I. The Theory of Copernicus Droop 1
II. A Visit to the Panchronicon 23
III. A Nocturnal Evasion 38
IV. A Change of Plan 58
V. Droop's Theory in Practice 86
VI. Shipwrecked on the Sands of Time 103
VII. New Ties and Old Relations 123
VIII. How Francis Bacon Cheated the Bailiffs 157
IX. Phoebe at the Peacock Inn 179
X. How the Queen Read Her Newspaper 208
XI. The Fat Knight at the Boar's Head 242
XII. How Shakespeare Wrote His Plays 258
XIII. How the Fat Knight did Homage 277
XIV. The Fate of Sir Percevall's Suit 297
XV. How Rebecca Returned to Newington 317
XVI. How Sir Guy Kept His Tryst 324
XVII. Rebecca's Trump Card 340


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