href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@58284@58284-h@58284-h-8.htm.html#fig_79" class="pginternal"> Mont-majour, Plan of Hermitage, | 194 | ” Hermitage—Chapel of St Peter, | 195 | ” The Church and Keep, | 197 | ” Cloisters, | 198 | ” Chapelle de Sainte Croix, | 200 | ” Mortuary Chapel, | 201 | ” The Keep, Hermitage, etc., | 202 | ” Plans and Section of Keep, | 203 | St Gilles, Portal, | 207 | ” South Doorway, (Enlarged), | 208 | Les Saintes Maries, Church. (From RÉvoil.) | 213 | Marseilles, St Victor—Exterior, | 214 | ”” Interior, | 215 | ” Monument in St Victor’s, | 216 | Aix-en-Provence, St Sauveur, Doorway, | 217 | ”” ” Interior, | 218 | ” Cloisters, St Sauveur, | 219 | BÉziers, From the Orbe, | 223 | BÉziers, Tower, South side of St Nazaire, | 224 | ” Apse, St Nazaire, | 225 | ” Cathedral of St Nazaire, | 226 | ” Fountain in Cloisters, | 227 | ” House, | 228 | ” St Pierre de Reddes. (From RÉvoil.) | 229 | Narbonne, Cathedral of St Just, | 331 | ”” Lower Cloister, | 333 | ”” (from N.-E.), | 335 | ”” (section from N. to S.), | 336 | ”” Plan of First Floor, | 337 | ”” Upper Cloister, | 338 | ”” Upper Cloister, Details, | 339 | ”” Refectory, | 341 | Ste MarguÉrite, Castle, | 343 | Vallauris, Abbot’s Summer Palace, | 345 | ” Chapel of Abbot’s Summer Palace, | 345 | ”” ” ” “ | 346 | Le Cannet, “Maison du Brigand,” | 347 | ” Notre Dame des Anges, | 348 | Mougins, Notre Dame de Vie, | 349 | ” Gate to Town, | 350 | Auribeau, | 351 | Grasse, View of Town, | 352 | ” Cathedral, Plan of, | 352 | ” ” West End, | 353 | ” ” (Campanile at N. E. angle), | 354 | ” ” Interior, | 355 | ” Keep Tower, | 356 | ” Staircase, | 357 | ” Church of the Oratoire, |