Note.—Plates I., II., IV., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., were originally by Miss Mary P. Macbride; Plates V., XI., XII., were by Mrs. Hattie J. Douglass; Plates XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVII., were by the late Mrs. Bertha E. Linder Pumphrey; Plate III. was the joint work of Mrs. Pumphrey and Miss Macbride. All these, except IV., have been re-drawn for new plates; XVI., with additions, by Miss Margaret Hayes; the remainder by Mr. W. J. Calvin, C. E. Plate XVIII. is by Miss Hayes; Plate XIX. by Miss A. M. Held; Plate XX. by Miss Jane Coventry. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I Enteridium splendens Morg., p. 211. Fig. 1. Æthalium, natural size. Fig. 1 a. Spore of the same species, × 1400. Fig. 1 b. Capillitium of the same species, × 420. DictydiÆthalium plumbeum (Fr.) Rost., p. 215. Fig. 2. Æthalium, natural size. Fig. 2 a. Sporangia and spores, × 50 (after Schroeter). Fig. 2 b. Persistent apices of the peridia. Lindbladia effusa (Ehr.) Rost., p. 204. Fig. 3. A group of sporangia, × 30. Fig. 3 a. A single spore, × 1400. Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) Macbr., p. 206. Fig. 4. A group of sporangia, × 5. See also Plate VII., Fig. 8; and Plate XII., Fig. 14. Cribraria dictydioides Cke. & Balf., p. 222. Fig. 5. Three sporangia, × 15. Fig. 5 a. A single sporangium, to show reticulate thickening, × 60. Fig. 5 b. A spore, × 1400. Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch) Macbr., p. 230. Fig. 6. Sporangium, × 30. Fig. 6 a. A part of the peridial wall, seen from within, × 84. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Muell.) Macbr., p. 19. Fig. 7. Three sporiferous pillars, × about 40. Fig. 7 a. Tip of a single pillar, × 84. Hemitrichia stipata (Schw.) Macbr., p. 262. Fig. 8. Sporangia, × 6. Fig. 8 a. The capillitium of the same species, × 750. Fig. 8 b. A single spore, × 1000. PLATE I PLATE I EXPLANATION OF PLATE II Perichaena corticalis (Batsch) Rost., p. 243. Fig. 1. Sporangia, × 10. Fig. 1 a. A single spore, as if in section, × 900. Fig. 1 b. The capillitial thread, × 750. Lachnobolus occidentalis Macbr., p. 246. Fig. 2. The sporangia, × 8. Fig. 2 a. A portion of the capillitium, × 750. Fig. 2 b. Spores, × 750. See also 4 and 4 a below. Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers., p. 254. Fig. 3. The expanded fructifications, × 5. Fig. 3 a. Tip of a single capillitium mass, × 40. Lachnobolus occidentalis Macbr., p. 246. Fig. 4. A cluster of sporangia, × 3; cylindric type. Fig. 4 a. Capillitium, × 750; to show characteristic surface of the threads. Arcyria denudata (Linn.) Pers., p. 253. Fig. 5. Sporangia, two expanded, one still closed, × 20. Fig. 5 a. A part of the capillitium of the same species, × 750. Arcyria nutans (Bull.) Grev., p. 249. Fig. 6. Expanded capillitium, etc., × 10. Fig. 6 a. Capillitium, × 750. Fig. 6 b. A piece of the capillitium thread, × 1400. Ophiotheca wrightii Berk. & C., p. 241. Fig. 7. A single sporangium, × 8. Fig. 7 a. A node of the capillitial thread, × 750. Fig. 7 b. A spore, × 750. Oligonema nitens (Lib.) Rost., p. 280. Fig. 8. A single elater, × 750. Figs. 8 a and 8 b. Spores, × 1000. Badhamia macrocarpa Rost., p. 37. Var. gracilis. Fig. 9. Two sporangia, × 600. PLATE II PLATE II EXPLANATION OF PLATE III Hemitrichia clavata (Pers.) Rost., p. 264. Fig. 1. Three sporangia, one closed, × 8. Fig. 1 b. A single spore, × 1400. Hemitrichia vesparium (Batsch) Macbr., p. 262. Fig. 2. Tip of the elater of capillitial thread, × 1400. Fig. 2 a. A single spore, × 1400. Trichia iowensis Macbr., p. 269. Fig. 3. A cluster of sporangia, × 5. Fig. 3 a. Tip of a branching elater, × 750. Fig. 3 b. A single spore, × 750. See also Plate X., Fig. 5. Hemitrichia serpula Scop., p. 260. Fig. 4. A plasmodiocarp, × 3. Fig. 4 a. A single spore, × 1400. Fig. 4 b. An elater-tip, × 1400. Trichia inconspicua Rost., p. 268. Fig. 5. A cluster of sporangia, × 12. Fig. 5 a. Tip of an elater, × 1400. Fig. 5 b. A single spore, × 750. Physarum oblatum Macbr., p. 91. Fig. 6. A single sporangium, × 20; stipe shown of unusual length. Fig. 6 a. A single spore, × 1000. See also Plate XIV., Fig. 3. Physarum auriscalpium (Cke.) Lister, p. 90. Fig. 7. A single sporangium, × 20; a New York specimen. Fig. 7 a. A single spore, × 1000. Arcyria nodulosa Macbr., p. 252. Fig. 8. Capillitial thread, × 1200. PLATE III PLATE III EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV Trichia persimilis Karst., p. 271. Fig. 1. Var. intermedia, × about 6. Fig. 1 a. Spore of same species, × 1400. Fig. 1 b. A second spore to show varying episporic network. Fig. 1 c. Tip of elater, shows vertical connecting bands. Trichia decipiens (Pers.) Macbr., p. 276. Fig. 2. Sporangia, × about 8. Fig. 2 a. A spore of the same species, × 1400. Fig. 2 b and 2 c. Elaters of the same species, × about 225. Trichia varia (Pers.) Rost., p. 270. Fig. 3. Sporangia, × about 8. Fig. 3 a. A spore of the same species, × 1000. Fig. 3 b. An elater of the same species, × 750. Trichia scabra Rost., p. 271. Fig. 4. Sporangia, × about 8. Fig. 4 a. A single spore of the same species, × 1400. Fig. 4 b. An elater-tip of the same, × 1400. Trichia favoginea (Batsch) Pers., p. 272. Fig. 5. Sporangia, × about 8. Fig. 5 a. A single spore of the same, × 1400. Fig. 5 b. A single elater-tip of the same, × 1400. Trichia persimilis Karst., var abrupta Cke., p. 271. Fig. 6. An elater-tip, × 1400. It will be noticed that the spirals are connected by vertical bars. Fig. 6 a. A single spore of the same variety, × 1400. Fig. 6 b. A single spore, from the same sporangium as 6 a. Fig. 6 c. Trichia persimilis, a single spore, × 1400. Fig. 6 d. Tip of an elater from the same, × 1400. PLATE IV PLATE IV EXPLANATION OF PLATE V Lamproderma arcyrionema Rost., p. 197. Fig. 1. A single sporangium seen as if in section, × 40. Fig. 1 a. A single spore, × 1400. Lamproderma scintillans (Berk. & Br.) List., p. 195. Fig. 2. A single sporangium seen as in section, × 40. Fig. 2 a. A single spore, × 1400. Enerthenema papillatum (Pers.) Rost., p. 190. Fig. 3. An expanded, blown-out sporangium, × 25. Lamproderma robustum Ell. & Ev., p. Fig. 4. A sporangium seen as in section, × 20. Fig. 4 a. A single spore, × 1000. Comatricha laxa Rost., p. 177. Fig. 5. A sporangium seen as if in section, × 40. Fig. 5 a. A single spore, × 2000. Diachaea thomasii Rex, p. 188. Fig. 6. Three sporangia magnified about 15 times. Fig. 6 a. A single spore of the same species, × 800. Brefeldia maxima (Fries) Rost., p. 154. Fig. 7. A group of sporangia, showing columellÆ; × 5. Fig. 7 a. Capillitial threads of the same species, × 300. Fig. 7 b. Spore of the same species, × 1500. AmaurochÆte fuliginosa (Sowb.) Macbr., p. 149. Fig. 8. A bit of so-called capillitium, × 300. Fig. 8 a. A single spore magnified about 1000 times. PLATE V PLATE V EXPLANATION OF PLATE VI Comatricha typhoides (Bull.) Rost., p. 181. Fig. 1. A group of sporangia, × 5. Fig. 1 a. A single spore, × 1600. Fig. 1 b. Tip of the columella with its branches, × 50. Comatricha longa Peck, p. 175. Fig. 2. A single empty sporangium, × 6. Fig. 2 a. A part of the same taken near the apex, × 60. Fig. 2 b. A spore, × 1400. Comatricha aequalis Peck, p. 180. Fig. 3. A single sporangium, × 10. Fig. 3 a. The columella and capillitium, × 60. Fig. 3 b. A single spore, × 1600. Figs. 3 c and 3 d. Sporangia to which the peridium still adheres, although in 3 c in shreds. Stemonitis fusca Rost., p. 160. Fig. 4. A group of sporangia, × 3. Fig. 4 a. A part of the columella and capillitium, × 60. Fig. 4 b. A single spore, × 1400. Stemonitis axifera (Bull.) Macbr., p. 168. Fig. 5. A group of sporangia, × 3. Fig. 5 a. A single spore, × 1400. Fig. 5 b. A part of the capillitium with columella, × 60. Stemonitis splendens, p. 164. Fig. 6. A group of sporangia, × 3. Figs. 6 a and 6 c. Single spores, the latter × 1400. Fig. 6 b. A part of the columella and branches, × 60. Fig. 7. A shorter variety of the same species with coarser meshes in capillitium, × 3. Fig. 7 a. A part of the columella and net, × 60. PLATE VI PLATE VI EXPLANATION OF PLATE VII Diachaea splendens Peck, p. 187. Fig. 1. Sporangia and hypothallus, × 25. Fig. 1 a. Capillitium, × 50. Fig. 1 b. Spores, × 900. Fig. 1 c. Portion of the capillitium, × 150. Didymium nigripes Fr., p. 123. Fig. 2. Sporangia, × 30. Fig. 2 a. A spore, × 1400. Fig. 2 b. Calcareous crystals from the peridial wall, × 750. Didymium melanospermum (Pers.) Macbr., p. 121. Fig. 3. Sporangia, × 10. Fig. 3 a. A single spore, × about 1000. Diderma testaceum (Schrad.) Pers., p. 137. Fig. 4. Sporangia; the first exhibiting the two peridial walls and the spore-mass, × 10. Fig. 4 a. Spore, × 750. Fig. 4 b. Capillitial threads, × 750. Diderma globosum Pers., p. 134. Fig. 5. Sporangia; the first with the outer peridium broken away, × 10. Fig. 5 a. A single spore, × 750. Mucilago spongiosa (Leyss.) Morg., p. 114. Fig. 6. An Æthalium, borne on a grass-stem, natural size. Fig. 6 a. A spore, × 750. Fig. 6 b. Capillitium, with surface calcareous crystals, × 750. Diderma crustaceum Peck, p. 135. Fig. 7. A mass of clustered sporangia, to show habit of aggregation, natural size. Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) Macbr., p. 206. Fig. 8. A single spore, × 1400. PLATE VII PLATE VII EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIII Diderma floriforme (Bull.) Pers., p. 143. Fig. 1. Sporangia of various ages, × 5. Fig. 1 a. Spore of the same species, × 1000. Fig. 1 b. A capillitial thread, × 1000. Physarum polycephalum Schw., p. 95. Fig. 2. The sporangia, × 10. Fig. 2 a. Spores, × 750. Fig. 2 b. Capillitium, × 750. Leocarpus fragilis (Dicks.) Rost., p. 112. Fig. 3. Sporangia, × 6. Fig. 3 a. A group of sporangia, natural size, to show habit. Fig. 3 b. A single spore, × 1800. Physarella oblonga (Berk. & C.) Morg., p. 109. Fig. 4. A single sporangium, × 8. Figs. 4 a and 4 b. Capillitium and spore respectively, × 900. Craterium leucocephalum (Pers.) Ditmar, p. 105. Fig. 5. Sporangia, the first closed, × 10. Physarum sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm., p. 52. Fig. 6. Plasmodiocarp, natural size; 6 a, × 4; see also Plate XIX., Fig. 15. Physarum virescens Ditmar, p. 61. Fig. 7. Groups of sporangia, × 3 and × 8. Fig. 7 a. Spores, × 750. Physarum viride Pers., p. 98. Fig. 8. A single sporangium, × 25; 8 a, reverse. Fig. 8 b. The same after spore-dispersal. Fig. 8 c. Capillitium, × 750. PLATE VIII PLATE VIII EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX Physarum didermoides (Ach.) Rost., p. 78. Fig. 1. Sporangia, × 15. Fig. 1 a. A single sporangium open; shows calcareous capillitium, × 15. Fig. 1 b. Spores, × 900. Physarum notabile Macbr., p. 80. Fig. 2. A cluster of sporangia, × 15. Fig. 2 a. A single sporangium open, × 15. Fig. 2 b. Spores, × 900. See also Plate XV., Figs. 2, 2 a, and the frontispiece. Physarum contextum Pers., p. 56. Fig. 3. A group of sporangia, × 15. Fig. 3 a. Spores of the same, × 600. Physarum cinereum (Batsch) Pers., p. 59. Fig. 4. A group of sporangia, × 4. Fig. 4 a. A single sporangium, × 20. Fig. 4 b. Capillitium of the same, × 240. Fig. 4 c. Spores, × 450. Physarum albescens Ellis, p. 86. Fig. 5. Sporangia, × 5. See also Plate XVI., Figs. 4 and 4 a. Fig. 5 a. Spore of the same species, × 450. Fig. 5 b. Capillitium of the same, × 240. Physarum serpula Morg., p. 49. Fig. 6. Plasmodiocarps, about natural size. Fig. 6 a. A bit of the plasmodiocarp, showing structure, × 6. Fig. 6 b. A spore of the same species, × 1400. Physarum leucopus Link., p. 79. Fig. 7. A single sporangium, × 15. Fig. 7 a. A spore of the same species, × 900. Fig. 7 b. A fragment of the capillitium. PLATE IX PLATE IX EXPLANATION OF PLATE X Badhamia rubiginosa (Chev.) Rost., p. 43. Fig. 1. A group of sporangia, × 5. Fig. 1 a. Two sporangia, same species, × 18, to show persisting capillitium. Fig. 1 b. Capillitium fragment, × 240. Fig. 1 c. Spore of the same species, × 750. Fuligo septica (L.) Gmel.; form laevis, p. 29. Fig. 2. An Æthalium, natural size. Fig. 2 a. A section of the same, × 10. Fig. 2 b. A spore of the same, × 750. Fuligo cinerea Pers., p. 26. Fig. 3. A small Æthalium borne upon a blade of grass, natural size. See also Plate XXIII. Fig. 3 a. Capillitial fragment from the same specimen, × 450. Fig. 3 b. Spores of the same, × about 750. Didymium minus List., p. 121. Fig. 4. A single sporangium, × 25. Fig. 4 a. The capillitium and fragment of the peridium of the same species, × 380. Fig. 4 b. A spore of the same species, × 1000. Trichia iowensis Macbr., p. 269. Fig. 5. Tip of an elater, × 1400. See also Plate III, 3, 3 a, 3 b. Badhamia papaveracea Berk. & Rav., p. 42. Fig. 6. Sporangia, a cluster, × 8. Fig. 6 a. A cluster of spores, × 400. Fig. 6 b. A single spore of the same, × 1400. Reticularia lycoperdon Bull., p. 210. Fig. 7. A fragment of the capillitium, × 240. Fig. 7 a. A single spore of the same species, × 1400. See also Plate XII., Fig. 3. PLATE X PLATE X EXPLANATION OF PLATE XI Comatricha nigra Pers., p. 178. Fig. 1. A group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 2. A single sporangium as in section, × 60. Fig. 3. A single spore, × 1600. Stemonitis confluens Ell. & Cke., p. 158. Fig. 4. A group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 4 a. A thread of capillitium with adhering disk, × 30. Fig. 5. A spore of the same, × 2000. Stemonitis webberi Rex, p. 163. Fig. 6. A group of sporangia, × 4. Fig. 7. A single sporangium as in section, × 40. Fig. 8. A single spore, same species, × 1250. Comatricha suksdorfii Ell. & Ev., p. 178. Fig. 9. A group of sporangia, × 4. Fig. 10. A bit of the capillitium, × 60. Fig. 11. A single spore, × 1600. Comatricha cÆspitosa Sturg., p. 172. Fig. 12. A cluster of sporangia, × 4. Fig. 13. The capillitium highly magnified. Fig. 14. A single spore, × 1600. PLATE XI PLATE XI EXPLANATION OF PLATE XII Lindbladia effusa (Ehr.) Rost., p. 204. Fig. 1. Fructification, natural size. Fig. 2. Portion of same in section, × 3. Reticularia lycoperdon Bull., p. 210. Fig. 3. Residual capillitial structure, the spores blown away; about natural size. Enteridium splendens Morg., p. 211. Fig. 4. Fructification, a large one, natural size. Fig. 5. Same in section, × 3. Arcyria ferruginea Sauter, p. 253. Fig. 6. Three sporangia, magnified about 10 times. Fig. 6 a. A single spore, magnified. Fig. 6 b. Capillitial thread. Licea variabilis Schrad., p. 200. Fig. 7. Sporangia, magnified about 6 times. Fig. 8. Spore, magnified to show surface characters. Tubifera casparyi (Rost.) Macbr., p. 207. Fig. 9. A group of sporangia; shows the pseudo-columellÆ; × about 5. Licea biforis Morg., p. 201. Fig. 10. Sporangia dehiscent, magnified about 10 times. Orcadella operculata Wing., p. 203. Fig. 11. Sporangia, magnified about 30 times. Cribraria argillacea Pers., p. 218. Fig. 12. Sporangia, magnified about 10 times. Fig. 13. A single sporangium, × about 40. See also Plate XVII., Fig. 1. Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) Macbr., p. 206. Fig. 14. Sporangia magnified to show apiculate tops. Cf. Comatricha ellisii Morg., p. 184. Fig. 15. Sporangium, × 40. Fig. 15 a. A single spore, × 1000. Comatricha pulchella (Bab.) Rost, p. 183; vid. p. 284. Fig. 16. Sporangium, × 20. Fig. 16 a. A single spore, × 1000. Comatricha subcaespitosa Peck, p. 185. Fig. 17. Sporangium, × 20. Fig. 17 a. A single spore, × 1000. Comatricha gracilis Wingate, p. 183. Fig. 18. Sporangium, × 20. Fig. 18 a. A single spore, × 1000. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIII Heterotrichia gabriellÆ Mass., p. 257. Fig. 1. A group of sporangia, one expanded, the others empty, × 15. Fig. 1 a. Capillitium of the species, × 600. Calonema aureum Morg., p. 266. Fig. 2. A cluster of sporangia, magnified about 15 times. Fig. 2 a. The tip of an elater of the same species, × 1000. Fig. 2 b. A single spore, × 1000. Fig. 2 c. A bit of the sporangium wall, × 600. Stemonitis pallida Wing., p. 169. Fig. 3. Sporangia, magnified about 5 times. Comatricha pulchella (Bab.) Rost., form C. persoonii R., p. 183. Fig. 4. Sporangia, magnified about 15 times. See Addenda, d, p. 283. Stemonitis carolinensis Macbr., p. 170. Fig. 5. Sporangia, magnified about 5 times. Clastoderma debaryanum Blytt., p. 191. Fig. 6. Sporangium, magnified about 60 times. Trichia contorta Rost., p. 269. Fig. 7. Tip of an elater, × 1400. Fig. 7 a. Spore of the same species, × 1400. Trichia botrytis Pers., p. 274. Fig. 8. Tip of the elater, × 1400. Fig. 8 a. Spore of the same species, × 1400. PLATE XIII PLATE XIII EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIV Badhamia magna Peck., p. 38. Fig. 1. A cluster, of sporangia, × 10. Cienkowskia reticulata (Alb. & Schw.) Rost., p. 111. Fig. 2. Plasmodiocarp, × 15. Fig. 2 a. A bit of the capillitium of the same, × 800. Fig. 2 b. A single spore, × 1000. Physarum oblatum Macbr., p. 91. Fig. 3. Sporangia, × 15. Fig. 3 a. A piece of capillitium, × 800. Fig. 3 b. A single spore, × 1000. The roughness much exaggerated. Badhamia orbiculata Rex., p. 37. Fig. 4. A group of sporangia, × 10. Physarum newtoni Macbr., p. 73. Fig. 5. A group of sporangia, × 16. Fig. 5 a. A single spore, × 1000. Fig. 5 b. A bit of the capillitium, × 800. Physarum maculatum Macbr., p. 77. Fig. 6. A cluster of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 6 a. A piece of the capillitial net, × 800. Fig. 6 b. A single spore, × 800. Lepidoderma tigrinum (Schrad.) Rost., p. 145. Fig. 7. A group of sporangia, × 20. PLATE XIV PLATE XIV EXPLANATION OF PLATE XV Physarum confertum Macbr. n. n., p. 64. Fig. 1. Sporangia on a bit of leaf, × 4. Fig. 1 a. Capillitium, × 800. Fig. 1 b. A single spore, × 1200. Physarum notabile Macbr., p. 80. Fig. 2. A group of sporangia, stipitate form, × 10. Fig. 2 a. A single spore, × 1200. Physarum flavicomum Berk., p. 93. Fig. 3. A cluster of sporangia, one closed, × 10. Fig. 3 a. A single spore, × 1200. Physarum tropicale Macbr., p. 82. Fig. 4. Sporangia, × 10. Fig. 4 a. Capillitium, × 800. Fig. 4 b. A single spore, × 1200. Craterium minutum (Leers) Fr., p. 107. Fig. 5. Sporangia, the stalks unusually long, × 15. Physarum penetrale Rex, p. 70. Fig. 6. A group of sporangia; the calcareous crust has fallen in all. Fig. 6 a. A single sporangia, enlarged to show columella, × 20. Physarum nicaraguense Macbr., p. 83. Fig. 7. A group of sporangia, × 15. Fig. 7 a. Capillitium, strongly calcareous, × 800. Fig. 7 b. A single spore, × 1200. See also Pl. XVII., Figs 11 and 11 a. PLATE XV PLATE XV EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVI Physarella oblonga (Berk. & C.) Morgan, p. 109. Fig. 1. Fully opened sporangium, × 10. Fig. 1 a. Tubular sporangia closed, × 5. Fig. 1 b. Transverse section of sporangium; shows trabecular calcareous nodules of the capillitium, × 15. Craterium cylindricum Mass., p. 106. Fig. 2. Group of sporangia, × 10. Physarum wingatense Macbr., p. 72. Fig. 3. Group of sporangia, × 10. Physarum albescens Ellis, p. 86. Fig. 4. Group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 4 a. Capillitium of the same species, × 200. Dianema harveyi Rex, p. 238. Fig. 5. Group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 5 a. Clustered spores, D. corticatum, × 500. Fig. 5 b. Capillitial threads and spores, D. harveyi, × 200. Fig. 5 c. Twisted, spirally striate single threads, × 500; D. corticatum, List. Physarella oblonga Berk. & C., p. 109. Fig. 6. Terrestial, plasmodiocarpous phase, × 10. Physarum megalosporum Sturg., p. 63. Fig. 7. Group of sporangia, × 8. Fig. 7 a. Capillitium and spores, × 150. Didymium complanatum (Batsch) Rost., p. 116. Fig. 8. Capillitial structure, × 200. Physarum wingatense, p. 72. Fig. 9. Sporangium, × 20, enlarged to show dehiscence. Didymium xanthopus (Ditm.) Fr., p. 123. Fig. 10. Sporangium—diagram to show columella, × 20. Didymium eximium Pk., p. 124. Fig. 11. Group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 11 a. Section of sporangium, × 30; diagram. Fig. 11 b. Spore, × 750. Comatricha elegans (Racib.) List., p. 182. Fig. 12. A single sporangium, × 20. Clastoderma debaryanum, p. 191. Fig. 13. Sporangium, seen in section, × 20. Stemonitis herbatica Pk., p. 171. Fig. 14. Group of sporangia, × 2. Fig. 14 a. The same enlarged to show general outline. Fig. 14 b. The same; capillitial section, × 20. Fig. 14 c. A single spore, × 1000. PLATE XVI PLATE XVI EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVII Cribraria argillacea (Pers.) Schrad., p. 218. Fig. 1. Sporangium, highly magnified. Cribraria macrocarpa Schrad., p. 219. Fig. 2. Sporangium, highly magnified. Cribraria aurantiaca Schrad., p. 221. Fig. 3. Sporangium containing spores, × 30. Cribraria microcarpa Schrad., p. 226. Fig. 4. Sporangium containing spores, × 30. Cribraria tenella Schrad., p. 225. Fig. 5. Sporangium containing spores, × 40. Cribraria minutissima Schw., p. 220. Fig. 6. A single sporangium calyculate, × 50. Fig. 6 a. A smaller sporangium without calyx, with spore-mass. Cribraria cuprea Morg., p. 229. Fig. 7. A single sporangium, × 50. Cribraria violacea Rex, p. 227. Fig. 8. A single sporangium, × 40. Cribraria piriformis Schrad., p. 224. Fig. 9. A single sporangium, × 30. Perichaena depressa (Libert) Rost., p. 242. Fig. 10. A cluster of sporangia, one open, × 8. Physarum nicaraguense Macbr., p. 83. Fig. 11. Single sporangium, × 10. Fig. 11 a. A cluster of sporangia and hypothallus, × 5. PLATE XVII PLATE XVII EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVIII Margarita metallica (Berk. & Br.) List., p. 237. Fig. 1. A group of sporangia, × 15. Fig. 1 a. Capillitium and spores, × 300. Fig. 1 b. A single spore, × 1200. Diderma cor-rubrum n. s., p. 140. Fig. 2. A group of sporangia, × 15. Diderma asteroides List., p. 143. Fig. 3. Sporangia-spread, × 6. Fig. 3 a. Same sporangia still unopened, × 4. Comatricha laxa Rost., Cf. Pl. V., 5 & 5 a, p. 184. Fig. 4. Sporangia, × 10. Diderma lyallii (Mass.) Macbr., p. 136. Fig. 5. A group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 5 a. Capillitium and spores, × 200. Lepidoderma chailletii Rost., p. 146. Fig. 6. A group of sporangia, × 15. Fig. 6 a. Capillitium and spores, × 150. Fig. 6 b. A single spore, × 800. Didymium anellus Morg., p. 117. Fig. 7. A group of sporangia, × 10. Diderma radiatum Linn., p. 141. Fig. 8. A group of sporangia, × 8. Physarum diderma Rost., p. 55. Fig. 9. A group of sporangia, × 10. Diderma rugosum (Rex) Macbr., p. 144. Fig. 10. A group of sporangia, × 10. Diderma niveum (Rost.) Macbr., p. 137. Fig. 11. A group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 11 a. Spore and Capillitium, × 600. Prototrichia metallica (Berk.) Mass., p. 258. Fig. 12. A group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 12 a. Same; capillitium and spores, × 300. Fig. 12 b. Tip of a capillitium thread to show spiral markings and end-fraying, × 800. Comatricha aequalis Peck, p. 180. Fig. 13. A group of sporangia, × 5. Fig. 13 a. Sporangium tip, capillitium, × 200. Fig. 13 b. Spore, × 800. Physarum compressum Alb. & Schw., p. 80. Fig. 14. A group of sporangia to show compressed form, × 10. See also Plate XIX., Fig. 12. PLATE XVIII PLATE XVIII EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIX Dictydium cancellatum Batsch, p. 230. Fig. 1. The finest phase, as the form appears in the Mississippi valley, × 15. Fig. 1 a. Sporangium of the same seen from below, × 35. Fig. 1 b. Sporangium—same—seen from above, × 35. Fig. 1 c. Cribraria-like net from the top, × 200. Fig. 2. Vertical section of what is believed the typical European form, × 20. Fig. 3. An ellipsoidal piriform phase—var. prolatum, × 15. Physarum compressum Alb. & Schw. form P. affine Rost., p. 80. Fig. 4. A group of sporangia, × 12. Fig. 4 a. A single spore, × 600. Fig. 4 b. Capillitium, same species, × 300. Alwisia bombarda Berk. & Br., p. 209. Fig. 5. Open sporangia, × 6. Fig. 5 a. Sporangium of same enlarged to show capillitium, × 20. Cribraria dictydiodes Cke. & Balf., p. 222. Fig. 6. A group of sporangia, × 6. Fig. 6 a. Single sporangium of same—lateral view, × 25. Fig. 6 b. Same; base view, × 30. Cribraria aurantiaca Schrad., p. 221. Fig. 7. Single sporangium, × 30. Cribraria rufa (Roth) Rost., p. 220. Fig. 8. Sporangium, × 30. Cribraria piriformis Schrad., p. 224. Fig. 9. Sporangium, × 30. Cribraria splendens (Schrad.) Pers., p. 221. Fig. 10. Sporangium, × 30. Echinostelium minutum DeBy., p. 198. Fig. 11. Several sporangia, × 15. Fig. 11 a. Vertical section, after Rost., × 500. Physarum compressum Schw., p. 80. Fig. 12. Sporangium, × 20, to show dehiscence. Didymium anomalum Sturg., p. 127. Fig. 13. Plasmodiocarps, about natural size. Fig. 13 a. Diagrammatic vertical section, etc., to show the calciferous pillars distinguishing the species, × 200. Fig. 14. Calcic crystal—enlarged. Physarum sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm., p. 52. Fig. 15. Plasmodiocarps passing to sporangia, × 5. Cf. Plate VIII., 6 and 6 a. Physarum bitectum List., p. 53. Fig. 16. Plasmodiocarps as in 15, showing transitional phases, × 10. PLATE XIX PLATE XIX EXPLANATION OF PLATE XX Badhamia iowensis n. s., p. 36. Fig. 1. Sporangia several presentations, × 15. Fig. 1 a. Capillitium, × 200. Fig. 1 b. Single spore, × 500. Physarum mortoni n. s., p. 58. Fig. 2. A group of sporangia, × 20. Fig. 2 a. Capillitium, × 200. Physarum discoidale n. s., p. 74. Fig. 3. A group of sporangia, × 10. Fig. 3 a. A single spore, × 800. Didymium annulatum n. s., p. 125. Fig. 4. Group of sporangia, × 15. Fig. 4 a. Capillitium and spores, × 200. Oligonema brevifilum Peck, p. 280. Fig. 5. Capillitium, × 800. Fig. 5 a. The same. Fig. 12 b. A single spore, × 800. Amaurochaete tubulina (Alb. & Schw.) Macbr., p. 150. Fig. 6. Capillitium and spores, × 200. Fig. 6 a. Spore, × 1200. Physarum brunneolum (Phill.) Mass., p. 58. Fig. 7. Group of sporangia. Fig. 7 a. The same, mature, dehiscence beginning, × 10. Fig. 7 b. A single spore, × 800. Stemonitis uvifera n. s., p. 161. Fig. 8. Colony, natural size. Fig. 8 a. Capillitium and spore-clusters, × 30. Fig. 8 b. Single spore-cluster, × 600. Fig. 8 c. Spore, × 1000. Stemonitis trechispora Berk., p. 160. Fig. 9. Fructification—natural size. Fig. 9 a. Capillitium, branch and threads, × 20—the spores enlarged. Fig. 9 b. Netted spore, × 1000. Masking as an amaurochete; A. trechispora perhaps; compare 11, etc., below. Stemonitis flavogenita Jahn, p. 169. Fig. 10. A group of sporangia, × 3. Fig. 10 a. Capillitium showing columella-tip, × 50. Fig. 10 b. Spore, × 1200. Stemonitis trechispora (Berk.) Torr., p. 159. Fig. 11. A group of sporangia, × 3. Fig. 11 a. Diagram of a single sporangium, a less rudimentary specimen, × 40. Fig. 11 b. Capillitium enlarged to show branching columella, × 40. Fig. 11 c. A single spore, × 1200. Arcyria pomiformis (Leers) Rost., p. 255. Fig. 12. A globose colony of sporangia, × 10; var. conglobosa. Fig. 12 b. See under 5, above. PLATE XX PLATE XX EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXI Brefeldia maxima (Fr.) Rost., p. 154. A typical, beautiful Æthalium, about natural size. PLATE XXI PLATE XXI EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXII Brefeldia maxima Rost., p. 154. Fig. 1. Plasmodium active; climbing the stump. Fig. 2. Same plasmodium urgent; moving at the rate of 2 cm. per hour. From photo-prints by Mr. W. A. Seaman and Mr. John T. Reeder, Mich. The figures are about one-sixth the natural size of the object. See plate preceding for the mature phase of this species, natural size. PLATE XXII PLATE XXII EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIII Fuligo rufa Pers. p. 28. 1. The plasmodium; urgent! 2. The perfected fruit; quiescent. The figures present their objects about natural size. See also Plate X., Figs. 3, 3 a, 3 b, for further illustration. From photo-prints by John T. Reeder, Mich. PLATE XXIII PLATE XXIII |