge was investigated at Grimston Petty Sessions. Mr. Algernon Charles Fountaine, of Narford Hall, was summoned for obstructing a railway engine “by placing himself in the four-foot-way of the Lynn and Dereham branch of the Great Eastern Railway, and making signals thereon, on March 18th, at East Winch.” The defendant wished to travel to Narborough by a fast train which was not advertised to stop at East Winch, and notwithstanding the warning of the station master, he placed himself in the four-foot-way, and as the train approached made the customary signal for it to stop. The engine-driver obeyed the signal and brought the train to a standstill, whereupon Mr. Fountaine entered one of the carriages and travelled to Narborough. Proceedings were taken against him under Section 36 of 24 and 25 Vic., chapter 95, and the magistrates committed defendant for trial. On July 9th, at the adjourned Norfolk Quarter Sessions, at Swaffham, the defendant pleaded guilty, and was sentenced by Lord Walsingham to pay a fine of £25 and to enter into his recognisances of £100 to be of good behaviour and to keep the peace for six months. 10.—A fire occurred at Messrs. Boulton and Paul’s timber yard at Norwich, and resulted in damage to the amount of between £4,000 and £5,000. 13.—Mr. George Buttler Kennett, clerk to the justices, was appointed Town Clerk of Norwich, in place of Mr. H. B. Miller, at the salary of £1,200 per annum. 15.—Died, at his residence, Pine Banks, Thorpe, Mr. John Oddin Howard Taylor. The son of Mr. John Oddin Taylor, he was born March 2nd, 1837, and received his education under the tuition of his uncle, the celebrated Dr. Brewer, at Mile End School, Norwich, and was afterwards 16.—Mr. Gladstone visited Norwich. The right hon. gentleman, accompanied by Mrs. Gladstone, arrived by special train at Thorpe station, where he was received by Mr. Colman, M.P., and Mrs. Colman, and by the representatives of Liberal associations in the city. On his way to Carrow Abbey, the residence of the senior member for Norwich, Mr. Gladstone was warmly welcomed by the citizens. In the evening a great meeting was held at the Agricultural Hall, under the presidency of Mr. Henry Birkbeck, at which Mr. Gladstone was presented with an illuminated address by the Liberal and Radical associations and trades unions in Norwich and Norfolk. After addressing the vast assemblage Mr. Gladstone proceeded to Stoke Holy Cross as the guest of Mr. Birkbeck. Returning to the city on the 17th, the ex-Premier visited the Castle and the Cathedral, and in the afternoon left for Lowestoft, en route to Corton, where he remained as the guest of Mr. Colman until the 20th. 21.—Mr. Sims Reeves made his farewell appearance at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 28.—Died, at Norwich, Mr. John Gunn, M.A., F.G.S., many years rector of Irstead with Barton Turf, aged 89. “It was with painful surprise that the public received a few years ago the announcement of Mr. Gunn’s retirement from the Church on the ground of conscientious scruples concerning certain Biblical statements which he conceived to be irreconcilable with the teachings of Natural Science, and of his desire no longer to be addressed by his clerical title. He did not dissociate himself from the observances of religion, for he was a constant attendant at the Cathedral services.” Mr. Gunn, in 1864, was one of the founders of the Norwich Geological Society, and its first president. “He has left behind him in his great collection of fossils a monument, Ære perennius. His association with the investigation of the Mammalian remains of the Cromer beds is recorded in the classics of English geology, and will be handed down to posterity long after the fossils in our Museum have crumbled into dust.” JUNE.2.—Major F. A. Cubitt was presented by past and present officers, 6.—Mr. W. R. Cooper, solicitor, was elected Clerk to the Norwich magistrates in succession to Mr. G. B. Kennett, resigned. 11.—Died, at Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mr. James Calthrop Barnham, aged 82. He was descended from an old Norwich family, and one of his ancestors, James Barnham, was a Sheriff of the city in 1738. Mr. Barnham was a governor of Norwich Grammar School, and one of the original members of the Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society. 12.—Died, at Newmarket Terrace, Norwich, Mr. Samuel Daynes. Born in December, 1815, he was a member of the Town Council, and a persistent advocate of the adoption of the wood pavement scheme. A Guardian of the Poor, he was thoroughly versed in the details of Poor-law administration, and as a member of the School Board he displayed great earnestness as a public economist. Mr. Daynes was prominently associated with the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows, and in 1851–52 served the office of “Grand Master” of that body. —The Rev. William Pelham Burn, curate of St. Mary Abbot, Kensington, was elected vicar of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, in succession to the Rev. F. Baggallay, who had accepted the living of Holy Trinity, Weymouth. 13.—At a meeting of the Yare Preservation Society, it was resolved, “That the society be called the Yare and Bure Preservation Society, whose objects shall be the preservation of the rivers Yare and Bure, and their tributaries, from illegal fishing.” 14.—Died, at Park Lane, Norwich, Mrs. Phillips, widow of Mr. Frederick Lawrence Phillips, aged 77. Mrs. Phillips was well known to playgoers of a past generation as the beautiful and accomplished Miss Ellen Daly, a favourite actress in London and provincial theatres. —An outbreak of rabies occurred in Norfolk. A mad dog ran through the southern portion of the county, and bit several persons; it was ultimately shot at New Buckenham. On June 30th the Norwich Town Council adopted the muzzling order, and similar regulations were introduced by the Norfolk County Council. A fund was raised for the purpose of sending to Paris for treatment by Pasteur the eight persons who had been bitten by the dog. The muzzling regulations in Norwich were withdrawn in the last week in October. 19.—The annual meeting of the East Anglian, Cambridge, and Huntingdonshire branches of the British Medical Association was held in Norwich under the presidency of Dr. Beverley, who, with Mrs. Beverley, received on the 20th a large number of distinguished visitors at a garden party given by them at Brundall. 23.—Two squadrons of the 20th Hussars marched from Norwich for Aldershot. The headquarters of the regiment left on the 24th under the command of Colonel Graves. 27.—Died, at his residence, Grove House, Chapel Field, Norwich, Mr. Robert Leeds, aged 79. Mr. Leeds devoted much time to several important undertakings connected with the agricultural interest. He became a member of the Royal Agricultural Society in 1852, and in 1869 was elected to the Council; in 1862 he assisted in the formation of the 28.—The portrait of Mr. Cadge, painted by Professor Herkomer, was unveiled at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Mr. Cadge announced that Mr. B. E. Fletcher, of Marlingford, had munificently offered to build at Cromer a Convalescent Home for the reception of Hospital patients, and the Earl of Leicester, with like generosity, had promised to endow it with £15,000, or, if necessary, with £20,000. Mr. Cadge retired from the office of senior surgeon on October 4th. (See April 25th, 1893.) 30.—H.M.S. Howe entered Yarmouth Roads, and on July 1st was joined by the Anson, the flagship of Rear-Admiral Richard E. Tracey, and the Rodney. The officers and men of the squadron were invited to various entertainments provided ashore by the townspeople, and the vessels sailed on July 4th. JULY.9.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Yarmouth, and concluded on the 10th. Sir Edward Birkbeck, Bart., was president. 26.—The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions of the Norfolk Regiment went into camp at Yarmouth. AUGUST.2.—The coming of age of Mr. Herbert H. Bullard, eldest son of Sir Harry Bullard, was celebrated at Norwich. 5.—The attainment of his majority on March 5th by Mr. Roland le Strange was celebrated on this date at Hunstanton Park. On the 6th a ball was given, at which many distinguished guests were present. 6.—The Cricket Week theatricals at Norwich Theatre commenced with the production of “Caste,” which was repeated on the 7th. “County Courted, or the Beadle’s Bride,” an operetta adapted from “Oliver Twist,” by Mr. Arthur Waugh, with music by Mr. Claud Nugent, was performed on the 8th, followed by “My Uncle’s Will,” and the farce, “B.B.” 7.—Died, at Heigham Road, Norwich, Mr. Ambrose Winter, aged 100 years and 41 weeks. Mr. Winter was a native of Norwich, where he had resided throughout his life. 15.—Died, at Yarmouth, Mr. Charles Gibbon, aged 47. A Scotsman by birth, he commenced his career upon the staff of a Glasgow journal, and removed to London in 1859, where he became a novelist. Among his best known works were “Beyond Compare,” “Queen of the Meadow,” “A Family Secret,” “By Mead and Stream,” “The Dead Heart,” “Auld 20.—Died, at Coltishall, Sarah Weeds, in her 100th year. 23.—Messrs. Grout and Co., of Norwich, gave notice to several hundreds of their workpeople that their engagements with the firm would terminate on the 30th. “Their factory, a modern building of large dimensions, is fitted with machinery of the most improved construction, and contains every appliance for carrying on the manufacture of fabrics which have gained for Norwich world-wide reputation. The firm has a branch factory at Yarmouth, where about 1,000 persons are engaged, and other establishments at Ditchingham and Ponder’s End.” SEPTEMBER.10.—Died, at Costessey, Frederick Viner, formerly in the 13th Light Dragoons. He took part in the light cavalry charge at Balaclava, and his name was officially recorded in the list of survivors. 24.—A new reservoir constructed near Mousehold by the Norwich Waterworks Company was opened. “It contains over 600,000 gallons of water, and by a curious coincidence 600,000 bricks were used in its construction.” 29.—Died, at Heggatt Hall, Captain Arthur Rodney Blane, R.N., second son of Sir Hugh Seymour Blane, Bart. Captain Blane, who had seen much active service in Chinese waters, was placed upon the retired list in 1881. OCTOBER.1.—The headquarters of the 8th Hussars arrived at Norwich, under the command of Colonel St. Quintin. 14.—The Norfolk and Norwich Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with an evening performance of “Judas MaccabÆus.” On the morning of the 15th “L’Allegro ed il Pensieroso,” composed expressly for the Festival, and conducted by the composer, Dr. C. H. Parry, and the “Stabat Mater,” were produced. The evening programme included the prelude and entr’actes to “Ravenswood” (Mackenzie) and “The Dream of Jubal” (Joseph Bennett), conducted by the composer. “The Martyr of Antioch,” conducted by its composer, Sir Arthur Sullivan, and “Hear My Prayer” (Mendelssohn), were performed on the morning of the 16th; in the evening a miscellaneous concert took place. “Elijah” was produced on the morning of the 17th; and in the evening a miscellaneous concert was preceded by the second act of the opera of “The Flying Dutchman.” The Festival produced a profit of £501 10s. 7d., of which sum £250 was distributed among the local charities. The principal vocalists were Madame Nordica, Miss Liza Lehmann, Miss Mackintyre, Miss Grace Damian, and Miss Marian McKenzie; reciter, Miss Julia Neilson; Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Maldwyn Humphreys, Mr. Ben Davies, Mr. Henschel, Mr. Franco Novara, Mr. Brockbank, and Mr. Alex Marsh. 23.—A peal of nine bells, cast by Messrs. Taylor and Sons, of Loughborough, at the cost of £500, for the parish church of Wells-next-the-sea, was dedicated. 29.—The Norwich Town Council confirmed a contract entered into with Mr. R. A. Cooper for the purchase of certain land at Thorpe Hamlet required for the construction of the proposed Riverside Road. The amount to be paid to the owner was £3,022, and the estimated cost of the road between £2,000 and £3,000. NOVEMBER.10.—The Norwich Town Council elected Mr. Walter Overbury to the office of Mayor, and appointed Mr. Geoffrey Fowell Buxton as Sheriff. Mr. Oyerbury having declined to qualify, Mr. Edward Wild was on the 24th elected to fill the vacancy. —Died, aged 79, the Rev. Charles Turner, formerly rector of Bixley and Framingham Earl. He was the son of Mr. Charles Turner, the last Mayor of Norwich previous to the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, and held the living of St. Peter Mancroft from 1848 to 1878. 24.—The Prince of Wales opened, at the AthenÆum, King’s Lynn, a sporting and art exhibition in aid of the covert funds of the West Norfolk Hunt. His Royal Highness was accompanied by the Princess of Wales. —The Princess of Wales, accompanied by Princesses Victoria and Maud, arrived at Melton Constable on a visit to Lord and Lady Hastings. Their Royal Highnesses were afterwards joined by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. The visit terminated on the 29th. 25.—The weather became exceedingly severe, and frost and snow prevailed to the end of the year. DECEMBER.1.—Died, at his residence, Thickthorn, near Norwich, Mr. Francis Hay Gurney, in his 65th year. Mr. Gurney was a son of Mr. Daniel Gurney, of North Runcton, by Lady Harriet Hay, daughter of William, sixteenth Earl of Errol. In 1847 he married Margaret Charlotte, daughter of Sir W. H. Browne ffolkes, Bart. A partner in the banking firm of Messrs. Gurneys and Co., he discharged with conspicuous courtesy and ability all the duties that devolve upon a country gentleman. For many years he presided as chairman of the Committee of Management of the Norfolk and Norwich Musical festival, and in politics was a staunch Conservative. 2.—The first lecture of a series inaugurated by the Norwich Free Library Committee was given at Blackfriars’ Hall, Norwich, by the Rev. H. H. Snell on “Books and Readers.” (See January 12th, 1891.) 5.—Died, at his residence, 43, Ennismore Gardens, South Kensington, Mr. Baron Huddleston, formerly member of Parliament for Norwich. The son of a merchant captain, Thomas Huddleston, he was born in 1817, and matriculated at Trinity College, Dublin. He came to England to seek his fortune as usher in a school, but afterwards made a more promising start in life as a barrister at the Central Criminal Court. Admitted a student at Gray’s Inn on April 18th, 1836, and called to the Bar by that society in the summer of 1839, he accepted silk in 1857 from Lord Cranworth, then Lord Chancellor. He had unsuccessfully contested, as a Conservative, Worcester, Shrewsbury, and Kidderminster, but was returned for Canterbury in 1865. In 1870 he made an unsuccessful assault on Norwich, but four years later defeated Mr. Tillett by forty-seven votes. In 1875 he was appointed judge in the Court of Common Pleas, was duly knighted, and ultimately transferred to the Court of Exchequer on the death of Mr. Baron Pigott. He married Lady Diana Beauclerk, sister of the Duke of St. Albans. 14.—Died, at Clermont Terrace, Queen’s Road, Norwich, Sarah, widow of John Barnard, formerly of Beccles, in her 101st year. 18.—Mr. S. Hoare, M.P., delivered a farewell address to his constituents, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, previous to his departure for India. 19.—A heavy fall of snow, accompanied by sharp frost, occurred on this date. Skating became general throughout the county. 26.—Ginnett’s Circus opened for the winter season at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. 27.—Died, at Lynn, Mr. John Osborne Smetham, aged 78. He was six times Mayor of the borough, and had been an alderman thirty-four years, and held various public offices in the town. 30.—An influential meeting, convened by the Mayor, was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, to inaugurate a fund for the relief of the unemployed and necessitous poor of the city. About £900 was subscribed in the room, and active measures were taken for the relief of public distress. 1891.JANUARY.1.—A sudden break-up occurred of the severe frost, which had lasted twenty-one consecutive days, but at sunset it froze again with increased severity. This was stated to have been the longest frost recorded in 2.—Died, at Weasenham, Mr. Henry Overman, aged 65. He established a wide reputation as a breeder of shorthorns, Southdown, and Oxford Down sheep, hackneys and cart horses. Mr. Overman was an extreme Radical, “but his political extravagancies were amply condoned by his warmth and kindliness of heart.” 6.—The last of the “Science Lectures for the People” was delivered at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by Dr. Andrew Wilson on “Sea Serpents and other curious Animals, real and fictitious.” (See January 19th, 1892.) 9.—The Cambridge crew, owing to the river Cam being icebound, had rowing practice upon the Estuary Cut, at Lynn. 10.—An “ice carnival” took place on Diss Mere. The performers and spectators numbered five thousand. 12.—The second lecture of the course arranged by the Norwich Free Library Committee was given at Blackfriars’ Hall by Mr. G. C. Davies on “Life and Scenery Abroad.” The Rev. W. F. Creeny, F.S.A., lectured on February 3rd on “Sweden and Gothland”; Mr. Bosworth Harcourt on March 3rd on “An Hour with Douglas Jerrold”; and Mr. H. F. Euren on April 14th on “Our Fens and Marshes.” (See February 24th, 1892.) 17.—Mr. R. E. Crosse was appointed house surgeon at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital on the resignation of Mr. H. C. Nance. 19.—Died, at Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mr. Benjamin Viny Winch, aged 60. Mr. Winch had been upwards of twenty years postmaster of Norwich. He entered the service at the General Post Office, St. Martin’s le Grand, in February, 1852, and continued there until August 31st, 1870, when he was appointed to Norwich on the retirement of Mr. Samuel Base, the former postmaster. The postal arrangements in the city were greatly developed during Mr. Winch’s tenure of office. The business was removed from Post Office Street (now Exchange Street) to the Crown Bank premises, where the work in the various departments commenced on August 16th, 1875. Mr. Winch was an enthusiastic yachtsman, had filled the office of Commodore of the Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club, and was one of the principal founders of the Yare Sailing Club. 20.—Immense quantities of sprats were captured at Lynn. Such enormous shoals had never before, it was stated, been found in the Wash. —The Norwich Town Council considered a report upon the proposed purchase of the Waterworks, and appointed a special committee to determine the value of the undertaking, with the view of making an offer to the company. On May 26th the Council proposed to offer a sum not exceeding £10 per cent., the actual market value of the shares and capital of the company. The offer was declined, and on December 15th it was decided that no further steps be taken in the matter. (See February 22nd, 1898.) FEBRUARY.7.—Mr. B. N. Thoms, assistant surveyor at the General Post Office, was appointed to fill the postmastership of Norwich, vacant by the death of Mr. Winch. Mr. Thoms was a son of Mr. William J. Thoms, the originator and editor of “Notes and Queries,” and a librarian of the House of Lords. In the month of April Mr. Thoms removed to Nottingham, and was succeeded by Mr. Sturgeon, of Birkenhead, who, in the Egyptian campaign of 1882–85, commanded the Army Post Office Corps. For his valuable services he was decorated by the Queen in person, and granted the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, with permission to wear the uniform of his corps, the 24th Middlesex (Post Office) Rifle Volunteers. 21.—Died, at his town residence, 8, Portman Square, the Right Hon. George Thomas Keppel, sixth Earl of Albemarle. He was born June 13th, 1799, and was second son of William Charles, fourth earl, by his marriage with Elizabeth Southwell, fourth daughter of Edward Lord De Clifford. In 1815 he received an ensign’s commission in the 14th Regiment of Foot, and within a month joined the Army in Flanders. He was present at the battle of Waterloo, and at the engagement which immediately preceded it. “The very youngest officer on the field of Waterloo, he was, with one exception, the very last of the survivors of all the Waterloo officers.” 22.—Died, at 7, Hertford Street, Mayfair, Mr. Charles Wild, eldest son of Mr. Edward Wild, Mayor of Norwich, aged 29. Educated at King Edward VI. Grammar School, he pursued his medical studies at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital; afterwards proceeded to Cambridge University, and finally entered the London School of Medicine. Mr. Wild gained the Brodie scholarship at St. George’s Hospital, and was awarded the Thompson gold medal. MARCH.7.—Died, aged 60, Mr. Edmund Beck, agent for the Sandringham estate. Mr. Beck was a member of an old family of Norfolk farmers, and was born at Mileham. For a considerable time he was in partnership with his father as an auctioneer and estate agent, and was one of the best known agricultural authorities in the kingdom. 31.—Mr. Samuel Hoare, M.P., arrived at Cromer on his return from his tour in India. He sailed for the East on January 4th, accompanied by his daughters, the Misses Annie and Muriel Hoare, and formally opened the Bengal and Nagpur Railway, of which he was chairman. APRIL.2.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference commenced at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of the Bishop of the Diocese, and was concluded on the 3rd. 5.—Died, at Gaywood Hall, King’s Lynn, Mr. Richard Bagge, aged 80. He was twin brother of Sir William Bagge, M.P., and was educated at Charterhouse, and by private tutor. In 1831 Mr. Bagge was elected a member of the old Corporation of Lynn, and served the office of Mayor of that borough in 1836 and 1857. He was a justice of the peace, and a Deputy Lieutenant for the county, and was High Sheriff in 1880. As a sportsman Mr. Bagge was well known in the coursing and cricket fields, and in politics was a staunch Conservative. 7.—Died, at Melbourne, during a tour in Australia for the benefit of his health, the Rev. R. Hobson, pastor of the Old Meeting Congregational chapel, Norwich. Mr. Hobson, who was in his 52nd year, was appointed to the chapel in 1878; he took part in many social and philanthropic movements in the city, and was most highly esteemed by Churchmen and Nonconformists. He was the founder of the St. George’s Home for Working Girls. —Mr. Samuel Hoare, M.P., and Mrs. Hoare celebrated their silver wedding at Cliff House, Cromer, and received many congratulations and presents from their friends in the town and district. On April 20th Mr. and Mrs. Hoare were presented, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with a valuable silver tea and coffee service and an illuminated address by the members of the Conservative associations and clubs in the city. 11.—At the annual meeting of the Governors of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital the Board of Management reported that Miss Adams, the Lady Superintendent, had been received into the Roman Catholic Church. In view of the matter forming the subject for discussion there was a large attendance, but the Lord Bishop, who presided, ruled the question to be “special,” and that it was necessary for formal notice to be given before a resolution could be moved. —The fastest run made by a special train on the Great Eastern Railway was accomplished on this date, when the Prince of Wales travelled from St. Pancras to Lynn, a distance of 98 miles, in one hour fifty-five minutes. 18.—The memorial stone of a new church for East and West Beckham was laid by Mrs. Hoare, wife of Mr. Samuel Hoare, M.P. The church was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich on October 13th. 20.—Viscount Cross, Secretary of State for India, visited Norwich and formally opened the Patteson Conservative Club. In the evening his lordship addressed a large meeting held at St. Andrew’s Hall under the auspices of the National Union of Conservative Associations. 25.—Dr. F. C. Burton, of Adenbrook’s Hospital, Cambridge, was appointed to the vacancy in the medical staff of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital occasioned by the retirement of Dr. Shepherd Taylor. 27.—The South-West Norfolk Conservative Association met at Swaffham under the presidency of Lord Walsingham, and adopted Mr. Thomas Leigh Hare Conservative candidate for the constituency in place of Mr. Tyssen Amherst, M.P., who had expressed his intention to retire at the next General Election. 14.—The Very Rev. E. M. Goulburn, formerly Dean of Norwich, preached from a new pulpit erected by public subscription in the choir of the Cathedral as a memorial of his twenty-three years’ devoted ministry. The pulpit was designed by Mr. John Pollard Seddon, F.R.I.B.A., and executed by Mr. Harry Hems, of Exeter. 18.—On this day (Whit-Monday) occurred the memorable fall of snow which covered the ground to the depth of five inches, and occasioned the abandonment of all out-door sports and holiday amusements. On the previous Wednesday (the 13th) the shade temperature registered in the neighbourhood of Norwich was 72.7; at 9 a.m. on the 16th it stood at 37.2; and on the same day the thermometer in the screen fell to 29.8, and on the grass to 21.5. On Sunday, the 17th, there were frequent storms of hail and snow, and at 2 p.m. the temperature registered 37.4. —A military tournament given by the 8th Hussars in aid of the local charities, commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and concluded on the 23rd. 21.—The Duke of Clarence and Avondale (in the absence of the Prince of Wales, who was unable to attend in consequence of indisposition) opened a bazaar at Yarmouth in aid of a fund for the restoration of the parish church; and in the evening was present at a ball given by the officers of the Norfolk Artillery. 23.—The Norfolk County Council resolved to offer scholarships of the value of £10 each per annum, and not exceeding fifty in number, to boys and girls who, having passed the 6th and 7th Standards in elementary schools, were prepared, after examination, to attend for three years some secondary school possessing to the satisfaction of the committee the necessary qualifications for technical instruction. On the 26th the Norwich Town Council decided to provide a school for technical education and manual instruction. 30.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture adopted, by 66 votes against 32, a resolution in favour of making legal in England the practice of the dishorning of cattle. JUNE.8.—Mr. Wilson Barrett commenced a week’s engagement at Norwich Theatre, in the character of Belphegor. His other impersonations included Claud Melnotte, Chatterton, The Stranger, and Hamlet. 12.—The Mayor of Norwich (Mr. Edward Wild) unveiled at Norwich Cathedral a window inserted in the south aisle to the memory of officers of the Norfolk Regiment. The window was the gift of the officers and men of the regiment. —The British Training Squadron, consisting of the Active, the Calypso, the Volage, and the Ruby, entered Yarmouth Roads, and sailed on the 14th for the north. Each ship’s company numbered about 500 men and boys. 15.—A Select Committee of the House of Commons inquired into the merits of the St. Faith’s Allotment Bill, by which it was sought to obtain Parliamentary sanction to the compulsory purchase of 18½ acres of 16.—Lord Walsingham was elected High Steward of Cambridge University, and received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. His lordship was introduced as a distinguished member of the Eton and Cambridge elevens, as an excellent shot, and as a great authority on shooting game. Further, he was a Fellow of the Royal Society, and had given special attention to the study of microlepidoptera. 24.—The Goulburn pulpit, erected in the nave of Norwich Cathedral, was dedicated on this date. It was the gift of the Very Rev. E. M. Goulburn, formerly Dean of Norwich, and was executed in Caen stone by Mr. James Forsyth, of Hampstead, from designs by Mr. R. Herbert Carpenter, F.S.A., and Mr. Benjamin Ingelow. 27.—The Norwich Census returns were published on this date, as follow:—Tenements of less than five rooms, 7,654; inhabited houses, 23,268; uninhabited, 1,739; building, 205. Persons: Males, 46,615; females, 54,348; total, 100,964. JULY.8.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association commenced at Wymondham, and was continued on the 9th. The Earl of Kimberley was president for the year. 10.—A prolonged strike in the building trade, at Norwich, was settled on this date. The bricklayers’ strike commenced on May 4th, and that of the carpenters and joiners on June 1st. In both cases the men demanded an extra payment of one penny per hour, and the acceptance by the masters of a code of rules framed by them. The employers declined to accede to these demands, but submitted a code of their own, and offered a halfpenny advance. The Mayor (Mr. Wild) intervened, and although at the time his action had no effect, the men ultimately accepted the masters’ code of rules. 14.—Dedication services were held at the parish church of Great Yarmouth on the completion of the extensive and protracted work of restoration. The undertaking was commenced in 1847 by the Rev. Henry Mackenzie, afterwards Suffragan Bishop of Nottingham, and continued from time to time by the three successive vicars, Bishop Hills, of British Columbia, Archdeacon Nevill, and Canon Venables. The latest portion of the work was begun in the spring of 1890, and cost about £1,500. About £40,000 was expended upon the entire restoration. 21.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council a letter from the Privy Council was read, in which it was stated, with reference to a scheme for altering the boundaries of the wards of the city, that such alteration could not be permitted unless an alteration was also made in the number of the wards. (See March 15th, 1892.) 25.—An exhibition of the works of Edward Thomas Daniell, comprising etchings, water-colours, and oil paintings, was held at the rooms of the Norwich Art Circle. —The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions Norfolk Regiment, encamped at Great Yarmouth under the command of Brigadier-General Bulwer. 27.—Lord Walsingham presided at a meeting of the subscribers to the Norwich Castle Museum scheme, at which it was decided to extend, at an additional cost of between £4,000 and £5,000, the original scheme for converting the Castle and the surrounding buildings to the purposes of a Museum. It was announced that the Prince of Wales had contributed to the fund a further donation of fifty guineas. (See August 4th, 1894.) 30.—A thunderstorm of extraordinary severity burst over Ellingham Park, the seat of Mr. Henry Smith. “The lightning seemed literally to sweep the park with a sheet of fire, and immediately after the storm six bullocks and heifers were found lying dead under an elm tree. Other cattle were injured, and the tree itself was split in half, and some of the branches hurled a considerable distance.” Further thunderstorms occurred in other parts of the county on August 2nd. AUGUST.3.—Norwich Cricket Week commenced. Matches were played against the Eton Ramblers, and the Lincolnshire and Hertfordshire Clubs, and in each instance the Norfolk County Cricket Club was victorious. “The achievement of three victories in the week had not previously been accomplished since the institution of the festival in 1881.” On the 6th and 7th Sir Kenneth Kemp’s company of amateurs gave performances of “The Bookmaker” at the Theatre Royal. 7.—The Norwich School Board decided to abolish the fees in all their schools, the Higher Grade School excepted, from September 1st, the date on which the Free Education Act came into operation. 8.—Lord Ashbourne, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, addressed a great Primrose League gathering at Didlington Park, held in celebration of the inauguration of the Margaret Tyssen Amherst Habitation. 5.—The Norfolk County Council decided to found an agricultural side for technical education in connection with the County School at Elmham. 7.—The Countess of Leicester laid the foundation-stone of a public hall to be erected at Burnham Thorpe as a memorial of Lord Nelson, who was born in the parish, where his father was rector, in 1758. The hall, which formed part of a scheme initiated by the Prince of Wales, the main feature of which was the restoration of the parish church at the cost of £10,000, was opened on June 9th, 1892. 30.—Mr. Harry Furniss gave his lecture, “The Humours of Parliament,” at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. —The first annual show of the Mitford and Launditch Agricultural Association was held at East Dereham. General Bulwer presided at the dinner, at which the principal speakers were Mr. R. T. Gurdon and Mr. C. S. Read. OCTOBER.13.—A severe gale did great damage inland, and resulted in many shipping casualties on the Norfolk coast. 15.—Died, at King’s Lynn, Mr. John Dyker Thew, in his 68th year. He was proprietor of the “Lynn Advertiser,” and for many years represented the South Ward in the Town Council. In 1871, 1876, and 1885 Mr. Thew was elected to the office of Mayor of the borough, and in the last-named year was appointed alderman. He was leader of the Conservative party at Lynn. 16.—The Lord Mayor of London (Sir Joseph Savory) and the Lady Mayoress visited Norwich for the purpose of opening the new buildings of the Asylum and School for the Indigent Blind. 17.—The prospectus of the Norwich Electricity Company was published. A capital of £50,000 was raised in 5,000 ordinary shares of £10 each, and the company was formed “for the purpose of supplying electricity for lighting and motive purposes.” 19.—Died, at Beeston Park, Sir Jacob Henry Preston, Bart., aged 79. He was a Deputy Lieutenant and magistrate for the county, and in 1847 served the office of High Sheriff. 25.—A severe storm commenced on this date, and continued until the 27th. Several vessels were wrecked and lives lost on the coast. 31.—A meeting in furtherance of a scheme for providing playing fields and open spaces for the city was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. Wild). A committee known as the Norwich Playing-fields and Open Spaces Committee was appointed. NOVEMBER.1.—A serious fire at Sandringham House did damage to a considerable amount. 11.—A gale which swept over many parts of England did much injury in Norfolk, and was severely felt at Yarmouth and at other places on the coast. 14.—The Duke of Clarence and Avondale, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Fife and the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, opened a trades and industrial exhibition at St. James’s Hall, Lynn. DECEMBER.7.—At the annual distribution of prizes to the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, at Norwich, Major Dawson was introduced to the corps as the future commanding officer, on the retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel Mansel. At about this date the Dean of Norwich was appointed chaplain to the corps in place of the Rev. Canon Patteson. 9.—The Mayor of Norwich (Mr. G. M. Chamberlin) sent, on behalf of the citizens, letters of congratulation to the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke of Clarence and Avondale, and the Princess Victoria Mary of Teck, upon the announcement of the intended marriage of the Duke and Princess. 11.—A storm of great severity raged throughout the county, and much damage, was reported, especially in Mid Norfolk. In several places the Yare and Bure overflowed their banks. 14.—The church of St. Mary, Great Plumstead, was severely damaged by fire. The building, in the Perpendicular style, consisted of nave, chancel, and tower, which were restored in 1876 and 1878. The fire completely destroyed the interior fittings and roof. On December 14th, 1892, the church was re-opened after thorough restoration. 18.—A severe frost set in, and on the 22nd skating became general. —The Duke of Clarence and Avondale terminated a visit to Mr. Tyssen Amherst, M.P., at Didlington Hall. 20.—Died, at Honingham vicarage, the Rev. Canon John Robert Feilden, vicar of Honingham and East Tuddenham, in his 65th year. He was the fourth son of Mr. Joseph Feilden, M.P., of Whitton Park, Blackburn, and was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. After ordination he served a curacy at Malpas, Cheshire, and was chaplain to George Horatio, second Marquis Cholmondeley. In 1861 he was presented to the rectory of Baconsthorpe, and in 1881 to the living which he held at the time of his death. Mr. Feilden was a Commissioner under the Pluralities Act, for the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, and for nine years was a member of the Board of Management of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. He was appointed honorary canon of Norwich Cathedral in 1888. Canon Feilden married, in 1861, Frances Blanche Ann, second daughter of Frederick, fourth Baron Calthorpe. 26.—Ginnett’s Circus opened at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, for the winter season. —Upwards of one thousand of the aged poor of Norwich were entertained by the Mayor (Mr. G. M. Chamberlin) and the Sheriff (Mr. Harry Reeve), at St. Andrew’s Hall. 1892.JANUARY.2.—A meeting, convened by the Lord Lieutenant of the county (the Earl of Leicester) and the High Sheriff (Mr. S. Gurney Buxton), was held at the Shirehall, Norwich, to consider what steps should be taken to provide a present from Norfolk to the Duke of Clarence and Avondale and Princess Mary Victoria on the occasion of their marriage. It was resolved to open a public subscription. A similar movement was inaugurated by the citizens of Norwich. —The Norfolk County Council appointed Mr. H. C. Bolingbroke “accountant officer” to fill the vacancy occasioned by the retirement of Mr. H. W. Day from the office of County Treasurer. 14.—Died, at Sandringham, his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. The intelligence of the death of the young Prince was received in Norwich with many manifestations of public sorrow and sympathy. The church bells were tolled, flags were hoisted at half-mast upon all public buildings, and the windows of business establishments and private residences were shaded. The High Sheriff at once sent to the Comptroller of the Household of the Prince and Princess of Wales a telegram of sympathy on behalf of himself and the whole county of Norfolk, and on the 15th a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council was held, and addresses of condolence were ordered to be sent to the Queen, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and Princess Victoria Mary of Teck. On Sunday, the 17th, many touching references to the sad event were made in Church and Nonconformist places of worship; and on the 20th, on which day the remains of the deceased Prince were removed from Sandringham to Windsor for interment, a memorial service, attended by the Mayor and Corporation, was held at Norwich Cathedral, and the Dean preached an eloquent sermon. At Prince’s Street Congregational church, at Trinity Presbyterian church, and at St. Mary’s Baptist chapel similar services were held, business was suspended in the city, and the licensed victuallers and hotel proprietors closed their establishments from two o’clock until five o’clock. In every town and village the day was observed with profound solemnity. 18.—An important meeting was held at the Deanery, Norwich, to discuss what measures should be taken to complete the sum of £2,500 then being raised by the Church Schools’ Aid Association for the special purpose of increasing and improving the accommodation of the Church day schools in the city. It was resolved that it was the imperative duty of Churchmen to preserve the Church schools in a state of efficiency, and with this object it was decided that the clergy and laity form local branches to augment the fund. 23.—Influenza raged with great severity in city and county, and many prominent people were attacked by the complaint. “It is producing many deaths among the aged; the mortality in Norwich last week was 40.1 per thousand.” In the week ending January 30th the mortality in the city had increased to 44 per thousand. 30.—Died, at the Shrubbery, St. Stephen’s Road, Norwich, Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett. He was born November 1st, 1818, at Quay Side, St. Martin-at-Palace, Norwich, and was son of Mr. Jacob Tillett, a dyer. His grandfather was a schoolmaster, whose attainments in mathematics, navigation, and gunnery brought him into some prominence in his day. Young Tillett was educated at King Edward VI. Grammar School, and on leaving school served his articles with Mr. John Rising Staff, then a leading solicitor in Norwich. In 1839 he opened an office for himself in Post Office Street, and obtained a large and lucrative connection. Literary rather than legal work best accorded with Mr. Tillett’s natural tastes. In 1845 he founded the “Norfolk News,” and with the conduct of that journal he was thenceforward associated throughout his life, as chairman of the company and as editor, in which position he not only controlled the policy of the paper, but weekly contributed its leading articles. For many years Mr. Tillett was a member of the Town Council, and twice served the office of Mayor, first in 1859–60 and again in 1875–76. He was twice returned to a seat on the Norwich School Board, and on the second occasion was elected Chairman. In 1874 he was appointed a justice of the peace, but he never qualified. Although he was not attached to any particular sect, he identified himself with various religious movements in the city. Mr. Tillett was the most potent political personal force that the century produced in Norwich. He contested the city in 1868 unsuccessfully, Sir Henry Stracey and Sir Wm. Russell being returned. That election was invalidated on petition. In May, 1870, when a new writ was issued for the vacant seat, Mr. Tillett was returned by 4,236 votes against 3,874 polled by Mr. J. W. Huddleston. A petition followed, and Mr. Tillett was unseated. At the dissolution in 1874 the Conservatives brought forward Sir Henry Stracey and Mr. Huddleston, and the Liberal cause was again championed by Mr. Tillett, with Mr. Colman as his colleague. Mr. Colman was returned at the head of the poll with 6,138 votes, and Mr. Huddleston was the other successful candidate, with 5,823 votes. Mr. Tillett polled 5,776 and Sir Henry Stracey 5,290 votes. Early in 1875 Mr. Huddleston was raised to the judicial bench, and at the bye-election Mr. Tillett entered the lists against Colonel Wilkinson. The contest took place on March 5th, and resulted in Mr. Tillett’s return by a majority of 799. Then came the third petition, on which Mr. Tillett was again unseated, and a Royal Commission followed. The writ was suspended until the dissolution in 1880, when the Conservatives were represented by Mr. H. Harben and the Hon. Massey Mainwaring. The seats were FEBRUARY.6.—Official notice was received at Norwich of the final settlement of the scheme proposed by the Attorney-General for the administration of the Norwich Town Close Estate Charity. The scheme provided that the charity and its property and endowments should be vested in an official trustee of charity lands for the city of Norwich, and the management, preservation, and letting of the estate and the collecting of the income by a receiver would be exercised by trustees consisting of the trustees for the time being of the municipal charities of the city, known as the General Charities, as ex-officio trustees of the Town Close Estate, and by six representative trustees appointed by the freemen for a term of five years. 15.—The Compton Comedy Company commenced, at the Theatre Royal, Norwich, an engagement, during which were produced several favourite comedies of the old English stage. 18.—Archdeacon Perowne unveiled, at the church of St. Laurence, Norwich, a bronze memorial in commemoration of the work done by Miss Sarah Ann Glover in the cause of sol-fa music. Miss Glover was the author of the sol-fa notation, from which sprang the tonic sol-fa system. 20.—Died, at his residence, Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mr. Henry Norton, F.G.S., in his 81st year. He was the eldest son of Mr. William Norton, of Old Buckenham, and in his early days was articled to Messrs. Mitchell and Clarke, a well-known firm of solicitors at Wymondham. Much of his time was subsequently spent in roaming over the greater part of Europe, and in about 1860 he settled in Norwich. As a scholar and a man of science Mr. Norton was possessed of a store of information such as few had acquired. Sanskrit and geology were his favourite studies. He was an omnivorous reader and lover of books, and bequeathed his valuable library and collection of manuscripts to the Norfolk and Norwich Library. MARCH.1.—Died, at Gimingham Rectory, the Ven. Ralph Blakelock, aged 88. He was born at Red Hall, Leeds, and was educated at St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge, of which he became Fellow and tutor. In his Cambridge days he published some mathematical treatises, which added considerably to his reputation as a college tutor. On withdrawing from the University he became rector of Gimingham in 1833, and an active worker on behalf of many diocesan organizations. He paid special regard to the social improvement of the labourers, and was known as “the father of the allotment system.” For many years Mr. Blakelock was Archdeacon of Norfolk. 9.—Died, at Rippon Hall, Hevingham, the Rev. Henry Philip Marsham, aged 75. He was a son of Mr. Robert Marsham, of Stratton Hall, and his taste for country life and love of nature had descended to him from his great grandfather, Robert Marsham, the ardent naturalist and frequent correspondent with White, of Selborne. The annual records of the earliest dates, when many common plants were observed to flower, together with similar natural history data, as commenced by the elder naturalist, were continued by the younger. 14.—The memorial stones of a permanent building, to be used as the headquarters of the Salvation Army in Norwich, were laid by Mr. George White and other prominent Nonconformists, on a site at the rear of Mortimer’s Hotel, St. Giles’ Street. The building, which, inclusive of the site, cost about £4,000, was opened on October 30th. 15.—A scheme for altering the number and bounderies of the wards in Norwich was unanimously adopted by the Town Council. The Privy Council on June 16th were petitioned to approve the scheme, and on July 8th the formal order was received for dividing the city into sixteen wards. Mr. Charles Neve Creswell, the Commissioner appointed to prepare the scheme for determining the boundaries of the wards and for apportioning councillors among them, held a public inquiry at the Guildhall on July 28th, at which evidence was given by representatives of the Town Council and others. The first municipal elections under the provisions of the redistribution scheme took place on November 1st, when members were returned for sixteen wards instead of for eight. 16.—The first sale of shire horses, the property of the Prince of Wales, was held at Wolferton by Messrs. Sexton and Grimwade. Forty-nine animals were sold for the total sum of £5,200. 21.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Mathew and a special jury, was tried the action, Bullard and others v. Saul. The case was brought by the plaintiffs as trustees of the charities of St. Swithin, Norwich, for an alleged slander uttered by the defendant at an inquiry held before an assistant Charity Commissioner at Norwich on January 15th. By the words that the defendant used on that occasion the plaintiffs said they understood him to mean that they had been guilty of maladministration 25.—In the Court of Arches Lord Penzance decided in favour of the Bishop of Norwich, who had convicted the appellant, the Rev. Mr. O’Malley, of drunkenness, and sentenced him to two years’ suspension. Lord Penzance declined to hear Mr. O’Malley’s appeal until he had given security for the Bishop’s costs, and limited the time during which the appellant should find such security to four months. (See June 1st, 1899.) 26.—Died, at Unthank’s Road, Norwich, Mrs. Sarah Fletcher, aged 87. Mrs. Fletcher had given active support to many philanthropic movements, and was one of the founders of the Orphan Home for Girls, originally started in Pottergate Street, and afterwards transferred to Chapel Field. 27.—Died, at Unthank’s Road, Norwich, the Rev. Charles Heath Hosken, Baptist minister, in his 81st year. In his early days he was sent to Ireland for missionary work by the Baptist Irish Missionary Society, and subsequently laboured at Belize in the Bay of Honduras; at West Troy in the State of New York, and at Crayford in Kent. “The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon sent his first two students to Mr. Hosken to be trained; thus the deceased was really associated with the foundation of the Pastors’ College.” 28.—Sir Harry and Lady Bullard celebrated their silver wedding at Hellesdon House, Norwich, and were the recipients of many presents from friends in county and city, and from the staff of the Anchor Brewery. 30.—Died, at Sheringham Hall, Mr. Henry Ramey Upcher, aged 82. He was a son of the Rev. Abbot Upcher, and coming to the estate when only nine years old, he had probably been in possession of his property longer than any landowner in England. When at Harrow he played in the cricket eleven, and on leaving Cambridge University took a leading part in athletic games, and was well-known throughout the country as a clever cricketer, a good horseman, and an excellent shot. Mr. Upcher married, on July 3rd, 1838, Miss Caroline Morris. In politics he was a Liberal of the old school, and a valued supporter of his party. APRIL.21.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference was opened at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop, and continued on the 22nd. 25.—The Norina Grand Opera Company appeared at Norwich Theatre in “La Fille de Madame Angot” and “The Daughter of the Regiment.” 26.—Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., was presented with a piece of plate by the Gladstonian party in Norwich in recognition of his twenty-one years’ Parliamentary services. 12.—The Gildencroft Recreation Ground, the site of which, with the buildings thereon, was purchased by the Corporation of Norwich for the sum of £2,700, was formally opened to the public by the Mayor. (See June 6th, 1894.) 14.—A new lifeboat, the gift of Mrs. Burch, in memory of her late husband, Mr. John Burch, was launched at Yarmouth. The craft was named by Miss Jane Burden the Abraham Thomas. 24.—The name of Dr. Frederic Bateman, senior physician of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, was included in the list of gentlemen who were to receive the honour of knighthood. Dr. Bateman, on July 5th, was presented to the Queen at Windsor Castle. 25.—Died, at Cromer Hall, Mr. Benjamin Bond Bond-Cabbell. He had devoted himself largely to the public life of the county, and was a major in the 3rd Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment. Mr. Bond-Cabbell, who had been nominated for the office of High Sheriff in the ensuing year, was one of the most popular men in Norfolk, and his death was widely lamented. JUNE.15.—Died, at Norwich, Dr. William Guy, aged 57. In 1871, when the city was visited by a serious outbreak of smallpox, Dr. Guy was brought prominently into public notice. With characteristic courage and zeal he undertook the medical charge of the isolation hospital; and was afterwards appointed to the post of public vaccinator. It was said that for years Norwich was the best vaccinated town in the kingdom. 16.—The Didlington herd of red polled cattle, the property of Mr. Tyssen Amherst, M.P., was sold by auction by Mr. John Thornton. Forty-one cows and nine bulls were disposed of, and the total amount realised was 892 guineas—an average for the cows of £47 10s. 7d., and for the bulls of £24 4s. 2d. 21.—The Mayor and Mayoress of Norwich (Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Chamberlin) were presented with a “silver cradle” to commemorate the birth on March 11th of their soil, Geoffrey Lefroy. 28.—A thunderstorm of extraordinary severity burst over the county, and was said to have been the most alarming that had been experienced for many years. It was remarkable more for its long duration than for any serious results. 29.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at King’s Lynn under the presidency of Mr. Thomas Leigh Hare. The exhibition was continued on the 30th. JULY.1.—The nomination took place at East Dereham of candidates for the representation of Mid Norfolk. The Unionist candidate was Mr. Robert Thornhagh Gurdon, and the Gladstonian candidate Mr. Clement Higgins, Q.C., Trebovir Road, South Kensington, S.W. The polling was on the 13th, and the declaration on the 14th: Higgins, 4,069; Gordon 3,599. —The nomination of candidates for South Norfolk was held at the Town Hall, Aylsham. Mr. John Cator, of Woodbastwick Hall, was the Unionist, and Mr. Herbert Hardy Cozens-Hardy, the Gladstonian candidate. The polling was on the 16th, and the declaration on the 18th:—Cozens-Hardy, 4,561; Cator, 3,278. —For the representation of Lynn were nominated Mr. Thomas Gibson Bowles, of Newton Tony, Salisbury, hon. lieutenant in the Royal Naval Reserve (Unionist), and Mr. Thomas Richardson Kemp, Q.C., 5, Queen’s Gate Terrace, London (Gladstonian). The polling on the 4th resulted as follows:—Bowles, 1,319; Kemp, 1,308. 5.—The nominations for East Norfolk were made at the Shirehall, Norwich. Sir Edward Birkbeck, Bart., was nominated by the Unionists, and Mr. Robert John Price, barrister-at-law, 104, Sloane Street, S.W., by the Gladstonians. The polling took place on the 12th, and the poll was declared on the 13th as follows:—Price, 4,743; Birkbeck, 4,303. —The nomination of candidates for South Norfolk was held at the Shirehall, Norwich. Mr. Francis Taylor, of Diss, was the Liberal-Unionist, and Mr. Albert George Kitching, Chase Court, Enfield, the Gladstonian nominee. The polling took place on the 11th, and the declaration on the 12th: Taylor 4,288; Kitching, 3,535. —Polling took place at Yarmouth. The candidates were Mr. J. M. Moorsom, Q.C., London (Gladstonian), and Sir Henry Tyler (Conservative). The contest resulted as follows:—Moorsom, 2,972; Tyler, 2,704. 7.—Mr. Justice Romer delivered judgment in the action, Micklethwaite v. Vincent, which raised an important question as to the rights of the public over the Norfolk broads. The plaintiff asked for an injunction to restrain the defendant from shooting or fishing on that part of the Hickling Broad which was in the parish of Hickling, and from boating over it except in a certain channel. The defendant contended that the Broad was open to the public for all purposes, and that he as one of the public was entitled to shoot and fish over it. The judge held that the plaintiff had established his right to the part of the Broad in question. Admittedly there was a public way over the Broad, but this was restricted to the channel. The plaintiff asked for an injunction to restrain the defendant from going on the Broad at all except in this channel. He was satisfied on the evidence that this right of way was not so restricted, and that part of plaintiff’s claim failed and must be dismissed. It was not necessary for his lordship to decide how far the plaintiff’s right extended beyond the channel. The plaintiff must get from the defendant the bare costs of the action, except so far as those costs had been increased by the claim to restrict the right of way to the channel, which had failed. So far as the defendant’s costs had been increased by the last mentioned claim he would get them from the plaintiff with the set-off. 8.—Mr. P. P. Marshall, City Engineer, of Norwich, resigned his office, in which he was succeeded by Mr. Buchan. 15.—The South-West Norfolk election took place. The candidates were Mr. Thos. Leigh Hare, Stow Bardolph (Unionist), and Mr. Henry Lee Warner, the Paddocks, Swaffham, (Gladstonian). The poll was declared at Swaffham on the 16th as follows:—Hare, 4,077; Lee Warner, 3,739. 16.*—“The ‘London Gazette’ announces that the Victoria Cross is conferred upon Lieutenant J. Manners Smith for his conspicuous bravery when leading the storming party at the attack and capture of a strong position occupied by the enemy near Nilt in the Hunza-Nagur country on December 20th, 1891. Lieutenant Smith, who was serving in the Indian Staff Corps, is a Norfolk man, and was educated at the Norwich Grammar School.” 19.—The Norwich Town Council decided to create and issue £3 per cent. redeemable stock, and on October 11th a series of formal resolutions in completion of the scheme was adopted. 21.—The St. George’s Vase was won at the Bisley meeting by Private Gray, 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, with the highest possible score of 35 points. 22.—In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, before Mr. Justice North, the action, Boswell v. Coaks, came on for hearing. It was brought for the purpose of re-opening the question which, after protracted litigation, had been settled in the House of Lords. The present action was founded on allegations of fraud on the part of one of the successful litigants in the conduct of the litigation. The judge did not call for a reply. He said he had come to the conclusion that each allegation of fraud afforded no probable cause for thinking that the plaintiff could possibly succeed at the trial. After this matter had been thrashed out at such an enormous expenditure of time and money he thought there would be a grievous miscarriage of justice if he did not, so far as he could, put a closure to steps to open up a matter upon suggestions so unfounded and baseless as he considered the plaintiff’s pleadings to make. He did not mean to suggest that plaintiff’s advisers had instituted the action for the purpose of vexation, but in his opinion nothing could be more vexatious than that an action should be proceeded with in which any chance of success was absolutely hopeless. Notice of appeal was given by the plaintiff on August 17th. In the Court of Appeal on November 2nd the case was re-opened, and after a hearing which lasted several hours their lordships reserved judgment. Mr. Justice A. L. Smith read the judgment of the Court on November 5th, which was in favour of the respondent, with costs. Judgment was confirmed in the Court of Appeal on February 9th, 1893, by Lords Justices Lopes and Kay. (See December 14th, 1893.) 23.—The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions Norfolk Regiment went into camp at Yarmouth. 31.—The greater portion of the tower of Hindolveston church collapsed, carrying with it a large part of the nave, and forcing one of the chancel windows some distance into the churchyard. The tower had AUGUST.2.—The Cricket Week theatricals at Norwich Theatre included performances of “Old Cronies,” “In Honour Bound,” and “Done on Both Sides.” This was the last occasion upon which performances were given by Sir Kenneth Kemp’s company. The Cricket Week was continued in subsequent years in the first week of August. 3.—Mr. Arthur Wilson Fox, one of the assistant Commissioners appointed by the Royal Commission on Labour, held an inquiry at the Assembly Rooms, Swaffham, with the view of ascertaining the position and earnings of agricultural labourers. Similar inquiries were held in other parts of the county. 7.—Died, at Eastbourne, the Rev. George Charles Hoste, in his 79th year. He was born in Norwich, and was the eldest son of Colonel Sir George Hoste, of the Royal Engineers. He graduated at Caius College, Cambridge, in 1835, and in 1856 was presented by Bishop Hinds to the important parish of Heigham. In 1847 he married Anne, daughter of Mr. John Brenchley, of Wombwell Hall, near Gravesend. Mr. Hoste made great efforts to provide increased church accommodation in Heigham, and in 1861 secured sufficient money to build the church dedicated to the Holy Trinity. On retiring from Heigham he was given the living of Boyton, Suffolk. 20.—The Queen, it was announced, had conferred the dignity of a peerage upon Mr. William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst, of Didlington Hall. The “London Gazette” of September 23rd announced that the new peer had adopted the title of Baron Amherst of Hackney. 30.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council it was decided to rescind a former resolution of the Council passed with the view of preventing the erection of the Roman Catholic church presbytery beyond the building line at Unthank’s Road, and permission was granted for carrying out the original plans. (See August 29th, 1894.) SEPTEMBER.1.—The students entered into occupation of the Norwich and Ely Training College for female teachers in elementary schools. The cost of the college was about £10,000, and of the practising schools £2,122. The buildings were designed by Messrs. Oliver and Leeson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and erected by Messrs. J. Youngs and Son. The college was formally opened on October 12th by the Bishops of Norwich and Ely. —Died the Rev. John Marjoribanks Nisbet, Canon of Norwich Cathedral, and rector of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, London. He was 67 years of age, and was appointed to his canonry in 1867. In 1885 Canon Nisbet was elected proctor in Convocation for the Norwich Chapter. 5.—Thorpe Market church was re-opened after extensive restoration. The building was erected in 1796 by the second Lord Suffield on the site formerly occupied by the original church, which had fallen into decay, and was in consequence demolished. —A fire of a most disastrous character occurred at Norwich in the north-east angle of the large block of buildings lying between Bank 12.—Mr. C. E. Cooke, of Litcham, sold his famous eight-years-old hackney stallion. Cadet 1,251, for £3,000 to Mr. Alexander J. Cassatt, president of the American Hackney Horse Society. 14.—Mr. Ben Greet’s company of pastoral players performed the garden scenes in “Twelfth Night” in the grounds of Mr. A. R. Chamberlin, the Grove, Ipswich Road, Norwich, in aid of the funds of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. 17.—Died, at Weston House, Colonel Sir Hambleton Custance, K.C.B., aged 82. He was a son of Mr. Hambleton Thomas Custance, of Weston, by Mary, only child of Miles Bower, and was born at Norwich. He married, in 1840, Frances, daughter of Sir Edmund Bacon, premier baronet of England, and widow of the Rev. Henry Walpole Nevill. For more than fifty years he held a commission in the old First or West Norfolk Militia, from the command of which he retired in 1881 with the rank of honorary colonel, when he received the dignity of K.C.B. From 1863 to 1878 he was vice-chairman of the General Committee of the Norfolk and Norwich Musical Festival, a justice of the peace, and Deputy Lieutenant for Norfolk, and in 1859 served the office of High Sheriff. Lady Custance died on October 4th. 22.—Died, Mr. Thomas R. Tallack, formerly secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. He had done useful archÆological work, and among the most important of his undertakings was the putting of the city archives into good order and making them easy of access for reference. Mr. Tallack had also made a valuable transcript for the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society of the Tanner MS. OCTOBER.3.—The annual provincial meeting of the Incorporated Law Society commenced at Norwich. The Mayor and Mrs. G. M. Chamberlin held a reception at St. Andrew’s Hall; a banquet was given on the 4th; and the Sheriff and Mrs. Reeve invited the members to a ball on the 5th. Mr. Richard Pennington presided at the meetings of the society. 4.—Died, at Lynn, aged 61, Mr. William Thompson, who was elected Mayor of the borough in 1877, and again served the office from April to November, 1880, on the sudden death of Mr. Seppings. 12.—Madame Adelina Patti, supported by Mdlle. Donilly, Mdlle. Alice Gomez, Mr. Charles Chilley, Signor Novara, Miss Fanny Davies, Mdlle. Levallois, and M. Sieveking, appeared at a grand concert given at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. —Died, at Bramerton Lodge, Major John Penrice, aged 73. He was a justice of the peace for Norfolk, and took an active part in the administration of county business. Major Penrice was chairman of the Yarmouth Port and Haven Commission. 16.—Died, at Saxlingham Rectory, the Rev. George King, M.A., honorary canon of Norwich Cathedral, in his 90th year. Canon King was one of the oldest clergymen in the Church of England. 20.—Mr. D. L. Moody, the “American Evangelist,” opened a three days’ mission at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. 21.—A heavy fall of snow occurred in Norfolk, and was followed by severe frost. The weather for some time previously had been unprecedently wet, and the heavy rainfall had swollen the rivers and flooded the marshes and low-lying lands. During the first half of the month more than 4.5 inches of rain were registered at Sprowston. It was the wettest October that had been experienced for years past. 22.—Died, at 45, St. Giles’ Street, Norwich, Mr. Thomas William Crosse, F.R.C.S., in his 67th year. He was a son of the distinguished John Green Crosse, and was educated at Mr. Perowne’s school, Norwich, and at King’s College School, London. After a course of study at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and at the Dublin, Leeds, and Norwich Hospitals, Mr. Crosse became, in 1847, M.R.C.S. and L.S.A., and in 1860, after examination, was admitted a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. In Norwich he gained the reputation of being a bold, skilful, and successful surgeon. He was appointed assistant-surgeon to the Hospital in 1857, became full surgeon on October 26th, 1872, and retired from the staff in 1888. In April, 1892, having previously filled the office of vice-chairman, he was made chairman of the Board of Management. For many years Mr. Crosse discharged with conspicuous ability the honorary duties of curator of the pathological museum at the Hospital. He was a member of the Council of the British Medical Association, and among his contributions to surgical literature were articles on “Urinary Calculus” in Heath’s “System of Surgery.” Mr. Crosse was a governor of the Grammar School and of the Middle School, and an ex-officio member of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. For some years he represented the Sixth Ward in the Conservative interest, and was appointed on January 21st, 1873, Medical Officer of Health for the city, and continued to discharge his duties until within a short time of his death. Mr. Crosse married, in 1857, a daughter of Mr. Adam Taylor. —Died, at his residence, Beechamwell Hall, Mr. Joshua Fielden, aged 44. He was a son of Mr. John Fielden, of Green Bank, Caton, near Lancaster, and was educated at Eton and Cambridge. Mr. Fielden was a justice of the peace and a Deputy Lieutenant for Norfolk, and served the office of High Sheriff in 1884. 26.—A “World’s Fair,” promoted in aid of the funds for paying off the debt on the vicarage house and the completion of the restoration of the tower of St. Peter Mancroft church, was opened at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by the Mayor. The bazaar, which closed on the 28th, produced receipts to the amount of £575. NOVEMBER.2.—The inmates of Norwich Workhouse were entertained by Mr. Hoare, M.P., and Mrs. Hoare in celebration of the marriage of their daughter. Miss Elma Hoare, with the Rev. H. L. Paget, on October 27th. 16.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council the Liberal members elected a committee to select the names of persons to be submitted to the Lord Chancellor for appointment as magistrates. The Conservative members declined to take part in the proceedings on the ground that the movement was purely political. On December 20th the special committee reported that their proceedings had been abortive. 26.—Mr. C. S. Read made an important speech at the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture in opening a discussion upon the question of agricultural depression. It was decided to support the proposed National Agricultural Conference to be held in London. At an adjourned meeting of the Chamber on the 10th the proceedings of the Conference were discussed, and a resolution adopted in favour of the formation of an Agricultural Union by widening and popularising the Central Chamber of Agriculture and kindred societies. 29.—The Earl of Leicester, in a letter to the “Daily Telegraph,” gave a remarkable account of the annual rents on the Holkham Estate when he entered into possession in 1842, in 1878, when they were at their highest, and in 1891, when the last payment was made. Summarised the statement was as follows:— Year ending at Michaelmas, 1842.
Year ending at Michaelmas, 1878.
Year ending at Michaelmas, 1891.
Remarks.—Decrease 27¼ per cent. The tithe was paid by the landlord in 1878 and 1891, and three-fourths by the tenants in 1842.
DECEMBER.1.—The first lecture of a series on Ecclesiastical History was delivered in the nave of Norwich Cathedral by Archdeacon Farrar on “Ignatius and Polycarp.” (See January 5th, 1893.) 8.—Died suddenly, at Bristol, Mr. William James Metcalfe, Q.C., Recorder of Norwich, and judge of the Bristol County Court. He was a son of the Rev. W. Metcalfe, of Foulmire, Cambridgeshire, and was born in 1818. Educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he took his M.A. degree, he was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in 1845, and became Queen’s Counsel in 1873. Mr. Metcalfe was Recorder of Ipswich from 1866 to 1874, and succeeded Mr. P. O’Malley, Q.C., in the Recordership of Norwich. In 1879 he was appointed to his County Court judgeship. He was succeeded as Recorder of Norwich by Mr. Thomas Richardson Kemp, Q.C. 12.—Captain Lugard addressed two influential meetings at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, upon the situation in Uganda. A resolution expressive of satisfaction with the action of the Government was adopted. 18.—Died, at Portland Place, Bath, Mr. James Hunt Holley, aged 88. He was a son of Mr. James Hunt Holley, of Blickling, and was educated under Valpy at Norwich School. Possessed of considerable landed property, he took great interest in agriculture, and in 1858 purchased the estate of Oaklands, Okehampton, in Devonshire, on the borders of Dartmoor, where, remote from railways, agriculture had been neglected. The improvements which he carried out in the district gave great impetus to trade. He was an active magistrate, and during the earlier part of his life a staunch Free-trader and a Whig of the old school; but being unable to follow the extreme views of his party he ultimately withdrew from politics. Mr. Holley married a daughter of Admiral Windham, of Felbrigg Hall. 19.—The Prince of Wales presided at a dinner given at the Hotel Metropole, London, to Lord Suffield, on his retirement from the command of the Prince of Wales’s Own Norfolk Artillery. 26.—The Compton Comedy Company commenced a twelve nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre, and Ginnett’s Circus began its winter season at the Agricultural Hall. JANUARY.1.—The issue of second-class tickets was abolished throughout the system of the Great Eastern Railway Company, except in the case of trains running in the metropolitan suburban districts. 2.—“Sidney Carton,” a dramatised version of Dickens’ “Tale of Two Cities,” was performed for the first time on any stage at Norwich Theatre by the Compton Comedy Company. 5.—The frost continued to be very severe. Large numbers of skaters visited Wroxham and Surlingham Broads. —The course of lectures on Ecclesiastical History was continued at Norwich Cathedral by the Rev. J. A. Robinson, Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge, who dealt with “The Apology of Aristides.” On February 1st the Rev. Prebendary Meyrick lectured on “The Life and Times of Justin Martyr”; and on March 8th the Rev. Stanley Leathes, D.D., Prebendary of St. Paul’s, on “The Life and Times of IrenÆus.” The second course was commenced by the Rev. G. A. Schneider, who lectured on “Tertullian: His Life and Times,” on December 1st, and on “The Works on Tertullian,” on December 19th. (See April 2nd, 1895.) 7.—Died, at Woodbastwick, William Fryer, for seventy-four years parish clerk, in his 92nd year. He entered into office in June, 1819, and continued to discharge his duties to within a short period of his death. If not the oldest parish clerk in point of age, there was reason to believe that Fryer had held office longer than any other parish clerk in the kingdom. He was for many years postmaster, general shopkeeper, and village carpenter and blacksmith. 11.—The first meeting in Norfolk of the National Agricultural Union promoted by Lord Winchilsea was held at the Corn Hall, Harleston, under the presidency of Mr. J. Sancroft Holmes. Other meetings of the Union were held during the year in various parts of the county. 12.—The series of Science Lectures for the People was resumed at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, by Dr. Andrew Wilson, on the subject of “The Distribution of Animals, and what it Teaches.” On February 8th Dr. Drinkwater lectured on “Light and Colour from the Sun.” 21.—At the instance of the Rate Basis Committee of the County Council a conference of delegates from all the Unions of Norfolk was held at Norwich, to consider the advisability of adopting a uniform system of assessment through the county. A resolution was carried recommending Assessment Committees to make the annual value of property as determined for the purpose of Schedule A the basis of rating. It was also decided that the Rate Basis Committee send out to the different Unions a general or consolidated scale of deductions. 25.—The Norwich Board of Guardians resolved to request the Local Government Board to repeal parts of the Norwich Poor Act of 1863 in order to make the general law as to franchise and election of Guardians applicable to Norwich. 31.—Archdeacon Crosse was installed a Canon Residentiary of Norwich Cathedral. FEBRUARY.2.—At a full-dress parade of the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment Brigadier-General Bulwer decorated several officers of the battalion with the new Volunteer Decoration. 20.—Miss Grace Hawthorne appeared at Norwich Theatre in Sardou’s play, “Theodora.” A feature of the performance was the introduction of a cage of live lions in act I., scene 3. MARCH.7.—The honorary freedom of Norwich was presented to Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., by the Town Council, in recognition of his distinguished services to the city. 12.—The thermometer on the afternoon of this date registered 60 deg. Fah. in the shade; on the 17th there was a downfall of snow. 23.—The Norwich Isolation Hospital, erected upon a site near the Cemetery, was opened by the Mayor (Mr. A. R. Chamberlin). It was designed by Mr. P. P. Marshall, City Engineer, and the tender for its erection amounted to £4,290. 25.—Particulars were published of the measures to be adopted in Norwich in the event of the threatened outbreak of cholera. During the week ending this date official visits were made to Yarmouth, Cromer, and other places on the Norfolk coast by Dr. S. Monckton Copeman, one of the Medical Officers of the Local Government Board. 27.—Died, at Bracondale, Norwich, Mr. Thomas Gabriel Bayfield, aged 76. In his school days he formed the acquaintance of Mr. B. B. Woodward, afterwards Queen’s Librarian, and of Mr. S. P. Woodward, the subsequent author of the manual on Mollusca, both sons of Samuel Woodward, and from them he imbibed a love for archÆology and natural history. Mr. Bayfield was regarded as an authority on ancient seals, and rendered great assistance to Dean Goulburn in the compilation of his work on Norwich Cathedral. In geology he laboured at the chalk and Norwich crag, and made a valuable collection of fossils; those from the chalk were subsequently acquired by the British Museum. He was one of the most active members of the Norwich Geological Society, and an enthusiastic member of the Norwich Science Club and of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society. Upon relinquishing his business as an ironmonger in Magdalen Street, Mr. Bayfield obtained the appointment of master of the Blind School. 30.—Died Mr. Richard Charles Browne, of Elsing Hall, East Dereham, in his 63rd year. “A son of the Rev. Richard Browne, he was head of one of the oldest houses in England, the Hastings, of Elsing. He was lineally descended from Hugh Hastings, of Elsing, and consequently APRIL.6.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference commenced its two days’ sittings at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich. Bishop Pelham presided for the last time, and in his presidential address alluded to his approaching retirement. 8.*—“The Hon. Robert Marsham having received Royal Licence to take the additional name of Townshend, the surname of himself and his family will henceforth be Marsham-Townshend instead of Marsham.” 21.—A great Unionist demonstration took place at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, as a protest against the Home Rule Bill. Colonel Bignold, leader of the Conservative party, presided, and Lord Ashbourne was the principal speaker. —Died, at Bradenham Hall, Mr. William Meybohm Rider Haggard, aged 76. Mr. Haggard came of a Scandinavian family, and for several generations his ancestors had been Norfolk squires. He was lord of the manor of West Bradenham, a Deputy Lieutenant, and one of the most active magistrates in the county. For many years he acted as a Chairman of Norfolk Quarter Sessions held by adjournment at Swaffham, and afterwards at Lynn, and for a long period was a member of the Committee of Visitors to Norwich Castle. After the passing of the Local Government Act, by which the business previously transacted at Quarter Sessions was transferred to the County Council, Mr. Haggard, like so many representatives of the old county gentry, retired from active participation in public affairs. He was educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, called to the Bar in 1842, and married, in 1844, Ella, elder daughter of Mr. Doveton, of the Bombay Civil Service. Mrs. Haggard was an exceedingly gifted woman, and possessed of brilliant literary powers. 23.—Died, at Cambridge, Mr. Robert Lubbock Bensly, M.A., Senior Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, and Lord Almoner’s Professor of Arabic, aged 61. Professor Bensly, who was widely known as an Oriental scholar, was the eldest surviving son of Mr. Robert Bensly, of Eaton. He was educated at King’s College, London, and afterwards at Gonville and Caius College, where he graduated in the Classical Tripos in 1855, and was elected Tyrwhitt Hebrew Scholar in 1857. After spending two years at the Universities of Bonn and Halle, he returned to Cambridge, where he was appointed Hebrew lecturer at his college, and subsequently became the Senior Fellow. He was an active and valued member of the Old Testament Revision Committee, and was for many years an examiner in the theological and Semitic languages triposes, and succeeded the Hon. Ion Keith Falconer as Lord Almoner’s Professor of Arabic. Afterwards he was appointed University lecturer in Oriental Languages. The closing work of his life was connected with 24.—In a letter to the Press on this date Mr. James Emery, of Stibbard, wrote:—“This is the earliest spring for more than one hundred years in Norfolk. I have this day gathered some hawthorn in full blossom. I have seen more than sixty summers; my father lived to be seventy-four, and he has told me many times he never saw hawthorn in flower by the first of May. Nor have I ever seen it till this season before the first of May.” 25.—The Fletcher Convalescent Home, at Cromer, built by the munificence of Mr. B. E. Fletcher, and endowed by the Earl of Leicester, as an adjunct to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, was opened by the Countess of Leicester. Mr. Edward Boardman, of Norwich, was the architect. The cost of the building was not disclosed by the donor; the endowment fund amounted to £15,000, which Lord Leicester augmented to £20,000 in February, 1894. MAY.5.—The Mayor of Norwich (Mr. A. R. Chamberlin) sent to the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Teck, and the Duke of York and Princess Victoria Mary, the congratulations of himself and the citizens on the announcement of the betrothal of the Duke and Princess. On June 30th the Mayor, the Sheriff (Mr. Russell J. Colman), and the Deputy-Mayor (Mr. G. M. Chamberlin) proceeded to Marlborough House, and presented to the Duke of York a valuable dessert service, the gift of the citizens, with a richly-illuminated vellum containing a congratulatory address and the names of the subscribers. 17.—Died, at Heigham Grove, Norwich, Mr. William John Utten Browne, barrister-at-law, aged 88. Mr. Browne had been for many years an active and painstaking magistrate, and in the early decades of the century occupied a very prominent position in the public life of the city. In 1833 he served as one of the Sheriffs of Norwich, and was elected Mayor in 1860. In July, 1837, he contested in the Conservative interest the borough of Ashburton, Devonshire, and was defeated by Mr. Lushington. On attaining his 80th birthday he was entertained to a banquet by his colleagues on the Bench. Mr. Browne was a staunch Tory and High Churchman. 21.—Mrs. Brown, a woman in humble circumstances, living at Winterton, celebrated her one hundredth birthday. She had been a widow from her 81st year, and was entirely dependent upon her daughter, aged 77, with whom she lived. Mrs. Brown had never travelled further than the neighbouring town of Gorleston. 27.—A special meeting of the Norfolk County School Association was held at the Shirehall, Norwich, at which the chairman of the directors and trustees, the Rev. H. Smith, proposed, and it was agreed, “That it has been proved to the satisfaction of the association that it cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its business, and that it is desirable that the same should be wound up voluntarily, and that the company be wound up accordingly.” The original scheme, it was stated, was too large and ambitious, and the association was weighted at the outset with a capital expenditure and an annual working outlay beyond its strength and capacity. On September 9th it was announced: “After struggling for some years under heavy mortgage and liabilities the Norfolk County School Association has been compelled to wind up. The property has passed into the hands of Lord Leicester, who has made arrangements which will enable the late head-master, Mr. W. E. Humphreys, to re-open next term.” —The Conservative and Unionist voters of East Norfolk adopted Colonel McCalmont, C.B., Unionist candidate for the constituency. Colonel McCalmont retired in March, 1895. Mr. H. Rider Haggard was then announced as the Conservative candidate. 31.—The conge d’Élire for the election of a new Bishop of Norwich having been received, a meeting of the Dean and Chapter was held at the residence of Canon Heaviside, when the Rev. John Sheepshanks, M.A., of St. Margaret’s, Anfield, Liverpool, was elected. The election was confirmed at Bow Church, Cheapside, London, on June 28th; the ceremony of consecration was performed at St. Paul’s Cathedral on the 29th; and Bishop Sheepshanks did homage to her Majesty at Windsor Castle on June 30th. His lordship was enthroned and installed at Norwich Cathedral on July 13th with the usual ceremonial. The Dean afterwards entertained a large company to luncheon at the Deanery, and in the afternoon the clergy waited upon his lordship at the Palace and presented him with an address. JUNE.1.—A meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, to protest against the Suspensory Bill for the Church in Wales. Lord Egerton of Tatton presided, and Mr. Stanley Leighton, M.P., and Mr. W. S. de Winton, M.P., were among the speakers. 22.—Mr. Albert Chevalier gave his first recital in Norwich at the Agricultural Hall, and repeated the entertainment on the 23rd. JULY.6.—The marriage of the Duke of York and Princess Victoria Mary of Teck was celebrated throughout the county. At Norwich the Artillery Volunteers and the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment paraded in the Market Place and fired a feu-de-joie, and a Royal salute was fired upon Mousehold Heath by the mounted battery of the first-named corps. One thousand persons above sixty-five years of age were presented with gifts by the Mayor and Sheriff at the Agricultural Hall; and in the afternoon the 8th Hussars and the Volunteers were reviewed on Mousehold. An illuminated fÊte was given in the evening in Chapel Field Gardens, and the day’s festivities concluded with a ball given by the Mayor at St. Andrew’s Hall. 8.—A severe thunderstorm occurred after very close and sultry weather. Another storm took place on the 9th and 10th, and on the 11th it raged with increased violence, and did much damage in various parts of the county. A man was killed by lightning at Long Stratton. 13.—The third biennial sale of shorthorns and Southdowns, the property of the Prince of Wales, was conducted at Wolferton by Mr. John Thornton, and resulted in a total of £2,151. 18.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Mathew, Sarah Bligh (22), domestic servant, was indicted for the wilful murder of her child, Isaac Bligh, at Holme Hale, on June 7th. She was found guilty and strongly recommended to mercy. The judge, without assuming the black cap, passed sentence of death. The capital sentence was subsequently commuted. 19.—The first squadron of the 8th Hussars marched from the Cavalry Barracks, Norwich, and the remaining squadrons left on the 20th. Prior to their departure the non-commissioned officers were presented with gifts for their mess, subscribed for by the citizens. The 1st (King’s) Dragoon Guards, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel H. P. Douglas Willan, marched in on the same dates. 22.—Mr. Clement Higgins, Q.C., M.P., intimated his intention to the electors of Mid Norfolk not to seek re-election for the division at the next election. Mr. F. W. Wilson was subsequently adopted the Gladstonian candidate. 28.—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dawson Paul celebrated their silver wedding at Norwich. 29.—The 3rd and 4th Volunteer Battalions Norfolk Regiment went into camp at Colchester. AUGUST.30.—A meeting was held at Norwich at which it was decided to take steps for the formation of golf links. On November 8th an adjourned meeting took place, at which it was announced that land had been acquired SEPTEMBER.7.—In consequence of a telegram received from the War Office the 1st (King’s) Dragoon Guards left Norwich for the scene of the colliery riots in the Midland counties. The regiment entrained at Trowse, the horses being conveyed in bullock trucks. A Squadron proceeded to Mansfield, B to Rotherham, C to Wakefield, and D to Dewsbury. On the 8th 50 men of the Norfolk Constabulary, under the Chief Constable (Mr. Paynton Pigott), were drafted to Nottingham, and on the 9th 20 men of the Norwich city police proceeded to the scene of the disturbances. OCTOBER.2.—Died, in London, Lady Eastlake, widow of Sir C. L. Eastlake, a former President of the Royal Academy. Her ladyship, who was in her 84th year, was a daughter of Dr. Edward Rigby, of Norwich, and was distinguished for her literary work. 3.—The Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The principal vocalists were Madame Albani, Mrs. Helen Trust, Miss Anna Williams, Madame Belle Cole, Madame Marion McKenzie, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Ben Davies, Mr. George Henschel, Mr. Bantock Pierpoint, Mr. J. H. Brockbank, and Mr. Norman Salmond. The solo instrumentalists were M. Paderewski (pianoforte) and Senor Sarasate (violin). The principal productions were: On the evening of the 3rd, “St. Paul”; on the 4th, morning, “The Golden Legend” and New Symphony in A minor, No. 2 (Edward German); evening, new Polish Fantaisie (Paderewski), first time of performance, pianoforte solo by Paderewski; new cantata, “Una” (A. R. Gaul), first time of performance, and a miscellaneous selection; 5th, morning, “Judith,” first time of performance in Norwich; evening, new cantata, “The Wishing Bell” (J. F. Barnett), first time of performance, and a miscellaneous selection; Pibroch (Mackenzie), Rondo Capriccioso (Saint SaËns), for violin and orchestra, Senor Sarasate; 6th, morning, “The Messiah”; evening, “The Water Lily” (Cowen), first time of performance. The gross receipts amounted to £5,082 13s. 3d., the gross payments to £4,456 7s. 6d. Of the balance of £626 5s. 9d., the sum of £325 was distributed among the charities. 14.—An influential meeting was convened at the Guildhall by the Mayor of Norwich (Mr. A. R. Chamberlin) for the purpose of affording the Dean an opportunity of calling attention to the necessity of undertaking the reparation of Norwich Cathedral, the estimated cost of which was £12,000. (See May 2nd, 1894.) 16.—Died, the Rev. William Cowper Johnson, Honorary Canon of Norwich Cathedral. He was a son of the Rev. John Johnson, LL.D., a near relative of the Poet Cowper, and addressed by him as “Johnnie of Norfolk” and “My dearest of all Johnnies.” 25.—Lord Randolph Churchill addressed a great Conservative meeting held at Yarmouth Aquarium under the presidency of Sir Edward Birkbeck. 9.—Sir Peter Eade was elected Mayor and Mr. John Barwell appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 19.—A gale of great severity swept over the county after a day of exceptional brilliancy. Several wrecks occurred on the coast, lives were lost, and much damage done inland. 20.—The Duke and Duchess of York arrived at Didlington Hall on a visit to Lord and Lady Amherst of Hackney. 25.—An important meeting was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, presided over by Mr. R. Harvey Mason, for the purpose of urging that effectual measures be taken for the preservation of order, the suppression of nuisances, and the protection of property upon the public navigable waters of Norfolk and Suffolk. DECEMBER.4.—Miss Fortescue, supported by her London company, commenced a three nights’ engagement at Norwich Theatre in “Moths” and “The School for Scandal.” —A special vestry meeting was held at the church of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, under the presidency of the vicar (the Rev. W. Pelham Burn), “to read correspondence that had taken place between himself and the Hospital Board relative to the skull of Sir Thomas Browne, alleged to have been stolen from the church and now in possession of the Hospital.” The Hospital authorities asked the vestry not to press for the return of the skull. The vicar dwelt upon the crime of sacrilege and maintained that it was the duty of the Hospital to make restitution of the skull. In support of his contention he adduced the doctrine of the Church as to the resurrection of the body. After much discussion it was resolved to refer the matter to Bishop Pelham. At an adjourned meeting of the vestry on the 15th the Board of Management intimated that the reference of the question to an arbitrator would not release them from their obligation to protect the property of the Hospital. Ultimately it was agreed that no further steps be taken in the matter. 14.—The Judicial Council of the House of Lords heard a petition from Mr. Coaks asking for the dismissal of the plaintiff’s petition in the action, Boswell v. Coaks, on the ground of its being frivolous and vexatious. Mr. Coaks’ petition was dismissed and the appeal ordered to proceed. (See April 30th, 1894.) 18.—The extensive maltings of F. and J. Smith, Limited, at East Dereham, were seriously damaged by fire, which destroyed several hundred coombs of grain. 26.—Mr. Edward Compton’s Comedy Company commenced their Christmas engagement at Norwich Theatre; and Mr. George Gilbert, a native of Norwich, began the first of his successful series of circus seasons at the Agricultural Hall. 31.—Mrs. Pelham, wife of the Bishop of Norwich, died at Sunny Hill, Thorpe. She was second daughter of Thomas William Tatton, of Withenshaw, Cheshire, was born in 1811, and married in 1845, during her husband’s incumbency of Bergh Apton. JANUARY.1.—Severe frost set in, and continued until the 9th. The snowfall was very heavy, serious inconvenience was caused to railway and other traffic, and many casualties were reported upon the coast as the result of a north-east gale. 2.—The Duke of York made his first public visit to Lynn, and opened the new Technical School erected by the Corporation at the cost of £3,000. 10.—A furious gale which sprung up from the south-west did not subside until the 12th. Much damage was done in town and country, and many casualties were reported among the Yarmouth fishing fleet. 11.—Died at his residence, Burlingham House, the Hon. Harbord Harbord, in his 58th year. Mr. Harbord was the sixth and posthumous son of the third Lord Suffield, and was twice married; first to Constance Adelaide, third daughter of Sir H. J. Stracey, and afterwards to Barbara Sophia Harriot, daughter of Mr. Edgar Disney, of Ingatestone, and widow of Major Philip Bennet, of Rougham Hall. Having acquired a practical knowledge of agriculture under Mr. Robert Leeds he undertook the management of the estates of his friends and relatives. “In Norfolk his relationship to the landowners whom he represented gave him a status and influence with the tenantry altogether above and beyond that of the ordinary estate agent.” Mr. Harbord, who was a Deputy-Lieutenant and magistrate for Norfolk, and upon the commission of the peace for Wiltshire, for many years acted as foreman of the grand jury at the Norfolk Assizes. 18.—The whole county of Norfolk, including the city of Norwich and the boroughs, was declared an infected area in consequence of the prevalence of swine fever. Major Tennant, chief inspector of the Board of Agriculture, attended a meeting of the Executive Committee at the Shirehall, Norwich, and discussed the subject of the swine fever regulations; and on October 17th an Order of the Board was published revoking restrictions upon the sale and movement of swine within the county as from October 23rd. 19.—After the lapse of many years, Blondin, “the most famous and intrepid of all rope walkers,” appeared at Norwich in fulfilment of an engagement at Gilbert’s Circus. On the 28th of the month he attained his 70th year. MARCH.6.—Father Ignatius visited Norwich and addressed a crowded audience at the Agricultural Hall. —A special meeting of the Norwich Town Council adopted a scheme for repaving the streets of the city with wood, at the estimated cost of £38,500. 22.—A yachting and fishing exhibition was opened at St. Giles’ Hall, Norwich, and was continued until the 29th. 30.—The Rev. G. S. Barrett, B.A., minister of Prince’s Street Congregational Church, Norwich, was invested with the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity at the University of St. Andrew’s. Mr. Barrett was introduced as “the minister of one of the most influential Congregational churches in England; he had made several important contributions to theological literature, and had this year been chosen chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales.” APRIL.9.—Died, the Rev. George Willoughby Barrett, Minor Canon and Precentor of Norwich Cathedral, aged 45. He was a native of Bristol, where his father was well known as a musician. At an early age he was a chorister at Bristol Cathedral, and after completing his school life, entered at Worcester College, Oxford, where in 1872 he graduated B.A. and in 1877 proceeded M.A. He was ordained deacon in 1873 and appointed to the curacy of Easton Royal, Wiltshire. On his admission to priest’s orders he was engaged from 1875 to 1887 in ministerial work at Hampton Lucy, near Stratford-on-Avon. After his appointment as Minor Canon and Precentor at Norwich Cathedral in the latter year, Mr. Barrett did much useful work in promoting the interests of the Norfolk and Norwich Church Choral Association, and in cultivating a taste for the higher class of Church music. He was for several years in succession nominated by the Bishop and Dean chaplain of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. 10.—Died in London, Mr. William Waring, formerly a tenant of Taverham Hall. A partner in the firm of Waring Brothers, contractors for public works, he had constructed railways in Belgium and India. In association with the firm of Brassy and Peto, his firm had the contract for the construction of the greater portion of what is now known as the Inner Circle of the Underground Railway in London. Mr. Waring was a magistrate for Norfolk, and a munificent supporter of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital and other local charities. 14.—Died, the Rev. John Nassau Simpkinson, rural dean of Burnham and rector of North Creake, aged 77. He was a son of Sir Francis Simpkinson, was educated at Rugby under Dr. Arnold, and afterwards won a scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took his degree in 1838 with a first class in the Classical Tripos and a Junior Optime in the Mathematical Tripos. After some years’ service as curate at Hurstmonceux, he was appointed assistant master at Harrow, under Dr. Vaughan, his brother-in-law, and there remained from 1845 to 1855. Mr. Simpkinson was then presented to the rectory of Brington, Northants, and in 1868 to that of North Creake. He was the author of a “Life of Wagner” (1858), of “The Washingtons: a Tale of the Seventeenth century” (1860), and of many articles in the “Edinburgh Review.” 30.—In the House of Lords, before Lords Selborne, Watson, McNaughton, Shand, and Morris, was heard the action, Boswell v. MAY.1.—Died at Sunny Hill, Thorpe, the Hon. and Right Rev. Bishop Pelham, aged 82. He was the second son of the second Earl of Chichester, Secretary of State for the Home Department in Addington’s short Ministry of 1801, by Lady Mary Henrietta Juliana, daughter of the fifth Duke of Leeds. Born on June 21st, 1811, he was educated at Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford, and took his degree in 1832. His ordination was followed by his appointment, on the presentation of the Earl of Abergavenny, to the rectory of Bergh Apton, where he remained for fifteen years, during which time he was Hon. Canon of Norwich Cathedral, and in 1847 chaplain to the Queen. Two years prior to the latter appointment Mr. Pelham married Henrietta, daughter of Mr. Thomas Tatton, of Withenshaw, Cheshire. In 1852 the living of Christ Church, Hampstead, was offered to Mr. Pelham by Mr. Gurney Hoare. On the death of Dr. Spry, in 1854, he was nominated by Lord Palmerston to the important Crown living of St. Marylebone. In 1857, on the resignation of Bishop Hinds, he 2.—The choir of Norwich Cathedral was re-opened on the completion of the great work of reparation which had been in progress for two years. The “reporting architects” were Sir Gilbert Scott and Mr. John L. Pearson, R.A., and the work was superintended by Mr. C. J. Browne, surveyor to the Dean and Chapter. The total sum raised in aid of the undertaking amounted in the month of December, 1893, to £3,357, and the Dean and Chapter contributed upwards of £2,000 out of their personal income. At the opening service the sermon was preached by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who was afterwards presented with an address by the Mayor and Corporation. The Dean and Mrs. Lefroy entertained a distinguished company to luncheon, and the Bishop and Mrs. Sheepshanks gave a garden party at the Palace. (See April 7th, 1898.) 15.—Died, the Right Rev. Sidney Linton, D.D., Bishop of Riverina. He was a son of the Rev. H. Linton, rector of St. Peter le Bailey, Oxford, and Hon. Canon of Christ Church, and was educated at Rugby and at Wadham College, Oxford, where he graduated and took second class in law and history in 1864. From 1877 to 1884 he was vicar of St. Philip, Heigham, and in the latter year, on the foundation of the see of Riverina, was appointed the first bishop. In the same year he received the honorary degree of D.D. 16.—Died at West Dereham, Mr. Hugh Aylmer, aged 77. Mr. Aylmer had a world-wide reputation as a breeder and exhibitor of stock. He commenced his career as a sheep breeder by introducing into Norfolk some of the best specimens of Cotswold sheep that he could procure, and with these, by the process of selection, he was enabled to produce annually a number of rams which, when distributed among the flocks of the county, had the effect of increasing both the quality and the quantity of wool and mutton. Mr. Aylmer was a noted shorthorn breeder, and his herd was one of the most famous in the country. 28.—Died at Mill Hill Road, Norwich, Mr. Samuel Linay, solicitor, aged 57. He was a well known practitioner in petty sessional courts throughout East Anglia, and from 1881 to 1887 represented the old Fourth Ward in the Norwich Town Council. 29.—The Mayor of Norwich (Sir Peter Eade) entertained upwards of 1,500 of the aged poor of the city to dinner at St. Andrew’s Hall. JUNE.2.—The Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham addressed a large meeting convened at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, by the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, on the subject of the National Agricultural Union. A resolution affirming the desire of the Chamber to co-operate with the Union was adopted. 15.—Mr. Ben Greet’s company of “Woodland Players” gave pastoral representations at Bracondale Woods, Norwich, of “As You Like It” and of scenes from “The Tempest,” in aid of the funds of the Jenny Lind Infirmary. 23.—Intelligence was received in Norwich of the birth of the first child to the Duke and Duchess of York. Congratulatory telegrams were sent to their Royal Highnesses, to the Queen, and to the Prince and Princess of Wales, by the Mayor, on behalf of the citizens. JULY.4.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Yarmouth under the presidency of Lord Suffield, and was continued on the 5th. 12.—A three days’ military tournament, in which the 1st King’s Dragoon Guards, the depÔt of the Norfolk Regiment, and the Norwich Artillery Volunteers took part, commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, in aid of the clothing fund of the Cadet Corps. Exhibition boxing was given by Frank Slavin and Jim Young. —Mr. A. Morley, M.P., Postmaster-General, addressed a Liberal meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 17.—The Norwich School of Music was established at a meeting held at the Guildhall. —Mr. A. E. Collins, M.I.C.E., of Reading, was appointed by the Norwich Town Council, city engineer and architect in place of Mr. Buchan, resigned. 25.—Mr. Joseph Arch, M.P., at a meeting held at New Buckenham, delivered to the agricultural labourers his famous address which was quoted throughout the country for some time afterwards. “You poor, craven milk-and-water fools,” said the hon. member for North-west Norfolk, “why, you button up your pockets at the thought of paying 2¼d. a week when you are told by a lot of lying scampery and scandalism that I have run away with your money. . . . Professor Rogers once said when speaking of the tenant farmers, that their heads were as soft as the mangolds they grew. I think some of the labourers’ heads are as soft as the mangolds they hoe.” 28.—The Norfolk Volunteer Brigade camp commenced at Yarmouth. The four battalions numbered 1,923 of all ranks. Brigadier-General Bulwer was in command. AUGUST.1.—Gunton church, erected in the park on the site of the ancient parish church by Sir William Harbord, Bart., in 1769, was re-opened after restoration. 17.—The West Dereham Cotswolds, bred by Mr. Hugh Aylmer, deceased, were sold by Mr. John Thornton and Messrs. Salter and Simpson. Averages: 156 shearlings, 52s. 3d.; 64 two-shear, 51s. 2d.; 128 full-mouthed, 46s.; 100 ram lambs, 31s.; 20 old sheep, £7; 79 shearling rams, £7 5s.; 100 ewe lambs, £7 1s. Total proceeds of the sale, £2,601 18s. 6d. 22.—The sixth annual conference of the Institute of Journalists was opened at Norwich, under the presidency of Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P. Mr. P. W. Clayden, general editor of the “Daily News,” delivered the inaugural address on the 23rd, and the business proceedings concluded on the 24th. A garden party was given at Carrow Abbey by Mr. Colman, the Mayor and Mayoress held a reception at St. Andrew’s Hall, and the conference dinner took place at Yarmouth Aquarium. Cambridge was visited on the 27th. 28.—Died, William Coutts, seventh Earl of Albemarle. He was born in 1832, and succeeded to the title on the death of his father in 1891. Lord Beaconsfield, recognising the services he had rendered to the Conservative party, elevated him to the House of Peers in 1876 as Baron Ashford. In 1857, as Lord Bury, he, with Mr. Schneider, contested Norwich in the Liberal interest and achieved a victory over Sir Samuel Bignold. At the election which took place two years afterwards the same two candidates were returned. Lord Bury then had the honour to be appointed Treasurer of her Majesty’s Household, and this rendered it necessary for him to again contest the constituency. Sir Samuel Bignold again unsuccessfully opposed him; but a petition was presented against Lord Bury’s return, and the election was declared void. In 1860 Sir William Russell and Mr. E. Warner became members for the city. From 1860 to 1865 Lord Bury represented Wick, and from 1868 to 1874 Berwick. On the Liberal disruption he changed sides and contested Stroud in the Conservative cause in 1875, but he was unsuccessful. In early life his lordship did military service in the Scots Guards, and served in India as aide-de-camp to General Lord FitzClarence. For a time he acted as secretary to Earl Russell, and was created a Privy Councillor in 1860 and K.C.M.G. in 1870. In 1855 he married Sophia, daughter of Sir Allan McNab, Prime Minister of Canada. 29.—The Roman Catholic church, erected on the site of the old City Gaol at Norwich, at the sole cost of the Duke of Norfolk, was opened. The building, which was only partially completed, was designed by Sir Gilbert Scott, and is dedicated to St. John Baptist. The sermon at the opening ceremony was preached by the Rev. Dr. Headley, Bishop of Newport and Menevia. SEPTEMBER.3.—The Trades Union Congress was opened at Norwich under the presidency of Mr. John Burns, M.P. The delegates, 400 in number, were entertained at Cromer by Mr. Samuel Hoare, M.P., and at Carrow Abbey by Mr. Colman, M.P. The proceedings closed on the 8th with a “trades procession” through the streets of the city. 10.—Died at Moseley, Birmingham, Mr. John Hawkes, aged 100 years. For many years he was a clerk in Messrs. Gurney’s Bank at Norwich, and was pensioned by the firm in 1865. —Died at Lees Court, Faversham, Earl Sondes. His lordship was born in 1824, and was formerly a captain in the Royal Horse Guards and lieutenant-colonel of the East Kent Mounted Rifles. From 1868 to 1874 he was Conservative member for East Kent. In 1859 he married a daughter of Sir H. J. Stracey, of Rackheath. 24.—The Mayoress of Norwich (Lady Eade) unveiled at the Jenny Lind Infirmary a medallion terra-cotta bust of Madame Jenny Lind Goldschmidt, presented to the institution by her husband, Mr. Otto Goldschmidt. Madame Albani, who was on a professional visit to the city, attended the proceedings. 25.—A concert was given at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, at which the principal performers were Madame Albani, Mdlle. Antoinette Trebelli, Madame A. Gomez, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Charles Santley, Mr. Braxton Smith, Mr. Norman Salmond, the Meister Glee Singers. M. Emile Sauret (violin), Mr. B. Patterson Parker (violoncello), Mr. John Thomas (harpist to the Queen), and the Swiss Ladies’ Orchestra. Performances were also given on the 26th, 27th, and 28th. 29.—Died at West Rudham Hall, Mr. John Morton, aged 55. He was a great authority on all agricultural matters, an eminent breeder of horses and cattle, and a frequent judge at shows in England and on the Continent. OCTOBER.3.—Mr. Jerome K. Jerome, the well-known author of “Three Men in a Boat” and “Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow,” gave a lecture at the Assembly Room, Agricultural Hall, Norwich, on “Humour, Old and New.” 12.—At the Norwich Consistorial Court application was made to Mr. Chancellor Blofeld by the vicar and churchwardens of St. John Timberhill for a faculty to confirm the erection of a rood or crucifix, and its accompanying figures, on a rood loft in the church. The application was supported by Sir Walter Phillimore. The Chancellor delivered judgment on November 10th. A faculty to confirm the erection of the rood loft and of the figures then on the rood beam and to authorise the placing of other figures there was refused. A faculty to confirm the erection of a screen without a rood loft, and to authorise the placing of gates in an existing screen, the erection of proposed side screens with gates in them, and the erection of choir stalls with a screen behind them, was granted. 15.—A great meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, presided over by the Hon. Ailwyn Fellowes, M.P., to protest against the proposed disestablishment of the Church in Wales. The principal speaker was the Rev. Thomas Moore, author of “The Englishman’s Brief on behalf of his National Church.” 18.—The Rev. Arthur Thomas Lloyd, D.D., vicar and Hon. Canon of Newcastle-on-Tyne, was at Westminster Abbey consecrated Suffragan Bishop of Norwich, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The right reverend Bishop had previously been collated and instituted—on October 16th—to the rectory and parish church of North Creake, and on the same day collated to the Archdeaconry of Lynn formed out of the Archdeaconries of Norfolk and Norwich under an order of her Majesty, dated August 23rd, 1894. “By 26th Henry VIII., c. 14, provision was made for the appointment of two Suffragans within the diocese, to bear the titular names of Thetford and Ipswich. In 1536 John Salisbury and Thomas Manning were consecrated by Archbishop Cranmer as Suffragan Bishops of Thetford and Ipswich, and now again after the lapse of three centuries and a half the Bishopric of Thetford is revived.” 20.—Died, in his 84th year, Mr. William Henry Cooke, Q.C., County Court judge for Oxfordshire, and Recorder of the city of Oxford. He was some time judge of the Norfolk County Court, and a justice of the peace for the county. Mr. Cooke was the eldest son of the Rev. W. Cooke, vicar of Bromyard, Herefordshire. —Died at Wilby Hall, aged 79, Mr. Samuel Colman. He was one of the eleven sons of Mr. Robert Colman, of Rockland, who constituted the famous team of cricketers. 23.—The Duke and Duchess of York visited Norwich and opened the Castle Museum and Fine Art Gallery. Their Royal Highnesses arrived from Sandringham, and were received at Thorpe Station by the Mayor (Sir Peter Eade), the Sheriff (Mr. Barwell), the High Sheriff of Norfolk (Mr. J. H. Gurney), and other prominent officials. Escorted by the 1st King’s Dragoon Guards the Royal visitors drove to the Castle, where they were received by a distinguished gathering, and presented with an address by the Corporation. The Duke having declared the building open, their Royal Highnesses made a tour of the Museum, and were afterwards entertained to luncheon in the Fine Art Gallery. Leaving the Castle under escort of the Loyal Suffolk Hussars, the Duke and Duchess proceeded to the Girls’ Technical School, St. George’s Plain, where they were received by the Countess of Leicester and Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Buxton. Their Royal Highnesses having inspected the School of Cookery, visited the Cathedral, and thence drove to Thorpe Station, en route to Wolferton. The NOVEMBER.9.—Lieut.-Col. Bignold was elected Mayor of Norwich, and Mr. Samuel Garerd Hill appointed Sheriff. 13.—Died at Eckling Grange, East Dereham, Mr. Charles Norton Elvin, M.A. He was well known as an authority on heraldry, and was the author of several standard works on the subject. 17.—The Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture considered the report of a special committee appointed to enquire into the condition of agriculture in Norfolk. The committee reported that the fall in the value of the Norfolk corn crops, comparing 1894 with 1874, was nearly, if not quite, £3,000,000. In 1874 Norfolk had 762,000 sheep and 128,000 cattle; in 1894 519,000 sheep and 126,000 cattle. Recommendations were made that the whole question of the appreciation of gold, and of the fluctuation of current values, and the incidence of rates and taxes to meet the altered position of agriculture, be reconsidered; that the law of assessments be amended; that the Tithe Commutation Act be revised, so that lands which could no longer be cultivated with corn at a profit should not be tithed on a corn basis; and that a Pure Beer Act be passed charging an extra duty upon all beer made from substances other than barley, malt and hops. The report and recommendations were adopted. At about this date Mr. R. Henry Rew, assistant commissioner, conducted enquiries in various parts of the county into the condition of agriculture. (See November 2nd, 1895.) 23.—Died at Cathedral Street North, Norwich, Miss Emily Stannard, aged 67. She was the only child of Joseph and Emily Stannard, both painters of the Norwich School. 28.—The autumnal conference of the Church Association opened at Norwich, and concluded on the 29th. 29.—Lord and Lady Amherst of Hackney and their daughters, Lady William Cecil, and the Hon. Sybil, Florence, Margaret, and Alicia Amherst, were presented with valuable testimonials subscribed for by persons of all shades of political opinion in South-west Norfolk. The gift to his lordship, in recognition of the public services he had rendered in Parliament, was a portrait of himself painted by the Hon. John Collier, to Lady Amherst was given a silver writing set, and to her daughters pearl and gold duster bracelets, as tokens of the esteem in which they were held throughout the constituency. Mr. T. L. Hare, M.P., made the presentations in the presence of a large company who had been invited to luncheon in the museum at Didlington Hall. 4.—The first meetings of Parish and District Councils elected under the new Local Government Act, 1894, were held. The percentage of unopposed returns at the elections in Norfolk was 72.4. The first election of Guardians for Norwich under the Act took place on the 17th. 6.—Died at his residence, 6, Cavendish Square, in his 82nd year, Horatio Walpole, fourth Earl of Orford. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, and afterwards when reading for the Bar occupied the same chambers as Disraeli, who took great interest in him. His lordship married, in 1841, Harriet Bettina Frances, daughter of the Hon. Sir Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Pellew. He was succeeded by his nephew, Robert Horace Walpole, elder son of the Hon. Frederick Walpole. 13.—The officers of the 1st King’s Dragoon Guards gave an amateur dramatic performance of “The Area Belle” and Burnand’s burlesque, “Black-eyed Susan,” at Norwich Theatre, in aid of the Soldiers’ Widows Fund. The performance was repeated on the 14th and 15th. 21.—A gale of great violence occurred and lasted throughout the 22nd. Much damage was done in the county to farm buildings and other premises. At Brundall the river Yare overflowed its banks and flooded the railway; at Mundesley the tide was higher than was ever before known, and at Yarmouth the low-lying parts of the town were submerged, and the water entered many granaries and stores. Another high tide and gale were recorded at Yarmouth on the 29th. “The barometric fall accompanying the gale was most remarkable, the mercury having descended 1.26 inches in twenty-four hours.” 26.—“The Midsummer Night’s Dream” was produced upon a magnificent scale as the Christmas attraction at Norwich Theatre, by Mr. Ben Greet’s company. 29.—Died at Torquay, Colonel Dickson, who was Conservative candidate for Norwich with the Marquis of Douro in 1852. Colonel Dickson was in his 89th year. 1895.JANUARY.1.—Severe weather was experienced throughout the county. The snowfall was heavy, and deep drifts everywhere impeded traffic, especially in West Norfolk. On the 23rd the Yare overflowed its banks, and during a fearful storm at Yarmouth the water rose to an alarming height. Elaborate precautions were taken to prevent a recurrence of the catastrophe of the previous mouth, and although the Hall Quay was flooded the water was kept out of the dwellings sad store-houses. The Beach Gardens narrowly escaped destruction. On the same day Eccles tower, which had been a landmark for 8.—Avenue Road Board School, Norwich, built at the cost of nearly £12,000, was opened by an inaugural meeting held under the presidency of the Mayor (Col. Bignold), at which addresses were delivered by the Lord Bishop and Sir G. W. Kekewich, K.C.B., Secretary to the Education Department. 19.—A meeting of the owners of marshes lying near the Yare and Bure was held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, to consider the advisability of adopting a plan for the protection of the level from high tides by a commission who would have the power of maintaining the river walls. The question was adjourned for further consideration, and on March 30th the proposed scheme was rejected. 31.—M. Paderewski gave a pianoforte recital at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. FEBRUARY.1.—The Sandringham shire horses, the property of the Prince of Wales, were sold by auction at Wolferton by Mr. A. Beck. The total amount realised was 5,231 gs., and the average per animal £119 3s. 8d. —Died at Stoke Holy Cross, Mr. Henry Birkbeck. He was the only son of Mr. Henry Birkbeck, of Keswick, and was born on February 10th, 1821. His mother was the eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Gurney, who left to his grandson his share in the great Norwich bank of Messrs. Gurneys and Co. Mr. Birkbeck began his training in the bank on January 1st, 1839, and became a partner in the concern on his coming of age. He married in October, 1849, the eldest daughter of Mr. Anthony Hamond, of Westacre. She died in 1862, and 1871 he married Miss ffolkes, only sister of Sir W. H. B. ffolkes, of Hillington. In 1853 Mr. Birkbeck served the office of Sheriff of Norwich, and in 1860 was High Sheriff of Norfolk. For several years he represented the old Fourth Ward as a member of the Norwich Town Council. He was a most generous supporter of local 18.—By invitation of Mr. Thomas Crammer, Lindahl, the renowned Scandinavian skater, visited East Dereham for the purpose of meeting “Fish” Smart in a skating contest. Upwards of 2,000 persons assembled on the ice. The first race of one and a half miles was won by Smart in 5 minutes 48 4.5ths seconds; Lindahl won the second race over the same course. Owing to the bad condition of the ice the competitors were unable to establish a record. MARCH.4.—Died at St. Faith’s House, Norwich, Mr. John Hotblack, aged 74. He was a justice of the peace for the city and for the county, and for several years represented the old First Ward in the Town Council. In November, 1884, Mr. Hotblack was elected Mayor of Norwich. 7.—Died at Soham Vicarage, the residence of his son, the Rev. Cyprian T. Rust, LL.B. For twenty-two years he was a clergyman in Norwich, and held successively the livings of St. Michael-at-Thorn and Heigham; in 1875 he was presented to the living of Westerfield, near Ipswich. Mr. Rust was born of Baptist parents, and after serving as a clerk in a London counting-house became a Baptist minister at Colchester, where he worked from 1838 to 1841. Thence he went to Queen’s College, Cambridge, and took his LL.B. degree in 1852, in which year he was ordained deacon by Bishop Hinds, and in 1853 priest by the Bishop of Ely. Mr. Rust did much literary work in the form of magazine articles, and was in many ways very successful as an essayist. He was the author of “Higher Criticism: Some Account of its Labours upon Primitive History,” published in 1889; “Essays and Reviews”; “The Break of Day in the 18th Century: a History and a Specimen of the first book of English Song” &c. 11.—A meeting of Norwich traders was held at the Guildhall, at which it was resolved to re-establish a Chamber of Commerce in the city. 15.—Died at Bracondale, Mr. Henry Colman, last surviving son of Mr. Robert Colman, of Rockland St. Andrew’s, in his 82nd year. He was one of the eleven brothers Colman who constituted the famous cricket team. Mr. Colman for several years represented the old Sixth Ward as a member of the Norwich Town Council. 19.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council the City Engineer (Mr. A. E. Collins) presented a report which stated that a further sum of £200,000 ought to be expended upon the Norwich sewerage works. The Council adopted a scheme involving the expenditure of £72,000 beyond the sum of £80,000 authorised by the Norwich Corporation Act. (See January 22nd, 1896.) 21.—Brigadier-General Bulwer presented the long-service medal to past and present members of Volunteer battalions in Norfolk. The presentations were made at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. 24.—A hurricane such as had never been known in living memory occurred on this day (Sunday). It swept over city and county, and 30.—Died at his residence, the Abbey, Westacre, Mr. Anthony Hamond, in his 61st year. The eldest son of Mr. Anthony Hamond, he was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, and entered upon the duties and pursuits of a country gentleman. He became very popular as master of the West Norfolk Foxhounds, and on his retirement from the mastership was presented with his portrait. In the dark days of agricultural depression the tenantry on the estate experienced the practical sympathy of Mr. Hamond, who was a most kind and generous landlord. In the breeding of cattle and horses he took great interest. His shorthorns obtained wide celebrity, and his shires were equally well known. Mr. Hamond first conceived the idea of a stud-book for the Norfolk hackney; he was one of the founders of the Hackney Horse Society, was elected first president in June, 1883, and held office until June, 1885. He consistently supported the policy of the moderate Liberals, but when the great disruption came he unhesitatingly threw in his lot with the Unionists. On the death of Sir William Bagge in 1880 Mr. Hamond was approached by the Liberal electors of West Norfolk with the view of obtaining his consent to his nomination in opposition to Mr. Tyssen Amherst, but he declined, and the Conservative candidate was returned without a contest. A General Election took place a month afterwards, when Mr. Hamond was induced to stand against Mr. Amherst and Mr. Bentinck, and was defeated. He was much interested in the administrative work of the county, was a member of the County Council, and chairman of the Small Holdings and Allotments Committee. Mr. Hamond, who was a magistrate and a Deputy-Lieutenant for the county, married the only daughter of Sir Thomas Hare, of Stow. APRIL.2.—The lectures on ecclesiastical history were resumed at Norwich Cathedral by Archdeacon Sinclair, of London, who gave an address on “The Life and Times of Cyprian.” On the 17th the Rev. J. T. Kingsmill, D.D., vicar of Hockering, lectured on “The Life and Times of St. Chrysostom.” Another series commenced on November 21st with a lecture by the Rev. Professor Gwatkin, of Cambridge, on “The Life and Times of Eusebius”; followed on November 28th by the Rev. Professor Ince, D.D., of Oxford, on “The Life and Times of Athanasius”; and on December 5th, by the Rev. A. E. Brooke, M.A., of King’s College, Cambridge, on “The Life and Times of Origen.” (See February 5th, 1896.) 4.—Died at his residence, the Woodlands, Norwich, Mr. Robert Fitch, in his 93rd year. Mr. Fitch, who was a native of Ipswich, was a partner in the firm of Fitch and Chambers, chemists and druggists, Norwich. In 1858 he was appointed upon the commission of the peace, and in 1867 became Sheriff of Norwich. He was connected with the directorate of several public companies, and for more than thirty years was an honorary secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society. Among his literary contributions to the society’s proceedings was an admirable description of “The Gates of Norwich.” Mr. Fitch was widely known as a collector, and possessed one of the finest private collections in the kingdom, which some years before his death he handed over to the trustees of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. 29.—Died at Letheringsett Hall, Mr. William Hardy Cozens-Hardy, aged 88. A son of Jeremiah and Mary Ann Cozens, of Sprowston, he assumed the name of Cozens-Hardy in 1842. In 1830 he married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Theobald; on July 21st, 1880, he celebrated his “golden” wedding, and in 1890 his “diamond” wedding. Mrs. Cozens-Hardy died in 1891. In his early life he was articled to Messrs. Foster and Unthank, solicitors. Mr. Cozens-Hardy was a regular attendant at Quarter Sessions, and was for many years chairman of the Holt bench of magistrates. A Liberal in politics he conferred many benefits upon his immediate neighbourhood. In 1851 he built the British school at Holt; he was the promoter of the Holt Literary Society, and the founder of the Reepham Provident Society, one of the most important organizations of the kind in the Eastern Counties. For fifty years he was connected with the Erpingham Union, and it was mainly due to him that the workhouse was erected at West Beckham in 1851. MAY.18.—A severe gale wrought much havoc on the Norfolk coast. The Short Blue fishing fleet suffered severely, the Yarmouth smack Royal Standard was lost, many other casualties occurred, and remarkable escapes were recorded. 19.—Died at his residence, Harford Lodge, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Edward Bignold, Mayor of Norwich. Col. Bignold, whose age was 64, was fourth son of Sir Samuel Bignold, some time Member of Parliament for the city. In his boyhood he became associated with his father in the official direction of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society; from 1858 until the death of Sir Samuel in 1875, he was his assistant; and after that date he filled the office of secretary of the society. In 1852 he joined the West Norfolk Militia as lieutenant, 21.—The Prince of Wales arrived at Yarmouth, and on the 22nd attended a ball given at the Royal Assembly Rooms by the officers of the Norfolk Artillery Militia. On the 23rd his Royal Highness, as hon. colonel, inspected the regiment, and on the 24th left by special train for Norwich. 24.—The Prince of Wales visited Norwich for the purpose of unveiling the Pelham memorial throne at the Cathedral. His Royal Highness was received at Thorpe railway-station by the Dean, the Deputy-Mayor (Sir Peter Eade), and the Sheriff (Mr. S. G. Hill), and escorted by a detachment of the 1st King’s Dragoon Guards was driven to the Cathedral. The Bishop and the Cathedral body met his Royal Highness at the great west door, whence a procession was formed to the choir, where a vast congregation had assembled to witness the ceremony. The Prince having unveiled the throne, was thanked for his gracious presence by Mr. Samuel Hoare, M.P., on behalf of the diocese. His Royal Highness afterwards inspected various points of interest in the Cathedral, and was entertained to luncheon at the Deanery by the Dean and Mrs. Lefroy. At 3.10 p.m. he proceeded to town by ordinary train. The memorial throne was designed by Mr. John L. Pearson, R.A., and with the exception of the sculptured figures, which were carved by Mr. N. Hitch, of London, the work was executed by Messrs. Cornish and Gaymer, of North Walsham. 28.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Sir Peter Eade was elected to fill the casual vacancy of Mayor, occasioned by the death of Col. Bignold. The Mayor-elect nominated Mr. C. R. Gilman as his deputy. JUNE.1.—The 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment formed a marching column of 200 of all ranks, and under the command of Col. Dawson proceeded to Stratton Strawless, where a camp was formed in the park. On the 2nd the march was resumed to Blickling Park, where the column encamped, and in the afternoon attended service at the 2.—A serious fire occurred on board the Jenny Lind steamboat at Foundry Bridge, Norwich. 11.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Russell of Killowen, Frederic Butcher, 15, carpenter’s apprentice, was indicted for feloniously shooting at the Rev. Arthur Hamilton Upcher, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm, at Baconsthorpe, on January 3rd. The prisoner was found guilty, and recommended to mercy on account of his youth. He was sentenced to nine calendar months’ imprisonment. —At the Norwich Assizes, before the Lord Chief Justice, Frederick Miles, 27, labourer, was indicted for the wilful murder of Mildred Miles, his wife, at St. John Timberhill, Norwich, on June 1st. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, but strongly recommended him to mercy on the ground that he had received great provocation. His lordship passed sentence of death, which was afterwards commuted to penal servitude for life. 15.—Died at 24, Fairfax Road, South Hampstead, London, Mr. Philip Soman, senior proprietor of the “Norfolk Daily Standard,” aged 60. 18.—The old Toll House premises at Yarmouth were opened as a museum. 19.—Mr. Henry Staniforth Patteson was elected leader of the Conservative party in Norwich, in place of Lieut.-Col. Bignold, deceased. 21.—A terrible tragedy occurred near Yarmouth. George Stanford, a bank clerk, aged 25, in the employment of Messrs. Gurneys and Co., drowned his fiancÉe, Edith Mary Argyle, in the Steam Mill dyke, at Caister, and then committed suicide by drowning himself. 29.—The foundation-stone of the new church of St. Peter, Sheringham, was laid by Mrs. Upcher, the principal contributor of the total sum of £7,000, the estimated cost of the building. The church was designed by Messrs. St. Aubyn and Wadling, of Lamb Buildings, Temple, London, and the contractors were Messrs. Bardell Bros., of King’s Lynn. JULY.1.—The election campaign was opened in Norwich by a meeting of the Liberal Two Hundred held at the Agricultural Hall under the presidency of Mr. George White, when Mr. Thomas Terrell, Q.C., 13, St. Petersburg Place, Paddington, W., was adopted as the colleague of Mr. F. W. Verney. The Conservative electors met at St. Andrew’s Hall on the 3rd, under the presidency of Mr. Patteson, and the name of Sir Harry Bullard was announced as the colleague of Mr. Samuel Hoare. On the 6th Earl Spencer addressed a Liberal meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall, and on the 8th at the same place Mr. Goschen was the principal speaker at a Conservative meeting. Sir Harry Bullard, who had been absent in Norway, returned to Norwich on the 10th, and was received with an extraordinary demonstration of popular enthusiasm. 4.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Wymondham. In the absence of the president, Mr. J. J. Colman, the public luncheon was presided over by Mr. R. Harvey Mason. The show closed on the 5th. 5.—Died at the Clyffe, Corton, Caroline, wife of Mr. J. J. Colman. Mrs. Colman was the eldest daughter of Mr. W. H. Cozens-Hardy, of Letheringsett Hall, and was in her 64th year. Her death was lamented by all classes of citizens, and the representatives of all political parties attended the funeral, which took place at the Rosary on the 10th. 12.—Mr. T. Gibson Bowles (C.) and Mr. Hubert George Beaumont, Piccadilly Chambers, London (L.), were nominated candidates for the representation of King’s Lynn. Polling took place on the 15th: Bowles, 1,395; Beaumont, 1,326. —Sir John Colomb (C.) and Mr. J. M. Moorsom (L.) were nominated for Great Yarmouth. Polling took place on the 16th: Colomb, 3,528; Moorsom, 2,893. 13.—The nomination of candidates for South Norfolk took place at the Shirehall, Norwich. Mr. Thomas Hamer Dolbey, Stratford House, Sutton, Surrey, barrister-at-law, was proposed by the Liberals, and Mr. Francis Taylor, of Diss, brewer, by the Unionists. Polling on the 17th: Taylor, 4,281; Dolbey, 3,445. —At the Shirehall, Norwich, Mr. Henry Rider Haggard, of Ditchingham House, land owner and occupier, was nominated Unionist candidate, and Mr. Robert John Price, of 104, Sloane Street, Chelsea, barrister-at-law, Liberal candidate, for East Norfolk. On the polling day, the 19th, the Unionist candidate and his supporters were attacked at Ludham by a gang of Liberal roughs, and Mrs. William Hartcup, who occupied one of the carriages, received a severe wound on the head from a stone thrown by a person in the crowd. The incident gave rise to many expressions of public indignation. The result of the election was declared at the Shirehall, Norwich, on the 20th: Price, 4,606; Haggard, 4,408. (See July 30th.) —The nomination of candidates for North Norfolk took place at Aylsham. Mr. Herbert Hardy Cozens-Hardy, Q.C., of Letheringsett Hall, was nominated by the Liberals, and Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp, Bart., of Mergate Hall, Braconash, banker, by the Unionists. The polling on the 22nd resulted as follows: Cozens-Hardy, 4,246; Kemp, 3,738. 17.—Mr. Robert Thornhagh Gurdon, of Letton Hall, Unionist, and Mr. F. W. Wilson, newspaper proprietor and farmer, of the Dale, Scarning, Liberal, were nominated at East Dereham as candidates for Mid Norfolk. Polling took place on the 24th: Wilson, 4,220; Gurdon, 4,086. —At Swaffham candidates were nominated for the representation of South-west Norfolk. Mr. Thomas Leigh Hare, of Stow Bardolph, was proposed by the Unionists, and Mr. Richard Winfrey, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, farmer and newspaper proprietor, by the Liberals. The polling took place on the 25th: Hare, 3,968; Winfrey, 3,762. —A shocking catastrophe occurred on Ormesby Broad. A sailing boat occupied by nine young fishermen capsized in a sudden squall, and six of the party were drowned. 21.—Died, the veteran actor and theatrical manager, Mr. William Sidney (Mr. Sidney Young), who for many years in the old days of stock companies controlled the destinies of the Norwich Theatre. Mr. Sidney was a capable exponent of character parts. Of late years he had devoted himself almost entirely to stage management, and was responsible for the staging of several of the most successful productions at the Adelphi and other London theatres. 30.—At Smallburgh Petty Sessions, Lord John Wodehouse was summoned for assaulting Mr. John Gaymer, builder and contractor, at North Walsham, on July 17th; and William Saul, a dealer, was charged with aiding and abetting. The complainant was presiding at a Conservative meeting held in North Walsham, marketplace, when Lord Wodehouse seized him by the coat, dragged him from the chair, and using most foul language offered to fight him for £50. In this he was abetted by Saul. The chairman of the Bench (Sir H. J. Preston, Bart.) said the redeeming part of the case was that there was no actual violence that had resulted in injury. Lord Wodehouse was fined £3 7s. 6d., and costs £1 12s. 6d., and Saul £1, and costs to the like amount. The Lord Chancellor afterwards removed the name of Lord Wodehouse from the commission of the peace. At the same court nine persons were summoned for taking part in the riot at Ludham on the day of the East Norfolk election, and the majority were convicted and fined in various amounts. AUGUST.1.—The parish church of Burnham Thorpe, restored at the cost of about £7,000 as a memorial to Nelson, who was a native of the village, was opened for public worship on this the anniversary of the battle of the Nile. The work was carried out from designs by Sir A. Bloomfield. 8.—Mr. John Edmund Wentworth Addison, Q.C., who had been appointed to fill the vacancy in the judgeship of the Norfolk County Court on the retirement of Mr. E. P. Price, Q.C., took his seat for the first time at the Aylsham Court. Mr. Addison was formerly Member of Parliament for Ashton-under-Lyne, and Recorder of Preston. 12.—Dramatic performances were given at Norwich Theatre by the 1st King’s Dragoon Guards on this and the five succeeding nights in aid of the funds of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. The pieces produced were “Easy Shaving,” and a burlesque of “Faust.” 14.—The Elmham shorthorns and red polls, the property of Mr. Fulcher, were sold by Mr. John Thornton, and realised the total sum of £1,961 3s. 6d. 29.—The 1st King’s Dragoon Guards, after being quartered in Norwich for over two years, marched for Colchester. The headquarters of the 7th Dragoon Guards marched in on September 18th. SEPTEMBER.12.—The premises of Messrs. Sullivan and Co., wholesale confectioners, West End Street, Norwich, were destroyed by fire. 19.—The Channel Squadron arrived in Yarmouth Roads. The vessels included the Royal Sovereign (flagship of Vice-Admiral Lord Walter Kerr), Empress of India, Resolution, and Repulse, battleships; the Blenheim, Endymion, and Bellona, cruisers; the Halcyon, gunboat; and the Speedy, torpedo gunboat. The officers and men numbered 4,500. Civic and public entertainments were given in honour of the visit. The squadron steamed south on the 24th. 23.—Climatic variations of a remarkable character were recorded. The thermometer on the grass in the morning fell to freezing point (32 degrees), at two p.m. it stood at 77.2 degrees in the shade, one degree higher than the point known as summer heat, and about seven degrees higher than the average maximum day readings for the month of July. In the screen the thermometer fell to 38.4 degrees, the range of temperature for the day being nearly 40 degrees. The minimum was about 12 degrees below, and the maximum about 12 degrees above the usual standard for September. On the 24th the maximum shade temperature was 75.8 degrees. 25.—At the Guildhall, Norwich, the honorary freedom of the city was conferred upon the Mayor (Sir Peter Eade). At the conclusion of the proceedings the members of the Corporation proceeded to the Castle Museum, where a portrait of the Mayor, painted by Mr. Stanhope A. Forbes, was unveiled by Lord Walsingham. 27.—Died at Welborne Rectory, the Rev. George Robert Winter, Hon. Canon of Norwich Cathedral, in his 69th year. He was a son of Mr. Roger Winter, barrister-at-law, Calcutta, and grandson of Mr. John Winter, of Acton, many years solicitor to the Bank of England. Educated at Eaton and at Brasenose College, Oxford, Canon Winter was for many years vicar of Swaffham. In his University days he was a famous athlete, president of the Boat Club, stroke of the Brasenose boat, and a bold and fearless horseman. In addition to his other accomplishments Canon Winter was a very clever artist. 28.—Died at Ipswich, Dr. John Ellor Taylor, F.G.S., F.L.S., aged 60. Dr. Taylor was the son of a foreman in a Lancashire cotton factory, and early in life was sent to the engineer’s shop of the London and North-Western Railway, at Crewe. He subsequently removed to Manchester, and contributed to the newspapers, and on adopting journalism as an occupation secured an appointment on the “Norwich Mercury.” During the smallpox epidemic in 1872 he contributed a remarkable series of articles to the “Eastern Daily Press” on “Haunts and Homes of Smallpox in Norwich,” the materials for which he obtained by personal visits to the dwellings of the stricken people. Resolutely declining to be vaccinated, he contracted the disease, which OCTOBER.8.—The Church Congress commenced its proceedings at Norwich. The members were welcomed at the Guildhall by the Mayor (Sir Peter Eade), after which the Congress sermons were preached at the Cathedral by the Archbishop of York, and at St. Peter Mancroft by the Bishop of Salisbury. The sessional proceedings were opened at the Agricultural Hall at two p.m. by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, who delivered the inaugural address, and afterwards an address of welcome was presented by the Nonconformist bodies. Sectional meetings took place day by day at St. Andrew’s Hall, the Conservative Club Assembly Room, St. Giles’ Street, and in the Assembly Room at the Agricultural Hall. An ecclesiastical art exhibition was held at St. Giles’ Hall (the old Skating Rink), and during the week meetings of various Church societies took place. The Mayor and Mayoress held a reception at the Castle Museum on the 11th, and the farewell sermon was preached at the Cathedral on the 13th by the Bishop of Peterborough. 21.—Died at Christchurch, Mr. Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. The son of a physician, he was born at Norwich in 1813, and educated at the Grammar School under Valpy. He afterwards proceeded to Geneva, where he completed his education. Mr. Reeve began his literary career by a translation of De Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” published in 1835. It was followed, in 1840, by a translation of M. Guizot’s “Washington.” In 1837 Mr. Reeve was appointed Registrar of the Privy Council, and occupied the post for exactly fifty years. He was a frequent contributor to the “Edinburgh Review,” of which he ultimately held the editorship for forty years. 22.—The first of several meetings held in furtherance of a projected line of railway between Forncett and Haddiscoe took place at Hempnall. The distance proposed to be covered was fourteen miles, and the estimated cost of a single line, £1,500 per mile, or a total of £21,000. The directors of the Great Eastern Railway in October, 1896, intimated that they did not see their way to provide the railway communication suggested. (See April 23rd, 1898.) 27.—The sixth specimen recorded in Norfolk of Ray’s bream (Brama Raii) was taken in the nets of a Yarmouth drifter. NOVEMBER.2.—The Norwich Volunteer Medical Staff Corps was disbanded. —A public meeting representative of the agricultural and trading interests, convened by the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture, was held at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, to consider what action should be taken in consequence of the publication of the report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture by the Assistant-Commissioner (Mr. R. 9.—Mr. John Moore was elected Mayor and Mr. George Arthur Coller appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 13.—In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, before Mr. Justice Romer, was heard the action Gould v. Coaks. This was a new phase of the prolonged litigation arising from the Crown Bank failure. This action was brought by the plaintiff, the trustee in the bankruptcy of Harvey and Hudson’s Bank, against Mr. Coaks, and the representatives of Mr. E. C. Bailey, deceased, and of Mr. Hill, deceased. The plaintiff asked for an account of all monies received, for an enquiry of all purchases, leases, and profits which had been made or received by Mr. Coaks in connection with the estate, and also that interest upon the sums found due should be calculated as from the date of the receipt until time of payment. The argument in support of the plaintiff’s case lasted until the 15th, when Mr. Warmington, Q.C., by whom he was represented, said that an arrangement had been arrived at by counsel on both sides. The plaintiff proposed to take an order of a general character as between himself and Mr. Coaks of all sums he had received in respect of the estate of Sir Robert Harvey. Mr. Coaks also gave up all the purchases that he had made either of the bankrupt’s estate or the separate estate, and there would be the usual enquiry with regard to them in order to bring out those which were profitable and those which were not, giving to the plaintiff the opportunity of taking those which were profitable and to leave the others according to the usual plan, and there would be an account of profits. There would also be an enquiry as to balances in Mr. Coaks’ hands in respect to which he would be charged with interest. The costs were to be moderated, and so moderated as that no costs were to be allowed which had been charged elsewhere. (See August 5th, 1896.) DECEMBER.8.—Died at Parham, Suffolk, in his 80th year, the Right Rev. George Hills, D.D. He became in 1848 vicar of Yarmouth, and was appointed in 1853 Honorary Canon of Norwich Cathedral. In 1859 he was consecrated first Bishop of British Columbia. In 1892 Bishop Hills exchanged colonial work for the country benefice where he died. 14.—Died at 32, Albert Hall Mansions, London, Mrs. Jones, widow of the Rev. Canon Herbert Jones, and daughter of Mr. Daniel Gurney, of North Runcton. She was the authoress of several works, including “Memoirs of Princess Charlotte,” and “Sandringham, Past and Present.” Mrs. Jones had also contributed many interesting articles to the “Edinburgh Review.” 19.—Lord Wolseley, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, visited Norwich for the purpose of inaugurating the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home in Queen Street. His lordship was escorted from Thorpe railway-station to the Home by a detachment of the 7th Dragoon Guards. After inspecting the premises he proceeded to the Guildhall, where he was entertained to luncheon by the Mayor (Mr. John Moore). His lordship afterwards attended the inaugural meeting held at St. Andrew’s Hall, and delivered an address. 1896.JANUARY.21.—The Norwich Town Council approved a scheme formulated by the Charity Commissioners for the administration of Anguish’s endowment for boys. It involved the expenditure of about £1,000 per year for the education, under certain conditions, of poor boys in the city. —The announcement was made that Mr. Clare Sewell Read had decided to relinquish farming in Norfolk and to settle in or near London. Mr. Read gave a farewell address at East Dereham Market Tea on January 31st; and on September 19th the Norfolk Executive Committee adopted, on the motion of Mr. R. T. Gurdon, a resolution recording the valuable services rendered to the county by Mr. Read, as chairman of the committee, in all matters relating to the diseases of animals. At Honingham on September 21st Mr. and Mrs. Read were presented with farewell gifts by the inhabitants of that and adjoining parishes on the occasion of their departure after thirty years’ residence in the district. (See September 25th, 1897.) 22.—Mr. F. H. Tulloch, an inspector of the Local Government Board, held an inquiry at the Guildhall, Norwich, as to an application by the Town Council for sanction to borrow £72,000 for sewerage purposes, and to appropriate the New Mills estate for the purposes of a power-station for the City works. On September 29th the Council accepted tenders for the construction of sewerage and surface water sewers in district No. 5 for £17,480, and for the construction of river works and power-station buildings on the New Mills estate for £5,039. (See October 17th, 1899.) FEBRUARY.3.—Died at Billingford Hall, East Dereham, Lady Parry, widow of Rear-Admiral Sir William Edward Parry, the distinguished Arctic navigator. Her ladyship, who was in her 88th year, was a daughter of the Rev. Robert Hankinson, of Walpole, and first married, in 1831, Mr. Samuel Hoare, of Hampstead. Her second marriage took place on June 29th, 1841. 5.—The Ecclesiastical Lectures were resumed at Norwich Cathedral by Bishop Barry, who dealt with “The Life and Times of St. Ambrose.” The concluding lecture was given on March 4th by the Rev. H. C. G. Moule, D.D., Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge, on “The Life and Times of St. Augustine.” 7.—A deputation representing the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture waited upon the First Lord of the Treasury (Mr. Balfour) and the Minister of Agriculture (Mr. Walter Long) for the purpose of urging various points for the alleviation of the distressed condition of agriculture. 10.—Mr. Henry Bowyer Sparke, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowyer Sparke, of Gunthorpe Hall, was presented with a massive silver punch bowl by the tenantry on the estate on the occasion of his coming of age. 15.—A conference of delegates representing the Boards of Guardians in the county was held at the Shirehall, Norwich, to consider a proposal adopted at a meeting held the previous year in favour of the amalgamation of workhouses. 17.—The infant Prince of the Duke and Duchess of York was christened at Sandringham church by the Bishop of Norwich in the names of Albert Frederick Arthur George. 28.—Mr. H. S. Patteson was entertained at a banquet given at the Maid’s Head Hotel, Norwich, in recognition of his life-long services to Conservatism and in celebration of the attainment of his 80th year. Mr. Patteson was presented with a replica in silver gilt of three pieces of ancient plate in the possession of the Corporation. MARCH.3.—Dr. Thomson, medical superintendent of the Norfolk County Asylum, delivered a lecture before the Norfolk and Norwich Medico-Chirurgical Society on “The New Photography,” and gave a practical demonstration of the RÖntgen rays. 10.—Died at Cincinnati, while travelling in the United States as a member of Sir Henry Irving’s company, Mr. Henry Howe. Born in Norwich on March 31st, 1812, he was the son of a Quaker gentleman named Hutchinson, and was educated at the Ackworth School of the Society of Friends in Lancashire, where, for a time, he had John Bright as a fellow scholar. At the age of 19 he absconded from home and joined a strolling company. Mr. Howe made his first appearance APRIL.8.—Captain Wiggins, the Arctic explorer and navigator, who had recently returned from Siberia, lectured in Norwich upon the Nansen expedition. 9.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference commenced at the Town Hall, Ipswich, under the presidency of the Bishop of the Diocese, and was continued on the 10th. 12.—Died at Lady Lane, Norwich, Mr. Edward Samuel Bignold. Born on October 13th, 1821, he was son of Mr. Thomas Bignold, and nephew of Sir Samuel Bignold. Mr. Bignold held several public appointments, including the office of City Coroner, to which he succeeded on the death of Mr. William Wilde in 1866. —Thanksgiving services were held at the church of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, on the occasion of the re-opening of the tower after restoration at the cost of £1,200. 13.—A military tournament by the 7th Dragoon Guards commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and concluded on the 18th. 18.—Dr. Bunnett was presented at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with an illuminated address and a cheque for £280, on the attainment of his “musical jubilee.” 23.—A deputation of Norfolk farmers and graziers waited upon Mr. Walter Long, President of the Board of Agriculture, and requested that a clause might be inserted in the Government Cattle Diseases Bill permitting the importation of live Canadian cattle. Mr. Long was unable to comply with the demands of the deputation. MAY.1.—At a special meeting of the Board of Governors of the Jenny Lind Infirmary, held at the Guildhall, Norwich, Mr. Colman offered to present to the charity, as a memorial to his late wife, the necessary site upon which to erect a new infirmary. The offer was gratefully accepted, and the Committee of Management were empowered to take steps for collecting funds and for preparing plans. (See January 23rd, 1897.) 5.—Mr. R. W. Ladell, solicitor, was elected by the Norwich Town Council to the office of City Coroner, rendered vacant by the death of Mr. E. S. Bignold. 7.—Mr. and Mrs. Kendal and their London company appeared at Norwich Theatre in “A Scrap of Paper.” “A White Lie” was produced on the 8th, and “The Ironmaster” on the 9th. 12.—Mr. J. L. Toole with his London company appeared at the Assembly Room, Agricultural Hall, Norwich, in the comic sporting play “Thoroughbred.” 15.—Lord Tweedmouth, as president of the Norwich Gladstone Club, delivered his inaugural address to the members at the Assembly Room, Agricultural Hall, Norwich. 25.—Louis Tussaud’s exhibition “All the World in Wax” was opened at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. One of the attractions was the display for the first time in Norwich of the cinematograph or “living pictures.” JUNE.1.—Dr. Jameson, of Transvaal raid fame, travelling as Dr. Johnson, accompanied by Dr. Rutherford Harris, visited Norwich, and stayed at the Maid’s Head Hotel. 2.—The coming of age of Mr. John Calthorpe Blofeld, eldest son of Mr. Blofeld, of Hoveton House, was celebrated by the tenantry on the Hoveton estate. 11.—Died at Wreningham Rectory, the Rev. Arthur Wilson Upcher, who for 48 years was rector of Ashwellthorpe and Wreningham. Born at Sheringham in 1815, he was an excellent oar, and rowed number seven in the Cambridge boat when the first University boat race was contested from Westminster to Putney in 1836. Mr. Upcher was also a remarkably good shot. 13.—The announcement was made that Messrs. Gurneys and Co. had issued a circular stating the completion of arrangements for an important amalgamation of the businesses of certain private banks as a company under the name of Barclay and Co., Limited. The registered capital was £6,000,000. On October 31st the members of the old firm of Messrs. Gurneys and Co. were presented with a massive silver shield mounted on solid oak, and an illuminated address in which the subscribers, the citizens of Norwich, expressed their high appreciation of the long and honourable career of the firm and the influence for good exercised individually by the members. The presentation was made by the Mayor (Mr. John Moore). 19.—In the Queen’s Bench Division, before the Lord Chief Justice and a special jury, the action Austin v. the Central News, Limited, and several provincial newspapers, the “Norfolk News” included, came on for trial. Mr. Austin, M.P. for West Limerick, complained that the defendants had published a libel concerning him, in a paragraph stating that in a speech he had sympathised with dynamiters. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £1,000, of which the “Norfolk News” Company were adjudged to pay £100. 30.—A recumbent effigy placed in the north transept of Norwich Cathedral to the memory of the late Bishop Pelham was unveiled by the Rev. Canon Patteson. It was the work of Mr. James Forsyth, sculptor, of Finchley Road, Hampstead. JULY.1.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association opened at East Dereham. The Hon. Ailwyn E. Fellowes, M.P., presided at the luncheon. The exhibition closed on the 2nd. —The octo-centenary thanksgiving services commenced at Norwich Cathedral. The opening service was attended by the high official 1.—A party of American Congregationalists on a tour through Europe arrived at Norwich from Ely, attended the commemoration service at Norwich Cathedral, and were included among the guests at the Dean’s luncheon. In the evening they were present at a gathering held in their honour at the Old Meeting House, “the oldest home of Congregationalism in the city.” The Mayor (Mr. John Moore) presided, and the visitors were accorded an enthusiastic reception. 9.—Three sisters, Clara, Eleanor, and Ida Elizabeth Louisa Vipan, were drowned whilst wandering upon the treacherous sands at Holkham. 10.—The old colours of the 2nd Battalion Norfolk Regiment, brought from Aldershot by Colonel Shepherd and other officers, were laid up in the choir of Norwich Cathedral. The colours were borne under escort from the west door to the choir, the band of the 4th Battalion playing “The March of the Israelites.” With the usual ceremony the colours were then handed over to the care and custody of the Dean and Chapter. 21.—Mr. Ben Greet’s Company of Woodland Players gave at Bracondale Woods, Norwich, open air representations of “Twelfth Night” and of scenes from “Much Ado about Nothing,” in aid of the building fund of the Jenny Lind Infirmary. 22.—The marriage took place at Buckingham Palace of Princess Maud and Prince Charles of Denmark. Their Royal Highnesses were enthusiastically received at Lynn and Sandringham on their way to Appleton Hall. At Norwich the marriage was celebrated by the ringing of bells and by the display of flags on the public buildings. The county of Norfolk presented to their Royal Highnesses as a wedding gift an oak chest containing a service of plate, and the citizens of Norwich gave a handsomely appointed victoria. Gifts were also sent by the boroughs of Yarmouth and Lynn, and by the tenantry on the Sandringham estate. AUGUST.2.—The Norfolk Volunteer Infantry Brigade went into camp at Colchester under the command of Brigadier-General W. E. G. L. Bulwer. 5.—The Lord Chief Justice, with whom was Mr. Justice Lawrence, sitting as a divisional court, delivered judgment in an application “in re a solicitor, ex parte the Incorporated Law Society.” In this case the Statutory Committee of the society on July 10th, 1896, made a long and elaborate report, in which they stated that a certain number of allegations of professional misconduct had been proved to their satisfaction. The Lord Chief Justice dealt at considerable length with various points in the case, and concluded by saying: “The court would be failing in its duty if it did not in the most emphatic way mark its sense of the scandalous story disclosed in this report.” The order of the court was “that Isaac Bugg Coaks, of Bank Plain, Norwich, 26.—Mr. Fred Morgan, lessee of Norwich Theatre, was presented with a massive silver Monteith punch bowl and a purse of gold by members of the theatrical profession and personal friends. SEPTEMBER.2.—Died at Adelaide Place, Windsor, in her 91st year, Miss Jane Rigby, “second daughter and last surviving child of Dr. Edward Rigby, of Norwich.” 12.—A demonstration took place at Norwich in aid of the funds of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. 27.—Died at St. Andrew’s Parsonage, Norwich, the Rev. Arthur Charles Copeman, M.B., vicar of St. Andrew’s, Honorary Canon of Norwich Cathedral, and rural dean of Norwich, aged 72. He was the youngest son of Mr. Edward Breese Copeman, and was born at Coltishall. At the age of 15 he was placed under the care of his eldest brother, Dr. Edward Copeman. On entering King’s College, London, as a medical student, he obtained his M.B. degree at the London University, won the gold medal in anatomy and physiology, and became an associate of King’s College. At the end of his student days he was offered, on the nomination of the Chancellor of the University, and accepted it, a commission on the Army Medical Staff. He soon resigned it, however, and commenced private practice at Epsom, when it became his ambition to enter the Church, and forthwith he applied himself to reading for Holy Orders. Ordained by the Bishop of Worcester, he was in 1851 admitted deacon and priest, and for the next five years held curacies at Warwick, Bury St. Edmund’s, and Wisbech. In the last-named town he worked single-handed among the cholera-stricken inhabitants, and received from them in recognition of his services an address, a collection of theological works, and a cheque for £100. Mr. Copeman’s work in Norwich began in January, 1857, when he was elected vicar of St. Andrew’s. He was appointed rural dean in 1870, and honorary canon in 1877. In 1881, on the death of Mr. Field, he became chairman of the Norwich Board of Guardians. He had been a member of the School Board, and was identified with the managing bodies of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital and other charitable institutions. 29.—The Norwich Town Council, on a representation of the Inspector-General of Cavalry that the city would cease to be the headquarters of a cavalry regiment unless the drill-ground on Mousehold Heath were enlarged, authorised the hiring of 62 acres of land adjoining the drill-ground for a term not exceeding five years, at a rent to be agreed upon. OCTOBER.6.—The Norfolk and Norwich Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, with a performance of “Jeptha.” On the morning of the 7th was produced the dramatic oratorio “The Rose of Sharon,” and in the evening Suite No. 1 “Peer Gynt” (Grieg), “Blest Pair of Sirens” (C. Hubert H. Parry), conducted by the composer; a new violin concerto in D Minor (Frederic Cliffe), composed 7.—The Prince of Wales visited Norwich on the occasion of the Musical Festival. Princess Louise, who with the Marquis of Lorne, was staying at Sheringham as the guest of Lord and Lady Battersea, arrived at Thorpe Station at 11.45, and awaited the arrival of the Royal train from Wolferton. The Prince of Wales, who was accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York, arrived at twelve o’clock, and was received by Lord Suffield, who presented to their Royal Highnesses the Mayor and Mayoress and the Sheriff. Joined by Princess Louise the Royal party drove to St. Andrew’s Hall, where they were received by Mr. F. Oddin Taylor, honorary secretary to the Festival Committee, Mr. H. C. Bolingbroke, chairman of the Orchestral Committee, and Mr. C. R. Gilman, Deputy-Mayor and chairman of the Committee of Management. During an interval their Royal Highnesses were entertained to luncheon by the Mayor in the old Crypt of the Friars of the Sack; and at the conclusion of the performance they proceeded to the County Club. The Duke and Duchess of York and Princess Louise afterwards drove to the Cathedral, where they were received by the Dean, and had afternoon tea at the Deanery; and the Prince of Wales attended a Masonic gathering at the Agricultural Hall, where his Royal Highness unveiled a bust of Lord Suffield, presented to his lordship to mark the conclusion of his twenty years of office as Provincial Grand Master. His Royal Highness subsequently visited the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, and proceeded to the Deanery. The Royal visitors afterwards dined at the County Club, and attended the evening performance at St. Andrew’s Hall. They left early, the Prince of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of York for Sandringham, and Princess Louise for Overstrand. 9.—Princess Louise, accompanied by the Marquis of Lorne, M.P., arrived at Norwich from Cromer, and proceeding to the High School for Girls distributed the prizes. 11.—A memorial service was held at Norwich Cathedral on the death of the Archbishop of Canterbury. “The late Archbishop’s sister, Miss Benson, was for some years head-mistress of the Norwich High School for Girls when that institution had its home in St. Giles’ Street at the house now occupied by Sir Peter Eade.” 17.—A recommendation by the Norfolk Highways Committee that the management of main roads in the county should in future be imposed upon the District Councils constituted therein, was rejected by the Norfolk County Council by 44 votes against 20. 21.—The first celebration of the anniversary of Trafalgar was observed in Norwich, on the initiation of the Navy League, by the decoration of the Nelson statue in the Cathedral Close. NOVEMBER.9.—Mr. Charles Rackham Gilman was elected Mayor and Mr. Henley Curl appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 18.—It was reported at a meeting of the Norwich Town Council that plans had been deposited at the Town Clerk’s office for a proposed tramway scheme. At a meeting of the Council on December 15th it was stated that another scheme had been introduced, and was known as the Norwich and District Light Railways. Its object was to bring into closer connection with the city the outlying hamlets of Costessey, Thorpe St. Andrew, Trowse Newton, and Eaton, and plans had been deposited by the New General Traction Company, Limited. Both schemes were referred to committee. (See January 19th, 1897.) 21.—The Duke of York, as president of the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show Association, arrived at Norwich and visited the exhibition of the association at the Agricultural Hall. His Royal Highness, on leaving the show, had luncheon with Mr. Colman, at Carrow Abbey, and in the afternoon left Trowse station for Sandringham. 25.—At a meeting of the Norwich Board of Guardians a deputation was appointed to visit towns where the rate-books were made out in street older, and to obtain information upon the subject of an improved method of collecting the rates. This important matter, originally introduced by Mr. William Coke Gee, resulted in the adoption of a system by which the rate-books were made out in street order, the daily collection of rates introduced, the rate collectors’ districts redistributed, and the half-yearly collection ended in March and September. 27.—Died at Hill House, Mill Hill Road, Norwich, Mr. Thomas Ballan Stead, permanent secretary of the Ancient Order of Foresters. Mr. Stead came from Dundee on the removal of the headquarters of the society to Norwich. Prior to his election as secretary to the Foresters, Mr. Stead was engaged in journalism, and devoted himself mainly to studying questions affecting the social well-being of the artizan classes. DECEMBER.2.—Mr. Bancroft, the actor, gave a reading of Charles Dickens’ “Christmas Carol” at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, in aid of the Blind School and the Norwich Lying-in Charity. 12.—Mr. Caleb Barker was elected secretary to the Norfolk Agricultural Association in place of Mr. James Bacon, resigned. 14.—A poll was opened for the election of a vicar for the parish of St. Andrew, Norwich. The candidates were the Rev. A. G. Copeman, son of the late vicar, the Rev. S. A. D. Suffling, and the Rev. R. Middleton. Mr. Copeman received 170 votes, Mr. Suffling 129, and Mr. Middleton 46. 28.—Died at Park Lane, Norwich, Mr. Manning Prentice Squirrell, aged 61. He was a son of Mr. Robert Squirrell, of Stowmarket, and head of the firm of Squirrell and Utting, merchants. In 1887 Mr. Squirrell was returned as a Liberal member of the Norwich Town Council, but dissented from his party, and at a subsequent election was defeated at the poll. A well informed man, he took great interest in economic and fiscal questions, and was an active member of the Norwich Science Gossip Club. 1897.JANUARY.19.—The Norwich Town Council ordered a petition to be presented to Parliament against a scheme for the construction of electric tramways in the city. This course was adopted not in a hostile spirit, but with the object of making the best terms possible for the citizens. On February 9th the Corporation gave its consent to the Tramways Bill then before Parliament, and on February 23rd a petition signed by nearly 23,500 inhabitants of the city was presented to the Town Council, asking them to support the projected electric tramways as distinct from the proposed scheme of light railways. The Parliamentary and By-laws Committee on April 13th reported that they had considered side by side the merits and proposals of the New General Traction Company, Limited, to construct electric tramways in the city and Thorpe, and of the British Electric Traction Company, Limited, to construct light railways in the city and district, and were of opinion that the interests of the city would be best served by making an arrangement with the former company. It was understood that the company had given an undertaking to withdraw their Bill from Parliament at any time upon the request of the Corporation. On April 23rd the Council adopted the following motion:—“(a) To enable the New General Traction Company, Limited, to carry their Bill through Parliament if terms can be arranged with the company satisfactory to the committee, for the construction of electric tramways in the city; (b) to oppose the application of the British Electric Traction Company, Limited, for an order by the Light Railway Commissioners authorising the company to construct light railways in the city and adjoining districts; (c) that the committee be authorised to take such action and incur such costs as may in their opinion be necessary to carry out the above resolutions.” On May 31st the Norwich Electric Tramways Bill was considered by a Select Committee of the House 19.—The resignation of Mr. Robert Hitchman, of the office of Chief Constable, which he had held for 38 years, was received by the Norwich Town Council, who granted him a retiring pension of £273 6s. 8d. —The Norwich Town Council accepted the offer of Messrs. Gurneys and Co. to present to the Corporation a set of civic robes. 22.—The roads in many parts of the county were rendered impassable by snowdrifts; the river traffic between Norwich and Yarmouth was impeded by ice, and in the stormy weather which prevailed much damage was occasioned to the Yarmouth fishing fleet and coast-bound vessels. 23.—A public meeting convened by the Lord-Lieutenant of the county (the Earl of Leicester) and the Mayor (Mr. C. R. Gilman) was held at the Guildhall, Norwich, to decide upon the method of celebrating locally the Diamond Jubilee of her Majesty the Queen. The Dean of Norwich moved “That subscriptions be invited in order to raise a sum of money, to be called the Diamond Jubilee Fund, for the purpose of building a new Jenny Lind Infirmary for Sick Children, it being the strong feeling of the meeting that no memorial could be found more typical of the tender sympathy and interest ever shown by her Majesty in the sufferings and needs of her people.” Viscount Coke seconded the resolution, and a committee was appointed to raise the fund. (See March 15th, 1898.) 25.—At the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Cave, Henry Greaves Corsbie (37), clerk, pleaded guilty to feloniously endorsing and uttering a banker’s cheque for the payment of £31 12s. 1d. with intent to defraud the Norfolk and Norwich Savings Bank on July 15th, 1893, and was sentenced to seven years’ penal servitude. The prisoner had been guilty of frauds extending over a period of ten years. —John George Foster (35) was indicted at the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Cave, for the wilful murder of Alice Maria Newby, at 60, Pottergate Street, Norwich, on December 8th, 1896. He was found guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced to penal servitude for life. FEBRUARY.2.—The Girls’ Home in Botolph Street, Norwich, established by the Board of Guardians with the object of removing young children from workhouse surroundings, was opened by the Mayor (Mr. C. R. Gilman). 6.—A sudden thaw accompanied by heavy rain caused extensive floods in low-lying districts of the county. Great alarm was occasioned in Norwich by the rising of the Wensum and the flooding of premises in Heigham Street. The waters subsided on the 7th. 7.—Died at Luxor, Egypt, Mr. Alan Cozens-Hardy Colman, aged 30, son of Mr. J. J. Colman, of Carrow House, Norwich. Mr. Colman, who was a member of the Norfolk County Council, was of a studious disposition, and applied himself to mechanics. Although in affluent circumstances he voluntarily became a pupil at the Stratford works 11.—Died at Hackford Hall, Reepham, Georgina Frances Amy, widow of Mr. John Collyer, and eldest daughter of Sir William Johnston, of that ilk, of Hilton House, Woodside, Aberdeen. Mrs. Collyer, who was in her 92nd year, was at the time of Wellington’s great campaign being educated at Brussels, where her parents resided, and were among the guests who attended the Duchess of Richmond’s ball on the night before Waterloo. She had a vivid recollection of June 15th, 1815. With her younger sisters, she in the early dawn watched from the windows of her parents’ house the troops passing to the field. Later in the day the girls attended school as usual, and soon became aware that the battle had begun. The servant sent to fetch her from school lost herself in the crowd, and the children made their way home alone, groping by the walls and passing through the throng of troops marching to the field and the thickening stream of prisoners and wounded returning. On the 17th and 18th she was all day helping her parents to hand water and wine to the wounded as they passed the door. Mrs. Collyer had personal recollections of Mendelssohn, whose wife was long her intimate acquaintance, and of Spohr, whose playing she had often heard and admired. 18.—The members at Norwich of the National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives resolved to go out on strike. On April 17th it was stated “the desertions from the ranks of the shoe strikers and their return to work have been steady and persistent during the week, although many hundreds are still out.” Several charges of intimidation from time to time occupied the attention of the magistrates. On July 20th the Mayor made an appeal to masters and men to endeavour to formulate a plan for the settlement of their differences, but without effect. The strike having lasted six months, a meeting of the men was held at the Victoria Hall, at which it was stated that £10,000 had been expended in strike pay, and it was resolved that the struggle be continued. After lasting thirty-four weeks the strike came to an end on October 22nd, when terms were signed by the representatives of the masters and of the men. The last distribution of strike pay was made on the 23rd, and the men returned to work on the 25th (St. Crispin’s Day). MARCH.5.—Died at his residence in the Close, Norwich, the Rev. Canon James William Lucas Heaviside. In 1838 he was professor of mathematics at Haileybury College, in 1843 examiner in mathematics and natural philosophy at the University of London, and in 1858 examiner for the Council of Military Education. He was appointed Canon residentiary of Norwich Cathedral in 1860, and afterwards became examiner in mathematics to Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, who, when stationed at Norwich with his regiment, the 7th Hussars, was a frequent visitor at Canon Heaviside’s residence. Her Majesty the Queen, to mark her appreciation of his services, presented him with a massive silver inkstand and a portrait of the Duke. For many years Canon Heaviside was chairman of the governors of the Grammar 6.—The removal of Judge Addison from the Norfolk County Court Circuit to Southwark, and the appointment of Mr. William Willis, Q.C., as judge in his place, was announced. —Died, the Rev. Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, LL.D., compiler of the “Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,” and of other well-known works. Dr. Brewer, who was nearly 87 years of age, spent his younger days in Norwich as a teacher in his father’s school. In 1832 he went to Trinity Hall, Cambridge, took his degree in Civil Law in 1835, and obtained his degree as LL.D. in 1844. He was ordained in 1834 in the diocese of Ely. At the time of his death he was residing with his son-in-law, the Rev. H. T. Hayman, vicar of Edwinstowe, Newark. 16.—Died at his London residence, 37, Hyde Park Gardens, W., the Right Hon. Sir Edward Ebenezer Kay, of Thorpe Abbots, Scole. He was a son of Mr. Robert Kay, of Bury, Lancashire, and brother Sir J. Kay Shuttleworth. Born January 2nd, 1822, he studied for the law, began his career as law reporter, and became Queen’s Counsel in 1866. At the General Election in 1874 he contested Clitheroe in the Liberal interest, and was defeated. In 1878 he gave up exclusive practice in Vice-chancellor Bacon’s Court and became a special. On the retirement of Vice-Chancellor Malins in 1881 Kay was made a “journeyman judge” of the Chancery Division, and in that position he remained until the resignation of Vice-Chancellor Bacon in 1886. In 1890, on the retirement of Sir Henry Cotton, Mr. Justice Kay was promoted to the Court of Appeal. He was on the commission of the peace for the county, and was formerly a chairman of Norfolk Quarter Sessions. 17.—Sir William Harcourt, leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons, addressed a meeting of the National Liberal Federation at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. The Earl of Kimberley presided and delivered an address, which elicited severe strictures from Lord Salisbury in the House of Lords on March 19th. 21.—Died at the Cheshire Cheese Hotel, Surrey Street, Strand, when fulfilling a professional engagement in London, Mr. Mark Knights, chief reporter on the staff of the “Eastern Daily Press.” Mr. Knights was suffocated by an escape of gas in his bed-room, and at the inquest the jury returned a verdict of accidental death. He was the author of several works on archÆological and other subjects. His “Highways and Byways of Norwich” and “Peeps at the Past” are regarded as standard works. Relinquishing the study of antiquarian matters, which by his skilful treatment interested a wide circle of readers, Mr. Knights had taken up the work of interpreting Shakespeare in the light of Scripture, a subject that appealed to a very limited section. He published in 1893 a book entitled “Hamlet Interpreted,” which failed to bring him a reputation such as he achieved by his archÆological works. Mr. Knights was 53 years of age, and had been thirty-five years engaged on the Press. 13.—Mr. Edwin F. Winch, Chief Constable of Truro, was appointed Chief Constable of Norwich at the salary of £350 per annum. 14.—Mr. Sydney Cozens-Hardy, clerk to the Norwich School Board, was presented with an illuminated address by the officials of the Board on the attainment of his twenty-one years’ service. 18.—Died at Orford Hill, Norwich, the Rev. William Frederic Creeny, M.A., F.S.A., aged 72. Mr. Creeny graduated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, in 1853, and was soon afterwards ordained. After serving as curate at St. Mark, Lakenham, he removed to Wellingborough, and subsequently became chaplain to the Bishop of St. Helena, and chaplain of St. Leonard and Isle of Ryde, Sydney, where he remained until 1872. In 1873–4 he was curate of St. John, Upper Norwood, and in 1876 curate of Soham, Cambridgeshire. In the latter year he was presented by Lady Lothian to the living of St. Michael-at-Thorn, Norwich. Mr. Creeny enriched the transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society by many valuable contributions relating to the history of Norwich, and in 1884 he published his magnificent work on “Monumental Brasses on the Continent of Europe,” a field of labour “hitherto almost untilled.” Another scarcely less laborious task was achieved by the publication by Mr. Creeny, in November, 1891, of “Illustrations of Incised Slabs.” Mr. Creeny had visited India, China, and Palestine, and his experiences in the Holy Land were afterwards published in a small book entitled “Notes of a Journey to Jerusalem.” 22.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference was opened at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, and concluded on the 23rd. A special meeting was held on June 10th to discuss the subject of local taxation as affecting tithe rent-charge. 30.—The Countess of Leicester opened at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, a “Foreign Fair,” in aid of the building fund of the St. George’s Home for Working Girls. MAY.2.—Died at Tunbridge Wells, the Very Rev. Edward Meyrick Goulburn, D.D., formerly Dean of Norwich, aged 79. Born in London on February 11th, 1818, he was a son of Mr. Serjeant Goulburn, Q.C., and was educated at Eton, whence he proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, where he obtained his B.A. degree in 1839. In 1842 he was admitted into deacon’s orders by Dr. Bagot, Bishop of Oxford, and in the same year was ordained priest. A Fellow of Merton College, Dr. Goulburn was, on the elevation of Dr. Tait to the deanery of Carlisle in 1849, appointed to the head-mastership of Rugby School. He resigned the post in 1858, and became minister of Quebec Chapel, St. Marylebone. In 1859 he was nominated by the Bishop of London to St. John’s, Paddington, and was appointed prebendary of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Upon the deanery of Norwich becoming vacant in 1866 by the death of the Hon. and Very Rev. Dean Pellew, who had held it since 1828, Dr. Goulburn was appointed thereto. He was the author of several theological works. A learned antiquary, he succeeded Sir John Boileau, F.S.A. (who died in 1869), as president of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society. He did much for the restoration 24.—The Queen’s birthday was observed at Norwich by a military review on Mousehold Heath. The 7th Dragoon Guards, the depÔt company of the Norfolk Regiment, the 3rd Battalion Norfolk Regiment (Militia), and the Artillery and Rifle Volunteers took part. JUNE.1.—The centenary of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society was celebrated at Norwich. A banquet was held at St. Andrew’s Hall, under the presidency of Mr. H. S. Patteson, and was attended by the society’s representatives from all parts of the world. 10.—At the Norwich Assizes, which commenced on this date, before Mr. Justice Mathew, John Furness, aged 64, solicitor, was indicted for fraudulently appropriating to his own use a deed of mortgage on December 30th, 1887. He was found guilty, and recommended to mercy on account of his age, and sentenced to three months’ imprisonment without hard labour. 16.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Fakenham. Viscount Coke presided at the public luncheon. The show closed on the 17th. 20.—The celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria began at Norwich this day (Sunday) with special thanksgiving services at the Cathedral, St. Peter Mancroft, and other churches. On the 21st 125 carcases of sheep and 20 quarters of beef allotted to Norwich out of the gift sent from Australia for distribution among the poor in the large towns of Great Britain, were divided among 1,500 recipients at Blackfriars’ Hall. The Jubilee day was celebrated on the 22nd. Early in the morning the bells of St. Peter Mancroft were rung, and a Royal salute of twenty-one guns fired on Mousehold Heath by the mounted batteries of the Artillery Volunteers. Later 9,000 children from the public elementary schools assembled in the Market Place and sang the National Anthem, and Mr. George White, Chairman of the School Board, announced, amid great enthusiasm, that the Queen had conferred the honour of knighthood upon the Mayor (Mr. C. R. Gilman). A service of praise and thanksgiving was held at the Cathedral at 11 o’clock, and was attended in state by the Mayor and Corporation. At noon the Artillery and Rifle Volunteers, with the depÔt company of the Norfolk Regiment, fired a feu de joie in the Market Place, and at one o’clock Sir Charles and Lady Gilman held a reception at the Guildhall, where the company were invited to drink the Queen’s health. In the afternoon there was a floral procession through the streets of the city, sports took place on the Earlham Road Recreation Ground, a “costume” cricket match was played on the Lakenham ground, and a captive balloon made frequent ascents from the Cattle Market. In the evening the city was illuminated, a firework JULY.16.—The Wild-Collins voting apparatus, for expediting and facilitating voting at Parliamentary and Municipal elections, invented by Mr. Edward Wild and Mr. A. E. Collins, City Engineer, was exhibited at the Municipal offices, Norwich. 17.—Died at Old Buckenham, Mr. William Thomas Simpson, in his 67th year. A native of Bury St. Edmund’s, where his father was master of the Grammar School, he was the senior partner of the old established firm of Salter and Simpson, auctioneers and valuers. Mr. Simpson had great practical knowledge of agriculture, and was an excellent breeder and judge of cattle. AUGUST.2.—The proceedings of the High Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters opened at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich. The delegates had been received on July 31st by Sir Charles and Lady Gilman at St. Andrew’s Hall. A fÊte took place at Catton Park on the 2nd, and a garden party was given at Hellesdon House by Sir Harry and Lady Bullard on the 3rd. 3.—A fire occurred on Ringland Hills. It extended over an area of between seven and eight acres, and destroyed many trees in the adjoining plantation. 6.—Great damage was done by a fire which occurred at Cullingford’s paper mills, St. Martin’s Plain, Norwich. 12.—Relays of cyclists belonging to the four battalions of the Norfolk Volunteer Infantry Brigade, conveyed a message from Lynn to Yarmouth, vi Norwich and Brandon, and back, a distance of 162 miles in 12 hours 55 minutes. The cyclists carried their usual equipment, which included rifle and bayonet, water bottle, and haversack. —A fire occurred on premises in Denmark Street, Diss, and caused damage estimated at £6,000. 18.—The Mayor of Norwich (Sir Charles R. Gilman) received honour of knighthood at the hands of the Queen at Osborne House. 20.—The Wayside Chapel at Houghton St. Giles’ was opened. The building, which had been used at a barn, is an interesting example of the transition from the Decorated to the Perpendicular style. It was built about 1380, and had become by purchase the property of Miss Boyd, of Kilburn, a wealthy Roman Catholic lady, who undertook its restoration. A party of “pilgrims” from London formed a procession at Walsingham, and headed by a crucifix and lighted tapers, and attended by a priest, walked to the chapel, where a private service was held. SEPTEMBER.2.—Died at Gressenhall Workhouse, Peter Pentney, in his 101st year. He was a native of Mattishall, and “unlike most reputed centenarians he was able to produce a duly certified copy of his baptismal register.” 4.—A waterspout occurred off Cromer in wet and stormy weather. It struck the trawler Strive about six miles south-west of Smith’s Knoll. The vessel was turned on her beam ends, and considerably damaged. The waterspout, which towered above the mast of the trawler, travelled at a rapid rate, and in three minutes was out of sight. 8.—Died at Park Lane, Norwich, Mr. James Spilling, editor of the “Eastern Daily Press.” Mr. Spilling was a native of Ipswich, where he was born in 1825, and came to Norwich in 1863 to fulfil an engagement on the “Norfolk News.” He was the author of a series of sketches in the East Anglian vernacular illustrative of rural life and humour; his more solid work was devoted to the exposition of the philosophy and theology of Swedenborg, in whose teachings Mr. Spilling had a sincere belief. These books included “The Evening and Morning,” “Amid the Corn,” “Among the Flowers,” “The Wreath and the Ring,” and “Our Society.” 13.—Died at 35, King Street, Norwich, Mr. William Philip Barnes Freeman, aged 84. He was the eldest son of Mr. William Freeman, Mayor of Norwich in 1843, and received his early education under Capt. Bailey, at Hellesdon. Afterwards he went to the Yarmouth Academy under the Rev. Mr. Bowles, where he obtained lessons in drawing from John Sell Cotman, and his education was completed at Norwich Grammar School under Valpy. His art studies were continued under Cotman for water colour and under T. B. Ladbrooke for oil painting, and he was intimate with David Cox, Stark, Henry Bright, Vincent, and other artists of his day. Mr. Freeman was a contributor to the exhibitions of the Royal Academy and of the Royal Society of Artists. His grandfather, Jeremiah Freeman, his father, and his uncle, Philip Barnes, were all members of the old Norwich Society of Artists founded by Old Crome. 20.—A Military and Naval Exhibition was opened at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, by Colonel Burton, commanding the 9th Regimental District. 23.—Mr. Paynton Pigott, Chief Constable of Norfolk, was presented by the officers and men of the County Constabulary with a gift of silver plate on the occasion of the seventeenth anniversary of his election to the office. 25.—At the Shirehall, Norwich, was unveiled by Mr. R. T. Gurdon a portrait of Mr. Clare Sewell Read, subscribed for by the county in acknowledgment of his valuable services in the interests of agriculture. The portrait, which was painted by J. J. Shannon, R.A., was afterwards hung at the Castle Museum. 15.—A special Church mission commenced at Norwich and was concluded on the 29th. 18.—St. Clement’s churchyard, Norwich, laid out as a public garden by the Norwich Playing Fields and Open Spaces Society, was opened by the Mayor (Sir Charles R. Gilman). 24.—Died, at Oberlin House, St. Leonard’s Road, Ealing, in his 90th year, the Rev. John Stoughton, D.D. The son of a Norwich solicitor he was born in the parish of St. Michael-at-Plea, and was for sixty-five years in the Congregational ministry. Among his literary works was his book entitled “Recollections of a Long Life.” —Died at Cranley Place, London, Mr. Francis Turner Palgrave, formerly Professor of Poetry at Oxford. The eldest son of Sir Francis Palgrave, he was born at Great Yarmouth in 1824, and was educated at the Charterhouse and at Balliol College, Oxford, where he was a scholar. In 1847 he took his degree with a first in Classics, and was elected to a Fellowship at Exeter College. From 1850 to 1855 he was Vice-Principal of the training college at Kneller Hall, and after acting as secretary to Earl Granville, became assistant secretary to the Committee of the Privy Council on Education. 26.—A serious outbreak of typhoid fever was reported at Lynn; and by December 18th 440 cases and 43 deaths had occurred. The disease was occasioned by the impurity of the water supply, and it was stated that at least 75 per cent. of the cases could be traced to the drinking of unboiled water. —Mr. T. Richmond Pinder resigned the head-mastership of King Edward VI. Middle School, Norwich, to which he was appointed in 1862. Mr. William Robert Gurley, M.A., of the Perse Grammar School, Cambridge, was on February 8th, 1898, elected to fill the vacancy. —Died at Old Lakenham, Norwich, Mr. Carlos Cooper, barrister-at-law. He was the second son of Mr. Charles Cooper, and was born February 12th, 1815. Educated at Norwich Grammar School he was called to the Bar by the Society of Lincoln’s Inn in 1839, and was appointed Recorder of Thetford in 1865. He afterwards became Recorder of King’s Lynn, was placed on the commission of the peace for the city of Norwich in 1873, and shortly afterwards appointed judge of the Guildhall Court of Record on the death of Mr. Nathaniel Palmer. NOVEMBER.1.—At Terrington Petty Sessions, the Norfolk and Norwich Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals instituted proceedings against two persons for cruelty to 130 geese by plucking them alive on October 4th and 5th. Remarkable statements were made in the course of the hearing. The practice, it was said, was not uncommon a quarter of a century previously, but it had since ceased except in remote localities. Evidence was given to the effect that the process was unquestionally barbarous and cruel. A witness for the defence, who described himself as a “goose puller,” stated that for twenty 4.—Mr. A. J. Balfour, First Lord of the Treasury, addressed a large meeting of the Conservative party at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, at which Lord Amherst of Hackney presided. Mr. Balfour stayed at Catton Park, as the guest of Mr. S. Gurney Buxton. 9.—Mr. Clement Charles Rix Spelman was elected Mayor and Mr. Alfred Haldinstein appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 16.—The new Royal Hotel, erected on the site of Messrs. Foster and Burroughes’ offices and of a stonemason’s yard and other premises on Bank Plain, Norwich, was opened by a public luncheon at which Mr. Blofeld, chairman of the Directors, presided. The building was designed by Mr. E. T. Boardman, of the firm of Messrs. Boardman and Son, and the contractor was Mr. John Youngs. 28.—A severe gale visited the eastern coast, and continued on the 29th. At Yarmouth a high sea flooded the Beach Gardens, and the river overflowed its banks, and entered private houses, offices, and warehouses on the Quay. At Cromer a portion of the jetty was washed away, and at Horsey serious breaches were made in the sea wall and thousands of acres of salt marshes submerged. The fishermen and others on the coast sustained great damage, and a fund was opened by the Mayor of Norwich for their relief. On December 30th Capt. Vereker, the professional adviser to the Harbour Department of the Board of Trade, held an inquiry at the King’s Arms Inn, Martham, for the purpose of receiving suggestions as to the best methods of preventing future encroachments. DECEMBER.7.—The Norwich Town Council elected Mr. Ernest Edward Wild, barrister-at-law, judge of the Guildhall Court of Record, in place of Mr. Carlos Cooper, deceased. 22.—Died at 14, Trinity Street, Norwich, Mr. William Hunter, aged 77. He was a native of Bury St. Edmund’s, was elected Mayor of Norwich in 1881, and appointed a justice of the peace in 1893. 26.—Died at Belper, the Rev. Edwin Augustus Hillyard, vicar of Christ Church, in that town. He was formerly rector of St. Lawrence, Norwich, and the pioneer of ritualistic observances in the churches of the city. “Mr. Hillyard was the first to have celebrations for the departed, and they have been held in one church or another in Norwich ever since.” 27.—A disastrous fire occurred at Lynn, and caused destruction of tradesmen’s stock and property of the value of £150,000. It originated on the premises of Messrs. Jermyn and Perry and Jermyn and Son, wholesale and retail drapers and furniture and general warehousemen. JANUARY.14.—At Aylsham County Court, before Judge Willis, Q.C., was tried the action Astley and Wyrley-Birch v. MacLean. The plaintiffs sought to recover £50 damages from the defendant, who was master of the Baconsthorpe Harriers, for trespassing upon their lands and for disturbing game thereon. The defence was that a fair but unsuccessful attempt had been made to prevent the hounds from getting into the cover, and as soon as possible they were drawn out. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiffs, damages £1, and stated that in their opinion the trespass was unintentional. Under the circumstances his Honour refused to grant an injunction to restrain the defendant from committing similar trespasses. 23.—Honingham church, restored by the Hon. Ailwyn Fellowes, M.P., as a memorial of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, was opened. 27.—Died at Catton, Mr. Donald Steward, eldest son of Mr. Timothy Steward, and a member of the firm of Messrs. Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co. He was appointed to the office of Sheriff of Norwich, in 1878, and was formerly a captain, in the Norwich Battalion of Rifle Volunteers. 29.—A great fire took place at Press’s mills, Great Yarmouth, and resulted in the destruction of property to the amount of £20,000. FEBRUARY.1.—Died at the Mount, Thorpe Hamlet, Mrs. Hannah Elizabeth Jarrold, widow of Mr. Thomas Jarrold. She was the author of the popular “Household Tracts,” and was for many years an active worker amongst the poor. 5.—At the Guildhall Police-court, Norwich, Mr. Edmund Reeve, on behalf of the Norwich Electric Tramways Company, applied to the justices, under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, for a magistrates’ certificate that the capital of the company had been subscribed. The capital was stated to be £240,000, and 50 per cent. thereof had been paid up. The application was granted. The work of laying the tramways was commenced on the Earlham and Thorpe routes on June 22nd. (See April 19th, 1900.) 8.—Mr. Edward Wild was elected leader of the Conservative party in Norwich in place of Mr. H. S. Patteson, resigned. 11.—A great sale of shire horses, the property of the Prince of Wales, was conducted at Wolferton by Messrs. Sexton, Grimwade, and Beck. Fifty-four lots averaged £224 7s. 9d., and the sale realised £12,117. The three-year-old filly, Sea Breeze, was bought by Sir Blundell Maple for 1,150 guineas. 22.—A shocking boat disaster occurred at Wells-next-the-Sea. Five members of the coastguard were drowned through the capsizing of their boat, and five men of the crew of the gig of H.M.S. torpedo boat Alarm, Sub-Lieutenant William Lowther, lost their lives through a like mishap. The second disaster, which was discovered when search 22.—Mr. Arthur F. Gentry, borough accountant of Colchester, was appointed City Accountant of Norwich, at the salary of £400 per annum. —At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, it was decided that the Norwich City Waterworks Bill, 1898, be referred to the Law and Parliamentary Committee with the object of obtaining powers in the Bill for the Corporation to purchase the Waterworks. The Bill, which was promoted by the City of Norwich Waterworks Company for raising additional capital and for obtaining powers to make additional works, came before a Select Committee of the House of Commons on March 15th. The committee stipulated that the proposed new capital should be reduced from £100,000 to £60,000, and the borrowing powers to £15,000, which with the unused capital and stock would give the company £90,000. On October 18th the Law and Parliamentary Committee reported that having regard to the importance and magnitude of the acquisition of the undertaking by the Corporation, and the limited time within which steps must be taken to promote a Bill in the next session of Parliament, they recommended that further action be delayed until next year. The recommendation was adopted. 24.—A party of members of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society visited Tasburgh for the purpose of viewing a site known as the Chapel Piece, where a quantity of ancient human remains had been unearthed. “There is little doubt that the site was used as a burial-ground by the inhabitants of the Roman station over the river upon the adjacent hill, in the enclosure of which the present church of Tasburgh stands.” 25.—Dr. Nansen, the Arctic explorer, delivered at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, his lecture entitled “Across the Polar Region.” MARCH.5.—Died at his residence, South Kensington, Mr. Edmund Tattersall, head of the well-known firm of horse auctioneers. Mr. Tattersall was born at Sculthorpe, neap Fakenham, in 1816, and at an early age went to London to assist his uncle, whom he succeeded as sole partner in 1858. 12.—The freehold of the old Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, it was announced, had been purchased for £9,500, by a syndicate who proposed to erect upon the site a modern theatre to be called “The Norwich Opera House and Theatre of Varieties,” at an estimated cost of between £25,000 and £30,000. On the 19th particulars were published of another new theatre to be erected upon a site south of Prince of Wales Road. Plans of both the proposed theatres were prepared and were approved by the Corporation. In due course the foundations of the first-named theatre were laid, after which the work came to an abrupt termination. 15.—At a special meeting of the governors of the Jenny Lind Infirmary, at Norwich, plans for the new building were adopted, and an offer made by Mr. J. J. Colman to purchase such portion of the 18.—Died at Upper Norwood, aged 78, Mr. Frederic Grimmer, formerly of Haddiscoe, who was appointed Sheriff of Norwich in 1871. —Died at St. Moritz, the Engadine, the Rev. Thomas Parry Garnier, rector of Banham, and honorary canon of Norwich. Born February 22nd, 1841, he was the second son of the Very Rev. Thomas Garnier, Dean of Lincoln, and one of the most distinguished clergymen in the diocese of Norwich. He was the author of “The Parish Church,” “The Title Deeds of the Church of England,” “Church and Dissent,” “A Story in Outline of the Church of England,” “The First Book of Worship,” “The First and Second Book of Church Principles,” “The First Book on the Church,” &c. Both at Winchester College and Oxford University he greatly distinguished himself in scholastic work and in sport. In 1858 and 1859 he played with the Winchester team against Eton, and for four years, from 1860 to 1863, did admirable service for his University in the matches with Cambridge. He also played in 1861 with the Gentlemen of England in their match with the Players. Canon Garnier married in 1873 the Hon. Louisa Warren Vernon, daughter of the fifth Lord Vernon. 25.—St. Paul’s church, Great Yarmouth, was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. 29.—Died at the Great Hospital, Norwich, Susan Rope, aged 101 years five months. She was a native of Earl Soham, and had been upon the foundation of the Hospital since October 31st, 1865. APRIL.7.—Died at Cringleford, Mr. Henry Staniforth Patteson. He was a son of Mr. John S. Patteson, and was born in November, 1816. For more than thirty years he was an alderman of Norwich, was appointed Sheriff in 1858, and in 1862 was elected Mayor. He was actively identified with the Norwich Rifle Volunteers for more than a quarter of a century, and retired with the rank of major, and he succeeded Col. Bignold as leader of the Conservative party in the city. —Mr. Samuel Hoare, M.P., and Mrs. Hoare, in a letter to the Dean of Norwich on this date, the thirty-second anniversary of their wedding day, offered to defray the whole cost of removing from the walls, columns, and other portions of the nave of the Cathedral the thick coating of whitewash which for centuries had defaced and obscured the masonry. Shortly afterwards was initiated the fund for the provision of a new organ for the Cathedral. (See May 25th, 1899.) 13.—Sir Charles R. Gilman was presented by the district managers and inspectors of the Norwich and London Accident Insurance Association with a piece of silver plate weighing 150 ozs., “as a mark of their esteem and to commemorate the honour conferred upon him by the Queen during the second term of his mayoralty of the city.” 14.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference opened at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, and was concluded on the 15th. 23.—Notice was published of an intended application to the Light Railway Commissioners for powers to construct a light railway from Trowse, vi Arminghall, Brooke, and Loddon, to Beccles. On July 12th Lord Jersey, chairman of the Light Railway Commission, and Col. Boughey, R.E., C.S.I., sat at the Shirehall, Norwich, for the purpose of receiving information on the subject. It was stated that the length of the proposed line would be 17½ miles; the capital to be authorised by the Bill was £100,000, with borrowing powers for £33,000, and Sir Douglas Fox, consulting engineer, stated that the contractor would be able to construct the line for £93,000. 27.—Mr. John Cross tendered his resignation of the office of Clerk to the Norwich Board of Guardians, and on May 25th Mr. E. R. Woodward was elected to fill the vacancy. MAY.7.—Died at Kirkley, Lowestoft, Mr. Robert Hitchman, formerly Chief Constable of Norwich, aged 72. He was appointed Chief Constable on March 24th, 1859, and retired on April 30th, 1897. 12.—Polling took place in the Southern Division of the county in consequence of the resignation of Mr. Francis Taylor (Liberal Unionist). The candidates were Mr. J. Sancroft Holmes, of Gawdy Hall, Harleston (Conservative), and Mr. A. W. Soames, architect, of London (Liberal). The poll was declared at the Shirehall, Norwich, on the 13th: Soames, 4,626; Holmes, 3,296. 19.—Intelligence was received in Norwich of the death of Mr. Gladstone. Both political parties paid becoming respect to the memory of the deceased statesman. Resolutions of sympathy were passed by the members of the Norwich and Norfolk Conservative Club and of the Gladstone Club, and on the day of interment, the 28th, a memorial service, attended by the Mayor and Corporation, was held at the Cathedral. 24.—The Norwich Town Council considered a report of the Executive Committee containing recommendations for the alteration of the names of various streets and roads in the city. The report, with certain modifications and amendments, was adopted at a subsequent meeting. 26.—A new Voluntary school for the accommodation of 400 boys, erected on Hall Road, Lakenham, by the supporters of Church education in Norwich at the cost of £2,600, was opened by the Lord Bishop. 27.—Died at Mulbarton, Mr. George Frederick Cooke, formerly District Registrar of the High Court of Justice, and Registrar of the County Court, Norwich, in his 80th year. He was the youngest son of the Rev. William Cooke, vicar of Bromyard, Herefordshire, and brother of Mr. Cooke, a former judge of the Norfolk County Court. 28.—The members of the Automobile Club of Great Britain arrived at Norwich in the course of a Whitsuntide tour through East Anglia. 9.—A verdict of accidental death was returned by a coroner’s jury at Norwich in the case of Henry Skepworth, a sergeant in the 7th Dragoon Guards, who died from injuries received when returning from Wymondham, where a party of non-commissioned officers and men of the regiment had given a military display at the athletic sports. It was subsequently announced that “certain irregularities having lately occurred at sports and other displays in which soldiers have taken part, and notably in the Colchester district, where a sergeant met with his death, the Commander-in-Chief has refused applications for their services on such occasions.” 16.—Mr. Ben Greet’s company gave pastoral representations of “As You Like It” and “The Comedy of Errors” at Bracondale Woods in aid of the endowment fund of the Jenny Lind Infirmary at Norwich. 20.—The railway from North Walsham to Mundesley was opened for goods traffic. The first passenger trains were run on July 1st. 21.—The Norwich Corporation Baths at the old Museum premises, St. Andrew’s Broad Street, were opened by the Mayor (Mr. C. C. R. Spelman). —At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Hawkins, Samuel Frederick Steele (27), railway carman, was indicted for the wilful murder of Thurza Ann Bensley, at Yarmouth, on February 23rd. The jury found him guilty, but considered him insane when he committed the act, and expressed the hope that he would be kept in strict custody for the rest of his life. His lordship said he would add that as a rider to the verdict. —It was reported at a meeting of the Norwich Town Council that Messrs. Hughes and Lancaster had completed their contract, amounting to £21,522 for supplying Shone’s ejectors, &c., in connection with the sewerage works. 22.—George Watt (44), labourer, was indicted at the Norwich Assizes, before Mr. Justice Hawkins, for the wilful murder of his wife, Sophia Watt, at Sprowston, on April 14th, and was found guilty, and sentenced to death. The execution (by Billington) took place at Norwich Prison on July 12th. 25.—The championship meeting of the National Cyclists’ Union was held on the Earlham Road Recreation Ground, Norwich. The five miles’ professional championship was won by H. E. Meyers, Dutch Cyclists’ Club, in 15 minutes 36 1-5th seconds; the five miles’ amateur championship by A. S. Ingram, Polytechnic Club, in 14 minutes 11 2-5ths seconds; and the 25 miles’ amateur championship by H. W. Payne, West Roads Cyclists’ Club, in 1 hour 4 minutes 52 4-5ths seconds. 29.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at King’s Lynn. Sir William ffolkes, Bart., was deputed by the president, the Duke of York, to perform his duties at the show in consequence of his Royal Highness’ absence on naval service. The Duchess of York arrived from London by special train, and was received at Lynn railway station by Sir William ffolkes, and at the entrance to the show ground by the High Sheriff (Mr. Simms Reeve) and the show officials. Her Royal Highness before returning to London was entertained JULY.9.—Died at Surrey Street, Norwich, Mr. Henry George Barwell. Born on February 4th, 1829, he was the fourth son of Mr. John Barwell, and was educated at Hofwyl, near Berne, and at Norwich Grammar School. He was engaged as private secretary to Mr. Birkett, brother-in-law of Sir Morton Peto, and was afterwards employed in the construction of a portion of the Great Northern Railway between Lincoln and Newark, and on its completion was sent out to Flensburg as one of the staff in the making of the Royal Danish Railway. In 1856 he joined the firm of Barwell and Sons. Taking up the practical study of art in 1870, he became a frequent exhibitor at the Royal Institution of Painters in Water Colours; he was one of the founders of the Norwich Art Circle, and for twenty-five years was hon. secretary of the Norwich School of Art. 15.—The Norfolk Infantry Volunteer Brigade went into camp at Colchester under the command of Col. G. S. Burton, commanding the 9th Regimental District. The four battalions numbered about 2,000 men. —The 7th Dragoon Guards left Norwich by train for Bulford Camp, Salisbury Plain, to take part in the cavalry manoeuvres. 25.—In the Court of Appeal, before Lords Justices A. L. Smith, Rigby, and Vaughan Williams, judgment was given in the long pending appeal the Corporation of Thetford v. the County Council of Norfolk. This was an appeal from a judgment of Mr. Justice Wills. The question was whether in the case of a borough of not less than 10,000 inhabitants and having separate courts of Quarter Sessions and Petty Sessions, the salaries of the recorder and the clerk of the peace, and of the clerk to the borough justices in Petty Sessions in such borough, and certain other expenses connected with the Quarter Sessions and Petty Sessions were transferred from the borough fund to the county fund. Thetford was a borough containing a population of less than 10,000, and was situated for administrative purposes within the county of Norfolk. It had a separate court of Quarter Sessions presided over by a recorder, who was paid a salary of £40 per annum, and there was a clerk of the peace who was paid by fees. Before and since the Local Government Act of 1888 the salary of the recorder and the fees (with certain exceptions) of the clerk of the peace were paid out of the borough fund, and the clerk to the borough justices was paid a salary out of the same fund. The plaintiffs contended that by the Act of 1888 the liability for the expenses was transferred to the defendants, and they claimed a declaration to that effect, and they further claimed to be reimbursed the expenses paid by them. There was also a question raised by cross-appeal as to the payment of the salary of the clerk of the Petty Sessions. The court dismissed the appeal, and allowed the cross-appeal. 26.—Dr. J. E. Talmage lectured at Victoria Hall, Norwich, on “Utah and its People.” —The Norwich Town Council adopted the report of a special committee appointed to enquire into the sanitary condition of the AUGUST.1.—On this date occurred the most serious and destructive fire that had taken place in Norwich during the century. At an early hour in the morning the premises of Mr. Daniel Hurn, rope maker, Dove Street, were discovered to be on fire. The flames spread southwards to Messrs. Chamberlin and Sons’ wholesale warehouse, northwards towards Pottergate Street, and westward to the Public Library. The premises in which the fire originated, the warehouse, and a portion of the property on the north were speedily destroyed, and ultimately the Library building was consumed with its 60,000 volumes and the valuable Norton library. On August 5th the Edinburgh public-house, at the corner of Dove Street and Pottergate Street fell with a crash, and two or three persons were severely injured. 2.—Died at Scone Palace, near Perth, William David Murray, fourth Earl of Mansfield, K.T., aged 93. The deceased nobleman was better known to Norwich politicians of a by-gone generation as Lord Stormont, who with Sir James Scarlett, afterwards Lord Abinger, was returned as Conservative member for the city at the first Parliamentary election after the passing of the Reform Act. It was not until 1895 that the Conservative party once more obtained the undivided Parliamentary representation of Norwich by the return of Mr. Samuel Hoare and Sir Harry Bullard. 12.—Died at Swaffham, Mr. Herbert William Day, aged 76, who for upwards of twenty-five years held the office of County Treasurer, and retired shortly after the passing of the Local Government Act, 1889. 23.—At the Norwich Police-court, Samuel Matthews, of Raglan Street, Dereham Road, was charged on eight summonses with unlawfully using the name and title of doctor and of surgeon, thereby implying that he was a registered medical practitioner. The Bench decided that Mr. Matthews, in using the word “doctor,” did not wilfully and falsely pretend to be registered as such, and, therefore, dismissed the case; but they considered there had been an infringement of the law in the use of the word “surgeon,” for which the defendant was fined £1, and 12s. costs. At the Norwich County Court on the 24th Mr. Matthews was sued by the Master, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Mystery of Apothecaries of the City of London to recover the sum of £20 for unlawfully acting as an apothecary by attending, advising, and supplying medicines to certain persons. A special jury was empanelled to try the case, which was admitted. Judgment was entered for the plaintiff society for £20 and costs. Mr. Matthews was afterwards presented with a gift of plate weighing 300 ounces, subscribed for by the citizens as a mark of their esteem and sympathy. 26.—The promises of Messrs. Pinchen and Co., brewers and mineral water manufacturers at South Creake, were destroyed by fire. The damage was estimated at £3,000. 30.—At the Episcopal Consistorial Court, held at Norwich Cathedral, before Mr. Chancellor Blofeld, was heard an application for a faculty in which citation had been granted against the Rev. Robert Middleton, rector of St. Michael-at-Coslany, Norwich, for illegally, without any faculty and in spite of remonstrance of William Joseph Simmons, one of the churchwardens, removing a re-table from its position above the communion table, and moving from the church certain ornaments which stood there, namely, a cross of brass, two candlesticks, and two flower vases, and for refusing to replace them. Mr. Middleton was cited to appear and show cause why a faculty should not be granted to the churchwardens directing them to replace the articles. The faculty was granted as prayed, with costs against Mr. Middleton. SEPTEMBER.1.—A ball was given at Drayton House in celebration of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walter, who were the recipients of many presents and congratulations. On the 3rd the workmen employed at the Taverham and Bawburgh mills and the labourers on the estate were entertained to dinner. 6.—Barnum and Bailey’s great show visited Norwich, and was located upon a piece of land on Unthank Road. The performances were repeated on the 7th. Upwards of 42,000 persons visited the show. (See July 29th, 1899.) 13.—Died at Earlham Road, Norwich, Mr. John William Sparrow, solicitor, for many years Registrar of the Guildhall Court of Record. —The coming of age of Mr. Robert Hamilton Kemp, eldest son of Sir Kenneth Kemp, Bart., was celebrated at Gissing Old Hall. 18.—Died at the Clyffe, Corton, Mr. Jeremiah James Colman, of Carrow House, Norwich, aged 68. Mr. Colman came of an old family of Norfolk yeomen. One of his ancestors, Jeremiah Colman, who was born in 1777, established a flour mill at Bawburgh, and afterwards carried on business at Norwich, whence he removed to Stoke Holy Cross, where was formed the nucleus of the great commercial undertaking now existing at Carrow. The subject of this notice was the son of James Colman, and was born in 1830. In 1856 he married Caroline, daughter of Mr. W. H. Cozens-Hardy, of Letheringsett. Mr. Colman was interested in agricultural pursuits and the breeding of stock, and his famous herd of red-polls, and equally well-known flock of Southdowns were for years represented at all the great shows. Art and literature obtained his attention, and he collected an unrivalled library of local works at Carrow Abbey. Mr. Colman embarked largely in commercial enterprises connected with the Press. With Mr. Jacob Henry Tillett he was instrumental in founding the “Norfolk News” and other newspapers published by that company, and was largely interested in the “Star,” the “Morning Leader” and the “East Anglian Daily Times.” In 1862 Mr. Colman was appointed Sheriff of Norwich, and in 1867 was elected Mayor. He was first nominated for Parliamentary OCTOBER.16.—Died at Fairstead House, Newmarket, aged 82, Mr. John F. Clark, the famous racing judge. Mr. Clark was a native of Norwich, and on leaving school joined his father as a builder. He afterwards became an architect, and during his professional career designed many ecclesiastical buildings, and restored others. He also planned most of the modern grand stands upon the principal race courses in England. Mr. Clark was appointed judge by the Jockey Club in 1852, and was the third member of his family who had held the office, from which he retired at the close of 1888. 24.—The National Union of Women Workers of Great Britain and Ireland opened its annual conference at Prince’s Street Rooms, Norwich; and on the 27th the Mayor and Mayoress held a reception at St. Andrew’s Hall. 30.—Died at Lowestoft, Mr. Frederick Elwin Watson, aged 88. He twice served the office of Mayor of Norwich, in 1866–67 and in 1870–71. He was for many years a warm supporter of the Norwich Church of England Young Men’s Society. NOVEMBER.8.—Died at Wymondham Vicarage, in his 96th year, the Rev. Robert Eden, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and honorary canon of Norwich Cathedral. He was the author of several works, including “The Churchman’s Theological Dictionary,” “Some Thoughts on the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures,” “A History of Preaching,” “The Title Page of the Revised Version of the Holy Bible,” &c. In his young days Canon Eden was acquainted with Whately, the famous divine, and was for a time assistant librarian at the Bodleian Library. 9.—Mr. George Henry Morse was elected Mayor and Mr. Henry Skelton appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 18.—The Norwich and Norfolk Conservative Club was opened in its new premises, the Royal Arcade, Norwich. Sir Alfred Jodrell, Bart., presided on the occasion. 26.—The remarkable recovery of a lost register belonging to the parish of Gressenhall was reported. “The books, which dated from 1538 to 1710, were discovered lying on a shelf in an upper room with a number of other old documents, at Docking Hall. A certain Hon. Hugh Charles Hare, who was rector of Docking from 1708 to 1711, was also rector of Gressenhall, and probably to him may be traced the removal of the books to Docking, where they had remained for nearly two hundred years.” 28.—The 7th (Queen’s Own) Hussars, arrived by train at Norwich, from Southampton, where they had disembarked the same day from the Simla. DECEMBER.13.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, Mr. Edward Wild moved the adoption of a report of the City Committee affirming “that the inadequate and unsuitable existing accommodation for the transaction of the public work of the city is a hindrance to the proper dispatch of the business, detrimental to the health of the officials and members of the Corporation, and disproportionate to and unworthy of the position and dignity of this important city.” The subject was referred to a committee to report thereon to the Council. (See September 5th, 1899.) 14.—Died, Mr. Robert Wortley, of Suffield. He was one of the best known agriculturists in Norfolk, an excellent judge of stock, and a noted hackney breeder. 24.—Shernbourne church, restored from designs by Mr. Herbert J. Green, and Sir Arthur Blomfield (consulting architect), was re-opened. The Prince and Princess of Wales, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York, Princess Victoria of Wales, and Prince Alexander of Teck, attended the service. The Prince of Wales had taken great interest in the work, and had subscribed to the restoration fund, which was raised mainly through the efforts of the rector, the Rev. F. J. W. Girling. —A young man named Horace Alfred Cox entered a cafÉ in St. Benedict’s Street, Norwich, and fired three shots with a revolver at Ellen Parker, one of the assistants. The bullets missed Parker, and Cox then turned the weapon upon himself. He sustained injuries to the head, from which he died shortly after removal to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. 1899.JANUARY.1.—In the list of New Year’s Honours appeared the name of Mr. Robert Thornhagh Gurdon, of Letton, upon whom her Majesty had conferred the dignity of peerage. Mr. Gurdon assumed the title of Baron Cranworth. 5.—Cringleford church, after restoration at the cost of about £1,400, was re-opened by the Bishop of Norwich. 7.—Died, aged 78, Mr. Samuel Culley, of Grove Avenue, Norwich, who held the office of City Accountant from 1887 to 1898. He was a son of Mr. Richard Culley, and at an early age learned farming in order to fit him for Colonial life. In 1841 he went to New Zealand, but left on the outbreak of the Maori War, and shipping on board an American whaler obtained the post of second mate. On the voyage the crew mutinied, and the captain lost his reason. Mr. Culley put the ringleaders in irons, took command of the vessel, and brought her to Rhode Island. On returning to Norwich he set up business as a corn merchant, and afterwards as a public accountant. He was identified with the formation of the Norwich Steam Laundry and Baths Company and the Norwich Omnibus Company. 14.—At a meeting of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital it was announced that Mr. Cadge had subscribed the munificent gift of £10,000 to the Leicester Perpetual Endowment Fund. Mr. Cadge had previously presented to the institution an anonymous gift of £10,000. FEBRUARY.3.—Mrs. Garrett Anderson, M.D., delivered a lecture at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, on “The History and Effect of Vaccination.” The Dean of Norwich presided, and a committee was formed in order to circulate information on the subject. 7.—Died at Diss rectory, the Rev. Charles Robertson Manning, M.A., F.S.A., honorary canon of Norwich Cathedral, rural dean of Redenhall, and for 42 years rector of Diss, aged 73. Canon Manning was a magistrate for the county, and a member of the Diss School Board, but he was best known for his labours in archÆology. He published “A List of Monumental Brasses remaining in England,” and shortly before his death compiled “A List of Monumental Brasses omitted by Blomefield.” Canon Manning was a well-known authority on church plate, and among other subjects upon which he wrote were church architecture, lecterns, fonts, heraldry, seals, coins, mediÆval patens, and antiquarians objects of almost every kind. 13.—Mr. Leo Trevor’s play, “Brother Officers,” which was produced at the Garrick Theatre in October, 1898, and became one of the successes of the London season, was performed at Norwich Theatre by Miss Muriel Wylford’s company. 17.—A “silver cradle”—a massive silver bowl—was presented to the Mayor of Norwich (Mr. G. H. Morse) in commemoration of the birth during his Mayoralty of his son Christopher Charles on November 19th, 1898. 21.—Died at Denver rectory, in his 67th year, the Rev. James Mourant Du Port, rector of Denver, honorary canon of Norwich Cathedral, and rural dean. Canon Du Port formerly held the living of Mattishall, took great interest in educational work in the diocese, and was one of the secretaries of the Norwich Diocesan Conference. 23.—It was announced that her Majesty the Queen had been pleased to approve the appointment of Mr. H. H. Cozens-Hardy, Q.C., M.P., as one of the justices of the High Court of Justice. 25.—Died at Marham Hall, aged 73, Mr. Thomas Brown, a well-known breeder of pedigree sheep and cattle. He was the originator of the successful gatherings held for so many years at Marham in celebration of the annual ram letting. 3.—Died at Christiania, Mr. Joseph Stanley, who formerly practised as a solicitor at Norwich. He for several years represented the First Ward in the Town Council, and on the death of Mr. Robert Culley was elected County Coroner after an exciting contest. He it was who served a writ upon the Mayor of Norwich in the matter of the Town Close Estate, with the result that the estate, which had long been regarded as the exclusive property of the freemen, was declared to be a charity. Mr. Stanley had resided in Norway ten years preceding his death. 4.—Died, Mr. James R. Bulwer, Q.C., one of the Masters in Lunacy. Mr. Bulwer was the eldest son of the Rev. J. Bulwer, rector of Hunworth-with-Stody, and was born in 1820. He was called to the Bar by the Inner Temple in 1847, and became treasurer in 1880. He took silk in 1865. From 1861 to 1866 he was Recorder of Ipswich, and from 1866 to 1898 he held the like office at Cambridge. He was also a justice of the peace for Norfolk, and was one of the chairmen of Norfolk Quarter Sessions, a post which he resigned on December 31st, 1898. Mr. Bulwer was Conservative member for Ipswich from 1874 to 1880, and represented Cambridgeshire from 1881 to 1885. From 1873 to 1884 he was lieutenant-colonel of the Inns of Court Volunteers. 12.—Mrs. Keeley, for many years one of the leading actresses on the English stage, died at her residence in London, in her 93rd year. She was a native of Ipswich, and in her young days, as Miss Annie Goward, was a popular member of the Norwich Company. 16.—Paderewski, the famous pianist, appeared at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. —The election of a member to fill the vacancy in the representation of North Norfolk by the elevation of Mr. H. H. Cozens-Hardy to the judicial bench, took place on this date. The candidates were Sir Kenneth Kemp, Bart. (U.), and Sir William Brampton Gurdon, Bart. (L). The poll was declared at Aylsham Town Hall on the 17th as follows: Gurdon, 4,775; Kemp, 3,610. 19.—After a winter of exceptional mildness very severe weather set in. In some localities the readings of the thermometer were the lowest since 1895. On the 20th a remarkable whirlwind, which did considerable damage to three cottages, occurred at Worstead. February 10th was recorded as “the hottest day for half a century for the time of year.” 25.—An effort was made at Norwich to inaugurate a public subscription for the erection of a memorial to Sir Thomas Browne, the famous author of “The Religio Medici” and other works. —Died at Thorpe Road, Norwich, Mr. Joshua Womersley, an alderman of the city, aged 77. A native of Yorkshire, he came to Norfolk in 1811 and took employment with the firm of Messrs. Colman at Stoke. He devised a method of making starch from rice, and received the congratulations of the Patent Office on having overcome difficulties in starch making which had hitherto been considered insurmountable. In politics Mr. Womersley was strongly Liberal, and admitted at the Royal Commission in 1868 “having kept certain voters in tow with the object of preventing them being tampered with by the other side.” APRIL.1.—Strangers’ Hall, Norwich, it was announced, had been purchased by Mr. L. G. Bolingbroke. 6.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference met at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, and continued its deliberations on the 7th. 17.—The memorial stone of the Norwich Technical Institute was laid by the Mayor (Mr. G. H. Morse). The building was designed by the City Engineer (Mr. A. E. Collins), and erected by Mr. T. H. Blyth, of Foulsham. —The centenary celebration of the Church of England Missionary Society commenced at Norwich with services at the Cathedral and the city churches and a meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall. MAY.1.—The Great Eastern Railway Company introduced a restaurant car service on their system between London, Cromer, and Lowestoft. —The 7th Hussars marched from Norwich en route to Colchester, where they were temporarily stationed during the renovation of Norwich Cavalry Barracks. Among the officers was Prince Alexander of Teck. The regiment encamped on Stuston Common on the first night, at Broom Hill on the second night, and completed the march on the 3rd. 6.—Died at Northrepps Hall, Mr. Richard Hanbury Gurney, aged 44 years. He was a son of Mr. John Henry Gurney, and served the office of High Sheriff in 1896. —Lord Wolseley, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, arrived at Norwich, accompanied by Major-General Kelly-Kenny, Inspector-General of the Auxiliary Forces, Col. Gough, military secretary, and Col. Allen, aide-de-camp. On the 7th his lordship, with Major-General Sir W. F. Gatacre, commanding the Eastern District, attended service at the Cathedral, and afterwards inspected a number of old soldiers in the cloisters, and visited the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home. Lord Wolseley on the 8th inspected the depÔt and the 3rd Battalion Norfolk Regiment at the Britannia Barracks, and in the afternoon proceeded to Yarmouth, where he inspected the troops. 17.—The Duke of York’s Own Loyal Suffolk Hussars assembled at Norwich for the annual training, which concluded on the 25th. Lieut.-Col. Lucas was in command of the regiment. 23.—The Sandringham hackneys, the property of the Prince of Wales, were sold by auction at the Wolferton Stud Farm. His Royal Highness, 24.—The list of Birthday Honours, commemorative of the 80th birthday of the Queen, included the name of Mr. Samuel Hoare, M.P., upon whom her Majesty conferred a baronetcy. 25.—The nave of Norwich Cathedral was re-opened after restoration, the cost of which was generously undertaken by Sir Samuel Hoare, Bart., M.P., and Lady Hoare. The Mayor and Corporation attended the service, at which the sermon was preached by the Dean of Norwich. —The Prince of Wales, accompanied by Prince Alexander of Teck, Admiral Sir Henry Keppel and others, arrived at Yarmouth, and on the 26th inspected the Prince of Wales’ Own Norfolk Artillery Militia, the 3rd Norfolk Militia, and other troops. In the evening his Royal Highness attended a ball given by Viscount Coke and the Artillery officers, and on the 27th terminated his visit. —The Royal Arcade, Norwich, erected on the site of the old Royal Hotel, was opened. The Arcade was built by Messrs. J. Youngs and Son from plans by Messrs. G. J. and F. W. Skipper. 27.—The Duke and Duchess of York visited King’s Lynn, and in the grounds of the West Norfolk and Lynn Hospital received purses on behalf of a fund to defray the cost of a children’s wing added to the Hospital as a memorial of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. JUNE.1.—At the Norwich Consistory Court, before Mr. Chancellor Blofeld, the Bishop of the Diocese pronounced sentence of deprivation on the Rev. Bryan O’Malley, vicar of Flitch am, and made an order upon the defendant for the payment of the costs of the proceedings. 2.—At a meeting of the Scots Society of St. Andrew, Norwich, held at the Maid’s Head Hotel, the president, Dr. Thomson, unveiled portraits of Dr. John Murray and of his wife, Mary Boyles Murray, presented to the society by Mr. Bronson Murray, of New York, in recognition of the work done by the society in restoring the tomb of Dr. Murray in the churchyard of Wells-next-the-Sea. The portraits were copied by Mrs. Leslie Bush-Brown, great great grandniece of Dr. Murray, from the original works belonging to the Guion family, of Senica Falls, New York. 27.—Died at St. Stephen’s House, Norwich, Mr. John Copeman, aged 87. Senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Copeman and Sons, wholesale grocers, Castle Street, he was for several years a member of the Town Council and some time alderman. It was he who suggested the purchase of the sewerage farm by the Corporation. He was a member of the Norwich Board of Guardians, and took part with Mr. J. H. Tillett and the Rev. George Gould and others in securing the passing of the Norwich Poor Act of 1863. Mr. Copeman was one of the founders of the “Norfolk News,” and for some time edited it. 28.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Diss. Mr. Edward Mann presided at the luncheon. The exhibition closed on the 29th. 10.—At a special meeting of the Norwich Town Council a report was received from a joint committee of the Corporation and the Board of Guardians upon the subject of the rating of city property, and a resolution was adopted recommending important alterations in the assessments. The Guardians on December 20th accepted a recommendation for the appointment of valuers to undertake the work of reassessment. 17.—Died at Ivy Lodge, Eaton, Mr. C. C. Rix Spelman, Deputy-Mayor of Norwich, aged 55. He was a son of Mr. Benjamin Rix, of Ipswich, and was born at Yarmouth. In 1858 he became associated with the firm of Messrs. Spelman, and on joining as a partner in 1874 took the name of Spelman—his mother’s surname—in addition to his own. In 1897 he was elected Mayor of Norwich, and was in politics a Liberal. He was twice married—first to Miss Franklin, of Norwich, who died in 1877, and secondly, in 1880, to Mrs. R. E. Gibson, sister of Mr. F. Oddin Taylor. 22.*—“The Earl of Leicester has forwarded to the governors of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital a cheque for £5,000 for building new quarters for nurses at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.” 23.—The Norfolk Volunteer Brigade went into camp at Colchester. 29.—Barnum and Bailey’s great show visited Norwich. It came by special trains from Yarmouth, and on leaving Norwich proceeded to Bury St. Edmund’s. 31.—Died, the Rev. Canon Hinds Howell, aged 91. He was seventh son of Mr. C. A. Howell, Treasurer of the Island of Barbados, where he was born. Canon Howell was many years rector of Drayton, and one of the most energetic clergymen in the diocese. AUGUST.1.—Died at Stanley Avenue, Thorpe, Norwich, Mr. Edwin Plumer Price, Q.C., formerly Recorder of York, and judge of the Norfolk County Court, aged 81. In his younger days he unsuccessfully contested Sheffield in the Conservative interest. 2.—The Norfolk and Norwich Library was opened after reconstruction at the cost of £1,719. 7.—A fire occurred at Messrs. Leake and Sons’ oil mill at Lynn. The damage was estimated at from £10,000 to £12,000. —Mr. Robert Borrett sold by auction at Wacton the wheat and barley on about 170 acres of land in the parishes of Moulton St. Michael, Pulham Market, Tivetshall St. Margaret, and Wacton, in the occupation of Mr. Fisher. The auctioneer’s advertisement stated that the growing crops were offered in consequence of there being a scarcity of labour—a circumstance unprecedented in Norfolk. 11.—Died while on a yachting cruise off the coast of Iceland, Sir Edmund Broughton Knowles Lacon, Bart., head of the banking firm of Lacons, Youell, and Kemp. He was born May 9th, 1842, and in 1892 served the office of High Sheriff of Norfolk. 19.—Died at Hilgay rectory, Downham, the Rev. St. Vincent Beechey, rector of the parish, and honorary canon of Manchester, in his 94th year. Canon Beechey was born August 7th, 1806, at Harley Street, Cavendish Square, and was the son of Sir William Beechey, the eminent painter and friend of Lord Nelson, whose portrait, limned by him, is one of the most valuable of the pictures in St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. Young Beechey was educated at Boulogne, where he not only acquired a thorough knowledge of the French language, but became an expert swordsman. Thence he proceeded to a school at Sidcup, kept by the father of Sheridan Knowles, and at the age of 16 he matriculated at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and obtained two scholarships. While preparing for Holy Orders he studied medicine at the Western Hospital. In 1829 he was ordained by the Bishop of Rochester, and received the curacy of Aylesford, near Maidstone. He next became curate of Hilgay, and in 1841 was appointed to the living of Thornton le Fylde, with Fleetwood, Lancashire. Acting on the suggestion of a Corsican named Vantine, he established Rossall School, one of the most successful educational institutions in the north, and of which he was secretary for 28 years. In 1852 he was appointed to the vicarage of Worsley, near Manchester, and in 1872, at the age of sixty, he accepted the living of Hilgay, where for 27 years he faithfully ministered to the parishioners. Canon Beechey took great interest in astronomical studies, and was a popular lecturer. His favourite topics were the expansion of the empire, the origin of writing, and, in the last years of his life, the RÖntgen rays. 20.—A serious fire occurred on the premises of Mr. Thomas Wright, boot manufacturer and clothier, High Street, East Dereham. The damage was estimated at upwards of £1,000. 26.—Kimberley Hall, the seat of the Earl of Kimberley, narrowly escaped total destruction by fire. The outbreak was confined to one portion of the house, and the damage was estimated at £2,000. 27.—North Walsham Town Hall was destroyed by fire. SEPTEMBER.5.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council a report was received from the City Committee recommending that they be empowered to submit a scheme for the erection of municipal buildings. The debate was adjourned, and Mr. L. J. Tillett gave notice of his intention to move “That the financial position of the city at the present time is such that it is undesirable to now embark upon any scheme of whatsoever nature for the erection of a new town-hall, which would involve the expenditure of a large amount, and thereby greatly increase the rates and the debt of the city, and that the preparation of such scheme do stand over until the re-valuation of the city has been completed.” At an adjourned meeting on the 26th a resolution was adopted empowering the City Committee to submit a scheme to the Town Council. Meanwhile the proposal was adversely criticised by the citizens, and at a meeting of ratepayers held at Noverre’s Rooms on October 11th, a 9.*—“Messrs. J. H. Walter and Co., proprietors of Taverham Mills, the last remaining of the old paper mills in Norfolk, have issued a circular stating: ‘Early in the year we had to submit to a very heavy reduction in the price of our paper. We felt that we could only carry on the mills at a serious loss, and the balance-sheet, which we have just got out, fully confirms our impression. We have, therefore, decided to shut down as soon as possible.’ Messrs. Delane, Magnay, and Co. took over the mills in 1846, and the present proprietors in 1884.” 29.—A violent gale occurred on the east coast. “At Yarmouth the velocity of the wind reached 55 miles per hour, and the rainfall was 1¼ inches.” OCTOBER.3.—The twenty-sixth Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival commenced at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The principal vocalists were Madame Albani, Miss Clara Butt, Miss Marie Brema, Miss Ethel Wood, Miss Kelyn Williams, Miss Edith Nutter, and Mrs. Julia Franks; Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Ben Davies, Mr. Andrew Black, Mr. David Bispham, Mr. Whitworth Mitton, Mr. Robert Radford, and Mr. F. Ranalow. Mr. Alberto Randegger conducted. At the opening performance “Faust” (Berlioz) was produced; 4th: morning, symphony in B minor (Schubert), “Biblical Songs” (DvorÁk), “Hymn of Praise” (Mendelssohn), evening, opera, “Sampson and Delilah” (C. Saint-SaËns), first time in Norwich; 5th: morning, Meditation (Edward Elgar), first time in Norwich, conducted by the composer, sacred trilogy, “Passion of Christ” (Don Lorenzo Perosi), first performance in England, ode, “A Song of Darkness and Light” (C. Hubert H. Parry), first time in Norwich, conducted by the composer, evening, overture, “Mignon” (Ambroise Thomas), cycle of songs, “Sea Pictures” (Edward Elgar), composed expressly for the Festival and conducted by the composer, trio des flutes, “Dall’ Aurora” (Weyerbeer), new suite, “The Seasons” (Edward German), composed expressly for the Festival and conducted by the composer, “Ode to the Passions” (written by William Collins, 1721–1759, set to music for chorus and orchestra by Frederic H. Cowen), first time in Norwich, and conducted by the composer, “Tristan and Isolde” (Wagner), scena, “The Dream of Endymion” (F. F. Cowen), conducted by the composer, overture, “Di Ballo” (Sullivan); 6th: morning, “The Messiah,” evening, cantata, “Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast” (S. Coleridge Taylor), first time in Norwich, conducted by the composer. The receipts amounted to £5,398, and the payments to £4,998. 16.—Mr. Peter E. Hansell was presented by the magistrates and officials of the North Erpingham division with a massive silver Irish bowl on the occasion of this retirement after twenty years’ honourable and efficient service as clerk to the justices. —A meeting of the party was held at the Norwich and Norfolk Conservative Club, to express approval of the policy of her Majesty’s 17.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council, the Sewerage Committee reported that the main drainage of the city, referred to in the report of the City Engineer on February 2nd, 1895, had been completed in accordance with the recommendations laid down therein. It was believed that the City Engineer’s estimate of £152,000 would nearly cover the whole cost of the works, the excess of expenditure not being more than two per cent. of the total. 25.—Died at Hingham, Mr. Charles Crawshay. He was a son of Mr. Richard Crawshay, of Rowfant, Surrey, and was born February 26th, 1815. His father settled at Hingham as a brewer, and afterwards opened a brewery in St. Stephen’s Street, Norwich. Young Crawshay was sent to Messrs. Charington, Head, and Co.’s brewery in London, where he received an excellent training, and returning to Norwich took charge of the St. Stephen’s brewery. Ultimately he became partner with Mr. John Youngs in the King Street brewery, and retained his connection with the firm of Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs until his death. Mr. Crawshay was one of the foremost sportsmen in the county, a skilled whip, an excellent judge of a horse, a clever shot, and as a yachtsman he held his own in Norfolk waters with his well-known yacht, the Kestrel. In 1856 Mr. Crawshay married the daughter of Sir William Cubitt, the constructor of Lowestoft harbour. In 1857 he was appointed Sheriff of Norwich. Mr. Crawshay was a famous breeder of Southdown and cross-bred sheep, a great benefactor of Hingham, and in dress, manners, and tastes he retained all the best characteristics of a country gentleman of the old school, and paid little heed to modern innovations. 27.—The portrait of Mr. J. J. Colman, painted by Professor Hubert Herkomer, R.A., at the cost of 600 guineas, was unveiled by Sir Harry NOVEMBER.7.—The High Sheriff of Norfolk (Mr. H. M. Upcher) gave, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, a county ball, which was attended by 500 guests. 9.—Mr. James Clabburn was elected Mayor, and Mr. Samuel Wainwright appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 10.—The Norwich and Norfolk Conservative Club was formally opened by Mr. Walter Long on the occasion of the conference of the Eastern Division of the National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations. Sir Harry Bullard, M.P., president, and Lady Bullard gave a conversazione at St. Andrew’s Hall in the evening. 15.—The Norwich Omnibus Company wound up its affairs in consequence of the approaching completion of the tramways scheme. The company was formed in 1878 with a capital of £5,920. 25.—The German Emperor and Empress arrived at Sandringham on a visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales. Their Majesties, who were accompanied by the Prince of Wales, were met at Wolferton station by the Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of York, Princess Victoria of Wales, and Sir William and Lady ffolkes. The Emperor and Empress accompanied the Prince and Princess of Wales to church on the 26th, the Sandringham preserves were shot over on the 27th, and their Majesties departed on the 28th. 28.—Killed in action at the battle of Modder River, Lieut.-Col. Horace Robert Stopford, commanding 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards. Col. Stopford was a resident of Sheringham, captain of the Sheringham Golf Club in 1895, and a member of the Improvement Committee. He was in his 44th year. DECEMBER.12.—The new organ erected at Norwich Cathedral at the cost of £6,000, with the celestial organ given by Mr. Hugh G. Barclay, was opened at a special service attended by the Mayor and members of the Corporation. The sermon was preached by the Dean, and a recital was given by Dr. A. L. Peace, organist of St. George’s Hall, Liverpool. 30.—The extensive premises known as “Free Trade House,” Swaffham Road, East Dereham, occupied by Mr. F. Vincent, grocer, factor, and general warehouseman, were destroyed by fire. The loss was estimated at £2,500. —Died at 5, Park Square, Regent’s Park, London, Sir James Paget, Bart. The son of Mr. Samuel Paget, merchant, of Yarmouth, he was born in that town on January 11th, 1814. After a most distinguished medical career he was appointed Serjeant-Surgeon to the Queen, and surgeon to the Prince of Wales. He was created a baronet in 1871. His third son, the Rev. H. Luke Paget, vicar of St. Pancras, married a daughter of Sir Samuel Hoare, Bart., M.P. JANUARY.1.—Died at Booton rectory, the Rev. Whitwell Elwin. He was born in Norfolk on February 25th, 1816, and entering Caius College, Cambridge, graduated B.A. in 1839. After his marriage with his cousin, Miss Frances Elvin, in that year, he was ordained, and became curate of Hemington with Hardington, in Somersetshire. In 1849 he was presented to the family living of Booton, where he resided until his death. During his incumbency he undertook the great work of re-building his parish church in the Early Decorated style upon the old ground plan. Elwin was best known as editor of the “Quarterly Review,” the personal friend of Thackeray and Bulwer Lytton, of Dickens and Forster, and of many other famous people in the literary world. It was in 1843 that he wrote for the “Quarterly Review” his first article—on the “Histoire du Chien” of ElzÉar Blaze. When Lockhart’s illness made it necessary for him to go abroad in 1853 he asked Elwin to do the work of editing the “Quarterly Review.” Lockhart died in 1854, and Elwin then succeeded him in the post of editor. He lived at home in Norfolk and went up to London for the publication of each number. Thackeray gave to him the gold pen with which he had written most of “Vanity Fair,” and has left a pleasant sketch of him in his “Roundabout Paper” on “Screens in Dining Rooms.” Elwin wrote the review of “The Newcomes” in the “Quarterly” for September, 1855. 2.—The formal presentation of gifts subscribed by the residents of Norfolk and the citizens of Norwich for the men of the Norfolk Regiment took place at Aldershot by a deputation consisting of the High Sheriff (Mr. Upcher), the Deputy-Mayor of Norwich (Mr. G. H. Morse), Col. Shepherd, D.S.O., Mr. P. E. Hansell (Under-Sheriff of Norfolk), and Mr. E. J. Caley, honorary secretary to the fund. The battalion left Aldershot on the 4th for Southampton, and embarked on the P. and O. liner Assaye for South Africa. The strength of the battalion was just under 1,000. On this day (January 2nd) the non-commissioned officers and men of the Loyal Suffolk Hussars and many civilians, who had volunteered for active service in South Africa with the Imperial Yeomanry, attended at the Maid’s Head Hotel, Norwich, for the purpose of being medically examined and attested. About 46 members of the Loyal Suffolk Hussars and 112 civilians were accepted. On the 12th the commanding officers of the four Volunteer battalions of the Norfolk Regiment met at Norwich and arranged details for the clothing and equipment of men who had volunteered for the front. Three officers were appointed to the service company—Capt. Archdale, 3rd Volunteer Battalion, Lieut. B. H. L. Prior, 1st Volunteer Battalion, and Lieut. H. L. Willett, 4th Volunteer Battalion. The company consisted of four sergeants, five corporals, two buglers, and 99 rank and file—total 115. On the 25th the 3rd Battalion Norfolk Regiment (Militia), commanded by Col. Custance, was embodied at the Britannia Barracks, Norwich, and on the same day left for Fermoy for garrison duty. The Yeomanry and Volunteers attended a farewell service at Norwich Cathedral on the 26th; and in the evening the Volunteers were entertained to dinner 8.—A meeting was held at Costessey, under the presidency of Mr. Stafford H. Jerningham, for the purpose of discussing the projected construction of a light railway between Norwich and Dereham. The line, which was to be constructed under the Light Railways Act, was to be fifteen miles in length, and a capital of £85,000 was required. The suggested route was from East Dereham, between North Tuddenham 11.—Died at his residence, Gordon Square, W.C., Dr. James Martineau, aged 95 years. A son of Thomas Martineau, a manufacturer of bombazines and camlets, he was born at Norwich on April 21st, 1805. His sister was the famous Harriet Martineau. From his tenth to his fourteenth year he was educated at Norwich Grammar School, and on leaving school studied medicine, but as the work was not congenial to him he gave it up, with the view of becoming a minister of the denomination to which his family belonged. They were Unitarians, and thenceforward he was prominently identified with that body. He was the author of several theological works, and had conferred upon him by Harvard College, Mass., the honorary degree of LL.D. 31.—Information was received at Norwich that an outbreak of foot and mouth disease had occurred at Fritton. All sales necessitating the movement of cattle were prohibited, and public markets in the district closed. On February 7th a deputation of farmers, cattle salesmen, butchers, and others from the county waited upon Mr. Walter Long, President of the Board of Agriculture, for the purpose of asking him to relax in some degree the stringent restrictions placed upon the movement of cattle. Shortly afterwards an amended order was issued, and on March 31st Norwich Cattle Market was re-opened. At Loddon Petty Sessions on May 19th three farmers were summoned for contravention of an order of the Board of Agriculture by the wrongful removal of cattle and sheep. It was urged by the defendants that “it was a case either of removal or starvation,” and the magistrates inflicted nominal penalties. Mr. George Holmes, one of the justices, protested against the false position in which they were placed by the orders of the Board of Agriculture, which could not possibly be obeyed by many owners of stock in the district. During the sitting of the court a memorial was signed by the magistrates and others and sent to Mr. Long, praying for a modification of the restrictions in the Loddon and Clavering Union. —Died at the Close, Norwich, the Rev. Edward Bulmer, M.A., minor canon of Norwich Cathedral, aged 67. His father was vicar-choral and custos of Hereford Cathedral, and rector of Morton-on-Lugg, and his grandfather on his mother’s side the famous organist, Dr. Clarke Whitfield, composer of the well-known anthem, “In Jewry is God known.” In addition to writing the libretto to Dr. Bunnett’s “Rhine Maiden,” Canon Bulmer for some years contributed to “The Argosy,” and other magazines, articles end poems, which were characterised by versatility and graceful diction. 12.—Mr. Lewis Barton, of Elvin Road, East Dereham, attained his 100th year. He was born at Old Buckenham on February 12th, 1800. 15.—Severe weather was experienced in Norfolk. In south Norfolk many of the roads were blocked by snowdrifts. During a storm on the coast the brigantine Lizzie and Edith was wrecked off Eccles and four of the crew drowned. 16.—Died at Teignmouth, Mr. Peter Paul Marshall, aged 69. For fourteen years he was City Engineer at Norwich, and resigned his appointment in 1891. Mr. Marshall, who was a native of Edinburgh, was an artist of considerable merit, and had exhibited works at the Royal Academy and the British Institution. 22.—Among the officers reported wounded at the battle of Colenso on this date was Major H. L. Smith, of the 2nd Surrey Regiment, eldest son of Mr. Henry Smith, of Ellingham Hall. Major Smith took part in the Afghan War in 1879, and in the Egyptian War in 1885. 23.—Died at the Britannia Barracks, Norwich, Mr. George Francis Archdale, aged 34. He was the eldest son of Major Archdale, of Coltishall, and was appointed to the command of the Norfolk Volunteer Service Company for active duty in South Africa. Shortly after taking up his quarters at the barracks he was seized with influenza, and fatal complications ensued. Mr. Archdale, who was educated at Wellington College, was a partner in the firm of Messrs. Hogge and Seppings. He held a commission in the 3rd Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, was a crack shot, and for several years captained the China Cup team for Norfolk. MARCH.15.—Died suddenly at Norwich, Mr. Horace Hill, Mus. Doc., aged 67. He was a son of Mr. John Hill, the compiler of the once popular “Norwich Tune Book,” and was largely identified with musical matters in Norwich and Norfolk. 29.—Cromer Gas Works, constructed at the cost of upwards of £13,000, were opened. APRIL.19.—The Norwich Diocesan Conference opened at Noverre’s Rooms, Norwich, and was concluded on the 20th. —A trial trip over the completed portion of the Norwich electric tramways was run. A memorial signed by clergy and others was presented to the Town Council, protesting against the proposed introduction of Sunday traffic over the system. The overhead wires erected by the Tramway Company were inspected on June 12th by Mr. A. P. Trotter, electric adviser to the Board of Trade; and on July 26th Col. Yorke, R.E., of the Railway Department of the Board of Trade, made an inspection of 22 miles of route on about 16 miles of roads. On the 30th the cars commenced running over the Magdalen Road, Earlham Road, Dereham Road, and Thorpe Road routes. Twenty-five thousand persons were carried on this day. The Newmarket Road route was opened on August 9th, and the Unthank Road route on December 22nd. 25.—The centenary of the death of the poet Cowper at East Dereham on April 25th, 1800, was observed. Cowper spent the closing years of his life in a house in the Market Place, on the site of which the Cowper Congregational church is now erected. His body was interred in St. Edmund’s Chapel, in the north transept of the parish church. At the commemoration service the sermon was preached by the Rev. John Callis, rector of Holy Trinity, Norwich. 26.—The Duke of York visited Yarmouth and attended the opening and dedication of the Missions to Seamen Church and Institute. MAY.1.—The 7th Hussars, after eighteen months’ service in Norwich, left for Aldershot, under the command of Col. the Hon. R. T. Lawley. The regiment proceeded by three special trains from Trowse. There were 642 men, 362 horses, 28 officers’ chargers; 30 women and 60 children. 10.—The reservists and recruits of the 13th Hussars, who relieved the 7th Hussars at Norwich Cavalry Barracks, arrived at Trowse Station by special train. There were between 300 and 400 men. 13.—The death occurred at Parsonage Square, Norwich, in his 65th year, of Thomas Mitham, who was regarded as the last representative in the city of the old watchmen who shouted the hour to the public. He was for many years watchman at Gurney’s Bank, and announced the hour once during the night, namely, at 11 o’clock. Prior to his entering the service of the bank he was keeper of the old toll-gate at Thorpe. In his early days he was a schoolmaster in Cambridgeshire, his native county; with his watchman’s duties he combined the work of collecting for various societies, was door-keeper at the Corn Hall, and was a man of great integrity. 26.—A reredos of richly carved alabaster, designed by Messrs. Hicks and Charlwood, architects, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, was dedicated at Letheringsett church by the Bishop of Norwich. It was the gift of members of the Jodrell family, who had done much to restore and beautify the church. JUNE.11.—At the Norfolk Assizes, before Mr. Justice Bigham, William Jimby, 38, was indicated for feloniously setting fire to a straw stack at Surlingham. The chief warder informed the judge that the prisoner was, or pretended to be, deaf; he understood nothing and was unable to read or write. The judge thereupon had a jury sworn to decide whether the accused was “mute of malice or by the visitation of God.” They found him to be mute of malice, and the judge ordered a plea of not guilty to be taken, and the case proceeded, with the result that 17.—The celebration of the bi-centenary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel commenced at Norwich. 25.—Died at Cleveland House, Newmarket Road, Norwich, Mr. George Clayton Eaton, in his 66th year. A son of Mr. Thomas Damant Eaton, on whose death he succeeded to a liberal competency, Mr. Eaton followed no business occupation, but devoted his time to literary pursuits, gave most valuable aid to various charitable organizations, and took part in furthering the usefulness of several scientific institutions. During the transition of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum from its old quarters in St. Andrew’s to the Castle, Mr. Eaton laboured incessantly, wrote one of the descriptive guides to the Museum, and compiled the catalogue of the pictures. He was vice-president of the Norfolk and Norwich Library. When the library was destroyed by fire in 1898, Mr. Eaton was appointed a member of the special committee who advised upon the purchase of new books, and it was in this respect that his literary knowledge proved valuable. One of his latest acts of public generosity was to give, in conjunction with his brother, the Rev. William Ray Eaton, the site on which the mission-hall for the parish of St. Peter Mancroft is erected. 29.—A sale of the Sandringham shorthorns and Southdowns, the property of the Prince of Wales, was conducted at the Home Farm, Wolferton, by Mr. John Thornton. His Royal Highness and a large party from Sandringham were present. Forty-one heifers made a total of £2,954 14s., an average of £72 1s. 3d.; 13 bulls realised £780 3s. The 54 lots of heifers and bulls made £3,724 17s., an average of £69. The sheep made less satisfactory prices than on previous occasions. 30.—The Prince and Princess of Wales visited Norwich for the purpose of opening the new Jenny Lind Infirmary. His Royal Highness arrived at Trowse by saloon train from Wolferton at 1.10 p.m., and was received by Mr. Russell J. Colman, chairman of the Committee of Management of the Infirmary. Four minutes later the train by which the Princess travelled from London entered the station. Their Royal Highnesses, escorted by the 13th Hussars, were driven to Carrow Abbey, where a large and distinguished party had been invited to meet them at luncheon; and afterwards they proceeded to the new Infirmary, where they were presented with an address read by Mr. Colman, to which the Prince of Wales replied, and declared the building open. The Princess of Wales then accepted purses in aid of the endowment fund, a short address was delivered by the Dean, and the Bishop offered prayer. On leaving the Infirmary their Royal Highnesses proceeded to the Cathedral, and after hearing a short organ recital, took tea at the Palace. In the evening they left Thorpe station for Sandringham. JULY.4.—The Summer Show of the Norfolk Agricultural Association was opened at Downham Market, under the presidency of Mr. T. L. Hare, M.P., and concluded on the 5th. 16.—Mr. J. Roots, of East Dereham, who had undertaken for a wager 16.—The opening of the first portion of the new pier at Cromer took place. 19.—Mrs. Mary Ann Towler, of Keppel Street, Lynn, entered upon her 100th year. 20.—A severe thunderstorm passed over Norfolk. Many cattle and sheep were killed by lightning in various parts of the county. Very hot weather was recorded in the following week. 21.—The Norfolk Volunteer Brigade, under Col. Shepherd, D.S.O., acting Brigadier-General, went into camp at Colchester. 27.—A fire took place in the timber-yard of Messrs. J. Porter and Sons, Norwich, and caused damage to the amount of several thousands of pounds. AUGUST.3.—A severe gale swept over the county and did serious damage to orchards, in which thousands of tons of unripe fruit were destroyed. Many shipping disasters occurred upon the coast. 4.—A new lifeboat named the Licensed Victualler, provided by liberal contributions from the Licensed Victuallers’ Fund, was received by Commander Holmes, R.N., at Hunstanton. A ceremonial launch was dispensed with in consequence of the roughness of the sea. —Died at Heigham House, Norwich, aged 69, Mr. John Boyce, who had for many years been identified with the firm of Messrs. Bullard and Sons, of the Anchor Brewery. Mr. Boyce, who was a son of Mr. Samuel Boyce, of East Dereham, was elected a representative of the old Second Ward in November, 1867, and served continuously until 1892, when, on the redistribution of seats, he was transferred to the Earlham Ward. He retired in 1894, and on June 18th, 1895, was elected an alderman on the death of Col. Bignold. Mr. Boyce, who was a magistrate for the city, was in politics a Conservative. 5.—Died at Eaton, Norwich, Mr. Philip Back, aged 76. He entered the Corporation in 1873 as member for the old Fourth Ward, and on his re-election in 1876, with Mr. Ladyman, the memorable election petition was presented by his Liberal opponents, Mr. J. D. Smith and Mr. S. Newman, against the return of himself and his colleague. The commissioner gave judgment in favour of the respondents, with costs, and Mr. Back retained his seat. In 1879 he was appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 10.—The time ball, erected on the north-west angle of the battlements of Norwich Castle, was used for the first time. It announces Greenwich time every day at 10 a.m. 14.—Lord Walsingham addressed a letter to the Press announcing that an attempt was being made to re-introduce the great bustard in what was formerly one of the favourite haunts of this fine bird on the borders of the Norfolk fens. The experiment, his lordship stated, was 21.—Prince Pura Chatra of Siam and his brother, Prince Yugula, arrived at Norwich from Cromer, and visited several places of interest in the city. 24.—Dr. A. H. Mann, of Cambridge, was elected chorus master of the Norwich Festival, in succession to Dr. Horace Hill, deceased. SEPTEMBER.17.—The Prince of Wales’ Own Norfolk Artillery Militia commenced a route march through Norfolk, under the command of Col. Viscount Coke. The regiment left Yarmouth in two river steamers, and landing at Buckenham Ferry marched to Langley Park, the seat of Sir Reginald Proctor Beauchamp, where they encamped for the night. The march was resumed on the 18th to Dunston Park; on the 19th to Wymondham; on the 20th to Dereham; on the 21st to Westacre; and on the 22nd to Hempton Green, where Sunday, the 23rd, was spent, and the regiment attended service at Fakenham church. On the 24th the column marched to Holkham, and encamped in the park; on the 25th the march was continued to Melton Constable Park; on the 26th to Aylsham; on the 27th to North Walsham; and on the 28th to Woodbastwick Park, where the last camp was formed. On the 29th the column marched from Woodbastwick to headquarters at Yarmouth. The actual distance marched in the twelve days was 150 miles. 22.—The body of a woman was found on the south beach at Yarmouth. The medical evidence proved that death was due to strangulation caused by a bootlace bound tightly round the neck. The deceased had been lodging at Yarmouth since the 15th, and had stated that her name was Hood. On November 9th the London police arrested at Woolwich a man named Herbert John Bennett, who was brought to Yarmouth and charged with the murder of the woman—his wife. On November 24th he was committed for trial at the Norfolk Assizes, but owing to the prejudice excited against the prisoner by a certain section of the Press, the venue of trial was removed to the Old Bailey, where he was found guilty and sentenced to death. (Bennett was executed at Norwich Prison in March, 1901.) 25.—At a meeting of the Norwich Town Council it was resolved that the question of applying to Parliament for powers to purchase compulsorily the Norwich Waterworks undertaking, be referred to a committee, and if in their judgment it was considered to be in the interests of the city to obtain such powers, they be empowered to take steps for the promotion of a Bill for that purpose, and further that they negotiate with the Waterworks Company for the purchase, if possible, by agreement. 29.—Sir Samuel Hoare, Bart., and Sir Harry Bullard were nominated at the Guildhall, Norwich, representatives of the city in Parliament. The Liberal party offered no opposition, and the Sheriff (Mr. S. Wainwright) declared the Conservative candidates duly elected. —Sir John Colomb, K.C.M.G., Conservative, was returned unopposed member of Parliament for Great Yarmouth. OCTOBER.1.—The nomination of candidates for East Norfolk took place at the Shirehall, Norwich. Mr. William Louis St. Julian Prioleau, of Plumstead Hall, was proposed by the Unionists, and Mr. Robert James Price by the Liberals. The polling on the 5th was as follows: Price, 4,563; Prioleau, 3,733. —At the Town Hall, Aylsham, Major Henry Speaker Follett, 7th Dragoon Guards, of Coney Weston, Suffolk, was nominated Unionist candidate for North Norfolk; Sir William Brampton Gurdon, K.C., of Assington Hall, Suffolk, was nominated by the Liberals. The polling took place on the 8th: Gurdon, 4,490; Follett, 3,493. 4.—Polling took place for South Norfolk. The candidates were Mr. Edward Mann, of Thelveton Hall (Unionist), and Mr. A. W. Soames (Liberal). The result was declared at the Shirehall, Norwich, on the 5th: Soames, 3,986; Mann, 3,566. —The nomination took place at the Town Hall, Lynn, of Sir William ffolkes, Bart., of Hillington (Unionist), and Mr. George White, of Eaton Grange, Norwich, manufacturer (Liberal), as candidates for North-West Norfolk. The polling was on the 11th, and the result was declared on the 12th: White, 4,287; ffolkes, 3,811. —Mr. William Lewis Boyle, of Elsing Hall (Unionist), and Mr. F. W. Wilson, of the Dale, Scarning (Liberal), were nominated at East Dereham for the representation of Mid Norfolk. The election took place on the 8th, and the poll was declared on the 9th: Wilson, 3,996; Boyle, 3,422. 5.—At Swaffham, Mr. Thomas Leigh Hare, of Stow Hall (Unionist), and Mr. Richard Winfrey, of Sutton House, Peterborough, and Stanley House, Swaffham (Liberal), were nominated candidates for South-West Norfolk. The polling on the 12th resulted as follows: Hare, 3,702; Winfrey, 3,636. 6.—Died at Pinetown Bridge, South Africa, Mr. Walter Waring, surgeon Norwich. He had gone out to the seat of war as captain in the Militia Medical Staff Corps, and the cause of his death was dysentery. Formerly medical-officer to the Norwich Dispensary, he was known as Mr. Walter Scott Walters; he afterwards assumed the name of Waring. 17.—Died at the Close, Norwich, the Ven. Henry Ralph Nevill, Archdeacon of Norfolk and a canon of Norwich Cathedral. He was fourth son of Mr. Richard J. Nevill, of Llangennech Park, Carmarthenshire, and was born June 17th, 1821. For four years he was travelling tutor to the Earl of Ducie. His first curacy was at Yarmouth, in 1848, and he ultimately became vicar of that parish in 1859. In 1873 he received a residentiary canonry in Norwich Cathedral, and in 1874 Bishop Pelham appointed him Archdeacon of Norfolk, in succession to Archdeacon Blakelock. In 1881 Archdeacon Nevill was elected vicar of St. Peter Mancroft, and held the living until 1884. He was a member of the 19.—The Earl of Albemarle was welcomed with great enthusiasm at Quidenham Park on his return from active service in South Africa in command of the City of London Imperial Volunteers. NOVEMBER.6.—Madame Albani appeared at a concert at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. The other artistes included Miss Ada Crossley, Mr. William Green, Mr. Douglas Powell, Mr. Tivadar Nachez (solo violin), and Mr. Frederick Dawson (solo pianoforte). 9.—Mr. J. J. Dawson Paul was elected Mayor, and Mr. Sydney Cozens-Hardy appointed Sheriff of Norwich. 23.—Died at Southrepps rectory, the Hon. and Rev. John Harbord, aged 68. He was an accurate investigator of the genealogy of county families, and a student of college antiquities. DECEMBER.2.—Died at Ketteringham Park, Sir Francis George Manningham Boileau, Bart. He was born March 26th, 1830, and was the son of Sir John Boileau, F.R.S., who was created first baronet in 1838, and died in 1869. Sir Francis was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and was called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn in 1855. He took a prominent position in public life, and in the administration of county business; and was president of the Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society and of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society. On the formation of the Norwich Light Horse he held a commission in the corps, and subsequently transferred his services to the 3rd Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, of which he was for several years lieutenant-colonel. In politics Sir Francis Boileau was formerly a Liberal, but he became strongly Unionist, and one of his last acts was to write, on behalf of the Unionists of South Norfolk, an address presented to Mr. Edward Mann for his services to the party at the General Election. 10.—Died at Ludham, Mr. William Heath, in his 90th year. He was formerly a well-known breeder of cattle, and a successful exhibitor at the Smithfield Club and other shows. In the days of his prosperity he dispensed unbounded hospitality at the Hall Farm; in after years he experienced severe reverses and lived in retirement in the locality where he had once held so prominent a position. 13.—The Rev. W. M. Hay Aitken was installed a canon of Norwich Cathedral, in place of the Ven. Archdeacon Nevill, deceased. 24.—A woman named Kelly, aged 27, the widow of a reservist who had died in South Africa, was found in her cottage at Stokesby suffering from severe abdominal wounds, from which she died in the course of the day. A half-witted lad named Cossey, aged 20, was apprehended on the charge of murdering the woman. END OF VOL. II. |