?1.1 4 Prehistoric sites in Italy (map)
?1.2 5 Passo di Corvo, a prehistoric site in Puglia: air photograph
?1.3 5 Dimini, a late Neolithic site in Thessaly, plan
?1.4 5 Altheim, a late Neolithic site near Munich, plan
?1.5 9 Comparative table of early cultures
?1.6 9 Terramara at Castellazzo di Fontanellato, Pigorini’s plan
?1.7 12 Su Nuraxi, a Sardinian nuraghe
?1.8 12 Cremating and inhumating peoples of prehistoric Italy: map
?1.9 21 Villanovan artifacts
?1.10 21 A hut-urn
?1.11 23 The Certosa situla
?1.12 23 Picene tomb-furniture from Fabriano
?1.13 23 The Warrior of Capestrano
?2.1 28 Lemnos, inscription in local dialect, similar to Etruscan
?2.2 28 Vetulonia, Aules Feluskes stele
?2.3 30 Early Italy, to illustrate Etruscan and other sites. Inset: early Rome (map)
?2.4 31 Marzabotto, grid plan
?2.5 34 Spina, plan
?2.6 37 Spina, grid plan, air photograph
?2.7 37 Vetulonia, fasces from the Tomb of the Lictor
?2.8 39 Etruscan alphabet
?2.9 39 Tarquinia, Tomb of Orcus, inscription
?2.10 44 Piacenza, bronze model of sheep’s liver
?2.11 45 Piacenza liver, schematic representation
?2.12 46 Potentiometer profile, revealing tomb-chambers underground
?2.13 49 Tarquinia, Tomb of Hunting and Fishing, fresco
?2.14 49 Tarquinia, Tomb of Orcus, portrait of the lady Velcha
?2.15 50 Tarquinia, Tomb of Orcus, the demon Charun
?2.16 53 Veii, Apollo (terracotta) from Portonaccio temple
?2.17 53 Satricum terracotta antefix, satyr and nymph
?2.18 55 Tarquinia, Museum: winged horses (terracotta) from Ara della Regina
?2.19 55 Cerveteri, Tomb of the Reliefs, interior
?2.20 59 Cerveteri, gold pectoral from Regolini-Galassi Tomb
?3.1 68 Rome, Palatine, prehistoric hut, reconstruction
?3.2 68 Rome, Forum necropolis, cremation and inhumation graves
?3.3 72 Rome, Forum, strata at Equus Domitiani, photograph
?3.4 72 Rome, Forum, strata at Equus Domiti enberg@html@files@57308@57308-h@57308-h-17.htm.html#ip_11_2" class="pginternal">11.2 276 Tivoli, Hadrian’s Villa, plan
11.3 276 Tivoli, Hadrian’s Villa, model
11.4 278 Tivoli, Hadrian’s Villa, Teatro Marittimo, air view
11.5 282 Rome, Temple of Venus and Rome, model
11.6 282 Rome, Temple of Venus and Rome, plan
11.7 284 Rome, Temple of Venus and Rome, apse with scale figure
11.8 284 Antinous
11.9 285 Rome, Pantheon
11.10 287 Rome, Pantheon, plan
11.11 287 Rome, Pantheon, interior, restoration
11.12 290 Tivoli, Hadrian’s Villa, Piazza d’Oro, plan
11.13 293 Tivoli, Hadrian’s Villa, Piazza d’Oro, reconstruction
11.14 293 Rome, Hadrian’s Mausoleum, reconstruction
11.15 293 Tivoli, Hadrian’s Villa, Canopus, plan
12.1 300 Roman road construction
12.2 306 Roman roads of the ager Faliscus
12.3 307 Faliscan roads of the ager Faliscus
12.4 311 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, air view
12.5 311 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, great hall, reconstruction
12.6 315 New York, Pennsylvania Station, McKim plan
12.7 315 New York, Pennsylvania Station, waiting room, before “modernization”
12.8 316 Rome and environs, map showing aqueducts
12.9 318 Aqueducts near Capannelle, reconstruction (painting)
12.10 322 Rome, Aurelian’s Wall, from south
12.11 323 Rome, Aurelian’s Wall, plan, with major Imperial monuments
13.1 328 Piazza Armerina, Imperial Villa, “Bikini girls” mosaic
13.2 330–1 Piazza Armerina, Imperial Villa, reconstruction
13.3 334 Piazza Armerina, Imperial Villa, Circus Maximus, mosaic
13.4 334 Piazza Armerina, Imperial Villa, small hunting scene, mosaic
13.5 338 Piazza Armerina, Imperial Villa, large hunting scene, mosaic
13.6 338 Piazza Armerina, Imperial Villa, Labors of Hercules mosaic, detail
13.7 343 Vatican City, excavations under St. Peter’s, west end, plan
13.8 343 Vatican City, excavations under St. Peter’s, Mausoleum F, stuccoes
13.9 346 Vatican City, excavations under St. Peter’s, Campo P, plan
13.10 348 Vatican City, excavations under St. Peter’s, Aedicula, reconstruction


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