I NAMES AND SUBJECTS class="pginternal">176, 180, 187, 189f., 196Faith in Jesus, did not originate at Antioch, 303ff. "Famine visit," historicity of the, 84-86 Farnell, 212, 217 Fatherhood of God, same teaching about, in Jesus and in Paul, 161-164 Firmicus Maternus, 229, 237, 241, 251, 281, 314 "Flesh," Pauline use of the term: without parallel in pagan usage, 275f.; based on Old Testament, 276 Future life, interest in the, stimulated by worship of Dionysus and by Orphism, 216f. Galatians, Epistle to the: genuineness, 31; addressees, 81; date, 81ff.; must be interpreted in the light of I Cor. xv. 1-11, 144f. Gamaliel, 47, 52 Gautama, 274 Gentile Christianity: in what sense founded by Paul, 7-21; in what sense founded by Jesus, 13-15; part in the founding of, taken by missionaries other than Paul, 15f. Gischala, 44 Gnosis, 262-265: idea of, in Paul, 263-265; not a technical term in Paul, 263 Gnosticism, 247-251, 268f.: pagan basis of, 247; can it be used as a witness to pre-Christian paganism, 247-250; Christian elements in, 249f.; use in, of terms "Spirit" and "spiritual" due to dependence on the New Testament, 268f. "God," the term, 306f. Golden Rule, negative form of the, 88f. Gospel, the Pauline, was a matter of history, 264f. Gospels, the: contain an account of Jesus like that presupposed in the Pauline Epistles, 153f.; were they influenced by Paul, 154f., 159 Grace, doctrine of, both in Jesus and in Paul, 164 Grace of God according to Paul, 279 Greece, religion of: influenced Rome, 212f.; moral defects of, 214; was anthropomorphic polytheism, 214f.; was connected with the state, 214f.; mystical elements in, 215ff.; was undermined by philosophy, by the fall of the city-state, and by the influence of the eastern religions, 219f. Greek language: in Palestine, 53, 302; 242, 244, 249, 269 Kroll, W., 242, 245 Kykeon, the, 218, 281 Laborers in the vineyard, parable of the, 164 Lake, Kirsopp, 12f., 81f., 89, 98 Lake and Jackson, 186 Law, the ceremonial, attitude of Jesus toward, 14f. Law, the Mosaic: function of, according to Paul, 18; attitude of the early Jerusalem Church toward, 19; was supernaturalistic, 288f.; was not external, 289f.; was individualistic, 309ff.; was not developed from the cult, 309ff.; was personal, 311f., 317; was historical, 316 Paulinism, the origin of: four ways of explaining, 24ff.; supernaturalistic explanation of, 24; liberal explanation of, 24-26; radical explanations of, 26ff.; found in pre-Christian Judaism by Wrede and BrÜckner, 27f.; found in paganism by Bousset, 30; not really explained by development from the liberal Jesus, 117-169; not really explained by Judaism, 173-207; not really explained by paganism, 211-317 Persephone, 218 Personality, idea of, 202f. Peter: received Cornelius, 16; with Paul in Jerusalem, 75-77; at Antioch, 97-106; rebuked by Paul, 97, 102, 122-124; division of labor with Paul, 99f.; relations of, with Paul, 102-105; attitude of Paul toward, 120ff.; agreed with Paul in principle, 123f.; not in harmony with Ebionism, 125f.; went to Rome, 127f.; contact with Paul, 137; relations of, with Mark, 139 Pharisaism, not influenced by pagan religion, 255f. Pharisees, the, 177 Philemon, Epistle to, 31 Philippians, Epistle to the, 31, 104 Philo, 183, 250f.: use of term "Spirit" by, due to Old Testament, 268 Philosophy: undermined the religion of Greece, 219; practical interest of, in the Hellenistic age, 224ff. Plato, 224f., 275 Plooij, 81 Plutarch, 231, 236 Poimandres, the, 242-245 Posidonius, 225, 250 Princeton Theological Review, 37, 78, 107, 125, II BIBLICAL PASSAGES OLD TESTAMENT Psalms— li. 11, 270f. cx. 1, 296 cx. 3 (lxx), 201 Proverbs— viii, 199f. Isaiah— ix, 191 xi, 191 liii, 63, 65, 181 lxv. 17, 191 Ezekiel— viii. 14, 234 Daniel— vii. 13, 188, 191 vii. 18, 191 Micah— v. 2 (lxx), 201 NEW TESTAMENT Matthew— v. 45, 162 vii. 21, 296 xxi. 41, 15 xxviii. 19, 20, 14 Mark— iii. 7, 8, 51 vii. 15, 15 x. 45, 154, 159 xi. 3, 297 xii. 35-37, 296 Luke— iii. 15, 184 vi. 35, 162 vi. 46, 296 John— i. 19-27, 184 vi, 282 Acts— ii. 36, 295 iv. 36, 37, 137f. vi. 1, 46, 302 vii. 56, 298 vii. 58-viii. 1, 47 ix. 1, 47 ix. 10-19, 71 ix. 19, 72 ix. 22, 72 ix. 23, 72 ix. 26-30, 73, 74-76 ix. 27, 75 ix. 28, 51 x. 41, 35 xi. 19-30, 79 xi. 26, 78 xi. 30, 78ff. xii, 78 xii. 1-17, 138 xii. 25, 78ff. xiii-xiv, 97 xv, 39, 140 xv. 1-29, 80-100, 139 xv. 19, 20, 87 xv. 21, 92 xv. 23, 94 xv. 27, 140 xv. 28, 29, 87-98 xvi. 4, 94 xxi. 17, 109, 112 xxi. 20-26, 11Of. xxi. 20-22, 113 xxi. 20, 110 xxi. 25, 87, 91 xxi. 26, 110 xxii. 3, 47 xxii. 12-16, 71 xxii. 17-21, 49, 74 xxiii. 6, 46f. xxiii. 16-22, 49 xxiv. 17, 112 xxvi. 14, 60-62 i. 7, 82 vi, 284, 286f. vi. 4, 286 vi. 7, 277 vii, 63ff. vi. 7-25, 65f. viii. 16, 266 viii. 30, 277 ix. 5, 198 xiv, 93 xiv. 17, 161 xv. 2, 3, 150 xv. 8, 149 xv. 31, 112f. xvi, 141 xvi. 7, 140f. 1 Corinthians— i-iv, 108 i. 12, 107f., 109, 120 i. 17, 285 i. 23, 314f. i. 24, 203 i. 30, 203 ii. 6, 7, 272f. ii. 8, 117f. ii. 14, 15, 265-267 ii. 15, 16, 269 iii. 21, 22, 109 iii. 22, 104 vi. 9, 160 vii. 10, 147 vii. 12, 147 vii. 25, 147 viii, 93 viii. 5, 6, 305f. viii. 6, 194 ix. 5, 104 ix. 6, 106 ix. 14, 147 ix. 19-22, 92f., 110 ix. 20, 111 ix. 22, 260 x. 16, 282 x. 20, 283 x. 21, 282f. x. 32-xi. 1, 151 xi. 1, 150 xi. 23ff., 148f., 151f. xi. 23, 149 xi. 30, 288 xii. 8, 263 xiii, 66 xiv. 37, 147 xv. 1-11, 104, 124f., 144f. xv. 1-8, 316 xv. 1-7, 258f. xv. 3-8, 35 xv. 3-7, 76 xv. 3, 144f., 149 xv. 4, 149 xv. 5, 77, 104 xv. 11, 77, 104, 109 xv. 29, 288 xv. 50, 161 xvi. 22, 300f. 2 Corinthians— iii. 1, 108 iii. 17, 311 v. 16, 54-56, 130f., 142-144 viii. 9, 150 x-xiii, 107, 109, 131f. x. 1, 150 xi. 4-6, 131-135 xi. 5, 108f., 133 xi. 13, 109 xi. 19, 20, 134 xi. 22, 46 xi. 25, 45 xii. 1-8, 59f. xii. 2-4, 264 xii. 11, 108f. Galatians— i-ii, 144-147 i. 1, 199 i. 14, 47 i. 16, 17, 74 i. 16, 71 i. 17, 50 i. 18, 19, 74-76, 84, 300 i. 18, 79 i. 19, 75, 299f. i. 22, 50-52, 75 i. 23, 52 ii. 1-10, 78-100, 104, 121f., 139 ii. 1, 84, 137 ii. 2, 120ff. ii. 6, 87, 95, 120ff. ii. 9, 100, 104, 120ff. ii. 10, 99f. ii. 11-21, 87, 93, 100-106, 122-124 ii. 11-13, 97 ii. 14-21, 123f. ii. 19, 103 ii. 20, 150 ii. 21, 279 iii. 1, 149f. iii. 2, 287 iii. 5, 271f. iii. 27, 287 iv. 14, 59f. v. 19-21, 160 vi. 3, 121 ii. 5ff., 150 ii. 10, 11, 118 iii. 2ff., 104 iii. 5, 46, 47 iv. 12, 271f. Colossians— i. 16, 194 ii. 12, 284 iv. 10, 11, 107 iv. 10, 105f., 138 1 Thessalonians— i. 6, 151 iv. 15, 147f. 1 Timothy— i. 13, 61 2 Timothy— iv. 11, 106 Philemon— 24, 105, 107, 138 1 Peter— v. 13, 105, 139 Ta??e?te ?sta? t?? Te?? ses????? ?sta? ??? ??? ?? p???? s?t???a. Variations in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been retained except in obvious cases of typographical error. Missing page numbers are page numbers that were not shown in the original text. The cover for the eBook version of this book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. Page 24: "customary and then use it in distinction"—The transcriber has replaced "than" with "then". Page 307: In footnote 233 the transcriber has replaced the scrambled Greek letters "?t??desp" with "desp?t??". |