
Foreground—a frozen crater

At back, a cavern. Overhanging this, at left and back,
snow-crusted cliffs, partly bared by the winds, stand
out against the stars.

On one of these, Odin seated; on his shoulders,
two ravens. Beneath him, in the crater and
cavern, half-discernible
, Fenris and his Pack.

ODIN He sleeps, yet restive still; with eyelids squint Through which his eyes, in dreams still shifting, flash Like flame through knot-holes. Yet he sleeps; beside him His wild pack, crouching, share his chain.—A lull: Betwixt moonset and sunrise, one at least, One lull in that insensate harsh defiance, The beast-night-barking of my wolfish son. You stars! Fenris is quiet. Now the dews May fall in silence, now the mountain birds Nest silent by the unawakened morning, The wide dark fold its wings and dream. Now peace, The infinite soliloquy of thought, Descends on Odin.
[A silent pause, during which the first pale signs of dawn appear on the crags. Odin whispers to the ravens on his shoulders and they fly away. He sits motionless and serene.]
THE PACK [Slumbrously.] Ulfr! Ulfr sofnathi!
ODIN [Gazes again on Fenris.] That this dread should breathe! And yon beast born from out my loins—to me, To me, that from this forehead plucked an eye To pawn for Mimi’s knowledge.—Wisdom, truth, Beauty, and law, the tranquil goals of mind, All these had I attained, and I a god; Yet on the lank, alluring hag of Chaos Begat this son, this living fang.
THE PACK [Slumbrously.] Ulfr! Ulfr sofnathi!
ODIN O thou Dumb spirit of the mind! O mystery! Were there a god whom Odin might invoke, To thee would Odin sue for pity.—Ages, A thousand ages, anguish; Anguish, remorse, forgiveness, malediction, Light into darkness, horror into hope, Revolving evermore.—O pain, O pain, Sear not my spirit blind!—Thou, tameless wolf, God of the void eternal retrograde, Prone deity of self, by that thou art— Illimitable passion, joyance mad Of being, hate, brute-cunning, gnawing lust, Fenris, I curse thee.
[Fenris wakes.]
THE PACK [Wildly.] Ulfr! Ulfr vaknathi!
FENRIS Father!
ODIN Still that name!
FENRIS Father!
ODIN Fenris, my son, forgive me.
FENRIS Fetch Fenris Freyja.
ODIN Bastard wolf, Be silent.
FENRIS Baldur, my brother’s bride betrothÈd, Freyja, fetch me.
ODIN Still no longing but ’tis lust, No aspiration but ’tis appetite.
FENRIS Anarch! anarch! anarch! Father, free me!
ODIN Free thee, thou poor antagonist. Knowest thou Not yet why thou art chained? Retarded thing, Emancipate thyself! What might it avail Though Odin burst these links and loosed thee?—Thou Thyself art thine own bondage and thy pain.
THE PACK Ulfr! Ulfr!
FENRIS Anarch! anarch! Ulfr!
ODIN Yet could’st thou show some genesis of good, Some spring of growth. Hadst thou, in all these ages, Waxed toward my stature imperceptibly Even as the seed, that germinates in darkness, Feels toward the sky; yea, hadst thou now one pale Potential spark of godhood, nobler desire, Evolving intellect, one lineal trait To prove that upward through thy brutish heart Yearns infinite Reason, even now, poor son, Would I strike off these fetters, set thee free, Thee and thy pack, and put my hope in time.
THE PACK Heil! Heil, Othinn!
FENRIS Fenris! Free him.
ODIN But lo! instead, what art thou? Ye faint stars, Before you close your eyes in day, once more Behold him! Ye icy craters and hoar caves, Thou solitary dawn, eternal sky, Perennial snows—you timeless presences, Behold your consummation: this, even this, Is Odin’s elder son, creation’s heir!
FENRIS Anarch! anarch! anarch! anarch! anarch!
[Odin, covering his face, turns away and disappears behind the crag. Fenris, with his pack, retires into the cavern, dragging his chain. Outside Baldur is heard singing, joined, in chorus, by the voices of nature on whom he calls.]
BALDUR Flushing peak, fainting star, Freyja! Torches in thy temple are, Freyja! Spirits of air, Anses and elves, Brightens the dawn, Freyja is gone. Come! let us go to her, girding ourselves.
CHORUS Freyja, where art thou? Where? Where?
[Freyja enters, looking fearfully around her.]
FREYJA Those giant beards and backs!—They turn and look. The peaks pursue me, and the nudging cliffs Thrust out great chins and stare. Where should this lead?
BALDUR [Outside.] Mortal day, man’s desires, Freyja! Feed on earth thine altar-fires, Freyja! Spirits of earth, Wood-sprites and Wanes, Gone is our mirth, Sorrow remains. Come! let us hasten and bid her beware!
CHORUS Freyja, where art thou? Where? Where?
FREYJA Can this place be i’ the world? And were such shapes Wrought in the dear creation? And that voice— Was it this crater’s frozen mouth that moaned For blossoms and the south wind and my love?
BALDUR [Enters.] Freyja!
FREYJA O Baldur, come!
BALDUR What hast thou seen? Why hast thou left the silver roof of shields, Thy lover’s eyes, the laughter of the gods, To wander forth in night?
FREYJA Barkings I heard.
BALDUR Hush, Freyja!
FREYJA Through the music of the gods Faintly I heard it knell and yearn for me; And so I stole away. But tell me—
FREYJA Tell me what thing of nameless woe—
BALDUR Oh, come And ask not. Come away to Valhal.
[He leads her impetuously away from the crater toward the sunrise.]
FREYJA [Resists gently.] Baldur!
BALDUR Freyja, look down! Spring leaps among the valleys And calls his universal flocks, to drink The love of Freyja. The forests rush together and the groves, And the male oaks, like herded elk at war, Tangle their budding antlers, and moan loud For Freyja’s love.
Look down! The silvered pastures and the lakes Lift all their sacrificial clouds, to crave The love of Freyja; And day’s bright stallion, snorting in the east, Paws the pale stream of morning into gold And champs his golden curb to burning foam For Freyja’s love.
[He draws her farther away.]
FREYJA But if one yearn in vain—
[The rattle of Fenris’s manacles echoes in the crater.]
THE PACK Ulfr! Ulfr vaknathi!
FREYJA Listen! They cry— “The wolf awakeneth!” What wolf? And why That clang of steel?
BALDUR His chain.
FREYJA [In dreadful wonder.] But he?
BALDUR A beast Untamed and tameless.—Ask not with thine eyes!— Fenris, my brother.
FREYJA [Springs joyfully toward the crater.] Ah!
BALDUR [Stays her.] Where art thou going?
FREYJA To greet my lover’s kindred. Were it not well?
BALDUR Oh, would it were! Look not; this kin is monstrous.
FREYJA Is it not a god as we?
BALDUR It is a god, Freyja, but not as we.—It is the wolf-god, Lord of the dumb and kithless wild, that live To breed and kill their forms of dreadful beauty— A vacant sacrifice to him: the doe, That stills all night her knocking heart, to hear The wood-cat’s footfall, breathes mute prayer to Fenris; The frothing stag, that blazons the black boar With gules of death, bruits hymns to Fenris; yet Their pangs assuage him not, for he himself Remains the abject deity of lust, His rites, the stretched claw and the stiffened mane; His priest—a sated fang; his altar—fear.
FREYJA But why makes he his sanctuary thus Lonely in desolation?
BALDUR ’Tis the will Of Odin. Ask no more. This cleft he chose Wherein to hide the secret woe of the world, That never thou shouldst look upon its face.
BALDUR Thou, O maiden! Thou art the hope of the world.
FENRIS Freyja!
FREYJA He calls me.
FENRIS Freyja!
FREYJA Hark! He yearns For me!
BALDUR [Urging her away.] ’Tis Odin’s will.
FENRIS Freyja!
FREYJA He cries In pain. Hold me no longer.—Fenris!
ODIN [Entering, intercepts her path with his spear.] Stay!
FREYJA Allfather! hark his pain. Alas, poor wolf!
ODIN Poor wolf? Poor world! poor blind, precarious Reason, Beneath whose sovereign throne this horror sits, Cat-crouching to usurp it.—Fear him; go!
FENRIS Ai! ai! anarch! Freyja!
FREYJA He yearns for me. Am I not beautiful? Am I not holy? Wherefore should I fear? All living things love Freyja; gods and men, Anses and elves and helpless animals. Where I walk glittering, there lovers press And consecrate their eyes and beat their hearts Like moths against the moon. And shall I go Nor smile once kindly on him? Even the moon Is kinder to her loves.
ODIN He craves no smile From thee, nor ever smiled into the face Of love since his birth-hour. He lusts for thee.
FREYJA Why should he not? Hath Odin never lusted? What mind that knows the lust of intellect Shall mock desire? Ah! Who that ever yearned, Yearned not in ignorance?
BALDUR Have pity, father!
ODIN [To Freyja.] Child, pitiest thou this thing?
FREYJA Hath not its voice Cried out immortally and craved me? Pity? Love is a kind of pity for itself That longs so endlessly. Allfather, never Ere now hast thou gainsaid me.
ODIN Yet must now! This bitterness is mine alone to bear. O Freyja! O my Baldur! You of all The creatures of my will, bright lovers, you Only are happy. Be so still. Depart! Forget these wolvish cries; seek not to help Evil unsolvable.
FREYJA What then is evil, That lovers may not solve it?
ODIN [His face turning wistful with a beautiful light, lifts his obstructive spear, and stands from the path.] Hope of the world!
FENRIS Freyja!
ODIN Behold!
[He watches with the look of wistfulness as Freyja and Baldur, springing to the brink of the crater, gaze down upon Fenris.]
BALDUR Fenris, my brother!
FREYJA O pain! Why dost thou look upon me so?
FENRIS Fair art, Freyja; shalt Fenris fear not?
FREYJA What wouldst thou?
FENRIS Lithe thy limbs are; lief am to lie with thee.
FREYJA Are these snows thy dwelling-place? No flowers grow here. Take these.
[Freyja lets fall some of her flowers into the crater.]
FENRIS [Tearing them, as the Pack yells.] Anarch! anarch!
FREYJA [Drawing back.] Alas!
BALDUR Peace, brother!
FREYJA Thou lovest me. Why, then, art thou not glad?
FENRIS Chafe, choke me, chains; chaffeth the churl at me!
FREYJA Take heart; we come to bring thee peace. O Baldur!
[Clinging to Baldur, she gazes with fascinated awe upon Fenris, who, pacing ever in and out, amid his involving Pack, with the swift, incessant shuttle movement of a caged wild thing, upturns his shifting eyes in yearning.]
FENRIS Free me, Freyja; frore am I, frost-bit, Go we together into greenwood glad. Mirk under moon-mist mad will meet thee, Hunt thee from hiding, thy heart-beats hear! Press thee, panting!
THE PACK Ulfr! Ulfr!
FENRIS Bite—bark at thee—
THE PACK Ulfr! Ulfr!
FENRIS Miles, miles, miles!
FREYJA [To Baldur.] He loves me, yet his looks are terrible. He saw me, yet he smiled not. Flowers I gave him, But he destroyed them. Sorrowful he is, Yet hath no tears in his eyes.—What shall we do?
FENRIS Free me, Freyja; fair art thou, froward— Go we together into greenwood glad. Burns thine eyebeam bright as the bitch-wolf’s, Longeth Fenris in thy lair to lie; Longeth to chase thee.
THE PACK Ulfr! Ulfr!
FENRIS Chafe, champ thee—
THE PACK Ulfr! Ulfr!
FENRIS Leave thee with child.
FREYJA Baldur, what reeling darkness snows around us From heaven? The rose of dawn is stung with blight.
ODIN [Aside.] O mystery! O will behind the will, How shall this end?
BALDUR From heaven no darkness falls; It is the glamour of his woeful eyes, That spet the night within them.
FREYJA [Half wildly, whispers at Baldur’s ear.] It must cease! The shy bird hath his song within the wood, The shepherd’s call is sweet along the hills, To husband and to lover are the sounds Of gracious voices in the home places,— To him, the ceaseless clanging of his chain.
BALDUR O Freyja, we will minister to him, Until for him the shy bird’s song is sweet, And sweet the shepherd’s call along the hills. Fenris!
[Swinging from the brink of the crater, he lets himself down. As he descends, Fenris springs toward him to the limit of his chain.]
FENRIS Hail, Baldur! hail, brother! Boast thy beauty now; Woo now and wive thee, welcome to Fenris’ woe. All elf-gifts thou asked Odin gave thee, Sunlight, summer, song for solace, Fair face, freedom, Freyja to friend. Me what gave he? Mark!—Mountain-mist, madness, Monstrous made me, marr’d, wolf-masked, Cramped in snow-crater, frost-crusted, chained; Numb, naked, night-winds gnaw me, Blistereth black ice, biteth my bones.
BALDUR Thou shalt be free.
FENRIS Me mocketh, mocketh! Ai!
BALDUR Fenris, my brother, hear me! I bring thee freedom.
FENRIS [Holding out his chain to Baldur.] Liest;—loose me!
BALDUR Hush! I know the secret How thou mayst slip these shackles. I have learned From Odin how he binds thee. Wilt thou hear?
FENRIS [Craftily beckoning Baldur under the shadow of a cleft.] Tss! Wise is the One-Eyed. Tss! read me thy riddle now.
BALDUR Know then, O Fenris, Odin of himself Is weak to hold thee. Of his kin, another Conniveth with him.
FENRIS Kin, sayst?
BALDUR Thou, his son. Thou forgest Chains stubborner than Odin’s, links of lust Mightier than these of steel, which are themselves The might of these thou wearest. O my brother, Lay off thine own, and Odin’s shall be straw.
FENRIS Thus readest thy riddle?
BALDUR Thus findest thou freedom: do our father’s will. His law is wisdom. All the folk of heaven And earth and hell obey him gladly; thou— Submit thou also; make thine oath to Odin.
FENRIS Oathless be Odin; am I earth’s overlord!
[Odin beckons to the eastward with his spear. From the distance comes a flash of fire and faint thunder.]
BALDUR Hush, brother, hush! He hears; for thy pain’s sake Remember he is Allfather. Be meek.
FENRIS Am I Asa’s heir!—I—I—I am Allfather!
[By a dazzling river of light and thunder-peal, the whole scene is riven. On the peaks at either side appear Loki and Thor. Loki holds in his hand a serpentine whip of many lashes, as of glittering brass; Thor, a white hammer. The Pack cower, moaning; Fenris stands glaring, with head bent backward as in sudden pain.]
ODIN Hail, Loki! Welcome, Thor! in happy time. Are ye not come to crown me Odin the Wise? Shake out the live scorn of thy withering laughter, Loki, over the world: Odin hath been defied! Hammer it, Thor, on the clanged doors of hell, Till their intestine thunders toll our doom— “The wolf shall sit alone, at Valhal’s feast, And eat of Odin’s heart!”
FREYJA Alas! What words
ODIN This is mine heir. Hath it not spoken? This Shall sit one day in Odin’s seat. Mine heir! The heir of all the gods. Behold then, gods, How this, your prince, receives his tutelage.
BALDUR Father, what wilt thou do?
ODIN Tame him, the tam eless; The eternal goad against the eternal stone. Yea, though I tame him not till doomsday darken. [To Loki.] Loosen thy scourge.
[Held by his chain, Fenris flees wildly in circles, and seeking to hide himself, finally crouches in terror, centre. He is prevented from entering the cavern by Thor, who stands there.]
FENRIS Anarch! Ai! anarch! Anarch! Ulfr! Ulfr!
ODIN Pity ask Of him; this wolf must reign or I. Strike, Loki! Let thy bright lashes scorch with all their snakes Till the live, brassy serum eats and crawls Into the writhing blood. Begin!
[As Loki swings his whip of fire, the Pack beneath fall on their faces. Amid them Fenris crouches at half stature. Baldur and Freyja kneel as frozen, with lifted hands toward Odin. Thus in sudden twilight and silence, fine silent lashes of unintermittent lightning uncoil and coil, as the scourge is whirled, around the cringing body of the wolf. A shudder only reveals his extreme pangs.]
ODIN Cease!?[Loki ceases.]?Wolf, what of thine oath?
FENRIS Oathless am I.
BALDUR Fenris, be tamed!
FENRIS I—I—I am Allfather!
ODIN Sublime inanity! heroic ape! This strong defiance were itself divine, And thou a titan-martyr, had thy pride One rational aim commensurate with thy woe. But all thy suffering is purposeless. Strike, Thor! Make of his obdurate heart thine anvil.
THE PACK [Some fawning toward Odin, others seeking protection of Fenris.] Heil, Othinn! Ulfr, heil!
[As Fenris, by a gesture of rage, drives these from him into the cavern, Thor raises his hammer. Immediate night shuts out the scene. In this surge of darkness the deep rolling of thunder swells and culminates, as by waves, in the blank burst of the thunder-bolt. Through a half-lull, amid moaning of the Pack, are heard voices from the crater.]
BALDUR’S VOICE She leaps. Hold, Thor! She casteth herself down.
FREYJA’S VOICE Beat on my heart, for mine containeth his.
ODIN Light! light once more! [The thunder dies away. Sudden dawn breaks, ripening soon to daylight. Within the crater, Freyja is revealed, standing over the exhausted form of Fenris.] Freyja, what hast thou dared?
FREYJA The bolt of iron and the scourge of brass Avail not, Odin.—Let me conquer him For thee!
ODIN How wouldst thou tame him?
FREYJA By my love, Yea, and the exceeding might of Baldur’s love, Whose gracious arts of poesie shall aid me. Grant him to us!
BALDUR Grant him to us, O father!
ODIN [Going apart.] O thou unknown Destroyer and Deliverer, Rape not again from me this nestling hope! [He descends into the crater.]
BALDUR AND FREYJA Grant him to us, Allfather, to be tamed!
FENRIS [Clutching the snow at their feet, feebly.] I—I am Allfather!
ODIN Lovers, I grant him to you; but not here, For this concession must be darkly hid Till you have proved its beauteous consummation. Not, therefore, here I grant, but yonder. [Indicates the earth below them.] There You shall enact a vast experiment, Whereof the pregnant sequel none may know Save only him, the master magian, Whose prentices we gods and titans are, And the blind wills of men his medium. For he, with silent face from us averted, Holds in the awful hollow of his hand The world—his crucible, and plies with them Ordeals of anguish and of ecstasy. Therefore the earth must be your place of passion, And there in slumber, even as mortals dream, Slumb’ring, that they are bright immortal gods, You shall be mortals, and shall walk as men, Forgetful of your immortality.
[Faintly, as from a great distance, there rises a sound of many voices crying, “Odin! Asa Odin!” and the rumour of beasts in pain.]
Hark, now! from far below us, the deep moan And lowing of a mortal sacrifice. Speak, Thor! What seest thou at Odin’s altar?
THOR A mighty hunter and a twisted dwarf Make sacrifice; rivals they seem, in feud, And claim the hand of Thordis, thy priest’s daughter, And the priest cries on Odin for a portent To choose which of the brothers shall be bridegroom.
ODIN Lo, then, my portent! We ourselves, we four, Shall be those rival brothers, priest and bride; Loki and Thor shall ravish them with death That we, in resurrection, may take on Their bodies as our mortal vestiture. For I will act with you this mystery, Dreaming myself the priest of mine own shrine; And Freyja, child, thy goddess heart shall beat Within the heart of Thordis, mortal maid; Thy boundless spirit, Baldur, shall be pinched Within the gnarled limbs of the stunted dwarf,


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