CHAPTER1: Prehistoric Italy R.J.C. Atkinson, Field Archaeology (London, 1946) P. Barocelli, “Terremare, Palatino, orientazione dei castra e delle cittÀ romane,” Bulletino Communale 70 (1942), 131–144 John Bradford, “The Apulia Expedition: An Interim Report,” Antiquity 24 (1950) 84–95 ——, Ancient Landscapes (London, 1957), 85–110 F. von Duhn and F. Messerschmidt, Italische GrÄberkunde, 2 vols. (Heidelberg, 1924–1939) C.F.C. Hawkes, The Prehistoric Foundations of Europe (London, 1940) G. Kaschnitz-Weinberg, “Italien mit Sardinien, Sizilien, und Malta,” in W. Otto and R. Herbig, Handbuch der ArchÄologie, 2 (Munich, 1954), 311–397 G. Lilliu, “1000 Years of Prehistory: Sardinia, the Nuraghe of Barumini and its Village—a Recent Large-scale Excavation,” Illustrated London News 232 (1958), 388–391 H.L. Movius, Jr., “Age Determination by Radiocarbon Content,” Antiquity 24 (1950), 99–101 T.J. Peet, The Stone and Bronze Ages in Italy (Oxford, 1909) D. 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Bloch, “Volsinies Étrusque: essai historique et topographique,” MÉlanges d’archÉologie et d’histoire de l’École franÇaise de Rome, 59 (1947), 9–39 J. Bradford, Ancient Landscapes, 111–144 E. Brizio, “Relazione sugli scavi eseguiti a Marzabotto presso Bologna dal novembre 1888 a tutto maggio 1889,” Monumenti Antichi, 1 (1891), cols. 248–426 Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum, II.i,3 (Tarquinia) (Leipzig, 1936) G. Dennis, Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,3 2 vols. (London, 1883) M. Falkner, “Epigraphisches und archÄologisches zur Stele von Lemnos,” in W. Brandenstein, FrÜhgeschichte und Sprachwissenschaft (Vienna, 1948), 91–109 C.M. Lerici, “Periscopic Sighting and Photography to the Archaeologist’s Aid,” Ill. London News 232 (1958), 774–775 M. Pallottino, Etruscologia3 (Milan, 1955), Engl. trans., Pelican books, 1955 ——, Etruscan Painting (Geneva, 1952) L. Pareti, La Tomba Regolini-Galassi (Vatican City, 1947) E. Pulgram, The Tongues of Italy (Cambridge, Mass., 1958) G. Ricci et al., “Caere: Scavi di R. Mengarelli,” Mon. Ant. 42 (1955), cols. 1–1186 J.B. Ward Perkins, “The Problem of Etruscan Origins,” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 64 (1959) 1–26 G.E.W. Wolstenholme and C.M. O’Connor, eds., Ciba Foundation Symposium on Medical Biology and Etruscan Origins (London and Boston, 1959). Important contributions by H. Hencken (29–47), and J.B. Ward Perkins (89–92), among others. CHAPTER3: Early Rome F.E. Brown, “The Regia,” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 12 (1935), 67–88 L. Curtius, A. Newrath, and E. Nash, Das antike Rom3 (Vienna, 1957) A. Degrassi, Inscriptiones Latinae liberae rei publicae, I (Florence, 1957) T. Frank, “Roman Buildings of the Republic: an Attempt to Date them from their Materials,” Papers and Monographs of the Am. Acad. in Rome 3 (1924) E. Gjerstad, “Il comizio romano dell’ etÀ reppublicana,” Skrifter 5 (1941), 97–158 ——, “Early Rome I,” ib. 17 (1953) ——, “The Fortifications of Early Rome,” ib. 18 (1954), 50–65 P.G. Goidanich, “L’iscrizione arcaica del Foro Romano e il suo ambiente archeologico,” Memorie dell’ Accademia d’Italia, series 7, vol. 3 (1943), 317–501 R. Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries (Boston, 1888) G. Lugli, I monumenti antichi di Roma e suburbio, 3 (Rome, 1938), 23–50 ——, Roma antica: il centro monumentale (Rome, 1946) Oxford Classical Dictionary (Oxford, 1949), art. “Tabulae Pontificum” S.B. Platner and T. Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (Oxford, 1929) S.M. Puglisi, “Gli abitatori primitivi del Palatino,” Mon. Ant. 41 (1951), cols. 1–98 L. Richardson, Jr., “Cosa and Rome: Comitium and Curia,” Archaeology 10 (1957), 49–55 I.S. Ryberg, An Archaeological Record of Rome from the Seventh to the Second Centuries B.C. (London, 1940) G. SÄflund, “Le mure di Roma reppublicana,” Skrifter 1 (1932) M.R. Scherer, Marvels of Ancient Rome (New York and London, 1955) I.G. Scott, “Early Roman Traditions in the Light of Archeology,” Mem. Am. Acad. in Rome 7 (1929), 7–116 CHAPTER4: Roman Colonies in Italy G. Becatti, “Sviluppo urbanistico,” in G. Calza, Scavi di Ostia, 1 (Rome, 1953) J. Bradford, Ancient Landscapes, 145–216 F.E. Brown, “Cosa I: History and Topography,” Mem. Am. Acad. in Rome 21 (1951), 7–113 F. Castagnoli, “I piÙ antichi esempi conservati di divisioni agrarie romane,” Bulletino del Museo della CiviltÀ Romana 18 (1953–1955), 1–9 ——, “La centuriazione de Cosa,” Mem. Am. Acad. in Rome 24 (1956), 147–165 ——, “Le ricerche sui resti della centuriazione,” Note e discussioni erudite a cura di Augusto Campana, 7 (Rome, 1958) F. de Visscher and F. de Ruyt, “Les Fouilles d’Alba Fucens (Italie centrale) en 1949 et 1950,” L’AntiquitÉ Classique 20 (1951), 47–84 and later reports in successive volumes. See also report of 1955 campaign, Notizie degli Scavi (1957), 163–170 G. Guiccardini Corsi Salviati, “La centuriazione romana e un’ opera attuale di bonifica agraria,” Studi Etruschi 20 (1948–1949), 291–296 P. MacKendrick, “Asphodel, White Wine, and Enriched Thunderbolts,” Greece and Rome, new series, 1 (1954), 1–11 ——, “Roman Colonization and the Frontier Hypothesis,” in W.D. Wyman and C.B. Kroeber, eds., The Frontier in Perspective (Madison, 1957), 3–19 J. Mertens and S.J. de Laet, “Massa d’Alba (Aquila): Scavi di Alba Fucense,” Not. Scav., ser. 8, vol. 4 (1950), 248–288 ——, “L’urbanizzazione del centro di Alba Fucense,” Memorie dell’ Accademia dei Lincei, ser. 8, vol. 5 (1954), 171–194 L. Richardson, Jr., “Excavations at Cosa in Etruria, 1948–1952,” Antiquity 27 (1953), 102–103 Doris M. Taylor, “Cosa: Black-glaze Pottery,” Mem. Am. Acad. in Rome 25 (1957), 68–193 J.B. Ward Perkins, “Early Roman Towns in Italy,” Town Planning Review 26 (1955), 127–154 CHAPTER5: Nabobs as Builders: Sulla, Pompey, Caesar F. Fasolo and G. Gullini, Il Santuario della Fortuna Primigenia a Palestrina, 2 vols. (Rome, 1953) G. Gullini, Guida del Santuario della Fortuna Primigenia a Palestrina (Rome, 1956) J.A. Hanson, Roman Theater-Temples (Princeton, 1958) H. KÄhler, review of Fasolo and Gullini, Gnomon 30 (1958), 366–383 ——, “Das Fortunaheiligtum von Palestrina Praeneste,” Annales Universitatis Saraviensis (Philosophie-Lettres) 7 (1958), 189–240 Phyllis W. Lehmann, “The Setting of Hellenistic Temples,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 13.4 (1954), 15–20 G. Lugli, Roma antica (Rome, 1946), 177–179, 245–258 (Caesar’s buildings) ——, I monumenti antichi, 3 (Rome, 1938), 70–83 (Pompey’s theater) Platner and Ashby, op. cit., under Chapter 3 Giovanna Quattrocchi, Il Museo Archeologico Prenestino (Rome, 1956) EugÉnie Strong, “The Art of the Roman Republic,” Cambridge Ancient History 9 (1932), 803–841 E.B. Van Deman, “The Sullan Forum,” Journal of Roman Studies 12 (1922), 1–31 C.C. Van Essen, Sulla als Bouwheer (Groningen, 1940) CHAPTER 6: Augustus’ Buildings as Propaganda B. Andreae, “ArchÄologische Funde und Grabungen im Bereich der Soprintendenzen von Rom 1949–1956/7,” Arch. Anzeiger (1957) cols. 110–358 Curtius, Newrath, and Nash, op. cit., under Chapter 3 A. Degrassi, “Elogia,” Inscriptiones Italiae 13.3 (Rome, 1937) A. Degrassi, “L’edifizio dei Fasti Capitolini,” Rendiconti della pontifica accademia di archeologia 21 (1945–1946), 57–104 ——, “Fasti,” Inscriptiones Italiae 13.1 (Rome, 1947) G. Lugli, I monumenti antichi, 3 (Rome, 1938), 194–211 (mausoleum) ——, Monumenti minori del Foro Romano (Rome, 1947), 77–84 (arch) G. Moretti, Ara Pacis Augustae, 2 vols., (Rome, 1948) H. Riemann, “Pacis Ara,” in Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll-Mittelhaus, RealenkyklopÄdie 18 (1942), cols. 2082–2107 I.S. Ryberg, “The Procession of the Ara Pacis,” Mem. Am. Acad. in Rome 19 (1949), 79–101 ——, “Rites of the State Religion in Roman Art,” ib. 22 (1955) J.M.C. Toynbee, “The Ara Pacis Reconsidered and Historical Art in Roman Italy,” Proceedings of the British Academy 39 (1953), 67–95 CHAPTER7: Hypocrite, Madman, Fool, and Knave S. 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Cozzo, Ingegneria Romana (Roma, 1928) C. Liugli, Roma antica (Roma, 1946), 269–276 (Forum Pacis, Forum Transitorium), 319–348 (Coliseum), 486–493, 509–516 (Palace of Domitian) F. Magi, I Rilievi Flavi del Palazzo della Cancelleria (Rome, 1945) M. Scherer, op. cit. in Ch. 3, 49–62 (Palatine); 75–76 (Arch of Titus), 80–89 (Coliseum), 101–102 (Forum “of Nerva”) J.M.C. Toynbee, The Flavian Reliefs from the Palazzo della Cancelleria in Rome (Oxford, 1957) CHAPTER10: Trajan: Port, Forum, Market, Column C. Becatti, Scavi di Ostia 2 (Rome, 1954) (Mithraea) G. Boni, “Roma—Esplorazione del Forum Ulpium,” Not. Scav. (1907), 361–427 J. Bradford, Ancient Landscapes, 248–256 (Claudius’ and Trajan’s harbors) G. Calza, Scavi di Ostia, 1 (Rome, 1953) —— and G. Becatti, Ostia4 (MPI Guides, Rome, 1957) ——, La necropoli del Porto di Roma nell’ Isola Sacra (Rome, 1940) J. Carcopino, Daily Life in Ancient Rome (New Haven, 1940), 173–184 (businessmen and manual laborers) P. Ducati, L’arte classica3 (Turin, 1948), 619–628 (Trajan’s Forum and Column) K. Lehmann-Hartleben, “Die antiken Hafenanlagen des Mittelmeeres,” Klio, Beiheft 14 (1923), 182–198 (Claudius’ and Trajan’s harbors) G. Lugli, Roma antica (Rome, 1946), 278–307 (Trajan’s Forum and Market) —— and C. Filibeck, Il Porto di Roma imperiale e l’agro Portuense (Rome, 1935) R. Meiggs, art. “Ostia,” in Oxf. Class. Dict. (Oxford, 1949) P. Romanelli, La colonna traiana: relievi fotografici eseguiti in occasione dei lavori di protezione antiaerea (Rome, 1942) E.D. Thatcher, “The Open Rooms of the Terme del Foro at Ostia,” Mem. Am. Acad. in Rome 24 (1956), 167–264 CHAPTER11: An Emperor-Architect: Hadrian S. Aurigemma, Villa adriana^3 (Tivoli, 1955) H. Bloch, “I bolli laterizi e la storia edilizia romana,” Bull. Comm. 65 (1937), 115–187 E. Clark, Rome and a Villa (New York, 1952), 141–194 H. KÄhler, Hadrian und seine Villa bei Tivoli (Berlin, 1950) G. Lugli, I monumenti antichi, 3 (Roma, 1938), 123–150 (Pantheon), 693–708 (Hadrian’s mausoleum) ——, Roma antica (Rome, 1946), 234–240 (Temple of Venus and Rome) D.S. Robertson, A Handbook of Greek and Roman Architecture2 (Cambridge, 1954), 246–251 (Pantheon), 252–254, 316 (Piazza d’Oro) A.W. Van Buren, “Recent Finds at Hadrian’s Tiburtine Villa,” Am. Journ. of Archaeology 59 (1955), 215–217 (Canopus) M. Yourcenar, MÉmoires d’Hadrien (Paris, 1951; Engl. trans., New York, 1954) L. Ziehen, art. “Pantheion,” in RE 18 (1949), cols. 729–741 CHAPTER12: Roman Engineering American Architect 98 (Oct. 5, 1910), 113–118 (Pennsylvania Station) W.J. Anderson, R.P. Spiers, and T. Ashby, The Architecture of Ancient Rome (London, 1927), 99–113 (Baths) T. Ashby, Aqueducts of Ancient Rome (Oxford, 1935) Van Wyck Brooks, The Dream of Arcadia (New York, 1958), 239 ff. R.J. Forbes, Notes on the History of Ancient Roads and their Construction (Amsterdam, 1934), 115–168 M.W. Frederiksen and J.B. Ward Perkins, “The Ancient Road Systems of the Central and Northern Ager Faliscus,” Papers of the British School at Rome 12 (1957), 67–208 H.S. Jones, Companion to Roman History (Oxford, 1912), 40–49 (Roads) L. Mumford, “The Disappearance of Pennsylvania Station,” New Yorker 34 (June 7, 1958), 106–113 H. Plommer, Ancient and Classical Architecture (London, 1956), 338–344 (Baths) Sir Albert Richardson, R.A., Letter to New York Times, Mar. 1, 1959 I.A. Richmond, The City Wall of Imperial Rome (Oxford, 1930) G.H. Stevenson, “Communications and Commerce,” in The Legacy of Rome (ed. C. Bailey, Oxford, 1923), 141–172 E.B. Van Deman, The Building of the Roman Aqueducts (Washington, 1934) C.C. Van Essen, “The Via Valeria from Tivoli to Collarmele,” Papers Br. Sch. at Rome 12 (1957), 22–38 CHAPTER13: Caesar and Christ B.M. Apollonj-Ghetti, A. Ferrua, E. Josi, E. Kirschbaum, Esplorazioni sotto la confessione di San Pietro in Vaticano eseguite negli anni 1940–1949, 2 vols. (Rome, 1951) G.V. Gentili, “Piazza Armerina: grandiosa villa romana in contrada Casale,” Not. Scav. (1951), 291–335 ——, The Imperial Villa of Piazza Armerina (MPI Guides, Rome, 1956) H.P. L’Orange and E. Dyggve, “Is it a Palace of Maximian Herculeus that the excavations of Piazza Armerina bring to light?,” Symbolae Osloenses 29 (1952), 114–128 M. Guarducci, La tomba di Pietro (Rome, 1959; there is also an English translation) E. Kirschbaum, The Tombs of Peter and Paul (New York, 1959) B. Pace, I mosaici di Piazza Armerina (Rome, 1955) J.M.C. Toynbee and J.B. Ward Perkins, The Shrine of St. Peter and the Vatican Excavations (London, 1956)