Courtlandt knocked on the studio door. “Come in.” He discovered Abbott, stretched out upon the lounge, idly picking at the loose plaster in the wall. “Hello!” said Abbott carelessly. “Help yourself to a chair.” Instead, Courtlandt walked about the room, aimlessly. He paused at the window; he picked up a sketch and studied it at various angles; he kicked the footstool across the floor, not with any sign of anger but with a seriousness that would have caused Abbott to laugh, had he been looking at his friend. He continued, however, to pluck at the plaster. He had always hated and loved Courtlandt, alternately. At length Courtlandt returned to the lounge. “The Barone called upon me this morning.” “Oh, he did?” “I think you had better write him an apology.” Abbott sat up. He flung the piece of plaster violently to the floor. “Apologize? Well, I like your nerve to come here with that kind of wabble. Look at these lips! Man, he struck me across the mouth, and I knocked him down.” “It was a pretty good wallop, considering that you couldn’t see his face very well in the dark. I always said that you had more spunk to the square inch than any other chap I know. But over here, Suds, as you know, it’s different. You can’t knock down an officer and get away with it. So, you just sit down at your desk and write a little note, saying that you regret your hastiness. I’ll see that it goes through all right. Fortunately, no one heard of the row.” “I’ll see you both farther!” wrathfully. “Look at these lips, I say!” “Before he struck you, you must have given provocation.” “Sha’n’t discuss what took place. Nor will I apologize.” “That’s final?” “You have my word for it.” “Well, I’m sorry. The Barone is a decent sort. He gives you the preference, and suggests that you select pistols, since you would be no match for him with rapiers.” “Pistols!” shouted Abbott. “For the love of glory, what are you driving at?” “The Barone has asked me to be his second. And I have despatched a note to the colonel, advising him to attend to your side. I accepted the Barone’s proposition solely that I might get here first and convince you that an apology will save you a heap of discomfort. The Barone is a first-rate shot, and doubtless he will only wing you. But that will mean “Are you in your right mind? Do you mean to tell me that you have come here to arrange a duel?” asked Abbott, his voice low and a bit shaky. “To prevent one. So, write your apology. Don’t worry about the moral side of the question. It’s only a fool who will offer himself as a target to a man who knows how to shoot. You couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a shot-gun.” Abbott brushed the dust from his coat and got up. “A duel!” He laughed a bit hysterically. Well, why not? Since Nora could “Go over to that desk and write that apology. If you don’t, I promise on my part to tell Nora Harrigan, who, I dare say, is at the bottom of this, innocently or otherwise.” “Courtlandt!” “I mean just what I say. Take your choice. Stop this nonsense yourself like a reasonable human being, or let Nora Harrigan stop it for you. There will be no duel, not if I can help it.” Abbott saw instantly what would happen. Nora would go to the Barone and beg off for him. “All right! I’ll write that apology. But listen: you will knock hereafter when you enter any of my studios. You’ve kicked out the bottom from the old footing. You are “Abby, I’m sorry that you take this view.” “I don’t care to hear any platitudes, thank you.” “I’ll look you up to-morrow, and on my part I sha’n’t ask for any apology. In a little while you’ll thank me. You will even laugh with me.” “Permit me to doubt that,” angrily. He threw open the door. Courtlandt was too wise to argue further. He had obtained the object of his errand, and that was enough for the present. “Sorry you are not open to reason. Good morning.” When the door closed, Abbott tramped the floor and vented his temper on the much Unfortunately, neither of them counted on the colonel. Without being quite conscious of the act, Abbott took down from the wall an ancient dueling-pistol, cocked it, snapped it, and looked it over with an interest that he had never before bestowed on it. And the colonel, bursting into the studio, found him absorbed in the contemplation of this old death-dealing instrument. “Ha!” roared the old war dog. “Had an idea that something like this was going to happen. Put that up. You couldn’t kill anything with that unless you hit ’em on the head with it. Leave the matter to me. I’ve a pair of pistols, sighted to hit a shilling at twenty yards. Of course, you can’t fight “Yes.” Abbott was truly and completely bewildered. “He struck you first, I understand, and you knocked him down. Good! My tennis-courts are out of the way. We can settle this matter to-morrow morning at dawn. Ellicott will come over from Cadenabbia with his saws. He’s close-mouthed. All you need to do is to keep quiet. You can spend the night at the villa with me, and I’ll give you a few ideas about shooting a pistol. Here; write what I dictate.” He pushed Abbott over to the desk and forced him into the chair. Abbott wrote mechanically, as one hypnotized. The colonel seized the letter. “No flowery sentences; a few words bang at the mark. And out he went, banging the door. There was something of the directness of a bullet in the old fellow’s methods. Literally, Abbott had been rushed off his feet. The moment his confusion cleared he saw the predicament into which his own stupidity and the amiable colonel’s impetuous good offices had plunged him. He was horrified. Here was Courtlandt carrying the apology, and hot on his heels was the colonel, with the final arrangements for the meeting. He ran to the door, bareheaded, took the stairs three and four at a bound. But the energetic Anglo-Indian had gone down in bounds also; and when the distracted artist reached the street, the other was nowhere to be seen. Apparently there was nothing left but to send another apology. Rather than perform so shameful and cowardly an act he would have cut off his hand. The Barone, pale and determined, passed the second note to Courtlandt who was congratulating himself (prematurely as will be seen) on the peaceful dispersion of the war-clouds. He was dumfounded. “You will excuse me,” he said meekly. He must see Abbott. “A moment,” interposed the Barone coldly. “If it is to seek another apology, it will be useless. I refuse to accept. Mr. Abbott will fight, or I will publicly brand him, the first opportunity, as a coward.” Courtlandt bit his mustache. “In that case, I shall go at once to Colonel Caxley-Webster.” “Thank you. I shall be in my room at the villa the greater part of the day.” The Barone bowed. Courtlandt caught the colonel as he was entering his motor-boat. “Come over to tiffin.” “Very well; I can talk here better than anywhere else.” When the motor began its racket, Courtlandt pulled the colonel over to him. “Do you know what you have done?” “Done?” dropping his eye-glass. “Yes. Knowing that Abbott would have no earthly chance against the Italian, I went to him and forced him to write an apology. And you have blown the whole thing higher than a kite.” The colonel’s eyes bulged. “Dem it, why didn’t the young fool tell me?” “Your hurry probably rattled him. But what are we going to do? I’m not going to have the boy hurt. I love him as a brother; though, just now, he regards me as a mortal enemy. Perhaps I am,” moodily. “I have deceived him, and somehow—blindly it is true—he knows it. I am as full of deceit as a pomegranate is of seeds.” “Have him send another apology.” “The Barone is thoroughly enraged. He would refuse to accept it, and said so.” “Well, dem me for a well-meaning meddler!” “With pleasure, but that will not stop the row. There is a way out, but it appeals to me as damnably low.” “Oh, Abbott will not run. He isn’t that kind.” “No, he’ll not run. But if you will agree with me, honor may be satisfied without either of them getting hurt.” “Women beat the devil, don’t they? What’s your plan?” Courtlandt outlined it. The colonel frowned. “That doesn’t sound like you. Beastly trick.” “I know it.” “We’ll lunch first. It will take a few pegs to get that idea through this bally head of mine.” When Abbott came over later that day, he was subdued in manner. He laughed occasionally, smoked a few cigars, but declined “Hang the boy!” he muttered. “I ought to be ashamed of myself. There isn’t a bit of funk in his whole make-up.” At nine Abbott retired. He did not sleep very well. He was irked by the morbid idea that the Barone was going to send the bullet through his throat. He was up at five. He strolled about the garden. He realized that it was very good to be alive. Once he gazed somberly at the little white villa, away to the north. How crisply it stood out against the dark foliage! How blue the water was! And far, far away the serene snowcaps! Nora Harrigan ... Well, he was going to stand up like a man. She should never be ashamed of her memory of him. If he went out, all worry would be at an end, “Breakfast, Sahib,” said Rao, deferentially touching his arm. He was awake; it was all true. “You’ll want coffee,” began the colonel. “Drink as much as you like. And you’ll find the eggs good, too.” The colonel wanted to see if Abbott ate well. The artist helped himself twice and drank three cups of coffee. “You know, I suppose all men in a hole like this have funny ideas. I was just thinking that I should like a partridge and a bottle of champagne.” “We’ll have that for tiffin,” said the colonel, “It’s mighty kind of you, Colonel, to buck me up this way.” “Rot!” The colonel experienced a slight heat in his leathery cheeks. “All you’ve got to do is to hold your arm out straight, pull the trigger, and squint afterward.” “I sha’n’t hurt the Barone,” smiling faintly. “Are you going to be ass enough to pop your gun in the air?” indignantly. Abbott shrugged; and the colonel cursed himself for the guiltiest scoundrel unhung. Half an hour later the opponents stood at each end of the tennis-court. Ellicott, the surgeon, had laid open his medical case. He was the most agitated of the five men. His fingers shook as he spread out the lints and bandages. The colonel and Courtlandt had solemnly gone through the formality of loading “At the word three, gentlemen, you will fire,” said the colonel. The two shots came simultaneously. Abbott had deliberately pointed his into the air. For a moment he stood perfectly still; then, his knees sagged, and he toppled forward on his face. “Great God!” whispered the colonel; “you must have forgotten the ramrod!” He, Courtlandt, and the surgeon rushed over to the fallen man. The Barone stood like stone. Suddenly, with a gesture of horror, he flung aside his smoking pistol and ran across the court. “Gentlemen,” he cried, “on my honor, I aimed three feet above his head.” He wrung his hands together in anxiety. “It is impossible! It is only that I wished to see if he were a brave man. I shoot well. It is impossible!” he reiterated. Suddenly he flung aside his smoking pistol. Rapidly the cunning hand of the surgeon ran over Abbott’s body. He finally shook his head. “Nothing has touched him. His heart gave under. Fainted.” When Abbott came to his senses, he smiled weakly. The Barone was one of the two who helped him to his feet. “I feel like a fool,” he said. “Ah, let me apologize now,” said the Barone. “What I did at the ball was wrong, and I should not have lost my temper. I had come to you to apologize then. But I am Italian. It is natural that I should lose my temper,” naÏvely. “We’re both of us a pair of fools, Barone. There was always some one else. A couple of fools.” “Yes,” admitted the Barone eagerly. “Considering,” whispered the colonel in |