ass="isub1">portrait of, 307; works hard for success of army in War of 1812, 307; made Secretary of War, 307; twice elected Vice-President, 307; favors nullification, 308; opposes Abolitionists, 308-309; annexes Texas, 310; opposes Compromise of 1850, 310; death, 311. California, conquest of, 288-289; missionaries in, 291-292; sends greatest number of volunteers to Spanish-American War, 356; admitted as a state, 373; an agricultural state, 375. Calvert, Cecil, 69-70; and the Indians, 69; locates village of St. Marys, 69. Calvert, George, 69; prepares to found a colony for Catholics and Protestants, 69; colony named after, 70. Camden, battle of, 182. Campbell, Colonel, 213, 214. Canada, French in, 49-53, 106-114, 121. Cannae, battle of, 468. Cape Breton Island, 35. Cape of Good Hope, rounded by Drake, 39. Carpenter's Hall, 163, 173. Carroll, Charles, 263. Carson, Kit, 285, 286, 288. Cartier, Jacques, takes possession of Montreal for France, 49. Carthage, 467-469. Carver, John, first Pilgrim governor, 73, 75, 78. Catholics, 68, 69. Catiline, 475. Cattle raising, 419-421. Cavaliers, settle in Virginia, 69. Cervera, Admiral, 357. Chalons, battle of, 477. Champlain, Lake, discovered, 50. Champlain, Samuel de, 49-53; portrait of, 49; founds Quebec, 49; and Indians, 49-52; discovers Lake Champlain, 50; death, 53. Chancellorsville, battle of, 338. Charlemagne, 479-482; grandson of Charles Martel, 479-480
gutenberg@html@files@50548@50548-h@50548-h-52.htm.html#Page_183" class="pginternal">183; Green turns tide against, 185; pursues Morgan, 188; at Guilford Court House, 189; caught at Yorktown, 180; orders Tarleton to catch Marion, 191. Coronado, Francisco, 24; searches for rich cities, 24; discovers Grand CaÑon of the Colorado, 24; finds buffalo, 24; returns home, 24. CortÉs, Hernando, 18-22, 23, 28, 37; invades Mexico, 18; sinks his ships, 18; armor of, 19; attacks the Indians, 20; takes Mexican capital, 19, 20; puts Montezuma to death, 21; conquers Mexico, 21; visits Spain, 21; portrait of, 21; shares Columbus' fate, 22. Cotton, 227, 228; fields and factories, 420-421. Cotton gin, invention of, 227-228; present-day machine built along lines of Whitney's, 416. Cotton-seed oil, 417. Cowpens, battle of the, 186, 188. "Cradle of Liberty," 169. Creek Indians, 104, 249. CrÈvecoeur, Fort, 111. "Croatoan," 46. Crockett, David, 279, 282-283; boyhood of, 282; enlisted under Jackson, 282; elected to Congress, 282; fights for Texas at the Alamo, 282-283; death, 283. Cuba, discovered by Columbus, 13; Spanish persecution in, 354-355; United States at war with Spain in behalf of, 354-358; made a republic, 358. Custis, Martha, 126. Cuzco, where Pizarro found fabulous riches, 23. Da Gama, Vasco, rounds Africa, 28. Danes, 484, 485, 486. Dare, Virginia, first white child of English parents born in America, 45. Darius, 461. Goethals, George Washington, 376-378; portrait of, 376; early life of, 377; in Spanish-American War, 377; in charge of construction of Panama Canal, 377-378; appointed governor of Canal Zone, 377. Gold, discovery and mining of, 289, 372-373, 375. "Golden Hind," The, Drake's ship, 38, 39, 40. Gold Fleet, Spanish, 41. Goliad, massacre at, 280. Gooch, Daniel, 271. "Good Man Richard," The, 197-198. Gore, Christopher, 311. Gracchi, the, 470. Grain, 417-419; elevators for 418. Grant, Ulysses S., 325, 327, 331-337; early life of, 331-332; in Mexican War, 332; promoted in the army, 333; at Forts Henry and Donelson, 333; portrait of, 333; at Vicksburg, 334; at Gettysburg, 335; made commander of the Union armies, 336; in the "Wilderness," 336; Lee surrenders to, 336; elected president, 337; death, 337. Gray, Captain Robert, the first to carry the Stars and Stripes around the world, 238; discovers the Columbia River, 238. Gray, ——, invents telephone, 268. Great Basin, Fremont explores the, 287-288. Great Charter, struggle for the, 490-493. Great Salt Lake, 286. Greater Greece, 451-452. Greece, 450-463; geography of, 450-451; legendary heroes of, 452-453; philosophers of, 453-455; wins admiration of Philip of Macedon, 455; government of, 456-460; civilization of, 458-460; in "Age of Pericles," 460-461; defeats Persian kings, 461-463; Alexander's conquests spread civilization of, 463. Green Bay, 108. Greene, Mrs., 227-228. Greene, Nathanael, 182-185, 188, 34-37; Magellan first to reach, 31. Indian corn, taken to England, 45; best crop of the Pilgrims, 79. Indians, first seen by white men, 12; named by Columbus, 12; CortÉs and the Mexican, 18-21; great city of the, 18-21; cruelly treated by De Soto, 25; welcomed Raleigh's sailors, 44; Lane cruel to, 45; hostile to English settlers, 45; Champlain and the, 49-53; Marquette loved by the, 53; carried Champlain's remains to Mackinac, 53; friendly to Hudson but repaid with cruelty, 55; and the Dutch, 56-58, 59; and the Jamestown Colony, 61-66; friendly to Lord Baltimore, 69; Pilgrims and, 76, 78-81, 84-85; John Eliot and the, 83-84; Penn's treaty with the, 98; Oglethorpe made treaty with the, 103; La Salle and the, 107, 110-112; French trappers and, 113-114; in French and Indian War, 114, 121-126; war dance of the, 119; Boone and the, 204-209; fought with British in Revolutionary War, 207-209; Sevier and the, 211-215; Clark and the, 216, 217; friendly to Lewis and Clark, 239-243; missionaries among the, 243-244, 301; Jackson and the, 247-249; War of the Seminole, 252; Houston and the, 277-278; placed on reservations by U. S. government, 375; see also names of Indians. Indigo, 104. Iron, 422-423. Iroquois Indians, 50, 52, 56, 107, 111, 112, 114. Irrigation, 375, 446-447. Isabella, Queen of Spain, 6, 8, 15. Italians, 102. Jackson, Andrew, 183. Missionaries, 53, 106-114, 243. Missionary Ridge, battle of, 335. Missions, in the Southwest, 300-302. Mississippi River, discovered by De Soto, 26, 27; explored by Joliet and Marquette, 53; La Salle reached mouth of, 112; western boundary of United States, 224, 236. Mississippi Valley, La Salle explores the, 107, 109-113. Missouri, state of, 210, 238, 296. Missouri Compromise, 296, 319. Missouri River, Falls of the, 240. Mohave Desert, 288. "Mohawks," 171. "Monitor," The, 324-325. Monoplane, 392-393. Monmouth, battle of, 138, 139. Monroe James, 236, 307, 426. Monterey, 289. Montezuma, 20. Monticello, home of Jefferson, 231, 232, 234, 237, 238. Moravians, 102. Morgan, General, 184, 185-189; fights French and Indians, 185; helps capture Burgoyne, 186; complimented by Burgoyne, 186; at battle of Cowpens, 186, 188; portrait of, 186; joins Greene, 188; last days of, 188-189. Morristown, 137. Morse, Samuel F. B., 264-268; interested in electricity, 264; plans instrument, 265; meets helper in Alfred Vail, 265; gets government aid, 267; portrait of, 267; receives rewards and honors, 268; death, 268. Moving pictures, 385-386. Moultrie, Colonel, 182. Mount Vernon, 116, 119, 30; United States pays Spain for, 357. Phoenicians, 449-450. Phonograph, 384, 387. Pickett, General George E., 338. Pierce, President, 269. Pilgrims, The, 73-81; seek Holland, 73; land in America, 74-77; and the Indians, 76, 78-81, 84-85; settle at Plymouth, 77; build homes in the forest, 77; celebrate Thanksgiving, 80; industries, manners, and customs of, 85-86. "Pinta," The, 10, 11, 13, 14. PinzÓn, 7; sails with Columbus, 10. Pitt, Fort, 126, 218. Pitt, William, 126, 154, 162, 233. Pittsburgh, iron and steel center of America, 423. Pittsburg Landing, 334-335, 380. Pizarro, Francisco, 23-24; marches army to Cuzco and finds vast wealth, 23; killed by his men, 24. Planters, industries, manners, and customs of the southern, 103-104. Plato, 454. Plymouth, landing place of the Pilgrims, 77; colony of, 83. Plymouth Rock, 77. Pocahontas, 66-68; rescues John Smith, 64; carries corn to settlers, 64; warns settlers of danger, 65; marries John Rolfe, 66; received as a princess in England, 67; portrait of, 68; death, 68. Ponce de Leon, 17-18; takes possession of Florida, 17; death, 18. "Pony express," 373. "Poor Richard's Almanac," 151, 152, 197. Pope, General, 338. Portland, 376. Porto Rico, annexed by United States, 357. Port Royal, founded, 402, 403-404, 414. Sumter, Fort, 323. Sumter, Thomas, 184. Superior, iron "ranges" of Lake, 422. Sutter, Colonel, 288. Sutter's Fort, 287. Taft, William Howard, 369-370; portrait of, 369. Tanks, 397. Tariff, collecting in South Carolina, 297; protective, 303-307; Calhoun and, 307-308. Tariff Law, Compromise, 297, 304, 308. Tarleton, Colonel, sent to capture Morgan, 185-187; defeated at battle of the Cowpens, 186-188; stories of, 187-188; sent to capture Marion, 191. Tea Tax, 129, 162-163, 168-170, 231. Tecumseh, 249. Telegraph, invented by Morse, 264-268; Marconi invents wireless, 268; Edison and the, 381-383. Telephone, invented by Bell and Gray, 268. Temperance, see Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Tennessee, 215, 247, 248. Texas, 279-283, 310. Thanksgiving, the first American, 80. Thermopylae, 462. Threshing machines, 418. Ticonderoga, 132. Tigris River, 448. Tobacco, chief crop of Virginia planters, 71. Tonti, comes to America with La Salle, 107; goes to hunt the Griffin, 109, 110; at Starved Rock, 111, 113; in command of Fort St. Louis, 112. Tories, 169, 190. Tours, battle of, 479. Trade routes, old, 2; Turks destroy, 3. Trading posts, 56. Transportation, development of, 373-374. "Traveler," Lee's horse, 341. Travis, Colonel, 279. Treaty of 1783 (Revolution), 140, 409; death, 409; portrait of, 409. William and Mary, 90. William the Conqueror, 488-489, 490. Williamsburg, 159, 163, 230. "Willing," The, 220, 223. Wilson, Woodrow, 428-431; early life, 429; practises law, 429; as a teacher, 429; president of Princeton, 429; governor of New Jersey, 429-430; portrait of, 430; and Mexico, 430; dismisses German ambassador, 431; makes loans to Allies, 431; at Paris, 442; tours the United States, 443. Winslow, Edward, 73. Winthrop, John, 81-83, 147. Wireless telegraphy, 268. Wolfe, General, 114, 126. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 409. Woman's club, 405-406. Woman's rights, 401-404, 414; Elizabeth Cady Stanton and, 402; Susan B. Anthony and, 403-404; Julia Ward Howe and, 406. Woman's Rights Convention, first, 402. Woman suffrage, 402, 403-404, 414. Women of our nation, 400-416. Wood, Colonel Leonard, 356. World's Columbian Exposition, 16. World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 409. World War, 371, 424-443; support of by the American people, 424-426; attitude of United States in early years of, 426-429, 430-431; nations involved in, 426, naval events of, 427; United States enters, 431-432; size of, 433-434; character of, 434-435; Russia withdraws from, 437; crisis of, 437-439; American battles in, 439-441; Allied victories in, 441; [Pg xxvii] [Pg xxviii] UNITED STATES Copyright, 1909, by Rand, McNally & Company. |