
Abduction of a child, 210.

Abinger, Baron. See Scarlett, Sir James.

Abington, Mr., actor, 417; manager of Norwich Theatre, 452, 457; death, 473.

Accession of George IV., 179; of William IV., 297; of Victoria, 362.

Accidents: At a launch, 22; to Volunteers, 41, 66; at an Oddfellows’ meeting, 94; with guns, 329, 442; at Taverham Mills, 385; at firework display, 395; to the Countess of Leicester, 405; at Swaffham Brewery, 420; to an acrobat, 420; on the stage, 329, 441; Yarmouth bridge, 446; at King Street Brewery, Norwich, 447; railway, 451; singular, at Mattishall, 471; whilst hunting, 474.

Acle and Yarmouth New Road, 305.

Action against a coach proprietor, 100.

. . ., singular, at Norwich, 218.

Action at Assizes: The King v. Beevor, 3; Stracey v. Davey, 7; Astley v. Harwood, 18; Palmer v. Blomfield, 33; the King v. Larke, Mileham, and others, 74; Leathes v. Baker, 74; Leathes v. Maddison, 75; Baker v. Leathes, 75; Leathes v. Long, 75; Royle v. Parsley, 90; Mann v. Carroll, 114; the King v. Garratt, 125; for coach accident, 191; Crawcour v. Smith, 198; Lock, D.D., v. Bishop of Norwich, 206; Howard v. Howes, 237; Reader v. Bloom, 273; Fellowes v. Steward, 247; Woodewis v. Patteson, 247; Maitland v. Kinnebrook, 279; Howes v. Wood, 307; Hunter v. Platten, 312; Rex v. Brightwell, 356; Palmer v. Alliance Insurance Co., 410; Lynes v. Beck, 422; Rex v. Painter, 426; Cory v. Yarmouth and Norwich Railway Co., 440; Jermy v. Rush, 469; Quarles v. Bacon, 470; Berney v. Delane and Co., 483.

Activity in old age, 138, 140.

Actor on a donkey’s back, 296; turned Dissenting minister, 80, 106, 291.

Actors, accidents to, 329, 441.

. . . , amateur, 167, 266.

. . . learn military drill, 22.

Actors of colour, 284, 467.

. . . stranded on Breydon, 139.

“Adam Slow,” 265.

Additional Force Act, 44.

Addresses to the Queen, 363, 385, 393, 412, 440.

Adelphi Theatre, Norwich, 465, 473.

“Admiral Clark,” of Norwich, 266.

“African Roscius,” 284.

Africans baptised, 106.

Agricultural associations, 92, 261, 386, 331, 354, 414, 461.

. . . defence association, 171.

. . . distress, 191, 192, 196, 204, 217, 246, 263, 346.

. . . horse tax, 134.

. . . implements, 6, 15, 31, 41, 57, 65, 72, 73, 84, 96, 127, 138, 160, 183, 469.

. . . sale, 224.

Aickin, Miss (actress), 39, 46, 80.

Aldermen, alleged illegal election of, 363.

. . . elections of, 201, 269, 274, 290, 317, 341.

Alderson, Edward Hall, receives freedom of Norwich, 285; appointed Judge, 299; attends Norwich Assizes, 395, 400, 440.

Alderson, Robert, his duel with Mr. Grigby, 16; elected Governor of Norwich Court of Guardians, 65; resigns Recordership, 301.

Aldridge, Mr., “the African Roscius,” 467.

Alexandria, surrender of, 8.

Algiers, bombardment of, 140.

Aliens, 24.

Allotments, 203, 353.

Altar-piece at Braconash church, 76; at St. Peter’s, Yarmouth, 328.

Amateur Hamlet on Norwich stage, 167.

Amburgh, Van, 411, 442.

Amelia, Princess, funeral of, 87.

Ammunition for Orange patriots, 111.

Anacreontic Society, 2.

AnÆsthetics, use of, 461, 467.

Anatomical studies, 283.

Angel Inn, Norwich, re-named the Royal Hotel, 400.

Angerstein, Mr., 94.

Angling, 92, 162, 214.

Animals’ Friend Society, 403.

Anti-Corn Law League, 427, 434.

Apartment at St. Lawrence’s church, Norwich, 144.

Aquatic funeral, 441.

ArchÆological discoveries at Castle Rising, 226.

. . . Institute, 464.

. . . Society, Norfolk and Norwich, 454.

Archbishop Manners Sutton, 37.

Archery, 278, 456.

Aran for German levies, 104.

Army of Reserve Act, 20, 30; ballot, 23.

Arson, remarkable trial for, 306.

Art exhibitions, 384, 416.

. . . Union, East of England, 416.

Artillery corps at Norwich, 46.

Artists, 86, 92, 97, 119, 131, 139, 150, 168, 175, 194, 214, 230, 253, 276, 282, 300, 377, 394, 396, 416, 420, 422, 423, 486.

. . . , Norfolk and Norwich Society of, 50, 67, 74, 119, 139, 150, 175, 194, 214, 242, 279, 396.

. . . , Norfolk and Suffolk Society of, 285.

Ass following a corpse, 84.

Assault in Fakenham Market Place, 190.

. . . on a Dissenting preacher at Aylsham, 74.

Assessments, 42, 125, 183, 226, 273, 463, 475.

Assize of bread, 82.

Assize week, decline of the, 486.

Assizes, 3, 7, 12, 18, 33, 37, 47, 58, 60, 74, 75, 81, 89, 90, 92, 108, 114, 124, 125, 126, 134, 136, 145, 151, 155, 156, 174, 175, 180, 191, 198, 206, 209, 211, 214, 237, 247, 261, 262, 267, 271, 272, 279, 288, 291, 295, 302, 303, 304, 307, 312, 320, 322, 338, 340, 343, 348, 356, 359, 364, 372, 376, 378, 384, 395, 400, 401, 406, 410, 416, 422, 426, 436, 439, 440, 444, 445, 454, 469, 470, 475, 483.

Association against felonies, Norwich, 96.

Astrology, 61.

Asylum at Thorpe, 89, 116, 444.

AthenÆum, Norwich, 440.

Attornies’ privileges, 98.

Auctioneer, conviction of, 426.

Auctioneer’s evasion of plate licence, 390.


Baggage waggons, 120.

Bagshaw’s menagerie, 80.

Baldwin, the weather prophet, 19.

Ball, Edward, dramatist, 181, 192, 218.

Balloon ascents, 124, 128, 248, 257, 306, 343, 388, 389, 402, 411, 478, 479.

. . . , General Money’s adventure in a 129.

Ballot-box abolished by Norwich Corporation, 306.

Band of music at a wedding, 156.

Bank, East of England, 345, 362.

. . . notes stolen, 168.

. . . robbery at Lynn, 428.

. . . suspends payment, 252.

Bankes, Prebendary, 187.

Bankruptcy of Kerrison and Son, 66, 73, 79.

Banners presented to members of Parliament, 324.

Bannister, Mr. (actor), 57, 72.

Baptist chapel, St. Mary’s, Norwich, 389.

Baptisms to avoid registration fees, 358.

Barnum at Norwich, 439.

Barony of Berners, 314, 372.

. . . of Stafford, 235.

Barracks sold at Norwich, 145.

Bartley, Mrs. (actress), 134, 135, 145, 192.

Barton, Mr. (actor), 255.

Bathing machine, 147.

Baths, public, 484.

Bathurst, Benjamin, 40.

Bathurst, Bishop, installation of, 38; death of, 359; monument in Norwich Cathedral, 362, 413; bust of, 366.

Bathurst, Miss, tragic death of, 232.

Bats found in vaults, 45, 134.

Bawdeswell church rebuilt, 445.

Bayonne, Battle of: Norfolk officers wounded, 111, 112.

Beacham, Mr. (actor), 341, 392.

Beacons, 23, 34.

Bear-baiting, 13.

Beating the bounds, 20, 91, 105, 116, 195, 267, 286.

Beaton, Mrs., “the Freemason,” 14.

Bedford, Mr. Paul (actor), 401.

Beer Bill, 299, 401.

Bell, fall of, at St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, 417.

. . . , killed by a falling, 46.

. . . foundry at Downham, 71, 120, 152, 158, 242, 317.

. . . ringers’ pitcher at St. Peter Mancroft, 452.

Bellamy, Mr. (actor), 129, 226.

Bellman’s gratitude, 61.

Bells and bellringers, 46, 65, 67, 71, 97, 120, 122, 143, 146, 151, 152, 158, 166, 177, 187, 193, 195, 229, 242, 246, 289, 317, 346, 384, 391, 402, 405, 408, 417, 438, 452.

. . . rung for race meetings, 408.

. . . stolen, 384, 391.

Belsoni, Signor, at Norwich, 36, 199.

Benefactions, 18, 37, 93, 102, 103, 166, 370.

Benefit of clergy, 73.

Benefit receipts at Norwich Theatre, 64, 90, 222, 235, 245, 278.

Benevolent Society, Norwich, 48.

. . . stranger, 102.

Bengalese baptised at Burnham Market, 141.

Bennett, Mr. (actor), 225.

Bennett, Mr. George (actor), 401.

Bennett, Mr. James, Norwich scientist, 443.

Bentinck, Lord George, elected for Lynn, 273, 306, 320, 464; entertained at dinner by Protectionists, 458; death, 472.

Bentinck, Lord William, resigns his seat for Lynn, 273.

Benwell, loss of the, 370.

Berners, Barony of, 314, 372.

Berney’s patent cartridges, 423.

Berry, Capt. Sir Ed., R.N., 52; death of, 303.

Betty, Master, “the Young Roscius,” 133, 147.

Bible Societies, 93, 250.

Bidder, George, the boy calculator, 171.

Bidwell, Elizabeth, her escape from the French, 52.

Biffin, Miss, 90, 197.

Bignold, Mr. Samuel, elected Mayor of Norwich, 323, 473; presentation to, 335; summoned before the House of Commons, 340; appeals to the House of Lords, 358; attacked by “Norwich Mercury,” 390; chairman of Waterworks Company, 483.

“Billy Boots,” 123.

Bird fancying, 130.

Birds attracted by Happisburgh light, 450.

Bishop Blaize celebrations, 188, 329, 354, 415.

Bishop of Norwich assailed by mob, 413.

Bishops of Norwich, 37, 38, 359, 362, 413, 479, 481.

Birth, of Princess Royal, 403; Prince of Wales, 412; Prince Alfred, 440; Princess Helena, 456; Princess Louise, 469; Prince Arthur, 484.

Birthday dinners, 19, 28, 30, 47, 56, 83, 147, 158, 159, 166, 172, 178, 182, 205, 245.

Birthdays, celebration of Royal, 6, 30, 41, 57, 83, 105, 127, 148, 157, 159, 172, 181, 295, 298, 331, 362, 476, 485.

Blackman, the privateer, 36.

Blanchard, Mr. (actor), 145, 161, 206.

Blasphemy, charge of, 145.

Blickling Hall, fire at, 65.

Blind persons married, 75.

. . . postman, 336.

. . . School at Norwich, 37, 131, 182, 199.

Blucher’s victory, 114.

Boat-phaeton, 375.

Body of Dean Croft discovered, 89.

Body-snatching, 232, 241, 261, 272, 273, 281, 283, 289, 300, 319.

Body-stealing, remarkable case of, 376.

Bombardment of Flushing, 76.

Bonfires prohibited, 24.

Bonaparte in effigy, 110, 115, 116.

Bonaparte’s military coach in Norwich, 162.

Bone manure, 106.

Booth, Miss (actress), 168, 293.

Booth, Mr. (actor), 183.

Borrow family, 316, 327, 374, 396; Capt. Borrow, 125, 177; George Borrow gives derivation of word “Tory,” 316; imprisoned in Spain, 374; marriage, 396; Lieut. John Thomas Borrow, 327.

Botanical garden proposed, 237.

Boundary of Norwich: Singular case, 166.

Bourbon, Mdlle. de, 41.

Bowles, H. R. (actor), 46, 80, 106, 283, 286, 291.

Bowls, 59.

Boxing exhibitions, 61, 70, 160, 170, 184.

Boy charged with murder, 416.

Braconash church restored, 67.

Braham, Mr., at Norwich, 299, 316, 428.

Bray’s waggons, 334, 371.

Bread, sale of on Sunday, 129, 149.

Bread substitutes, 2.

Breweries, 401, 411.

Bribery, 156, 201, 237, 255, 257, 258, 266, 269, 274, 275, 288, 290, 294, 302, 334, 341, 372, 373, 468.

. . . , alleged extortion arising from, 334.

. . . , indictments for, 302, 342.

Bride, curious reception of a, 281.

Bridewell at Norwich, 88, 259.

. . . , sale of, 286.

Bridges, 28, 67, 68, 72, 159, 161, 176, 196, 212, 276, 285, 386, 428, 440, 446, 449.

Brig launched at Thorpe, 22.

Briggs’ Lane (or Street) improvement, 119, 388, 390, 412, 433.

British Army in Spain, 75.

Brooke, Mr. G. V. (actor), 359, 360, 361, 383, 392, 393, 397, 407, 470.

Brooke, Rajah, of Sarawak, 466.

Brown, Hannah, murdered by Greenacre, 360.

Browne, Philip G., author of “History of Norwich,” 446.

Browne, Sir Thomas, finding of his remains, 402.

Browne, W. J. Utten, elected Sheriff, 324; declines to attend Municipal Commission, 327; candidate for Ashburton, 363.

Brunswick Constitutional Club, 282.

Brunton family, 17, 61, 90, 158, 168, 180, 193, 216, 218, 227, 247, 256, 268, 411, 419, 436, 457. Miss Louisa Brunton, married to the Earl of Craven, 61. Mr. and Miss Brunton at Norwich Theatre, 158, 180, 193. DÉbut of Miss Fanny Brunton at Lynn Theatre, 168. Lieut. (afterwards Lieut.-Col.) Brunton, 90, 411, 457.

Bull-baiting, 55, 123, 159.

“Bull-fight” at Norwich circus, 327.

Bull in an upstairs room, 262.

Bull Ole B. (violinist), 352.

Bullock’s Museum, 94.

Bulwer, Brigadier-General, 33.

Bulwer, Mr. W. E. L., and the Heydon estate, 181, 183.

Burgh Castle, sale of, 458.

Burglar shot at Lynn, 203.

Burglaries, 14, 92, 104, 198, 203.

Burial in a suit of clothes, 192; in regimentals, 195; at cross-ways, 199; refused by a clergyman, 442.

Burnt alive at Lynn, 194.

Burritt, Elihu, 466, 475.

Bustard (little) killed, 379.

Butler, Mr. (actor), 340.

Butler, Mrs. See Kemble, Miss Fanny.

Byrne, Miss (actress), 159.


Cadet corps at Norwich, 27.

Caistor Camp, discovery of skeletons at, 191; of pottery, 208.

Cambridge, Duke of, 14, 20, 471, 486.

Camping (or Camp-ball), 50, 127, 159, 208, 210, 213, 308.

Canal, North Walsham and Dilham, 93, 239, 244, 256, 258.

Canals proposed between Bungay and Diss, 154; Dereham and Norwich, 171.

Canary show, 459.

Canning, Sir Stratford, appointed Ambassador at Constantinople, 415.

Cannon, bursting of, 23.

. . . , mounted on waggons, 38, 62.

Cannonading heard at Horsford, 8.

Capital punishment, efforts to abolish, 168, 296, 454.

Carlile, Richard, at Norwich, 364.

Carriages for conveyance of troops, 23, 42, 44.

Carrow bridge, 67, 68, 155, 386.

Carter, the “Lion King,” 407, 432.

Castle Corporation, 83, 121, 122, 133, 179, 241.

Castle Hill, Norwich, enclosed, 67.

Castlereagh, Lord, 132, 154; assailed by Norwich mob, 178.

Castle Rising, archÆological discoveries at, 226.

. . . Corporation, 327.

. . . prison: singular action, 108.

Cathcart, Lord, at Norwich, 60, 97.

Cathedral, 4, 7, 46, 211, 255, 420; restoration of, 46, 309; repair of tower criticised, 420.

. . . doors, ceremony of knocking at, 332, 333.

. . . rushes strewn in, 296, 332.

Cattle-driving on Sunday, 36.

Cattle, foreign, on Norwich Hill, 458.

. . . Market at Norwich, 76, 81.

. . . , shooting of, 389.

Caul advertised, 13.

Cavalry pioneers, 34.

Celebrations, 6, 30, 41, 57, 83, 87, 110, 115, 116, 127, 191, 194, 197, 264.

CÉleste, Madame, 323, 430, 439, 464.

Census returns, 5, 7, 91, 195, 306, 413.

Centenarians. See Died.

Ceremonial objected to by a Sheriff, 86.

Chairing of members of Parliament, 256, 319.

Chalmers, Mr. (actor), 85.

Chamber of Commerce, 464.

Chancel screen at Yarmouth, 144.

Chancellors of the Diocese, 72, 220, 296, 442.

Changes of surnames, 44, 91, 115, 119, 147, 187, 189, 190, 200, 233, 364, 387, 421, 422, 435, 464.

Chantrey, the sculptor, 413.

Chapel Field, Norwich, circus and menagerie in, 442.

Chapels, Nonconformist, 91, 98, 101, 169, 200, 225, 228, 256, 345, 389.

Chapman, Rev. C, vicar of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, 443.

Charities litigation, 351, 356, 358, 382.

Charlotte, Princess, marriage of, 137; encourages Norwich manufactures, 140; death, 152, 154.

Chartist movement, 378, 380, 382, 398, 403, 408, 409, 412, 413, 427, 443, 464.

Chatham, Earl of, 132.

Chedworth will case, 35, 141.

Chief Constable of the county, 390.

Chimney sweeps, 140.

Ching Lan Lauro, 275.

Chloroform first used at Norwich, 467.

Cholera, 309, 313, 475, 479.

Cholmondeley, Lord, elected for Castle Rising, 205.

Choral concerts, 329.

Christchurch, Catton, 399, 412.

Christmas custom at Thetford, 100.

Christmas-day church illumination, 203.

. . . observed by Norwich Corporation, 88.

Church briefs, 281.

Church building, 245, 399, 412, 427, 441, 445, 473.

Church, proposed new, at Yarmouth, 245; protest against, 294.

Church Missionary Society, 109.

. . . rates, 294, 390, 433.

. . . restoration, 67, 68, 103, 374, 467, 471.

. . . societies, 232.

Circus building blown down, 354.

. . . performances at Norwich Theatre, 422.

. . . tent first used, 425.

Circuses, 78, 94, 100, 109, 130, 132, 152, 163, 188, 203, 215, 226, 272, 282, 326, 327, 355, 379, 390, 392, 394, 422, 425, 433, 442, 443, 474.

City Chamberlin of Norwich, 263, 336.

. . . Gaol, sale of, 286.

. . . Treasurer, 287.

. . . wall, fall of, 266.

Clarence, Duke of, 60, 249.

Clarence, Mr. (Clarence Holt), manager of Norwich Theatre, 484, 488.

“Cleansing week” at Norwich, 64, 180, 266.

Clergy incomes, 38.

Clergyman charged with assault, 106.

Clifford, Mr. (actor), 361.

Clock at Norwich Guildhall, 484.

Close Jail, Norwich, 133.

Clothing for Portuguese troops, 280.

Coach accidents, 191, 233, 250, 322, 323, 335, 387, 415, 425, 449, 468; competition, 194; conveyance of contraband spirits, 351, of convicts, 290, of corpses, 219; fares, reduction of, 136, 163, 429; informers, 233, 402; lighted inside, 357; of novel construction, 142, 164; running with a, 171; narrow escape of, 233; furious driving of, 217; robberies, 99.

Coaches, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 27, 34, 36, 38, 51, 54, 63, 69, 71, 82, 88, 97, 99, 104, 106, 112, 115, 117, 127, 129, 131, 134, 136, 139, 142, 153, 156, 157, 161, 163, 164, 171, 172, 175, 177, 191, 193, 194, 195, 201, 208, 212, 215, 217, 218, 219, 227, 229, 232, 233, 246, 248, 249, 250, 253, 259, 263, 290, 293, 308, 309, 314, 322, 342, 355, 357, 368, 377, 383, 400, 402, 405, 413, 415, 424, 425, 426, 429, 437, 442, 449, 453, 459, 468.

Coaches and wains: a comparison, 229.

Coachguard’s stage performance, 311.

Coaching system, effect of railways upon, 449, 453.

Coachman fined for possession of game, 259.

Coachman’s funeral: Singular incident at, 112.

. . . lecture on Shakespeare, 442.

Coal duty, 170, 227, 299.

. . . hawking, important decision as to, 54.

Coates, the pedestrian, feats by, 407.

Cobbett, Mr., at Norwich, 217, 254, 292.

Cobden, Mr., at Norwich, 427, 452.

Cockey Lane, Norwich, 77, 283.

“Cockfighter,” a famous hunter, 358.

Cocking, 15, 29, 39, 42, 46, 47, 64, 69, 81, 82, 86, 90, 95, 101, 113, 123, 124, 135, 137, 144, 146, 149, 153, 157, 159, 171, 184, 194, 207, 211, 220, 233, 246, 271, 282, 285, 297, 304, 310, 312.

Coffin, two bodies in one, 134.

Coffins provided before death, 130, 386, 387, 437.

. . . , condemned felons seated on, 211.

Coin, circulation of base, 376.

Coinage, exchange of defective, 137; Irish and French taken at Norwich Theatre, 144; new silver, 143.

Coins, discoveries of ancient, 39, 270, 405.

. . . , copper, carried for a wager, 259.

Coke-Kennedy shooting match, 225; Coke-Ross, 249.

Coke, Mr. T. W., attacked by Norwich mob, 124; insulted at Norwich, 148; his political bias, 213; son and heir, 213, 216; “chaired” at Norwich, 256; retirement from Parliamentary life, 320; complimentary dinner to, 323; portrait, 321; elevation to peerage, 363; death, 419; monument to, 420, 424, 449.

Cold weather in June, 41, 391, 408.

Colman cricket team, 457.

Colours at elections prohibited, 273.

. . . , presentations of, 26, 27, 28.

Coltishall Brewery, sale of, 411.

Comedians, Norfolk and Suffolk Company of, 32, 210, 211, 213, 216, 316, 400, 442, 461.

Comet, 93.

Coming of age celebrations, 181, 217, 257, 483.

Common Council elections, 266, 304.

Concerts, 46, 187, 239, 249, 272, 322, 377, 402, 406, 413, 428, 442, 453, 469, 480.

Condemned felons seated on coffins, 211.

Confidence trick, 128.

Confirmations, 7, 49, 73, 105, 182, 246, 267, 268, 324, 330, 366, 406, 438.

Conjugal rights, actions for restitution of, 113, 412.

Conjurers, 214, 240.

Consecrations, 441, 445.

“Conservative”: when first used in a political sense, 303.

Consistory Court, imprisonment by, 292, 442.

Conspiracy, 131; remarkable case of, 416.

Constabulary Act, adoption of, 390.

Contractors, allegations against, 260.

Convict’s restitution of stolen money, 423.

Convicts, attempted escapes of, 37, 290, 293.

. . . sent from Norwich by water, 330.

Cooke, Mr. T. P. (actor), 312.

Cooke, the Pentonville miser, 93.

Cooper, Mr. W., plays by, 418, 427, 434.

Cooper, Sir Astley, 198.

Cooping of electors, 64, 169, 269, 270, 274.

Copenhagen, Battle of, 4.

Coppin, Mrs., 65.

Corn Exchange, Norwich, 236, 242, 280.

. . . importation, 260, 394, 451, 458.

. . . Laws, 116, 117, 124, 244, 262, 380, 394, 427, 434, 451, 452, 458.

. . . Law riots, 124, 136.

. . . market at Ranelagh Gardens, Norwich, 236.

. . . at Wells, 251.

. . . merchants and corn growers’ dispute, 68, 79.

. . . Regulation Bill, 32.

Cornwallis, Marquis, 132.

Coronation of George IV., 197; of William IV., 308; of Victoria, 374.

Coroner’s election, 274.

Corporation grant for church building, 289.

Corpses sent by coach, 219; by wains, 272, 281.

Corri, Miss Rosalie (actress), 194.

“Cossey gang,” 204, 211.

Costessey Guild, 195.

. . . rejoicings, 235.

Cotman, J. S. (artist), 54.

Counterfeit money, 59.

County business, mode of conducting, 260, 262, 278.

. . . Court, 463.

. . . Gaol at Norwich, 201, 229.

. . . Lunatic Asylum, 89, 116, 444.

. . . Surveyor, election of, 349.

Coursing, 9, 17, 36, 69, 261.

. . . , alleged illegal, 435.

Courts martial, 81, 293, 316.

Cowper monument at Dereham, 24.

Crape ball at Norwich, 252.

Credit for corn, 68, 79.

Cribb and Gully at Norwich, 61.

Cricket, 42, 49, 57, 65, 66, 67, 83, 84, 85, 86, 91, 92, 93, 107, 120, 129, 140, 144, 151, 161, 162, 174, 175, 197, 212, 221, 245, 278, 287, 297, 306, 308, 324, 332, 351, 416, 439, 449, 457, 471, 478.

. . . on Sunday, 152.

Cricket Club, Norfolk, 262, 269, 275, 449; grounds established by, 262, 275; uniform of, 262.

. . . , Norwich, 266, 278.

. . . ground at Norwich, 266, 278, 323, 332.

. . . match by females in trousers, 221.

. . . for cherries and cider, 91.

. . . on the ice, 265, 404.

Crim. Con., actions for: Brograve v. Elwin, 57; Laton v. Beauchamp, 145; Muskett v. Gurney, 156, 291; Astley v. Garth, 265; Trafford v. Ellis, 394.

Crime in Norfolk, 203; in Norwich, 189, 198.

Criminal offenders, prosecution of, 251.

Cromer Hall, fire at, 290.

. . . jetties, 193, 455.

. . . races, 119.

. . . sea wall, 377, 455.

. . . Theatre, 140.

Cross Keys Wash, 252; bridge opened, 309.

Cross roads burial, 104.

Cross, Tom, literary coachman, 442.

Cruelty to a child, 190.

Cuckoo, late arrival of, 372.

. . . shot in September, 388.

Culprit drawn to execution on a hurdle, 58.

Culprit’s body exhibited, 305.

Cumberland, Duke of, 104.

Curtis, John, naturalist, 423.


Dance, Miss (actress), 199.

Davenport, Mr., manager of Norwich Theatre, 457; remarkable statement by, 463.

Davison, Mrs. (actress), 133, 192.

Davison, Miss (actress), 145, 155.

Dawson, Mr. George, lecturer, 466.

Deaf and dumb by visitation of God, 33.

Death in the Council Chamber, Norwich, 179; in the hunting field, 266, 348, 474; in the jury box, 210; in the pulpit, 135; whilst singing, 344.

. . . sentence for striking an officer, 81.

De Bardelin, Chevalier, 115, 255.

Defective silver, exchange of, 137.

Defence of the county, 7, 8, 21, 22, 24, 28, 31, 33, 44, 48.

Dennett’s rocket apparatus, 411.

Denny, Mr., of Egmere, 243.

Denver murder, 355, 359.

Deprivation of living, 451.

Dereham Theatre, 137, 161; singular accident at, 441; advertised for sale, 442.

“Desideratum of Norfolk gentlemen,” 294.

Despard’s conspiracy, 18, 19.

Dibden, Mr., at Norwich, 15.

Died (c indicates reputed centenarian): Abinger, Baron, 436; Adkin, Rev. Dr., 55; Albemarle, Countess of, 152; Albemarle, Earl of, 480; Aldborough, Mrs. (c), 209; Alderson, Dr. James, 249; Aldis, John, 170; Alexander, Charles, 277; Allcock, Christopher, 195; Allen Rev. Stephen, 462; Allen Tom, 379; Alpe, Hamond, 225; Amyot, Thomas, 487; Andrews, John (c), 137; Andrews, William, 90; Angell, John, 449; Ansell, John, 259; Anson, Viscount, 161; Archer, Charles, 188; Armstrong, Thomas (c), 100; Astley, Miss, 64; Astley, Sir Edward, 12; Astley, Sir Jacob Henry, 147; Atkinson, Ann (c), 327; Atkinson, J. F. G., 237; Aufrere, Anthony, 120.

. . . Back, Thomas, 179; Bacon, Mrs. (c), 284; Bacon, Richard Mackenzie, 442; Bacon, Sir Edmund, 186; Baldry, Susanna (c), 372; Baldwin, Edward, 19; Banks, John, 243; Barber, Thomas, 81; Barham, Sarah (c), 265; Barker, Edmund Henry, 383; Baring, Henry, 469; Barnard, Rev. V. L., 135; Barrow, Edward, 106; Bath, William, 483; Bathurst, Archdeacon, 441; Bathurst, Bishop, 359; Bathurst, Mrs., 220; Bayning, Lord, 83; Bayning, Lord, 224; Beacham, J. P., 392; Beatniffe, Richard, 160; Beaton, Mrs., 14; Beauchamp, Capt. R., 105; Beaumont, Rev. Ed., 185; Beckwith, Dr., 72; Beckwith, J. C, 177; Beechey, Sir William, 381; Beevor, Dr. John, 125; Beevor, Lieut.-General, 431; Beevor, Rev. Augustus, 157; Beevor, Sir Thomas, 113; Beevor, Sir Thomas, 189; Bell, Lieut. H. F., 257; Bellamy, B. P., 465; Bennett, James, 443; Bennett, John, 133; Bentinck, Lord George, 472; Bentley, Elizabeth, 385; Berners, Lord, 372; Bernes, Henry, 366; Berney, Elizabeth, 380; Berry, Sir Edward, 303; Betts, William, 303; Beverley, Michael, 474; Bidwell, S., 222; Biggs, Martha (c), 109; Billingsley, Edward, 110; Blackwell, Sir Lambert, 5; Blanc, Sir Simon le, 135; Blanchard, William, 339; Bland, Major John, 102; Blencowe, John Prescott, 403; Blofeld, Thomas, 149; Blomfield, Francis, 144; Bolton, 267; Bolton, Capt., 301; Bolton, Susanna, 107; Bonsell, John, 5; Booth, Edward Temple, 469; Borrow, Capt., 230; Borrow, Lieut. John Thomas, 327; Bowles, Henry (the elder), 51; Bowles, Major-General, 98; Bowles, Rev. H. R., 291; Boxall, Major, 420; Boyles, Charles, 64; Boyles, Vice-Admiral, 142; Bradfield, James, 60; Bramwell, 94; Brand, Catherine (c), 469; Brand, Hannah, 192; Bray, Mrs., 334; Bray, Thomas, 371; Brett, William, 350; Brown, Crisp, 298; Brown, John (c), 95; Brown, William, 134; Browne, Capt. J. M., 277; Browne, Dr. Charles, 267; Browne, Mary, 383; Browne, Mrs., 218; Browne, Philip G., 445; Browne, William (c), 134; Bruckner, Rev. J., 30; Brunton, Lieut.-Col. Richard, 457; Brunton, John, 216; Brunton, Mrs., 256; Buckingham, Dowager Countess of, 143; Buckingham, Earl of, 35; Buckingham, Earl of, 133; Buckle, John, 155; Bullard, James, 104; Bulwer, Brigadier-General, 57; Bunn, James, 86; Burks, 252; Burrell, Adam, 265; Burroughes, J. B., 25; Burrows, William, 202; Burt, William, 318; Burton, Thomas, 193; Bury, Viscount, 29; Buxton, Sir John Jacob, 423; Buxton, Sir Robert John, 386; Buxton, Sir T. Fowell, 444.

. . . Caldwell, Ralph, 301; Calthorpe, William, 182; Campling, Elizabeth (c), 244; Carter, Henry, 298; Carter, Mrs. (c), 405; Case, P. M., 332; Castleton, Edward, 87; Catchpole, James (c), 243; Chad, Sir George, 131; Chalmers, 85; Chambers, William, 348; Chapman Ann, 311; Chapman, Rev. C. J., 254; Chedworth, Lord, 35; Chesney, Thomas, 128; Chesnut, Robert, 195; Chesnutt, Mrs., 111; Cholmondeley, Marquis of, 266; Church, James, 121; Clabburn, James, 133; Clark, Daniel, 266; Clark, Zachary, 129; Clayton, Elizabeth, 38; Clifford, 361; Clifford, Lieut., 113; Clifford, Mrs., 248; Cobb, George (c), 170; Cock, Jemima, 434; Cockle, Mrs., 347; Cocksedge, J. P., 349; Codenham, Sarah (c), 124; Codling, Henry, 406; Coe, John, 386; Coke, Edward, 351; Coke, Mrs., 88; Coldwell, Thomas, 221; Cole, J. H., 282; Cole, William, 338; Cole, William, 458; Colman, Edward, 100; Columbine, Rev. P., 202; Columbine, Francis, 63; Cook Mary (c), 244; Cooke, Thomas, 93; Cooke, William, 419; Cooper, Henry, 238; Cooper, Mrs., 57; Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, 405; Coppin, Daniel, 214; Coppin, Mrs., 97; Cotman, John Sell, 420; Coward, William, 210; Craven, Earl of, 247; Crawforth, Ann, (c), 158; Crew, Phoebe, 147; Cricknell Richard, 415; Crisp, John, 84; Crisp, Mrs. (c), 51; Crome, Emily, 396; Crome, J. B., 422; Crome, John, 194; Cross, Mrs. (c), 137; Crosse, John Green, 485; Crotch, Dr., 467; Crowe, James, 54; Cruttenden, Lieut.-Col., 486; Cullyer, John, 436; Curtis, C. M., 389; Cushing, R. H., 114; Cutting, William, 115.

. . . Dacheux, Peter Lewis, 428; Dale, John, 163; Dalrymple, John, 78; Dalrymple, William, 467; Daniel, T., 47; Davey, Jonathan, 121; Davey, Robert, 188; Day, Starling, 180; Day, Thomas, 134; Death, Mrs., 237; De Bardelin, Madame, 255; Deeker, Rev. Thomas, 240; Deeker, Thomas, 95; De Hague, Elisha, 260; Delaval, E. H., 119; De Mirepoix, Madame, 47; Dent, Margaret (c), 117; De Rouillon, 410; D’Eterville, Rev. T., 425; Dewing, Edward, 266; Diboll Hannah, 332; Dickens, Mrs., 236; Dickson, Sir Archibold, 20; Dillon Archbishop, 49; Dixon, Col J., 232; Dixon, Robert, 131; Downes, J. D., 285; D’Oyly, Rev. William, 119; Drummee, Martin, 130; Dunn, John, 99; D’Urban, Sir Benjamin, 477; Dyball, Mrs., 290; Dye Mary (c), 132.

. . . Eastaugh, Nathaniel, 81; Edge, Mary Ann (c), 241; Edwards, C., 395; Ellis, John, 105; Elton, 430; Elwin, Marsham, 306; Everitt, Mrs. (c), 28.

. . . Fair, Jane (c), 97; Fellowes, Robert, 285; Fellowes, W. H., 364; Fenn, Dame Eleanor, 110; Fenn, Nathan (c), 265; Fenn, Robert, 76; ffolkes, Sir M. B., 203; ffolkes, William Martin, 478; Filby, T., 210; Finch, Peter, 58; Fisher, David (the elder), 316; Fisher, George, 461; Fisher, H., 126; Fisher, Miss, 69; Fisher, Mary, 178; Fisher, Mrs., 113; Fisher, Mrs. David, 165; Fisk, H., 286; Fitch, Joseph, 236; FitzRoy, Hon. William, 361; FitzRoy, Lord James Henry, 332; FitzRoy, Lieut., 270; Flower, Sir James, 484; Folker, John, 373; Forby, Rev. R., 252; Forby, Richard, 308; Forster, Rev. Dr., 430; Foster, W., 192; Foster, William, 80; Fountain, Martin, 273; Fox, Charles, 475; Foyson, Thomas, 311; Framingham, Major-General Sir H., 182; Fransham, John, 80; Frere, Barbara, 150; Frere, John, 58; Frere, John Hockham, 452; Frere, Lieut. R.E., 423; Fry, Mrs., 450; Fuller, Ann, 14; Fuller, James, 90.

. . . Galey, Mrs. (c), 53; Gardner, Thos., 318; Garland T., 63; Gibson, Joseph, 296; Gibbs, Mary (c), 110; Gill, Thomas, 99; Gill, T. W., 397; Gilpin, Rev. William, 415; Girling, Major, 475; Glasspoole, Capt. Richard, 458; Goddard, Sophia, 3; Gooch, Dr. R., 293; Goodings, Thomas (c), 168; Goodyer, Ashton (c), 154; Gordon, Sir William, 27; Goulty, Mrs., 193; Grafton, Duke of, 89; Greaves, Rev. T. B., 482; Green, John (c), 242; Greenfield, Thomas (c), 265; Gresham, Sir John, 8; Grimmer, Charles (c), 170; Grounds, Thomas and Jane, 134; Gudgeon, John, 349; Gurney, Bartlett, 17; Gurney, John, 77; Gurney, Joseph, 301; Gurney Joseph John, 460; Gurney, Richard, 92; Gurney, Richard (innkeeper), 288; Guyton, Benjamin, 230.

. . . Hague, Dr. Charles, 196; Hales, William, 447; Hall, William, 241; Hamond, Anthony, 214; Hamond, Sir A. S., 279; Hampp, Christopher, 243; Hancock, Hannah Sarah, 486; Hankin, Col. Sir T. P., 250; Hansard, L. G., 406; Hansard, Luke, 281; Hansell, Rev. Peter, 405; Hardy, James, 152; Harrison, B., 400; Harrison, John, 88; Harwin, William, 90; Harvey, Charles (see Onley, Charles Savill); Harvey, Lieut.-Col., 415; Harvey, Robert, 178; Harvey, Jeremiah Ives, 112; Harvey, R. B., 472; Harvey, Robert, 133; Havers, Mary Ann, 464; Hawes, Elizabeth (nÉe Porson), 416; Hawkes, Robert, 348; Haylett, Nehemiah (c), 134; Hays, Roger, 255; Helsdon, Mary (c), 17; Herring, Alderman, 269; Herring, John, 86; Herring, Robert, 117; Hethersett, Lieut.-General, 96; Hicks, J., 287; Hill, John, 457; Hill, W. M., 101; Hindes, J. C., 231; Holl, Thomas, 172; Holland, Mrs., 131; Holland, Mrs., 183; Holmes, Robert (c), 431; Holt, Thomas (c), 105; Home, Dowager Countess, 113; Hope, F. F., 271; Horne, Mrs., 231; Horth, James, 303; Hoseason, Thomas, 339; Hoste, Capt. Sir William, 282; Hoste, Capt. T. E., 333; Hoste, Rev. Dixon, 252; Hoste, Sir George C., 445; Houghton, Rev. P., 231; Howes, Rev. T., 120; Howlett, Williams, 199; Hoy, John, 143; Hudson, James, 56; Hull, Thomas H., 276; Hunt J., 235; Hunt, John, 192; Hunt, John, 419.

. . . Irby, Hon. F. P., 437; Ives, Jeremiah, 38.

. . . Jackson, Elizabeth, 372; Jarvis, Christopher, 143; Jean, Roger, 282; Jennings, Archdeacon, 481; Jerningham, C. W., 187; Jerningham, Edward, 100; Jerningham, Edward, 208; Jerningham, General, 121; Jerningham, Lady, 243; Jerningham, Sir William, 75; Jessup, Sarah (c), 321; Jodrell, Henry, 113; Jodrell, Richard Paul, 303; Johnson, 96; Johnson, Lewis, 110; Johnson, Rev. Dr., 325; Jones, Mrs., 234; Jones, Sir John Thomas, 425; Jones, Sir Lawrence, 451; Jones, William, 261; Joy, John, 253; Joy, Matthew, 223.

. . . Kemp, Sir W., 34; Kent, Nathaniel, 87; Keppel, Hon. C. J., 150; Keppel, Hon. Mrs., 107; Kerrison, Sir Roger, 65; Kerrison, Thomas A., 163; Keymer, Henry, 55; Keymer, James, 291; Kingaby, Charles, (c), 289; Kinghorn, Rev. Joseph, 317; Kinnebrook, David, 81; Kitson, Charles, 210; Kitson, Roger, 440; Knights, P. J., 323.

. . . Lacon, Sir Edmund, 187; Ladbrooke, Robert, 423; Lambe, James, 379; Lane, Rev. James, 193; Laney, Mrs. (c), 182; Langton, Richard, 346; Lany, Elizabeth, 377; Larner, Ann (c), 380; Larwood, Rev. Joshua, 63; Layton, Mrs. E. (c), 147; Leake, Elizabeth, 316; Leake, Sir J. O., 133; Leeds, Dowager Duchess of, 366; Leech, Thomas, 415; Lee Warner, H., 32; Leicester, Countess of, 11; Leicester, Dowager Countess of, 439; Leicester, Earl of, 419; Leman, Barnabas, 340; Lemon, G. W., 369; Lennard, Rev. D. Barrett, 381; Lens, Serjeant, 248; Ling (c), 103; Lindley, George, 340; Linley, 339; Linley, Mrs., 178; Linley, Rev. O. T., 304; Lloyd, Mrs., 4; Lock, John (c), 223; Loftus, Col. Henry, 223; Loftus, General, 307; Loftus, Lady Elizabeth, 90; Lombe, Sir John, 147; Longe, Sir J. T., 43; Lorkin, Jeremiah, 296; Lorkin, William, 357; Lothian, Marquis of, 412; Love, H. B., 377; Love, William, 63; Lovick, John, 180; Lubbock, Dr., 462; Lubbock, Dr. Richard, 67; Lukin, Rev. Dr., 100; Lytton, Elizabeth Barbara Bulwer, 433.

. . . Mack, Mary, 62; Manby, Rear-Admiral, 331; Mann, Catherine (c), 266; Manning, Dr. J., 47; Manning, Edmund, 370; Manning, Thomas, 396; Manning, William, 246; Marryat, Capt., 471; Marsham, Thomas, 336; Marsters, Thomas, 430; Martin, Sir Mordaunt, 130; Martin, Stephen, 18; Martineau, Dr. T., 234; Martineau, Mrs., 80; Martineau, P. M., 282; Maskeleyne, Rev. Neville, 89; Mason, William, 343; Matchett, Jonathan, 442; Mellish, Very Rev. E., 301; Middleton, Mrs., 86; Middleton, Right Rev. Dr., 210; Mildenhall, Robert, 224; Miller, Ann (c), 57; Miller, Dean Combe, 113; Miller, Thomas, 34; Milles, Richard, 187; Mills, Jeffreson, 438; Mingay, James, 97; Mingay, Richard, 336; Minns, John, 130; Mitchell, John, 79; Mog, Samuel (c), 96; Money, General, 145; Money, Major, 202; Moneyment, Mary (c), 67; Montrath, Earl of, 12; Moore, William, 391; Morell, Rev., S., 239; Morgan, Walter, 447; Morphew, Rev. J. C., 232; Morse, John, 365; Morse, John, 435; Morris, Samuel, 223; Morton, J., 90; Mountain, Mary, 199; Munnings, Rev. T. C., 325; Munsen, William, 123; Murray, Captain James, 161; Murray, Dr. T. A., 12; Murray, James V., 282; Murray, John B., 280; Murray, Lady, 313; Murray, Mary, 168; Murray, Robert, 60; Myhill, John (c), 65.

. . . Nash, John, 178; Neale, Francis (c), 232; Neale, Henry, 107; Nelson, Earl, 63; Nelson, Earl, 344; Nelson, Rev. Earl, 338; Nelson, Viscountess, 306; Neville, Dr., 407; Ninham, John, 150; Noble, William, 103; Norfolk, Duke of, 132; Norgate, Elias, 24; Norgate, Elias, 326; Norman, William, 418; Norris, Lieutenant George, 109; Norton, Eliza (c), 62.

. . . Odell, Rev. Richards, 243; Oldershaw, Archdeacon, 461; Oldershaw, Mrs. (c), 245; Onley, Charles Savill, 431; Opie, John, 56; Orford, Earl of, 71; Orford, Earl of, 209; Osborn, T., 53.

. . . Palgrave, William, 215; Palmer, John, 471; Parfrey, Mrs., 18; Parker, Sir George, 467; Parnell, Robert, 253; Parr, Rev. Dr., 243; Parsons, James, 99; Partridge, Robert, 144; Paston, James, 213; Patteson, Capt., 120; Patteson, J. S., 317; Pattle, Richard (c), 394; Paul, Robert, 266; Pearson, Samuel, 272; Peele, Rev. John, 35; Penrice, Thomas, 141; Perowne, Isabella (c), 278; Perowne, William, 227; Pettet, Alfred, 358; Philo, James, 291; Pickwood, Sarah, 53; Pidgeon, Mrs., 215; Plestow, Sir T. B., 168; Porson, Richard, 68; Potter, Rev. Robert, 33; Poultney, Sir James, 90; Powell, 107; Praed, 387; Pratt, Edward Roger, 370; Preston, Jacob, 268; Priest, Rev. St. John, 163; Priest, Robert, 238.

. . . Quin, Edward, 224.

. . . Rayson, John, 406; Read, William, 351; Reed, William (c), 391; Reeve, Dr. Henry, 120; Reeve, Edmund, 334; Rennie, John, 200; Repton, Humphrey, 156; Revell, Rev. M., 223; Reynolds, John, 259; Reynolds, Thomas, 312; Riches, Thomas, 276; Rigby, Dr., 200; Rising, John, 72; Robberds, J. W., 366; Robinson, Gregory, 451; Robinson, James, 366; Roope, Mrs. (c), 46; Roope, Thomas, 85; Rosebery, Earl of, 114; Row, Thomas, 372; Rumble, Mrs. (c), 239.

. . . Saint, William, 173; Sanctuary, Thomas, 103; Sandby, Rev. Dr., 55; Sayers, Dr. F., 149; Scott, Hannah (c), 171; Scrape, Thomas (c), 275; Sculley, Lieut., 4; Seaman, Mary (c), 254; Service, David, 274; Seymour, E. H., 166; Sharpe, Edward, 103; Shaw, Richard, 366; Sheepshanks, Rev. W., 84; Sillett, James, 396; Simpson, Samuel (c), 370; Simpson, William, 336; Skipper, Henry, 12; Smith, Benjamin, 291; Smith, Henry, 254; Smith, James, 345; Smith, John, 197; Smith, John (c), 433; Smith, Miss, 187; Smith, Richard (c), 324; Smith, Sir J. E., 274; Smith, Theophilus, 468; Smith, Thomas, 178; Smith, William (ex-M.P. for Norwich), 340; Smyth, Ann, 87; Smyth, Capt., 48; Snell J. C., 61; Sneyd, W., 287; Snow, William, 387; Spraggs, Mary (c), 266; Stafford, John, 400; Stanford, Ann (c), 470; Stanley, Bishop, 479; Stannard, G., 394; Stannard, Joseph, 300; Stark, Michael, 304; Starling, Tabitha (c), 141; Stephens, Sir Philip, 78; Stevens, Mrs., 109; Stevenson, William, 173; Stevenson, William, 195; Steward, George, 440; Stockings, Mrs. (c), 131; Stokes, W. H., 164; Stone, Capt. Charles, 304; Stone, Francis, 343; Storey, Hannah (c), 271; Strongitharm, Rev. L., 265; Stubings, J., 51; Suffield, Dowager Lady, 487; Suffield, Lord, 80; Suffield, Lord, 197; Suffield, Lord, 342; Sutton, Col. Manners, 243; Sutton, Richard, 449; Sutton, Thomas, 172; Swan, John, 215; Symonds, John, 195.

. . . Tawell, Thomas, 182; Taylor, Meadows, 371; Taylor, Rev. Philip, 309; Taylor, William, 347; Thompson, Henry, 136; Thompson, John, 35; Thompson, John, 89; Thurlow, Canon, 461; Thurlow, Lord Chancellor, 51; Thurston, Samuel, 405; Thurtell, George, 468; Thurtell, Henry, 274; Thurtell, Thomas, 454; Tinkler, Capt., 185; Titchfield, Marquis of, 230; Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth, 457; Townshend, Lord, 420; Townshend, Marquis, 59; Townshend, Marquis, 92; Travers, Major-General Sir R., 336; Troughton, T., 46; Troughton, Thomas, 264; Tucker, G. C., 418; Turner, Mrs., 194; Turner, Thomas, 441; Turner, Very Rev. Dean, 278; Twiddy, James, 308; Twiddy, Mrs. (c), 310; Twiddy, Thomas, 18.

. . . Unthank, Lieut., 96; Uttten, William, 155; Utting, Elizabeth (c), 198; Utting, Robert, 335.

. . . Valpy, Rev. Edward, 313; Vaughan, 425; Vere, Mrs. (c), 270; Vince, Rev. Samuel, 203.

. . . Waddy, John, 115; Wade, John, 171; Wade, Robin (c), 394; Wagstaffe, John, 71; Walden, John (c), 189; Walker, Ezekiel, 329; Walker, Rev. J., 61; Waller, Luke (c), 227; Walpole, Hon. George, 343; Walsingham, Lord, 154; Walton, Rev. L., 405; Want, Hannah (c), 249; Ward, Robert, 351; Ware, William Henry, 281; Warmington, Robert, 98; Warrant, William (c), 159; Warren, Capt. J. E., 76; Waters, Joseph, 352; Watling, Simon, 97; Watson, J., 308; Watson, John, 282; Watson, Thomas, 72; West, Edward, 2; Webb, T. S., 399; Websdale, William (c), 11; Wheeler, James, 91; Whetstone, Edward, 109; White, Mrs., 321; Whiter, Rev. Walter, 316; Widdows, Francis, 349; Wiggins, Thomas, 437; Wignell, 17; Wilkins, W., 388; Wilkins, William, 125; Willement, William, 316; Windham, Joseph, 86; Windham, Mrs., 233; Windham, William, 83; Withers, Captain, 429; Witton Sarah (c), 410; Wodehouse, Baron, 456; Wodehouse, Lady, 244; Wodehouse, Lord, 331; Wodehouse, Rev. Prebendary, 89; Wodehouse, Thos., 37; Woodward, Samuel, 370; Wratham, Mary (c), 333; Wright, John, 435; Wright, Warner, 444.

. . . Yallop, Sir J. H., 341; Yates, F., 419; Yonge, Rev. Chancellor, 442; Youngs, J., 105.

Dilapidation of St. Mary’s church, Norwich, 474.

Dillon, Mr. Charles, manager of Norwich Theatre, 474.

Diseased sheep, conviction for exposing, 472.

Disfranchisement of Yarmouth voters, 468.

Disraeli, Mr., at Lynn, 458.

Disruption in the Scottish Church, 436.

Diss church belle re-cast, 317.

. . . Brewery, sale of, 401.

. . . hosiery, 415.

. . . Hospital, 386.

. . . , public improvements at, 77.

Dissection of criminals, 151, 174, 288.

Dissenters’ Benevolent Society, 48.

Dissolving views, 332.

Distillation from grain, 64, 80.

Distin family, 413.

District Provident Society, Norwich, 360.

. . . Schools, Norwich, 369.

Disturbances at Norwich Theatre, 126.

Diving operations at Yarmouth, 316.

Divorce, 87, 113, 395.

Dixon, the scene painter, 131.

Dogs as animals of draught, 288, 387, 420, 484.

Douro, Marquis of, adopted candidate for Norwich, 357, 408, 464; elected, 363, 409, 464; introduces Norwich Improvement Bill, 382; receives deputation of freemen, 395; secures cavalry headquarters for Norwich, 427.

Dover, the Chartist, 398, 403, 408, 409, 443; “sells” the city, 409; sentenced to transportation, 443.

Downham riots, 136.

. . . Theatre, 283.

Dowton, Mr. (actor), 133, 190, 311.

Drama, decline of, in Norwich, 331, 438, 448.

Dress, paucity of, in ball-room, 130.

Dresser to actresses, 183.

Drill system of husbandry, 173, 419.

Driving up a flight of steps, 221.

. . . a coach and six, 413.

Dropsy, remarkable case at Norwich, 53.

Drought, 161.

Drover, long distance ridden by a, 81.

Drowned, at Wroxham Water Frolic, 66; in a bath, 252; in a beer vat, 447; in a vinegar vat, 311.

Duels, 16, 74, 268, 324, 325.

. . . , inciting to fight, 85, 380, 422.

Duke of York, charges against the, 71.

Duke’s Palace Bridge, 176, 386, 428.

. . . estate, sale of, 50.

Dulcken, Madame, 473.

Du Pain, the “Fire-King,” 123.

Dutch church, 38, 39.

. . . regiment formed at Yarmouth, 114.

Duty on port wine at Lynn, 7.

Eagles killed in Norfolk, 11, 18, 43, 123, 263, 296, 299, 345, 358, 383, 436.

Early closing of public-houses, 472.

. . . of shops, 378.

Early rising, 332.

East Norfolk Conservative Association, 339.

Eau Brink Cut opened, 197.

. . . Drainage Bill, 156.

Eccentric personages, 12, 19, 32, 38, 45, 61, 62, 63, 68, 76, 79, 80, 81, 84, 93, 102, 123, 130, 188, 192, 197, 223, 235, 241, 253, 265, 276, 291, 350, 370, 386, 409, 434, 437, 449, 485.

Education, national system of, 373.

Eel, large, 384.

Eldon Club, Norwich, first anniversary of, 318.

Election compromises, 409; of Common Council, Norwich, 266, 274, 294, 304; conducted upon “correct principles,” 304; dinners, 109, 299, 320, 324, 337, 363; dinner bill disputed at Thetford, 114; fracas at Swaffham, 337; by juveniles, 365; nominations at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, 98; petitions, 53, 341, 368, 372, 409, 468; against Lord Stormont and Sir James Scarlett, 321, 334; against Mr. Edmond Wodehouse and Mr. H. N. Burroughes, 372; against Mr. C. E. Rumbold and Mr. W. Wilshere, 372; against the Hon. R. C. Campbell and the Marquis of Douro, 373; against the Earl of Euston, 409; scrutinies, 15, 317.

Elections on Sunday, 116, 306.

. . . (Parliamentary), 15, 52, 56, 99, 147, 159, 160, 165, 180, 209, 230, 256, 297, 298, 300, 305, 306, 319, 320, 333, 336, 337, 363, 364, 408, 409, 410, 415, 444, 464, 465.

Electric light, 478.

Elephant, death of, 468.

Elliston, Mr. (actor), 133.

Elopement of an actor and actress, 429.

Enlistment of a woman, 83.

Ensign of the GÉnÉreux, 6.

Embargo on Yarmouth shipping, 19.

Embezzlement, 81, 338, 428, 445, 483.

. . . alleged fictitious charge of, 340, 348.

Emery, Mr. (actor), 155.

Emigrants, 193, 294, 338, 349, 360, 427.

Episcopal chapel, Yarmouth, 298.

Equestrian feat, 6.

. . . performances at Norwich Theatre, 123.

Equipage of High Sheriff, 108, 174.

Escapes from prisons, 69, 157, 182, 192, 293, 361, 371.

Estate owner sentenced to transportation, 135.

Estates, sales of, 54, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 199, 203, 271, 283, 351, 352, 388, 394, 401, 411, 415, 447, 449, 455, 466.

Evening services at Norwich churches, 101, 143.

Exchange Street, Norwich, opened, 279.

Excommunication, 292.

Excursion of Yarmouth Headborough Inquest, 98.

Excursions to Rotterdam, 246, 457.

Execution at Lynn, 9; at Yarmouth, 109; disgraceful scene at, 454.

Executions, 4, 8, 9, 13, 16, 19, 39, 56, 58, 61, 64, 104, 135, 137, 140, 151, 170, 174, 175, 206, 207, 211, 220, 232, 285, 288, 295, 305, 330, 338, 343, 348, 359, 384, 401, 410, 454, 476.

. . . , at Thetford, 232.

Exhumations, 172, 485.

Expeditions to the Baltic, 65, 82; to Copenhagen, 58, 60.

Explosion on Wright’s steam packet, 145.

Eye Infirmary, Norwich, 204.


Factories, employment of children in, 321.

Falconry. See Hawking.

Fall of city wall, Norwich, 54.

. . . east end of St. Julian’s church, Norwich, 445.

. . . floors, 94, 219, 385; at Taverham Mills, 385.

. . . Yarmouth Suspension Bridge, 446.

. . . , singular death from a, 423.

Farmers’ funerals, 111, 351.

Farms, extent of Norfolk, 78.

Farren, Mr. (actor), 376, 398, 465.

Farren, Mr. H., 465, 471.

Farrier’s funeral, 99.

Fasting man at Buckenham, 45.

Fasts, 2, 24, 30, 38, 80, 89, 95, 103, 311, 462.

Fatal accident during a gale, 70.

Faucit (or Faucett), Mrs. (actress), 109, 169.

Faucit, Miss Helen (actress), 471.

Felo de se, 104.

Female letter-carriers, 316, 321.

. . . pedestrian, 289.

. . . quack doctor, 18.

Fight in a magistrates’ room, 422.

Fillover work, copying of patterns, 377.

“Finest barley and worst ale,” 108.

Fire alarm regarded as an April hoax, 266.

. . . at Cathedral, Norwich, 7; at Cavalry Barracks, Norwich, 431.

. . . brigade organized at Norwich, 459.

. . . engine kept in a church, 53.

. . . engines, 53, 132, 183, 386.

. . . escape, 352.

. . . Insurance Society (Norwich Union), 198.

. . . , killed at a, 218.

Fire-balls, 324.

Fires, 7, 9, 14, 30, 31, 39, 53, 65, 89, 129, 164, 187, 191, 199, 214, 218, 238, 266, 283, 290, 314, 320, 324, 331, 345, 359, 386, 394, 417, 431, 456.

First day of the century, 1.

Fish, immense captures of, 480.

Fisher, Mr. Charles, at the Prince’s Theatre, 450.

Fisher, Mr. David, at Drury Lane Theatre, 155.

Fisher family, 32, 69, 95, 113, 126, 130, 137, 155, 161, 178, 213, 218, 239, 243, 276, 316, 322, 400, 442, 450, 453.

Fisheries preservation, 383.

Fishermen drowned at Sheringham, 61.

Fishing rights at Thetford, 315.

Fitzgerald, Mr. (actor), 116, 169.

Fitzwilliam, Mrs. (actress), 432, 447.

Flaw in an indictment, 268.

Flax, cultivation of, 424.

Fleets at Yarmouth, 2, 48, 58, 60, 65, 82.

Floods, 70, 133, 178, 180, 202, 277, 355, 405, 413.

Florin, introduction of the, 478.

Flower, Sir James, as High Sheriff, 371, 376; elected member for Thetford, 409; death, 484.

“Flying ActÆons,” 172.

Foot-steeplechase, 376.

Foote, Miss, 285.

Forehoe tontine, 271.

Foreign barley bought by Norwich maltsters, 170.

Forged bank notes discovered, 134.

Forgery of a will, 114.

Forncett centenarian, 133.

Fortune-telling, 131.

Foundation-stones laid, 98, 106, 149, 169, 176, 200, 234, 269, 276, 296, 298, 388, 399, 406, 427, 431, 445, 470, 473.

Foundry Bridge, 68, 72, 386, 436.

Four at a birth, 149, 168.

Fox, Charles James, 51.

Fox chased by greyhounds, 202.

. . . on cottage roof, 216.

Freedom of Norwich, 31, 38, 63, 120, 168, 189, 192, 224, 257, 285, 302, 304, 310, 324, 339.

Freemasonry, 11, 132, 175, 406, 450.

Friars’ Society, 100.

Friends’ Meeting House, Norwich, 260.

Frightened to death by a fortune-teller, 131.

. . . at a theatre, 352.

Frosts, 11, 112, 178, 262, 301, 355, 369, 404, 405, 443, 444.

Funeral at night, 89.

Fye Bridge, 276.

Gales, 45, 55, 60, 63, 70, 87, 148, 155, 180, 202, 203, 214, 226, 263, 277, 290, 347, 354, 357, 378, 380, 404, 432, 443, 481.

Gamecock, child attacked by a, 222.

Gaols (Norwich), 171, 234, 258, 260, 339.

Gas lighting, 122, 163, 167, 168, 231, 237, 243, 295, 301, 332, 341, 347, 368, 379, 403, 480, 482.

. . . , price of, at Norwich, 347.

Gates of Norwich, 69.

George III., Jubilee of, 76, 77; death, 179; funeral, 179; address of condolence by Norwich Corporation, 180; by the county, 181.

George IV., accession of, 179; coronation, 197; receives loyal addresses, 189; death, 296; funeral, 297.

German Legion at Norwich, 46, 129.

Ghost, Orford Hill, 259; at Syderstone Parsonage, 324.

Giants, 262, 436, 447.

Gibbets, 6, 29.

Gibbs, Capt., feat by, 140.

Gill, Mr., his first appearance at Norwich Theatre, 316; elopement with Miss Vining, 429.

Gin shops, 101.

Girl widow, 337.

Gladstone, Mr., on Norwich railway petition, 347.

Glee Club, 369.

Glory, East Indiaman, loss of, 78.

Gloucester, Prince Frederick William of, 9, 122, 132.

. . . Duke of, 173, 189; his toast at Holkham, 142.

Glover, Miss Phillis (actress), 243.

Gored by a bull, 308.

Govett, Rev. Romaine, turns Nonconformist, 438.

Gower, Lord L., at Norwich, 62.

Grossmith, W. R. (juvenile performer), 282.

Grain in distilleries, 64, 60, 88, 94.

Grammar School, Norwich, 289, 290, 326, 430, 478.

Grant, Mr. Robert, M.P., resignation of, 315.

Grave-digger in Hamlet, traditionary waistcoats of, 255.

Greenacre, James, 360.

Greenfield, Miss (actress), 90.

Gretna Green marriage, 105.

Greyhounds belonging to Lord Rivers, 251.

Grouse, black, shot at Swanton, 459.

Guardians, Norwich Court of, Amendment Bills, 264, 305; mode of election, 259; right of Corporation to elect, 296, abolition of the right, 305.

Guild Day at Norwich, 15, 49, 57, 66, 73, 84, 91, 118, 138, 148, 160, 183, 196, 209, 222, 235, 246, 257, 268, 277, 286, 296, 306, 315, 324, 332, 341.

. . . , party favours on, 160.

Guildhall, Norwich, improvements at, 347, 484.

Gully and Cribb at Norwich, 61.

Gun accidents, 213, 318, 442.

. . . , bursting of a, at Yarmouth, 213.

Gurney, Richard Hanbury, defendant in Crim. Con. action, 156, 291; marriage, 291; elected for Norwich, 305; attends Norwich Reform celebration, 314; defeated at Norwich, 319; presentation to, 332; candidate for East Norfolk, 337, 364.

Gustavus Adolphus at Yarmouth, 87.


Haddock’s exhibition of automata, 148.

Hailstorm Insurance Society established, 434.

Hailstorms, 148, 173, 365, 376, 430.

Hairdresser to George III., 418.

Hales, the Norfolk giant, 436, 447.

Halos round the sun, 429.

Hall Concert Society, 141, 335, 406.

Hall, Mr. C. F. (composer), 422, 440.

Hamond, Mr. Anthony, 202, 214.

Happisburgh light, birds attracted by, 450.

. . . church tower damaged by lightning, 209.

. . . , horses drowned off, 322.

. . . , poisoning cases at, 455.

Harley, Mr. (actor), 179.

Harvest ruined by heavy rains, 139.

. . . , late, 141.

Harvey, Lieut.-Col. Robert John, at Vittoria, 106; at St. Boes, 114; marriage of, 127; knighted, 144.

Hastings, Barony of, 407.

Hawking, 126, 223, 285, 338, 372.

Hayes, Capt., his long service, 218.

Health, Board of, Norwich, 454.

Heat, excessive, 34, 49, 66, 72, 377.

. . . , affects Trowse Swing Bridge, 457.

Heavy rains, 139, 173, 202, 277.

Heber, Mr., the bibliomaniac, 212.

Heigham Episcopal chapel, 381. See also Rahobeth chapel.

. . . Hall Asylum, 284.

Herring, large captures of, 192, 480.

Herring’s Antidote, 55.

Hickathrift, the Marshland giant, 349.

High Sheriff’s balloon ascent, 248.

. . . claim of exemption, 241.

. . . equipage, 108, 174, 247.

High Sheriffs, 108, 110, 241, 247, 371, 376.

Highway robberies, 65, 382.

. . . surveyors, 260.

Hillington Hall, fire at, 417.

Hinds, Bishop, installation of, 481; presented with address by Norwich Corporation, 487.

Hoaxing the public, 258, 342; the “Times,” 487.

Hobby horses, 170.

Holkham, huntsman at, 261.

. . . , irrigation at, 46.

. . . , race meeting at, 324.

. . . , ram letting at, 17.

. . . Sheep Shearing, 6, 15, 31, 41, 49, 57, 65, 72, 84, 91, 96, 106, 118, 127, 138, 148, 160, 173, 183, 196.

Holly and evergreen in churches, 88.

Hone’s trial, 153.

Hooker, Dr. W. J., 349.

Hops, cultivation of, 353, 367.

Horse packet on the Yare, 146.

. . . patrol, 110.

. . . poisoning, 270.

Horses drowned off Happisburgh, 322.

Horticultural Society, Norfolk and Norwich, 290, 326.

Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich, 15, 43, 51, 59, 67, 191, 202, 223, 241, 282, 298, 299, 314, 381, 434, 444, 449, 461, 462, 466, 467, 485.

. . . , . . . , its utility questioned, 466.

. . . , . . . , museum, 434, 449.

. . . , Diss, 386.

. . . , West Norfolk and Lynn, 339.

. . . , Yarmouth, 388.

Hoste, Captain William, his defeat of French and Italian Squadrons, 91; created baronet, 119; death, 282.

Houghton Hall, opera at, 61.

. . . purchase of, 141.

Hounds, remarkable runs of, 1, 71, 77, 112, 202, 205, 244, 284, 354, 358, 371.

Householders as special constables, 25.

Houses of Correction abolished at Aylsham and Wymondham, 240.

Howes, the bell performer, 67.

Humane jailor, 102.

Hunt dinner at East Harling, 360.

Hunting, 1, 71, 77, 112, 244, 294, 451.

. . . party threatened with legal proceedings, 451.

Hutchinson, Lord, at Norwich, 62.


Illegitimate children, 64.

Illuminated clock, 285.

Improvement Bills, 382, 390, 392.

Improvements at Norwich, 229, 240, 388, 390, 441.

Imprisoned by Consistory Court, 292, 442.

Imprisonment for debt, abolition of, 440.

Incendiaries, detection of, 309.

Incendiarism, increase of, 439.

Incledon, Mr. (singer), 43, 49, 74, 134, 146.

Income assessment, 13.

. . . tax, 420, 426.

Indian jugglers, 150.

Infant school system, 348.

Influenza, 357.

Informers, 233, 402, 435.

Inquest in a church porch, 298.

Insolvent Acts, 208.

. . . Debtors Act, 135, 169.

Instinct, remarkable, of coach horses, 468.

Intimidation of a clergyman, 307.

Invincible, loss of H.M.S., 3.

Irby, Captain, R.N., his services, 103; death, 437.

Irish distress, relief of, 208, 306, 461.

. . . tontine, 87.

Iron coffins, 191.

. . . tomb, 385.


Jermy. See Preston, Isaac.

“Jerry,” 409.

Jews baptised, 148, 270, 366.

Jews’ Society established, 150.

“Jim Crow,” 372.

Jocelyn, Lord, elected for King’s Lynn, 415.

Joint Stock Banking Company, 265.

Jones, Sir Lawrence, murdered in Turkey, 451.

Joy, Matthew, “the Walking Baker,” 223.

Jubilee of George III., 76, 77.

Judges’ lodgings, 323, 348, 395.

Judges of Assize at Attleborough church, 140.

. . . , meeting the, 247.

Jullien’s concerts, 442, 469.

Jury, long detention of, 312.

. . . of matrons, 322.

. . . of solicitors, 294.


Kean, Mr. (actor), 150, 172, 181.

Kean, Mr. (the younger), 277, 298.

Kean, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 441.

Keeley, Mr. and Mrs., 401, 464.

Kelly, Mr. Fitzroy, appointed Steward of Norwich, 301.

Kelly, the Misses (actresses), 134, 143, 330.

Kemble, Miss Fanny, 468.

Kemble, Mr. and Mrs., 139, 144, 342.

Kent, Duke of, 178, 180.

Kerrison Bankruptcy, 66, 73, 79.

Kerrison, Lieut.-Col., his defeat of French Infantry, 114; recognition of his gallantry, 119; at Waterloo, 128; knighted, 122; created baronet, 198.

Kicked to death by a cow, 471.

Kidd, Rev. T., elected master of Norwich Grammar School, 290; resigns, 326.

Kidnapping, 165.

Killed by lightning, 478.

“Killing not sporting,” 381.

King Charles’s martyrdom, 63.

King and Constitution Club, 174.

Knowles, Mr. Sheridan (actor and dramatist), 346.

Labourers, illegal combination of, 89.

Ladybirds, swarm of, 258.

Lady Lane chapel, Norwich, 228.

Lakenham schools, 463.

Lambert, the Fat Man, 70.

Lamplighter’s funeral, 89.

Lancastrian Schools, 63, 81, 90, 95, 129.

Land Tax in Norfolk, 157.

Law Library, 239, 251.

Lay clerks’ salaries, 69.

Layton, the Wrestler, 97, 111, 116.

Leicester, Earl of, marriage, 427; lays foundation-stone of Wells Quay, 431; presents standard to Norfolk Yeomanry Cavalry, 432.

Leicester monument, 420, 424, 449.

Leipsic, Battle of, 110.

Lent Assizes, removal from Thetford, 254, 304.

. . . first held at Norwich, 304, 322.

Libel, 118, 279, 307, 369, 391, 470.

. . . by a clergyman, 307.

Life-saving, 35, 57, 62, 85, 193, 200, 222, 224, 227, 329, 411, 446.

Light Horse, Norwich, 6, 22, 25, 71, 127, 148, 181, 194, 197, 206, 220, 267, 415.

. . . railways first suggested, 460.

Lighting (oil) at Loddon, 36; at Norwich, 59; at Thetford, 96.

Lind, Jenny, 465, 474.

Lion tamers, 320, 407, 411, 414, 432, 442.

Liszt, M., at Norwich, 402.

Literary Institution, Norfolk and Norwich, 214, 226, 385.

Livings, purchase of, 385, 398.

Lobster in the Waveney, 306.

Longevity at Pulham Market, 87.

Long imprisonment, 151, 200, 458.

Long residence in one house, 215, 371.

Lords Lieutenant, 63, 198.

Lord’s Prayer as a charm, 427, 428.

Lotteries, 6, 35, 54, 84, 132.

Louis XVIII. at Yarmouth, 60.

Low prices, 27.

Love, Midshipman, fires first shot at bombardment of Flushing, 76.

Lover, Mr. Samuel, at Norwich, 444.

Loyal Society, 245.

Lucifer matches, 378.

Lugger race at Yarmouth, 278.

Lynn Corporation custom, 289.

. . . , election riot at, 209.

. . . Market cross, 305.

. . . Market house, 296.

. . . , May-Day at, 330, 349.

. . . Theatre, foundation-stone laid, 106; opened, 123; managed by Mr. Marsters, 205.

. . . yacht at Brussels, 16.


Macauley, Miss (actress), 187, 191.

Machine-breaking, 138, 205, 299, 300, 301.

. . . for removing insects, 58.

Macready, Mr. (actor), 274, 339, 447.

Mad dogs, 63, 219.

Madrigal Society, 369.

Magdalen Fair, Norwich, discontinuance of, 257.

Magistrate sentencing his servant, 94.

Mails, 38, 69, 133, 201, 338.

Malibran at Norwich Theatre, 299.

Malt Tax, 192, 217, 292, 299, 330, 458, 475.

Manby’s life-saving apparatus, 57, 62, 85, 87, 222, 224, 329, 411.

Manufactures, Norwich, 65, 66, 70, 95, 106, 107, 133, 140, 152, 177, 190, 205, 209, 213, 218, 230, 249, 252, 263, 304, 311, 375, 377, 443, 460.

Mardyn, Mrs. (actress), 137.

Market Cross sold by auction, 305.

. . . at Yarmouth removed, 350.

. . . House at Lynn, 296.

. . . tolls, 221.

Marriage by a ward in Chancery, 22; by proxy, 150; band of music at a, 156; delayed by a bride, 93; extraordinary, at Yarmouth, 284, at Fakenham, 288; military escort at a, 127; singular incident at a, 317.

Marriages: Boileau—Elliott, 251; Borrow—Clarke, 396; Brundall—Mason, 238; Coke—Keppel, 205; De Crespigny—Bathurst, 185; Craven, Earl of—Brunton, 61; Fisher—Howard, 239; Fisher—Richardson, 400; Fraser—Jerningham, 224; Jarvis—Boyles, 163; Leicester, Earl of—Whitbread, 427; Macdonald—Keppel, 174; Manby—Gooch, 156; Murray—Browne, 240; Murray—Douglas, 350; Preston—Jephson, 313; Rosebery, Earl of—Anson, 175; Thurtell—Morgan, 362; Yates—Brunton, 227.

. . . , singular, 19, 93, 284, 288, 289, 311, 397.

Marryat, Captain, sale of his libraries, &c., 344; death, 471.

Mary, Princess, at Holkham, 173.

Marshland free bridge opened, 196; causeway opened, 212.

Marshland Shales, 265.

Martin, William (artist), 279.

Masonic Hall at Yarmouth, 240.

Massacre of ship’s crew, 406.

Matches against time, 3, 17, 107, 200, 205, 361, 395, 399.

Mathematicians in humble life, 272, 303, 406, 449.

Mathew, Father, at Norwich, 431.

Mathews, Mr. (actor), 143, 148, 167, 190, 271.

Mathews, Mr. C., 387, 438.

May-day at Lynn, 330, 349.

Mayor of Norwich censured, 296.

. . . , expenses of, 31.

. . . , grave of, 304.

. . . knighted, 311.

. . . Yarmouth, mode of election, 130, 186, 212.

Mayor’s elections at Norwich, 5, 96, 104, 116, 147, 158, 181, 194, 207, 221, 245, 267, 276, 295, 306, 313, 323, 330, 339. After the passing of the Municipal Reform Act: 346, 353, 367, 378, 390, 403, 412, 423, 432, 442, 451, 458, 466, 473, 481, 488.

Mechanics’ institutes, 240, 440.

Medical and Surgical Association, 458.

. . . library, 235.

. . . registration, 441.

Menageries, 26, 80, 92, 142, 153, 232, 244, 252, 272, 273, 320, 355, 390, 412, 414, 433, 442, 451, 468.

Mendicity, Society for the Suppression of, 174.

Mengdon, Countess, 43.

Merry, Mrs. (actress), 17.

Methodist Missionary Society, 126.

Michaelmas goose dinner at the Great Hospital, 138.

Mild weather at Christmas, 165, 282, 368, 404.

Military baggage, refusing to convey, 31.

. . . bands in the Upper Close, Norwich, 82.

. . . escort at a wedding, 127.

Military funerals, 25, 41, 84, 226, 250.

. . . offences, 20, 27, 41, 293, 318.

Militia ballot, 55, 60, 305.

. . . camp at Coxheath, 33.

. . . , East Norfolk, 13, 33, 91, 271, 305.

. . . , local, 67, 70, 72, 82, 103, 104, 136.

. . . permanent staff, discharge of, 136.

. . . Regiments: Durham, 1; East Essex, 1; Rutland, 3; Shropshire, 24, 27, 29, 31, 40; Fifeshire, 36; Wiltshire, 82, 83, 84, 86.

. . . , supplementary, 8, 20.

. . . trainings, 18, 72, 82, 183.

. . . , West Norfolk, 2, 13, 20, 27, 33, 75, 87, 103, 118, 125, 129, 134, 136, 177, 183, 196, 206, 209, 230, 238, 303, 327, 383.

Militiamen’s right to vote, 70.

Miller halfpenny, 34.

Mineral spring at Mundesley, 225.

Mingay, Richard (violinist), 170, 336.

Ministers, appointment of, addresses to the King, 46.

Mock corporations, 195, 374, 485.

Montague, Miss (actress), 430.

Montes, Lola, 478.

Mori, Mr. and Mrs., 187.

Mormonites, 474.

Morris, Sam, the “Scarlet Runner,” 223.

Mounted Volunteers at a staghunt, 71.

Mountjoy (pedestrian), remarkable feats by, 399, 477.

Mousehold Heath enclosed, 4.

. . . , right of pasturage on, 7.

Mueller, leader of orchestra at Norwich Theatre, 224, 322.

Mummies discovered at Wymondham, 328.

“Mumpers,” 168.

Municipal boundaries, Norwich, 344.

. . . litigation, 352, 356.

. . . Reform Bill, 327; Commissioners’ inquiries at Norwich and Castle Rising, 327; at Yarmouth, 329; protest by Norwich Corporation, 328, 329; petitions against, 341, 342; evidence against, 342; passing of, 343; first revision of voters’ lists, 345; first elections, 345, 352; first meeting of the new Town Council, 346; corporate address to the King, 346; opposed by freemen, 395, 408.

Murder and mutilation, 271.

. . . at Norwich election, 298.

. . . , extraordinary charge of, 55.

. . . sentence reversed, 348.

. . . trial at Lynn, 113.

Murdered by lunatics, 104, 271, 314, 364, 439.

Murders, 58, 104, 109, 113, 151, 174, 206, 215, 271, 285, 288, 298, 314, 364, 401, 406, 410, 439, 445, 454, 473.

Murray family, 94, 142, 163, 168, 207, 240, 277, 280, 282, 313, 350, 383, 457.

Museum, Norfolk and Norwich, 239, 245, 251, 322, 335, 345, 358, 370, 393, 458.

Musical Festival (Triennial), 238, 241, 248, 269, 296, 325, 329, 352, 388, 422, 450, 472.

. . . , Sheriffs of London attend, 450.

. . . Festivals, 16, 77, 93, 109, 118, 151, 214, 269.

. . . performances in churches, 86, 93, 109, 118, 131, 145, 151, 156, 158, 353.

Mutiny by the 7th Hussars, 318.

. . . on H.M.S. Bounty, 185.

Mutton, low price of, 215.


National rate, 474.

. . . Reform Association, 480.

. . . Schools, 397, 450.

Naval abuses, 40.

. . . engagements, 28, 29, 50, 78, 91, 103.

Navigation Bill, Norwich and Yarmouth, 468.

Necton Guild, 195.

Neeche’s Gardens, Norwich, 6, 14.

“Negro Jubilee” at Sheringham, 333.

. . . minstrels, 460.

Neild, Mr., the philanthropist, 43.

Nelson annuities, 53.

. . . , Lord, at Yarmouth, 2, 7; death of, 44, 45.

. . . monument at Norwich proposed: abortive scheme, 47.

. . . at Yarmouth, 119; first stone laid, 149; singular death of the surveyor of the works, 172; work completed, 173.

. . . relic, 438.

Nemesis, H.M.S., on Happisburgh Sand, 79.

Neville, Lord, and Mr. Cobbett, 281.

New Concert Room, Norwich, 141, 335.

News of victories, 97, 98, 100, 106, 108, 110, 111, 114, 115, 127, 140.

Newsreaders, 35, 76, 195, 389, 391.

Nobleman charged with assault, 89.

Nonconformist claims, 335.

Norfolk and Norwich Bazaar, 313.

. . . and Suffolk Institution, 279.

. . . “Chronicle” burnt by Norwich mob, 188.

. . . Declaration, 146.

. . . Duke of, at Norwich, 44.

. . . Estuary works, 488.

. . . loyalty, 5.

. . . men and scientific societies, 184.

. . . Petition, 217.

. . . Rangers, 21, 25, 223.

. . . Society (or Club), 44, 185; revival of, 56.

. . . in London, 221.

Norman’s School, 395.

North Walsham church steeple, 346.

. . . Theatre opened, 276; converted into a school, 450.

“Norwich a Port,” 162, 164, 200, 213, 216, 218, 242, 253, 263, 276, 291, 325, 455.

. . . and Lowestoft Navigation Co., 310, 326, 330.

. . . Assize Bill, 310.

. . . Castle, 49, 67, 180, 259, 283, 328, 420; as a prison, 180; discovery of rooms and passages in the keep, 259; Hill enclosed, 67; restoration of, 283, 328, 420.

. . . (Connecticut), 455.

. . . Equitable Insurance Office, 291.

. . . improvements, 108.

. . . oarsmen on the Seine, 465.

. . . Poor Bill, 305.

. . . Public Library, 339, 346.

. . . recruits in the French War, 5.

. . . Union Independent Society, 257.

. . . Union Life Insurance Society, 367, 390.

Nuns of Montargis, 41, 47.


Oakes, Lieut.-Col. R. M., appointed Chief Constable, 390.

Oath, declining the, 412.

Observatory on Norwich Cathedral, 431.

O’Connell at Norwich, 367.

O’Connor, Feargus, at Norwich, 464, 480.

Oddfellows, 400, 480.

Oliver v. Painter, prize-fight, 184.

Ominous titles of plays, 135.

Omnibuses, 357.

O’Neil, Miss (actress), 162.

Opah, or King-fish, 82, 387.

Opera at Houghton Hall, 61.

. . . at Norwich Theatre (Italian), 346, 430, 440, 469.

Opium eating, 350.

Opulent Norfolk farmers, 321, 336.

Orange fair at Yarmouth, 426.

. . . , Prince of, at Yarmouth, 9.

. . . Societies, 236.

Orford Hill ghost, 259.

Orford, Horatio, Earl of, elected High Steward of Yarmouth, 322; dismissed from office, 346; presides at Protectionist dinner, 458.

Organists, 63, 69, 72, 115, 121, 177, 232, 358.

Organs, 13, 16, 69, 109, 110, 115, 156, 198, 232, 258, 271, 312, 329, 441, 485.

Osbaldiston, Mr. (actor), 255, 268.

Oury, Mr. and Mrs., 387.

Outrage at Fakenham, 43; at Norwich Theatre, 195; by female factory hands, 482; on a clergyman, 9.

Oyster bed at Happisburgh, 196; at Cley, 361.


Paganini at Norwich, 307.

Pageant at Yarmouth, 115, 153.

Painter Ned, 178, 181, 184, 203, 219, 232, 277, 293, 426; his fight with Oliver, 184; action at Assizes, 426.

Pains and Penalties, Bill of, 185, 188.

Panic at St. Margaret’s church, Lynn, 334.

Panoramas, 54, 81, 199, 215, 216, 219, 337, 362.

Panoramic view of Norwich, 74.

Pantomimes, 37, 81, 291, 433, 459, 474, 488.

Papal aggression, 488.

Paper duty, 284.

. . . mills, 76; accident at Taverham, 385.

Parachute descents, 388, 389.

Parish clerks, 90, 96, 99, 100, 109, 110, 178, 210, 308, 310, 437, 445.

. . . , funerals of, 90, 210.

Parliamentary Reform, 204, 208, 302, 313, 314, 315; re-division of the county, 315.

Parry, Captain (afterwards Sir Edward), presented with freedom of Norwich, 192, of Lynn, 254; appointed Poor-law Commissioner, 340; official visits to Boards of Guardians, 341.

Paton, Miss (Mrs. Wood), 286, 288, 313, 323, 411, 418.

Patteson, Alderman, resignation of, 306; death, 317.

Patteson, John, appointed Judge, 299; on circuit at Norwich, 400, 401, 436, 444.

“Paul Pry,” a slanderous publication, 389.

Pauper, cost of maintaining a, 368.

Pavements defective at Norwich, 131.

Paving and improvement of King’s Lynn, 53.

. . . Bills, 17, 43, 45, 234, 241, 390, 392.

Payne, the pirate, 29.

Peace of Amiens, 12, 13, 14.

. . . preliminaries, 8.

. . . rejoicings, 8, 9, 12, 13, 112, 117, 118, 124.

. . . Society, 455.

. . . with America, 124.

Pedestrianism, 31, 35, 40, 48, 138, 149, 150, 162, 171, 185, 195, 200, 205, 234, 259, 289, 350, 397, 399, 407, 418, 430, 434, 454, 477.

Peel, Major, candidate for Norwich, 255; election of, 256; receives hon. freedom, 257.

Penance in church, 274.

Penny Library, 231.

. . . post to Stalham, 128.

. . . postage, 370, 391, 428.

Pensioners, Corps of, 438, 477.

People’s College, Norwich, 477.

Peregrine falcon killed in Norwich, 378.

Perpetual motion, 223.

Peterloo incident, 176, 177.

Petty sessions, disturbance at, 422.

Pew disputes 237, 292, 442.

Pews, appropriation of, 467.

Phenomenon during thunderstorm, 236.

Philharmonic Society, 406.

“Philip Augustus,” 409.

Philipsthal’s Phantasmagoria, 59.

Phillips, Mr. and Mrs., first appearance at Norwich, 465; engaged at Norwich Theatre, 488.

Phoenix yawl, wreck of, 444.

Phonography, 447.

Phosphorus, winner of the Derby, 372.

Photography, 433.

Phrenology, 394, 478.

Picture of North Walsham steeplechase, 360.

Pigeon shooting, 141.

Pike, large, 47, 295, 330; voracity of, 214.

Pikes for special constables, 28.

Pilch, Fuller, 323, 332, 449; his single wicket match with Marsdon, 324.

Pilgrim case, 340, 348.

Pillory, 21, 98, 121.

Pinson, Mr. G., appointed Governor of County Gaol, 433.

Pirates tried at Yarmouth, 225.

Ploughing matches, 65, 311; aged competitor at, 311.

Ploughs, 419, 469.

Poaching, 37, 58, 261, 348.

Pocket-picking at an execution, 206.

Pockthorpe Guild, 374, 485.

Poisoning at Burnham Westgate, 343, 348; Happisburgh, 455; Hempnall, 384; Tibenham, 462; Wighton, 322; Yarmouth, 245.

Police, 189, 300, 347, 390.

Polito’s menagerie, 26, 92, 101.

Polka, introduction of, 439.

Poll-book, attempted mutilation of a, 320.

Polytechnic exhibition at Norwich, 403.

Poor-law relief, 56, 195, 252, 253, 259, 305, 342, 359, 365, 435, 462.

Porpoise captured at West Somerton, 377.

Porson, Richard, 68, 416.

Portrait of Mr. T. W. Coke, 112.

Portraits at St. Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, 8, 19, 29, 50, 92, 120, 168, 203, 227, 252, 256, 270, 281, 345, 381.

Postal deliveries on Sunday, 397.

Posting charges, 12, 72, 89, 331.

Postman, a crippled, 406.

Postmaster of Norwich, 132.

Postmasters, 221, 222, 331.

Potash Farm, sale of, 486.

Poulteney, Sir James, tragic death of, 90.

Power, Mr. (actor), 295, 310.

Power, Rev. A. Bath, and the electric telegraph, 459, 466.

Prendergast, Mr., qualifies as Recorder of Norwich, 474.

Presentations, 32, 42, 64, 88, 95, 101, 108, 117, 122, 124, 133, 149, 172, 173, 187, 199, 203, 213, 215, 220, 241, 240, 243, 246, 248, 249, 253, 256, 286, 290, 296, 327, 332, 335, 345, 348, 366, 377, 381, 398, 400, 413, 454, 477.

Press gangs, 19, 40, 126.

Preston, Isaac, appointed Steward of Norwich, 262; appointed Recorder, 301; marriage, 313; claimant to the Stanfield property, 378; action against James Blomfield Rush, 469; murdered by Rush, 473.

Preston, Sir Thomas, 122.

Prices of provisions, &c., 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 68, 72, 94, 136.

Priest, Rev. St. John, 135, 163.

Prince of Wales, birth of, 412; christening, 415.

Prince’s Street chapel, Norwich, 169.

Printer’s name omitted from a publication, 113, 118.

Prisoners’ alms boxes, 83.

Prisoners of war, 13, 29, 36, 55, 75, 111, 113, 115, 118.

. . . drowned, 55.

Private stills, 323, 434.

Privateers, 36, 50, 61.

Prize-fights, 31, 66, 79, 84, 92, 123, 127, 129, 137, 142, 153, 158, 170, 174, 176, 180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 203, 210, 214, 222, 225, 233, 234, 239, 244, 259, 268, 277, 284, 292, 366, 370, 379, 381, 386, 387, 391, 448, 450.

. . . , fatal, 214, 225.

. . . on Sunday, 187, 381, 386.

Proclamation of George IV., 179; of William IV., 297; of Victoria, 363.

Property, re-valuation of, 43, 147, 153.

. . . tax, 122, 133.

Protection, 407, 434, 452, 458, 482.

Protestant movement, 289.

Public breakfasting, 59.

. . . discussions, 364.

. . . Dispensary, Norwich, 19.

. . . meetings in parish churches, 377, 418.

Publicans’ licences refused, 59.

Publication of local works, 192, 386, 397, 416, 417, 421, 432.

Pugilists at Norwich, 70, 93, 160, 184, 426.

Pump in St. Lawrence, Norwich, 196.

Pump-room and baths at Thetford, 176.

Pye’s almshouses, 259, 260.


Quakers, 9, 129, 249, 260, 444.

Quarter Sessions, Norfolk, 9, 24, 73, 82, 106, 120, 138, 163, 166, 190, 201, 210, 220, 229, 240, 278, 292, 295, 300, 301, 310, 319, 389, 423, 435, 467.

. . . , Chairmen of, 201, 293, 305, 306, 320, 395.

. . . , Norwich, 54, 66, 73, 85, 101, 118, 126, 128, 135, 190, 216, 219, 226, 259, 260, 302, 391, 412, 413, 443.

Queen Caroline, 185, 188, 198.

. . . Dowager, death of, 481.

. . . , death of, 164, 165.

Victoria, accession, 362; proclamation, 363; addresses from Norwich Corporation, 363, 385, 398, 412; coronation, 374; marriage, 393; attempted assassinations of, 398, 476, and Norfolk farmer, 469; voyages to Scotland, 421, 441, 471; birthday celebrations, 476, 485.

Queen’s Speech first telegraphed to Norwich, 466.


Raby Castle s.s., wreck of, 357.

Race meetings, 16, 20, 35, 43, 52, 60, 69, 73, 75, 93, 98, 119, 124, 161, 238, 294, 324, 375, 388, 401, 408, 420, 470.

Rahobeth chapel, Norwich, 225, 381.

Railway first suggested, 154.

Railways: Norfolk and Suffolk Company projected, 240; Eastern Counties line, 334, 360, 384, 400; proposed line via Cambridge, 334, 344, 347, 404; Yarmouth and Norwich line, 344, 347, 413, 427, 436, 437, 440, 450; Norfolk line, 404, 448; Norwich and Brandon line, 432, 449; Wymondham and Dereham line, 441, 459, 461; line from Lynn to Downham, 458; Lynn to Narborough, 458; Narborough to Swaffham, 464; Lynn to Ely, 466; Swaffham to Dereham, 471; Dereham to Fakenham, 475; Reedham to Lowestoft, 463; Norwich extension of the Ipswich and Bury line, 462; opening of, 481; light railway first suggested, 460; third-class carriages, 437; goods conveyed, 440, 459; action against Yarmouth and Norwich Company, 440; steamboat excursion in connection with railway, 457; accident, 451; excursion trains, 456, 476; fourth-class tickets, 459; running of an excursion train to an execution, 476; trains delayed by snow, 481, 483; strike of firemen and engine-drivers, 486.

. . . , effect of: Sale of coach horses, 449; discontinuance of coaches, 453; diminution of road traffic, 453; public-houses, 453; coal trade, 456; neglect of roads, 459; price of land, 469.

Rainham Hall, festivities at, 67.

Rams’ horns at a wedding, 289.

Ranelagh Gardens, Norwich, 59, 78, 199, 215, 236, 241, 354, 355, 368, 379, 390, 401, 412, 414; amphitheatre and saloon at, 401; corn market held at, 236; theatre at, 368, 401. (See also Victoria Gardens.)

Ranger cutter, loss of, 214.

Rates raised in Norfolk, 125.

Rat Society at Swaffham, 233.

Read, Miss, Norwich actress, 350.

Reading-desk at Norwich Cathedral, 400.

Re-burials at Costessey Hall, 463.

Recorders of Norwich, 2, 29, 215, 261, 301, 474.

Recruiting by beat of drum, 125.

Reeves, Mr. Sims, 469, 472, 482.

Reffley fÊte, 14.

Reform of the House of Commons, 141; demonstration at Norwich, 314.

Regattas, 32, 50, 66, 85, 92, 212, 225.

Regent, Prince, at Norwich, 100; attack on, 143, 146.

Regiments—Cavalry: 1st Dragoon Guards, 28, 254, 255, 319; 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen’s Bays), 236, 245, 331, 339; 3rd Dragoon Guards, 10, 363; 4th Dragoon Guards, 198, 202, 374, 378, 380, 383; 5th Dragoon Guards, 82, 121, 150, 161; 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers), 454; 7th Dragoon Guards, 206, 209, 210, 285, 287, 292, 293, 295, 406, 409, 410; 1st Royal Dragoons, 135, 136, 138, 150, 223, 295, 297, 300, 301, 308, 312; 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys), 246, 250, 251, 253, 254, 427, 436; 3rd Light Dragoons (3rd Hussars), 322, 330, 331; 4th Light Dragoons (4th Hussars), 438, 447; 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, 274, 280, 339, 342, 349; 7th Light Dragoons (7th Hussars), 49, 311, 318, 319, 322, 447, 454; 8th Royal Irish Hussars, 226, 234, 235, 397, 406; 9th Lancers, 174, 176, 185, 194, 197, 198, 383, 393, 394, 397; 10th Light Dragoons (10th Hussars), 182; 11th Light Dragoons (11th Hussars), 256, 485; 12th Lancers, 265, 267, 274, 280, 283; 13th Light Dragoons (13th Hussars), 1, 4, 6, 410, 416, 418, 427, 458; 14th Light Dragoons (14th Hussars), 176, 181, 182; 15th Light Dragoons (15th Hussars), 161, 163, 174, 223; 16th Lancers, 469, 470, 476, 481, 484; 17th Lancers, 349, 363; 24th Light Dragoons (disbanded), 171; Royal Artillery, 28; Brunswick Hussars, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127; German Legion, 46, 129.

. . . Infantry: 4th Foot, 46; 12th Foot, 319; 23rd Foot, 46; 24th Foot, 29, 83; 28th Foot, 46; 40th Foot, 255, 262; 47th Foot, 22, 28; 54th Foot, 83; Rifle Brigade, 46.

Registration Act, 358, 363.

Rejoicings at Thetford, 116.

Relief of the Poor, subscriptions for, 1, 142, 252, 355; relief works, 144, 252.

. . . of Germans, 113; Irish, 208, 306, 461; Russians, 103; Scilly islanders, 169; Spaniards, 223.

Religious instruction, 331, 373.

. . . mania, 235.

Remarkable woman, 311, 316, 321.

Rents, reduction of, 136.

Reporters at Norwich Corporation meetings, 267.

. . . Norfolk magistrates’ meeting, 278.

Reporter’s life-saving invention, 446.

Restoration of Charles II., 126, 222.

Resurrection men, 232, 241, 261, 272, 273, 283, 289, 300, 319.

. . . , precautions against, 191, 283.

Rigby, Dr., 200.

Rioters dispersed by the Norfolk Hunt, 300.

Riots, 3, 9, 122, 124, 136, 138, 205, 209, 210, 253, 267, 287, 292, 299, 300, 301, 319, 342, 378, 408, 409, 416, 459.

River robberies, 79.

Road improvement at Lakenham, 462.

Roads, neglect of, 459.

Robberies on the Yare, 182.

Robbery at a jeweller’s shop, 462.

Rolfe, Baron, and the Rush trial, 475; elevated to the Peerage as Baron Cranworth, 488.

Roman Catholic claims, 102, 182, 244, 265, 284.

. . . chapel, Norwich, 269, 289.

Romney, loss of H.M.S., 36.

Rook shooting, 233.

“Roope’s Weekly Letters,” 85.

Rosary Burial Ground, Norwich, 231.

Rotterdam, excursions to, 246, 457.

Rough Hussars, 91.

Rough-legged falcons, 141.

Rowing feats, 234, 235, 465, 477.

. . . matches, 19, 48, 56, 68, 105, 106, 108, 140, 159, 161, 411, 421, 439, 470, 482.

Royal Agricultural Society at Norwich, 477.

. . . progresses, 212, 343.

. . . visits to Norfolk, 76, 94, 100, 110, 122, 131, 188, 343.

Runaway coach-horses, 36, 323, 426.

Rural police, 390, 391, 414.

Rush James Blomfield: Tragic death of his father, 442; sued by Mr. Jermy, 469; murders Mr. Jermy and Mr. Jermy Jermy, 473; trial, 475; execution, 476.

Rushes in Norwich Cathedral, 296, 332.

Russell, Henry (entertainer), 463, 470.

Ryder, Mr. (actor), 447.


Sailing matches, 163.

St. Andrew’s Day celebration, 251.

. . . Hall, Norwich, 196; used as a corn exchange, 50.

St. Crispin, Festival of, 110.

St. Crowche church, Norwich, 333.

St. Domingo Bay, battle in, 47.

St. Faith’s Fair, regular attendant at, 99.

St. George’s Day celebration, 194.

St. Mark’s church, Lakenham, 427.

St. Michael-at-Coslany Bridge, 28.

St. Stephen’s pit, Norwich, 127.

Salmon taken at Norwich, 168, 473; at Hellesdon, 445.

Sandford, Emily, 473.

Sanitary measures at Norwich, 445, 454, 484.

Savings Bank, Norwich, 135.

Saxon font at Great Hautbois, 43.

. . . remains at Norwich, 35.

Scarcity of provisions, 1.

Scarlett, Hon. Robert Campbell, adopted candidate for Norwich, 336; attacked at Norwich Corn Exchange, 336; returned for Norwich, 337, 363; receives freedom of the city, 338; unseated on petition, 373.

Scarlett, Sir James, returned for Norwich, 319; receives honorary freedom, 324; presented with a banner, 324; appointed Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 336; adopts supporters of the Norwich Arms, 337; on circuit at Norwich, 338, 436; presented with congratulatory address, 338; receives deputation of Norwich merchants, 436; death, 436.

Scarning Free School, 166.

School of Design, 367, 373, 453.

Scilly Islands relief fund, 169.

SciÆna aquila, 412.

“Scissor artist,” 217.

Scragg’s Company of Comedians, 95, 97.

Seaborne vessels at Norwich, 276, 325, 453, 455.

Sea fencibles, 26, 28, 30.

Seaman’s funeral, 374.

Seaman’s museum of natural history, 160.

“Searcher,” a scurrilous publication, 391.

Searchers and sealers of leather, 17.

Sea serpent, 227.

. . . walls, 21.

Sedan chair for conveyance of voter, 105.

Sedgwick, Rev. A., installed prebendary of Norwich Cathedral, 335; lectures at Norfolk and Norwich Museum, 345.

Sedition, 82.

Seed, vitality of, 350.

Sentry sleeping at his post, 293.

Settlement, Law of, 445, 462, 474.

Sexton’s funeral, 90.

Sham fights, 24, 30, 34.

Shark captured off Yarmouth, 51.

Sharpshooters, 34.

Shawls, 57, 65, 106, 323.

Sheep drowned at Wells, 148.

Shelley, Mr. W. (actor), 471.

Sheriff, disturbance at swearing in of, 279.

. . . , litigation arising from election of, 280.

Sheriffs’ elections at Norwich, 120, 131, 150, 186, 199, 237, 248, 258, 269, 279, 288, 298, 308, 317, 324, 325, 334, 343; appointments under the Reform Act, 346, 353, 367, 378, 390, 403, 412, 423, 432, 442, 451, 458, 466, 473, 481, 488.

Shipbuilding in Norfolk, 22, 30, 34, 39, 48, 51, 52, 64, 100, 147, 215, 229, 234, 258, 275, 283, 285, 290, 299, 306, 313, 321, 348, 392, 463, 487.

Shipdham cattle fair, 286.

Ships in Yarmouth Roads, 378.

. . . launched at Norwich, 283, 306, 313.

Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society, 446.

Shipwrecks. See Wrecks.

Shirehall, Norwich, 56, 201, 229.

Shocking occurrence at Catton, 365, 372.

Shoemaker’s funeral, 178.

Shoes burnt in Norwich, 17.

Shooting, 10, 34, 60, 69, 109, 164, 225, 233, 249, 250, 334, 381, 403, 417.

. . . , remarkable feats of, 41, 165, 186, 334, 417.

Shore’s menagerie, 153, 244.

Shows and exhibitions, 4, 50, 67, 70, 79, 90, 94, 123, 148, 150, 153, 160, 164, 166, 171, 197, 205, 227, 241, 246, 262.

Shrievalty declined at Norwich, 32.

Sick Poor Repository, 156.

Sidney, Mr., engaged at Adelphi Theatre, Norwich, 473.

Signal flags, 23, 28.

Silk duties, 230, 249.

Silver tickets, 45.

Simony, 206.

Sinclair, Mr. (actor), 154, 373.

Skating, 253, 404.

. . . on wheels, 414.

Skeletons found, 191, 199, 423, 465.

Skipper (Norwich pugilist), 12.

Skipper (pedestrian), 149, 150, 162, 200, 205, 418.

Slavery, 118, 174, 220, 229, 250, 251, 276, 333, 368, 376, 403, 487.

Sledges, 369.

Sloman, Mrs. (actress), 239.

Small holdings, 10.

Small-pox, 41, 97, 102, 167, 172, 173, 194, 382, 445, 447.

. . . , Lord Montrath’s dread of, 12.

Small Tenements Bill (Norwich), 463.

Smith, Colonel, of Ellingham, 440.

Smith, Mr. William, M.P., resignation of, 297.

Smith, Sir James E., 119, 177, 184.

Smith, Sir Sidney, at Yarmouth, 29.

Smithson, Miss, at Norwich Theatre, 305.

Smuggling, 10, 37, 47, 60, 101, 125, 145, 194, 205, 229, 288, 290, 319, 321, 351, 379, 485.

“Snap,” 246, 341.

Snipe, H.M.S., wreck of, 55.

Snow, heavy falls of, 54, 63, 69, 112, 263, 293, 355, 369, 383, 424, 459, 481, 483.

. . . in May, 14.

Snow, Mr., “the Ude of Norwich,” 345, 387.

Socialism, 375.

Society for the Education of the Poor, 97.

Somnolence, remarkable case of, 393.

Soult, defeat of, 111.

Spain and Portugal aided, 66.

Spanish relief, 223.

Speaker of the Common Council, 6, 182, 263, 270, 336.

Speech boys (or orators) on Norwich Guild Day, 91, 106, 209, 222, 332, 341.

. . . day at Norwich Grammar School, 106.

S.P.G., special collections for, 170.

Spinning, 2, 86, 325.

Spire of St. Gregory, Norwich, 45.

Spohr at Norwich, 388.

Springfield, T. O., elected Mayor, 285, 346; sworn in, 286; censured by Corporation, 296; municipal litigation, 353.

Spring guns, 130, 239.

Stack firing, 60, 154.

Stafford, Barony of, 235.

Stage spectacle, “The Coronation,” 205.

Stage waggons, 83, 152, 173, 191, 210, 233, 334, 371.

Stagorians, 99, 103, 146, 232.

. . . attacked by mob, 147.

Stained glass window at Hingham church, 108.

Stallage charges in Norwich Market, 333; letting of, 358.

Stallion, alleged unlawful exhibition of a, 125.

Stanfield Hall murders, 473, 475, 476.

. . . riot, 378.

Stanley, Bishop, 360; enthronement of, 361; supports temperance movement, 366; entertains Jenny Lind, 465, 474; death, 479.

Starlings’ nest in a dead body, 6.

Steamboats, 108, 139, 141, 145, 236, 239, 246.

Steam carriages, 323, 415, 428.

Steam Mill Company, Norwich, 2, 66, 141.

Steeplechases, 294, 312, 359, 383, 392, 404, 455, 476.

Stewards of Norwich, 2, 19, 55, 84, 98, 215, 262, 301, 336.

Stoke Mills mustard manufactory, 116.

Storm, remarkable, at Norwich, 430.

Stormont, Lord, returned for Norwich, 319, 337; receives honorary freedom, 324; presented with a banner, 324; attacked at Norwich Corn Exchange, 336; secures acceleration of the mails, 338; resignation, 357.

Stratford, the poisoner, trial of, 288.

Stream, right to the use of a, 483.

Streets, new, at Norwich, 40.

Strolling players, 275.

Strong men, 283.

Strikes, 42, 122, 253, 375, 416, 486.

Sturgeon, 477, 484.

Subsidence of a cottage, 227.

Sugar bounties and duties, 276.

Suicide after an election, 373.

. . . , remarkable, at Norwich, 92; at Yarmouth, 49.

Sunday, desecration of, 39, 152, 187, 190, 381, 386, 453.

. . . postal delivery, 397.

. . . prize-fights on, 187, 381, 386.

. . . schools, 157.

. . . trading, 453.

Superstitious ceremony at Norwich, 396.

Surgeon, remarkable charge against a, 444.

Surrey Gardens, Norwich, 268.

Surveyor of Bridges, election of, 349.

Suspension Bridge at Yarmouth, 285.

. . . for neglect of ministerial duties, 158.

Sussex, Duke of, 213, 250, 323, 428.

Sutherland, Mrs. Sinclair, her remarkable case, 73.

Sutton, Archbishop Manners, 37.

Swaffham Quarter Sessions, 371.

. . . Races, 289; curious wagers at, 289.

. . . Shirehall, 375.

. . . Theatre, 213; advertised for sale, 442.

Swan for the Royal table, 309.

Swans at civic feast, 405.

Swimming, remarkable feat of, 344.

Syderstone ghost, 324.

Sydney, Lord, High Steward of Yarmouth, 132.

Synagogue, 470.


Tavistock Canal tunnel, 140.

Tawell, John, Salt Hill murderer, 444.

Taxation, 346.

Telegraph electric, 450, 457, 459, 466.

Telegraphs, 23, 39, 62.

Temperance movement, 366, 388, 431.

Tenant’s legacy to his landlord’s daughter, 103.

Test Act, 4.

Testerton Park prize-fight, 203.

Thalberg (pianist), 366.

Thanksgiving celebrations, 44, 112, 132.

Theatre, New, at Norwich: circus at, 422; disturbances at, 268; equestrian spectacles, 380; free performances, 393; masquerade and fancy dress ball, 470; Mayor and Sheriff decline their patronage, 349; opening of, 254; performance stopped by thunderstorm, 430; performances with wild beasts, 407, 432; reduction of prices, 424, 447, 459; restoration, 351; Tom Thumb at, 439; underselling of tickets, 463; used as a banquetting-room, 374; versus circus, 392.

. . ., Old: Fall of roof, 296.

Theatres, Norwich, 1, 3, 5, 15, 30, 35, 37, 39, 43, 45, 46, 49, 51, 57, 61, 63, 64, 70, 72, 74, 80, 81, 90, 94, 105, 123, 125, 131, 133, 134, 139, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 154, 158, 159, 161, 162, 167, 168, 169, 170, 179, 180, 181, 183, 187, 190, 192, 193, 195, 199, 205, 210, 211, 214, 216, 219, 222, 224, 226, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 241, 243, 245, 265, 268, 271, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 291, 293, 295, 296, 298, 299, 305, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 316, 323, 329, 331, 332, 339, 340, 341, 342, 346, 349, 350, 351, 361, 369, 372, 373, 376, 386, 387, 392, 393, 397, 398, 401, 405, 406, 407, 413, 417, 418, 424, 427, 428, 430, 432, 433, 436, 438, 439, 441, 447, 448, 452, 457, 459, 460, 463, 464, 465, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 474, 484, 486, 488.

. . . managers of, 144, 187, 216, 226, 231, 233, 243, 271, 273, 331, 386, 387, 411, 438, 448, 452, 457, 463, 473, 474, 484.

. . . new plays at, 35, 70, 105, 125, 146, 169, 181, 192, 211, 218, 222, 258, 286, 331, 341, 361, 406, 427, 434.

Theatrical Fund, Norwich, 5, 81, 192.

Thetford Assizes, removal to Norwich, 75, 167, 220, 228, 242, 295, 303, 304, 310, 312.

. . . Corporation dinner, 68.

. . . Court of Pleas, 315.

. . . Sheep Fair, 48.

“The Tour,” a poem, 386.

Thillon, Madame Anna, 469.

Thiodon’s automata, 164.

Thorogood, the coachman, 193; remarkable driving feats by, 212, 246, 250.

Thorpe Asylum, 89, 116, 444.

Threatening a reporter, 404.

Threshing machines, 34, 41.

Thunderstorms, 33, 67, 91, 134, 138, 173, 209, 236, 324, 332, 377, 419, 430.

Thurlow (pedestrian), 418.

Thurtell family, 202, 217, 218, 229, 245, 274, 276, 283, 286, 287, 362, 454, 467, 468.

Thurtell, George, charged with assault, 455; with theft, 467; death in prison, 468.

Thurtell, John, his story of a robbery in Chapel Field, 190; execution of, 229; reference to, 455, 468.

Thurtell, Thomas, sworn in as Sheriff of Norwich, 131; ominous titles of plays at his theatrical bespeak, 135; elected Mayor, 276; allegations on retiring from office, 286; dinner to, 287; death, 454.

Tibenham poisonings, 462.

Tide low at Yarmouth, 369.

Tides high at Yarmouth, 133, 241, 347, 443.

. . . at Wells, 148, 466.

Tiger, escape of a, 451.

Tight rope performer at Norwich Theatre, 30.

Tillett, Jacob Henry, phrenologically described, 479.

“Times” hoaxed, 487.

Tithe cases, 74, 75, 90, 247, 257, 307.

Tithes, commutation of, 137, 359.

Titchfield, Marquis of, elected for Lynn, 204.

Tobacco in bond, 367.

“Tobacco, snuff, and red herrings,” 80.

Toll demanded of soldiers, 163.

Tolls (market), 358.

“Tom and Jerry” (burletta), 227.

Tombland Fair, Norwich, 82, 90, 155, 275, 358.

. . . , removed to Castle Meadow, 155.

Tom Thumb at Norwich, 439.

Tonnage Bill, 386.

“Tory,” derivation of, 316.

Tounshend (pedestrian), 234.

Tower half-pence, 121.

Tower of St. John Madder-market, 199.

. . . St. Nicholas, Yarmouth, 53.

Town Clerks of Norwich, 260, 336.

. . . Council, first meeting of the reformed, 346; proposal to admit the public, 350.

Trade with Yorkshire, 161.

Trafalgar, Battle of, 44.

Tragic death of a clergyman, 261.

Training Act, 55.

Tread-wheel, 219, 220, 226.

. . . , fatal accident on, 226.

Tree, Miss Ellen (actress), 401, 405.

Trees planted at Norwich, 123.

Trial of speed between the Westacre and Melton Constable hounds, 273.

Triplets, 31.

Troops embarked at Yarmouth, 73.

. . . landed at Yarmouth, 46.

Trotting matches, 1, 52, 85, 103, 107, 219, 235, 323, 361, 381, 395.

Trout taken at Norwich, 132, 141, 151, 403, 459.

Trowse Swing Bridge, 449, 450, 457.

Trumpet herald to Norwich comedians, 18.

Turkeys, 79, 89, 153, 309, 368, 380, 424, 433.

Turner, Rev. C., elected perpetual curate of St. Peter Mancroft, 470.

Turnips, preservation of, 115.

Turnpikes, 229.

Turtle at civic dinner, 187.

Tussaud’s exhibition at Norwich, 166, 246.

Twelfth Day in Norwich, 153.

Twenty-fourth Light Dragoons disbanded, 171.

Twin steamer built at Wells, 299.


Uniform of Norwich Rifle Corps, 26.

. . . Norfolk Cricket Club, 262.

. . . Norfolk Yeomanry Cavalry, 309, 397, 432.

. . . Norwich police, 347.

. . . Norwich Enrolled Pensioners, 438.

. . . 11th Hussars, 485.

Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 1.

Unitarian Society, 107, 381.

Universal Goodwill, Society of, 25, 36, 53, 61.

Urns found at Caister, 125.

“Utter barrister,” 261.


Vaccination, 41, 97, 101, 102, 167, 173, 194, 447, 466.

Valpy, Rev. Edward, elected headmaster of Norwich Grammar School, 87; resigns, 289; death, 313.

Vaults discovered at Norwich, 228.

Venison feast at Fakenham, 8.

Ventriloquists, 212, 224.

Vestris, Madame, 287, 387, 438.

Victoria Gardens, Norwich, 433, 443, 465, 474, 479; Adelphi Theatre at, 465, 473; circus, 474; dismantled, 479.

Victoria Hotel, Yarmouth, 406.

Victoria, Princess, at Holkham Park, 343; celebration of her birthday, 362; accession and proclamation of, 362. (See also Queen Victoria.)

Villecrop hoax at Norwich, 258.

Vinegar and mustard works, 143.

Vining (actors and actresses), 109, 199, 222, 250, 329, 398, 424, 428, 428, 486.

Vittoria, battle of, 106, 107; its effect on Norwich manufactures, 107.

Volunteer corps, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 50, 59, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 103, 104, 108.

. . . disbandment of, 103.

. . . clothing made by Lynn ladies, 28.

Voracious sow, 161.

Voters’ register, failing to deliver, 384; revision of, 318.


Wagers, 21, 22, 27, 39, 40, 59, 109, 125, 140, 149, 165, 233, 259, 289, 360, 385, 386, 430.

Walcheren expedition, 78.

Wallack, Mr. (actor), 308, 434.

Walloon congregation, 30.

Waltz, introduction of, 269.

Wandering piper, 319.

Wanstead House, purchase of, 221.

Watchmen, 51, 95, 157, 215, 239.

Waterloo, battle of, 127.

. . . , Norfolk officers at, 128.

. . . , sick and wounded from, 128.

. . . , public subscription in respect of, 128.

. . . , anniversary dinner, 138, 196.

Water frolics. (See Regattas.)

Water surreptitiously obtained, 8.

Water velocipede hoax at Lynn, 208.

Waterworks prosecution, 8.

Waterworks (Norwich), 482; opening of, 483.

Waylett, Mrs. (actress), 323.

Weavers, 76, 95, 209, 213, 224, 252, 253, 263, 267, 287, 292, 375, 377, 416.

Weavers’ riots, 253, 267, 287, 292, 375.

Webster, Mr. (actor), 430, 439, 470.

Wellington, Duke of, at Norwich, 177, 178, 189.

Wells harbour improvement, 34.

Wemyss, Earl of, smack, wreck of, 325; case at Norfolk Assizes, 326.

Wesleyan schism, 480.

Wesleyans, 256, 357, 372, 389, 415, 450, 480.

West, Mrs. W., at Norwich Theatre, 295.

Whale, skeleton of, 354.

Whales captured, 207, 300, 421.

Whaler at Lynn, 162.

Wheel machine driven by manual power, 432.

Whifflers, reappearance of, 472.

Whipping in public, 29, 39, 73, 149, 164, 296.

Whirlwinds, remarkable, 43, 275, 429.

White sparrowhawk, 377.

Wife selling, 38, 199, 221, 417, 418.

Wiggens (coachman), 259, 377, 413, 425, 437.

Wilkins, William (architect), 260.

Will extraordinary, 485.

William IV. proclaimed King, 297; coronation of, 308; receives address from Norwich Corporation, 315; death, 362.

Wilson, the pedestrian, 138.

Windham, William, death of, 83.

Window duty, 97.

Windows in Norwich Cathedral, 255.

Wine, Bishop Bathurst’s, 359.

. . . , duty on at Lynn, 7.

. . . , Lord Suffield’s, 385.

Winthuysen’s sword, 48.

Witchcraft, belief in, 428, 429.

Wodehouse, Rev. C. N., installed prebendary, 148.

Woman with two husbands, 164.

Women at prize-fights, 153, 158.

Wombwell’s menagerie, 142, 165, 193, 206, 232, 252, 390, 414, 433, 468.

Wood pavements, 398, 412.

Wooden leg race, 125.

Woolcombers, 372, 415.

Wool, importation and exportation of, 135, 177, 195, 230.

Woolley, Rev. John, elected headmaster of Norwich Grammar School, 478.

Workhouse, fire at Rollesby, 359.

Workhouses, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 31, 43, 359, 459, 460, 470.

. . . , insubordination in, 359, 469, 460, 470.

. . . , separation of married couples in, 359, 470.

Wreckers, lawless conduct of, 345, 357.

Wrecks, 55, 63, 87, 139, 202, 203, 214, 226, 227, 263, 290, 322, 325, 345, 355, 357, 370, 380, 404, 432, 444.

Wrestling, 49, 60, 97, 111, 116, 127, 137, 148, 149.

Wroxham Regatta, 7.


Yacht built at Woodton, 281.

Yarham, the murderer, 445, 454.

Yarmouth Bridge accident, 446.

. . . churches, 307, 328.

. . . Court of Gaol delivery, 225.

. . . Disfranchisement Bill, 468.

. . . Guildhall, 477.

. . . Hospital, 388.

. . . Improvement Act, 88.

. . . parish church, mutilation of, 398.

. . . Port and Haven Bill, 330, 340.

Yarn Company and Factory, 325, 329, 349, 350, 354, 374, 379, 486.

Yates, Mr. and Mrs., 268, 323, 351, 401, 419, 436.

Yaxley Barracks, 13.

Yelloly, Dr., 202.

Yeomanry Cavalry, 8, 10, 13, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 42, 69, 80, 84, 136, 145, 148, 161, 181, 206, 223, 225, 234, 256, 266, 271, 308, 386, 371, 378, 385, 397, 400, 407, 415, 418, 428, 432, 438, 447, 455, 463, 470, 476.

. . . , disbandment of, 371, 476.

. . . , escort prisoners, 266.

York, Duke of, 110, 188, 189, 215, 262; receives honorary freedom of Norwich, 189; death, 262.

Young, Mr. (actor), 175, 179.


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