CONTENTS. PAGE. Rise and Progress of Printing 13-48 Discovery The Song of the Printer. Pick and click Goes the type in the RISE AND PROGRESS OF PRINTING. DISCOVERY OF PRINTING. IMPLEMENTS OR TOOLS OF THE ART. TYPES. Words THE TYPES laid out in a composing stick THE ART OF COMPOSITION. GENERAL REMARKS. A man working at composition IMPOSING, OR PREPARING FOR PRESS. IMPOSITION Ephesians VI Chapter VI laid out in pages PROOF-READING AND CORRECTING. PROOF-READING. Decorative image THE FOREMAN OR OVERSEER. GENERAL DUTIES. Decorative image, lady holding scales of justice THE PRESS AND ITS WORKING. HISTORY OF THE PRESS. WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT. THE WAREHOUSEMAN. Decorative image, pile of books JOBBING FACILITIES. Decorative image, hand holding up a card that reads JOB PRINTING IN EVERY STYLE FOREIGN WORDS AND PHRASES, WITH TRANSLATIONS. Transcriber’s Note This e-text uses a lot of uncommon Unicode characters, for example ℔ (U+2114 L B BAR SYMBOL), ꝥ (U+A765 LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN WITH STROKE), ♈ (U+2648 ARIES). If these (and others) don’t display for you, you may need to install additional fonts on your device. In particular, a Fraktur/‘black letter’ font (such as Old English Text MT) is recommended for the parts of the book dealing with German typography. Page numbering replicates that in the original: pp. i-xiv in Roman, followed by page 9 sqq. in Arabic numerals. No pages are missing or duplicated. Further notes appear at the end. Photographic portrait of (presumably) the author THE A Manual of Typography, CONTAINING PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR MANAGING ALL DEPARTMENTS AS WELL AS Complete Instructions for Apprentices: WITH SEVERAL USEFUL TABLES, By Thomas MacKellar, Ph. D. FIAT LUX. PHILADELPHIA: Decorative image Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, by Decorative image Eighteenth Edition—Revised and Enlarged. ELECTROTYPED BY Decorative image EIGHTEENTH EDITION. This edition of the American Printer, while essentially the same as the previous one, contains some additional matter. Philadelphia, Decorative image Decorative header image