NOT OF THE WORLD.“I am not of the world.”—John, xvii. 14. In one sense it was not so. Jesus did not seek to maintain His holiness intact and unspotted by avoiding contact with the world. He mingled familiarly in its busy crowds. He frowned on none of its innocent enjoyments; He fostered, by His example, no love of seclusion; He gave no warrant or encouragement to mortified pride, or disappointed hopes, to rush from its duties; yet, with all this, what a halo of heavenliness encircled His pathway through it! “I am from above,” was breathed in His every look, and word, and action, from the time when He lay in the slumbers of guileless infancy in His Bethlehem But though Himself in His sinless nature “unconquerable” by temptation—immutably secure from the world’s malignant influences, it is all worthy of note, as an example to us, that He never unnecessarily braved these. He knew the seducing spell that same world would exercise on His people, of whom, with touching sympathy, He says, “These are in the world!” He knew the many who would be involved and ensnared in its subtle worship, who, “minding earthly things, would seek to slake their thirst at polluted streams!” Reader! the great problem you have to solve, Jesus has solved for you—to be “in the world, and yet not of it.” To abandon it, would be a dereliction of duty. It would be servants deserting their work; soldiers flying from the battle-field. Live in it, that while Live above its corroding cares and anxieties; remembering the description Jesus gives of His own true people; “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world!” “ARM YOURSELVES LIKEWISE WITH THE SAME MIND.” |