150. The Rise of Henry Clay. Henry Clay was born in Virginia in the year of Burgoyne's surrender (1777). His father was a Baptist preacher, with a fine voice and a graceful way of speaking. He died when Henry was four years old. The "Mill boy of the Slashes" Little Henry lived near the "Slashes," the name given to a low, flat region, and went to school in a log cabin. When not at school he worked on the farm, helping to do his share in support of the family. He could be seen walking barefooted behind the plow, or riding the horse with a rope bridle to mill. From this he was called the "Mill boy of the Slashes." Read books when other boys played Henry was a raw-boned and awkward lad. The other boys laughed at him, but he read books when not at work, and soon could speak far better than the boys who made fun of him. THE "MILL BOY OF THE SLASHES" At fourteen he was a clerk in a store. But he seemed made for other things. He was put in the office of a famous lawyer who was clerk in one of Virginia's courts. HENRY CLAY IN CONGRESS Urging war in 1811, with England or France or even both if necessary The Chancellor of Virginia, a great judge, liked him and took him to be his private secretary. For four years Clay wrote down the Leader in a debating club After studying law for a year, Clay began to practice in Richmond. He had plenty of time, so he formed a debating club, in which he was easily the leader. Finally he made up his mind to go to Lexington, Kentucky, and try his fortune in the West. There his rise in the law was rapid. His fame grew, and he became known as the lawyer who seldom lost a case. He married a well-to-do young lady and lived near Lexington on a beautiful estate called Ashland. Favors gradual abolition of slavery Henry Clay's first work in politics was to favor the gradual abolition of slavery in Kentucky. Although beaten, he was always proud of his stand on this question. Too young to be a senator When too young, according to the Constitution, to take his seat, he was made a senator of the United States. But nobody called the attention of the Senate to his age. After his term as senator was out he was elected to the legislature of Kentucky, and was immediately made Speaker. INKSTAND USED BY HENRY CLAY Speaker of the House of Representatives Born during the Revolution, Henry Clay, like most Americans of his time, grew up with hatred toward England The War of 1812 Clay made speeches in Congress and over the country, stirring up the war spirit. "On to Canada!" was his cry. But the capture of Canada was not so easy. Many generals failed, and only Harrison and Perry made much headway in defeating the British in Canada. The Treaty of Ghent When the time for peace came President Madison sent Henry Clay and other noted Americans to Ghent, in Belgium, to meet the British agents. After many months of talking and disputing, they finally agreed on a treaty. This treaty has since been called the "Treaty of Ghent." Great Britain and America were both glad that peace had come. The conflict over Missouri From 1819 to 1821 Congress was debating over the admission of Missouri as a slave state. The North opposed, and the South favored, the admission of Missouri. The excitement spread to the state legislatures and to the people. Many meetings were held. Resolutions strongly favoring, or strongly opposing, the admission of Missouri as a slave state, were drawn up and voted upon. The Missouri Compromise Wise men thought the Union was in danger and Henry Clay, by his eloquence, succeeded in getting Congress to pass the famous Missouri Compromise. This resolution provided that Missouri should be admitted as a slave state, but that no other slave state north of the We have seen how South Carolina threatened to refuse to pay the tariff in 1832, and how President Jackson hurried the army and the navy there to make her people pay it, as the people of the other states were obliged to do. The Compromise Tariff Law Henry Clay as a peacemaker again Henry Clay came forward again and introduced the Compromise Tariff Law. It was called a compromise because it gave each side a part of what it wished. Calhoun and other Carolinians favored it, because by this law the tariff was reduced very greatly. It was carried through Congress. The law made unnecessary the warlike preparations of both the president and South Carolina, and again Henry Clay was hailed by the people as "pacificator" or peacemaker. HENRY CLAY From a daguerreotype owned by Garrett Brown, Jr., Chicago The founder of the Whig party 151. Henry Clay the Founder of the Whig Party. But Henry Clay was not only a peacemaker. He was now a great statesman, and like Hamilton and Jefferson he led in forming a part of the people into a political party. It was called the Whig party. In 1824, before there was a Whig party, Clay ran for president, but was beaten. Again in 1832, just as the new party was being formed, he ran a second time. Although he was beaten for the presidency by Andrew Jackson, he was the life and soul On one occasion Clay spoke on the question of the abolition of slavery. Some one said that this might hurt his chances of being president. Clay replied: "I had rather be right than be president." Unfortunate Henry Clay Finally, in 1844, he was again the Whig candidate, but he was defeated for the third time. When the Whig party had a good chance of electing a president, they nominated somebody else. When they had a poor chance they nominated Henry Clay! Dispute over the new territory War with Mexico had come, and with it a great victory for the American army. The treaty of peace with Mexico, in 1848, gave the United States all the territory then known as Alta (Upper) California and New Mexico. But the North and South disputed over this territory. The North said it must be free. The South said it must be open to slavery. The quarrel grew so bitter that many men thought the Union would be destroyed. Retires to Ashland Henry Clay was now an old man. He had left the Senate, and had gone home to his beloved Ashland for a few years of rest before the final summons. A unanimous call 152. The Aged Peacemaker Returns to the Senate. Kentucky was greatly excited by the threats of disunion. Her legislature sent Clay back to the United States Senate by a unanimous call, Democrats as well as Whigs joining in the vote. It was a proud moment for the old man. Now in the Senate, he offered the Compromise of 1850. This bill contained a number of points in favor of the slave states, and a number in favor of the free states. Walks to the capitol on the arm of a friend One day Clay made a great speech in favor of his HENRY CLAY BEING CONGRATULATED In 1850 on his great plea before the Senate for the Federal Union His audience When he arose to speak, he saw before him an audience that had come from distant parts of the nation to hear his thrilling words once more. The people filled the Senate to overflowing. Outside they crowded the corridors. When Clay arose the audience broke into applause, a strange thing for the Senate to do. The people were not disappointed. For two days the ringing words flowed on. Under the excitement he was young again. He pleaded with the North to give up some things for the love of the Union; he pleaded with the South for peace. He told them that all the territory the United States had purchased had been purchased for all of them. "War and the dissolution of the Union are identical." A remarkable scene On the second day some one suggested that he rest, and the Senate adjourn. But he refused; he might not be able to go on the next day. After he had finished his speech, a great crowd rushed forward to congratulate him. No such scene ever had been witnessed before in the Senate. The reunion of the Union The debate went on. Now and then Clay took part in it. On one occasion he said: "I believe from the bottom of my soul that this measure is the reunion of the Union." "This Union is my country" On another occasion he said: "The honorable Senator speaks of Virginia being my country. This Union is my country. But even if ... my own state ... should raise the standard of disunion ... I would go against her. I would go against Kentucky, much as I love her." Congress finally passed the Compromise. Both political parties pledged themselves to obey it. Public meetings in all parts of the nation resolved to abide by it, and the country rested for a time from the slavery question. Died in Washington in 1852 Henry Clay's work was done. His body was worn out, but his mind still clung to the Union. On June 29, 1852, Henry Clay died in Washington, the place of so many of his triumphs. A great monument at Lexington, Kentucky, testifies the people's love for "Harry" Clay. 153. A College Boy and a Young Lawyer. Daniel Webster was born of good Puritan stock, in 1782, in New Hampshire. He was a very weakly child. No one dreamed that one day he would have an iron-like body. Daniel spent much of his time playing in the woods and fields. He loved the birds and beasts that he found there. He went to school, but the schoolmasters were not very learned, and Daniel could read better than most of them. The teamsters, stopping to water their horses, were glad to hear him read. He went to work in an old-fashioned Webster at Exeter Academy One day in spring his father took him to Exeter Academy to prepare for college. The boys laughed at his rustic dress and manners. The timid little fellow was greatly hurt by their scorn. He finally entered Dartmouth College at the age of fifteen. He was simple, natural, and full of affection. The best student at Dartmouth He loved public speaking Webster was the best student at Dartmouth. He still kept the reading habit. The students liked him. They had a feeling that he would amount to something some day. At this time he was tall and thin, with high cheek bones. His eyes were deep set, and his voice was low and musical in its tones. He loved to speak, even then. At the age of eighteen Webster gave the Fourth of July oration in his college town. The speech was full of the love of country and of the Union, then in its first days of trial. HOUSE AT ELM FARMS The birthplace of Daniel Webster. The site is now occupied by the New Hampshire State Orphans Asylum Teaches school and studies law He never forgot his father's sacrifice in sending him to college. After he had finished at Dartmouth, Webster taught school in order that he might help his parents send his elder brother to college. He afterwards studied law. But he longed to finish his law studies in Boston. Finally good fortune put him in the office of Christopher Gore, a wise man, a great lawyer, and a statesman. In Within a few years, he was earning enough to enable him to take a life partner, the beautiful and accomplished Grace Fletcher, the daughter of a minister. She made a delightful home for him and their children. Elected to Congress Favors a naval war Webster was gaining name and fame as a lawyer, but the approach of the War of 1812 drew him into politics. He was elected to Congress, and took his seat in 1813. Henry Clay was Speaker of the House of Representatives. Webster's most important speech was in favor of a war carried on by the navy: "If the war must be continued, go to the ocean. There the united wishes and exertions of the nation will go with you. Even our party divisions cease at the water's edge." SCENE OF THE FOURTH OF JULY ORATION Daniel Webster asserting the dignity of patriotism at Dartmouth, July 4, 1800 Webster's appearance His battle with Hayne After the war, Webster left Congress for a number of years. He was now a great man. When he entered a room, by his mere look and presence he drew all eyes toward him, and all conversation hushed. In size, he looked larger and broader than he really was. His forehead was broad and massive. It towered above his large, dark, deep-set eyes. His hair was black and glossy as a raven's wing. He looked SCENE IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE Daniel Webster defending the Federal Constitution against Hayne's idea of nullification DANIEL WEBSTER From a daguerreotype taken in 1850 by J. J. Hawes of Boston Denies the right of nullification "Liberty and Union, one and inseparable" 154. The Greatest Statesman of his Time. Hayne had spoken against a protective tariff and in favor of nullification. Webster felt called upon to reply. He denied the right of a state to nullify a law of Congress, and said that nullification was another name for secession. He closed his great speech with these words: "When my eyes shall be turned to behold, for the last time, the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union ... but may I see our flag with not a stripe erased or polluted, nor a single star obscured ... but everywhere spread This speech made Daniel Webster immortal. It did more; it fired the heart of every lover of his country. Opposes Clay's Compromise Tariff We saw how South Carolina went on toward nullification, and how Clay's Compromise Tariff settled the difficulty. Webster strongly opposed this compromise, and said that South Carolina should get out of the difficulty the best way she could. Jackson praises Webster President Jackson was delighted, and praised Webster in public and in private. Harrison makes him Secretary of State When Harrison captured the presidency, after the greatest campaign ever seen up to that time, he wanted the best men in the Whig party to advise him, so he made Daniel Webster Secretary of State. Webster back in the Senate It was a sad day when President Harrison died, after being in office just one month. John Tyler, of Virginia, the vice-president, became the president. But he would not accept measures which Congress had passed. Daniel Webster left the cabinet after a time because he disliked His speech on the Compromise On March 7, Webster made his speech on the Compromise, entitled "For the Union and the Constitution." It was an appeal to all persons to stand by the Constitution and the Union. In blaming both the North and the South, much to the surprise of everybody, he blamed the North more than the South. Because he did this, many of his supporters in the North, especially those in New England, turned their backs upon him. Webster was an old man now. Ever since 1832 he had looked forward to being nominated for the presidency, but his party always took some other man. His last days were made bitter and unhappy by the thought that some old friends had forsaken him. THE UNITED STATES IN 1850 Boston welcomes Webster Death at Marshfield, 1852 One bright spot for Webster lay in the fact that President 155. The Champion of the War of 1812. John C. Calhoun was born in the same year as Webster (1782) in South Carolina. His parents were Scotch-Irish. His father, a Revolutionary patriot, died soon after John was born. John spent his early years roaming in the fields and woods. He learned more there than from books, and he learned to think before the thoughts of other people filled his memory. Entered Yale College as a junior At eighteen he began to prepare for college, under the care of his brother-in-law, a Presbyterian minister. In two years he entered Yale College. When in college he studied hard, and was graduated with high honors. A lawyer Calhoun studied law diligently for three years, a year and a half of the time in his native state, and a year and a half in Connecticut. He began to practice law in South Carolina, but did not have great success. Perhaps it was because the law was too dry for him, or perhaps because he was soon elected to the legislature of his state. JOHN C. CALHOUN From a photograph by Matthew B. Brady in the collection of the War Department, Washington, D.C. In 1811 he was married, and was elected to Congress—two great events in his life. Henry Clay, as Speaker, Works hard for the success of the army During the War of 1812 he worked hard in Congress for the success of the American army. After the war he favored a tariff to keep English goods out of the country. Secretary of War President Monroe made him Secretary of War. He found the office in the utmost confusion, but, by hard and careful work, he left the war office a model for future secretaries. Twice elected vice-president Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition" 156. Calhoun Favors Nullification. He was elected vice-president in 1824, and again in 1828. In the last-named year he wrote a paper called the "South Carolina Exposition." In this letter, and in others that he wrote, he told the people of South Carolina there would always be differences between the North and the South. He said the southern people, using slave labor, would raise more tobacco and cotton than they needed, and that the tariff was hurtful to the South. That the northern people, using free labor, would manufacture all kinds of things, and that the tariff would be helpful to them. This document took the ground that between the North and the South there always would be a conflict of interests. The South was devoted to agriculture, and the South Carolina passes ordinance of nullification Therefore, Calhoun concluded that to protect the South from the North a state has the right to nullify a law of Congress. A state has this right, because the state is above the nation. The states made the Constitution. He believed that nullification was a means of saving the country from secession. South Carolina took the fatal step, and nullified the tariffs. This decision was to take effect February 1, 1833, provided the United States did not do something before that time to lower the tariff. Jackson warns South Carolina President Jackson warned the citizens of South Carolina against the men who had led them to take this step. He hinted that the tariff would be collected by the use of force, if necessary. She withdraws her ordinance We have seen how Henry Clay rushed his Compromise Tariff through Congress. At the same time another bill was passed by Congress, which gave President Jackson the right to use the army and navy in forcing a collection of the tariff. South Carolina stopped her nullification, and the excitement passed away. Speech on the purpose of the Abolitionists 157. Opposed to the Abolitionists. The people who wished to do away with slavery entirely were called Abolitionists. The Abolitionists stirred Calhoun deeply by petitions in favor of abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. He declared that "the petitions are a foul slander on nearly one half of the states of the Union.... The object is to humble and debase us in our own estimation ... to blast our reputation. This is the (manner) in which they are (trying) abolition ... and now is the time for all opposed to them to meet the attack. "We love and cherish the Union. We remember with kindest feelings our common origin ... but origin (is) to us as nothing compared with this question. The Union in danger "The relation which now exists between the two races in the slave-holding states has existed for two centuries.... We will not, we cannot, permit it to be destroyed.... Should it cost every drop of blood and every cent of property, we must defend ourselves.... It is not we, but the Union, which is in danger." THE HOME AND OFFICE OF CALHOUN, AT FORT HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA Goes beyond most slaveholders Not many in the Senate agreed with Calhoun then. In 1837 Calhoun went much farther in the defense of slavery than any of the other slaveholders would go. He declared in a great speech in the Senate that "slavery is a good, a positive good." The Revolutionary fathers did not agree with Calhoun This was not the belief of the majority of even the slaveholders in Congress or in the nation. Much less had it been the view of the men who had fought out The majority of slaveholders still looked upon slavery, at best, as a necessary evil and one to be gotten rid of sometime and somehow. Calhoun's view that "slavery is a good, a positive good," was an entirely new view of slavery. Calhoun aids the annexing of Texas Calhoun was made Secretary of State under President Tyler, and succeeded in annexing Texas to the United States. For this reason Mexico made war with the United States. MONUMENT TO CALHOUN AT CHARLESTON, S.C. From a photograph of the monument, which was designed by A. E. Harnisch Dispute over territory The result of the war with Mexico was the gaining of territory in the West and in the Southwest. Over this territory arose the great dispute that sent the aged Henry Clay back to the Senate with the Compromise of 1850. Calhoun opposed Compromise of 1850 Calhoun opposed that Compromise. He was too ill to speak, and a friend read his address to a hushed and listening Senate. He declared that the Union was in danger because the Abolitionists had stirred up strife. He wanted all agitation against slavery stopped. In the second place, he wanted an equal division of territory between the North and South. "If you of the North will not do this, then let Farewell words to the Senate "Having faithfully done my duty to the best of my ability, both to the Union and my section ... I shall have the consolation ... that I am free from all responsibility." His last words On March 31, 1850, he breathed his last words: "The South! The poor South! God knows what will become of her!" SUGGESTIONS INTENDED TO HELP THE PUPILThe Leading Facts. 1. Clay's father was a Baptist preacher. Young Henry went to school in a log cabin, and rode his horse to mill with a rope bridle. 2. He studied law, and went to Lexington, Kentucky, to practice. 3. Clay won his way to the hearts of the people; was elected to the House of Representatives for a great many years. 4. He favored the War of 1812; induced Congress to pass the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise Tariff of 1833. 5. Clay ran three times for president. He was author of the great Compromise of 1850. 6. Webster was a weakly child, played in the woods, and read books. 7. He was graduated at Dartmouth, taught school, studied law, and was opposed to the War of 1812. 8. Webster replied to Hayne, opposed the nullification of South Carolina, and was made Secretary of State by Harrison. 9. Supported Clay's Compromise of 1850, and was made Secretary of State by Fillmore. 10. John C. Calhoun was born in South Carolina, and studied law. 11. He went to Congress, favored the War of 1812, and was afterwards made Secretary of War. 12. Calhoun thought that a state had the right to nullify an act of Congress. 13. He opposed Abolitionists and the Compromise of 1850. Study Questions. 1. Who was the "Mill boy of the Slashes"? 2. Name some of our great men besides Clay who loved books. 3. What could Clay do better than the other boys? 4. What help did he get from the Chancellor of Virginia? 5. Why did Henry Clay form a debating club? 6. Where was Ashland? 7. What was Clay's first great work in Kentucky? 8. What is a Speaker of the House of 16. Who was Webster? 17. Why did he play in the woods? 18. What proof that he loved books too? 19. Why were Daniel Webster's feelings hurt at Exeter? 20. Why did students like Webster? 21. How did he reward his parents for sending him to college? 22. What was Webster's view of the War of 1812? 23. Picture Webster in 1830. 24. Quote something from his speech in reply to Hayne. 25. Who praised Webster for his speech against nullification? 26. Do you think Harrison selected the best man for Secretary of State? 27. Why did his friends in the North blame Webster for the Seventh of March speech? 28. How were Webster's last days affected by public opinion? 29. Who was Calhoun and what did roaming in the woods and fields do for him? 30. Where did he go to college and when did he reach Congress? 31. What position did he take in the War of 1812? 32. Why did he favor the tariff and later favor the nullification of the tariff? 33. What office did President Monroe give him? 34. What effect had the "South Carolina Exposition"? 35. What did South Carolina do? 36. How was a clash averted? 37. What did Calhoun say of the Abolitionists? 38. What did he say of the Union? 39. What did he say of slavery? 40. What was Calhoun's position on the Compromise of 1850? 41. What were his last words? Suggested Readings. Henry Clay: Wright, Children's Stories of American Progress, 159-178; Brooks, Century Book of Famous Americans, 145-155; Anderson, United States Reader, 281-285; Frost, The Mill Boy of the Slashes. Daniel Webster: Baldwin, Four Great Americans, 125-186; Brooks, Century Book of Famous Americans, 37-48; Hart, How Our Grandfathers Lived, 341-344; Bolton, Famous American Statesmen, 177-229. John C. Calhoun: Brooks, Century Book of Famous Americans, 140-144; Rogers, The True Henry Clay, 248-254. |