By George MacDonald


Dedicated to my great-nephew, Norman MacKay Binney, aged
seven, because his Godfather and Godmother love him dearly.
Hampstead, August 26, 1890.



Chapter I. How I Came to know Clare Skymer.

Chapter II. With his parents.

Chapter III. Without his parents.

Chapter IV. The new family.

Chapter V. His new home.

Chapter VI. What did draw out his first smile.

Chapter VII. Clare and his brothers.

Chapter VIII. Clare and his human brothers

Chapter IX. Clare the defender.

Chapter X. The black aunt.

Chapter XI. Clare on the farm.

Chapter XII. Clare becomes a guardian of the poor.

Chapter XIII. Clare the vagabond.

Chapter XIV. Their first helper

Chapter XV. Their first host.

Chapter XVI. On the tramp.

Chapter XVII. The baker's cart.

Chapter XVIII. Beating the town.

Chapter XIX. The blacksmith and his forge.

Chapter XX. Tommy reconnoitres.

Chapter XXI. Tommy is found and found out.

Chapter XXII. The smith in a rage.

Chapter XXIII. Treasure trove.

Chapter XXIV. Justifiable burglary.

Chapter XXV. A new quest.

Chapter XXVI. A new entrance.

Chapter XXVII. The baby has her breakfast.

Chapter XXVIII. Treachery.

Chapter XXIX. The baker.

Chapter XXX. The draper.

Chapter XXXI. An addition to the family.

Chapter XXXII. Shop and baby.

Chapter XXXIII. A bad penny.

Chapter XXXIV. How things went for a time.

Chapter XXXV. Clare disregards the interests of his employers.

Chapter XXXVI. The policeman.

Chapter XXXVII. The magistrate.

Chapter XXXVIII. The workhouse.

Chapter XXXIX. Away.

Chapter XL. Maly.

Chapter XLI. The caravans.

Chapter XLII. Nimrod.

Chapter XLIII. Across country.

Chapter XLIV. A third mother.

Chapter XLV. The menagerie.

Chapter XLVI. The angel of the wild beasts.

Chapter XLVII. Glum Gunn.

Chapter XLVIII. The puma.

Chapter XLIX. Glum Gunn's revenge.

Chapter L. Clare seeks help.

Chapter LI. Clare a true master.

Chapter LII. Miss Tempest.

Chapter LIII. The gardener.

Chapter LIV. The Kitchen.

Chapter LV. The wheel rests for a time.

Chapter LVI. Strategy.

Chapter LVII. Ann Shotover.

Chapter LVIII. Child-talk.

Chapter LIX. Lovers' walks.

Chapter LX. The shoe-black.

Chapter LXI. A walk with consequences.

Chapter LXII. The cage of the puma.

Chapter LXIII. The dome of the angels.

Chapter LXIV. The panther.

Chapter LXV. At home.

Chapter LXVI. The end of Clare Skymer's boyhood.



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