graphy, 29. Chromos, printed on cylinder presses, 31. Chronicle of Cologne, 9. Cicero, French and German name for Pica, 53. Circular quadrates, 78. Clicker, or maker-up, duties of, 226-228. Clymer, George, inventor of the Columbian press, 236, 237. Colon, use of, 62. Colorito, Abraham, printer at Soncino, 1488, 14. Colour, uniformity in, 263, 278, 279. Coloured inks, how to make, 286-288. printing, instructions for, 285-287. Colours, contrast of, 289-292. how to multiply, 288. how to use dry, 287, 288. Columbian press, illustrated, 236. introduced into England, 237. Combination borders, 80, 120. Comma, use of, 62. Commercial post paper, size of, 298. signs, 71. Companionships, how managed, 228-232. misunderstandings in, 228. Composing, directions for, 129-136. how to avoid errors in, 130. position in, 127. rule, steel, illustrated, 228. sticks, illustrated, 305. screw, the best for fixed measures, 305. Composition rollers, how to make, 252-254, 311, 312. how to wash, 253. melting-kettle for, illustrated, 252. Compositors, differences in 218. rules to be observed by, 233, 234. Compound words, 64, 65, 331. Contents, rules for, 135. Continuous sheet, printing from a, 242. Contrast of colours, 289-292. Conversation in a printing office to be avoided, 234. Copy, casting off, 223-226. takes of, should be small, 221. to be carefully prepared, 204. Copyholder, illustrated, 309. Copyrights, how to secure, 333-335. application to be made to Librarian of Congress, 333. cannot be granted upon trade-marks or labels, 335. duration of, 192. the same, three signatures, 193. quarter sheet of, 194. Foul proof, a grievous fault, 207. Founders, English, ancient regulations concerning, 18. Fount of letter, complete, described, 58. Founts, irregularities of, 58. Fractions, 70. Franklin, Benjamin, attempts type-founding, 19. James, establishes the New England Courant, 17. Franklin presses, Gordon’s, 247. illustrated, 246. Friars, how to obviate, 263. Frisket, directions for preparing, 258. catch of, how to place, 259. Full point, use of, 62, 63. Furniture, how to make up, 144, 145. Fust, John, connection with Gutenberg and Schoeffer, 11, 12. Gaillarde, French term for Bourgeois type, 54. Gallows, how to be placed, 259. Game of Chess, first book printed in England by Caxton, 14. Gauge pins, Megill’s, illustrated, 310. Ged, William, inventor of stereotyping, 24. Geometrical signs, 71, 72. German alphabet, 94. plan of cases for, 96, 97. similar letters elucidated, 94, 95. Germantown, first paper mill in America, near, 17. first quarto Bible in America, printed at, 19. type cast at, by Saur, 19. Giving out book paper to wet, 294. paper for jobs, 294, 295. Globe press, 248. Glover, Jesse, introduces printing into Cambridge, Mass., 16. Glue, common prepared, 313. liquid, how to make, 313. Gold preparation, how to use, 288. printing, how practised, 284, 317. size for gold printing, 284. Good habits inculcated, 121-123, 137, 138. presswork, conditions for securing, 279. Gordon’s Franklin press, illustrated, 246. job-presses, 246, 247. Gothic characters, early books printed in, 16. Gradation of type bodies, 56. Grant Thorburn, benevolence of, 239.
147" class="pginternal">147, 148. Long letters, 59. Long Primer, specimen of, 54. Lord’s Prayer in Anglo-Saxon, 51. Lower-case sorts, 59. Machine-casting, 22. Machine-made paper, sizes of, 298. Machine-press of Isaac Adams, 237, 238. Frederick, KÖnig, 238. Applegath and Cowper, 238. Richard M. Hoe, 239-242. William Bullock, 242-244. Campbell, 239, 246. Cottrell & Babcock, 239. Walter, 244. Mackling, how to remedy, 263. Make-up rule, steel, illustrated, 229. Making margin, 145-147. for jobs, 147. ready a form, directions for, 257-260. on cylinder presses, 265-275. wood-cuts, directions for, 280-283. register, directions for, 260. Making up furniture, 144, 145. in companionship, 229. letter and furniture in companionships, 230. Manual de Adultos, one of the first books printed in America, 16. Manuccio, Aldo, 61. Mappa, Adam G., one of the early American type-founders, 19. Margin, how to make, 145-147. on cylinder presses, 268. Masoretic points, 106. Mathematical signs, 71, 72. Matrices, copper, 40. electrotyped, 23. Matrix, illustrated, 40. Mazarin Bibles, 11. Measure of stick, how to make by ems, 129. Mecom, Benjamin, 24. Medium paper, size of, 298. Melting-kettle, description of, 252. Metal rules, 75. Metric system, 336, 337. Minerva cutting machine, illustrated, 309. Minion type, specimen of, 54. Mitering machine, illustrated, 307. Mittel, German name for English type, 53. Modern conveniences, 120. Mucilage, directions for making, 312, 313. Mud process in stereotyping, 26. Printing-press, amateur, 248. Bullock, 242-244. Campbell, 239, 246. Cottrell & Babcock, 239. Degener, 246, 247. Earl Stanhope’s, 236. earliest, 235. first set up in North America, 16. Frederick KÖnig’s, 238. Gally, 246. George Clymer’s, 236. George P. Gordon’s, 246, 247. invention of the, 235-248. Isaac Adams’s, 237. Job, 246-248. Peter Smith’s, 237. Railroad-ticket, 246. Ramage’s, 236. Richard M. Hoe’s, 239-242. Ruggles, 246. Samuel Rust’s, 237. Walter, 244. Wells, 246. Willem Jansen Blaeu’s, 235. Proof-marks, explanation of, 214, 215. illustration of, 212, 213. Proof-press, illustrated, 343. Proof-reader, author’s obligations to, 201. duties of a, 202, 207. friendly offices of, 201. qualifications of, 200-206. should be a compositor, 200. Proof-readers, caprices of, 207. Proof-sheets, alterations in, justly chargeable, 204, 205, 211. detained by authors, 205. errors in correcting, 203, 204. method of reading, 202, 203. plan for keeping account of, 203. remarks concerning, 202. should be read by two readers, 204. Proofs of engravings, how to take, 283. Proper names should be plainly written, 211. Prussian blue ink, 287. Publishers’ interference with the printers’ province, 134. Pulling, directions for, 260-262, 279. Punch, illustrated, 40. Punctuality indispensable in an apprentice, 1
lass="pginternal">52-54. prices of, since 1801, 25. process of manufacturing, 39-43. Roman, invention of, 49. specimens of, 53, 54. Typographic Advertiser, 20. Typographical errors, a blemish, 200. peculiarities, ancient, 17, 18. Underlaying old stereotype plates, 282. Underlays, when proper on cylinder presses, 270-272. Uniformity in colors, how to secure, 263. in spacing essential, 130. Universal press, illustrated, 248. Unlocking forms, precautions in, 208. Upper-case sorts, 59. Van der Mey’s method of stereotyping, 24. Variations from copy chargeable, 211. Varnish for printing ink, how to make, 314. the common menstruum for colours, 286. Varnish, prevents enamel from peeling, 284. Vignettes, how to prepare on the press, 281. Walter perfecting press, 244. Warehouse book, form of, 293. department, 293-298. Warehouseman, duties of, 293. Warping of a cut, how to cure, 282. how to prevent, 282. Washing forms, directions for, 264, 265. Washington press, how to set up, 250. invented by Samuel Rust, illustrated, 237. Waterproof paper, how to make, 317. Watts, John, 21. Web perfecting presses, 242-246. Wells’s job presses, 246. Wet paper, how to be protected overnight, 264. Wetting paper, directions for, 255-257. drawing and plate paper, 256. rules for giving out paper for, 294, 295. Wetting-trough, how to be made, 255. White, Elihu, type-founder in New York, 21, 22. White pages, how to be treated, 259. Wood-cuts, how to prepare on the press, 280-283. how to wash, 283. how to take proof of, 283. Wood engraving, tools for, 34. type, how to be cared for, 292. Woollen blankets, needless when new type is used, 257, 266. Words and phrases, foreign, 357-372. Working in pocket unsatisfactory, 227. Works, how to manage hurrie