"Prepare to meet thy God."—Amos iv.12. O God, Thou art daily loading me with Thy benefits. Thou art making the outgoings of the evening and morning to rejoice over me, giving me unnumbered causes for gratitude and thankfulness. No earthly friend could have loved and cared for me like Thee. Oh may the life Thou art thus preserving by Thine unceasing bounty be unreservedly dedicated to Thy praise. Lord, keep me mindful that I am soon to be done with this world, that I am fast borne along the stream of time to an endless futurity. Blessed Jesus, all my hope of a glorious resurrection centres in Thee. I look to Thee as the strong tower which cannot be shaken. I flee anew to the holy sanctuary of Thy covenant love. Sheltered there, amid a dissolving earth, and burning worlds, I shall be able joyfully to utter the challenge, "Who shall separate me from the love of Christ?" Meanwhile may I seek to "occupy" till my Lord comes. Keep Lord! bless my friends, reward my benefactors, forgive my enemies. Sanctify sorrow to all the sons and daughters of trial. May the torch of Thy love light up their gloomy prospects. May every providential voice sound loud in their ears, "Arise and depart ye, for this is not your rest!" Gracious God, watch over me during the night, and grant that at last, when all earth's evenings and mornings shall have passed away, I may, on the great day-break of glory, wake up in Thy likeness, through Him in whom is all my hope, and to whom, with Thee, O Father, "LET MY PRAYER BE SET FORTH BEFORE THEE AS |