CHAPTER | | PAGE | I. | The Theory of Copernicus Droop | 1 | II. | A Visit to the Panchronicon | 23 | III. | A Nocturnal Evasion | 38 | IV. | A Change of Plan | 58 | V. | Droop's Theory in Practice | 86 | VI. | Shipwrecked on the Sands of Time | 103 | VII. | New Ties and Old Relations | 123 | VIII. | How Francis Bacon Cheated the Bailiffs | 157 | IX. | Phoebe at the Peacock Inn | 179 | X. | How the Queen Read Her Newspaper | 208 | XI. | The Fat Knight at the Boar's Head | 242 | XII. | How Shakespeare Wrote His Plays | 258 | XIII. | How the Fat Knight did Homage | 277 | XIV. | The Fate of Sir Percevall's Suit | 297 | XV. | How Rebecca Returned to Newington | 317 | XVI. | How Sir Guy Kept His Tryst | 324 | XVII. | Rebecca's Trump Card | 340 |