We cite further the following well-known account:— “About one hundred and twenty-eight years ago, Laurens Zanssen Coster inhabited a decent and fashionable house in the city of Haarlem, situated on the market-place, opposite the royal palace. The name of Coster was assumed, and inherited from his ancestors, who had long enjoyed the honourable and lucrative office of coster or sexton to the church. This man deserves to be restored to the honour of being the first inventor of printing, of which he has been unjustly deprived by others, who have enjoyed the praises due to him alone. As he was walking in the wood contiguous to the city, which was the general custom of the richer citizens and men of leisure, in the afternoon and on holidays, he began to cut letters on the bark of the beech; with these letters he enstamped marks upon paper in a contrary direction, in the manner of a seal, until at length he formed a few lines for his own amusement and for the use of the children of his brother-in-law. This succeeding so well, he attempted greater things; and, being a man of genius and reflection, he invented, with the aid of his brother- or son-in-law, Thomas Pietrison, a thicker and more adhesive ink, as the common ink was too thin and made blotted marks. With this ink he was able to print blocks and figures, to which he added letters. I have seen specimens of his printing in this manner. In the beginning he printed on one side only. This was a Dutch book, entitled Spiegal enser Behoudenisse. That it was one of the first books printed after the invention of the art, appears from the leaves, which are pasted together, that the naked sides might not be offensive to the eyes; and none at first were printed in a more perfect manner. As this new species of traffic attracted numerous customers, thus did the profits arising from it increase his love for the art and his diligence in the exercise of it. “He engaged workmen, which was the source of the mischief. Among these workmen was one Jan ?: whether his surname be that of Faust, or any other, is of no great importance to me, as I will not disturb the dead, whose consciences must have smote them sufficiently while living. This Jan, who assisted at the printing press under oath, after he had learned the art of casting the types, setting them, and other articles belonging to the art, and thought himself sufficiently instructed, having watched the opportunity, as he could not find a better, he packed up the types and the other articles on Christmas eve, while the family was engaged in celebrating the festival, and stole away with them. He first fled to Amsterdam, thence to Cologne, until he could establish himself at Mentz, as a secure place, where he might open shop and reap the fruits of his knavery. It is a known fact that within the twelve months (that is, in the year 1440) he published the Alexandri Galli Doctrinale, (a grammar at that time in high repute,) with Petri Hispani Tractatibus Logicis, with the same letters which Laurens had used. These were undoubtedly the first products of his press. These are the principal circumstances that I have collected from creditable persons far advanced in years, which they have transmitted like a flaming torch from hand to hand: I have also met with others who have confirmed the same.”—Hadrianus Junius, 1568. Humphreys dispassionately goes over the ground, and while giving due credit to Gutenberg, awards to Koster the honour of the invention of the art of printing. A perusal of De Vinne, on the other hand, leaves the impression of an effort to prove a preconceived opinion, every probability in favour of Koster being curtly set aside, and every perchance on the side of Gutenberg being regarded as incontrovertible fact. De Vinne derides the idea that types were at first cut, and not cast or founded; and this in the face of the fact that in the earliest printed books, there are not two letters of one kind that are precisely alike in a page; that is, every letter a varies somewhat from all other a’s, and so with b and all other letters. This could not be the case if the types were cast or founded. To support his view, De Vinne copies from De la Borde a wood engraving representing letters cut and sawn apart; and from the imperfection of this experiment argues that the first types could not have been cut. This proves nothing except the incapacity of the experimenter. A dozen years ago an ingenious man in Philadelphia produced copper-headed types in a mass on type-metal bodies, which had to be cut apart singly. The specimen of these types here given proves conclusively that the thing can be done far better than was done by Koster on wood or metal, though his types were ten times larger than these:— abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ New York New Jersey Mississippi Georgia Virginia Louisiana Tennessee Arkansas We have repeated the experiment in our own foundry with Long Primer type, and with a similar result. These experiments are sufficient to show the ungroundedness of Mr. De Vinne’s argument. He further states that in some of the specimens given by him, the letters have been so worn that they have run into one another; but the fact is, such letters were logotypes, and cut on the same block. Any accurate type-founder can verify this fact almost at a glance. In a lecture by Mr. Josiah Marples, an accurate English printer, before the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society on Type-founders and Type-founding, the speaker alluded to Caxton and his types, and to Mr. Vincent Figgins’s reproduction of the “Game of Chesse,” whose nephew had enabled him to exhibit a copy of the same to the meeting. “Mr. Vincent Figgins, whose skill as a practical type-founder,” it was remarked, “entitled his opinion to great weight, believed that the book was not printed from types such as were cast by Schoeffer, but from types which were cast with solid faces, upon which were cut with the graver each letter separately. To this Mr. Figgins attributed the fact that in the original book no pure style of letters was used, but a mixture between the old black and that called Secretary; that no two letters were exactly alike, and that frequent use was made of logotypes.” Mr. De Vinne finds some difficulty in demolishing the Koster “legend” (as he and Van der Linde call it) in the fact that the existence of numerous volumes and fragments of ancient printing have to be somehow accounted for; and he thereupon adopts the hypothesis of an unknown printer, to whom he attributes these early productions. The admittedly ancient water-marks in the paper he rules out, simply because such water-marks were used long afterward. He gives fac-simile specimens of the types used in these books; but, in violation of all the laws of probability, he gives the inferior specimens last. The necessities of his theory compelled him to this course, the natural order being the reverse of the one adopted by him. The inferior specimens show clearly the first attempts of an inventor, an inventor too who had before been a block printer. The succeeding books show as clearly the successive stages of improvement, the last stage of which was equal or even superior to any thing executed by Gutenberg before the appearance of the great Bible. This “unknown printer” was doubtless Koster. It is by no means a wild question whether the credit of even the first Bible belongs to Gutenberg or to Peter Schoeffer; for, after the dissolution of the partnership between Gutenberg and Fust, the former produced nothing worthy of note, while Schoeffer printed the Bible again, as well as other works, notably the Psalter, a most wonderful specimen of ancient typography. Schoeffer appears to be as undoubtedly the inventor of type-founding as Koster was of printing,—Gutenberg was neither, though we must award him high credit for his skill in availing himself of the knowledge derived from Koster, and his perseverance through a series of years. But the almost impenetrable cloud of mystery that surrounds the discovery of printing should induce a spirit of hesitancy that is not at all characteristic of Van der Linde and others. Neither ifs, buts, nor perhapses, nor strained inferences, prove anything except the weakness of the argument that rests upon them. We are satisfied that the types used by the first printers were not cast or founded in a mode at all approximating to the modern method. The question is, not who was the first type-founder in the modern style, but who was the first printer with movable types, no matter whether of wood, pewter, or tin; and we agree with the judicious Isaiah Thomas in the opinion that Koster was that man. See Haarlem the Birthplace of Printing, not Mentz, by J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, England, 1887: an emphatic confutation of the Gutenberg legend. THE PRINTER TO THE READERS. Hereby understand that after great charge & Trouble, I have brought that great Art & Mystery of Printing into this part of America; believing it may be of great service to you in several respects; hoping to find encouragement, not only in this Almanack, but what else I shall enter upon for the use & service of the Inhabitants of these Parts. Some irregularities there be in this Diary, which I desire you to pass by this year; for being lately come hither, my materials were misplaced & out of order, whereupon I was forced to use Figures & Letters of various Sizes: but understanding the want of something of this nature, & being importuned thereto, I ventured to make public this; desiring you to accept thereof; & by the next (as I find encouragement) shall endeavour to have things compleat. And for the ease of Clarks, Scriveniers, &c., I propose to print blank Bills, Bonds, Letters of Attorney, Indentures, Warrants, etc., & what else presents itself, wherein I shall be ready to serve you; and remain your friend. W. BRADFORD. Philadelphia, the The hyphen is employed in words in such a manner as is best calculated to show their origin, composition, or import, and to exhibit the syllables in their neatest form. Agreeably to this rule,— 1. Compound and derivative words are resolved into their primitives; as, school-master, hand-writing, pen-knife, snuff-box, looking-glass; arch-angel, geo-logy, theo-cracy, ortho-graphy. 2. Prefixes, affixes, and grammatical terminations are separated; as, dis-continue, en-able, trans-port; shear-er, load-ed, print-ing; king-dom, false-hood, differ-ence, command-ment. 3. One consonant between two vowels is to be joined to the latter syllable; as, ta-lent, fa-tal; me-lon, le-ver; spi-rit, si-lence; cy-nic, ty-ro; le-ga-cy, mo-no-po-ly. Except x, and single consonants when they belong to the former portion of a derivative word; as, ex-ile, ex-ist, ex-amine; up-on, dis-ease, circum-ambient. 4. Two or more consonants belong to the latter syllable, when they are capable of beginning a word; as, ta-ble, sti-fle, lu-cre, o-gle, mau-gre, stro-phe, de-stroy. 5. But when the consonants cannot begin a word, or when the vowel preceding them is short, the first should be separated; as, ab-bey, ac-cent, vel-lum, ab-ject, gar-den, laun-dry, pam-phlet; blas-pheme, dis-tress, min-strel. It is desirable that compound and derivative words should, at the end of lines, be divided in such a manner as to indicate their principal parts. Thus, school-master is preferable to schoolmas-ter, dis-approve to disap-prove, resent-ment to re-sentment, ortho-doxy to or-thodoxy; though, as regards the analysis of words into syllables, the latter mode is unobjectionable. From the narrowness of the printed line, however, in some books, the principle recommended cannot always be adhered to. The terminations tion, sion, cial, tial, and many others, formerly pronounced as two syllables, but now only as one, must not be divided either in spelling or at the end of a line. A syllable consisting of only one letter, as the a in cre-ation, should not commence a line. This word would be better divided crea-tion; and so all others of a similar kind. A line of print must not end with the first syllable of a word when it consists of a single letter; as, a-bide, e-normous; nor begin with the last syllable when it is formed of only two letters; as, nation-al, teach-er, similar-ly. For regard should be had to the principles of taste and beauty as well as to the laws of syllabication. No more shall copy bad perplex my brain, No more shall type’s small face my eyeballs strain; No more the proof’s foul page create me troubles, By errors, transpositions, outs, and doubles: No more my head shall ache from author’s whims, As overrunnings, driving-outs, and ins; The sturdy pressman’s frown I now may scoff, Revised, corrected, finally wrought off. Robert Hoe, the founder of the present house of R. Hoe & Co. of New York, was born at Hose, in Leicestershire, England, in 1784. His father was a well-to-do farmer in that pleasant, sequestered district; but, as the family was large, Robert was apprenticed to a carpenter in a neighbouring town. His attention was early attracted and his mind impressed by the prosperity of the people of the United States; and, being a republican at heart, and conscious that the institutions of his own country presented almost insurmountable obstacles to the advancement of the working classes, he purchased his indentures from his employer, and in 1803 emigrated to New York. On his arrival he made the acquaintance of Grant Thorburn, who, becoming interested in him, received him into his family, and with great kindness nursed him with his own hands through an attack of the yellow fever, which was then raging in the city. He soon established himself in his trade, and, by his industry, integrity, and enterprise, became advantageously known to the public. At the age of twenty he married the daughter of Matthew Smith, of Westchester Co., New York, by whom he had three sons and six daughters. For a time he was in partnership with his brother-in-law, Matthew Smith, Jr., a carpenter and printers’ joiner, who, on their separation, associated with himself his brother, Peter Smith, who was educated at Yale College, and was the inventor of the well-known hand-press bearing his name. On the decease of these two brothers, Robert Hoe, in 1823, succeeded to the business, which was then in its infancy, giving employment to only a handful of men, and being conducted in the middle of the block bounded by Maiden Lane, Pine, William, and Pearl Streets, in some old buildings to which access was gained by an alley running from Maiden Lane to Pine Street. Here the business, under the style of Robert Hoe & Co., grew rapidly; but the extension of Cedar Street made necessary its removal to the present location in Gold Street. About this time, the flat-bed cylinder press, for newspaper printing, was introduced into England; and Mr. Hoe sent an intelligent mechanic there to examine it, and it was soon brought into use here, with valuable improvements. In 1832, Mr. Hoe’s failing health obliged him to relinquish the business to his eldest son, Richard M. Hoe, and Matthew Smith, son of his first partner. In the following year he died. Shortly after his decease, the firm erected extensive buildings in Broome Street, in the eastern part of the city, where the greater part of their manufacturing has since been carried on. They also commenced making cast-steel saws, which had previously been exclusively imported from England; and this branch has steadily increased in importance. Matthew Smith, a man of uncommon ability and business talents, died in 1842. The business was then continued by Richard M. Hoe, with his two brothers, Robert Hoe and Peter Smith Hoe,—the eldest, as before, taking charge of the mechanical department, in which his industry and fertility of invention are attested by the number and value of his patents. In 1837, he patented here and in England his method of grinding circular saws, by which the thickness of any part of a saw can be regulated with accuracy. In 1846, he brought out the so-called “Lightning Press,” or Type-Revolving Printing Machine, described in the text,—the greatest innovation on the routine of the printing craft since the days of Gutenberg. This press entirely superseded all others for fast printing, and was introduced into the principal offices, not only in this country, but in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Australia. In 1858, the firm purchased of Isaac Adams, of Boston, Massachusetts, his entire patent-rights, together with his establishment for the manufacture of his bed-and-platen book printing presses, and various machines for binders’ use, which they continue to conduct there, though with increased facilities and many improvements. Their works in different places now cover thirty-five city lots, or about two acres, and give employment to nearly six hundred hands. The office and warerooms of the house in England are at 13 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London, one of the partners, being a resident in that city, attending to the business there. Decorative image A sunrise Decorative image ESTABLISHED, 1796. MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan Foundry, This establishment, the oldest in America, has kept even pace with all the improvements in type-founding; and its productions at the present day, in beauty of style, accuracy of standing, and durability of material, are all that skill, ingenuity, and long experience have been able to effect. Neither pains nor expense will be withheld to maintain its reputation. Book and Newspaper Faces. Some are of light and dainty face, others of medium, and others again of broad and massive character. The Lightface Series; the French-Face Series; the celebrated Scotch-Face Series, introduced by us many years ago; the Book Series; the Large-Face Series; the Classic Series; the News Series; the Broadface Series; the Modern Series; the Original Old Style Series; the Bradford Series; the Binny Series; the Ronaldson Series; the MacKellar Series, and all others introduced by us, are kept constantly on hand, in large and small founts. German Book and Newspaper Faces, Of various styles, also kept on hand or furnished to order. Elegant Scripts and other Note and Circular Types, In great variety of styles, for all kinds of Notes, Blanks, and Circular Printing. Greek, Hebrew and Music Type. Music Type without an equal in America, or a superior in the world. The sizes are Excelsior, or half-Nonpareil, Diamond, Agate, and Nonpareil. Greek and Hebrew of all practical sizes. Fancy and Ornamental Type, Unrivalled for beauty, originality, extent, and variety. In this department, native and foreign genius and inventive skill are alike laid under contribution, and no other foundry in the world can furnish so complete and beautiful an assortment. Borders, Flourishes, Corners and Ornaments, For finest artistic and ornamental printing, to meet every requirement of the printer. Cuts and Ornaments, For general use, from more than three thousand subjects, many of them very fine. Office Furnishings. Cabinets of various kinds and prices. Stands, double or single, or made in different styles to order, of walnut or poplar. Cases of all kinds. Imposing Stones of regular sizes constantly on hand; special sizes and styles got up to order. Galleys of all kinds, either wood or brass. Stereotype Blocks, with or without rule borders. Chases of wrought or cast iron. Composing-Sticks of all kinds, large and small. Racks for cases. Ink Stones. Card, Paper, Lead and Rule Cutters. Labour-Saving Wood Rule. Labour-Saving Wood Furniture. Labour-Saving Curvatures. Furniture, Quoins, Mallets; Shooting-Sticks of brass, iron or dogwood; Planers, Bodkins, Ley and Washing Brushes, &c. Eureka Cabinets. Size to fit in space at left of double stand. Stained in imitation of cherry. Sort-Case Cabinet.—Contains eight drawers, each divided into sixteen compartments. It will be found useful as a receptacle for quads, leaders or sorts. Handy Cabinet.—Contains five drawers, arranged to hold twenty different sizes of spaces and quads, and eight blank drawers, for cuts or large type. Galley Cabinet.—No. 1, for twenty-four single and fourteen double column galleys. No. 2, for forty-eight single galleys. No. 3, for thirty-four double galleys. Ink Cabinet.—Contains four compartments for ink, &c., and marble slab 18 × 20 inches on top, for mixing inks. Chase Cabinet.—Arranged to contain one-eighth, one-quarter, and one-half medium chases. With or without ink stone. Combination Cabinet.—No. 1, contains four blank drawers, three sort-case drawers, and four quad drawers. No. 2, contains four sort-case drawers and six quad drawers. Quad Cabinet.—Contains twelve drawers, each divided into two compartments, suitable for quads or leaders. Labour-Saving Leads and Slugs. Two and three point (six and four-to-Pica) Leads, from 48 to 300 points (4 to 25 ems Pica) in length; put up in any useful quantity. Six and twelve point (Nonpareil and Pica) Slugs, cut to same lengths. Cases arranged specially for Labour-Saving Leads and Slugs. Labour-Saving Quotation Furniture. Accurately cast, and equally valuable either as furniture or as quotations. The pieces range from 48 to 240 points in length, and from 24 to 48 points in width, quadrate height, with suitable spaces. Reversible Metal Furniture, For imposition of forms and general blank-work. Cast to our standard 12 point body. Labour-Saving Rule, (Matching our standard type bodies,) Single, Double, Parallel, Dotted, and Triple faces. Cut accurately of various lengths. It will be found of vast utility in tabular and job work, rendering the use of shears and file entirely unnecessary. Cases furnished specially adapted to it. Brass Circles and Ovals, Of various sizes and faces, for label and stamp borders. Slotted Brass Corners, Of beautiful original patterns, matching our brass rules. Hollow Quadrates, For the easy formation of Circles, Ellipses, &c., made in sizes to suit our Brass Circles and Ovals, from Nos. 1 to 13. Corner Quadrates, On 12 point and 6 point Metal and 2 point Brass bodies. Printing Presses and Ink. Presses of the most celebrated makers in the United States, as well as all varieties and colours of American and Foreign Printing Inks, Sizes, Bronzes, Varnishes, &c. at manufacturers’ prices. Roller Composition. Glue for Rollers, and the various Patent Compositions, furnished to order at manufacturers’ prices. Electrotyping Of Almanacs, Jobs, Wood-Cuts, Labels, Binders’ Stamps, &c. Wood Engraving. Cuts designed and engraved to order in the finest style of art. Outfits for Printing Offices. Estimates given in detail (with the cost) of all the materials required for either Newspaper or Job Offices. MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan Foundry, PRINTERS’ TEXT-BOOKS. A Manual of Typography, containing Practical Directions for Managing all Departments of a Printing Office, as well as Complete Instructions for Apprentices. Eighteenth Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Price, $2.00. By mail, $2.10. “Most successful of the books of this class known to me.”—Correspondent of the Archiv fÜr Buchdruckerkunst, Leipzig. “Any intelligent person will find this work a serviceable companion.”—Journal of Commerce, Chicago. “A neat volume, beautifully printed.”—L’Imprimerie, Paris. “The most complete work on the subject.”—Daily Free Press, Atchison, Kansas. “A great amount of curious information, historical and illustrative.”—Evening Post, New York. “The result of intelligent research and considerable personal experience.”—The Nation, New York. “This is taken as the standard American treatise on practical printing, and is eminently worthy the high reputation it has attained.”—Springer’s History and Mystery of Printing. Wilson’s Punctuation. A Treatise on Punctuation, designed for Printers, Letter-Writers, Authors, and Correctors of the Press. Price, $1.50. By mail, $1.60. “It is an excellent work for schools and academies, and for those who would become self-taught.”—Christian Freeman. “We have never before met with any work on Punctuation which gave us so great satisfaction as this.”—The Student. “This is a useful and valuable work on English Punctuation, and every one can read it with profit and pleasure.”—Boston Daily Atlas. “It contains all the necessary directions for self-taught writers and editors.”—American Whig Review. American EncyclopÆdia of Printing. Comprising (with plates) 550 imperial octavo pages, giving more than sixteen hundred definitions, descriptions, and articles relating to the History, Implements, Processes, Products, and auxiliary Arts of Printing; splendidly Illustrated by more than two hundred Chromo-Lithographs, Lithographs, Wood Engravings, Imitations of Water-Marks, Embossed and Ruled Pages, etc. Edited by J. Luther Ringwalt. Price, $6.00. Typographic Advertiser. Elegantly printed, and furnished free to all Printing Offices. Needful to those who desire to keep up with the improvements in Typography. “This grand journal, the oldest in the country, maintains its place in the van against all comers. Its typographic appearance is unequalled in the world of printing, and a careful study of its peerless specimen pages will do more to advance the beautiful in job composition and presswork than all the tawdry imitations of lithography, and badly designed and worse executed rule work that has been thrust upon a suffering art from Caxton to to-day. Its editorial management is as good as its typography is handsome and artistic.”—Springer’s History and Mystery of Printing. Money spent for good books is well invested; and in this day of typographical progress, no active-minded printer can really afford not to have the above works in his office library. Address all orders to MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan Foundry, Transcriber’s Note List of changes made to the text: Page 273, “pressman” changed to “pressmen” (Many pressmen take a dozen proofs) Page 358, “Felonius” changed to “Felonious” (Felonious intent.) Letter sounds in the alphabet tables were usually but not always italicised—italic font has been added where it seemed needed to standardise. Inconsistent use of hyphens and old-fashioned spelling are left unchanged. ? is used to represent a symbol described as “the Gothic M”. ? and ? are used to represent the primitive square-cornered forms of the Roman numeral ? and its reverse ?. ? is used for the proofreader’s “dele” mark, which inexplicably still doesn’t have its own Unicode codepoint. Characters which have no sufficiently close Unicode equivalent are included as illustrations. |