- Abbreviations of the Names of Authors, xxxiv
- Agaricaceae. Family, xxii, 1
- Amanitine, 5
- Analysis, Agaricus campester, 334
- Coprinus atramentarius, 374
- Coprinus comatus, 371
- Cortinarius collinitus, 314
- Lycoperdon bovista, 590
- Marasmius oreades, 225
- Morchella esculenta, 543
- Pleurotus ostreatus, 137
- Anthony, Mrs. Emilia C., xxvi
- Arnold, Prof. J.P., xxvi
- Ascomycetes. Sub-Class, xxiii, 534
- AuricularieÆ. Sub-Family, 526
- Author’s and Publisher’s Note, xxvii
- Basidiomycetes. Sub-Class, 1, 568
- Benson, Berry, xxvi
- Boston School of Natural History, xxvi
- Briscoe, Frank D., xxvi
- Britton, Prof. N.L., xv, xxv
- Brown, Hon. Addison, xxv
- Carter, Prof. W.S., xviii, xxvi, 621
- ClavariaceÆ. Family, xxiii, 1, 511
- Collins, Thomas J., xxvi
- Cooking, Recipes for, 635
- Curtis, Rev. M.A., xix
- Dacryomycetes. Sub-Family, 527
- Daniels, Dr. Edwin A., xxv
- Dewey, Melvil, xxvi
- Discomycetes. Cohort, 534
- Easton, Prof. Morton W., xxv
- Ewing, Mrs. Emma P., xxv
- Farlow, Prof. William G., xxvi
- Fungi. Class, 1
- Gastromycetes. Sub-Class, xxi, 568
- Glossary, 651
- Harpel, Luther G., xxvi
- Harshberger, Dr. J.W., xxv
- HelvellaceÆ. Family, 534
- HydnaceÆ. Family, xxiii, 1, 492
- HymenogastraceÆ. Family, 569
- Hymenomycetes. Cohort, xxi, xxii, 1
- Index to Genera, 690
- Index to General Contents, 703
- Index to Recipes for Cooking and Preparing for the Table,