

class="pginternal">176, 180, 187, 189f., 196
Faith in Jesus, did not originate at Antioch, 303ff.
"Famine visit," historicity of the, 84-86
Farnell, 212, 217
Fatherhood of God, same teaching about, in Jesus and in Paul, 161-164
Firmicus Maternus, 229, 237, 241, 251, 281, 314
"Flesh," Pauline use of the term: without parallel in pagan usage, 275f.;
based on Old Testament, 276
Future life, interest in the, stimulated by worship of Dionysus and by Orphism, 216f.
Galatians, Epistle to the:
genuineness, 31;
addressees, 81;
date, 81ff.;
must be interpreted in the light of I Cor. xv. 1-11, 144f.
Gamaliel, 47, 52
Gautama, 274
Gentile Christianity:
in what sense founded by Paul, 7-21;
in what sense founded by Jesus, 13-15;
part in the founding of, taken by missionaries other than Paul, 15f.
Gentiles, reception of, according to the Old Testament, 17
Gischala, 44
Gnosis, 262-265:
idea of, in Paul, 263-265;
not a technical term in Paul, 263
Gnosticism, 247-251, 268f.:
pagan basis of, 247;
can it be used as a witness to pre-Christian paganism, 247-250;
Christian elements in, 249f.;
use in, of terms "Spirit" and "spiritual" due to dependence on the New Testament, 268f.
"God," the term, 306f.
Golden Rule, negative form of the, 88f.
Gospel, the Pauline, was a matter of history, 264f.
Gospels, the:
contain an account of Jesus like that presupposed in the Pauline Epistles, 153f.;
were they influenced by Paul, 154f., 159
Grace, doctrine of, both in Jesus and in Paul, 164
Grace of God according to Paul, 279
Greece, religion of:
influenced Rome, 212f.;
moral defects of, 214;
was anthropomorphic polytheism, 214f.;
was connected with the state, 214f.;
mystical elements in, 215ff.;
was undermined by philosophy, by the fall of the city-state, and by the influence of the eastern religions, 219f.
Greek language:
in Palestine, 53, 302;
242, 244, 249, 269
Kroll, W., 242, 245
Kykeon, the, 218, 281
Laborers in the vineyard, parable of the, 164
Lake, Kirsopp, 12f., 81f., 89, 98
Lake and Jackson, 186
Law, the ceremonial, attitude of Jesus toward, 14f.
Law, the Mosaic:
function of, according to Paul, 18;
attitude of the early Jerusalem Church toward, 19;
.html#Page_129" class="pginternal">129-137;
was supernaturalistic, 288f.;
was not external, 289f.;
was individualistic, 309ff.;
was not developed from the cult, 309ff.;
was personal, 311f., 317;
was historical, 316
Paulinism, the origin of:
four ways of explaining, 24ff.;
supernaturalistic explanation of, 24;
liberal explanation of, 24-26;
radical explanations of, 26ff.;
found in pre-Christian Judaism by Wrede and BrÜckner, 27f.;
found in paganism by Bousset, 30;
not really explained by development from the liberal Jesus, 117-169;
not really explained by Judaism, 173-207;
not really explained by paganism, 211-317
Persephone, 218
Personality, idea of, 202f.
received Cornelius, 16;
with Paul in Jerusalem, 75-77;
at Antioch, 97-106;
rebuked by Paul, 97, 102, 122-124;
division of labor with Paul, 99f.;
relations of, with Paul, 102-105;
attitude of Paul toward, 120ff.;
agreed with Paul in principle, 123f.;
not in harmony with Ebionism, 125f.;
went to Rome, 127f.;
contact with Paul, 137;
relations of, with Mark, 139
Pharisaism, not influenced by pagan religion, 255f.
Pharisees, the, 177
Philemon, Epistle to, 31
Philippians, Epistle to the, 31, 104
Philo, 183, 250f.:
use of term "Spirit" by, due to Old Testament, 268
undermined the religion of Greece, 219;
practical interest of, in the Hellenistic age, 224ff.
Plato, 224f., 275
Plooij, 81
Plutarch, 231, 236
Poimandres, the, 242-245
Posidonius, 225, 250
Princeton Biblical Studies, 7, 17, 37, 117
Princeton Theological Review, 37, 78, 107, 125, II BIBLICAL PASSAGES


li. 11, 270f.
cx. 1, 296
cx. 3 (lxx), 201
viii, 199f.
ix, 191
xi, 191
liii, 63, 65, 181
lxv. 17, 191
viii. 14, 234
vii. 13, 188, 191
vii. 18, 191
v. 2 (lxx), 201


v. 45, 162
vii. 21, 296
xxi. 41, 15
xxviii. 19, 20, 14
iii. 7, 8, 51
vii. 15, 15
x. 45, 154, 159
xi. 3, 297
xii. 35-37, 296
iii. 15, 184
vi. 35, 162
vi. 46, 296
i. 19-27, 184
vi, 282
ii. 36, 295
iv. 36, 37, 137f.
vi. 1, 46, 302
vii. 56, 298
vii. 58-viii. 1, 47
ix. 1, 47
ix. 10-19, 71
ix. 19, 72
ix. 22, 72
ix. 23, 72
ix. 26-30, 73, 74-76
ix. 27, 75
ix. 28, 51
x. 41, 35
xi. 19-30, 79
xi. 26, 78
xi. 30, 78ff.
xii, 78
xii. 1-17, 138
xii. 25, 78ff.
xiii-xiv, 97
xv, 39, 140
xv. 1-29, 80-100, 139
xv. 19, 20, 87
xv. 21, 92
xv. 23, 94
xv. 27, 140
xv. 28, 29, 87-98
xvi. 4, 94
xxi. 17, 109, 112
xxi. 20-26, 11Of.
xxi. 20-22, 113
xxi. 20, 110
xxi. 25, 87, 91
xxi. 26, 110
xxii. 3, 47
xxii. 12-16, 71
xxii. 17-21, 49, 74
xxiii. 6, 46f.
xxiii. 16-22, 49
xxiv. 17, 112
xxvi. 14, 60-62
i. 7, 82
vi, 284, 286f.
vi. 4, 286
vi. 7, 277
vii, 63ff.
vi. 7-25, 65f.
viii. 16, 266
viii. 30, 277
ix. 5, 198
xiv, 93
xiv. 17, 161
xv. 2, 3, 150
xv. 8, 149
xv. 31, 112f.
xvi, 141
xvi. 7, 140f.
1 Corinthians—
i-iv, 108
i. 12, 107f., 109, 120
i. 17, 285
i. 23, 314f.
i. 24, 203
i. 30, 203
ii. 6, 7, 272f.
ii. 8, 117f.
ii. 14, 15, 265-267
ii. 15, 16, 269
iii. 21, 22, 109
iii. 22, 104
vi. 9, 160
vii. 10, 147
vii. 12, 147
vii. 25, 147
viii, 93
viii. 5, 6, 305f.
viii. 6, 194
ix. 5, 104
ix. 6, 106
ix. 14, 147
ix. 19-22, 92f., 110
ix. 20, 111
ix. 22, 260
x. 16, 282
x. 20, 283
x. 21, 282f.
x. 32-xi. 1, 151
xi. 1, 150
xi. 23ff., 148f., 151f.
xi. 23, 149
xi. 30, 288
xii. 8, 263
xiii, 66
xiv. 37, 147
xv. 1-11, 104, 124f., 144f.
xv. 1-8, 316
xv. 1-7, 258f.
xv. 3-8, 35
xv. 3-7, 76
xv. 3, 144f., 149
xv. 4, 149
xv. 5, 77, 104
xv. 11, 77, 104, 109
xv. 29, 288
xv. 50, 161
xvi. 22, 300f.
2 Corinthians—
iii. 1, 108
iii. 17, 311
v. 16, 54-56, 130f., 142-144
viii. 9, 150
x-xiii, 107, 109, 131f.
x. 1, 150
xi. 4-6, 131-135
xi. 5, 108f., 133
xi. 13, 109
xi. 19, 20, 134
xi. 22, 46
xi. 25, 45
xii. 1-8, 59f.
xii. 2-4, 264
xii. 11, 108f.
i-ii, 144-147
i. 1, 199
i. 14, 47
i. 16, 17, 74
i. 16, 71
i. 17, 50
i. 18, 19, 74-76, 84, 300
i. 18, 79
i. 19, 75, 299f.
i. 22, 50-52, 75
i. 23, 52
ii. 1-10, 78-100, 104, 121f., 139
ii. 1, 84, 137
ii. 2, 120ff.
ii. 6, 87, 95, 120ff.
ii. 9, 100, 104, 120ff.
ii. 10, 99f.
ii. 11-21, 87, 93, 100-106, 122-124
ii. 11-13, 97
ii. 14-21, 123f.
ii. 19, 103
ii. 20, 150
ii. 21, 279
iii. 1, 149f.
iii. 2, 287
iii. 5, 271f.
iii. 27, 287
iv. 14, 59f.
v. 19-21, 160
vi. 3, 121
ii. 5ff., 150
ii. 10, 11, 118
iii. 2ff., 104
iii. 5, 46, 47
iv. 12, 271f.
i. 16, 194
ii. 12, 284
iv. 10, 11, 107
iv. 10, 105f., 138
1 Thessalonians—
i. 6, 151
iv. 15, 147f.
1 Timothy—
i. 13, 61
2 Timothy—
iv. 11, 106
24, 105, 107, 138
1 Peter—
v. 13, 105, 139

[1] Compare "Jesus and Paul," in Biblical and Theological Studies by Members of the Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, 1912, pp. 553 f.

[2] Harnack, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, 4te Aufl., i, 1909, p. 155. (English Translation, History of Dogma, i, 1895, p. 136.)

[3] Harnack, loc. cit.

[4] The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul, 1911, pp. 16-28, especially p. 24. Compare Lake and Jackson, The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I, vol. i, 1920, p. 166.

[5] Matt. xxi. 41, and parallels. This verse can perhaps hardly be held to refer exclusively to the rejection of Jesus by the rulers; it seems also to apply to a rejection by the people as a whole. But the full implications of so mysterious an utterance may well have been lost sight of in the early Jerusalem Church.

[6] For what follows, compare the article cited in Biblical and Theological Studies, pp. 555-557.

[7] H. J. Holtzmann (in Protestantische Monatshefte, iv, 1900, pp. 465f., and in Christliche Welt, xxiv, 1910, column 153) admitted that for the rapid apotheosis of Jesus as it is attested by the epistles of Paul he could cite no parallel in the religious history of the race.

[8] Compare R. Seeberg, Der Ursprung des Christusglaubens, 1914, pp. 1f.

[9] Harnack, Das Wesen des Christentums, 1900. (English Translation, What is Christianity?, 1901.)

[10] Wrede, Paulus, 1904. (English Translation, Paul, 1907.)

[11] Die Entstehung der paulinischen Christologie, 1903; "Zum Thema Jesus und Paulus," in Zeitschrift fÜr die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, vii, 1906, pp. 112-119; "Der Apostel Paulus als Zeuge wider das Christusbild der Evangelien," in Protestantische Monatshefte, x, 1906, pp. 352-364.

[12] Compare also Bousset, Jesus der Herr, 1916.

[13] Lukas der Arzt, 1906 (English Translation, Luke the Physician, 1907); Die Apostelgeschichte, 1908 (English Translation, The Acts of the Apostles, 1909); Neue Untersuchungen zur Apostelgeschichte und zur Abfassungszeit der synoptischen Evangelien, 1911 (English Translation, The Date of the Acts and of the Synoptic Gospels, 1911).

[14] Harnack, Die Apostelgeschichte, 1908, pp. 111-130 (English Translation, The Acts of the Apostles, 1909, pp. 133-161).

[15] For what follows, compare "Jesus and Paul," in Biblical and Theological Studies by the Members of the Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, 1912, pp. 553f.; "Recent Criticism of the Book of Acts," in Princeton Theological Review, xvii, 1919, pp. 593-597.

[16] J. Weiss, Urchristentum, 1914, p. 107: "It is simply impossible for us to erase it [the Book of Acts] so completely from our memory as to read the Epistle to the Galatians as though we had never known Acts; without the Book of Acts we should simply not be able to understand Galatians at all."

[17] Krenkel, BeitrÄge zur Aufhellung der Geschichte und der Briefe des Apostels Paulus, 1890, pp. 1-17.

[18] Einleitung in das Neue Testament, 3te Aufl., i, 1906, pp. 48-50 (English Translation, Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd ed., 1909, i, pp. 68-70).

[19] De vir. ill. 5 (ed. Vall. ii, 836).

[20] Comm. in Philem. 23 (ed. Vall. vii, 762).

[21] The Cities of St. Paul, 1908, pp. 85-244.

[22] Die Geisteskultur von Tarsos, 1913

[23] Compare Mommsen, "Die RechtsverhÄltnisse des Apostels Paulus," in Zeitschrift fÜr die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, ii, 1901, pp. 88-96.

[24] On Phil. iii. 5.

[25] Op. cit., pp. 85f.

[26] Kyrios Christos, 1913, p. 92. Bousset's doubt with regard to the early Jerusalem residence of Paul extended, explicitly at least, only to the persecution in Jerusalem, and it was a doubt merely, not a positive denial. In his supplementary work he has admitted that his doubt was unjustified (Jesus der Herr, 1916, p. 31).

[27] "Zum Problem Paulus und Jesus," in Zeitschrift fÜr die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, xiii, 1912, pp. 320-337.

[28] L'Épitre aux Galates, 1916, pp. 68-73; Les mystÈres paÏens et le mystÈre chrÉtien, 1919, pp. 317-320.

[29] Compare Wellhausen, Kritische Analyse der Apostelgeschichte, 1914, p. 16.

[30] See Zahn, Einleitung in das Neue Testament, 3te Aufl., i, 1906, pp. 24-32, 39-47 (English Translation, Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd Ed., 1917, i, pp. 34-46, 57-66).

[31] Paulus und Jesus, 1909, pp. 22, 23. Compare Ramsay, The Teaching of Paul in Terms of the Present Day, 1914, pp. 21-30.

[32] See Krenkel, BeitrÄge zur Aufhellung der Geschichte und der Briefe des Apostels Paulus, 1890, pp. 47-125.

[33] Beyschlag, "Die Bekehrung des Apostels Paulus," in Theologische Studien und Kritiken, xxxvii, 1864, p. 241.

[34] Holsten, Zum Evangelium des Paulus und des Petrus, 1868. Against Holsten, see Beyschlag, "Die Bekehrung des Apostels Paulus, mit besonderer RÜcksicht auf die ErklÄrungsversuche von Baur und Holsten," in Theologische Studien und Kritiken, xxxvii, 1864, pp. 197-264; "Die Visionshypothese in ihrer neuesten BegrÜndung. Eine Duplik gegen D. Holsten," ibid., xliii, 1870, pp. 7-50, 189-263.

[35] See SchÜrer, Geschichte des jÜdischen Volkes, 4te Aufl., ii, 1907, pp. 648-651 (English Translation, A History of the Jewish People, Division II, vol. ii, 1885, pp. 184-187).

[36] Beyschlag, "Die Visionshypothese in ihrer neuesten BegrÜndung," in Theologische Studien und Kritiken, xliii, 1870, pp. 19-21.

[37] Acts ix. 10-19; xxii. 12-16.

[38] Gal. i. 16.

[39] Holsten, op. cit., p. 118, Amn.: "Aber natÜrlich kann in dem ?st???sa? ??f?? nicht liegen, Paulus sei nach Jerusalem gegangen, um den Petrus fÜnfzehn tage lang stumm anzuschauen. Die beiden mÄnner werden miteinander Über das evangelium Christi geredet haben."

[40] HeitmÜller, "Zum Problem Paulus und Jesus," in Zeitschrift fÜr die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, xiii, 1912, pp. 320-337, especially p. 331.

[41] For what follows, compare "Recent Criticism of the Book of Acts," in Princeton Theological Review, xvii, 1919, pp. 597-608.

[42] Josephus, Antiq. XX. v. 2. See SchÜrer, Geschichte des jÜdischen Volkes, 3te u. 4te Aufl., i, 1901, p. 567 (English Translation, A History of the Jewish People, Division I, vol. ii, 1890, pp. 169f.).

[43] Die Abfassung des Galaterbriefs vor dem Apostelkonzil, 1900.

[44] "Galatians the Earliest of the Pauline Epistles," in Expositor, 7th Series, vol. ix, 1910, pp. 242-254 (reprinted in The Eschatological Question in the Gospels, 1911, pp. 191-209); St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, 1912, pp. xiv-xxii.

[45] The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul, 1911, pp. 265-304. In a later book, Lake has modified his views about the relation between Galatians and Acts. The historicity of Acts xv. 1-29 is now abandoned. See Landmarks in the History of Early Christianity, 1920, pp. 63-66.

[46] Ramsay, "Suggestions on the History and Letters of St. Paul. I. The Date of the Galatian Letter," in Expositor, VIII, v, 1913, pp. 127-145.

[47] Plooij, De chronologie van het leven van Paulus, 1918, pp. 111-140.

[48] Maurice Jones ("The Date of the Epistle to the Galatians," in Expositor, VIII, vi, 1913, pp. 193-208) has adduced from the Book of Acts various arguments against the early date of Galatians, which, though worthy of attention, are not quite decisive.

[49] Lake, The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul, 1911, pp. 361-370.

[50] Baur, Paulus, 2te Aufl., 1866, pp. 130-132 (English Translation, Paul i, 1873, pp. 118-120). Baur does maintain that Gal. ii. 1 renders improbable a second visit of Paul to Jerusalem before the conference with the apostles which is narrated in Gal. ii. 1, but points out that in itself the verse is capable of a different interpretation.

[51] J. Weiss, Urchristentum, 1914, p. 147, Anm. 2.

[52] Loc. cit.

[53] See Lake, op. cit., pp. 51-53.

[54] Op. cit., pp. 57-59.

[55] An elaborate attempt has recently been made by Zahn, in addition to former attempts by Blass and Hilgenfeld, to reproduce the original form of the Western text, which Zahn believes to be the earlier edition of the book. See Zahn, Die Urausgabe der Apostelgeschichte des Lucas, 1916 (Forschungen zur Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons, ix. Teil).

[56] B. W. Bacon, "Acts versus Galatians: the Crux of Apostolic History," inAmerican Journal of Theology, xi, 1907, pp. 454-474. See also "Professor Harnack on the Lukan Narrative," ibid., xiii, 1909, pp. 59-76.

[57] 1 Cor. ix. 19-22, American Revised Version.

[58] Wendt, Die Apostelgeschichte, 1913, in Meyer, Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar Über das Neue Testament, 9te Aufl., p. 237.

[59] ??de? p??sa???e?t?.

[60] In The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul, 1911. It will be remembered that Lake has now radically modified his views. See above, p. 81, footnote 3.

[61] On Gal. ii. 19.

[62] Knowling, The Witness of the Epistles, 1892, p. 14, note 1.

[63] Knowling, loc. cit.

[64] Baur, "Die Christuspartei in der korinthischen Gemeinde," in TÜbinger Zeitschrift fÜr Theologie, 1831, 4 Heft, pp. 61-206.

[65] J. Weiss, Der erste Korintherbrief, 1910, in Meyer, op. cit., 9te Aufl., p. xxxviii.

[66] See Knowling, as cited above, p. 104, footnotes 1 and 2.

[67] In the present chapter there are some coincidences of thought and expression with the paper by the same author entitled "Jesus and Paul" in Biblical and Theological Studies by the Members of the Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, 1912, pp. 547-578.

[68] W. Morgan, The Religion and Theology of Paul, 1917.

[69] ?? d?????te?.

[70] ?p????s??.

[71] See p. 40, footnote 1.

[72] See, for example, Lietzmann, Petrus and Paulus in Rom, 1915.

[73] 4. e? ?? ??? ? ????e??? ????? ??s??? ????sse? ?? ??k ??????ae?, ? p?e?a ?te??? ?a??ete ? ??? ???ete, ? e?a??????? ?te??? ? ??k ?d??as?e, ?a??? ????es?e. 5. ??????a? ??? ?d?? ?ste?????a? t?? ?pe???a? ?p?st????. 6. e? d? ?a? ?d??t?? t? ????, ???'?? t? ???sa?, ???'?? pa?t? fa?e??sa?te? ?? p?s?? e?? ???.

[74] The translation preferred in the American Revision, "very chiefest apostles," seems to be based upon the mistaken view that the ?pe???a? ?p?st???? are the original apostles at Jerusalem. This view is rejected in the above paraphrase, which diverges from the American Revision in other ways also.

[75] Between ????es?e and ??e??es?e (or ??e??es?e).

[76] Wellhausen, Kritische Analyse der Apostelgeschichte, 1914, pp. 22f.

[77] In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. iii, 39, 15.

[78] B. W. Bacon (Jesus and Paul, 1921, pp. 15f.) believes that the connection between Peter and Mark is probably to be placed only in the early years, principally before the first association of Mark with Paul. This view, which is insufficiently grounded, involves a rejection of the common view, attested, for example, by 1 Peter v. 13, according to which Mark was also with Peter at a later time.

[79] BÖhlig, Die Geisteskultur von Tarsos, 1913, pp. 140-142.

[80] Compare Knowling, The Witness of the Epistles, 1892, pp. 319f.

[81] t??t? ??? ??? ????e? ?? ???? ??????.

[82] ?p? is here used, not pa??.

[83] pa???a??.

[84] J. Weiss, Das Älteste Evangelium, 1903, pp. 33-39.

[85] See, for example, J. Weiss, Das Urchristentum, 1914-1917, pp. 540, 547, 548.

[86] For what follows, see, in addition to the paper mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, "History and Faith," in Princeton Theological Review, xiii, 1915, pp. 337-351.

[87] See Denney, Jesus and the Gospel, 1909.

[88] J. Weiss, "Das Problem der Entstehung des Christentums," in Archiv fÜr Religionswissenschaft, xvi, 1913, p. 456.

[89] A. Schweitzer, Geschichte der Leben-Jesu-Forschung, 1913, pp. 390-443.

[90] HeitmÜller, Jesus, 1913, p. 71.

[91] Bousset, Die Religion des Judentums, 2te Aufl., 1906, pp. 432-434.

[92] Compare W. Morgan, The Religion and Theology of Paul, 1917, p. 155: "The essential import of Paul's doctrine [of justification by faith] is all contained in the two parables of the Pharisee and the publican and the servant coming in from the field."

[93] Wrede, Paulus, 1904, p. 93 (English Translation, Paul, 1907, p. 161).

[94] See p. 26, footnote 2.

[95] See p. 27, footnote 1.

[96] Montefiore, Judaism and St. Paul, 1914. Compare Emmet, "The Fourth Book of Esdras and St. Paul," in Expository Times, xxvii, 1915-1916, pp. 551-556.

[97] Josephus, Antiq. XVIII. i. 2-5.

[98] Baldensperger, Die Messianisch-apokalyptischen Hoffnungen des Judentums, 3te Aufl., 1903, pp. 88, 89.

[99] See Box, in Charles, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, 1913, ii, pp. 542-624; SchÜrer, Geschichte des jÜdischen Volkes, 3te und 4te Aufl., iii, 1909, pp. 315-335 (English Translation, A History of the Jewish People, Division II, vol. iii, 1886, pp. 93-104). The work of Charles has been used freely, without special acknowledgment, for the citations from the Jewish apocalypses.

[100] See Charles, op. cit., ii, pp. 470-526; SchÜrer, op. cit., iii, pp. 305-315 (English Translation, Division II, vol. iii, pp. 83-93).

[101] Compare Box, in Charles, op. cit., p. 593. See also Emmet, loc. cit.

[102] Der Ursprung der israelitisch-jÜdischen Eschatologie, 1905.

[103] See Beecher, The Prophets and the Promise, 1905.

[104] De praem et poen. 16 (ed. Cohn, 1902, iv, p. 357).

[105] BrÜckner, Die Entstehung der paulinischen Christologie, 1903, pp. 102f.

[106] Bell. Jud. VI. v. 4.

[107] SchÜrer, op. cit., ii, 1907, p. 604 (English Translation, Division II, vol. ii, 1885, p. 149).

[108] BrÜckner, op. cit., pp. 104-112.

[109] ????? ?????p??.

[110] Indeed BrÜckner himself (op. cit., p. 110) admits that there were two lines of thought about the Messiah in pre-Christian Judaism. But he denies that the two were separated, and insists that the transcendent conception had transformed the conception of an earthly king.

[111] All parts of 1 Enoch are now usually thought to be of pre-Christian origin. The Similitudes (chaps. xxxvii-lxxi) are usually dated in the first century before Christ. See Charles, op. cit., ii, pp. 163-281; SchÜrer, op. cit., iii, pp. 268-290 (English Translation, Division II, vol. iii, pp. 54-73).

[112] Lake and Jackson, The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I, vol. i, 1920, pp. 373f.

[113] Dalman, Die Worte Jesu, i, 1898, pp. 191-197 (English Translation, The Words of Jesus, i, 1902, pp. 234-241); Bousset, Kyrios Christos, 1913, pp. 13, 14.

[114] Volz, JÜdische Eschatologie von Daniel bis Akiba, 1903, pp. 202f.

[115] See Charles, op. cit., ii, pp. 282-367; SchÜrer, op. cit., iii, pp. 339-356 (English Translation, Division II, vol. iii, pp. 114-124).

[116] See Gray, in Charles, op. cit., ii, pp. 625-652; SchÜrer, op. cit., iii, pp. 205-212 (English Translation, Division II, vol. iii, pp. 17-23).

[117] Baldensperger, Die Messianisch-apocalyptischen Hoffnungen des Judentums, 3te Aufl., 1903, pp. 88, 207f., 216f.

[118] Baldensperger, op. cit., pp. 216f.

[119] Compare especially Olschewski, Die Wurzeln der paulinischen Christologie, 1909.

[120] Compare BrÜckner, Die Entstehung der paulinischen Christologie, 1903, p. 237.

[121] See SchÜrer, op. cit., ii, pp. 648-651 (English Translation, Division II, vol. ii, pp. 184-187).

[122] It will be remembered, moreover, that 4 Ezra, at least in its completed form, dates from long after the time of Paul.

[123] Townshend, in Charles, op. cit., ii, p. 674.

[124] B. W. Bacon (Jesus and Paul, 1921, pp. 45-49) seeks to bridge the gulf between Jesus and Paul by supposing that Jesus himself, somewhat like the Maccabean hero, finally attained, after the failure of His original program and at the very close of His life, the conception that His approaching death was to be in some sort an expiation for His people. But the idea of expiation which Bacon attributes to Jesus is no doubt very different from the Pauline doctrine of the Cross of Christ. The gulf between Jesus and Paul is therefore not really bridged. Moreover, it cannot be said that Bacon's hypothesis of successive stages in the experience of Jesus, culminating in the idea of expiation attained at the last supper, has really helped at all to solve the problem presented to every historian who proceeds upon naturalistic presuppositions by Jesus' lofty claims. At least, however, this latest investigator of the problem of "Jesus and Paul" has betrayed a salutary consciousness of the fact that the Pauline conception of Jesus' redemptive work is inexplicable unless it find some justification in the mind of Jesus Himself. Only, the justification which Bacon himself has found—particularly his account of the way in which the idea of expiation is supposed to have arisen in Jesus' mind—is entirely inadequate.

[125] See Warfield, "'God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,'" in Princeton Theological Review, xv, 1917, pp. 1-20.

[126] Warfield, loc. cit.

[127] "Die gÖttliche Weisheit der Juden und die paulinische Christologie," in Neutestamentliche Studien Georg Heinrici dargebracht, 1914, pp. 220-234.

[128] Windisch, op. cit., p. 226.

[129] Baldensperger, op. cit., p. 126.

[130] Wrede, Paulus, 1904, pp. 90, 91 (English Translation, Paul, 1907, pp. 157, 158).

[131] See BrÜckner, op. cit., p. 237.

[132] BrÜckner, Der sterbende und auferstehende Gottheiland, 1908.

[133] For example, Rohde, Psyche, 2 Bde, 3te Aufl., 1903; Farnell, Cults of the Greek States, vol. iii, 1907; Wendland, Die hellenistisch-rÖmische Kultur, 2te u. 3te Aufl., 1912; Anrich, Das antike Mysterienwesen, 1894; Cumont, Les religions orientales dans le paganisme romain, 2iÈme Éd., 1909 (English Translation, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, 1911).

[134] On the Eleusinian Mysteries and the cult of Demeter and Kore-Persephone, see especially Farnell, op. cit., iii, pp. 29-279.

[135] Hippolytus, Ref. omn. haer., V. viii. 39 (ed. Wendland, 1916).

[136] Apuleius, Metam. xi. 5, Addington's translation revised by Gaselee, in Apuleius, The Golden Ass, in the The Loeb Classical Library, p. 547.

[137] Gilbert Murray, Four Stages of Greek Religion, 1912, pp. 8, 103-154. Compare, however, Rohde (op. cit., ii, pp. 298-300), who calls attention to an opposite aspect of the Hellenistic age.

[138] The sketch which follows is indebted especially to Cumont, Les religions orientales dans le paganisme romain, 2iÈme Éd., 1909 (English translation, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, 1911).

[139] For the religion of Cybele and Attis, see Showerman, The Great Mother of the Gods, 1901; Hepding, Attis, 1903.

[140] See Hepding, op. cit., pp. 147-176.

[141] Loisy (Les mystÈres paÏens et le mystÈre chrÉtien, 1910, p. 104) prefers to attach the passage to Osiris rather than to Attis.

[142] See Hepding, op. cit., pp. 166, 167.

[143] Firmicus Maternus, De error, prof. rel., xxii (ed. Ziegler, 1907):

Ta??e?te ?sta? t?? Te?? ses?????
?sta? ??? ??? ?? p???? s?t???a.

[144] See Hepding, op. cit., pp. 184-190.

[145] Firmicus Maternus, op. cit., xviii: ?? t?p???? ????a, ?? ?????? p?p??a,?????a ?at?? ?tte??.

[146] Clem. Al., Protrepticus, ii. 15 (ed. StÄhlin, 1905): ?? t?????? ?fa???? ?? ?????? ?p???? ??e???f??esa ?p? t?? past?? ?p?d??.

[147] Hepding, op. cit., pp. 196ff.

[148] Showerman, op. cit., p. 280.

[149] Hepding, op. cit., p. 200, Anm. 7.

[150] But compare Kennedy, St. Paul and the Mystery-Religions, 1913, p. 229.

[151] Apuleius, Metam., xi. 23 (ed. Van der Vliet, 1897, p. 270): "Accessi confinium mortis et calcato Proserpinae limine per omnia vectus elementa remeavi; nocte media vidi solem candido coruscantem lumine; deos inferos et deos superos accessi coram et adoravi de proxumo."

[152] Lucian, De dea syria, 6, translation of Garstang (The Syrian Goddess, 1913, pp. 45f.).

[153] Der sterbende und auferstehende Gottheiland, 1908.

[154] Plutarch, Vita Pompei, 24.

[155] Cumont, op. cit., p. xvi (English Translation, p. xx).

[156] Justin Martyr, Apol. 66.

[157] See above, p. 229, with footnote 3.

[158] J. Kroll, Die Lehren des Hermes Trismegistos, 1914, in BeitrÄge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, xii. 2-4, pp. 388, 389.

[159] Zielinski, "Hermes und die Hermetik," in Archiv fÜr Religionswissenschaft, viii, 1905, p. 323.

[160] Reitzenstein, Poimandres, 1904, pp. 10-13.

[161] Op. cit.

[162] Article "Hermes Trismegistos," in Pauly-Wissowa, Real-EncyclopÄdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, xv, 1912, pp. 791-823.

[163] Op. cit.

[164] Heinrici, Die Hermes-Mystik und das Neue Testament, 1918.

[165] Windisch, "Urchristentum und Hermesmystik," in Theologisch Tijdschrift, lii, 1918, pp. 186-240.

[166] Cumont, op. cit., pp. 340, 341 (English Translation, pp. 233, 234, note 41).

[167] Parthey, Hermetis Trismegisti Poemander, 1854.

[168] MÉnard, HermÈs TrismÉgiste, 1910.

[169] Mead, Thrice-Greatest Hermes, three volumes, 1906.

[170] Op. cit. Cf. the review by Bousset, in GÖttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, clxxvi, 1914, pp. 697-755.

[171] Op. cit.

[172] t??t? ?st? t? ??a??? t???? t??? ???s?? ?s????s?, ?e?T??a?.

[173] See W. Kroll, De Oraculis Chaldaicis, 1894; "Die chaldÄischen Orakel," in Rheinisches Museum fÜr Philologie, l, 1895, pp. 636-639.

[174] Dieterich, Eine Mithrasliturgie, 2te Aufl., 1910.

[175] Op. cit., p. 379 (English Translation, pp. 260f.).

[176] Dieterich, op. cit., pp. 43f.

[177] Corp. Herm. x. 13.

[178] Reitzenstein, Hellenistische Mysterienreligionen, 2te Aufl., 1920, p. 183.

[179] J. Kroll, op. cit., pp. 286-289, especially p. 288, Anm. 1.

[180] Reitzenstein, Poimandres, p. 82.

[181] Op. cit., pp. 83-98.

[182] Helbig, review of "Philo von Alexandrien: Werke, in deut. Uebersetzg. hrsg. v. Prof. Dr. Leop. Cohn. 3. Tl.," in Theologische Literaturzeitung, xlv, 1920, column 30: "Here one perceives with all requisite clearness that Philo did not merely imitate the language of the mystery religions, but had been himself a ?st??."

[183] See especially HeitmÜller, "Zum Problem Paulus und Jesus," in Zeitschrift fÜr die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, xiii, 1912, pp. 320-337; "Jesus und Paulus," in Zeitschrift fÜr Theologie und Kirche, xxv, 1915, pp. 156-179; Bousset, Jesus der Herr, 1916, pp. 30-37.

[184] But compare Bousset, op. cit., p. 32.

[185] See Chapter VI.

[186] For what follows, compare especially Kennedy, St. Paul and the Mystery-Religions, [1913]; Clemen, Religionsgeschichtliche ErklÄrung des Neuen Testaments, 1909 (English Translation, Primitive Christianity and Its Non-Jewish Sources, 1912), Der Einfluss der Mysterienreligionen auf das Älteste Christentum, 1913. These writers deny for the most part any influence of the mystery religions upon the center of Paul's religion. For a thoroughgoing presentation of the other side of the controversy, see, in addition to the works of Bousset and Reitzenstein, Loisy, Les mystÈres paÏens et le mystÈre chrÉtien, 1919.

[187] Poimandres, 1904; Die hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen, 2te Aufl., 1920; "Religionsgeschichte und Eschatologie," in Zeitschrift fÜr die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, xiii, 1912, pp. 1-28.

[188] ???s??.

[189] p?e?a.

[190] Von Harnack, "Die Terminologie der Wiedergeburt und verwandter Erlebnisse in der Ältesten Kirche," in Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, xlii, 1918, pp. 128f., Anm. 1.

[191] Oepke, Die Missionspredigt des Apostels Paulus, 1920, p. 53.

[192] Loc. cit.

[193] Heinrici, Die Hermes-Mystik und das Neue Testament, 1918, pp. 178-180.

[194] Compare Oepke, op. cit., pp. 40ff.

[195] See especially Vos, "The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit," in Biblical and Theological Studies by the Members of the Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, 1912, pp. 248-250.

[196] ??????? and p?e?at????.

[197] On the occurrence of ??????? at the beginning of Dieterich's "Mithras Liturgy" (line 24), see Bousset, Kyrios Christos, 1913, p. 141, Anm. 1. On the occurrence of p?e?at????, see Reitzenstein, Hellenistische Mysterienreligionen, 2te Aufl., 1920, p. 162. Compare Bousset, Jesus der Herr, 1916, pp. 80f.

[198] p?e?a.

[199] ????.

[200] For this whole subject, see especially the comprehensive monograph of Burton (Spirit, Soul, and Flesh, [1918]), with the summary on pp. 205-207.

[201] ????.

[202] See Burton, op. cit., p. 206: "For the Pauline exaltation of p?e?a over ???? there is no observed previous parallel. It marks an advance on Philo, for which there is no precedent in non-Jewish Greek, and only partial and imperfect parallels in the magical papyri. It is the reverse of Hermetic usage."

[203] See Bousset, Kyrios Christos, pp. 138, 140, 141 (Anm. 2).

[204] Also Bousset, op. cit., pp. 140f. According to Bousset, it is unlikely that "the few and difficult terminological explanations of Paul ... should have exerted such extensive influence upon the most diverse Gnostic systems." But is the teaching of Paul about the Spirit as higher than the soul really obscure? Does it not appear plainly all through the Epistles?

[205] See above, p. 249, with footnote 2.

[206] Hellenistische Mysterienreligionen, 2te Aufl., 1920, pp. 189f.

[207] Bousset (op. cit., p. 141, Anm. 2) admits that the terminology of Paul, especially his use of the term "Spirit" instead of "mind" and his use of the terms in the contrast between "Spirit" and "flesh" may possibly be due partly to the Old Testament, but insists that such terminological influence does not touch the fundamentals of the thought. Such admissions are important, despite the way in which Bousset qualifies them.

[208] See Burton, op. cit., pp. 114-116.

[209] Burton, op. cit., pp. 173-175, 187f.

[210] ?st????? and t??e???.

[211] Oepke, Die Missionspredigt des Apostels Paulus, 1920, p. 26.

[212] Von Harnack, "Die Terminologie der Wiedergeburt und verwandter Erlebnisse in der Ältesten Kirche," in Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, xlii, 1918, pp. 97-143. See especially pp. 139-143.

[213] But compare Jesus der Herr, 1916, pp. 80-85.

[214] Reitzenstein, Die hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen, 2te Aufl., pp. 112-116.

[215] "Kampfeslehre." See Wrede, Paulus, 1904, pp. 72ff. (English Translation, Paul, 1907, pp. 122ff.).

[216] See Reitzenstein, op. cit., 2te Aufl., pp. 85f. The passage in the papyrus reads as follows (Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la bibliothÈque impÉriale, xviii, 1865, p. 315): ?t? ?e?d? p??ta, ?a? ?? pa?? se ?e?? ?????, ?t? ??????a? ??? e?? ???? e?????, ?a? d???e?a ?p??a?e?? ??? ?d?? ?t? ????e? s?s???a?, t?te apt???e?a. The letter is also contained in Witkowski, Epistulae privatae graecae, 1906, pp. 63-66.

[217] Moulton and Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament, s. v. apt???, Part ii, [1915], p. 102. Similarly Sethe, "Sarapis," in Abhandlungen der kÖniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu GÖttingen, philologisch-historische Klasse, Neue Folge, xiv, Nro. 5, 1913, p. 51.

[218] Tertullian, de bapt. 5 (ed. Reifferscheid et Wissowa, 1890), it must be admitted, connects baptism in heathen religion with regeneration, and mentions the part which sacramental washings had in the mysteries of Isis and of Mithras, and in Eleusinian rites. Despite the post-Pauline date of this testimony, the passage is certainly interesting. Compare Kennedy, op. cit., p. 229.

[219] Cumont, Textes et monuments figurÉs relatifs aux mystÈres de Mithra, i, 1899, p. 321. See HeitmÜller, Taufe und Abendmahl bei Paulus, 1903, p. 46, Anm. 3.

[220] HeitmÜller, Taufe und Abendmahl bei Paulus, 1903, p. 47.

[221] Hepding, Attis, 1903, pp. 186f.

[222] Kyrios Christos, 1913; Jesus der Herr, 1916.

[223] See Vos, "The Kyrios Christos Controversy," in The Princeton Theological Review, xv, 1917, pp. 21-89. See also the review of Bousset's "Kyrios Christos" by the same author, ibid., xii, 1914, pp. 636-645.

[224] Knowling, The Witness of the Epistles, 1892, p. 15.

[225] See BÖhlig, "Zum Begriff Kyrios bei Paulus," in Zeitschrift fÜr die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, xiv, 1913, pp. 23-37.

[226] Bousset, Jesus der Herr, 1916, pp. 22f. Compare Kyrios Christos, 1913, p. 103.

[227] Compare Bousset, Kyrios Christos, 1913, p. 99, Anm. 3.

[228] Zahn, Einleitung in das Neue Testament, 3te Aufl., i, 1906, pp. 21-32, 39-47 (English Translation, Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd Ed., 1917, i, pp. 34-46, 57-67).

[229] Denney, Jesus and the Gospel, 1908.

[230] Warfield, "'God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,'" in The Princeton Theological Review, xv, 1917, p. 18.

[231] ??????.

[232] ?e??.

[233] As, for example, desp?t??.

[234] Wernle, "Jesus and Paulus. Antithesen zu Boussets Kyrios Christos," in Zeitschrift fÜr Theologie und Kirche, xxv, 1915, pp. 1-92.

[235] Der sterbende und auferstehende Gottheiland, 1908.

[236] Erman, "A Handbook of Egyptian Religion" (published in the original German edition as a handbook, by the Generalverwaltung of the Berlin Imperial Museum), 1907, p. 95.

[237] J. Weiss, "Das Problem der Entstehung des Christentums," in Archiv fÜr Religionswissenschaft, xvi, 1913, p, 490.

Variations in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been retained except in obvious cases of typographical error.

Missing page numbers are page numbers that were not shown in the original text.

The cover for the eBook version of this book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.

Page 24: "customary and then use it in distinction"—The transcriber has replaced "than" with "then".

Page 307: In footnote 233 the transcriber has replaced the scrambled Greek letters "?t??desp" with "desp?t??".


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