
To A.R.

We range the ringing slopes of life; but you
Scale the last summit, high in lonelier air,
Whose dizzy pinnacle each soul must dare
For valedictions born and ventures new.
From dust to spirit climb, O brave and true!
Strong in the wisdom that is more than prayer;
High o'er the mists of pain and of despair,
Mount to the vision, and the far adieu.
Merged in the vastness, with a calm surmise
Mount, lonely climber, brightened from afar;
Whose soul is secret as the evening-star;
Whose steps are toward the ultimate surprise:
No dubious morrow dims those daring eyes—
Divinely lit whence truth's horizons are.

The sonnets in this volume have previously appeared in the columns of "The Academy," "The Eye-Witness," and "The Yorkshire Observer." My thanks are due to the Editors of these publications for their kind permission to republish.


Stocka House,

Title Poem: Page
IolÄus 13
The Return 67
The Soul and the Sea 69
Nations Estranged 71
The Passing-Bell 73
Condemned 75
To America. I. 77
" II. 79
To Italy. I. 81
" II. 83



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