The sign (a) signifies that the reference may be found in the Editor’s Appendix; (n) that it refers to an Editor’s Footnote. - Adams Chapel, 270
- Aerial Journey, 336
- Agricultural Sayings, 535
- Air, National, of Guernsey (a), 575
- A la Claire Fontaine (a), 565
- Alarm of Pulias, 473
- Albert, Grand et Petit (n), 341-345
- Alderney, How the Men Sowed and what came of it, 428;
- Witch of (n), 601
- Alien Priories, 165
- Andriou, 143
- Ane, Chevaucherie d’ (n), 102
- Animal Transformation, 361
- Anne, Ste., 187
- Appendix (a), 547
- Apolline, Ste., 178, 181
- April, First of, 47
- Aquatic Customs, 59
- Archbishop Mauger, 444
- ArmÉe d’Espagne (a), 558
- August, 55
- Autel de Dehus, 120;
- des Vardes, 112
- Bakers, Fairy, 214
- Baguette Divinatoire, 416
- Ballad of Ivon de Galles, 450, 551 (a)
- Baptism and Birth, 97
- Barboue, 233
- Barking, to prevent a Dog, 397
- Bees put in mourning, 420
- Belengier, Faeu, 226
- Belfroi, 176
- Belle Lizabeau (n), 147;
- Rose au Rosier Blanc (a), 563
- Beilleuse, Fontaine de la (n), 192
- BÊte, Rue de la, 235;
- de la Tour, 235;
- de la Pendue, 248
- Betrothals and Weddings, 99
- Biche, Coin de la (n), 255
- Birth and Baptism, 97
- Bimerlue, Grand (n), 202
- Biting, to prevent a Dog, 397
- Bladebone, 380
- Blanchelande, 187
- Bleeding, to stop, 395
- BÔdet, Chasse À, 237
- Boeuf, Pied de, 153
- Books, Magic, 340-350
- Bonamy Family (n), 155, (a) 590
- Bonhomme Andrelot, 143
- Breton, Jean, 477
- Brian and Cadwalla, 441
- Brioc, St., 151, 166
- Briser la Hanse, 77
- Broken Kettle, 210
- Building of the Castel Church, 220
- Burial of the Drowned, 283
- Burn, to cure a, 395
- Caches, Les (n), 589
- Cadwalla and Brian, 441
- Careye, Mons. Nicholas, 526, 528
- Casquet, 381
- Castel Church, Building of, 220;
- Old Figure at, 129
- Cat, Pel de, 201
- Cat and the Fox, 437
- Catel, Cotillon de RachÉ, 437
- Catherine, Ste., 176
- Catte, Mahy de la, 367
- Catillon, 151
- Catiorioc, (Trepied), 121
- CaÛbo, Witch of, 350
- Celts, 403
- Ceremonial Customs, 59
- Chaire de St. Bonit, 148
- Changeling, 219, 225
- Chapel or Chapelle.
- Adams, 270;
- Ste. Apolline, 178;
- Dom Hue, 182;
- Epine, 183;
- FrÈres, 175;
- Lorette, 177;
- On the site of St. Martin’s Parish School (n), 197;
- Lihou, 151, 166, 171, 173, 343;
- Pulias, 181;
- St. Clair, 186;
- St. Germain, 187;
- St. Jean de la Houguette, 187;
- St. MaliÈre or St. Magloire, 185;
- Sepulcre, 176;
- Ydolle de St. Jacques, 177
- Charms, Spells, and Incantations, 387
- Chasse À BÔdet, 237
- Chevaucherie d’Ane (n), 102
- ChevauchÉe de St. Michel, 59
- Chien, Creux du, 225;
- BÔdu, 237
- Children’s Games, 484
- ChimquiÈre, Gran’mÈre du (n), 134
- Christmas and New Year, 33
- CimetiÈres des FrÈres et des Soeurs, 175
- Civic Customs, 59
- Clair, St., 186
- Clameur de Haro (a), 576
- Claw, Devil’s, 157
- Coin de la Biche (n), 255
- Colin, Grand et Petit, 214
- Colliche, Pont, 160
- Consequences of a Love Spell, 412
- Convent of Cordeliers, 174
- Cotillon de RachÉ Catel, 437
- Coq Chante, Roque oÙ le, 149
- Counter Charm for Witchcraft, 403
- “Counting Out” Rhymes, 485
- Countrywoman and the Witch, 338
- Cradle Songs, 494
- Creux, du chien, 225;
- des FÂÏes, 123;
- des FÉes, 137;
- MahiÉ, 138
- Cromlechs, 110
- Cromlech at L’Ancresse (n), 134
- Customs, Aquatic, 58;
- Civic, 59, 89;
- Ceremonial, 89-106;
- Festival, 19-58
- Cuckoo Rhymes, 504
- Cure of Burns, 395;
- Erysipelas, 402;
- Vives or Gripes in a Horse, 396;
- Warts and Wens, 400
- Dame au Voile, 372
- Dame, Notre, de Lihou, 171;
- de Marais, 166;
- de la Perrelle, 179
- DamÈque, Seigneur de (a), 585
- Dancing Rhymes, 496
- Deaths and Funerals, 103
- De Garis Pedigree (n), 522
- DÉhus, Autel de, 120
- DÉlaissance, 432
- De la Rue, Collas, 312
- Demons and Goblins, 226
- Demon and Duke Richard, 443
- DÉsorceleur, DÉsorcelleresse, 300
- Devil, The, 148, 154, 157, 159, 257;
- Recent Appearance of, 269;
- and the Tailor, 266
- Devil’s Claw, 157
- Diable, Pont du, 158
- Divining Rod, 414
- Dix Paroisses, Filles des (n), 508
- Dog, to prevent from Barking or Biting, 397
- Dole of Loaves at Le Laurier, 249
- Dom Hue, 182
- Drowned, Burial of the, 283
- Duck and the Miller, 365
- Duke Richard and the Demon, 443
- Easter, 46
- Echelle, 245
- Editor’s Appendix (a), 546
- Eeling, Sand, 85
- Enchanted Horse, 252
- Enchantments, to avert, 394
- Epine, Chapelle de l’, 183
- Erysipelas, Cure of, 402
- Espagne, ArmÉe d’ (a), 558
- Family, Bonamy (n), 155, (a) 590;
- de Garis (n), 522;
- Fautrart (n), 602;
- Henry (n), 179
- Faeu Belengier, 226
- FÂÏes, Palette Ès, 124;
- Creux des, 137;
- TombÉ du Rouai des, 200
- Fairy Bakers, 214;
- Neighbours, 211
- Fairies, 123-129, 198-225;
- and the Midwife, 209;
- and the Nurse, 207;
- Invasion of Guernsey by the, 204
- Falla, Jean, and the Witches, 376
- Farm Servant and the Weeds, 438
- Fautrart Family (n), 602
- Festival Customs, 19
- Filles des Dix Paroisses (n), 508
- Figures, Old, at St. Martin’s and the Castel, 129
- Fingers, Names of, 488
- Fire, to stop a, 395
- First of April, <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@52834@52834-h@52834-h-1.htm.html#Page_47" class="pginternal">47;
- Sunday in Lent, 44
- Fishbone in the Throat, to Remove, 397
- Flleur de Jaon, 286
- Flouncing, 99
- Folk Medicine and Leech Craft, 422
- Fontaine de la Beilleuse (n), 192;
- A la Claire (a), 565;
- des Corbins, 191;
- Fleurie, 191;
- Gounebec, 191;
- Lesset, 191;
- Mal de la, 190;
- des Navets (n), 192;
- St. George, 190, 193, 197;
- St. Germain, 187;
- St. Martin, 191;
- Vaulaurent, 191
- Footprints on Stone, 151
- Fortune Telling, 385
- Fouaille, Lit de, 51
- Fox and the Cat, 437
- FrÈres, CimetiÈre and Chapelle des, 175;
- Pies, 355
- Friday, Good, 45
- Friquet du Gibet, 245
- Funerals and Deaths, 103
- Galles, Yvon de, 450, 551 (a)
- Game, to prevent a Sportsman killing, 396
- GalÈres, 245
- Gallows, Jersey, 430
- Games, Children’s, 484
- Garce, Grand’, 284
- Gaultier de la Salle (a), 237-247
- George, St., 166, 192, 194, 197
- Germain, St., 187
- Ghosts, 275, 281;
- of La Petite Porte (a), 581
- Ghost of Mr. Blondel (a), 578
- Gibet, des FÂÏes, 128, (n), 222;
- Friquet du, 245
- Glaneur (a), 570
- Goblins and Demons, 226
- Good Friday, 45
- Grand Albert (n), 341-345;
- Bimerlue (n), 202;
- Colin, 214;
- Sarrazin, 119
- Grand’ Garce, 284;
- Querrue, 40
- Gran’mÈre du ChimquiÈre (n), 134282
- Popular Notions about Fairies, 198;
- Sayings, 521
- Poulain de St. George, 192
- Pouquelaie, 110
- Prehistoric Monuments and their Superstitions, 109
- Preservative against Spells, 394
- Prior, Priory, alien, 165;
- of Lihou, 341, 343;
- of St. Michel du Valle, 171
- Prophetic Warnings and Ghosts, 275
- Proverbial stories, 432;
- Sayings, 529
- Proverbs, Weather Sayings, etc., 509
- Pulias, 181;
- Alarm of, 473
- Querrue, Grand’, 40
- Quick-Silver a Protection against Witchcraft, 397
- Qui Veut OuÏr (a), 566
- RachÉ Catel, Cotillon de, 437
- RatÉ, Le, 436
- Raven and the Witch (a) 602
- Recapture of Sark, 466
- Recent Appearance of the Devil, 269
- Reminiscences, Historical, 441
- Rhymes, “Counting Out,” 485;
- Nursery, 484;
- Dancing, 496;
- Cuckoo, 504
- Richard, Duke, and the Demon, 443
- Robber of the Poor Box, 282
- Roche, Notre Dame de la (n), 147
- Rocks and Stones, 143
- Rod, Divining, 414
- Roland, Mons., 526
- Roque, Balan, 113;
- Longue, 124;
- des FÂÏes, 127;
- oÙ le Coq Chante, 149, 214;
- qui Sonne, 114;
- MÀngi, 147;
- Rouai des FÂÏes, Tombeau du, 200
- RoussÉ, Collas, 361
- Rue de la BÊte (n), 235
- Sabbath (Witches’), 295
- Salle, Gaultier de la (n), 246
- Sanbule, 249
- Sand Eeling, 85
- Saint, or Sainte.—Anne, 187;
- Appolline, 179;
- Bonit, Chaire de, 148;
- Brioc, Chapel of, 166;
- Lady of, 151;
- Catherine, 176;
- Clair, 186;
- Printed in Guernsey, by Frederick Clarke, States Arcade.