The address which forms this little book was not intended for publication. It was prepared to be delivered at the celebration of the Public Schools on the 22d inst. After it was delivered, Commissioners of Public Schools and others regarded it as being worthy of a general circulation in some convenient form, so that whatever benefit might be derived from its use should not be limited to the pupils of the Public Schools, but shared by the youth of our city and country, so far as the same may be practicable. With this view the address was solicited for publication by the Committee of Arrangements. As usefulness was the aim of the author in preparing the address, he hopes that every boy who may obtain a copy will read it with a view to his improvement. Doubtless the model which is presented in our illustrious Washington will be found to contain what is excellent and valuable in character, and worthy the emulation of the American boy. And if his ambition be excited to the pursuit of that which is high, and honorable, and virtuous, the expansion of his manly faculties may develope such character as shall render him a distinguished man,—distinguished in his deeds, as he is in the proud name he bears of American citizen. July 28, 1846. chapter deco |