A CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL EXPOSITION OF ITS PRINCIPLES. By DR. ERNST MACH. PROFESSOR OF THE HISTORY AND THEORY OF INDUCTIVE SCIENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA. Translated from the Second German Edition By THOMAS J. McCORMACK. 250 Cuts. 534 Pages. Half Morocco, Gilt Top, Marginal Analyses. Exhaustive Index. Price $2.50. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Statics. - The Lever.
- The Inclined Plane.
- The Composition of Forces.
- Virtual Velocities.
- Statics in Their Application to Fluids.
- Statics in Their Application to Gases.
Dynamics. - Galileo's Achievements.
- Achievements of Huygens.
- Achievements of Newton.
- Principle of Reaction.
- Criticism of the Principle of Reaction and of the Concept of Mass.
- Newton's Views of Time, Space, and Motion.
- Critique of the Newtonian Enunciations.
- Retrospect of the Development of Dynamics.
The Extension of the Principles of Mechanics. - Scope of the Newtonian Principles.
- FormulÆ and Units of Mechanics.
- Conservation of Momentum, Conservation of the Centre of Gravity, and Conservation of Areas.
- Laws of Impact.
- D'Alembert's Principle.
- Principle of Vis Viva.
- Principle of Least Constraint.
- Principle of Least Action.
- Hamilton's Principle.
- Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Questions.
Formal Development of Mechanics. - The Isoperimetrical Problems.
- Theological, Animistic, and Mystical Points of View in Mechanics.
- Analytical Mechanics.
- The Economy of Science.
The Relation of Mechanics to Other Departments of Knowledge. - Relations of Mechanics to Physics.
- Relations of Mechanics to Physiology.